The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 20, 1863, Image 3

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    'R (1 , 3 1( 5 0)314!M . := -
Stittsturgit -gazifig
I. • '• 0 : • e 20, 1883.
Dedication of the Allegheny German
M. E. Church.
. This church, located on the corner of East
COMnion and Ohio street, was erected several
riateago, though not fully completed. The
:hi:aiding has since boon finished, and was
' formally dedicated to the worship of Almighty
God on Sunday, the 15th inst. The forenoon
and afternoon were devoted exclusively to
Bngliah cervices. Bishop Simpson preached
in the morning, after which ho solemnly eon
serrated the church in a comprehonaive prayer.
or great unction. In the afternoon, Rev. W.
Sniveley, of Christ (M. E.) Church, occupied.
the ntilpit. The weather was wet and unan
ameions throughout the day, which greatly
diminished the aim of the congregations, and
perhaps prevented some person, from attend
ing who were expected to aid in liquidating
the debt. However, the few who were pre
sent, tinder the lead of the princely-hearted
Allen Kramer, gave liberally of the means
God had given them. The whole debt amounted
to- about $3,800. Notwithstanding the nn
favorable„efrcurnstances named, $r,700 was
secured, about $1,300 of which was contributed
at the morning service. The money was given
principally-$r the form of proPeritiees
append-imam of the sums Allen Kramer
nearly $5OO, and his son norance $115; S. M.
:Kier, W. W.. Wallace, .1. Gallagher, and W.
B. Piney, each $lOO ; J. W. Barker and son
$101; T. Little, Sr., $lOl ; C. C. Boyle, $72;
4 steward - Liberty Street, $5O ; Mrs.
Simer, $25; . Mr.. Sehomaker, $35; South
Common choir, $3O ; S. ,Shepherd, $2O ; Dr.
Pershing, W. C. Moreland, Bev. Z. H. Colston,
sad others, made up the remainder in smaller
In the evening, the pastor, Dr. Deither, oc
cupied the.pulpit and preached an excellent
discourse, to a full house. Mr. Behomaker, a
German merchant and active layman of the
charge ' led.olf in the propositions by giving
$lOO. Three or four others, whose names we
did not leant, gave $5O each. The sane of
nearly $1,200 was raised; and it appeared
frcim the spirited manner In which the canvass
was Made throughout the congregation, that
every member gore something. The total
sum obtained was $2,000, loosing but a few
hundred dollars unpaid of the entike.dobt,
which, it is thought, can he sccorodittionfter.
The location of the church is ono of the finest
in the city. The building is forty by sixty,
with lecture and class rooms on the first floor.
The main audience-room is commodious and
tastily fitted up, and the altos : furniture is nerat .
avid appropriate. Alongside the church, on
Ohio street, is a two-storied parsonage, Which
has hitherto been rented to help to pay inter
est on the debt. This necessity no longer ex
ists. The entire cost of lot and building was
$O,OOO. Though built several years and in- I
Complete, the Germans have struggled along,
with the help of come English friends, all the
while growing in numbers, Wealth, and posi
Meeting of Allegheny Councils.
A special meeting of Allegheny Councils
was held on Thursday eVetting, Nov. 19, 1863.
In Mee, present, Messrs. Wise], Hopkins,
Irwin, Rnox, Riddle, Smith, end President
The President submitted the following eons
To the Ss.!--sct and Costmon Cleaner/sof the City
of:Alleghenyr The undemigned offer for sale
the property owned by them, tho First
Ward,-being the tot lying on the Allegheny
river, adjoining the property belonging to the ,
estate of N.B. Cralgoieeessed, together with
the Island in said rider, immediately below,
for the emit of twenty-6re thousand dollars.
They nseke the offer to the city, before open
ing negotiations with other parties.
Respeoeully, If. 1.. Boult.tir.
ilElll2l' Inwte-;
T. IL Ns.rts, Ears. of deo.
Jour Inwriv, Jo., Irwin. deed.
On motion of 3fr. Leldie, the venetniverca:
lion wits referrod to the Committee on City
T a City Solicitor submitted a communica
tion 'reEatiVe to the opening of Allegheny
avenue, which was read and referred to the
Street Committee.
In Comnon Cbstacil,present, Messrs. Barker,
Borelaud, Dunlap, Francis, Recadorn, Hutch
inson.; Miner, - Patterson, A. D. Smith; W.
TiMetpeon, and J. Brown,
:fr., President: . .
The minnteinf the iiievions meeting were
read and approved- • . .
Mr. A. D. Smith presented the repOrt of
the Committee on Engines, setting forth that
they had examined the Rope Steam Fire lin
gine, aiad , hed. agree - pttrehaso her as ono
of. the two steam engines authorized by the
'action :of Councils, provided the agent of the
Amoake,a4. - Mantfeetiming Company would
• make - lemerilight alterations deemed neres
asked the 'passage of
That the Mayor be authorized to
• •
draw erenittnint-'ott the Treasurer,in favor
of - .C - 11. - Sitirel,,Cltaininnacif the ommittee .
eifpiio ;l ;l4ilttlte anti or -$3,100, to purchase
sAhliateamdreienging9rope" from the Amos
keag Mearfaaturing-Company, as soon as the
' alterationfrate*de:th the satisfaction of the
Tbe rtegeenticaceipted and do resolution
Mr. A....D.,'Smalr offirr9d the following :
," - Risofeedi,That tint toramittoe on Fire .En make such temporary
amiliSOMelite- as will have the effect of keep
, ingtU - eteata fire , engthe "Rope" in service,
petniutsent fire organization is comple
'Theresolntion-was passed, and in ail the
!knave letiondiprre was, a - mutant concurrence
• -
o eidotion,'Colnseill'eten - went into Joint
Amadeu, for thopurfole of taking up the Iv,'
ail Easiness for Which themeeting was called,
namelyr-hearing thexeport of the Committee
n City,Code. •
The now Code was then taken up, and read
by~iiii,.sllotiVcr„ .. - - City Solicitor, chapter by ,
Aisiltde . ,;foi- the niconaation of the members.
was still under-consideration when Coon
eils adjourned.
.. Bridge Meeting. -
• ; in.nocordatice with a pablL3 call, a large
, tdielberof influential gentlemen in faYor of
erecting a bridge fryer the lionongahela
rivet at the,Toint,atiombled at Ilare's Motel
)msterday Afternoon. M. B. Brown, En.,
;miff alltd,,t . o the chair and Ex-Alderman
Steele rippeintedBocretary.:llr. Brown briefly,
stated the - obltief of the mooting, and also
trhattiad been.done in respect to surreys, en
gineeribs, Miff:Mates, &c.,, Tfie lowest bid for
erecting the bridge wits, .$155.,000. At the
risentrates of' =aerial ant:labor, it would
• ..foilidniatlefist'ooll,ooo:. After a free inter,.
'change of opinion-1r" Card. James Wood, •R.
." L Smyth, Mores:, Chess, Divid Robi nson, ..
W. COok ;Mr. Bahia tine. and others, Oros, oft
motion of Mr. Jam:Cs • Tina - dr.
Resolthoct, tihatwe urgi,tijan the Commis
- *loners the imtotolistancoanity of procuring
additionel stibscriptions to the capital stook
of thaVermpairy- rov'etroottng said bridge, and'
4 that Mese present be,,requested to' Subscribe.
Tr i a,7l, and th.o,4hair 'whit a
, sos,:riptlotigeminttteeof Ike, he being chair..
'On Cdating op thti itiltitOtdiong the amount
twos band mplr.4oB, of t $5,0,000, a Stun mere
khArisnelefenttrrentiblethosompa n y to organ-,
- The the Committee under
0104Otr,i'oiatahlioikft, t , • .
XtrOwn, John 1 Binger, Itoties Trn-
E dokdobert, .WoOda,ldosta Cho AS.
Mernard Louth for the Mar.
dui John . Krinzlere or Oran Asp Trammart.—Vaereelay
S. 19,—Judgee Starrett; Mellon
and Brown,:
dt two echsck in the afternoon, District-
Attorney Ritkpatrink oallod Immo witnesses,
„miisqj to rebut the allegations as lathe dig
,o'lisaftylrf between finagler and Ltuth„,
.'".. •
Es 4., thus opened the
arstmsmett on' behalf of thee Commonwealth,
meal; followed by, Thomu M. Marshall,
Es fu the 'defense, who had rot concluded
. , i.'s*sbgtemisiVeia o'clock, *ben the Court ad
, l o ossati o At the opening of Courk, Prklay
KV-Marshall will eontbstuthls urge.'
.1, - ;ol4lo ;, e,tpr i. ,?.cti!e-49,f°3?
B rg aojiirorriut wilt conseeiiiCs' Jilries'
Chtcreb; th[. city, tiratlaji,terryiees C 01111111.120..
in; at tialf-paat tiag !Nook a. m.
, .
Our 'took Table. ' 1 TEE LATEST NEWS
Rotenteotri Fume". NyW.M.Theekerey, Author '
of "Vanit y.Fair,""Pcutlettnter," "The Nemoomes," ' BY RAPIT.
"Esmond,' "The TOM' George,,""Adventure" TELEG
of Philip,: etc. With Dinstrations. Reprinted .
. ' frith ' the ' - ' o°r hill 2ll 6.lllne." New York. liar-
per &Brothers. Pittabargh t For ask I, FT 0118, SPECIAL DISPATCH:M.
Muer, Fifth street, neat door to the Nato - Mee. :
292 pp. 12mo.
. •
These contributions of a writer well known ,1
FR0.,11 fr.IIIIII.4"GTOX.
to every body that has road anything within --
the period of the last decade or so of English i Special Dispatch to .he Pittebn.--4, Guerre.
literature, were Certainly we:/ worthy of being
collected from-the pages of the magazine to , isveurmarios OP ?HI titOlCAt DIP•RTXRIT .
which they tint appeared, into the more per- 1 The Commission charged with the inveati
manent and convenient form of a book. The , gatton of the Medical Department here has
Lost characteristics of Thaeketay are
strikingly brongbt ont in these brief magazine
.toot a. finished its labors. Nothing of importance
articles, as in "Pendants" or "T he N ew _ .h. boon established. .._
comes." Indeed, we believe that the some- i -
what o f RLATERT.
what Baratina philosophy of life, (which Mr. The Richmond Engels/re has a leader in
Thaskeray seems to make profession of, and '
in meet of what he has written to inculcate,) it , wi t" it say. that Slidell cannot make eon
more advitntageonsly and—to the reader at . cessions on slavery under- he Confederate Con
/Out—more eatltfisetarlly presentedirla lyric'
like "Bouillabaisse," or in One of these essays stantion. Even If ho could, would he bat
of half-a-dosenlingen, than in the amplitude , justified by the public in so doing t
of apace or two or three octavo voltneeS. I The Enquirer adds :We could make bettor
,Siam's VACATION: ea, Pruzezormr Sr Hoerr. ny I terms with the United States than with any
Wo shall not ask their ad-
power.C. diehards, A ' N ' Aithar ' a reataa " l e d l -
. Lion . NOW York: D. Appleton &Co. Pittetturah- European •
for.relo tkr 4. S. Davie, 93 Wood street. MlSpp. ' vice, and believe our institutions to bo the
' •
This volume may well be commended to our ' beet in the world.
young friends, for`whoee amusement and in- Two
hundred rebel cavalry reconnoitered at
'trueti°h•it was written, as ono . of the b "
books, for theft, of the dues to which it Lc_ Germania Ford, captured and wounded son l
of th ig th p eawa j yysa b, cava l ry an
I oral 0
longs. We say for Moog, emphatically, Le-
picket there.
muse whether we regard it as a story, which
will entertain them, or as a Berk., of lessons, : Tho rumor that eleven of our mon had their
which will teach them many things relating to ' th reat . o ut by guerrillas, lately, is probably a
too various kingdoms of nature.— ho earth,
.canard. the air, the water, and the fire,—in both its .
offices of entertainer and instructor, it will ho
found equally admiral'', and no boy or girl A review of the let and 2d Divisions, 2d
can road it without acknowledging that it is ' Corps, took place yesterday.
hard to tell which Is best—Abe pleasant story ' itctno UFA/ADD.
or the pleasant way in which the strange and The steamer Alexandria is being repaired
wonderful secrets of nature, as unfolded by
at the expense of the fund raised from liquor
science, (often de so repulsive in looks un
skilfully written for the young,) are presented flt ,,,
and prepared to engage the attention of the I+CDOI.OX-OR.SRRAL ILLIIIIOND
reader. One thing mono we may mention, Co, Reports the health of the Department of the
Mr. Bioltatds is evidently very thoroughly
acquainted with his subject, and, we take it, ,
Gulf as excellent New Orleans is thoroughly
this in no slight degree contributes to his em- ! clear of Y° ll °' foyer '
;neat success in presenting it in an engaging '
manner.ner. coma DR AWRIQUE.
i Tho Corps de Afrititto is now 18,000 strong,
MART LvansAr. A Novin..—A very worthy and make excellent colliers.
addition to their deservedly popular "Library
of Select Novels" has been made by Messrs. cs nose NS LOST.
Harper A Brothers In this re-pu.bileetion of an Two or tutee caissons were lost from the
English novel by the Lady Emily Ponsonby, railroad traito,
author of "The Discipline of Life," "Nether- - PRILIONAL.
hoe and her Sisters," etc., etc. In the story 44,,n. tirnhatn Lade hitt brigade' g.,,,1 bye
of "Mary Lyndsay," which the Lady Entity
has woven fortis in this volnme,(almost every I`'ostentz.T- •
page of which, too, hears good erodentialo
that the work has been done by no careless or LATEST FROM NEW ORLEANS.
unskilful bands,) the following excellent say- • —__
lug of" Dr. Isaac Birrow is so strikingly Wu,
wed, th a t it standsstandsvery properly as t h e lac Attack on Waahburn ' s Advance.
motto of it t " ilowmuch we love 'God, how
submissive we are to God's will, we canziot.
otherwise than Sy willingly undergoing-or
patiently bearing ailiietions, well express;
without it no sore trial of yirtne eau he; with
out it no excellent example of goodness had
ever been."--dtor Cale at lienryhlllner'e, Fifth
street, next &Or to the Post-oidee. '
valuable work we have spoken so often, that
we need but to report progress, at this "'tags
of its publication. The present part contains
,portraits of Major General
Geo. G. Meade nod General Joseph B. Joids..l.
ston. The "Rebellion Reoard"is Nhlished
G. P. Pnteans 'New York; Chas. T. traits.
418 Broadway, Get:loml Agent; s and is Air sale
'by an b ooksellersiind.periodical dealers.
Gorman Reformed Synod.
met Ind wag opened - with devotional seer.
The Colaraittoo an Ilos4less reported t-.e
followintatanding Committees :
On Relisniina Acreinea--11.ev0..E. G.Rigbeo,
11. 191'hard and L Graidenhe •
Ua Atinerste/Synatts--Rer s . 12.. W. WiWard,.
J. H. Derr, Etna Mats Gee. Reitman and D.
On Onin-Nre-Itilf D-Wintops,;.T. 6. Ap.
0, Prngh, and . Eldora A. S.: Wlngart
and he Loose: •-•." • '
thrreepoadenee--Dr. Botribetgor,lter..l.
J. D•ovelea and . Bidor llnl4,
Ois State *Of . t.ho C 6 ereA—Rant. tL E. Rus
sel, J. G. SatomakeriEll Keller, and Elders
G. R. Orltsth and W. D. Gross.
The reg Met was adopted and the gemadttoo
On motion, a special committee; contiltttig,
of Pr. IlarLaug,h Revs. Coll itlowor and Ateaae,
end • Indere Tfil.. : }Fier,lECteon ar d were ap- ;
pointed or the - 10:Sleet le( the Ter-cententlars
Tho `4,7n0/ n.djenened till nine o'loek
Friday morning,.
~ . .
McClung yeaterdarheld
an itigutlit Wititre body el' n ootoyeA aan
named DarldTouvety, who died soddenly ut
the Seetin litiuse, In the Diamond, the pre
! thus evening. The deceased entered the
house, and asked for something to eat. Hi:
appeared very unwell, and was shaking from
nervousness. A lady offered him et stialuin
flag drink, but ho refused to take tt, and set
'down on the door step. They than prepared
him another drink, but when they wont out to
give ft to him' ho 'was d'and. 'The deceased
was about forty-three years - clap,. and wee a 1,
earter by:occupation. The jury forted a ver
diet of ' , death from natural causes."
BEADLE'S DhLE Ticts.-111.t. llonry Minor,
Fillhatroet, (next door to tho Post-office,) Las
recafired *the Ist and 2nd cambers of a new
series of /AS& Book', ^published by Beadle .t
Co., Neer ;York.' Thich o thci:Geonteins 64
p.sts, f
interspersed with
illustrations—wkdeb should be enough to c
poet for a dime. The talos--of *blab there
aro four inenekuma her—embody ,the "tradi
tions. aitd roninne&of "Corder and Resolution
Roznwre--The qtablisilmont 04r. Thos.
Ellin merchant tailor, Altoona, waAlsntered
on Sunday. night last, and cassimernsi and
other goods' to the- amoont .bf 15250,'—taken
therefrom. EitertMeitirdS 'effected' byforcing
?pen iip:slintbin of ',ono of Aim windows-
No..elosthas yet .been hid the perpe
Pswe4.--Tbe interest In this ne* drama
continnes unabated, 'and each evening the .
theatre Ts filled to overflowing. Vertvall is
cerstainly is Strong end, and her success can
°W ho attributed to her merits as au.sctrers
ail vocalist. Shn will appear again this even
ing As The Jewisrliother;,'
'TROY s Pkter, Phan And Ornamental
Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pentesykrania and
Veior Arnie Ottio beet qtenty at 14ndee.
°Moe art,:dhin. Laughlin% near the Water
, W;90 1 7 TIIWPOgb. Pa. • r
`floosoditervei itera,ara VlWrilit GOODS* ,
jai& acoeiradat betel Graham k ClN's r . Mgr
chant Tailors, No. 54 Market •etreefa ft crD=
elate of all the latest styles of cloths,
oaselniermeted - Vestinitc; oirercoatinp °faill
kinds of the very flaeit saality, all of Which
le ;elected from, tbol letereintportatione, end
wilt be malla ap izthe moat •faehloltablo tad
best manner.' Itetitloinen:doriring airlock df
6P 06 1 to. 'sleet frem, Leaf.Mtenetbe,enrpatrod j
.by eny 02toriti the Idti, aria every garment
werpiate a perfect fit, would do well to give
as an early eel. • • L
B.txust. Guffaw 4t Ob.,
Modant Toalarir,:No. b 4. Matt ,
aufm . fhiailis , Obb;lifeCtaxbuzba
los PAL In Vitus Warra..— . -The Sum-
Mar ill • Put, mad by the morning's frost, we .
begin to apprehend r that tall sod winter will
shortly be us, and .w. Mist provide our , l
selves witlilhe reatirld to keep us, comfort
it etre fall iciut, or♦good and well
madcovercoat are the very thing, and we do
not know . of any ,piece where our readers
would snit themselves better than at Mosul,
Tr. p,Arecho . a clothing establishment,
corner of riatiralstieet and Diamond Square,
Allegheny. They hems also receded • corn- .
plate assortment of , -gentlemen'e furnishing
goods, and - a great variety.,of new patterns for
waistooatlng, &c. , ,
. .
girarTVCKT BELLriI AintiOx.A.Tio-3fte. Anne
Hants, of Louisville, Ky., says in a letter
'When in New York, this summer,
wroltruied_by ,eriy.Lof .erperitnent 301fle
rs, R. A. Ailon's celebrated Hair Restorer
and ZYlobilsainum, which I have found.
valuable.. I now . write Jo have you send,
me 'dozen of each by exprvve. for, the used
of my friends."
Bold by Drugglste everywhere. Depot, 198
Greenetioh at, Hew-York.
Wkoursorroi, Noy, 19, 18153
&e &a., &r
4 New Vole, Nov. 10.—The ctearear Creole
from New Orleans on Nov. 11th, has arrived.
IFurther dotaili from the Tetche, relative. to the
attack on WaAburne's faience, show our bets
4in killed, xrinzadeui anti priaotters at 671. The
oth Indiana was captured entire. The
60th Indiana nod 40th Ohio lost heavily.
'lnc rebels outnumbered our force five to
ono., Wu, exult/hall them .in artillery, which
we 'short range 'is thotight to have swept eff
large auuthem of um rebels.
It is reportel that the army terns is or
. dived to Fee.. , viathe tiulf.
. General Wadsworth ,and Mjettant General
'Tlilimits had arrived at New Orleans.
The 'trainer Davenport. from Chertcuton,
on the 10th inst., reports that the hem bard
meat. o' Fort numter is continued day and
nigltt, and that it is teach reduced, and will
.bo.ouropelled to surrender is a short time.
A N., Orleans letter of the 4th it it., to
the Erpreu, says our loss in the Carrion Crow
affair leas than 100 killed and wound
ed, and 1,000 prie.onars. Our troops were
caught knappltig, and were greatly output:a
bprod.,,but,Aught bravely, Two. 1.1 pounder
Parrott iron' tweet • teiptered - by the rebel.,
whose force numbered S,Ooo—ortre not over
1,000, nningtne rear guard of our army. Goa.
Prltte wet tepoited at Alexandria with 15,00
men, for which reason, as well am the itepos
oibility of getting , suppllea, It was deemed
.beet to fall back. Our wagon trains were
ghee& Orden; are 'said to have been received
welding the Lith..A.rxtry Corps to Memphis.
The rebels have ceased paroling prisoners.
Con liatatOn kir property—Court—liar.
flibablvedCaptilna Cashiered,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.—The C. S. District
CAngli 14;Monandt Jwige Undirwood
I presiding, ordered yesterday decrees of coo
-1 Ovation and sale ag,ainst the property of
thirtbon pottatia,llazltidiitg that of Captain
French, of the Forest Lsko, C. S. N.
! The court-martini, of shich Stough was the
President., and Major Grimes Judge Advocate,
I wee dis.folred to-day. Its findings itrthe foi
-1 lowing cases are officially announced:. Issue
F,rodorick .hlcCartot, (nand guilty of steeling
S 441,0000( government money, was sentenced
tufty° your* in the penitentiary at Albany.
Capt. S. Villawslity, Assistant Quartek
master, consriuted,wr stealing SIII,IOO is eon
wooed to 'fur enslifei'ed, compelled to refund
the atuount, and to forever disqualified from
holding : any 'etfioi of profit and trust in the .
l s nitudjitatca.,. Capt.. Churn al.• Levy, As-
Eistant Quartermaster, convicted of signing
falins . viirtifithimi of pay of the snort snider his
06ininaxtd, is int'alth'snitisndfottniOr disqualified
from It - al A ng,tqty urn* of trust or
the United Stites.
flag* •Ye at half-pinrt to•dsy in honor
'thitm6 whn tell at Gettysburg'•
. •
Oather X.,iittatehed In Ebgland.
New YORK, Nov. late London pa-
Per,pybli , l4o4 0, mem . ffialfrom the Glasgow Rmtineipatihri , floolcily;'tii Taal Rusoell, rep
resenting ,t.hat,A vessel similar to the Aloha
i Ma; ill thtit'harher; hig r just boon launched by
Jamii George Thompson; and that machinery
baing rapidly placed ih with avriew of
hurrying her off to tea, altho ugh unfinished,
whieh is reportod to be for the purpose of Fri
vateering ander the rebel MI, having bete
built upoef.cdarriet for W. S. Lindsay. She
bus gunports and other appliances of war.
The veasal.le disgabsed ' , withpaint, &0., and
Maffit, of the Florida, is in Glamgow waiting
to Wielesfainiona of her. The Memorialists im
pion Russell to prevent her departure.
fitorotrrov Our Prloaners-
PLITLAIdIIiIIIA, Nov. 4.9.. _, every esenranco
-has been given to the Christian OmaniLulea,
Imhof the sinter pant to our Union sufferers in
LIO 'glacial:Rl:orisons will reach them. Geo.
Aferedikb, of the I,: r 13. Conanaiseion of Ex
change; et Fort - piss idonrvo i . erhtaiinis to ev
,toivo pat lent to' hl4' Caro 14 efpresis, and land
them; ardor a. flag of trace s at Olty. Point.
Qsaendalloner Otild has given written -anew
once that they will , beiveielyed at City Point,
and delliOtdd to the refoopors td Whom they
are &rooted, 'Oen, Neat Don, and other Fe
llatio men among the prisoners, will receive
and destriblite whatever Is sent.
The Foreign' Attire.
Nen Tons, Nov. 10.--Tbe following is a
, YnC . Pgin o ftbol Arerth Ameriosn's news .re
ceired by the Perrin: The share-holderaof the
Groat Eastarn.have rewired to try and ratio
560,00,0, n and place the vessel on the ladle or
Australia roottU
nichercleon, Spence:4 Vo. announce
Intention otrunrdng aline of first class screw .
steamers from Liverpool to, philadelphia.
illiulstarilf wit has ordered the
line of the - Volturno to be placed In a state of
defewsg, And pee fortress of Ostia to be pro
itsfoned. ''hero Ii nothing else worth tele
Orem Chattanooga.
011•11A/F . 0M11, 11 1 , 11 . .1.2.--nellertell from Lilo
.iabat,n,iby arc' .e . ora maps oda/grata than at
i any- Irmo tines tbo expulsion cd. bragg from
IMiddles Tanzania°, azd the itotooralltotion of
Afttraabels inoreasa flatly: On tho nthat hand
Grant's troops aro all in Splairdid /Plaits. Ita
iimilstments In Noboru' . carps hare bean more
an:porous than was expected, and good an
t . ira4rs that not Jeri lima four-fifths of
thif tire force will 'tinier the arroylar a new
All felot 7 —nroathar lac And Cool.
. 7 10 4. 0 1 0 11 WC.04/eterY•
lA. , lllsrierintuttarNer..l9 o --Thie &Inoue little
Asthla . ,ltifttellory44"wlth peotdir;"Miembled
to - ,er.iltl4lll,Atia i 7deMcatton of Oa National
'CometOry. "spectiiftrifns have broughttbon
lands, and other Choi:wands here mine is
from the surrounding country.
L - - - -- • •
.. . . .
, The deer la still reeethag -'— alaatly at at, point, and 1 . l;--...-1.' pITTSBUTIGIITHEAIR,
Severe B att l e N ear K noxv i lle I , last *raring. Stapler matte Istlicated eeant te,rn ttet i 6^ c - -i
, . _
! The weather 3 - ..-aerday Ica dear and Neatattt ar.d j Lena* SZLi i1a5ager........-.....zahis.
• ...
all that could possibl, be red -tar ii.e.leticc .
___ .
BURISIOE'S FORCES lITTACKMET LOMOSTREETS I rz-se,”-at a the •••••taierfal..tratle hake., Mlle
. of autrdoar basinesa.
CORPS. , -' : -.,
At the late, bitalseae matinee, ca ial active, and i rEsTrALI,.-ha all] appear le the haaa JtetaS strati
• the boats to part yesterday were receiving all the' f, Ll s ,,,,, Air 't 11"'"h'd and 44 .0. 1 49. 1 aatrha rrtttli
DESPERATE CHARGES BY THE ENEMY. ! freight they could possibly take. The Leonid:le !oft -. ''-
4o i . TIM arid") rtryA- 43 i .
i for Loanival o with en ex,elletit tri , , , . .s dia also the ,
WM be presented, :, I L , .
- Arlicht for Evaneville
GAME 1. , or, THE .TEITI.fill 2ilol4lTra.
Terrific Hand to Hand Conflict . ' - - .
i The Loclaire, Wm Oil Cl],, wee due 1,,,t akii4c,,,,,,____, ........
_______....v.ll, t. ap rot „rt .
and will probabl) La tonal at Ile Alloglisny whitriii - "Li. /314 nz. Ample rbertle.
• SllflxL. •-' • -
' the. -
—.... An i;le Hyatt
'' (Illeem
doe to-morrow.
ANOTHER BRISK FIGHT ON SUNDAE I ' Th " u "' ° "' ' l 'm' ` - ' 6 " . ' ''''''''''''' c "'" .- ------ ..... -------'-''''''.
• i tatulal op to the lore. bat /merlin, ' And- all] root- I
To conchae, alllt i FAINT ENAIIT NE rra - troN TUE EADV .
manes loading fur Zaneerille to-day. No troahlo or , Iktebese Annie EbArlio.
' the
""'''" '' . r th° 1 I'VG"'"- ''''''''''''''''''
i Jolla. And the le Ad.. rill, fatal tor the trod* As la 1 MP"' la ""."'''' "Ti" Luke 's
1 About to enter. Our old frlend James C. 31:1 - wr, win ; [,....1:.VA50N1C. HALL.
Gen. Sanders Severely Wounded. I have ahem of 1.
* 1.0 ciao', width fact Indicate" that I -'-'
1 Pearengcrs And shippers will rendre •rery attention.
l The Julie. will Isere on boo first :rip h....toorrtat aro. I MONDAY EVENING, November 23d,
The Looses.
&A, kA. 7&a
NEW Tont, Nov. 19.—The 7W/oaf has the
following highly important special:
Neoceilte, Nov, I9.—The enemy began
skirmishing, from their position on the If
ton road, at ten o'oleek this morning. Our
advance alone, composed wholly of mounted
infantry and caralry, commanded the position,
tlnder command of Gen. Sanders, and eseb
man acted like a veteran. Atnoon the enemy
opened with artillery, at short range, and fired
briskly for awhile. Benjamin's battery was i
the only one which replied, occupying the
chief fortification, a mile In front ef town. A
desperate charge woo made by the enemy I
about three o'clock, P. in. Our mon were pro
teeted by rail barricades on the meet of a hill.
General Sanders was severely wetinded,and
was bone from the field.
We yielded the petition and fell back a
third of It mile to a stronger one.
We have lost about one hundred, a quarter
of whom were killed.
The enemy bad completely invested the
place, bat General Burnside will defend it to
the Ism. mar, and, it is believed, successfully.
The troops ere in the beat of spirits.
Oar impeitant point Is fortified, and cont.
defies prevails, that we shall whip the enemy.
New Youx, Nov. 19.—The Aferrild'e special
from Knoxville, Nov. 17th, one
lien. Longstreet, after messing the Ten
nosaco river, on Saturday morning, the 14th
inst., was attacked in the afternoon by Gen.
Burnside, who drove the advance guard back
to with a mile of the ri ver'e edge by nightfall.
Longatreet crossed tee remainder of his troops
during the night, and on Sunday morning ad
vanced in force: Gen. Burnside finding it
impossible to cope with him with the email
force at hie disposal, fell back to Lenoir, th e
rear guard skirmishing heavily with the ene
my through the day.
Three desperate charges were mode upon
our position daring Sunday night, but they
wore repulsed on Monday morning. On Mon
day morning we evacuated Lenoir, trat owing
to the energy with which the rebel pursuit
woe kept up, we determined to give them a
decided chock, and accordingly came into
line of battle at Campbell's Station, when a
fight ensued, lasting from late in the morning
until dark. Our position commanded the
road from both sides. Our infantry deployed
en both sides, and were soon attacked by the
enemy, who made several gallant charges.
and finally succeeded, oy tanking our men,
driving them to the corer of the batteries,
which now opened a terrific end destructive
fire. - The rebels reeled before it, gave wen
and eventually fell back.•
. 1 It was now three o'clock in the afternoon,
end the rebels were showing a design to re- ;
now the fight, having brought three batteries I
to their aseistanee, Gen. Burnside retired ton
more desirable position and again gave them
batile. The contest continued till nightfall,
with our troops in possession of their owe
ground. The object of the fight having b«in
attained, as the detention of the bele had '
enabled mu trams to get all In advance, ..A.;
troops fell back In the night, and early on
Tuesday morning reached K pox - vine, where a
great battle to expected to bo fought to-mor
Yesterday the robot advanns guard attacked
our' outposts, upon the London and Clinton
roa4t, end heavy nkirtnishing oontinnod all
This morning -the attack was resumed,
when the fog which net in daring the night
bad lifted. The rebels finding it impossible
to draw our men out with infantry, brought
several guns into position, and poured into
ns a flanking fire.
In the afternoon they brought forward a
henry fore* of. Infantry once. more, and after
a brief skirmish charged our position, and a
terrific hand to hand Conflict occurred, both
satires and revolvers being need on both Sides.
Aar men fought with the greatest gallantry,
but at last were finally compelled to fall back
about a third of a mile to a strong line,
which they held till night.
We have to regret the wounding of General
Sanders. ft is said his condition is critical.
Lieut. Col. Smith, of the 20th Michigan, was
killed at Canipbell's Statrori.
Oar !ors ta that fight was initween two and
three hundred. Our lots to-day will not ex
ceed one hundred and fifty. ,
The enemy's loss on Monday, owing to the
severe fire of our artillery, could not have
been less than 1,000. Their leer is
estimated at four or fire hundred.
Gen. Shackelford had 3 brisk fight on Sun
day with the rebels on the other side of the
Holston, three miles from here. lie kept
them in check, and at night they disappeared.
Our men arc la the boss of spirit/ and per
fectly confident of succeu to-morrow.
A Portion of liaboden , o Commano Oh
WAIDTINGTON. Nnr. following nag
reooired to-day .at the Lioadrittarters of the
Ossubcrioncl, Md., Non. 1 8.—Brigadier Gen
eral'Collum, Chief of Staff pf Gen. Areri
has arrived at Bow Creek; at or netts Coving
ton. Be oncountered and dispensed ► portion
of Itobodon's command on the way to rein
force Beitols. Ile captured twenty-five pris
oners. There Is not at this time an organ
ized force of rebels within the counties of the
now State of Western Virginia.
B. F. Kattr, Brig. Gen.
Put Lattetpnia, Ho, I.9.—Tbera is a Ono reeling in
rlo-tr lo the market, but not much doing; palm 1,000
barrels aura family at $ 7 , 2 1537,76, and le tioalr lot
ofearrdnaat 8.5,* receipts and etaks• light nod
nothing doing in rye flour or corn met. There is s
steady demand bunkum; wobble. Of 7,0 M baobab:
ornd at 151,501p1,06, and whitaat• 5480(02,05: hem
were Mall mama rye az 31,23 and northern at 0430.
Thal las good demandfor each, and 5,000 bashala oP
yellow sold et 51,130,1,11. Oats are actin at 03e.
Them were 4,000 has Refined Potrolemu szdd at .300,
and Free at 60; Crude Is dbli at -21 683.--511tgar and.
Conks hare as upward tentiettcy. In proMaiona there
la co chantia: 'lsittaty.ffaitita; salmi of 3,000 bbl..'
011ie at 89a. . •
Pumaptuenii, Nor. 11.'-'4' limit Mini - a IMO
bbis natra family at 117,236117,73. Wheat Inn; mks
of 7500 Mist' red at $1,r0M1,5.3 and whits at 31Aatt
2.05. tojrn- nwn; pai r o, ROO bosh yellow en tit=
'Pstroknite Lk; Crtdo told it
nned,"in bond:et *ft, - and free at Mk. iilihnty i t
steadr, l a t e . 00,000 b h p trace,
New To Non Itt..-Cotton is.quiet and without'
as dec ided eaaatteat &Solar middling upland. Tiour
Lc 10e better; Waal at 56,3000,40 for extra Ohne,
117, 7,50 fora II O, and 87,60650,30 tor trade brands
--the maid closing, quiet, Whisky dull and declin.
Ing at 5781153•ie for bitanzandWpakzen. Whop more
tell,. to port Mr extra State and prizes hem lal'anned
me; gam at $1,4041,43 for Chinaga aPrinet
I,Sb for aluVutildeaub. $ 1 ,4611141 tor Mahn
nestle, 111,43148 too Winter .Wastota, 8
1,53 for Anthem Michigan. Com Ict better, *lib a,
fair demand, &lady epamtlative,,sit 81,111-for
.tiprintt aad Western la aiore. Oats In tletter
sad to damaad at ram 4r {Vattern. and ghats. ,
• WOollirmerwith Mir demand for. foreign. bugar
steady. Pork a shade 'firmer at;/6,50 for old mem,
sls,l4tAllikw3 for new mess,•and 010,00417;50 for
now prime mtien. .Mecon firm, for Deoczniwe, fis,
Butter Dm at 20424 e tin State. Mean la a shade
Omar at 12e for:comma to prime.
Fete York Stock and Money Market.
ken 'You, Zig,. la—Moo+.l la pod demand dad
ralbar sealer at.c; BletUnj Irmo, but Galati Gold la
o nm b u t t rail involar. sad uuMitled oplutng gC
advantlat to dllelltang la, dad eld3ing
Ono .162; Govandasat Stocks study, and ...1,.
au. boatmen laud...
Stocka duGstlGGenartal7 lott.r, closing ate.ller.
0 & 1193•417 0/
P., Ti. Moot.
.Hut Loon .110 Eris p
RessUng.:—...-1 2 .4 81 Year ' Con...-. PB 5 l
U 8 Gs, 'Bl,
Otq an d canter' calls will be taken at
ha pinata odlee, No. 410 Penn street, day
or algid.- ardars,left 4,the Apes plata
idikFijytoggiily 'illtended to. 44011 ramlif
besqo3lSidWala*: , 4, - ..• la r , l
'''Xaiiil4:lolll7-72. °.renAtreg, jar
1116 pop* where you sten get the b oat sap
dentistry in the oily: Don't forgot the place,
No. 261 Penn street, near nanoook.
Pour .f itedaiirilyhablte, troubled vt:tl. - al.•
man, lasalteke.vtiatallosint eno heart; beA of ap
'petite. distress itharialittag, blepid Ilreir .evipa.
ttou dm., deeetTe to Ikffergf Shay will-out 7 the
Which an now recormashdectsbylkaltleteatmedi,i
enamel:lea and warranted to plocidtaiatt lio-ce.!--t.,
beneficial ear 4. Ts, ~.....c anceodftee streeldr,
1 pettedly pare, and mast leper:ed. all other gook,
where a lessaltitr. gentle allmalant to mgairod.
They parity, etrettgthen and tavige .
They ovate a a healthy appetite,
They - an an antidote to cbangS d Watif ,
and diet.
Th-y ovazocrue erecta of .It...o?...tittib.criate ham,.
They atiorzther the system and entlimc the must
They Mama miasmatic, and Intertalitnut fee to
111-7, purf theltreath and acidity of the kte.--e.
They 0001 lasepepaiimad Cou.....asian.
They rise diarrhea, abases and ettalera 0!., hr.
, Thos. ante Llnerfloarpteriat and Warrior lit-.dait. ~.
1 They Make the weal edrucg, the Lingua bc,lliaut,
and ore eatamau et InitalleS great rotator. 7.:. 7 v'r
tampered of the gelettated Colisaya hark, .. - ir ter.
green, 115.11fri:, toOtis and herbs, all groilarv , A lo
perfectly pure St. Croix Rom. For paragon, ee,
chortlera and e artiroonfals mooed rola With.
Dcware ..: hapcster. Latwalne ovary beilli .c: co
that it bee 14 8 Harom'algottrue an oar priest.. C
El Stamp over the cork, with plantation Santo, u.:.1
oat AM :agankire on a line etoel platy ...e,,ve i., , s
ELI@ kb&-- Be. that oar WOW le not ranted with
, port of act! eleSqeeinna SIISIE vr‘ e•ors . ‘,
, to match the Meta or ottani...l.T Of trlW VA.O:O. ..
00IIIISICIICIng an person pretending to sell Plantation Bitten by ` IL..
JAALIAION.--On thonsday morulan, 19th lasterth Monday Evening , Nov. A3d, 1863, gallon ok Li balk. le an iniosttr, tr: 'cr. ~.,": in
oar log can bottle. Arty parent Matath.g tat.
at the widen ce of he hue band, No 216 Federal ,
ether, Allegheny, MART JAME/3011, In the iiith Awl continuing every «Vetting 1111.13114 the 1..e.k. I bottle, or selling and other =Wig thoralrgc here,
year of her age.
I called Plantation Blame or not e lif a citirtnal m. 1..0
The fauend will take! place on F.S.TOII.I3ALY, the glet A D 'lll B ßrow .......M1 CT 141 H.
I the 11. 8. law. and will beau prissocuted'hy as. 11 o
Wt., at 2 o'clock p /a. TS , friends of the family Doom open at i o'clock, ournmeocag at ri. l ; already have 0 . , .T. 0 . " . e panic , r "', l / 1 /lug mr
are respectfully regorged to ennui
Wale], &11:: who will eroceved In grains tie mee , ree
BRICADIIIO.- On Thursday merning, lath kW., 11 1311EN't
Arrstoronx Mil RTA 2, will be given I , wo. 6 .
qi., The a„.....„..4 i, , , r44.,. . ,1. , , , ,
J a i ttg r.II 4 2A b i NC4 I . th '' 711. year of 1 1" ''. ' o TI - E•D il' TIII-RSDAT (Thankenlving Day,) takket Mitts. bets ladles, clergyncen, membe- re,
The funeral ' will take place front the reddest,. of o ' '
ih,.:le pert/miry Leinal,"blo. 'Shp limpid trial .
his ester, Mrs. Mary Ann Hogg, Wrhington etr, t, and SATURVAY.
Allegheny City
• battle la the evidence. we pet rent of ghee worth eel
' Bstcan ‘r mon,fneo '
at i 0 o'cl ,ei
The Mende of the family are inattod to attend. no VI le sT GRAND IIA TI AEE oil take place '
eaperlarfey. They aft eold by all 00a rcgahle .1.
CRAWYORD.-On WiNirlelday afterng.L, the I it, r
TESD AT APT if filinflk , Nov %eh, at 2t, fricoek
hats, JANES .CRAWFORD, aged fin y oar.. ' eel 0 'it gi tal, grocrm, physicist.% hetet; Momnboata aed
; t:t7 Ingres.
Elle funeral will take pia-. on Fan., g e %mi.!, ~.,, .
1 . a t 1 ,______ --_— __....
93. i o'clock, 1,,:m the Pittsburgh lnfirtuarr, R e .? 1 NP EC 1.1 L ..I'OTICA,,S. , su7 , Ste-itzsysT
- - ---- - -
L'ot. S.""nh W..rd. "rri' " "i" 1 ' .. " . " IT ' ' - --- I - c`cm.uNteiTir. :
yaienaws, ever of Smithfield and ts.,renth ..e este, ' ,_ --...,,,u,LicoNAßy coNsultnro N ; 1 - cr
at 9 o'clock_ BM Metal, are respectfully invited to ' 1 ~_;..s '
, Ti RS, Dor lade arholossie aid email, b.;
Us morning. no Oil Cuy from thefsun putt I;
I We inadrordently omitted to notice in a. Lot Is-
lau-., that C.o. T ei. Stoop. ha* • .couanutt, •i matt:
mony." Th la Important event took puce on Wel-
noeday lut, and ire Imp. that the CapMln and hie 1 CONTINENTAL.
cur "parolee' may pus through "this ,1110...1' teara' . i
to pouperously and gleunntly as they mold pouibly I OLD FOLKS CONCERT GOICPANY,
The mourn. friends-of Capt. -Mardi ll.ton will degeted by the Car-Immo]
be glad to learn that he 11 re e •ii,og from! in lung
Illnekt, and le again able to ` e about. Hi ten ?ester- I 1 . 2.1.131. A. J. N !CAC - ILS.
day f,, Evaneville on the steamer Starlight . THU CHARMING NEW ENGLAND SONGSTRESS,
Capt. Samuel Leal. ea; Mr. Job: Heath, bit yet- '
terday for St, Lot., and from thence they proofed to l Will appear s., ;oar, Ir, their
Now Orleans. Thou gentlemen colt
the tut name I , ,
Grand Old Fashioned Concerts,
city, for the purpue of hey m g - . a Do and InellUeol
. - -
for thls market
Allem .
DATISON.-00 Tlauraday morning, Nor. 10,h..1 1
the residence of her a. a. in tart Pllt.hrirgh. MART , .1 C.,11:1)- To CONSC..IIP.T/P.ES. I
i Comer ilnalthlield and Fourth air .
I, , wife of John R. Davison, deceased, of Newarit,
Kew Jersey
The onderefried having la . n rertared to henl•li In ' eti7.Cm.offlasT
The fune:nl will h. attended tram her la., reel- a fror week,. by a very monde retried), after Wring , r „....--„ - - --
--- -, - --- ---- --
dimes, (In setrark,) b•rvionae arsenous, !5.,. Met. ' 64.1",,,ed ~ Tel years with • •ee• ,a mug 5fr,,U,,.. I 6.5 7
tcam.r i L and that dread dtserve, Comsnoptinn— I.
R TE.4.1r110.478. ! make known to his fellow soarers cho means of cure. 1 ~.
--- -"------- F"--- ------ OLL 1
• - - ----- nail who de-ire it, he will was a imp/ ~,.. „:„. H. f 1 At Eau-Aux. Go-man,
ISTILLE —Tho fine ow' .1:::: '
~. 4. • .1 rr,,•rfmmn,.. ef <berm) wuh the dtrree ; (Former:yr Aferict d. 0..., ii.roest..
PARAGON, Alan Lore , . Donnelly, will Lore . oleos o i r ' if... l °r IN , lsauor nod neinti the ass., w'ich Abet 1
:ATENDAY, 'list inat., at 1 p. m. ' will find a .err
Co,-,row. r CoNst3II•TION, ASTELUA, , - ~.,
40 Q. ll l Vir'ir. , ........ 1 . 0 4 fa . 1' ,1, * n r e,l,l ,
For (noted or peseage apply on board or to ilsoscrtrrr,,, (YWCAS, COLDS, ...., Tho only f tzty
g , ft., at th e int0mmi., , ,,,,,1 Wart. •
J. O. iXtI..LI NG Wirt.P,
JoIIN YLAI_Ii. k AGedte• °Wert of the e.lrertieer in waolind the preatriytion
l• to `,,snellt the afflicted, end ranted 11-formation ' London.
which he ronCri" laminable;to be laminable; and he Lope. ; . l'a . 13031.51.1.71.
every itfflerer will try hie remedy, no It will cr.,,t " . 8 1my
iv— ]l _<:.:: terra.
than nothinz, and - may rvv. a lAA, frig.
Peril** ...tea Int: mho prewortprkm will please addr, °' s
, L.!'"
W Dr. Ludlam',. Specific
!. , ....1.,..::t, liv•;• county, New lorit. ,
e,2.7.,:1trid00.T bits only reloodd, rowdy for c . d.'s's., of the ar,,-ne
r" . ' ; '`) . 6.1411 Cr:IC - HITa & BRO., Mail- ..., • .. I. I!., - •
~.,:,,,, .... ~rtueraf,on. a L
11& , -turrrs or TDON SAILING , 1110 5 '
VAELTS AND TACI.T POOLS, Ti I.N:X.P; SLIT- , d'" 7a°B4 life no, drool " lr' the t."l2"nt of
rrns, WINDOW GUARDS, k^ Noe. SI stcoYD ' MIK ef.s. of Meanest, and with rounreesdented am.
and SS Till 111 , STREET, L. t. - d'ood and Marker. I
Ti••• eo hand a r erlety or r'',.. Pott• rsr, tangy am!
'-Lein, Atill3 .k AA' AI: purpnoft.
Pallieutor ail' ..104 pdAld 1 , . ri.....altig Gra‘u Lola.
JoThing'done at abort notleo en:,
-- _
r' - ' ,- .15T. HOLMES & SONS., I,E ALPP ti
' .1, 1 . 0:?::: ;N A l 'lll Prl.llt.iT.! , DILLS nv
EXCIIANOP rrnrirrrAvvg (1 DEPOSIT.
RANK NOTES A NI, bytel.E. :: .: r.I.IIEET
:mirrr. r`..,.1,11,-i , P.,
elffl - Collections made en el the p'efflcipel elate
Una zehout the 1 - nitorl Slat.. Wffl
A bwltlfoi u. 14 varied ammetatm, 1 of
Monuments end Grave fitoties.
pATENTF,T) (y:T uBER 8 , IN5i.
la,t.Nll.° CkfihINIECIeM
Thaw rattasnaga are latradol for the tat Ram.•,
heat I,g all turta of Ibrahim eghally, rfora oat era - poor
a to urackl tar. T. DITTIRIDUF.,
Fart I'l Ohara Work.. Iltaah Worn strLot,
apl7 rittattorgh,
Of ovary stylu.
I.A.DIECS' ' !t
or aTer7 kind
To malt all last..
MoCORD & CO.'s,
11 PAIN —We tete 'thht 'method of Infbrenlow era
Mende and the pubis, generally that %re ere 11
prepared to EXTRACT Trzni WI'7IIOUT PAI N
the prarties of Dentistry. Those who hll, teen
postponing thle mach dreaded operation only now ley
add, ['heir fears and glee to. n tall, to the artntratne
are hive In use has beets theroustry eleel ear./., t the
past tont rate, laity entahltahing the safe and min
ims ebaraeler of the operation. No le/rag, ,r
rile nor Galeanle Battery. used. An those a I,ltiallr
tha aerrkei of .good and reliable Dentist
Well to call and consult with
JANES A. Erni, D. D,
No. 1112 Foorth street,
.or ..Da. O. KING, NA 47 Sealthheld street, PIM-
- -Wanted to peashisse, • smell FARM, OP 20
'PO 50 ACIRR3I, more or yen, within 30 miles of
- fitteburgh, 'directly on tho line of • taliway. With
in sailed, on a good carrbigeigoad, irould avower.
The home buildings must be good and stylish, wpb
I 010 rooms. Also, the rieressary stable and farm
bulidingi. Tha bud mast be of good gosalty and
well !atonal, linprOved - with fruit, ,to. Any pereo n
haring a imitable place will find a purchaser by ad
dreeling" H. L. C., Chutes °Mee, Pittaburgh," .tat.
tug .Nei location,,prieu, number of reams, and par.
tic-Mats at to Improvements.
N.ll.—Woutil be stilling to lessee for a term of
Tana, provided the owner eras not dispoeed to sell.
otrri,va. sAw
Zags coesantOr. oo hand • how and theroughb
seamoited dock of DIOXINO, BOAT AND BOTTOM'
MOS, la, to.,
Bs will ID onion for DAWND •STIITY
proniplagwaaad at SOr loam. • -
N. B. Persons wanting LONO•ITMLOOIar POP.
• LAB are partlentary laTlNat to .t.,/ ttm-ht. Coca-
WW - Ofilos ea Cralk lane. war Rot:Joon.
A.T.a. BF:STORED I , ,Testimbllollsd, In a waled en
a•elope.• PeIM biz Cente.. A Lecture on.l he Nature,
Ttest.taant and: Como, Sparrnatorrbrea, or
beralual•Weelkmaa; •Involuntary KM)1141411311, &anal
Debility; and Ibrpodknents to brarriage g , neratty t
•litentorukteft, Comumption, Eplipptyoud Pit.; )tea
, tal sod Phyakia Incapacity, molting'g from
I Abuse, Ar., by Rime. J. Orbramm.t.ild. D., author
of the "Groan !Wok, de. ..A Ikon to trbonsaltdo M.
• btifietera," sent boiler anal, In ra plaio 'antelope, to,
any a:Wilma, posb.pald, en tmottpt of ail cents ave . °
lartapitiza#l. - br , •
' .DObYrY, I TM! TOOL , r . " .
L Protlaltr-la 1 t
Have alwaye on hand and make to order IRON AND
Ida& /111/147.8. xlOl Fonledu_
_mak l• HEAVY
EIAitHNTAL WIHICIWOBE, rat Finervlde Av.
lar4 1 1_01" d 6 .. 2 5ra9r w 4;"
• zn,nocrib., littaktrintat
f l lolb. freibloil ttltttlri
1,000 On - pm ••' tt
2 LLOI. frenh r.ggr,
• • 26 balrbittLiNe. 1 Itsekerel;
25 gr. a do do;
25 trbr4. r tnbintn3r Harting;
80 clank* Winter Apple.,
200.15rnh. --
120, U. , u p e . hec
100 mkt ground Mum Maki
!Four rerairtng and.ittritaie *•••'• • • 1 "
Hall H. RIDDLE. 183 Liberty street'
if: t
ti 4 3 1 #14. 1 474 1 A off:.. , if
No. JO FINN 151•11=2, two door, below Pitt.
Plttebarghi October /M . 1818* etz:uss
'r. WA.ILTETZ nAlr,
Lb.....f.1 by the U. B. Ctovertbuir..l..
ITITR ETREET, M dnar bah,. The Cathocinsi
f l / 4 Soldirav west of Inn rifxuntaina
(th acid Wait Virginia Bolhnrn tildira, Cab .
ihe!, Bounty and Bat:k Pal betarall
at this onto.
Circulars rill b twat. giving Lro information to
the Solditrs, or to dermal &Idlers' E./U., ekJe-:ng
alto are entitled to the Pension, foamy and Back
Pay, and rootorr of seenring the earns, l.y apr:7-
too to by lobar or in person.
ra-Fr cori, t,.1 , 1 cab,:
NO. 114 FIFTH STRZZT, Pm-dm:man.
Collections In Allegheny and adlece W v ooundea.
Prowenws bOLDIERS (1A96, clever).
BOUNTIES PT all dia.:lmaged Soldiers. 17
SIONS, for enrunded ollkto• nod Sohlke.; Bolls.
TIES and PENSIONS for Widow., Parente, Orphan
Children, Brothers .and Melon., or ether legal rcprt.,
eentativeS rf those who have died in the eerelco, or
have dkd after dlochargo Lont dlewono oontreaed jn
chargo =MI collected. 1.1..1 no letterNlll b
somact,,pw eo o ',tamp Iziclosed. folgayies
CLAI3IS,of every de.vcription, mile:cod by Llve 4nb
ecribi,r, fit the following - rates, viz: Pension/1 SID 00;
ether alai= 3 50—
C. C. TAI Lou, .a.ttorneT at Law,
No. 73 Grant atreet,'Pltialmrgh, Pa.
N. B. No charges are made V the claim data not
atmeed. and all Information giTen gratis. aeCly
IVO blab. prime White fl sae:
60 bble. prepared Soireet Cider;
7. boxes W. R. Charon;
Go 1...he1m Onion': • . -
To antra and fur sale at 12. f; fierund stmt. ,
oral ricA.NR oourdh
inn BBL& B HUME.;
%/V 4.0 , y do;
• 40 roir•ol, Oran. and Crushed Bug.;
Jao reeelied and for sale by
Non. 12 end 12 Wood etroctt
PYrATUES.--;12 Pna.oh 131oTi;
di -do krincn Albert.;
0 do Engirsh WLltec
8 do Whita Nelhaanock
Jut rareivrd and for 61. by
0e.31 CHAS. C. k1.61,9LE5,17i, Liberty .t.
MAIL "PTY." Potitoil ;
2.50 do Fla•keye do;
1.5 d do ch efcc 0 Apply.;
.d.,nand for sale by
Doi rtLr
flli:11 WAGON - SPICW( - 2:; 71 6;; , C;itT
•-A Jog rot , :4 - ed and for mai
at the India Rubber Depot of- - •' •
2G and Z.l urtnt.
VTNIVERS a , I: 70..tilliETTaill\-
SRS are acknowledged tot tLe ver,7 beet In
we. Call and sew them at tae India Enbter Depot,
Nov. 26 and.lllStr.ClaltlV:l,4.7g3
11 rrrrLLrls,
8010 apnit4 for Ibis man(
mud Daßamer&
Tor tart/ by
„LA solllarn. luny." ir".....1,1‘ 011: ecn.N -16 N'o; 2
/ 4 " OU Irtddr. 'llenrrant not to
&Elinor Itattrl andinientinettltne Gm mind.
% - z - ..I.II6;.iInIZELL. a 'icor,
.ES/and 7P 'N'Vstrn atm.+.
D , 47:2w
pllM.Leaf Lard,
, : 6 COlisiAf.r*ra -84 Y .
Pet sale by . D, IVALLICE,
ro m, .No. #l..L.krq etr.e.
*Le-pi! by ' 4 :?.(?...1TE1 Boric 136 Wirkid.strrat
/.0 Vegitih-fainallsetarrefaf alca-by . •
• ocidf , --- 441 '
re 11.. E. foe - . ed
w on, me *tali 7.10.114L2=1.4 SOW. -
..r toms tner l oer...etet. , `.
,VATAD I .I4 *
* met fei.ionai; fkERONSI
oat JAssza ismor, iroe,V44. •
and Extra, for salg
Wit. P. MY ak
. T 18Q -L_
CCM, f.m . 1111,11 , that. twx.sity J . 11.4 It tt perrectivn in
144.14 reqatrll2,3 eo lAicettuarra3 cllC:arAngftntsrs,:y
from th.mhmkne p 4 cike en, the arnf•lN4fr . ,, tt, •
less oemtvonn&s to the imLl:r. It lo tAtlrtly
vrcct•blv cid
amd Impart/ ecv,zol tirt cn OA dio.mval
C•ortoo.--TL4 spat sw•.m c
toonwparmtarmreureotn-ttc to Igo b4ir.g..itate..l
btthilsrlactptod .mm. Obsan%_
slernsktar• .t the propriotor ts ox.:::h lox; :Jur a
otlb pftntus, Propstre/
-Sob Prupsimr .l l aoia 1.16, 6
car l'orUhr at attototala o'ro."lr. arrsrr
14 , 1 Wood .tact.
The antlersigned would ',sp.: fuOy nak attem
to till. preparation kaorm re.
Tor all Throat mod Lang GoingLtinta.
rat Neareli-lc, lU:caustic, Hood-ado, Toot!:
4: of Skill; end Goners; ile.. - Totla notood:
the Pena In . 7, for.ady ' 3felairnotion a •co F
Tae i;
aa►q Lo
Also for I
feet rrliri
- The :nest perfmt form of Cltharlo ewer giTC.II W the
PhUM, which nev.r Endre Of titan Ira, and
dont hat sue. far a thwayect wlthaat =rte leaat.gyfplog,
caw; la4l.4„tort, Dyegteißala,,;;4lwat*.Litvr
Qunrhinta Pile% Wortmond ell. darstagerents of
otontneh or boWelo.
The shore prepattationo, of mutt nilbormeed nrpct•
tutors to Now England, bora the' tortiitloollwoT t Sod
rued by, great numbers ?f lThyslebtrie, t.. 0 ^t
priceetwithlet reach ofXll , anle worthy the lattentlou
of Involhiy, whowrill And the= andel oculfortalty t
attune in ruedklne. Wlthant-natottlo„; La the -
ta , ..
moo mothotl of cola:ono of. olii.ttiolitiLl Won%
oortgdmee to teat tatin boteanted.
JOHN-V. BUIcNriVELI,.-nrrniator,
, Pine/Mal Murtha, Loon, ISL..
solo by all wholesalo aim ratan deattra...
The greatest Leedom of antropondonconalkitisl
Dealers of gajd rufe.zencto ,npialed cotamlaann
For deli in Plitsbnigh et ntail by .T.:"Er.
O. IL. Keylwr, M. D...:Jooept, 1-1. ming ; In Allegheny
City by Jon. Brow a, IL. D. W. J. Keane and taco. Kelly. B. A. PAILS co., A.
attn.:tram:data Wholottolu Apia. Plltlittgb.
MILL et sarryruso woincq*, PAlS! rent
hignufattnrers of 8,1:114TKINO. TiniitiFlW :AND
BOLT COPPER, PRES.rED COPP;l4l.l.ltl r 470 MS,
asisgo_ ani4,,,i4ofroga, braLl*.l3irLDE2.
4lgo. NA 404-41 , Sic
PLAIT Firm'"t r-rp'., ernztr.E.o7-,,.
hatuatfT/4 4 1MLTUr Ity,e/tUXESt haP:TOOLS.
iTerehonso.titt.l4o ontt,„I4IFKOOND
Eptclal 'Otner's cope: co any titait4'pntnrr.
rtnit.Yez or Ot iNl"atx7dAqiimith,l
Pon the but and se a inciting end eCatitit;
metywhe na#ci•tnnt- Ners . l"..6 Defillttcatar
er.f2l7lnf, at the tined tune,
ide runlet lir . ;et/ elo4. II!' one 'jib&
tq."-nr N'idn.ndt _to ir,st expense aid Inj'ariihrou g t,
huntbui r enn quackery-.
By enclosing a. part-p 414c1 szt4reani surd, stne e
nr; be of. thcantlor.. • •
- vt3-2.llpel.sir Bedlbed, ttn,ln cou nt "; y
a-AR081N501i,,E4344,2A.-:041:! (sue.
cenc7, to.RovinaTs!, Naas iNsirni4j,wisiiinso
TON. STORKS.Tor.szrla ic.NAcui:nrry:Pittib.rgh•
Manta:Lamm - et • BOAV-ANXii •grAmtcrYENT
INGS, oferaisi4rpttin,t - ort. i&.\ - ms L STTI.LS.
tritLEN, 8805 WORE. 'AI
AWN, for-GintARWS,
'TOIL FREDINei ~ • •
r --- To NERVOUS BWW,Ear,"I4B
Biqa BFSn.-- A L., r „
fuje t.WI4Oi
.thral4nal utg 10 .11 0 —49pwzr t:4.=
0. =DUlwAratait7pl4o;tatgderre
by maßtunkt to antowitukise , toWsntlail follow
eraidarlirthwwwazwatzflet:-/Ilthrwy ,ItaCrteeipt
'oidzi widrimaiwkaitelopkbiiiillktikfoicremy of
th•gwripttaa turd. blast `fo:rli.zlOßlF
11,4pktutillter ".V. Y.
11- : • -:" Ar.D.
lite4l6 krit and
iholotals dealer la tatrais.4 stfrzig - tszns,
isn• sod Vac. rummy: Ka. = W!O2
Inttsbonb. 0/
(Pprmerht Ararict b