THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 X/S CRY, L.1.4 - E0 US ESTABLISIED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SNUFF AND TOBACCO MANUFACTritk;B., 16 AND 18 CTLIMBEr.9 STEEET, (FOrMwely 12 rhatbam .tree!, New York,) Would tall the attention of dealen to the articles of hie illarinfactitre, via: BROWN SNUFF. Biscabby, Pine Ramiro, Coarse Happeo, American ;butt/men, Demigros, Pll,l Virginia, Nachitoches, copentutgen. YELLOW Slirk - F. Scotch, High Toast S.:otcli, Irish High Toast o Leindyfoot, Honey Dow Scotch, Fresh Hooey Scotch, r Fresh Scotch. Attention is eallod to the tarp. r oho lien in prima of Fine Cat Chowing a n d 1...1,mA co, which I will be found of a superior qm,lo). TUBA I.:i fiwoktwo--Loug, No. 1, No. 2, N... 1 4/11/ 2 mixed, ‘ i Cumulated. Frs. Cur CIIZRISO—P. A. L., or plain - Coven- dish, or Sweet; Sweet euented Orono.; Tin Foil Cavendish. Ssiokino—S. Digo, Spanish, Canasterc - Turkish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be wut on applies. lion. apltely EAL INsTI- 1 A. 4u TUTION.--Statemont ,t 1 thn condition of tin ohms lustitittiou on tho lid doy of No‘ - ember, 10111, published in cotaolloily to t h e ellorte.r. LIABILITIES. Amount of Boi..,ite Nov. 2d, Amount of I otorritt duo Ton,it o Amount of Contingent Fund First Lime au Real Estate Unitrd Staten Fonda U. d. Debt Certificates and Hulas, (warted ♦aloe,) Interest earucd, not due Oflee Fnrn tut re rani, on hand $107.973 01 A. A. CA lIIIIEII, Trmiurer. r The undersigned. Auditing Committee, hare exam ined the !rooks of the iustltiltion, the bootie and lk , tl eountod the rash, hi., and have found lb. shore etatenvnt to be cornet. W. N. CoTELAND, NICHOLAS V144;111'1. Y, WAL H. SNITIL Deposita received DAILY, and EVERY BATOR DAY EVENING. Intoreat paid at 6 per rent: per aanoia. tomermn: ISAAC JON}-S, PreMdent. Hon. Thon. M. Howe, Hon. J. H. Atom head Wm. H. &Mtn, t . G. 11... y, W. B. Copeland, Jmob Harvey CLtld., Nielfelos Ike - Unloe, No. t$ FOCBTII oTILEET. BAILEY, 6'AHREI.I„V. CO., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Brans Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, Lod all Irdn'At of fittings for %Voter, Clog and Steam AMATORS AND TANKS FOR OIL REPINE It11;8, thwil with lend by a laie prooar. Woo. 120 FORTE! STGZET teV - 6.IIALE Aro now roc, him; tlogir Fall and Winter )6 cock, And Invite their frlPnits 410 Ito public to rldittne prcfr stock, shh-h 6 the fhvost and meet complete over bcought to thin markot. Aiwa* on hand, a Largo sooortmoni of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. OOIINEH OP PENN AND ST. CLAIN STREETS Prmecnan, re. ITU it t; CA bib: AND WOOD JAS. W. VI OODW ELI„ 97 and 00 Mini ottmet, opposlin K. Edinundson mud 111 runtth strmt. IYA:FEKI r iS • kijiI/11Eii - ria, DITH/LIDOV'S PATENT OV Al.. I.AMY CH MIN ti.:VS XX FLINT CI I, A Theca Chimneys are Intenti.4l for the kat Manes, treating all parte of the gloss 4... e not ',l've,/ it to tracking. E. T. DITIIRIDGE, • Tort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street, apl7 Pittshargh, Penna. ,SUBSCII I Eit , • . QM= John Mann & Co.'s Soda Ash, emstantly [wailing Lim aann , , %davit howlli 1501 on We most favorable len.. This A is particu larly tolalitt4l to the cq1111.111(1M: tare "(Illus., C. W. CHIT/ICHNAN, . SOUTII FRONT STRETT, Ph ilsclelptila 4 ttol2.4lnettxt CiIiAILLES L. CALDWELL, (Surrxesor to Jam.. Hama PORK PACK 88, • D..almr In BACON. LARD, SUGAR mun !isms, SMOKED BEEF, Lc., CORNEFI MARK= AND FIRST STREETS, le Way Prrrsurenn, PA GiEls;C:l6.l. FOREIGN AGENCY. A 1187121 BALDWIN & CO., -IS BROADWAY, NEW TORIS. ittmittatzbas at low rates on Groat Britain, Ireland, de. Comp ;wove from Liverpool or Qpoewttown. I•actagm torvanlecl to ull parts of Cho world. WILLIAM BINGIIAM, Ir., Agent, oc?-1:2iDnod Adams' F.xpn, Omrn , Pittnburgli (YiVEPICI)PHitTY FOR C4AER: AO 6.0115,1 More or Ku. of COAL. AND LAND, on the Monon galiMa Itiver , hut above the third Lock. Foquiro of ALEXANDER GORDON, or, RIOILARD E. BREED, ricedmod2lrk,rBlT No. 100 Wood .treed. (Brown.'lle Clipper copy r, Limn and eh. Ws ol➢ro.l SI i ORTSI4I EN ' 6 11 EA ncluit RT E HS, 136 WOOD STREET. J A.M.ES 130 W N IfiriMß Ike attention 0 Sportsmen and others to lie splendid stock of GCNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, 4 RISTOLS, GAME BAGS, POWDER FLASKS, sno' BELTS and POUCHES, DRAM FLASKS, and am munition of relNry kind. His stock is tho largest mar brought to this maslcot. ocl7 LYON A UNSTII A IMPORTER AND DEALER in the moot .elect brands or GENVINN HAVANA CIGARS,' and MI kill& of THRONING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF, FANCY MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TUBES, Ac., • In groat variety, UNDER THE ST.AILIARLES 110. TEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. • - N. 13.—Tbe Trudo supplied on Moral term.. PROPOSALS. A limolt PLATES NA, DLP•IO,IIIENT, ) Wallington, November 21, DOI3. The IL•partmeut will, lentil the 2100 DAY OF DE (3E3II3EII NEXT, receive proposala for the delivery at each of the Navy Yards et Portamooth, N. H.;, Man.; Brooklyn, New York, and Phil ' rolelphin of the fllowing. inacribed side armor, atring..., nod dock plating for one vets. I nt each yard. The fluty be separately for the aide armor, airing. re, and deck plating, and map Iw for one or more ecsaels, but it must embrace the whole °reach description of iron for a vessel; that le, the fleck plating, the tringers, or the side armor may bo bid fur separately. DION ARMOR.. Eleven Minimal (1,100) wrought iron plates, more or km, ten (I 0) feet long. thirty-two (n) inches wide, nod one and one-half (1),.‘) Inch thick.. A portion of these platealroill be nhearcd to to the curvature of the side Una of the vessel; oleo, to fit around the torrent and batches, for which ipilans will ba fermelled to the contractors. Ti, be of the best Iron, ends nn I edges square, straight, and placed trop to lisf• 1,08 given. The whole to be within teo ito; months from the date of contract. W1201:16111' IRON STRINGERS. Three t Iteurandltnil twenty (3,020) lineal feet of Iron string..., eight (P) inches square, except nt this stern and stem, where they will tdper ono way for the length of shout forty (40) feet on each end of the ves sel to abort three GO lueliox. These stringers to ho u. length twooty-three (•31) fect air 10ck..., ods to Ito fitted tocoth..r with it proper warp!, one . foot long; one-half of the scarph to be taken front ill, rod of rash. There will be tone range. of then.. , trier^en on each Bide ~1 the vn.sel. To le. mad,' the ,t tren Pude nod edge. square and tdr.kight, j Cr,,.. r.. the .1.4. given. The whole• t , . In th•livrred in eight t , ) menthe from the date of the out r.ct. . 11 1 I.'-- 1, 4 41 . 2,1-J . i+IDE ARMOR. Ono huneln•l and forty-oor (l 4r, platy. or wrought Iron. In. he. thicknee., of tit. following 1...n:1.1. and widths, I' : I plat.. 18 f..-1 long by 39 in, h... w1..10. DIME $ ,4111 01 . to OW CA I •• 1 ,, f. r•I :LT i/10101 N.,•1 2 " " I" 1 I " 7 ,• .2; .. r, - '2 ti " 7 .• I '• 7 " " 7 • • 3 , 2 I • • 7 • • 3 I" II 7 .• ih • • Th. oh , •1•• ..r tha,i I.• a•IN to be made from the irt•ta, Pn•II an I ...11.;.•• rm. t••• •••Itto., att.l t‘tra•;.ht, 4.1 plow,' t•• th.• sir., 4m n. To lw red !l. nit). month% from th•• date of th.• au tray I. Tlu vrlobt t ht. ir. to Intt of • quality that will lt,ar a t..ttnih• nt rain of t wanly-two tga.)l nlted drat, tot, I Ott. Nu.° indb. So hitta will In. rtwrier-dt , ,,tpt front partita ha.. ing atm:wilts c - dpal:lnt of doing thin tbrir , ahnhaehlatrnts will h+ rzarnined before a cun t: t will In. nwarilvil. Parte-10am will be given on appli. ation t• the commandant ef th• Drookls n. Now 'fern, Navy Yard. The r , mtrn••t cell t brace the usual r•mditi•m+, awl the 11. parttnent reserves the right to rejeet an, or all the idol - N.4, that may he made under this ml. vernwAntnt, if In its opinion the pnl•li•: interents d I nnr.t Stalk• pfr pnun.l fnr inch ..nrb of tho in 11111 In. /I. , livor/n1 In thn rnnpoczhn 3,y 3.lrJa. and mint L , acrenpan Intl I.y gnarnnton that thn par I h.., wai ran a contra. t nn,tl,6-1 irk rhtn. n•lr nndtd L )ROPOSA LS FOR HEAVY rite JECTLIALL7. ttnc Pcr irrwa. 7, ) tC upl)114,1))0 Nor. 11), j trill h. rt.c..ited at this atTt., at.• t./ 4 ..'clork p. nt. ))), Ihn 1. - ,11 t , V ItEtzEMßl:jt T, for II EA 11' Pl:4 1,/ TI !At. to I. &liver 1 , 1 :a I ht. foll.Ptriug quant ilk, of lin undernanted At • sir AT TOO WATERTOW N A rtz , l: sA L, MASS. battering s hot. 5-itkli 1 , , lush shot. r,ta. 1... ht. h AT TH E WATERVLIET AIL ENA 1., W EST TINPY NNW DAL& lasttorina shot. Loon 1.".-ilich 40.10-inch shot . 1 111-ntrti !atolls. AT THE U. S. ARSENA L, GOV ERN“ It 8 18LA N NEW YORE. 3.010 18-inch hattoring sh.•t. 71,1..1 , inch shells. WM. lo.i nob shot. • n,00.110-tnch shells. AT TH E ALLEGH ENT A R.SENAL, PI TT8111:11611, PENNSYLVANIA. I,iYas 1. - .-Inch hollering shut. 1,000 11-inch shells. lo.inch shot. ..0. 111-inch sheik. AT TILE ST. 1.4 , C15 A RSENA L, ST . LOC in, MO. 2,1W 1 10-inch short. ;user in-inch shell.. AT THE WASHINGTON ARSENAL, WASHING • TON, IL C. I,lsa t?-Inch battering shot. 11-inch shells. B,lovi hilro'h shot. to-inch The Projectile. aro to be made of the hind of metal, rinditiepected after the rules laid in the ordnance Manual, with tho exceptioo of the , inch bettering shut, istich ate to to made of gun metal. of tensile strength, ranging lmtucetk Zzi,faX/ and 30.0.0 pumds to the square inch. and thews taunt lei cast from a reverberatory or air fornato. Itrarrings of all the 111 . 0,H:ea can be nuns at any of the arsenal, where they ore to he delivered. The projectiles are to be Inspected at the funntlry where cyst, but must be delivered at the cartons artionaLs, froouf charge , for tranrportallon er handling, until delivered at tits arsenal. Deliverlt, must be made at the rah , of not has than nee per cent. per week, Or the , number of projectile, eontracteri for; the first delivery to In made within thirty days after fir dote of the outraot, and any failure to deliver at a spec,. tied tine. mill subject the contractor to eforfeiture of the nuinher he niay fail to deliver at that time. . . . re-parato lids mast be made for each kind of pro jectiles; end if nay bidder prow*m to deliver at Jlderect uraemia, separate MID meet be made for each kiwi at each place. 1.14 will be comlilered from pornss other than rokmiar founders, or proprietors of works, who are known to lilts Department to be minable of executing tiro work contracted for in their own e.tablishments. party obtaining A contract will be retpiiced f. , ) rote, Into b , Mds, with approved sureties, for its hilt II lot .wrestion. Tha Department raserta. to 'Golf thn right to in jivat any or all bale, if not &wand matisfar.ry, fur any (.121%, addrcaaad to "Brigadier Gmieral GE,t)RGE U. lIAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Waal, i I). C.," and will be endorsed i'Praporials fur Ileavy Projrciiiel.." GEO. It. RAMSAY, I Gen. Cliirf of Ordnance. RIINANCE OFFICE, 0 Wail MI, SITY r.ff T, i • Warldirgton, Nov. 20th, 156.1. That p.rii-n of tha forraoing tolverdsoniont which plan. to 3•lltrh Itatternig Shot, la withdrawn fur the prow/it. GEO. D. RAIISA T, i1 , .- . 3,04t4 Mfg. Own., Chief af Ortliswura. pR 0 COS ALS FOh CAVALRY HORSES. CAVALar Dustca Orrwr. or rut enzr Qraarrsaaaraa, ~ WlLeiling/0151, D. Cr., Noy. 23, 1863. I • ropnaals aro .011Cli0d, and will be receive,/ at Able oilko for tho farulothiag of Caralry Bonen, to be de livorrd at Waal/1(100u, P. ('., St. Louie, Mo., sad Chicago, 111. . - The Bows to comply with the following start flea viz • To Ist from fifteen (IS) to sixteen (I 1) Lamle high, from five (5) to nine (v)year. old. well broken to the caddie. compactly built, In good flesh, and free from all defects. The !thrifty of tho bidder to HMI his agreement must be guaranteed by two reeponslbLe persons. whose signatures must bo appended to the guarantee. No proposals will he entertained unless the oath of alkgiance of the person or persona bidding shall be on file in this office. The resTemedbillty of the puarnntora must be shown by the offisial certificate of the Clerk of the aaareet District Court or of the United Stales District At torney. Proposals must be addressed to Lieut. Col. C. O. BA WTELLE, Chief Quartermaster, tlsvalry Bureau, end be ondursod on Co envelope .• Prop.:ale for Horss." Cavalry Noreen agreeing with the above illumines t ion. will be purcimatsf in upon market, at fair prices, at the following places, vin New York City, Albany, Buffalo and Nochnster, N. I'. ; Pittsburgh, Penna. ; C.olumbos, Ohio , Boston, Meas.; Augusta. Me.; and kladiuut, Win . C. O. ISAB'YELLE, Limit. Col. and Chief Qmirterrnaster, Cavalry Bureau. 1864. DIARIES. 1864. A largo assortment of POCKET ANT) COUNTING EIOUSE PIARIFS, for 1564.—in. paper, In cloth, to roan, In imitation Turkey, In Turkey M0r05,.....- with gilt edges and with marbio 0100—with tucks, intent clasps and elastic kstonings. All {UPS, sad from the commonest to the very beet. los mile at reasonable nitre by WM. 0. JOIESISTON A CO., Stationers, g ooltiaw-wreat . 57 Wood street. I)APER AND EN V. — EMPE WARE trovsE.—auft openo.l, • large stork or NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS. Al., ENVELOPES, In groat eariotlia, colors lead qualities, for ovary Fast.. For sale by W. G. JOIINSTON A CO., Paper Roeder., 0014:366r-wrini 67 Wood rtmet. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1563 Pittsburgh 6aztttil. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS , .The Alabama—The Proposed Congress New roar, December Ist.--The following „ tows received by the steam,hi p City of Sew R icHAR DSOS, HARLEY Si Co., OUS PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL DISPATcn .. :: .. t. .. , a, , . i ., not covered by the Se,tia's .li.- The Hiawatha, which arrived at Colombo, to The Escape of +TOM' !Horgan and His I FINANCIAL REVULSION PREDICTED. c eY Ala b i 'Le' Crude and Relined Petroleum, companions—m o w. It Was Accent- .oeitnobethr the Bay r i t 3 s . n ti g a: L t ag „ m et t h e pllshed. ' 's Army . calving her answer, net sail, with steam, nailed the Hiawatha, and immediately on re- No. 19 IRWIN STRSET, PITTSBURGH. A correspondent Of the Cincinnati Gawk, Anxiety Regarding Meade writing from Columbus, gives the .followin hoisting rebel colors. g ' The Russian Ambassador at Paris had coin- Pitts " bur i or E a aste , rn MErkets. Ix' e tts , L rss_ _ranee. cm counignment• for li details of the escape of John Morgan and six i MORGAN sAFE IN CANADA ! municated the reply of Prince Gortschakoff, of his oonfedoratos : Ito the invitation to the Congress. It is in rerrearsion a3131=11101111 Mcsets J S. Dilworth dr Co., si nce th e i r rece pti on at t h e p u nt ontja - ry, t THE LATE BATTLE AT CH ATT.lliillill A ! but not until after the pacificati,:n or i . o. spring,cr Harbin h, Ette., substance. that Russia will take part therein, the Morgan prisoners have been assigned to I ba.„ ic., tic. land. Thoune.on Bell. 1...5q , Purist. Commercial Bank. the south tier of cells in the new addition to I It is stated that Lord 1:r•11,4lioni, at a -ciree r n'hl",a‘ .. • the east wing of that institution. All but seven 1 ---- in M. Thiers' F•aloon in Paris, spoke freely of ri IA (1( A ... 13 ,,, ) of these men were accommodated with cells in s-Rpecial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh thmettc. his convietion that the Congress is impossible. ! I ' ." 1 the upper ranges; but these seven, who wore PHILADELPHIA, DeM I, ISG.I. It in stilted that it, the intention of Eng- 1 130.5111 ell Colonel Richard Morgan, Captains J. C. Ben,. The New York Ilera.4l, of to-day, warns the land and Austria to make their participation I nett, . Taylor, Ralph Sheldon, T. IL of ' Crude and - ReOned Petroleum, Hines, L. 11. Hookersmith and O. S. Magee, public, torprepare fora financial revulsion, and In the Congress dependent on the. reply Franco to curtain preliminary quostions, that were on the lower ground range. Underneath i not to be deluded by tricks of sPenulatnrs• It wood n o t m ee t with a favorubte reception at i thoso cells , with about sixteen or eighteen I advises to buy no more stocks, and sell out as Paris. inches of brick, mortar and cement inter-1 , there. - Toning, is an air chamber, some six feet last as possible. liens. Grant and Arcade will Treasury and talent al Revenue Reports in length and four foot in width, extending mew down both the bulls and the rebellion. IS' teiTiletlTON, n i line. I.—The Secretary of the Bads,, entritstcd to our care will receive our the entire length of the range, for the purpose There is no news from Meade, but maser a Tieivitrey's report en thc , con , 111 i.n 01 ~nr. I. , Ye.t.t 1.t•t.....t1 illtontit.e. Of keeping the . cells in a dry and comfortable painful anxiety. Burke A C.,., and hitt:B.llmnd & 1,,,,,1., Pittsburgh; condition. It is said that ono clay, while Ina lively mood, Hine, was dancing about his ir ca s cell, and, from the character of tho sounds twevn t-bc-armY and Wa.hingt"• melodic:l in ,ugh ..inentnen,,. The 11cportt : Th . e ' -no regular communication now he I 'll' u ni i i r: l7 i ' l e :t7 l ? l : i , ni t h t e il .r l l :i i : l'' : - • ni :e h :U r ' i :j ' !,:•;:•7,1:;::','in":;1:-:7,1',-t' : , T , b:.:::: 1 1;:i i ' , ; . 1 , 1 ; 11 :;...,:::::: 1 1:::::37. 1 :. ; I l e l. n. 1. 0 ,; ;;: . I NON CITY OIL WORKS. mused thereby, he concluded that there was a : Gentleinen in the front, from whom the of the r onin,;. - •ioncr- . iIIIIY ' •Ya' • lit•Vt3l to s ent vacant space underneath the door. He after- , ComuGer of Currency will accompany it. i 1- ' LITAT ez CIIORPENNING, ward discovered the correctness of his suppo- , stock board receives daily news, aro not per- ; I m iffed to n 'tc with the- . Death of Morilr slgel. sition by digging through the fluor of his coll.. It teams more probable, however, that I It is certain that the rebel guerrilla chief, Moritz Siegel, the father of iScne:al :-.lge I, the rebels became aware of the ex- John Morgan, is safe in Toronto, with six died et Illenau•by Achetn. (,rand pets hy , ZIS d AND LUBRICATING OILS, sad dealer. In istenee of the air chamber in an- ' of Hasten, on :he I;th of August loot, alter an ; other manner, which is reported by illness of ii,,,, ,L,3e. lie ~.., b., in Pro..h ' CIZI !I )L 1 -' I L -1 - . . 110 . 1 -aCU M. come of rebel companions of his thigh t. the attaches of the Penitentiary. This is I A dispatch frorriChattnnonira, this morning, sal, in the tante Du , hy, in ;7.-ct. to that more ~,,,,,, 0rp, ,," mari . burg. stated to be, that upon complaining that their I says : Gen. Urant's army bolds rho country tbun the all"lteri Otrue .cove 5 ,1,, awltaco . ta Ih t w at 0111. e, No. (5 BAND STREET. t I*a • cells were damp, fur which charge there was .up to Ringgold and Cleveland. The enemy wcro meted out 1 11 -ta.l not the least foundation, they were told by a ' Heidelberg: tut ttrit• 1 ; n I- 1 t . ha- am. lit I! ~. ‘ra• a little adherent through !co I 1 • guard that it was impossible for them to be in I are below Tunnel hilt. Judge; and that condition, as there was a Lugo air chem. i Our killed and wounded in the into battle to the literal reli...d in the teditie- ..4 hi,. 'il L. mli.l.Eiz, .i R., AGENT, hoe underneath which kept - them dry. Be this ' stro four thousand. W ...f We have forty-eight pieces country. lt as it may, an attempt to escape was determin ed upon, and on the 4th of November the „ sera. of artillery, 7,000 small arms, and /1,200 pris- Tll6 111.11. - ,.0, 1 , 1•7,33 a OF -13 1. 1 eloa : y V. J. J. I Tit tar.—The New (later: (Ct.. t-we clecton , CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM &siemens-ell Jigging through the Boors of their occurred lace Hank, and I.ce its:tutted in the . coils, using for that purpose two, perhaps LATEST FROM IVIEADE'S ARMY , 5L1 , ...3.a3 Of ale L nit,' twkot I, a majt.rity „r '.n , teonti-,11 ostlnsively. All charges et oast more table knives. After establishing cm munication with the air chamber, they. exca- ' 115, a change of 62t1 tin , !art Fall, when ~.; ;1, „; ,s i. „ ,n, RE1F1 ,,,,, I . coot c ,,,,,, , .. For the Dittnocrstrt carried ii, town l• e ~,,,,..o.)1 t•i;i -t i . , I vuted with a sUlaii coal shovel a tun ael from 1 the east end of the chamber, passing underempsrity en a much Itghter t ••tol t • at. Heavy Cannonading in thetr' ection ' • - • I. cll. sotto ton pod to GIL god Expown the walk of the prison, to the guard outside, of Orange Court House. ____, ...-- 5,,,,,,,n Dour:LAS ch Icel.!, ;r• per's., i.n. on „ t .; t „ • V. 3 1',1.1.--12.t I.',:Tli' et tDA, aI)DA 0511, kc. te scrape from which there vs. euld be but Ii ttle , as 1. 1 .,133g0 Croce, h 3.3 l• ;.1 - i t 3,1, r , 1,- , difficulty. The men were engaged lint t h ree 1 GEN Elf .1 I, It: NIG AG EM 1.... NT PROIIA - ,1 ' , . 1 ". i , f 11.1,1 trttstc, 1 , . ' ii. it 4 'gr" being hours in each day for seveuteen days in this RIX IN PROUR EMIL the principal purchaser. The amain: i :.: I 1. - w.•rk, as will be seen by the following note, not cured, but it is >aid to be Lit boo., the ' which they left behind them: . i real value. It voce, tuctr acre-. tte hltt .11 CASTLE Mertiser, CELL Nu. 25.1. NO DISPATCH-ES VittrAl LIENT MEADE. i were mortgage, 1. , the a 71 , 1131 ~r i. , - ;,,.....: :.: Couimencement, Nor. 4th, 16t3:1. _____ roneltoLion, Nov. 2 0 th, 1.•. i..?.. • Toe Boston Tro ,,, ,cropr ttate• t het .De ..: Number of hours of labor per day, 3. Mall Communication Nut let Resumed. !s r r ho ir.eii Li , i n the l'ir.t Pres' yter:.l:. shun -'u Tools, two table knives. l. in No whuryport kit the church in i... d Uglia till " La patience est timer°, teals son fruit cot ‘l 5 I df P d ' . „ n Thursday, Ises,isi, the In,:-leat': 1.1 ma doux." , . written by Dr. Motiki tag, teat rung. By order of my six loonornble confederates, T. Hexer Maze, Capt. C. S. Jii Tree French quotation in the note, whoa translated, reads: "Patience is bitter, but ,itts fruit is sweet." After manufacturing a ladder not of the bed ticking, which was torn up for that pur pose, all was in readiness for the Mel/ to take their departure. It was a part of their plan that Dirk Moe g:io should remain behind while John made his escape, to accomplish which was almost as difficult as what they had already done. ssectspied a cell in Cho second range, and in order to eatery out the scheme it was none,- tau for him to exchange quarters with his brother Richard. This was not duos until yesterday afterettott, when there wail a conve nient opportunity as the prisoner! , were being 1-s-ked in their sells for the night. In+tead of going to his own cell Morgan ,lipped into his brother'- quarters unobserved by the guard, while itselsard sea, equally 91:10- ~,,tad in taking th e one on the second range: and though the guard, while on his usual rounds, stopped before the door and inquired if General John Morgan was there, to which Richard responded by showing his foot, the trick was not discor ered until this morning altar the birds had down. It is not known at what hour in the night Margan and his six c•anpriniene named above escaped, nor have the authorities any elue as to which diruetion they took after leaving the prison. This teeming their bed-tick ladder was found sus pended from tho lop of the walls, which they reached by climbing up a gateway close at han,L WEDNESDAY MOANING DEC. 2. 1863 There is a disposition on the part of many persons to throw the entire responsibility of this affair upon Captain Merrion, the Warden of the Penitentiary, which they would hardly do when informed that some peeks since ho was relieved from the duty of taking care of the Morgan prisoners. While ho had charge of them, which was up to the 3rd of Novem• her, a convict was employed each day to sweep out their cells, and a guard stood by to see that all was right. It would have been exceedingly difficult for those seven men to dig through the floors of their cells under such an arrangement; but under the regime that was afterward adopted, the task was quite easy for them. The military authorities assumed the re rrmnsibilily of the safe-keeping of Morgan and his crew on November 3d, and amen then these prisoners have been required to sweep out their own cells, without any examination on the part of those having them in charge, being made, whatever. They were thus free from intrusion, and wore in but little danger of being interrupted in their labors, and It now seems that they were not in the least dis turbed. Some one is at fault in this matter, and an indignant public asks that he ha dealt with as severely as his culpability demands. The Richmond Prioonere—Sonthern Thn Enquirer of the: 23d thinks that the cessation in exchanges has arisen from tho offensive conduct of the Union Commissioner, Moredith, who, it says, turns out to be only a subordinate, and asserts that a now corres pondence has been opened with his superior, Gen. Hitchcock. It says, 2,100 prisoners have boon sent to Danville, and no more will go there for the present. Those remaining in Richmond number 11,500. The gronsincv snakes a long story and a great sensation out of the alleged plot of our prisoners to destroy the Govurnment works in Richmond, and burn tho city, aided by General Foster, who, as our readers know, has gone to East Ten nessee. The saws paper is shocked because tire bolls are advertised at Riehmond, when flour Is $125 a barrel. A oorrespondent of the id.r.sesiacr says the country between Misbilo and Columbus, Ga., is grooming under the weight of immense corn and wheat crops. The people of Amherst county, Virginia, are groaning about their cropain a different way. The Impressment agent as served a noticeon all the farmers of the county to deliver to him for army use all of their wheat, potateeirkpflaxi beans, etc., which are not required for!. families, to be paid for in Confoderi:gild tritrittet according to the schedule of Ootobor;38d2:: The Georgia Legislature have adopted lotions pledging the State anew to lightlak for sooossion to the last. Bishop Elliot4;iii Georgia, recently preached a sermon at vannah, urging doath in tho last diteh rather than submission to the "infidel fanatics" of the North. Colored Volunteers at the Mouthweet A Now York paper says : • "A letter addretsed to the Proaidont of the United States is handed about, and has already received the signatures of somo of our most eminent citizens, asking him to issue his proclamation inviting the colored people of tho southwest, whore our armies are in victo rious progress, to enlist in the volunteer army, and oilcling them the usual bounty as an inducement. This would have two impor tant results—it would 411 up the thinnor ranks of our army, and would relieve the govern ment from the burden of supporting the fam ilies of these people, whom wo shall now have claiming our protection in great num bers. A measure of this sort, it is thought, will make a further drain of our northern population, for the purpose of carrying on the war, almost unnocessary. Foam's° Now Tint.--Tho people of Now Brunswick, failing in an effort to get a railroad to Canada, are making arrangoments to build one to Maine. The Canadian prods, in no ticing this fact, rogard it as proof that the Brunowickern intend to multiply their coat morcial connections with this county, while sundering these which unite them tti Canada. Nair YonN, Doc. I.—Tho Tin* h. the tol hawing spot:lois Frathingion, 30.—Army ofEcer, from ilinkitta Station to-night, report heavy can rn3nading homi same early this morning, in the direction of urange Court Roust.. Thu firing was bo heavy and o.olltiattoll9 114 to pre clude the possibility u: it, being skirmishing It won their opini, , n thAt. engage meat wag in protrrosn nt the time they lan heard the nrin,:, wht,•ll was at cloven u'cl— thin forenoon.'s whole f mo I. intrenchedtu:tivccD orange Court II aOOO and litord..lln, He. ,4 oppliel , ere di,,patc-hed to Monde by a new na te. The vveisiiier is :right lui ly cold an I his., eince )ci,terdtty. The lixilfy wounduil leis .It la:it night, and be lel: ..,it to-ni:ht, sbem thoy fall, tnuirt nertninly Thee tight ITlLilullt overt:nut, Tho Oar .1 this evening says: Ryan it Meade eheutd be defeated iu battle, he coutl ctiAily lull hark on Froderiawburg where he could soon receiTe .‘upplies from ♦quia Creek, and adding, the Railroad fro* that point to Fredericksburg i 3 nearly In Irsirking order already, and unless disaster foliaw our arms, it is not se clear that Frederiekaburg is to Le the future base of supplies. It may be added, that the vternment has not reecived one word from lien. Meade sinoe he loft Culpep per Court HOW, The weather is 'lour and cold. Now Vona, Dec. L—Tho 11.,.1.1 ha, the following. Mei .Vor. 30. 7 t) p. The mad communication with the army has not been resumed over this route, and pr ha blv will not be. No wounded men have been brought in from the army, and no hospital ears have been run up from A le tandrta. Very hoary cannonading was heard this morning, but not afterwards daring the day, in the direction of Chancellor,Tille. It was heard more distinctly at IleatWo, Warrenton Junction, Nokosville and Monastic than here. No tiring was heard yesterday. The belief r, that no general battle has been fought. An order ie reported to been issued by (ion. Nleade forbidding eorrospondentm from letting the front or communicating with the rear. A petal to the iforid, dated Waehington, Nov. 30, says: There is nothing official or otherwise from the Army. of the Potomac to-night. It i• now behoved, that th. impression that a battle was fought on aturday or Sunday, is incor rect, from the fact, that if ouch had born the name, the wounded would have reached tho Rappahannock Bridge. Thu conclusion in (pito irresiAtiblo that Leo has continnod to fall hack to save hin awn line of eommonicn• tion with Richmond, and, if bitch be ilia nose, it is evident that Gen. Meatio's plans, no far as known to twin operation, aro workinesuc cesnfully. GEN. FOSTRR RN ROHR FOR KNOXIILLE TELEGRAM FROM JOHN MORGAN Cannonading Heard Toward Knox BURNSIDE CONSIDERED SURE OF SUCCESS ! 1.1 mit; REPORTED SO BP. HEWN D DALTON =MEI CINCIIMATI, Deo. I.—MaJor General Foster arrived at Crnbcriand Clap yerterday, on reuto • Th, 6Volsiefithinq later from Burnsido. e John *9Viark,44slographod to Columbus, announcing his ar thrsiliti*,tki Thi:llumberbf mon.,mustorqd into the so, isloolts - Odui3titi;friyibiges four hundred per A dispatc h from Chattanooga says that suf ficient tainfoicomonta, under Gans. Gordon and Granger,.heve boon sent to Burnside to loamy his success. Bragg's main Three is reported beyond Dot ton. Stragglers aro still coming in. Henry Andrews, of the 124th Ohio, is sen tenced to be shot January Bth, for desertion. Fifteen hundred Chattanooga prisoners arrived at Loutsvillo last night. Tho guerrillas are very troublesome on the Cumberland river; boats aro tired into, houses and citizens robbed, and the property carried elf or destroyed. Senator Sprague arrived at Columbus yos torday. New Tone, Ilea- I.—The realm,. h., th o following special: General Wilcox telegraphs (slim Cumber land Gap that scouts that ClllllO in yesterday report heavy cannonading heard yesterday morning in the direction of Knoxville—very rapid, about forty discharges per minute end lasting several hours. Anxiety Regarding Meade'■ Army— Sam. Houston Certainly Dead. New Tose, Dee. I.—The Herald's Wash ington diepateh, of November SO, says: "Much anxiety is manifested this afternoon, regarding Meade's army. Not a word was received from the front to-day." The 2Wl'oae'• army correspondent, at Mat ameras, nays that Sam. Houston is certainly dead. Ho died al Huntsville, Texns. I.4'G otheliErEs LL,I, • - L3l‘. s trcrittu,th, • ZW"lin-1 MIAVv^(I/,'S 011:1.1.1. TLIL. RICHEST PREMIUMS IJ, \ I. 1,11111;ITIo \, LoDoN. I sfi2., Industrial Exposition, Paris, 1861, rolupvi;,.a.t. ,:! ,Nlvet,: In Europe mud A mei - lea, alla the L ert le , / , ithervl caulrhd., feud 111, I Onliilll, , )1i thane n; Li titer Una utttrute. Neve T.iek ; Mary Laze I memory Huh hoer, DI,, h.tai• t leduenh ; Kentucky Inuitute, L• 411., ,':••, Nb. , I. • lute. Sae Fruaia 0. au , s at every St at e and County Pair Iv he re E hibl ted titim Season. MEM 125,000 OF THESE MACHINES HAVE ALREADY HUN A la. t a Ito I, •f , aft• 1011.1, then n t.l. f.f 1 1 .1118 andy of t!.. rti , • l ,f 1 Nt IL. tit)N NI IL 1,1 11.% , 111 E Ip,tt llftcliffo• In 111,• BECAUSE IT IF: THE EF,T EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS lES= utr 110:1,11, ..‘,•lA,te-iou Of lb n.,111r,e, I:11A fr. 1:. Kb. I=l WM. SUMNER & CO h.. Prinolp I Offires and Wll, 1..a1e Fu,• :1111111, No. :.57 Fifth Street......I . ITTSBUP.GII, TA Pike's; Opera liolor CINCINNATI, 0 Nlaannlo Temple.... .....LOCISVILLE, KY GROi' if: H. AI. liA li'S PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. TIIE UN Y CULL MEDAL Awnre:,4l to t' , .11"..1;:( Mai-Moo% 10 Minot, beet Mac were awarded the llirdoet Preto i. unts, etvr aLt nearside, for the u..t Farrtily :learns Alochann, the Bea rtfetemtraemormed illactimom, and the flet Illaelaial Work, at the famitniing STATE FAILS, of 1863: Nets Truk Slate Yak, First Pmemium tar family coo him. First Premium for double-Owe-ad machine. First Premium fur machine work. Vermont Shan Fem. First Premium (or faintly machine. First Premium for manufacturing machine First Premiums fur machtso work. hum Stan Fair. First Premium for family machine. First Premium for smaqufacturiog saachine Fiat rnmziltitp for mactm vrolk. 'die-Jaya.% NAM Fair. First Premium fur Busily machine. First Premium for massiacturing machine First weinium for marlimo work. Didier. Stale Fair, First Premiums for sm.-Ith. fir all purpes o s. First Premium for anclummo work. Illlseeia Slues Fro. First Premium for machine Sir nil prirpuel.V. First Premium fur tomb lee work. Kentucky Ek.sts rase. (First Premium Sn slacks tie for all purposes. First Premium (or machine work. Penasylramm Note Fair. Flat Premium for manufacturing machine First Freudian for beautiful rumisfue work Okla Slate Fair. First Premium for machine work. And at tug followinc Count , ' Fairs CRillenden Co. ( Vt.) Agri...Send So.r.ty, First Premium fir family nuelmine. Pint Premium risr mautincturing innablas First Premium for merlon.. work. o , 63 , nplans Valley (111 ehrraexiturdiSuelrl, First PrMlllll3lll for homily tun. 111.. First Premium for manufacturing ma. 1.1,, s First Pres:bun for notch lur work. ff..knpdeo. (.I(as..) Auroeviturat Diploma for family mach's.. Diploma for moat:hire work. Front/in Os. Fat ., Find Premium for flan By mat tut,. First Pr.nn ism for manufacturing Queen's (b. (N. Y.) darieulii,of Priory. First Premium for family Mrtellinr. rfa..leragtoo Oa. (N. V.) raw. First Premium for family machine &rang. Co. (H. Y.) Foie. First Premium fur family utschisa. Sionlensio's (nstirate (Pa.) Fair. First premium for machine for all porpassa. First Premium for machine sorb. Tho above comprises all Got Fain at which the GROVER * BAKER ILACIIINES wee, ent,thtt e d thisye,,. At nearly all of timers the leading Sowing Marlines wore in competition. The work made upon the Grover dr Baker Sowing Machine has nnived the First Premiers at every State Fair in the United States twkrro tl boa Loom exhibited to this dale. Bah , . Rooms, No. 18 unit NT., Pittsburgh, oe.N.k2rurwY tt. P. CLIATONET, ib OILS, A-c. CO)1.111SS YOGIVARDING lIEHUUNTS BENZINE, &ct., 132 WALNUT ST.. PQILADELPIIIA 127 WALNUT ST, PII DFLPIIIA. CA IMT I'EMI3EIZTON, General Merchandize Brokers, 5..1111 YD.oNT ST., DUI LA DELPIIIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, rr SODA. F. or.A 10511, BRIMSTONE, =MEI I; . 1 . 17 I, buy or .11 promptly etteuded I. 1. EN ..t; NEEDLE'S, COM IThSfoN MERCHA NT& l'art,ulat attrut ion pttltl to tantstglat..L. of Crude and Refined Petroleum. C 4, LI br rul i6d MIMI. M. 113 IV 1 f I;(1E, 1. N, F.TII FRONT ST., lIIILADELP/SIA & c"rroni.sion Morokant CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, I Ul INC; OIL AND BENZDLE \leued PETROLEUBI \ 7:1:1 I - EiZ, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MEE= ti Lour. I . WI Fla AND LIBNUTY OIL WORE& L Jol sec,. mad. on mmtlignmon La of Refined or Crude Petro:tuns COIL DUQUESNE WAY 14 HANCOCK STS., UII, NIRN need not bo embarrassed by ••n1.1,t the Bulk Ordinance, when t y ul,nre thMr (11L harrellod and thipped h.., the City Whar.B,Oka eluip, more r•m•;.1, b Iro• trouble and iu boiler , 11 KIRK'S Oil, YARD, hi Iho d 11••theny Valley Railroad, al.. Lawrence , dlr. •• here ; •il i, tamped from the beat.. direct to the rate and ..hippd to arty point, Rua or Wrltt, ea heel my .Iray nr re-shipping. A.; ..• • pr.quptly attended to. atta.••• .t T.,a, on Paeeenger R. R. Peet t :1•1•Ine:. BOX 90.?, l'ltteborgh ; or I can IM ecen daisy at the Ott Ramat:at. DAVID KIRK. W • ................. -WILLIAM mann. Cl HT I)1 etlllllllllSNiOll Mel-chants And &Wore In CRUDE & REFINED PETR9LEIIIE, ItENZINF. AND LUBRICATING OILS, N.. i i tur ret 1371.41:VE5, PIIILADRLPLIIII G•ir r tg , rnr rapacity (nntler ooror,) for 1.'),M0 ion o to. hoot 'aril ities for oblpptog to Amoricon Loma, port, 01 our hart' on tito id:tiff, , (tit: P. R. R. Jr2..),1y CO WA EF,, ETMURE & 0., CONIII69ION MERCII/NTS, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, ill MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. •niplo I.ilitio. for STORAGE. AND SHIPPING to their yard and wharf, Ben MOIL ntv I I if D IAMOND OIL WORKS. NAYLOR & SMITH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil, Unsurpassed by arry to the market. uanr,l.•ro 101 l at their omen, No. 41 MARKET ST/It:I:tor at !bolt - work, In Loominnetilllo, will be promptly ationdod to. Doyen of CRUDE OIL. mid " I )Olt ERT ASE WORTH, Nu. I ST. CLAIR ST., PITTSBURGH. Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND D - 13.4 LER IN OILS. Do - IL I.l'M MATING, LUBRICATING, Clitt:DE l'ETltt.l.l; I'M 01 48, dot., totaztoutly on hand and f-r .414. at tit° ItArtatt twatkot prieva. Consigatmettts mud aoligitcd. ap7tOra ato. AV. 1101.1.41111,- HENTa YOLDSM.P. "' DVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP s CO., annifactiirera of BURNING OIL AND LUDGLICA. T IND 01 L. Keep , 0113tAndy on hand the very beat quality of nu ItN I NO OIL, dear and without rotor ; Ain., a goal pure WRITE BEN- Z LE and CAlt GRDASK. All order loft ot No. IS LINTII STREET, Batik 131.4, rectoof floor, will be promptly stitrodrd M. 531 . . s. WART - Ni - 1, . t OK. RUINED, MACIIINKIIK AND PAINT 01L S , And dodLd In 12. dining Materials. ,21 ly No. M 1 MARKET ST., Pittoborgb I I , CE NT oil; Wiffitik - 1 DDIICA;;/, DUNLAP & CO., Monstflictanirs of Pure White Refined Carbon Oils, Oftkr, No 201 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA. I==l VOLUME LXXVII---NO. I 1 McCORM ICK dCA N OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street at Comagam.tb .lle 4.1 Lpiny S Chorpenn Iv., Iron Cn,y O Works. Jacob Painter, of J. Paint, A' Co. Jno. 8.. Chalfant, of Stung, Chalfant & Co. iT 23 : 1 7 RIDER . & Hi( OOMMIESION kfiIIGHANT/24 Petroleuju and its Products, Oils 61 HROAD STREET.. 132 ... OS WATER mar Agentstbr thn PORTLAND R RID /SINE 011 WORKS, NEW YORK PARA FY NI: CA NI. I. OOMPANY, &o. Tlll a.ll pETROLITE OIL IVojzi:-:. Mamdactarera of PRIME ITIIITE CARBON OIL, BENZoLE AND PETROLEUM LUBRICATINU 01 L. Capacity two thonnanol REESE & GRA_FF, Prorairrors °Mee, MONONGAIIELA 111WSE, Pirt.:•urFti ruyLt E- cos w 001 l WA 1 (Late or W. 11. Woalward S (:a.,1 GeNSUA L CON A 11.911 N DI F:11 , 11 ANT Special attention givan to the hats of Crude and Refined Petroleum No. 111 BORTH TRONT STREET, PIIILA JAMES 11t1VIN, Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia order. left at John Porterfield & Co.'s Office, eor ner of MARKET AND Yll ST erIiEETS., will le ceito prompt attention. 100 Z-, Lirs UR.4.11-CE . „ . [NDEAINITY AGAIN : 4 1' 1A)-HY 66 FIRE.—FRANK 11111: INSURANCE COM PANY OF PIIILAIO:LPIIIA. Wire, 4. sod Clicetuut street, near Fifth. tilatemout of Assets, January Ist, TSCO, publlahod to an act of Assembly, being— First Mortgages, amply secured $1,896,893 90 Estate gloa,cll4 cost 102,..1:33 PI Temporary Loma ou rumple Collateral tiecuritics— . Stocks (preooot value $136,667 72) cunt Notes .d Bills Itecorrablo... s2M.s„osi Or The only profit.; from premlarne which tide Company can divide by law are from risks, which hare been determined. - • • Insurance matte on every ikucription of property, In town and country, at rati s as low as aro coastal e t with security. 811:1,0 their incorporation, n mired of thirty ynor they have paid lonaes I.y lien to an amount exeroding I oar Minions of Lhatand, affording el hien. of the wiratatages or lunn r.,r 4'. /1.1 141.11 their niOl. ty and dialaieition to meet ti melt all inn batiks. Loa. paid dazing - T.1;o y.ttr 1g58: Marie" N. Baneker, I Isaac Lee, Mordecai D. Lewis, Jae..;. It. SmltL. Tobias A% Agnes, David S. Itz , nen, I Gen. N. Ricars, Samuel Grant, Fades, 'II A IILES ANI Eli, Preddeel EDWARD I , A LF., Fi.. P-,. ide7d Wit. A. SsLi L, Scer.s.orypee km. J. GARDNER, I' ,, FFIN, Agent to yll OM, Northen4 ear. t. A Third ij RAN CP, Insurance Co. or North America, PIIILADELPIIIA Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., PHILADELPHIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company etleslnottratu. In the above old and roliablo roni panics can be obtained on application to to2Tllly Ilagaier's Building -it, P 7 Warm- street. • NITESI'ERN INSUIIANCE CONIPA- T NY OS PITTSBURGH, R. BILLER, Jr., President. 0. IC GORDON, Secretary. Oalco, No. 92 Water arre,,l, Spaag & Co.'s Warn berm., rp stairs, Pittabnrgb. WW iwe,ne utPdad oil kinds of Fire and Marine Pinks, A Homo istertration Direcion who are well known in the community, owl who are dear mined, by promptness and /acridity, to rnaittrain the character chide they ham airantert, at offering the beer protection to Thom who dm ire to be taaarett: _. . ASSETS', OCTOBER. 3U , 18.5/3. Stock Accounts-- $ ri,non no Mortgages, 2,14 M ns Office Furniture23o so Open Accounts, Ate ___ 7./.4r., ss Cash —...-- .. lx ,:i5l Do Prrmtum Notes— 27,1195 14 Notes and Bllla Discounted _..._.. 174,072 13 R. Miller, Jr.. James Meaning, Nathaniel Holmes, Alex. Nimick, George Dunne, William 11. Smith, C. W. Ricketiwn, my3O F. M. GORDON, Ferret:en, CITIZ EN'S INIstRAN('E CO3l PA NY V OF PIFTSBIIIIGII. Offlix., corner Market end Water stmelp, second floor. BAGALET Prerident. SAIIPEL REA, fiereffm7. I mon, titenvnboate and Cargoes. hewers against lose and damage in tho navigat inn of the Southern and Weetern Rivers, Lek.. and Bayous, and the navigation of the S.-as. Insures against lase and damage by fire. DIRECTORS. VISI . T I P , Jr.,S. H. Kier, J as. P John Shipton, W. G. Johnston, James 111. Cooper, D. F. Jones, S. Ilarbaugh, Reese Owens, J. Caldwell, Jr.. Hon. T. 11. Bows, John S. Dilworth, Barclay Preston, Charles 11. 1.13 g. Cessna Bingham, de:10:1 yd pEOI'LES INSURANCE CWII'ANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Ste FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE Wen 3.1u3 Wm. John Churl. Wm. B. Hays, E. Parts, Ps 8. Biseoll 1 ara ki.rk, WM • PHILLIPS, President. JOHN WATT, Vice Prrsiden. . W7l. F. GARDNER, Serregary. Jul4,ly A . _ I I.LEGHhhY M , UItANCI , . (MI PANT OF PITTSBURGH.— Om-, No. 37 Fifth street, Bank Block. I nsonta against all kinds of Fit, and Marine Rinks. ISAAC JONES, Presatrat, JOHN D..ll.'euDD, V. Preaufrot. D. M. BOOK, Secntary. Capt. Val leant Jones, C. C. Ruswy, Harvey Child, Cent. R. C. Only, Juhu Irwin, Jr., B. 1.. Enintentock CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Mrs... ado and Federal fir, Allegheny OLT. A. KELLY, ProratcroA. SPLEIELniGE.ODA WATKII, PATENT M.ID/CINEs, ac E/rPlryalclaas' prarstptlons chorally COM Ipomad ed artlr rh OTIAPER.-2.5 boxes recd tnr lab by AISNNY IL COLLINS. OILS, arc. lEEM And /factors In 04 ND LDS, &C., &C. W. A. CH A PMA X, A.m., Lti ' '& 13'2 Ymut am Ltonuf.turor of I=l W, P. JONES, Agent. MEM Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, Daivd M. Long, Reel, J. Thonlaa, Def. P. Dakewell Joha R. James D. Verner, Capt. John L. Rboade Samuel P. Slither, G.arge P. Jones, Daniel Wallace, C. Lltuaon Love. DEAN, Gelserat Apart Joho D. McCord, Capt. Adam 0 1. B. D. Sha ling, Capt . Wm. Th.., K. L.]lcan•®, ItobL H. Davis.