Vittshurgh Cutttt. MONDAY MORNING- NOV. am sea CITY AND SUBURBAN earovvicuLL PAPER.'"*.Q The Inquest in the Rattlgan Case. On Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock, Coroner hiedlung continued the lureetirration In the ease or Thom. Rattigan, &tee:ord. James M. Gallaghor, Esq., testified that ho knew Patrick McNamee, and saw his testi mony in print; was with him on Saturdny, tho 14th inst., at McNamee's own house, in the Seventh Ward, until ten o'clock at night. On Friday evening, the 13th, ehey were together at Eli Young's saloon, on timithfinld street, baween nine and ten o'rlosk. lie did nut see Itottion on Saturday, the 11th, being et home all that evening. Daniel nerwig testified that he kept the Railroad Rouse, on Penn street, in the Fifth Ward; hs,didnot see Rattigan at all, me the evening of Saturday, the 1-Ith ins., and did not know there wad I:000d in ireet,if his house, on Sunday, the Ibth. Ml:haat Sigler, a moulder at the Fort Pitt Iron Works, testified that he never know Rat tigan, but on Sunday morning, the 16th inst., at half-past five o'clock, he passed lierwiee house, on Penn street, and saw blood on the caller doer. The spot was about six inches wide, and the blood was dripping down the cellar stairs. It was starlight, and he could see it plainly. W. Sutherland testified that ho was a night policeman, on the canal bridge beat, and was on duty on Saturday night, the 14th instant. Re saw no disturbance whatever, and never saw Mr. Rattigan in his life. Wrn. Pinkerton was renalled, and testified that he was certain that he now Rattigan, tiallagher and McNamee, on Saturday night, the 14th, at Eli Young's, about twelve o'clock. John Wherry, of Allegheny, teal with Pink erton that night. Officer Johnston was recalled. and repeated his testimony, as given on the first examina tion. • • . The inquest was then adjourned until Sat neday next, at two o'clock. The Profits of the Ott Trade. The 011 City Register, in referring to the Young Men's Library Lecture. amount of business done by the " Columbia By the notice in our eelutns it will be seen J.B. Stewart, the Oil Company," says: "This Company was or- that this association will open its annual ..e i n i t n i : , : . - . . k ;' ) `',.,1::;.: ff . ° , 1 ,':,1 rr h,,, rotur,, , , , ,; 0 ,.. , ganised in 1861, wills capital stock of $2OO,- coumo of lectures ou Tuesday evening by Mr. I :flare very i ' ileasa tit wedding tour through the Vandenhott Mr. Vantienhotl la too well I principal rates of the East. 000, or 10,000 shares of $2O each. It is man aged by a Presitlipt, Board of Directors, See- known here 4i need praise from u , ;he is cur- o O a•Krr•lee bargains in lad. , • le,. at J tainly ono of the beet renders vre have over meaty, and a Superintendent of the Story 1 ineh',.. ceruer of Grant and Fifth a t reetx. beard. Ho will read, fur the first limo in this /arm. The principal stockholders are David city, Bulwer's play of '• Itiehelieu," a drama - - burgh,, G. Hartje, Bateman Gee, of Pitts- Wm. A. Shreve and Conrad Reiter, of : e o l r l ,7 l, l : b e , d ,ra fo t r o a t r, h d e f l i e n ' is tu h r e e d r , 7 , 7 th ,' , f t "l ,. :,,, i : f . t ti k :' , , 1 SOMAS Psiter, Plain .iha Orreamental Oil City. The farm embraces about fire bun- author ; in fact, it can only I le, to illy erre. Stet: 8.0..fet, and dealer in Penneylvania and dred stores. elated by a reading. as much is necessarily Vermont slate of the beat quality at low rates. , " During the months of .1 sly, August, Sep- lost by a stage representation. Hu will also Ollwe .... Alex. Laughlin', sea , the Water tember and October, the Columbia Oil Cum- read Dickens' sketch of Mrs.Gamp. "I.alrev'' •• Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • pony, made dividends to the. stockholders of is thus endorsed by her friend Mrs. Harris • - , , . , about $300,000, amounting to over $26 to the " Lairey (lamp you rally do amaze Me: never DENTA.L INSTITUTE, 2.0. 2.r1 i'enn street, in share. All those dividends ' have been did I think 'till I knoweil you, as any woman the p1u,... whore you can get the beat cheap earned by the sale of the oil from their landed I could sick-nurse and monthly likeways on dentistry in the city. Don't ferret the place, Interest upon this farm ; The sale of oil for I the little you take to drink." We pee the i.e. 251 Porn street. near liancook. one of these months amgfinted to over $76,000. I committee have 11:1110,1 tickets far the entire C. Si; t., Deur:ist, 246 Penn street, will at- This will go a short way to show how well course of ten lectures. They promise a anti, ~e t„ . , t .. aL 11,,,,,,j 0r ,5. o f his p r of ea siou capital properly invested and judiciously faetury eourse, and as we knew them to he 'ii managed, will pay in this Oil Region. Other correspondence with Prof. Aga..sir. D.fnie , 6 The Potomac Army, parties have been equally as successful upon a 10.01, .48.0. 111/yEri Tay 1,. and others ot note, At . .. , . ..,, • we think tho auhaerliet. will nn ibe heap '' i• '-''°''• • .'.. Yo.—\o th•'' igehce re smaller sale, hut we give these few et , M eeting tho Army of the Petema , bas been as a standard for the whole. The company 'the I. Coarse tieket , mar be i.httitned at ' have bored several wells for themselves, all of the Li hrary. or any nictnbc; of the Cow.. ittee . r.. ;' ' ' l ." 11 " ... ' i l u'''" "i' ' 2 i'' ''' I rhe Mar ray. that ye.terdor evening our • which have been profitable. The farm is now ecsetry push- i ',salt-a aa far at 1,0,14( Grove, producing from twelve to fourteen hundred Strike Among; Mechanic,. where thee toe. tee , Issues of the rebel cc, this. of oil per day. The company do nut A grand masa meeting of lEEE . ..IW, was silt, u E i li, I. ~ e- Or., this,. ,cress Sus,: Intend to give any more leases. as they find held in Philadelphia. on `Findaj evening IA•t; Croek• or ri‘er• arid a 1!.. , wards acinss Mill .it so much more profitable to wOrk it them- 11,1 s. A !. -10 ' rt.,A-1 inllnt, ...14 pe.ted selves. It is but reasonable to suppose from to hear the report ot a Auturnittee of Moch.n • 1,,,,,0,. , ~,,,,, ~ „. ~ I 0 „, ,c - IL I ,I past development., that this farm will pro- rats and Biackamitii, new on o ..,:ko in Nee ea ~,, ~,,,,., . 1 , ,`...: . , ~:, ~-,-..,' ~I ' ' , t ,:, ~ ,,,'„:7,'„; 7, duce at least 1,000 hbls. per day for the 1 erk, tlo• le I:er 1.;.. .. i ~..! ~r 1 , he ie tour tilde. landed interest for ears to ceme, as the wells mr. ~,, i ~ _, ha , t fi •i• the N,,, , ‘ ', er'e i'.. so . seatli or ,:, rt.,.. ,, I'. -I. in ilen"g, , ~.on•v. do not at present teem to or 111N1 the u• disposition to foil in rendering out I s i l lo i- e h ra te ll s y t ° T .' , i ' , ' l, : c' o e r 'l : at a e. o dr a , th r i r :- ,,:', 1 , c ' " 1 ",‘,.' h a " e " .t ,',.