piftsburgit diazit4. WEDNESDAY MOENEIG:::NOV. 1g63 CITY AND SUBURBAN Official Paper of the City. Trial of Barnhard Leath for .he Mur der of John Kunzler. COVET Or Oran AND TEREINER.— Tuesday dif ternonn, Nov. 17.--Jadri Sterrett, Mellon and Brown. Court opened at two o'clock and resumed the testimony for the proseoutiorr ,- John Strickle, brother-in-law of John Snarler, saw him in,Selly's tavern, after he x'o was shot, and iiiifpra'..i.W*ath. Dr. Wood attended him: iliceiffo4le. him hurt very badly; showed wititeWl'Ar , tegaind in the left .ait;; . golng home saw tenth at corner of Rail "'`and Carson streets, where be was talking WiWair. Wood. and three other men, about thiiture of the wound, which the doctor thought - slight—the shot only glancing. Louth replied to this : "The eon of oh—, had wont to his heart." The Dr. ..1010.ftri to ho careful in hie talk. ' He re- Agid - i "Damn him." Witness left him then. 'Yames Mercer testified that he did not hear anything of the occurrence, except the report of three shots; went towards the noise and saw Loath, with. the help of his lantern. Ile beard a man hallooing : "Ohl I'll die t I'll die I" Went there, when they blow out their light; saw Louth there with several other parsons. Louth said : "Damn you, I shot you; and you aught to ho shot again." One of the men said to him. "Damn it, shut your mouth; you convict yourself." The cross-examination was a repetition of the statement in chief. In addition, the wit ness states, that Louth asked fora doctor, and told them not to let the man die there on the street, but take him to some house. Men. Lemke, wife of H. A. Lemke, Sr., repeated in general the statement of her hus band. • ... Officer Moon stated, that ho arrested the de fondant, in company with Pater Entailer and Officer Hamilton, in McKeesport, about two months ago, at his brother-in-law's, and brought him to town in a carriage. Peter K-unaler stated, that he assisted in the arrest, and heard defendant say that ho would have escaped if the house had not boon watched too closely; that the back door was examined by hiabrother-in-law, and after his report defendant thought it folly to fight three or four men ; he might as well give up, and if be would,huire had his own way on the even ing tgisb,pe arrest, he would not hare been captitretrirOle stated that ho had been in Engluftkittiliarance. and said that ho had left bOrtty4Vtichmond and New York. ofnesejfictalton confirms the proceeding atatementkiir 'Moon and Kunealer, adding that the arrest wee made at daylight. On cross-examination he stated that Lautb told him that his relative. induced him to leave for Europe, and that 1111 had not done so of his own accord, for he wanted to give him self up to the magistrate. Hero the prosecution rested. EIGC=23 Mr. Swartzwelder opened the ease on be half of defense, and after defining the law as applicable to killing in self-defence, stated that the defendant had been assaulted that day, by the deceased, who was known asiv bravado, and who hunted Leath all that day, threatening to kill him. Th - ey would call wit :lessees to prove the dangerous ohoracter of the deceased, and the threats which he had made against Leath, on the day of the d Mrs. Margaret Gault stated that she saw the difficulty at Grierson's store, between the two young men, whom she knew ; that Lauth was behind the counter ; Kneeler dared L.:uth to strike him ; Leath said he did not want to strike him, nor have anything to do with him. Kunzler replied : You know I can whip you, you d—d coward you, and I am going to so it. I shall tear you to pieces, and tear your heart out." Lauth went from the counter, and ran tat as fast as he could. Kunzler was then in fightilig trim, without a cont. This was after dinner. William Grierson stated about the same a■ the fret witness, adding that Kurislor stabbed Louth with a pitchfork. Louth begging him to desist. Ile irr'''ed, though Louth admitted Kunsler's bodily superiority, and told. him he did not want to fight with him, while with his hands he tried to evade the fork the best he coul•L Louth then lifted the poker, and rising, struck Kunzler on the head and stunned him. so that the fork fell to the Floor. Louth cioneed behind the counter, and asked him to leave repeatedly, while Kanner still abused him across the counter. The blood then was running down his thi,k, and Louth offered his 'assistance to wash him, and while Kuntler was washing in the back part of the store, Louth escaped. ;William Walker was standing outside of Griomon's store, at the time of this difficulty, critlithree other men. Louth, who wosone of them, went into the store, to avoid Kenzier• who was then coming up, and ached for that d—d Dateh eon of a b—h. After hearing of Louth being inside, he wont in, returned to pull off his coat and wont in again. Than followed great banging inside, but witness didn't see the details. When they both came out, Kunsler again pitched into Louth. Court adjourned, until nine o'clock Wednes day morning. Inquests Coroner M'Clang yesterday held an inquest upon the body of Mary Crozier, a widow re siding on Pennsylvania avenue, in the Eighth Ward. She had been complaining of illness, and retired to bed in the forenoon. About eleven o'clock she was found dead in her bed. She had been afflicted with heart disease, and tbo jury sad a verdict of "death from natural' In the'inrekdag the coroner held an inquest on thtoolf4 Thomas Rush, aged eighty years ',4oiik4lrid suddenly at the Emmett llotel,,,,Fedifil street, Allegheny. The de ceased had no friends here, and had been em ployed about, the hotel for a year past, doing little_. had been ill since Friday ho was able to go about all the time. At half past twelve o'clock in the afternoon ho grew suddenly ill and expired in a few minutes. Verdict, "death from natural causes." The deceased has relations residing in Philadelphia. Vestvall Last Night. Yy t evening this beautiful artiste made her An the English drama, at the Thea tre. "rliirtilidierice was very large and lash lonahltd the testimonials of appreciation - ' of the e oils of Vcstvali wore abund ant and enthusiastic. Fier success was entire and uerfeet- Upon her appouranco she was greeted with utmost unbounded applause, and at the close of each act, and frequently during the rendition of her part, she received similar tokens of appreciation. As an actress she succeeded most nimir..bly, and as a vocalist her success could not have been more flatter- Tho "Cradle ideng" .. .was given with a :Matting and power rarely equalled, and was . - ":'Appnentsly encoredfi . The choruses wereralso vezi-9ine. The support from the company wasgeol . and Manager Henderson deserves for presenting so delightful and varied c. *.rtainment. Games will be repeated an er , to-niglit , a- -41 doubtless the house will again mh bo thronged, sa l e o f seats will com mence this morning at nine o'clock, at the has odic' of the Theatre. Look out far a rush this morning. BALKS 01 STOCKS on Tuesday evening, Nov. 17th, at the Commercial es Rooms, No. Auc , 54 Fifth sireet, by Bari! Sol Mellwaine, tioneers : Citizens' Bank 65 25 do do ............................ 66 00 Allegheny' Bank ......................... 56 75 Mechanics Bank 61 00 Merchants' Manufacturers' Bank 58 00 Iron City Bank ...... 63 SO Western Insurance Co .................. 55 25 Marine Railway Co .....................101 00 Monongahela Borings Bank 47 50 People's Insurance Co ................. 27 25 ALLEGEILo3h k was yes terday arrested a nd token before Alderman iref/or, on a charge of stealing coal from the cars belonging to Dickson, Stewart lie was diacharged, the evidence not warrant ing his being hold to answer. Bu i viwn ,v liouse.—da mes Ferguson was yesterday arrested and taken before Alderman Taylor, on a charge of cruelty to un koala— wantonly beating and abusing his horse. Being unable to give bail, be was committed for trial. From East Terisnes Tho follorteg extracts aro from a letter written by amber of the Roundhead Regi meat, from London, Tenn., to his brother in this city, under date of October 25th : Yesterday every wagon, nearly all the am bulances, and every vehicle and horse which could possibly be In the way, in CO3O of dis aster, was sent hack across the pontoons to the other side of the river; and the ammuni tion train and elisions were sent to this end or the bridge, and the sick, and the cowards eren, are weeded out and sent far away, leav ing every hill within view covered with a dark, determined lino, wanting but the command oes orders to met the whole in motion. . . . Yesterday and to-day we have been hourly expecting the battle to &amalgam', as the ene my have made several advances, but never theless fail to come forward, and eommence the general attack ; and unless he does so, ebb general opinion is wo will leave him alone for the present, for the best information makes their forces ( Longstreet's division) twelve thousand strong in infantry, and six thousand in cavalry. Our force falls far short of that, therefore we dare not risk making the attack, unless they concentrate and entrench, and ad vance by degrees, on our position, in which ease MO can leave other points unguarded for a short time. We can bring Wileox's and Shaekelford's commands here, and out flank them, and force them to fight or run. With the above reinforcements I think we can at tack in any position they may chose. And without them, not &doubt is falter our ability to defend ourselves if we are attacked in our present position, although they out number us. Gen. White, commander of adivieten of the Regular Infantry and Wolford's Brigade of Cavalry, and also in command of this post, has been ordered under arrest by Gen. Burn side, for failing to reinforo Wolford, four days since, when attacked and outnumbered, within fire miles of camp—the neglect of which cost us the loss of over one hundred prisoners, and an equal number of killed and wounded; ulso a battery of six guns. White is generally believed to be both a reseal and a coward. Ile is the same man who, in his imbecility, evac uated Harper's Fery without firing a shot. I don't know what to think concerning this winter in Tennessee. Many think we trill not be able to get our supplies. I, however, have faith enough in the government to be lieve that they would not eend ns hero with out making adetnate provision for our sup pert. We ate now on half rations. - Report says our division is to go to Kingston, to winter, and that supplies will come here after to Meldinnsville by rail, and from there by wagon, instead of from Nieholasville, Ken tucky, as at present. J. W. B. MADAM! DEMI/ESP'S QCARTKRLS, MIRROR OP FASHIONS, AND JOURNAL at. GIIASD MONDR.— Such to the full title of a publication with which our lady-readers are very well ac quainted. We need only briefly make an nouncement, therefore, that the new number for the winter quarter ending February, 1904, may be had at J. W: Pittock's, opposite the Postoffice. It contains the usual elegant iml ored fashion-plate, and nearly 100 engravings, with cloak plate, five fa 11-sised patterns, braid patterns and other valuable novelties. M DAMN DCIIOIIMIT'S QC•RTIIHLY.—Mr. J. P. Hunt, Masoaie Hall, Fifth street, luis re ceived the number of this: beautiful serial for the winter quarter ending' February, 1889, which contains "a splendid cloak plate, new braid patterns, nearly 100 engravings, an ele gant celored'fashien plate, five full-sized pat terns, and other valuable novelties." W. A. Gildenfenney, 4.5 - FUth street, has also received Madame Deasoreat's Quarterly. • Foe Oacs,..we take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to an advertisement,— that of Howe 3:Stevens' "Family Dye Colors," in this day's paper. - These byes have become a household necessity, and so general is their use that many a well dressed lady finds that many an article once rejected as out of date, is, by the aid of these Dyes, mode as goad as new. ILLUSTRATIID ALMANAC, roa I otirt.—This Almanac and liepository of Useful Information is a truly beautiful publication, containing an immense number of interesting facts and memoranda, besides a profusion of illustrations. For sale byJ. P. Hunt, Ma sonic Hall, Fifth street. Pries 25 cents. LIBM. SClT9.—Nieholse Kaiser, John A. Bittnet nod Nicholas Steckbart yesterday entered snits before Alderman Taylor, charging Sebastian Zang with libel. Valentina Gent ling prefeired a similar charge against the same defendants, who were held to bail. MAltpl7 DENIOREFIT'S Mirror of Fashion for tho Mater, also Godey for Decombor, fat Pittocki, orposios the Post Office. Veen - ALL—Card photographs of this beau tiful itotross, to bo had at Pittoet's, opposite the Post-office. dews' Oalf, Grain and Kip Boots, at Mc Cleland's Auction Mouse. BOOTS ,ND STIOV:2I of all Mods, at low pricsa at Maelelland's Auction House. PHOT ' OCIILLP9 ALRCXS wholesale prises • Pittoek's, opposit• Post Office. Hoop Suurrs—wide tape—at McClelland Auction Howe. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. THOILAS PAIIII, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Vermont slate of the beet quality at low rates. Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • SEWING MACTITIM—Grover S Bakor,on Fifth street, have now on hand, and are manufac turing to large demand, every description of these great economies, at prices remarkably reduced. The names of this liberal and en terprising firm bare grown identical with the popularity, improvement, and increseed cheapness of the great invention, and a Grover .h Baker Sewing Machine is a synonym° for accuracy, completeness and cheapness. The machines of their manufacture are equipped with every necessary article and are warranted to keep in order. Every one, work-woman and housekeeper, who desires to save time. trouble, and eyesight, and to secure a perfect article—the cheapest, simplest, most durable, best Sewing Machine ever made—will nail on Grover dr Baker. We have had !one of these Machines in constant use in our family for mom than three years, and hero not broken a needhasfor fifteen months. See advertisement. FOR FILL MID WIRTZ' Wraa.—The Sum mer is past, and by the morning'e frost, we begin to apprehend, that fail aid winter will shortly be upon ns, and we most provide our selves with the material to keep no comfort able. A. nice fall Boit, or a good and well made overcoat are tke very thing, and we do not know of any places where our readers would suit themselves better than at Messrs. W. H. McGee A Oo's clothing establishment, turner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. Thr,y . have also received a com plete assortaterat of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for waistooating, La. SECOND AILLIVAL or FALL AND WINTER Goose, just received at Sorel Graham k Co.'s, Mer chant Tailors, No. 54 Market street. It con sists of all the very latest styles of cloths, cassimeres and vestings; cremating, of all kinds of the very finest quality, all of which is soleeted from the latest importations, and will be made up in the most fashionable and best manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed by any other in the city, and every garment warranted a perfect lit, would do well to give us an early call. Ssiurm. 'Uinta A Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 54 Market at. iisatum. GRAITAU. Geo. McCam:visas. KENTUCKY BELLZB AETRZCIATE.—Mrs. Anne Nauts, of Louisville. Hy., mays in s letter : "When in Now York, this summer, I .mrchased by way of experiment some of DDirs. S. A. Allen's celebrated -Hair Restorer and Zylobalsaumm, which I hare found salvable. I now writo to base you send me a dozen of each by express; for the U9O of my friends." Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich et, New-York. 0. BILL, Dentist, 248 Penn street, Will et tend to eti business of his profession. KELLY.--01 coneamption, /londay morning, 16th Indent,d lam MART JA.NK KELLY, danghter of Jun. I). anb Kelly. Funeral on WEDAILSDAI lialLatao, at 10 o'clock, rom the rerldemeerof her parents, lie. 55 Franklin stmt.. The Mends of the family ore respectfully Welted to attend, THE LATEST NEWS BY TKLEGRAI'IL OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Spots' Dispatch to the Pateburgh Gazette. W.saisaTos CITY, Nov. 1703, 1b63 PROVOST MAILSLIAL GESILILAL . 3 i I aCCLAIt The following was issued to-day WAR DLTARTMLNY, PRA), , O.T M.A.RNIIII.. OrceLsL aOTTICE, N0v.17. ( 101.—As complaints have been made that errors have occurred in the enroll ment of the National forces by the omission of persons whose names should have been enrolled, and by the addition of the names of persona who, by reason of &Benno and for other causes, ought not to have been enrolled; and, as it is desirable that the Department should have each Information as may be neces sary in order to do full justice to all parties, it is hereby ordered that the Board of Enroll ment of each district shall have printed lists of names and residences of all persons enrolled in each sub-district, prepared and exposed to public view in at least five places in each sub district, and as many more as the Board may doom necessary. Tho names will be placed upon these lists In alphabetical order. Public notice wilFbo given by advertisement upon the list of names, and in the newspapers, that any person enrolled may appear before the Board ■nd claim to have his name stricken off the list, if he can show to the satisfaction of the Board that he is not and will not bo at the time fixed for the next draft, or not liable to military duty on account of, Ist. Alienage. 2d. Nun residence. 3d. Unsuitableness of age. 4th. Manifest, permanent or physical disability. Persons who may be cognisant of any other persons liable to military duty, whose names do not appear on the enrollment 1:. u, are requested to notify the Board of Enrollment, who shall thereupon direct the enrolling officer of the sub-district in which said parties reside, to ascertain the facts and enroll all persona so reported, if they nie found to be subject to the enrollment. These persons may avail themselves of the privilege of appearing, as specified in paragraph if they had been originally enrolled. sth. Boards of Enrollment will use all dilligenco In collecting necessary information, and making requisite notes to perfect the enroll ment lista. Tho Boards of Enrollment trill hoar eases as provided in paragraph one, un til the 20th of December, Hell, after which no cases will be heard. As coon as possible therelifter a report of proposed corrections will be made out according to printed in structions, and transmitted to the Provost Marshal General. Names and residences of those proposed to be stricken off or added, will be transmitted to the Prorost Marshal General for the purposeof correcting the lists on file. Jamra B. For, Pro. Mar. Gen. CIII7EIZCE The official and semi-official advice' from the Juarez Government have been received here tip to the 25th of October, and from the city of Mexico, and the 22d of October from San Lute Potosi. So further battles have been fought, and but febr akirmishe•, which generally have resulted favorably to the Mex icans. The French are preparing for an expe dition to the interior, and the Mexicans are getting ready ts t meet them. Commonfort's Secretary of War bag left San Lois for Quaeretcro, where ho will assume command in chief. Gen. l'ragra, Gov en., of the State of Michoacan, is second in command. The Mexican army in advance of Qmieretero iv about twenty-thousand strong. Gen. Aires had loft Quaeretero, with thrice thousand met, to_ obtain relief from the I . ..tater:l Slit.is of Mexico, and to commence active operations against the French in that direction, with a view to ant their line of communications be tween Vera Cruz and Pueblo. Bardro, Fe ray's successor In command, is said to polio.' Liberal opinioi.s. Ile is opposed to taking church property, and has been always opposed to Forey'e policy. The cause of Forey's re call is supposed to be on account of his hav ing unnecessarily precipitated matters. Tho following officer; hove boon dismissed the service: Lieut. Col. J. P. Walker, B.3th Illinois volanteers, to date from October 6th, 1563, for misbehavior in the face of the enemy. Capt. John Graham. F3d volunteers, li to date from November 3d, 1803, for absence without leave. Captain Wm. IL Hill. 81st Ohio volunteers, with loss of all pay and al lowances, to date from November 14th, 1863. for certifying to false and fraudulent accounts against the Goverment. 3d Lieut. A. C. Landis, 170th Pennsylvania volunteers, to date Nov. llth, 1063, for visiting house of ill fame, whilst under medical treatment, and dis obedience of orders in failing to report as or dered at the Provost Marshal's office in Wash ington. Major Wm. li. Weller, 2d Wisconsin, late of cavelry, to date from November lltb, 1863, upon charges of insulting a lady, of un lawfully stripping chevrons from a corporal, and of abstracting and applying to hit or:, nee wines and whisky belonging to the hos pital FIGHT ♦T ISIIIIIIERVILLE POP.DS. The firing heard yesterday was at Summer ville Fords, and occasioned by a reconnois sance to the river by &detachment of cavalry. The First Vermont and Sixth Michigan cavalry were ordered to advance in that di rection, and develop the position of the enemy. Dismounting, they pushed forward, and on being discovered, were fired upon by the rebels from the battery on the heights. Taking a favorable position, Battery M, of the 2d United Stater, responded, nearly every shot being effective and the shells bursting amonst the rebel gunner', whose firing was very wild. The enemy wore driven back scenes the river In confusion. The firing was discontinued at ten o'clock. OIIDERX Or DISMIASAIS lilvor,En The following officer, herowfure dismissed are restored, provided that the vacancies hate not been filled by the Governors of their re spective States: Cot. F. 8. Rutherford, 97th Illinois volunteers; Capt. D. E. Lliermore, 3d Ohio cavalry. Orders of dismissal In the folloiting case has been revoked Col. John S. Carender, of the 29th Missouri volunteers, thus leaving him honorably oat of service by resignation 121=223 The National Bank note fires are to be transferred by the Continental. The teas by American Bank Note Company. The print ing is soca to 'begin. Secretary Mine drew last night for Ste more millions of the fifty bank loan. There is only seven and a hair more to be drawn. BECOVIRSO Dahlgren boa recovered his health. He was fifteen days on his back, suffering from a ner vous complaint in the jaw. Voluminous dis patches tram) him says that Sumter will soon be rendered inhabitable. srpor. rlCDsnwoou's Decision, bolding that the real estate of rebels is to bo confiscated nader t►e confiscation law in fee simple, instead of only for life, is out. =ZEE Reed, of the Florida Commission, resigned, to take effect December 31st. Stickney alone, of the original Commission trill then remain. TUE rOTOXAC LIMY It is not Impossible that the people may be deceived by the apparent inactivity of the Army of the Potomac. Soldiers from Rich. I Arrival of Union a... monde--'Cho Bombardment of Fort ' ...._... Runever.—.estrteetive Fire at Wit— The riser continued to rise irpielly et this 7-• at E --- PITTSBURGH TEMATRE. mington, W. C. daring Monday night. and unto neon yesterday, when a cam. to a stand, with eight feet in thi chat , i Lame and Manager. _ ..... -....—.Wi5. Elairreasofi. FORTILWA 11()I.C1102, Nov. 17.—The ling—f- ' - Treasurer_. _ .. IL 0•131.11101.04 eel b) the pier marks. The Monongahela. as yet, truce boat New York arrived this evening with , I, .., tt , rir.ro ta‘e 11 . 1,7"1..711 siring hopes are enter - It Se•-rol notht of the wornlerful t01 e ... artists. 3175 Union soldiers from Richmond. talned that there will I, a swell In thisseen' •a. )tilts V ESTVALL who will appear is thr 111 , 4 The Richmond Poteuirerof the lfith contains grval heace ,-,,,., err 1-oporco] t hale Wien at at. haul. ins. al drama, traeslated and adapted feetthe the following: onto-, The weather yerterdny wee. cloetly and im , French by Matilda heron. flongstri, Nort I.ftbe enemy's fire on "°"6°l• will '''', .P4,....°° of .. l "' r° l " . 1 THIS iTuesda)) EVES 1176, &Meted Continnee steadily. Batter ] Gregg Bundle. R. n.tedittgli brisk at the wharf yen- I M . o be present.l, opened fire this afternoon on James I.lnd. ' tridat , and the elopmenta wen err) ler, The • Git3l ES, or, THE JEWISH MOTlii li and Fort Moultrie, Fort Lamed' and Battery only question ic , v is whether them are steamers I cane... !file Imoall Simpkins replied. em.ugh to tat, all the freight that it ready wax lug ' Ble.e. new El.-1. ,. bay la ',elle fliar/etton, Nor. rosit.---.Tbo firing is about fir i f ipq,,,o. Mr Chippndale. the same to-day. From Thursday morning Thom ~,,,,,..,, ~,.,.,,„.,. ~,,.. ~,,,, 6. , ...,,,, . G. :Z.., ... 6 :-.,. 11..nis until Saturday at sundown 1,523 mortar shells , and the Emma Graham for Zanesville, and the Le I Octavo...-. • J. Garrition. and rifled shots were fired at Sumter. The . New seenery pr. pert,. and ...Trete. with tin non an.l enemy's fire failed to he of any injury to the `l°.'" fir Gil ' u ` . I'll' with good tr'l' c , , to beeutiful music by B. 1••-• 4,...,4 on , the departure. The Reserve Sinn i. mentos. ie the I To conclude letth Fort. There hlll been no firing to-day A KISS IF TIM DOM. James or Sullivn's Island. Orebatteries , "°.' bunt doe. 31r. Pee Ilea. continue to keep up • slow fire on Gregg and 1 There was coneideral•le activity among our coal the mortar battery• men ye•terday, all of whom were busily engaged in Wltotingurit,N. a Nee.lT.--A large warehouse getting their respeetive heat• and bargesrea dy to go next to the Custom Rouse, was destroyed by 1 out on the present rice. At yet, there to net weir, fire last night. The loss, which is heavy, con- , enough to let oat the "broad-horns" to, the major. !bled of cotton, clothing and part of the cargo Ito, if not all, or the .team-tugs will lea.. to-day, of the steamship Advance, belonging to the I _ ~, . with more or less coal So quantity , pen mg alto- State of North Carolina. gather on the stage of water. The following is a par- Cavalry Reconnoissance—Englhh Otft— tint het of the comb, or bargee and bushel). of e• al gets Visiting Gen. Meade—Mysterious , that will he` towed out on the 'assent Movements of Rebel Troops. 1 mesa. , Hrn, A Iltatt, 12 bargee for Letosrille, W•grilse•rol, Nov. IL — On Sunday fore soot to contain altogether ohms 120.11 1,1 b•aliels noon the cavalry division of General Ka- 51.-Gr.... A Stone, 7 barges eel," lineliele. N J patrick, under the command of Gen. Busteed, I Higley, 10 barges, 100,000 buthele, J V McDonald. made a reconnoissance along the Rapidan to 13 b ars ., 100,Axi 1,,,ry,..,, si o , g o ,„ ro ,k. r ,. 7 Domed. made Ford, to ascertain the truth or falsity 01,1 „00 b0 . h ,,,. of the report that the rebels were falling hack ! We do met it ,,,,,,,,, to give , 1,. ., , ,,,,, ~,m.6, as on Gordonsville. When our cavalry ap- ! strictly t. oort„ot, a.. , tat.., Imp,..ibto )„eterd.y b, preached they were mot by a few guns from t."` _ "" anything like ' rian. "' ' . ' Il '" . `'"' ' •"" t the rebel entrenchment., bat our guns soon ' silenced them. A small number of rebel will b ° "" nt f" r " . " u t he river "." °l° "PP . '. t" sharpshooters were seen in the lower rifle pits, "'" two ''' thee' :,'•t ''' ' e ". "•'' ..°°°' ° lll he and soon afterwards a small body was die- largely Ilicrea.-d, while. too other Lend .1 t should covered. The river was too much swollen by thrline, it will probably he diminish.] Of one thing the storm on Saturday l ac y re justify the however, we ire ern..., which is that Olie cool men crossing, and so the cavalry returned. There- are doing their minuet te get not all the ...al laieuble art on Thursday that a rebel force had u:. 6 , present Warr , as there I . a pod atoll, that P k, and attacked Nil- thero wall Oil 17• furth e r ime the. fall-though It 1 crossed the Rappahannoc pntriok'a forces is untrue. {,..,wale, Several English officers are visiting at Gen. . i Thetill 1 it, , Vast smiled N smiled:aotil I'. li Sing, fifeade's Headquarters. with n full cargo. Site report& ha long passod IL. loge Information through a reliable channel from Washington, in to the effect that two of ' , ol—t —] poll Inn. '-'—' “—" "'"'' -""" ''''' the divisions of Gen. Hill's rebel corps have cur , '. win leer" ‘"r 'l6 rite-t dee, at . 10, loft the Kaoline and gone southward, hut ' L , , I°' Lo whether to Tennessee or i'redericksburg, s- ' The popular *teenier ma: light, I ..,,, J i li ar to demonstrate on the left flank of the army ton, will 0.t. , .‘ it is,. (~, E , ,,,,,,..,11e in,. e ve sthg of the Potomac, does uotyet appear. ' rho Leonides Cap) J NV 1 ] oar. 5 see Inat It heeding 1.0 leo.. 111.. 111.. ell' pt hably get IT ibis Decision of Judge Underwood— eului, Trea. ' Gee with the Indians. es The Neer firhane Er • • I o. i 2).6 WaSIIINGTOI, N0v.17 .—la the l • nited td i„,,,,,,, ,„,.. re ,,,,„, „,„ , ,s,„, I „,, States District Court, for the Eastern District 0.1 ,. Tn . n .....,,,, , I n,l.almny lilt, &lA, actin.. Goa , of Vaginis, sitting at Alexandria, Judge - ' ' form ri) a rethlest • f n Leh Ponders')• 1•'•' Underwood, this morning, delivered an opine , ''g ' ion in the ease of the United States vs Hogh 1 ' r '''''''" , '" I ""' . nn':s arr,, , a: .1 tits Jennie It yore it ..... bee. Latham, under the Confiscation Art in which I he confiscates the -cal 05t......e of the defendant. '',,:ot''`,„:„lrt.co,; ( r .., , ,: t " t '` o l t T . ';:"' „‘ ,";;,, :n it ! 7,:: ,.. b t : it ' .. l , '" in fee simple. The decision gives an entirely h e 1,,,,,,, 1.. r,,,,, the wet, as nr.AI :e 1,. .. I' mrtator t ti, different constructlon of the Into, or rendered'Penn card linger. r.lied tom ,oi 1... rd hi 5.,,,,, I, by other courts. whet) the following c.mrereet inn enetel Among the trestle* to came before the fire- . 4 , - ~o p t 1117I,:re,°e. hurler ' where ' l ' Pie lire and li w ate for ratification, is one made last summer “, ,7z,-,'„ r ,„„_.. , , by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with osy Si tae „ ••0 berectdeli the Chief of the Creeks, by which tl.r.se who try.. ' tld to to the ^ did joined the rebels aro permitted to retnre to t :,. , pt , : K ° V l, 7 - •°' l' , " !:::1 1 , ^ , ' ‘, ll Ihet . I ' o .' l ' ee them allegiance, but are to he over di.,in .11- ,',;,:,,,:;1„.7"7:i„''.%,,,",,..`,,.' ',,y ..Lela , ~,,,, 1., fled from holding offices of honor, emolument 00 in Tsvas at zseilent. a ' 'V ep are fighting ear or trust among the Indians. The treaty en. in, ir Light., ind will maintain them t ,,, gages to abolish slavery, as the Cherokees I slit Seem, d will 'on tiel doubt sq. h a .. ..„. has, does already, and to colonize freed men ',..17:10,r, ".he got h, T "'' "' ' Ii now I" '''''' 1 ot,• ..eu kn •vv, that 1 hoe hear] on the land belonging to the Creeks. iiot Gearing There in 11 , n rimed Yankee in Texas, n,,) .. will not be one NI.• stli keep them out I apt. Roger -1 on don t „all :eke a Pentotalvsn• An 'l% livi e are you going to mew • Siring -1 am going to Teat., I have got a I .1 And la Id craw 111.. tio, II lent then ten noun.. The Further Details of the Texas Expedt- I Nate See:., Nev. 17.—The Herald hu.e n letter from off Brazos, dated. the sth, giving further particulars of the movements cooncted with I:eri. Banks' expedition. A soeces.ful reeonnoisennee of the whole Texas roust has been made by the gunboat Tonneasee: aloe of the mouth of the Rio Grande, the pass,. b and most valuabb• information as to the depth of water, bein aa well asthe view, of the rebel works of force, and Sabine Pan, Ilalveston. Bras,* ricer ond other poi tit:i During the cruise a mall bl..ekade runner with orate, ammunition, Ae., from Raven, and another demnyed. liring wart ]card off Sabine Pa,,, and vra SUppoit , i to be in honor of no arrival M.k• gluier. • _ _ _ _ Fire In New forte--au Important Move ment Countermanded. rry:p'l'l I t..XTRACTED WEI WWl' PAIN —We take ti4/4 method of In Admit, our ftteral. and the I obi.. general!) th.ft we are Law ',lowed W. IeXTRA , T TEKTII WITHOUT PAIN the Ida, of Den tuned. Thom whd hare 1....eu thefteddlN ofte h dreadrel operat i.m y now lay •./..1 the, fear. a- • - 4 , us rah:, m theapf , fratne in uoo bm been thoroughly teetod fturlog the lewd four lent., fully veal , ' ishing the sal: and iwiu• rharacter of to opernt tan. No Drugs or Cheml ewl. Battery rata. All Ile* wirhlt.g the .are loos of a good and reliable Doottet w 111 do w.,1 raft and et:fault with JAMES C. KING. D C., N. , 112 gonrth street, I or, DR. C. KING, No. 17 Susithgeld street, Palle From San Frauclacu. burgh. Je2iimag - - . Sag FRANCI , O, Nor. 17.—The stormy IA N PEARLE SPECTACLES. weather ceaacii last night. and it is now 1L Notwithstanding the attacks of Jealous pleasant. - svertaele Venders, who mph, to the name of Oigi. The giego of the Aquila eon be sated. nod I <am the hopes are also entertained of raising the ship I in st condition to ho repaired, though greatly Sea Vult, Nor. 17.—Alinot half-pas! ten o'clock laot evening. a tire broke out in the drying room of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, aO.l before it root d he ext i nguished, damaged tho boilding to the atnimot of about $10.t.00. A Fortress 11,...,0 letter to the f'ommerimi, nays that lately heavy reinforeententv have arrived here, and General Foster was :Iloa making a grand movement, when nn the evening of starting, it wet nipped in the bud by an corder from tic Wet- Piimrtroera roue , termanding the movement. damaged. Careful estimates make the loss in the Into lire io Nerada $550,0u11, 0.l which only $:".0,000 were insured. The oily is being rapidly re built. From Clintianooia--Attaek on the 12th Illinois Regiment. Clnsrrstinos, Nov. 17.—This morning the enemy brought a battery down the river side, and shelled the camp of the 13th Illinois, who were guarding a ford six miles above here, killing Rev. Mr. ?miens, chaplain of the regi ment. The rebels were forced to retire after Huse always on hand and make to order IRON AND n half hours' praotice by two Union batteries. BRASS SdREAN WIRE CLOTH ,el EVES, of all All is quiet berm, and the positions are un- kind .; RIDDLES, for Foundry une ; HEAVY Changed.ollK FOR WINSOIt.±. Re. • PIED CAGES, Oro NAMENTAL WIRE WORE, for Flowers, Sc. From 1111 ton Head. I 1 iiir All stow of WIRE ror male, st . Pitti...tnut.rn lA. Nor. IT.—The U.S. tteatuor , Ashland, 70 loom , ' from Hilton flood via ! R.13:1.. No. SD FOURTH STREET _ .. _ . Stono Inlet and Morris Inland, has arr. , ed. G Iv ',Asti, M ERCII ANT TAILOR, So. She brings the mail and aLgratehes from Gen. i . O• 1 SMITHFIELD ' , TRENT. 1.01 ••11 rt.-up Hillmore. The h o mberdmeut of Sumter eon 1 for ease • .r.mod UNION BVIT FUR 4....0; CASS'. I MERE, ALL wont_ V.O • BLACK CLOTH SUIT. SM. Hon. Joshuali R. Giddings Arrested in Canada. llyrrsi.n, Nor. I7.—We learn from a gen tleman just Iron Toronto, that lion. Joshua K. Giddings hoe been . arre.ted in Montreal and held to bail in the sum of:00,000, charged with kidnapping. Ger. Seymour HARRISBURG, Nor. 17.—Governor Seymour arrived hero hut evening, en route to Getty.- burg. A large crowd le congregating at thin place. Troops Reviewed b 3 the President. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.—The first and see and battalions of the Invalid Corps were to day reviewed by the President. Markets by Telegraph. NM YORK, Noy. 17.—Cotton Is scarcely so dins at 85iR8fic. Flour more twins and 5131fk- better, ch... lug, however, rather quiet, buyers grnotally refusing ' to pay the advance-4019 8 5 8 , 25 far Esti a State, r.. i 30507,40 for It II O. anti 87,bitg9,45 for extr family. Wheat Iff92c batter, and in moderate demand at e 1,40 for Chicago Spring, 81,3731,41 far 3ltisratikre (Intl. $1,42041.10 for 15 inter fled (Cistern, and 51.:4 titi,Vt for Aixtbe., .tad 81,3841,401er inferior old Red Western. Corn more artist , and Gik2e higher, trith sales at $1,0931,10 for shipping mixed Renei: -n in store, 51,10 afloat, and 51,10 for white nod yellow western in atom. Oats it better, and In demand at 11.50180 c fur western. Coffee dull. Pork is quiet and steady; 2,000 bbls city prime mesa, deliverable Arm the Ist to the sth of Lktrember, were sold at 819 :41 Deaf is quiet and steady. Cot meats are scarce and firm at tri; d56 1 / a r for shoulders, and 99410 e 4.9. h.... Bacon without ridded change. linseted hogs (Inner at 71„ : 47 7 / a c for city. Lard dull at 11?-99._ 12r, and to bbl. for January at 12 1 4 c, and 100 tibia for llecember at IP/c. Butter firm and in good demand for home teas at 201F24c for Ohio, and 21141.9) for Stitt,. Pittbsegiritts, Nor. Fir—There Is • arm feellng:in the floor market, but less doing; small sales at s: ~m) 14,5,75 for superfine, 8646,25 for extra, and 56,7:iit I 2.5 for extra family. Th. retteipts and stocks are • ll ' ght. No change in Itye nun'l or Corn Meal. There is a steady demand for Wheal, mud prices are firm. sales of 5,003 bush red at 81.60, and white at 01,8048 2,03. Rye Uwanted at 11,115(9,1,00. Corn has de dined, and 300 bush yellow warn sold at $1,13. Bar ley sold at 81,50, and malt at $1,6041,f4. Oats are active at 83c. In provisions there 0 a firm feeling Wes of new men pork at 517,.00, and old at 818,50 Lard firm at 12c. No change In Groceries; 300 bags of Rio coffoe sold et 13433. Petroleum dull at 25r f o r crnde, droned for retried, and 50@,53c for for. WhieKy has adsanced 30, salsa at 68, New York Stock and Money Market. liltlney 1001 brisk at 7 per cent; Sterling firmer at i 1 103,4163% fur first. clam bills; cold mom netherand fi r m,, opening at 47%, advancing to 49, and closing ; , ti ro , at assb a g49; Gosernment Stocks steady: 1: ti 01. iRI, Coupons 110; 7 3°c 100%, Stocks steady but doll. C. P. & R. I 108% M. S. q 1 P., Ft. W. 1 C ..... —. 88 131. C—, -7 T. kW k C & 1' 111. Con. ...... ..... M. '7 11to. V,iih. si,tißesdhag . C..~c. n~.vt e-F -ry:.~i. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. ll= In Tota... an I At. lowa a T... a 5i.1 , ..ndl I root- Fah. here ar. , dolor and lut Inc ~nie It-re and lima) I svi,h t I or bt pair here to-day. I a...A them racy much Ily huniarxx tt •ttits me to keel. In myeelf. I have a 1i...A hors, arid as tha ferry heat ..otathg. Ravi by. All urls.o listaneKi the 111.• TO rolteeruatl.42 heaween Captain Rogers and Charlus lwaring Ilea.lto railed he .•1 Ler re b el. a. I. had with s TE. i. Pi 80.1 Ts. I , t)it CINCINNATI & r-^- 1t4%1 LLV:. —The , I. Ansualt. r 1;1 fr, tlu •14,1, and ell inter. .hx, W Istln .I.L p ..r. I to J. I , twit RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Are rneelting deliy Use wan: n. 4 entlertiementa enr citisena. All that is caked it to examine all other Bpeotade; than wit and exiiiinine the RUSSIAN. rbß LR one.. For .ate t,l 7. DIA MOND E PrecitriAl Optlciau Manufacturer of the kneel. Pebble lipectaeloe jes3o Yifth streat,fuming Post Balidine 0 N Ell. ez STO S 1 , 24 A N, MANUFACTURERS OT WIRE WORK INS= G. W. DASH'S, HMIAS'S MAGNI , r , IA BALM and LAIRD'S ELMS OF YOUTH, the only per fort and reliable articles now In use for lxiantlfying and prewerring the romplexloe, for cal, at SILO. A. KELLY'S Central Drug atom - _ corner Ohl, .d Federal streets, In Market fidnae Alleghe.7. _ . IN)4. A tare:. sesortruout or DOCKET AND COCNTING m oo, SE in D im A lt ßl ti E o S, f T o o r rkleo --Itn T a u pe are,y laM i lo o t c h e o-t -u with gilt rt:.em riot with tumble edges—with tucks, patent clasp , and elastic fasteninge. All sites, and from the anoint . .ma to the very beet. For sale a! reaconable rates bY WDI. G. )OFINSTON d CO , Stntlotoeot, orl4:Daw-wrap D 7 Wood street . • .. • . ---• -•— - LYON AKNSTki AL, IMl'Uit'rEit _L.,I AND DEALER In the most select brands ef GENVINE HAVANA CIGARS, And all kinds of p,trEK No AND CHEWING TOBACCO, sk UTE, FANCY 2IEER.YCHAt SI PIPES. TITS r,s, Sr. • 4t• , ht goat rerlety. UNDER THE ST. CHARLES HO. TEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. . D. --The Trade supplied on liberal terms. anal l:dl• pA I'ER AND ENVELOPE lA'A 11017N5.--Just opened. • liters cock of NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS. qu Men, ENVELOPES. to greet varieties, rotors kod alltite, (or ...ore teat, For sale by W. G. JOHNSTON & CO., Paper Dealers, ocll.aser•arate 67 Wood street. cl.o BS TI T UTES.The highest cash pri, paid for SUBSTITUTES. Apply Immedtstely at Drover's Home, Pittsburgh. noltLat J. nHEISER.. (1 4 . 1 ,751 WAGON SPRINGS; also Anti- VI Rattles, for Buggies, Just reeeirel and for =ID et the India Rubber Depot of J. h H. PHILLIPS, SA and •Di St. Clair street. I'ACKING, HOSE, and 6kSICI7 , all else. and [Wanes.. A large eopply Just reoeiveal atld for rate at the India Rohl., Depot of J.. 1. 4. PHILLINi, nod Noe. 26 and % Rt. Clair etr,d. FIRE:11 ROLL BUTTER 5 barrels ; 10 tub. Pneketl, arrtvo ; NVEIIII b WILKINSON nein ltiCg4E.—Western Reserve Cheese C ealected for retail Cutti .Kt for sale by WM. P BECK A co. IS. bow Mailing from railroad ram, for Nab by oeA 1.41A11 DICKEY It CO. Q- LT SALT 1:---Orders eolieMed for 5.1 t, by KECK & CO., 0 ,26 NYbolmale Gramm, IPS Liberty etrroti CARBON 011,=100 bbln. R e fined i n .to and for sale by J. B. CANYUCLD. - 65 ...... ..... Family and Extra, for sae at lea Liberty amt. WI!. P. BECK AL CO. d ~lIIBE•~8..;==. I=ZOIIIII PI4JrOS, ;PIUS it , 4c. pAN Os. —The subscriber 4 , has the pleasure w auuomce that nel I I has }cd rviarned from NeW Turk and Bold.. • hero Ile hes selected from the Factorlas of l.tttckerlng foes, Jardine t &en, Elaael4n Droll., W. P. Escronn and others, • splendid nuortment or PIANOS, e m bracing all rtyk- rf Cnlab, from plan to na tra rarrod Maio itotrumants Rul arrlvo during Oils and ti, coming week, sad tl.B nttenaLm of parrlllwr? L. rr spmtfully solicited to them $ PlllO3B TO SUIT ALL. 'CM C HAS. C. mr.ELo H. El WOOD STREET DECKEit'S. - -- speuklog of Carl A nshnts'. Con siert in New Yurk, tho editor of the' Manua Roden. and World malice the following re• ttwrlu " The Instruments used on this oer.nliin wen of a riduparatirely new firm. of the name of lee. hi-others, and gat,' very tiratifyin, evident.. of exaelleut wurkmanab is , and luoverful mid brains Dartr,Co Ti.noc. are undoubtedly tho Lest manufactured OMw ha thu. mintin7." Sole agents fur Pitintitirsh. J. M. HOFFIIIA:CN & BRO.. No. 51 FIVTH STIMET 1: NAIIE S PIANOS are ~ now ennslderiel the lowt Plano. made, mid or. folly warrant of for night 'oars. As to the retattv. merits of the Floeb• atwould toter ter tot: • .• excel lenxe oar pooreesicm ft Thalbera. huttaeheak, Strata...el, G. Satter and H..eoxtempt, M., fium SOIA, of the most liatlngaelied nrofese. a awl amateurs to the ewnntry A call le restwctfully sell. cited before purchasing elitenobur.. Persons at aMs tune *lll Moose send fora rirenlar. Yor mile at Vac tory price. hr fllur llLLlxtr., No. 4t lifth street. null Solo Agent for Pit..., h '. rod West. Po iH al ( PIANO FOLI,TES V —Jost remit d, a rely choke -.1- loctloo I'IANOS, peisnnally select- I I ed at the Eastern Factorlm ' y hletier, and war ranted the REST PIAN''S matte In this country.— mong others the unapproachable sT1:1 WAY PI A (IS. .111 a neat In tho Abu, excellent 7 octave well:wool, 71AN0,,, front 440 upwards R. KLICHEIt A 13110 • No. Plftb street. 0017 Sole Agents fur St. inwey's Pianos. pl ozi "—Just arriv,d, a—Mit sploodid stock of NICW VIA.NOS. frs. Ft-1r tierk, et N. SIEDLE & TIROS 183 BmlthllBl , l .curt ozl7 Jr4_f F 8 WANTF,D. An Experienced CArpet Upholsterer I. wanted Immediately at ()ill J a tilc,l.ll•CTOrli MAN OF SIP:ANS ANL/ RN• pen up a 1,. , 15..ti`r to nt. to ol pals of 41,L1R ER. . S . ILLEFAItsk.I...I• TOR, gym. ofllim most ,oful sud pot/east iuseutions or Om day. Ingstriss rhserfully answsrsd neoo.lvr LS BC. CLAIII STREET. -- ANTANTEI)--liy a Lady, a aituatinn as I rE CI `lll, te attv of 41e l'ohiic Schools ..1 either 11,1 he.l three yotre' esieakeute torching. ;00 can give the 1..1 of ',femur., 4,lreee 7EeClilett, B, 1,112. 1 , 4 k...11:v. vA TANTE!) —4611 A. M mint -V.+ Want y A c..ni• at s•+i • month,e.xp , ./ 14e• paid, to pelt our Elverlwronj atol barM awl thirteen oth• r , F, iteerut and ciion• artielc, ree. ddr..., •• A 11„. •111 , 11• , F SHAW S °LARK. filddeforNt. WANTED TO RENT, ' A GOOD WAREHOUSE, Situated in a businesa portion of the city. Enquire at SECOND STET $75 moNTll. in every ! — I t w r z ! ..nt. to himonThe Agen to eaponw l oW, to sell my now elmsp Ferritytr &lulu; Ylnchimm Addrum, S. MAI/1130N, Attn.& Maine oc2.4.3mdaw'r WANTED—A Finer CLARE PiOClX swarm. ; one who has • practical knoaledgr, and can come well recommended. Address, BOX EN, Poet Mks. relaat CLOIRL WANTED—One who under lJf etarids moking, and other hone-work. Ad dress BOX. 301, City or Allegheny Poet 0111 m, with reihrence as to qnsdilications surd character. octltf LL.ILM AGE.IrTS. pENSIONB, BOUNTY, BACK PAT T. VV.A.I.TV.II. GENERAL CLAIM AGENT Vecoseel by the O. 8. o.,..rnmstt ICU FITIII STRUT, 3d door below the 4.llattodraL PenesyPrania Soldiers west of the mountains, East ern Ohio Soldiers, sod Weal Virginia Soldiers. can ben. their Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay secon-d at this Circular. ..111 be want giving full Informatloc the Soldiers, or to deceased &Idlest' Belt'. showing who are entitled to the Pension. Bounty and B. a Pay, and the manner of securing the Immo, by apply ing La inoofJ lvttot or In iaram. IkT Novallargo until collected. jyg: 1 r=-is ENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK t'AY p H. C. MACKHELL, ATTtatNET AT LAW AND ULAIIIADYNT, -O. 114 FIFTH ISTBEF:T, Prt2lllLllllll OoSections to allecitteny Ko . wlJoining coantirs. Prowruces SOLDIERS 421.20.119, of every descrip tion ; BOENTIES for all dtacharged Soldiers. PEN• SIONS, for ,rounded officers" and Soldier, ; BOUN TIES and PENSIONS for Willi's., Parente, Orphan Children, Brothers and ninon, or other legal wore , aentarlree of those Who hare died In the armor have died eller died:Lama front discs. contracted in service. Cr - He charge moth collected, and no letter :011 L ansenned 60/014 a stump la indeed. folgflyws MILITARY CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, PS:N.9IONa, BAN PAY and 311LITAET CLAMS of every dowcription, enilectefl by Belot,. of the following rate., cis: Pension. !hi tie: all tither claims 93 bit. C. C. TAILOR, Attorney at Law, No. 79 Grant atrort, Pitiaburgiti, Pa. N. B. No charges are made If the claim doe. not succeed. and all lnfermstlon clean ffratta. secty BOOXSELLEItS, Ne. h "N t )FI S . ta d tio j a- Pr!nt.aro, No. 57 Wood streerl'ittsitrKh. & t au KrsAY CU., Booksellers not Station , N 0 .55 Wood street, next door to the corn s - of Thi e rd, Plttsb... Is. Seill)OL and LAW 8r:014.3 renstmstly on hand. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, J. N.. 78 Fourth street, Apollo Buildings. L EirraT_E wif GEJrTS. WILLIAM WARD, Dealer in I:TONI -TY ISSOBT NOTES, BONDS, 3101LTGAta...., and all securities Tr money. Pencils varcprocurc LOANS, throogb toy Ree , 7, on reasonable terms. as wishing to Invest their mot,. to Kr advan tage, can alwari and ant and aecenti chute paper at coy Mace for sale. All communicatlnos and Interviewe atrktly confl dential. Offlce, Grant street, opt. dis St. Paul's Cathedral. john P.4PERS WP..MARSIIALL, Dealer in WALL PAPEER, 1,0131)1G1tt3, lc., N , .. bT and street, Pittsburgh.Je 7 - - We:SWIM Reserve ZOO do Hamburg; 10 do GoeLen; lu store and for sale by B. CANFIY-I,D. gtTNDRIES.--65 LWe. Grettee: 7 lark. Feathers; 10 do Baal To antra on ateamor Atlantic and or ..1• by noll lOAIAII DICKEY A CO. F isa_s l 3 half barrels White Fish r mind law itsias 3 . B . CA3YIX"' CT J Pena= se.4,nt•rl hataty troubled won a: al immttnale, palpitation of the how,. petite, dumms attrr it 1 . •1,;... tint,. fa, dawns to tottt.t it thel 0,„ celebrated - • - PLANTATION DIV!' E ire acs 1400111M0W.V.,1 LI the higheet iro si authorities, and werrantell to produce en tmateria.. , . bvihearial effect. They ate eaciertlingly per:flit:Ely pure, aid nowt supermsle el ether where a healthy, gentle stitnclaat u roqrtirod. They strengthen and invigorsta. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to elosoo• of water and Mob They overcome effects of' dwatpota.nand late i,oats. They stmogithen the sywtom nod enliven tied 'vol. They prevent miasmatic at..l iotermlbent They purify the breath and acidity of the stems. They cure Prpuria awl ....rußt bro. They me diart-lwa. Cholera end Cholera hitt t They core Liver tomplebt and Nervous :b....b., le. They make toe weak etroug, the longue etrolls,..i, and are elbauatatl natarc'e groat restorer. T. • y• , corap2.od of the celebrated tleisaya bail, green, 1146111.1a1,3, ante and herba, all perfectly race St. Crots B,ott. Tor particular., ,irculors and arouni each bottle. Beware of Imposters aamine ers.ry bottle. S. that It hat lb S. Terms. saguamm on our I.lllau. I'. S. Stamp owe. the Curt, w ith plmtatiou era's 6, i,..1 0, arm signature on a tine at. , <l plate utsgx.ll , 4 side label. See that oar bottle is net retitled wit, spat - tom and doleteriom fluff. Ni o defy sa t to o , , to match the taste or char* ter of our good., Aar tureen ixc:outlitkg to is Titters t., the gallon or In bulk, to an impooter. We II only on oar log cabin bottle.poret.n.tntl.. bottle, or aolUug WI) other material :lac , .0. *Milli, called Plantation Bitten or not, Is • m lculrsal ' the U. S. Law, and *122 ea so pnwocutml Ly no. h e ,tm.dy have one rye OD Owe parties re-Biting ,•:.: tiotilsf i . Rc., vrho v ill mo..umi In gettlug thrust.: • Into dn. qnsrurs. The itsmand tbr 12rele's Li: ?alluet Bittnra f-cm tbrgymen, merch.,etis, at., is perfectly Ito The At m; bottle is the evidence we prefect of :Leif worth , I safrinority. The. or' fold by all resise,l.2.l2le guts, grocers, physicians, steamboats aul country strwes. P. A. DTA r; St CO., 2O 8r05i ,,, , IS. 4'. GENIJINEBIC I!=:i3 TEII/3, for .ale WhOiratar alSti raw:, try S/MON J4)HNST63 Owner Sinftlatifl•l • nr4 PAlrth 1132311Eil WINE VINEGAR, (Formerly Mallet fremaoror ) Vitlevlr IVOrlirdtA .Ith ri sixty entsl' , lt,Es et the 101,1rmiti...nnt Exhibit wu Lon.hou. RA: 11 F. M. B(JLLMA N r z---PRIVAT2 Dr. Ludlum's Specific le the only ',Rabin come c 7 of Urg.kti of gtateratiott. It tx the 4 , very of Ito Co.rt-ett Physician who.e life w. tlut - ttlxti to the treatment o 0..1. clans of dlaa,Nes, iti, ere., for more lieu year, It pt-riett;.to In 14w1f, requiring no Ind. ct. 1.11 (rem the mlo4o[oll 1 rwclle. .nd the I lon compound.. offorod to tho pol.t t..n,1,1 vegrtahlr ! rt,tly Imre. lA. • and ttlipurte st,tl,ll. C61:110,1.--Tlae grunt Div •111 ii.. fecting permanent rare be. 1,1 I, It. be nm-imitated naprluelplvd [le. rrA•tr. 11mt btgootur, praprt.or i+n,..nnn ru.h Ws. N .1.0 ocher le paella, Prepared nalp ipy WM. F. DAVIDSON, .4. Prnr-lotor, Ciocionati, Se.ld by all Deriimcids. Price, Ol b. CM" Tor sale at cbulegabl by GEO. H. KEYSET: 14" 'Wood .tenet. jerrlydase? TO NE CITIZENS Or PITTSBURGH ARO VICINITY The nrolerolguell would rette,tluilj r.t•••:.0 n t the preps . 0 It+ HI - NNEIVICLL'S UNIVER:,II. cOttl II ItE?IEI• - i, For all Throat sod Long Voropinints. AVICNEwELL'S TULt AS,,DyNT,. The great Neuralgir. r.herimatic, Tuoth eche, Lou of Sleep, nu..l Gener4,l Nervous I:eue,y Ala° for the Thine in 31 uthly Bleuetruatione a p, feet renal. iIrifYiEWF,LL'S ECLECTTC DILLS; The most perfect form df Catharic cror &Ten to the public, which never require more than hro and mei. dram but em fora dose, act without the least griping, and cure Indigoetion, ri)s,cpsio, CompUinta, Piles, Worm*, and all dr stomach or bcwels. The above preparations, of mach tattoo In N., .1:14-,larld, have the .nufhlenl....,„ - /SE- Ore used by, groat ouintsers of Physicians" , ride. within reach of all, are; worthy the ut insalida, who will find them h elect aonfo netnra in medicine. Withont reverting to the corn - mon meth. of column' , of a. o , I would sob rernMeme• to tern them. le htrh win be accre.l JOHN L. HUN NEWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chcritict. Btilort, F., tab , by all o. ledsame ado retail dealers. The greatest teerdouc rat corrvq..pderwe rolv“.t.-3 Dealer i co ml nforencee For sale In Pittsburgh at retail I.y J. 31. 000 G. li. lieyeer. IL D.. Joeeph 'Fleming In Allegocny Cite be Jr. Drown, N D., W. J. M.tie soul film. A. It. A. FA ITN 'CX Co.. Wb,lngale Ar,tet, Pitteburgh. 11 . - -- , ;=-ROBENTIOS, REA & CO., (5n,, negwor• to 1101RICFAX, ElVms k Maxt.,) 11 ASH ING TON NVOILES, Form - mu,. s 31AcnvrLrrs, Fn 11,,nr,,nturers of DOAT AND STATIC, NraY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL SIACIIINERY, GEARING, SIIAFTING, CAsT , 'NGS, of all d.crlrilose , OTT. TANKS k STILLS, BOILER AND SIIEET /BON WuLE. Arsts for G/FItAILD'S. PATENT INJECTOR, FOR FEEDING BOILERS. = PTO itarotrrstrFkPlvsis OF BOTH BEXE-q.—A reverend gentleman reetorod to health In n few day., attar on dergoing all tho imal routine et•B !met,ler eaie, elm modem of treatment, wltb•mt tmecees,eoneldele it Itia *acted duty to comarrin lent* to hie eltietert fellow crentnros the mane of curs. Hence, on Ino receipt of an addressed encelovi he will ionnl..fre , , r copy the prescription cnett Direct to Dr. JOHN 81. DAGNALL, 18G Fulton street, N. Y. rultillydasia . ur,... 7 --TRE CONFESSIONS ANDEX PERIENCE OF AN INVKLID, pnbllehed for the benett and an ■ warning and caution to tonng men ohs aunt . from Natrona Detllity, Premature Decay of Manhood, atc., supplying. at the asap time, to. meows of ewe. By ono who has rureo tdpmalt atter being put to great expense and Injury tbrotmh medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post-tald addreosa4 onvolope, copier, may be had of the author, NATHAN - IEL MAYFAIR, Esq.. my2l,lydamF Bedford, Is foga want., N Y. M an' %factures., of LiPdti RAILINU, IRON VAULTS D VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDO* GUARDS, to., Noe- 91 SECCSD and Eld THIDD STREET. bet. Wood nod Market. Have on band a variety of near Patterns, barley and plain, suitable for all purposas. Part: vier attention told tocurleelug Grate Jobbing done at abort smile, • N. HOLMES & SONS., DRAIE IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BILI 4 OF EXCHANGE, CLIITZ7ICATE.; C/i BEFOSIT, DA.NR. NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 57 ,MAALKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. ggr COUNAIOII.I Plait en el tho prinstral Eitles throughout the United State,. att22 1: . ;,-5- - -HEN'ItY H. COLLINS E ' - IND AND COMLISSION MEIrCILANT 3.4 .holmr4 do.d.er USN, and produce ganorally. No, 3 woop ST, Pittsburgh, Pa. pol ..... r. A:.,111"
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