The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 13, 1863, Image 3

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Me Book Table. 1 Jun BECIUTCD AND RUDY son Bsle.—Tha
V"'.;'''''' 4 41 4 4 .11 4a,41 - 4rn• 1,91,/17/:7..lWPlWWWW,lslv,sidleeliwskilveredi Law assordsoatof-Tall-and Wintarakdkin&
__ . _
-----. _-•:--"--------- ' i5.7.7:• 4 4 . i' 1 1i 56 3 1: *PP Binr• MITA( Jeittibub Cu . I liferchatit Tailors, Ile. 146 Federal street,'Al-
NPF. 12 1862
_ __. [ p u b 11.0 .,, d by rd reqn r : i nf i tt u Chl i lf : ck i LlV;V: I legiscny. The stock of clothing consists of
.------ A. Harm For side by 11. S. DtTis, lidi Wood aireet. I the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests,
I coats and overcoats. The style of patterns Is
We hare read this Address with much in
' terest, and with the pleasure also of general tasteful and fashionable. We would invite
, all of our readers to give the above gentlemen
1 coincidence of, judgment with the author. , a cell
This pleasure; of canna, grew oat of what we
' ooneidered the just and striking method in
which the subject is presenteil; and thesound
. ,Oisiviind pm:Zeal r MUD of tin , contagions
arrived at.;—but the continuity of the feeling-
I of pleasure, the most appreciative mailer ti t 6
I find, will be broken at times by an over-mat
tering sadness, incident, nay, essential to the
right presentation of the subject,—where the
author, in illustrating the fatal.'risk . of think -
Ing," has had toadvert to those great and gift
ed, but unhappy ones, who made shipwreck
of faith and hope, of genius and intellect, and
all that blesses, as well as all that "greaten;
and adorns" man's nature and man's life.
both here and hereafter. In such passages
we have, indeed, to surrenderpleasure, as
the author himself had to do before na, and
intanded,:that all who rightly understood his
teaching should do, for an emotion far more
grand and terrible than any we know of.—
when the vision appears,
"Like the hurricane ochpee
tif tho eon,
Official Paper of the City.
Pretty VV age,: Girls.
The eintaloyaienteaf females in beer saloons,
„old othey„.pablie drinking plaees, is,a most
anaareaciont: and Iterrapting,praetice; 'and one
which, if not put down by public opinion,
ehonid bo prohibited by law. The custom,
wherever it has been introduced here, has not
been long in producing 111 legitimate fruit—
, converting the drinking, saloon into the next
grade below, and calling for the interference
of pOlice magistrates. There are places in
this city where the evil is still permitted to
exist,. in a greater or less degree, and we
, .
believe it would be the duty of the Court to
withhold a license from any persons employ
ing females for the purpose of serving intoxi
cating drinks to their customort. By this
- meank the Ovittionld be effectually remedied. '
- In New York the practice has grown into 1
- an evil of frightful magnitude, which calls
loudly for reform- The Soo,'speaking on the 1
-subject, sayS• "The ootuoaratively attrac-
tiro and unexceptionable German custom of
employing females to wait in the delightful
hoer gardens of Germany, has degenerated in
this country into a vicious system, repugnant
.to decency and morality. 1;r o are glad, there
. fore, to learn that our respectable German fel
. low citizens are about to adopt measures to
free our city and their own c , •tmtrymen and
countrywomen from the disgrace and peril
which it involves. It is ascertained that there
are at beast two-thousand so-called "pretty
waiter girls"' employed in the various lager
beoraialoons in -sew York. These are nearly
ail Germans, ranging. from tweive and four
teen years of age upwards. It Is the best
' nese of these girls to incite young men—and
too frequently old ones—to drink ; and, as en
inducement, they, imbibe with. them, and re
ceive, in addition to their wages, a per cent
ago of one cent, and sometimes more, for
each glass of lager beer or liquor which they
may drink. Under this system girls have
been known to boast of having drunk fifty
glaises:of lager beer and half as many glasses
of villainous liquor and worse wine in a single
day. The saloon keepers make their profits
out of this, and a girl's pay depends equally
upon her personal attractions in inducing ta t:,
iter.l to pay for "treats" and her capacity
str , :low intoxicating drinks without becoming
helplessly intoxicated. It is said that the
liquor given to these girls is diluted and of
:inferior quality; but under the very best fee
:fumes of the system, its teadencies are to
'onake them drunkards, and—if possible—
A Notorious Deserter.
Thomas Layton, rtuus "Rusty," well known
in this vicinity, and who was arrested some
weeks since In Indiana CO4l/ ty, and returned
Ie the army ns a deserter, has again succeed
ed in making his escape. On Saturday last
ho was taken into ea nudy at Blairsville, and
on resisting the officer he woo struck over the
head with a "billy," which it was supposed
fractured his skull. ins friends wore then
porm aced to take him hums for inedicaL treat,
wont. A phyaician was called in, who pro
nounced the wound fatal. On Sunday a priest
was called in; what edittinistered to bin spirit
ual want, ;. chi) Iditaician having, given it as
sin opirlmnShat . -he Would not cursive till
morning. On htondarnaarning the physician
called to coo it he was yet alive, when, lot he
was atrvlstro to found. Search was 'insti
tittad, 'hat with what result wo have not yet
Tntravnt.—This evening Mice Charlotte
Thompson *will take S r f..t °well benefit, and
make her lan appearance but one this season.
The unnumbered admirer. that Miss Themp-
LOIS hal in Pittsburgh, will not suffer this up
ertunity to pass of witnessing the finest Intl
of the season, which consists of the great
German play of "Deborah" called in the
English tramtlation "Esther the Jowess."
The English translation of this play which
was produced last season in tied ToEk, kWh
dolphin rind Denton; Under the nit& of'Leab
the Forsaken," created an immense sensation,
end was pronounced the bested modern plays.
Miss Thompson will render • the .4ewess
Maiden" in the tmcqualed style which her tal
ents could alone approach. The "Little
Treasure" will conclude the performance.
?ills Thompson appearing in her inimitable
• ttudition of "Gertrude." This will form a
getrious entertainment which our drama
wing pnblio . will be sure to avail themselves
A Nsw liforon.—A. ingenious Frenchman.
claims to have discovered a method of propell
ing marine engines by which he can doable
their ordinary speed, and at the same time do.
crease materially the cost of the Motive power.
Tho model engines constructed by this clover
machinist hare been fitted to a small boat
capable of carrying four or fire persons, and
with these a speed has been obtained, in
smooth water, of thirty miles an hour.
Brant-lath Anassrc6.—,Two men, father and
eon, named Thomas,residing in Horse Valley,
Franklin county, Pa. supposed to be engaged
i n robbery ; gf-111:r. Cree's store in Hunt
ingdob,en tho,night of the lid' ult., were ar
rested and lodged in Huntingdon jail last
week, to await their trial. Another son. alto
implicated, 'effected his escape and irontinues
at large; Part Of the stolen goods were found
in the, honsti _sewed . up, in bed ticks and
other:rise ingeniously concealed.
ArClDErt.—Col. John Piper, Assistant Pro
vost Marshal of Illair county, met with a ter
rible mei - dent 'orilliinday On his way home
from Martinsburg to Llullidnyzburg, is A
sulky, •ol it, of the wheels 'came off near.
7 precipitating. the Colonel witli
greatfcn '.o:thegrounti.breakinglis arm, anti
otheiw* risjacring him. The .rolonal la . kin
(17Ft6-1.47t o.7:7ii : the bores, wan dragged a can...
si arable distance.
DEATri CArvA,IN.-Copt. John ,S ! J0r
d0n,.4.:1,b,e, &enact Pennsylvania heavy ar
araa;found dead in Ks bed on Tuesday
rohn.litiesr-Pbtt. 'Thayer, in a.- nurthein de
retint 4rir,:aiddrigtOn. eommandod that
r(bis stliveseiLto.havelm,ken a blood
vessel. . •
Aa Ilata , Woizin:—A .
gentleman residing
in Fayotto entnlttichas:received lotomation
lo tho Offeii.lhat.o.On.named 'John Green
died in NoliJerieyrecfatly, lear}ngntrestate
of soma liie..ol'aii`thottslinldollars, and that
tho only heir:to .tho prop:4ly la ono Goorlio
Greek, of Greene , cotulty..- • •
rarrit. Yea 'rigs ptests.--4 private
letter from: the Pennsylvania Reserve Cotpe
says hied that noble body of Ponnsylvaniawk
will re-enlistifot th ree?ears,
and that they
are somiliAr'ltortß , to spend the winter and
roattit nieleffinks:
Ease less „inquire abandantin Indiana
' county, just now; andlredling at from three
to four'conte'fof ititikilitartere, and two and
- three Cerits for loin'yirarterri. .Vork fretth is
Felling at Cents per pound.
VI , :
IsrlYpEn Ilssrnsrairox.,-T,Lis,rpniorod that
tirinktiel D: Young; Esq., tho ebleiont ariperia
ternlent or . the Eastern „Division of the Penn
vOranis Railroad.. is about to resign that yosl
tion on swoon - At *flit-health. • •
. ,
ertAlrar.—Darid Gareett.reeently
rondector. eallen Philadelphia r4preel, has
heen app!linted Train Master of the PUG
burgh divtali4,_P=47lvania Railroad, rice
geudedt; reelened,-
, . .
SNotr.—Sonio.thrce inchea of snow fell at
I n diana,-.PM,;--ron -Monday last.' If the fall
was general, and eitended to tha:mountalni, ,
it may cause a conaidera!llo rise in the Alio ,
ghnny Mier: •'. _ - •
De. quint= for many j , eareptrtior of the'
Camberland Preslyteridx, and now paitor of a
church in..Waynosheerg,, Greene county, halt
accepted the; eall from the congregation at
Prslarlor-:AlIBANI: irfeselyk
c'hib/Sr 00-BfrkOfacarthamberliuul,Ate4
diseaeo of the ;
_ ,
Scnesnric .31E.K speak In- fasor arßaker`e
Excelsior RofrigTitori - on exhitricion, M. 14
SL Clair street. • • • ' ' • " -
, .
GEOROC - VANDENIIOf, if &bout to Oa s
serio o..rvAinp in Bpito)II. ; J. I f
of immortal spirits ruined by their own pride
and rebellion. But wo must not be tempted
to follow the author further than this single
point has led us. - Wu now tako our leave,
but not without earnestly commending our
readers to the perusal of this eloquent end :
thoughtful discourse. Though ho insists on !
the "risks of thinking," the author will nen
ertheless teach them, that on the whole it is
better to encounter them—for, in the words or ;
the poet, we agreo to say,
.• Bet to fifty petreof Etropf. titan rt T.1,1....f
Ile-Arrest of George Noulette.
We have already reported the ONCADO of MARRIED:
KNEePATt—ItifOWLIS.—On the 12th uf Novem-
George Noulette, on Wednesday night, from
her, Mr. JOHN KNEPPA.P.., of Collins town
the custody of Captain Foster, who hold him ship. Allegheny money, Pa.. to Mias BARBARA A.
as a deserter. Immediately on hearing of hit ruinwuts, of Columbiana county, Ohio.
escape, the Captain offered a reward of thirty =
dollars fur his arrest, Bent officers In pursuit of ' POR SALE—TWO BOILERS, .12.138
' .1: feet, Double Floyd, in good-condition, with mod
him, and instituted a thorough ineentigation „ d d rum . : ti, r,
into the Cause of his escape. The guard which RUSSET,WKLI,B k CO.,
nol.llw Steel Werke, Fifth Ward.
Captain Foster had previously employed, had
been changed orders, from headquarters, SIAN PEBBLE SPECI T
14 CLES.
Notwitheta n the attacks of Jealous
and -a detail of airmen had been obnt every ; spectacle Venders, w ho aspire to the name of Oeds
day from Camp Copeland. Oh Wednesday erne, the
night, between ten and twelve o'clock, Non
tette escaped, as was ascertained from another i RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES,
prisoner, named Kelley, who was also in the
guard house. The guard then on duty were Are receiving daily the warmest endereements of oar
privates Joseph Day and J. F. Miller, the etUrnne All' that I. asked b to e a atlue alt other
former being in the guard room, and the Sp"a"de; then tall and examine the RUSSIAN.
