pittslittrgit A'Rzettq. S. RIDDLE & CO.. XPITOI.III AND rtralarP2/1.- NOV. 24 1 TUESDAY MORNING EMINEI The Right Way to Go to Work• The Indianapolis Journal publishes two columned extracts from the Indiana coun ty papers, all of which show that the enthusisut for voluutecring in that State has reached a very high pitch. The Colludes are generally paying a bounty of one hundred dollars in addition to that of toted by the government, an4ta somecaeot increasing the pay of the volunteer ten dol lars a month. There will ho no draft in that State. —Now why Should not Allegheny coun ty, and every other county in Pennsylva nia, tot ,, timely counsel, and sot about meeting the President's call in so practical, effective, and honorable a way, as these In dianians have shown us? Hors Coppertiegd!Sympathles Are Ei eretsed. The copperhead journals always raise an outcry when their friends, the rebels, are hurt. Whether Gen..Scticscx, in Mary land, tries to exclude them from the privil ege which they have so justly forfeited, of coming to the polls in the false guise of loyal citiiens and . voting to put agents and al liesof theit own into the national toys, and and intoimportant offices of the state of 'Maryland; or whether the same uncom promising General and the Governor of Delaware nr..roe in adepting the same course towards men that reface to swear to support the constitution and laws of f the United States, in the recent election for a Member of Con gross in that State—it is all alike. The General acting alone as -in Maryland, where Governor BBADFOILD refused to co- operate with him, or acting with the fullest • co-operation of the Governor of Delaware- - it is ell alike. The copperheads are equal ly dissatisfied in each case, because the rebels could not just vote and do as they pleased—what the copperheads always con sented, and now wish, to see them do. When Gen. Butler assumed command at Fortress ftlonroe, he issued the following order: rtepresentations Lasing bee , n made to the corn ' Mending general that certain disloyally disposed per sons within this department do occasionally, by frce, interfere with, and by opprobious threauning lan guage, insult and annoy loyal persons employed in the quiet discharms of their lawful occupations, It ix hereby announced that all such conduct and len group is hereafter expressly forbidden, and will be punished with ndlitary weerity. AU officers of this department are directed to order the arrest, gala te bring such persons mare found offending azoinst this order before the triburml established' for the Poe potie of punishing offenses within this departnte , C , Of course, as soon as the copperheads • heard of this, they raised their most savage howl—or Mrs, we ought to have said, to avoid the catachresis. They affected to see all the tyranny and cruelty of a Suns or Nero in it. In fact, it was even worse than that—it was uffprecedeuted—it vas unique--it was !'Brute Butler • redirirus, and at work again , . We have not yet had a specimen of their cry after a new offender in the West, but here is a paragraph which will be sure to bring them out: "The military telegiaph Las beau extended to Fort Smith, and Gen. 11.14eil has ordered that any inter- Orme. with the llne shall be punished as buswhacll fro ing—it the wires are cut, a glean prisoner 44 • hung.” —By what accident the copperheads have - overlooked this, we cannot tell, but we sup pose they must have done so, as we have • not observed a single reference to it in any - Of their daily diatribes against everybody and everything that hurts, or is meant to hurt, their friends. It is certainty quite as objectionable to both copperheads and reliefs, as anything General Scnrscr, or even General BIITLEII, has done, or ever reposed to do,—and therefore we cannot but think that their editors and orators will take It as a favor to nave their attention called to it ; and for our part, we must ton - Tess that the antieipationof the coming hiss from universal snakedom—like a brova "harp of a thousand strings discoursing its sibillant music—makes us take pleasure in doing so. Ilovr , We Treat Rebel Prisoners. The painful scilicet which has been neces sarily so much before our readers of late, namely, the barberous treatment. of our captured soldiers bythe rebels, must not be lost eight of, even though we bear that through the exertions of benevolent associ ations and the. co-operation of the Govern- Meet a certain degree of mitigation of their sufferings and privations, has taken place, and that some seasonable clothing and sup plies of food hove reached and cheered their prison-dens with assurances that they are not forgotten. We think it right that the subject of the treatment of prisoners should he studied otherwise than in the revolting aspects it presents when we look towards the Libby, Castle Thunder and Belle Isle. Let us to - day take a contrast, and look at the treat , menCof the rebel prisoners in our bands. We oopy the following extracts of a report made by W. B. SWAM', M.D., Inspector U. S. Sanitary Commission, on tho condition and management of the camp for prisoners of war at Point Lookout, Maryland: Teesdee, Nor. 10, 1863.—Yisited and hi- Tooted the different wards, kitchen and din ing-room of the Hammond General Hospital, w now mostly occupied by the rebel sick, and in charge of Anthony H with eg the dß er, Sur geon U.S. A. lie, in company oer of the day (Dr. Bidlack,) visited with me every ward, kitchen, bathroom, Ice., and showed me every attention in their power. The hospital is arranged like the spokes of a wheel. and has lltteen.wards, together with one building used as the executive depart cunt, and centaining also the eleeping apart- meats of the different surgeons.-diepownl7, . 11[101440019, &e. The capacity of the hospital, allowing 903 cubic feet per bed, is 1,050 beds, or 70 beds to each ward. Including the conval escent ward, and the wards forarysipelas and hospital gangrene, there are about 1,400 beds. Ventilation good—high ceilings, and plenty of rood sea air. The number of patients at present in the hospital Is 1,277; 01 these 493 are Union men, and 7134 rebels. The Union colliers are all nearly ranveteseent, while the prevailbsedieeese among the rebels I, chronic blarthea. . The ward' when In very good condition, but there was a vast difference in the cleanli ness of those occupied by our men—no spit ting on the floor or lounging on the beds with clothes en—as was seen among the rebels ; ' could do nothing With.them, i m pose no pun ishment for they wore too weak; .. evory atten tion was plaid them , and all potable care taken tekeep the,arards and bedding es cleanly * possible. ' Tit,the half and low diet kitchen, found the traygall ready to convey the foodto the sicki "..e.! the rebs received the same as "our seen, no distiction ahatever, potatoes, rice, cabbage, eWeet milk, soft bread and bur, and n farina er • eitirilltoroll being 'Pre tte Pared- Ws kifeiren had' female cooks. The full diet kitiberialtebythe sida of th e dining-room , wither-et:thing complete,orens, boilers, lec. • The '?.Liellg-tOOlll, 'rabic of 'bating 1,000 porton_ ,s wasth splendidcondition,witb tables, ." 'finer, &e., in good order. I shall not enter I 1 i . , s - ---------_ into the details of these ,various apartments, I rustic .roricEs.7 ..irErir ./D r.ERTISEMEXT,S. .11" E li •.IDI'E It 7 IS EmEArTs. 4•Elf' .ID FE.Kr/St....TiEJI"TS. hutwill speak of the sections which to us now - - -......------.--- -- —_- • ,---.......- --,,...---z..... --.- - - is of more interest- It was my fortune to v -- -,, THE MAYORALTY OF ALLE- 1 RI OARD vrANTED—In this city ii; a A I. OLD PRICES! enter the dining-ram as dinner was being . `-'-' GHENT -Capt. Scans Dana, at the urgent :1-1 Lady, either In ain ,n , .. (cm ~ .. ,-.,t1, t• . ./ . , ~/ i . ,,/ placed upon the table, and found about six ' .U.•"'"• ° " Or m:::i' dth ' - ', , ,1T: 'r eu b t- P r .-7,- -,.,-,-,.—.- ~, ~-.. , L ,,,,,, - - ;". ..—.../.,/,, . ) ..._.,-, ,..,.. ounces of fresh beef, boiled, three potatoes !. h'f'fritroyb'City, " at ' the ensurng'rrutu:lclgreleCY: -.. ' '''' -. ' - __ /.. • ..._././I t:ty:l4 , " two thick slices of bread, butter, one pint ot ' Dm. eg nolb.te • h S 5 00 RE" A i' ‘•--. ' -I. '.. - '' " ,/,/ • ) \ ...p will vegetables, and the condiments of- 1 • • on. ntog.ll.e 2. , 1 tot! I. •,..-u t to. , ort,, pepper, salt, mustard and vinegar; and to '- . HENIOT AL OF TILE DEAD. —All , Bier , nod X d.th . m are,. ,t,,i ,Landlreky and , . , , . ~. . ... ~ 1.1. HI .11 I. this the rebels sat down at the mime time and persons intereetted are hereby n r,tibre , t hat - .11. ' ow. di .tt 11.3 It/ a. , . ...'". ~, iiI.I,I'IIIIL r. 1 , I I i I . , i in the came room with our men. What could , Lir:: ,r,'l,4,,,ltTura:'rjl°,:,'w:..„'"':„,,.„„nd ,e, , c tor it, ~ to-,, i.. . 1 - •.' ,l ii sli 1 ` - 1 they wish morel If there was any complaint fiard,vity of Allegheny, to Hilldals Ceruetory, will no.ft.lt at at all, it ought to come from us, that they ,be commenced on the 27th of thin month. 01 /V F.RN ll ENT sA.I.F. —YI 1, ..• ..,,i, , received too much and were entirely to well ' By order of the Board Trustv.es. _ . . 00., treated. • Ilole,Ad 1 k•A at h", 1•1 , tt. w.r. I, 51, Ir, 1., ... a fli. I 7 Icr"°" l6l.E. '.".) 0., at No 1 1.11 ., .r . .l1OV1 1 •Y. N.` , - Fru. Disc.—Break/est—Bread, 5 oz.; butter, rim, sr M'soxosucts lsoreavcr. co , 1 ~,. .'"IlL 1.' ,1 . ,, n..... ' o ' ." • .I ., " ( ''.:r"" a IVO i'il'OP, •111.I)* 1;1 L IA; IA.IIII i'. (11kla II I oz.; Indian meal, boiled, 2 oz.; molasses, .33. iiittlberah, N., 2,1,. 1-..1.1. .1 , 12,4-Ir., 0.,l 114 1, t 1.1,.. •,,.. .zo , N , a. . iwri . . of a gill. Amo•e—Boot soup and vegetables. • DIN-IDEN D. I i - —':_te Directors , •1 this . T'' , l • ,, i i • xer ~ ..! the ' Aic, lio. c. , it , • . t` Mt, . TI.IIII. .11... , ',OM'''. "", I pint: meat, lil oz. , sweet potatoes, 7 on.; , Company bore o n day declared n Dtsi I. on or Two DOLLARS upon each 'ha, of the '' ip so" .. ' ' . 1 1 , 1 'i 1.1." I'ec-"ii-',.11::.'1'1,.‘•1'''',..•11 ''''l,- bread, 4 oz. Suppc ' e—Coffeo, 1 pint; bread, 5 Stock, to be applied t., the reduction of the si. •1, '''''• ''' -' - ' ' - oz.; cheese, 2 ex.: butter, I oz. Doe Bills. 0101" I. MA 17 F AT .A.L'C'l It I'. .t /n The diet is enanged every day, when they ro chtdot _ B. E. DAVI' ' or''''' 'S n EDNit... , L , it kiolla,ll,G, Nov. 2,01. at II or ~ lIIN 1 ii ,, 1 . 0 ,,, also receive ha ge, tomatoes, maaearon , 0, „. r or x 0 ,,.. .,,,,,.„ i ,. ( ..„,„ ( ( . 0 . , ,r I 4.1 c, coal le , .. itl, et 1,, , and on Sunday have both Irish and sweet Pittsburgh, Nov 1 , nik, le,- f , 1 ; 4 . I ",„ ‘ ' I n II ',„ - '': ',„',',',7:'',,'„!.',11;:r , ,i d , .. ~ , ~,, potatoes, puddings, La. Timbres , " ration was . 111 ---,As ELECTION FO R IIF T E i „ , :c ::...,,,, g . . ,... I- ~.. .. . formerly sir inners, but the doctor has elm it v,-,..) , DIE EG•vogs of t i t :. C, rou pons, t o s e t -, 1 , •• I „„, 4 '' . 1 , , y I , i , ~T , .1 :, ‘, k 1,.. I : 4 „.,,•,,„. down once mince breakfast and supper, ands the e--ning, year will he bro at it. ethos, he to, • tT e ',once! dinner, 1 Water s triiwt, On TUESDAY. Dr:renal. r Ist, le t n•.... 1 - 1 - 11 it I S TOi • ki LIF.I.NI{IIII ECK . ~: n oi , vi-vn. ee , ,ill t , ~ .n. Bsth, laundry and engine rooms complete I the hours of li a. m . sad I, , , (,-:' li RF, of )In , h tch, it, t l.a N.,,,,10 , 1 of Wdrt , . . , ^; down ..! 1.,...... 0.0‘.. ye: v, “1,•I ,t,.. eon I nolNistd H. E. Secrets.. I Lemberg, or hie ht in, n , bereny ootilled that t h and in good order. 1 I said ECK H A RDT VI •ttll . tit te an w het toss s ~,,... ~.,„ ,•, •u• ~,..., . „., ~.,., ~,,,.. 0 ,+,I" ...,.. —So much for the condition and treat- i LECTURE. ON TIIE-EAST.—Rkv. lof mt., it.,,os. 4. 11 he , his legal Leos 1110. t JAMES PRESSLEY, D D.. will deliver a , claim le,. re Os t.th thdot., r, l ed(, Id' iO,O r •' It • ~„ ~, r . .„, , .. 1, ron.i„,..r , ment of rebel prisoners at one point, where r„..,r,,,, on THURSDAY (Thanksuivias,l R YRS • 1 tome!, or lose all the, right ....., l. t' e w tl ' " '-. "..."•'''''. a very considerable number of those in our 1 l in Fei, mai twit. at TY. o'clock, in the elxrit. ST. I t alon-0., Dy 0,-det of the .1_ l SIM PRESHYTHRIAII CHURL:II. Subject- I OBERNANETS G EitICIIT If ARRA , i.. NI or I: Hoof: , hands arc kept. Now lotus tarn to anotney "From Sees, by. Mount Slnal, to Jerusalem: . Pro- the Cone,l of 00 111t,tnt,rn. et P111,..00 .•I‘.. ~;, ..., . ~,,, ~....,... „. 1.,. „101 . g cede for the benefit of the Sabbath Sr:lit , ol. Tickets I t, ,, Ji gto r ~.,„, ..„ and see if there is any difference: The \ .2s cents, to be obtained from the Teachers, ot nt th. 1 . c cENT RE A \ 1 :s L . I .; liontreal Commercia/ Advertiser, of the 13th d'":"•* r 124 31 FOR a. ALE..--htx ion. o r ~..-11,1E,411,:i ..N.u.C.IT:, 1 ::1 '1 :: ''' .f. ::311'1,..1.:. 4.'" a' ''''''''''' t'." . . '' r instant, in an article on the subject of the vc----'11._,-- NOTICE TO STOCKIiOI,I)IOi6.- - 1 a t,e fret aa ,1„. ~.....,,,. 1,, ..!... 4 . p, t.. Fr.wni 11 .t ; ^ The Anneal Mooting of the Stockholdem of eon , ' ..al I. 1r. , " . ir-iii rSomr. Rae si• 'ie i•- 1, - , i!,,,• I. Part nersh i p nook y. late plot to release the rebel prisoners on the Pittsburgh d Connellsvillo Railroad Company . . A -yell bola and c• . in otiv neenogrel Mich rlc. . I will be held at the office of the Copany, (Jon. NW brut -, orto' , in (root, no,lo hall, In ., ' P.N. , , (....„,,,, , ;1; L . ~,. .1, 1! . r . ~, ~, i l., th, ..,v 1 ~,,,, ‘1 ,., Johnson's Island, and to ravage the Amer ' Buildina4 Fourth strcet, In the City of Pittsburgh. Mrtrrbl6hrtio, eve rhaett..rat.q.. et,:,,,.r,,.r,,, , ‘,..,.. , ~ ~; r , ..,.. 1,,,0i5, ~,,,, ~, 1,,,, ..1„ : .. „ can commerceon the Lakes, and even some ' . the . FIRST MONDAY (7th day,) OF DECII.SI. ba :, nimb:. df s •,, ,r ~ IO• r A l- •pr •t,. et', ,il,• ..e 1 DER NICLT, at 12, o'clock m, for the purpose of 1 wt. ' h .- - ' r7e u, am t Tl:.. a r .1‘, L . ' 3 4 ::7 . 11 . 0 . . of the cities, holds the following language - 1 electing twelve Direct°. for the ensuing year. met . --• ie.- boo.: oit I raeLh. •r . t rsid an .l N‘ .1 . no 21: td W.O. HUGIIART, Secretary. ', lionw , , p•rni , ion... `berry ir•i . rr.t• W. "6,-. `hod' Tho Washington Government having re- 1 - , tre. inol .brubl..ry, a11 , ,D , r di,pler , ,nler loom- fused to continue the exchange of prisoners of . I sioNAL cORPS-, U. S. A.—A Re- a,,,,..1.,,.....,,,, ,pply !.. war under the cartel, sent the Southern offi- 1 crafting Static', for this a ttractive branch of I 11,25 e. CUTDBI I: r,& ..., tN S, 'I 7141-1, , , •, array has been openrelin this city. The nature I , R , , , errs, accustomed to tropical climate, to John- i P.ScAI F. • TM., service and the inducements offered are sccb as fmr-. son's Island, where too thousand of them render this opportunity of e nlisting moat desirlitle, were confined in wretched quarters, absolutely and one that may not again beoffered. SAVINGS' IN STITIJTION. unfit to house cattle. There is no reason to Toe 'umber particulars Inquire al , Itecrniting Sta. doubt that the officers selected for this prison Inon, No. 26 Fifth street, Pittsburg . Di , etts rn'etred I , 0 IL\ . and Ft FRS a 1TI: ll Lieut. J. B. DrFT, 1...V1 1 , KNIN6. were those upon whom the mid, damp climate a°ll .21r Recruiting 0111.-^r• tote:x.lllold nt t, l e r .ant p', n unen, and exp . osure would act most prejudicially. t*TIIE NEW GY 151N-Ain'Tliiri AI . It was, in fact, an attempt to commit murder, SEVILLE HALL. -She Chisarst - a-n , op n without publicly incurring the odium of for new members at each time of meeting. t L. slaughter. and Gentlemen, TUESDAY and FRIDAY Et EN This false report was written to make an IslnkfC7ltit A TilAtitNtoLgrsc, V.s v ran s . D.' Y E re. Thos. M. liotrr. Wm. R. South, impression in Canada, and possibly in Eng- 'tent, In APTAN..C: w e , t „, , A. For Adnits,.urse , of twenty lessons a ' rr land, but how strangely audacious it will For Lade and kflaisea, e e ...... ... 400 Ilar , iy l. 1.14. . 3 00, appear to the people of Sandusky those I,.",o,l7Cfildrert, i , n . a r,-,irr. ~ N,. 0,1, o'nTil ,Tr.iri:T n•,l t mwT who have read their newspapers can easily t . _ , --- '..TO ST LID EN'IS AN D LOS LI a, r -. 1 , 1 v ,. „,,,, „ ,„ , „ ~.., . ".„ ~ ~ ~ ._. imagine. We take the refutation of it, .-., OF CHURCH MUSIth—TIol W.11.10,.,11 I '-''' ' ' ''' ..l ''''' S W ''' ' I " . •• ' l r ' - 1.',.01 .11,ht epecitimi 1 , 40, including special romii . compoaer, Mr. JOHN RUNDE], organiet a nd In- /,‘,, '4-A l .:et' .. . n e• '' '' '''''.. Vfl A .:/ N e r 1 . rneekt'l4,Tl loc.. not oaten met wall to binnuess. Al., a . cross camp fl,, -for it w o lf help the right, while it however, not from ono of these Sandussy reetor of Music or Henry Ward Reedier , s Church, 1 ';,.., ( ;„ . ',,” 0 " . ';;.' ,- ''' ••“ '": ''• . • e ..d.ostrin. , won • ekl olt 7i.. ed zet d exer-.... , . In papers, but from a communication in the tkioe;4ortiowriillcovisit t‘ b d i l. c . it t gi c u ti r o in . g „ t ‘ h i e l :entn , , ,t ,.. h . :ri south Is. aver sue t :111,- , rn toy lietor. 11,Wer ante , . n , ..1 fLI,I.IIIIt. Washington National Intelligewer, which Organ or Melodeon, and Chortle Etaging coutectr , l (L0 ',',,!,‘,.. 0 1t , " , ;',r,, - , '" ,, '!::L,.:( • : ( • ,‘,':„.,-,2.'!... bears the impress of being written by one nt,,h,.pruub.liecrim.erf.oirroa,clct.estog t. thr Ovg . s t n ,.:, tiL d y , be r , ;. 1 ~. , .i ~1„ , , , ... ~, , well informed on the subject in hand. He tained at the Must° Stone ~f D. K leherr,gtrin,,agn.l 6„.rm ,, ~, b. ..,.„ r., ...,.‘ , r. C. Mellor. ln • scr. a ill, , lnt, .. the s hr c., to 1 • nr1.1..• i s e ! Bays: . lletT NATIONAL 1/A.,0. Or I'ITTNISUBOB.) r ,,,, 14 a „„j,..., fr .,,,, ra ,,,,,,t ~,,,,,, A more unmitigated and shameless falsehood (Lad. Pittehervh Drag Compos t /0 g :a 0. re. 4 t utl-s h...n 1 , es It t.,, h 1 • Pitteborgh, Nov. 2, 111 , ,,1. ) s, sc.-. t 0111e4 hen, N. 0 1t,:_ , . , , 11 . than the above was never put in type ;for the writer speaks advisedly when he a.sserts that ----TIIE PRESIDENT AND EA uED i ,—,...0,,„,.,,..... „, .. ~,,, 0- ot DIRECTORS have this due derlared a Art. t lb'. 7.110 1 D• , -e ~ 1 , 'l , eI •' n the quarters for the above prisoners are en- Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND VA.ENTI.FIVE er nwler 0,1001.0n0 t t 0 hell .". si re tirely new, have been prepared with great CENTS per share on the stock or the rltt•hter,.., vi aloha , o tr.sn .d. , . care and attention to their comfort, both as •Trast Company is let or Au. ant , and TWO Dol. ' a -,, .0 /111114-55 Liners to warmth and ventilation, with ample room LABS per eta. on the Capital stock of the r „., ( , 11A 1.1.•,s —Ni ~ ,•,,,, km,. and space without crowding, and with all the National B.k, out of the profits to the 11. t uot . 4 - 4 able on or after TEE:aI/AI, the loth met. needful appliances in the Is of mattresses, P qhe Stockholders are hereby n otltted that the final 01,1 o 1 I.llr , bedding, Ac., and with full nations of excel- payment of the ettbscription to the Capital Stork ~/ .• lent food. Twenty-6.1 M.. per share will la, rtnpured on or The p ri soners have also heretofore had full Won, the lot day of Step next. nolitlnt JOHN U. Srl LLY '•nabltr. liberty and opportunity to obtain all extras in the way of delicacies and luxuries that i --- ,:. - ,.., 'ATTE '.'s TI ON ! V 0 LUN'I'E KRS they desired, and a Sandusky paper now be- ''-' lon ,6tilit,..,6,e„`!r!:Vi 1,-,0,,, T 1.V.,,f L.,; ~.', , 1 . fore me says that their citisens are deprived 11;7,...,,,Airit5tp1Z.Lne,,,"',1;.`-;•:•„:,,,,ra't v ';,",,' 740 , r ? .. ,. of their usual full supply of game, in cense- as g arrison of the poet. By enlisting to It, °II ro l e , - quence of the demand on it by the large num- sure, long marcher and pr.-attune of the field A' , her of rebel officers on Johnson's Island, and avoided, .d men ar, prodded with coma. told H. mentions, as a proof of the manner in which r i se rtl t ; t,h0e..171-2,r:,,.M.ht“irWTlvi:;nS!"l wad., they were living, that a dealer in the town In all n the duties co 'Arthlory and I twohr:, cleldsere. gent, at ono time, twenty-four boxes of wine All the Bountlos paid- ` lod to 1,it1.111, elltl ,',..'A L. 1 . for those prisoners. 051 r volunteers. The fact is that modern warfare affords no Apply. for further informatem, at the Itecruttlug Broder:Tone, LA I A Y LTT E HALL, NV twil street, I for I La W. parallel even approaching to the good and kind treatment which the rebel prisoners "'F'ulh• have, az a general rule, received at the hand! of the Federal authorities. They have always been comfortably accommodated, well lodged, and where it was needed furnished with ex cellent clothing, and eilwaye with abundant food of the best quality, and sent home in such good condition that they could take up arms without delay.against us fatly recruited and refreshed. Let any one visit, ns the writer has, the hospitals where the sick and wounded rebel prisoners are located indiscriminately with Union sick and wounded soldiers, and they will sco them receiving precisely the same a care and attention as our own men ; each in , In thr .1 j Ow x. le Pf tt.ol k 1 comfortable and separate bed, well ventilated and perfectly neat and clean quarters, with the best nurses and medical attention. ~ ~ Wecannot close our remarks better, alma by quoting further from the same writer, who Liltus reviews and sums up the prinoipsl points of this question, as it now stands for . 5 tlr. , " " I 1 e some kind of final solution: .r.t.sit.os . liE Contrast this with the treatment which . - N'l' Union prisoner , have received and arc recciv- . SM. LW ....-Th. b,,. ing at Richmond, the details of which are - , truly revolting. It is an outrage en humanity. , .rcd tor err' Cold, hunger, want of clothing, crowded and, AV filthy apartments, andvermin are the lot of all , of them. In no points have tne conduct of the e two sides in this unhappy contest been more striking contrast than in the treatment of their respective prisoners—the one all kindness and care for their comfort, and the other all hard-hearted cruelty, neglect and rigor. We have at present. about 3,000 rebel officers in oar potaession, and as all appeal to the humanity of the authorities in Richmond has thus far been iu vain, it is understood that all the above officere are in future to be deprived of the privileges they have heretofore enjoyed of procuring the extra supplies they want, and aro besides to be put upon precisely the same rations that are allowed to our prisoners at Richmond ; still, however, retaining their other physical comforts as to quarters, dm., but which are denied to Union prisoners. The rebel privates who are prisoner/ are for the present still to have their fall rations, Soo., but unless a change takes place in the treat ment of our prisoners at Richmond, it to be presumed the same rule of treatment is will be adopted to all the rebel prisoners in enr possession, and let all their officers and pri vates have full opportunity.of writing home to them friends at the South of the result upon them bught about by the inhuman conduct so long ro and 59 constantly pursued towards - nion prisoners. Departure of Admiral Milne. A letter from Halifax - reports that Sir ALEXANDIM Mn..xs, Naval Commander-in - Chief on that station, having been succeeded in the command by Rear Admiral Sir JAIL Hoer., sailed for England via Bermuda. lie was much esteemed, and the merchants of Halifax presented an address to him be fore his departure. In replying to this ad dress, he paid a high tribute to the naval commanders and to the naval authorities and government of the United States, for the uniform kindness and courtesy mani fested toward himself and the officers under him in all their intercourse. He also stated that the government.of that country acted honorably and promptly with regard to every communication sent to it by him. This reply has been "gall and wormwood" to the rebel sympathizers in Halifax, and they would gladly suppress it If they could. The President's fliessage.—llb Policy as to the Rebel States. Tho Washington correspondent of the Now York Evening Port Weitzel: Mr. I.loln .10 so busy that ho receives no visits o opt those of fin official charae ter. There tea very general belief in.politi cal circles that the President will take ground in his Message on the question of the management of the rebel States in the fu ture. This DI not probable, however. It is likely that he will go on, just as be did on the emancipation question, not committing him self until the time comet to act. When we have the rebel States fully in our possession, and it becomes Deeel3lll7 CO gOTeini them, the President will speak' through his acts: But those persons who are looking to his message for an open declaration of his opinions on the much-discussed question will be mistalien, I think. ~ c - CorroaL corainginto Nashvffio vary frosty jad the Pigxo4lo,says the liberal prices, paid will induce the plasters of Middle sea Tenn to send lit all they have, and to prepare largely-Increased crop next year. • Cart. .105E1' II E. 13161'11A 11 Battery 1., 3 , 1 Pcnns. Artillery --s--- JI^E W JD i"E IR T 1 S E.l 7 E.l -- r s . .---- SAUSAGE MEAT. SPARE 1;1 ItS, 'PHIS FEET, 1.e., for eolo by CHAS L. rm.nw ELL, no2l corner Tirol and Martel 'or. el. 2 Tit A. RiirES FOR SA I. E.-3 Karon, 101 l .I_ , feet linty, lb foot mid.. 3 , -. to :PA foot .1 , p. In good ordor. Hero bei.n mied. OIL, iiiiii 141. IDGEILTioN k STEW AUT. notililw lir Wood oiro2A. _ -LUBRICATING OIL.—We Itre n,w: .1-4 selling a pure "WELL till: • equal to No. Lard Oil u a lubricator, tirbieh to warrant not t.. chill nor gum, and it en,lizlylifr.zedrk.:iimiriaand:,s. nol7:2vr dii. sod 70 Wol , -r littNit WHITE CORN til ) it.t r eci , i , ..i a fresh supply of Lora White Corn Meat, fpm Indiana, and put up in ',nail iota , tio Li iii iiiii i or for sale by the tinell-1 't the Fa'n•lT iir' ,,, Y snort of JOHN A...IIENcIIAW , nolo Corner L ib,trt 7 awl II :0,-1 .tn.-to. 1;;.1.1.0.RE FOR RENT ON '.NI ARE El' Io.J 151.1tHi1'.—Tbe bauthwrr, Iron Prout, No. Market stn., next door to N ',Whore A itio.", ‘i oi terra fur rent on nrst of Jannary next. Addreits JOUN WAI, Jr., noldt2ptliol ' Bol‘riekleyrille t'. 0 ._ DIKE KEGTflaiii.,:,.ii-4,0.)U feet to arricn thin tiny, for sale Lila;aim at 319 LIDS/ITT ST DEET, rit te Lur ;lb rw2P2t - _ .250 In atom and for I,y ALEXANDER GORDON no:5I 121 50.,..1 .11.• B2INUETB' CUT FLOWS: LS, Az c Tor,ardn l to order from NTIRDOCIII3 OAKLAND GUEENIIOUSE. Fourth itroet an run out to tho Gr.rrsht.tsm every fifteen minutes. nol7lf COAL l'itOPEß'rl FOR SALE 240 Acr.x.:4, More er,lene. of COAL AND L Ts, !,s. Motion gahe la hirer, }est above oho third Lock. Esinire of ALEXANDER GORDON, n or, RICIIARD E. BREED, no..eod2wcwatT ho. 100 Wood street. ihlroworrllle Clipp,r copy& limos and ch. this oars.; Orrice or IItLCONTGOLLGIL 01 ALLLOII., CO., Ps., Pittsburgh, November 18th, 1061. s PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, r—fkated Propmals will ha received at this office until the 20rti INSTANT,lncleutive, for furnishing SEVENTY OFFICE DUPLICATES, SEVENTY COLLECTION DUPLICATES, and SEVENTY SCHOOL DUPLICATES, for the year 1004. By direction of County Co ntrolle r. nolihtd [MERV LAMBERT. BALE.—TheiNE DWELLING oN N ST. TOR SAL—The large throe -atory BUICK DWELLING, No. 85 Penn .treat, below Ray !street, L offered for sale. Price $6,600. The home is w!il bully farnistscd with marble manilas, gm and water. Large yard and alley to the rear. Any one wishing to are the home can enter throngh the side gee on 81110 street. .101 IN WAY, Jr., nolPaptial Sesickleyvllle P. 0. TO CONTRACTORS.Prtr .L 1 postale are to end will he received by the Committee on Streets of the City of Allegheny, until FRIDAY, November the 27th, 1863, for the grading of Ridge street, loom avenue to Chortler. street, In the Fleet ward. Payments will be d made to. o• the contractor as fast as they are collecte off ot proparrf. Proposals will be loft with A. HOBSON, Street Lommissioner, or no2Ltd JOHN WEICIIT, Chairmen. T O MANUFACTURER'S OF fi()SE.— are Invited mod will ho received .ant 11 FRIDAPr= 27th lust., by the Committee u nseen- Engines Yi of the City of Allegheny, for tho tore end delirell, in mid ci, of onoeultahl.! thousandfor sh. foot of the best grunts' of Leathe ty r Rose, use of Stoup Fin Engin.. Separate proposals on• solicited for 0 and 1U inch how complete. Proposals to be sealed and left with A. D. BbIITH. roo2l:td PE--ESTRAY.--Carne to the ses of the enbecriber, on the W bins on Pas, % miles from she city, ma the 16th imisant, TWO tOWB, ono s small Brind toad Ohl. the other • Lugo Red Cow, apparently 6 or 7 years The °wiser_ is requested to come forward, prthe ove prop- wilt erty, pay utters. sad take them away, or y Ise sold to pay expense., according to law. riddlat JOISSPiI ALLAN, Union Township. _ . • FURSTillitil— FOll LADIES AND CHILDREN, AT AUOTION. 1U be sold, on WEDNESDAY, Nor. e :bib, 41 licßelrey's Auction Home,Fifth tr eet,H IL- tho largest and beet assortment of LADIES' a C DREN'. S FURS sold at auction Oils season. romprte leg Ladles' arid Children's Setts, of ail kinds. This may be the last miser the season, therefore all lo want of Tura &mild attend the sale. l l nendit. J. McKELYEY, Auctioneer QTRAYED OR STOLEN—Fram tho N.. 7 Omer of Moil, mai 81. Mir streets, on Wed nesday evening last, a BLACK 3/A_ltE, attached to 4 stientliA spring pa g an. The wattim contained - fire barrels of apple., s tool of cimeee,s bag of sugar and =MO other small articles. Any one lifting brifottoz don that will lead to the recovery of them, will be liberally reverie& , i , COPLEY SPASM, n07.1:8t 761 Penn Imo. s k fur HNT'S mod t ALI! A 'S A C tho Iwat, ato DO ether, L AAA' 31- , ' t:. t; \ • , ni Nl.‘r. =MEI 1.1.1. \ \LE nt.r.r.r.NEN l . !„.\1..t.":. %). I ~l\ VII.I t~•i s; \l\ I. uniox, N'T WA' It 1...111 J-`4 General Butler in New Orleans ; A lilstor f I,l.l:kr,nt nt in.trn•t "( Uulf'll , tl.l , y••eir wkth eg,-.llot tt... ,111-1 t i 11 ••• :••I t: inv. 5:1:p .p. p ts, lAN. Clll:.U'Er. T1:1\ 'AEI BOOTS II ND S1161i: vur tlns x , k at st.ct f r. ""' JOS. E. BORLAND'S ENN ISIACATIt UV ,Lett..3 :tytt • I to to , •-tt t 111,•t ••1 • Th, c---..t -th-,roh out )1, Fru, .1; ill ir'4ll 1:1l41, TI -,E. • • I Co, EtAnnt) 11n7u.,1 Nn.u. 071,--11.11n 1 ; Culunll,---nn new' nArluf Pole: 1.7 ..roltur Ch , Arthur I,l7.Anry 7,11,10. ,1 4.11 , ..1 11 :tiu.n . •• 1. 1. For 1,7 1. A .t 1 1 N lIS 6U 0 E AUCTION IIOITSE! No. - 55 Fifth Street no'sS . _ . 11 til.10f); UM\ (ANL. \\, RESTORED oat pabilothYd. In a ',al.' •.- ...lobo. Pace Cab:J. A Leaf nry Narrra, Tmats:^nt and Radical C.:rr of Svarmsorriara. or W A ,Lboaa, Inr-lantat tl L , bill, and Impedirnants tt , Marrlage r”nrsb) ; NP,OCIPI,,, COlO ampt.lon, Lpilt•pry nt/ itt ; tal and Phyalcul frbAparll), reaslllagr frt , al St If- Alas, Aa., by 1101rr. J. r,tvasstrJ.,, NI. b., a atb., of lb ••,./rran flabk. Arr. '•A Baba to ThoaranJA of Safferc., - sent and, 'Jt ;daft, •f ad to IA %clop, la nny addrKst. past-p-pl, 011 re,llo, Is e, INCIAtN, 011.0/101, lIIt. J 1T Post 11111, lb•s I.oa. E YES EAU. 1)11. 13 A.ELZ Faye parlionlar ationtlon to tha iriatinent IC DISEASES, the - EYE and EAU °Post , * on CATARACT, Rtit9S-1. EYES, for MATIFICLAL PUPIL, OI ineerte ARTIFICIAL E 1 ES, and tresta F LA?IIIATORY EYES ; also 11 Arm and all dim-owe atforiing 01,4 E,, and loading to Dralotx.r. (Mice. len FIFTY! I:MEET. k.. 22 ' 1 ., ) :? ALBA itOSA CRAM.! A now and bountiful preparation for Chapped frond•, Mpg nod Rough Shin, Can't:4 1.3 told or cindy 'feather rrt par , d ...I for oak a OEOLGE A. REI..I.X'S CENTRAL DRVO STORE Corr Ohio and Federal Strevto, In Irlarknt Howe, AllowLetry . nol9 NO. I.lli ESS & CO, ISmcc.ml to J. W. lIASNA.) Comntl nelou at, Forwarding, Merc 11 note, OLL CITY, PA Ilavain purchased the "flaunt. War...balite- A girt il Dit.;, and hating amplo room and Ac illt r ite now proffered to store and forward OIL AN II NI E It- CRAN MEE, of every .1.....crtp, leo, end pmm .-- rat. Inaction to all who may facer its .r.,11 that 1.?,, , n. no. , . 110 i., .1,11 .- .--- MIIIISTANT QtrilLTLllMOiorrO. n Omar, 1 l/cruet G and ".:/fl Etri:oto, Washington, E. C., ..or. ..lth , 1..Q.1 ILL BE SOLD AT PIIBLIC ACC-' I , V 7 lON. at the ltinirorrmaster's Warelne , e, on the square between It and f' arel tag and 1 r,7,10. WonhfOlgtoO, D. 0.. on CrEPNIKEDkIf, De, igf, o large lot 01 QueivrEnsAterros sTouvs, m u . d..... 4 le tinflt fir public minim, congest s% in part of Scrap Iron end Leather, Saddle,,Blilett. p.• L , Of Barnette sod Wago 'aut., Tools kid i mplements. Terms rash, In Government Studs. , • Sala to commence ut..30 O'c AS lock.. . 11:14351P.E.1.,15' ! A 17.11.,13. • F A. ' .—. _ ti&20.1.11_ half bytrarreij. B. C WEi AN Y to 4 .i., t ) r a FOUNDED IN IMO, THE ONLI I,..,TuruTioN I U.,. Prit'llit Ledge/ 113 01.03 Ow ,vll‘. c.l 1114. 1.u.1n~ nr.• kur. u; general bunk., lor thew. 1,1 the ,r—kni,. Tio« I. n,“ ev.” uamod eW•whp,, Ile.. u:.4 1`,, , Del a.,p 8001, Single Entry pr • ;h. "m "s "" r"t- " TliE iirt;LE t'A -• lleranged Booble-Enir) Books, ~..... • The anti tnuat z,.urtng 10 II- !rarner IP Opcniat atAtup!ix I Principal OM and Wholesale Emporin3:93, . I r, ~ ~,,, And pet tIl tar . 1., Ott. , IttlN. The it•orlit. r 1 C t tpitto m 211141 011 receipt of 95 cant. 1 No. SI Firth Street.. ..... rrrasnrsais, PA ' ht-,, w,.t.walhet eiht) CHAS. C. • DUKLLOR, 1 Pike's Opera Houses ,. __.. al Wool) STREET. 1 lir= I.°EnPl."" Closing Books Business rciainv Of Pr --o , y N tee. ,Artinnt Notes. Drafts, Or.. n ',3l - " , der. • tidb, .d E. l,au.s. aunt, Inroleet, sc.. dr• TWELFTH LIST OF .A_I'PLICA- 1 I. Al . ' ' "Tr - .4 ; . TIONS for telling Lt core, glut !a the Clerk's I Otago up to November loth, VIZ: I Catharine Denby, other goals, let ward, Pittaligb; • Unrry Sheer, tavern. Id ward, do; Jame. O'Rouk do, do. do; W ''''''• ''' 'L' :hr ''''''''''' ''''''''''' '''' "" " 000'''' Mas lee 7. IL nue, eetlug O ov . , do. do; N o MORE GRAY ILIIR. tali - pia_ tusk. mg It d rev. W m. Congdon, , ,„,.,, do do, 1..; du.. ' 1.,,,1te -• 1.r.. tO, S., Lll. a,,, r wm. Bechtold, do, 3d ward, do; , , Peter Dean,do, do; \ , Simpsou d Ihnosys, do. ,tt•g list, 4th watt', do: TIIIE. 11,3Erz - u - v -- EczN.A.aNcon. ' Rudolph liatvegger, other g'dm, do, do; I Lea :Irv; upon Book - liieep i gag . „„,,,,, nirk„.„,. a „ , do, do; For r3toring and ',amnia:kg the flair. I Den tel Ilerwig, tni.•rm , at h ward, du; 1 , , ttt ... t,l . Principal ..splaluiat, di the ...b.lte ... , A ~a row ih. ..,, , d o , do, do, Thid ill 1111 article but recently introduced both, this , 7 , rd..d in the test Alt , t Weil,: G.urge Willer, .., e., do; country, but has long been Linvorably known by Os i John Oster° , l'r, J• • du, de; . ',Hilly of Erotica as their colt (ffectnal HAtit Lectures on Business Subjects. IV% ru. Audi. do, do, do; I AP-STOLLER. It is complete within Itself. no otbor 1 J..ho 110<•111,,,,"^, do, bat ward, do: ' doming or accompaniment of any kind bettig r...... Joial Watson, other goods, do, do; • eery to ....ore the attainment of the tirmring drat- H " o '' 00 .tie "'" '''' r'h. ' J. ' s' t ' ''' rich " 1 Moreau Liebold, do, oth ward. do; • table results, other than adopt compliance with tb 'r'a'nt;. 1 ~•• .-...... •.1 ... min. • c..tl lailtlll./. Uti , John PI: teh w er, etin.gr.buteo. _ a, d 0 ,,. . d . ::: 1 dlre i cti .n o . usi. , i..,a.,, ,.. ......... ~.v.. c coy zr.i, star. ''''"' "' 1.1"' ''''''' "''' ' ' "0 ''''' rr ' r"! "' 1 TioLgiiii.nbliall., cl ' u, ' let word, 'a l liiheny , ' „,,,i d i ll ,,,a „„g o , ' 7 0.,..0, mg 000., Id . ord. .; , S. It SCIII stoke tt grow ea E-shi ffeatit. Gottlieb Pass. other goo.ds, 3d ward, .'..-, • S. i t till ",,,,,... do , N 0. ,,,i Fe ,„,,,.... 4 . Coinaiterciell Luse. , A nob ony Berningor, tavern, do, do; lA. It cotta refaces the Deadnif and Iterdc. I Jacob Jost, other goods, do. do; I B. It wit: make the Hair Soft ay..l GkAro. On r.,... rsi no • ...50 1.. 1 .sutatae. Ito :...011 1 Lewis Cow, tavern, 4th wort, do; I 6. r. milt 1....env as Original C... 1. 0. to ore Apt. do; I 7. It nal guava! the Hair-from Faliaba V. , ,:ri..7- the • , ..dut of !...1! e 'l. nt. Sr. Prettied! I It..R A. Carson, other geode, do,. 1 W tn. Demo, eating house, do, do: IS. It lain core on Diremes o f tho Scalp. I George Gerber, tavern, do, rib' It 3 not a Dy e s ; contains no Nitrate of Sarin . , or fin,i P. D. Bownstann, other goods, do. do: other ingredint injerlius to either Skin or Hair. Joo. (3. Schwind, tavern, Birmingham ; ?rico ONE DOLLAR. • Henry Dyers, do, gut Birtningstn; For ally, by ali respectable Druggists. Margaret To.. do, LAVTIMM•iIIe; 51E/ON JOHNSTON, Goners] Agent, Jacob R .11. r. do, do; Car. of Smithfield and Fourth Sta., l'ittsbursch. P. Miller, do, South Pittsburgh'. , nolliArotentuF Wm. 1.....ppy, eating laortee, Seortckley borcrugh; , . . -- J.. , •. Phillip, tavern, Elizabeth tp; T 1. - NDSEY'S Jon. Bork , do, Mifflin tp; , _I j ,„ ,„,, „...,,,,,,, .10.,,.. 0., e rne trawtion and equip- .1, .0 Frey. de, J,,,,,0 tp, ll • ...ratio- rea.A.tsnd esp. talus. G the . - .t• . 'oe..dll, d", Roes tp; improved Blood-searcher,. -"1 '• • Deoeie Ilealor, eating beau, himler tp; '''''' ' .'"' d °''''' 0 d'''' . " ''' ° ' 4 ''''' Th ''''' D ''' John Buchanan, tavern, L. St. mar tp; For rho cure of an diseases arising from au inentlfe are a •v• rot: sd by other., I 'I! : ' ,A.1.,.1 olaer, h. r.. 1 0 1, ' , 3 pa, In, de. do; .tote of the blood, such Co YredonefN/Lanf, do, do; Ann 31. Killer, eating hones, do; Goetze IV. Boyd, tavern, E. St. Clair tp; Privcite Battle t3ooks. Lon Thompson. eating bowel, Union tp; The Conrt will most on NIEDNESEAIt, December - '' ." 1 ' . 0 '''''''''' 10 '''• ; 2,1, ISIS, at II o'clock a. m. 110.12100.15entnal 0112.% ' - -.1 ~110100 be filed on or before that day. Applicant. will bring Gate bond, t • my *Moe before Um day of heating. r •Ji.dul W. A. HERRON. Clerk. 1- IVI I \ Counterfal Bank -Eotex. l‘y ..f t;•-• mud counter, mad m.onwf.it note, otir it(litrOUti BOOk- i.rivat 1-11,11 rn. 0, no.. enl, camboat Book- ticepinge, • N.rf prep,. pronounced by notaytdent nut or• ; .• •t.-L and account. ' i • p.L.,14L ttudrnitthr at Mr. SMITH. an I.,nr txr..in.n•l Trtrtic.ti .I•.unntan'. and .1,. ottran,. ENLAIVIY.I, EDITION OF DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, The fllowing, testimonial, leoli -ate the chorseter this ..,tber work sport Book-Keephag explabm the tobjto v.ith so rum• - tt Cashier Mechanics` Bank, 'Wall street, N. Y. "It gives s clear Insight Intall departments of tholwitneo." Say FRASER, Cashier of Seventh Ward Bank, N. Y. "It rontalun lunch matter Important t , the mer chant. C. U. 11.1.LSTSAV, Ilaultattan Bonk, /g. Y. MEM Prost 'leo most complete work JA of Ise 1. kimuand I iLAY, him ever B. 13. ' , lout Exchangeßook, Pitt onaive that I hate 6"". "d """" J h Ofli EINYDER, trttb..• m.t Cashier Bank of Pituthingh. ••Yon hoer pit your own long ..Nr^liera.o MI a Mel , rueut to good use In this work..' RIOLIARD IRVIN, Merchant, No. tio Front street, N. V. an extensive Ship Owner. American and Euro. post, )1,1.0, Bank Director, etc., ho has 1..0rn0 the u•p•U go ion of the highestorder of towlines , . tots 50IIN W. IM-RBTHANI, Merchant, No. 8 South street, N. Y. • Mr. I•of• is 11. loan of Tan rinalleiCatiOaS for Mod uso." JOHN M. ft. TAILOR, Merchant, Union at tot,, New , Orleans. •• 21 r. Puff lea merchant of the drat reepeCtablitty.. J. LANDIS, Merchant; Net! Orleans. .•i greduntcd In Pairs College in half the time I expect —I. Ills admirable syatem includes nothing - ',arduous. nor lances out anything ON O slotinh J. IL Cusio.r Niagara Plank, Jo, kport, N. Y. ”Tba favorable opinions rdready expressed by gee' tlemen of competent authority are well deserved, and very properly lento's ,41." CHARLES M. VEUPP, LEOPOLD DIERWIETII, ROBERT KELLY . , Special Colnutlttee of the Chamber of Commerce. [Extract from the Minutes.] PROSPER M. vrET mous., s e c-raw-T. .tiour Committee unanimously concur in the op, lon or the Utility of the improved method of Mr Dui." UURPON J. LEEDS, Recqraing Frer'y of the American instlt ate, N. Y. ON WM. H. DUFF'S PENMANSHIP For 1.r.1 Business and Ornamental Palma:kg%lp raud our present Penman, by the It.ol Maim Fair, at Clorinnnii, in WO. Penntylvanta State Fair, wt Wyoming.- ...... W,morn Itnamylvanto Fir, M Weatcru V irgluin Fair, at Whooling_..--„-..1 801 And 1110 01114 Saat Fair at einv..loutt tr 4.4. wh t irl arr rchibitrd nt our Atm, Terroet I,llots Df [Lb r.umaree art." —Piebbarg,h Poo. • .111.4. , perrennahces ,cala.uttli be excellt.i hi the enthor."—PLlZZeeals (:d• "All hie oriestiteetal deelges ate new :red remarka ble perfamaTirre "—Renting Garso, "The lay,. Western Pranglnnis Fair awarded him Bra Fte.p PROM , . Wall branches of the art,—Otlik. iTab• Jvareat. - • Oic Grailaatiug Connie, tit= lallitnitc4.44o au Mantearol Stationery, (rnetint S 7 elsecrberna. I if , Th. enterre "nittion nr T)ndrt noot:fr,opl.f.. 2 'l , 71 Our Manta are nude of One extra rho piper, ruled empirte. =lth full seta of auxiliaries. . . igcor For Nit Ortliniare rend tnr 611r.,e1 . eptikt a cs tireultix, *ittk Wimple, a cur Yertmin'et !Ina ivid omo:dental Writillg. • lI=MI -PITTSBURGH 1.• inform VU! public that ha 11 N• 4 NOT H.ll-TI ) THE PRICE Dot 1.11. them at the old I.C.ce i F . : 1-I,..":"T'S . I L. CO T. :0, Loot, - r —rams enare,l2 76 pot grown •.r 'arm, gro. 11,,:1..41~x.e1at of too nod *tamps. r•y t., JOHN P, HUNT, 'Publisher, ii..nuicthat, Finn ■feet Cap(' and Sack Orci-coata, A ta,t ipoatt , louder man irjrits of the =Maas and popularity of the celebrated WHEEL= a Sn/L -; NON YAMILI SEWING 31 AMP:ll—the chearesi Garibaldi and Cutaway Suits, Moot ina is, the 11/11 0L , 4 .11 1 , 111 1,1 ' 1 . r°r EVERY MALOINE WARRANTED f'n THREE YEVRS. Songs, Trios, Ciaartetts and Choruses Oren on npptleat.oci, °WILT tn •nna fiv , r pubnshed. VAAL itook should be m every loyal . r .. U • WEL SUMTER & Sputa for the Weeds.= States and Westa - a Pa in even r i. , n League, and around every 5..1(1 by Booh.eller< 6 ,rstly VIIIST OUR TERMS P. DlifFP & 808, Principabt, I•ITT.. , IIURGH. PA NU AC AIM I'ON I 11.0 TS CASS`III FILES BO'. AND Y01"111., GRAY 6; 1.00 AN, N 0.19 Fifth di epiclebt .nte,intng w e>t a weton or the ,ut tr r , I BY GEO. V. ROOT DE COTAMS. I..A.TrSTED OCTOBER 19,18,2. Marl 8.5., Inght Brtt, hIBI rdr, rintog ottl , IParl. Brawn Light Br Fn. brow, 01 my, Crotto4m. 1).00. t I.i,,ht P: 146 ^ Prtgb 14. Fate,' 0 per Dyeing aeodd, Bemis, Dresses, Bonnet.% Hate, Feathers. hid Gloves, Children' , -C'lotlaing, and all kinds of Wearing Arraml- • egr A BAYING Or SO PER aim - tat For 2./ coats you can color as many goods as vrould otherwise east bon times that ma. Yarioat shades coo be prodnoal from the eagle dye. The proems ie simple, and any otot <an me th mama. IHreetlans Bastian, Iftencb e dye with perfect and Gertuah, Inside of each package: iron further informatitm Dyeing, and giving • perft,nt knowledge what colors am best adapted to dye ,er others, with nanny variable recipe%) pnreba. Howe di Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. e. Bent by mail on reCtiPt l'Ai w csg i l ui rti Manufactured by P, if.ol3roadway, I:t.ton. for sale by &I:4;00 and tleacra nolhtlm • ANALYSL.- lizoN laat ...... laaasro.u.. ..... 48.. Tiering accepted - Lb. AVAST for the sate of the Srm PT.'S CLA.Postioad inter. Lo Xo., I to. tot the etioutietk of .Glaws and -Steel Manufacturers to the Aliases emu shores sa repelled Ph i Profs. A. A. Gap, of Boston, amiJ. C.-.1300tb,t Phladelhia, *VW, together withthetat idled UptTleaceity ounduturete - aid St. Louis; detenrilueso be Umpired she most .salu &bin (*byte' burn', whether Foreign . ..sr Amertearr. Pot. =ditto= it ham stoesPlu the Glue Purace from trig months. , • The Analysis le of the Clay as talon from the mine, without may robing or genoratten... , I, potimao greet aldhcalreome,agd plaatleiV qua er nta+, which are not ahoan by the Analrele, And . ..i l l ll4ll mit of fßii MiStare of a large proportion ok abettor buried day. lem now mewed td ell Orders-1d the lbw, Cloy to be shipped from Bt. Lanbrordelirrrod hem. so. in szoolp Prete:mon, Pa.. NEW GR - Fnficer errorrac , vr,e, shap,ftx..aniu; Mogat month, Thi limle and recall, WITHOUT/if! tt.DvArics ISTE, s*lin"'t • . . Floor Oil ,Cloths, I " ! toms 3to a feet wide. ' WOOLEN tiIIiJOGETW ANO CSIIBB f A LOTITS, • WENDOWSHIDES;.TAIILE,AND k 1110; 01.*VESS TOMS awn, 11 . ► . 11 ►aiiirAYn' Thee, goods s first hands, tram. Trait-to T-W, within thirty days, ilia*, atoms, selling MIT= THAN gip— llttinUltts. rit.PRIOES. Oneatoet ts ALUMNA en-, tiseltztif; ill Inssidg hoen tmmtdiaScrd- within ninety: dsgai to cash,: at thasetylaselit. grime tt tius. Tear. McFarland, Collin% & CO., t • : , .. ries.l2 AND ,7d. TO= ST3 7t, . -.BstsnansPost Mien and Moak), ginildings.— so RE /I"niMßX' mr.. ----- tiog., --- 1 , L 1 T01 81 7 '-`•• 57Ali N t i,i 4 4=.‘t AntZa t E en l it ' a ItsPt:tptsststit t d . .ate rnferwd Reat , l2:ll Dist. Ylit. Co of b. Dess.—Littets *bola 006271 Pittlitargb. Lir AritiEiritsEmr-rr tk% cs t, ;zta;ol Mmiln)kix‘A AWA111”:1 1 T 111: RICHEST PREMIUMS AT Tv'r INTERN ITIONAL IXIIIRMON, LONDON, ISC, Industrial Expcsition, Paris, 1861, . : ocal,...in.un nob all the leading tug Ilectanos In Europe and America, and the 17nit1 i:tates Agnem,,ml Amencratnon ; Metropolitan kle• ch.ka' Institute, Washington; leranklin Institute, rhitadelphia ; Mechanics' Akv.,clation, Batton American !nein.' Ynrk 3T.ryland Institut.. : Steaumica' Cinclanati ; K entucky I maitute, Lonierillo; Mechanics' lOU tote, Yun rianmew nut at every State and County Fair where Eillibited this Season. UN\ AILDS OF 125,000 OF THESE MACHINES HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, BEcAi - ai: IT is Till. BEST 11..,11;CrTioll:, FREE. XI, AVIS IL\ 1 • 1 , . 117.1l1:1,7 ~th testliston:n.is him locitAls of the bib LIIS.rIII.AFE HAIR BY ram ..W.IIO FULA, Cancerous Fonna- • lions. Cutaneous Di. eases, Lrysipelao,licik plea on the Face, Sere Eyes, Scold Heed. Totter Alrectkms, Old lied . Btubboru Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Cos.renua, solt.EthetitC., ltlercorial Diwasoe, General Debility', LirerCota* plaint, Loss of Appetite .Lor: Spirits, Foul Stamlel. Female Complaints, togethcr with ail oil,. dis orkrt from an improper condition or the circulatory Ira.. Ae *general Topk,, Its effects aro most bonle tOt, and eanr.ot fail to bonee, teuere used perr•rcringly and ac cording to lamellate. .crk Gre" I . G ivbt (Meru, l Mat," Marons, Oruagc, Pink, P07+1 , .. B o wl P. - Or Scarid, ' Vika. J. hL FULTON'S DRUG STONE, TusT RECEIVED.—'IIe finest niel t/ largest atoct of Perfumery and Toilet Artio Byer brought to this city, curb so EXT. WHITE POND LILLY. .1 APICES' EXT.OF PATCHOULI. X. BAZIG'S JOCKEY CLUB. WRIGHT'S TRANGIPANNI. X. BAZIN'S massy CLUB SOAP. PURI:GLYCERI MOSSIIOSE SOAP.NE. SOAP. And the lamed mei meet eemplße emortmeni mmHg, HAIR BRUSHES. TOOTH naususs, &e. It floe lot of laroJoll£ l , sorb or BYLlZailf , aud It - INES, of all dtscrlptioos. for Dually rtro. • I. X. FITLTON'S DRUG iffina, Not. (reAND (Y) ITU STILT= not wand duo. helm. , the Port Office? ——— - V, ATER! TEIE CONSTITUTION. And the only known maln y for Dished . sad Dia ease of the Kidneys and Bladder. CONTSITITTION WILTED is arithonflohbt Oa inchreatedy.for DlADETl;sad.,ers UT'S, Ila 'ranch Canada:we that it ii a specifin sr Ili basethst Mit 01114. T. will ionidises deep, and uuthltdlii ssi' It has oared every case la which it his Leen crib . Stone bolts, Bladder, Wed*, Orval, ,}Stick 'Daft Deposit end iducous or Milky Dischsiges,atter rein atl4. FOB SAYE DT :• . . .••. . J. ;11, PIELTOII Daucialir , Nee. 67 A CS TUTU 873ETT - TT 'HO NO' EQVAL.-7—The Ea= --r --1.. inecess vtaak for the raid irrenyearit*attena ed PHOP. SJCLEt'B" 'MalaHltile OIL In the titer W : .. Om and care of rain; embolden the proptiettele , (and challenge toettlitictbmO - . --- : state Tina It has cared mortrllhatomittrate• i i: • z' That It hie canni mote & I hrOo, • That it hammed mare a,, I • That It has curodmarp•Neak•Joirda, . That It hes eared more Inerrant lime,s. , -% i That !thee cared moreZasse,r' -•,- • .-' Tam It het mewl more Proirta lract. ,, .• -- .2.. That h bus cured more Bralem. _ _.,- - ' ' That It has cured more Norma ArSudhotah . That It has Cured amrs,titiff lolats, , Than all other Pain 'Carere,,Pattt Illrlers".sallas,„ moats combined. -Porsalo by Droglimeargyerher e, 51IdOli JOHNSTON, Sole Aged,' '- . note .Corner dourth. ead fiahtbSeltehtets, ALIX. GORDON. UIIOL6TERIN,q , M ALL f ar =VON 'l3.—Thabig puttird a, ymseist.4.4 good* for 02.1% - we are able to Otter Gnat 1 :rix - Rd rat ez-- tme.4.l p-- . • - .... -., .'2 taw .-.. FLAMM BEM:. Il&Ut;./r a ILATIMASIE&_ ,- OLD MANTAANSES, re` the bat =LAW, and ITITEIND BUN Abrogated. A great .variety_of BLIND& TAlRLS.lprwa s -OM CLOTH. E=OS933,',ABLIC COQIAI: LADE, GRASsatel JRANILLAIIONDNEND. CaItEET.BINDINGS, Art& teerrveristrat4aide krpt la that Rua. V. mita thoattenticnsg the PR1410,21 1 .411 t , t ear 'WELL ASNOWEILD,NTOOK. :;;., . ~.., :e. -- All Indere pityarptWeitteaded to. .---. -.-:.', t•_:..... tstate . gtra as atoll it IVA =num; immi• - : , Art.stiqq, (bone tryortette RI ~sola:ier :.! : t .-: , • NARNIA & VON. SALE.--Wo 13_ odan ow `pptOne% Btis m Ee.„.n.an t a;a7a-xwmv a r i Ivra =fart *a liTt n r ottau• 21LaatitetS*177 NAV r wac7Pituburz"h"sh. rougaluattoosbltc/Yiletxtra... .1. PUI,TItnINO .LOCISVIDLE, IfT FOR SALE AT FIFTH STEW rou FALu yr Th. great Remedy fur Second door below the'''. 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers