The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 24, 1863, Image 4

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ytrESpAY ;1191441310:;•744 - 1 1 0V. 24, 1868
YromYeaterday'a Evening Gazette
. . . .
Gtneralltytitid of the' German Reform..
ed Church.
MONDAY 'Bfiluivlsn, T. 23.—Synod met,
and was opened with singing and prayer by(
Itov.-J. C. Bucher. The minutes of Saturday
ware read and adopted.
• The committee on overtures reported acorn
munication Dela the "Christian Commission"
4t Ault luiore, asking the prayers and contri
imtions of tho Church. The report wall re
ceived and tho communication ordered to be
read. The request was granted, and the
gluistian .Commission heartily recommended
to the ministers of the Church, and they re
quested to take up collections in their several
churches on Thanksgiving Day.
The chairman of the committee on the
." Orphan's' Home," submitted a modified
port, which was, aster some disaussion,adopted
at a whole. /o reference to this matter, the
following resolution was unanimously adopt
ed : : That tho aubje4 of, establishing homes
,for • Orphan Children, beerecommended to the
,Consideration of the classes, and through them
io the 'mins/stories' of nil the congregations of
tho German Reformed Church.
.• 'This committee to inquire, "Ross the Church
holds - her prosperity,"-read several documents
relating to this matter. In these it was shown
that's° congregation, or number of congrega
tient, has a right to disconnect themselves
from the general body, each congregation be
ing bound by the life underlying our church
system. A legal document from Judge Krouse
was also road, in which the general views of
the committee were confirmed. A committee
of this Synod was then appointed to report on
this subject to this body at itsrierd,,saceting,
and also to the annual Synods.
Thotime and place for holding the next an
nual meeting, being the order of the day, was
i taken up. Tho action nominating places was
reconsidered. Dayton, Ohio,was nominated, in
addition to those already mentioned. Dayton
was chosen, having reCeived a majority of all
the voles cast.
The Ott Wednesday before Advent Sunday,
IVA, at seven o'clock r. m., was the time fixed
for the next Triennial Synod to convene.
- The Cbmmittise on Nominations presented
their report, which was received.
The report of. the Committee on Missions
was heard and received. The report presented
a favorable view of the missionary operations
of the Church, both foreign and , domestic, the
' efforts put forth to extend the Gospel of Peace
having been abundantly blessed. A number
of resolutions were recommended by the eom
. mittee, which were taken np;separately for
consideration. The cause-01'11mm= was ur
gently recommended to the liberality of the
The Synod resolved to hold a Missionary
:Meeting-in Grace Church this:evening.. Rev.
Br. Bomberger, P. 0. Pugh, G. W. Willi:lrd
and J. Kline were appointed to address the
Bishop Potter on Thanksgiving.
Bishop Potter, of the Disease of Pennsylva
has addressed a communication to the
clergymen and congregations tmderhis charge
is referenie to thriolMervanee of Thursday
neat as a day of thanktigiving and prayer.
The Bishop states in his address "that every
• consideration urges to a general and devout
observance of the proposed solemnity. The
abundance of the fruits of the earth, the pre
vailing health and prosperity, the signal man
ner in Which an alarming invasion of this
State was arrested and defeated, the progress
.which, during the past year has been made in
establishing over extensive districts the su
premacy of the national authority—all call us
to bow with reverence and thankfulness at the
feet of the Most 'High." The Bishdp recom
mends that collections be taken up irsall the
churches for the liespitallitiltil Piriteitent
Episcopal Church-in Philadelphia.
Findley Township Teachers' Institute.
The Teachers'. Institute of Findley town
ship, met at the " Valley" School House, on
Saturday, 14th insL Tho school was in session
during'the - forenoon. - The scholars recited
admiraLly, and the teacher, Milli! Kat&Smith,
displayed much taste and ability in her man
ner of teaching. In the afternoon Miss N.
J. Brown drilled a class of teachers in read
ing. The members of the class prosed'tliem•
selves to be excellent readers, and also dis
playca a thorough knowledge of elocution.
Miss Kate Smith gave a short but pointed and
• excellent exiliitition of the Square root. Mist
-McCoy, of the Clinton - school, followed in an
• entertaining and instal:mare lecture on the
"Structure of the Eartli." Tho hour of ad
. jot:truing living arrived, a number of tamper.
formanees wore postponed. The Ele Metall) g
of the Institute will be hold at Miss I. V.
Jeffery's school.
Col. J.. $. Clark.
We obreneo that the citizen of Indianapolis
TWO very mach disappointed in consequence
of_l_theinahlllty of Col. John B. Clark to be
present at-the opening of a aeries of meetings
and entertainmente for the benefited soldiers'
families. Anlndianapolis exchaegosays: "It
gives us great pleasure, however, : to be able
to state, by the authority of Captains Ekin,
that the gallant Colonel will be with no in
January, when he will deliver, for the benefit
of soldiers' families, *lecture on :"The Amer
lean War : Its Cause and its Results." lie
has the' qtialificatieMti to give a MI and elo
quent doseription_of the "cause of the war ;"
and his arduoris end gallant connection with
the armt . ea,Colonel of t1i0:i.231 Bennsylvanis
Volunteers bail :given 'him a position from:
which he can correctly judge of its "results."
71'ite *attic will b e duly informed of his com
Th. Criminal Court.
In the Court of Quarter Sessions, before
Judges Mellon and DrOwn, tiro following
eases were disposed of this forenoon :
- Edward D. Watson, of the Fourth Ward,
ffit killing'. liquor without license, was fined
$lO and costs.
Resanna—Bolton, of East Liberty, plead
guilty to a ettargo of illegal liquor selling,
but the sentence was diferred.
'..:Elieplay"•l2.llOltnes, of TentreraPeerilleb 4,
'lid about twelve yenta of age, wasiried for a
Alontons ' , Assault and battery—stabbing
atiotho7boy in the knee. Acquitted.
- A.T-Atatuusanet Slthsto.—lnformatfon has
been received by the relatives of Samuel
Bowden, a member of Co. %Second Virginia
liftntm, conveying the intelligence of his
death in the late tattle in Virginia between
the forces of Oen. Avcrill and the rebels un
do *hole. • Mr. Bowden served through the
tea mobth's campaign, afterwordt to-enlist
ing for_three years in Captain Gibson's- MS-
Vi . ity, from this vicinity, which Was attached
to :the Setaind.Virginis Regiment; Ho par
ticipated in all the battles in which that reg
iment was engaged, and had always shown
greitliaierf. Ro leaves i wife reeking in
- -
flee:Mom—A - Young' man •nanied genty
theanitdoy lir. Strolls, gatec,
7,itt. tlto , corner - of Elm and "Wynn streetti, met
With a Sei,itiui4ecititint on gattirday or:swig,
in the ,vieinity of Henry , Ron's tavern, on,
• Fulton:street, lie was driving a furniture
ear along thsCstrect, - wheir'st coal tonns'whieh
' - had stopliel.t4i:water, liecame frightened and
ran away at Inflows spied. Before W:imhuf
mull get out of the way his wagon was ran
intasiro : he Fas thrown out,-and in his fall (to becameUntangled in the trinel of his horlei .
witt:;wraizdragged for some distance. lie
yeeired,sirery severe cut on the head, and wns
vb e ri r iiii - bra p ea: •
*nitro: Dnatt.—Ott. Slanting. tho ,
s ehocklivaceident Immured at the'
Fernsee,Volninbis county. A little
-;t - igfet, - . aged foie yeela daughter of Charles
Watuonsit:hor'eliattiingOtilire; It the tent
. ponari,l4 ro;etemtof her :nattier' and threw hitt- -
self' . o*, in -• which an infant was
Vilest the mother entered, she
.fintOPt.fie:.disartili*ldavi;c:-)Tlis Ate woe
eitingitishet4hst little girl was so shoat[--':
in 11, thet.ettioditd in foto beim The
infentfirtul co ' buried opin the clothes that it
-;•,t roi o*or t al UUII -
— go* t 0,6414.40,41. do
- 4.lll;n9ust woliir of muido,
'%'lllAlifirertf can Alin.
1,-.;f7.-.7: PT..44.-g-t5"1411.2
aid &Oft
, .
,Dainsii awn ticsrxama History .tilahreat
lallicia4Adateanso., ty„Lizat.WilganaPlitlnger,
Clarke tho Adventurers. With an
Alexander Clark. Philadelphia J.
Daughaday. Pittatmegh't for sale by W. Pit
met, SLIM stmt , oppoeite the ♦
Post - dce.
We have already spoken pf the interest of
the narrative given in this book—recording
the ,reatill,lll . C911C03 of ono who took an Impor
tant part in an expedition. which, in the
words of the lion. Judge bolt, "had, in the
daring of its conception, the wildness of a
romance; `
,and was described by a robot wri
ter at *deepest laid schema,- and on the
grandest scale, that ever emanated from the
brains of any number of Yankees combined."
It is a history written by a prominent actor in
it, of one of the mostremarkable and exciting
episodes of the war—ono which exhibited so
much of "daring," and involved so much of
"suffering," as fully to justify the title cho
sen by the author for his book.
NEEDED Wssnrso.—A physician, in attend
ing upon , deranged young lady, at Zanes
ville, recently pouted a pint of water upon
her heal to see what effect it would have. The
girl was then permitted to go into on adjoin
ing room. The doctor was just about taking
his departure, when she called him to her,
stepped back into the room, and as ho was
about to come in dashed a bucket of water
into his face, remarking that his ck face needed
washing as much as her's did.
Now COONTERSTJT.—FeId and , Lose, of the
Notional Bonk Note ilepoyter, reports new Im
itated five dollar note on the Admits Bank,
North Adnins, Massachusetts; vignette, two
females, anvil, Ilacketnith7rears square,
V above and below" on right end—lndian
erect, V below on loft end—well engraved
and calculated to deceive good judges.
GILEILISWOOD (Mrs. Lippincott) mado
an address Tuesday night at the Tabernacle
in Jersey City on " The Silver Lining of the
War Cloud." An eloquent allusion to the
President brought out rounds of applause,
which, when they had died away, were throe
times renewed before the lecturoLcould pro
ceed. Nearly two thousand persons heard the
GRAPE Scow.—Mr. Knox will exhibit at
his horticultural rooms, No. 29 Fifth street,
on Tuesday, and during the week, a rare col
lection of grapes, including Concord, Dela
ware, Diana, ilerbenront, Elsingburg, Union
Village, La Radon, Anna, &c. Persons in
terested in the culture of this delicious fruit,
would do well to call and examine these Ono
Dzsern oc zu OLn zszFltasecorso Crnzaa.—
Major John Sturgeon, an aged and respected
citizen of North Fayette township, died at
his residence, on Friday, the 13th Inst. Re
had been suffering from rheumatism for aeon
sidorablo length of time. He was esteemed
and respected by all, and his lose will be
deeply mourned.
SOLDIER'S PUSEILAI.,—Tho body of Joseph
R. Baldwin was brought home ?rem the
Gettysburg field, and interred in the United
Presbyterian burying grounds, in Nobleitown,
on the 20th inst. air. Baldwin was a member
of Company D, 149th Regiment, and fell on
the let of July.
Ilexa Hrusst.r.—Arm Hendricks, of Canaan,
Wayne county, bang himself the other day,
because his son had been drafted and failed
to get exempted.
Vlore ia,a. ontinurd good tkroand for money, but
to •opply appears to be sufficient to meet it. Gold
as up mm In in New York to-day, Our noon quota
ion being 154. In sympathy with Gold. Silver has
iron oiri to Usk Ilere, our brokers aro buying what
ttlo in °Clem 601.50 too Gold and 1446114 For Sit
r. I:astern Cschange 1. steady at or buying, and
,i', to ItA TI cent. prom.
In Chicago the dentand Nr ttootey still ezrethl4 the
tlply, and it Is mid that mane but those who are
rout y entitled to it, eau obtain a loan at any of the
totnlns in that city.
. . -
Tim New York bhippisee Lid, in making the Min.
gene) , to lirusncial mntters, aml the recent advance in
Gold, stya :
The continued stringency in the money market,
and the admit, in Gold,hs to been the chief features
of the week. The advance in gold is generally attrib
riteil to the receipt of ofdere from France, per Per.
tee IniY and mutts large amounts on account of the
Bonk of France. •is amid that the Fl, , Yin,ooo
lately pnrshasisl for “shipmant to Idexlco,” was in
reality I.,nght for that Institution. The adssance to
the mt. of int.mat by the Bank of England and the
Bank of rrance to 614 cent., and the rrported prolw
let, further adrance to 7 11 cent. by the Bank of Eng.
land, will bare a tendency to present any further
dealt, upon_ their reeerro bullion, and thus crate a
p.siter demand in this market on European account.
The brut effect of this is already aeon in the marked
once In g.:l on the receipt of the Pasta's new,
PlTTSliilitGli MARKETS. ‘
M.DAY. Isisssmber Z 3,160.
FLOUR &;min market is vtry firm
but the limited stoc.Lt zed light receipts, restricts ap•
oration,. Shelled Corn Is firm end higher, being held
et 71,DJ by the carload, though on ,ales have, as yet. '
bean made et the &Ivan.. Wheat is In good demand
and Red sells readily from wagon et 51,30, andinatis
er 5t,35(41,40. Barley Is Weutod, and ... Spring le taken
readily as 01,30, and Yall at. 5450.. Oats quiet bat
decidedly firmer; qlotations may be fairly given et
75 , c an track, and n(35.0c from - store, Floor to firm,
and the recent advance Is well mistalne d; small aales
from store at 03,50,46 for Ezten, and 56,75g7,00 far
Extra Family. Itrickarboat flour to steady at 84,00
per owl in bulk, and $4,!.`3 to tracka.
have to report a continued flem
market, without, however, any further change to
vaunt. Sugars are firmly held at 134 to 144 r for
liow, and 1734418 c fox : Relined. Coffee is stiff Whit
small sales of itio at 34 to 35c for tlir to prime. Mo.
UOoes may he qnotedat from 62 to GE., and Syrups
nalge all the way from 65 to 85c.
110Gg—The market la steady, with a fair demand,
and good hugs, averaging from 2W to 2S O Ibs, may
quoted a; from $5,49(3.5,i3 per cal, gross. .We note'
wale of 181 head, averaging ZSi the, at 5,60, , ,and 269
hlad, iveraging 280 The, at 55,80. 'The receipts are
only moderato, and those offered, are madly light
/14,Y—is tutu, vrlth's catitinnott sum/ doom:l4,4nd
light app}). balm from =karat 30 load. at 536 to
on per ton. 'Baled Boy io arm 0.535 from 2 tOr!.
SEEDS—There is an Improved demand for net
Surf, and an advance aware to hare been eetab-
Belled; le of 130 lomh et 51,bn per bushel, and 1 car
too lat 52,0. No transactions In Tlmntby or Clover
L'IIE,ESE—We note a sale of 11 has Goithen, aver
aging about 110 pounds to tho boa, at IGc per A; ow
-small gay, of Western Reserve at 13%
to 14G.
DOTTER' in f iree.4 re
mtest, and may bo quoted firm se from 25 to 20u for
COIx111)013 to strictly prime. Packed la unhinged at
1 76 1 R0. Bm:4lJu 3 Oe o 0f F,rjr pi93o p!r dozen.
BALT--.te.dy but unchanged; :id. of 120 bbls at.
$2,50 per bid—delivered.
APPLES—Nominally unchanged. Regular auks
front otes at ".'from.: $.2"9 2 .11 5 .3" P.T.i , b/,!:rfor (sir 40
prime qualities.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
bier. 22 7 -Thejposkot. for Crude ban biPtT onuimally
active to-day, itiritlaire err a bcbk detrianillipth
the home trimici and el,ipmont. 11 e salsa consOris•
4,212 bble, and prkiecwere Rom „4ri nal cent per
better the market closing firm at 13. in balk, Witt
tagsin J.l;l*---blae ma following ealos
were reported : 111130 and Eiblibbblii: in bulk at .12*;
400 and 700 iittici'and 60ebble at 1754e—bble
18 ea iBX.4 0.3 at sYse, Leaned In
' bond is a-shade firmer with some IngolrY, lad, as yet,
Wire hae Deep nu iserpeptibloultsagre in Quo
titian. may he Eddy glsco API lafilk, on, the spot
—the bulde figure-offend, and the outalde figure
Asked.. Itm a l felnithip about an bet unoted, end
the genie reiriarkonlll apply to ;7aptha, Seelai#o
"sulatatill. rather dolt and the nominal uuotatlen, is
'et Poi bill: •
7 , lifets^,Vork PetroliMm'Market.
SpeciakDispilAcli y, tbo Pit.telnogb4ll;446?.. -
Tizar,Toss; Nas 21.—Ctrude is *Wady- awl mite 4c.
drir, with wales on the irpot There - ls m sot.,
Po dentate/ fer Poet*d_ . /OA
.° 4d.
oattcsd folly 2 cents, trim sates an the *pot 4.12 to
for straw to prime whitill Tree ollogoo, timer' int
ittoood, and nisi be itiotetll4lj4-4453W: Kap
-the Isselling at lee for Crude, end gig tor Zane&
. ,
- ' Boston -Irish- 'Market:
~•• •
~Ilfrer.%—frbe market . !or tali& ..11 qulat,"- and
pricca have eased °lra a1uide....410 - 4 Gzaidd rank
lap@ 20tpal trynd tat 0,6060,74 innalUSS: loose
and MAO ricked. Hake saint. at ZAN rap*. at
14.12.041 blaaWnlia'afftes 4 /, tin l .3alPi-lug y re
" *Fla Ibtedowatd,la, )ICOB active. 'Salvia 130 I al
/imp, N0,2144-41A-SMO291 0 , and wall= at s?:'
1 10 . 3 lane 001,ovr Apo ,ciftunoto-13fisga
2Alriiiiirareta iaalankte'datainitat4So s , 6o.
*Mk 'Maid Heartagnta *fag' anddall atSVNI:
ial'aakatirabtliddrat, VOW 141 - itainr,.
naleillat =VD tier**.
. _
'*eekliiieirie;ir - or the Weivirork 'Pe- - .
trete= Elarket. . ..... ...- -
I p . u . , i 0,-A Ls ILO!: Hl' '.i I PI?. PI IE. SALE -A thre:c,,tory, tm - miern Iit . STABLiSIIED I.7firi' "--- , L '-zi
' [Brperted Exprr.lys - for the Pittaburgh.Garette.) ' SIXTH: ARRIVAL •• 12 .”1.. Dour, Br rok Building, non , ocOnpiod by , .L,S
NEM - Toga, Nov. 2.1., 1851. ,1 L. `i LI. ,
The market for both &r,lo and Relined Petroleum , - 7 :5i. , ....n.. Dunlap A I.ols , r, dry maxis merchants, on '
Yoler..l et reet. near the Market, Allegheny City, PETER LoRiLLARDr- -,
have been rather quiet during the week, but laic '''''''''
N'S(l..',L''n'.'l'sh.tiv"-.ll.l‘s,"ls.',:'is'. hat mg a front ,•I 20 feet, and 110 feet in depth- , SNUFF AND TOBACCO DLINUTACTOt=
. f n . „. s 1,1 TE LOGAN, !
bare nevertheless fluctuated considerably. During i NEW COO DS, 5„,,,_,, p,„,„,..;,,, a 111 Le re. wind at OM , °Ito; u: , .
Bearer Co.. Pa.. or of Mr. inn:Lt rutowN,;
thefirst part of the week, them win a strong down- AT
. W . ould e ll t i he , att O e c o t t!ori of dealers, to the articles of
ward tendency, and on Monday afternoon a large '
business In Crndetwas done, committing about 12,000 J. M. BURCIFIFIET.3._)'S. I .:::: 4 1 1 - , ° . ..:I i ::: I k l E p .AN t.' `‘ " I .' ll n OlblEtbTll'o'L'E'S'l.P.,l"lEsordFflisle":l-:.1 Jnr'}....;te,'-';'.r7ern'o'f'''l:e...l:.•“raglus"tro'.:' t and . th j e Warn .
in the follow:1.g quanliti.-e, tat the otolorthennol At- g0itt1y,,,1,;1..t.y.,i4gi,t,r,
i.,,, .
bbLI on the spot, mostly at 24%(325 cents, and AT TII i: ‘VATERTONN Ai t11""r:A: CI., t.I AS”.
: , Is, 1 -inch Lull. tou divt. e I' no, ^oli .
A.., a Country Itrieldenc , , :V mil, fn. th• cia• t ha man ,
..1.1 ole•trt three or i• ribs work from Legan's Station, ' sh - trrr.
8,000bb13 for future delivery, Tho lowest point was , h,..,, 6-,net, eholls
I FRENCH /MERINOS, fur El 2:!, choil, orr Ore l'atoc...l Or, For: V, a. ne A Chicago B. Is . • 31,,,b 0 , Fir., yippee , Qr.,. trapped ika.ri.
touched on that day, asul since then the market has t '•,” 0. ossi, sh,..t. _ 5..1 , a mrslero •••,1.• t•••• bug. o ... 1 . r tlilisg sPrint: , ; Gentlemen, Demigroa, i - L.r. Virginia, Nactiim,..L.,
been growing stronger, despite tile moderate demand EMPRESS CLOTH, for $1 2:i, cheap. " .so I , -in. „Is. 6. s•ol A It, of fear , bearina t• Ts., graperics, c,,,,,,,,,
AT TL!, lc Al liIIN - 1.1 1.1 '1 It , V . . , %. ~, I - 1 1 ' r..... , Y ~, ~,, ,„...k,„ YELLOW SNUFF.
and continued unfavorable Psrel , sn news, and to-day
IRISH POPLINS: • NEW YOllll Sc.itrh, Binh Twat w ;Ph, Irish High Toast or
Muds at about 2. Q 33 tooth better troth . Crudo and . In. ti 1... , I.dt, oh-LII. roe rale, . 111 g B• sr• ••• s ind" - In• In 6..'. Or Lundyfoot, Gooey Dow Scnteh• F-oh Roney Scotch,
Rodned. The calm for the Week comprise Di 1,0410 t , bls PLAID SILNS ; 1.".• , 1,-tart.., , ..11 ,. . - g., sitsit. , l st.sar L....tsdale, ou the rat•burgh , , Fresth Scotch.
Crude at 21;(A7.8 cents on the opal, bet nickeling I .., to- /110. . het yrt \tiny. A, l'llivago G. T 1 on the Lana Cr tae Attention is called to the large reduction in prices
FANCY BILES; _. 1. slie'...s. ~. -, t'f -ems .:t oy. Enquire as above. .of Fine Cu[ Chewing and Smoking Totter.* whirls
.10,ouobia for next month, buyers option. at 25 to A 1 1 Illi PS. AIS LNAL.s..% LIINOIt i - L \ ND. 1,..1-"isilw B.kLI.IE LOGAN. w.ll be found of a superior finality.
_ . . _ _
27 cents. but nearly all a wse. There have likewise PLAID POPLIN.; NEI% YORE. TOBACCO.
bon sales of 4,800 ta e bn Philadelphia of .;:,cfr2sr. .s s. 1.• Irish butt-ring ph.. i :.).- 1,.;00/):_ :1 STORE FOR SAI.}:, la 5.....,N0-L0. 6 , N. 1, 1::-. 2 Nun. I and 2 oarm,
The market doled very dull at 25420 c. BRAWLS AND CLOAES : :.s „ in , 1, siteil•
In Belle. in - od, th sales for the week : are adult 1 ,•xl 10.1 et h sh, t. f l lr.l..l'2',fro'rr,.'grLeindinhil7r:lif lit i ge ' li r tir l g r h l ,oOt ; G 7:'..tic.. i Lumps, P. A. L., or plain • Cave u
-25,000 Idris on the apot at from 38 to 420, but nearly C.T.,fr.4.111LN11 CLOTHS ; s ~,.111 ~,r t, shel,e o• ,o.r. 6 tor!. nod profitable trade The orro kls ' clash, -o- r e i; Sweet %control Ctrour•eo ; Tin Foil
all at 441 c. 5,500 do in Philarierphia tat 38g1gbanc, mild new nail 1,., tevo bele , teat. with roferenee to Om c rtT er,,,lisn.
AT Tll I. A I.l.Ebill ANI A ILAL A \ I„ Pi , 1 ^ 111: 1,.!!.
w.„, •, , , Ilan all b, •-1-e. Pr cash M . snoatan-S. Jame, Spanish. Canaster, Turkish. •
1.2,UM dojo,_ December January and February- SATINETS AND KENTUCKY KY JEANn , Prs.Nsl L\ AM
chiefly buyers option t . 41. to 42c; also 3,000 gal. ;,.., r-5...11 1, , r., ~, -1h I lon ~. inurlget pr , ..6. N. I:. -A eir.tar of prices will be sent on applice
tin, at 51@52c. Tire market closed very dull 1101111.0 Y FLANNELS; 1..• , 1 1 11.01'11 , lis. •
The proeent r:. , tutor has decided to retire from , ~.n. aplOsly
.a 40% to 42c lor light straw to prime white. ... •s , o-trirli idiot. tli i • 1 .Ing to h... 1 health, and now refurtaniltl , 1...1EN.K . 1 . O. RALE A: C
I. free the
to compiles 4,800 bbls at 50G51cc CANTON FLANNEL, ul.le; :. 000 10.1M01,40-11.. Hoot tho eteoit. for male ; also tic, greed wrll of the re-
for light straw to hite, and 4W 9c for etraw aud LI/ 11,.., party The house has a terse arid rasp...table ,
10,0rXr gallons in tins at 61 to 67c, chiefly Mi:4•6lc. In SHAKER FLANNEL. A'f 7111: eT.Li.OISA ES EN I 1.. :sT I... Pis. sit,. „ . ,,, a, a . h i„a „„,,, l o re ,,,,,,,,i. Th. p re .. e .., ~,c i s
...,011111...ne1i ?ha. will ' v.:re from recce •t , ten thousatid doilan, but
the first mart of the week, about 700 this Naptha 501d2,, Ir+ In. ...
int h *loll-. i..ld `wreduced lf desired.
at 20c for CrUde, and Z 36,525 for Refined. The mar. A full astortment of NEW GOODS. Call and low.
ket Inuseitioboen dull, and prices are entirely numi- AT 111 E WAell IN OTON AUS EN AL, N. A-Ili:1in. Perth...wishing to know the particulars will please
DIN. 1i.... 11/ItlTveg Of ~..1110.110, m uilly on
nal. No sales have been roprtodlor four Mays except ig• E. car. Fourth and 111 a rk et St a.
a little lot (atlas on piivate terms. .23 Lt.-. IA li , 1, 1..0 ten ty, d ad. LllobY & LILIORPENNINO.
. ._ . _ • liss , l *.c.h oholle. ,), .I.t.f 59 Band Mreet, Pittahros.l., r...
Chicago Market. J U ST OPENING, • •,.1•Oi 1.1• .11 ohot. j "ii q'N'l. EY .12.E!' I PENCE WANTED.
5,05 10-Iteir rihr•lls.
Nov. 21.-There wu a mederate inquiry for Wheat
by epeculators and the market ruled steady at 21,10 . A FINE ,rocli OF tne T I I . - 1. , T :ii ' l i - 1
t ' of .l ‘ . ...ict " , n ol ' , 1, 1 . t ?di ' t t rn io ' r h ltle " o r 1T.....1 S ' 1;:a " i n
Oct 'l Tk-i „."...' .-- ," 1A . 1. ... : : ' ' ' ' 'E . 1 4 .',„• '' '' ' ,. 1 : : " " : . :,, '1 i ' ',i,17 w :1 11h t ..., 1:" ,, A ,,. R.W . 3 , 1 . ;'(" v, )'F'. :b "1 .
0110% fur aio. 1 and 91,05Yaa1,06,4 for No. 2 thi..1•••11 , ..1. • 3.1, vl, a ,il, Ow egrepi,ll of the I -- .. .. 1. • '• n " Y Oct' , i l .
S'pring. wiiter Wheat was quiet at 21,1501,1; for it, ii mle, ~ ii goou rem-go, • . ..., , 5t,11.1 I answ er.
No. 2 and $1@1.014 for Rejected Red. Flour ems in Int. ICI I 11.,.. •11..'. ‘, I, .1 141•• 1.. 1, 1111 \ 1.. r ..”,, . • II , . ~,,, , 0 ~,,, and . i.o i s ~ •
BEADORNAMENTS - , • , . , i. •,-,.-i• , r i ir r b 1' 11 1 , i 1 ..: oi tsi •ti -v."l. i ri ' ..r. ' ". ''' ' Ir
g bd. fat
gaol demand and
; about 3,500 barrels were sold e , .. , 7 1.. , o , 1 , . Al.-, the nereseary stable .
at 27,75 for White Winter and 54,806550 for gosig to r :C11.1. . " 1'. .. 1 ' ' .7 o n" r%l . cr l r l' t. i . l i:;:r in y ' t r :l : n in u ' i ' h t
o r r * :ril k er d i . "'" ' ' 1t.,,-.L.1,1,f,..,,,1T:::,,.':::.,r.i,i.,,,",`,1,, i 7„, 0 . f ... , F"' 50. 1 qua1ity „ ,,,,,,, n0 ,,, d
'piing Extras. Corn an, very excited and ..s' lira, 0 ~..• . - all Ila, 11..0,...1., tail L.. ~.-1. ,aks , , ii . ~.,..,. b. ad _
2l 'o ran ice .4 . l 445 cents per ,bushel. The tranamtions, , tholt. n ..‘111,...1e 1... ...?duda yi rcil
however, were light at 99e. for No. 1 and 98c for No. Gimpes- and 1 1 1 71'111mm' gs.
2in store. A canal Loaf
t oad sold la arrive at 11,00 ' ; 1 ,-, ' .!„ . ,;'.....' ,d.:‘,';....0i„1„,ii„-!,.;.",i-,,t..- L.. 1.
' ll I , ' , ' „ " ,, cr , ; L ,., ~,r -I: r ., • 1.. l 1' Cc 1.. 1 I lltablirgh 11jstne
h.., pure loeml. c I re e, WINO.. r of rooms, and par
agoat. There was an active speculative demand tor ' I ~t, Id t 1••• ,:, h• root et the ,Oriet. 111. .1,14. ~.,.,
....,..., L.
A El'l.l. LINErIV
Oats, and the market advanced 2rd..4 , ..?. per bushel, It.” of eivirev f• , 11 oieporl .1. •I, : 10.111.... onto `1 ~
ads,.. 8., _, „ ,,, , ha a ~,,,,,,.. Ia ~,,,,,, hr a ,orm of
with closing sales of No. 1 at 6,00, ,fic to store: live nrovi.l,l the ow nee was bot diciposed to sell.
rII e • • .•1 . I hi- than lite per trot -i - a, . k ye
ah-• • .
u 1 -,• .
was in good request and Improved lioy.i!,e, with sal. .., -„ ~ „E T RI„ „ ,_ ~
of No. lat sl,tht Barley was quiet and steady at V r_ci_i V
. .. ,.. ,'' l . : -- " I :': ' ' t , - t . '!".: ...";,'•
• -
.6 for N 0.2 and Si for Itejr. , eted In store. High- """ I '“ " ."-' ''
' ;1 " ; " 1 " ") '''''' ''''' r '''' - - F ,, it SALE.—Two Fuperior l'ylinder
wince opened quiet at 62c, but the New York news • A LE , r , , i r., , bi..,, ron I one la 11. r, LO d.. 1 \ ..1 ... •, 1.1...C1•
B Orr.. "i' 1 -^ diameter, :1 - , feet long. made
cauad a timer feeling, and wiles wore mode at r.. 345
414 c a tho close holdera demand. Mk.. -Pressed 1 .1. • r 1. , • moi fa.l to dein., ,t th e , f . 0..
tr. " ' I r " " rh " "' ' s r ' I " r "" I rr " I r • r . r ' I ' .r.h.r "". ' ..i . ~ h.', ironorroualit iron i 10 ' 1 tl k 841
Seasonable Gloves and (roster), ..,„_„...,,.,_ „ ~... ,„ „,,..., ,„ r ,„ ` I ~ ;,,, , ~,,,t . g uodu. new.
flogs were firm and higher, lots weighing over IWO , . , . ii. , i i
,0„,. I' i,l ~,,. pi p .,..„, „ , 1 , 1 ,.. r ~, .1 le ~ ono Portable EogreT ..od Tobuk, 11,i , Ber of
Ihs sold at 51i,2:q36,f0r, and light averages at from e.l I • - twit .. ;kr
Of carry oryle, and I . -,lt ecer)belr
$A 51%,`.,00- Live Hogs wens steady and ...clef. at
V 1,0 0 ,45,30 for gaol to prime, and 24,00, , 'PO for corn. i loops, FOR 1, 1 . 1 . 1 . i,F AN I) i il;. ..,
~,, ~, ,
~., , ~.
~.. , . ,
~ ..: ‘, ._,,,....... d .ini f 1 0 .1 0 y t„ ....1ai , , , t. t ...1 ,, .. mat kind ',' work. 1..1
on to good. Beef Cattle were, in light supply mid .i Mort,. oho Ar , ''•" ' ;•-
fim at former quotations. Timothy Seed is quiet at . " - " I " ' . "".• ' . ' 1 ' ' ' " .1 Ibl., 1.1. Engin, hailoy ir r. leol plmlr. It in,i,
1LL•1irc:12,9.4. Cloverseed is scarce and In demand at Skating Caps , ' " - A " ''''''''''''_,"`"'''''',. 6 " '''''''''. -.1 ,. 010 " i", " ~ 1.., Lei biol.-a ot„.ke , t,ev. ,N, iiii balance van„
. s .1. Con truCtt .La ,n LAO,' Woo .*161,.1E111..' ate.
07,50. Flaxseed dull.rovernor. ~% ell adapted to run a grist mill or small
I- :: Pa r e, olaccirenr a, • Ansel wil l he :vvii,, 5 1 „..
•• .h . •f• info loduln, a 1:11 iir; rd • 1 • „ relle+, for 1.• 0".11 mull.
.... •1 ~/1 vent I.m. Ltep.ire et R. M. BOLE / b,
corner 'Point Alley .d Duquesne Way,
' 11,, IN pa [meal roso - res to its , •ir the right I 0 ,. .
~,, Pittsburgh.
,c • .or or oli lob, ,r o• t .1... 11,1 eal.•far. , ry, lot 1 r ..
}• ;• •..a di 1.:- ablr. -no to • Ili 1....1,. G , 'AI \
1I t .1,0 It Ir. BA MSAY, r e lel of 0 rancor , sit ado EXCHANGE -2,500 mores in lowa, in tracts
... , „. It ~
,•, 'and , ~1 1,, 011 ,1, „,,,I ..i.,.„, ~..i i ., i ,,, eery tog It ..•a 40 to TN/acres. 640 .res in Michigan,
to tracts varying front 40 to 3lil arm. 2,000 scree
ker..> Pr,r,,,1, • GEO- P. 11A518AY,
Brig. c ,.„ ch „. h. r 0 „1„,,,,,,, to 1.111 .leneeota. ;MO t pelt of
acres in the eoutbeas
stissouri ; and 80 00005 In Indiana. These lands
( )IZII N. ANTE OFFICE, have horn carefully selected. with a view nobly to
their loud advantages, soil, An, and will be disposed
‘'' T ''.ll''''. ' of'riit'''r Trt or"74. or
It asho:ion. S.2lth,ln '. I TroteTy ln;lleghenciuty
TI,I vr. nof the 1,, , ,tv u n.loortiordo ut alt.
For terms, AC., apply to
• ,a; .1 o .1, I, It Ng idea, 0 %Abbr.” , Fi for 08. BATES, Commercial Broker
0. I , .•. ~1 1:1;•1 IJ H \Bp: \y, col , Butler street. Lawrenceville.
1 •.. Al , 1 Berg. ben . r he•f or ...inane...
Et...` , 11F1 "; OF CO AI
(;()(.)()0() ' ''' . ' subscriber offere for sale the ALLEGIIENT
- - CITY MILLS, situated in the Fourth Ward, Aloe
loner 1 .1 , sOrcn.era , .. c elr , cll. , i ...r lll c. 1, gheny City. This well known Mill has been rebuilt
Pittsburgh, r,.., N..,......, 1•1..1 i lately, nod contallte font rein of French Burrs, With
. 1,1 .. 0 . 4 I'' I. `.O- o.l' 1 1° . m " 1 1'1 1 01. 1 11. ono' , on- 411 tin, Istria improved ottichitory for manufecturing
,1 I, .5',1,,... - . ro. the 2. - Tro PAY or NON'E t 1111•11. the best brands of Flo.. Maier , a gond burnt mi
1%....., for forooll Mg and del ivertne 81 X Blt Is 0 ILKI , ...11 •• lore:g i n ctotorn. This is a rare chance for
1'10: ieAN I/ 111/BIILLS or O. • d,l MEW RANT- brume-se num, and we invite any who with to engage
oliLl. Iu A 1., at roar , . 111 lit colt r-, Teo,. V wae- in a profitable twiner. to call lat. the Mill, where
at i.e , ,-1- New Orleato, Lob tenns will be made known.
I.rola .ul- , rune: state the price, idle, r•• 1 _: .! • oc-,Mllmcbteg , M. TOEGTLY.
a... , namcil Os. es. eepararety. - - - -
11. m l, rs to rake the risk of the rug:, ~ f water. The LAWRENCE VILLE I M PROVED
fir:, tbc arrangril hereafter. PROPERTY TOR SALE, situate on Butler
Ito, ..: d
Pr ~.sals must be marked `Troy.," cir for tALI.OOO some!, near the frks Of the Mad, 6 lot fronting on
It .she, , of Cold," a nd eddrr•sed to •• 1.1,a slob 0, Butler street and ' extending Lack to Lafayette alley,
.:A. ,, , 1...i.p:y O. It. tlen U. a. A.. Pittsburgh. - lon which there is o
t he r r two 2story Frame Dwell•
antre. , lags-eon-a new, the ohe n• tartso,
T h e ith netese
r ule of the bidder to fl',l the contra - •.-Icould , eery Improverimocts, all in good )eler. location
I: 1.- 'worded to him, most Ile 0161nm:rod by two for Mattress, gc.,.is one of the beat in the borongh.
re•ponerbla pr roons, wt. os, sten-rim-es assist to ap. • Totals usy. :Apply to
r• obe d b , the guarmore. S. BATES, Counnerchd Broker,
11,.. r. ifo•rodlolity of Ow guarantor , mull h•ralneirn , noll Ruder street. Lawrenceville.
- . _ .
ly tbe on Isi re. lease of the Clerk ..f th. aecterst. pill SALE OR LEASE-' -A largo Lot
lllsirlct l'..iire or of the l'ottsd "tat, District At- t in sin,pnwt,t,t, en tin . i„....nn,g,ti. Railway, five
miles from Pittsburt, on which there is il good
Mohler,_ must be posopt in proton when the bids ' r5 ,.._,„.. n ,.. ,„,.. n room. .., 0 ....rojd otter
OCT ol+sto d, or arms propocols will not be considered. 1 B•••nbu•ng °•''n''' n v•
I 'looses • all built of brick. A well of t good water in
Brands equal In amount to half the 61111:1 to to ft- . , th ;„ 100
-halt, and oinvenienV to
rms. up illor:nntreict, el,,ileJ by the suntrector and I Chu rche s a p
ed 41,.„„ T re...,
1....t1i ..f Isis guarantors, wen t , " rs'sleltol of the mac - I „, r „...,„,„.,... -,,,1jx.,„,,, re..., .
Tcworal herder upon signing the contract. As the I -- s - or on
1.1.1 most oreoloNmy 1110 root rare, IL will be nave- i
Sharpaburg, Allegheny County, Pe.
:art for the Islddo, to Late s herr bondratree wall i
..... ,„.. ti 1 .,
rl...ur. or to hale b,,t10 signed in anticipation, and , . --"'"" '...
t"' , 7 t , b' Pr°4"'"d wizen the contract is vignot I I l ol{, if 4 A.LE.--81.X SMALL ifILICK.
E.v - rn er re'el.v., a 4 • .
to • -----• of 110. ,army ^f —A and St. , . of ---• '' Tb l2 . illioUtisETesSF.Suil.ll:'ev";auon'lt'ermarg'o'mloo:ll,l;•An'tt a gdhosVra
mud -of the ciounty of and Nato of —, do • hlo !not atrrit• at- to utpitfillots, or pont°ne desiring
lo o-no 4 - unren IC" 111/0 .-...-- IF 61'1 1 1 ,. . 1..11i1 it t,ntr,v , , 1. . 4 ,rdc„,0r,„,,,,k. Lane5, .....A... esc ilk the terms of Lt. profenit,... mod 1,,,,,,,,,i,, o r
111,...h0ti1a he. prop:at/Ivo Ire u.-ovf , ted, he a 111 ~.
oh , • . hunt into a soon - net theret , •ll. Should tho
~tta. the en ..1,1 , ..1 hint a :in Ilei e el to In con
his ..4...lritird.
II! , It.. nu safer 1/.:•• 1••• app....4 the ruh - .
. ~.1 ate above moot h ne.d.l
Proto•-nto Erorn ‘11.610)61 poled or::: .1,11, consid
ered, and an wlll of allegtanee well be ter - Bared of
scoccoeful bidden hefore Ogling cuntoods.
I hv outlet Lulled tio-riro to Li itneelf tho right to
ri.i•-rt nay ,r.ll Old. that he triA) itoo t,a , high.
Payment to be made upon the, completion of tLi
• tract, or so woo then.tifler is tip undersigned
%hall lor m Puha,. 0. CROSS,
no' Lieut. C.I. and D. O. M. lieneraL
Iron and Wool In Phlladelphia ,
Iron—The market Is active and Inn, the want of
stock limiting operations to wine 11(4700 ton s
thraclte in email lota at 241042 for No 1: s2.eo - 39 for
for No 2, and V.. 51337 for No $, cash, and very tittlo
to be hat, most bidders being cold up et them. rates
2.0 tons northern Mourne sold et 27.) club. 01
hip,of SCOI tons are rerted at $0 , 2 , col.,
Mmufactured Iron it also very firm, and for
most kinds, Rails especially, the mills generally are
full of orders, and not disposed to take stew ones at
present prices.
Wool is aiming In moro freely Bald the ma
less active. Holders, however, an; not diumsed ~
make concessions, and demand full price, Miles r , •,li
about 200,ff10 The, in lota, at from nit to :Mc for
neon to fine fleece. the latter for Cl)),' art.l tot., ats .
webatit•. and e!1 ale.
:sail • •• ;: u • '.;
nt 140€0;111e, meludlng tome low greutee nwtent, 11111- gie ,'ail,washed, ta die. Pulled Wools an qlll., but some . e. ,
talonof foreign are reported uu terms kept
Cleveland Market.
NOV. I.l.—Flour—Sales IV , O Lb)* X X red at $e,.2.1 '
Lb)* nno at $5,5n. Wheat—Firmer and mon , act Ive.
The sales at the Board were-. ..3,utst to. red freeon L ,..21
board at 131,..)4m 3,0U0 by rat from *tore at 61.11 i;
au* rod on track at $1.116 and 1 car god schtte en 1,7 HID:*
track at $1.:12. After 'Change inn rots sales of 3.ixkl
Im red brow n hand at $l,•At: 2,'Xto bll • contawn wh
afloat at 31;41: I car red on track at t 1,2.1. f. rn
getter and more acttte. Bales 6,00 u Loth at $ 1 its It 11 'I., 'tilt* - T.%
free on Ward. Oato—Active. g ab f ront 4, j k 1. 4 11
atom on prirat• terms. At t h e 10. t.44lera lank log
7.119aLe (tom By e—H eld--Qtet Nu tmto , ot
I loom reported. an at 81,1:,.
Chicago Hog Market.
Noir. 21.—rtn roccipts continuo large, but um:,
an i,ctic demand by packer. anti *klippen, price% art MARICET STREET
well matnt•ih tg &rend very heavy ch.. lot* ha,.. t ) •
been tiold a* high a* 55,4005,48, but the hulk of
1.11113X.ii01111 at prices ranging from $6,0040,20.
- -
Imports by River. ,
ZASE.iVILLE—res. Eves.. iinsuau—Nor. It -
I ter mdse., E Raseituti; t circular saw, Lippinrott
& oa; 3 tubs awn cheese, Lute & Weis; Lot of 11 U CL( ) A li: S , NiEIIIN OS
Goods, Si Dunlarar; I !title bolter, 1 bbl son, 3
it bbls, John Miler. 2, bids roolasses, 1 Ira hoseyq
3ldrildman; it tubs swig eheese, John haute; P taas
beans 13 do turnips, 11 Riddle: 2 bbls apples :McCand
less. Jamison a co.; 7 oks mass, I box, Mn Moore;
6 aka produce, 1 keg molmises, Sin Wips; 3 sails, A 1
I box produce, Mr Dyers; 57 oil bbls owner; I ball Go lit's and Boys' AA' cz - i r,
bbl pickles, 1 tin fruit, A Cordell; 2 bbls potatoes, x", ,
pkg. it It goods, C ilottnean; 6 bids applar, lot aril 11
S., 3 aka apples. 1 bbl barter, 1 box eggs, 5 lib's pc,. IS-% reTti 4 41-2 A 1.. P.Z ii. I ICI'S.
duce, 1 ark fentlarrs, owner; 5 sks produce, Philbp
Ilensel: S bids apples John Porterfield; 10. oil bob.
Wooldridge h Atwonl; 4 n-r, rod I keg order, Ii .1 GREATEST BARGAINS OFFERFD THIS SEASON.
K s , e eedy g Uro; :ari bblsapplar, owner - . Sdo do S ~
Adams: 7 bbla seed, S pkg. butter, CC' Itatel,7, 4 'DON'T BM' BEFORE SF.EINO THESE
b iLs bu .o i z soaprartghsp b. llta, IBe
~.,Ipr e s ;
11 , .'..i 0 bbl ( u
sund u....., riete,.:l;
S,l , :ru o us id 1\
. ' .17 - -
1 EW - 116.)it 4 . \% 6 bare I,,AV to htiMo
x,pler, Park, McCurdy et lb; 3u half& 3 a WI. ale
bbls, Rhodes & Co; 107 bbls Suer, Larn bids apples, -•- .
Oration A Thomas; 1 cask wariness's, Phillip Wagner:• oumyleie stock of
t arils rope, Wni Dilworth; 0, bids elder, 116nry Wil.
Rams; 3 bar ponitry, Adonis Ex ee; ii, Mots all. J ... I FILL AND WINTER GOODS,
Tilton; 2 bbl. flour, J Crommonweth; 1 bx , :10 bl•Is
apple, II Childs A Co: 3 b.F. ~,, tits, 11 . bbl. 01'. , most of which wan purchs-ed betbre the lots ul
ples, Fetter A Armstrong; 4 bar and 21 bb l " uPPD 6,
2 Mar f sped, Cook. Pettit A co. 8 reds leather. Coo ~..,,,, ii, prise, 01 ,d . i n 6 , .. ii et tom ~,,,....
II Anderson. 11 idles sack. A J Ragan; 2jan butter,
Crarf, Bennett A co, 2 aria nds. 30 bbis seco Hour,CLOAN OUNAMENTS,GLI PIR.F. LACES, BT ' I*. ,
Varsity ..k Kopp; lot of honsohobl r.oeds, Mers Moore; AND BINDINGS, 1 ACE COLLARS, LINEN
2 bbls and 2 kegs butter,.M. do loot, ac.' 1 keg, u ' COLL Alta , BREAKFAST SETTS, in new
bags. 1,6".1. , bbls flour, 3 ars wool, 1 bx, 2do butter. 1 rills.; LINEN HA szTiNERCIIIIO ,B 6 lAd
Dibble extract, Libbls eggs and seed, 6 I. dried itp- garsta at old pone; SILK A titbit.
ples, 9 bblr rod barns. 12 bbls pork, 14 do beef, 3 bbls I IirCILE NECK SCARFS• urn
. 04,7 kegs batter, 3 jars butter, 1 engine and fix- : BONS, FLOWERS, FLAMERS b
Dir., Clarkeh Co. • RUSCIIES; FELT HATS, 114..A1ER
CINCISNATI—rxx Barran - It-113 bgs feather., E i HATS, sax. RATS ; READ-DRESSES A
It King; tero ale ishls,4l enc.. A McKay; lot furni• ; READ-NETS. In every style; BONNET V El..
tors. T II Eousg.A e • else Boner, Ttarnan A Getty, ,I VETS, BONNET SILKS, SKATING CAPS, litiODS.
S bbls whisky, E Drys . Ilife boat, Jae Reese; 13'bbis I • ZOGAVE .FACKETS, BREAKFAST CAPES,
hominy, Fetzer k Armstrong; und bgs wheat, RT 1 SONTAGS, BALSIORKL SKIRTS, entirely
Kennedy 2 Bra; 2A bss fruit, Long D ht/ bbls new styles • SLY, QUAKER, end other
a l e, W 'tonna co; VA bides, A M ots Hos; 01 blar new floor .
ale, Wm Edmunds; 20 bells chairs, FOW allarr; tars I AMERICAN I,OItsETS ; BAL.
wine, J II Sawyer; 100 oil bbla, Edgerton & Stewart. , MORAL STOCKINGS, Barton Di.,
213 do do, Titan & cot 45 bbls apples, Wilson, Carr A ; bed, Sinker, Knit. and artier kinds, for
co; 144 doll.). Owen.
170 do du, Fetzer A,, fall and winter; GLO w ES, to every c ry lc and
Armstrongtl.oo oil bbls, Ardareo 011 cot 6 dos brooms. I Ous lll l ;ZKI twin ETD GLOVE , ' . dark ,01-
Long & Dug; A bib be
.1 P Scat; 114 hides, J on and p black, far Al 00; good Wli ITP. li ID
17 ELcLusglilln. GLOVES for 51 00• lit.'s SUETLAND ih VOL
51211115 AND DRAWERS, reel Scotch, and
a full Rae of other Undergarments and-
Finishing Goods, for 31en, Women
and Children.
Imports by Railroad.
PITIIITITIaIi, Sr. Warss&Canc.asi r e
Ransom, Nor
23-173 tea lard, - Ida bbls grrase 101 to hams Y &liars
& co 69 bbls ishiaky 3 13,Tacteronda mviss s ass ,
°it; 3 do do Si Young; 9 bdla paper. W 8 Haven; I our
rags, Godfrey & Clark; 3 bgs feathers, I im butter. I
bid =Lona, Kirpouick & tiro; 25 'dos brook., Win
Cooper; 27i pigs lead, T II ;goyim% 1 car corn, Wirt.
Mt.& Dr0;31 6 bus mill foed 541..1 Carothers; 1 car
stares, Ramsey & co; 12 cars midst, J 31oorhead; 2no l
bbl, flour, Dir 11cCutchcon; 143 Gbls apples, 2 bids
oufersa, I. II Voight 4 co; 9 rolls leather, W 11 Oliver;
2 care corn, Ilitcbcock, McCreary & cm 3 cars corn,
D Walla.; Obbla whisky, M Itosontiangh & co; 192
bids grease, Isiah Dickey & to; 10 bales hemp,l mitt,
Mutton & co; 100 bib!. flour, Shoroakeir & Lasig; 2A
bids oil, McDonald & Aibuckle; 5 bbl. oil. Atwell,
Lee . & co; 50 bbl, whisky, DI McCullough 0 co; 015
bills paper, Mittman & Lam; 6 pkgl tobacco, 5 Ibis
oil, tirlser .t. La.rear;276 tcs horns, 3 P lirdestaA co;
240 plgs lead, 3. It Caufleld; 151' bides,V4l do, J Y 1
Mc Liaghlin; 30 ladle bid., D Dtaii; 316 bmi barley,
J u Tucker : 183 Wes J 3 elm wool, S So brim;
5 bbls oil, Knox & Parker; 5 bble whisky,l; lox. wine,
Wl' Daum;ls dor, brooms, 11 Robison & co; 5 bee
wins AP Wills;
CIXTZLAND A Prrinumuou lIAILUOLD, See. 3--
47 mks oats, Simpson & Knox; 19 bills scrap iron,
Jones & Laughlin; 612 On corn, W Carmichael; /32
W. potato., I. II Voile, & co; 10 bbls Mbaceo J 3
Dilworth; 308 aka rye, Th. Doll & co; .1:3 bpi tall
r e ed, Jos Dorrington; 144 sks wheat, J 8 lilagei I' .;
114 bads tobacco, 111 Iley1; 7 do do A Schaub; 3 do do
.1 Murphy; 19 tails liquor, 3 fielfrstht 12 bbia oil, 11 A
Datracatock 4k no;, It E Sellars & co. 7 hit&
tobacoo, Weym. & Son; 1 bbl whisky, E Dyer, 6
•pkp tobacco, pacCalllster & Haar; 4.ii64 liquor, li
ilesperibeide. - ... ,
Ausidosr.firnio 7l , , 1405. , 23-1517 an brick Min
der Blair; 13 pima produre, 'Et tenet; 20 Vialfalibles,
I J scimsli 10 bbl. applo, lt 1 11 1 4 il 57 pork-lbt. s
11arbaugh & to; S blols-pearl.blithy,ll aria A ltiddli.;
283 bu , corn, J 11 Spear; 97 legs barley, IN do, wheat
I l 50, do oats, Sitapson & 'Enos; ID i dosi brooms, I II
We would Invite tbi 'attention or gerdlerneri
o' bete. dltdezdtp Stl .ritettlfig Bodo td our
lonOt oroortuwat or.
TAP do do do.
TRIPLE do • • do do.
DOOBl4. bal t r t AND 11,PPLT.,,omi da.
The replied, made to .pocial order eat for uest.
.rweewud dorabllity warranted (vial to ctty
Hula Parneitbt WOO owl Yourthutroete,
BOO ; r8 LNI) 8110 ES. " •
• "_ •'OBEAT 821)170Tlot
7 . 604 4 4 1
other goolBB6l l ln very law.- ,
. ,
VAILP" . BELL, 1114oufacturer of
BOOTELOW,1111IOES; of otcq descrlptlON No
dialtbffeld sErmtalttsbtagh. oat:ly
-- •
11E0. 'ALI3REE,..BOI•T & Tat Whol6- .
sale aad nkAii tkalpta in 11001'4.8liPEUe.;
eatrazWeal awl Yownh'streets. Pittaburga,
J.r., osieetesiudr; Loam
'Bain woonter town In Geramlattats,
POOPPOInj VOW 44 - iVM6Aq pat,
• 4 = ; fftio .1 drink tint Itn
/Car GOODS, tic
SMALL WARE: 4 AND NoTi(1\;;:
7. 31 \ 11E IT .ThrT:r
BARKER & Co.'s;
iiitESS (:400D.,
ear 14'holesOss Boomm up stain.
Bnyere 4roin country, arm! citydvalern, find
am Mock at Mt Urns *ell ',wend, and pricer, ea low
as any other Minna. •
ac.9l. 77 & TJ DU/MET Stilt:ET.
EATON, N - 4eitllM RC S
17 AND 19 Mir fans?, Pirmrcreqp,
COl*Stut, for
A.tkinson's Steel Collars and Cuffs,
Enamelled White, berillt the appearance awl a.m..
fort of Limn, •To Military Men el Marcie. the)
are Ideate/O=AL num or lIXZb c0u...8a *am cern .
Gent'. Standing Collars—..—.,—.--11/ beac h.
" Tummy .................. 1 " •
Coff.a ... 1 60 per pair.
Ladles' Harm! (rel.
er pair.
B 1p17141
e laf u
eollatitfsTmiblKA tor 10 sotirdiitYrr VS UM
a.• NEW POL,F thr•ack (MD .05E, pro
'eldltet cot Mike or. t,3 .0 r 2,5 cant* -.
The trade aupptled at. dlievelfealcA4:,Wit Floe.
Wor'prleellst addresi •
JIM% Migqll3 ll it 00.,
1104burr,b, Pa.
LANE; mpAkitov & .co:
11133: frii4,2ol: illekbeat
'roa"kisi -
1 -74liwer . "N '"MOP CU
3U VEtS-zi-jiiip !tit 4E06 ,1 1
ticl9 .*1 midiabg,
Ever Avrrovied to ir..•tng Machlnes in 'Mud .
Theme Marble," won. awarded the Higheet Prowl
MIA, aver all eatnprtatter fur the liter Family Surat;
Naddilitet the DM Dloaa;factfoieto, and the
Pad lil.hese Work, at the following STATE PAIRS,
of 1061:
New Perk eYate Fair,
Fiat Premium for family machine.
Vint Premium for auchle-throad moohine.
Fiat .Prumium for machine work.
Fermata &ate 'Fair.
I%mi Premium for family machine.
First Premium for manufacturing machine.
Hirai Premium for machine work.
.lore Safe Fair.
Fired Pirriltum for family machine.
Vial Premium for manufacturing machine.
Filet Premium for machine work.
Afirkisimi &ale Fair.
Fire Premium for family machine.
Flat Prefoinnt for manufacturing machine.
Tint dreintum for machine work.
feNana Staler Fair.
Pica Premium for-machine for all purpose..
Vint Premium fur machine wurk.
Mora Nolo Pan,
Firei Premium for machine for all purposes.
Yir.t Premium for machine work.
6enter/4 Balla Fair.
Piret Premium for machine for all purposes.
Fleet Premium for machine work.
Prnarolrana Bate Pair.
Pilot Pnntime for mannfacturing math Inc.
Fin: Praniturt fur bettuttrul machine work.
Coot , F.or.
Fin,. Venom for maeL lon work.
Aryl at the following County Fairs :
Claitlaalen (VI.) eigricittium/ Some*. -
First:Premium for family machine.
ri,,,e Premium for m.uf.turing machine.
First Premium for machine work.
Cameptaiu ;vary (rt.)'allaral Socket,
vi Premium for for , y machine.
First Premium fur mattuf.turing machine.
First Prtmaium for machine work.
ffainpden Ca. ()f...) Ageiceintrai %rifts,.
Diploma for family machine.
Diploma for machine, work.
Freak/is Oa. (N. Y.) Fair.
Finn PremIGIM for htmlly machine.
Fiat Premium for reanufanturing machine,
Queen. Co. (N. Y.) chwerairisralßerirry.
Fiat Premiumrtor Wally machine.
Waekfegroe CO. (A '. Y.) Fair.
Fiat Premium for faintly machine.
Saratoga Do. (N. Y.) Fair.
Pint Prtmulturt for family machine.
Mechanic's latstaale (Pa.) Fair.
Fine premium for machine for all pp - poem
First Premium for machine work.
The 111.01 . 0 romprbses all the /Mrs at which the
ItIACIIINEn were eBhlblted
title year. -.At mealy all of them the leading Sewing
Nl:whip:aware in competition.
The work made upon the Grocer ft Baker Sewing
Machina bas received. the First Premium at every
Suite Pair in the thaltal Shaw whore it Las been
ex Lis iud to tide date.
Sales Dooms, No. 18 FIFTH ST, Pittatmrgh, Pa.
oe.9e4NEIN•I O A. F. al ATONET. Agent.
_ _ _
A LtiallENT MT( ,
.Itot,outly on hood n Lo o A4 tuirt tboretighly
&stool/eti stock of UWE BOAT Yti D Barron
11D - orders 'for SAWED STUFF with
yrorriplW.4.l aUd of tar tot.,
D. Permit's irarOltig LOPE TEIBICS or POP.
are part.lcnktry lorltrri ho OZA13111:10 Mr dock.
10.111 - 00ite oo Oragotorto, Dear Ltobinson.
()NEIL ,t STUN pi.AN,
mAiiiii,thrunsna of - wins woux,
nave always on band sod make to order fttON AND
kinds: 'IUDDIES,- for'Youndry .I
slot LEA VT
kUMENTAL WIRE WORE, Int Flurcera, Az,,,
All sisal of WIRZ-tuivolo, it.
fallen so.rouirui4;aw.
T ARP AVANTI3I)::- h 5 heat' cash
'L7 paid Tor C.c6tit6liita, afilmmr
• - Jedri,kALY.ELL a WS, , .
'ten 69 and TO Wata etre*
No. 4 Diamond, Allegheny ;
or ”f S. D. W. GILL.,
loFT:cr,tlf N.l. Su Filth ittre.t,Pittaburgh.
f'Alilul FUR :SALE, situated in Indiana
<omits, .ts stiio from Blaireville, on the lgorth
ern Vlte,.contalning ONE EC I , ZDEED AND SIXTY
AMES, ninety I,ms cleared and In good cultiva
tion. New frame hew. and crathni.hiluga, young
pt - .lll.ard of choice ftnit., abundance of exceDent tenter.
En.inite at tho,oflice of W. U. AIIGHENBAUGE„
of tilL.O. S. SWAET.7:, No. 112 Diamond street.
1. 4 1 011 lot of bond, containing
76 arms, situated 1 , miles from Illimont Ste
'ton, on the Tittotouth, tort Wayne S Chicago ILL
The strew property Is yell timbered, with • good
100 ng otchard of bearing front:zees. This propero
will ho aoH on ressonsido terms.
For further particobirs address
6, C. Illatdal6TEß, Borirkleyrills, Ts.
Ta'A.ll.A.-' —IVO BOILERS, 42 in.
.L by '6B feet, Double, Flusel,.ln good condition. with
mud and ‘ol drums; Bra front
.llrWET, WELLS a CO.,
Steel Worti, FiftirVeird.
AD RI I,boo Horse-power, 4,00 e tons.
1,000 lloree-powors Is ooo town
COLUMBIA, 1,000 Rosso-power, 3,000 tons.
ANGLI A. 1,000 Rcus-puwer, %OW tags.
The rusgnillasut Sieemship ADRIATIC will oaD
from New - York for Liverpool uu TUESDAY, tbel7th
of November.
Bates of panosagoilwn New York to Liverpool, pay
able to gold or its equivalent in convency.
Find Cabin.--
Passengers forwarZt ohs, to London, Parix, Ham
-I:ht.:Totigraratirmrn, Rotterdam, Antwerp, an, at
Fares from f.iverpont or Galirsy to Raw York and
Doe... $2O. 535, 57ds UM
apply at Um dike of tbo
SABEL k DYABLE 13 Broadway.
Fanassa Jonas, lionagns
or, D. O'NE:ILL,
Dmd.a017...4 Building;
t6lvase No. 7D Fifth street. Pitbbtorgb.
EDPCoL, touching at VIEENFTOVTS,
(conk Ileattea.) The well-known eteamers of the
Liverpool, N., York and Philadelphia Sioanial4
Company aeo intended as ftdknal t -
lIITY OF T.02111011----....-9attieday, 1201. 25.
CITY OF 11.11,T13101LE—...--.Baturda7, Dee- 2,
CITY OF NSW Dec. 12.
And every tucceeding ilaturday, at saws, tram Pier
44, North Myer.
-Raise Or wataati. - - ' -
Nast* is Gobi, s. to ststladasi is Cu
00 1
Flan 041W1...........430 - at 1:11511.1105......a......1P 0 00.
do ,to London.— 65 00 do to London 9 4 00
do to Part........ 95 00 do to Pitts—, ,40 50'
do to Ilrimbtog . 90 do to Itambg ST 00
Passengers also ibrwardal to Llavra,liretsen; Bat
teniam, Antwerp, do.. at equally kna tats:... ,
Forts gown Liserpool or QtaWastairn r, VG Cabin,
$75, 486, inia.: Waage, PO, lhosto who wish to
send tot their Mona can boy tickets hero , at those
Nor torther4.allonnatton'aPply al , ths-Contiftwyhi
Odium. . •• JOHN 1914 . 1h41,34 , 49:nt:.; ' .
15 Broidway 21sw Tort:
Hood 44 - tot:Jo; howls Isom the bridge. _
"TILE "OLD 001111,ZTAT.:”
P4rrookorr I,n - 1411 . km:it' In, MET CLAM MATh
STEAMERS, Rom Liprrior Likattinderrl, Okhry
ur Cork, for
And bylining reigiols for TWENTT-OITE DOL.
..; €l , A dpi, Okroliki.ltaDdlng.
vt.T2*neod. 'r arretaittablugh.
iIYNTM) LINE.--Stem from
min naiTian nimng.
not nw eanimq
&Olt !very week. Appl7 to
N. , 30 lioXem PriPfkloto
706 'do ' do • Woodo l27l6 germ, to 544 .... , 1
tiaG, ' WEBB't WiLKINSON - a ib
(AMA COATS I Gini COATS !. -. lAltirite
VA stock jure recetveri end for ede er,rbr• ludlA
Rubber Deput.of. 3. L.rntLyrrEs,
noir ' ,rn lia“:"48t: Clair etreet,
Oarrelz ; •
10 tub . . Patited x to tithe ; .
b =, c lac° • on
• ~,•-*;
16 AND IS CHAMBERS sralesr,
(Fumes - 42 Chatham Meat, New York,)
Ac•: iiovr receiving theLr
Fall and Winter Scock,
Aud invite jhcir frlouds and tbe public to exumbae
o .,eir stock., vshlch Is the most complete
seer brought to this market.
Always on bald, a tarp asocainient of
(dd sad 3d etorire, over althardeork's Jewelry Store.)
of @Tory lac end style, plain or colored, from the
popular Carta de Ingle tp Gab Wet and 11II> elm
PURTIANCE would particasily gall the et
too t tau of tho AGED AND INFIRM to 31:ke
cosolbflity or thlo cotabliohmont, befog reathol b 7 a
single shaft flight of stabs. Prins models* and
tlce..t anawltend
LSOL rd I Tlfli;
97 and 99 Third ntreot, oppolte E. FAlmundnou &
null lit Fourth stmt._ tubli3
qr every - style.
Of ann7 kind and gnat,.
ocl7 131 WOOD SESSET
Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves,
And ell kinds or fittings fel Water, Gas and SWIM
Lorre:row AND TANKS ron OIL =TINE
BIER, Hied vrttb lead by s curer pr)cess.
Foil THE FALL OF 1863
200,4.10.3 APPLE RBES,
fttret fine—% 3, 4 and Ay*, •
old leading it., I.•%:ei, ',lnd - rainy newwea
Ales a very large stock of PIM; (stemi_dicrliall ,
PLASTS, Ac., 6e., wholesale and retall'at way •Tea
sortable prices. JonsixtraDoca, Jr., •
wlentewP P I ttetrargh and. OaklandAunalea.•
(t;cleanssor to Jamo & Co.),
P 0.,p; B P A o,* z a,'
Dealer In BAOOI4 LARD. DIMA:n. Mtn 'PIM
- •
como, mem? AND 'l3lst Emus*,
so 7:1 PrrilartnM, PA.
Invites tea attention or Sportsmen ILIA nth= to la
i p i.did e ck a GUNS, MILES, REMO
BELTS owl POUCH"; Mt.% :11 YUMS:and &it
munition of every ben iniliretLeur
broo,vat to this market • • z oar
Primo Inch Flawing Boards,
16 fe.t. Iffitg, Tarim" midlis,bx Salo by
sellobiarom a z.,wa,
Pa. Nor. F.
This rdavasadtha Practice efl#l ePieakD it
xte; in mans IsTailizt;ro
vetannh„ odour ekiiros. , cacti=
POT CLIAL--50 - bbl& , Missetri :Cts)
4- lumax im.•colsras.
Dx BscrtiTSTl.ONTlici:
-I""3ll"nadt.r the ' and-ena
at J. i. - I.INDSAT4cO. Si:this' day: dissolibd bi
Inutual lagtaant: tautness ...connected. with ea'
late Vie Ada Do wittls4l4 E.:I.I.NDSLIriIt,
7 00 d atritnr. lap . 4.11. 132611M 4 f . '' ,
lbzr• also dfilioned cf rylnteriotAultofteni.4. -1 .
J. B. 4, i Co: to LIEDNIM;
. •
fa tbi brlerest ,1"
the Arms at.). IL' Vo.; - Efardirariand
Cutlery BusiaawrodpFtertits - ilnei of 7. 13.:a 8 .
auxwELka oo..Belkowa liannfactural.thabud-.
ruin will clintliins ay aunt], iiardlian , and Co ver.
J TV, o,o2,,:roadi StitilitT,l — P i N ii:_b 'O er49 F
7,4, h 1njar5. "\WE1130 441140 .. , - ."
the "e. ' 4 '7 • 4b. '
ILT" '1 1 red FREW et t t.r asy.-hetu .as ,
LOCKMART -and- WILLI - AM - FREW harlst
closed the,. entire totem* pro*. ;!_.•
The bud toe of the 11 4 o g u il l k b o- , 4144
MR* •
WILLIAM rum, .
• c jo trAl M l nx s L a c Zt i r
- *RIM V. KIPP'.
Pittsburgh, Attgust 10th, / 812 .
amuse zaccans,......”---
- -
tod BRILLIANT - om - wo,
. ,
PrrrstvSact. Pl.
324 rt64 - t1 Arai.