fs rgh dazettit. SATURDAY 1 , 108N1NG......N0V. 14, 1868 CITY AND SUBURB.A.N Official Paper of the City. The New Gymnastics. A number of ladies and gentlemen interest ed in the introductionf o. the new system of gymnastics, (as taught by Dr. Dio Lewis, of Boston, and brought before the public gener ally, in a series of able and interosting papers contributed by him to the Atkintie Monthly, and afterwards collected and pub lished in a volume,) assembled last evening in Neville Hall, to witness an exhibition by the Misses IDukell, of Boston, pupils of Dr. Lewis, of die manner of exercising In this beautiful art. The relation of music and harinonioue movement was illustrated by the accompaniment of a piano, which was appro prietely introduced for this purpose, and with the happiest effect. This new method of pipes!. training arid culture has been hailed b ,physteisns of the highest eminence, as t e most rational and effective to accomplish the beneficent purpose of the healthy devel opment of the yohng, and the reinvigorating of the weak and enfeebled of all ages, that has over been procticed. We cannot but give our best wishes to the beautiful and accomplished sisters, who have mina to our city, so warmly recommended by Dr. Lewis as fully compe tent to instruct our children and youth of both sexes in this new system of physical training, which eschews violent exercise, preferring that degree of , it which stops ehort of fatigue, re garding as the paramount objects to be at tained by the art, just what its best name implies—beauty sod strength. So the Greeks conceived of it when they gave it that name, 'which we have borrowed from them--eolis thenici. —We may add that several gentlemen who were present epoko in terms of high approval of the new system, among whom we may mention Mr. P. R. Eaton, Mr. Twining and Rev. Dr. Douglas. New Counterfeits. The following new counterfeits have been detected in eastern cities: Bank of Jersey City, New Jersey—ls al tered--vig. girl feeding calves. Delaware County Bank, Penn.-11, 2s and 50 aro in circulation. This 13 a fraud. There is no such bank. Easton Bank, Easton, Penn.-5s spurious— .rig. drove of wild hones running; girl shad ing her oyoaon right end. . Farmers' Bank, Dover, Delaware-10s spu rions—name of bank In circle in centre of note ; oval male portrait on lower right ear ner; two Indians on left er.d. State Bank, Newark, N. J.-5, imitation— rig. Court House, trees, dcc. ; 5 on each upper corner ; ship in lower left corner. Western Bank, Philadelphia, Penn.-2s al tered—rig. harvest scene; two cupids on right. Plain Pacts for the People About Wheeler di; Wilson's Sewing Ma chine. It would be folly to attempt any higher calory upon the world-renowned Sewing Machine of Wheeler and Wiison, (sold hi this city at the neat and tasteful ware rooms, No. 18, Fifth etreet,l then the statement of the fact that wherever the Wheeler k Wilson Sewing Machine has been exhibited for competition, either en tai., or.the other side of the Atlantic, ikhaa, with out a single exception, taken the highest pre mium. So true is this that wherever this compliment has been extended to any other machine, it may be taken as proof positive that the Wheeler k Wilson instrument was not exhibited at all. This, in itself, is such a kiting feet that to multiply words about it to people of intelligence would be useless. Nev ertheless, there are a number of accidental facts connected with this favorite machine that the people ought to know, few Q..: width we call the attention clone re ader, to to-day, in the following order: . Ist. The yearly sales of the Whoc.lsr Wilson Sewing Machines are larger than those of all the other sewing machines com bined. The immense manufactory of the Wheeler Wilson Bowing Machine Company, at Bridgepdrt, Connecticut, is one of the won-' dens of the world. It occupies upwards four aeres of ground. employs more than a thousand of the best workmen in the United States, and with the most improved machin ery the Company find It impossible to supply the great demand fur their machines in this eountry and Europe. Sd. The Wheeler S Wilson Machine is an instrument of infinite versatility in its oper ations. It will braid, cord, hind, tuck, gath er, fell and hem more beautifully than any other machine in use, without basting, or any preparation of the work. 4th. Bindings may be put on the edges of any kind of garment, hat or cap, without any 'other adjusting than that performed by the machine itself, while in the act of sewing them on. sth. The Lock-Stikla wade by the Wheeler ,k Wilson iewine Machine is more durable 'rind more beautiful than that made by any other, and has these advantages ' that it pre sents the same appearance on both sides of this fabric, and will not raveL It is also more economical, requiring one-third less cotton than other kind of stitch. %Again t this beautiful stitch, being the same on both sides, it bi not necessary to use the extremely - tun sewing cotton required by those machines which make a stitch with a ridge on - the under side that can only be eon ,tealed bin thread too delicate and fine to • bear ordinary wear. 6th. The bobbin - which holds the under thread in the Wheeler k Wilson Machine is so constructed that when empty no care and very little time is required to fill it. The bobbins on the dodge machine, on the contrary, re quire considerable care in order to wind the cotton on them evenly, and it the winding is done by aninexperiencod hand, the result is, the thread Will diet unwind freely, and will break. Ith. The itimplieity of the Wheeler & WilsTan -Machine renders its movements so easy that a child can work it, the weight of the feet alone being sufficient to move it. It will work with all kinds of sewing silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sew all kinds of mate rials, from the thinest gauze to the heaviest ' cloth. It is „Aged by thousands of tailors, dress-makers and searastressee. Bth. For rapidity of motion the Wheeler dc Wilson Machine exoelle all others, as has been demonstrated a thousand times by cora petetion. 9th. It is so saisekss in its operation that. 'conversation may be carried on in the ordinary • pitch of voles in aworkraom where a score of machines are in motion. 10th. Another very great advantage that the Wheeler ,t Wilson Machine poseases over others is found in the fact that the work on It is carried on in the natural way from left to right, which enables the operator to adjust the work more readily, and without any' change from the upright posture, while ma ehines which carry the work frees the operator require an inclination of the body (detrimental , to the health) in order to adjust the material 'as it passes from under the needle. . 11th. As an ornamental piece of workman. I ship, the Wheeler' k Wilson instrument Is i worthy a place -. in the most elegantly furnis h parser - a eek., faetrwhich renders It peculiarly d amble s stud appropriate as a - soft of . Some !, the cases are of rosewood, walnut; or Ina- I loginy,furnlshed with sets of drawers for the reception of cottons, sewing ethr.S, Sa, and! when the doors are closed there are few lei . 'eles Ocfuittitnie more exquisitely beautiftd. For.thesej , land sundry other rea s ons, no household bathe laid is -complete Without a Wheeler & Wilson - Sewing Machine. - They withla reach of everybody, being made to main tastes and circumstances; and the plainest in finish; whicheosb4so,..will work as well aroma Which coats $2OO. Cut out the above ifacts, on our recommen . dittos, and post them conveniently for future reference, and when yon want the best 'Sew ing Machine in:the world, take oar advice and go to the.oilloo of Wheeler & Wilson's agency in this city, N 0.27 Fifth at., and get St. M.o* Fomm.—Wediesday morning; a man fopud at the foot of the embankment of lthe Pennsylvania relfraid, near White's Tan . sissy, a short distance from Duncannen. It Is .4 ..ittnised that he fell from a thine the pro .''does night, and rolled to where be was found, Hs had a leg and an mut broken, and his bead was badly bruised- and. cut. He was unable to give his name or any particulars of thi accident. 1,000 Ceara DS VLSITtS, kilt recurs°, nom prising General', noted promotes, lieress, • and &Armies, Le., at only onedellorper doecTif Et t gq kl i °PPoNite ttoe Post-oliee. 'nadir& aides, located on the corner of East Common and Ohio street, w,B ho dedicat ed to the w of Almighty God to-mor row, 15th inst. Bishop Simpson will prean in the morning; Rey. W. A. Snirely, pastor of Christ M. Church, in the afternoon, and Rev. Dr. Nast, of Cincinnati, In the evening, in Gorman. We are informed the morning and afternoon will be devoted exclusively to Eng lish services, and that the members of the German congregation aro not to be present i till Cho evening service. This congregation though but few in number and possessing lim ited meat,' have done well, yet they are wholly unable to liquidate the heavy debt incurred in its erection, and therefore are forced to appPel for help from their English friends. It hoped that not only will the Methodists of the clilea, but others will bo present to contribute willingly and liberally to relievo this congre- ; potion from embarrassment. Railroad Earnings. The followhog la a statement .bowing the approximate earnings of the Pittabargh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company daring thei month of October alt., compared with the same period of last Wrons • 1631. 311=t,OLCI Paaamgers.-.. 166,304 64 'Expr. Matter] 9,70000 Rails 7,826 00 Rent Railway. 7,033 34 Miscallartootts. 1,169 24 year. 1882. 8245,540 18 877,543 39 iIIC 137,488 81 28,818 70 inc 2,800 00 100 OD kw 7,029 001 7,083 341 784 961 CM= Earnings from Jan 1 to Oc 31 Increase f crease to Oct 13,010,07230 6 6-10 pe 7-10 per c 4,185 1.15 731 or Oct., ' . 31 et, 35 Tea Saw - tau Macntca PEPOSIKRSIVIL—Great adt allege hare recently been made in the class of sewing machines known as Lock Stitch, by the Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Com pany. This Company have just introduced a variety of machines of this class, which they esteem greatly superior to all other lock-stitch machines in use. These new machines do away with all complications—gears, cogwheels, tension wires and pads—and in simplicity, beauty and durability, leave nothing to be desired. These improved luck-etiteh machines are of similar patterns, and are sold by that Company at the same price as their noiseless Grover & Baker stitch machines. There is now ono place in our city where purchasers can examine the two best machines in the market, learn their relative merits, and select for themselves. Parties who have only the right to make and sell one kind of machine, cannot be expected to reveal its defects. This Company,lowever, being manufacturers of both kinds, can afford to tell "the whole truth."—Transcript, ( Pala) See advertisement. Toe EASTZES WEEKLIIO.—FoII QIN , of those popular journals will be found at .1. P. Hunt's, Masonic nail, Fifth street. Among them we may mention "The Bonner of Light," and Gleams's Literary Compassi., published in Boston " The hairpeadrat," " The &quids Antweiewn Journal," " Haiper's Weekly," and "Fronk Leslie's Newspaper,"published in Now York. OR TOR PLAINS; on, IRE 11..tre FOR LIFK. —This is the first number of a ebeap series, entitled American Tales,"—and certainly, when the reader gets - ovefslxty closely-print ed double-column octavo pages, say for e dime, he may claim that the indulgence of Lis ta,te in this line of reading is not a thing to cost him mach money--at least, in the light of direct outlay. TUB EAVITIN PAPCS3--Iteligious, Literary and Pictorial--ean bo obtained at J. W. Pit tock's News and Periodical Depot, opposite the Post Office. There our readers will find, among: , t others. the following popular journals —The N. Y. Indepeosient, Harper's Wesk(if, Frau/. Lreis, and Gleasen's Literary ilAnpanism. Call earl♦ and supply youredves with anx you require. TIIR PICTORIAL W accu cs.—These well known and always welcome papers, among which we may mention, Frank Leslie'. !rated Neer:paper, Harper's Weekly and Sued end Smith's New Tork Weekly, will ho found at Oildenfenney's, 45 Fifth Areet. Glyn Media Hand, at 514sonio Ban Auction Hour; a call, if you want bads and shoes, dress goods, cloths, hoop skirt., or in fart any thing cheap. Atattma, Abnrsts.—A . fine selection of Al bums, at low rates, at Pittock's News Depot, apposite the Pest-office. ALL the late Eastern and 'Western daily and woekly pipers at Pittocki, opposite the Poet office. lILIIPEII'S WEZGLY for this week, at Pit took's., opposite the Post-olhee. Com.nonz, the aetnr, is now playing an en gagement at Cleyelanci. Cara. PTIOTOGRAPIIS of &Sim; Charlotte Thomp son, et Pittock'o oppo.gite the Post-offioe. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Taoses Pease, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania. and Vermont alite of the best quality at low rates. Ogles at Alex. Laughlin's,' near the Water Worb, Pittsburgh, Pa. Slocum Lamm. cos Pam. man Wnrrea Goone, just received at Sam'l Graham /a Co.',, Mar chant Won, No. SI Market street. It con sists of all the very Wait styles of cloths, eassimeres and vestings; overooatings of all kinds of the very finest qnality, all of which is selected from the latest Importations, and will be mode up in the most fashionable and beet manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed bz any other in tho city, and every garment warranted a perfect fit, would do well to give as an early call. &Jim. Guam k Co., Merchant Tailors, fie. 64 Market at. SAN= Galium, Gao. MoCutDiama. Fos Fell *an WIWIII3 Wies.—The Sum mer is put, and by the morning's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will steady be upon us, and wo must provide our selves with the material to keep ns comfort able. A nice fall imit, or a good and well made overcoat ars the very thing, and we do net know of any place +usher, our readers would mit themselves better•thin at Messrs. W. H. McGee k Co's clothing establishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for waistcoat:Mg, &o. Joni RICIIM MID Ruin roe Rua.—The this arsortmwat of Fall and Winter Clothing, lately received by Mesas. John Wier do Co., lderobant Tallow, No. 146 Federal atreet, Al •legheny The stook of clothing consists of the finest variety qt gents'intalocus, vests, toots and overcoats. The s le of patterns lo toatehil and fashionable . We would invite all of our readers to give the above gentlemen ealL To Know m To AvraoTr..--Boy. Georg Hiwling, Groin:TNT L. writes "Yon are at liberty to use my name, ifyou think prop er,,oa recommemdation both of dire.S. A. Zylobeilasnixim and.World'o. Hair Be &Wirer for motoring the - hair. Thhir Tirttio should not be qiiddion ntifiera bushel.' Sold by druggists ereireltere. Depot 193 Greenwich' street New York. Saw. Pox has already nerideed some of our best and bravest -troops:- Soldiers listen to the voice of reason, impply yourselves with Hollowaya Pills and Ointment. The Pills purify the blood and atregthen the stemma, while the Ointment removes all pain, and prevent* . pilmsrim. Only 25 cents per box or PO" 23L. Dricrat, Isarmirre, Ho. 251 Penn street, is the place where you can get the beet cheap dentistry in the city. Don't forget the placo, No. 251 Penn street, near Hancock. Norms and carriage calls will be taken at the Omnibus Oleo; Ho. 410 Penn street, day or night. All orders left at the above place will be promptly attended to. All calls most M paid in *draper. 0. Bat, Dontist, 248 Penn street, will at tend to all Waimea of hit profatelon. • DIED: L001113.-o'4 Thursday evening, Nov. 12th, 1863, ANHUI W., link of Non. A. W. Loomis. Insalralservices on Strzoatiries - Naos, Nov. IBM at 2 o'clock. Carriages will start from Robert Pat taison's •Livery Stable, on Diamond skeet, 1% o'clock p. m. • TEE LATEST NEWS BY TBLBGB.APH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Dusan.] Dispatch Co tha Pittsburgh Casette WASHINGTON CITY, )70T. 13th, 1883 Tale BLECTION DV C. S. XVNATOU IN 111SSOritf The President has received dispatches an nouncing the election -of Grate Brown mad John B. flendersen, 'United Strata Senators from Missouri. The announcement is received with unmixed satisfaction at the White Rouse. The election of Grata Brown, regarded hero IL, the original emancipation leader of Xis gives rise on all handl to special congratulations, and is considered a triumph of the good cause, hardly second to the recent election in Maryland; but Its peculiar signifi cance is thought to consist in the fact, that it is an utterly overwhelming defeat of the Blair*. Gratz Brown has been specially conspienone as the opponent of the reactionary policy advo cated by the Blairs, and his triumph is con sidered their repudiation. The President has sent a congratulatory dispatch on the election, in which, refering to his well known expres sion about knocking the heads of the radicals and claybanks together, till they learned to behave themselves, he says he thinks they have knocked their heads together to OMO purpose. i1,075,0L3.13tric .r oent. ; in ent. BCRIGSIDVEI MI4IGNATION ACCSPTIID Our statement, made some days ago, con cerning the acceptance of Gen. Burnside's res ignation, and the appointment of Gen. Foster as his successor, is fully confirmed. Gen. Foster loaves for his new oommand, in Bast Tennessee, to-morrow, with Gen. Porter as hie Chief of Staff. ISCO.OIIOX GEMAL H.LMIOND OHDRIIRD TO CHIT Surgeon Goneral Hammond having boon back only two days from his tour South, has been ordered to Chattanooga to make hospi tal inspeotions. It is thought to be manifest ly the purpose to keep him away from the at tire discharge of his duties hero as Surgeon General. THE JOHNSON ISLAND ICHE:111. It is supposed that the indiNtiduals connected with the rebel plot to burn Buffalo, and com mit daprlidations generally on the Northern lakes, have sett:Lally got possession of two stammers, and are now out upon the execution of that part of the scheme which aontemptates the release of prisoners on Johnson's Island. Ex-Bor. Morehead, of Kentucky, Jim Clay and Marshal Kano, who are in Canada, are pledged to be the chief managers of this bri kinetic Additional Foreign News by the Asia. Naw Yoax, Nov. 13.—Among the new com panies which arc announced, is the National Steam Navigation company of London and Liverpool, with a capital of two mWfon ster ling. The object is to accelerate the substitn tion of powerful screw steamers for sailing vessels in American and other trader. The first step will he to Establish lines trout Liv erpool and London to New lock of steamers of large sine and capacity for'sfreight and pas sengers. Three new steamers hare been ARMY OPERATIONS. provisionally purchased, and contracts made Army operations in front are of a prepare- I for others of 3,500 tons each. The sleazier Bragaztas, from o f B's to to rather than an active nature. A rerun- I Lisbon, was boarded inas, the Bay of Rtecay by noisanee yesterday advanced to Stevensburg,- the privateer Georgia, and atak.d fur newepa which is now occupied by Ron. EilpatrieL. In Fero and shipping intelligence. I The Mersey rams remained in the possession the advance to this place a sharp skirmish en- of armed marines. The work on them had sued, daring which a number of shells were ' been suspended. Two gunboats also kept thrown by both sides, bat without material watch over Laird's yard. Livery:of, „Vein 1 . .— Breads quiet and damage. The rebels, as usual of late, soon ' steady. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat broke and fled for safety across the river. .4 quiet. Corn firmer; mixed 26s 3d(5i.29., fid; THE OILLIZGE AND ALZIARDRIA RAILROAD ores white 225(4,305. Provisions dull. Beef steady. TO REALTOR. Pork quiet and steady. Bacon heavy, Witt a The Orange and Alexandria Railroad has lower. Sugar irregular, closing firmer. Col been repaired, and trains run as far as r" dell. !Walton. The bridge at the railway crossing over Rappahannock is made, and will be erected ..11 a day or two, and, it is unmated, errs will reach Culpepper by the Roth instant. Thu following dispatch was transmitted to CoMPLIIIENT lianeral Meade, and by him given to the Army of the Potomac, en Monday Virsauccorox, Nov. 0, 1863.—Major General Mender I have seen your dispatches about the oporationa on the Rappahannock on Satur day, and I wish to say, " Well done." ABILLRAII Lracotx. This characteristic expression of thanks was well received by the soldiers, who felt highly aatislied with the knowledge that their movements were observed with so mock in terest by the President. OEW. VtOWELL TO °ATI A CONWAY°. It is now considered settled that General McDowell is to be assigned to a command at once, and unofficial information mentions Bal timore as his destination. The Department ha, !or.; been convinced of groan injustice hitherto done him, while of hie great ability there has never been any question. NUM CAPTIIRILD. 'three steamers, of British build, were cap tured off Wilmington last week. They are considered the most important captures of the war. Two officers of Her British Majesty's Royal Artillery were on board of them, and will partake of the hospitalities of Fort Lafayette in conjunction with the captured rebels. One of these worthies remarked after the capture, that, had the vessel he was on succeeded in running the blockade, it would have been the most valuable single cirgo over run into the South. Seven prise steamers have been captured near Wiltuingten within the last six weeks. A large number of valuable papers of the rebel government, on board tho tlmt named vessel, were thrown overboard during the chase, but were recovered and are now in the bands of the Secretary of the Navy. PERSONAL. Col. Rush, of the Invalid Corps, has boon or dared to Rock Isiand. Gen. Butterfield is about to retire from Gen. Booker's staff, and will probably receiro an appointment near Washington. Major Brewer Cameron, eon of ex-tineretary Cameron, who has been acting u paymaster in the army, ban been placed on the retired list, on account of long and Jaithfni services. Gen. Hatch Wu' been ordered to the coca wand of the new cavalry depot at St. Louie. 00100 11101100 11EA.05A1. Capt. Reed, of Gen. Steele's staff, from Ar kansas, is here with the proceedings of a meet ing, ineludhlg resolutions of the loyal men of that State for presentation to the President. Re regards Arkansas as the meet loyal of the seceded States, and that the Arkansu River people are mostly small farmers and owning bat few negroes, and are generally in favor of the Government. GOIMANOIA CU TIN IN WASHINGTON .Governor Curtin is here to make arraup mente relative to the volunteer quota of that State. Col. BirMsy is at Benediet, In Maryland, on Chesapeake Bay, encamped with lire negro regiments. 110 hoe four ateasners Bemiring the waters thereabouts, gathering up material for ether sneh regiments. ova ITISOFICIIS AT RICIMOND In reply to a dispatch from Governor Tad, the Secretary of War assures Mr. Wetmore, the Ohio State agent, that everything is-being done by the government for thlgifirof our Omens Ittehmond. AMIT TILLNISPORTATIOK. A recent Order of the Wer Department reg ulatekb7 strict orders, - -the - amount of army transportation and camp equipage and forage allowance. It also provides that no private property shall be taken for military purposes, except by Generals commanding army corm and then receipts aro to be made out for the owner of the property, and • report forwarded to hes.. uarters. Sale of Five-Twenties. Pattroccrau, Nov. 13.—Th. sale of nye. twontlos today amounted to $670,300. -. IPIIOM • CIIIIIBERLAIiIIY GAP: Special Dispatch to the Pittabturja Guam, C6III36}IAAND GAP;Nov. 13. A very spirited skirmish with the enemy occurred yesterday about ten miles from the Gap in Virginia. A forage train of twenty one wagons had been sent out with a guard of twenty-eight men. The wagons were loaded and started for the Gap, with no ap pearance of danger, when suddenly a party of seventy guerrillas rushed from a convenient ambush, overpowering the guard, and com- polling a surrender. The officers, clothing i was Immediately tr•nefarred- to rebel hacks und their waiiets were appro ipriated. The re eels were rejoiced. Ton min nice after the capture, Col. Lamert, command ' ing the forces at the Gap, appeared in • bend of the road, whilst the rebels, ignorant of danger, were approaching. Col. Lemert im mediately led the ebarge with ton men of the Fourth Battalion, 0. C. C. A fierce hand to hand sabre fight occurred for a few minutes, when tho rebels loft the field in a most accel erated manner, severely whipped and terribly frightened. The train and prisoners were re ' captured, eleven of the enemy captured, two killed and four wounded, taking some small ; arms and horses. An exciting chase of ten : miles failed to overtake the fleeing rebels. Particulars of the Burning of the Allen ----- CAIRO, Nov. 13.—The Memphis Bulletin of the 11th gives the particulars of the burning of the steamer Allen Collier. She wu lying twenty-live miles- above the mouth of the White river, and within four hundred yards of the gunboat Eastport, which was covering her landing .when the guerrillas attacked her. Capt. Bartholomew, commander of the gun boat, was on board the Collier at the time, and wee captured together with the Captain and crew of that steamer. The gunboat would have shelled the guerrillas, but they protected themselves with the Captain and crew they had captured. After settlng flee to the boat, they marched their prisoners three miles into the country, when they liberated the Captain and crew of the Collier, but retained Capt. Bartholomew. Thu number of prisoners now confined in the military prisons here is inoreased to nearly four thousand. They cannot really all be called prisoners of war, somo being deserters from the rebel army who laid around in the woods fifteen months awaiting an opportunity to come into our lines and take the oath of allegiance, for which purport, they aro to be sent to St. Louis. The Johnston Island Plot. S4NDI . ACY, Nor. 13.—Erery thing is quiet hero. Very little excitement exists in the city. Gen. Cox and staff passed through to the Island this morning. Ererything has boon put in readiness, and with the troops now hare, and those on the way, Johnson's Island and Sandusky are considered safe be yond a doubt. Batteries hare been posted to Tully command the entrance of the harbor, and would sink any Teasel attempting to enter the bay. The t. 8. Steamer Michigan a off the Is land. All the reports about the attempt to escape by rebel prisoners on the Island ore simply fnlo, and those aro no indications of such intention et the present time. DITROIT, Nov. lb.—The steamer authorised to reconnoitre the suspected points on - the north side off Lake Erie arrived to,-night. No indications of a hostile :expeditkn was found, and it is doubtful if any exists. Items from New York Ifni' Your, Nos . . 13.—The French gunboat Panama, with Marshal Pony on board, coiled this noon. The Poet ' . Washington correspondent says It is the opinion in diplomatic circles that the present attitude of Russia towards Franco and England will eventuate in war. The State Department has encouraging ad vices from England and France, indicating that the eonstruction of iron-clads for the rebels in the future will be prevented. Tho news from East Tennessee is, that all East Tennessee up to Knoxville has been re captured from Barnsidu by the rebels Burn side is said to be, however, impregnably situated in Knoxville. Another week is expected to be full of ex citing news from Meade, who has not yet endqd his campaign. From New Orleans—Union Army Fal len Back to Iberia—The Attack on Gen. Washbarne. Num. YORK, Nov. 13.—The New Orleans correspondent of the Srpress, dated New Or leans, on the 4th Met., says our forces hare fallen back to New Iberia. In reference to the reported attack on Weehburne's advance, on the 3d inst., tho came correspondent says: If ihe rebels hare attacked our advance it was some distance this side of Vermillionville, for the army wail South of Bayou Vermillion at that time, on its march back to the Teach°. Then:: is a rumor here that the malt woe dif ferent to the extent of 2,000 men, said to come from a Union Major. Bounty and Pay to the Massachusetts Soares, Nor. 13.—Tbo Logislativo spoeial oommittee of thirty-two, has _agreed to re port a bill to-morrow for the payment of a bounty in hand of $3OO over and above all otheis for .recruits. This is contrary to the Governor's suggestion, and will excite a warm debate. A bill was introduced without op position to pay the colored rogiments enough from the State Treasury, to make their pay amount to that of white troops, Dispatches from Generals Thomas and Burnside. WJOHLNOTON, Nov. 18.—The War Depart ment has received dispatches from General Thomas at Chattanooga and from General Burnside in EestTennessee. Both dispatches are dated as late ss hut evening, when all was quiet in front of their respective com mands. The tenor of the information from * Burnside is such as to set at root any public -anxiety relative to his situation. Washburne's Advance Attacked.—. The Rebel. Defeated. Now You, Nov.l3.—The Few Orleans Era of the 4th states that the rebels attacked Washburne's advance on the 3d, driving it in towards the main body. They were checked soon and In turn attacked and pursued. Oar force captured some two hundred prisoners. Our loss wu forty killed, the rebel loss one hundred killed. Election of Missouri U. S. Senators. JICITIRSON CT7T, NOT. 13.—The ballot, which resulted in the election of Mr. Brown to the United States Senate for the short term, this morning, stood as follows : Brown, 74 ; Broadhead, 68 ; Voorhies, 2. The next ballot resulted in the election of John B. Henderson for the long term; the vote stood as follows: Henderson, B 2; Pholps, 42; nattering 12. Bombardment of Fort Sumter. Foevar.as Monson, Nov. 13.—The U. S. steamer Massachusetts, from Charketon bar, in 42 hence, arrived this p. m., reports that the Ilrlug was still kept up on Sumter, and the fort was. entirely demolished. The rebels put up a Sag every night, which - 1S shot away every day. There had been no firing on Char leston of late. Counterfeit 3500 811,1 a. Aanov, Nov. 13.—Danprons counterfeit $5OO bills on the Haverhill Bank, N. H., have boon detected hero. It is a faesimilo of the genuine IMdirlry Tel PAILAD Nov. 13.—Tha riairrinarbet t. kin Ida' ages of 1 OU bbf, Extra rangy at $7,37,50, and a, Man lot of Superfine at SSA% natalpta and stork; light. Nothing doing in Eye Ylour or Corn ;Snag. Than in +firm daraand for Moat, with des of 5, 000 bust, Red at 51,5 5 (AC0. and WlLlta 8.1 43 S,Ort. Small tall of Ilya at ftlAlft.22- Baru In goOd demand, and 3,1300 Inishels of 'Yellow told at /1.10; New I. bald at 51,15. Otte art telling &lagy at es.. donor e... 1 'ails at inkf7,6 o . finuatd at 113,10, and Timothy at $2,504:,,5. PrOvidoll• are hold firmly. Sales of Old Mesa Port at 51 6 , 93 4 17 . 50 C.,r Old and Neve. Lard Is firm at 12e. Coffee la quirt. 300 WAR of Cato Sugar sold at 12,W3. 900 bbl. add at for Pennsylrards, and 63 13 64 for Ohio. Petroleum is doll at 270, Itaflated at 42e In bond, and 51053 for free. PHILIDILPHIA, Nov. I.l.—Etaning.—Flour firm ; .ales 1,500 bbls Extra Family at 8737,50. Wheat firm; wra %TO bosh Red at $1,5531,M, White 8232,04. Corn firm; sal, 3.,Dal bo) Yellow at 51 10, nev sold at 8135. Oats firm at gtis. Moss Pork firm ; 116,50@t7,50 for Old Mao and New. Lard Arm at 12c. Cole* quiet; 300 hhds Cuba at 12%31214. Whisk! firm ; taloa SO bbls at 02363. Petroleum doll at 27e, Refined In bond 42, het 51 1352. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. The river has ca.:, several inches st thhe paint since our last Immo, sad last evening the pier roarks indicated ...ant four feet. The weather, continues cloudy and pleasant with indication. favorable for rain. There have been no departure. lance Thursday, and the Oil City tenni Wheeling Is the only arrival. Bus iness at the wharf continues quite dell, and no ma terial Improvement need be looked for until there Is MOTO water. The Emma Graham left Zanesville fit Oda port yesterday, and, if eh. meet. with no detention, will arrive hero on Sunday night. The Julia, Capt. Colson's new boat, will he eamplit. hut daring the early part of next week, and It is ex pected that she will Immediately enter the Pittsburgh and Zaneeville trade, lea. lug hen (for the first thaw) on Batarday nowt. Capt. Moore, of the Charmer, arrived ben on Wed nesday night from Cincinnati, having...o.n called home to attend to some private bnaineas. The Cap tain informs ot that the government official. at Cin cinnati "laid violent hands" on the Charmer almost Immediately after her arrival there. The Wheeling htlellionesr of yo tetchy eay. : The river was swelling • little yeeterday, with font f-at nine Inches of water In the channel. The Emma Boyd .rived from Cincinnati, and the Gain from Gallipoli*. We undentand that Capt. Theodore /Ink hat sold his Goat, the Altatnont, to Capt. Wm. Cecil, The Altamont is now lying In White River. diJIIIISE.If!IMIM'S U'PITTABirRGH THEATRE. Lemma and Manager niXDZLION Last night of idles CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, the great artiste of the modern stage, who will repeal her wonderful personation of Esther. THIN (Saturday) EVENING, Will be presented, the, great eonsetion drama, trims lated from the popular German play of Deborah, and entitled, ESTHER, THE JEWESS. Kethrr 'Cm Charlotto Thomp.m • Lucy ADIIIO Hyatt. Walter C. Loveday. Steinberg . G. S. &omen. Overturn Ornbectra. To conolude wi t h r tht . t o ilati B ab . le comedy of TRz r Timothy .. . Soften !armor Acorn Mr. Ghippendnie Ifildoudal benent of )tr. SETTON, end Tuesday 3!'LI3!'LIVEST . %ALL grill commence her engagement. BOOTS .4.XD SHOES. WEBER SOLED BOOTS & SHOES. GEO. ALEUT, SON & ON No. TI WOOD STREET, CoswrA or Poonrs, Hare ink reeetted • MI ropply of Gent'a, Boys' sad Tooth,' Solid Robber Soled (Nailed) Calf, Kip and Wan," Proof LEATHER BOOTS, with ot her seam and do treble good", eorapriaing Gant'. Sawyd and Pagawd Grain CAVALRY BOOTS ; Maria, Bore and Tontine two and three mid Owlf, Kip and Water Proof BOOTS and CONGRESS GAITERS. Alan, Ladles' Fine Glove Loather and Morocco Sowed BALMORALS and CONGRESS BOOTS, de. Al! of which are cnatorn-made and warranted to do service. acid ALE KINDS BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, McClelland's Auction Mouse, BOOTS A ND SHOES. GREAT MID aartox Ladles' Eng. lautt'g Cong Gintt.re, 21 73 'Furth $1 60 ,• " •• " 130 " 203 .• " •• 1 23 7 73 All other goo& selling very low. JAMS ROBB, and 89 ILiEXIT BTILKET. 1611USSCAis1 1 EBBLI giECTACITEW. .1.. t Notwithstanding the attache of polo= vacuole Venders, who smite to the name of Opti cian, the RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Are receiving daily the Irernieet endorsements of our citizens. All that te asked I. to examine all other thou tall sad aumlm the b RUSSIAN. J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, blonufacturer of the Eonlan Pebble Spectacles. ri Fifth street, Morning Post Balding REAL ESTA'PE FOR SALE.—The undersigned offer, for sale • very desirable piece of land, containing 1I urea nearly, 'Belated In Baldwin township. It front. on the Brownsville road on one side, and one tilde on the Elizabethtown road. It U part of the White Hell Term This lot has • hones erected on it, end an orchard of Apple sad Cherry trees, bearing fruit. This let will be sold on accommodating terms. If not sold before the Mt of Jamn sry it will be for rent. For further particular. Inquire at WHITE HALL, or the enbecriber, in Snowden township. aul2nWilawnns DAVID BIGGS. EYES AND EAR DR. BAELZ l o lv to r a lcga s r EA s s t ten , t t i t n: to EYE ..tll E t A nt : inen rs t at on CATARACT, SQUINT EMI, for ART IFICIAL PUPIL, Inserts ARTIFICIAL EYES, and treats all INFLAMMATORY EYES ; also HARD HEARING, and \ all diseases affecting the Ear and leading to Rodman. Omni. 100 FIFTH STREET, nuttlyis PRACTICAL PLUMBERS. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. 80. d 9 PRDZILAL AM ER% Allegheny City, and No. SNT Liberty street, Pitt■burgb °NEM dr STONEY( A DT' BIANDTACITERIERS OE 'WIRE WOKE, Rare away. on hand and make to order IRON AND BRASS SCREEN WIRE CLOTH; SIEVES, of all kind.; ; RIDDLES, for foundry •, HEAVY WORK TOIL NADIENTAL ( WIRE WORK, fIo INDOW r SO.S, AA. •, BIRD CAGES, OR. war AB shop of WIRE for Mg% at Ro. OD FOURTH STREET GW. DASH, MERbtfAkor Texas, Igo. . 94 surrnirgul STREET, will moll cheap for cub a good UNION SUIT FOB S2O; CASSI =BE, made BLACK CLOTEI SUIT, VA A nit of cloth In twelve hours, at a. W. DASH'S, OAVALRY HORSES WANTED.— The undersigned will purchase, in open whet, Cavalry Comm lot the United States amiss. The Moran to be from fifteen (15) to sixteen (le) hands high, from fin (5) to au. (9) porsof age, rompanth. built, in good dash, and trimlirom all defeat& Horses will be reasivad, imtgact to (mention, at Pittsburgh, Pa., from the let to the 15th - of lima her ; and at Otilumbus, Ohio, ftnm the-lath fo ths SOth of Novizatur. C.ll. BAKER, Capt. let C. S. Caultirlt F 1161,51150 .1,011/IY, Capt. A. Q. X. oc2falvdavri Cavaiti Bureau. Assume= qoarrammtrial Orrice, Corner 0 and CM M Waehington, D. 0., Mt. U. VirigßE BOLD AT• PUBLIC A C, N. on the SECOND and, 7011EIN FIV.IMAYS, I,lth and 25th of Notember. at UN COI"' near the Wuldniton Obeematery, a tarp lot of . HORSES AND MULES: condemned an. unfit !Or publics seats. Sala to commence at 10 o'clock Terms cub, In Goren:meta Naas. • ONAS.II. Tolasso, Capt. and A. Q. IN, 11. & &DAN ©III--We will eOll, say, 4: 100 bbls. Patead lloce.lll2flial cn. if SP: Out to batman 'Masud Vas Ott% bat. Doll) fiestas pioazs s co. ILETAI NOTICES row Norrodua.Bo= or tterm Pat Mil (Lois Piffiburg) Fen , lI .04 d 214/,) Pie erv. 2, I.•‘. 10. TH E PRESIDENT AND BO of DIRECTORS km the day declared a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per dun on the Mock of the Pittsburgh Trust Company to Ist of Angrurt, and TWO DOL LARS per share on the Capital Stock of the First National Bank, out of the profits to tho 14 lust., Payable on or after 'YLIC3DAY, th, 10th in. 4. The Stockholders ate hereby ambled that the final Mymeut of the aubseription to the Capital Stook, Ta enty-pre Dollars per sham will he required en or bet the 14 day of May next. non:lm JOHN D. &crux. Cat:tier. /ZON Om Bl,aa or Prrroonon, Nov. 3, 11,3. l - THE DIRECTORS of this Bank bare this 411,7 der.l.trod • Dividend of 11V1 PE.r. CENT. on its Ospital Stock. ant of the profits of the last alt months, payable to Stockhoinurs or thobV,roProntstivro, on or after Oh. 13th tool., flea of =omit tax. no.ll,lotdatra J. MAGOPITS, Mahler. MiCHAXICI' BANK, Pinaborgh, Nov. DIRECTORS of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of DOUR FEB CEBT. on the Cardtal Stock, for Ow lest six months, payable to Ilizelbolders on or afteethe 13th instant, fret of Government tax. no4:101 GEO. D. McGEEW, eizhier. PrITVICRIOn r /iuvecatour 3,18 CS. - 7'.1 . 13:13 DEFLECTORS OF ME EX CHANGE BANE, of Pittabmrgh, have this day declared a Dividend of WIVE PER CENT. oat of the earutogo of the hurt six months, payable on or aft.* the 13th instant, free of Government Mx. no32w R. 31. XUBRAT, "ashler. Oman. , Revs., Pittelmrgh, Nov. 3, t 0,.... THE DIRECTORS of this Rank havelhla day declared • Dividend of FIVE PER. CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable to Stock holders or their Nail representatives, on or after the 13th lent. The Government Tax on attain will be paid by the Bank. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, no3:Sw Cadger. luso:wire AND Minurcortneu Bix., Plttebamh, Oct. 15th, 1863. i i .THE ANNUAL ELECTION F ill DLBSOTOBS wilt be held at the Banking Horne, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November nit, the hours of tea.. m. .ad two p. m. ocl6lm JOHN SCOTT, Jr., PLahier. lraciuros BA): or Prrrsirsoa,j 7 October 15th, 1853. THE ELECTION FOR DIRE - 0119 of this Bonk Wlll Do held at the Bank- tog Haase on MONDAY, November May ISM, be tween the home of eleven a. to. and 2 p. to. oal6•.im 11. M. MUNHAY, Caahler. Axxxonrarr Bass, Oct. 14th, 1863. ELECTION FOR DIRECT =-7 ORB of thin Bank will be held at the Count ing Honer on the 10th day of November next, bo tvroen the boors of 10 o'clock it. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. J. N. COOK', Cashier. ocLsam Orrrszne Plttaburgh, O. 15th, Degt. " - AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRIiCTONB of this Bank will be hold at the Banking Hone* on MONDAY, November lath, at ten o'clock a. m. oclsAm GEO. T. VAN DOREN, Cashier. latle Ctrr Balm, l'lttaburgh, Oct. Isth, 1363. .AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bank oral be held at the Banking Ronan on MONDAY, Nov. 16th, 1863, be tween the holm of II IL. at. and 2 p. m. oc16:1m J. MAGOFFIIS, Ca,hler. Mccasetos Beam, Pittsburgh, Oct. .6th, lob 3. O.A.N ELECTION FOR DIRECT ORS of this Bank mill be hold at the Bank ing Rouse, an MONDAY, the 16th day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock m. .od 2p. m. GZO. D. IifoGDZW, Cubic!, SPECIJL A'OTICES CAUTION.—We have this day ob tained a Patent fur our Manufactures, knon n as "FAMILY DYE COLORS." The Dyes manufactured by other irrleus, under the name of " Domestic Dyce," .Ic., are made in eh,- Ist!ou of our Patent. We caution all poreoee making mule hereafter, that Ire shaft proaecnta for all Infringe- MOW. of our rlghl.a. ILOWK d. STYTENS. F'. t_ - ,5 , -- .HOWE / STEVENS' DYE COLORS nar 'trade aupplled at reasonable rates. nol2Zt WrSOBINSON, ERA & CO., (so o mu=WASHING TON ROBES, rOrIIDDJI A ItAcemparrA PittAborgh. Manatacturars of BOAT AND STATIONERY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST INGS, of dereriptions ; OIL TANKS A STILLS, BOILER AND SHE= LEON WORK. Aienta for 6IFFLEUXB PATENT INJECTOR, FOR TIERING BOILERS. U 3.1, AK. E SUPERIOR COPPER MILL it SMELTING WOUNS, Plrrssu-tan. PARK. DPCIIRDY Manufacturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' AND DOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOAIR, PLAIDED STILL DOTTOALS, SPALTER POLDER. Also, importers and &alarm to METALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, &o. Omuta=ly on heap, TINNERS MACHINES AND TOOLS. Warehouse, N 0.140 FIRST and ITO SECOND SIB., Pittebstrgh, P. Special mane of Copper cat to any desired pattern. mrillaydater WINE CONFESSIONS AND EX PEIIIHNCH OP AN INVALID, published for the benefit and es • warning end caution to young nun who suffer from Names Dot:dirty, Premature Deasy of kunhood, Ito., supplying, et the same time, el set, cos. By one who has cured hinted' after being pat to greet erpeuse and • Injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a poet-paid addressed envelope, stasis ands§ may be had of tits author. NATHANIEL M.AYFAIII, Eng.. myrdtlydavrlf Bedford, Binge 000nty, N. Y. HOLMES & SONS., DEALERS ~ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ands OF =CHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANE NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, FL Ear Colleetfona roads an all ths principal cities throughout Ms United States. 1922 BOOKSELLERS, eic Witt. G. JOHNSTON CO., Station ers, Blank Book Mannfietarers and Job Printer", No. Ft Wood street, Pittobargh. RAO - WAY & CO., Booksellers and Station- GM N 0.136 Wood street, next door to the corner of Third, Pitteborgto. BCIIOOL and LAW BOOKS eanotantly on hand. JL. READ Rookseller and Stationer . No. TS Fourth stmt., Apollo BeadlngA REAL ESTATE .aGE.4-rs. WILLIAM WARD, .De a ler in PROM MOBS NOTES, BONDS,IIOI2TGAGES, and all inanities for money. Persons can mean! LOINS, Omagh my agency, on namonable tam.. Thom wishing to incrat their money togood tags, can slump Ind tint and second clan paper at my °Mee for sale. All communications and interviews strictly confi dential. Me, Grant ann. opposite Bt. Paul's Oathedral. lel:tf DE.VTISTR F ;JOSEPH ADAMS, Dentist, Connelly's EI 'Entitling, earner of Diamond and Grant rtztata, Pittabwll4 Rreirorseca—Dr. It. E. Potlook, Dr. Dal rot, Theodore Ito Mos, Email Errott. tnyarly AlitA. ENCiLISEE respectfully tforass the citizens of Pittsburgh , that he has been %notated isle apart for the mile of MYERS k BON'S ORIGINAL CEMENT ANTI.CORROSIVI PEN. They us reetatuarmded by the largest houses to the city, among which are Guars; B=wri a 00., 1 Bran a Co., Noosusan Co., tau Ctrl Tyra Co., Eva, Pam= a 00., And others. jeallr JOSEPH SNOWDEN, NOTAI'VX PVTILIC. No. M DIAMOND Mart, Prrnman Acknowtsignesals of Deeds, Depoiltions and Ald &mite taken. Also, Deeds, lgartgagea, Articles of Agreement, Leases and Legal Papers of aves iAinn kind wtilten. eel JAMES M. RALPH, 411108ITZOT. Prepares Zirstere Damn= son Brrorrourtoss, thr slrktads of Bad's" and toperintetott their antics on reasonable terms. _ . Oaten • on And attest, beturan Leozock. and Uhlman sheets, Allleglieny city. eine egIakNBERRIES 1 vv uto eel& choice Michigan Cranberries; 60 do Minnesota Wild do; 10 do Jerse do; 7do Cape C od extra do; 9 do Tort Bob do; 16 do fieekett's cult: hod Bell do; Bon In store end for side by L. 11. VOMIT CO. Q.HCr YOUNS, double anifiii — tgle barrel , itilielishisitaiketure; forfialo 0124 - SLIMS DOWN% 136 Wood 'Mot. - • ' °ice - Green Appwriieqlva and for sali W: A8AX4,J—,21:17 - btuth els pito agon , , .IP.L I '4 II 9E *AP= • ~- x BPAMIF4M-M4 T.- 7 1860-X. Persons of oodeatary fuldb, troub4d al tA sut ,eos, laosionde, palptts!fork of the heart, lack of op. dtereos otter eating. torpid coaatlpa don. Are., &were, L. meet . if they Irril riot try the celebrated PLANTATION ILITTEItS, Which ere now recommended by the highest moil•a1 wall:gelid... and won-sated to gro/1111%e an ismsti.oe benelclal effect. They are exceedingly 'agreeable, perfectly puns, and mutt supersede all other tonk, where s healthy, gentle stltnnhent Lerequired. They purity, strengthen sad inalgorate. They create a heathy eppetlie. They are an antidote to charge of tt-:tef cod diet. They overcome effects of dislpation stellate hence. They strengthen the system sod enliven the mind. They prevent taLsernatie and intermittent rovers. They purify the breath cud acidity alb. slom.h. They cure Dyopepoia and Oonstipstfon. They cure diarrhea, Cholera and Molars klorba, They clue Liver Complaint and lierveus.lletleehe. They make the weak strong, the languid brilliunt, and aro exhansted nature's great restorer. They ere composed of the celebrated Collsays bark, winter green, easeafres, roots sad herb% alt Pruorr,4 to perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. For . sarticulere, see circulars and tnatimlial• around each bottle. Beware of Imposters. Examine every Dottie. Sco that It has D. 8. Barmy' nignature on ow private 1 1 S. Stamp over the cork, wtth plantation scene, and our firm signature on a line ateel plate engraving on aid. label. See that our Lottlo is not refilled with rpurione and delotertons staff. Wo dory any person to match the taste or character of our good.. And penal rn pretending to sell. Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in bulk, is an impost.. n 0.1.1 only in our log cabin Fettle. Any person imitatiug this bottle, or selling any other material thbreiri, Whether called Plantation Bitters or not, IS a crEsotral and.. the 11. FL Law, and will be so prosecttbakbl no. r already here our eye on twee carties oar bottles, Au, who will succeed in getting themselves into close quarters. The demand for Drake's Plain• Wien Bitten from ladles, clergymen, merchants, eta, to perfectly incredible. The simple. trial 01 • bottle Ls the evidence we present of their worth end superiority. They are mblby .11 respectable drug gl3444 6 roe Physicians, bofele, itersMbo.t end errantry stone. 202 Broadway. r'. V. ODDRAICS'B GENVIN-E BIT 1:21=1218 TESS, Ibr ule stmlesale ►¢d retail, tv Sl3lO N JOH NSTG FL Ounket SmILGroAd Foarth I!=M PURE WINE VINEGAR, (Formarty Mar.[ Co., Rendre vs.) Mu only Vinegar awarded with • Prize Medal, t.,1 ixty exhallters at the Intern"[tonal Exhibition London. For oda by F. N. 13OLLMAN DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Specific e the only reliable remedy fur dmmeee of the ervie of generation. It Is the discovnry of so emirat Physician whom, ilfe a - . de•otsd to the treatment of this elan of dieensoa, and with tioprocoderitool Imo con, for more. than twenty yter.l. It 4 purfuntion In taelf, rrlnirieg :10 inj,tione, d.u,3 differing mttiroly trem the mistaken practice end the nmnersint worth lees oompeende nfl 4to the public. It I. entirely 'getable and perfectly safe. It acts like o "harts . d hetparu strunctla and viol to the 41,...,4 OArcros.—The groat 513C60.11 of this remedy to el liactlng pormannnt rurhs h. 10.11 berng hollatA by unprtoctithd men. Otr , r7o, thentfon, that the lanatttm of the prtvriet,r V wround each N. ,t.a Otter is gennto.o. Ps.parc