- I , ' Our Book Table. THE LATEST NEWS , From the Army of the Potomac-De tails of the Texas Expedition. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. - i ------ Pi.l.l ^ oS. -17USIC.Isc. Ant IPECI4I.I, JIVITIECES. -- .:v •-•-•,----7-- - ,,- - --, ---.--------,----- ------ ' Vaistivirftit gazette. , Pitman-nor Poimmit EcomixT, with ..doe ..t then Ths neer, teeth, the inflame , of the sestet rxm, p.U.508.--Tile ellheeriber .. e st'-.. ' reilleations to Bead Phii.ophy. By John smart BY TELEGBAPH. WAIMITYOTON, Nov. 16.-This morning's I ... 0. ~.t,,, , „ r0i.,; ., , .e.y the ..vedlog Yon incars. toe fee!' ''-rssesteltat. - ; ' itl In Two Volearee From the Fifth L0n.1...1 Chronicle hail cones:sad with an intelligent In the ‘i.Allllel by th•l pier markt. The rm. as yet, ' h .. the P1M..." ..."CT that I t.l. " f t • - TUESDAY MORNING- NOV. lton N ir Fork D 1 leton it `Co Pltts. 17, 1863. ' burgh -• `. • • PP • • rah . for Pal" by Rf. Imi.:, tiJ Si owl rtnot.t. r ., officer from Gen. Xteade'e headquarters, who OUR SPEOJ ATi DISPATOHEO, .1, 1 ,, the night before lent behind Culpepper. , it' •t°'"l' ,"'h. An°2••••)'• Lo , we a.' . - 'TS. ea ' has min resnmed from New Y ..dt anti Boston, where " , the 1a... r.nos oppear t, ! are '..--: oar •1, that thorn 1 h. h ..-i!-..:"., i 41 ' .- --- --- --'' ------=-- ---=--- -- It IS a metter of some surprise that this work, - CITY AND STIBU.RBAN. I the fun edition of which appeared in London He reports the army in the highest npiritn, and eager for a fight. will AlAll.. a Dwell of •areral foot In tito Dlononart. ' '''. ."'''''''d tram tea 7 l''''' --F ' : C 1 .k . .."S a• lin 1645, and which has rlece run through at FROM WASHINGTON. . There was a prevalent rumor that -for some hele. fespeta se s e e s ie e .l f rom od C:.% y.terilev hour, dentine a Bon i }Tuition Bros W P Emerson 7 .-- -,-..5. T.-1860 . -:-.1- least five English .dittos ', has not until now , unexplained reasons not eriginated with Geis. , m e, t n ., ,„,,,,i th . A .,-,.. 5,. 4 , .„,„L e t e , rer . . I L",..lir °Metal Paper of the City. found an l, mirican publisher. Al length, how- 8...1 Dmp•ich L. the fattsbingli Ossetta Merida that the army could hare 1. . I i., and others, • eplendhl a.ortawat of Pl-1.150F, em. Penn. el mileatary habit*. trouh/ei , • ita ...A.- pushed un 111.) at that ph..., with four trot In the channel 1 over, one of the most valuable nentributione WeantlenTom CITY, Nov. I ii. I 889• rapidly after the brilliant affair of Rapp!, , area, lassitude, palpitation of the bee, s, i , ..ce of •}- sae hopes aro ontortatued lit., ikers will tie s . brach.Cl idyl. of finish, tram plain to extoseenedt m t i 'Trial of Bernhard Louth for the Mar.- I made te the science of Pe:lint:al Economy by ; hannoeit Station. , petite, awn. after nth*, tern cs , . ....IV"- Tun MisaOritt lainaiN.uo. der of John littnzler. any writer in oar lagnage, since the pub- Our Infornaant saw the Hon. John t e l ~ h , i , rlou msaloirrt to let nut, et least, . on.. r it., lightest l i 7.4, loot r„,,,444, ts will arrive during doe end the ash. lc., &wen* to aufibr if the) e m iod, try the ! nation of the "Wealth of Nations'," in 1778, . Coney Or Oran AND Truursse.-.lloed.y AT- The following is the !Mort developmen: la . ilottr, whose plantation has been completely 1 " " g "`"' -- " 1 " . ' celebrated ~, ~" I has been rendered aceessible to the Americen the Miesouri imbroglio. It is proper to ex- ',tusked Ity the rebels, and who himself ear- The abort prer.tt., I A lets cteerful appoarluce , comic% week, and the attention of petal.... is rm.? PLANTATION - DITTERn. fera.n, Nor. 16.-Judges Sterrett, '''''''' u • ntudent, by the intelegenee and enterprise a fleet to Riohmond, in _ 1 yerterday, no : human,. was 0,1411...4, asks Th ire ' ....,, muny ~,,,,,,,,d to the...„ and Brown. • Messrs. Appleton. We doubt not that the work plain that it was written before the recent rawly escaped being Which are now reatemendetl by the Melee aesthete/ At two o•elock the basin.. of empannel- is destined to have a wide and ready apple- election, which rieeet ; rdthe to rho latest adrices Stead of being paroled. Ric daughter was so ! '''''• ' fln " .1 "" thl " tr "ght "ffs'''"et , 'olio Ce° I - frrlr , f much alarmed and distronsed by the treatment ••r• ...sonny I•rs•--- 11... , Ica.; oi• I. , than two t 1 141"1 . 8.10E8 TO SUIT ALL. IFS ,anti warranted to produce en ....jai. log , a jury nos resumed, and at half-past ; elation ,- for it will have interest for • much here, given Miesouit to the radicals by about r0 , i , , „ f ,.,, , , m the row., that /the la prostrated . arrimile I Ito Loins Grrh .in iroin 1....., Inc, ail It beadlcial effec. They are axestedlougly aserreabl, , larger claas of readers than that well-known four thousand major' ty Mr. Edwards, thus by a nervous fever. the Leclosro fr.. Park•rstoutt • CHAS. C. M.EI_,EOR, perfbetty pmt , and mint savers-ode all other nosh , three the last ricer wen !worn. The panel if and highly eetee need opus magnum or this °rife. "item • healthy, gait. gummiest la required dismissed from office Cro conduct contrarl to l'he army wise well up In Culpepper and n ; The berted-• . nr: h.. hat.:lng 10, footclit, .roamed ' ss. WOOD stints?. rIC foilotra t i t nal and profound thinker-the •bSystem of Log raid'. correspondence, written ' i n , r e , , 111 I .11V t - whist, rood she will 155,, , , 1,.. They purify, atratigthen and invigorate. State ; por, F t r i o o m e be th y e en fi d ; around to the A IL•chony wharf, mid .....cm.i,- e d toes- , nolo 1. J. H. Robb, 7. rot 1. Ley, fie, Ratiocinative and 'eductive "-of which the eiews of the Administration alp' S • They enal a he•lthya,fot.:!.... IL O. 31. Munition, 8. D. Aughenimegh, ; Mossrs.liarper ,k Brothers pub fished an Amor- r - ,lrnment. i,sitoply a radical. He was one at the headquarters of Gen. Bahl, Taxa■l ~," ' • • ! rILC h.-El " • ' - ' ‘4 1 " Ls: ' ;()4 -In weYw- , ...- . Th ey are to e. , ls i ~, change of a nd anti lot if Bpcaltrag of Carl Attribute • cen_.•seee 3. Rota. ilanndo, 9. Henry Wray, ; free edition many years ago. Ile hare alluded' of the Missouri delegates hero, and has been , the following details of the Texas Ex ' podit4 I -- A Y on; I troto p een ,, , „h,„ ~,,,,,,,,,, „,„,,,,s. They en ORAK3.O effects of diesmallon and tam ni. •-. 4. Chas. liansbeek, 10. Firmed Clark, to the celebrated work of Adam Smith, which an Intimate friend , Cui ot al, s Is , student are unsuited : iOn the morning of the 30th, a ' - 4ioi ` ''-' ' ' sr• -et arest , and Tashi makes the fentorriug re- Thee neettethee the eye -er and enliven the min:, 5. L. Morgenstern, 11. Wm. Paris, I will always remaista monument of-what we ' h Norther'• d • I envy was experience ,rneing twelve l i 1 "• •° "'"'"'" .1 " 1- t 'olo• J"lte nil-kelt. les-' , l crass ' rort .n New Turk, the editor of the! , , 0.0 • o. tufFTP 3 !".. ...". . 1 ._ F--' 1 F...". 1.4 leicion. nmarausmc and intermatue.: '.r., IL Josiah Bahr-, 13, J. Fiusimmone. I had almost written down tee genius, but car. Of the Attorney tleueral bona, during which the steamer L nion and marks. •• The 1 ts d this , Oil. ort to I'lnclnnat I Th .Itlnateli SI.. not owe I ,ors or ..-nmperatsvely new arra, of tn. name 0- Thoy p...„.py th.. , 44,4 th .4 464 To tt f the •• -mast District Attorney Kirkpatmck, John H. I tainly of rare origin,ality and sagacity -of Arroexar Greier.ei'ss Obi ire, I Decade itrothera, and anon Mx/ icolialtylug widens. tyro echoer on went dqwn. The steamer I when F.' . whs. .1, was sahs• hot stmt./ ...nu. tst 1,, ~t,...,,,,u , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,p . r o ~,,,,e ci ta.,,,tc ri ll,,,„, rs„, oh , p wit, and t j„,,,,,, ; Hampton, and W. C. Moreland, Rees.. np. 1 felicity of illustration, and practice 1 ap- •-, 1 r.. 4 '5? , .., •V°°- 2, iii ° :-• 1 ' Zephyr had her machines-,• braken and was ' the feet Tho Bekkoti v., Ao ki t h e tith er r,:: is sera ton.. Decker'. Plan. are Itniloot•to.11y the beet . Beetle's. But the re rens of knowledge cored for the prosecution, and Tears. M. 1 p p g • Vary sum d bea, Mims as.' Choler. ft .it , _,' W. W. Enws non, Eau., St, s'hoef re , Mo.- i taken ie tow by tho a-richest Dwane.. The , J,l. 11 .3f1,111. A ., and ny,... j,,M A li . , Lost, hs.,tig mactifenured now In this country." Marehall, M. Swartswelder, and J. Slither- has rendered the " Wealth of Nations ' . They curt Liver Complaud mditiot rens II st.iacts. lend, Esqs., Cor the defence. almost obsolete, in T or y many particulars, asinthe I Srir: Your recent active participation whole fleet, with the exception of the Union made hot ~an top. We uudorsiand teat ale I. le i and the two Pehoonera, arrived at the !node,- 1 e/ri ,i ,I j &dB agents fur Pittsburah, They woke tho 'soak strong, the languid bets :.rte Mr. Moreland opened the case on behalf of , an exposition of the prineiplee of tho science . political enterprise hostile to the known •iewe ; roue, and the landing was fi,e' :tale upon Lra- I ''',' .„", , 7 n' , 'fit'''. b'' T'l' "1"" ''''':" "' 1 and are exhausted natars'a great reet-rer. TL.) r.- J. ef . HOIPFeI ANN .W., into., the Commonwealth reciting the main (nets ,of Pocal Economy, nit ought to Ise etudied and wislion of the Executive Wovernment of :sea Island. On the 2d the 16th Maine, Col. 1 ''',,.',.-„,;-, ' '':'' ~,, , oduipat.ed of IL.. outel•rated Calllaya bock , Pt.,. connected with the killing, and giving notice 1 anti taught at the present day. Two briel ht. 0 . on n , . 0 ~. . tee. sl FIFTH STRKET. grew, 52.14.fr21.4, Mott and seam, •ail Pr . • .i, that a conviction for murder in the first de- ' qUoLationd frets. Mr. Mill's preface will ex " ot the nti and rho Math, rendered it un• Dwya, carted for Bovira CI ice, and took ' ''''' '"" " '`'''' " . ""'“" 2 ''' 4 "" ' 1 "" r '''''''' h g I wert poweesion of the r 3.13 and encamped ea the It '" h ' intB """ h 4b " °""" t " " I " ° ''" 1" the ft . NA ilk: S PIANOS ore - - 94 ' 14 P''''' St ' C''''''' Bum. i ' - ' 4 P .11 " 1 " . " ' ''' area would be insisted upon. 'plate the .cope and design of his work, aud fit in Ley opinion for yon to continue to hold ' 34. After a reeeenoissadeo of the mouth or • • At '''C h '''. l '''' rr `"''' "" d '''' P r '''''''' '''''' ''' In ' - ' h.- I‘, noir co. Idt r. .d the tr rt. Pimm e . circulars and testimealals animal owl, tattle. Dr. Walter was the first witness called. Ile 1 ' , rye also to indicate the want it TO all +tad Ilia off t co of United States Attorney for the ! made, and ate fatly warrauted for Beware or toopolitem. li.malueetery b0i.1.. N., testified that he had boon called to see U. do. .completely supplier . IN , i the Rio Grande, a lending was effected e n / manse leadiag for 01l elm to-da, " '' °X ''' -n g treat. "' "" Ewe tarn 1)1 trick of 3liesuuri. Such being my . the Tex. shore. A high sea was run- The [spot., strain, , torlocht, I apt J s Hart.. elabt years. As to the retrain merits of ths Raabe that It has Lt. S. Barnes' a t on ptl7 I. ceasod. John Kenzle_r, at his retideno. in 1 Political Economy contains the latest im hen ,Wing and four of the boats were cap- 1 was Allies op rapidly ynterday, ~,,,, 4 , 0 , , 0 ,., ~,, , ;1611 . OA. we would refer lo U. certatieete• •.f excel- I from Thalberg, Go•techalk. It Stamp oar the cork r Ith wen-af , rti •.- .ad East Birmingham, on Sunday evening. No- ; proveonents which hare been made in the opinion, the Preside t at my recineet ' . . . smell and seven 'oldies and two tailors ' roady to leave for it•entrDlF, and all Intel-mod.. I • S ' t " ra "' eil ' h ". l:r TaTts- ' 1" dBo Viesixtem ts; as and '.' P ' ' vember 18th, 1860 , and found him in a dying i theory of the subject. Many now ideas and caused your office to be vacated, and another worn drowned , 0110 of the boat. , after re- potrits title rersuna Pa tic sod shippers wilt I from Some ' Of the tarot dheiegnehed entire...ars and on' firm . 11.'"" “ r " "" • 11 '" ' 4 " l ''. sh g . ”' ° '' , '''' j turning from landing her men, sutmeeded in end the, Ism, Mr. traistenia, ..,erosms, ZLI- tins soli- side tabeL Bee that our bottle Is not refill, with condition. He then described the nature and no. aPPLimitions of hie..., have boo. •lioitod to Len 1.1 , 11110 d in veer stood , amassers In ths country. • call 1B reepectrully location of the wounds-two small bullet , by the discussion& of the last few years espe . • i cited before missing elsewhere. Persona at a Ws. spark,. and deleterious stuff. Wo defy Lik 4 l perre weunde in the left arm, one in the chest, end ! daily those on Currency, on Foreign Trade, Yours, 1.:c., ! picking up n large number of those in the ' „„s e „,,,.., the tame or character of oar gn‘lls. Aelf ' water, and the Mexican shore being math ! , e , . , ,to will plea. ' red for a etrealar. For ante at no- ..._ nn u c h ono in the tipper part of the abdomen. On . and On the important topics connected mom [S. /Cord') EDWARD !lents, Att:y lien. , nearer than the other, they started for it, but --° --'''"'"- i ' • " bi "' ' ' '" l ' 4 ' " • .:'''''''''' I h ' rY Pri '''' b ' Y ~ ,e °HIR .V o . I I,Eytt z t,TF- t. ponces pretending to aidl Planteithei Bitten by it. Monday, after the man had died, ho opened lor less intimately with Colonisation: and there ni , on' AUCCRIIS II TICOO.S. ' the Mexicans would not allow them to land. I bar pin oat • ugn for Lounollio. for w hioli p ont ... nal I Sole Age , * for Pinsb'gh reid West. P. gallon or le hulk, lc an Imposter. We i MI only in the cheat and found that two bullets had en- seems reason that the field of Political Neon- The news of Gen. Banks' cocas. in Toiail t and the boat was compelled to cross the river , will l '''''" 4.- "''''''''' ____ _______ .____-_ _ --.4 our log cabin bottle. Any person imtating this tend the respiratory organs-one lung being . omy should be re-surveyed in is oh, hl CI • . . . las the Texas side D i a eng t h e o h o ], t i me ; The new a1<0.14101. Julia so ot vast La , i.. Cm brto hair ilra./.B'Ffi. bottle. or smiling nay other material therein. wbeths , - I. like! to give rise to fears of oomplications • eongested, and the other adhering to the heart. tent, If sexily for the purpose of Incorporating 7 net an armed rebel was seen. spondent says he counted 7 -.. , .. 111, • form. &semi-weekly pocket hoe bor.m her. and I ' - ---- - - ---- ---^---------- ' - • - The ball which penetrated the abdomen the reaulu of these speculation', and bringing ' with the French in Mexico. There 1. no I Th . .... ~.„.. Tim itr a .i iam , ell! lance hem ad lomat, I WA-NI:ED.-y.6u A Mtherri-11 , e mint "died L o w, Bastes cm uotr t. • crlimtma astir 4" glanced downwards, passed through the left them in harmony with the principles pearl- areas red , hswever, fur sneh fears. Banks has ; thirty-seven blockade runners ill M 0z i,,,,, 0 ,.,„ ry . 4 . 00 , 04 . , , 4 , 4 p ... d tho j,,p. ,„ ii ~,,,,,, Assets at EGO • mouth, expen.• paid, to .11 FII. C. b. Low, and will b• . Inn..evea 4 by ®. V 1 kidney, and severest a number of blood yes- cutely laid down by the best thinkers on the waters, on the Rio Grande. On the appear-. oor lirerdowmo Pearl!. Ornnstal Bunwv, and thirteon already have our eye oti two parries ri-DLini,,, ~.... bottles, te., who will niccoed In getting therusel, s sole. Three or four auarteof blood Wero found subject" • 0 • * Ho adds, therefore special instructions to avoid all possib:v diffi- I arts 4 Altlrtlor at 1i ,, 5.... t. tur A. the, am Lot , oilier new, useful end eerie. articles. Fifunin artl• allot et the fleet off the eo.t of Texas, a nom- ' ' . rho sent/ . Add a in the abdominal cavity. The ball, which "A work similar in its °Neat and geueral cultic, with the French, and none are appre- ANA A CLARK, rilddelbrd, Me Into crow quarter.. Tae demand Mr Duds 's r. ,• • her of fire, were light all along it by the 1 e a , i 7 e ,::: " ; .. h bau to . ::,; '' ,,,.. d h l , ' ,:, l o . "' : o 4 ; ; ;; ( o7 o r tn nf in 't ' " ' l lno :',! ; : i ' 1 11.12 Jmdewr Sll -- : Was very small, waa found near the spine. conception to that - of Adam Smith, but heeded. rebels. On the 2d a boat was picked up con- tartest Bittern from ladies, clergymen. meiclual:, Coroner Bostwick testified to having beldam adapted to the more extended knowledge and , 1 /Lee ittORTS. t taining two deeertere from the Texas 7th, who to tan p.itroi. of this Dada Th. orel re ws: hssil I WANTED. An., 'ls perfectij , incredible, Tho Mamie trial et a inquest, in November, 1860, on the body - a the improved ideas of the present ago, ix the kin •1 ' The New fork Herold, ri: . Sunday, pub- I stated that three rebel regiments have been en thli'°'..."l"•' Azt Kx.perienced Carpet Cpwoleterer l'°t•tk'' ls 11, ...mm0... i ~ .., ,,t a their nu ^.n ss , d dem:mem - 1, of contribution which Political Economy at I lately rent from the Rio Grande to Galveston • Capt [Mickel! Id tootling t .•estula for Sr. Louis , soperiority. They are aobt try all reepectahle drue- Peter Runner, a brother of the deceased, present requires." This reluirsuient, it i, lithet a paragraph, r cling to he a special I and Sabine Pass, and a regiment or cavalry •- ' -------- --- - - -- - --- -! I' wavered latmodlatrlY et • drub grow. rs, payelclana, hotels, steamboat, . I testified that his brother was twenty-two almost needle., to say, Mr. Mill has admire- Washington dispate kh contradicts the . , been sent to Houston where Magruder is said I R . . P . E , C I. .4'o T ICES. - bly succeeded in sepplying-and the Ameri- ' statement, originallyto be. Ainst of the rebel army is said td be I ws.• r- 50... 4 ; ---.- ... -:- ......... ..--. . I ''. 4.'-':.-'`. OLIVER ItisCLINTOCK A CO.'S. ......t , " rt .. , years nod .even months old when he died. H. A. Levyue, Jr. testified that he real- can student, thanks to thin re-pu'olication bed in the Wash- p scattered at different points. Gen. Slaughter I' s "" ' n donee the Cincinnati ~./ . .-7 -" R‘ 9 2 / 1 7 13011, MLA 8: CO., (sne lected the night of the killing. He saw the from the latest English edition, has nosr ' n4l ' n e ' rree • nu is said to be ronenander of Port Brown, eerier- ' defendant no the 17th of November 1460, on within his roach, at a moderato price, and yet iiss.n.ros, concerning the Interview het, , n 'lading Gen. 800. A email rehel gunboat . A ' --. Fifth street, near the theatre. Ho took aI in a very elegant style, a work which may Col. Forney and the Ptceident, at which ' said to ho in .. , leria Bayou, and on Mati l a- ' ''''."'" n'''" ' moor 4 "'"''' wA'":2.9 drink with him at the Symposium. Ho said , fairly be chemeterised at the most judisions. , 11f o' mmer ' 11l t 4 11' h! e I II id e S 1 ' I f "N W"RE•• V°!'scree s M.,, , V1,.. 7' :.' men „ j air was proton ,an in wic,g 1, a s a ,n ar a unix. Is a Argo .rt to Lactat e "I am going home; you had better I profound and comprehensive treatise on the monnting niue guns. . Mannfron omen of DO AT AND writ, 71ER1 he was TO''y plainly told the effects of his not come over, as Kurtzler was at father's subject of Political Economy to which he can A schooner loaded with cotton was scared , TEAM ENGI NE4, BLAST ENCIL,E 4 , MILL house when I, left, looking for you and ready I be referred, whether in our own or any other Rockville speech. The paragraph is simply a in Texas waters on the 24. 014, IIINIF:11', 00.1IIIN, oriAPTTNG. rt A 1. fern fight." Leath then re lied-"I have a , language. 11 , .. , 71.i forgery, tnanufact.tred in New furl, . 1809, of all d.oriptio. • 1111 TANKS A- el ILLS, Lateat trims Europe. hull dog that will fix him if he comes around I Esc& PAIONA Dy Ileory,li Thorrau, Author .•f -wai. and not transmitted from Washington at all. . prii lER ANN SIIENT IRON WoRD me." Ile then showed the wittiest:, a pistol den," and -A Week e 54,11. Concord •nd Merrimack P.trar Hi/01, Nov. Iri.-The ateamship City .. arm:. for 1•11 , 1..11:0'9 It I fldNl INJNoTmR, whirl, ho had in his side r ocket. They had no no tice, but f L r b ti . i r re ,h re.; ,. lior .m to . n by Ti . c . ..klor ield; Iwo. Pit s.. Of clone, therefore, it require. , n onoon. from LiVerptell On the 4th vin EDF FEPV.INe Ilnll 111. another drink In Market alley, and started , i ,„p r 1e . e ., 4 „ -R. ' Dori., ' " -''' ''''' as it probably appears at the instigation of Queenstown on the sth, passed this point ' ' " o -- --.. e ,home. Ho did not see the defendant again This book of Henry D Thoreau's, is err , of Portmaeter General Blair, it is proper to at 4:30 !hie afternooe. leer dates am feu- --, LAK F. SUPERIOR COPPER until after the shooting. Louth came into , the most delightful and se lf-verifying of all ' say that if he will fath ' I er it, nnquesuonah e 1 clays later. MIL 7 ' ' , MELTING Irv/Me, PirrenVllGo Levyue e far room, in Brownstown, and the records and memorials, in mere black- - . COMMERCIAL.- -Cotton closed dull arid a ItgiltlY aria "I've shot him, and lam as cool at 1 upon-white, of intercourse and loving intnite- proofs of its utter falsity will be immediately lower. Breadstuffs quiet and stead). II l'"' PARK, M'CuRDIC as. Cl)., SI f t fsH E 17111 KG BrA7irrs• A`,lll ' a cement/cr." Ile then passed back I cy with nature, that we have had the ghe e produced. , yieions are inactse with a downward ton- ''' ure" '' ' ' - ''' A . BOLT POPPER PR i.o.NED Ltd./0.-It Dv r; • IN , into the dieing room and kitchen, ploY- I fortune to stumble upon, in many years' 'oi I raise Netti IN DICIISIOND A arl.r tau, torn o • dency. Console, for money, 921 e. The Bank ' ' RAISED STILL TIOTTOMS. SPALTEN Slit oEn. leg with the pistol. The witness saw I rog dh ig. e, England lad advancedits 0 e There are nine papers in thin sot- YOR •T retenee.et f d t me IP VIM era and denlor. in Al ET A I.S. TIN Letitia again, on the Street, near where Rens- I nme-(Natural History of Maseaahusette-A , to 1 p ar rent. to check tae speculation in Al., hn l"'" Tie experiment of furnishing supplies to Cotton. PLATE, 011 ELT IRON. WIRE, ae entudontlr . ' tar woe lying. Lanth said, "if it was the . Walk to Weelinsett-The Landlerd--A \Val- I pistol that tickled his lips, be would be grueo- : ter Walk-The Succession of Forest Trees- , our prisoner! of war in Richmond has proved Lite spool, ,4'0,. lily-Floor quiet but steady. naafi. TINN r. 1:,. MAt'IIINES AND Tie,: -- mg now Louth then started home, and I Walking-Autumnal Tints-Wild Apples-, summeeful. Twenty-four thoueund rations "'boat stottlY• Corn quiet, Mixed 21is tbiej wereheow, No. G• Fl N.T... I l'_rt !It °ND orb, i witness did not s. hue again until he saw I Night and Moonlight)-and in every one I end five thousand full suttee( clothing !lent by 28s 9d, White 20(tr.303. Beef in smelt ssle. Pitt.he-sh, Ps him in prised . ,we find whole pages tlett. tempt quo- I Pork dell. Batson flat. Tallow steady. eperiel order. of Copp, ,o ut t. my desired pattern. This witness was cross-examined at great I ration, which rho limits of our space lin- I the government, and a largo number of arts- LONDON Masers-Breadstaffs scarce. spyan lvds,,,T - 1 length, hat his testimony did not vary ma- S periously forbid es to indulge in . w e CICS of convenience sent by the Sar.itary Com- The Time Pays, artless technical difficr'' `pine r .... - THE CO" - nssToNs AND RX . CIA: ' - torially from his statement in chieL can but direct tier readers, therefore to niirrion, bare been duly received and their t ire u re A tic i . the proceedings of the hoor 11l the case of I, s, e s,. -- Court adjourned until nine o'clock Tuesday I the elegant volume in which kfeurs. Ticknor exandrin end the inspected rams, they PERI EN , E OF AN 11. 7 AL, I , outiltehea morning. 1 & Fields have collected theee word-pieturingn ' cafe reception eck no pi e d ge , - , by ear ponaible will be shortly Aoki, and trusts to demsion ' ter Me hernia. and es a warning...no c antina to young ' i partite. Tl.,:e artistes ,rill be sutbeiont to will remove any just causeof complaint with- M.ll wbo ..lif,r ems hsnotis Dsbni-,, ;,,.awns 1 and stories from nature. Ralph 15 aldo Em out unduly rentrietisg !tide, trs. becay of Me..?-- L e,ll my nee chip{ i , stally Sewing Machines. AM.l.resa Z. MADISON. Alfred, Maine uMM:Streleven GENERAL CLAIM AGENT 1111M=1111 Stook, H. C. MACKRF.LL AII , RN - RT AT LAW 10:7) CLA Aat-77., No. 114411 , 711 ST111:147, Prrrnaraw. :ton ; hoe ell #ll.haq.ed Saddler, MI; .!;fl, hoe empe.led °Werra anti Belthare; BOUN TIio.:•dPENSIONI.4 for Whlcrwa, Parente, Orphar, tAttltiren, Bruthera atui outer. • or other legal r t .; r. uno hate dttd tu the •ertridn, or hurt. thu..lturgo (rum direr cout.,,t•el In MTN-, enargaantli calk,t,d, and no latter will b narazod anner • stamp t intictlnd. felfnlyar. ,TILIT.k liY CT.A I.MS, 8t)1....."1'11:i. , ", j•ENsInNa, HACI: PAY and KILITART PI 11)1. „ r n errry t - 1 , 4ct , .:: tn, et the 4nb . at tho f Alovrtni; Pertsinn• .10 00; i an ..th, rIA r. 'I A Lor, Attorney nt Laar, No. 73 Grant atrrat, Bittaborgt, P. N B N 'A are made Or :Ile clam no., not ur...«.1. and all Info, nestl, siren grafi , 1.4.4:1y _ nitoii:sELLEitx, A.c R 1 1 7.1 L lEST.ITE G L'ArTS. WILLLAII AR), Dealer in Pi.k)M ISSORY NOTES. BONDS, MORTGAiiES, and all securillee for money. Perrone fAr, procure LOANS, tmoo,ll my ngenry, , Terme, Thos. wiaddrig to lovr thetir nirtrt—trrt tulTan tags, tau nlytaytt and first and socadad clan pap, at uty °Moe for taco. 'n rommomentlous and ital,Vlll,f• strictly cold,- doctial Offico, Grootc;;:lito Et. Pool's t:'tt '1,11,1 R UKSIAN PEEIIILE SsECTACLES. Ithstandlog tho strocki of 'abloom Vtttt.rs, who ttoptrs ti, owns of Orti. ciao, the RUSSIA'S( PEBBLE SPECTACLES, J. DIAMOND, Pruttcsl `lanurrturrr of thn ittimlnn Febf.le Spontsck. Koor rouatantly on baud a !aro. ami thoroughly aaaaonod DEttaNG, BOAT A..ND .1,01201( PLANK, WINDOW =Airs STUFF, LINTLEB, SUD-ILT,9 JOISTS, SPOPTINO, LATHS, rm.- .LYGS, do. do., .te. Ha Irtli , 911 ordeal. tor 3AWDD If PUFF with prompturoa and at fair ratal. N. B. l' ..,,u wantio,, I..Jsn TILE BCH or ror• LAII are porth alai. invited to wkaskino his omit. Carilltica on Craig street, nolillohlnaou. an2ltztt PLASTER PARIS, ROSSIMALE AND JOHNS E=! EIS= CZNIM=MI r;"= - DRAKE'S GENUINE TVA.% far gale wholetealo and retail, by PLRB WIN VINEGAR, E ROLLAIJN, Germ., The mgy Vinegar 0w...4 .hi . Prin 3.1.1.'d. at trj oxhildten at tit, Looudon. /sr sold Isy -, PR.TVALTE DISEASES Is the only r•IIabl, n•mn.!y ac-s•, of te• “r k Ll-. 1 of gletteratton. It le thn Itsconery of e, ernir7-nl rt),1C,.0 whiwo. 11f. u . the tn....meta this data and vitt caprvr,l4,ll.,l ano- Cur mum.. than I tr.nt, you-, It u petfertice tit ,quiring antlrely tram the tntortothen practla, and tiau nuuern.; worth =MI kss compottb4s ..flared to t', tti I!,. It is entirely t..swrahln and polketiy :L a. - .:1 ,111 e s charm imd Imparts •troo`ti anal V iv, va th e atetmd l:Mrrioar.—Th o great woe CS4 tb r•rnetty to of- • feeting ptrmtwort 4.; is T— kniuted reprtlntylet.l wee. (Amen., therefor, 4 ,1 , the larnatnn, a ills propsiesur la &round e.. 1.1 box. Nurw other a romane. Prepared only !y W. F. DAVIDSON, Boil Lt an Dragem. PH., 31 per box- air rot sale at whole's& by CEO. E. SEYSER, 14n W , ed .trret jrM:lytt...l" [MAY(s ie., ID. CONSIIIrPTION The unt:sraignoil having born rop.tored to hrs.!, In n for racks by 4.‘ very simple remeatr : :Ines hsvin, sons...a. error.' yearn with • severe lung affretl.n, and that dread Ali - sass, Consmopttiro—la staxlOna to make known to hta feller sore ran the men= of corr. To .3 who drain It, he wtll send a copy of th prescript van wed, (rme of .hoar,) with ithe claw tioas itr preparing .d using the same, which they will had odors con, fee CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, 001/11/IS, COLDS, ,tc. The ortly °Neel of the advertiser In eemdlag the WM:MMoo L to bectellt the aßlicted, and spread iota:m.ocm which he maestros to :.L. - ralaablo; and he bore* every tolTerer will try his remedy... i• wlll theta nothing, utd may prove • blearing. Parthe wishing the preecription xpl p 1.., a:11,-a Bev. EDWARD A. wns.oiv, WlDtainabargh, Rinza rcunty, New Tack. me.?3,lmd*wir . - 7 - -SPECIAL ses TO THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH AND Vie:fan The Linden:load rep attenti.. t, Ike prepanalun known u UFNIZ EWELL'S r'... - ITEIISAL 11= . 11 - .LT For all Thr"at and Lung Complnlnty. InfItNEWELL'S TOLL SNODT TtHrgerukt Neuralgic, Ilhertmatle, tfead.aehe, echo, Lora of Sirup, .d -1 Weal,. norttcrtr Mr for the Path. to Monthly Kertstratfoma a per te.# relief. IiCKELWELL'S ECLECTIC PILL?. The moat perfect form of Catharto ever girl= to the public. width never ragout DOM than tor. does but ca. for a does, act attboat tba lout a:rapine, and cars Indigestion, Dyclvtia, Billmmuess. Livel o.:ramlaluta Piles, Worm, and all derangemeow rt atermar_h or boataa. The &bore prepenttiona, of tech crobrmniir4 t.,•u radon he New England, Lyre the confidence of, 5,0.1 ft.na wed rut r,mh.73 -f Phyvidens, and et prices within reldi of ell, are worthy the attest Jo. of Invalids, who will find theta • atrict conformity to c.v.., I:. EZI.I.ICIZ.G. 1% Lthent remortina to the corn mon method of *alone. of edverising, I ' t ot.! ait twt,,st them, which will be eecrod, JOLLI: L. HUN.NINEL.L, Propriet.-, Practical limn 1104:un, llaaL For r.a.10 by all Trip:Acute and retail dofaca. Tea greater A L LE(1111:1(1. CITY, . - Deol;ra of good references toDlekti .1 commis' mm. For r.slo m rittsbnry.h ILL 1 . 044 by J. M. Talton, C. H. /leper, R. D. Joseph liming iYa..ddhony Cit? by J. Drown, D„ I. Mrang gnd'Goo. A. B. A. FAIINF-STQCK ocl6,3moodavF Wholrmin Agoras, Plttsbeltpla. TO NZs' -.6.11. 1 70US SITFIIiaLEPXOF BOTH resarend gentinnum - log bean tutored to health In o few days, Altar un dergoing all the wool 77fatI. and Imnsutar *nen slue tootles of trout...oat, without emcees, considara hie ascend duty to no Imunieato to his afflicted creatnr.rthe mean., of ear*. Henno, oo th:, receipt an eddreesod envelop, he o 11l send. free, a copy or r reserlptlon used. Dire et h. to Dr. JOB'S' 3t. LAGNALL, IC Fulton! street, .T. Inhlll:lvdava ....JOHN COCHRAN ft BRO.i.AtTu:. atheism's!. of 11101: HAIT.Z.VO, 'IRON TLTS AND VAULT DOOM, VIII - Do* *VT. TRDS, WI DOWoranDF, mean, and SI THTAT. .TTIErr, but. VOod arnir4rket. 'us ou hand a sar*tis.f jaw PitUirat * :fartt7 and .plaice, mltabltyn all , • Particular attcallou dto antlialtar GMT , ' .14+ , .. Jubhluir donsatabort polka. Ir 6 =krEt. C 0111 48. - FOlrr-tur. . - Lio AND Coll3.lll33loli7fikOVANtand whoteede dealer tr, it..u.z.tf E. BtrrrElle.'gtiri. -111511, and produce jotteral,ty, VOODIiT. Pittsburgh, Pa.. r ' yol P. 11. bIi.AEU dt r 0 202 Drnsevar N Y 1411110 N J 011 NSTO 'S Cara.•r SwllLdold ¢l icoart% at,,t (14r.iorly Maiht s , F. M. HOLUM A tV, M=El Dr. Ludlum's Specific &A* iliudnoatl, C' A CILIABLE DOR A RE. CARD-TO C4NBC.VPTI