Vitistntrgit 8. RIDDLE 4 "aO.. - - SATURDAY. SIORITUcC, ...VC/1". 14. 1883 SFXDAY Ruarimo.—For an interesting opitome of the Religions intelligence of the week, carefully prepared for the ClAserre, lee fourth page. East Tennessee—The Southwest. The recent dispatches from East Tennes see do not show that the rebels have been able to follow up their boasts by any deeds of an alarming kind. A week ago we wore read ing in their papers that Rossano: at least, If not Gasirr also, would be brushed off the hill, and phased through the valleys, of Tennessee, by BRA 00, or Les, or somebody elec. But the boastful programme still stands with no part eft performed, or even attempted, except when they surprised en advanco post at Rogersville, in overwhelm ing numbers, and captured GOO men and a few guns. Rogersville is about fifty miles northeast from Knoxsvillo. Our present lineout held by BrIINOIDE on Wednesday, extends from Washington, on the Tennes see river, below Knoxville, and forty miles from .Chattanooga to Bull's Gap, on the East Tannossee and Virginia Railroad, forty five miles northwest of Knoxville, and about fifteen miles south of Rogersville. A largo force is said to be moving against General Broxsion, but ho is prepared. Iltassmu has captured 1.600 prisoners minas he entered East Tennessee, exclusive of the garrison at Cumberland Gap, so that not withitanding their recent sitecess at Rog ersville, we have a heavy balance of pris oners Still Hi our, favor, as the result of the operations so far, in that region. But we observe that many of the rebel papers, even in Mai:non.% arc beginning to be doleful in their tones, when they speak of their prospects in the Southwest, MILLOY Gan, and aught to, prevent LEE's Virginia army from going to Tennessee, to reinforce the rebelarmy there,—and if be does, Baas_ ems is safe enough in the friendly country he now occupies, againft any forco that the rebel general who has to hold ORAIrr in cheek, or at least has tho duty imposed on him of trying to do so can venture to de tach The recent news from New Orleans has been interpratod to mean that Oen. 11/terra has led a formidable expedition to some point on the coast of Texas, but afterall the circumstances are considered, if one mind directs the operations of our armies, eothat the several points of attack obosen may have a just rotation to one another, each contributing it+ quota to the geueral result, we do not think that any trans-Mississippi point would at all meet the conditions of the case—and therefore, in spite of some appearance of evidence to the contrary, we • shall prefer to entertain the lope, that the expedition will turn up at Mobile, or some other practical point of the coast, east of the Mississippi. Improvement of the Ohio River. There probably never wee a time_ when the necessity for some artificial improvement of the Ohio river, sufficient to render it navigable through periods of low water, was more se riously felt than now. Winter is rapidly ap proaching; coal is rolling in Cincinnati and Louisville at 90 omits per bushel, the stocks being exhatuted, while millions of bushel s are here ready loaded into boats and barges awaiting "the moving of the water,' and should winter set in without rain sufficient to give water enough w doat this coal to mar ket, much suffering and Incalculable loss must ensue. But the coal trade is but one of many grit interests that are suffering from the suspen sion of navigation. It is needless, however, to specify these in detail, as everybody knows them and many feel them severely. .Bight.years ago, two or three oommunica tion this subject were addressed by Mr. COPIST to tho Board of Trade of this oily, and published in pammlot form, by order or that isedy. The facts and arguments therein pre- Canted, relative to the improvement of Cab, important river, attracted much attention at the time, but the enterprise met with opposi tion from men who ought not to have opposed it, and who opposod it with arguments more talon: than sound. Its advocates oared not to urge it any further at that time, leaving farther experience to demonstrate the ne t:away of the work, and to vindicate the cor rectness of their views. We think the re-pub- Lieation of these communications, at the present time, when this important subject is again attracting attention, will serve a good purpose, and wo .therefore present the Silt 013111 to our readers to-day, and hope to give the two remaining ones on Monday. INFForsuarr or Tnr OHIO alyza. /100111 OF MT Prnsucauu Bosco or TRADE. I January 4, 1856. At a meeting of the Board Lids day, the fol lowing communication was read. After a die cession of the view, of the writer, it was, ordered that if, be published in the papers the city, and also in pamphlet form, with the former pamphlet by the same writer ap pended. " Garrisarar : Ina communication which I had; the honor to make to your Board in March last, and which you were pleased to publlah in pamphlet form (a copy-of which la hereunto appended to obviate repetition,) I Ventured to point out particularly, and some *tit solosfuly, the ` itmod lmproving the Ohio River, fect a channel of communication es It is prailicable to make it, In doing eo, I offered nothiegnovel, nor suggested auy untried ex periments, hut simply followed the lights of safe indinteeessful experience; pointing to the Monongahela sleet water as s niedel:—perhaps to be improved upon • little, but afire model —which it 70E114J/info and expedient to fol low in the magniffeent entermso you have in eintemplation. I pointed to tbst modest im provement, of which the world hears but lit tle, but wlaich is nevertheless a noble scone remit eflbe enterprise of your city, and is si lently and unobtrusively shedding its berm• tits not only upon your city, but upon the en tire valley of tho Ohio, and Las converted the shores of the Monongahela almost into one continuous village. NeThever pia: before was 1854 w-us o the necessity t 6 ne ofunexampled drought. con teimplated improvement more keenly or pain (idly felt. Your warehonses groaned under the ' Weight of sommulated stooks, while the in &auy of the city langabifted for want of its Indispensable silmulue, money. gen of en terprise found it extremely dircult to bear up trader tho constantly Enamoring weight of their responsibilities, while the poor were reduced to utter poverty, and many were fur the Brat time—and may we not hope for the - last ? compelled to ask alma of their more favored brethren. The hearts of all dokened with hope deferred, while looking and longing day after day, and week after week, for water. These calamities--and surely the distress cm ;-.'...twadoned by so serious an interruption in the . .....isnasosnaty. - buiiness. of. a great community, • • warranty the use of that strung word—these calamities Inspired an earnest and wide 'plead desire for an Improvement of tkils great river, cum which we find .we are codependent, so as lo render it spernsanent and reliable avenue of commerce. Your Board was among the Ant , ; `and now you are able to congratulate your Immediate fall Ow-citizens and the mu ' try at latOs upon' ,fice fact that the good work - Imigau that the secossary legislation on the ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ r ~ ~. i~clC-r ~ c 'r' oti.~.:sss'~~y':..~w`.'c:::w^„ part of Pennsylvania has been obtained, and lehatauterteeks for the subeilnirattn.,of stock are ;401:kV:I am happy, *aro:over, It timing able to statelthat thoped, old,well tried made of imProving.Lthe tiVer its a sYttemarDcms cud f tion, Lookereatadtveated in turforaterbointannica is the ono that meets .with almost unani mous approval; and that there ie a good wes t pect that that important question 'will be speedily and satiefactorily settled.. It is remarkable that the dry year of 1864 should be immediately followed by one that will be !egg remembered for its opposite char acter. Pfequent and copious rains have kept the river sufficiently full for good navigation for ten consetatfre' mouth's. Pittsburgh has consequently:had a season of steady, nninter ranted prosperity; and en amount of com merce has floated Nein) the Ohioriver for be yond all precedent. I have not the sentissies before me, but I have often visited your lore° during the past season, and witnessed the busy bonito there. One feet alone affords a stronger argument in support of the policy of rendering the Ohio (permanently navigable, than Volumes of abstract reasoning could do ; it le, that the increase of receipts of the Penn sylvan/11a Central Railroad for 1855, over thole of 1854 Doe o:yAs hundred fltecteted dollars This enormous advance is almost solely at? tributable to the fact that the Ohio was per manently navigable during the past eemon. if on , single interest was benefitted to such an extent, it surely would not be an extravagant estimate to set down the aggregate value of the benefits arising from the unexampled navigation of 1855 at an amount sufficient to improve the entire river in the rood, proposed —say ten Millions of dollars. finch seasons, as the two last are equally unnamed. So Boyce. a drought as that of 1854 may not occur again fora century; neither may such (*pious and frequent rains as those of 1855 be experionoed in tle life time of any new living. The one taught us the inestimable value of this river, by its failure to afford its wonted facilities; the other chewed no what could bo done open it, were those facilities uninterrupted. True, many thousands of tons of merchandise were doubtless sent through other channels, which would have been sent by this river, but for lear of its ordinary peiiodical failure; still enough has been realised to afford some idea of the vastness of the trade, were it rendered Permanently navigable. In the discussion of so gigantic and far reaching an enterprise, many and diverse ele ments enter Into the question of profit and loss. Assuming the cost of the work at ten millions, and that is probably high enough, for it gives 8200,000 for each dam with its ac companying locks,—We must set that sum down on the debts side, and then eastabout for items to sat on the opposite side. 1. To/b.—These ought to be very low—so low as seereely"to be felt as a tax upon the COMmeree of the river; yet so enormous le, or rather will be, that commerce, that the aggre gate sum realised, will be sufficient to keep the work in repair, defray working expenses, and pay satisfactory dividends to the stook holders. The Monongahela Navigation Com pany, with nothing but a local trade, and with a tariff of rates so low as to silence all complaint, divided in 1854 nine per:cont. Dar ing the past year the company have been en gaged in constructing two additional dams cur locks, which will extend their work 28 miles above Browniville. The nett earnings for 185.5 were more than ten per pert. open the cost of the finished portion of the work ; but owing to a large increase of stock upon which dividends were paid, Lamed on account of the above mentioned extension, the de clared dividend! tr,re only eight per cent. ; but a reserve of more than one per cent, was retained. This is safe and good data upon I whioL Le proceed. I 2. Water Poirer.—This is an item Upon 1 ji--.SIGNAL CAARLI'S. U.'. A.—A Re which little or nothing has bed said; but it i , -"Y.9 . ' maltin g etation for this at:, s,tlve branch is one of incalculable importance. Lece dam ; ~ oftrittn7,l'..-..tqo th oetz: . 4 ,,„l'„,'.Vt . l.rOif'sYe.o.l !et.' ei n n - er a7e svill ratite the water in the pool above from o reader this opportunity of milistin- most desirable, toll feet higher than that in tho pool below— and one thus may not again be offer:d a good working fall. As to the lUantity a For further pert 'robin !minim at Itscruiting e;,- surplus water, all that aeod he said abbot it ties, No. 26 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Lieut. J. B. DUFF, is, that there will be mere than sear can be, „ 0 u..,,,,, Recruiting Were, used. Between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, I _.,.._______ this surplus water may be used thirey- , Arre 1 P-1-71'11 i 4 TUDICNTS AND' LOVERS times, that being the number of dams my-tired I" ` v OF CHURCH MUSIC.—The well-knout" to overcome the fall in those 452 miles. , composer Mr. JOHN ZUNDEL, Limantst and In rector ot ic of oare Want Beech s Church, At every dam a canal may lui carried along I New York sl Mus illisi H t Oils - city during the er next month the margin of the pool below, of any desired to give a short 'marmot instruction in Ilmmony, the length, end the water let out at stipulated ' Organ or Delude., and Chorus Sng. conereted rates to all who may oho e . t o tote ft. ~,,, i s with pubile c rt i rmanc es ou tft Organ, and Sacred done with the 'water of the Schuylkill, at er,„: l ":,' the ZE,:io " ii:ot. tin gp t iTnZ i. =;.' & li r , „ti Mattayunk, near Philadelphia. When we re- I c. C. Btetio . nol23DerB fleet upon the greet length of the river, the 1 W..._. '--:---------------.---------- fertility end wealth of the region through tti ...,:.y - COLLECTORS IN oTICE.—The which it flews, together with the fact that this ; .A timed Assessment. List, for 18 63, , ont , siim power Is in the best possible locations! for rho i 1..7: nDl,f u rr n ''ZY 2 r d 1 . P .:! . . a r; .. (,:,7,17: 1 ,,t,T 0 -, it,F u g . !..,.. enjoyment of commercial facilities, it must I CoMprising too portion of Allegheny county south strike every Mind that hero is an interest of th e Aiive , Lur sod Ohio rimr , . has been rs7 ' " b rmnr H. GUNS. IcENTUCKY Wil7-------Lows_-30 bunalei n... Dandl es from rallroo.l can, for Rale by 0c24 ISAIAH Dien ICY a on. S ALT I tM_LT I --Orders solicited for tt, by W.. 51. P. BECK & CO., see wbotirsis Groom, 185 ',Reny weer. OIL BARRELS, for Crude and Refaiiia 051, for sale by JAB. DALZELL & BON, 69 and 70 Water street. p2dTERN ro -4 mired, a lot: of choice cultivated Cranberries, ibr itale by the quart or bushel, at the Family Grocery Store of JOHN A. RENSHAW. 0 00b2s. Western Reserve . do Hamburg; 100 dof orlon; la atom and Ibr oak by 7. B. CANFIELD. filid — PES 1 (MAPES !--45 boxes choice A..A Catawba Grapes, put op expreasly (or Gmetly winter use, for ode by - no/ CHL____P A SII E PARD , 343 Liberty etroot. LIUM WA(I4IN----,iBr, Anti: .Itattlee, Hoggloe, Jog received and for tole at the India Bubb Depot of • nolS J. & B: PHILLIPS, I_,, 26 and Di St. Clair &LPL= smak..... APPLES Par We by 111111 Y H. co LLINII ; ...ta, m; 10 d To waive on nßamer A tbni o tic ße .nd p tor nal° by roll 113 A lAH DICKEY r CO. , bli . t! ----- ' ,, ----L:i(illi U l titip . e import.L„zi !dastard end Coltman'. iinAti l A f . catard .i fil l e by noll corner Liberty and Band streets. (U BELTING. PACKING, HOSE, i8...A and GAPELTS, of all siree and tbdckneer. A tte b : r oir o l i L i lus i t o received ar , f t 0 , 4 . 14 } % I t? ;:40d1a net No.. 26 and 28 ht. Clair street. AnSti PORJI!IiIE ..u..i. bhls. Mass Pork in store and for sale by nee McDONALD di ARBUCKLEd, Wholeeals Grocers, Prodnco A Cam. Merchant; 242 and 214 Liberg street. T—T IIIITAN.B MAGNOLIA .BA..iil --------. kt and .8.1 LAMB'S BLOOM OP YOUTH, the only per fecf and tellable articles now to ass for beutlityi sod preserving the aoraplorfoa, for sale at ng 080.,A. KELLY'S Central Dreg thers, nob sorrier Oblo and Palatal street; /0 Market Rouse Allortway. I SP.4.).ED 311. ---- Net t :f i i:irA.Tinr- Jletrunt, pat u ar p to glue Ant o f of r firkins lar Ihmtly use, or foetal, by the pound, in bulk, at the lowolt ryes, arbalerals or retail, at the Verolly Grocery Stare of JOHN A. RENSHAW, 1.......... ,___P01l , tra tknur__zibartiamluudstr.t.. FROPIitY •AND REVE — uE STAMPS, of all denominations. A full eupply kept conetantiz on hand, at the Internal Rennin. Mace, No. 67 Water street, nut doe. to City Trees Iny, Allegheny. DAVID 2f. winTE. Collector of Internal Rerenue, 23d Dlst. P. NOTZ.—lattan Mould be directed to Alleghny, ikalttaltarth• DOA . FOit_Arrift. ite rlsExixdr rig . L XIE sr arn Imstrisexi s ; JIM W.' .4 r5,....._r i5z.m.E.4 7 215.., ,jALE--TWOVIA--.)--"--"""""'ILEBE 42'30 latifirrS' PirTSBM - Ei ' - ----- " lr [ ---'--- '- - ' ~: A.LMAZt4.O, $4021 tr I,3OIIPIY 1 s,loa AT 4 .., .. ...t.etty`Dnabb."Oriinet, in good etinditltin;lotlf mail --::=1 . .7:2. , .i..‘'..2.-.. tiluii t.,...t.e t. . [ .._. A ;i o ' iv . Tax . - L'''' Dr...„.1, • • fr. ctE7l7t drill:oaf fire nom. . - .•:. ~. . F... 3. , _,...- arsszr,wELL,44 n - 1) . ' : i. .. nr13:114. ' Sint ICmli.i, Fifth Wni 4. rEtt• i. •••Ly FENT rT7NT , BY ENLISTING AT ONCE AT T. , • BOYS WANT Iletween - 113 and 17 years of agd, trho have some ltnowledga of the turning latrines. Call at 132 SECONII STRINT noliktf COLLINS & WRIGHT. TAB persons In the Ercond Ward, Allegheny, Rho hero not paid their County, State and Bounty Tares to the County Treavurer for the year 1863, will lind ale at the IltOrM of W. J. 01boon No. lel Federal street. ewer, onen ing from Gto 8 tierce*, to receive the tares. They must be paid immediately, as no further indulgence eat be given by cold Treasurer. nol2ad JOHN RAIISKT, Collertor.. FLOORING 110A-RDS! Primo Inch Flooring lloardr, 16 feet long, various rrldtbe, for ale by A_LUABLE SECOYD ST. PROPER TY AT LOW PRICES.—Twe comfortable throe. story Brick Dwelling Bowes, in good location, be tween Smithfield and Grant street*, each having a lot 20 feet front by 60 deep, to an alley; hall, parlor, It.. chambers, bath room, dining room. kitchen, miler no'' yard; gas and water fixture.. k or prim and terms apply to S. CUTHBERT st BONA, Commercial Broker., 61 Market at. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOI49.-Pru -,- Nada WW be received by the suidenignod, at No. 68 Fifth street, atoll .NOV.EMBER 17rn, for the 4radlng, Re-paving and Bettis , with Corb el... so nitwit of Penn street as Ilex between the or,selng of the P. P. W. St C. R. R end a Point 100 fnet west of Stevenson'e idloy. The proposals will state how much will be allowed for the stone and other materials In the Cana Bridge. For further particulars enquire of ---- WEsTERN LANDS FOR SALE ()11 EXCHANGE —2,500 acres In lowa, it tracts varying from 40 to 320 acres. 040 110 . 11. In Michigan, In tracta varying from 40 to 320 acres. 2,000 acme in Mthnosota. 3,000 acrea in the southem. part of Ithnouri; and AO acres In Indiana. There lands Lave been carefully selected, with a vices 04, y 4° their 1001L1 ttliVall [agog, soli, , and will he d of °port th rum, for cash, or exchanges! (or property In Allegheny county. For term., Ac., apply to nol4 G. S. SATES, Commercial Drokor, Doti., street, Lawrenceville. gXITh - 8 KI now coneldered the hat Piattoe '- made, and are fully warranted for , I I eight years. As to tho rehttive merits t.l the Knabe I Plano., we would refer to the artifice... of excel lence in our poese,lon from Tholborg, Got. .chalk, Strackoach, G. Satter and H. Vienstompte, as ryl hit front some of the h 1.4 dietingurbed professore and amatrun to the country. A call t. rrepeCtiully soli cited before pnrchesing elrewherr. Person. trr a Fite. taste. MD please...lld fo• a r.rculer. For sal. at Fac tory prime hy A RLOTTE 8L1.751E, No 43 Fifth street. nol4 Sole Agent for Pit Wirt. and West. Pa. UNITED STATE::: GOVELN.MENT SURVEY AIAPA Of the following important localities llutern Virginia Prim 7 ,uu. Virginia SI N 1 TI .11cniitain Region. of Soria Carolina .n 4 Vannia,a ia . Lon:.lana and SlCanrilpiii .. Charitatan llarbor ami.r.iarlica. We by CO, cola No. 5,'.; Wooi stnest. • - t are liAz EQUAL.—TLS inln.onatt .is which for the past seven years has attend ed TROF. REED'S MAGNETIC 011. In the alley la- Oen and cure of pain. emboleu the ptoprietee to state i5....1c!....1.1enge contradict ton„ That It has cured more Rbeomotlela. That It has cured more Sore Throat, That It has cured more Neuralgia, That It has e - nil more Weak Joints, • That It has cured more Trlseratel Sore. That It has cared more Boras, That It has cared more Trosted Frei, That It has cored more Leal/lee That It has cured more Nervous Affection., That It hes cured more Stiff Joints, Thai:l.3i other rain Corer., Pain NaGers and Lbal• meals combined. For sale by Druggists everywhere SIMON JOHNSTON, Solo Agent, note Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. VERY CHEAT'.—W e hare on hand, at I present, a very largo and well selected stock of BOUIS AND snoLs, which was bought before the late advance on paods, and we will tire our CLlStall, ors the beneSt of low prices. We ban the latest and ment faellionable styles of Gentlemen's, Ladles', Misses' Children's and Chlldn's BOOTS, GAITERS, BALMORA LA, SUPPERS, BUFFALO SLIOES • GUMS, Of every alas and descripthm. Call AN and .Al4llll/4 Conntry merchants will (rid tt to their advantage W glee ne a call. JOS. EL BORLAND, D 8 M • - AfiKri STREET, al door from Fifth. no 7 • UNIVEREAL CLOTHES WRINGER. —Read the following opinion I y Orange Judd, of the Americo. eforiiviloriw wh o any, of the .. .list Ptemlum Universal Clothe* Wringer": “Ifrone }tom 'ince experience o ith It in our 0,171 family ; Dom the tretimuny of hundreds who hare used it; and from the construction of the Implement itself,—we feel nrtaln that it Is worthy a plac e In every family whore the awahing is done at home. A chil4 ran readily wring oat • tubful of clothes In a few minutes. It is in reality • Clothes darer! a Time darer' end a Strength Paver I The caring of gar. merits will alone pay a large percentage no its COW We think the machine mock more than pays ter It selferal eriry rear in thenving of garments! There amsev kindynoarl ebbe In general construction, but we consider it Important that the Wringer be fit ted with cogs, otherwise a hums of garments nu • clog the rollers, and the hiller. upon the hank-abaft flip and tear the clothe.. Our own In one 51 the Urn made, and it Is et g.,KI as unit after nearly four year.' renelltlit 114 e. for No only at the India Rubber Depot of noll J. 11. PHILLIPS, _______ J. 111 0,1 E 3 At. !lair Street. TEETHw.EXtakTeßAthisLtlEthEw orlii2THOgL:ur T rmtn Mende and the pubic generalfy that we are vow prepared to EXTRACT TEETII 4% ITROCT PAIN In the practice of Dennehy. Those who have been postponing this much dreaded operation may now lay aide their lean and ere toi a roll, as the apparatus have to nso has been thoroughly hated doting Um put font years, folly enablishing the safe and pain• lees character of the operation. No Dregs or Chmi. cal, nor G•lellta Battery used. All noon wi‘bing the service. of • good and to wellreliable Dentist will do call and consult with JAHLR S. KING, D. D, 8., No. 112 Pouril Stree or, Da. C. RING, No. 47 Omithllold Street. Pitt. t, - laugh. - plea= NEW 'APPLICATION IN DEN -LI TISTIIT.—We, the members of burgh Dental Aasoe " Pots clation," hare adopted th the NITROUS OXIDE GAS, !Commonly called LAUGHING GAS, for the pain/esti extraction of teeth. LAIR:RING GAS hot long been known to tbo world as harmlnea, and It most eventually supersede chloroform and all other eons. thetic agents. Tho leading Dentists in theraed have hamming thief). for some time, with great success. C. XING, J. D. WHITE. J. KING, 11. VANDEVOIIT d Sos C. SILL, 31. DEPUY, J. WESTBAY, HULLIITEN & ORE, J. ADMITS, J. HOFF3IAN, 11. ALLECILESTErt, IL BAKER, I. G. GILLESPIE, J. D. WILLIAMS. no7:StoawS rill].__ ~____ _____ _ __ ____ F SU IJSCH !BLit, ' AGENT YOU John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash cutudautly caviling the mac; Which he .111 ern 00 the most favorable toms. 'This Ads 111 panful:l - adapted tu,the manufacture of Glam. , C. W. CHUItORITAII, • 32 SOUTH FRONT MEET, Pbßadolphi no l . 7 :6mcoil ENkRAckbIiERIN AGKNOY. G AUSTIN BALDWII7 it Co., • 72 BROADWAY, N'EW YORK. Rlmlttanc o s at low roteeon Groat Br!lain, Ireland &e. Cheap passage from Liverpool or Queenstown. Packages forwarded to all plata of the world. WITATAM 1311;GlIA.31, Jr., Agent, oal,..umod Mum? Ex T r,' OlDtc, vieto.rgh CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Ohio and Falend fitnsell, Allegheny, GEO. A. BELLY, PrenUITM BPARIIL/NO EODA WATER, PATENT MEDICI/SKS, Au. lairPhyaklaue preacrlptlone carefully compeund— ad DENTISTRY. - DR. W. F. PUNDENDERfa Bu rtworookthe practice of rda prolimaton, at No. 148 PONEn, two door. below Fitt Pituhnb. October 41141 - IC —r iLS: Ulf msuon, and -other 'Werke of POTill• TUNA !rote New York State: of Also, a lot choice AMU, of different. kblk 0c.19 tech wens sold by the =deist ed last ray,;. NDW'D TWO BOYS, fIGIIOXAKIM.A LANG 329 L11.,-, ty street. FREE! FREE! FREE! - JAS. R. REED, ChMrman Street Oommitt, CARD PIIOTOGR V.HOTOOIiCA.F.II A.LIILTM.f3, UPPERS AI LOW PRIM; unit INKY (}. " I Y (ö., Fall and Winter Scock, lortto tbolr Moods and the publto to examine their Mork, ',blob LI the float And must complete over brr,rtght to this market GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. GAYER OF PENN AND BT. CLAIR STREETS pCIR VIA --- PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, cyqtrut Trri•Ef AIR) NARK= MEETS, .d Corlett, over Rlobardsonle Jewelry Blom) Of every else sad style, Ado or colored, from Ho I.:Polar Carta da Malta to Cabinet and Ilfa air. Mr. PIIRTIANCL" would particularly call the at- tentlatl of to AGED AND INFIRM to ea easy so. °teething of Ude eeteibtl•hment, being reached by • shies short flight of otatrs Mar enolorsts, sod satliaction guaraotord. my2s:lyarawl% BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., GAB AHD STEAM FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And all kinds of fittings for Waists, On And titans AG r ITATOBS AND TANEN YOB OIL ItYITNE HMS, lined with lead by • new proms. 0c.12 Non. In FORTH STEM'. - R7f4Tiffii f, CIANIC AND WOOD 011A1B13 etccrso OPP ♦r acnvc■n PtIOXSS CSIIO LEBILL2I OR BETA. IL D 7 and 09 Third atrnet, moil% Yotnandson & 111 roarth arrai. woo p A.TENTED OCTOBER; T 3 -, -1861. OVAL L.fI.NE.I. CEICID:EN'ITYB XX FLINT GLASS. Those Chimneys are intended for the EM L flame, beating all parts of the g lees equally, dote not expoee It to cracking. R. T. DITHRIDGZ. epl7Wart Pitt Ohms Works, Washington street, _ Pittsburgh, Penes. HA'N - ARD eAPS I LADlffig• irtras I Of ml 7 kiwi and quality. LADIES' AND Min' RATS I DT WHOLUALII AND =TAIL; AT MdOORD & 004 1.31 WOOD MEET WARGO'S MARBLE WORKS, 1135 LIBUTY !MINIM 6 biantlita and mid cisortment cf • MARBLE MANTELS. Monuments and Grave Mils. PLASItS PARIS, aosENDALE Aar) JOBNs. 6/W41:54; . 1,,1 • ____________ ________ : r .t, M M'S'I'EEN, Mum Formnims, u . GAB ash Amax limes. Particular attention Math. °A11":420;111,24fiaf11gV44% I .04. to order. Also DRABS CASTINGS, or ali kind., loads at the shortest notice. hear AR ord an ers MR at Nos. 31 d 34 WATER STREET, Liberty, will be promptly attended to. OtlrThe members of this Arm bang peartiot/ me. '