THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCERIES, PROD UCE,I* c. CHARLES C. BALSLEY, 01;11 RETAIL DEPARTNIENT. Produce and Commission Merchant. MLIIOIIA 15DISE BROIL KR, GLOVES ! GLOVES ! GLOVES ! And nosier In all kindle of COUNTRY PRODUCB, NO. 179 L/BIZETY STEHEIT, W Immo. iaradAu,....- CIIAS. a Jan. •aeraust.a tot the lata firm of B.& D. 11' Donald Ptttabarta , Cashmere Gloves and Gauntlets. Co. Wallarilla Ohio.) ArkINALD . & ARBUCKLES. Whole • izio °raw's Prodrmr and Cononlaalon , LABS 88/INBD AUGAB jobb.% in COTYBK, S A. SYRUP/1, ?LOUR, N. 0. SCOAR sAd MO- LADIES' CASIIIIER F. SCARFS LUBEC • 114,00/1, TOBACCO, TB C AS, BIE, UIIII.ESE, sme s to., Nos. 242 and 241 I.ll,rty 'trout, nue burgh. .14.1• grat MEM & LAZEAR, . . GROOBINi AND COIIIIIS6ION DINECEIANTS, 1 27 .4 2 2.1.22,.ad et ., oar. eeeana , I Real Maltese Lace Collars and Bets, PITTSBURGH SAMS SOWN., WILKINS L.INELLMS UACREOWN Zic LINHART, FLora ILL sso Gams Vacrroos, Pommels ago COMMISSION klaacnswrs, for the mle of Floor, Orals, Pork, Ba. coo, Lard, Bettor, Egg., Owe., Beans, Tallow, Grease, Feathers, Potatoes rot and Pearl ashes, A b4l.leratm, Linseed and Laid 011 s, Dried and Gruen T WHOLESALE Flults - Thastily, Glover, Flag and Grass seed.. Cash edvasiostrionts made on Coosigumeots. apCly No. Y7l: Liberty street. Pittsburgh. W . M. GORMLY, • Hosiery and Gloves ! WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 171 LIBERTY STREET, Plttsbarsh, !laving perebseed the Interest of his late partners, a ill ooatietne the business at the old strand, and will be pleased to receive the patronage of his eld Mends and enetonters. royl3:tf \VERB & WILKINSON, Comm asiox MancutleTa, Wholeeale dealers In WESTERN - - RWERTE CHEESE, DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, SIXTLE ARRIVAL EGGS, GRAINS, and produce generally. Alen, LEATHER, BIDES, OILS, do., No. '1.17 Liberty West, Final:ma-O. OFFTGash advanoemsom made. Consignments Jel2-raad Wal. P. 111.11. 7111011. AT WM. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 LlB orty Street, Pittsburgh, l'A, Wholesale Gro. rT: M. BURCHP.T.E.LAD . S care, Gommlailms Merchants, and dealer. In COUN TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FISH, An., PRODUCE, FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, dr., SALT and LIME. Jyld • 101 IN B. CANFIELD, CommissioN AND rOBl/161.10 31•11C11.1., and wholesale dealer I• WESTERN RESERTN CHEESE. BUTTER, L•BD, PORE', BACON, FLOUR, FISH. For AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Noe. 141 and 143 Yrosl Pareet., Pittebnrgh, ra..3 TIM& TATTLE, SE JAM= 1 . 11111.1 L. ,rrrLE THIMBLE, Wholesale (fro- L „ ,„ „ „, _LJ con end Commission Merchants, titulars to ...." “iv"" PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESY, FISH CARBON AND LARD OIL, DION, NAILS, GLASS ; L'OTI'ON YARNS, end Pittsburgh manufactures gimendly, 111 sod 114 Second street, Pittsburgh. t --- P. 111111141a...--.1. D. pArlitta. TIQUSYMER Sr, BROTHERS, (successors ..Lti to noroar A Azdarson,) Wholesale Deals, In FOREIGN Y.RUITS, Nurs AND SPICYS, CON- i rECTIONEItY, SUGANS, VIRE WORKS, &co, Ns*, 126 and ItZ Woad street, abuse Filth, Pittsburgh Jy294.7 '''''''''''''''' N. E. ear. Fourth Null Market Sta. GULP &SH EPH Alt U. Commissiox „,,,m Rearms wen .4 deniers to FLOUR, GRAIN, I ' . 1 - AND PRODUCE, No. 243 Liberty greet, Pittsburgh, NEW GOODS.—We have now in store (kola brands of Flour for Bakers and Faintly use ; mostantly on hand. Particular attention paid to 1 5111.11 orders for allerehendleo generally. octi:dly; 'ls complete stock of C"A,-LES B. LEECH, FLOUR ANO FALL AND WINTER GOODS, GalIN FACTO% AND COMMIRSIO7 Mulct - 1l ff for the aaler of GRAIN, SEEDS, UIf:ESE, PRODUCE, . most of which were purchased before the late ad for., aud agent for the celebrated Maimnen CR DIXNT, Noe. 116 Second and 145 Tlret streets, he- canoe In price., and wilt be told at low rate. Mom Wood nod Smithfield. Plttashuriple ea FRANK VAN GOB. DER, Produce and GLAND 'innistreATEPULEtl:ASE:Bl,Bittlsp Ct.] fdercheot, dealer in FLOUR,BUT- , ctoLLABs. BREAKFAST BETTS, 1.._ TSB, BROOMS, SEEDS, LARD, CHEESE, FORK, etyma •LINEN HANDKERCHIEF'S; al , l DRIRD AND WIZEN FRUITS, wtd produce peer-, goods at old pip.. SILK A GANG. IV. Liberal ceeh adrancee on conliguntonta. , MERE NECK IiCARFS, RIB. Morehouse, No. 116 Second street, Pittsburgh. BONS, rLaw - lais, FEATURES A 000000 0. 111.1.0-.....- ....... .............--...u.1111......5. ! Li lIFSCTIPO3 ; FELT RATS, BEAVER HEAD d METZGAB, Grocers and ', ,„EiDaTs..irrsSn:ElonATS• HEAD-DRS/MGM & every ' le , BONNET TEL Commlettion Merchants, and dealers in all kinds ! .. ~.., VETS, BONNET SILKS, STING CAPB,IIOOI 3 °r.C4 ' utr Y P "' " '"'" I Pituburgb M '"" a " .tu ' ZUUATE JACKETS, BREAKFAST CAPES, No. 219 Liberty et root, oppollte bend of Wood Strout. SONTAG'S, BALMORAL SKIRTS entirely . Pittsburgh. " 3 ' ll - now styles; SLY, QUAKER, anti other _ now HOOP SKIRTS, FRENCH A GEO. B. JONES 4V, SON, Wholesale ! AMERICAN CORSETS; BAL. Grocers end Boat Furnishers. dealers to MA- • MORAL STOCKINGS, Bmtpti HM- S I LLA RODS, OAKUM, OILS, PITCH, and PRO- I bed, Shaker, Knit, and other kinds, for burgh mannfactru - ed articles, No. 111 voter street, - 101 l and winter • GLOVES,In over style wad above the Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh. 1 quality ; good pen . KID GLOVES, In dark col ! on and plain Wank, for 11l 00; gtod WHITE KID GLOVES, for $I 00; M.'s SHETLAND WOOL SHIRTS AND lIILICWSILS, reel Scotch, and a fun Ilse of other toderminnwits and Irlidehinit GOods ildren. , ler Ken, Women Lod Ch . aorta? rs LLLLL ......... r, nx Ler.l.L. 1 ROBERT DALZELL a (X.). Whole salo Grocers, Commission and Forsvi.rding Her shants, arid dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh man ulactures, Liberty street, Pittsburith. TA WALLACE,Gornminaion Merchant, and WhAesale ealer In FLOUR and GRAIN, No. 30.3 liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R. A. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. storage Wars. hou,, corner Wayne and Penn streets. no17:ly xnaur... ...... Joict $01100? S. LAtiIBERT, SHIPTON LI: CO., Whole sale Gro.ers and Pr...ince Dealers, No. - 6 Sixth street, l'lttaburgh. Jan WrIT 70131 WATT & WIL ON, Wholeemle et ers Gro oers, Sneantission Merchants, and d In Prods. and Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 158 - Lib erty street, Pittsburg!, Ju2ii T, .1N DSA I TELFORD, NV holeealo and Retail GROCERS, FLOUR AND PRODUCE DRALERS, 187 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. sp4:am _ w. AAAAA • SCIIO.I4AI EL di; LANG, Commismos Haleakala and wholesale dealers to GRO czarEs, PL01 7 11., GUMS, VIIODUCL, Sc., No. = Liberty Irtreot, l'lttaburgh. sel3:4ly - - - I S. LIGOETT &CO , CITY FLOUR !). ISO hilt LS, corner Liberty and Adams streets, Pittsburgh, Fa. gialrCapacity, 400 barrels per day. &pi JAMES DALZELL & SON, Manufac tarots of LARD OIL, sod Ooramissios Mer chants for the parch.. and Nile of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Nos. G 9 and 70 Water serve, Pittsburgh. Advance. mad. on ccataignatents. N•a naran m c— V*. auararataa. I KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER, Bile mason to Brown t Kirkpatrleks, %MOLE. PALE GROCERS, Km. 191 md 193 Liberty street, Plttaborgh... 5p13:17 t Gee , Pow. • 1 DAVID 1111V.11.1.." HAL 1. ton. Bpecial Partner. MEANS k COFFIN, successors to M'Candlem, Means A Co., WHOLE-SALE GROCERS, corner of Wood and Water weeds,Pith bargh. y 3,1, fillEEl3ll AREHOURY. 7--- -JANRY NJH. COLLTHS, Forwarding and Commission Elm • chant and dealer in CHEER% BUTTER, UREA rim, and Predate generally, No. RS Wood street, &Lore Water, Pittsburgh. myt OLLAiN D I DDLE, successor to Juo Pon, Ito. DM Liberty street,ritte burgh, general PRODUCE, GROCERY AHD OEM missrox xxIICIUNT. Consignments respect folly solicited. teMbly. igtAlAir Dreg. Y Wolesale Groom, etalinind. Merchants, and dealer. le Produce, Noe. CO Water street and CA From greet, Plgaterrgb. orn. w. orcwoore ......... titLirosert. JS. DILWORTII & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Nos. 130 and 132 Second street, clear ecnithfisld, Pittsburgh. • onl .I . OIIItMOTO I . OIIN ELOYD k Co., 'Wholesale Oro el am and (tomadssicot Idsroitsa.• .ts, Non. 172 Wood sad2l3 Liberty street, Paulin:re , _Jett• CirgiLtBll CALI 7 .)WkiJi.., (snocesso — r : ta /aims nom,. a c 0..) POUR PACKER and Jester In rnormon, corner of lisrket sad 'r oost etreets,.Pltteburgl. isd G . J aoa . T TOWNSEND, (surectotor to Jack. otrusearl,) PORK PACKKR and ant. r la PROVIBIONS, Na. 12 Fourth Meet, Dear Lib. aPty,•Plttstruaub. u 027 .6.1111[1.V01016 a VOIGT /4 CO., succcenmore to LA, L. a. Graff, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 247 Liberty strata, Pitubargh. 30111 I 11100/ I.DVAILD 110V11. PAN L OUSE C, Wholsale aßooz l os A 11 ND COMMISSION O. MEACHA e M'S, corner of Smithfield and Water streets, Pittsburgh. ( . 10 ' PETTI I dr, . mmission kierchioste,_ and deems In PRODUCE, PLOUR, BACON, WOOL, GRAIN, dr.c., No. 12 Smithfield street,Pitttburgli. my 1.2.17 rilr—rAßD MiAZELTON, Sirholesale swam AND 00111141881011 211ERCHANT, East comitrof the Diamond, No. Id, Pittsburgh. Ital4itri 3 , 19111 - 0. BA A , " oesae Grocer, Noe. 18 and 20 Wood stree Ju t, Pun. 24:tf -- A LEXANDER KI oleettle importer of SODA ASH, No ; TM L m l b4 1 1 otroot, Pithdrollh• ~.,...,:, : - . 4', 7 ,, t `, ; , % gA.,,,.f.:,1.:..i. , ?ir , • , -.. , - . 6 ,' ..6'?:;:7, , :•: .',"' • Mir GOODS, Xt. MOSQUITO KID GLOVES AI•o, • [low luvolcv of LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, Of nes, nod elogant etylen lerruel and Ipeet •tovi, of MACILIIM & GLYDE, 78 MARKET STREET Between FJurth and Inamond. NEW GOODS, FRENCR MERINOS, for $1 53, chomp. EXPRESS OLOTII, for SI 2S, elle., IMEUMEM =CI CLOAKING CLOVIS ROD BOY rLA SFICLB ANU sactertment of NEW 000Ds. oat wit sea. 11191^Wbotosale Koom. op atilm Players from country, wad city dealers, will (Ind .r stock at all time* well mortal, and prices ea low as any other house. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. oc3l, 77 & 711 MARKET STREET. NEW GOODS! AT REDUCED PRICES ! BARKER & CO.'S, 5) MARKET STREET SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS. MERINOS DR EMS GOODS Gent's and Boys' Wear, .A 1,1110 FL.A. sigiErres GREATEST BARGAINS OFFERED THIS SEASON DON - I' BUT DIEFORM SIZING THEM nol7 GENTS LINEN CUFFS. JUST ILECEMD, FINE ASSORTM.ENT CENT'S LINEN MIFFS. EATON, MACRON. & CO., MUM EATON, MACRON & Nos. 17 AND ID FIFTH ILITENST, Pn muscat, PA., Sole Apia. tor Atkinsonie Steel Collars andantes, Zoom:fled White, having the sppeot soca sod com fort of Linen. To military auto sad tomboy they are Woolanbla P 11.101% 01 •Thil. CIOLL•aI AND Corn Gent's Nanning $1 CO each. " Turnover ".....«.._..«.—...1 0 0 " " Otrfb. 160 per pair . Ladles' Norio* 100 each. Bent by peat taree . carprof Pied &awe re.enanstlittl 5 a. 25 cent.; or vs TM exchange • NEW COLLAR for an OLD ONE, pro• riding it to not broke or bent „ for ES tents. The trade supplied at the Raw York Agent's prim /or price list Wren YAW at, pIACOILINI t 00., Pittaburgb, IPa, PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, Vitt iburgh 6nzett. --NOV.- :10, 1883 MONDAY MORNING' TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Moswucti Enn , 7oo, by mall, per year $$ 00. month 70. 18. Makile ouplea...— K• 6.41.10 EMU., 1111 zmil, per rat mantb.._ week " sheik, copiee... 2. Wuroxr iharletow, dotb agile,, per year... VII. • • doles of bto le, " IN. " debe e! Dior more .- 1 Lb, --and one extra to the Party oradtug dub. lfer • dub of fifteen, we will mud the Briefs Oearrre deny. For • slob of twenty, we will and the llouolato (haurra defy. Slagle ooploa, h mote. MrAll subooriptious aridly is advance, lead paper. &eard stepped when the time expires. Bragg's Defeat—The Situation In East S:peaking of the Into defeat and retrag.t.l4 Bragg's army, tho Cincinnati Gazette, of%i day, says : Yesterday tho rebels were In vapid' retreat toward Dalton, pursued by a strong column of National troops. Dalton is distant forty miles from Chattanooga, and is a point of some strategical importance. At that piano the Woetern ,1121,1 Atlantic / Railroad, running south from Chattanooga, is intersected by a road extending from Dal ton to Cleveland, whore it strikes the Ten nessee and Virginia Railroad. By this route there is railroad communication as far as Loudon toward Knoxville: and, as tho rebels had been repairing the bridge at Louddp, it is possible the road has been running very near to Knoxville. In view of Longstreet's position in front of Knoxville, the impor- LIDO° of the railroad connecting at Dalton is apparent. , Will Bragg mako a stand at Dalton ? If he ventures to do so he will meet with another disastrous defeat. If hu does not, but retreats upon Atlanta, then We 1109909 S all the railroad communications with Knoxville, and our army is thrown be tween Bragg and Long-strrt. Bragg will not, of course, move to the support of Longstreet, o. that would be walking into a bag, leaving our army in his rear, commanding his com munications. On the other band, Longstroot cannot now form a junction with Bragg to assist him In repelling our victorious col umns. That Bragg was disastrously defeated admits of no doubt. This retreat was not a premeditated affair, as is shown by the tremendous losses ho suffered, but a thorough and demoralizing rout. Upon this point wo sesame that if Bragg stands he will be disastrously defeated, for If with his whole army he could not hold his doliberately chosen and strongly fortified positions, what could be do with the remnants of a stampeded army against the Uniop columns moving in superior strength us regards numbers, and flushed with victory 1 We conclude ho will make no stand at Dalton, and by this time, undoubtedly, the Knoxville raiiroad i. in full possession of lien. Thomas. All this is favorable to Den. Burnside: but still Knoxville cannot be re garded as safe. The situation there is un questionably critical; lout if Burnside has boon aide to hold .tit thus far, the defeat of Longstreet I, more pro b able than the capture of Knoxville by the rebels. Our forces yes torday afternoon were within twenty miles of Dalton, and fifteen miles would into them to the Cleveland road, north of that plai-c. We may be sere, therefore, that Longstrcet will not return South by rail. The O'Kane Palmerston Divorce Cage. This cage has been, for sotne . weekt pest, giving all Lhe usual, and to many deliciotui, piquancy of scandal to Innumerable news paper columns and paragraphs. For our part no have devoted very little attention to it, and neither now nor at any other time believed that It was more or Its,, than a shamefully flagrant attempt to swindle an eminent public man. This troth we find is circumstantially rot forth in tire