' . ___-__ _____ _ ____ _____________ . . • + ,,,,,, L. h ~ ..i i, tr 44 i Nino of rifle pail : in panab f ers th wth i sugir 3 ,ed hereabout In thethe mile of P 1 7 50,1 " 1, Pl', ', • .4 ' E Tir .1 D rERT ISIEME..I'7% S. AYE If ' ..11D P ' JP.: IR TON /Eel/ E. t FS. ~ E Elif - JD I- ER TIS EOPLIEXT S. 1 1143 4 1- arg ,mgazeile. ,u'vagend a o rd r firod e their is,.cces, e but i the gre low 1 , b,„ : „ . se c d tim f z m now w h ri e : of y Richmond art t. el c , ti , - I -1 01E.N1).--on \I ed - ueadai 3 -, - citing, . - rs --- ti ft I 11;. - t - 1 -\I I Der, 1 . Qt. 5 t.a.101.4.2Tia.1313.3 11 -st 1, Orme, ) OUR RI,T ,1' 1)1:rm; 1 )I.L.NT roads which i 0 TM arm, D., iI , - i I - II I number collected into this massy about Jeff. Davis t ard re h t i t " f rien ds,' hat it i .rvoun , o• s atm Cm eey d'h no, r . to, ~, 1 j 4 1,1 \III i , -: , ,,t1e1l prurto , ll.• ,1.1 S. RIDDLE & Co., erect obliquely up Its steep face, and went ou seem , to men new and justifiable feeling' , : 1 ' et' rt le" I"""" 1 I' s "' r '"''' ' " 1 -- erirrata um roorasuresa to their t• 1 vengeance would fill your ort q.t. could e 11 u, -• I , - le , t.l I k ~ .1 IL, a I, g ( kill 1 ..,....,..,,, at th 11,2322 until too • at'l `ar t - Yin.", t• - , , n ,lo rli -I It, and d I rent s at 61,0‘ ES ‘. l tx tin ISt CLOVES 1 Some regiments pressed en anl !wormed up see men oho but a few month, or wcr. fu - TUESDAS MOIISING DEC 1, IS6B the steep suite of the ridge, and here anti er lift,dragged el 'ern t.' ollation o, t 1. , t ...: l•CO \ 1 tilt 1.1 1 . ______ -------.---=._ .-s--- there o color was advanced beyond the Imes yeti verge ot death I, "Carrolton ^ then co I'l Unw Ilene 1150.. , tn. ac nre heed enlcr w' I , , I , , I In. • tn., •In v I r D11°1" Aid' \ .. JO\ HMI \ F, ' nolllll\ i STORE i i i ~,, sooodie ,, - - T , he at , teMpt appeared most dangerous, Mat versa wsth filth and , full of tieTalr, and I''''""l' '.an I , mn h. ""," net '3O li I, r . 4 , I• I 0.4 and t../1 n rt. • a Alnds Is WITH like _sot oe , maAnv. mois t- 't h e ant aur .1 was supported, and tile 1-0012 sant. fi 1 hlve Leen tempted to e I elnan, I. I • 'l .., 1.1.`,...11A1l 1 1.. r«,t , I lit ''n Cv Ilm, t tor 11..1. t,. rI 0 ety ~ I/1 uol etre to 1it, 51 ,, , ,' the hi tot If air, I. d r raterho to moats, which at thr moment is e write re - was ordered to storm the hetehts, upon which it pouthie that we have hoen for yeys tactic- , u,..,. i., t • i as Is, wto lean th be onered ' (11811111 ere tiloves anti gantlets. main in sotrtn degree of doubt, ue have, not lees than forty !tweet of arillery, and 1 , the rule of these dsebohcai Nero," the: re Q . I .1;:j 1 13, 111 porch or,' a two story Ti and 79 11,,k,,t, Si , ITT ll FITT one knew now many muskets dtood rend, to bare crouched to feed freer their ham!. at li t.71,t-n/ 1 3 Xr.,m, Dwelltna, nil In good order, au 1 \ .- • int • • be 1 lit ered en Illth Gr , . 1 . , from an points over the widely extended 'laughter the emotes:its. With cheers answer- besought them to grove the rod eel Ict toe no. , m film. il , t Loot . 0 1 I • t 't.l .', feet not 1 ,I ' '1 f 1• r u field of operations, the most eneouceogin g tub e to aeon, the men swarmed upwards I natton Ilvo" that even now the remnant of r 1t li , I .to Ms., on who.l llt. in a *. ,vt "I frau i. fra...... 1,, ) . L. k U VrEoh le , ' lot. They gathered to the points to difficult ~f I bander lickspitties railing theni.elves •• dem t. ,, . accounts of sticcesses attending evel.7 11D. al 9 tt Onto both ret Lawrence , ' e 2...til . LS I ascent, and the line Wel broken. Clint . after I oerats,' ere anxicus to do Silber detd. of' ."'"" r'' " derlaklng in which our armies are engaged ' , color was planted er, the summit, while ma devotten before Olio people's bloody molo , F s ...,,,s1 ..,,5,....4,•tia a 0111 e)I. .t 1 - t - • _I. II oa. ..., , t • tp, ~,,,, 3 0,0 t s ,2•1. Von, n competent Mop. t ortor 6 not . I troct. t• . on 1 n toot s. 111 I s int,--...e. that to nu arc Of OILVer 3 moat pregnant victory over kit and cannon vomited their thunder upon whose tender mercies tiro cruelty and whose up u ningt)n, It 1 . • Is i • ..., a t , 13,1 ,-. j Embroideries, tin' 1... I and a rre,pond• tette tie nano In Ibis. 1 tont+ te death! Ship your DICAS6, if we were etsrtatp that its ca r- I them Cl "Pl' nrh "' ls "' NO ricF -The public sale tat Quarter Lace Ontnie cad ~,,,,,,tte.ot for ..n, formation, pun, i. • [Limon at A well directed shot from Orchard and ex- I Libby prison and Ctuitto Thuuder ' Go c , ~,,,5 , ,- . ,: ~,,,,, s. ,i ssrt ,„, r.,. Nt,, E D., E.,,,,,, , ~ fos • (roll, def.,. ilarten Handherottell4 l'r . ~,ait fau•l no.. mukol Pr nte-als t r Mal, ' ate effect was, what Its ultsmata effect car- pludud a rebel caisson on the summit, and the , them freely in exchange for the groaning pa- the 2.1 „t D oe . m her, i. pwip.tol until 9F D• k." 1621. n orl.•A ,:,.ire th.. • umber of 'be L t o blab the tatnly must be, to put an end to BCIL•iIIDG g gun was seen galloping to their right, its delver I triots who te-day bre in dongeons, and sigh Del, th I Ali tII Tt/111'1••••, Ol ''l ' I III's" '-sot. I- , r IDI ,-“, than at 11. let I. l-. 1 tor , and udart.s.ed to t i toi t. lrotas I lashing Lis hordes. A party of our soldiers in• , for a breath of pure air. Thia w ould be a I del tr.l Captain anti kQAII 7 8 3 . 1.• •i,r•a•l I. p • I oil her, • 1... n mgre al Dp"it t ...!lial terTIMG °I is MIAMI Ia L . Pito , urgt , peril at Knoxville and to deliver East Ten- torcepted them, and the gun was captured i righteous ezebange. ri 10 1.12.i.:3r: FOR TIA EN Tl. li . 1. Itzi w „,,,..,„,, T „. p .„, ~ , ~, ~, m r, ~ m, ~,, , nessee tram ' tho presence of Longstreet and , with chet.rs , Yet is it not hateful to see and hear the., g_ -.Sasso Iltilltllne I to tear fronting fa I.t en yi n , . ~n,,,, r , . gr .„ ,„ ~,,• I. ~, A fierce muoketry fight broke out to the left, cowardly traitors who stay at home, heaping the east olds of the Pohl!, •quare near 111. '.°" Mar the maraudng :bands he leads, we could 1 I where, between Thomas and Sherman, a mile contumely upon the heads of men like the Oct nom., i o 0, 0 City o r Allegheny • confidently await the results, well satisfied, or tea of the ridge was still occupied by the President and Secretary of War I The men n fee tnrine 0 1 , 0 1 7 1' bE i 9 lITT , ttl E r ~..t.yanc, No 89 Mani ld.l , l' d t tlt MI rebels 1 who are for earnest measures are the special ~,,„ ~,, I Bragg le ft the house in which he had held objects of these libeller? contempt and cou p , n r -„, - , -- 7 --- , -- ---- - wear*, that they arc not far off, and that 1 ---- - he le no laggawl who is pursuing them . ' his headquarter., and rode to the rear as our timely 1 The fact is, Mr. btonton works day IN a-a PHD It/ IL hi li An,e,, Grain' thoroughly understands the work i troops crowded the hill on either side of him. and night to prevent these fellows from steal- ' 1 ,. „, r,,r, .4 A t1 t 11 .,, , 2 11 ,,, 1T ~ A ,, , '‘,o i st fire te , ,, ,,,,, „ ere before hum He knows that the district tel I General Grant proceeded to the eummil, and ing the public property i lie watelles for e y e d -' 5 .,4 , .„'d p „,,,,,,,, ~. 711,1,' , I there did we only know i t s height. tors and thieves, and when he catches thous I IneMre of treLDI ASEIVILIITILI be held, is order permanently to contest the I Bocce of (ho captured artillery was put in I the penitentiary gets a new Inmate I lfeneolw railroad, the mountain ranges and the val- position. Artillerists were sent for to work the the mound and groans ' The oopperbends I - - F A: ..,. r guns. Cntsdond were searched for ammuni t want a nes, Ployd dynasty lan apothests of I I_,A Pl 11 sALE 01 111 E Isils..d.cON, or A 1TT10.7 -9 111 be sol 1 on THLII.ID It I'AM , toy between, and the entrance into the great ninon. The rebel log breastworks were torn I pletrider at which the Harpies shall preside I xi, at to clock ,e the afternoon, at id hIILVSY'b seaboard plains of Georgia and the Caroli- to pieces and corned to the other side of the 1 and thedays of Buchanan I Co. become again I L.I. of the itit.u.l.,dnE,hl..,,ol.4:groitfi.ohrlt,rxtt,,, tlx.trtileeng not without being open to flanking attack,' ridge and used on forming barricades *cross. I inaugurated! They sigh, in view of the p yre. 1 Ott without clot I amonv rets ane-ortment Us - bilge A strong line of infantry was formed in the I eat, in the words of the poet :- Is, as has frequently been shown, " a Irian- variety f Lolloo anahlhildreno bets of all kindaand rear of Baird's line, hotly engaged in a mos - I 0 dal, of ancient gran d eur, are ye gene sista and Mid Is the nnly char , . • t,gt t Cheep Fora vie of which the Tenneseee from Warrenton to ketry eonteet with the rebels to the left, and The war (acne none too soon to rove our 00- ' I T . ..7 p 7 57,1. ponies „, ! a secure odgment was tOO2l effected. Chattanooga ts the base, And Rome the , l ion from destruction I from that death by relent: The other assault to the right of our centre and the possesram of this : latter place ,s suri'. - gained the summit, and the rebels threw down I nker whtoh eateth out the heart of public , VAI,I ARIAL , . 55 t lII,_ 1 virtue, and leaves only a loathsnine corpse to ' Pa/ to the full security ..V.Ahe etrayetic position their arms and fiod. Ibe speedtly hidden from sight . Worse reloeries i 111LITilll LOW' . Hooker coming in favorable position swept , whsch commenuts the reKtentre" there aro than war! Iris more deplorable to De Ilarr • ililitiry Law I yet., S TO Pr,. ill GO , vi,...,,,, , r,,,,, A r „,, D I )1d Awi.,,,,as, the right of the ridge and eaptured many behold a nation besotted in Its evil COUT9o I (ellen et! o Alibtary Laws, 1716-18 1 3 15.50 . We have no manner 9f doubt that he is prisoners. deaf to all cries of justme 'to consumed 11 ) Bawd 0 hillPury Law end l eurta.liarttal 3.1 1 Hen's Undershirts and Drawers. oven ,' tow pressing fpr this "coign of van- Bragg's remaining troops left early in the lot ., or ease , as to yiel d the history of it ,, Yoe sale by RAY troltst -I orr...t - - __-- 1 ..a ntg ,K lat u; and the .a bo fi a l fe h ',, , ,/ ,./ Ch w pt u to .,. noor, o rk, fter e d , o ,„v ys oth,r I glonee end the future of the brace,at the bid I S ALT tags," and that BRAGG eau roily no force to dais of a more grown rich and p road, on a present him from attaining it. -- of the rebtehoe in the centre is broken. Bernard. plundered people ' Than to be thus - list. , o BARR ELS , The account of the important stop Of 'pro- 1 " ,,,, Tfr a i. 1 7 ,7' .. ` 1 " . :. -7 7, , ,, `” r E ‘",,,, , ,,,:, a r 77,,,,' " 9. ,,,, K 2, - i Better be where the extinguished Spartans dal are , p o i. NO, 'I EXTRA, grass Gen. BAXXII has made in Texas was t h e ,th,,,,, are threatened in the rear, and an- lin their ;nod charnel of Thermopylae.l also a cheering , passages in our dispatches oaten Pwory ~ added t. 0 . , - 4 opt- of - c--- I A nobler future snail. lit ' whtn 4111 de in I new bright I a-reli f,r tale 1 r yesterday A glance at the map of the I d"'`''''l'''"'""cicr Bran(' 1 arras shall seek some asylum in a foreign , e PE', o k sail 'it Oki 01 , 1,0. i To-night the estimatee of captures Is sever. ,eh while the remnant gladly retur ito i;1. '''' -" Texan coas t will at once show the value of 'al thousands of pretences end thirty meees ot , she r 7t e e ' r/ , f the good old fine and those oho zt n d IVA I 11.1 s o tin 1101 :olt.Y , I I I,IIIV . . at home I o hound the patmot In the cabinet cud "„ pLit‘rl.% tin r .7.2,:. r e " te h r7 " h .. .. ',,i, b ' i " i 'r ,- " rlt i T ' t ~ die itetrailitliOn Of dOrpili•Olitilatt and Allin- / artillery. Our loss, for so great a victory, is not llo•Ort,• . h e ld , la& , Bragg Is firing the ra il road as be retreat, ' ..t t h ra ll b e in "eni " "i'l elliii''il." r'''' anti " U ' r . P. "' s ' 1 " "1. '" " le "". ''' I kJ. Marr. IV. like C ow-Bops and ell triesl. r herf ,u•`., r. mato ler tit ...I t on i ar• towards Dalton. Sherman is In hot pursuit . Tories of our ter oluthen. I,t O. 1111 tit art dui . 015 the'''. ' Ol "In , D'ut . I"' lAg, o - s sod .11 , 1 tII. II kRI:w (.. I. ILB nt 1.1.1 To day I viewed the Battle field, which or h , r ,,, , ,‘. ),., ~,,,,. 0 .,,. g , i .),) flog , tt not. -a il litre. ...mita° 1 cel lar PH, . a ril stn tends for six m il es along liftman Ridge and cheer the heart of our entr 1.. President, and „ r ,,„,,, ' ..."‘ ' , l ., .7, Ti I : i ll " t d ...'„T„., 1 7', '472, l a ," for several miles on Lookout Mountain .to h adv.,. r,I it, tae Mr. L ba, ~ Idli r Egs ~.,,I . Ittli - t , h, lltlt'l ti _ I., t, ~, t, ~ Probably ' l ' " r " "' d ''''''' i ^ "nl' has 0 ` .. " ...nano.. and wh et tr like th, to are in dead debrereti ( - tunny the ~- a rt But one assault was earnest' Let us all unite tilt. d 9 in t arle•C , , ~""s n ' '`,` '"' '''" ", I " Yr "111 . repulsed but that assault, by calling to that T h an 1,,,,,, tog f „ i „ ~, w , , t ~,,„ ~, T 0 0,, ,, '-,..,,,,,,.,, , L ,I nt' , 7 , `, ~.... ~.‘1 lll ‘' I': d . „b . :O o: ~.::: an eons point the rebel reserves, prevented them re so nt , ,i ~,,,, that p , ~,, an , L.. , nn , ' pulsing Any, f the others ' I'""I.:"''. ' " 'l' • .' " ' ' " ." I '''' I" I JOS. HORNE & CO T., all , I , 1,1,1,1,111 am rag u. I s'n le°1"I" , ' tI ' no , " k. ttl "s". " tin 2. tt• A few days since Bragg sent to Gen. Grai l 1 I Is, nod three Inr.L.l,ti .1 . tit ' r.. 10 , 1 ~,s tots a flag of trisect adetstog him that it would be XII , Ni.T.rnnollt% IL, T -.1 los „Shun-, C I int\tklot , ibt prudent to remove any non-combatant who , Baltimore letter of the rih, save trot ern ,r Al F ~.t I 1 t r Might. be still in Chattanooga. hlll.ll.lll.TlinbliT Bradford puts to re the copperhead Wet bit d No reply has been returned, but the coin • n oho ., I ,” ~ , • I llsrlet o i 1 1•, nr, Lim y a prooramation, C hit morning. _ batants having removed from OAs vicinity, suits, sort. -- " declaring Croswell, Davit, NI olnottd Thom , . is probable that non-combatants ran remain /. y 1 ...t,r I. anl Harris eh CI Iron, t hi n State tot'ongis s+ without imprudence. I.Go•ernor Bradford et en trotted a fat.,l error in L. Minces, Quartermaster General ' nt 1 ul lic Pt. stopping in between the Ile, ernment and the and 1001 of d. 10,111 VOtOrn Of flit tetate, for by so doing LErrEn. FROII WASHINGTON. he elected the •Itt`ef•Itl1110.. Harris, but th Arun trail, Int hate broken n file in clattering lure to forrcepeindence ,n hu l'lttobergh rradeite be with their The (1,, ,- nor , a man ,f W.i.SIIINGTOot N0v.26 i .61• crotchet! and very obstinate, but La mean • well, however mistaken he may lit Editorbleraerft -This is Thanksgiving Day hare, as with you. Preparations have been made for it. celebration in all parts of----- - -- -- -- ----- - -- this city. At the hospitals bountiful tables F..i..elitE),R.A.Ettn..y (,p,: ‘ ,,, V4 ; v ' x. E L j E i i N I ..1.•;(111i1-,,I,r,- Ira, . will be spread with the good things of the ri.NN A t• Intro! , r 101 pe-0,115 n i•hlr. Ir roll ,•v nen . of a bountiful year. Even the desptsed black will ' i r , :1 i t z t:Z . , , , , , , , ,, e . r 5 4 of ,vr.o7d.„',-; and ch unto , " i '' , ''' .. " .. "7, , , , 7L 6 be rece i ved into the circle of mankind for the BEllovr Alll,lO 11.1M10 ' l'.. 'AL tLLNIIIT 22D I , t, I a I tall • atm, t ra •.- MAMMAL 0ri1.7 lo Fon-th o. . rhr ee•-•••• P.'' . rll ', a , time Being, and at their new home-the At'. ) sp. n 11 , . 1 11110... 01 , , 11311013 Estate-will sit at n bounteous board, earcier. Is nor•he glin.n . •••22- , isms will: r. • rum. rt-ttl. lift krtr itisl, Ts, 1.1 tru2o.f liarattal list ossl In a i l I. r and have their thoughts all. directed to Rim r!" , " , ' , 7 1 7 1 .‘, g r ",,L ly Es 1..,,L, F.: , ~ ~. , V" , l' 'el l'. 1. 1 1 JANIE' , lad De, e..... 1 -Lettere test who wheels the sun In its vast orbit and ten, by reaeon 1 - Let oL Ito t b to- nine al-If \ 1 / 4 , d , pets the wind to the 612011 lamb 21,-• r, , ca.. It N'int Itt .11,Y.• flew this "contempt:lde I ankte custom' 1 tel 11 ell!, • 1. , " I" 1.1 Or thankllglrltig has tome int Yoe le l And i ant". r it. rt. wit . , MAh I Fk.hT I . LIIII.S.h Eh 1 I • tIlelt at. l 1 , 1 T .. ` ,, , , ',,,." im:7 l . , BILITI to this cots other tqual'y ' evitenipt,hlo' , T n it_iti o s o no er s , ,- a n . or i ,Inr n , 1 1 1 . 61 , ^14 . 1. , 4•1. 1 1 , 111.r their rialo, ! e '` , 2 e . ,t . e ',l7 unel from lee customs have gradually gained a little ground, ,1 lath till th.rtoth of ii,.,,, m k s , ~', 1,,..,.. sd i tr e at ' / / ,, """ I I t ' . ' and I think I may n • ne add, hot t taken ro , t tailed [hey are w e n found., eon lor too ...moulded •,..,`, , that the, ow., be. .0..,... ~ ,,:he 1,,,, In a r,,-,m Per example, you may note PM in al, ports of I 'red and unicorn r. to -e.I 1 11, 1... ri . ...In at at toe ; r attn....am lane oompaniel of men repairing L'''''' drat .' and grading and paving the street. Sewers , St/ 11l :It'll I . k I 11' It tP PNI llPTlri` , , ~ 3.13, c • mer are 'ast exten • iing under tho flacon gbla,no.toe, ig b. te,... I , __,,,,,n0u• end ill , la P 111 11 , 1IFL Fit I ILM 000 OF the acme and ~,, , I r f ni.u•iitur a "", , , :Ent f'n ,In tie letuperar ...IL e L'ecr, "ea' A. l f:ARIt , On , than tit oL. al. et L uent,u. I atilt that ty eieet ,no' has lb ut dal been dire - dr.-1 by n.u. u...... a its ot T I great pools or venter-Bow 011 rrruv ..' : parent, ate,. tarn or . or o ~,L . . arr 11101. L. - m 1 •ry LIEIehIiILER(LER loving per ha.5....1 al In s o( the Gard P. 3 rr IT.ltatt h . .2.1. t.• re n• 0 , 1 , d ,,. " . , N ,, r , n ,.. ‘ h .: -° , ff , ' ,. ‘ .7,.,r! "''d o ,7 are i " ?...C ' rr ‘ ... ,' • L.' m h ord rtil "' p ""h ?.:t l o 1. , '‘.:". -in, 11, At . said Um. or berme r "....'i t , t" " 'lb . •. '' '''' p ro posed wort so ne effective agency to olonn on. the i,, orip .,,, p, „,,,,,L, i ,.}. 1 „,„ , p ..„.„. L ,,,,,,,,, a l, ~L,, '• canal which rune through the very heart I orneer. at ...e- too I , r r , tits. ry laws tee made, 0. aso• of the city. A n d suet a canals ye genera- and thole nant,, .'fled To far tlit.t , tilt pr , irr "rid ,,,,,,,,,,.., . , 1 . , ,z...f0 , r ,. ! n p olo , rr .L:. , Ll , l , It . 1 1 1 , 0 ,, , 11: . ,..1,:t r l 0 u ,, Vt ,, , , , t r • .., liens of defunct. eats and doge, Les placer '3O remove your scattered remain! ~'') ally ki , 1 „,...,„ , Al ~, In p,,b,,,,.., ~,,i at „.h, I dwyeeta membra ) from this mansoleum of your pisce, hereafter dwiermie tln the pnl.llo print.. 11 glory how, oh, how in that world which the each of which pla.e.l.lhTh ILT PhltheJ het las KW I chomp], of reetemtryohuitie have prefigured I CD m•Y b e found . ~A , hasten and owe" , Dub , c olli , for you, will the Tinwa be r ecetred, and amid ' 7r,",..ri.r...,,TZ'n.,„'„rr.%1:!,. s '.' ', , t, ';', ..1,'7,",.:, arc what mauling and growling will the announce- duty may be en,' cd no -I a I W. al ..,•1 I. Its. 2 mint be made, that another "contemptible , to tee than Yankee custom '-kindrod to street ears-hats fly order of the Bart of Foe dlm.nr . J. li at last been inaugurated In a city Ito long provo. m.,,h,, „.,, in tl3 , I , rOsTER L a lain i, l Pa and P,• t .(B at , sacred to dirt and chivalry ' del ilw The nation fights and works I Look, ye ~ .. t, , ~_T y.0 . ,, , I \ 1., ABU t Lot., I:\ 1,1) , admirers °Woe , on both rides Alto Attend., ,•,,, ..- at our Young America ' Standing like an on.,,,z Ttlr - II OILS-11 LEGG los, i ( ITS P..ST athlete in the midst of the people' with one m-.. lola I.o..lrraT hand the monster Python, oecesaion, Is East and Not, through and way Dune. 'I 1.30 a in thrt Wed, and with the other the canvas . Eastern-Phi a., Baltimore. Washing - taught to glow the dome of the Capitol is .fo• loft Co 3150 pco I.Ln ' lr NI,- I. m. shaped and rounded , the colossal statue of Bousr 1 ,,,. a ,, ~,1, ,, y,,,, i t r ,,,,,,, ny , 1,. :11: D P :: Liberty Is heaved to its place upon the panne , rows of I ( battarcga, Nashville, ateroph I. I 7 ' 30 *** cleat the gorgeous temple , the long 7 nion p• m granite columns which for years obstructed the ,-„„.n., highways hero, are made to fall into the plan ThlTill west , -Clutinnatlt Chicago, to ...land, to of U.° Treasury building: Through Taat,-Ploiledelphis, BIM Pericles hacked by the Greeians, so fought more, w.„,,,,,,,t,,,,,,, ,r,,,, 2030 rto and so builder, in a asonll way! let his Wostsro, through and way mails . ... 13600 p ist. same comae down in thepictured pages of I ra , e , o , r, " A. Yii. It Unala9.oo p en. Plotarah as one of the earth's great ones' c0 .„.„..., m, ~.i,.,„„ A c use° p se. What shall future eenturies say of our own w.,,,,in,,,,, ,-,,,,,,,, 3 1,,,,,, kc 0600 p at honest President. laboring in these days ° I gutter, Harnionr, d r 9loo p.in. doubt he deem(it not die praise, Let that °fin Ottmanshrag, John...fen Cr...._...2050 p. fn great, patriots , . people ; a peoplo who have torah, cre A A 0 W R. It 9too p m. 111 01,0 a to dashed to the earth as with lightning Woke, Charatrle. ga, ICaelecllle, On f 01001 c et the plots of base consptrater., doomed to the no ., +.t .el/1 El. RIDDLY, II Al limbo of vanitlet-year VI 00c1WItrtla, your ----- -- -- ----- IT _ -- wTTF.sTioN I VOLUNTEERS - Vallentit4-anereore, and your Seymour,- ' slid notated the way with [ho word orlbe `l' ln 0 " . '•''''" "'"'•"'"'"•' n•V to 'a Penne. Artillery, cot .108Erfl ItOTIFR Thle poet-etc tear ad Astra ' , llesoment is parrnatintitly slat "net at /art Monroe Cartoon changes Indeed in this city in the I ih r a...M.3 of the pt.M. Dv sunning In It, all ens, three years last past ' All the outskirts of the Imre. long marches and privations of the fie ld us town, where vacant lots melted the idler to I scolded, and men are provided with comfortable while away the h - ur " lylng on his back in re ri i ‘i fib t : ‘eho'nel'ltergy-:n.d'aire'7l:olL"relrinfe'trrtiltrit Z:1 the grade and Looking at the sky' are now way- to all the Coto. et 'Artillery end infantry fiddlers ere 3 with got ernment store houses' Stables, Alt the honours pald-lies to veteran, and On tO nr horse depots with their thousands of occur now vobsideco , pant/ give perpetual stir and lift to the moue Roll ", "r further i gg i t i rl..l! t t: h Lt n r , " T i t ' ,. ' Itospitals-medels of neatness and cleardi i ,,,,,%„= . spas-crown all the knolls and "coigne of asps .10.46P11 D. 1111SPILeli, e antago"about or I. dwelling homes are being , °foetid by rows I all the 'various traders and ' Itslawy 1., ad Daum. Artilisei ekafferers which attend upon the rapid growth LOW ns att. as it Were out of the ground- 113 ~...._ _. _ ._r rrp, _____ots sw - Y H, I, UZYLNIAN 1 t ° ,;,,,,,,ii alas, ' , n th t h go t o ,,,,i, ,g 4 everywhere in 1 rmaras.., ABTILLBI/1", etas old Nerfir's i t e world. All the main streets are now Ihthrr I ti r Bounes ra $lO2 and $3OO. threaded ' wait the boom railway 1 100 may I - ride from Georgetown to the Navy Yard, four miles, for tine cents-On amazing outrage upon gentlemen oatt° dominant here, with black servente, 'wearing Lat bands, and driving onisols end pee I do it goes, though. Behold the poor mane coach at five conic a ride ' And Philadelphia did ill Chang,s indeed ' Washington Is to-day, the I republic to miniature. Arlington lions°, two) years ago the model home of a Virginia gen tleman-General R E Lee I The flag of the republic n•tar floats gracefully from its great atone portico. The negso Wave) bowies; , , anoint for their decorations without, and'; shocking for the 11th and desolation within, are now good storehouses for army supplies Even the gentleman's dog-kennels arej found of use. A part of his eleven thousand acres of old oaks and arable sunny land stretching in beautiful and graceful lines along the broad Potomac, and looking down upon the then peaceful city of "slave-mangers, dew affords work to some thousands of freedmen many of them horn on his own estate. These cool retreats and shady groves which admin ' inured to the ease and delight of one man, these acres which have drank the sweat and tears, of bondman for many a year, that ono man might live in the enjoyment of luxuries denied to the million, now are made subser vient to the needs and wants of that ninon Call this agrarianism if you will! I am for cOnfiscating and dividing Into tee or twenty acre lots the land of every traitor In arms be tween the Potomac and the Gulf. The gov ernment did not ask Gee. Leo to forfeit his property and to raise the devil generally; hut since he has done it, let him take the cense qnertece, like the tat in the faille ' that would "run under the rolling hogshe a d instead of mound it. It is idioms Lialtlf he squeals. ',Messrs. Editors, you ;Weald not love to ette what I•here had to see in the baptists 11,12artErMOSter General Meigs , -Des. cription of the Battle of Chattahoogi. Highly interesting Detalleit Account: Sovitral - important portions of the follow tipg,tkiwtated_ and remarkably graphic ac eolintefihe recent 'glorious achierement of 4-10LST and-hiseblwand gallant lientenants, ldoonefr,, I : and ',sliiigna,N,._ have icireidg upperireViii our dispatches; but as 014.12catia:110.rtlf so complete and so intel ligible a view of what is not unlikely to prose pm most important Wile of the war, we .repteute'it entire. 7, 1 114:eTe t easress, Cuaresmooda, November 26,1363. a,Aciist . M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Sire: On the 23d --irietant, at 11,30 a, in., tiisstreialGrant order-eds. dertronstrattanagainet Miexidirßidge, to develops the force holding tt.' marehad.onto formed in order, anlieuiitimmil in tins of battle asi it on parade. Tho ,rebels watched the formation and dmVehirant Tram their picket lines end rifle pine andßOm the 'summits of Mission 'Ridge, Ara t hurglred feet above us, and thought it was atevitswand drill, so openly and deliberately, se regslidlay Was it all done. Thilirtelsdvancod,proceded byakirnashera, nailit72 o'clock p. to. reached our Ticket lines, arid opened-a. rattling volley upon the reisel , Tielsom, who replied and ran into • their davanced lino of ride pits; After them went our skirmishers, and into them, olong the centre', et thrd line Of '23,000 troupe which Gen. Thomas had so' quickly displayed, until we opened tiro:" prisoners lasfrt 'Oat they thought the whole inurement was a review and general drill, coil •that it erne,tuo late to send to their eampS Jar tottiforeemdrits, and that they were overwhelmed by force of numbers. It seas a es in open den t ii9ht. At - Sep. to. the important advance position of Orchard Boob, and the lines right and left were in our possession, and arrangements were ordered for holding them during the night; The next day at daylight, General Thomas had tire thousand men. across the Tennessee, and established on its south bank, sod commenced the conetniction of a pontoon bridge about six miles above Chattanooga. Tee rebel eteioner Minim was repaired at the right moment an.l rendered effective aid in this eriv.ing, carrying ever fix thousand men. By nightfall Gen. Thomas bad seised the extremity of Mission Ridge nearest-the river, and ens Int-ranching himself. Gan. Reward, with a brigade, opened com munication with him from Chattanooga, on the south eido of the river. Skirmishing and can nonading continued all day on the left and centre. General Rooker sealed the slopoe of Lookout , 31unritaio und from the valley of Lookout Creek, and drove the rebels around the point. Ile captured some two thousend prisoners and established himself high op the mountain side, in full viow of Chattanooga. This raised the blockade, and now steamers were ordered from Bridgeport to Chattanooga. They had run only to Kelley'. Ferry, whence tan miles of hauling over mountain roads and twice . amass the Tennoste'e on - to pontoon bridge's, brought Maur supplies. All night the point,-of Mission Ridge on. the extreme loft, and the -aids of Issiohout Moon tain on the extreme right, blazed with the °amp eras of loyal trempie The dey had been iihe of douse mists and rains, and muck of General Elooker's bottle' rose fought above ilot e.t.a., which consented kite fir3Molar,viess..brst lento which Ids enuOlZOtry At, night/all the sky cies: ed and the full moon, "the traitor's doom." shone upon the beautiful were, until 1 h. rt.', when twinkling • sparks upon the motidt-sln side ghosted that picket skitinishing..was going :op.. Then it ! ceased. A, brigade. sent from Chattanooga eiossed. the Chattamiege creek and',Opened communication with Hooker. - General Grant's headquarters during the afternoon of die 23d and, the da,y of the 24th, wore in Weed's redoubt, excePt when to oho °oars° of the day, he rude tang the ad vanced lino, visiting the headquarters of the several e , irnmandern to Chattanooga Pallet. At daylight on the 33th the ' , Start and. Stripr were descried on the peek of Lookout.' The rebels had'evaceated the mountain.' Hooker moved to daseend the mountain,: and striking Mission Ridge at the Roseville Gs? b t: s r, sr bo ce l p o'n- r b i otlx i4ld s e e s e a n od as o c n its it su o ntic ff ii e t t .! light guying% gireuntog regiments antfr.bri- ' rules along,tho .110troNe summit of Mission Ridge, indiet-Odneentrating un thi iight to orerwhflmfiberinsn, or marching for the rail road lard raising the siege. They had dvaenated the valley of flietta tiooga. Would thvy ahoution that of Chicka mange ? - The 20•pociniiere and 4i4: - Inch rifle. of Wood's redoubt opened on......ldission: Ridge. Orchard 'Rivet; sent its compliments to the Ridge, which with rifed l'arrotts anew.ered, and the mlyntiOnade that commenced, continual all day'. and shell screamed from Or chard Knob te Ridgo, anti from 'Missionary-Ridge to Orchard Rails, and from Wood's redoribt•ever the heads of Generate Grant onei . Thonass Lund stolflorno were with as ie !hie facoritblo poiltion, from seheees the tutee coot/ Er seen as ie ass alnphah,fro. Tho A t atiettlartorf,teero under fire all daylong. . Cannonading vitt musketry were heard from General Sherman, and Gnu. Reward marched the Elerentheorps to join him. • General Thonia* sent out skirmishers, who drove In the -rebel plekets, and chased them Iptn their entrenchments, and at the foot of ! Mission Ridge Sherman made an assault ' against Rtagg'e right, entrenched on a high • knob nett to that on which Sherman himself lay fortified. The assault was gallantly Made. Sherman reehed the edge of the crest sad held his groura.for,lt seemed to me, an hour, bat was blo6dily repulsed by toserves. A general advance bas orderedi and a • strong line of iskirmishers,,followed by de ployed signalf d e a d e n i two miles in lenth. the ign of shots from the h ead- As quarters on Orchard gnob, the lino moved rapidly and.orderlyfotnid. 'The rebel pick ets discharged theitimusitets and ran into their rifle pits. Our ukirmisbanutfalLoved on their. heels. • The 4ir /u144 1 e -MO 1304.. fat bean and We new MehlesY rlinthidltarni oat of the ledge. PUBLIC .rOTICES Rocrnly 11(1111i61 rat this wall know,, Pittsburgh Platter 7. Mow ► 131LktlIt8li11TEl wanted far la mune. Roomlla enlisted...or any Pennsylvania Ar• tillary, Cavalry os Infantry in tb. field. Apply at 37 ET MI bill MET ow:aid envy 1.3 4. 11. YIN LET, D05e...12w ist. Meal. and Rearnitta• r . - - 4_ , UNI(IN CITY P.XECI;Ti v (x )lat • XITTES.—The mambo]. nt the Union lily Executive Committee are requeatml to meet the of!lco of. the North American Oil Company, ! , :o. ro Tnth C 1 STBSET, on MONDAY EVENINO, 7th /MIL at 7% oclock, for Ihn purpnna nf Inking tt , relative to tle• upproaching municipal .rotting. A punctual ettandance Is desired. I.ly onto, W. r. JOIINSTON, nu2o3 Chairman , City Executive Comm Moe; L 7 F- - •NOTI.CE To 6Tocatiol.DEßs. : Th. A ontud Mooting of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh & ronnelhoellle Redrowl Contpouy will to held et the &Bee of the Company, (Jou. , Building' Fourth etroet, to the City of Plttsburth, on the 'FIRST 110); DAY kith doy,) Or IIF.J'ESI• BER NEXT, .11F cracia.m., for tie purpoee of electing twelve Directors for the ensuing year. no2l:td W. 0. I(I76IIART, Secretory . Orrice go/ 310114040•21 ILL IXSUP4) , O. CO.. Pittsburgh, Nov. 20th, 1041. LD END.—The Directors oftllll Company have this day declared o DlTiliand of TWO DOI 4 LAXB arm each share of the Oapital Stock 'to be applied to thn reduction of the Stock Dos but,. no2n,tdal N. E. DAVIS. S.Grearr. . • - • Conics WiThMosnAsucie simonises. ~ • - Pittsburgh, Nov. 2001,103. ELSOTI(FS FOR FIFTE DlltreTOßS of Vats Covipony, to SOITS for the teeming rAr will be held .1 It. °Mee, No.. 99 Water street, ou kcrasiaY, D.o3.brk•lot, N'twen tbe honrs'of Il t. or.-and 1 p. m. noWted- ' 11, E . , IYATIS., Secretary. 7, rniFe . MAYOktALTY 701 0 ALL& "0 : •• -41.astm—tlipt: Mttlertilmt, at the matt oollcitation of many alttosne, tom consented to 'permit hie name lobo asie &candidate tbs tisMsity of Allsgitser DKr, elle ensuing ennaleitargele. sele•te OMM]eatl F., pyotos ii. Crleala, Shavrili, ficarfs, lirae , , Rib.. , ,.. . IStm•ets, Han, Testi., kid Wove, Children's Cloth . Mg, and all kind , . of SVoaring Apparel. MC - A NAV I tiG ON h 0 PER (Mil. 'lll3 Fitt V. ,nt• you ern