EIMII EOM MEM ERZ= ~~:.... . ;-..:::..;•.;!;,...., , ,• r: '''''':,,'' :'...:''i-ii:.:...:•''''' .::.:. MERE :,..~;=~ _ ,~ =EI MINE . . )4i,44..4,..-::-.44 1c 4. 4;•44, ... : ..., ~' ... '1: ; , :::1 ~ 4,4 :,;4.,.+4%'4:.1!):%!:•:' -:7l4l;ti`.o.''. :."4,4 .t..i'-: 't., ..!:.' • : .. A ", ...1 ,'• ,•4','''';',l 'l4'.' -;1: :*; • tia !': .7::...4., ,:i'..:o`. --Z .•'''' '.' ~ ,i...:;;;.:.!:,:•...72;,;,,_C:::+i,,,,':: ' .j.-1:4,...:•;'^-- '; .4, .'''. ' . ' '. ": 77:1: ',' .. , 1: • , • :-. .•:,,..:::,.'41.0t/4-%". MERE • ti 4-0 • .. • II ,-..,i4..-... '• 4:-:: ' 'l,i, :—• ~ • ~., ...1 1 :•1: 2 7,12 . . 4' 5'c.:_i?,:.)..,,.4 it . t: 1,7 f : . : ,--: ,;; : •...: :;:,. ...., 1: , ~:t1 !:„..:•,,. ;4' 7:. • ...!-.•.:',:]?:,1* ' ~ :- : -‘,: i q ..! '-',.:': .:., 4: ::' ' ,4•1::, "..i;,' :•:': ..1:41-:i',. '..C,,„.:4--,,;;;;17.:.....;;',:t'1, :+ • ' •:, .* '' ii ;:;I'•''4 :1;f:'•;.;:".::;:: :1.:., !..*..l:„i__.l, ... , !:4:.:1:` •:',14.:::*1i-...ti'.; r 1:,-', .i'- :,;',:•-::5....ff.:41;,,,;4:,:'• .r''.l. ::,.., cF.:;:::,',:f•:.,:.,.;*.:.;:;.::t.,;: •,' :.;• . . , 1 • ; -" : ; .44 `.• . • • .% •,. • • lj• Iffil ;r...,r... .?~ i pittsiturgit 6azetttl. FRIDAY 140BNINGi=:::::: :::=DEC. 4,1868 CITY AN SUBURBAN. provincial. PA4PER.SO Meeting of Allegheny Connell& •A reviler monthly meeting of Allegheny Datusells was hold on Thursday evening, De- petedieir 24t - In - Sefect s present Messrs. Hopkins, Irwin, Kiiiistriek, Knox, Patterson, Riddle, Smith,. 'Wright and President Marshall.' Minutes of preceding meeting read and ap proved. Mr. Knox presented a petition for the erec tion of a gas lamp at the corner of lintel% avenue and Strawberry alley. Read and re ferred. Mr. Biddle, a petition from Messrs. White k Alexander, addressed to the Commissioners of the Market House and City Hall, asking that the amount to be withheld on their con tract' be reduced from twenty to ten per cent• -Head and referred back to the COIXIMiII3IO2I ore, with power to act._ - Bill of R. R. Wray, for $l5, for coal fur nished the City Treasurer's office; and bill of White A Alexander, for $2, for hardware. Warrants ordered to be drawn for the amounts. Mr. Wrightsubmitted the report of the Com. mitteo on Streets, stating that the contract for the grading of Ridge street had been awarded to Fames nesting', at 33 cents per cubic yard. The report of the reeler:ass in the mat ter of the widening of River avenue has been confirmed by the Court, and the avenue will be opened as soon as the legal difficulties are remotest. - In reference to the opening of a street on the line of the canal, from Lscock street to River avenue, the CommitAee report that the Railroad Company denies the aban donment of the canal, and nothing more can be done at-present. The report was accompanied with a reso lution to pay the bill of G. L. Mclntyre, for paving, amountingto $54 00. The Committee had received a communica tion from Coo. W. Cass, President of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, relative to tho opening of Allegheny avenue, north of the line of the railroad. The Committee reported that they had met on the ground, and after a conference with Mr. Cam they agreed to the change of location, and recommend the passage of the following resolution licrolced, That the Committee on StVeets, in connection with the, City Solicitor be aa thorised to draw an agreement with the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, for the payment of such amounts as proposed by Mr. Cass, and also such other amounts as may be assessed against them by the Board of Viewers on the opening of Alle gheny avenue. Tho report was accepted and resolution adopted. The Common Council concurred, provided the words ”against them," in the lait'reacilution, be stricken ant. Mr. Kirkpatrick presented the report of the Committee on Water, with a resolution for the payment of sundr y bills, amounting to $1,372 85. Also the following: That the Committee ea Water be authorised to purchase $l,OOO worth of water meters, and have the some attached at each times and places as they in their judgment nosy -think proper. The report was accepted, and resolution adopted. Mr. Wright, Secretary of the Commiselon ars for the. MarkitMouse,preeented a commu nication suggesting the propriety of Councils authorizing the commissioners to make s lease with the government for tho rooms in the southeast corner of the City Ball for a city post-office. .Also, asking for authority to erect doors on the north and west sides of the new market house. The communication was referred to the Commissioners, with power to act. Mr. Kirkpatrick presented bill of Mayor Alexander, for $BO, paid in pursuance of a compromise with Geo. G. Borten, for injuries sustained by him in falling into an excava tion at the northwest corner of tho market 1,1 t ~~ ,~ '; ~Fv '~ t~ house. The hiltless accepted r endn Violation 113'.7 . passed authorising Its payme ht. The President submitted with expressions of regret, a communication from Joseph Kirk patrick, Esq., tendering his resignation es a I member of Select Council from the Second Ward. The motion assigned was his Inability I to devote the necessary time to the interests of the city, and his intention to remove from the city in the ensuing spring. Several members paid Mr. Kirkpatrick high compliments for thirfalthful and valuable ser vices which he had rendered the city, and in vlow,,of the fact that he is not going to leave the city for some months yet, the communica tion was unanimously laid upon the table. In Commms Conseil, present Messrs. Dunlap, Francis, neekadorn, Ifutchinson, Miller, Pat terson. A. D. Smith, Wm. Smith, Stockton, Tato, Thompson and President Brown. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Mo. Miller presented the report of the , Committee on Surveys, with a resolution to pay the following bills : Wm. Monandry, $93, for services as Recording Regulator, from De- Comber, 1882, to Nov. 27th, 1863. R. R. Ray, fOr services as Assistant Regulator, from July let, to. Nov. 27th, 1863, 415 50. Accepted, and bills ordered to be paid. Mr. Thompton presented the report of the Committee on Gas, with bill of A. kD. H. Chambers, for $lB 75, :or glass for gas lamps. Accepted,and bill authorized to be paid. Mr. Dunlap presented the report of the Market Committee, approving the returns of the Weigh Masters, fos November, as follows : fcandrett, Dtamond ..... .56 John A. Whito, Second Ward 333 05 • t, At.. • • • •t. 4 ;. e ~~'y~ f Total —Ms tc The report was accompanied with a resole tion to pay bill of James Godfrey, for repair ing scales $25; and John A. White, for nails,. coal, etc., $13,20. Report accepted and reso lution adopted. A proposition was read from the Columbia Rose and Rook and Ladder Company, offer log the use of their apparatus to the city for the rum of $5OO pm, annum. Road and re ferred to the ComulTitee on Engines. A resolution to pay Messrs. MeCurdy and McGinnis $1!, for lamp poet protectors, was road and adopted. The Committee on Engines reported that they had examined the account of Mr. Goo. Ilutchinson, who was employed to dispose of the fun apparatus , belonging to the city. The entire sum realised was $7,504 57—with ten wheels yet to bo sold. They also recommend that the amount of $4Ol St due Mr. McKenna, be paid when he corepletes hiscontract with the city. Also, resolution to pay Mr. Due ney's bill of $3 20 for coal. Report accepted and resolution adopted- The report of the Committee on City Property, in regard to which the action of S. C., at last meeting, was non-concurred In, was again taken up, and action of 8. C. con curred in. A resolution was offered, authorising the Street Commissioner to open Sturgeon street, • from its present terminus to Ridge street. Adopted. In 8. C.4non-concurred in, and re ferred to the Committee on Streets. resolution, authorising the purchase of 4- . burial lots, in the northeast corner of Mt. eigen Cemetery, at a cost not exceeding $l5O, .for the burial of stfangers, was referred to the .Committee on City - Property. A rot ation anihnising the purchase of two Atones, and the employment of p ap enrneer se , havethman and dr e for tin Roe engme so to apparatus ready for sank; at an moment, was adopted. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Fire anginas, stated that the Amoskeng com pany had informed the Committee that the new stisamer,and hose for the same, would be ready by, the let of March. A resolution of thanks was tendered to Mr. Mutelation for the faithful manner in which he had attended to the sale of the .old tire engines, etc. Messr. A. D. Smith, Duelist and Francis, of C. C., and Messrs: Knox and Irwin, of S. C., were appointed a Committee to audit the city sooemte. In all adios not otherwise noted there was a mutual concurrence; when Councils ad journed. • THZ VAIN/ALI. jAIIILIAT, Oil Pslatinp, Statuette, yialni ke., to be sold this 'evening by Delis arid Malliraino, ere arrensidloi ex - aminstlonWitigh the *dtly, on the - Second floos,'s4.ltilthStroot, This is cholas and ore, • CRILMAki 001011251011,—The Tkessurier aa ltaewlediges a Mara? aollectioa' taloa up la Liberty On" Chatah;rou 7 Sabbath warship, which wu oialtted: ht the - anal aseatiSv , seltnoaleSpment. _ ''10:10:441„Illi-Weeli:".04:1"4:120-1511:74*'1;t4i.P1114t7fri'4*"' -Aa;.7.7. ;71, The Improvement the Ohio River— Meeting of the Board of Trade. • On Thursday afternoon, a meeting of the Board of Trade was held at their room on Fourth street, to hear the report of the Com mittee previously appointed. relative to the improvement of the Ohio river. The attend ance was very small, being confined to about a dozen of our most public spiiited F. B. Brunet, Bsq., was called to the chair, and Josiah (Copley and T. J. Bigham, Esqs., were chosen Secretarial,. Mr. George H. Thurston, Chairman of the Committee, then proceeded to read the report, which is very voluminous, Ind will occupy several columns of newspaper printing. The report opens with • reference to the importance of the 'improvement of the Ohio river ' and recounts the several projects which have heretofore been discussed. The reser voir system 'was first reviewed, and the in vestigation!' previously made wore set forth in detail, but the cariolusioa -was arrived at that the system was unsatisfactory. The project of low dams, with open •chutes, was next investigated,. and the committee con cludes, from all the facts and figarei attaina ble, that this plan was theoretically correct. Tho third and last proposition, to improve the river by means of locks add dams, or ordinary elackwater, next claimed the attention of the committee; end the arguments . ' in favor of the system together with the numerous ob jections ag ainst it, were tally set forth. The conclusion arrived at was, that the latter project was also feasible. The committee, while declining to suggest anything in the shape of a finality, recommend or sanction the plan of improving the river by combining the reservoir system with that of low dams and open sluices. The cost is estimated, accord ing to the data famished by eminent engi neers, at $7,000,000 But believing that theo retical estimates must necessarily fall below the actual cost, the committee add the sum of $5,000,000, making the vast improvement at an expenditure of $12,000,000. This sum if divided among the six States washed by the waters of the Ohio, would be readily com manded, and most of the money could be ob tained by State and National appropriations. The report concludes by recommending the appointment of a committee of five to take the whole matter in charge, procure the necessary legislation, and pat the enterprise into a practical working shape. The report was accepted, and a motion was made to appoint the Committee, in pursuance of the recommendation contained in the re port. The Chairman; suggested that inasmuch as the meeting was small, and the subject so im portant, it might be well to adjourn, so that each man present might liars an opportunity to consider the report, and make known his views at a subsequent meeting. Mr. Copley seconded this suggestion, and moved that the Committee be continued, with instructions to publish their report in the city papers, and have the same printed in pam phlet form. Also, that they have power to call another meeting at ouch time as they may deem proper. The motion was adopted. The President suggested that a Committee be appointed to form • company and petition Congress for the 'necessary legislation to en able them to build a dam over the Ohio river, at or near McKee's Books, for the purpose of improving the harbor of Pittsburgh. This gave rise to a discassiol4 . in which Oene.al Rowe, James I. Bennett, Wm. Mc- Creery, T. J. Brigham, Joseph Hunter and others took part. It was the opinion of the majority that the suggestion of the President should be modified. Mr. Bennett moved that a Committee of three be appointed, to inquire into the expe diency of erecting a single dam below Pitts-, burg, and that the Committee report at • sub sequent meeting. The motion was adopted, and the Chair ap pointed Messrs. James L Bennett, Thomas M. Howe and T. J. Bigham. The meeting then adjourned. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Tumult PLIIIT, Plain and Ornamental Slats hoofer, and dealer In Palmylvanin and Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates. °floe at Lion. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Da. ii ;.• Tit It e 6 BLOOD STAILCIUOI LOTION Will aura Totter. Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher Lotion Will cars Ring Worms. Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher Lotion Will core Barber's Itch. Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher Lotion Will cure old ulcers. Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher Lotion Will cure all local &seam of the skin. Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher Lotion Is an outward preparation for all diseases of the skin. Price 50 cents. Prepared and sold by Dr. 8.11. Kinn, fi0.140 Wood street. Garr:Awl, have you examined the fall and winter stock of goods at the Merchant Tail luring establishment of Sam. Graham t Co., No. 22 Market street ? A fresh supply of goods every week. Have you examined the price' of goods at the Merchant Tailoring establhhment of Sam. Graham & Co., No. 14 Market street; if not, it is now time you would, and save 20 per cent in your clothing bill. Every guisiestt'irarsinted a perfect et. Elszold..assaill, Gs°. bloCs.snima. Vow Iraw, AND WITINE Wun.—The Sum med s put, and by the morning's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly be open no, and we mast provide our ;ChM' with the' material to keep us comfort able. A nice fall mit, or a_gnod and man made overcoat ars the very thing, and we do net know of any place where our readers would suit themselves better than at !desire. W. H. McGee & Co's ' clothing establishment, corner or yellow street and Distend Square, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete usortrunt of gentlemcm's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for walatooating, ha. Vousxvitaxseßkso vars.—Per the derange ment of the system, Change of Diet, Wounds, 50,06 2 Bruise' and EtaPHaPae which avail Volunteer is liable; there are no remedies Co safe, convenient and-sure as HOLLOWAY'S PILS k OINTMENT, thoroughly tested In the Crimean and Italian Campaigns. Only 25 cents per box or pot. , - 234 ALLEGHENY . PROZZAt STREET PROPERTY AT Posta Sain.—That valuable real estate and building, the Bt. Lawrence Hotel, 167 and 169 Federal +treat, will be mold by A. Leggate, Auctioneer, on Thursday, Dec. 10, at 10 o'clock. Lot 60 feet by 240 feet. See adver ttsenient. Duane YOB 1864.—Prank Cue; Chronicle Buildings, Fifth• street, US just received a fate assortment of Dairies for 1864, which be is selling at low prices. All the new books, magazines, 'newspapers, dime novels and song book' can also ba hid at Prank Cases' News De Tag RIJUMAItOII , rill make the hair soft and glossy. Price one dollar. For sale by all respectable Druggists. Simon Johnson, general agent, corner of Fourth and Smith field streets. Oxman and earring* ealli will be taken at the Omni offiee, No. 410 Penn Arcot, day. or night. All orders left at the abcrre place will be promptly attended to. MI calls mo st be pald'in advent*. • DurrAL larmtrez, No. 261 Penn street, Is the place where you can get the beet cheap dentistry in the city. Don't forget the place, No. 2sl Penn street, near Hancock. 1864.—rd. fall assortment of Dairies of all alms, for MK now - ready at Yrank Case's sews Depot. Call and see thorn. KILLSD-A hundred rats In a night, by Yarnell's Eztermthator," sold at Dr. Keyser's, No. 140 Wood Meat. Eames Aotnums Piurez.—A very so pp article, for sale et Dr. Kapott, Ro. 140 Wood-strut. GUY-ELASTIC Snirrtaos, for dressing moan, &0., for sale it Dr. Heiser's, No. 140 Wood street Poeta I3oeu t Mallets, ke., at Pitteek's opposite the Pottotloe. POOTOGRATTI Atauxe,of 20 different manta.: tare, at Pittoales. . - Dux= for 1864, et Pittook's, opposite the Postotttoe.. Eirmazßorie tor salo at Dr. Iffiser's, Ro 140 stria. fluzyzllsatlit, Penn Mist; will Ol d to ju Ipasiiiess (lids ringsides. Hoatll 1 THE .LATEST NEWS From Knoxvllli Ki CeseatUott 'of es, BY TELEttRAPEr. • LOUISVILLE, Dec. 3.—A midnight reisl OTTE, SPECT AT, DESPATCHES dispatch to the Jaerrnal says: Gen. ilooz telegraphed to Gen. Burnside at Knoxv ill e on the 30th, that at 11 o'clock on the evenin of the 28th, the rebels attempted to force and' ! succeeded in driving our afirmishing line to the right, on the Kingston road, and forced it back to Fort Sanders. We afterwards re gained our position. There was sharp skir. catching all night. On Sunday morning at 1' o'clock the rebate moved three brigades against Fort Sanders, a portion thereofro, notwithstand ing our heavy fire, gained ditch, but ocald not ascend the parapet. We took 300 men, and three stand of colors. The rebel lose in killed and wounded is over 300. Our entire lobe is about twenty. Longstreet then ao cepted Bunreide's offer far cessation of hos tihties to enable the rebels to attend to their wounded. The wounded rebels were exchanged for loyal soldiers who were wounded in previous engagements, and the rebel dead were sent through our line. Coteon commanded the assaulting party, and Col. McElroy and Lieutenant-Col. Thomas were killed. A simultaneous assault was made on the right of our line, but the rebels were driven bark. Our loss is about4o. Our supplies are ample for the present. - - FROM WASHINGTON Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gesett. WAIIIIINGTON CITY, Dec. 3, 1863 FRAUDS DISCOVERED Great frauds about horse inspection for the Government have been discovered here. Mani unfit animals have been sent forward. =EI And his associate, bogus members of the House from Louisiana, pro-slavery, have ar rived. It is scarcely possible that Etheridge will give them seats. ruc PRESIONNT'S 11L39•06. Part of the President's Message relating to slavery, is in the hands of the printer. The Cabinet heard and agreed to it day before yes terday. The Secretary of the Treasury's re port proper is not yet in the hands of the printer—not a - single report from the War Department hen yet reached the printer. CLSCLLTIZA TN THE RECENT MILiIIMISTIP.B The following are the casualties in tho cc cent skirmishes among the Western troops : Corporal Petit Simon, Co. I, 26th Mich., left arm, slight; Joseph Warwick, Co. A, 26th Mich., forehead, slight; Joseph Green, Co. D, 26th Mich., right arm amputated; Gabriel For bear, Co. A, 28th Mich., loft arm, slight; An drew Warren, Co. A, 28th Mich., right side, slight; Joseph 0. Gifford, Co. B. 25th Mich.; left thigh; Edward Labuto, Co. A. 2tlth Mich., left hand, Blight. LAND 'RA NSFRDS low. Salomon, o: itirconsln, has sent in a The New York stock Market. selection of lands under the Agricultural Col- ! I Now Toes,Dec. 3.—The fal . mg back of lege grant. The sad office is busy making t Gen. Mende l army had 111 mar .ed influence transfers so as to have the matter concluded ' upon stocks to-day, and there was a decided before (toy. Salomon's term expires. improvement throughout the whole railroad ors. DCTLEWEI DEPARTIINNT. sharp list. This new mole of the Potomac Army puts an entirely different aspect upon Gen. Butler is making his new department the military situation, audit is interpreted at pay its own way. Such charges as one dollar ! the Stock Exchange as a prolongation of the for a Provost Marnhal's pose, end one per war. The New York roads were not so favor ableer the woolen) shares—the greatest cent on all goods brought into his department rise being on Erie, which was equal to 1% for sale, furnish a fund that goes towards de- per cent. on the closing rates of last evening. il tr us o l n to . 2 t 1. , 3 per e fraying the expenses of improvement in the The western roads were very buoyant, and city of Norfolk, and other outlays upon which ctheenta.dvianllieerioiswawlasgoenne ofl&ee he has entered. Butler is engaged in raising on tho list. The earnings of the tie toad i cavalry force, and raised 107 in one for November were over a Willi mllion dollars f , The oath of allegiat me is required being the grefter t h e tstecedent history o the road. A second Board, gold ad very body on going outside his lines. vanced to 153. Ton ILErORT Or THE COMPTROLLF.I3 . _ —. --.--- , of Currency is principally devoted to sugges- Rebel Raid Across the Chickamauga lions as to the amendment laxw. The principal River—Conscripting In the Border Counties. ones are : First—To repeal sections 62, 63 and h Pat e t.io oueean rtstrix, December 30.—The Bulletin 64. Second—To compel banks to prevent a " the f depreciation pf their notes in neighboring ClioUonooga, Neember 2.—The movements commercial States, and to carry a part of the of this army, now going on, cannot be report profits semi-annually to tho surplus fond. ad. There are questionable reports of a rebel raid across the Chickamauga river at Red Third—To allow none to commence business I Rouse ' ,l urk, and that. the families there took until they have paid in 555,000. Fourth—To refuge in the town. confine the penalty for usury, for forfeiture of Rumors continue to thicken of the rebel Interest, and relieve those in commercial doin gs ts in sa th that d eFaulknerr t. t i e iiii s c t i , f h T iii en x : e el; s m e e e . cities from all usury looses that they may not conscripting y all- the men they can adopt the same smile no that of the Bank of lay their binds on, but they are taking all England. the horses, males, cattle and hogs, without regard to the political sentiments of the own ers, that they can find. •6STSTAXT SidanTAILV or TILL TIM/kW:Mi. SOOretary Chnee is likely, in hi. report, to ask for another A.sietavt Secretary of the Rumored Removal of Gen. Meade—No Treasury. New Bank Loan Wanted. Deo. L—A special dispatch GUERIIILLA IMP ItCPIT lONS. i w the Poet says :It is rumored that General The guerrillas, under a son of ex-Senator Meade will be removed from the command of Butler of South Caroline, surrounded the the Army of the Potomac, and that a new or . 1, oho Buss' ~o n. in _ commander will lead the army in a December house, et Tallept..h, campaign. The army is Ito good spirits. law, and butchered and robhed hint and burnt There is no truth in the rumors that Seere his house. Other Indians took refuge in Fort : terry Chase will apply to the Banks for a new Gibson. The Pedals] authoritios did nothing, • loan. The new National Danko will have an . op i opportunity to tap e some df the five per eent. y notes f the directors desire. TOR CONTRABANDS 01 ver.atitteN's vet.s.son. Freedmen's village , . on Greene Heights, on Ills Arlington estate. was the scene of a bril liant gathering today, to dedeeato the chapels and school bouce•. Speeches were made by Gooch, Chittendon, and others, and music by contraband children. Interesting statements of the treatment of the contrabands were The President's Message. made, showing, among other things, that the WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.—Tl•e President's contrabands in this Department had not only m as sage has not been completed, owing to his supported themselves, but had socumuleted a sickness. It may almost certainly be stated fund of 150,000, which Is now in .the Govern- j that this document will first find its way to the country over the telegraph wires, as on moat's hands. previous occasions. Tai s trong or SECHRT llr A strange story is in town to-night that Sale of Plre-Twenties. Welles is about to be removed from the Same- PHILADNLPHIA Dee. 3.—The Subscription taryship of the Islavy,and that the place has tAwlteennttiersopy.-t-e-si:ridiey.itolo of V 3OlBOO ffve - Of this amount ' two hun been offered to Senator Grimes, of lowa, and deed thousand were ordered from western that he has declined it. It is scarcely possible agents, and the balance being about equally that there can be any truth whatever in the ' divided among the large cities. story. Arrested for Paining Altered Treasury THE UENO , AI. of OE, MEADS. Notes. The rumors about the intondod removal of 1 New Tont, Doc. 3.—An arrest woo made General Meade was renewed to-night, but . to-day for passing two dollar Treasury notes there is not much foundatios for them. I altered to fifties. _____ . _...__ Decision of the secretary of War. WASUINGTON, Dec. 3.—The Secretary of War has given a decision to lion. E. B. French, Second Auditor of the Treasury of the United States, in eases recently submitted by Messrs. Joseph E. Devitt S Co., of Phila delphia. That the nine months' volunteers of several States wore called out under the first section of the act of July 17th, 1862. That no troops were called for or accepted un der the third seccion of the act referred to. Therefore these troops are not entitled to the sum of twenty-five dollars, and the two dollars premium. The amount involved in this question is several million dollars, and as the various paymasters throughout the country have paid many of the regi ments from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Rhode bland, and other States, they are peculiarly interested. The several Slate Mil itary Departments are also involved, as some thirty thousand troops who have served for nine months. The second auditor has ales decided that $25 advance bounty should be paid by the mustering officer to a recruit when mustered, off well as the premium. Satisfac tory proof thereof must be furnished that the soldier was not Faid this bounty or settlement and cannot receive .o confirmation of second controller. It is probable that at an early day the approaching session of Congress will take action on the whole subject of bounties Southern Items FORTB.F.VI MONBOY, Deo. 2.—The steamer Geo. Washington left this morning for City Point with a cargo of provisions for our pris oners at Richmond and vicinity. The Petersburg Daily Reyiater, of November 30th, 'Three of the Texan traitors sent out of the country by Gen. Magruder, aro Dr. Peoples, D..T. Baldwin, a lawyer of nonstop, and ',saki°, of Victoria. Thoy will be put across the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass. .Two boards of Yankee oScera have been organised for the purpose of die ' tributing the clothing and provisions sent by the North for their prisoners in Bello Isle; ono for the quartermastor, and one for" the Commissary Department. Col. Sand°, son. a former hotel-keeper in New York, was chief of the proceedings, and managed the distribution. The steamer Conqueror arrived last even ing from Newborn, N. C., with 50 robot pri sonars. They were conveyod to Fort Nor folk this morning. Miss Bell Boyd arrived this morning from Washington in charge of a Lieutenant. She Is to be sent over the lines to remain during the war. Erroneous Statement... The Retreat of Longstreet... Sherman at Knoxville. Wssunterros,Dee. 3.—The statement that Gen Foray, or the French minister, were furnish ed by. the State Department, with Geracott's military maps of Mexico, or other information preparatory to the French invasion of that country, is erroneous. Neither ion. Forey nor the French minister, nor any other per son, ever asked for or received Any ageh in formation. The military authorities received a telegram this morning from den. Foster, who was join ed at Cumberland Gap by the forces previ ously sent thither from Burnside to guard that important point. The few troops under the former might, perhaps, be able to inflict some damage on the rear of Gen. Loogstreet, who Is retreating into Virginia- Gan. Sherman' would reach the neighbor hood of Knoxville to'-day. From Cairo. Craw, Dee. 3.---The steamer Perry arrived from Memphis re route to St. LOl2/11, with 140 bales of cotton. Twenty more bale. were added here. Seventy-seven rebel prisoners, from Colttm- . bus Ky., passed through here to-day for In dianapolis. Reports prevail that a rebel force threatens Columbus. Sixty tons of Sanitary goods were shipped here to-day for Chattanooga, by the Illinois Sanitary Commission. Memphis papers, of the Ist., Non the cot ton market Issiguishing. One andred and eighty-nine bales ware Bold on tie BOth, the prices ranging from 46 to 70. Pickets Driven lu Lot:Brats, Deo. 3.—CoL True, of the 40th Kentucky, reports that his pickets were driven In at Mount Sterling, Ky., by seven hundred rebels. Headquarters here think the number greatly exaggerated. . _ Markets by Telegraph NM! Soon, Dep. 3.—Cotton quiet and without any material change at tot for middling uplands. Flour owned 1910 c better, but with only s moderato in quiry, nod closed dull, with no buyers at the (Amide otations; 56,10Cd6,35 for Extra State, 87,4597,50 (or Extra IL 11. 0., and 67,5599.60 for Trade Brands Wheat $1,4191,45 for Chicago doting, 81,431,43 for Dilwaukos Clash, $1,4691,41 for Amber Milwau kee, 81,5091,53 for WOW lied Western, and 111,60 91,ig3 for Amber Michigan. Barley more active at r. 1.40 for State, arid 61,50 for Chimp. Corn in mod erato moon, but without any decided champs; ship ping misod Western at 51,2191,2154 in Mons, and 81,21 afloaf for Worn cot. Oats doll, at 88900 c for Western nod State. Wool firm, bed demand vary mcderate. Petroleum firmer; Refined, in bond, 429 48*, Pork firm, with • fair demand at 1 10 . 00 (.4 816,61% for old Mess, 818.239518,37% for now Men. 8129512,2 5 for now prime, and 11 16 , 00 9/ 7 . 50 for now primo Ness—also. 500 barrels new Mess, all Decem ber, at 810,50. Beef steady. Cot Mesita quiet and I firm; 797,y for Shoulder*, and hello for Hams Bacon Sides in bettor request at ntiy, for oily long rot hams, tiye for bellies, and 1 .for long char, including 50d boxes Western Cum riand cot, for January, at 0 1 40. Droned Hoge !steady at 7y.448 for ity. Lard • Shedd firmer at 11 Butter firm .t ^J/92k for Ohio, nod ' cents for State. Cheese in better requeet at 119 fic for common to prime. PRlLeertelllk, Dec. 3.—Flour . ; salm of 3,005 barrels Extra Family at $7,2597,73. Whoa doll ; ulea s,oo(finlibele Bed at 81,6591,68, and Whits at 81,8002,00. Corn firm and scarce, at 81,0591,10. In Petroleum there Is more doing; Crude, ZS; De fined, In bond, 38939, end Refined, free, 47950 cents. PrOVIIIMIS dull. Whisky steady mod active sit 80c. EIALTIIIOII I , Dec. 6.—flour steady. Wheat quiet. Corn fire] and advanced at 81,00(611,03 for raw White and Yellow. 'Whisky firm, atid buoyant. at 83c fur City. New York Stock and Money Market. - - - Nms Tont, Deo. 3.—Money active and steady et 7. Bterllog derldedly _Armor at lsoisorry,. Gold I. excited and' detidegly blgber, opening at 81%, and closing fans et 63. Government Stocks Brt4—r. s. Ts 'VI Coapsns, 107; 7-Ol iz r. 86scks er , 0 8 Wslyear mr..-.. 98 IM 8.6191 Co ....... .. 63% II 8 all I Gtd.... Pactfic Mali. ..... —.211 P. Pt. W . & 0.... N. T. 0.....—...-131 o a Tol Erie.- .....-... ...... —..106 Ills. C. weep. Erie, Pfd.- ....... --JAI G. & P H dem 93 G. & 0 Reeding ....... ...-..,120,V. C. & N. 1.,.., M. C -- 1 - 5 % * I HARRIED: WaT6Ol4-11ADDRALL.-0a friday craning, Dee. Ist, at the cookie:top of the bride's father, by Rev. Wm. M. Paxton, D. D.. DARK W. WASSON to RATTLE E. daughter of James Marshall, Esq. MILLEIL—On Weilnetdal eveolag, Dec. El, et 6:46 o'clock, FRANK J.i only POD Of M. H. H. and Margaret A. Mi ll er, affeeNT years and 6 months. Tuners! on Tuner alldalld, et TO o'clock, from the residence of the perendi, Denman street, Dino. Ingham, to proceed to 1111.171llonCemetety. Friends of the family are rospectfally hatted to attend. ATWELL.—At Chattanooga, Tenn., on VI Nov. 1F43, of wound received at the battle of Waahatebbs, Ale., Capt. CHAS. A. ATWELL! , of Enap's Pout's. Battery, in toe WM year of hisage. DWI entice of the flinaral will be given on the ar. dna of the body. ALFOIO.—At Wilmot*, Nor. Nitta, JAMES AL Pomo, formerly of thle dty. WOUE.-.-At BOELlefidi Pe., December Ist, at 6% o'clock p. JOSEPH T. wor,ra , brother of Jao. A Walk. LARD OIL 50 um& " Liet 26 2 °°b " ° " 8 61 " 61. " JAL . DAiZIELL a SON, Oil and TO Wow dart RIVER INT ICENCE. . ._. __ atiGrearl i. Sel•-', . Tae ricer ie still receding slowly at this point, and WAR CLA.1318 7 . PATIMN . AND last evening the pier mark. indicated Kant five feet. PASSPORTS. The ...ether, yesterday, was mild and pleasant, and I W. J. & RAIL PATT:EICSIM the indications for rain are considered favorable. Business continues quite act's . ° at the wharf, SOLICITORS OP CLAIMS AND PATENTS, though we fear It will not continue as. long, unless rt I No. 144 Fourth Street, 31 Moor, 1 we have more water. At the present time boat. can not take a MI cargo, as there Is not much rarer four feet of water on Glees Elam. We posses. unequalled facilities hr a sucteeneful r There has not been a single arrival from below emus prosecution of all °lab= against *tut State and Gen onr last report, although the Leonidas from Cinein- era Government, for BACK PAY BOUNTY, midi, and the Julia, from ?Anon - Me, are both due I e r i SION & PLIZR M r ONEY, SITBSISIMNOE, _Ble or amputate, and horses killed tide morning. . beet in the service. We are also engaged In recur. The Prima Donna left for Memphis, yesterday mi . - i leg PATENTS and PASSPORTS. Information gimes 1 ternoan, with a good trip, and the Jeunle Mad,. for frve of eberSv. no?..eelysta Cincinnati followed last evening. Thu 3 "'''' , 4.0 . P ENSIONS , BOUNTY, BACK PAY. hod an excellent trip, Including quite . number of 2_ DAY, pamengers. 'T. Vvir.A.L.TIEGYL The Urilda Is the name of a fine new boat Jost com pleted by (bpi. J. NV. Langhery for the Allegheny GENERAL CLRI NI AGENT. river trade. A. the Allegheny Is to low for steam boating at present, Capt. Laugher, ham =minced to make a trip to Clocinnag, and the trilda Is MG FIFTH STREET, Sd door below the CiathediaL now at The wharf ready to receive freight and Pennsylvania Soldier. west of the mountains, Zest pamengere for that point. ern Ohio Soldiers, and Weet Virginia Soldiers, can At a special meeting of the Steamboat Captains Mire their Pension, Bounty and Back Pay Wand Benevolent Assochalon, held at CilldDLlSti 011 8011- at a " .s ' . Circular. will be mint giving full Information to day, ,one thousand dollars one donated for the hen- the Soldiers, or to deceased Soldiers' Heirs, thawing eat of the United States Sanitary Commission Fair, who are entitled to the Pension,Bounty and Beek Pay, and the manner of securin g the same, b 714 9 17. which is to be held Is that city shortly. to me ti=er or In rt. The steamer Doke of Argyle, Captliu w infirm.. I'I LIr No c until co llected. /7 0,1 1 11 n -bi loft Cincinnati on Sunday for New Orleans, being the .....=-- test boat that has loft that city duce the breaking out of the rebellion. Iler cargo consisted of a% tons of freight at StO per ton. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS' INSTI ITTION.--glaternent of the condition of the above institution on the 2d day of liovetntorr, pribiLlised in conformity to the charter. Amount of Deposits Not•. 2d, ISal.. Amount of Interest due Dereviton Amount of Contingent Fund ASSETS. First Lis. an Real latats United States Rands 11. S. Debt Certificates and Notes, (market 11,051 . I‘llorrAKY CLAIMS, BOUNIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY and lIILITAILY 1 . 50 001 CLAIMS of ever,. dtacription, .enacted by the ante 1 1 , 011 24 1 Bertha'', at the following rate., TES: Panetta. 310 00; _ all other rialaus S 3 60. C. C. TAYLOR, Attorney at I.aw, No. 73 Gremt street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. No charges are made If the chain doe. net The undersigned, Auditing Committee, have exam. succeed• and all information given gratis. eetly ined the hooka of the inetitutioa, the lama. md reco• rittes, counted the cash, &a., and hays found the above statement to be correct. W. B. COPYLAND, NICIIOI.AS VUEGIITLI WIS. H. 111d1111. •aloe,) Interest earned. not due Office Yarnltnre Caen . hand $101',1113 01 A. A. CARRIER, Trvunrer. DA Dr z ela tim i l r . ed DAILY, arid EVERY SATUR- • • the hi'EWIIDS PAL - FEW:Ii sod every width, at the Interest paid at 6 per cent. per annum. • ISAAC JUNES, Preaident. Han. Thus. 11. Howl., 1 Hon. J. K. Idoorhea.l, Including Wm. H. Rmith, , C. G. Jimmy, W. B. Copeland, i Jacob Painter, Crumb Cloths, Feltings, Rugs, Harroy Child., 1 Nicholas Yonghtly. IfitrOlflee, No. 68 FOC RAH STREET noll:Imod ____ ___ OIL CLOTHS, &c. DA A WEINMANN'S (DS\TI T,) TOOTH-ACHE PILLS The preparation of this Pill he twen the result .4 ; year. of !study and practice. They are'porely veg table, and therefore will not inpire the teeth or gum. They Witt cum the most violent Tooth• Ache inn few minute., when property cued. Direttiow—Clem oat the molt,. of the Tooth alfort• od, ern! dry It well with cotton; thenrnt the Pill the else of the racionm end 'prowl It tight Into the tooth, end cot, over with ire: or cotton. These Pill, an no. rnordlo. fvr t 1 l. sharking rain. Trepan! sod raid wholenklo and retail. by AVG. WEINICAII A, Nn. 214 01110 STREET. Allegheny City. And also by all wholesale and retail Druggists In Pittsburgh and Allegheny. ontla: 1 m ra IT HAS NO EQUAL.—The immense sutures which for the past s•S on ever• has attend ed PHO7. WELD'S MAGNETIC OIL ha the allevia tion and cure of pain, entbehisn the prefiliiter to elate, (and challenge coutoolictloo.l That It hat cured more illommat That It has cured more'Sore Throat, That It has cured more Nostalgia. • That it has cured more Weak Joints, That It his raced more Ulcerated Some. That it hoe cured morn Burns, That It has cured more Crusted Meet, That It has cored more Orvieto, That it has stood more Nervous A rr,rt hoot. That It has erred more Stiff Joints, Than all other Pale Curer.. Pain Killers and Lib' meat, combined. Per sale by Druggists everywhere. MAIO N JOHNSTON, Solo Agent, nol4 Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. - . H - IVIANOOD I. HOW LOST I HOW .13.1. RESTORED I—Juet published. In • waled Pll - Frio, Si. Copia. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Sparmatorrhau, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Bestial Debility. nod Impediments to klarriege generally; Nervousness, Consomption, Epilepsy and Fite; Mor tal and Physical Incapacity, revolting from Self. Abuse, gr., by-Norf. J. ertrtIMELL, 11. It., author of the "Green Book, Ac. "A Boon to Thousands of flufferers,.. sent under soaVin • plain envelope, to any uldrees, post-paid, on mcolpt of .10 cents or two postage stamps, by BM CB. J. C. KLINE, 11l Bowery, Neve York, Poet Office Box OK sele3mdavrF4s EYES AND EAR. DR. BAELZ Pars particular attention to the treatment of CHRONIC DISKASES, the EYE and EAR; operate. CATARACT, SQUINT EYES, for ARTIFICIAL PUPIL, Inserts lAL ZYRS, and treats all INFLAMMATORY EYILU ; alno HARI) RRARING, and all disease. affecting the Ear and leading to Deafness. ion ITITTII STREET. U. S. kirrr.olo.lXD Dttaitll[l:lo Omas, 1 . • Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 27th, 154.1 A. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUC TION, at Camp Howe, near Pittsburgh, Pa., on THURSDAY, December 10, 1503, at 10 o'clock by Davis d Mcliwaine, Auctioneurs, the build ing. and ether property at Camp Howe, et:milting of Hoards, Scantling, Stoves, Pumps. Leeks. kr. The material to be removcl within ten days from day of sale. Terms cash, Government funds. WILLIAM J. MOORHEAD. Capt. U. EL A., Mustering ek Dishunhvg OfScer. ao'htd . ISAAC CRAIG, OUTIAITT ALLV ffid.ll,L44. ALLTAIHINT CITY, Beeps constantly on hood a large and thoroughly masoned rtork of DECKING, BUT AND BOTTOM PLANK, WINDOW ?FLAMM STUFF, _LINTLES, SUB-BILLS, JOISTS, SPOUTING, LATUD, PAT, INOB, to., to., fte. He will Ell orders iktr SAW= MTV alth promptness and at far rata. N: B. Permits 'ranting LONG TIIISKG or POP LAB are particulary Incited to examine his Muck. aarOtdoe on Craig street, near Robb:mu. suitektf Assisrairr Quannamirrint's Orme 1 Dor. O at11,2Y4 streets. Wathington D. 0., Nov. 27th, 1609.) XTOTICE.—Vir ill be sold at public suc tion on WEDNESDAYS, the with and 23c1 of De camber. 189.3, at the Corral, near the Obsematory, in this city, • lot of Pebble florae. and Mule. condemn ed we mitt for public service. Terms, nub to Gosernmant foods. Sale to com mute at 10 o'clock a. m, 0. H. TOMPKINS, dalttd Coptain and A. Q. M. 11. S. A. GEORGE W PORCH General Commission Merchant, FEW ORLEANS, LA. milrOossicunnorts FOLICITID. Messrs. R. 11. Jack A Pittsburgh ; Z. 0. Knight a CO.. end 0. P. Knight a Philadalptits. oco,9xiid - - MoCOLLIBTER A: BAER, TOBACCO DEALERS, 108 WOOD STRI:ST en aelltrig off their large stock of TOBACCO, PIPES AND SMOKING TOBACCO At the very lowed Corr. fur mei. All order. promptly attended to• nol7 FLOORING BOARDS I - Primo Inch Woorllng Board■, la feet long, 'lnflate widths, !Dr sale try scrnomaxsa a LANG, WANTED TO PIIECRASE, • AN' EN TANIS. Iroo proforma. Capacity about Om thousand bar rots, nod gromplagymnittes. Inquire of i 80131. AS/MUT/I. Dopy QTORB FOR RENT ON MARKET NJ STHEST.—The handsome Iron Frost, No. ad Nernst street, sent door to N. Hamm d Sam, of bred for rent on end of January next. Wren JOHN WAY, h., Ateldipttel drertekleywille IP. O. *AIM'S tc,f437 OYSkbatil re c eived end brute it the Itanilly Grocery Steyr et JOHN.A..IIO O :SHAW, ' del - Cereal" Liberty and Heed Amts. CL 4LW Licensed by the fr. 8. GoveramanL pEr;sioss, BOUNTY, BACK PAY H. C. MACKRELL, ATTOIINNT AT LAW AND CLAIM AGINT, SO. 114 TUTS 873 1, Prressmax.. Collealons In Allegheny and adjoining counties. Prosecutes SOLDnlttl CLAIM, °revery dowilp• Lion ; BOUNTIIIIS for all discharged Soldiers. Pll2l. 5/°•:,954 Id SIONS, for wounded officers and Soltilara; SOUS -0154 I. TM and FISSIONS for Widow., Parents, Orphan 2,44 dd i Children, Brother. and Slaters, or other legal rcpr• - •outatlyee of thaw who hare died In the genius or lure died after discharge trout disease contracted In service. elelrtio charge until collected, and no letter wru be answered note.. • etante Is Inclosed. iblellyern 8107,973 01 5 35,200 01 00.0(X) 00 t CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, NG L.~RGT ASSORTMENT OF DRUGGETS, Lowest. Pricos for Cash, Awl luring persltAttel for CASH, Leff:re the tote adeeacre, re are able to mull at the 1:61.1101,1214.' price., an crnequalled stock of CARPETS, Window Shades, Railings, Am OLIVER DI'CLUITOCK & CO., CARPETS RAVE ADVANCED IN Bat ore roviittue to .11, anln forth, oath's, all good, in our tlm of price, Reduced Fully 20 per Cent W. D. & H. ICCALLUM, 1!!EM!!! tr MIL oil 31 sk, Uremium Titatkma HIGHEST PREMIUMS ►T THE INTERNATIONAL EIIIIBFNON, LONDON, 186• Industrial Biposition, Paris, 1861. In competition with all the leading Sewing Machines to Europe and Jllllo[4oll, sad the tinned tune Ageism'tarsi emaciation; Metropolitan Me chanic& Institute, Waddington; Tranklln Inatltda, Philadelphia; Mechanics' Amonlatios. Borten; American Itudlttite, NM Tort; Maryland Inane" gammons; Mechanic"' Amociation. Ohnehmati IC entucky ledluste, Louisville; Menhaden' Insti fina Prandeco ; and at every State and County Fair where Exhibited this Season, 125,000 OF THESE MAMMON RAVE ALREADY BEEN BOLD, ♦ fact whkh spowk• Under than words of Ms MOMS rOdbriPAZlcotagMbrtricaxrasal Wptt Machin. In the world, BILCIATIEUS TT IS TEE BEST EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE YEVRS. C 1170111111.11 auz 1•01111100 n IPVICHASINO ITIVI'IItrOTIONS FRYE ,LWATII lIA 'TT TO CUTtirlt LSD CETWIII TN= sir Circulars, csmtalathg as explatuttou of lLe machine , . with testimonhtio from LAN, of the high M axial •tending, given on application, alit, persop 0 , by .....0 WM. 1313111fE1l & CO., Agents for the Western States sad Walden P Principal Mos and NLolewl. limpcairom No. 27 Fifth Steevit..-...PIRTSBUROH. PA. Pam , ' Opera i1105um....--01270717 5 / 1 71, 0. Alamole Temple-- ....... LOUISTMLT, SY n023,1t.r1s UrHOLSTERING, IN ALL ITS BEASON ..—thablg purchased • lame stock of goods tor CASH, ye we able to effor peat bargains at IR. tremaly len nrices ygragißE BEDS; HAIR, HUSH AND SPRING , KApTRASSES, OLD MATTEASSES, re-made in the bent nuuuter, and FEATHER BEDS renovated. A great variety of BLINDS, TABLE S FLOOR OIL CLOTII,_EXBOSSED TABLE MATS, LADE, OB,S and MANILLA BORDERED CARPET BINDINGS, and miry variety of Goods kept In that Wm. We Invite the attention of the puha, generally to,onr WELL ASSORTED STOCE: P b U orders ca l l prompty athnded to, Pease give ets a at ITS% 'FEDERAL STUNT, Allegheny, (house formerly o=apiort by Mr. Sernsple.) BARE. 7 NIBLO. R l3BBlll‘ PEBBLE , SPECTACLE& Ziotwithetandinp, the attacks or loom spectacle Venders, who uplre to the name of Orel• ciao, the RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES Are receiving daffy - the warreent cadortemante of our Aatdeotv . ; M th l en th l l l a k s wat ax amtno l al o A e PEBBLE ones. Tor 'ale by 529 Llbsity strrof J. DIAMOND,Pract4W Optician. Ildenataetarer et the Resits? Pebble Rpectact.m. VALUABLE WORKS ON liMitarr Law, 1 toLi +v. Cothiti's 11. - Xtintry Lamy 1715 4 41163.' 15.50, Donal litHitry Ire tad CoutttlhaiLtl. W itt mals by KAT Wood street. PITTSBOBOH, Pll.l • , ItMSE STOCK. HOLIIIA SALES JOS, HORNE'S TRIMMING STOBG, To-nay we avmmmro oor Regular Honda) Wes sit Embroideries, Lace Goode,iind . . ' Linea. HarakerebA36.. Oor stook of these Goods Is mire ccimyleteiltaitit any former season. The prim have bean snalektr down. We hare oleo Pet opened • • 101 •• lotat' Worked 81Ippor Patterns, Fancy lloney Rim ink ruk, Oaahlmere Scarf., =Wale far . •. . • HOLIDAY Our stork of other tkeeenablo Goods he men 'cried In Cloak Ornaments, Bead Gimpy_ - Velvets eadßimpure Laces, Silk and Felt Hata. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, Stookingi,_ Wo6l Hoods, &toques, Bon a, Balmoral Shirts, quaker Shirts. , Corsets, vxes.rs Jal , na prtAwlms. Men's Undershirts and Drawers. No. Vi VI VTR STEITET. 1173112 No. 67 PTIrIITH STREET. &WARDED TRIG UPWARDS 01 es Tiftb genet. Vonant Thet %Odin' MILITARY LAW 1.1 DBYg4lOODa,?iG DRY (MRS CLOAKS AND MAILS I Reduced Prices I J. W. BARKER & 00.'81 59 MARKET MWN. 77 and 79 Market St, READ DRESSES, LADIES' RIEHLINO Of Ott beet seated. FUR GAUNTLETS, HUM DRIVING GLOVER. .W 0,.• fit Una of NOT.I.6IsTe , 'S, • SMALL WARES GENERALLY. Wholesale Doom op stairs. ilarcksou and in others who bag to tailspin supplied at 10w5.% whole. sale rates. JOB. HORNE & CO., - 77 sad 791ffsrketlitzetsr— OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT. GLOVES 1 GLOVES I GLOVES 1 MOSQUITO KID GLOVE& • - Cashmere Gloves and Gauntlets. A SIM SUPPLY or LADIES , CASHMERE SCARF& Do. SILK vray ontea Also, o now lave!. of Real Maltese Lace Dollars and Seta- LACES AND EDIEUVIIIIDEILIEL Of mw end elegant dyke. AT WHOLESALE Tha Urged sod beet dock of Hosiery and Gloves I 111 THE CITY, AIM AT TEM.LOWEST PRICES & GLUE, TS HAMM STILEST, Between Fourth and Diamond. reIatiiI 7 NWMMATITVfI. Elegant Lace Collars and-Sets'; Rich-Lace Handkerchiefs ; • • : - Prussian Lace Veils: Stuart Plaid Ribbons; . . Embroidered Handkerchiefs ; „ • Hoods, Sontag., Nubias; • Blosquitaire Kid Gloves ; _ Gents. Rid and Buck Gauntlets . • Fine Dress Shirts ; Linen and Paper Collars ; „ - Small yam In an malts. variety, and ncdlons ern7 description, A! EATON, IS ACRVIII & C 0114,7 17 MD 19 MYTH ST. Wholoaala yardmen will find oor Cork equal - 67 any in the city, while our ter (or cash scathe molt ' liberal and indocbsg. do 2 SIXTH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS; J. M. BURCHFIELD'S.' TRENSI:IIA}FIFON Zl. - c p J,Cs IMMO 1714 . 14, tar $l. 28. thaw 111;511 POPLINS; PLAID Emu; num: alias; PLAIDIOPLIIIBt BRAWN MID MASA Omuuma alarms , Liz Emmen% sclacirmunnm ; CL!O ILLIMEL,, Ws; ; ant*lnt A tan ‘ 144411, 44/trieffii4Olki: eldlll, N. it. 'Sr. PoirLh sadliorkat It& 4110ka*