following liassage from the London correspondence of a Dublin news paper, (Saunders' News Lotter): Tho scandal with which the name of Lord Palmerston has lately been connected turns out to bo totally unfounded, and is, as hinted to you In my letter of the Bth, nothing more than an "artful scheme, planned solely with a view to extortion, through fear of publicity." The basis, if, indeed, it can be called one, of this monstrous impudence, Is, in quarters likely to know, understood to be the circum stance that the wife of the person who has verikured to file tho petition obtained two aud,lencee of the Premier with a view of ob taining some inferior employment for her husband, with whom she was then living. At the second interview, out of charity, and to get rid of her, his lordship gave her five pounds. Now that this/ husband and wife have quarreled, the former institutes this outrage ous calumny, on no firmer foundation what ever than the tine I have stated. I have just learned that at the Lord Mayor's dinner this evening tho vooifertme reception accorded his lordship was such as has seldom been hoard within those walls, accustomed as they are to confirm popularity in no measured sounds. The loud and prolonged cheers which wel comed him were, I am told, evidently intend ed to mark the public sense and censure of the insulting injustiee that had been done to him, and amounted to a veritable ovation. A ensEMPONDLFT of the Cincinnati Gowns, with Gen. Averill's expedition in Woat Vir ginia, in a recent totter from Now Creek,says he came across a farm house where butter was found. The price asked was fire dollars per pound in Confederate money, but the old woman was quite willing to lot it go for flu torn cents in postal currency. It is not a scar city of provisions, but the worthlessness of the currency that ounces the nominally high prices in the Confederacy. Too Stale canvas/tare of lowa hove just counted up the soldiers' vote for Governor. the Repubiloen Union nominee, gels 18,091; Tuttle, the Copperhead, gets 2,270; Union majority, 10,762. Stone's majority on the home vote is probably over 16,000.—e0 that the toion majority in all will bo "hoot 32,000. Last you it was 15,115; in 1861 it was 18,608 ; and for Lincoln, 16,298. - Tnaee slaves were advertised to be &bid: New Orleans on the 7th inst., but befors time for the auction arrived It was dote j, ..• that they should not bo sold. The Eroj; rt 7 jl mates that the sale was stopped otkliijOtiae an unfavorable state of public opintimetlika subject, native Louisianians even' declaring that such en affair would be a disgrace to the city. ileum or rue Passim:wt.—The President, we are told, invariably addrenea Messrs. Howard and Chaste as "Governor," Mr. Blair as "Judge," tho Soeretary of the Navy se "Mr. Wolin," and the &many of War as "Stanton." With others he in more familiar, tolling tho Commander-In•Chlef "Henry." and tho Governor of Pennsylvania "Andy." A Leman was received at Bath, Maine, last week, which was mailed at the arrive in July, in.sB, for Davenport, lowa, and was found in the bottom of a mall bag at Washington, Ti. C., that was laid aside for repairs, making live years and four months before it was de livered. Is handling greenbacks look oat f de mand notes. A leading business house in Lafayette, Ind., has taken over POO of them, as ordinary legal tender, In the course of trade, within • few months. The demand notes are worth the same rate of premium as Gold. IT is said that quite a number of citizens who fled South on the breaking out of the re bellion are stealthily returning, and hope to be able to lie low and escape the authorities. Rata ore in the habit of deserting the *lnk lug ship. EVENING Giffin TELEGRAMS, in- Go. Latest from the Potomac Army. doiag a lame 11l laud haa L. CONTINUED ADVANCE SOUTHWARD. ....: , ;rj; - C. 7 1 - 0 - . - li • lowmt market pm.... —_ The prseent proprletnr too der id..l to nt.'s from Crude and Relined Petroleum, Lee's Army Falling Back Stubbornly. we trod., owl os to bad hmllb, and now miecmit4 offers rho stock for sale; also the g ... 1 will of tli. re• 91.. 19 IRWIN PTE/ULT. TiTTSBURCNI. --- tiring party. The house has a large and rcespes.table l Ch n, osi g tu 11AtRld , , SI'TURE 0' i 1,,.. lalkl wiallnvwhec m,n eotine hounenid nn ars, toc r CDughorEaaernadmsks..m e '. could be reduced if desired. GI . ENItILLA MOSBY STILL ACTIVE. Parties triahlog to know the part 'mina, will riviserao. aernatacts • address or tall personally on Sietters. J. 8. Dilworth A tr9o., _ LYDAY & CHURPENNING, s 'lowa 11.triostigh, F.. Supplies for our Richmond Prisoners. Ciil 57f 59 Hand strmt, Pittnborgh, Pin. 7 li.mpnon Bell, Ensi , Prinit Commercial 13611 A ---•••••—•-- i riIHE SUBSCRIBER will offer at pri- - T hl ""f' THE REBEL AUTHORITIES ACTING IN BAD FAITH. ; ..I- vale sale, on the 57 Co AND 7111 DAY. Or , fr.l.Cii & liiio•, DECEMBER., 11 , 3, at No. 111 Second xtreet, Pitts- l.. -- : burgh, Pa., tbo followloc Improved FA ItSIS, situate Suspense - Concerning Burnside. .I. 0, 11 ,,,,, er and Chippewa boo ttelttl.s. Beam , county, all being within 11..1 3 10 , .` , , Mll.l hone , d tI m., to., ,he. ' ltallmad Btaons, cenvetileut to Chutibm, B..hucl, and village markots. ! 316 acres, capable of diil,llng Into tits n• neat Gums, or be sold a, a whOle. Bipedal Dinpatch to the Pittsburgh tsn,lto. ion tom e s adjoining the above, to b. sea a., a o pa PUILa DELPHI, ' Nov. 28, Inilli. ram lot. Alike from railroad statb, ~,,, .1 acre* 4 reties from New lin g lit .t, 'i''.CAn authentledispatch from the Rapidan has • 95 acres n ntilm (row N... li,„.toon .1111kteett received. The whole army of Gen. , l i ll.tieree c4l, miles front Nee Brlch mu. rt, • r th ,. 7 t h of D.oo r ob.r. nl: .7 tho nin, ttot -Id f:liireado crossed the river at three points and or node; , 0n...1er al 10, fr at bids ,'bred, will to !lidvanced southweird, sk.irmiching as they ! oilkdraw" 1r..” ^e!". c ',Ant , DUNI.AP, A c ent. went, and defeating the rebels in every in- ,Auli t.... , sALI.,. —1 ~, wo superior CYLluder stance. hey is shunotag a general action by .II Boilers, 3 ,,,,„„ 1 ,,, d ,„„,,,,,,,.. „„ c ,,,,, ~,..,., coot, falling back stubbornly. of . t,i Inch Iron, wrought Don heads 9, Ili, k Bo=le ern &kneed as paid as new. It la rumored that Oen. Meade had captured Also, 0. Portable Engine and Tubular Boller of sic horse power, 5 Inch cylinder and 12 inch ntr-ke. fourteen thousand of the enemy, but It can-Tb ie Engloo be, toyed one well alumni WO feet dmp, • not be traced to any reliable source. • and Is admirably to Mat him) of o.•, I, =r The headquarters of then. Meade were ' ' A`l: f .",, 7 l, gi',..7 l ' i ' n '," . ";;%`;';, r. ,,, ~ ,.,I pi.„, it a„1• moved across the river before nine o'clock , cylinder. XI luebee stroke; new vat Instance cab,. g everoor. Well adapt.) G, ton n g lint null or mino I yesterday morning. • hoop oull. The guerrilla kloaby is still active In the ' E.g. , ' at it. M. RULE'` ' vicinity of Brandy Station. On Thursday 1 ~,,,1 0.1 :', '''' P '''' MI-) and l ' u l n `7,7,..,‘, V :L' h. I , night he made a dash upon a forage train, de- . AVESTP.R N I. A, NUS FUR SALE OR stroyed the, forage, raptured one hunured and 1' Y I EXCHANGE - 'I,InO a. ten .n, in trine.. thirty•nine mules and fifteen wagons, and set ~,,Yri,,,.g,.fry,:',n,,t,,,;,2=,r,'",,; ',..,1;',“;•,,::!'"'",1,'.,,,i''° Gee to nineteen other wagons ,- the train. i 37 Mio , n e .d.. ...,,000 a .... oi :10. p. elldam put Cl The rehol authorities are Situ' acting In bad han : : ' ,,,,,',, i .„ . ,-, 1 . r „"p ‘ ,':.7,4':.,i I . '„,''',7,”: t .„ . . 1 ,,:',7,,,: i ;',.', 1 ,'” faith in the di..tributi in of supplies to our ,heir Ion) ad'abil. , .. e... 1. 1 r• w. .711 b- dimisoned of upoo liberal tem., fee cant., ot es. 1inn,..1 for prisoner,. property in Allegheny oath, ' Eleven thousand dollars were raised f o r them , Cot ter.' t'•• "NIT to ' t:7. BATES, C..tetue.osa, Dreg..., by the Christian Comm i,sion since Thursday • loot Butler str..t. I.swrnceville, night. Three hundred packages of , Acre' (ill EA I' I•'.\ liM I.IW SALE, .it,nite in were shipped this morning In hope, rather than , w'''"l by.' b.' u'bili. A 310" '0 ' '9"IS7 I '7 ' 4 HI tit. ten tilt t heir ing 1 .1.1.e. g r ~f 1144...1 wii. :•, - tel of their reception Ly the ,utlerert. tams linaires, 7. et a Web In: lennet. 'I hottnplote• The modality in 1-Ibli) prison is fifty dad). .lAA ft , Ct•lttt of a ,nitnllet..l.l.• dwelling h 00.... I..irn lair's , olio egt.osire emhll 4 g an meln,' -1 1:". Death is expected to wipe out all here. . tearing fruit t,•-t.ttl n tie. or tattin g •pr tri g of weer at Acute smpon,c exi,ts oencernhic Burnside. ' ;,',,",,T"'` . ., i " . ,,V,.. r ,'" ''. ' 1 "'" '' "". ' '''" o h "'" Grant sent reinforcement, i.e 'Thursday. No . 0...: 1 It. 91 1.5 IS Ai I i It, p,,,,,i, ~,,,,,, news from him. 1,14 )li. SAL F. Ili LEASE— A larce lot Hold Olio morning was sixted at 41. 1: le Sluirpehum, • , n• , n the Passert.;• r Rada ny, nen I W.. 1. .1. tunes from Plt Ishorgt. ..t. v. hi. h them ei a pont _ __. Dwelling Home. 01 eine tn.... Ink., several ,Ther Escape of John Morgan from the IltttlY'S, all built t.t bre k .5 w .41 to g . el aster in rho yiird, pl. IA v of Kot NI fruit, rtn.l t•••rt 1 Is t to Ohio Penltentlar): Cher, hen nue 5.1....,1 lboinen. r `" . i " r "`""""` .. " " ''' ELAND, Nov. 29. John Morgan nod Gee '', .j. GILL , ~,,, utlicers escaped from the Columbus Pen lien Stou l Abttrg, A lie g h, ny t'oilmy, lks o.'ll.thlns. V tinry last night. ono thoosand dollars r0w,,,,! j A N HF:NI:EN I 1.1. E IM I' EON . Eit i tor their capture. I_4 I.III,PERTY Von , k.I V. - toot- on Lod. I lAnAlrte 1... r a •11...,1 tat IT hae just born di,overed that it man I- in Ittstler i•• the Maryland State Prienn whine term en- ". wthe.h . ee r, " •l two F , Lia , •• Dwell• Ore,' twelve years ug, He ha• servo I nine- t h"' , l " .l ",' teen yearn on a St:nil:MOO of a little lean than coven year, TrAppl, to G. evrtoner,.al llntl, [Jr.. defined patri.,ll,:n to be Itvely dente of fan,. yet la he received on I 1 4 1 ( i•-;,A LE —A lot 4,1 land. 4,w:4.min:: Curran desvribe.l a politician no `•,,ne who, trot tlt. by putrefaction, rine,. a. tio, 1!,• ,V,IN.b.• A, R. it. TR. ‘l. ,•• 1 , 1 1.. :I V. hot tnt!l,-t it , 31 A TER, ..1.l RE.4 1, ESTATE or; E.ll-TS WILLIAM lit,ler in PR( /\I- NoTE, dl w at !two a.r nwnry. EIMMIIE=ME ‘i tithing tii t hi it in,...) tap, cau aiwari find at my attire All e.,mn•nnit u. ,•to I Int, Th s. Mo. h , :, inns, sem id: oei .. Maohiam. the 1.... .d • i- . . W M 5,... l i 8i ..1 u i:L1 8 N , ..5 1 :11 , ( t ) ; N . 1 ,, ( ;r t ,. ) ,. . SL.A . ti , jn .t • , 0 ;,,,,?1, 1 ,;, ,, ,, „ ~..remiuml% n.. ...„, n., Prinp'^°. N" N 7 Wood . 1 " .7 '• Pl "' l 'g r g h- ''''''' i /Stilt tram lam fir do, :Adm.( tido lii: i< . A. ,, Y . ~, , k :. .( . ' , 1 , N ) , , ,, lo i :: r k,L t el . le „ r;i 4. an , al. , , :• , , t , , , t . i r . r . , n ..: I v,...„., Fit'• ,,,, VZ . % 0 , 0 , ',"..L . f . 0, roic tdoc u „ k of Third, Pittsburgh. bill. ii.i I. oil LAW lb iiihil , Fl'' rf7mi.h. for t .3 .”'Y '''''' ' tuf . . , That Pre m ium for UlatiliGirtt, jug mar hint reinitAntly on hand. Vital Preium fir imoililivi wo, JI,. HEAD, ri 00 I e r anti Suai , .ner, horn Stare Ead. • No. 78 Fourtls .trend, Apollo Buildings. knat Preiniiiin for fitobly nonhin. First Premium for nn, ,ufacturAig netchlto _ . . Ira LL 1 ) .4 PER S. Fi lid Pentium for nin. 1. ine win k. . i Afiolognn Nubs Fair. First Proiniura for (id:). ma , hhie. Wl' NI A RSII A LI,. Ocular in \V ~‘ LI, . i.,,,,, ,'Praha, ~,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,. ~,,..,,,,,,, V . PAPERS, BORDISRS, le . No a 7 NVoid 1,-,-.,, 4 ,..,,,,„ i s , ~,, i,,,, s „„, k sliest, Pithilnrigh. IST 14.1,awa Sal. raw. , YII - .1 Promiuni toi tuarhina for all pnr;idaos I First Premium for 1.1. a. hair work. Groins Arai. Fair. Yirsi Premium for row lllue for all purpose". Flint Premium tor marline: work. K , A , A O- AY Stars f '.. M. Finn Premium lot manlike, rot all porpmics. First Premium for nub ham Wolk. Penninshaaaw Nate Fad. DE..I - 7'IS TR I'. , rind Premium foratinf.editring mai ham. . . . ._. . ' - First Premium for la niit dill int...hole work. 1 ,)SEPIA A DANIS. I /entis t. Connelly a ! oh a ease two-. CY Building, Corn, of DIAITIJI.iI and Grant •tr , -;t4, Pint Preinittni for machine wort. r I timborgb. RA/Se —lir. A. M. ruins L., lir ti..i. And at tie f l lOW illE County Fair;: leek, Tbeinkost Itehiience. iim, Rowed Errant tiij:' , / CA,. "Men C., IVt ) Agrinaloseal Sid ,4 lii IAINI E ztA V INC'S INSTITUTION, No. , First Premium for family nichlue. Flint Premium for mai:oli:Wl dig machine Lir till siNI ITII Fl ELI) STREET, 101 , 1000 e the ' First Priminm for um ,Mine leork. ('itatom House.) llartertni hy the Logi. !atm, I 0„,,„0,„„ Potion , li l. , A,,,,.„1,,,,,i5 e ,,,,,,, • First l'reminin for fructify machine. OFFICERS. ' First Premium for nannufartnring machine Prenideid--JA 31 EA PARK, Jr. First Premium for ~*thine work. rl, 0 0110111,0Vral: Hampden Ca. (Man.) Atreirsiteral Sorich I H. Y. Rudd, i 'Abloom fir family machine. A Reinenuoi, Diploma for Mat-Line work. ' hash,. Rhoden Freak/in Co. (N. 1.1 Farr. Jacob Stnekrut ' I i, Tim for handy :nation.. Alex Bradley, First Firm inni for manutlirtoring too hi no Alf. d Slai 1,.. Qu,eu'a. Co. (N. Y.) .4.+0. ALlwrat Society . 1 01.001.1,1 . First Premium for family machine halal Ring, I .e Zug. e. ii W. 117, Wm./tines... Co. (N. F.) For. A. A 11.11, - lion Dilworth, R. 11. 011 hint, First Premium for family ulAXlsito, A. S. Fowler, W. A. R00d,% m. Smith. Sindago CL , IN. Y.) rani. .1 W. Wondw..ll.ill C Solmodis, Ili.ll Jour:, First Premium for &toll? ininhine V. Rahn, G. W Rickey,*, lIA F. Jones, Efeclawie's lanitate (Pa.) f aar. J. M. Tmtnaii, A 11. Hartman, W. H. Phelps, Flint prom inn, for machine for all , 11l 1. 0,1. D. M . Long, R. J. Andel-Boit. C. R. Herron, First Premium for machine no, it. j. a . W. B n aies, D. E. kicßlideA, W. 1b.... ! The above comprisan all the Fairs a; which thr keeremay ae./ rid-noire-1i E. M k INLET. GROVER 1 TIAKER MACHIN ES ide esited thia yvi.r. Al nearly all of them al , G alin g Sew tug Open daily. from 9a. in. to: , ii. in. Abel, Tuesday MwchrtoA were in ‘oftiPcti l ir o ii and Saturday inening., from i; to ii o'clock. The work made open the Grover A Raker Sawing p rio ,,,iss noel' ui of ONE DIME and upwards. . Min Linn has received the Fifa: Premium at every Dividends deelarml In D,. ember and Juno of each , 81 ; V i c bi T , .. , l i r to in a l i. hi: lo r b, iillod Shan , where It has loam 1 7:i r firliletnin alloy - 1 Vales Rooms, No. 18 FIFTH ST.,.Plttabnrgh, Pa. credit of the depil„ orThEstaw If A. V. CRATON Er. Agent.! BOOKSELLERS. lvc vl TTO ILVE JUNI /L C. C 'I I()Y ER, A ttornorm dt • Law. Itlllott, ti0.1:1 4 .i Fourth