EMI p i ittsbitr'Of' 7 ll . int4. MONDAY MORNING.. NOY. 23, 1862. CITY AND SUBURBAN. From Saturday's Evening Edition. The Railroad Pier on Duquesne W ay— Motion for a Preliminary Injunction. Wc bare already reported the fact that the Plttchargh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway company, without first baring obtained' the consent ofthe city, had commenced the erec tion of a pier en Duquesne way, for theirs"- pose -ftif faFilitating access to their depot Bounds fro{n the bridge over the Allegheny rivet. In pursuance of a resolution_of Coun cils, the City Solicitor, J. W. P. White, Esq., filed s bill in equity, in the District Court, setting forth that the city-had exclusive con trol of the streets and wharves, and was legal ly bound to keep said and wharves free from obstruction ; that the said Railway Com pany was engaged hi erecting a steno pier on the Allegheny wharf, and had already due a deep excavation, in which they were laying the foundation of said pier; that the copal:any, having erected their railroad bridge with the consent bf the city, and with the im plied understanding that no alterations or additionsirenhi be necessary for the prospec tive business of the - road L they had exhausted their power and right in the -prernisca j that the . work Is now being done witlihnt grant from the legislature or the city ; that - the com pany never asked the consent of the city; that said pier now is and ever will be a nui sance, and is wholly unnecessary for the pur poses of said road; that the Allegheny wharf is even nao in.”ll - ,1 , .nt to properly accommo date the river business at certain seasons, and the construction of said pier will render wholly useless a part that is now important and val uable, and which will yearly become more use ful and valuable. The complainants therefore ~ pray for a writ of injunction to restrain the railroad company from proceeding with the " erection of the pier. Tho matter came up for argument to-day, before Judges Hampton and Williams. J. IV. F. White; Esq., appeared on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens; and John H. Hampton, Esq., Solicitor for the Railway Company, Mr. Hampton, in opening his argument, de nied every allegation set forth in the bill of complainants, and claimed that the, company bad full power and authority to erect said pie', which was essentially necessary for the trans action of the business of the road ; and fur ther, that the pier would not be a nui sance, and would but slightly obstruct the business on the wharf. lie then read nu merous affidavits, made by employees of the company, setting forth the necessity of the improvement; also, the affulevifa of a number of leading business men, tending to prove the same fact, and to show that the obstruc tion or inconvenience occasioned by the erec tion of said pier would be but slight. He next cited authorities to show that the com pany had the legal right to extend their bridge in the manner indicated. Mr. White then replied. in support of the motion for a preliminary injunction, after which the Court took charge of the papers, and will render a decision at an early day. Opening of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway.. e The formal opening of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, on Wednesday, was, says the Cleveland Leader, "the grandest fes tival that Cleveland has ever seen or joined In." The excursion train to carry Cleveland ers to Meadville started at 0 a. m., consist ing of eighipassengers and four baggage ears. The number of excursionists was about two hundred. Among the distinguished guests frbm abroad who went out from Cleveland with the train, wits Gen. Roseerans, who, though suffering from indisposition, seemed greatly to enjoy the trip, and, sitting in Mr. Kennard's car,ehatted gaily and pleasantly with those about him. Attached to the train was Mr. Kennard's elegantly arranged parlor-cat, or car-parlor, a derided novelty and curiosity to our West ern public. At Meadville, on the arrival of the train, a vast crowd, numbered by thousands, had gathered in and around the splendid depot. The New York train had already arrived, and beside them, all Meadville and the surround leg "was there to see." The NOW York train !eft the city on Tuesday,. and making its doe time arrived in Meadville at eight Wednesday morning. It cousl,.:s of seven passen-er coaches drawn by the ,pion did engine Wm. Reynolds. After the usual amount of handshaking and greeting had passed between the two delega tions, 'both adjourned immediately to Taylor's Railroad Dining Rail, where they partook of lunch, 'forced up in magnificent style.. After the lunch was properly discussed, the assembled thousands at the depot became im patient to see and hear the hero of Stone River, and loud calls were made for Gen. Roseerans. In response to 'them he made his appearance on the balcony of the Mcllenry . House, and excused himself from speaking, on the.plea of ill health, calling on Judge Mc- Call:tient to speak fur him. The Judge made * brief and happy little address, referring very justly tp the bravery and ability of their favorite hero. The cheers, load and ringing, which were given for "nosey," showed that the love and confidence of the people are still Warm for him. The excursionist , then went to Cleveland, i . rhere they arrived at 7)i p. in., where they were greeted with a salute-and fireworks. Spirited addresses were then delivered by oon. Roxecran , f, and others, and the festivi ties woundnp by a grand ball. • The Expioalon at Conemaugh. It wilJ be rememlibred that a few days Since cwe gay e an account of the explosion of a locomotive at Conemaugh Station, by which a number of men were killed, among whom were three drovers. The names of the dro vers have been ascertained to be John,llodg es, of Springfield, Kentucky, A. J. Colo, of irbledo, Ohio, killed, and Nathan Rosenfachs, art Israelite, of No. 70, Mott street, New York, who survived until the afternoon. There were some others in the car, bat they intaped'injury.. The other three were on the locomotive as engineei, fireman,.and flagman. Their names are. John Finley, engineer, and Chas. Denote), fireman, of Altoona, and James Mills, of Centreville, flagman; Denoho was Idetedupsome rods from tho scene of the wrack soma time after its occurrence, whither be had been thrown, perfectly helpless and almost lifeless. Ile still lives, though there is batsman hope Obis recovery. Finley, the engineer, lingered until Thursday moreing, when death put an end to his horrible suffer ings—making four victims of the terrible ac cident. Mills is not so badly hurt, and there is a fairproapeot of his recovery. Death of Thomas Ratttgan. Mr. Thomas nattigan, who was so badly beaten in this city a few nights since, died at hit residence in Allegheny, on Friday even ing, &boatels o'clock, from the effects of his injuries. As there - axe some eircurastan ees connected with the outrageous osthult upon dilution, which need investigation, and as the report of his having been beaten on the Hand streechridge is denied in the most pos itive terms, Coroner M'Clung ban been re quested to hold an inquest, which. will take place this afternoon, at the office of Alderman Donaldson. We had 'supposed that, ere this,.the police Would have been able to ohtitin some elute the perpetrators, bat, like 'many similar out rages, it is likelyto' pus by unheeded. Since death has 'resulted, and the assault has as sumed the plisse of 'murder, perhaps some effort will be made to bring the guilty parties - to justice.' _ Court of ..guarter nfieselonss. - 11115'Coort will, on hiciiditY morning at 10 de ck, proceed at once to finish its business. Constables prosetratingliquer dealers, and all Wilds 'lnterested, ihmsld -bo punctually In Must. - District Attorney .X.irkpatrick is de termined to close up the term .at MOO, now et a the homicide Auto are disposed of, and parties,i.with . their., witnesses, may be saied colts - by belie Coart-en- Monday. morning. , Serf nenentileie Nulty, convicted of assenli end'beitediand34V:endldrs: Bolvd lentcanv-nied•of, eicilbscorenes,w'cre each sentenced to-d 1 ''y tar s ittif,ot Un- Olken anksostic.: ' • The; Local OH Trade. The oil Cityltegister imp : Binee,ottr last re port, there has teen a good rise is the Allo gheny and the Creek. This has enabled par ties who had oil at the wells, to boat it out on the natural water, as well as to send it forward to Pittsbuigh by the river. There have been no large .ttansactions that we can hear of: Most of thellealers have been too busy to at tend to anything else but to getting their oil and boats ready for shipment. During the whole weak all has been bustle and activity. There is a bolter feeling hare, and last week's rrices are not only maintained, but holders are askirz a slightadvance. Oil rules firm at it:N.3,00(32,25 at the wells, and 53,756,14,00 in bulk at this point. We have heard of ono or two sales of small lots here at $3.75, whia it below the market price. We are under the impression that dealers in New York, Pitts burgh, and elsewhere have greatly overesti mated the amount of oil held hors. Indeed we have been disappointed ourself. We thought tee amount to be much greater than it is really is. We have taken some pains during this week to ascertain as nearly as possible the amount on hand here, up to Monday last. The highest estimate that we could bear of, placed it at from fifty thousand to sixty thousand barrels. We are satisfied the amount will not exceed seventy thousand barrels. Probably half, if not more of this amount goes direct to refiners, and of the balance, there will be but a limited amount thrown upon the- market. This shipment cleans out both the tanks on the creek and our warehouses. The Maple Shade well had only one tank full left on Monday last, and the tanks at all the other producing wells are drained dry. There are large orders yet to fill in the different markets. There is little dan ger of much of an accumulation hero for some to come, as we shell have the river and rail roads to take off the oil as fast as it is pro duced. That a better feeling will prevail, and prices advance, as soon no buyers realize these facts, is but reasonable for there will be nothing bat the daily pr oduct, which we think will scarcely reach five thousand barrels per day, and is daily diminishing, to depend on. General Synod of the German Reformed Church. SATURDAY MOR.NTNG SID3SION.—The session opened with singing and prayer, by Elder G. S. Griffith, of Baltimore, Md., after which the minutes of yesterday were read and approved. The subject of the establishment of an Or phan Asylum came up again for discussion. After a prolonged debate on the original re port, a series of resolutions were offered by Rev. Eh. Keller as a substitute, which were under consideration up to the time of adjourn ment. The following additional appointments were made for services in the various churches of the city on Sunday: German Presbyterian Church, Manchester, Rev. Lichtenstein, of Cincinnati, 0., in the morning, Rev. Knifing in the afternoon. Presbyterian church, Alleghersy, morning, Rev. J. S. Demand, of Lancaster, Pa.: even tag, Roy. F. W. Kremer, of Lebanon, Pa. Methodist Protestant church, Fifth street, Rev. W.F. Colliflower, of Jefferson, Md., In the morning. Trinity Methodist Church, Ninth Ward, morning, Rev. Jacob Hassler, of Shippens burg ; evening, May. G. H. Johnston, of Som- met. Sixth Presbyterian Church, morning, Rev J. 0. Miller, of York ; evening, Rev. F. K. Levan, of Westmoreland College. Central Church, Rev. T. G. Apple, of Green castle, 3 p. m. Acquittal of Bernard Lauth At the opening of Court, this morning, it was announced that the jury in the case of Bernard Loath, triad for the murder of John Kirinler, had agreed upon • verdict. The prisoner was brought in and placed in the dook, when the jury soon after made their appearance. In response to the interrogatory of the Clerk, the foreman of the jury signified that they had agreed upon a verdict, and the indictment upon which the verdict was writ ten, was handed to the Court. It was then passed to the Clerk, and afterthe verdict had been recorded it was duly announced—"not guilty." While the verdict was exceedingly gratifying to the defendant and hie nuwercua friends, it was utlquestionably a runner of surprise to many, who anticipate] a convk vietion for manslaughter. But the issue lc settled, and no it must remain. ,ETTEItS ren IC at AL LIVEIE November glst, ILIMILD er ACTIIOI talon rho data of teed. T 1T OF L POSTOFFIC on SAMILAT, tryst OO' Please merit the letter is siteerti 7y.. tl. to 6 P. Erntat Thos .oCios hours from A Alexander 4 EtZliM EISEXMI Frazier Sarah A Fountain S E Forriater Janet Frazier Louie Flueson lira 8 C EU= Ar Lls.Le . 2 Atli:mann liatta Aihortou 6 A Ahaerson John Alit. John Andrist John Amber,. Jorrj Arnold Th. ESE= Gumbirt MI A Gehespher S C Grey Theo Grey G V Gilldeal Lizzie Grubb Josephine .Gribben Jos Armstrong 31 Brwienburit U Bradlee AlPr Baker Christ Brown Lizzie V Barton Emily Benilea Eliza Dalpb Sallie J Marklel' John Black Jae Grrar.or Simon Comly Sam Goidner Clua Gnrrett Annio : taalser Adam EINEM Barker John A Bowers Jane Bockley Julia Boyto Jennio Barnet Julia A Borneide Joe Bradford L A Brno len Owen 1.34ncl Wm .1 Harbaugh Sarah E llall Izabella 'lack welder S Ha.mught7 S IlLarpJ. J lIMMI halt SS illy Matta.% h Harper , no Harper J lisman Jno DEE= Hailing 31 Hallmark 31 E Hoot Jason Thos Chtsholm Arch Carry Cecilia C..rr Charlotte Cole Chao 5 Israrl Henri I Irwin Thus Carmichael D Courtney Lizale Cormat7 Ellen Connelly Ella Charlea Eliza ClydeGenov George. Crankllton (I en:leach > J Cain boar Johnston Dant Jordan David Jenknor liann'h Jackman T B 2 Jackson Mary E Johnson Matti° .Tarkson Noah Clark Sarah Caldwell ['road) Joh& W appealaeol: Cum J.. Kolght King Dr Jae Lowo Bruce • Lftortani•Margt Lucas A (1 Conry Tho• Coaling LIMA° Crawford Nag A Carter Mollie Crooks M J Moore & Co MU ta Wm Muckiest Mary A Montgomery J C Mentor Jno ENO Martin ihml Millet GI A Crummy 31,3 E 004 nary L Calm= Huth K Davis David Dorton Itannah Davis James S Ibrothee Ilorelood David I "filler Cat", 11111bmer Kate ' Mulberry Kate ' Mnye Kato 3I Myers Chu A Yunnan Ann life Cull Nth McKtlvey Ahg I McCusb Alex McKuro Jas II McDonald Jai McConnell 3 R Mclntyre 11 J McKeever Thus McCorynnelt 8 .1 McGloin Capt It McGinnALlin C 8. MIDDY Jennie C Dunbar Lettle Divine Mary A Douglas Wm M Daltell Wm Donnelly I'at't Divine ilms Evan. Allen Evans Eli. Mlle lasi* Enatirr-Gideon T N THE COURT OF COMMON .1 THE 'OP ALLEGHENY COUNTY. No. 114, Juno Term, A. D. 1863. Lillis A. Do by her next Mend, Thos. P. Adams, vs. John 11. Roberts. Libel In Divorce. Subpoena boned. Re tarried to Ist Mends? of June. Returned N. E. 1. June 27th, 1863, aliaa .bpwns. issued. Returnable to.lot Monday of October also returned N. E. Y. .And now, October 22d, 160, on motion of Geo. R. Cochran, Attorney for libellant, the Court direct the fiberief to havenoticsi of the tame published in one or more newspaper. published in said county, for four successive weeks prior to the 4th Monday of Demo bar neat, renutrinirthe odd party to appear onsald day to answer said complaint.. ItY THE WORT. Athat s nasal Savoie, Prothowitary. To lobo H. fioberts—ln pommies of the above or der of Court, you are hinebyttotifledgo appear before the Judges of the Court of Common Neal of said =runty, on 'MONDAY, the 28th day of Docember, A. D. 1863, to slow cause. lf any you have, why the grayer of said petitionsr should not be granted. P.Amina. H. curui. Shall* sherifrs Mee. Oct. nth, 181 or29ds.a4w ESTATE OP DR. FRAMS . Mc. GDATAI Dee'D.—Lettara of Makinletration on the Wale of Dr. F. McGrath, iota of Pittabeagh, deceased, havlue—ltasawAuted to the trodersigued, all pe r ms. tsetse ela. are requested to present theca, 4nd all who are ladebted are aired to wake cayesiat to • TIMSDA MoGRATIA. Aches, strltlaTetke Second attest, rittOtarllte.-. New 'York crates Market. IiMERCIAL RECORD. [From the Shipping Last, Nov. 21.', Cenee—The s,..tleity tiled eZdtement ntA. , 4l In our but tito eubsidect, but thernarkm ,xtreto,ly hem, 1•1111 usLt•. tlwir ,jut, FINANCE AND TRADE. sparingly, very full if not iinpr , ved prices have tieen The money market, here, I. without any new fra- riadired, .loving buoyantly. the tend , . y t; tun worthy of epeeist notice. There is a confirmed , want. An increase of •duty at the lox t atat.o.in grad klemand for coin, and all the gold and eilvmplast I Gitogrese begins again to he agitau 7 itend I. offereil Is taken readily by our bankers at full quo enmten[ wen • in view u( ir. In,.Lah nit. . 11,,. sale. - tations. Emden!' Exchange remains abut . last Include 2,5 den Rm. p r Fleury 11111. lc., at noted. , do prime and choice. %4Q 345.. , do •k•cron I .;_te•• ono mat. .11.1111 Pr • 1.000 1.0 . 31,1 ~.• :Jar In New York the money .market is atea ly, 1,7 cent, but the ripply L .1,1 to be fully equal to tl:e p a rt, if e a r discount , vast 01. ttotnit, demand. Un Saturday wild opined at 154, then ad- t go, Part 2901 40 mate Java, ..c,"cash to lit. and of. sauced to 154% and closet firm I.oa, u1..1 lee I p •t u t b li et iso kinca, and 1.00 beryl Ceylon. , n tarma Exchange Is reported gang, firm at L'+. Y14 . -, a Sugar—The market for tau laien dell leir for Dr et clam lam, bet ~ 11QP c..ntluned bruan...a—and with The total exports of spire, tram New York I.,".;;l:.larditarTmloyfrOde-jr,7tidt foreign ports on Saturday, were $517,000. The the oTeringe heir, light. Refined also very tirm, French shipment to Mexico will nut execsfs2,ooo,ooo witboßt secumulation of stork. Itlesara. , and there will not probably be over Mroo,ooo tut one • met. : and Yellow, .11. The sales of 7 • 9 clarified do Seven. large New York gold dealers 1..1 on Fri- ; ork..ma day. One den Is reported to kayo sold short some 15 1 ;1d4 . 1.5i4e r ; abed b. 'Rayner, l3r 15, 4 I.e. 6700,000, and had to go under In mamequence of I Br earth., 350 hit. New Uri,ns cold at i...1-,94u 1 the recent heavy advance. i 15,A70;'. , 1 , Molasses—The market is inactive, with a moderate Th e forthcwmiwg DAN" of s°crebnry Chaos " demand, but holders are firm, and them no change looked forward to with a great deal of intermit, al-I to notice In price.. 7he rale. include 49 Mid. Porto though /a expected that it will give ww.wcwur n .. g 1 Rico part at 60, 0c • 42. f. hhd., 2 . J tel. and 1,1 d• exhibit of the National ftnances. It is Divolt purr 42.4".1 end 4./ Id. avid 4,, that Mr. Chase, will not Jesus any more legal tender l do New ' 4 mos. By ,n ie tp.i., : - att notes except of the kind bearing interest, of w "' bids and hf. do new clop New Oriel.. sold at 71 ,7 he has authority to Jesus four hundred 75c : and ten bhls rid crop de., 4 m• s which, it ia expected, will satisfy all his wants during the next year, Theme notes bear 514 cent. Intense. The Secretary has no power to issue note. 6Xcept for the Notional Banks, and enough legal tenders, with out Interest, to replace the notes which have been destroyed, and It le not expected that he will ask Congeal* for further authority to imue notes without Intermit vales. it may be to a small amount, in time. of dangerous !stringency In the Money market. It I. difflcult to see why, even at each times, the interest bearing notes will not answer every'purpo. that the non-interest bearing notes would The notes bear inh 'ff cent. lute:est, and made legal tender, will coadoubtedly be issued In aufßalent q.ntium to pay the debts of the Government after the re.mrees fry m the duthm r ijiternal taxation, and sale of Are-twenty bonds'are r exhansted. We do not look tor any farther Leine of the legal tenders, therefyre, except to replace the notm , which 'hall have been destroyed. The United States COMMiP,I7 awarded on the 17th, contract. for .1,21 barrels new mec., hart at $9,56'311.00; I,Btal do extra mem beef at $12,1: 7701 , do mess pork at $14,75015,00; 3,01 barrels prime mess pork at $14,40614,95; 1,550,01 Thu clear 1 , 11.0 C sides at $7,5907.79; 500,000 Ris bacon shoulder. at $7,50CR7,80; 33,000 barrels single extra dour F .6 , 48 Mt 6,54; 1.900,0011 Ms hard bread at $5,10a5,30; 2,000 Inmhele beans at $3,09, and 5,000 do do at $3,29 . . PITTSBURGH MARKETS. FLOUR GRAlN—Wheat I, limn hot unchanged at $1,30 for Iced from wagon, and 51,3541,40 for White. Corn is firm and Shell , ' ie bold body at I 51,15 on track and new Ear may 1w , otrd at $1,05. Oate appear to lee shade firmer, hut. aa yat, there it to. change, and the nominal guotatioi, re still T:c the car load. Barley le firs with email from wagon at $1,35 for Spring, and :31,a0 fur Fall. Floor ia firm, with elkoill salmi from atom at Eaten, and E 0,75 to Erl,t) for... Extra Family. Rye flour remains en lest gnotea. Salmi of 4 tone (luck. wheat flour at $1,01144,2.". per cwt. GROCERIF.S—T6e grocery marl. t, the ugh firm, and nomewhat excited, in without quotable camas'' , in prices. Quetatioun may be la lily given at 13' ; i 14!..iic for Raa Sugats, 17i., to 1. for Retliwal It _ii Me for Coffee; 63 to flu for Mohasco, and en to flu for Syrups. BUTTER sk EGGit—There se a.conti oiled cosssi si.- mand for Roll Butter, and the market is firm at to tSc fur common to strictly prime. 1'.0,11 may be quoted at IS@l9e; tale of 7 tone at IF,. Egp ettasly with salve at Td per dunes. ithatonding tho recolit• are Philadelphia seed Market. pretty large, the market is though prices ore 21 r huh. michanged. Sala of 200 limh at a/,• per liushel and , 132 bbh do at 111,55 per bbl. lots, at per OA, lle. Tmioth) i•ot I.tii.- , APPLES--The -receipts are again increasing. and i f ,i'lLni* 4. ."" - the market appears to be completely glutted. Price. however. remain as last iiitotevl, rouging from 52,10 1 to to mi out of tie , market. µAli . at . 7. f 11 12,75 per libl; .sire of It cars on track at 52,10 per bid and 350 bite on private terms. BEANS—We liner to re• ord iu this report the larg est sale of Beaus made in title market this amnion. 1200 bush of prime email white at 52. 00 per Ea') • ILAY—The denomd is active, and the market con tinues to rule very tirm, at 535@40 per t-,n for coin • MOO to strictly primp Timothy.. ID/MINI - -is Arm and higher, with side. of 20 Idris at 57,50 tier COEN St EA L—Side of 10 bids prime sifted at 501,30 Per bid. CHEESE—is steady si ith u rey-elar demaii i ac 1o3„, to 141, nets/riling 10 tlilitaitY. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market NOT. 21.—The mwrtet fur Petroleum and its pr ducts has been quite antis: , throughout the past rsek, Lb. transactions, in the aggregate, tieing un srmally large, while prices hay- materially declined . The receipts of Crud. have loon largor than for many mourns, being estimated at Irons 10.100) U. tWS:lobarrigls, and th• =suit Is n ilccitn• of from three to five cents per gallon, the market to day closing quiet at 12 to : ,In bulk, and 17 to 18c In bat rel., barrels intluded—acrording to condition and quality. We note sales to-day of 000 and 4Ott s barrelo in bulk at bbd at 18, bbls included; ' , also a •'call" for 7170 bbls for December delivery, with Ore days notice, was add at 13, and 51,0) per barrel. Defined is more active, especially bonded, but at a lower rang. o prices.' We note a =loaf 2,010 barrels, "Brilliant . • brand, at 38—delivered in Philadelphia, and 1,000 bblr same brand, an it la, at 32. Free oil Is in fair de mand, and we elite sales at prices rouging from 42 t. 43 for round lots, and 44 to 45 in the small may. Naptha is quiet and doll and the nominal quotations are 17j1& per gallon. Ilesidium remains as aol quoted. Rifling in the NY, Pa., 11.1. nuoc rrr'7, ho List is vrhiclit MeGlicanity C ar licYall Mary J '3lcCleibiid 11 J McMillan Wm .\ Mclionnigh Mat `Wean Th. Patterson Mr. J Packer Mary 0 ' l Pa,ler Mary Padder Wm =3EI Roth Rotor M Ramse) N 0 Ryan Mary Riehard T It Rodgers Rev .1 2 IL M lt c an beY ey j irh Ii Reynolds Clans , Randle:. 11,nj New York Petroleum Market Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette Mr.w Yam:, Nov. 2.1.--Crude is dull but uncbausv 1 with small sale. at 25426. Refused 11.1 Lama I. dalt with salvo •t 40,;i4 4.1%' for straw color, and 42 (or prim• white. Imo oil le quiet at truq.7-' riud Imptha nom at former quotation.. Strickler A E Stephenson Alai Steen, Anti E Seinen Clara Stewart David Sayers Ellen iSliannn Eliza A inainple Em W Smith Gee • New York Dry Goods Trade. NOV. 41.1.—Then. !us bee. a marked improvement in Cotton goods within • day or tv-o past. The &J -eanne is 1( . 4.2e; per yard ID medium and heavy good, Standard Shoetings aro held a: 22'y0., with sales si Sic. 'fh :re have been liberal sale, of Chlni {frills to the government at tic; four-yard goods are 29(5:f0c, and tive-yard goods t.I.C4ZBc. Prints are not changed. Spraguee are selling at :120. The Cnchecu mine have broright ant some new style., which are wiling at 233ic riot. Woolens are selling briskly, but are with out now feature* of moment.. Spengler Geo Shalerllannah Scott Stewart 2 IStovenson Susan Smith S E R Scutt Shcle R Sander, Julia A Scott Jowl° Slattery John S Seawright Jae Sheridan Jack Sullivan John Moll Mary The following ie a comparative statement of the imports of foreign dry wads •1 the port of New York front foreign porta for the week ending November IM. and since January 1 Swaney Martha Enright Muth• Stumak. M•ry J Swami Mat; E aeott MA For the week. 1f912. 1863. Entered at the port.... P 233,332 31,078,149 141,n68,091 Thrown on market 4.57,226 861,427 1.166,430 Mare January Ist. Entered at the port ..A0,524,73) 51,210,349 20,767,643 Thrown on market..-41,915,900 12,e“.2,88n 57,218,06.9 Slents Mrlgo Simpson Wm R Stevenson P Sunman Rachel Shoman Retescee British Iron Trade WOLVLIIIIAbIPTON, Nov. s.—The Oniebed iron houses reported to-day that they were doing • goevl steady trade for mast description of fuviabed iron, ulna the fell advanced rates. They hare further calm that nibs meson advances the evidences increase which make it more than before probable that the elletiog preeperity wtil be continued Into the hew year. At the um* time they announce that they Sr. able to get pigs at half a crown under the price which they would hare been compelled to give sin weeks ego. They farther add that deliveries of pip are being forced upon them, in amd. in which the prices to be given are from 15e fa 10. belirr the current rates. If, It is argued, pip were being delivered at the recent high prices in any considerable quantities, the pro. duet of old purchases would be kept back. Neverthe less we know or instances in which' plg.makers Hill accept no ordure at soy prim lotion present quota tion.; and It may be mseinded that higher micas viii to demanded at Christmas. The rise in money has not much affected this market. Tablss Mary Tiu Josh Tommy John Thornton Eliss Thompson Kato Williams C B 2 Ward Eats Gl= Williams Ella CI Wallace Eliza L Wadington 8 Willson 8 W 1' Willlama Isabel Whitney Jos II Wallace•Jaue Wright Jrs Weaver Jacob Jr Whittaker JnoC Wright &icy C Woods Lottla Wiliam Diary J Walla Martha W U Whittaker P A )LE,...Ptetiasster. Cincinnati Market. Nor. 2.0.—1 n gar Market to-day, there woe in creased firmness - In flour, but no material advanc. , in prices. There wire more buyen than sellers, bow. aver, at quotations. Whisky firm at Ole. There was a change In the provision market, buoyancy having given place to fl atness; and a disPetlan to sell, wee observable, when the anxiety tem on the other side yesterday. The transactions in mess pork indicate & decline of 25e. Lard wvot offered freely at 12,tic, hod 100 bble, payable In gold, sold at Bc. Bulk meats and baton are not offering, pending the government °mitred. Linseed oil Is firmer at 31,25. Potatoes and a pples dull. Groceries firm, hot quick. flogs decline:Me, closing doll at 88,78137,00 Cro lot. aver aging 200 lb* and upwards. The receipts were 0,500 and the railroads having been set free, heavy arrivals en anticipated. Wheat was flrni, brit a disposition to pause was manifested. The supplies of corn fall far LWOW the demand, and prices are very firm, with Mk* of new at 1N3(406e. In bulk. We beard of onside@ of old, but It would bring 5P0ik41,10. Qat. In good demand at 82.8838 in bulk. Nov. 19.—Our market I. decidedly doll to-day, but oneashs Of grain having been mad., that we could hear of. Yesterday afternoon buyers yielded to the almond. of holders. and au edemas of le was oh. tallied for amber RUM. and No./ Rod. Hour—No Mattstotions. Mest—Sala yesterday, after our rrpoiti 748 tus and I,G 4 Ctba amber Mich. at MSc 2,000 bn and 1.503 Ws No. 1 Red at 121 e; 1,200 ho No. u White. *helm wuntlle„ at 138 a. Today, ale-of 710 ha amber, Mich. at 129 c. Oam—Moderate in qtdry/ no sales fewrted. Nothing doing In other grans. Trigh_tr-Th• whir. M 1.; Collins gets ho for wheat tolletilalo. We de not hear of anyothef en. ragoments. 112,h) bbh Coarse and Ground Solar 52,25. Dimmed lioga-Poi the tango 200 to 30011m.hyjic Is offered. Noy. al—Prey inioas ut all descrikt mu • wei ml)' held, and In 61011 t Coßtl4 sellers demanded an advance. New Itawt Pork war loruetiVil P , 141 tidininal at bl7rJ. 17,15 soma holders were asking Oil Mw- Pork told at Boded Meats were generally held at all advance of l P u da bliort ftih Mid dles told at b?...c. Sweat PiCkeied Ilanis are in ataady demand and tirm t On—n,Meat• are d uiet, but km, with sales of ilam , at laird up, in good demand and 'wait s e highror. with wiles of Nei. 1 and ateam-renderepl at I Ildje ark! prime city bottle i IllA(512.- The ff heat market ruled nem and N.,. at Sl,lPqrl,ltil; or Nu. I And N.+ In Oar*. IV i•pier Whvat wto anu atm.. , nominal. Flour in fah unit. Ir anythinc. PiritlP was Ahuut mold at Vb for choice White ft inter Extraa ; kir Mod Mat. r and .54.9.4 d ! PP '. , dmm"lt Spring Extra,. A ery firm feelinc th.. Cora market, and athaneed lacdr, with sales nt Ni. lat lia@mkte .41 No. 2at ted(kiCle in store. There aa. an active demand for tots and the market ruled lir, at yenterday's prices. At the [luxe thure w , -re .0r,, , than wile,. of No. I of h. II)e M.a.3 firm and advanced but the ore Let wit ,Inlet and sale. Infht at Murky watw rlal ehange. Small wilp— .pf N in ut.pr , were maple at 31,16fitliltili. The demand for llyhwioe. vras lim ited and the market d quiet at Ude. Tinioth)l ii e-1 aas ;11.•1, ti,bale. P.I A i r mi. e , Flux uu,.. dull nt 0. AI 1, I Wtt, lo sul.ipPy mud outtunal 5,1•1 , n girpd Pip um 11.1 by pa. h mt..l armrule at xturu in ,141.13 ..n.l n. th maw! nt fun pr to ultra rho,. u...tl It undnun to in., t' atilt uur I.tn't , .l an) firm. S•TrUDAT, No , ,mhor 21, 183 Mort haul+ are now in Itoche-n r, k. I 11,* Ing buckwheat lo supply ng.. and t •urr•nlo.l• !ng rOdn try. Tin , pr.:, r:.ty •t rye to Pighty-.orro ets p•r bo.hel, for IL• rod.. gr.ln, whn - h t.Unnt ground and put up in barrels went wrnlwrot. rnl. carry u,, gl ILO/ h.', to the Want 11.1..111/01. 4 . jilt :lio W Wik neetth.utal au.ltrotio , ary, lb. :•., wloch rot on the 80. ksrlimt n tn. •••, t nhhh supplied ate t frio , m3mot. hay.- r.• .I.9'n .n 11.4 ••••11tttae..1 t.. Toledo Market. Chicago Market Sending Ureadstuffi West 131=1:11111= Sugar and 31u1assem iu .iew OrLeal.: 111.—,ti . gar mg 1 ,, O. 11'{1.r 1.• I P . , 1.:.• .10,1 nes, ••rup; lor an..t ,•• r OVCOI/.1.. 'I he . 110.‘1••rte r. so• i- roam .0 0,1 1.40.1,..0 the Pale* um .0.0...01.•ta1y r•• 001 0 ,1 0.• II/ V.,. new lilt- .LO.llOlll Ir Importn by Itallroad Prrrsemm, Fr. W.41,..e N... 21—A01.1.1e lard. F , 410 11 & F.,ort; A .101 s bacon, 1 , ,0k. Pet 5111 • ••..• do., .1 Tomeonett , l, 2 Hole tobacc,, 11 110,11:01, 20 1.1,1, Itod S K,.11. Wut Lvao. 11,.0. K 1,1•1.; lord, ed.-mert. 40 WA,. 'di. r 21,11 LLI 1:, ,at bo3 g, A I..yorte, 11 hote., I.e.Llt•ro I. mg: 2 bide 1011.,'.. .1 llertlroa 0, 1 I. I , to 0.1, S Kees!, 11 hge pOleodee. kidetetter :do .3"0...p -1.41111 11.1,r1e: 1 lOU.. 'Jotter, Ik. r. dllatne 1 , , %Vhitn & 13r0, ". talige, ~.” 14ogli. 2," pkg. r‘ Ire, IL 1011.11..... 1 .1 0. 5 doz 1O +, .1 101Jeort14 & rd; 10 do do, 34 11 :0,10111 cd. eke wool, l'llol.l-0 ker., 110.0.0 J. -0. 32 1.1.1. 511.1 e.. .1 II Celitirld: 101 r N 1101Yet.o1 1..1 (.11 2,14-1. V 4. • den S It rn, L. RAH ana n,- 'la'. .k. nata,1411411.a..n . lialoz; 1.. LW. applaa. I.aarty 2 car. cal.bage Mat 11. , tm.r. 1..'.,'1 .•. r, Park, Ilt.fur4A A 4 Dal, 1 Slt F 1..3 at, 11 Votgl h 47Z 11 J .0. I i kg. pearl F 11.,...d,..11; 7 tads 5 do tall,v. A BurkhaJo. , b 17.• d- d... • I'4d..:•r. 5 pkg.. J P Tanner; 32 11.1, 1 . 1. Cublardl. ALLV.IIENTSTA - rtgl, N.)c. -4 1. .1 1 , ,sor.xon - :152 wheal, 11 T , ear I s la, .1 Glass; 641 Jigs 11,107,1; 1 I'. Graching. 30 sks .n 1,1,5. 13 J fl Near. t 7 , 10.• ..undrieks J !11 , 1%.:111,r; Sk. appl, and ;mtsity4..., h 11...1g.. 11,01“ poatoes, J Ingold; 10 rolls It.allter, A C Taggart. 2 • az. , Folhlantr; ho hou.c huh! goods, .1 W..llcnan. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, A c A_LARGE ASSORI ; MENT UI DRUGGETS, the NEWEST PATTERNS awl t very width, e the Lowest Prices for Ca-h. luclndirkg Crumb Cloths, FeMugs, Rugs, OIL CLOTHS, &o. load having purchoard tut Ulk.Sll, beh.rt , the lett. advancan, we ate able to sell at tiro n,anafnetnr.n peke., on unequalled et•cic of CARPETS, Window Similes, Mattings, de. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & CO., Na Z 1 FIFTH STREET. Nii - MiT6CK ESSEEEI Carpets; Oil Cloths, Druggets, SHADES, &c., at MCCALLUM ' S, _. No. A 7 FOURTH STREET, A very Inrca iteeortment of All goode In onr line, hang-let at the lotvret point re :heel In the , &velem Market this neeAon, and touch reduced fr, , eu unit on prkes. In R. D. S H. MeCALLCM. c i ntyv 6F4 41 HONWILSON M'CANDLESS, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President. CO.. PENN ANL ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSZWIZZE, PS. The largest, cheapest and hest. EX. pays for a full. Commercial counte. No extra charges! for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad and flank. Rook-keeping. M Whitt rs' eons at one-half price. • Students enter and renew at any time. nit Institution is conduct' by experienced Teachers ond . prectical. Accountants, who prepare young men for nails businus...4 sit the least expense and ohorteet time, fsr the es.' loeretive and r"Te." en. Altoona.. Diplomas punted Mr merit only. Berme the universal preference for grodoetes of this College, by lousiness nm. Prot A: COWLEY, the best Pennies of the. Colon, who holds the largest number of First Premiums, and over all competitors), teaches Rapid Business Writing. ferjor Frpectmens of Penmanship, And Wainae containing informatiod,loclose twenty-ere cents 'JENKINS MEd ITR, Pritisipuls. isINI:171-aw.MmesseT er,kr VI/ CAVALItY alongES WANT- ED.—The undersign., will purchase, in open market, CAVALRY IIDitSES for the tolled States service. The Ponies to be from fifteen (10) to sixteen (111) bands high, tram four (4).t0 •nloo ( 5 ) years of age, compactly built, In good &eh, and free from all defects. Horses will be malted, subject to impection ' at Pittsburgh, Pa., from the Ist to the 15th of Deeem her, and at Cultunhus, Ohio, from the 16th to the 31st of December. PIELDLNGI LOUDY, Capt. & b.. 4. H., nol4dewTtf Caran7Durean. RlaB.-1U hales • now landing from railroad and kw rile by u 07,1 1.4MA11 DICKEY .4 Co, FE.ITfIERS. —7 !tacks now landi f,ogn raDrueol end for MUIR bp. mai IJAIAII DICKEY it CO SE fr I.lre. .V.I("III.VES G R4 ' 1;.% PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES TUE "NLT GVLD Eini A wardisl W bold it I %nlo Th... vr,re awead,d 11,11..1 UM, for 11, .car.tiy Alorloo., 11. 8.., 3( 4..", awl Inc Bt.( 11 . 4, - /: f In+ L'T ATE FAI N-w T Pon, Fin , P.. rt.: :tit f family 1.., l'i , tultart for inachtue. Firxr I iem.oni tor truaatne *Jtk. F Prem for family fox:blue. • b•-mit miu tra tot putt—Mt:Luring 14.64U:0r. Fin , Premium lor marhinu Ictm Stuk pair. F.emittra (or family nfaxldue. l'remitun for .uufacturing machine. • rir, Pr moan, for ma• an l.u:e work. ilickuton !NI. Puff. Fir, Premium for family macho,. Firat Pr.-nil:lm fur manufacturing itcutuldna. .; Firth .trettouni fur machine work. Nu,.. from tom for machine for all w.p.m. Fire P71.11.^”1 (or Inachi.re xnrt. tan. Fir)" Premium for machine fur all turpuwa. }let Pron)h), for ru..chirte work Sesar.eiy Fair er ou'urn tor suactnue for all putTarex . ..•t Pramttin. for machine work. .9.1 c Fair. }siret l'n'in.tiat fur manufatrturlux utarbitie. Pretolum for beautiful um. -tone work. Oho , :1.4, rote. Fir, Premium for mtwhlne wort - . And at the follotrim: County 'fair. • Chirruth-li ( Agrrieukund }lna Premium for family machine. First Premium fur manufacturing machine. Fit •1 Premium for am It. Champlain rai.-y A pri,tiotrol P4ocie(tt. . Ftr, for family inachlue. Fir -t for rroo.ofaTuring mro-hiar. ill, Pr minor for mw bine work. Po ma far fan.)ly or. Ini.lonta for machine work. Fitt Premium for family machine. Premium r manufacturing ma. hi u•. . tN. Y.) Aptrufturuf array. -I Premium lor faul , ly madame. Fret hentlont for tinnily niaahine Finl Premium for fatuilv maAhrtie. I.....farde (('a.) PlO , l pv.inlnni for machin* for all purp,sex. Fir, Premium for machine work. fn. above comprotea all ilia Faint at whit h the r,IIOVEIt A BAR Eli 31 ACII fi were exhibited thin yea.. At nearly all of them tho leaditeg were In competition. Ti,,. neck made ~pun the Grover A Tinker Sewing has receited the First Premium'at et. r) State Fair in the totted Staten w4orro it Lae born exhibued tn thin date. Sot, Roomy, 1.40. II FIFTH AT. , Pittsburgh, ra. F A. F. CIiATONEY. Agent. wll 1.: E 1.11: WI 1.4-UN'S IME=I INIPRoVED LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 11;glnali preminme ikt the London rad Paris Exhi I..th.n• end-at 41 the Iniwrhent State end 31,11.1 eel Fairs lettere exhibited thin !Vag.. Cali sod ex amine thro.. Ixforr,parchazing Poots's Patent umbrella Lock Stand which temarea perfeet eatery w au articles proverblAlly even to be bet netray WM. SUMNER & CO., - I=l SHIP P 1.4" G 111111 ATLANTIC IRISH : g 3, _L iIoTAL MAIL STEAM NAVIGA TION CuMPANt I=l ADRIATIC, 1.2(X) Honse-powrr, 4,000 tons. 111 BERRI A, 1,000 liorso-poosser, 3,015) tom. COLI'MLIA.,I,OOO Iltroso.p r sor, 3,00 0 tons. ANGLIA, 1,000 Homo-power, ,000 tune. magulfbretit Steamship ADRIATIC will mail from N..v York fur Liverptarl uta TUESDAY. C. lith Puttee idatwage from Now Turk to Liverpool, pay able wold or Ito eyniealent in curretley. Find Interwed.ate tilt; Paeaengen (onward,' ".',O to Lotrion, Parte, R rm- Lnrtii, Iliorr, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, to., at Li , . lowest rate.. nave from Liverpool or Galway t.• New Boioeti, hifh, $35, $l5, $55., $lO5. rer paaaage apply at jhe elilicw or the Arent, SABEL 4t htiltitLE, tit Broadway. ELsazzo. Join, Ildanger. • or, D. O'NEILL, Bath:ll2lg, N. pi Fifth erect. Pittsburgh LITEA.I WEEKLY TO I.ll'- ERPOOL, touching at QCEENSTOWN, 911 A (Coae. Haim.) The well-known steamer. of I.a Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia liteamishly Oumpany are lett:ailed ae PITY LONDON_ .......Saturday, CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday, Inc. 5, CITY OF NEW YORK natunlay, Dec. IS. and even. eueceeeling Saturday, at noon, front Pier It, North River. GATE. Or rArs...at. Alvah,. In wu , ••11.• .qurako m O..•e+cv Ttasr j, , 6 [UN ....... ot , 00 do to 89 1 , 0 do to Loudon 34 00 do to dt, 00 do to rods 40 00 Lamb- 00 tot dc to Lamb g 37 to Jo to Liontioug . , do to Horeb g Pas...ogees also forwordott to blevrt., Bremen, Rot• ternisau, Antwerp, Sae,t equally low rotes. Fares Own Liverpool or Queenstown ; let cabin, tr:s, SKI, $145. Steerage, Fin. Those who wish to send for their friends tsnn buy tickets here of thew rotes. V., further Information apply ea tho Company'. 0/110ell. JOUR G. DALE, Agent. IS Broadway, Now York. JOHN THOMPSON, Agent, Maul Weed., dolt home from the hrldga. nikillt If Pittaborth. CLI N A LINE.:J-Bm= from LIVERPOOL AND QUERNEITOWN7— VI , la g 014,: or lb. egalvsleut In currency FROM NEW TORE, $36 In =nanny Belle .very week. Apply to TRONLAA RAT/JOAN, Aceut, stalesuly Pittsburgh. I SAVI NG~ II . .‘ 1 E INSTITUTION, N. _, 110 sMITIIFIELD STREET, (epp.aito the Cte.tetn IL.n.e.) ebertere4l I.y the Leg...lawn, .NENN E6l. OFFICERS: Pre.idenl—J L.'4 ' , Ara:, Jr. TICS b. 111: Win. If. &quilt,. 11. F. Budd, Jolm F. Jenuind4, lA. 'Wideman, Thom. 1 , . Noisier, J.hum Bladder, T 11,.. S. Blair, Jurob Stuckrath French Scllen , Alex. Brndloy, Llod, Alfred Stark. xxxerinsti : Josiah King. C. Zug, IC. 11. Wolff, A. S. Bill, 'Joe. Dilworth, 'll. D. Cochran S. S. Fowler, W. A. heed, Wm. Smith, J. W . W texts snot. C. Schmertz, G. R. Jones, — F. Kabul, C. W. Ricketeon, H. F. Jon., J. 31. Tiernan, S. IL Ilartman, W. 11. Phelps, D. M. Long, R. J. Anderson. C. B. Merton, Jas. W. Barter, D. E. McKinley, W. 'lumen. Secretary nod Trmistercr—D. K. 31'KINLEY. Otte. daily, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Tuesday and Saturday °Tunings, from 9 to 8 o'clock. Deposits revolved of ONE DIMS and upwards. Dividends deciarod to INA:ember and June of each uar. Dividends allowed to remain are placed to the credit of the depositor se principal, and hear Inter , est, Line twmpoundlog It. Bou'u e containing'Charter, By-Lowe, Lc., furuish ed at the office. SIP Title Institution often, especially to (heel> per fume whew earnings are email, the opportunity to mulate, by email depoelts, cagily saved, a Mai accu will be a NaoUrta when needed, their moury not only being cafe, hot bearing interact, Instead of remaining unproduot I mygolywr-off OEII'IIA NS' (lOU R . SALE.—L'y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, there will ha enrolled at Piddle Sale or Out cry, ou SATURDAY, Nor. Seth, 1803, rat 10 o'clock at the Ct 'CRT HOUSE, in the City of Nita burgh, to the highest and bent bidder, all the right, title, interest, estato and claim of Wm. A. Murdock, Ellen Murdock, Robert Murdock and Sallie 11. Mur dock, minor children of Jernee and France. -Mur dock, late of the county of Allegheny, doceaeed, In a certain let of ground eitnete in the city of Pltta burgh, bounded and described no follows, to wit: Be ginning at the toutheLst corner formed by the WWI , section of Preebyterian Lana end Church alley, and extending In front on Church alley southwardly Sett, an! In depth-easterardly from Church alley, preeerving. the sane width of Slifeet along mid Pico- Lyterian Lano, a distance of 30 feet, to a lotof ground formerly owned by Dr. Peter Illtrerry, being a .part of tot No. 12 In James Horner'. plan of lots, (being the same lot of ground formerly owned by David Mon ter, de•*.xd) having thereon erected one two-story belch dwelling Ileum. Terms at eale, CHAS. W. LEWIS. Guardian of minor children of Giallara end Frances Murdock, deceased. cook3tdontrFwe TESTAMEN'I'ARY Guilt° estate of Llllle A. Fletcher, late of Pittsburgh, haring bees granted to the undereigned, alt persone baying chatm fungoid sold estate are retoesird to presort them , duly authenticated, stud al l who are indebted are rectuircil to make perneat to . . JACOB If. WALTER, Executor, vet lllawdqw 20 Centre A rians. poS I 'll E CURE FURDYSPEISLL' DR. L. Q. C. WISHADT'S Dyspepsia Pill and Treatment rriv E CURE TOR DYSPENILA E. WINIIART he. tevated, in the pialt ran yran skin • thi thri . .1 nod ninety p. f,, In 101 ‘ll.-ri4ol terms, and In e.er3 case "here Ina median, VIAS taken an directed, • 14.1 Wel corr. A Irina:per atilt], abort can 1•9 I.• I lit , rnA , tt phrticianot in t • -nut ry &Oa .ilc invitaat all I.ersona tut- •• frnn. tit. at, In tintnann to tnt - e Lima call. .tRi• • and bl 're, •. NOitTll EtEt.',.,ND ST I•bl!ndelt,Ll4. 1. A rned•.rd rksee m es—isiness al the pit of ac soas • n Is ...obi by it'pertnwstit contraction ei the •tomaeh upon undim.erted Nat. It generally -.gins immediately, or a sbort time after eating; la nen very secure had obstinate. 2. 1 , 14.81, a as,' oymlitoms arise the indigestion of food, which ferments Instead 1. 5,a4t n tool toss of these Symptoms r 4• lite effects iif thr uunsturni cundltiou of f.id In r ob.'', tell, and the vent of pure bile nod .; Joie. 'foe sldnaele in often it:dal:thy distended by . the appettte is sometimes Ported 'l7 I. t owl ilt7reesseen o, r,aits.--Thts stste unfits insny Air the er joi "taut of life, 0.3 is caused by the impure blieet furnished by imperfect digestion. la thin the disease many persons commit std. tdc.. There it a constant f-tretiding o. End ar ii.dittereree end pion e mobility to perform the of t. es et life L. 1,i,-Mlea. rt,r beitig at :..•tleostite, the ett4 I eve ie nfitirtetl w.th inarrhea, whin in owing to .s-aee.l t...cittbal ti• b..wele, pr dared by the un which i• reacuxteal la the same condi- I .11 as wilt and ..f coarse . etrer.glla th• P3•terti. fm,u is all par. r . / . yetern—Arite from the 9 , topttr.• up. on the 'nerve.. They ar• f4.ltcnielly'in the head, rnle. •nti bresat, and in,Pht -11,m/t/ra. In many Its.. Um- S. u. ut.•aainena it. :he throat, with a arms.. of chok tug or suffocation; .r k• trf . . •y, sib a Iknd tail. and rrympl..rns• and rf thr ' J.. —Many porg..ql .4 having three diseases I .it•, in t,tlt Dy•pri,e, the bung LI•z: • • :tri tak!, a imp, ins . --Tla is a v«ry unptom Pys 1.,43 Tery..-I:rn tra.....hruted Ct•.11111P. 6torp.—A very divlrravjo, s y stem , ro. so,tlng orlon In monied derangement. lb. rignipbonv of von( rrhasoe.—The patient is fort.,l painfully by bold and trot, which la oaring to u, al drynoos of skin, and the skin Is often M. forted by eruprions and letters. The gloomy dys portlc avoids somety as much as poasible. 11. Tonnovo.—A froquoot and dlstrvsaing symp- torn. It relieves tho pain, bat emaciates and wean out the patient. 11. L.:Aria/MN, dimness of vision, Andadn, and Wag irecuts to gralkilso.—These are vary alarming symp te•ms, which are speedily removed by oar medicine; bat if neglected, are quickly followed by numbness and sudden death. 13. It Is irnyesselble for to to give all the symptoms of Dyspepsia in so small a spare, but tho mimeo are considered sufficient, if we add dint the patient teem his more and attention to surrounding objects, and frequently become, morose and sour in disposi ti,n. Vie should say, however, that pain In thi joints and stiffness of the limbo, which go by the name of rheumatism and necindgia, are very often eredneed by Dyepepsia. Alen, a hardness of the nsr.srl.s of the abdomen, which become contracted tool hard ; end In Isom. reeve the Dolly sinks, Instead of losing gently prominen t. I, EI-11.113ATE BILLNIIOIII, of Brandywine, Del., lb, userly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for ewe year awl n. half I sutler. .7.ryttaLi out dostb from that astral theta. called Dy.,,evein. My who,. s)s• tern wen pros tra ted •elth weakness and disability; I could not digest my food; If I ate oven a cracker or the emeticet amount of food, it soul , ' return Just as I swallowed it; I became so eoet• •c my boww th. I would not have a passage in lees than from four wad °Ben eight days; en r-der this immense saf fvring, my mind wonted tirely to glee way; I had dreadful horror andetll forebodings; I thought ; • tidy heed me, and 1 hated evarylt.ely; I could not bear my husband nor my own childrtn; everything appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambi tion to do attytialog; I lost all my love of family and home; I wontd ramble and wander from place to pia., bet could not he contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for ma, sad WWI often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole termue system destroyed, and also my mind, from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my hietde thott.ht best to hem me placed In Dr. Eirkbride'm Hospital, at West Philadulphia. I re malted theca moo weall, and thought I wed • Mai better, hot to a few days my dreadful complaint was raging as had a. ever. Hearing of the wonderful coreo performed by Dr. Wlshart's Great American Dyspepsos ride ant bit Tretotto,ut for Dyspepsia, my bmtand rolled on Dr. Wishart and stated my ease b lota. lit raid he had no doubt ho could cure me. b&, in thrs.e days after, I milled end pieced my self under tier Dort or treatment , and in two weeks 1 Logan to digest fot, and felt that my disease woe fast giving way, tad I continued to recover for about three months, and at the pretest time I enjoy per t.. t !testi h of body and mind, and I most sincerely retort my thlval.vjo a merciful God sod Dr. Withart, and to his groat American Dyspepsia Pills and Pins Tres Taz Gordisl that sited me from an Insane A sy. lets sail a premature grave. All lumina Iniferin,g Ttllll byt.,tepsta are at liberty to call on me or writs, and I wilt try to do all the good I can (or stuToring hematite ELIZABETH BRAASON, Praudywinc, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del Dr. WDSHAET'S No.lo North necond Pailaddidita. F! FIrTH STILLS-7 Wll.ll/441 I have been a constant sufferer wth Dyspepsia for the last eighteen peen, during arl, ink time I cannot say Ott I over enJoyal a per fectly well day. There were theneowbou the symptoms were meet aggravated than at other,, and then It seemed it wont ha a great rein to die. I had at .0 twin an unpleasant feeling In my Iliad, but latterly my sufferings PI 'l7 increased that I became el -11:109t unfit for business of any kind, my mind was contineially 0144 with gloomy thoughts and forebo ding., and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once n causation of icy collie:lcm in con nection with a dead weight, as it were, rated upon my brae.: also • feeling of aeckneas would re t the stomach, and great pealn to my eyes, accompanied with a heck was the continual fear of toeing my rea son; f else experienced great luse,thele, debility nod nervousness, which made it &filen:. to walk by day or sleep at night, I became averse to society, and disposed • el) to seclusion, and having tried the eh 11l of a number of endueut pt•yeicians of various schools, tinauy ca to to he conclusion that, for this disease, at my present ageh years, there woe cc. curs in ex istence. iled, through the interference of Divine Providenut to whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy it your Dyepepola Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed almost the last trace of my long 11.1 ef,ail meats and bad feelings, and in their plus health, pleasure and contentment are my every day came pastimes. LINES M. SAIINDICRS No. 437 North Second street Philadelphia, formerly of Wmulbury, N. J. Dr. wisaenrs office, No. 10 North Second st., Phtladelpiela. A Poiltive Cure for Dyspepsia. Bear what Dr. John 11. Baheock says: . No. VJZS Ullva &met, I, Philadelphia, Janna:7 18,33. Wisnanr—Sir : It in with much pleasure that I am new able to inform you that., by the toes arm, great Anierlcat Dyspepela Pills, I have been entire ly cured of that moot distressing complaint, Dyepop. Ric.. I had been grievorinly afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten year. of that time 1 have not been free trom its Fein one week at a time. I ham had It iu its vomit form, and,hare dragged on a moat mieerable elleteow-in Cain day and night. Every kind rf Axel that I ate filled me with' pain and wind, It mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A ceutinned belching was sure to follow. I bad no appetite for. any kind of meats whatever, and my distress was so great fo r wrenl months be fore 1 hoard of your Pills, thatT frequently wished for Muth. 1 had taken everything that I had later/ of for Dyepeptda, without receiving any benefit ; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a tried, although I had no faith in them. To my n. tonislutient, I found tuyeelf getting better before / had taken one-fourth of a box, and, after taking half a box, I no. a testi awn, and cas rot awythiso I Ma, envoy a hearty meal three times a day. without in cones:donee from anything I rat or drink. If you think proper, you an at liberty to make this publie and refer to mo. I will cheerfully giro all desirable information to any one who may call on me. Tours respectfully JOILN li. BABCOCK. -.- • - . For ago at Dr. IFTSIIARTII Medical Depot, No. 10 Nerth Second shoat, Philadelphia, Pa. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent by mall, free.of charge, on receipt of price. I, Mons Toms, of Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., Pe., have sufferer! for more Ilan one year averythlngl but death itself, from that &wild disease, culled Dys pepsia, I employed, to that time, five of the most eminent phretelans In Philadelphia. They did all they could for me with medhrtom and coppiog, Lot Bull I Rol no better. 1 Urea went to the Pennsyl• 'onto Ifrd , emUY, to order to place myself la reach of the beet medical talent" In tho country, but {hair medicines failed to do toe any good, and °flexitime" I wished for death to relieve me of my "offering., but seeing Dr. Wiehart's advertisement In the Phibutel phis Butleffe, I determined to try once more, but with little faith I called on Dr. Wislutrt, and told him if I rould hove died I would not have troubled him, and then related my sufferings to hint. The Dr. assured me, If be failed to core one of Dyspepsia, it would be the Ont case in two yenta so I put my mff tinder his treatment, and although I bad been fur months vomiting nearly everything I ate, my stomach swollen with pain beyond duacription, I bought a box of his Dyspepois. Pills, I need them as directed, and in ten days I could eat es hearty a meal as any person In the Strati, of Pennsylvania, and In thirty ,day" was a well man. I fonts nay person Buffering 114 I woo to call end err me, and/ wtU rebu my suffering and the great cure I imeelved. I would say to all Uyspeptire, everywhere, that. Dr. Illahart Is, I believe, :Le. only person on the earth that eitri cure Dyspepsia With any degree of osrlatnty. MOSES TOBIN' ' , Cheltenham, Montgomery tin., Pt. Dr. WAIT ART'S office, No. 10 North Second St. Office boon from oa.ra to 6 p. m. All examlmi- , Lion. sod corwoltatlons Dee. • Sole Asyut for Pitt•burgh,•Penn'. 110L3:314m4awr .VEDICAL WIIAT DrSITYSIA Dyspepsia 1 Dyspepsia Dyspepsia ? Dyspepsia F Dyspepsia 1 Dyspepsia a DR. GEO. R. KEYSER, D 0,140 WOOD STBSDA, , RAILRO.IDS. T\TERA T T ILA NGE3IT.NT.-0 • - and after MONDAY, No. r.mber 'nth, 184 :Z.—PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RA ILI3O•I3—NIKE BAIL!' TRAINS. The THROUGH ACCOMMODATION TRAM learns the Pr monger Station daily, (except ) st 5 : 93 stopping at at between rtta burgh and Philadelphia., and making direct connec• tier for New Turk and Philadelphia. The THROUGH MAIL TRAIN learns the Pat. conger Station n•crY moaning (eurpt At 2:50 a. tn., Flopping only at principal ...Bans, and making direct connections at Harrisburg 63r Balti more and Wn3hington, taal for New York eilk Phila delphis The TEIROCGLI EXPRESS learn dal)) at I p. ni, clopping only at principal 51.1.10., MO": „. direct connection at llarriaburg for Baltimore and Washington, nod for Now kook tic Allentown rcete and IBlW.delphia. Tim FAST LINE leave 4 the Fration daily (exceTt Sunday) at 8:35 p. m., atepping only at principal eta. I , na, connectiag at liarre,bm, for Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia for New York. ACCOS.ISIODATION The Johnstown Acasmmalation Train Mores doll (except Sunday) at :nos p. m., tor , ing at ail &saw. and running as fur as Conemaugh. First accumusgsLW.lun Train for Wall's Station leaves daily (except Sunday ) at 6.30 a. in. Second iccommalation Train for Wallt. Station leaves daily (except Smsday) at 11:40 s. m. Third tecommodation Tram for. Wall's Station leaves daily (wrspt Sunday) at - 3:50 p. m. Fourth Accommodation Tema for Wall's Stall . hays. daily (except Sunday) arcs/ p. ni. The Church Train leacks.3l44ll Station every San day at 9:02 a.. nu.; retorning,..loacgs Pittsltr6l, at 12:45 p. m. Returning Trains arri, "gzsl. - •-gh as folloe t Baltimore Express__ y. to. P h iladaphia Express 1•20 p. m. Fast Through Mali Train Johnstown Arcammodation....—.— ..... m. That Walla Station 1 senntmodation..—.. Giaft a. at. Sekund Wall's Station Accommodation-- S,M a. m. Third Wall't Fiatlon Aecommodation...... ItSE p. u. Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation.... NUS, p n. Baltimore Express will orrice anti Philadolpittat Exams. et ittat p. m. no Joodays. arnic+ for illut^•.letaa.l trait:ma C.MII"Ct at Bla villa Intersection wail Thronatt ac..attaimlnt. Johnstown Arrommialathat slot I tato Etn, nod with Bahi a / a m Ea.'. as sm.: jahuatoosu ratan mdal:lon Wont. Trains for Etomsisarg connect at Cramta with Er as •- r m Trains and Nail Tram West, n Tla Lroug Araornmodstion and Exprous Train klast. The public will pad it giontly to t_eu tolerPet, r nig East or ;Vast, w trr....1 ip rho Penns; Iranta lia" — ati, tor that accomtundat.ots arta egarral tonnot be aorpassed on toy other note. Tha Hood Ea ballasted with stone, and to entirety Irro 80nd.... We can promise astety, synod, and coot art to all 0:to may favor this matt with their lattnnottie. FARE: To Now York.—ALE &1 Tb 8a1tim0re.........E1l .0 To gkiladelphia. lit 30 To Lancaster ......... €SO To Harriaborg..—.... 7 GS I Baggage checked to all Station , on the Penturylra. tila ("antral Railroad, and to Philadelphia, llaltlmora totot New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in the can will be charged no excess, according to the distance traveled, in addition to the station onion, except from stations v.l,re the C,mpony has no agent. lioilt3E.—ln case of loss, the Comp.•tny will bold themselves responsible for puraonal ..agog, only, and for an amount not exceeding 8100. N. B.—An Omnibus Line has teen employod to convey passenger, and baggage to and from the De pot, at a charge not to exceed 25 MAW, for ezr-la pas senger and baggage. /or tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent. At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Passenger Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. nose fl LEVEL AND. I „, rirrsauncit Aniif.r4: 94 22 , -t -4 44a. WIfEELING WINTKR ARRANGEIIIK - itu DAY, November IGth.lB , tbo I , :pot of the Younellvan: too-gh, m followr : Ml=l=l Trains will ieare pia Pittslnovla awl Trheclry Line. LePTCI r irt•barghl 1:45 a. m.j 6:20 a. m. 1:45 p. m. do 64 ellsvilie. 4:10 ° .6142 - 4:05 " ~ J,h. Steubetv'e 5:10 " 9:15 " 5:05 no Whcellng . O:09 " 11.60 " 6...4 A :GI, Renal- . 6:20 " 11:15 " Lads) " Connecting at Steubenville and Rellair with Reu ben, Me and Indiana Railroad Laid Central Ohio Rail road for Zansville, Newark., Columbus, Xenia, Day ton, In :idnvp. , ,,e, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairn, St. Lou., St Jost-ph, sod all points west i,nd esairhweet, and at Wheeling with Baltimore end Ohio I - Railroad. Putsborrph and Cleveland Line. • Leaves Pittsbo.,,h_________ . 1.4 , o. in. , 1:401 , m. doWellsville ... .... 4:30 " 41M slit 8ayard......-----......... 5:56 " 5.25 " do Alliance....- ......... -.... 6:55 " 6:15 " do Ravennn......— T:4O " 1 6:59 0 do liudlon..----..-.... SAI " 1 , 7: 3 " " Aril , —.._ es ut Cleveland. 9:25 " 8:40 Connecting at. Dayardssith - tumarrwas ranch by New Philadolphla sod Cann! Dover; at Alliance with Pittsbur,ll, Fort Wayna and Chicago Railroad; at Ravenna with Atlantic nod Great Western Railroad. for Warren, Greenville, Meadville, Union, Corry, Jamestown and Salamanca; at Hudson with Cleve land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Ilailrosil for Akron, Onythoga Falls and 5111Iersbnrg, and at Cleveland with C. A E. R. R. for Erie, Dunkirk. and Buffalo with C. ,t: T. R. P.. for Sandtwky, T01e..., sod also with steamers for Detroit. Bteulxuvlpin and Welhrvillo Aecomenodatiou leaves Allegheny City at 3:to p. m. Returning trait. arriv e. at WOO a. m., 3:50 p. m., 8,05 p. to. and•2:lo a. m. Through Tickets to all prominent points can to procured at the Liberty Street Depot, Pittsburgh. GEORGIE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. And at Allegheny City. A. Q. CASSELRERRY, Ticket Agent. Tor further ir fern:union apply to 11/A.A./Ala oTEWART, Agent, At the Company'e OM. In rr..ight Station, P.l, et. nolt; 8.1./MS. FIBST NATI6N-Al2-BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. THEASITRY DEPAiIf mr.yr Onus or Cosnerstottxu or nix Cuuncvcr, Washington Clty, Attg-ust 18113, Wit By satisfactory ev l dence presented to the undersigned, It has been mad. to apy,ar that the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTriBURGH, in the County of Allegheny, and - State of Pennsylva nits, has been duly organixtzl under and accotding to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled ”An Act to provide a National C'urreney, secured by • pledge of Lotted States Stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redempti, thereof, ' approved February 25th,18ttl, and has complied with all the protl,l..us of .std Act rem:dent to :be compiled with LJore commencing the basin.. of Banking: Now. therefore, I, Elton McCvatixxi, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the aald FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, manly of Allegheny, and State of Pennsyltania, is authorized to commence the busbies& of Banking un der the Act aforesaid. In testimony srb,,of witness r..y hand smd seal of °Mos, thts sth dny of August, 18,a. 111311 DicCULT. ,, C/J, Comp:1011.r of thu Currency. TEE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK PII79BITRGH, PA., (L/Ti. PITTSBURGH TRUST COISP.kNY.) Cervtat., $4.00,600, privitess locreaso to 431,0 oc. • 000. The Pittsburgh Truot C o any having organized under the act to provides h. onal Currencyy, under the title of the FIRST , N I tONAL BAN S OF PITTSBURG/11, would reept •olly offer its eery* a for the ,ollection of Notes, D oi ieu!,bills of Eschango, tre., receive money on deposit, no d ' buy and sell Ll chatlge on all parte cf ti., country. the auccess which bas attend:4 the Pittsburgh Trust Company, since lle organization to 1852, will we believe, be a sufficient guarantee that beeline. .troated to the new organiration will receive the same prompt attenttom. Baying a .17 catenates mrreepondence with Panha• and Bankers throughout the conntry, we believe ,as eau offer unusual fact:Wee to those who do busier. , with na. The bestrew will be conducted toy the mu ne Owen Led Directors. Alexander Speer, Frnoriap. Aka. Bradley, Samuel Item. James Laughlin, Robert B. Hays, Thomm Thomas Wightmaa, Tim. R. Rimick, JAlkitB JOHN D. 80TILLT, C, dame 5/1, 1863. LA OGIILLti, Pfedgiult . DOLLAR SAY - MOS BANK, NO. 65 loran' Silas?. CHARTERED nr Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, Moo on Wednesday and tiaturday aro:lingo. from hay lat to Moveznber ) et, from 7 to 9 o'clock, am. from November lot to May let from 8 to 8 o'clock. Depcolto received of ell t cum not loot than One Dollar, and a dividend of the protlta declared twice • p.m, In June and December. Intomet hat been de clared otni-aanually, in June and December, shoe Om Bank was organized, at the ram of olz per amt. ' ,Vt r e . nett, if-not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor aa principal, and Imam the arm in terest from the firstdaya of June and December, cruzi. , - pomading twice • year o about troubling the deporl. ter to call, or men to present hie pose book. At thin , rata money will double I. Imo than twelve year.. Books, containing the Charter, By-Laws; Balmer and Regulation; furnished gratis, on application ido , EGIO ALBUM. • .15T5 : *ln Sohn B. Wanadan t John tlohnes, Alelandornpeor, Ben). L_Tohnostoek. Jame, McAuley, James Henlimn, lasso M. Pennock.. John hiareball, James B. D. Minds. A- AL Pollock, pr. D., 11111 Bargain , William J. Jnitors, Peter A. Wedeln, - Walter P. INMAN John On. • Wart Debt,• Wenry L. Illettitilt. Juan Jobs IL iihAtabeeirt.` William E. Sattlerts, - , Abtraader_TiettliN, Wor _Lease Whittier,' • Wat.:P.WreAA, • Cb elegise Yeager. AI • A. OOLTOIL.. Calvin Adam, Jan G. Barham, John C. ilinAle7, George Black, Alonzo A. Carrier, Charlet A. Colton, WlllLrm Dongtm, Wiltlam P, Hagan, Peter H. Hanker, Irhanl Bays, Jam. D. Kelly. WMlam 8. Lay.ly, bscurmar d Thum h;J:daw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers