,--,----, sp- 4 -..----.{N! - vv - ,...,....tv-tt4 0.- - - - . -....]:::ipifig ...._ •-•-: o'' "--'-', Milltotirl 161ccfliatt. • I e i,„...,_ ... Tbe' ,..„ goon ,(}vetoer titUr , aiettLer, , I. V ., 1. .• Z 1..: ,' .. 6 t , Jelehtioniitafsenuini ?kr hates stela Friday: '' i,L;t7 - • , A , ; ..., ...... e.., ,_----- --HA- v-e- - -.- , --14F1 - hdteh.etJt.....d - ti - "ctistiters!" "We are ' . ETD D A LE 8c C 0.. the revolution :" "John Brown's scut is martens's.," rstmarrrorts. _. __. , Infire_hing.S.. 2 'o'2_ _ . ...... The CaLetion of B. Gratz Brown was a glori ous triumph for humanity and freedom. lien - oridp' saes that Brown it radical as —,; end that 1 - ,e i.. no radical ac Brown. The Radicals seem to be thoroughly Sail.- , fled with the election of Hon. J. B. Sender sen, allot whom .e4capt Air. Pretoria', of St. Lonis','soited - ?dr tifid: This gentleman is an ilitelligintnnditifinentied German, and repro- Beata that elaii - in their heroic determination to carry out their, .principles without the least 'reeencession or convent:taco - with any other Iv, Jione. ,The Demotratoontinties 0 The election of B. Gratz Brown and John B. Henderson to the United States Senate over, the Blair-Broadhead-Gamble clique has filled the haarta of the Radical Union men of the General Assembly with joy and. exalter lion, and it has without doubt had the name effect on-all freedom-loving Union men of tho nation. .The election of both mon is a purely .Radical triumph. The Radicals had full con trol of sixty-five race, bat they saw the ut ter impossibility of electing two Radical men with that number. They, resolved, however, to present a bold front and command respect. Of the opposition element., Henderson held control of seven or eight , votes, jest enough to elect Broadhead and Phelps, had they been tinned over to the COrritpt party; but Mr. Henderson advised,-and his friends resolved not to form any combination with men who ,were willing to barter away their principles for.the sake of bolding pewer. He counseled his - friends to nomihin firm, and when it was fomid that the corriaptioniatatrere endeavor- .! . ____— ing to postpone the election in order to hire the votes of some of their absent friends, ESTRAY.—A DARK BAY MARE, 10 then the Henderson and Drown men revolved toll, no r d i2 so Y ernl i e It hands d' r high e ' ll b s i ttl2%. " l, to defeat them. ".. Coon, to the promises of the subscriber, to Robinson Mr. Broadhead is a conservative Union township, Allegheny manly, on the eth lust. The man—a gradual eminelpationist—and Mr. owner is desired to come torward, prove property, Phelps was the coadidatii of thoOopperheads, pay charges and take hit. away, or she will be die placed_.. . . posed of according to Law. in nominatio n - by Senate! -Doniphant nol7tat JOHN Torwo Jr one of the most eonservative of the Demo- -- crate; except Wilson and Wolf, of Platt eounry, I ROQLETS , CUT. }LON\ Lit.; A.c.., who were, at the teat session, regular Yellen- 1- 0 dighammers. It was almost certain that Forwarded to order from . Broadhead and . Phelps would havebeen elected I 3fIIItDOCITS OAKLAND GREENHOUSE. had not the Radicals agreed to support. Hen derson. The proposition to elect the latter I Fourth 'street cars ran out to the Grevnbouve for the long term in return for votes enough to every fifteen ~ 1 . ", ' , ' ,- __ ____ ...Flr elect Brown for the four years term was rancid fIOVERYNIF:NT SALE.--Will hr sold received with repugnance by some of the Vint Public Auction. by Ittev.vs. DAVIS ,i 'Mello Radicals , but all except Mr. Pretorius wisely WA IN E, at tic. 54 Fifth street, un W EDS ESDA Y, concluded from tho "situation " that Bender . - Nor. i'•fh, ISOT, at to o'clock a e.., ,s lot of two son should be elected to save Drown. , damned U.S. TOOLS. They eon C. . Ma nt the VII • • den Rams On the ': It It in.t. Elsewhere the Democrat says : Terms melt. R. 11. K. WHITELEY, , In the caucus of Thursday night which re- ' Licht. Cot of Ordnan, ' bolPttd C o uimandfitc Ai:vs.:hotly A rsonal. suited in the coalition, an old, gray-haired ! --- member arose and said, that ;onto time since ()pries or tag Gorramaatt CI ALLSGTIEVY CO., to., I he had vowed that he would not vote for John Patahnrgit, November tai:- ISIO j B. Henderson, if it would save him from de- ! TO' PItIN"TERS AND STATIONERS. had . changed h • mind - struction He no. Is since a_ --Folded Prvvells will Ix. received at lid. AT, until Gut tnnt INSTANT, inclusive, for itani,Litte then,` but,' said he, `although I would not i SEVENTY' Orrin: DUPLICATES, FE v ENTI veto to ease nontioniOn's earthly existence, I COLLECTION DUPTICATEn, and SEVENTY T will vote for him to save Missouri.' Senn- ! Sellitol. DUPLICATES, for the )eta loot. tors Wagner and Setniance were of like Br dh''‘' ll . o of County 1 - 7,-,,, V , . 1. ..r. , opinions, and ,only . .yielded to what they con- ' ..'`"3`l nt.'s a v 1A3181.1 LT, Cunt:oiler. sideted an imperative Settle of duty. : fIOMMISSIO!`.: PRODlTE.—Reeeieroi Mr. Henderson was not unmindful of this , t.... this doe-.S ear leads Buckeye Potatoes, in gni' le: fooling in oar palAty, and he resolved to do all 4 cur leads Yrk. State Applo, in hie power to assuage it. Ho well knew I 54 hide. Turnips: .a.V.I bush. \Vlore Beaus; that the radicals would not back down ono 1 att bbls. Swe.t Pot ot.o•. iota from principle, nor did ho ask them to do , 3 ton', 80. at:shoal Fleur. so'. On the contrary. he co/untor4als placed ; :',O bb, Dried App;st; himself on a plat arm that to Radkot Union coon l 20 0., Cl is the Stoic or attic+. can °bled to. Now in .tore and for •al.• Sc Before the coalition was effected between ! _" °2 '---.-L __. -- the Henderson anti Brown men, n committee 1 WHY SHOULD VOL PAY R.1.1N I'. of c- [lt - ere:tee, which War appointed by the I V when y Oll can put lotto a Irro-et,ci frame Radical caucus, obtsioed from him the declar• ! dwelling house and tot or td001..1 It fret t r out by f,.! alien that be would hereafter, in the Senate d" - F , for Sup: •F , .... , ..E .,,,,, - , h; ...ludo , . ot. of the United States or out of it, support the N:,`, 1 :,7,:;,?,. t. V..."4: - "'": l ';',.2 y r '.: , , ,.':',71 - ',Xpi„, i ':.,'," . „:: Administration of Mr. Lincoln in all rrensure• h,,,,„ and tot ~„„„ „,„., it..ae the at...oe, will C. -_it to sustain the Government, Emancipatton ,' for 5-0 , -rue-half tooh, len - tab:2-r in tote on , l too Proclamation and ermine of negroc. included. ' Y•nr*. Title clear of ell incembranec. Crtll at into Mr. Handerson's friends have all agreett to ~ ..E ,. ".r h ° , 15 ‘ .. " , 5 C Al"''''" curet, if F'' "'ILI era:,. " . S. Ct. T I BEET .t tet. , •l4 . support the new reinvention hill, and Mr, ' "_.ll__!`_'-. _ . ,Benderson himself will not be found to oppo 'tape to it, FRIDAY ptloll4RlGtritt ........... Shall we Have Another Drafts By order of:the_tioys,t Master General the Doattbtlofi-Attußtnent are required to publish -in fkiP.l!frbptical order, by at least Svc postttt!lti iyierYirttb.;dirtiiet,ilie names of all men„gogolled.. Notice: will be giyen • by advertiserapt on the printed lists, and in Lilo newspapers, that any person enroll ' Wing'? 110 M-before •the B tai and claim • to Ittweilds -name stricken- of, prior to the &et, fornny cause which would lawfully exempt him after the draft, leach as alien age, non-residence, unsuitableness of age, manifest and permanent physioill disabltg ity &.c.. • ;., !, • This publication will enuble - Aiiimople of sub-districts to discover ani s kinfiCilons or mistakes in. names, which may hive been made by ,enrolling officcps, all of which. they are requested to report to the Board, so that equal - justice may be done to all panics. . This is a very important order, and-its erect will be to , render the next draft far ;pore predictive of men fit for service than WIIII the Wit. I But another effect .will be greatly La increase A.) chanees of able-bodied men to erlrtiten; for it will leave the lists very Considerably reduced. It is certain, we believe, that a strong effort will be made to induce Congress, early, in the session, to strike out or greatly modify the commutation &Louie, thus prac tically leaving to the able-bodied drafted man no alternative but service, either by himself or a substitute. - There is, however, a way—S good, bon orable,'Profitable way--th . avert tide. heavy butinditspensable indiction, gild that ispy flllins,uptiloguatu of Kseis Ettikliivision by volunteers, who will not only receive the liberal bounty - offered by the government, but be - entitled to choose tho regiments in which they desire to serve. Suppose the allot•nent to ,a district - to be twenty-fire volunteers, the eggre- 1 gate of the bounty to those twenty-five 'men, supposing them to be all raw. recruits. .1 would $7,550, which would be all lost to • the district under the draft. Then suppose tivent3' l ffve thin. are drawn: they must ' either go or find substitutes. Let those es timate who can how much loss and distress that would entail upon the people. Under the law, with the $3OO clause out, (a donne against which there has b een s o much clamor among demagogues) none but those who are really' wealthy moll avoid per eonal service; for the price of anhetitutes wc, would, he.so exorbitantmuu in ni,xler the cfreumstan'_ 1;1:fille :,ins-tenths of oar farmers and artisan& are, will be unable to procure them. With a little spir:ted, energetic, coucerted and liberal effort on the part of the potrle , 6 6f &Loh district, this draft can easily be n 67tertnti; but if the opportunity - to do so is suffered to pass by, the conscription will I,_ the only alternative. :c . fittpipiles tor the Luton Prlbooero at ateltidotui.-Rebel Petraly. The announcement in our despatches to -4121.T, that 9le rubulp kir 7 . e194 . 0 to suffer the 'supplies for the- tlniou prisoners at Richmond to lx forwarded to them, will fill ; `'many benevolent hearts utith hitter ilisap ',paint:neut. As- on farther occasions, thC nkr-1 11/441.411.Fwagedt.ke belief, gutty, aver supplies of clothing or food would 'be diriictiiilloitiChmorid for the use of the Confined there, we . ..it bepermitted - -- -- AtT_V...NTI()I.O L. VOLUNTEEHI 4 .— to reach them without niolestatiorl But as 'll -* A 4 ,, -; on fomer OCC4I.I3iODJ, just,aB. 1100n 1 e4 they Penna. Artillery, Ool."J09P.P11 11.0111:11Th. This had securt some lorgrycontritntinne, they .e n :geniltn . of there 7.e. 'l7 ily t 'e ' hlr i ti I V :l rt t prisaile7 i e t t h .ittterned round, like the bri the sold a garidd the.? are, 1.1;,.';', g „,T=7: nd prmtded and mocked the begeveltmeethaT ta=1,7 47 . 1 Dust itert.riaot tnainn seek to mitigate the suffering which their' i t d loch Ise ZeJt3 ! t un :fa h u ll tr; n a,;2 " :. -, eapreUly-ptlrpOSed cruelty inflicted, while I " rte Fanatic* rx• ia-54 ' to t """' 'ad Sac' to sea Todintears. - ' they alio took good care to appropriate to at lietiteht'hith r HAL, Woo‘Laireet _ . their own vise "the 'gTeater portion of the rlartioi'es co '.confidingly entrusted to r and which, to alltut brigands, would have ~been sacred to the suffering victims to whom they ware sent. - This turn of Affairs, though it can hardly disappoint those who remember the conduct of the same men on several former °ems stsid,) bit- to 1y tlittappoint. very many wham the fair z ppinise.s, lately ntaile,hapigain _persuaded Inhope better things. Why, speaking of ilia PrtialisMi; it-ietinly P . few days Since we i 'iread a LetinuMAiictttion from Dr. Rom, of ' — Chamborshurg; in this State,. published in a Philadelphia paper, in which heignotes the following from a letter written to him by Captain lb:mu, of the rebel office for the exchange of prisoners at Richmond : Sveryptiekagi;either ofilothingmemoney, delivered to us for Federal prisoners. has beenprompily delivered to the parties, and' will continue to be as long as the Federal .ftltberities permit Confederate prisoners of 'articles from their friends. - •!, we have already remarted reference le lhis ' itibreet,' there are htto- two nictitate hY Which-thibedi.can be reached, .and prevented fEconAccompliehing their • lytiltatly - oretatitta =lout scheme of prised - larture and starve.. which they hameealeulated that they If cuuctle;whateier s iitey have _chosen to &metal One is aula.tarios, Which, he ;revel', Cairt 4 cally be eitirledpat to a dertatn -extenti-6-for under no circum ,. ,ltanceirould„ rigorous. ii:eatmene of 'robed prisoners, as they have gone in their dens 'of the Libby and Castle Thunder and , . the uniiheltii;iiil said-flats 'of Odle Isle, in thetreatment.....that is the tor : , rare and slow murder-60iiira, the other IMLITIV..I4CCO FXOIt 113213VCAPTAT51" BY Anln l) route, Yro have Ipsintid diat the the" Pcitem . se," if properly led at chle Juretnra'.le to . the task,-,wtoso very nobleness end benefiCence give a ?nerd .- - • iaftiage4raiitidlo nuike.-an array irresisti,' . ' " t 1 Lonisv_ille Journal, speaking of the remarkable address of the Sion E. W. G}:iTT to the peoplo of Arkansas, says : "We first *tan Mr., O t ter. no .a pont. Although his profession was the lan, he sent us many po. attest prodnettam many years' ago, from Ark adelphia, Arlumeas. ' . _ of tl:Obrisa L tattornioi Copps's 7, at Gorham, 1%4 Warms! W fittedai i_ ritar- Fen. - One, men wen Jotted. „ ry n iasAastrian Govoranasut has recently par: ahiuodinaohhsary for soaking rifles of AOw Eirrga 4 4 4ol. •i t =I 4 . 7 s4:l z- i • AGAblulr, tip Itattifilist; Is ongakodla iee tari in this, winter. DZAN Ho.r, us LAI/ Carr.—The Suet t•ns. sex .Terse rtporte that Doan Hook having been asked to publish a horror: home eernion, nfter was mrid, 0, get it written out plain for the printer+. The Peen me-le :.newer an:: said that could DoiCr to , woe!. 7 — ite it out badly iiinu+olf. Upon being s,ked ss that if the copy xat idalu it would be put into the hood+ of the e.or-t if it Iva, written badl7, the be t hoods would get it, and the work would he batter done. Tee Cincinnati Engetircr bey, the goy• Liniment has purcha,cil come twenty %Scalpers dozing the last week. UIU LIC .11^0TICES. - 12) -='ANY PERSON having my - .BTH bELIDEJI. NT a IMWE, r