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' ! . . - ..:74:.1; : .••;:''f 1.•;:"::.'ji:,j': .:'•:..;...., , :..1:•:.. , ,•..::: : i4 • 1. • , ,v. 74 .. • •"! : , • - -• • • • t l` ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GRISWERIES;PRODUCE,Nc. I aItaIrUFACTURERB, gf CHARLES C. BALSLEY, Od= ;rani Commission. Iderchant. ikHOULISDIEIS BROKER, And 6*a In •ll Undo of optrnsir PRODUCE, 10.1 T O Li/U[BST eraser, InnICA.II eranucardi, (of tho late ens orb: aD. IrDonald j Pittabargb, Co.* WeUnlit*, Ohio.) ItrDOICALD & ARBUCKLES:inoIe .I3.L sale Omen, Produce, and - CotrOydatlon Neu• chila : lobbed% uoviss, 'N .0. SUOAII and 140- ld : ! BULKED SUGAUS a STROPS, FLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, 'TEAS,- RICE, CHEESY, SEM, as,'Noe. 212 and %A Liberty street, Pitte tratiti notely & LAZEAR, 0100Nii9 AND COMMIPSION =RatAM% Not. rl and tt &Miltlad St., car. &coat. "N,fACKEOWN NUART, Fuwit, axn Gnus FACI,Ls, PSPOVCS A-NT Cot..,sitoN Maisons , tr-, tlyr :Le bale of Flour, thnin, Pork, Ba con, Lard, Better, Ea's, Cheese, Braun, Tallow, Graft.. ' feathers,' Potato e s, Pot and Pearl Aston, haleralus, Linttettl and Lard Oils, Dried tad Greco Fruits; Timothy, Clover, Flax and Grass Seeds. (lash advancomendsmade on OrnAlguntents. aptly NO. `47 Llhortt etrool. Pittsbora. • - 11 L GOMALY, WIIOLESA.LIi GROCER Wo. 271 LIDEUTY STREET, Elavink pursbaseal the Interest of his late partners, will Oathsm the business at the old stand, and will he pleased to receive the patronage of his old friends and CUMOLPID/5. myltolt WIIB Jr. WI LKIN 60N, Commx salmi Mrscstarrs, Wholesale dealers in WESTERN BESEHVE DIIEESL, DRIED FRUITS, BUTTED, EGDS, GRAINS, and produce generally. Also, LEITHEIL HIDES, OILS, &e., 117 Liberty etreet,!Pittsburgh. 134 - Dash adrancontants =du ,Donsinabtebts so • - - Jel2-6md •_ WIL P. BECK Sc CO., No. ISS LlB erty Stroot, Pittsburgh, Pn., Wltoleule Oro tws, CononSolon Slerch.ts, and denler• in COUN TRY .PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGOS, CHEESE, FISH, 6 - c., PRODUCE, FLOUR., GRAIN, SEEDS, DREIER AEU DRUID de., SALT and LIRE. JyIG Tortw B. CAN FIELD; CO3THISSION AND J. rOIPPAADuro 3LsacnANT And whptenale &Alex In IVRSTERN RESERVE CHEESE, RUTTER, LARD, P.3RH, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, PUT AND PEARL A.FHLS, SALERATUS, LINSEED AND LARD 011,410111 ED FRUIT, and Produce generally, N. and 143 Front street, Pitt:4nm* (te. L1TT.,........ JAMIES SYMMS. aux. & TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gro -1.4 Ler, and Gununiaeion Nerd/eats, denim in Psi/DUCE, FLOZS, BACON, cuszsic, rum CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLANS LOTION YARNS, Arid rlttabtirgla manufactures generatly, 112 and 114 Second street, Pittaburgh. D. scrim. RKi - mEtt & MOTHERS, (successors JAI Lb Noymar & Anderson,) lirbolesslo Dealers in FORZION 511.11T15, NUTS AND SPICES, CON .SZCTIONER.Y. MULES, FIRE WORKN, 320 sod IN Woad atm% above f if th, Plusborgh. .I.I=MY • WK. SHE PHAR D, Comossum Dflusren and deals. in FLOUR, CHAIN, AND UCE, No. 143 Liberty street, Pittainngt. Ohoice mi., of fie. for Bakers and Fatally use constantly on hand. Partierdar attention paid to filling orders for Iferthandise c•menny. M4LES B. LEECH, FLorsAND 31 / * ACM AND 00.113118610SAKMILL 0 T fur the side of 11114.1 N, DEEDS, MEESE, PRODUCE, ice.e and agent for the -celebrated Uniontown UP, ItLENT, Nee. 116 'Second Ind les Pint streets, iss- Mora Wood and SmithUd, Pittshtullt. rei PRANK VAN GORDER, Produce' nd rerunlisslonlffetehaticklialer T.OT.ILIIITr- TEE, MOONS, SALMI, LABD, CANOE, Pala, DRUM LAD DUE:EN FAITITS, and produce gener ally. Liberal Mill advances as .rutignmebta. Warehouse. No. 126 Second street, Plttsburgb._ 6.0.11. .OLOROL T.TEALD & .111ETZGAlt, Grocers and JUL t Motel... Lao, and dealers it ill limas of ()Quaff' Pro+laco and Pittsburgh Maanfactones. No. 249 Liberty streot, opposite bead of Wool street. Pittelyargh. 993:47 GEO. -B. JONES & SON, Wholesale Grocers and Haat Nurnialters, dealers tr, MA NILLA NAPE, PAICIIhic OILS, PITCH. and Pitts burgh nsanufactued articles, No. 141 Water street, &bore. the Konnugalinda Midge. Pittsburgh. ILDBILIT ........d. T. DALTII.L. IPIII ()MKT ..DALZELL & CO., Whol e sle.aroceri., Commivaoia and Forwarding Mar shards, Ind dealers in Produce and Pittebtugh loan- Ufiit Liberty irtrewt, Pittinairgh. - DWWALLAUE, CfMlfliSSioll Merchant, . aria Wholesale Dealer In YILOUR and GRAIN, No. ad% liberty attnet, amine Panns7lvnnin R. 11 - Par-Nottger Depot; Pittsburgh, Pa. Storage Ware house. corner Wayne and Penn streets: nol7tly " -- • WALLACL. TT .4.IIIIERT, SIIIPTON & CO. Whole ..l.44ittairo6rrirsioißmuu* Q-6 Sixth Weed, Pittsburgh. Jan Jou.i . ...... virATT Vrholosale Oro -' Y, —pen's. Guamanian idurcbants, sad &Man In Produdittut-Pattgburgh numnfactureu, .No:1159 Lib orty.kreet. Pittalungb. ju2s - 11LAXCIAL 11141.12, Ja... Tntostm. - ILINDSAT. -TEL - F . OlTh WhiPliasale J-1.13 , 1 Vetall GROCERS , /LOUR AND PRODUCE DEAL NILS, if? Liberty *Met, Pittsburgh. ilom..t.Ktii LANd,• Cosonssios S' C UZI: 4171111 intyt dnitleiii in- 080. CCRIES, 1,141.111; ti0:3211 Talinkrty stroet, atnbargh: • sel3Ally 2. 2, sawyer....—. • T., B...LIOGETT CO, CITY FLOUR- V. 4 Una 1 " 1 . 7.4 . t.rnet lAberty mot Attstaa . t =ftl y ttet,:ll, re. fir day_ Fts JAXIIM 'DAI27,ELL 12 SON, Ilanufai 'tarots of LAISD-OIL, ta¢ Comodutoo Mer. chant:2'4n the pat : dome salsa* of (MIDI AND PETl}O.Ltarai:nol. t 9 sod 40-Water 2222 A Plttabitritt a:destenothiile eenelittenent2. ;K. klialr4i_areg ..... RUIN raTracE. T. IKPATRICK BROTIIER anc- It? ItroMin A. Sirkpintlickil, 'WHOM& SAFE GEOCY ! ZS,Noc 191 and 113 Liberty xtrlmi, WILLIAM IClANgriput,..) DAVID icesxnuaa, MAD A. corrry, "'"'" 1 Special Partner. MFANS. .. , POFFIIS, to., .16 ail irtae 4 km. wean: re,- to., M amoixemx 4/4:ICrE BS, canner pf Word ,t 4 Watar at - roots, l'uta. --- CUEESE W.A.REEI.O.USE.—HENRY • ircoit.m.tcawirainstacc=mueotruev eliftnt •. 6d della InOELESSE, 'BUMS, LAKE yjslf andPtodtiee 01.01317./10..0; Wood lame+ -11*,%1Patir,'PlItstrorgh. ' • milt 1140MAND.RIDDLEisnecessor to Jio AA': 'fount Son Vo: 283 Liberty street,Vltta burgle, general PIIbDUCE. 0120Critif AND CON INIDSSION • Clnsigninents respect roureolicited.„ . tedgily DICK2Y INrholesal • loottpeani. cetonstetrlss 4leseStants, sad dealers Its re,datto, N.t. GO Water street and 8 15 Prost Street, rittitstrsh. : GE O. W... 6. EMT 66.711. fic 'Co., Wholesale H.tri4loa.ls3.lia, 332 8.414 - .lna; nmr . Ril 30101 71.012. Jliti .LLOYD & C O l •Wholesala Gro cy eers USSOsesislasiotillirebutts, Nos. 172 Wad and ?ZS Lthettrittel4; Fittitittrigh. , jelB (1 . inTT 'ALTA • Oinceessor N.i.tc; J ames nohnes-A-Cm i y PORK PACE= sad dealer InZatiriaONFrozotnotrof , Karkot and Front grotto, PlttstnirletL , A 'r • • , Jae /11_ J. TOWNSEND, (it:imam:lr, to Jack- Tothammit,) PORK PACKER and deaf itil/LOMONIS, Ng. 12 Yourthstreet. near l.Rr E=l "41: 3T0N1. :11. VOIGTII Ca - loocoossorsr to q. are, Mil:mixt, Asq coamiastos EiKNIANTAi UT T. • street, _Pittsburgh. ARK LAMM 'o7=4-011N-1!)110118E'ib-00..- 'Wholesale ^,:o=ouoclaubsaut ttnoruistox laracnAvra, .. v oi v reotaintiNtal and Water - -stneeb!Mtteburei. - • - . . 1 - 1 4 I- L lIAIN ig.sq / 16 ' 12. ::33;11:1C11.6 pi .: ita W" burg '°°11 h. '4314 "dal Dtr .... °778 7. 11 " Y- .Yl7°l" s ARD' • • hol=le OROCBR 4ND ,C,o3o4lMigni• : L INO torimpl - 010 Pi, Lrondofie , 18, Pittiftre.. SA Y ',12118,4 ttat.'o4l4-20 Voixt zratt, 'EL t: 4t. „, bOngttc, tilig4Xl2olo:* .~ `r*~ ~ '~ 5~ h„ ~r~."}~'r7k~ i~:s r .~.T~~adS.a~awe:~.r'.~Yxsc ~da•.'3:= i _, DINTJEStiIt BRASS WORKS, CADMAH & CRAWFORD, Manu6etarers of evay variety of gtablhol BRASS woax FOR PLUMBERS, IMAM OR GAS FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND {COPPERSMITHS. BRASS CASTINGS, of ..It descriptioroi, mule to order. STEAMBOAT WORN., STEAM AND GAS FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to fitting up REFINE RIES rot COAL AND CARBON OILS. Aim, Sole Agents for die Modern District of Penn sylvania for the mile of MASSIE, LAUSDELL CO.'S PATENT SIPHON PUMP, the beet errer In vented. ,Itoring ram It is not liable to got out of miler, and will throw more water than any pomp oy twine Its are. apIS JOHN HALL dc CO . , VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, PrMMBURGH,PA, neatifactmrs mil dealers In all tke different kind. of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CCT- V:CC. DOZES. to. With greatly increnred (mili tant for doing btoinsas, we earnestly Invite dealers to glee ur a call. Manufactory, Temperancerille. Warehouse, Cecile alley and Liberty St., Plumb'et. Jons HALL, T. J. HALL, STEPHEN WOODS, JAS. J. lIIOOWN. vv. a attctivcrosn r 11.111.111 a... .... Iv. neer. A ,I AUK IN TOSLI, & CO., corner Pike and O'Hara streeb, near the City Water Workn, Pittsburgh, manufacturers of MACE 11151PIIILL'd IMPUOYED Ont'l TING STEAM ENGINES AND SWti VALVES, of all sites and boot style. Barba,: pot up mochlnery of large capacity and of the best r i st.lit), we are prepared to do heavy Job bing, and eolicit work in this line, trusting that by promptness, and the character of our work, to merit public patronage. We invite dal att.:atom to our BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, an combining advantagen heretofore unattained in this clues of Engines- - BLACK DIAMOND 'sre.F.L WORKS, P1TT28171.20H, PA. PAB.R, BROTHER & CO., Bianufacturers of BEST QUALITY REPINED CAST STEEL, Square, •lst ...I Octagon, of all Mon. Warranted equal to any imported or manufacturvd in this coun try. rar OfDos and turehooss, Noe. 10 stid 161 FIRST and PM and 1= SECOND STREETS, Pittsburgh. fel laytt NVIWAM B A RNII ILL & CO , BOILER .kers and Sheet Iron Workers, pr_Nx STREET, Noa. 20, 22, 24 and 24. flaring secured • Urge yard and furabgbed it with the moat bnprored machinery, we an re to otaufacture-crey &tartan., of BOILERS, In the beet manner, and warranted equal to any mad* to the country. ounrscars, BRICKER, TIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TAKES, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING TANS, BOILER IRON . BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and wilt roannfutareica of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dono on the Aortaat notice. dellktf BRITANNIA AND BRASS WORKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, (Successors to Orin Newton.) Manstlartmers of CASTOR FRAMES, MUGS, CUPS, LADLES, and great variety or BRITANNIA articles. Also, CARBON OIL LAMP BURNERS and LAMP BRASSES gemrally, So. IR) &mud street, Pittstrargk. ALLEN M COMICS do CO„ VALLEY YOMITZT, Pittsburgh. Pa. . . . . oar-warehouse, 391 LIBERTY STREET, Manufacturers of COOK., PE BLOB AND HEAT ING STOVES, PARLOR „LB D KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and Glue Houlde, Boll ing Mill Carding*, HUI Gearing, Gas, Water and Ar. linen Pipe, Sad Ire., Dog Irons. Warn. Boar*, So gar liettins, Pulleys, Hengera. Cor CooPHollin and Castings generally. Alai, Jobbing awl-Badbine Outings made to order. Patented POrtable MB, w ith St,.. or Hone Power. elphiefend JOSEPH F. HAMILTON & CO., Cur. FIRST KED LIBERTY STS., Pittsburgh SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, MACHINERY, de. myls:tf SSEVERANCE, No. 53 WAS= ST., .Pittabargh,otanufacturer of ROLLER RIVETS, W ROUGHT SPIKES, commtm and railroad, of every &seriph.. Particular died or shaped SPIKES and Eirrrs, large or mall, made to order at short notice. A good amortment =rutin:My on band. my:teen. WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., No. 215 Liberty street, op to Sixth, Pittst.O. manufacturer. of WHIPS, LASHES and SWITCII. ES, and every description of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. Order. solicited from the.trade, and goods prompt ly Shipped as per ipetrueticsia. frsay W. tiF$N-ETT:4snufacture.re of D. wurroscroNs CglpiA*l4 CREAM COL ORED WARE; A. Oftioo nod Witt*Oleesit.Slo. 71 FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh. . mhltay i t te 1 4 "Kra S • .101 PI RI MIN Ar•X ..staxag WILSON, csaue..w. (Lakffilwavlttips - Ce.,) Wholesale dealeins-ItOTOBEIGErANT) DOMESTIC DRY cows, ria, 94 Wood street, third lamas above Diamond alley, litteborgh. • apits6' If. =LTC.— -.1. LTX9 =TM. IJAIOE' .111eAllOY . 4; CO., Dealers in acißgrat • Atm DOMESTICDRY GOODS, No. 140 Te 9 ,919 lOrtet,' , Daerond deer below new Merkel Renee,)-9,lles9esty valteGy EATON, 3IACRU3I4 CV., Wholeal and Pelail Daslenrlrr 111111111TRGS. ENDROI• DERIZS and GOODS, et every Ilesteription, N. 17 ami 19 TM etreit, Piuslsarek. es: rilE, WhOl9Sade and .I.IIJL RataltDcaleni In /FANCY ANA/MA.I'LN DRY GOODS, TAIIIMINGS, te; No. 74 Markaa street" bet was ,Diamossl and Yourth Pittsburg& JT M. BURCHEIELD, (oucoessor to . Botchfleld & C 0.,) Wholesale sad .Retail Peaks In STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeast cororr of-Youtils and Marl . set,atfeets, Pittsburgh. 4 1 6 4- SEPIC 116 WE ' and 'tall Dealer In all-hands of TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS, kn.; Nos. 77 and 79 Market wont. , Baxii,74ith. co., Dealers in al tra klndstof ANY GOODS, No. th 31arket street, bor.in_Wriund-rourth,sicub=sh. P H. PALMER, No, 84 Wood Street, .1-IU. Dealer In BONNETS; HATS, STRAW TRIM. lIMICIIVandISTRAW GOODS generally. zar. VC a/STAL - 3cfmcsToN;,Dis — lfir in PUILE DAIIO4, ,I.ND =gam PIRIVAIMT, rescß GoO DS„.131:1211 G. 111.11/D, .0.1-LS, FLU -416Y, umeozsgm a of Rtdcl om Prizo• Aran% whlpb M t Prim. ara* i r and Yonieh *nem, Pletsbwih.. Pitqacziptiona vs/J*- 1 747 ComPAPdco4 *Worn% • I - 1 IL.TAIINESTOCKIo . at; 'Whole .LArdele•DrVehl; end . rnannfeicturem of WICETZ ITAII:AND.I4 rgb. HARM corner or Wl* MO Front streeu,Tittsbn mh7 TP: SCOTT; Wholesale Dealer in El DEWS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES - AND DIE Exurrs, No. 296 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Allirtderewill receive prompt attention. TAILOEORGE IL KEYSER, Drumist, 1,/ No. HO Word erect, corner of Virgin PUtoborlibc,'' ixsult.4Jrc.E 4GISX'IS. GARDINER COFFIN_ , ' Agent' for PhUsdeleds nod NollsAco ingunince ,COropsPoles,l7ostbeart'conidi Wood end third as. VP. JONES, 'Agent North America, . Mats of Posunylvatila, pad liertfoid lltuicum'- ance Comp:raw la 'Wag's. ttreet. QAMIJ RE& Seactiiry Cit i juns' In (emote, • y, tenser Warkst and Water eta. FK GORDON ) Secrentry Western In. ~.wants Company; 92 - Water stnet. , irt ...110014Socritary -Allegheny I surasuncempaoy, - 3:7 . 11fth street. JEf US IC, die. U e aro ANDT'NNIAM eI Ngit — 11771. itgooit. 10i.101611$ .CO.'S Koos._ neiva JULOS.IIANON,szI PRINCE CO.'S INIMODII- ON& ' No. 4.11111111 sti k oet, wood' door aboio Wood, pubbrazte. ,pl.lna to letould taken ozebutgo apl4 RLRBBR it BRO., Dealers in MU LL. RIO -AND =SIM; INSTICIIIIMMI, and sob sputa Or armaiwArs cizTIBR. IaygoAMED-P/- ANDS. No.b3 nth street,l'ittsbergb - - XELLOR JD °Eliaa*l tom. ge4,34.,1awa0d . pwroMitilo • lif a ii ono'. 6 ' •.!,s r,.: . • - ' / ===Ell PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1863. pithiburgit 6azettll. TUESDAY MORNING NOV. 21, 1863 TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Iduasme SSMOT, by mall, peiTar.- .88 00. month.-- TO. wook-.—... 18. Ercnnm NDITION, by . mall, per 4 50 U Wye copies WIUMET Benson. single copies, per year... 9 ee. " dubs of Sto 10, " ._ 1 51. " dabs of leer more" 1 te. —mad one extra to the party reading slab. For a dab of fifteen, we will send the Evanne Gseerra daily. For a elst of twenty, we will send the MOANING, Gagsr:a dally. Single copies, E. cents. Mar All subearaptions thistly is mireore, sod r.p"ts alway• stopped when the time expire,. IT would appear from an expression in our dispatches, that the Army of the Potomac is not going to fulfil the expectations of those fond hopers and easily excited people, in Washington and elsewhere, who Lave been predicting, for some days past, that now at length the great work was fairly in hand, and General Meade would no longer delay. The dispatch we refer lo,in its groat brevity does not cast sufficient light on the cause and nature of the disappointment produced 1.7 the advic.s from the Army of the Potomac, to mallat us to understand the whole matter. Perhaps, how ever, they know who have owned to disappoint ment. As for ourselves, ever since Williamsport, while we have endeavored to wait on the move ments Of Gen. Meade with becoming patience of hope, and without prejudicing earsoires Ly giving too ready heed to adverse critioisms, we have never been able to persuade ourselves to look towards the Potomac for anything either very brilliant or very energetic in scia log and improving opportunities to accom plish the grand object of the campaign in that quarter, namely, overcoming Lee and db,in tegrating the rebellion by an advance on Richmond. Well: we can wait indefinitely for this ollen ,ive action on the port of Gen. Meade, if he will but do what he ha ben doing with suffi cient earnestness to keep Leo from sending too many detachment, to the South-west. Lot him but amuse Lee just enough to prevent him from doing any more mischief to Gan. Burnside, than the sending of Longetreet hoe done already, or, if not actually done, has very disagreeably threatened to do, and we shall refrain from all romplaint, especially PO, that the call for the relief of our poor prison ers at Richmond is now happily :e..s urgent. Due while we are so moderato in oar hopes in the direction of the Potomac, we are alt the more sanguine that good news is in the very act of making, even while we write, among the hills and mountains of Tennessee, among the islands of Charleston harbor, and far away along the Te van frontier, whore our Banks has &tread/ written the dret chapter of a now history of that great State in its de liverance and renovation—which will be read and remembered on both banks of that river rentier for ages anti generations to UOIIIC The New• from Texas. We need not direct ottrreadere attention to the important nests from Texas : such news would doubtless be one of the very first things they world attend to, on opening their papers. But we may add a remark to render that news still more acceptable. When the dis patch says Banks requires 10,000, or 12,000 more troops, it might be inferred, that unless he shall be re-in forced to that extent, his po sition is not secure against en attack by the rebels. This, however, is not the meaning of the writer on whose communication the dis patch was founded. We have now his letter before us, and find That all ho intends to urge is, that Gen. Banks ought to have the above number of troops for quite another purpose than meeting Magruder, or any other rebel General in Texas—bat fora purpose. which, though not so pressing or so unpleasantly suggestive of danger, is, nevertheless, well deeerving of the most favorable consideration. Wo quote the writer's own language in full : The prospect in Texas for our cause is good. General. Banks needs and ought torhave more troops, perhaps ton or twelve thousand men, in order to enable him to act in the state. The people in Brownsville. as well as on the Mexican side of the river, are friendly to us ; I hare no doubt that Mexican troops could be raised, if it were advisable, to servo under the American flag. The greater part of the people in and about Brownsville are of Mexi can origin ; this common people, and the wealthy men are favorable to the re-establish ment of the Union government, under which they always enjoyed peace, protection and liberty. They are, however, much cowed by the rebel tyranny, and have such an idea of the strength and determination of the rebels that they will not take political action unities they are made sure of protection. The dis play of a considerable force here is necessary to produce confidence in our power and to res tore the former condition of things ; and this force must remain fur a time. With proper management there ie n prospect that all Texas can 'be brought back under the Union flag, and that with little delay. New that a part of the people are relieved from a tyranny which had grown hateful to them, and that also the tampering of the French with the rebels has been interrupted and their plots broken up, the prospect here is promising. Gen. RoseeranoP Vlewo ofthe Volunteer Army. In response to the toast of "The army and navy of the United States," at tho railroad banquet in Cleveland, on WedneSday, Gen. noseeranz made a few remarks in relation to the efficiency of the volunteer army : In reference to the volunteer army ho mid that ho couldpetty pays high tribute to their valor and. courage. In that they were not excelled by any people, They were also full of patriotism and at the same time free from the feelings of hatred andrevonge. They did not hate their enemies, nor did they seek to revenge themselves on them en the battle field. They fought out of pure patriotism. It was perhaps true that the discipline in the volunteer army was nut as good art to eat isfy all the strict requirements, but this was ' owing to, the material- composing the army. Men °Lail classes wore in all tanks in the volunteer army. Ordinary distinctions of class or position were swept away, and the officer everywhere found 11; elf commanding hie most intimate lassoed ain the mks. Under such circumstances it was impossible to keep, meths distinction of rank each as obtains in to regular armies, and the discipline wee therefore not so perfect. But in the battle I field everything was merged In the business of fighting,. Every man was fighting indi vidually, and was his own captain, if he could not find a captain to fight under. • As an evidence of this he mentioned a• little incident that occurred at the battle of Chicks, magma. An officer ran off from the field, when a private of his company snatched up a musket, ran after Mal, halted him, and brought him back, saying he would be d—d if he would be deserted by his Officers. Tits Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany hateubout ono thotualnd men constantly employed in building iron and wooden bridges, to bo ready to replace those that may here after be destroyed. Two hundred new coal cars am also being oonstructed, to accommo date the 'increased. coal .trade. Five ten wheeled passenger engines are also , being at oostinab;DOD aina.; _ - Patriotic Work of Henry Ward _ EVENING GuETTE TELEGRfis, IiEN.MEADE , s mihty ADTANcuirE , .. ...._ ........................ _ .... ~. Beecher. . - Tho avails of Mr. Decehor's address at the - - A WARM RECEPTION AWATind G. it oh! Acute , of Music, on Thersday EXTRACTS FROM RICHMOND PAPERS. COHMISSIOIi 6 . FuIINTARDING KFIRCILOrfi, _Weeklyn Academy night, of which we have given some passages in the Gszzrre, amounted to $2,300. The ad mission was $1,00; reserved seats $l,OO ex tra. This sum is fur the use of the United States Sanitary Commission. Mr. Beeeher has devoted himself for sometime to come to the noble service exclusively, so far as lecturing is concerned. A Now 'IA paper says: Me understand that Mr. Beecher positively refuses, for the present, to lecture before any society for money. Ile will make public ad dresses in two or three of the principal cities, on condition that the entire proceeds shall be appropriated for the benefit of our mirk and wounded soldiers, or in some other way the benefit of the cause for which be bat tled in England. From this time until January he will deliver no lecture on pri vate contract under any inducement what ever. It is said that a benevolent associa tion In this city tam just offered Mr. Beecher five hundred dollars for a single lecture in behalf of its specific work ; and that an organ iss,ion in Philadelphia offered eight hundred dollars for two lectures. Both offers were de clined. _ _ The Difficulties In the Way at an Ex change. That the plaid , . may understand the ques tion that is at the bottom of the difficulty in the exchange of citizen prisoners held by our authorities and tho rebels, we hare to state that when the former demand the discharge of special citizens arrest,d without can-e, the rebels refuse, urging that Loth sides shall :sane man tigref:ll, at not hereafter to arrest any citizens. This cannot Lc a. eda•i b • 'n asmuch its it it 311,01UtLly necessary : the success and satety of our military operations is rebehlom thatc.tizens—elaitnier of citizens:lip—exemption nom toning treated as enemies in arms—atust not be permitted to give information and othi.ruisc aid the rebel lion. Our Government is most anxious to avoid trer,ting those not in arms as enemies; not being engagto in war against citizens— but against organized rebellion against its au thority. To acquiesce in the demand of the rebel authorities Weald be .neither more nor teas than an equivalent to an acknowledgment of their complete independence.— W.hington 2001. Tier. New York Tin , te says: "IYo have pri vate advires 'from Russia, through one that cannot he mistaken, that the Csar is making •ireparations for war on an unprecedented s.-ele. in respect to the recruitment of men, the replerliebinent of munitions, the construc tion of invulnerable vessels, the building of new for t e and the strengthening, of old once, and in respect to everything needful for tho mightiest defensive cenfliet. It is also de clared that the national feeilng among the people is daily becoming intenser and more warlike, and that the determination 'to sustai n the Emperor in his high-toned foreign policy is universal." Sony five hundred application, have t cony tly boon filed by rebel prbioners at Chicago for net la b.sion to take the oath of allegiance. Many of the., &milli:nuts write in strung tern, of censure against the crccfaion governin,nt, and =tate that they were dralte.: into the ser vice against theirwill and good juduient. They are anliou, to take the .o.th, and to re -113111 north till after the war. But a, thcte to nu arrango.coent al preeent for allowing pti,- one, of war to take the oath of allegiance their labor in in vain. • Tor. Worcester' iMa 5.,1 S, • hat tho Commissioners of Worcester county have it cr ived It notification front the t nilod States Marshal to hold themselves in rer.dinees to rvceive and keep in close eus•od:., at the jail in Fitchburg, some ten or twelve female se cession •pies now held by uur go. ernment as prisoners. PEACE IlrN Noe, AND Sot-rn.—.l dictin guithed Copperhead from Nee York. looking over the late Southern news, remarked bit terly, " I observe the Peeve men have carried several districts in Not th Carolina. That it more than -hey can do in our State." Rae. T. S. KING, in a private ray! that Bierstadt has taken a series of the moat supell, ketchc, of the lo• Semite. They nil! make a great impression Be is now il, 0r . ..- goo to .turfy Sbasto. not the great ''rogue CIE= Sou' of the ladies in appear in the streets without hoops, but with fire,ea that come only to the ankle, diecb•eing Bal moral boots and striped stookings. One ~1 tho H ar tford papers thinks thin r " planaunt re form." A I.NiTCII from Knoxville, Tennimsee, at the Nth instant, say. re,ruiting for the federal army is etdl going on in 1:6., Tonne,. e. Between eight and (Cu iluonun•l ',Mal are already actually enrolled. A rota-um:hr has recently been erected iu India:tapelit, Indiana, which has a capacity for 61.ughtcring and pzcleing three thontand hogs. Ir is ymitt that 9.534. per cent_ of copper and 4 per cent. of aluminum form a compound which re.iembles gold very much. , e a N.,lernunent now holds :31.0n0 r e v,' rr6ono , A. The rebels hare shout 13,1)00 nien pri.,neril in their hands. JEXNISON, 1.4 to rtli, jg I rigade troopl under Wu last 0011 of OM President. 11'.3JrTly. WANTED. An Experienced Carpet 4 wanted busnollately al OLITKIIICCLINToCK t oaftif No. IA fifth W ANTED -1n a Drug Store at Nit's= 11w, an ASSISTANT. L. H. TIATIRIS, 0c211:3t Corner First nod Wood arena. WANTED. --$60 A MosTa.—We, want T Agoras at t 2 ,G3 a month, exponae• paid, to tell our Betrladiv P(G Oriental Iktenerr, and thirtege other new, useful and curious articles. Moon art* , elm scut/rm. Addle*, ' aelterridawr EfflANy A MARK. Midgard, Ma._ 7h A e i t v, 4 I.to A month, gents pus paid, to sell my now cheap farallrlieering Address, MADLSON, Alfred, Maine oda24,lmdonT WANTBD TO RENT, A GOOD WAREHOUSE, Situated In a business portion of the city. Enquire at SEOOND SUBS= oe..lktr WANTED—One who under- Vt etanla cooking, and other home-work. Ad dress BOX 301, City of Allegheny Nat Onto., with ridwonce u to colonacaticras and character. maim REAL ESTATE aGEJV'TS. W-ILI,IAM. WARD, I)enler in I'RCO fatAllIT NOTE-4, BONDS, MORTGAGES, and all isecuritlee for money. Persons can procnro LOANS, through my agency, on remarkable term!. Those wishing to Wand tholr toottoy to good advan tage, can always find flat and second class paper at my °Mee fur We. All communications and Interviews atrlctly cent dentlal. Oftlea, Grant street, oppralte St. Penn. Cathedral. Jel:tf BOOKRELL 118, NC - - W - M. G. JOHNSTON & CO., Station ery, Blank Hook Hanufseturrrs .nd Job Printers, No. b 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. se3o VAX Ilookgellors ant Station or., No. 6b Wood street, next door to the mom. of third, Pittsburgh. SCHOOL and LAW BOOLS rondo:My or Bookseller and Stational . , V . N 0.711 Fourth street, Apollo Builditgs. IMZN2M I TV P. KARSIIALL; Dealer in WALL Tv pAngs, BoBplrgB, Itr-, No. 87 Woqi dead, l'iltebureb• Jar WA9/115'0103 Nov. 23.—The 47/..- , olick and is Provisions and Clothing for our Refiebticct both musoorce that toe At.oy of • Crude and Refined Petroloun, Richmond Prisoners, ' the Potomac moved as an early hour this - •• • - IS frttrnf STU Sts - r, TlTTl9l3tlibEf. L IWlt t Nov. 23.—The ll;-ro/J' , / des- tor Mond rash w irptncrq mreignorept• for patch, dated Army of the Potomac, Nov. 22, • Pitt 6 borgh or ); ,, O . ro Judge Underwood on Confiscation. Pays The enemy, though not sect, in large force, appear to be working dilligently, end AFFAIRS CHEERING IN kNSA, EMMI tipccial Dispatch to Om PitUburgb Gturtto rIiI , ADELPIIII, Nov. 23, .IF3 says : o ily: • ,, :lt. e. n d o h Ple.r on :len. Banks' FtalT, writing The Richmond Require", of the 14th, that neither Mexico nor Central America can erer be cafe from ambitious and. rapacious de- ten was eapt e u rel ii says a large quantity vi eel'- ids. and projects of the United States and . l i '' ii.-i ' m I:jadrbe ' enne:.ntr:l".7l2:;iislioe; ' ' '' '' i leica'll. they could tind: England, except by entering into close alli- . once with the Southern Confederacy, with : wi T th ha dt i li n itt a i ln • en 0 1, 1 ill'le" 'llle t . "' li j il'ied Brazil, and with all European Mediterranean force'. w e re farming e i ' i hl t r l e "r the :lace I': ''' nations of Europe. England and Lire United i give '''''''"i7'.l"' gan't"77dire'7"gint''''d;"e'rell: sv' ' as States bare a larger nary and greater mar- , The cotton:w e ll t e . h ti will bethrown in , i mer cantile marine than the whole world besides. 1 ketboyo bales. onr Ihes,o of f ount Texan . n will rearh1:00,0000,o To keep their mercantile marine employed, it stored on tae l.tio is their mutual interest to h..vo the mi.t.,y of t,rande line is immense . the tittli of Mexico and the transit of the , i t i h a e . ft il , .. e m a ll e iL e r f r d o ci:r el t: v o l hs re:c li r m a u 6 it eld . fr 'e om lle S l; .i i i a r t e l,en j ' as is t isthmixs. Russia will probably be anted w ilt, t. The Pre:ldent, y r ,:t e rZy, ii i, ' , ~..,,, 7 • England on•I Lb,: United States is their raps- • eouv t erlat.omtemarii cd this t the no x I i wi• week? t.t,l 1 et.. osig n e. The &mil:m re State_. f Earopc w,i ' and . \ werico must combine and form a "mimic° ' reb ellion ' 11l . west el nill'illea' i 'i: ' :: ' r ll'e if power on C.., The Richmond i•Zeiritirig of the : It „,..roging to tit”, why to deliverance from our pre>unt troubles to knew th: t t about thirty days after eaih day which boo been or: aiaLrt by the rre.hlrot of the Confederate States for prayer and fasting, we nave Lad a butt!. ~nd a A ietory. The fuel question is solv,d in Minnesota hy the discovery of immense bed, of pest near St. Paul. It io said to horn as well n. coal, and sells fur two or three dollars per tan. There is nothing important (roux the Po tomac. The enemy are Nr,n . king on their defeneea at ! the Rapidan. Meade's tro,.p. are in g,,d spirit! , and eager for a fight_ Two hundred nod twenty , five bores of stores tor our men in Richmond, were shipped this morning by the Christian Commission, the best medium by which to send them. No humbug. Stores con be scat in confidence. Our boys will got them. A cheering dispatch was received from Ar kansas this morning. Gen. Rice is at Suntan, Saline county, twenty-fire tuile< southwest Little Rock. The people are got king to him and asking for arm•. Volunteers are coming in by fifties and hundreds. The rebel authorities arc exceedingly surprised, as they counted on the people of Arkansas Sc true to the Confederate reuse. Judge Una.. of 'L, L. Court, Virginia, in de,dinu the eonfiseatio, of the Lath Auk e,tate, thuA eloso& but arru naut ny this Court, then. looking for lig,t•t and guitlanue the triHtnnl o f t-tern,o ju, t.t . 4., it mu, 1. I , t.I that ent,ugh poured out and mingled With of V it ginia to er.i . .o;uisli r' ht and estab lish n perfect title in the Got eminent ter the bencllt of the hell, of those one have fal.en .1. fretting the republican Institutions recoiled from our rltTiot f.,tt,err, institutions which no are !),.und to preserve, and to transmit unimpaired. and if possibi, itepro,ed and purified t.. .ur post, ity. The 12hattan.ga Rebel says: This new upon the military rho* by which the enemy got pos., ion of Lookout valley and the railwa to Itri•lgeport. a masterly stroke. The coortption was a brilliant one. .lu ate combinations admiral is and faaitlers. kl the cambinedudir, from the Luilt:ing of the pontoon boats and ituatteg teem down the rii or et night, to the expected arri•al of toe fon.es et flr idgeikurt, were p,rfuct. FROM EAST TENNESSEE TEE SITUATION OF GENERAL BURNSIDE .00R ARMY BOLDING KNOXVILLE. TUE RECE.,II"T 8.2 TTLES CoNNTION OF MAIO AT CHATTANOOGA I!MM!IME CINPINNATI. For. 23.—Maj. I;cn. Fo.der ar rived Lore, and will leave for Knoxville to day. Official advi.,‘ from East Tenne,ce up to eleven yesterday morning, arc en couraging, : at that time firing at Knoxville was beard by our 6, xtretne outporits, from Gum- IK.rlan Jinn. Adjul4t Stanley, of the Kenturky Cavalry, 4rrived nt Cumberland (lap yoater• clay. 110 brings beeful. news of the eltnn- tiny of Burnside. and save that he is still holding out, and has notified the citizens' that be would certainly hold Knoxville. The rebel force opposing him is estimated at 36,000. Knoxville is not closely invested. The enemy have wignimwn from the south side of the river, and wo forage there. The artillery fighting on the 19th and 20th wee very severe. The enemy sustained a very hoary loss. General Sanders, wounded at Campbell's Station a few days ago, has since died. Col. Wolford is slightly wounded. • The Cbmatercialsays that the withdrawal of Ewing from the South side of 'Knoxville, is decisive of a repulse. Gen. Burnside is hold. ing Knoxville, under instructions from Grant, and it is not to be supposed, therefore, that the forces under - Thomas, Honker and Sherman are wasting their time during these moment ens days. Wo are In hourly expeetatien of receiving Intelligence of the most important character. Naw Yong, Nov. 23.—The Chattanooga cor rospondent of the World, dated the 15th, says : Will Bragg move upon Burnside with a por tion of his forces, leaving the rcimaindes to re sist an attack on the part of the 'lcdcrals Has he sufficiently fortified hie position in front of Chatteureeplo allow him to do this ? That ho might have done this had not the situation changed within the last' twenty-four hours 'is possiblo but 0.3 napkins adrance from Bridgeportina settled the supply clu mo tion, so another movement has settled the possibility of a flank movement in Bast-Teri nooses. What it is lam not at Liberty to sax, bat it will not be shrouded in mystery long.! If, as is alleged, by seine' refugees and (W -earier, that a portion of Bragg's forcea bast already started on their mission against nen. Burnside, they must bo inunediatuly retailed, the rebel communication will be severed, and the whole army will bo threatened front thb rear. Whatover movements may occur to compel Bragg to change-his baae, no general advance will take place till Chattanooga G ail be made the base for stipplies; To advance, even with the certainty or drawing 13yagg, to Atlanta before that time, .wilk.ho. taNliteo That place can only be tionvertedintoarteh pp base lifter the railroad is eompleted'betyrec ' Bridgeport and Chattanooga. Eienta.and maneasetra.may bring on, a battle,' . bkt,,Ldeebt it, tuness the reboil conZwottrzlo all Clair atElliSti and make vdesperate Agars to regain Tennessee bat tartan it;la they etinttot take to the offinalrb taw. z ~ Z« ~, VOLUME LXXVII---NO. seem determined to give Meade a Warm re Our Occupation or Texas. NEw roux, Nor. 23.—The The tentn e r Vniaderhilt—'The Pirate A luitutua. e‘e, Nee lout, Nev. 0 _3.-1 he W.,eh ia7ton epee unto tba'. the N.... Donau- _ . _- mei. , had a..eives frhoi the slows ri M I 1.1. F. RA et. , At:ENT. to tho second and third week of Outolter. Ti.' /1.-/ Vanderbilt left Cape but,: early ue liist NV r_Nr7 ST, mi 31areh,aud Rh. two days out, fell in wit'.. Dutch vessel in a disabled condition. and to CRUDE & REFLNE.D PETROLEUM ease the lives of forty person., on board, Ilse Vanderbilt took the \ easel in t w and re- All ` l " ir ?`" w ' t tui.,....:llvith her to the Cape. the. lo,inz four rttTt Err:LP in mot cellara Ter days. At last accounts the Vanderbilt was at ttill3DE. under cooll he the Island of Mauritius, and the A tail:Ulla in es, wet:, ate.nel•ie pr. 1,1 to 01 I. FOR EX EOM'. the Bay of Bengal. The Captain of the V.°, derbilt is believed to ho welt infortne,l with - regard to the rebel pirate's course. i1.k.114) . 1' SS. PEll.:EiatiN, The roma& hero to-eight to the effect that eJ Gen. Gram's forces hadadvanced upon Bragg, General Merchan.dize Bvflero and were nowin Atlanta, Georgia, with Breget in full retreat, have no shadow of foundation.. lit.; sorra FlitrST ST.. I'll I LADELPIIIA. From Mende's Front Stow tang, Nov. special to Coe ll Orel, dated Wn•hiugtem, Aov. 22d, says: Advices from the front, other than , •1 your special correspondent, state that tbo weather has cleared up, and the made arc not much damaged by the rains. In view of the important result►, now daily ankicipated, the enemy is certainty in force on the Sonia bank of the Rapidan. The Releane of BurilAcle W.ni-MINOTOS, Nov. 23.—1 t haying been douhted that Burnside woo It, be relieN ud Iry Foster, it is now st. Lott that the ”rder woo issued on tire 1611, and :.`.at 14truelJe so or dered to report to the Adjutant tienerai hero. Capture of a Valuable Prize ...r. Nov. _a.—To-day Ole :ea oFTleet Delaware, from Yort linyal and Lae on the 2016. ...T. ran:ite .suture of the rebel &warner Banshee, tram Ntlll6lll. will. a c.e. of great value. .117CTIO.Ar 5.11161 E p ,A),.• BELL)) ED• 1/ NV:lg . /AY MORI , I h. at kr k. vcd , le told, at t h., ,n. k ttt., ane“, ono :11,11...duttn 11Indk.. DA VI, Mr.II.WATNIL A nein. • Al' vAL A k. l i r t l , l „ ),N F .. } (.. , )T h St ; u • luck, 1 , , til .0. th- Ittndin, I. sue, , , n.ar 1.01. of Ground planate nt ito c , rner of Wharton and liar. mon.) oon.. Fla. HU...,tarit bat inn. trnat fnvt dn Wl:urn a 'tr., n,..1 back t Trntts---Oue-tl , :r.lrteidue .“ wen 4,1 twn yens, mitt, :mere.% nett PAN ^ NfeTT.WA TNT:, A wt . :, ALU A BLE,' i‘c)ciis AT .4 LC'TION. r Tt:l-IDAY I\t,, Nvf la:1, .1 7!,1 .'clut•lt, win I. Ho. 64 Filth strsys : - tt.2 Esehalige.littuk Steark; du Men:hams' & &Inr.eite turers' •:k; at do Western lusurnte, MINE :12! Id do l'eople,t' 'hauntlt. Co DAVIS 4. dtc LLWAIN 11. d.'^' H t)U EIIOI,LI FI: IT L: E.--t )n TULS.DAY AFTI./.[N,JON, Nov. cats, nt I.'dock, trill to sold, at the Comm...at Sul. St Fifth street, n quantity or ti lieu...hold coati,riaiug ]tallogant Side iloglarl, Walla.; Table. Dr....deg itureud, , Curdrole , heir eiteut Itahogult7 ChM.. Sprillg Snal. li.letuatts, heavy Comforte, tall V. at. Fru , r. toll cute Cock,!tlantol Cloak, (itit tam., Shute Chitin Ware, Parka Lam' Ruga, A-rn ' l'ctcou glutting, Pneklett Trunk+, ('‘,l.lng Sto.,littcher, and F'nrultote. tet?.3 DA Vt 3 & Mcl LNY LIN F., A orris. OILS, :cc. McCORM ICK CA I.I,ENDER OIL BROKEILS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, ISMEED err Consignments Kolicit.d. Lyttay k Chorportolog, Iron CO Oil Work.. Jocob Poi..ler, of J. Poiool h C... JL.o. R. Chalfant, of S'pong, eb01f...3t A Co. (M1111'169101: Ttl FSCIIA TS, „ li.r.d ructorw to Petroleum and its Products, Oils, ye NULL'S, .w., to 61 DROA 11 STREET Iltar Y. 161 WATER a 133 rBONT sdn. Dlr Aerate forth.. PORTLAND FEROSEKE OIL WORKS, NEW YORK PARAYYLNE CAN DLR DQMPANY, tn. W. A. CILAPKAIY, Aannrr, spl7:ns nn W stex & 132 Front eta. JACOB acr.sx 31T PETROLITE OIL \YORKS . AMEAT ManntftemerAof PRIME PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OIL. Capacity two tbob..and barrels per Week. REESE 14 GRA.FF, Pnorvrewits. oak., MONONGMIELA HOUSE, Pittsburgh. _Tr E 23 NOS WOODWARD, (L.te ofWm.B. Woodward & C 0.,) GIitNERAL COII3IIPSION firci!.l attention gitett to qt., sale of Crude and Refined Petroleum. xe. in BOUTTI 711.0i15 . 131 , 11E2T, PHILA. t irmT:4ll - tWiTc -- tunuuct.far - Oil of .Vitriql Anunoiaia. Or.lerileft at Jolla rofterfleild owe, eOr nei or IIiATIKET AIM TITL.. O I' ST-HERTA, will re proropeattwelt re2e TOSEPFJ -ADAMS C9unelly . E. ighlta..^ corr cif 14mutkl na4l. Girard: 611041 , ,, Plitiburgta:- orivArA-Di,./. M. Pollock, Pt. 1101- leck„ Theodore lkobblneclluksa Ereett. mylly A LEXANDER RING, "Sithofo . sTilan:, :ts. air, Importer of SINIA A.Sir, 30:213 liberty Pittsburgh. - mh6 Ll - DintEMN & jAcruoclawaND commoitoAxpeltam; N.. lin Wax' street, Pittsburgh. - i" !tell T INE! -MAE! LiMiliditt:teceived by . LI non'. ' • tivigraitimulfe. T- , ,'-' OILS, Ne. virrepenovi arrvar,cr2l: ltheelru..l S !tit, rth S Co., Springer IlArl.angl, Key., TheLnpson recur. Ce,mtuntelal Bank. TACK & rnw., Crude and Refined Petroleums, RANZIN>Y&c., iltiAirww (min:v.lv! to otir xi» will roweive t•u• i.tompt p...rAotwl mut-W.:two 10 :Niewrs. lticluni•nou, &Co., Bt rwi r, DattA, 'Pittsburgh; . Ilauk. N. A.; Foster C_ l'hila.ll.ll•lo,...cLuinly . _ •. IRON Crl'Y OIL \YORK:4. LYDAT & CHORPENNING, •(snutxaren and Refiner. ,4* ("Ann& OIL , BEN- /.I NI: ADD :A - 1z it I 1%1 TT7O ons, and d.,derg In C 1) P IC"rIt<,.LIECUM iiaND Y.TREINT:"' CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, sons, ASU. DICIIIS.Tu::.I4 c to buy or *rill promptly ottondad to. . NEEDLES', PIIILADM.PIIIA COMMISSION 2117 r., "ff.l .V 773. reticular Own:h. papa t4,ollf{ g iiro.rnts or Crude and Refined Petroleum. P-Or L'lreral EN I; ti IWE, NfIRTII FRONT RT., I'll !1..'. LPRIA. I 11,1cer S.: C,lnin ,•rtrt 71z CR'JDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, LI:DEP:ATING to/ I, AN 1. I .1. al, In ('gods and hen ennt I' I.EII/1 Ilk so.: 111 . 10.; CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A4rntx of the .11.4..11N; PA PIFIG Al I) LITIIINTY OIL WORI:S Libtr.:: cash vilvom,ns mud, covAgEstnout, of Relined or Crude Petroleum COE. DUQUESNE WAY A• TIA NrOCK STS . _ ()IL MEN Heal not bo embarrat.e . ,:d enforeement cif the Bulk tirittrienee, when they ran have their OIL burri•llest t e :;-!,!.- a the tW um iturs.s, a. ch, more prompt. vtlth lees risk, , Ins. trnitnie and in h.Lto, ' tinier, at • KIRK'S 011. YARD, tho Alle, - bany Voila! Maims& abovo Little:lto twin,: Oa Id k fl••••• ./.1•• 1,111. diro..t 1. Inn car., at.d ghlpped to any point, ra.4 or Wtat without any Oraamtt or. re-A.lmm%. All • •,,, trawnatal ta. arir - , at Yard, on Chip , . I . ltaaenttor It. IL t'cwt Oftira 110.:( ritt.tairgh cr 1 ran be raou daily at the Ott tt. If a DAVID KIRK. .10110 ..... - ......... W A LLAI riss, Comm fission onehants And dealer. In CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM, 'BENZINE ANT. LrBEICATING CT.LS Yo. 60 V Tli IVIIA rIIS, PITILADDLYZILI red - Storsgli rapacity (under corer.) for 15.000 ALA ext...11,,5t facilities for shipping . to .Aissricati lorsio ports, s• utir wharf at. ' tee LayILIL the itt-stfonta of lho r. R. IL jr.22.ty TITALES, W.FINORE & CO., • v • CO3I 3TIEST 31tiltrITIVT3, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 112 .5.1A11 , VA: LANE, I:LW lokt.K Amp: faciliilel for STORAGE AND SIIIPPING., .1.4 41,4 , 1 r wad Br /100E in, 14 it 1)1 A "; LI L VNEK:". _NAYLOR dc Refiners and Dealers in Carbori ljusaryomtiloy soy in 1.1. =Allot ri.a - Orders left At their office, Nn. 41 ;ULF: NT hi BEET, or at their worn In Lan - roticosille. o, ill. ho promptly attended to. Buyers or CRUDE- OIL. = ROBERT ASHWORTII, Ne. 1 ST. CLAM ST., Pll - 1 . 8111 , RG/1, Forwarding & Commission merchant 424 DIiALL..".I IS. ORE. Z - 47'1Itr.RRNATI150, LUBRICATING, CEEng PETROLEUM OiLS, As., constantly on hand and far WO of the lowesa market tole.. Consignments mad prdilt fic4tclwa. . . epLew W°9PVii4LE PM 'IDLE/SKIP, CO Q . . . • ganUfainnrers of EIVIINT.,::Virt'AIID LOBILICA - 'TING OIL. Kcep cinortantly 6n hind thol rmilfy and'irithontiolel gnu , . LUBRICATUIt, Tinto ZU LE and C2k4 , Me' All. tnacre krt. si Ho. " , 1 7,rTIE _O.IItItET. Bonk Elock,•:.conitfionr, win prorOp_tly isl3end4 fn. R 6. WARRING; GEODE, CEFINRD,. MACIIINFIRY AND PAINT • 0 • ~ Syd . c ,„ , i os i, Xi tdAllittr ST.: ritta.TrgY.; 9! I T ic wol- .. - 7 77 ",•fi toNcat,. -- 4u44 -2 •40 1 Y.,_ , , • • • _ Pore White Millie d Carbon Wet a c t; Ro. Itat —rixisirrizax4l4. =EI FIZZENZ I:l2=Et!il ,_,~-- z1...c.:, 1.,: . 4 1 :,t.- . .7' ,i.-',,:-.',i1:?t..?,7.,.:.
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