„!; e 1 ,,,,, N.' ,,7 .71 . . ' :. ' . ' 1t ' ...k 1 e . 1 - I . . , u ' g ' i. ' t 3 r; l .;i f t! , . ' . " ‘ l;rl ; .l l ' t r i ' ; ; : : thelr golden troaeure." twenty-Ore der cunt. in wages., and hoped for , w• m le• ''..” 1.....1,1 11, ate, and from then- , assietanco from the ineehtinics of Pniladei- I , M.ointain River, whore tho rebel Genera: phi.. Early, with 1 well's old 0. cps. .n , Mr. Powers said (lie maeliiiit.t. in Near tor' , oboe , s ,, twle,. "mows C. 11. is cork had now born 00 a str ik e for r„ month. et re- tee w‘tes 1., tb, .1. 'll A rotll:.1 , 10 1 .•St They seeded aid, any any action of the me . I "c'tinr• ebonies of Philadelphia in their behalf would Ray cans ,. ... tSi %riot, \ 1,..ja, I r . . ebonies of ee „ ipreeate a when the „,,,,,,,,,, tt y ,h„ e l e Tae report made ey iienero I Meade Is hlgl'y offer. encoo ruing ood suece,sful. A new base of Resolutions were passed extending t o the supplies wi.l i.e estatikshod in a few dais, machinists of Sow York on expresaion of the f , i ‘ 0 "el , '.hc e,tnY will "Prro , c w'th n•oc 0) inpathy of their brethren ,n Philadelpl, , a. ' ragilan , ox elf , ' to the Owafederacy and assuring them of material support to tee Wri 3 "' h.' ,4 a L o '.'3' a'. l I, seitrreahle r:n. The Gaffey Station Riot Case On Saturday morning, Capt. J. 11. Stewart, Sheriff ado-eta( this county, and the lad Camp• bell, who were convicted at the present term of the Criminal Court, at Greensburg, for per tleinating in the famous "riot" at Goffey',. Station, appeared before the court, for the purpose of awaiting the result of the motion for a new trial, which bad been made in their behalf. After argument by connect, Judge Buffington overruled the motion for a Lew . trial, and sentenced each of the defendants to pays floe afire dollars, and the costs of prose. cutloe! sittent of their ability. A Committee of one from each trade repro .1:5p1.0u0,....4 56q0...m0. ,VO,. 24,7 r ... - • The dented at the meeting WWI then appointed to Anon of the Potomac has finally aerered its oolleet money In each shop in the city, and toe a nd commarimation with Washington. report to a Central Committee of Five, rah- , and nothing has come through from it since are to transmit the funds to the proper part yeaterdtty forenoon. If there bad been a gon er:o engagement yesterday the wounded would Information Wanted: bare been sent to the rear, and con•eyed to The following letter was addressed to the Washington by the tt , Orosd from Ibis point. As no wounded race have been saint here it is Postmaster of Allegheny City, who, not tie' certain Chat no battle has been fought. The ingable to hear anything of the parties al- henry cannonading yesterday was probably laded to, has handed the letter to en for pub • of no greater importance than the artillery nn which often makes a great deal of noise lication,in the hope that it may ‘F"" conc h e r -nd hot little execution. Thin morning the the relatives of Henry H. Perkins cannonading was heard fainter than yester• C•sir tag Pes:enytc.i.sti , Csv•Ltiv,l day, but during the day It has been perfectly NEAR MORRISV:LLE. t •., 1 , NOVRM Finn, 211th. 1 0 01. ) The rein ceased bolore dark, and it is prob- To tie friends nf fleecy 11. Pen Ens, 11 nacre. 10.10 that the luantity which fell to-day will lure/ Co. E. 2d Pc. Ceaary :—lt is with great net inferrer° wish the movements of the army I regret that I hare to inform you that Henry except fur a few hours. H. Perkins was taken prisoner on the night of In emancipating itself trent Weehington; the 12th inst., while on picket near this place, the Army of the Potomac is to a position to with three other members of this company. operate most disastrously against the rebels. Pond Freshet—Heavy Levine in Oil. We had one man killed in the fight. dor;'t ,T;hould it emancipate the Union prisoners now There was a pond freshet on Oil Creak On know of any place to direct a letter to his enduring ages of misery in a single month, in Tuesday last. on which no less than two hug- friends. Yon will please send iMends O in l oranw is a hiti, n Ri t chmohievend, it will aerforme d cromplish one any army f the grdor oat dred boats started from the wells. A panic if this reaches any nf him fr He acments pby bravo young man, and was captured while J.- int; the war. °enured among the boatmen, and many beats fending his port. You will oblige the Mein were grounded and sunk between the Sher- i hers of Co. E if you will inform me if this man well and Oil City. The Reviver esti- latter reaches his friends, I remain your obedient servant, mates the total amount of oil ran at from lb,- Jonw thrsi, O. S. Co. F. 000 to 20,000 barrels, and adds: " The loss by I P. S.—Direct to John Garri, Co. 07, 2d P., destruction of boats, loss of oil, and deten- • Car., Col. R. B. Price, commanding regiment lion, we should estimate at from $1:,,000 ' 'Washington, D. C. $20,000. This loss will ran heavily upon the owners of boats, as we saw not less than fifty boats come by the bridge here, more or lees Injured. Dilworth tk Ewing, we learn, lost two barges of bulk oil, others small amounts by leaking and staring of their boats, while thesWaground all along the creek will hare to be unloaded. There was sufficiency of water, but the boatmen wore in too much of a hurry, hence the lose." Capt. Stewart, who was exercising lb° friendly offieeirof pacificator and mediator be tween the enraged soldiers and the Gutifyites, has been made to stiffer beesaso the fluffy family couldn't see, or wouldn't see him in any other shape than that of a fierce rowdy and rioter—a character which he had there fore been utterly incapable of assuming. As to young Campbell, (tie assorted,that he stood on the top of a car,several handfed feetdistant, and!an with meet wicked tongue cried out "got it boys !" Well, the trial is over, and the-Guffy ites have fallen far short of the vengeance which they anticipated. They have raided a "great cry," an*ealised but "little wool." The sentence of the court was merely nomi nal, and very justly de. The Local 011 31arket. The Oil City nryLllit , r , of Thursday, oontaies the following review of the market at that place: "There has been but h moderate Mud noes done item° last report, and no material change in prices. Oil at the wells we quote at $3, and $3 75 to $1 at this point, In bulk ; and VI, paekages included. There hare been heavy rains for the past week, but the creek and river have not been much benefited there by. The last raise upon the Allegheny wad not a general one, consequently but a portion of the oil fleet got through to Pittsburgh. Many:of the boats are aground at different points between here and there, a large portion of the heavily ladened oil boats are still at our wharf. Tax City Executive Committee, as will be Den by reference to advertisement, re, nveno this evening for the parpose of making the necessary arrangement' for . the ensuing city election. The following named gentlemen constitute the committee : lit Ward—John Barber, G. W. Catlin. 2,1 Ward—Wm. Woods, J. Laughlin. 3d Ward—D. R. Ferguson, G. W. Leonard 4th Ward—W. F. Johnston, EL Lindsay. 15th Ward—Jos. Kayo, Da•id Mercer. 6th Ward—A. G. McCandless, J. W. Mr !Shapley. yth Ward—Loall Rail, J. I. Bennett. Bth Ward—D. Hutchinson. F. Fredericks. 9th Ward—Wm. Wills, Wm. Willman,.. The Old Folks. Oar readers should boar in mind that to night it the time set apart for a grand testi monial Of the citizens of Pittsburgh to Mrs. ' Emma. J. Nichol!, the beautiful and aocom- Wished ballad's! of the Old Folks. As she tra:ably:uslated by:all the members of this celebrated troupe, the entertainment will ad- ho varied and interesting, and those who are mime of mnsio, both vocal and instrumental, should not fall to be on hand. Mrs. Nichols will iio dOubt receive, as she deserves, • alowded bows: Thanksgiving at Camp Copeland. i After partaking of the F timptueul dinner provided [or the neither, of Camp C,peland, by the ladies of the Pittsburgh Subaietence Committee, a meeting ,ros organized by ca:l- Mg Sergeant Thomai Jordan te ',reticle, and ele-t:ng Sergeont Laughlin a. S,ere tar7. Inst:sn. a committee conslsting of Sr, grants Kieffe, Peter Bowser and J. S. Li c-- ton. were appointed to draft resolutions ex pressive of the seas° of the meeting, end re— ported the following: Wregasss, lEfaring on this, the general tkanksgiring, partaken of a bountiful repast, we, amid the universal rejoicing ore: the un paralleled prosperity of our Government In the midst of s civil war, and over the tri umphs of the arms of Liberty end Light. should not forget those who have, with lavish hand, spread uur table with luxuries, filled our hearts with gladness, and nerved one wins for our country's service. Therefor. , Rceolred. That since the calling of citizen soldiery into the field in defence of Constitu tional Liberty and the Government of our fathers, the ladies of the North have Dever slighted an opportunity to ameliorate their recondition. relieve their sufferings and by their devotion to encourage them to renewed efforts In the cans. of Liberty and Justice. Resolved. That in the noble workrof kind ness and charity performed by the associa tions of loyal ladies we recognize the highest I christian virtues and the noblest and purest patriotism of which n government was over bleated ; but to the ladies of the Pittsburgh ticbsistence Committee we award the meed of praise for their patriotism and geiterosity. iitsso/e,/, That as soldiers we make our eolves worthy,of a Government that ran boast of such women for her crown jewels. Resolved, That the grateful and heartfelt I thanks of the soldiers at this vamp be ten lAered to the fair donors. of this elegant din ' nee. Resolved, That to the ladies of Braddock's Field, end especially to Mrs. Miller end Mrs. I Parker fur the tatty and elegant contribution t o our repast, we render our sincere thank, On motion the resolutions were unanifllollii v adopted and three hearty end prolongod l 1 cheers that echoed along the valley were given for the generous donors of the feast, when each squad and company quietly retired to their quarters, refreshed in body and 1 purpose for the work before them. M MIT/ HT CLAIMS. —We take pleasure in re commending to the particular attentive of those who have claims against the Govern ment for Pension, Bounty, to the card of Messrs. W. J. hall Patterson, In another column. The pension business requires great care and skill; these gentlemen have made it their study to obtain a thorough knowltdge of it, and familiarize themselves with the prsc tice in the various departmenu. We guaran tee them reliable in every re,nect, vol any business entrusted to their rare will he at• tended to promptly. SlEar I;V:C3.—Four eo•pounder rarlot gotna were lent trona this city to Clovelant, n few days since, consigned to General Coo, and in• tended for the defence of Cleveland. They were taken over to Camp Cleveland fer safe keeping, until the location of the battery en the lake front of the city is decided on. Rebel Money and Mall Fot 1 Britleti Steamer. Seer loon, Nev. n.—The Drill CTIRIPITX/8 FAIR AT LINA Ihruties, No. 175 ‘ c „„l e i ee , from N,,,,,,,,. Ohio street, Allegheny. Do sure and see the searched he the Custom hoes. place. We recommend her assortment of - eight, ee well as the baggage of ehoicie toys as too richest and cheapest in the A largo amount of specie, rebel mt Iwo cities; it contains the latest 'swine , from i rebel mail, was found on the el, thecost and Europe. ' among the passengers. ___...._ . DE.III or tun lxvveroa or Getz: nye.— I Our Killed and Wounded at Chatta. Levi B. Short, the Inventor of Greek Fire, re• nooga. coolly cmploYed in the bombardment of WxentscroN, NOV. 211.—The Times' Wash- Charleston, died suddenly an Wednesday, at Ingtrin speciel to.ilsy says : The °Metal state his residence in Philadelphia. meet of our lONA at Chattanooga, In killed and ' wounded, on the 23,1, 24th end 25th ; it the VIOLATION or URDIN•NCE.--01:1 Saturday, storming of Lookout Mountain, mere 5,000, Mayor Alexander fined Joseph Andereou and I 'slit the assault on Missionary Ridge shoat John Emerick, one dollar and costa each, for 1200. Our wounded are all under corer, end violation of ordinance in driving their teams . well cored for, ever the eldowalks. Plurrentier of Arkansas City-100 Prise S o o..—en Sunday morning the roofs of the 1 milers Captured. houes were found covered with snow, and ' Sormwitsr Pass, Nov. 21.—0 n the llth during the forenoon mow fell to tho depth of inet., our form., attaekod Arkenees City, half an inch—hut molting almost es feat an it Texas, and it surrendered. We captured 100 fell. prisoners and three gone. SZKIK'SLT ILL.—We regret to learn that Burnside Cheerful and Confident. Andrew MoMastor, Esq., Is lying dangerously Ourcleitsm, Nov. 29.—The latest news front ill at his resideneo at Homewood, of so C l- Knoxville is - to Wednesday. Th• north pert tack of typhoid pneumonia. of the town was burned, Inehollog the roil road depot. Generel 1ie , 11.1 , 14 Is theerftli ens BCBOTTL.L.—.IIr. Geo. 11. Keyser :—I have confident. had scrofula for five yearn, and could got —-. .. . nothing to help me, I Wan inducod to try one Re...rolling in Wew York. I bottle of your medicine (Blood Searcher). I Now You', Nor. 29 ==from returns remelted ' feel so much bettor that I think when I 11,0 et t h e A ,,,, b , thne p r „,.„., m w ,,i,„l r5,,,,,,,,,n, two or three more bottles I . will be entirely ...thee it appear. that the ',timber of .01/11M well ' 0 recommend it to arlY " o affil ^"d as enlisted in thin oily, under the new mill for I have been. J°"" C. '''" w. I voluntoors, during the pest week, hap been OstattelLoille, Po. l about 800. Are recruiting business was not Prepared and sold by or. Geo. B. 5* . . I s,,,t r i, In operation till Monday last, this I. 1 No. 140 Wood sweet. I considered very enoninaging fur the first weak. Our Book Table. THE LATEST NEWS Iltsvnar riv 7nt foot, Win and Ilassturres rr 1A62 and fly Isaac V. P. Heard. With Portraits BY TELEGRAPH. yorl, Harper Thttsburch bet iats y Henry hi soar, Vieth creel inert door to the itonte•ffi tVArtp. flog. A tinrely uret deeply interesting amennt the recent War in the North-west, with the enrage Indian tribe,. the whole course of which,—presenting a thrilling picture of the havoc and horror wrought - by the murderous pa,si - (n , that ruled in those dark and terrible days and nights. through the frontier towns and villages, and amid the forest clearings, o bore the smoke of the lone cabins of the p.onecrs marked for the essassin where his vin time might be found,—bas not been traced with any approach to completeness until DOW. The paramount interest of the great war with the white barbarian, in the South-west has in greet meaatire diverted the public attention from the war of lesser magnitude, I but equal, and even greater, horror,) which the red men and the half-breed. waged against our settle ments in the far North-west. Mr. Heard's book will supply the reader with a satisfactory narrative of this terrible episode of the war during the past two years. $/rY1 , 17 ,4 i4 MOM yet ATLANTIC. rt. 01i.31 . Wendsll Holmes. Bewten: Ticknor A Fleas. Pittabargh : roe sale by iner, rlfth stnet, .vent dour to the Peed-office. Henryy , 4 , 38 pp. Wm.. Those who have already made acquaintance with these brilliant contributions to the At laaNr in which they horn all first appeared, will be glad to have them per se, In such a handy volume as tee have here ; and those who not yet had the same advantage as the reaners of that able monthly, may as well be told that, whatever they trill be, they milk!' to be still gladder. We trust there is no nicked wit suggesting anything to anybody' in the title which the Doctor had" chosen for his h oo k—at tenet nothing worse than this implication, that whatever other people may do in the At/antic, ho for his part mate the lead and goon to the bottom of—his subject, ootir,e with Ilk ielueated nurses, will appear at the theatre this evening in the popular drama of '• Rook wood, or Life and Dvdth of Vick TurpM. - Mr. Milos ap pears a• the daring Dick," with hie horse Diawatha Bonny Iles," The perform sores will rouelude witn the Capitol tore of • An Alarming t,adrifiee.- ~..I.l,telet AND the Army, lining ex pained in sudden changes, should always be with "Brown's Bre.hial . they giro prnmiit relief in a Cold, Cntigh, nr be Irritated Throat. spECIAL LOCAL NOTICES Prauda In the Het - tout Department-- The 'Rebel (len. Itoddy on the Ten- , scows River—Conscripting at Col - nimbus, Ky--The Nettie Moore Sunk. C•ito, Nov. 2:,.—Frauds upon the Revenue Department to a large amount has o been re cently diaeoverod in thin port. Some of the parties implicated ha" been arrested. Major becanne, chief clerk of one of the principal shipping houses here, and a loading operator of tho gang of smugglers. 111 supposed to he ono of the guilty parties, an he left here last Sunday and has not been beard from sinoe. The losses to the tiovernment are already re. • ported to be $200,000. • There aro rumors at Paducah that Usneral Roddy with from 4,000 to s,ona rebels road° their appearance recently on Tennessee ricer, below Eastport. There was great eseitoment at Columbus, 1,:y., yesterday, by ton. Smith enforcing Lien. Ilarlbett's conscription order. A large num , 4 s r were arrested for military purposes. The steamer Nettle Moore, for Nashville, I with Government stores, was sack a Friday 11, the Ohio river below Smithiand money arriving in letters and exprass pack- MOVEMENTS OF MEADE'S ARMY. may that be a harbir.gOr of a decided victory The country atereibouls i 3 ono of the most ages for the.primetters, from whatever coerce, a --- is taken and'ilepositml with the rebel quarte conceivable for fold operations, It is truly named the wilder: em, f,, - - mild, of master or 11,-bnieed, and 111 owner in r • per muted to draw it in a stated amount in rebel Communication between Washing ton and Meade Cut Ott small growth woci tit,,irt 1 • toc i n , ,f t o o paper, though they a:low seven dollars in Con- --- _ whole svrrface of the. wholes, O.i '.o.a o , federate currency for ore dollar in United I - lE.kl - V :KIRMISH .kT OAKWOOD State3money S, me of the summon , released ' penetrate them, except where path. me cu. these young forests the , i. : too ..., , . t yesterday on aroleirg for money taken from out. This enabled the enemy ma• o • them in Tarim: waya, but always with the The Rebels Repulsed ! hover on oar earike, •ften within •mi .T a promise that if released while any remained t moving Nell:am with impunity. It ea- adi on deposit, it wet: is lidos returned, were cruelly A GENERAL ENGAGEMENT IMMINENT. until late in the masoning that oar line -e l'"e , was connected as to keen na mooing earti.., told that the aforesaid Oa nrtermaiter had - on- Tl,e following effieiel statement of all the changed all their money, and they melt each , of cavalry from intercept:es: stir IX Co. ninety-five surgcoos recently released take Confederate money or watt. ur T ro o p s in Good Spirits I Another correspondent sin. that twenty of Libby prime. was this afternoon presented to the sth corps warms Wt.lo Cortartd. Wo The treatment roc,. eil lc our l air/met in of 1 km, ao , kw. the President, Dr. Ashman, of Ohte, Presl the greatest severity. rer 100 -- ktng out of the hare lent a large number .ii prisoners, and dent of the meeting et which the statement killed and wounded. The lied amps lea tr, ,- window three night' since, orot eas shot and km an , Lattanant , an t , pitanktugh cratrnatn. m" ado p ted. While ere hone all along known It stantly killed. Those harms Medea end a re to nine hundred On Suterdzy reclaim; WasittlrGTON errs', Nov . Noe 27, 1663 their true chat acter, the rebels bare not only also some who have none, are taken out Into the enemy were ado necktie in in,: id oatta• succeedeil in convincing the world that Aro the, city and plld t w rk, guarded and Communications between Washing , '" and We took a large number of riamem Wm:, coin ' e e d o aleade's army Toe was changing htfi nee hole llorionie barbarously Violated (Ito rules of war, but that are completely cut off. There restrained from all liberty by sentence. It • o telegraphic mini:motion . and no courier ' their conduet was always regulated by the eat inn nnuaaman tight to sea u gong 0 , our , IsFord, where he had expected as to cram. La o et l u h save by running the gauntle t most scrupulous regard for humanity, the fol. Orange Court Clouse. It ireul I have been *'- must coming h om e to their prison house at I , t r l ' ar a o g ugh a eo g untry already swarming with following doetment, which felinity and night carrying their Implements of labor, be- most !impossible to crow al Gore-tem F. guerrilla+. A oottrier, however, got through dispassionately moues the facto on theas the moony held Gm :Mc pie whati 0. , i spotted with white wash or showing other , this • afternoon, bringing details of the army faith and honor of the ninety-fire median! !ago , ~, hating boon a, work . the river. • operations down to noon yesterday. Those Mosby holds Brenda Some-, Tao r I..tome °Airmen, none below the rank of major or operations are all preliminary. Meade seems captain, It is valuable nut only for the now lln Rank.," winking i Mem thirty of our men urn now employed 1 shoes, supposed to be to be gradually pushing the rebel army on running no farther than am e Alm:moors eta Tight it casts on the dismal sufferings of our I Gordonsville, and it is believed that If Lee . lieu e c' "ic p prieonere, but mainly because it glees for the rebel army. Some officers have been 'etlaiVeif the sufferings the attectation of an i to the i compelled to acrub floors, elute the water the whole line leommie ,wry .i. - • end Mai i I moans to fight at all a pitched battle Must be in." e i '' - ih ' ll lt ' l '') eiar ' , aka,' I closet of the prison , and perform other anenial ' Imminent. Our army has an abundant.* of until der k. • a that no man in het souse will roe , loos. All me •nd ell hate hoer at all rations, and In animated at once by its per- tot:it, to l l .‘,_, ~ .„,u, , r a ~.,,,.. ... 41.urtkil•-' times nin o n their imprisonment In Libby, s ub- stilt of a retreating eneuma and by the inspir. The ti k I 4 i sq, Friday night to the front . n. at Ormi a. s' l laroteoraer A ide, Chesapeake Bey, ,Vow. 26, tooted to menial and brutal treatment on the ..-- 18113.—At a welting of Surgeons of the United part of the prison subordinates, and the Cap- i oart mouse. i l ug news it heard, just before beginning Its , i , a ' movements, from Chattanooga. Slates army and navy, lately confined la lain and the Inspeetor of the prison, when ' Firing was beard all itay a oii. i.lity fa m The f o llowin g Is an account sent In by the , and - a prinon In Richmond, Va., of which G. 1. Ash - applied to. not only dare not rebuke the sub- our centre ant, ~, nee n 4l.l.liily imaey . New lurk T en n correepondent from th e A r my men, Surgeon 93d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ordinates but encourage them to further of- of the Potomac the Potomac mum A Boats with million of r exandria at to .I..ions meet di ' r was chosen chairman and .1. MoCurdy, Sur- r„,,,,a" „m om Rubel-mu.' • Tracer., Saturday, Svc. :M.—This l army was in motion all day yesterday. The Front '.Vets Mrleone-Chariesmot o o t „ a , goon 11 th Ohio Volunteer Infentry,Sooretary, I'pon the matt trolling charges officers have it was resolved that a committee of seven he been confinei for from tercuty•four hours to enemy's advance wen met at en early hour in o F f ir t e he by dlo t b : i ii . . iil G , tii u ,. ..4“ - ; 7 l . ipt. ration. appointed to p re pare a repor t on the nondition several days, In dungeons under the Jail, and the morning, and gradually fell back, skim stiko , Toot, ac..y. •',. _ .r., ~,! , : •:1 : 1 ' !, A.e• awl treatment of notional prisoners in Itioh. there fed only bread amt atler. An officer, mailing heavily, until the centre of our lino Wadsworth, from New tortoann l i ' in ' ti ‘ ... ”" ,l - ,:. mond ; also the prisoners, quality and for onao; that ' wh o m, e or teinly did not merit occupied, this morning, one and a half miles arrived this eventno. Among her pas:Ammo: quantity of rations and treatment of our the term °flame, and put into one of these ' elouth of the Point , which is seven miles from are Gen. Wadsworth and Captain Dunham,,Dunham,, b sink and wounded. The following commlttee dimwit. cells, though at the time con valve - Germania Ford. Gregg's cavalry, on the bearer of : The Sea frd.ishizte.hei•ts;pat,n from , . iloi,,k was appointed Duel Meeker, Surgeon I'. S. rest frnin typh-id fever, and too weak to du left, the 2nd Corps in the centre, and the 3rd par of the Bth, which mays that Chariest.." T' 10, N J. Herrick, Surgeon 34th 111. Vol., W. raa „,a aang. Corps on the right had some pretty heavy sir- had been burning for sixty-three hoots, ei a Houston, Surgeon 122 d 0. v 1., 11. J. lint - Fat `no" than inu " nd "` l 61° """ i '‘' ro tillery practice and skirmishing to aceure a fi t en. „ Gilluso N re's i she i ls are m o mtneti3 meal .4 rick. Sermon 17th U. V. 1., Marcus Rice, been given to all the prisoners In Libby by prop, line for Moro active °Unmet opera • been " tidied by t Y he ' fa l „ " O7 T 1,701",::. ,t,'„` ''.:;! Surgeon 24th MASA Vol., John T. Lock, the rebels, and mere it not for theme received [term The loss in killed arid wounded to the under which they had mason it tog Amt. eurgeon I' S Navy, and Augusto. A. I (rein home. ferninhed by the Sanitary Com 23 tips is about severity. In Gregg's Coo- The Era says: St. Luke .C' or, ii :0 it . Ofann, A.m. Surgeon Inc It. I. Cavalry. The mimeo, nil WOW,' or if very mu 'i Tone) ale Do-oh - tie, Gutty will probably cover the cu lee street, , elt i„ . h , a ti t, . 1 , 1 e n n ti ti e ti , cl..l . 1 , ,; ,, ,1n , :Iv wr a :a, . following report tens pomenteil by tee chair- witlim the p o st leo., the floors 0t m ramonn ~,,a s. Ton a ur a yesterday ass only retina. The steamer TeeuniLli, ec h a min e . i , roan ~f the rommittee, whit'' , woe reed end have Mme A• a tie tat na lib , ' “' 'Ito• 0 ,,,, , for re -d a y, i f the enemy scene fight. cotton, was burned at Wert Imeie It r. a . , r . alopted, enartimonay, naor which the tom- aa a . , , , err 0 , o,e : • ii. mon. totthe 15th inst. No Ines were ions. The British brig Solent* , wit , a gi :I, r' It can certainly do no harm now to recaptu ammo received the thank,' of the meeting I ma, . m at t I• . ,• t ~ „ mom e , '''''' late the movements of thin army for the last verge, arrived at New Orlean, iin me :MO,. -t en .l were discharged The committee op- e,„,,,,, a • .m . meriting '''' forty-eight hours, which place! I. In n peal- prize to the gunboat Virginia. pointed by the United Siete., Army and eery re l ie f by . 4 0.411; . IL. .ii 1 ‘ ' twn ready for any emergency. The army was Kerby Smith him directed tan' win, m. 0..: i f Stirgeon. recently 11331,640 mi in Richmond, ~,,,,,,„, - . r . ta .„1,,„.,1 ~ , under orders to march last Illettiny morning, the n zbe c l o tr i ocol i s ie f n ror? .. .t re le i x , a r n „ d d r in t: 1. , . . t VII ,to report the pant and present condition. , no 1„,,,, ',„ r '. ' s"t•te reed, ' ' ' iult. unfortunate a rain storm, on the night rebel Governor of hote l and treatment of 1 nion prlsoliern, rem hold r 0,,,,, their t o 1 iiii 'l iri vaiii i iiiii v.ii)i '' 4 fore, rendering the roads next to impassibie, Near Orleans, Son. 21.—Tie ;musk brig ai that pia, Sul mit the following farts, the authorities make our ' e ' d ''''''' a . i mi a postponement of the day for march- Darling Wave arrived here en th: 2eols, as a m a m m al re on revrinni ohs,' alines and the n ot on ly anoomlo. it. iat iengeroor. a price to the gunboat New 1...i.d , n.; She on. ''';• Tuesday the storm reamed , and on Wed ra p tured whilegoinginto the 4 (Mende matement• of , . in whore Alter there art,. ~. vin lb.pitni the elek noniley, a miff breeze and an unclouded anti She had on board a cargo of elitotine tool n smear they bore irripliant minfidmice, anti are rr.t '1101.1,11y tr,, I I. and the ration, al ' materially in diming ti ne roads. medicines and $70,000 in mild. j art at Lotto ideonirs, reprenentme nil grade. of g*, en then, Isere a ' d io dew looter then them Thursday morning, orders anew, boon „a a The reports from the Mierirsipei -,, vr rt.: lath leon.the4 o f the serr,rn, r betined in . •e , reel 1., them while in tie pr men, but no sued the melt before, the whet., army was In t tr h , a ` t l a h e t e ra h : o l : r e : D e t e r : t i n 5 , 1 6 t 1ei t 1 ,, i „, ' I '''' ‘ ' e t ' , l en d: , sc . en ,soma of the I.lbll pi mom e bedding entr"e l 'al I.'".v lice '''''''''' b y P"" ti ”' of cri,tion. The let and sth corps meted te Cal - rt;er g not far there Pnr . di, ' l- ' . n P : l ' .. imptot firmer . Uttotl AA J wnrehon.e. t een r,..,n0 I. !,, d. mid e" • - lurk" i 'Y ex i'''''" l' reelee ' t “ popper rord, a a l er t i distance below Germania navigation , . 4', loot Itt ic and I t.O feet tense nth , iMe 14. lb, If IL Innintinn . that the Inorlalin) 3n the Mille, and the 21 mops to tier Men is lird, fol- a t ,. / k n ed th b e 'Lb the stea l iet i r , Flinmeld. ni . at to. h prisoner Lui ohne! 2 te, tub. fret of air gresi tined. rof 0.n.0. mime,: the l emu , laved by the fish corps as n supoert. The 3d ' ,lopes of y li a rtiFl o c r,- 7 l ' heY i ' rec i a ' ;.i. ' „ ' r y e " , 1. .: 1 i. i s :: The „„,,,,„, lane oop l os i e raa wall . l imo, ~,. po -ems at Riau,. lid, Va., end belle Intend corps went 1 1 • I '''"' l " . hill" Ford. two end e i one of which Trent toriingh the lei it Iwo, an,l re il,hk, , , but 6u ~ the v, 0 l ,rr n ee together, ha , r. arh, 1 the startling number ot half mien above Germania. giipatrielia can She was struck by a shell i.e 11.- b.iter th.,, , , Rinsed. hein; eittm, open to the MU ...imp of fifty In d.,3 V' Coe prison horpttal• are ~,,,,, no,, oudot cut tut, protected tic too, but there being , is i b: L ini y lag, the . ..reamd lor m id am m, „• r t,„,.,1 with ', mor d. n r rani a.a, inattecient.y ituppotd with methane for Cain to watch any attempt to make a flank , th ' T ' ho n r i :T. rq .': ort, 7 h 7,,n, :,,,,, r.,,.., ea ilm• trio bring the r oe-::. an d ,h,0,100, th , i ,„ p ,„ ~..,..,,„, „,,,,, ~,,.. nod finally.t,,, °Mani or Amara our rear. Gregg's cavalry strung rebel force gathering e: I I.laltn, 1., , (I n , e i th.• "nom. i. are! esrineittly as a teem lier• ~f this riiiiinillitt Individnallv IIatICIZ a,,,, ,no ~.,v,.,1 an the left fieak.ond Safari • arid another at „ .,... ,,, ie, N u.s. ' '''''..” ." •I'.“li ' ''''' .. • wily,- Pat . '" n" ' ' Th at " P'""" " I"'" """ a " """ "'"" l ' on the to r e!. a rom the lineal amount. of e rr- tro T ut he ß r n e t h o ` n .l6 n e n r a, u ; a 7 ,a e k : a u lt ‘ t . '; . , t el , ' ,:r t - ,"' : a , t a n i e o r f t ,' . ~t r'' '''' ''''''"'''''' ' l ' ''' le ' l '' ' ulu ' e l'''' the ' ei ' ' r'' '''" 'ate ih' 'l.,' n“ l tn , -Tt” , a lire tieolO lie, wear y , lit'''' n e n l' All their movements ieok Inke .l ;r.prirat,u, •,,,, an t loit 0 , ,e reentl la f oi.:1,1 at. I n alai ire ma h,:,! it, I I r"n 1 a emote e a, aru' r. „ m a. on i lugging rode pit. at Ilse rill (or concentration and i :auto ; ; t .tteries me .I o n ',zed rnakilttt • t not ~,puked the 1 4 1)f nal tttat• totturtl let t la , .1/ 1 ,111, ..t t i r ~, loon, ot r.toss,ng, o strong roststooon to .L. , ,,,, , tho ~.r,n it the 51 t4t. „Tit,. pro .. 4 , tithe,. her t,I a...940r 0.3 . MUM., ~,, .11 1 I VA , blnu , ll, 1 Irgium the pominge of the Ratidan ems ezpeoted. In The Cherokee ludiaue. mom ono end the ..uppty uf ‘r., ~.I fur:Al:as per-1% memorom Nos 2), Iml , . thi• till teas akfaitltt•lnted. The elm refs rub .r•elitSG/WILD, Mo., Nom 2,-- -1 rising itten rt... ,t, na... in•utbei. n a ant I et... Meetly fa '''''' ' e '' l ''''' ''' ' ins. " " i ” .. vTiir. et, fell ba',k almost without firlug • shot. The of Cherokee ILdiau•, hea.lect by t'npt.t.,h,,,E:, Lea a i t a , owe a n . i ll le ,rat iii. Apr ' om ...a ( 0.. 't" l' ' . " l ' " .'"*. '.'• l t " "" '''''''l' L ' i ' ~,,,r ~a , , ~,,,,e h e d earl) to the day on Thum- soling Chief, paid their ream -r is or, Goners! n - tit reedertim 1,11 .10. t b•zu•kleit one t •‘,I betweee Af ...mescal cud klu ' ie 6 A eli.l dam and fleeting that the enemy D a d eraser- eMoU.:elill. to-day , by b o y me ‘ e 'r t d li ' a r t VI, their r e n . lU t:il ' i l i ;i ' • • • -... ...- la.. eiaternem dioisien, ha. 0 i r eported 1. l l a d th e re pl 1 , 04 the troops commence d cram . the sufferings of the Indiana from 'L. itio ben- Mg at once. dims, and asked for pro M ,Lt inion pgri them on 1 bernday hlght Lb., troops. wagon train., depredations . . o li t e f de . .. , : i rc , a t ti c . i itetha . iti to Th-r• 1 • a attn, the , workmen ore buns and artillery were crooning the river. A sufil- . e r l ' i l i e o n 5 a ,7 1 1, 1 „ e as :'e,;,,,1;',, ‘ a 1 aa . i .„,',,,‘,. / r „'al h a e a . ' , - , mimeo in 11, .41/- ',III tho railroed (hi, itde meat Pa., less thrown forward on Thursday themselves of l 'nuanced eritiouvers. . lai eta,- kt the t.ioe of thilpepne - , but it o larda - credible - afternoon on the Germania plank resat to ' asked that the districts all, tied :et mania., eiol_Lit•, ?it, II ',NI' TO al 1111/,`U111,,, ' i should ho better protected, to enaeiii the 1..- cover the front. On Friday It is uno, moo i teat the Tatum mock. of ° ""' ip g ""' 1 duns to cultivate the soil and secure u mare Fifth corps and First corps moved from near comfortable home. Gen. aleNe.i repied Limo lhe " -lid h " ell te-e wet a'' I ,' k l " A a lelia'dela 1 the riser up the Germania plank read . 'ke had represented the cemdltiou tit Lao I for two reason that Mai d s " . '" N " t he men liiregg's cavalry taking the advance, and dein,. diens to the proper authority, recommettuing who wer e ge ' eed ' ag , ' a t ' elnd , t '' "i" get them ' ing the enemy's cavalry back, skirmishing to s w o o m u e ld m it e ff ri o s r u d ro t o h em tor ..i th n et i r b,, onprinement, anti whore Itlault ILL 1.10.:1 nn guard pi omi .or. m 10. taut it Oakwood. At this point and one mile be- power. cost., •TICIN ell to __ _ ._ ens yond, the enemy made eonsiderzble rostra- / Arrest of Capt. Cox- Fight al ('lt eo ns tuditi ulon that the amoudetory clause, ..,,, both sides haying out strung tktrunint, laud. limiting the eperatton of the confineetioe bill, lines. Charge upon charge was made on both Ilissurtum, Nov. 2.o.—Capt Coe. mete and t. the f'f'!"'" of a ;if ' "' me of the rebels ' sites by the skirmish Hum The enemy were clerk of the Duke, arrested toaniget, nal he le an addition not called for by any just Inter invariably repulsed end finally, suddenly in- r tried by id tk i n ht r e l l Cu c ni o ry i i n e a . e ' r ,enhahla,•?7,l3 theca pre ractattou of the imantitatien, and practically troduced aline of infantry skirmishers to repel , hundr ed n men, from the north to um a 011 .14.5 nellifying the bill, will, it is supposed, lead a charge. We followed It up promptly by a of the Cumberland river, Lear lat lanai t 3 a movement 1.-v its repeal early In the counter movement with infantry, and for a °°e• L d aeproaehing moisten ' :some believe that the tow momenta forced our lino back, but were in e th i c . la - tae n ff fig ht, .v7i h l. l o n ' otrc s ;on e a Prenale n t will now giro his sanction PA this, finally repulsed by a vigorous fire opened Cot. Long encountered a pumice of Woeol ih"lgh lee' "e'en he demanded and "' need upon them from the Sixth New Verb. lade- er's cavalry, at Cleveland, yesterday. Atter the peonage of this amendatory resolution, a severe fight the rebels were anima The pendeut battery, Capt. Martin. loss is not stated. a g ainst t he """"' 4 ' t "g' '"J''''y ' f The First brigade of Gregg'. cavalry .11•15• t A heavy rain fell lest night. The Omit,- both hence"ion, under command of Col. Taylor, did the land ricer is rising rapidly with nine tem heaviest part of this work. This brigade Ist Ira er on the aloe! , . composed of the following named regiments The . l itTruaiiii•Teaue. The 3d Penn'. cavalry, Ist Penn'a cavalry, Wassiectom le o. 29 -The c0r0.,,0r.0r , , r lit New Jersey cavalry, tat Maui. revelry,' Internal Revenue, ho' tOnclurvit to meom mend in his repori to the : , eerutary ‘4 th and let Rhode Island cavalry. Treasury, a large .nereatie in too Emma° Tax At Oakwood, companies li and 1, Captains on distilled spirts, the preheat tax being Wright and Welsh, of the 3rd Pa. Cavalry, considered very low, at. compared with that had the advance, and behaved in a most gal. levied d upon other geode. While lant manner. Last night, oar left was two Lie v l en s u t e wo o re t r h ee at nt ,;o n u i n i tr u y evra ,, ii _ ,,,, .1 r ~:„... iftei. i x miles south of Hope Meeting House, or Oak- yields lean thee ton per cent. Ant: a deemed wood, and twelve miles from Germania, on , necessary to increase taxation, to male the the plank read leading from Fredericksburg . liaer . no u: i f ie ttt i, e o e n x tin . pee ht t c a ht o iea s o C n f bo ori b il . r t e t e, , ; i,i. themte at. . ,d to Orange Court House. dod as t he re bel than on this. Therefore, t h e Cotalittni.onCe infantry was exposed so unexpectedly, to will ask that the tax be iremmed to 6•13. - repel a charge of the lino of skirmishers, as i skin probably the latter cola. above recorded, the' &drawee of the sth corps Steamer Destroyed by lelre--Coffon at came into posltion%ere opportunely, throw. !Seraphim ing null a strong line of skirmishers. The Como, Nov. 28.—A steamer frim.beatti,o,fi enemy opened with a henry fir e of artillery li.e.edndfinfeterhNuenwdrOerdlebania:B,loafileconuer.iit i ii.,, rc , o r.t tr. : i i ) .. spun it, whieh was traPende'l to in a "' l st consumed by fire at fort Gudtan L,: +ea k manner from one aide. and for en hoar quite en the 25th. a brisk mioonading was kept up on both aides it Cas h th e is in better demand atlitenip a thee , for several d ays, actor s a„I ncro . 3 o holding In one of the charges made by the saveloy . 'L3 been f 0m • higher grades for better prices. r twenty-four prisoners wore taken. . four hundred balee sold •t prices ranging As the train of the sth cerps was turning from thirty-fire to seventy- fire cents. Scam Pere the hank pike into the plank road, a fire hfunixiired . i bale ti s passed Caire yesterday a • or . • qt.- wan suddenly opened upon It from a concealed ' Health of 6.--i-,-i-e4-tienit -Extant! „ foe, when ono man wan wounded and several of the Sangamon. mules were killed. The enemy were speedily Wseamovoe, Nov. 2e.—The condition i t dispersed by a detachment sent out from the the President, who has been confined to It t a sth corps for that purpose. Having crossed chamber for several days d by sick d neee, seemed Germania Ford, the reread carps yesterday t e n ar h l o y muc o h v i e m rr r T e d he t r o e • i n s '', n a A n t li ifi r g "u i t :t e' t o h n i. took the first road to the right—the , symptom, o f i ii k a a il men t to ov oite the 1, are m Orange C. H. Pike. But little distance had his kends. been made before the enemy's pickets were , A eammilarti of t tlilekomtpeleentt„"yeln of t r i s Lao, eentemutered and a lively tairmish was kept biladetheaditrehocro"ungh'examiLetrionl i:f the irnta ' c r la r .d up to beyond Robertson's tavern. Here the Sangamon. lying at the Washington eery enemy brought forward their infantry, and yard, and Ptonenneed her i” ell teseeite sr , worthy. for two helm there was heavy skirmishing a and eonsiderable artillery practice until it was Altars In General Grant's 0 rru3 • spite dark. Next on the rfabl, of the second Citarrsaooos, Non. 20.—There hos Loon t e Is the third, mad then again the aixtb corps., eonhenstinnts4itedibbeelforownteadto-dnaY. I T ta h l e ter7.. " .t ) h . i t: The third bad considerable skirmishing In , view of making a stand. Our lino in beyond front, and at one time a general engagement . Ringpid. recalled Lon 4.ltre,t mooned imminent. The reason it did noteeme ' An order from lisegg from before Room-111e on the morioug of the off, in fact, woe doubtless because neither 20th. 0 . In on., c,,,„a,,,,,,,ng t o i , ,r. that aide was ready. We may hare it to-day• chieftain near Dalton by r. circuitous route. Gen, Custer, in command of Kilpatrick's esy- ' The situation faollimertlio to. Bridgeport airy division, anxious to mir in the figbt that ' 1 all that can he d esi red __ ed to bo impending, made a dash across Steamer silver stave W ave Sank-oeatlser seem at St. LoUle. Raccoon Ford with a Michigan brigade and I Lorna Noy. 20.—The steam- r Oilcan Pennington's brigade, and commenced work ', We, from St. Louis to Nashville, frith a fall in real earnest. As the position be was In , cargo of of Government !tOrCil and ac-oat ow' , might become a critical one, and as his , hundred be r m e,be . mi k e y o u t oo 'movement would oomewhat interfere with oth- !. t i o it :thttwiehey nOtbcirai st „,d ove Caine It 1 . eT arrangements en font. He sass direCted te I The weather Is very cold hero since yoster. re tree' the river. This morning finds oar 1 day afternoon, the thermometer ranging kern whole army in position and ready for work. 1 10 °° to 15 ° below the freezing point—too be- Rvetrabody seems to b. In good spirits, and 1 gins to appear in the river OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Bprlal Phorstrh the Pittsburgh Gesotts. CITY, N,. 28, 1883 THZ ,XI.IITON OP rNICIN PRISW , ERS IT RICH carp pok Ong nt Mt.,* t!. aparttarnts. , U leaf t 6.. he -1.1.411;: afetllll,illit , d ..011 L imulittitte:lvirriit• till futorargle.l o, the hoe 1., hap.: ly e el. 3 nn n ,Infina.l rannu. pinre • - thn :4urg,•,tsA left Itivlal.n.l there W.lrt , 'll't6ll: 0,300 seldiert held rn Bello I.lnnd, in the James river, Doer Uic il.en I el...tit an •nu 0,1 Inorit,4 Itt 1211= &laity of Libby. In tarro hatkiingot thn Alttnn of the men is shoot the name 11 I I that of I tho otß-.r• In 1.11,11 y, only they era n,a..h ,earded. Tho cont:“Ion of those on the Inii i• muoh awe, 1n insuffiolent number "r scats are fornkelled tv peeteet tl.em from I the nobi and rtin, and ne blankets or any , ether bedding hare been given thew by the rebels. Only ono surgeon Is assigned to Belle ; Island, and he makes but lone visit a day, i during whir.), he does not enter the enclosure where the wen were kept, t see those b.o 1 , et..k to walk, ha , attends to those only who ,1 aro able to con. to !mu, and when tho.o that aro neglected are sent to the hospitals it Is of• ten 'tog Into None of the privates in the prieon or shout Libby 11, forni.died r.lth had drug of any kind. A mombor of the r•ontniiteo re,mived a lot • tar from a number of mon belonging to the same command, and condi:ld In the hulltling opposite Libby, over theirs. "Dr. Wahl., try to gel en eomethlng--either elothete or blank , ets, In keen ne warm. Wu have no Ore in the in Fete] en, end harm nothing either to lie on or ,oTrr en, and tu g', greatly the rold.— in Libby, stoves I', heating parposra barn recently boon put up to tomb of the rootne. but no fool of any description has yet been I given to render them useful_ At one time the ration. leaned rontiletod of about throe•fonrtlu of a pound of wheat broad, one-fourth pound of froth beef, two ounces henna and a small quantity of vinegar and salt for eaob prisoner per day. Flubsequontly the lame quantity of corn bread, made of meal, and Hoc Instead of beans, were Waned in the beef and rice. Two - morsel of anything to out until four o'eloak, p. m. The Com mittee unanimously agree that tho rations furnished our prisoners by the rehol authors tins at Richmond are'tiob sufficient In prevent the priooners from sullAng from 1011007, and thus becoming debilitated and vory anoint!! blo to disease. Flom , of Om l'otomilion horn soon mon brought from hello t0 e ,,,, b, Iho prison hospital, literally iiinitlng In .1.4111 A United Stoles army nljb nr of 111011 rnnh and of undoubted rersoitr Ibora, Awl non n I primor in 1.111117 prl•on, told e the Committeo that o 11.11 11.11 n Island renontly Ih , wont fi r paroiletrion of the robot nntlinrlllo. In the prisoners thorn followed hint In nonik.lo as he walked around tin enelocire, and .1.4 him with negro voice., “Wo ate littolot sand U 4 bread 1 00011 to bread I" Warn a ens N., the supplies received from Noma, n o b, of Ihnon confined In the Libby and oilier prionnii mould escape the pangs of ,hunger. On ar riving at the prison, officers wore sem-ohed, and in addition to articles contraband of war, their money and other valuables are taken from them. A few .get all, come a great portion, and ethers none of their money returned, while no other articles are returned. All tha Judge Underwood's derision, rood/mating lobe' property in fee simple, le likely to be soon brought before the Supreme Court for ronfirmation ur reversal. - SIC 171111 , 0 - 11 rLtUt ACING ll' lilt JAVCI dle dl II if stated t.gatn that th• French fleet Is to go up tho Jam. , Rarer to get the to bught t v the Freorh tioverntnent `,loin rebellion, concerning which, 40 much been acid. There In a rumor that Count Ilevelt, recently Went to Richmond again. A Clerk of tho Vatted Stns.,. Supremo Court :n t be appointed by the !mixes nett week, vi Carroll, do,enrod. • Congtoss mt.•ta One week from to-tnormw. There is no doubt n... entertninoluf thu or guni,ation on tto (1;i1 Ie r. It it utfer,t,3d that tho I.L.D,noltrAtion 011.1111, to •t 'eon the spoalcor, do-k. e. .3111 at , 111,131 , , •lot , 'Aeeper and f , , , t , 1.4. I moot In the hal ,f the EMOTE Astons, and quite within the peat '!::nothing except , iftd of corn broad, hrisoner to dE ter for two nty-fene of It to In In: • hn proper epnim,,il the Internal llcs , o ,e system to the South, - States. ea they .ft-o ',conquered, may COD oildernbly enlal p tim red cuue. It is under stood that the forthrquing report of the Trea sury Npartment will cinemas this point: also, that It trill recommend the nonage of a law to reform the Custom pease statutes, CO as to insure fuller end more tt,curato records and pent opt baud,. Northern man , rir. 00'1. 11(111,N161. to 111,11110 ND JetT. Parts, awing to the unfavorable boarder at Woanooday, did fint re•low tho *lst ortuy, fl 4 he futonial, and ho said by risotto's to hero returned ItOltmond ao T hut Attar . . - ■a ppl le.. 11,. Clio: . Uuluii - I‘r lon.. rs nl W44lll , 4tAtok, Nov. iii.. The fianitnry Coco tom.. ho! io ,ta.r JllpNehed tram I.lsatimore logo 111V0t0.1 of olothiud soil sup- Ohio lho plisouois in Itiohmond. Thor bans ivirtoris of ibil ittOolikAiliet, of thoir 10.•W1t. 1.1110111{10.1 by renal authorities. ha forinanisit as soon 0... Id6l l Pb Is ,so o lsod Of lb* I "s‘ of ishrii hos *tinnily boon fturnistioct. Moamar Illornlng !Wax *elm& No* root. Nov. 10,—Y ***** lay tuorutnii the tioputy Marshal oettuntitos otoomor Horn tnir Star, previous to tor oislitsug for No• Or end otteohett sixty htsjiheeds of sup . poorot pork, but *Melt oontelnod whisky, it ht allege') for the Pouthorn fumy. The owner' tqtrOAd to hand the vossol for the return of (ho tour In the amount of $30,000, and the Mereaal then rPrnilltod her to proceed on hoe =ESC I=l I=l=l =MEI =ME= 111101iMalid rc..t'cf 54 ii". ':~'. ~ C - ~.. •'~.~ 'i"r9.~ry ~~d'?o'~4`~~S?in.~t+: