FRIDAY MORNIN4..I.I*:::.:NOV. 20, 1368 CITY AND SUBURBAN From Yeaterdife Evening Gazette _ --Battery A; at Erie. The mew of Battery-'d, who_ have just re turned' from Erie, sneak very freely of the iridifferent treatment which they received at ..„ that taco. They bare also solicited the pub lication _of the following letter, which will explain itself : . Prrrenusam, Pa., Nov.lB, 1963. Editors auras : Contrary to my own wishes, but at the request of 111 r. Gilson, ad ded to the - milleitation of the members of the Batit.qi, I. the "ftecompuing letter at yoartiipoial: L. li. B. Ilitaraltrass, Perrestinan . Ilarricar • Erie, Penn's. , lter.'lT, 18 63 . rd f Mu. Wm . Grzeoz—Beariliri !laving received o en from Myer General Brooks to that effect, I shall, with the members of the Battery, leave Erie to-mor row at 3 o'clock a. and before doing tiO, beg to thank you for your kind attentions to me and the men °lvey command during our short slay bore. At the same time allow me to say, more In self vindicationthan otherwise, that had' •the men re ceived from other citizens of Brio the same courtesy extended by you and the Bev. Barre. Lyon and Spaulding, my politic:r as oommanding dither would bare been fir more pleasant. But there le no deny ing the fact, that upon our very entrance into the - city the men were poi nted at and taunted for com ing here where there .ties no danger." This, as a matter of cause, Incensed the men and rendered it notnewhat difficult• to enforce a very strict discipline, Inasmuch as the men bad not boon mustered or sworn into either the State service or that of the General Government. Further than this, the gieater num beta GM men were without uniforms, and cense =could, if so disposed, buy whisky at every In the city, which toe limited extent was done and given to these who otherwise could not have ocured Wanton, here without pay, in part rnthout uni forms, and, ea wo felt, without thenks, ea. Most which see mod 'appreciate, the itialiaLa cl .111..tior Geneeei - riscob, and a few honorable exceptions amongst the Mittens; feeling myself somewhat acutely on this point, I have been the more disposed to excuse eldight measure of laxness In discipline, provided that the Men were ever in readiness fectiuty. Bet, while admitting this, I must, at the some time, say that ter disopline In a - number of Camp that I have known, bas been costidered tertafood die- °inane; a little singing and dancing on, the third floor of a building, at times during the day, may be &slight annoyance to those occupying roomsbetiestb, but to camp, if noticed at all, it would be encouraged rather than _reprimanded; and be pleased to bear in mind that this singing math dancing occurred during rho day and not aster "taps" at night. Feeling under obligati°. to you for procuring us the hall we occupy, I mast begyrou to,pay no bill for damages done the building; since, AS you asente me yourself, the entire damages- could be repaired for lees thaws dollar, Instead °flab • times that amount and more, as claimed by Mr. Mullin. The mere damaging f raithig of what was by the men considered bate mule,. remnant of a nor .lesed stairway, is but a small matter, and when I reported it at headquarters, a. I did. I wen told the, the city of Erie would be glad to pay any such bill a.. that if ally CILLYS way eamemptible tuoup4 to made +4. We have heretofore paid from our own fund. dam ages done to private property by our her, or men, and should gladly have dorms° in this histance'had not Mr. Austin manifested suchan'entire absence of public spirit. I may Judge wrongfully, but with my present knowledge most consider him simply ,eseemprible. and have endeavored to treat him accordingly. - - I —wan thank you mad Bor. Mr. Lyon and family, Ihrr.lfr. Spaulding . , and a few other gentlemen, to whom you were kind enough to Introduce me, for their attentioror, also outecially, to thank the members of the Union League for placing at our disposal the we of - their Beading Boom. Trusting that at tame future time I may be able to weleotne pon at:Pittsburgh, and In tome mtaburr return your kindness, Tnm, respectfully and truly yours, L. H. Fl nets, Lieut. Comd'g Pittsburgh Flattery A. Low Price of Fresh fleet, Dating the put few days large quantities of country cut beef have been offered in oar markets, and as soon as the weather becomes sufficiently cold the amount offered will bo greatly increased. The prices rule.very low —south holders offering fore-quarters at two cents per pound, and bind-quarters at three and a half. The meat, however, sold at these figarea, was of an indifferent quality, lacking fatness. A better quality brought two and a half cents for fore-quarters, and four cents for hind-quarters. These are at present the rul ing fi gures. The farmers throughout Western Pennsyl vania, in consequence of the failure of the grass crop, and the high price of toed, will be compelled to kill off large numbers of their stock cattle, and sell timer at whatever figure they can get. They euross afford to feed them through the winter. This will throw immense AttarrllthU.7.ithierit into the principal markets, and prices will role lower than for many years put. It is true,much of this beef will bo bat indifferently iateneri o but the rates will be so extremslylow that It will no doubt meet with a resale' : Those who have heretofore been misfile to provide a winter supply of meat,- owing:to the high prices, can afford to lay in a steak this fall, and will doubtless take advaiatagabf the opportunity. —Some 'persons may be disposed to inquire why it is that they have to pay so high a price for their steaks and roasts, in our markets, 'since cattle curbe purchased at so low a figure. The reason Is this : Prime fat cattle are scarce, and command good prices. - The. butchers are compelled to serve their 'customers with the choicest quality, and hence the retail rates remain about as heretofore. The best cattle now command higher prieesi than they did two months ',ago, and there is no probability that the butchers will be able to lower their `prices. Geniari Reformed Synod The Synod of the German Reformed Church comincrqcd its cession in this city, in Grace church, comer of Grant and Webster streets, on' Wednesday evening, and was opened with prayer by Rai. Mr. Winter of Dayton, Ohio. Rev. Dr. 'Kevin,- a Lanca ster,delivered the r'efitisting sermon, after which he Synod ad journed until Thursday morning. Synod met on !Thursday morning, and organized by.the appointment of the follow ing officers: ._ President—Revaohn W. Nevin, D.D. VienPresidentaMoser Kieffer, D.D., and Daniel Zacheries, D.D. Secrete:les-4'Bsec R. Reiter, (English,) and 11. S. Ruetrick, (German.) Corresponding Secretary--George W. WU nerd. Treasumr—Mr. John Wiest. The 13 0913 or meeting were Bled as follows: At hires o'clock in the forenoon, and two o'clock to the afternoon--adjourning at twelve and at four. 0/1 motion, the following named gentlemen were appointed alionmaittee to prepare Mal aita/liar. the Synod: Beir; q, Sieber, V. Gerhart, D. D., D. Winter, Georg° W. Williard, H. liarbaugh, DOL. - Kieffer, D. D., and Eiders H. Leo pout and'S. C. Kieffer. • After transacting some unimportant basilicas ,ther - B,ynoll took a ream till two o'clock. Eztraordhiaty Enterprise. the Tie - porter of-the PA who is usually content to jog side hji) side with his profes -6041 hretheen, nifide - i. grand iiineh for the lead, on Wednesday, and succeeded In getting a day ahead: If is column of Thursday morn is graced with an article, as long as a ~ Faber. pencil, descriptive of the consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. It is gravely announced that the consecration'yesterday;"'' that "the number in ittendenee was very large ;" that "most of .fit• Governors of the eighteen States having - lots in the cemetery were present in person ;" that "the procession was formed in the town of Gettysburg .yerteniny e morning, at nine d - to the cemetery tobk place.' V~lat' so enterprising a SSeep Arafat her b just one as the distinguished , "a leette previous." :le for the' next issuer Oa, it will be much, Into. • Malt , fellll4 COGillrinnl *Miami fertat; froo dirtiTt* . .4 — atisnrur by:h t . -AuSsit4". 2 14'0,- , t.fq•-? - ,:t "=. . - ",-P,rti" - 1 • t . , .. . , '- . • ,4. , 474-- `7 ,- . , • -"*1"4-^•-:-"1.4"---.",-,7r,,,•r,t"-'7'Z-""'.1",7-"•.`-•',-; ..,,."r:f,,,.....•,i.„......7,:,5•.;.;•,!•-;'..••,4..,.',Z"!•:•:•....,,,,, .7i,i1,.4;,...-i.„70,,..:-.., ):',eXl4-l'-.V..`.1i41.--':iit7e-i1...5?1,45.1Vi-1"-"i•.,'-'...,-.7",.,..,'itVX:'.':42:4?'''''''''''''''''';634''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' '''' '''""'' ''''l-147:4A;--,k1.t.,400'iriN,:.3gR6,4,1t.1',:47Ap-4-.- ,- - - - .`..."5;';•-,,*Vitta.,-,s'.;A,iet-;41.11ee....-;:.-.,-•. 7444-O.OMO nth the Nur. ColikfralF.OttE. iatOTAIOINER-- Thu ndah , Non, 11—Judges Sterrett, Mellon atoißrown. Court `tiet at lane o'clock, when the ex amination of witnesses for the defettetrwas • inteafid: - ••• Julius Parasky testified that, on the night of the killing, ho heard the shots of the pis •toL He was about going to bed, andjast be fore the shots were fired he beard some one say : You:son of a b—, Twill kill you." The voice was that of Hustler. The witness sta ted that he was a music teacher, and was a good Judge of sound. Several witnesses were then called and tes tified to the physical superiority of Knauer, as compared with Leath. Officer 3i. B. Hartzell was called to testify in reference to the violent character of the de ceased, which was objected to by the counsel for the prosecution. After a lengthy discus sion the Court overruled the objection, and Mr. Hartzell testified that Kreuter was very ferocions and violent when under the Influ ence of _liquor. Officers Hague, Hamilton, Moon and othors, testified to the same fact. Jailor Small testified that he knew Hutzler, as uprooter in thojail, and that his reputa tion for peacefulness was bad. Several witnesses testified that they would not believe Kauf and Lau (two witnesses for the prosecution) ander oath. Their repute- Cita for truth and veracity was very bad. Mrs. Magdalena Trimbet, aunt of the de fendant, testified that, after Kunsler's death, eho insisted upon Lauth leaving the country, and that lie did not wish to go. Bernard Louth, Sr., father of the defendant, testified that his son was born in September, 1840, and was a little over twenty years of agd when the difficulty oceurred. The wit .nese was then in England, and remained there until July last, when they both returned to this country. The testimony here closed, and the Court took a recess until two o'clock. rocs° Dian.—.A. man named John Moyer, aged about thirty-five years, was found dead in hisloedrai the.hemse of Mr. John Rico, in Meadville, on Sunday morning last. It ap pears that he was a laborer and indulged pretty freely in liquor on Saturday evening— came to his boarding house in a state of intox ication and went to bed. Not getting up as usual for.breakfast, one of the family went tip to wakeldin, when he was found ac before stated. COMMERCIAL RECORD FINANCE AND TRADE. r.1,112t, advanenl in New York, the quota Hon to-day briar, 11.2%. Sitter, 01.0 a higher having advanced 1. , 145. The adeutce in the rates of coin there, has produced a corresponding result hem, and ourleinken.are now paylnaletk4l4l for silver and lagaibo for gold. the New Toes Banks on Wednesday, paid Into the Stab-Treasury in currency another instalment o r three end a ball' million dollars. They have non. - paid 75 per neut., leaving (8,7.40,000 still due. 'Lan trill be no accumulation lu the Treasury, as the payments are running very large. The cash balance in the hands of the Assistant Treasurer in Boston, at the dose of husinvws Novem ber 14, woe $6,46e,818,49, showing a decrease of V 3,.. 326, 572,06 as ovtopanal with the cioso of the previ ous week. The exports from New York are at present very small, but our Loper - mare now so hoary that but for the heavy investments by European capitalists In American securities the comae of exchange would be more atlvorm to this rountry. The following will chow the exports koselttelve of specie) from New York to foreign ports fur the cork ending November 15th, and since January lat 1861. 1662. 18Q. For thr Werk.....&3,052,92; 53,780,451 8•=,311.9J2 rep0rwa1_....1111,569,M2 131,548,40.5 150,122,435 Sin. Jen. I...$lll),:id,GSS in.s,ns,asa 152,334,367 The exports Mum Boston lust nest texclwifre of spesue) mere $275,191, ogslust.F4o,27U fib for the cor responding mock in Tue imports were $1:41.974, against fur the ,otrt+pouding week in 1662. PITTSBURGH MARKETS FLOUR & GRAlN—Wheat Is firm, with emtill sales from first lamb at 51,30 for Red, and 51.37(41, 4 U for White. Barley is unchanged with limited receipts; contione to tioute 01 51,37 for Spring, and SI,SO for Fall. Corn is firm with a stile of 2 cans on track at $1.12; and coo also beard of a wile of 2 Call at 51,13, but this . u cotaldered °lore tha market. There Is but little infinny for Oats, and the nominal quota non by the car Load 1 . Flour is firm and we note sales of 300 Mils Extra Family from store at at 56,7447,00. BoawMat dour is staoly with sales of 58 sacks at 51,00 per cwt. GROCERIES—The grocery market continues very quiet, though price+ are pretty well sustained. We note small sales at 13X,(314,qc for Raw &mire; 11% gific for Refined do; 33 to 34,%c for Coffee, and 64E; 6.5 c fur Molassea By telegraph, we learn that Coffee, advanced 1 cent per pound in New York today, and Refined Sugars j'ic. RUTTER & EGGS—There is a corttitund good de mand for Roll Butter. and we note aides of 602 Da at Die; 40U Ms at 28c, andS Mils at 27c. Eggs firm with sales of 3 bbls atAgfftc per dozen. MILL FEED—Ia In setts demand, with but little In market; sale of I car prime No 1 Mlldlluge at I ,NI per cwt. No other eat. reported. lIAT--Continnes very firm, and the supply it hardly adequate for the demand; vale of 16 loads from sines at $35 to $4O per ton. APPLES—The demand Is falr sod the market steady, while prices are without quotable chaayo— ran,tng from 02,50, $2,75 per bbl fur :air to prima. PILT--ts moderate demand but unchauged; of San bbls from tint hoods et 52.474, .A 50 bbls from store at 32,r4 • • • • .• CAA NBEILIMS--Very dull as ala supply is largely in maim of the demand; no note • We of 6 bids Com mon at 212 per bbl. ASHES—in reporting a sale of 5 tons of Pearls in our lam report the types made the prks be per potuid, whereas it should have been 10e, cash—quite a differ• once. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Nor. 19—The receipts of Crude ooritione large, al though not, as yet; up to the expectations of some of our buyers, who predicted that there would tw from 100,0 , e, to 1:7),000 bile bar. on thistrirt water. There fa it continued brisk demand, bowerer, and w• look for an intpurremmitjtrat so NOD as boyars an *Slan gy] that prices can go no tower. The salmi. to-day compriae 2,4177 bbls as (caws too and 420 bbl. to bulk, oa the spot, at i 23 4 Iwo bbtain bulk, to ar rive, at 12e, and 241 hidis at 13)4e, packages Included. There were other !mall ukt made of which Wd has. tio account, at thoSaux• range of prices. Itatiosed is In better demand, and there want pros transaietkoxe hi bond.% but the terms weie not made public, We note a sale of tom Obis ..1.4111U-nt - bread, on private terms. Bennet free, I. selhnit In th• small way at ationviormer quotations. liaptha Is .toady with • !aloof 141C1 bids of prime ,be,dorised at iec. Tiwldlum Is still held at lit per bbl. The exports of Petroleum from Now York during the three days ending on illoilnenday, one. lied, reaching only 1.13,7f4 gallons. Received at tier York slotolstlanomyobillcr.^4B4o Entrterol same time tuft. 16/72. prom tie• York gape. 16,741,60 6 " 201 Other Ports du 1;60073 3,605,:582 New York Petroleum Market. Special Dlagatch to the Plitabutgb Gazette. Niw Yong, Nov. I3—Crude Is Arm and At shads higher, with salty at 24Yers2hc. Ulna also to Ganef with sea of bonded 40@a1e on the spot, and 413 5 0 for Deemnber del very, buyers option. Tree oil Is steady at Ulgble, and Naptha la nominal at forme: quo:ationa. Nov. 17.—There was a firmer feeling noticeable in the breadstuffa markets this morulug, owing m the advance in gold, and sellers bad the edvicebtfl• throughout the day. Wheat sem moderately active, and advanced MAle per bushel, with sales of No. 1 epilog at 111,01R01,08; 210.2 spring at $1,0334(41,04, and rejected epringat inftirle. The demand (r win .ter wheat manliest, and sales were trillggsa, 51,11% 61,12% for No. 2 red.:. Corn was not iodations DO OD yesterday, but boldera Were very firm, and palms ad vanced 54e per bushel. •No. 1 in dare *ld at goo aoy v e ; itb. 2at 85480844 and rejected at Floor la to better demand - end Draw, and on mme lirands an adennee of ba ti<l barrel was paid. Oats mat dull and ender with ttllva of No. 1 at 623466335 e, No. et 60440fgc,itpdgejeated at 68c. 'lere was more activity hi_ ere, and lb. market ruled firm at Bade).y ina t aidet; but Wi th out material change. No. w i t m . l si a, e nd No . 2 501t1,1f01,17. Illghwinee were in act re demand for idgpment, and shwa 1,000 barrels sold at &lc. , Physician to the the ToMeting deaths Mir; Bth and end- 14 Total 14 ere : fever, 1; 1; hot:tonnage of Ofliing;s, 2;:t7phoid setobral disease, 1; ateaslch, Wool, leak Foreign and Domestic have n;l4 quiet eireeo the public sale of loot week, atonah a very fine tone pervades the market. and seller* hava_tbe ad van** so far as &drab& lota ars eoniserled. Sup plies of Dontestto coma forward very spsodngly, than the feet that'priees continue higher relatively in the "fritadoe:then. bore. TA,- Imports -nfloreton, too, arm = is y Watid . onderrs *re tostrided- la the Oat tiling abroad .and , . fin e tnitflons In Oat aii4ll:tediartge. We ban, only to tab N.Wi of li*Otidait Dititaillic "lutes: 1 4 1 Idfii.dt unto; 200 Wei qr. -41: 10 5C 1T44 Alsgs l :;:f,v , e...;-,;r . ejt;er., ,, Lf:ilr., , ,t. • ' ;5:112„:17" TUtrItIMAT, Naval:ober 19, 1863. 24,307,510 8,143,1124 Chicago Market. New York Wool Market. Aulgheny, Live Stock Market.. . FOR 8.41. LE. 'jiii •-•. s9=iii - ;.tiatit . ..,:aTig , iiiiiiitbei: . - • pm meow unmi4lly loge, ;mulling about 1500 i a 4. 1 • *l . s COURT SA.I. it— L ßLifirtae laid, the greater proportion of which were small in- i ..; ot lf Ilt °pr of ? °JIMA" d . at '7l ll °- 11altle o e OTI: fader god ' , and, as always is the Mum, had to be . forted cfy . accuremely low prices. It Is generally i a t . biut r ihi, , try, on SATURDAY, Nov. 28th, 18 6 3, at 10 o'clock : to t the COURT HOUSE, to the City of Pitts remarked that there la no demand for Inferior stock the highest and boot t:t i e!bi r titer . , , al A l . tg , i , .i i gh l t : whatever, and the prices which holders war, for e .' . Enc. Murr7l- estate and Yurdock and liallie R. IDlr.. to accept, would barely pay the cost of transport.- dock, minor ‘ children of James and Frances Mar lton. Our dealers here had come to Om conclusion dock, lute of the county r of o A t il° e f o l ' t n h Y ' d e r" . ' 1 ,,, of i. ln , ° that this grade of stock had nearly rue out, but in Zurgh, b ttaiu i t:l:le f t:Land Cl i tec i . t ibed as follows, to wit. 't it:: thle they aro dieappointed, as the pens are still tilled j ginning et the southeast corner formed by the later with this .`track" wh i ch is scwwirshir for soy poor- , eoetkin of Pre,byterlen Lane end Church slier, and extending le front on Church en d eoliths. artily -8 pose except feeding. 1 feet, and in depth eastwardly from Church alley, But, seriously, we are at a loss to conjecture why I Preserving the same width of 28 feet along Kahl Pres people will persist In eending curb dock to market, 1 b fo Y ros rer ' sr e f' y o "be r • d e h di s ' n t° r ° . "' we L f r . %r w t ,..,,.. th . he " , ° : g a s - p g. Z.7,: i f can scarcely expect to realise enough to I lot So. 12 in James Homer's plan of lots, (bei g the when they pay feed bills, and the coat of transportation. On . come lot of ground formerly owned by Davidnflun the other hand, good cattle meet with a ready de- !er, dtantased,) having thereon erected one two...tory brick dwelling.home. Terms at mac mend at full prices, and our ealesrman And It difficult CHAS. W. LEWIS. to obtain 'a sufficient number to warmly theft. regular Guardian of minor children of James and Frances customers. I • deceased. 31ordock notiatdoewFae Government contractom pambased about too head, al Pee , . ranging from $3,25 10 53,130 per cart, and these are the extreme rates of • the market for this grade of cattle. Good retailingatock sold readily at 6-11@4,60, and Fomo few . strictly primo wild a shade higher. Common to fair lots 1• called at 83/33,75, and Inferior 0 1 , 75 (4 2 7 23 - knnesal will be found a partial lief of some of the leading sale.: Marks & Co, sold 50 bead to government contract or. of good quality. at t re; and 20 head of stock cat tle, averaging about Me, et Ne. Wm Hamm, sold 110 head of rough Indiana cattle at ali.' A ampbell, sold 00 head of heavy Ohio steers, no • eziglit r g Idlo Ihs, at 3? e, and 40 head small cattle at L ace:sold 80 head of very good Palma stock at 83 C1 .,70. 1 lemmalt 8 00, sold 60 bead °fake mall retailing cattle at 2340.3).6c. II d 31thia, .otd 60 bead of =all Ohio stock, at 2X,Er,3Y 2 e; and 30 head of good stem for C II Want, averaging 1200 pounds each. at 51@3344. The Hog market has been quit* active during the poet week, and, notwithstanding the receipts were large, the demand appeared to he telly equal to the supply, and priors were a shade higher than last week. There in a good eastern demand for prime heary.hoge, and the number eold to go the eastern markets was quite large. Some few ,of our packers were in market, but as the weather was rather unfa vorable for packing, they did not boy Tory largely. Notwithstanding that the receipts of hogs are large, there am, comperativelfjpeaking, but Cow re ally good moo on sale, and our packers experience great difficulty in obtaining the quality they desire. There is a geed demand for prime heavy hogs avera ging from 'ma to 250 the each, and all of this grade are taken readily et $5,500 55,70. 'O ne ne or two lot. of extra sold at ss,ooES6,l,and we unrstsnd that 55,00 was offered and refused fora lot of 500 head this morning. The following is a wrroct ancount of meet of the leading aides together with the average a - eights and prices Baines sold tn Holmes Glass 124, avg'e 2CO ins at 64,90 per cwt. Ilashonser sold to Huff 132. ar^'e 2W Ls at $4,/6. Zent sold Quinn 101, avg'e Yin 1M at 85,00. Temple sold to Holmes it), Ma, at 83,00. Holmes sold to Singer 187, Ore 250 Its, at 83.80. Holmes & Glass, sold t. o!tiger 99, aeg'e 225 11 , s, “t 55,(0. Holmes o Wlsittaker sold to Singer 181, erg's 240 at CN,6O. . Anderson sold to floe 119..10, 210 tbs. at 80 12. Tbompaon sold to Wilson 220, ar it 'e 216 ms at b 5,00 . Johnson sold to Wileon 111, arg e 180 IN et 84. 0 0. Reynold sold to Boynton,. 188, arg'e 238 Rts at $5,66. llyerly sold to Wilson 168, oviee 727 RA, at 25,00. Henderson told to Wilson 021, avee tddlbs. at $5,00. Louie sold to Holmes A Class, 130, arg'e 190 RA at 84,75. Holmes 44 Pfietter, sold to Crouse . 99,ostre 23011 a, at 58. 50 . Johnston sold to Lords, 101, svg,. 180, at 84,75. Holmes & Glass sold to Tilden t)0, aver 240 lbs. at 158,9). ESZIMME/Mil M*Hee sold to both 92, arg'e ZS/ lbs, ut .51"7:1. Lance sold to Eckert 132, mere 190 lb, at $4,75. Finkbone sold to Peril& lot, avg . ° 214 Itta, at 55.00. Plant& sold to Earth., EA tog'. =Si the 112 $4.9.9. Johnston sold to Wilton 199, arg'e 212 lb. at 26,25. Hmlges sold to Wiloon 119, nog'. 240 lbe, at 55,25. Wilton sold to Pettitt Sco 114, tog'. 2.59 IM, Al $9,50. Johnston eoldto McPherson 98,tog'e 205, 01 $9, 00 . Stricken sold to Holm•e S Mass 1143, a•g'c 20n to, at it 1.4.86. . Barnes sold to r hinger 100, arg'e MO, at $5.10. Wilson sold to Huff 167. .vg's 180, at 64,25. Holmes St PlielTer sold to Claw till, seg'r 100, at $5,00. Crawford told to Seymour 52, *Tee 240 110, at $5,4 ) Klester sold to Hunter 103, ove'e 210 the, at $.1.15. Balms. sold to Glass 8 Sheeler 351, arg'• 2730 [6., at at $5,00. Holmes d Chum sold to Crouse it Co :W. 11;'e 34 0 . Ibn. of $5,75; Lance sold to Holmes Glass 130, avg'e 196 rhi, at 01,75. McCann sold to Holmes S Glass 50, ergs 43 20, at $5,25. Cillehrelst 5 m, purchased the following lot. for shipment ; 404 from Tilden, ave./ Mt/ Met, at $5,55 ; 310 from Tilden, aver 274 at $5.51; xl from Wilson, urge 5115 at $5,40; FA from Robinson, ergs MO at 0 5 ,2 5 CJ from Cele, orgy WV at $5,40 ; 121 from Ellwanger, erg's 2.50 Me at $5,50; 2.54 from Ingerson, avg'e 218 at $5,08 ; 401 from Phillips, ergs 300 Me— an extra lot—at 00,10; 417 from Wilson, stvg'e 245 at $5,52. There were other wiles made of ad.:eh ere could get uo actatint,. but we have given enough lo indlee!e the true condition of the market. There le but a limited demand fur sheep and the market Is quiet but without quotable chow In prim. The receipts, however, are not large, and nearly all that were offered, found purchasers et about former quotatione-54 to 4,25 per eat. Shirk sold to Pratt 443 head, averaging about 90 It., each at New York Grocery Market [From the Commercial List, Noe. 12.] Coffee—The market skim our loot has exhibitetion ontumai activity, and prices within a week show an advance of one cent 11 lb. The wants of Government Induced a liberal offering for the awards yesterday, and when it was tindrrstood that all the bide were accepted, amounting to some 60,200 to 30,018) bags Brasil—an amount equal to the whole remaining stock In Arid hands—there was considerable reelte ment, and a pretty general withdrawal of stocks from sale. Our ,notations are advanced In eon/omit: to the improvement naiad aboysa hot the market at the close was quite unsettled, and they are rather nominaL The telex of Rio include 4,000 bags, per Sailer, at 12 0 % cents,• 3,600 do, per, to anise, 32%; 2,0 do, Per Scotemati, 32%; 1,476, per Escape, .T 3 ; 1,760, per Union, 32%; 2,002, per Traveller, •T 3%; 3,760 bags, in lots, part moles, 31/ to =/ a ; 4,6261d0. per Jane Cargill, 1,400 do, per Ondis, and, to arrive, 2,200 do, prar sftrmelita, en terms not m ade public. The transactions in other kinds hare also been large, and inalnde `2[) half balm and 20 enarter do )l slut at 35 cents; .51.1 mate Java, MX,: 100 bop Ceylon, 4050 Maracaibo, 30 to 34, with come poor as low as 2.5; 220 Lagnayra, 32% to 23%, 4 mm.; and 000 St Domingo, part 28, casts—a larger bueioess than WU been done for a vary long time in this market, aggregating 26,- 600 bags ltio and 7,060 pkgs other description. The !stock of Rio In the Country, as made by !drum W. Brett & lion, Is 28,372 bags, via., 27,678 hem, and 700 id Baltimore. •• . Sugar—Beflued Is rather dull, and In flaw, •Lth a very moderate demand fur horns use, tho market has lama quite Inactive, the bunkum, king mall, but bolder. are Arm, and prlossare supported. n. sae* include 470- WI& Cuba ll ie r t jap i : 26 hid* and 47 bbla Porto Rico 123 , ; 76 hints fit. Kitts My.; DU bids Ilartlulqus, 4 ; 4Ws Now °doses, 1Z I.}.'; 100 bags Mt. Donilngo, 12X 2156 ban U. war., 11,441 '3; and 4.01.4 bbls Crool a d, 1674417R,', cash and l imo. _ Muluata."-TM domand law [anon off, and the. market •ho banonzia dull, Nen/ Ortratna lolng again meta Ivy. , lb. not , . are WI 1/130411. mod I nni Llarbadnea un private. tam.... ati Loch l'orlo lily., In w,nu; Inn Cuba iltnantrailo, 6.46410); and 1411 1.1,1. and In halt An. New Ur w, /jar n, 4 moo. Ily nctl.n, Ilq Gbh. No.w ortaana isr4.2 I , t /21,9318 , mos. Edward 111110 Flour rad Grata uir. I.icv Ynnu, X., 17. rot inlnbC. lul.r. Oh. Waned forth no now ea llnpurlant Mtn,a 11l Uw merftut for floor oLi: Wain As Ow t 4 isev• lumturi draw. W ite *lmo, 11.0 rwodyte Yhotir ase oh the locrelmo, owl emus idditiny Iw tow) loot. to atexl, In 0,44., rho W.qt, 1/4Watpt, qw oblpupente arra/Wily Wenola iie citr.n4W, 1101, without any Irnowninto pogip.“ Arf • F.l.ritgAg fur Ito loam. Thur. Is • 0.1, sro and t. 4 rlrf boil a., and for the enmity of Ito tar) nth Plmhisse, tow the Impstry for mpm 1 to thittefol hoe tiffilmiliiol4.4 Priem lime fluctuated • ith a itudloy me. hot, The seuer.l tons I. Mot of Prifinnte, partion. holy Or the clot,* Westorsi and tan fpuld *l,l rlap V_ whkdi the (red. ore nuS 0 , 41 *m aw!, o i rVbest there I. • moderate inquiry (son mlllem of this aid the mighhoring &film, lolether with' • couttauatlon of Ow muimiletis• de uaed taw prim. (aeon with tho prommt taw ram of fral•lited 0 e high to warrant English shipment. Os Imp/ oe tool. and the uweemeol 1. ursally nittichel, If,. is quiet, but how hoprorod In idol. Oat. at. (nob held at 644M0 par hush. ludlau Chien ;. uiaeulnr In mans, hut taw hoiden, with our prmeaS 110,11141 receipt& aact Veit Winks stock, *rely," Arm. RUSSIAN PE13131414 spwritouts, tictwithirtending the attaelis of loglonir cteele Voider", who aspire to the Aims ef ihni• cies, the .• RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Are receiving drily the trammel oretorsehiento orate citirano. All that t naked to to olainlne all otter then e mine the lONA&=leir J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, Manufacturer of Use itnerlan PAIN* lipactaelea; AD Mb cravat. Morning Past ISalldb2 CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Omer Mk ad Mend &rats, 1044.1 y, GM). •. KXLLT, Propanrroa. oPemiLING SODA WA% pATOrksotaiNtra, to. darPbydelams. prooalptiono mouton, compound. kiklyon TAHNCAN, SHERMAN. d 0 1i it J., Whoa the timed 'Sink, Li:maul:OW light, IMlttmommp MkporPostdowm inamomol;ThcAV emlisithad oturpowoor urobl Otis= to . ~ M r...8.111/114/0111 CO.I at igi VAY • " Voodirtrookearnorttxtuod.. DRY (KOOS STORE FOR SALE,in • flourishing Western town on the P. P. W. dr C. H. 11., not over 3tX) miles Prom Pittsburgh, now doing • large and Profitable trade. The stock is new, and has Men selected with reference to the country trade. Has all hen purchased for cash at lowest market prime. The present proprietor has decided to retire from the trade owing to bad health, and now retactonfly otrera thestock for rude ; also the good will of the re tiring party. The home has • largo and reopoctoble trade, which can be retained. The present stook will invoice from *oven to ten thousand dollar., hot could be reduced if desired. Parties wishing to know the partrculars will please address or call personally on LYDAY & CHORPHATTINCI, oelfrkf 69 Hand atrest, Pittsburgh, First Premium for machine for all purpmee. Vint Premium for machine work. Kentucky State Fair. First Premium for maohipe for AD gamma, First Premium for machine work. Perrnmimaie Sloes Fair. First Premium for mannlachuing machine. Pint Premium for beerotiltd machine work. Ohio Sete Fair. First Premium for menhir, work. And at the following County Faire : C.. (Ft) Agrinriturul Ssesery. Flint Premium fur family machine. Find Premium for manufacturing machine. First Premium for machine work. ellompfaia Valley (VL) elgrivaltunil Sod*. First Premium for family machine, First Premium for manufecturing machine. First Premium for machine work. Hampden Ca (dram) Apricugurof Backe,. Diploma for family machine. Diploma for machine work. Franklin. Co. (N. Y.) Fair. First Premium for family machine. First Premium for manufacturing machine. Oa. (N. Y ) Agriculturai Eocista WESTERN L.A.NDS FOR SALE OR I 'f or r nm i ly EXCHANGE.-2,600 ecru in lowa, in tracts W as ki n grou Co. (N. 1%) p oer . wasTiltif from 40 to =acre. 640 iMMt• First Premium for &wily machine. In tracts retrying Crum 40 to 820 acne. 2,000 acres Co. (N. Fair. r.) In Minnesota. 3,000 acree In the southeast port of : Find Premium for fatally ...Ain.. kilmouri ; and BO =rim in Indiana. These land, Ffeclumis`e budieses (Pu.) Fair. have bean carefully "looted, with a view solely to First premium for machine for all purposes. Iti'dr adverttegia, eolit end lot diiiPmed T he Premium for trischine work. of upon terms, for ush, or exchanged for The above comprises all the Fairs at which the property In Allegheny county. GROVER & BAKER MACHINES were exhibited For terms, Sic., apply to this year. At nearly all of them the leading Sewing G. S. GATED, ''..rumercial Broker, ' Machines were in competitten. 0014 Duller street, Lawrenceville. I no work made upon the Grover A Baker Sewing OT — EL:ibit: SALK—The prop‘trty .L l . known as MEANOWS HOTEL, situate . elate itellr la the United ( itatn whoa it her Dean exhibited to this date. Fourth .heat, between Ferry .d Market st-rnm. sal.. 800 a No. 111 FIFTH ST., Pitteburgh, The lot Is 40 feet t o on Fourth ctrect, 85 feet oc2ditaxa m wr A. CH...TONEY, Agent. The Hued le a three story brick, 37 feet T 3 feet. The ben. wee lively built, and Is doing a WHEELER £ WILSON'S good business. The furniture will bo .Did with , hotel, if regale . . fi SALE.—Tho superior Cylinder Bogen, 38 inches diameter, 30 feet long, made of loth Irma, wrought iron Ilads %Ahick. almost sniped se new. Also, One Portable Engine and Tubular Boiler of !rt, i a to=wer, 8 inch cylinder and 12 Inch evoke. lam bored one woll almost 700 feet deep, and la admirably adapted to that kind of work, or awing wood fm locomotlees. - - . AL; One Engine, heavy iron bed plate, 14 Inch cylinder, 30 inclun etroks ; new, with balance valve gorernor. Well adapted to run a grist mill or email hemp mill. Inquire at H. M. BOLE'S, corner Point Allay and Duquesne Way. nolOam Pittatmrgh. For farther putico:ore. OS to terms, Ac., logic of J. W. BALL, No. ea link or of J. IS. 111 E. 1110 E, on the promises. n0.5,1m00d J. B. MEANOR. 1 FL OUR I N (.1 MILL FOR 6.lLE.—The subscriber offers for sale the ALLEGHENY CITY MILLS, situated In the Fourth Ward, Alles shim,' City. This well known DI OS hes boon rebuilt lately, and contains taur run of French Burrs, with all the Wan improved imschluery for manufacturing the beet brands of Flour. Enjoys a accal local as Roll no foreign custom. This Is a rare chimer for business men, and we invite any who wish to engage ln'a profitable business to cell at the Mill, w terms will be made known. oclllkimdawT J. TOEOTLY. LAWRENCEVI.I.I.I: IMPRO VED PROPERTY FOB SALE, Rituals on Butler street, near the Auks of the road, a lot fronting on Butler street and extending back to Lafayette alley, on which there Is emoted two 2-story Frame Dwell• lugs—one new, the other nearly en, with the neom mry lmproeementa, all in good order. The location for business, hr., i. one of the best in the boroo,gh. Terms easy. Apply to G. S. BATES Commercial Broker. 801 l Butler street, Lefirencerille. POR SALE OR LEASE—A: large Lot ./2 In Sharpeburg, on the Pessenomr Railway, fee miles from Pittsburgh, on which 6 there lea good Dwelling Home of nine rooms , ales, ...sera' other Boos., all built of hr Irk. A well of good water “1 the yard, plenty of good fruit, and convenient to Churches and School Rouse. For particular. address or call on G. T. GILLIAN', Sharpahurg, Allegheny County, P. oc2l:tfdawF PeitBALE—A tiouse and Lot on Ful l' ton street, in the Beth ward. Lot 25 feet front and extending hack to Crawford street 101 feet. The house is a large two-story brick dwelling, arranged with wide hall, parlor, dining-room. kitchen end wash hones on first floor; fire mum. and bath room On woad floor; gas and water throughout the prem ises; good cellar, fine yard. Commuuling a fine ties of the riven, cities and surtvundings. uZli. B. 1nc1....1N Fourth stre.t. pOlt SALE -A lot of land, containing A' TS acre.. situated 1% miles Roca Dintooat Sta. don, on th. Pittsburgh,Fort Wayne g Chleagn R. R. Tb• share Property 4,7,41 Utahans:l, with • g ood young archatti of bearing fruit trans. This property .111 la meld 'on reasonable terms. Vol further particular. address ac 42311. B.C. MelliASTElt, Sewickley - rills, Pa. HOTEL TO 'RENT. A First-Class Hotel In Philadelphia, Ceramlly looted, wilt be to let ott . Jaboari in, Isb& Application mad. to noiknteod No. n 9 South &Tenth street. VIII SALE—TWO BOILERS 42 in. 12 by ZS fee, Doable Iltosi, In good condition, "kith mod and steam drums; firs front. liUt3Bl,Y, WELLS it 01. no18:1,w • Steel Works, Tiftb Ward. DISSOLUTIOAN, 98 OL T.TTIONLfie I'artnership heretofore existing under the name and firm of J. R. LINDSAY A: CO. is this day dissolved by mutual conseut. All bush:tem oonneeted the late Arm mill be settled by J. li. LINDSAY, at 96 Wood street, up stare. J.ll. LINDSAY, J. R. LINDSAY. I have also disposal of my interest In the firm of J. D. t & NIAXWELL,A (b. to J. IL LINDSAY. Nov. 9, WO. J. 11. LINDSAY. Having purchased the interest of J. 11. LINDSAY, to the drat of 3. H. LINDSAY d. Hardware an d at Emblems; also to the firm of J. H. & 8. MAXWELL • 05.,Belkres Men u:ert orers, the tand ems will coo-Unite as tumid, Hardware and Cutlery, by J. R. LINDSAY ; Hollows, Ac., J. D. A IC MAX WELL CO. Nov. 2, 11141. not.lm DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIO P. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of MULLIN, FREW & CO., has this day been dissolved, CHAS. LOCKHART aid WILLIAM FREW hoeing par- ChlYelNi thi entire Interests of the other partners. The leuslunte of the le.Oe firm will Wielded by LOCK HART et FREW. _ WILLIAM PHILLIPS, WILLIAM DREW, CHARLES LOCH ART JOHN VANANSIDELL, A SRI( Y. KIPP, PtitalAttgla, Augual Nib, 1163. UAW! 1.4 , 1111.1. LOCKHART & FREW, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, sr At ALBION OIL WELLS, Penang° co.ty, YA 1111I1.LIAN2 OIL %YOBBO, tweey'• Ron. 02122, 172 • 174 WOOD BTRELIT, PROPOS.4I.S. 10AL I COAL! COAL I l.) DST.. 01111er, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 14, Ilifts. fiesiall Proposals are invited and will Ito reco vett at this eine* until 12 a. on NOTEIIIIER fur furitielslog coal to steamers wider charter by the unriermaster's Department. The goal to be fur niehod at Louisville, Ky., Cannelton, Ind., Dawes guile and Caoarrille, Ky. Ihswaostown, 111., Now Albany sod Scottsville, Ind., or Smithland, The coal to be delivered fa bout., barges or Oats, alonwilde of the olmmers, and the contractors to for. Dish shMite, boles, de„ to load the coal on the at Propositions will also be *p0514611,11 for tarnishing ooal delitored Into boats or barge. no Government um, the barges being famished by the Quartermas ter's Department. Contractor, will please stalls the length of lime for Whieh Oslo proposals will bemooldsred binding, the ittantlikel match they cutt famish weekly to Wine or for other Cluteinment OW, stud the yrteeat each point to he to/Tarot* stood. Dmposals for the delivery of ls!, 0110 or more 'Kobel. of mud, monthly, at Smithland, Ky.,WIII also bo con sidered. This coal Is lobe delivered to the Quarter- Waster at liy., to boot, or harp.. If In Imola, they are to bit nandsbed Deno( nbarge to Ito, 1 1 0114,1 States; it ha bargee, tho Government to has. lite too of then, for ('n) IWO days from time of Alt ind if detained loaner - than thlrty deist then lbeGoVerninenf shall pay the lb. hire of the Sorge. at the rMe Of (113) threotnllare rrr day, commencing eller tiro capitation of the thirty dem until lin, beige. are intorno! again at Rtuttgaml, Ky. If Oe barges ate retained by the Goverment until their bin equals 14 tangling the appraised taus of the Strillare to berouto the property e.t.a LinitA States. Sworn Apprateements of the volts* of each barge delivered at Stoithland moot Is Sled will, the Quartermaster et Staithiand; aims morn mwn.e. moot of the contents of orb burros AU mrpotais se Ito to donliecle, wire /AN klietrat: wira fell Name and poet .dire eadrent .1' the bbbfers. W.Jllk¢lN)t nolikeodhl . Cott. aia Q. $l.. tr. IL AMY • ESS PORK► M - Vnta lieu Pint to stars and M sato by . MeDUNAILtra 'AIdBUOKLO, Wholardt9 . rocara, rodaga b.Com_,lltarFliaato ned - - 24toutily lan't, , c.r.11 sue:as~~a:.,..,,t, ~~~tifx SE -11.1C111-rES. RA fik'S PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL Ewer Awarded to Bowing Machines in Illinois. These klecitinte were awerried the Highest Ptami wao, or, all conspentors, for the Beat Fo.e ly Fenno dfael«asa, the Beef Nowafaciurbie Ince lass, end the Bee Mach:. Work, at the following STATIC FAIRS, of 1863: New York Hale Fair, First Premium fur family marble. lint Premium for double-throad machine. Finn Premium for machine work. Vermin! Bate Fair. . Ent Premium for family machine. First Premium for menufacturing machine. First Premium for machine work. finso Egan Fair. First Premium for falai machine. First Promium for mumfacturing machine. First Premium for machine work. kfiehimus sta. lair. First Premium for family machine. First Premium for manufacturing mashine. Pint 4rmuliun for machine work. radio. 4 4o Fa*, First minim for macaw, for all purposes. Pint Premium for machine work. Illinois Slats Fair. ORLIIBIIA.TED IMPROVED LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 11W.I. proonlamo et the London and Paris DOA tato., and at ail the Important Mate uad Meehan' mine these machiace before purchasing w• offer for .4. Foote's Patent Umbrella Look Stand, •hich toreros perfect safety to an article proverbir-ly given to bo led astray WM. SUMNER & 00., lIPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. A LARGE ASSORTMENT O 1 DRUGGETS, the NEWEST PATTETtNe and every arldth, at the Lowest Prices for Cash, Including Crumb Cloths, Feltings, Rags, OIL CLOTHS, &c. And having parehamed for 01.118. Wen the late advanes, we are eble to Doll at the markulsotarert Prior, an unequalled dock of CARPETS, Window Shades, Nattlngs, OLIVER WO.L.I3TOCIE & 00., No. 23 rETTH'EITREZT. nue AT THE Nicvv• cA.R.F.n-r STORE. W. shall mil, dorLeg the pelmet week, at wholesale and retell, WITHOUT ANT ADV./NCH IN PRICY, •fait Um or CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, In sheets 3 to 21 feet vide, WOOLEN DBIIGGETS AND CRUMB CLOTHS, WINDOW SHAM, TABLE AND PIANO COVIMS, EMS, MATS, STALE HODS, Au. These goods have advanced, in End hands, from TEN to TWESTY.TIVII PEE CENT. .tthln thl rt, days, and we are now pilling at LESS THAN HAN lIVACTUILER'S PRICES. Our stock la almost en tirely new, all having bum purchased within ninety dap, for cado,At this very lowest prime of the year. McFarland, Collins & Co., Rug, 71 AND 73 FIFTH STREET, Between Poet Office and Piecatch Boildings. nolfi NEW STOCK AND NEWEST Carpets, Oil Cloths, Drtiggets, SiIADES, &a, at McC ALLUM'S, Ea HT TOODTH STREET, (Ty lute assortment of all goods to oar llne e bourlit of the lowest ;mint rembed in the Eastern Market thla mum, end much radaced from Met ism rao's prices. ocld W, D. 0 11. WoIIkiLVIIL Pllmmponon & M.III'STEES, BRiss FOUNDER; . Oil VIP Orman Yirrins. Particular attention paid to the 'Ming up and repairing of OIL REY!. NRRIES. All kind. of BRASS AND IRON COCKS made to .order. Also BRASS OAIITINDS, of ell ,kinde, made at the ehortart sotto,. . All onion, loft at Noe. 31 and 94 WATER STREET, near Liberty, will, bo promptly attended to. lEWThe members of Ibis firm'teing prat:Neale/us denies, of many years' esperbenc• in their Mumma will insure loess misfaction to ovary respect. W. are also sputa for Guild, Garrison STEAM I' for pumping Water, Crude and Re fined CIIARLEB L. CALDWELL, (Itaccesoot to June Itolmat • 0o.). PORK PACH;R. Dealer In 0100 N. LARD, BROAD 017RICD HAMS, SMOKED RIMY, tn., oouNstallAlliST AND 71.118 T BTRELTS, Pm's/stria', l'a SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTER 130 WOOD BTRZET. J A.ASTOS 1301X"1%,1 brims trot attention of Sportsmen and others to his oplowll4 . took of GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS., OASIS HAGS, POVTDEII [ASKS, SUM' IIIiLTS and POUCHES, DRAM FLASKS, and On munition of seers %Md. ills stock Otto lamas ever brought to ads market. oel7 AuMLITUrt ItIMITIPUIAITICLII 00r1101 . 4 and 224 streets, %Abington, D. 0, Oct. 219 d, 1801. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC A G TRIM. on the 81OND and FOUSTK WED WISDATE. filth and 25th allows:Aar, it the Oorral war thelraidddeoll lAssevatery, atarp los of 0011810 AND' tondo:mai as unlit tbr public sersks. Bap to eolneassoa at 10 o'clock a, m. Tamtm mob, la Govarnasent yawn i 0.101310, Ce2s* Oi4t i: me it. 4. It , r karat,. JI7EDIC.4.L. pOSITIVE CUI FOR IYPEPSI.I. DR. L. Q. C. WISIIAItT'S GREAT AMEILICVN Dyspepsia Pill and Treatment A POSITIVE CURE FOIL DYSPEPSIA DE. WIND AEI Lae Ovate:4l, in the past two ;tart. lame 0011.114 thrco htmdred $4111.1 ninety pa tients for Dyspopem, In ite rari. , us form; and in every case where the medicine was taken as dlrectd, It made a perfect cum. A number /Vibe above cases had been treated by the most eminent physicians let this country and Europe. Ile Invitee all penults f frying from the above dinnve to hive hlm a call. Olice and Store, No. tel NOItTII SECOND In., Philadelphia. WO A T IS liltaP EP SIA ? DTSPLIVIA ItSs Till IrOLL01•130 SYMPTOKS 1. A constant pain or vormiams at the pd of lhe Is caused by a permanent contraction of the stomach upon undigested food. It generally hignis immediately, or a short time after eating ;is often very severe nod obstinate. 2. Flatelome and steblibb—Tbeee symptoms arise from the indigestion of food, which ferunnts instead of dimo.ting. 3. Chnimiess end laws of appatila.—Theso symptoms aro the streets of the unnatural condition of food in the stomach, and the want of pun bile and gastric Juice. The stomach to ot , on painfully dim:ended oy wind; the appetite is is:mentor voracious. 4. Gloom mai 040-onion qf morim.—This state unfits many for the enjoyment of life, and is roused by the Impure blood furnished by imperfect digest! r. In Lhis stage of the dLscaso many persons to out ride. There Is a constant foreboding of evil, and au indifference and positive Inability to perform the of- Ines of life a. Diorrhew.—After being at fir:4 f/1 To, the nur tarot V afflicted with donrrhea, which in owing to a diseased condltioo of the howeli, prtelueed by the un digested food, which in evacuated in the same condi tion as whoa colon, and of worse given uo strangle to the system. 6. Pixies in oh ports oty tha sposm—Aries fens the action of impure blood upon the nerves. They lei felt chiefly in the lietul, and bmnst, and in the extremities. In many rases there a an uneasiness in the throat, trith a sense of choking or sufforatiru; the mouth is often clammy, with a hod taste sad inerra longue. Consumptive swoop... a,/ pa/pi/ono. eV' the heart. —Many per' , ni l r•nouneed ao having these ili.onoen 610., Llothlug but, Llie 'nog and hem t..1.0n0t0 boitl, only ..1..;,t,0n5. d. cam.—This is. very Ilneideut symplam Dys pepsin, ma leads y “ttrtz it. renfirver.d ccilesuinp EIEMMEMMM 10. 6ynajoboo.• of external relation.—The patient i• sf fectssi palatally by cold sod hest, which in owing to sanstural &plass of skis, sad thy in taten a fect•gl by r•a-ptions and totters. The gloomy dye 'repttc avoids sock:y se munh as possible. 11. T...neg.—A frequent and distrturine see:lf/- 10m. It relieves the pain, bat etanclates and teener hut he patient. . . 12. DLaririems, dirzuvai ruaon, headache, ger;ayi b aialkiiiv.—Tio. are Very alarMit4 Sylllll. ‘Thich an apcadil removed by our mcillciue; but if netp.l. °rt.]. IWO quickly folio ro ay numbness .d•t. death. 13. It is imp ssible for no to ;lye ell the symptoms of Prpepels in so small o spool , but the shoNo are comidered auffinimit if we add t h at the patient :3,,s his memory and attention to surrounding objects, and frequently become ;morose and sons in disposi tion. We should say, however, that pains to the joints and suffnms of the limbs, which go by the name of rheumatism and neuralgia, am eery often produced by Iryspepsia. A 1.., a hardness of the muscles of the abdomen, which bemuse contracted and bard ; er. , l a. some cases the belly sinkii, imitead of being gently prominent Dyspepsia: Dyspepsia! 1, Ruzaiwnt Brunette, of Brandywine, Del., for merly of Old Cheerer, Dol., do certify that, for on. year and I dulTereal everything but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. Ely ~hole sys tem was proetrated with weeklies/ and disability ; I ; could not digest my food; if I ate even o meeker ui the smallest amount of food, It would return Just as I swallowed it; I became so costive In my bowels that 1 would cot have a nateage in lees than f. no four and often eight days; under this Immeme sof- j tering, my mind seemed entirely to give way; I had f dreadful horror aud evil Lorebul ge; 1 thonght every body hated me, and I hated everybody; I could nut beer my husband nor my own children; 0701) thing ' appealed to he horror-stricken z to me; I had do amid lion to do anything; I lest all my lore of family end home; I would rumble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I woo doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, nail was often tempted to commit suicide, en near wee my whole nervous system dcstroyet: led •ieonly =LW, from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed In Dr. Kirkbride's 11....pita1, at West Philadelphia. I re =lined there ulna weeks, and thought I was a Dui. better, bat in a few Maya my dreadlal complaint was rosiog es bad as ever. Ilearing of the wonderful curets performed by Dr Wlshert's Guest Am. rkau D 3 eptpsia Pills and his Treatment fee ItyspelAl3, my husband allsd on Dr. Anshan and stated my case to tdm. Be eald he had no doubt he could e-sre me. So In three days after, I called and placed my- j self under the Xfoctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest food, and felt that my disease was ; Asst giving way, and I continued io reamer for about tiros months, and at the present tit. I enjoy per feet health of body and mind, and I moat sluceroly ; Mans my thanks too tuareithl GPI and Dr. Wilbert, i and to his great American Dyspepsia Dills and Pie. Tres Tar Cusdial that saved me frum an Insane Asy lum and a premature grays. All person surlertur with Dyerscpela are at liberty to call on moor write, and IL will try to do ullibs good I can for fingering humanity.. /MITA RETH BILLNSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Cheater, DeL Dr. WISILAIIT'S office, No. 10 North Second Pbliadalptda.' Dyspopila I .147pepala I Do WUHAN? has been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the tut eighteen years, during which time I cannot say that I ever enjoyed • per fectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were moot aggravated than at others, and then It rimmed it would be • gnat relief to die. I bed at oil times an unpleamat feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much incruutS *at I became al mod unlit for badman of any kind, my mind was satitintudly filled with gloomy thoughts and !embo dies, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at ones a sensation of icy coldness, in con astion with a dead weight, as It wore, rested upon my brain; also • feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great paha to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my rea son; I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by day or amp at night, 1 became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of • number of eminent physicians of various schools, lewdly came to the oenclusion that, for this &este, at my present 4,5 there's, no cure in ex istence. But, the interference of Divine Providence, to whom I devoutly oiler my thanks, I at last Mond • sovereign In your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which mein to have effectually removed almost the last, trace of my tong list of ail ments and bed feelings,land in their place health, pleasure and ocaitentment are my every day com panion,. .la.l=l IL SAUNDERS, No. kW North Second street, Philadelphia, formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr. wisalaire cake, No-10 North Second et., Philadelphia. A Positive Curs for Dyspepsia. Haar what Mr. John 11. Babcock says: No. 1028 Olive Street, 1_ Philadelphia, January 224, f Di. WZMOLLT--.l4ir : iN 0 4 th mach pleasure that I axe non able to inform yen that, he , the use of you VW. Americus, lbspepsta Pills, I base been entire ly cured of that moet dlstrauing comphibit, Dyspep aia. I had been spievorialy &Bided for the last twenty-eight years., and for ten years of that time I have not boon free trom Its pain one week at a time. I have had it In to wont form, and haveon • moot miserable oilstone—ln pale day en night.. Beery kind of (lAA tliht I ate tilled me with pain and wind, It nattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued telchfine owl aura to folloW. I had no appetite !br any kind of meats uhstever, and ro iimres. was so great for several months be tore I beard of your Pill., that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit ; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had Wen clued by them, I concluded to give themes trial, although E bad no faith In them. To my no iaallalM.W. l found myself getting better before I had taken ono-fburth eta Nix, and, after taking half a box, I am a well was and ena est earytkfag I wish, enjoy a hearty mewl three times a day, v. - Phew. conveniences from anythlut eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at liberty to make this publie and rchr to me. I will cheerfully glee all desirable Information to any onowito may call en me. Yours respectfully ,Jon 11. BLBOOOK. For sate at Dr. wreueniiM.ii.;l Dorm, 10 North Second atinat, Platt&lphia, Pa. Deco, One Dollar per box. Stoat by mull, hob aI charge, on otealpt of pries. Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia i Moose Ton!, of CUlteniuun, Montgomery Co., Pe., have mailed for more Limb one year everything but death itself, from that awfhl disease, called Dys popes. I employed, in that time, five of the meet eminent bhp they could for me with mrdietzus and cupping, but still I woo no better. I then went to the Pennsyl vania University; In order to plate myself in reach of the bent medical tenni". in the country, but their medicine. failed to do me any good, and oftentimes I wished for death to relieve me of my sofferinma but Mein Dr. Wishert's ediertisement to the nitlada phla ErttLidta, I determined to try nine mom, but with fittlittidth I called-era ThhViliehart, and told hinxil I could hare died I would not Mare troubled blur, and: then related my' izilreringsbs him. The Dr. me, If ho failed to cure me of Dyspepsia, it would he the lint tam In two years, no I put my self under hi. treatment, and although I had been for month. Vomiting nearly_ everything I ate, toy Stomath swollen with pain beyond d:,..cription, I bonght a box of his Oppepti..l"lll., I need them we directed, and in ten days 1 could eaves hearten meet es any perm, in the State of Perna:rim.* and iu th u ;m a t focal! a "In o d oe nte,a i'a ' t a u oy i my suffering and the great mu" f maim& 'I would may to all Dye :lbw, everywhere, that Dr . Vizi:art to, I believe, only person on the earth that can cure Dyspepsia with any demo of certainty: MO in_ y__ . Cheltentuun,Montgomery Co., Pa. Dr. WISHABT'S uftlai,• No. 10 North Second et. Oflice honer from I a. no. to I p. no, Alt examina tions nod consultations free. DR. GEO. a KEYSED, •. N 9 .10 WWI ) - MAIM Sole spat tor Filtsbarsti, Perak's. nal-tataintawr _ RJJLROJDB. - .LEVEI:DM, - ..., :, rirrssunart ' • warrialic ItalLlto.l W 1 X DR ARRANGEMENT.-03 tout letter MONDAY, lioTember 16th, 1863, T tdes win INTO the Depot a the Pe.h..4ltatat'EtartTl,llt Mt. btb, ea follow - 4 1 . --- - - - . .* Pinabergh and Mumling LOKI.' 1 Leaves Pittabtirghl 1;45 s 12. - -6.81 a. to. 1:* p. m. do Wellsville.' . 4ao ‘,. B:12 44 ' ' 4.05 " do Stroh-etre< `,lO 's • 9:45 . a 6:05 do Wheeling.l 6:02 . 11100 . BOS Arrives Bellair.... I 6:20 . II:16 u 1 6:20 " C..nnect in- , et Stannemille and &glair sith Bien ban •-illo aneLodiana Railroadsmt Bunt 62131110 Ball road for Bantaili,, Newark, Columbus, Xenia, _Day ton, Inthanapo:,., Cincinnati, Louteviile, Cairo, ht. Lords. St. Joeeph, and all points seat and sonthereet, and , Wheeling with Baltimore sad Ohitt.Ballroad. Pittsburgh and Cletvfand Law.' Leaves Ls.s a. m. 1:45 p. m. do Bayard 5:58 " Bea. n do .... tt:RS " s, do Ravenna_ 7:40 •• wag n do Hudson . I p.ll n iv Arres at Cleveland......_.._ 8:25 " 8:40 " Connecting at Bayard with Toscarawas ch Art New Philadelphia and Canal Dover; it Alllat,e with Pitniburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railavad; at Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Western Itailmad ihr Warren, Groonville, Meadville, talon, Corm Jamestown and halarnanca; at Hodson with Cleve land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railroad for Akron, Cuyahoga Falls and Millersburg, and at Cleveland with C. AE. It. It. Or Erie, Dunkirk end "Barak. with C. a• T. R. _R. for Sandu‘ky, Toledo, and alio with steamers fur Detroit. Steubenville and Wellsville Accommodation IeSTOII Allegheny City at p. m. Iteturnlog Mail. D.rriTO at pm*, dAt5 p.m. and . 2:10 a. m. Thn.ngh Vekets to all prominent points PM D. procured at the Liberty Street -Depot, Pittsburgh. GEORGE PAII.IiIX, Ticket Agent. And at Allegheny City. A. Q. CASSELBEIIIIY, Ticket Agent. Yor farther information apply to - WILLIAM NTYWAUT, Agent.' %A the Company's °Moo in Freight Station, Ponn It. nolo 81111 1 1 P I.trG. THE ATLANTIC IRISH A. ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAVIGA TION COAIPAN Y. GALWAY LINH. ADI3I ATI°, 1.13 M Horse-power, 4,000 tons. H I BERN lA, 1,0170 Hon.-power, 3,000 tons. COLL'DIH lA, 1.000 Morse-power, 3,000 UAL. ANGLIA, Lull, lionre.powm, tzeu. The magniAmmt wineliip ADRIATIC will Cia from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY,The 17th of Nov-mlier. &atm of pamage from lime York to Livorpool, pity. able in gold or ite equivalent In currency. Yinst Intermediate 401, Pinesengers for - warted also to London, rarla, Rams burg, !Imre, Brennan, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Au, the lowest raters Fares from Liverpool or Galway to kiss York and Boston, 525, 535, 575, 555, 5105. Yor pusnayi, apply :he office of the Alma SAWEL 3 fIEARLB, '23 Broadway. &writ rot. D. OIEUZILL, (Throaid et Building. No. 70 rifth area. ilikloargh. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIY- - lERPOOL, touching et -QUEEYSTOWIT, '• ((Coax Ramie.) The well-known .men of t \,•w York arid Philadelphia atearadilp C,,mpany are intended as follow . EDINBURGH ern' OF LONDON, Roy. 211. Nov. YB. , CITY ;Jr KEW YORK -Saturday, Peo. 5. 1 And every eneceolllog Satarcley, at noon, from t 44, Korth River. Payable b gold, sr b. gimbaled ;12 Ourrater. Pt do to London. —B5 00 do to:Loudon 34 CO do to Pads...—. 95 00 do to Paris... 40 50 do to Hamburg •90 00 do to Llatabg 37 VO Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwerp, itc., at &lordly low rates. Fares from 'Lave:pool or Queenstown; Ist Cable, 5 75 , 595, 5105. bteersge, 530. Those who with to semi for their friends am boy tickets bore at thew rates. Nance.—The Steamship GLASGOW, of this lino will sail as an extra steamer an THURSDAY, Nov. lath. Has splendid accommodations for o Yew Cabin and Steerage Passengers, at reduced rat., pantie in U. S. Currency. For furthor intrmatlon apply at the Meat. JOHN G. DALE. 15 Brosdwiq Now York. JOHN THOMPSON, ism!, Hand .treat, ttrst horse from Ms briage. mb.10:11 Pittsburgh. CIfEAPEST PASSAGE FROMj, “TEFE "OLD cnowTter.” Pwa.nCrn brought out In MAST CLASS MAIL Sit:A iILRY, from Galway' 12..0k, for Twenty-Vi'..",i. Dollars An I by soiling •eeecia for TWENTY ADIcE 1:11316, L lAA In rurrrney. Apy:y D. O'NEILL, Roraima Chronicle Balkling. ray2;e.retral N4tio strert, PlttaburF!e. CONA_RD LlNE.—Steru . a faro LIVERPOOL AND QUEEN/TO Vllolrl NEW TOM, r... 5 In currency Both story wok. Apply to THOMAS ILLTTIGA2i, I. ath:Smails raw 'sd BAJIMS. I2M=2 OP PITTSBURGH. TRZASITRYstIIEPLEFKRINT Onion or Custervon.unt or nniCansvicY, Washington City, August 5th, 1629, Wetness, By satisfactory evidende presen to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the FIRST NATIONAL BAHR OF PITISBUBOIL in the County of Allegheny, and State of ,Penusylva ula, tide Lin , been duly organised' under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled l'An Act to prmidia'National Currency, sectired by a pledge of United &atm Stocks, and to prowhie the circulation and redensOion therco4" approved February 25th, ISCA, and has compiled with all the provisions of Laid Act required to:be compiled with before commencing the business of Banking: Now, therefore, I, Roan IL:Cr:soca, - Com of the Currency, do hereby .certify: that trsrd FIRST NATIONAL BANE Or PItTSBURGH, ,onuty of Allegheny, end Stater of Penneylvania, is authorized to annmence the bush:less of Banking are der the Act aforesaid, • * . , la teethwow) whereof witoen vg bent { es , mut seal of office, thle 6th day of AMOR, J 1863.. HUGH IacCHLLOCH, Comptroller of the dummy. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANS. OF . prrrsßußes, (LATE PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPART.) CArtrat, 154,00,000, arlth privilege to *rear to si,000„000, - The Pittebur,,-4 Trost Company _having otmmProd under the act to provide a Natter= CerroncY, under the title of the FIRST STATIONAL BASH OF PITTSBURGH, would respectfully ' , obi MI aryl= for the collection of Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Se., receive money on deposit, and buy and sell =- change on gall potted the country. Tho rico= Which has attenaed the TDtaburgh Trust Company, sinee its organisation to ISA will we believe, ho • sufficient guarantee that huhu= eutn.tell t, the new organisation will rebel= the lame prompt. nit:4llton, - .• • > tog ♦ rery extensive cormpondensn with Banks and Bankers throughout the country, we believe we can iHrer mescal lecilitiet to those who do =sing= with us. • • . , The Paine= will be conducted It the seamo Ottloers sod Directors. James Laughlin. Spar Robert HQ% 'raub' O. Ha Tboiamv Aled. Etedteß Thomas•Wightmani :Samuel Reg. Wm. H. /Hauck, • JAMES JOHN D. SCULL 14 Aupag 5514 1853.- 1161111 N. Ercsidetd. el. nOLLAR. seNINGte, Be:Isl.; 2%0.65 YOVILTIE BTassr. • (11LARTRItED - Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wedneextp and batorday eromings, from Stay Ist to-November lot, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November let to May let from 6to o'clock. Depceite received of all tome not loge - Dan OM Dollar, and a dividelfd of the Ovate &anemia/los a year, to Jone and December.- Diarist - bee been &- Mend semi-anomaly, In Jane and December, Ellice the Dank was organized; at the rata of sikpor amt. yems. • learnt, if not drawn Vtat; la plimeCto Discredit of the depositors, principal, a:4'km" , the mos rev tercet from the dent der ofjonet and December, ann. pounding twice a year without troubling thti depcwi tor to.eall, or even to Paughtlib Dad book, "At tile rate money will double tales' than melt. 3oa Books, containing the (tart!?, .By-bawle _ and itevolatioue, tarnished gratis, on applimHon at the cMco. Paitipaerr—OT.OßOL ALLII - 1114.' art rarsamovi: lobo B. lifoTadden,l len , ..clid.reelaincite Li John olmee, John Aio.mdider Speer, • SLIMLY B. D. bionat, Bent. L. Tahmetock, A. Si. rokra,lL D., Junes tied oky, 11111 Domain, James lieninion. William J. Ando:wow. Peter A. Modern. Water P. "441310. John (Fri, • ". Hobert Bobb; . Henry LAiingerati JamoaAbtdlt~ -: John IL lbamberper, WilliamlL Ektmsextz. 'Wlltlam 'Alessaier- Mid% Yankhic, Issas Wittalkr, Calvin Adams, Inkin G. Backokm, John ct. Bindley. George k, Mown AlO. so Corder, °barks A. Colton. WU= Donglo. John star. 8.1101/4 Pater - U. lidnket, - kkhard - JainoiD. Han Wifilun SZCILITAiT it • ••1 josfrii— • ' , Vas:l";. - Wytuat .441.1111, - * boa. MEM MINI! =EI CoiaPanr , Age •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers