b'S 7F /I: `` 7:f rA T:f4..:7ls F ,l WcW s 7- .P27,17.7 '7 :',1 "Y07'. 7 .'" . .) • 47... -r ...6r.,,,,,-,,,,..-Yqe.m-e.r'.-0;....:.1'.trtTZM7-.:n,.,::'.;,-;e".-7'LWiil*,.A.T:,--.:,7,x,,-7_-i-7i.r,7t77,pF.4-.t,.%---r:.71,'4,7",',Yg,1.vn'7,:'-7,.,:! , 'Y , '' ,, '' , '!'' , ''' s '.t' - '''T"'-'tiil'' k'; 'rC 7s- 4 1- Fr'. 7 .T ' '; - ' •-• f--- =' -: ' ''''' '-'-' - --,'. --' ' -•-- --- - - - - • --' - '' ...), ~ - --, - . ,-, - - -. . - ----,-,- -.*- " , 'T I'' ----' 74-, - SlFS_Z'''.,7. - ol -k,. . C-!•.--::„ A, ',,- a i ,ter ..7.- _ , _ . _ . . ... . ~ ~.,.i _ . ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCERIES. 9 -7 PBODUCEAc. JfLALrUF.sICTURERS, • CHARLES C. BALSLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. ILICBCHANDISE BROILER, And dealer In ell kin& of COMMIT PIIODUCH, NO. 179 L133/1827 ETRID3iI KINOII .1 . 6011/1", too. Litaucuas, (of the late firm of D. &D. irboutOd Pittabtutt. & Co., WeDevine, Ohio.) /('DONALD & ARBUCIELES, Whole- ILL wig Goodin, Produce sod Commas:fon Der elunts, Jobbers in 00211328, 2f. 0. SUGAR and MO. LAMED, BETINZD SUGAILS a BYBIIPS, PLOI7I, BACON, TOBACCO, Mill, RICE, I.I2INNSE, SEEDS, be., Noe. 242 and 24A Liberty greet, NBA burgh. nol4-1) SHRIVER & LAZRAR, DIRODERS AND oonasslow iliaacliAtturs Nes. 17 and E 9 andalfield Bt., cor. Second 1011 W 31.1101•14 L 111•11. MACKEOWN & LINHART, FLoca awn Gassy Ps,roas, Pas:wool sun Costume - lox ktenrasters, thr the sale of Floor, Grain, Pork, D. eat, Lood, Butter Eggs, Cheese, Beim , Grosse, 'Feathers, Batter, Pot and Purl Mlles, Etaimstna, lamed lad Land Oils, Dried and Oman Frets, Timothy, °lour, flax and ilrass akomentaata matte on Comdahmanta. *My alto:* 2L7 Ltbertv tared, Pittsburgh. WL OOR3ILY, WHOLEfIALE GROCER, No. 271 LEBICIPTT SPRIEST, Pittsburgh Having rerchaaed the Interest of hls late partners, will continue the Indiums at the old stand, and will be pleased to mere the redeemer of his old Mends and customers.. roplatif WEBB & WILKINSON, Commtesiox Idalmemrea, Wholeaale dealers In WESTEILS HffiEHYB =ESL DEMO FRUITS, DOTTIE, EGGS, GRAIN__ A S -and produce generally. Also, LIATIIKIL, BMW, OILS, de., No. !t Liberty street, Pittsburgh. inroash advancements made. Oonsigrammta so !kited. . U IVll.. rt P. B4CI. CO. No. 186 LIB- Stratt i littabargh, Ps., Who Tulle trici. TRY PRODIIa P.ROVERIONS, BAC T ;N t , LARD: Borrzu, zoos, cuskez, nut, Ac., PRODUOZ, FLOUR, GRAM, 8/DEDB,-' GREEN AND DRIED 71LIIIT8, Aa, SAVE And LIMB. //DI JOHN B. 'CANFIELD, COSIIIISSION AHD rIntRAIIDING Mancnawr and wholesale dealer In WESTERN RESERVS CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, PORN, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALEILATUS, LINSEED AND LARD 01148, DRIED FRUIT, and Froth.* generally, An. 141 and 143 Front .tree[, Pittsborgh. ea 2 JAY= TIIN LITTLE. & TRlMBLE,Vholosale Gro ears and Commission Merchants; dealers in PRODUCIL FLOUR, BLCON, ORRIC:33, FO R CARBON AND 1.4. 0LL,1303, BAILS, °LARS OOTTOIi YARNS, and Pittsburgh mantifitatimm generally, 111 and 114 Second etrem, Pltiatough, P. 217111173........• B. iill/111111.........11/1. D. ILIUM.. IOPEYALEI2 & BROTHERS, (successors to Itoymer & Anderson) Wholases Degas in YORZIGIS 1211111113, NUTS 'AND BPIOII2I, CON "TLOTIONERY, 81141,142,11131121P0UR5, &0., Hoc, 124 and 124 Wood 'toilet, above Fifth, Pittsburgh. ,1729.1 y swarnun. ritTLP SHEPHA RD, Ciimnamom Vvlicannarrra and dealers to rbouv., GRAIN, AND PRODIJCB, Ro.,243l4betrty streat, Pittaidn'Ta• Choice brands of Flour ROI' Bakers it:kerma:4ly 4110 renstautly on hand. Particular attention pald , to tllliag orders for Merchandisn generally. oofo:dlyr. OITARLES 13. LEECH; Floes Ain)- Glaem Fame. Am Communes M [MOUNT for tins age of GILfII4,BFSII9, CH3SESS,r4MODUSJA , &a., and agent' fur the celebrated Uniontown CF.- MRST, Nos. 116 Second and ILS First streit - a, !m -isrule Wood and Smithfield. Pluebarab., see FRANK VAN GORDER, Produce and Commis/lot Dignebant, dealarin 1/IAUIt, BLIT- T= nßooatc-samos; Lem", oliessw POSE DRUID ANDIIIIIMNSSMiIt, nod prodam gene - Lcbvnl cash advances as conApaoata. Warehouse, No. 126 Bacoad street, Pittstan-gb: 011 , 01.4711 n • - "mat milrsciii: ana HEAT)&,Comminlo.llaZGisti.Al Grocdeafenienz o l kinds f Country Produce! and Pittsburgh Manufacture., No. 249 Libiorty attest, °Opt:mit...lona of Wood Pittsburgh. ap3:ly • EO. B. JONES & SON, Wh olesale G Gmsetra and Boat Panties:* -.Sealer. Ia MA. NIVEL ROM; BAKIrIf;OILN, PITCH, and Pitta burgh manufactured articles, No. HI Water street, above the Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh, ZOIMILT DM-ALL. ROBERT DILZELL CO., Whale sibs Grocwits,oomtalation sad Forwarding Her etseate,-eaddeiders hi Produce aid Pittsburgh man dictums, Liber4 /Wept, Pittsburgh. 1./1111111341 - .....—J01111 SHIRO", WALLACS. 'LAMBERT, BRIPTON & CO., Whole -LA sale Cirocors aitd Produce Dealers, No. 6, Sixth stria, Yiti.strorgb. Jal.6 alas WATT R 11.50.11. - - - "WATT . WILSON, Wholesale Gro raris, Commission Merchants, and dealers in Produce. shidTittiborgh manufactures, No. 1541 Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. IntO. SAMUEL LISOILLT ,0111 LINDSAY A, TELFORD, Wholesale .I.Aand RAW GROCERS, FLOUR AND PRODUCE DEALERS, DO Liberty street, Pittsburgh. apt:Ste. _ _ VCllo3lAlaii. k LAM COMMISSION W • iligeneissa end wholesale" dealers in _ORD. N CERIES, FLOUR, CRAIN, PRODUCE, Re., o. SID Liberty street, Pltubargh. • sel3silf J. ... ...... 1.111011.1. JB. LIGGETT &DO ; CITY FLOUR . Ina MILLS, corner Liberty and " Adam. • egereePaciti,loo blirele pet day." apn JAMES DALZEIA. A; SON, Manama turns of LARD OIL, and Comm Lake. ma e,..uts for the Odrehsse sad sale cif CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLETJII, Nos, 69 sad 70 Writs, street, Pittsburgh. ketrancosi mar, cns eoriaLgronsitts. DMl== KiRicP&TAUCK & BROTHER, en rumors to'Brbwri & Itirirpstricks, WHOM S S OItACEIIS, Mus.l7l and MS Liberty strset, Pittsburgh. splAtly WILLWII 11142 i. r.. 1 p a w. 1 Darr& Dr cArrntrel, us.. A. corm, ' t Spada Partner. MBAICS . COFFIN, inlet:lessors to branding. Meant d Cio., WHOLUAL7t GEOCEIIB, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pitno burgh. bII:ly CHEESE WAREHOUSE. 7 ,4lENltir A. COLLINS, PorwsnlingloidtiluriSsolon ran= sad &War In CHEESE, BUTTER, Wall IrIBH, sad produce gonerally, No. its Wood meet, obave Water, Pittsburgh. 0n,2 OLLA_ND BIDDLE , successor to no 11 lieGM &Non, No. Itta Merl! Wed:Pieta buret, general PIIODIIOE, onoctratir AND 00If NUMMI NEKCIIANI. Consignments;respect fully ioltelted: 'ISAIAH - DICKEY & .COOVholeeusle ...IL Grocers, Commission Itarchants, sod desienrin Pnatince,tioe.oo;Wstes Firr,Sad 0 Front stied, 130. W. DILWOISTS ....JONI! S. DILWOWWI. J3...DIGWORTH 'Et CO., Wholesale . GOMM Non 130 and US Second street, near Elmittanatl, Plttobtorgb. nol • VMS .tom. TORN - FLOYD k 4711 k, Wholesate Gro• em and Comelsstect Illsrehsats„ Noss. 171 k Weed r - ittidliZnabert*ighset,l'ltistquitb. • ' / 816 • . CALDWREL, (successor Waage 'Holmes k Ca.') Pour kACJign and 'satatn PROPlslolol,,sfTeirkert and front rtrtatAllttstrorgh. , - -. - ine (stmccosor to Jack ajwat.:l2 W ilffE Tcromoulo,)l43' rtm. PA str., . Lib- CREIt t n anddeal- of :PROVISIONS, Zito. 12 Pawlh . . 027 say, l'ittaband. Vartris st. ram VOIGT.,k. - CO., ottoccessors to • Ti. 0. Graff, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION . MERCHANTS 4 247 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ANY I. 110943..- THEN L HOUSEU It C 0.9. 9 Wholestdo er GROCERS AND COMMIRSIONIdERCH&EPLE, corner of Suilibtaid and Watzr stmts. Pittsburgh. 000 — K; PETTI 4t CO., Commission ILI Merchants, and dnlas In PRODUCE, FLOUR. BACON, WOOL, ORLIN. 4e., 'Pardthllald !ecrest, Pittsburgh:. Anyttly EDP" AIDWARD HEAZELTON. Wholesale AUvatoont AND commisnoit gramarr, Aid corner of Dm Diamond. No. 10, e calattlyyn I BA t A ' , N .legale Grocer, No le and 21:1 Wood Weer, Pitta . ALEXINAJE.R:KING4,I9hoIosaIe Gro- erg, Imparter of SODA. ME, No. 273 Liberty street, rlttsbmiti.,- : . • m ba • 241:0311'05rit ifTEWA.HT 17.5 - 1 °twat why Co 0;1 No", let Wood time; Putoorgb. ;. ; -;„ 7 " k4-,15-k.'w. J 514 • DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Mariofictaren of miry misty of &abed BRASS WORN YOU PLUMBEIIS, STEAM OR GAB firma, MACHINISTS, AND ICODTERSMITHS. BRASS CALSTTIOS, art ME Mewl?. ttoua made to order. STRAITTIOAT 'WORK, STRAIN AND (Lo nna% an& REPAIRISG, promptly attended to. Pattlotdar". attention paid to Swing up RININIL RUM FOB COAL AND CARBON OTLS. Also, Solo Spats for the Western Dfstrtet of Pearl - tyleastla for: the oats of ILaRtiH, LAUSDHILL & 00.'S.PATIFNT SYPHON POW, the best IMO te nanted. Having no value It In not HAMA to sot out Grantor, and will throw mure water than soy PtauP tertwite dee IPTS Planurcraas. PL. JOHN HALL a: CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. Nannfeettirers end denten In all Ow diStreeat kinds of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, Cl - TING BOXES. he. With greatly increased facul ties for doing briefness, we earneetiy Invite dealers to gine us a call. Manarctory, Terepenatcatilfr, Warehouse, Cecile alley and Liberty St.,Pittsb'gh. JOHN HALL, T. J. HALL, STEPHEN WOODS, oe2:Oro JAB. J. SNOWS. W... ICACESIffrOgrtP. „HAM'. MAUKINTOSLI, HEMPII.ELL & GO., Oftor , Plke liyd O'llira strode, ncar the City Water Wgrkei PI ttsborgh„boannfacturare of MACE INTOS/I4 WEELPILILL'S IMPROVED OSCILLA TING ST.r.uusciatNri AND SIDE VALVES, of et 5i.044.2 Devil* pottlgtmankthWy of large capacity and of the best Incajty,..ent:Zeparod to do heavy Job bing, and eq.t min*: le line, trusting that by promotlomitatd 64 ter of our work, to merit public pargortagr;-7, , ::::. We Iwatt-special' itintloti to our BALANCHD VALVE osculAwya.ransEs, ea combining advantagoiltelottifori tutattainsd ha this chow of Enema. BLACK DIAMOND STKEI, WORKS, PIT2SBURaft, PA. EARL BROTHER & CO., BEST QUALITY IUIPINED OAST STKY.L, gams., Pitt sad Octagon, of all .to. Warranted equal to any haporaid or tosnufactared to this eam• tr CL" Ores and warehouse, Nos. 149 and 151 FIRST and 190 sad 1121 SECOND BT.II SSTS, Pittaburgh. WILLIAM BARNIIILL & CO, Boit.aa Makerx and gbeet Iron Workars, PENN . STREET, Noe. 20, 22. 24 and TO. Ilarnag scoured a hugsyard and toralshad It with the matt improved • &tallowy, we an Fured I. nuusufactura every druripthut.ol BOILE RS. la the best manner, and • el ague to. aay mad. In the counts?. . :is g t YS, BRIC UK N, FIRS BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCONOTIFB BOILERS, CONDESSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, EIGGAR PANS, and soltransaufacturare of BARN. MILL'S PATENT MOILNELS. Repairing done on the shorted notice. BRITANNIA AND IMAM WORKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, (Iluccemn. to Oils Neirtea.), Manufacturer/ of OASTOB ITANCES, MCO9, CUPS, LADLE% And ,ao,..varialy at BRITANNIA artbdaa. Also; 0.1. N, OIL LAMP BURNIIIIB and LA-TIP BRAWN! tramalty, No. IMD Second street, PfitolOugla. ALLENM oatimcK tt. (X)., VALE Too"mai, Pittsbnrgh, IRlPAVAndualus, MI LIBERTY STREET, Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR AND lISAT IWO STOVES, PARLOR AND KITCHEN ORATES, HOLLOW WARE, ate., Steel and Glai. Moulds, AIM Castings, Hill Gearing, Gat, Water sod M itten Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Iron; Wagon BOXPC Su gar -Kett/es, Pulleys, If =;,cra , Car Wheels, Co pimp and Casting. generally. AI" Jobbing and Machine Csianp. made to order.. Patented Yortable wlthlksabs 0747.0t1WPoiller.. ..-091416=d JOSEP4 N,4401-IT,WN & ( Xl , * .- cor. FIRST A.1:11 LIBERTY STS., ritt.bt..gb SCII4IIOII. STILLIf EINGI2CrB. mecausEßT, ac raylbal SEVERANCE, No. - 53 WATER ST. S Pittateash, tuanzfacturer of BOIL= WEOPOIIT SPIRREI, common and railroad, of orrery description. Particular aired or shaped 1371tE8 and iiPrZTB, Unto or mall. =do to L ordar at abort make. A Foal assortment constantly csibstui. my3:l7na_ - WELLS, -RIDDLE it, CO., No. 215 V Y Marty- street, appal**. Sloth, Pittsburgh, tnanufactourera of WHIMS, SASHES and SWITCH ES, anK.d atery description of ZESTFUL'S BRAIDED WOR Orders solicited from the trade, and goods prompt ly shipped es per lustroctloos. Leg:ly D& W. BEN - NETT, Manufacturers of . WHITE STONE CHINA sad CSEAN COL ORED wear,. OlNcs and 'Nazi:ham at No. 74 TIFTII STREET, Pittabargh. , JOIVI IFLUML.....IEPIR W. IeCAIO.I.r.SB WIMON, CARR s CO., (pair tyres,; Payne fh.,) . Wholoode dealers In TOILEIG2I 'AND DOMESTIC DIIS GOODP,;IiO. W Wood stroot, third house ab.)rn btarrronl 'Wry; Pitteturgb. aplthtf tr.. sAgg.. J. LTI6II le•00/......31.1 rxrroa. .4 CO., Dealers in 11 FOREIGN AHD DOIIII9ITICYHBY GOODS„ No. 144 Federal street, (second door belays new Market Moose,) Allegheny City. nil& I y ATON, MACHU)! .3c CO., WhbleArde XJ s itetsii.Draion. In nUhalni l 39, EMMI I OI. DEBITS and DRY GOODS, of every description, -Nos. 17 and 19 rib b street, Pittsburgh. - 'WUXI' & GLYDE Wholesade and Bean Dation in ADD STAPLE DDY GOODS, riIAIM2SGS, tr., „Tio.D3 Marko rt rect, bedireen Diamond gudrottrtit Pittsurgh. . Iff!===Z= BirgoIIFIELD, (suocespor to • Burchfieldke,) tilietrcelto awl %esti Dealer he STAPLE AND TANDY DST GOODO.Northeast rainelor Iroarlb Ind STidlief -etesete, Neburgh. TO JlO Whol o and Re tell Dealer in all kinds or TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS, ko., Nos. 77 and 79 Market Wont. JV. BARKER St CO., Dealers ,in all . wadi of DII,Ir GOODS, No. a9Put.O. tenet, toureen and rmtb. R., IL ' ALMEB, No. S 4 Woo& Street, kite Dealer in BONNETS,' HA?S, STRAW THIN- K'NG/own STILLIP CIOODS generally. • QI3ION JOHNSTON_, Dent& in Pllii kJ DBMS AHD •CDZIMAIR; YANCI,GOODS.DDBIII2IO XLIIID, OILS, YAM- - Y rtlanatail, ,4:1 Comer quality IL whian S a offal at lowest priers. &altheald and fourth autot., Pittsburgh. Prescriptions care :SA" clgliPollthrtgi a ell. hours. - _ a• -FAIINESTOCK. & Ws Diugglits, and manufacturers of 'WEITZ LEAD AND LITHARGE, nurser of Wuxi and Front 'straits, Pittsburgb. osnr rroEN •P, Wholegale Do 1:r in DRUBS PALM, OILS, VANNISUZS AND NYE SWIM, No. 290 Liberty 'Meet, Pittsburgh. Ail • • era will remise prompt attention. TIR...GEORHE H. KEYSER, Entggist, - AA 16.'140 Wood Moot, ootroo of VhWn PittWonsti. I.rsuweE.4ole-reni• -r GARDINER .A.MFFEN, Agent for • rranklin.phngelptibi iu:24.Bellenos leguranco Comps:deo, Northtist cortoi Wood and Third eta. ItT P. JONES, Agent North America, . State of Pennsylvania,' and Itartiord Inmr ance Cerapantes, 8T Water street. AMIJKL. RVIA). secretary Citizens' In• S ...Ines Com • Tygotzer Market and WWI. Ma. XPRAILD SOLT& Frd. GORDON,Seeretary Western In • same. Conspaay,o2 Water West. 'BOOK, Seeretnry_Allegheny In C"44.7. 87 Tim. amt. IFIARIArrE BLUME, Deafer in MU. NIIIIIULVINISTBITIIMNTS. Sole agent for KNANF, it CO.'S PIANOS, ;NAMES WSOS. PIANOS, and' PSISIMI A CO.'S MELODE ONS. N 0.13 Plilhatreet, nocond door above Wood, Pittsburgh. Plano* to tat, and taken in enikange for new. aple TT RigBER & BRO. Dealers in MU- 0.810 AND MOB WITRIIMENTS, ASO Ws scants lb? STELNWAYI3 CIUMBRATIID PI AN Wed; Pittibdrkh, iiygp ritEARLES _ N.O YUMA 11131001 1 0 2111 . ie„ leo. *Mood 4., INOWlAMltOarikstroot and Disaantallay, MO's. i °4 ac , 2rikl- - ZE''- -- ; ,, v;:l 7 l.'a , aildzr - a - a - WZl'ar!; PITTEBITBGB, PA., Mumbetaion of I=l3 DRY GOODS. 00:410/.1/44 , ..4 J11178.1C, Zfe. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, NOAMB ER. 14, 1863. • itthburgtr 6azeftil. SATURDAY MORNING--NOV. 14, 1868 TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Maim Emmy; by enall, pm year--. 10 00 =IBM " Wank oopier...— a. ➢rmawo ElDrllo3l, br mnfl, pm. year......... 4 SO. tarath..— 70. .. " skate oopies 1 Thulium Barrios. apple ergilme. per peer ! CO. • " &r of II tO." —1 M. " dabs 010 or more ... 1 23. --end me entre to the part, win* dab. 1212 dub of Aftcau, .. trlll send the Hvisecou Warn dell). For Fora dub of twenty, on ertil mead the Muumuu Chisertotalty. fanole copies, 3 *We. 112 , Ali maiserlpaus **Owt edsoace, nod papers always stopped ohm the tine ouptran An Important Railroad Line. The Danville (Ky.) Tribune says that it is decided that the Danville junction with the now military lino of Railroad will be located at Knob Lick, about five miles from the town, and that the work is progressing finely and satisfactorily. The recent guerrilla raid through that section scattered the laborers to the four winds nearly, but they have all since reported for duty. There are between See hundred and six hundred hands at work be tween the points of Milledgeville, in Lin coln county, and Banging Fork, a distance of only about two miles, and . in the same pro portion along the proposed route. Tho road has already been located from the junction referred to above about nineteen and a half miles south to Flint's Mill, and the prelimi nary line reaching to Cumberland river, by two routes, ono leading through Somerset and the other leaving Somerset to the right about eight miles, mining to the ravine of Buck Creek. All confidence is felt in the earliest prosecution and speedy completion of this most important thoroughfare. If this line wore but completed to-day, as it should have been had the sagacious recom mendation of it to Congress by President Lax coLx been attended to by that body, we should now have no trouble about seeming oar pos session of East Tennessee. English View of Napoleon in 3lexleo. Ve boast that the world is getting more moral, and eo it is as a whole. Tho average of mankind are getting better, the average even of politicians aro getting better, and eo farthe world Pregresses. But on the other hand the extremes of good and evil are not narrowing to a focus of goodness, and meekness, and gentleness, but they are getting wider asunder—further apart in each genera tion. The good are becoming better and the evil worse. In political life this is most easily traceable. No doubt Louis. Napoleon is not a Nero, but yet he boldly slew more men wantonly and unjustifiably in his coup d'etat than perhaps Nero dill to secure his power in the same spaced( time. Still Napoleon boasts that in civilization ho stands on a far higher , level than did the ancients. And yet . when. the record of his public life comes to be ' writ ten out fairly, it may well be doubted Whether his character for faith, truthfulnem„fintegrlty and all else that we boast upon in this .agey will not appear such as all the bettei ,, elass of the Roman Emperors of two thousand years ago would have scorned as unworthy of even their day. ivthelant-No. of the London Wutssisster, is an article exposing Louis Napoleon'l con duct in, separate Mexico, so utterly damaging to biernputation, that If not fairly answered, and we do nat believe it can be answered, it ought to be enough to render his rule at least precarious in France, a country of such refined and honorable sentiments. It is there shown that France drew on England and Spain, with the stipulation most solemnly given that the independence of Mexico should not ho inter fered with, bat only certain moneys due col lected. To our Minister, Mr. Dayton, the same assurances have been again and again repeated. Crider the protect of jealousy of Spain, whose expedition sailed first, France sent over four or five thousand more troops and batches of now assurances, while yet agents were paving the way for French advance and conquest. The pecuniary demands of France are proved to be a monstrous and gross fraud of the worst kind, so ludicrous, indeed,:that the Russian reasons of Catharine for the seizure of Poland were just and reasonable besides these French claims. Sir Charles Try ke, the British Plenipotentiary, thus puts the mat ter :--" When the Miramon government were on their last tor, the Swiss house of tacker d: Co., of Mexico, lent them $750,000, and re ceived in return hoods to be payable at some future time to the amount of $15,000,000. Shortly after this outrageous proceeding. Miramon was upset and succeeded by his rival, Juarez, oho was under French protec -tion. Juares refizsed to do so, but was willing to pay the $750,000 with five per cent. inter est.' If such a claim were good, we at the North might soon have a bill sent in for all claims against the Confederate government. The French Commissioners proposed* round sum of $12,000,000 as "an approximation to the value of their claim, by a million or two, more or less:" Next they demand the full pound of flesh, $15,000,000. This seamed se little too strong :for England and Spain to assist in maintaining, and so finally they withdrew, after coming very near to an open rupture with the French general, who insisted en protecting dliraMort, while the English Admiral indignantly declared ho would arrest him as a robber, for his conduct to English merchants while in power. dlmonte was at, the same time going about under the protec tion Of the Fronch, and telling even General Hint that the Emperor had sent him to estab lish a monarchy in Mexico. Tetra every step the plenipotentiaries were protesting and proclaiming that the suspicion that they came to establish a monarchy was unfounded and unjust. • It is charged, if not proved, that the whole thing Intel a plot of Napoleon's from the first to drew in the concurrence of England and Spain aid - then insult or slip (Lem off and seize the prize. The only way in which Na poleon can at all save himself in Europe, will 66 by abandohing the prize for which be tins paid esidear a price, with all the deeeney he aut. If Maxintildlin will not take it, let Franco withdraw from further responsibility, and lot Jecker d Co. slide with their $15,- 000,000. AU Important Southern Item. Wo find in late. numbers of the Raleigh Standard, which have come to band, that the rebels artfeenstracting i railroad connection between Danville, in - Virginia, and Greene borough, North Carolina. 'lt seems that about 'fifteen miles of the road have been completed, and that the rare •rc expected to run through —a distance of about forty-flue miles—by New Year's, or at fiuthest, by the Spring. This is a highly Interesting feet, as it opens a now lino of communication between Richmond and the Southwest, over the North Carolina Cen tral railroad. But it is not probable that the road will be completed at the earliest day named, so that If Weldon can be seized by our forces an, time during the Fall or Winter, the rebel forces will be cut off from supplies b,yrail, beyondl the Northern boundary of North Carolina; or, in other words, they will be limited to such lean pickings as. can be found in the wasted fields of Eastern and Southern Virginia. By all means let Weldon be seised.—Warbiagem Republican. Tne gold region on the Chandiere river in Upper Canada le attractingeomiderable atten tion. Capitalists from Now York and Boston are making investments there. A trnet of between 60,000 and 70,000 acmes of land in the township of Dorset, county of Beaune, has been purchased by a parrs from New York, who propose to work the mines in a eyslem alio and ecientik.manner. A Canadian gen tleman hes hiker' an aim la New VOrk for rba purpose of selling .fheei lands, and raising _capita to develop and troikas mhos. GNU Meade' Mew Campaign. The advance of Gen. Meade, rays the N. Y. if pushed with the vigor the occasion demands, should disturb the rebel plans for an offensive campaign in East Tennessee. It was the avowed belief of the rebels, in their late advance movement in Virginia, that the destruction of the railroad would so embar rass the-Union army that the season aVaila ble for active operations this Fall would be consumed, and that a small force would serve to corer Richmond, permitting heavy de tachments to be made from the rebel force in Virginia to reinforce their army in Tennes see. It mast be acknowledged that past ex perience quite authorized them to form this conclusion, for evccry one of our Virginia cam paigns has been followed by a long period of quieseence. But this time they have reckoned without their host. Gen. Meade, in place of waiting for the completion of the railroad, to enable him to resume his former front of op erations on the Culpepper line, has, by a well- Waned movement, effected a change of base, (that ia a change of secondary hase,) and planted his - army south.of the Rappahannock. thus transferring operation to the Fredericks burg line, and enabling Lim to draw his sup plies by way of Aquia Creek. Of course. the value of this move, an.l the bearings it will have on the rebel plans, will depend entirely on the sincerity of his subse quent operations. If the move is intended merely as a feint, and designed to lead to nothing farther, see doubt If it will be pro active of totals of any value. Leo Is him self too. old- e. hatid at such stratagems to be greatly disturbed by them. lie will, no doubt, test thoroughly the character and aim of the tenement, and if it, be anything short of rigorous offensive tqtrards Richmond and the. rebel army, the iischmend chiefs will feel free to go on with; Abair Western projects . Bet if the action of Gen. Meade bp such si to show he Is really In earnest, they will be very chary of further depleting the "Army. of Northern Virginia." The announcement of rebel movements in, , East Tennessee and the capture of two of Gerti Buntsido's advance posts and their garrisons, shows that Gen. Meade is not a moment toil soon in his advance, and seems to indicati that the rebels are already putting in exemr i i , tion the design so emphatically announced• driving Burnside out of the important roe he holds. Vigorous and rapid work in Vi ' ginia is the only diversion that can be ta , in his favor, and this is most impertiti ' ' demanded. It is understood that Gen. hi e• has had carte blanche tooporate, this time, mlfh reference purely and simply to military eca siderations. If ho bras really as greatly eta grated as was reported, at his failure to gels' battle out, of Leo during the late campaign, he will now have a chance to make the opgor tunity. , ExcelsiOr, and no Mistake. We have sometimes thought that Mr. Long fellow had a sin to answer for, because be wrote a beautiful lyric which had the elect of subjecting the above word from tho Latin to all manner of vulgar cues and vile slam* It had been so used and abused ler yearai that we feared it.had no hope in all the future. It had artffero both in civil and military Itfe, till we thought its life, for all reasonable or cred itable purposes, was utterly worn out, !MA its character lost beyond redemption. But while there Is life of any kind, there is hope—as :witness this word "excelsior" honeeforth. Bead the following: The New York Excelsior Brigade, repre senting six regiments, but reduced by the cas utilities of the service to 2,500 menj only 1,500 of whom are present on duty, offer through their commander to re-enlist in a body for the. war ' on the simple conditions that they be alto sod to return to New York City for sixty days to recruit their thinnod ranks, and that, when reorganised, it be as v brigade of mounted infantry. The officers of-all the regiments guarantee that their commands will all re-enlist, and that, by the sth of January, the brigade will return to the army %DUO strong. WHS.:I will the English learn ho to write correctly about this country? A very friendly ptee•, the Daily News, reviewing Hawthorne's book, says very compassionately that our "national life has been too short" for the formation "of a homogeneous character" among our people. We should like to know what homogeneity there la among the British people, though a thousand years old, cons posed of Welshmen who cannot speak Eng lish, of Irishmen always in revolt and forever at enmity with their rulers, of Scotchmen who are distinct in lialect, manners and cus toms, and even now are not too fond of the Sassenachs ? How much of this is there in the English counties of Yorkshire, Hent,Corn wall ? The truth is, there is far more homo geneity In the United States, notwithstanding its short national life, than there ever has been in Great Britain, from the time of the heptarchy down. As Instance of remarkable musical precoci ty, equalled only in the instance of Mor-srt, is the theme of general conversation ip Paris. A boy ten year, of ago, Henri Perry, Instruct ed by his sister Antouinn ' aged sixteen, has composed a mass, which has been executed with great success. These precocious youths arc the grand children of Biagioll, the com mentator of Dante and Petrarth, who long re sided in London. AN ingenious person has discovered that the three most forcible letters In our alphabet are N It G; that the two which contain nothing are 31. T; that four express great corpulence, 0 B C T; that two are in a de cline, D K ; that four indicate exalted station, XLNC; and throe excite our tears,• yet, when pronounced together, are necessary to a good underst9ding—L KG. Tile Boston Traveller ran account for the political blunders of the Democrats which have converted the people into sextons for their burial under the dust of defeat, only on the supposition that they have been joined by the remnants of the old Whig party, a party that used to prepare the way for iG own dissolution as often as an important election came round. TOILICCO, C1141.4R1i, C. hS ; FABLISHED 1760. - PETER LORILLARD, SiUTT AND TOBACCO monnrecrruntn, 18 AND 18 CHAMBRRB STAMM'', (Formerly U Chatham Anal, N. York,) Would WI the attention of dollen to the article* of Ma manufacture vla.: BRAWN forovr. Ifseaboy, Tine Reppeek, Coarse Rapp** ' Ameriren ClealSemen, Demiiroe, Pure 'Virgin* Nachltoetioe, Copenhagen. TICLLOW EN err. Scotch, l Ttgh Town Scotch,l ris h nigh 'raid or Dondyfoo, Sonny Dew Scotch, Froth Honey Snitc h, Treat' Scotch. • AtionVon Is called to the lame redaction In yrlce• ef TineTlnt Obeying and Smoking 7obaccae, which will be Ibund of • =prior quality. TUBA OCO. ihroxiira—Lonib No. 1, No. ; Nos. 1 and I colas& Granulated. Norm Chia OBTWLIIO-Ir. A. L., ar plain - OBTIM. dish, or Saint; Easeat scented Oronoco ; Tln foil Cavendish. Seamono-8. Jaws, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. N. 13.—A cicadae of puked; will be ma td "on applica tion. .apl 1y B. 1111'001.1..11! . .z..-....,;:•-. Casa a Sala. M COLLISTER & BAER, Knnofnotmlni and doer. In .11 kind. of TOBACCO, SNIITT AND CIGARS, NO. 108 WOOD - . 6173HET, Prrrumuni. pc, Karp anudantly on hand a largs-varlaty of l'fpni and Emoting Tabacom my 1y "LYON A RNSTR AL, IMPORTER 1-A 'AND DIALER in the inert Weer brawls of GENVINE CIIGAILS, and all iamb o SMOKING AND = HAVANA ram° TOBACCO, SHIITE, f FANCY AINIBSCIIIAITM PIPES, TUBES, So.,Aes, Ttongarlaty, IMMO?, THE BT. CHARLES HO EN.'ll.___Murgi' !trolled on liberel terms. invll:Sly wP. MARSHALL, Dealer, in 'WALL • PAPSVP, PORDSW, le ., No. 8T tisfoo4 strut, Pittsburgh. ~v . t - 7, , -.L1. , - . } C.., , , -- , :....:'.';'," . • . . _... G. . . . G .. . ~. . ... .. .... . . . .. ..„. ~ .. EVE G GARTH MEGRIMS, OURDISPATCH.DELPIILI SPECIAL DISPATCH. Ad : i-ices from Richmond. THE; JOHNSON'S ISLAND SCARE. Tilt MANGE OF REM COIDIANDERS. NEWS FROM EUROPE. moliraLm Ambris UNION MT REBELMIERALS gltslßlspateliso Cu Pittsburgh Gantt. Pattanutruts, Nov. 13, 103. ',/. he Richmond Errissiocr is before me. It admits the defeat of the rebels otrthe Rappo hictinock, in which Roke's and Rays' divisions i were raptured. It contains an advertisergOnt. I 0) ° a lady who wants to sell privately a black I . raerino dross, in good order, fot s2so—tbo i +riser going out of mourning. Also, that I *wealthy calico of Atlanta has given $7,500 11;0 the poor of that eity. The Examiner says s that is about $7OO, It is rather a sorry t r do lion with flour at $75 per barrel. The story of the rebel plots hatched in the - iiish provinces to deliver the prieoners on idialasuion's Island, in Lake Erie, and burn :Ruffs& end Ogdensharg,Ls a grand scare. . The International treaty allows bat ono 'armed steamer to each government On the 'Lake. Hence the basis for the story. 1 Gen.. Lee new commands at Chattanooga, Gen-Bragg has been sent to Mobile, and Gen. Longstreet commands in Virginia. This is re reliable. We have interesting news from Europe. Some excitement &listed in England over a rumor that the rebel rams would be taken out of the Mersey by force. Orders were sent to Ply mouth to send war vessels roued to Liverpool. The iron plated frigate Prince Consort and a gunboat proceeded to the Mersey. The latter' is lying opposite Mr. Laird's yard, ready to start nt a moment's notice. Advices (rein the West Indies report that the rebel privateer, Georgia, off Falmouth, dams els, on the 13th ult., to said to have captured • steetmer the same evening. The London Morning Star Maws that the Emperor Napoloon informed Mr. Dayton that authority for constructing rebol iron dada in French porta has been withdrawn. Since the war eommenced twenty-nino Union and thirty rebel generale hare been killed in battle or died of wounds.. Eleven Union and thirteen rebel died of disease. Eighteen Union and thirteen rebel hare re sig,uod, and two Union and one rebel dismissed from the Berrie°. Na Important change in the army or the Po tomac. Our troop occupy the old battle field of Ceder Itountain. Immense trains of snpplies from Alexandria are going to the front. The railroad Ls being pushed rapidly ahead, and will be opened to the Rapidan by Monday night. The Maistichusctis election returns are in from all but twelve towns. Ore. Andrew's majority is 40,752. In the late disastrous affair at Hodgenville, Tennessee, the troops of General Burnside were overwhelmed by superior numbers. Five hundred men, four gone and thirty -six wagons kit into the hands of the enemy. •IV. y. J LATEST FROM MEADE'S ARMY Stuart's Carairy Handsomely Thrashed CONDITIA OF TEE REBEL SOLDIERS. OLD CEDAR MOUNTAIN BATTLE- FIELD IN OUR POSSESSION. LEE STILL WITH HIS ARMY CLARK ANI TlloauLtiliFAllE MOUNTAINS OCCTFIED BY THE REBELS. The Rebels Strongly Posted on the Rapidan. ko., Naw Yonn, Nur. 12.-Specials to the Thnei, from 'Washington Nov. 12, say Detach ments of infantry and cavalry this morning handsomely thrashed Stuart's cavalry near Mitchell station, three miles southwest of Culpepper. The rest of the army is quiet. We now hold all the ground In Culpepper county we held AI weeks ago. The rebel soldiers are well foil. Through their now winter eampi, on the south side of the Rappahannock, our advance guards found scattered about numerous tin cans, once filled with prepared meats and vegetables, and wore interested to find on them Baltimore and New York labels. Lee's troops are hard by for shoes and clothing. Clothes and leather are economised. Lee's purposes to waiter between the Rappa hannock and Rapidan are further proven by their preserration of the railroad connect ing the two rivers, but the rebels on their .re treat acrestfathe Rapidan destroyed the rail road bridge which spans that stream. Surgeon General Hammond is wholly exon erated from charges of malfeasance in