latter at the lower entrance. Day had fallen PEBBLE ones_ For sale by
asleep, when Noulette walked out, remarking J. DTA KONP, Practical Optician,
to Kelley that ho would be back in the morn
ing before the guard went off duty, nod then Msnufaanier of the Houston Pebble Spectaelse,
they could do nothing with him. The sLa.e
meats of Day and Miller APrn also taken, but InSo SC Fitth street. Morning Poet Building
they did not tally very well. It was Blear. - ATS ASD CAPS I
however that Day had fallen asleep, and that 1
Miller had gone on a visit to the Girard
Of every •tyle..'•
House. Under these circumstances, Captain
Foster was obliged to prefer charges nsainst
them—the epocification against Day is that
tie slept en his post, and that against Miller
is for being absent from his post without
It would appear that Iconlotto had no in
tention of staying away, as. he' visited the
hottio of hie antler, near • Shallakharg, and was
found there teateiday'etetting,,by the deka.
fives. lie Is again in: his ohl•qnstrtors, and
will - ba more closely watched hereafter.
• - . _..... ...____
The Crinitrial Coert. . i & M M . STEEN, BRASS Fousorns,
The Following cases were disposed of or. ' ".• G . .. Ar'n Prue r.. , ==.• , . N.:lL:oar .t4 , ,i ,, ,3
• • 1,,,,t ti. Ina tittles . tip and repairing of OIL lILNI-
Thursday : Andrew Shannon, charged with • I.a:fi f Es. All triode of IiIiASS AND Ifiroi COCKS
rju i .s .,,, , c „ . oa th or John
,wiektin,, was or- 1,
k oo m : 1 7 , i n 0 ,..d, 7 . 7. 0, ..A .th 100 0rt i1 i tt.1.6.9 CASTINGS, of all
quitted, and the proecentor orderedlo pay the ! All'unirrs
at Nos. aloud 31 1. N . CATEllt STREET,
cost:. D. T. 'Boyd, charged with. conspired, - • near Ltherty, will be promptly attended to
to defraud m re mill er o f s3ofi r w a , n ego itt o .f . I ilidrTna• taotatioira or tide aria being prodietilnee
defendatt to pay tbo costs. John Grown, I
o N' '..„l "• ' 4' m . " 2, ' ! " 7; f •x r." Tl ' i n" I" their b'fr""'
Elizabeth Grown, Elis , both Timms and Ann . ' le o m'r° . ....L''','7 o 7 o ,, 7:;. ' Llr: " G rY .. t .rr' i'"leuo i, c a. ,
Redgate leer., tr s ied for keeping it bawdy sTralt .11:1)1P, toe pempleg titter, Crude and Re
house. The parties were all cuerx tad. Ana , fined Gibe A''. iieti:ly..
.. . .
Iledrte. having aerred four months in jail 0 . NEIL A .: sirfix-FALAN
already, was sentenced to ten days additional,' ' '
while the other three were ser,tonced 11/ iIV I,
month,' .I,h in jail. Elizabeth Eyer was our.
,rkeepinga bawdy howe. and renteured
tour month, in jail.
Sproul and Lewis, the regolarly, authorized
agents for recruiting volunteers, are now fully
prepared to recruit either veterans or new
men, on application at their office, No. 90
Fourth street, near Wood. Those who wish
to avoid the draft, and pocket a bonus of $402
or 2302, as the ease may be, should make up
their minds at once, ,and enter the service.
The risks aro not half so great as at the be
ginning of the rebellion, and the inducements
are tenfold. Remember, Messrs. Lewis and
Sproul are the authorised agents of the Gov
AND Star mrs.--We have ' already alluded to
the tact that Wm, Stevens, of Poughkeepsie.
has challenged Hamill, of this city, to row on
the Hudson, for $5OO a vide. Hamill bas cou
chute/ In! siecept the challenge to row, on
condiflob'that the race be ran here—Stevens
to got $2OO for his expenses. If this proposi
tion is not accepted, et is proposed by Hamill
to increase the puree to $l,OOO or 2,050 a side,
and to put up a forfeit of $5OO now—the rice to
come off next spring, and the parties to toss
for choice of place.,
No Qcoann.—The stockholders of the Con
nellsrille Railroad company,who wore to hare
bold a special meeting in this city, yesterday,
4o role. upon the acceptance Or rejection of
the act of April, 1863, limiting the number
of retei for each; stockholder to twenty-tiro,
failed to obtain a quorum, and of course could
not legally transact any-business. Mr. Nich
olls, the reprezentatiro of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad company, was present, ready to
YOU:, thq stock of that company, araountaining
to 17,810 shares, but the:opportunity did not
offer'..• After an Informal dismission - Ih° moot
ing adjourned:
The valuo.of the petroleum wells to the Stain
of Pennsylvania may be inferred from the in•
crease - of population •in those regions sinco
the wells hays hogni to, hovrerlied. Yenango,
the county in .whall. the wells are situated,
has increased its meting population in two
years from ono thousand seven hundred and
thirteen to six, thousand iwo hnndred and
sitty-flve.. Prom , having:..heon one of tho
wildmi, it lihelpto become one of the most
populous eountiesin the State.
Taker's= EttoTed...—At s' meeting of the
Board of Director" of the Manchester Publie
Sehools,hidd Wedneeday.orening, Miss Emma
J. Hom:iup was elected teacher of the Primary
Department, in place of Mill S. A. Draft, re
No Vituruct.--Ttni fill In the Stapleton
murder case, which retired at ten o'olock
Thursday, morning, had not agreed upon a
ierdlct at tho hour of adjournment (half past
fl . r§o'clocitilti the eypping:
Tames Pinar,. Plain and Ornamental
Slate. Rotifer,. safi dealer Su Yenneylrania and
Vermont alatevetthe , bertirratity at tow rates:
OtEtee,at Alex. 4441L0 , , near the Water
Worke, Pittsburgh,. . •
JUStiOdotiol Ett,,BonaGrolotill k Co.'e, Igor
-chant, Talio-rs'..NP.s4.2tistkost atroet. It can
sista of all the very latest styles Of clothe,
!coalmen" and vesting overcasting, of all
kind( Of' tlie very 'lazest' . ilisality, of which
is seleetettfram the :latest importations, and
Rill be made up in the most fashionable and
best manner. Gentleman desiring a stock of
goods to select from, that cannot be surpassod
by any other in She city, sail ovary garment
warrantO4,S . Perfeat fit, Wotild do well to give
us an early call. - .
, -1. -Raton °exam k' Cm, ,
Merchnpt Tailors,,lfo: lifiiikat
FOiELL , I• WIAR.--The Sum
, mar-is past, and. by thel morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend,' that fall and winter will
shortly be upon ns, end we twist proirlde our
wireewith the materiel to keep ns comfort
'able. A nice fall snit, or a good and well
roads overcoat are thovery,thing, and weds
not know of any place where our readers
would snit themselves , better ; th an st Messrs.
14:1.i. McGee k Co'i establishment,
corner of Federal str,eird *mere,
Allegheny. They leis also received a com
plete aseortment of gentlemen's furnishing
goods, anal! gilmfogloaroctor petterea for
I wileteostrngrite.
To liata" DI TO A PPROTIL—ILOT. George
Geldings, Greenport L. 1., writes "Tou are
nt liberty to use my name, if you think prop
er, as a reoommendation both of Mrs. 'it. A.
Allen's Zylobalsamum and World's 'lair Ge
sturer for restoring the hair. Their •irtne
I , ou 1,1 not be 'hidden under a barbel.'
Sold by drne,gtstet everywhere.
Depot 193 Greenwich street New York
Eisubt. Pox has already sacrificed som• of
our best and bravest troops. Soldiers listen
to the voice of reason, supply yourselves with
ilollownys Pills and Ointment. The Pills
puzify the blood and stregthen tho stomach,
While ‘he Ointment removed all pain, and
prevents pitmarks. Only 25 cents per box or
pot.. 231.
"NM 17 Fifth street, is now opening the most
ehtdoe stook of fine Gold and Silver Watches,
Jewelry, Silver were and Fancy Goods over
displayed In this tatty, and is selling then at
remarkably low prime.
Foca DOLLARS, four dollars.
Four dollars, four dolls-rt.
Dental Institute, Dental Institute.
Dort cheap Dentistry, boiS cheap Dentistry
No =chino work, no mashlne work.
Onetime and carriage calls will be taken at
tbo Omnibus *Moe, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All orders left at the above place
will be promptly attended to. All calls most
be paid in advance. •
C. Stu., Dentist, 248 Peon street, will at
toad to all business of hie profession.
L.A.131117.15' leti
Or every kind and quality.
MCCORD & CO. ' s,
lit.. tiros, oo totud and make order TIION AND
BRASS tiettEEN .1:h CLUTII I SIEVItS. of .1
.441{kiMaii4r, fenr.itcamett---ITZILVT
Arcntri YOU 1311:1) C.AGES, OR
NAMENTAL WILIE WOlat, rot Yioren , dc.
air An sited of WI/LE forte, at
Ho. sn vorivre sTHricr
No. 5U VEDEII/iL MEET, ATLegbezy Gry, eon
No. 7 . 21 I.ltonrty llttahnrgh.
Rho: gauss at km rates on Groat Britain. Inland
.tr. °heap passage from Iduerpuoi or Quessaucars.
Parkas , " forwartkal to all parts of tho world.
WILLIAM DlNfillAhl, Jr., Airat,
o41:.Imood Adam.' Expreee Niko, Plttalmrgh,_
11i VALI Z - 1!
The ondrnlgnori will parchowe, in open market.
Covelry florem for the United State. eervlre. The
kozwes to ho from fifteen (tb) to *Luton (16) hen&
high, from lire (I) to nine (9) yeaee of tee, romp:Near
built, In good lien h, end free/rom all doferte.
Horses will be received, subject to :nem-cline, at
Pig tsburgh, Pa., from the lot to the _l6th of Nov...
bor. sod at Columbus, Ohio, from the 16th to the
IMth of November.
E. BAXED, Copt. lad 11. 8. CsAalyy ;
YIELLLNG LOUR.T, Capt. d 21.;
0..a6e.a4.1.1' C...alry Bonn.
It A. .O. ENGLISH respectfully
ILL. Inform* the cltlerne of Pittabrirgb, that he hap
be, appointed solo went for the Ws of MYERS &
PEN. They aro recommend.] by tbo larva houses
in the city, among which aro
Gael?, ilikarrr & C0.,1 Brno= & 03.,
Moonan & Co., Iwo erre Taw. Oa.,
Ers. Eitorrza & Co., And others.
go. 81 DIA Mbgt. !STREET, Prrrinmon
Acknowledgments of Deeds, Depositions and AllS
dwrits taken. Also, Deeds, Mortgages, Articles of
Agreement, Lames and Legal Papers of every king
WTittPn. selfnem
. DI 133TITIITIELD RTREIT, till cell cboa_p
for club a good TRION STIT TOR 520 ; CARR'.
A Bolt of cloth male In twelve hours, at
Na Dl Andthfinld drest.
AMES 31:
for all kinds of Buildings, and soperhitends
erection on ressonable terms.
Office on Anderson street, betweinilaroock and
Robinson streets Aillegiumy city,
1000 bushels. prime Potato.%
75 . " Ohertantr
H ickory b ats;
SOO " White Deana; '
5 ton Zuckerterst llone-,
50 tdteleala Darter;
100 " Far Corn ;
10 liarrals Tallow;
12 " Maple Sugar; •
1 barrel tiro year old Currant Wine;
100 doyen Fancy Brooms;
10 barrel. pure Cider;
:MOO pounds peeked nutter; • ;
And f, vale by L. IL VOIGT &
HAYES 1-14 RAPES !-45 boxes choice
Catawba Grapes, put tip expressly for funny
,inter use, fix ealeby
not CULP d SHEPArtD, Xi Liberty street.
- . K.1t1l OIL-12 bbls. No. 1 Winter
J-4 Linl 011 In More and for sale by
floe anortmon tor We 117
BEM N. 136 Woad rroot.
CRANBERRIES' .-4ust re-
celtod, Int of choke . cultivated Crenbarriee,
for mile by the quart or bushel; at the Family Grocery
beam or SOUK A. ItENSFIAW.
APPLE. ---11 barrels Rainbows, Ren
zi. sown., Se., fur =la by
rto7 KE51.11.Y it. COLLTNA.
Tr EN TUCKY WILLOWS-30 bundles
JLI. now Lualing from railroad car" for ,ale 41 .
0c24 • • - TSATAII DICKEY d CO.
OanRELS, for Crude and,Refined
V OIL for sale by JAIL DALTELL 80V,
cen GO ard/ro Water et/eat
eIATAWBA GRAPEB.-25 boxes reo'd
%I and lab) by BENNY IL COLLINS.
,~fs`scz'N p,;: 2
.;yu+ti,~:~~... 3 1~~ -d. E ' ~ ' `~.c`~ } 'r~~if~~~ usF~s'": ~ay--~`';
,Army at Gordonsville—General ! RIVER INTELLIGENCE.
I r strviztjunAlrg '.- .. -- Ineritiable: - - •Thextvcr InsiaSertgedrirting,ii
: Nt i. , y ont 1 ,- 6 ,,. i i ,. —A im m bi n , ,, ,,, on ,i,_ . fonr an•: A. ....Llffeart in thecinuanciby the pier merge.
The weather yestertiuy was mild and pleasant,. Lich
1 01:113. SPECIAL • DISPATCHES. patch'save : A contraband who left Gordonss ;
rifle' on ' filedillay morning, elates that the , it is hoped. will soon give way to role.
..—...-- .., n
whole rebel army is encamped on the Bail roe d, 'th ere hove bean no arrivals 'ante ear' Tut Om-,
',Fit° %1: WASHINGTON. above Slordottsville, having recrossed th e and the Oil City, from Driteellbai,- is th e Artily lost
•j Rappahannock on Saturday and Snnilay. ; dn., hi,,,,mu M m tm r .,, b e toe.,l.„be wharf ,t,
They Were making arrangements for winter morning.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh43asutta.
WASHINGTON, 'NOV: 1?., 1663. there. A. great pAnic moo ri noted by Meades ,„f, hour ~.
quenters,-init. for 9 Wilt a day or two gnat - tend • me Capt . Johnß •k 11 left for Cincinnati at an
b d , y7 c :th a good trip, and the La
rge JOHNSON ISLAND CLOT. advancing upon them ,s ....Tense force. They •" : "' '' sr— 1
a h: d ve . a t Inc ol:• 0 . . • '.oro, at i G ordonsville
li;.— t. 't . r i, di n st l erzier New lows changed hand.
1 claire for I arkeraborg cleaned last eNeetrig.
SALE Or TEE STE- Leta IoW.E. ' 4 f.r Onr•
For two or three days Gov. Tod has been
del hie hero that there was a plot on foot force was ec,:; " •;,ct l E ' aI .: 1 :tt:;k ge rf i rn V Burns ide I t r trt.l
among rebel sympathisers In Canada to like- before Lee made his le- ~sect nori ii iya: I in , let and others for the staTc l o ' f ' ,;V,l r fO, '- = '4 4l1 1 ;I:
rate the 1,900 rebel °Moen confined on John- October. I Gnus in the Coltrehna triad, After the hangar bad
Smell band , s.f . Horn-. •oerrills. continue 1 b '''''' 'ff'`t.d ' th" " M`. " *"" ' L"'" pr C.O.
son's Island, off Sandusky, anti then to eons- I Full., her able and &entice:treaty commander, a eplen. I
to infest the whole ~.,.,.;,,f I: ' l„rth ~f• the Ica •
Mit such depredations as might he possible; den, but our cavalry is I - I. o fin 11 uny larT:3 j di'l'ir lrer t i irm d ira 'n e e d gfCi ' e q i:tTn . d li f. h o-!igeo k' e a s itt r ir
, en.
before making their escape to the friendly so- bands of rebels. i and their esteem for him as a kind hearted and n..-
curity of oar neutral noighbora. Government N,A, .Portal to t e. i '''' :' .. `" l i I , v ° . shirigien, ; d " ,, n r‘ t . ~.T• k•m', ..;,t.T h; z......,T,1. , t ht , -4.--, a ttir pi t t l.
hesitated at first to ex edit the extraordinary was
DPW; 1.0::IYS! 'lt /. 1;1;0111:; 1 1 ' 11 " 871 . 11 ' 0 4' re r i t w a t n : .a ' 1:'
.r a b nPaS'e.lne P‘ DT j'i nf!r ' . b3r lP P.'4' F4116 ' i ' 1
state m ent, but Lord Lyons to-day reeolved a menaced by Meeile's n•I Vol,E, hIl re retreated ' n . . “, r: b i l h ''' at &Ging Ufa he world co et ' - ' - nrt u stiteTt: l r ' ir ' •
dir im mt, f rom th e Gorrraar General of Cara- t.O Gordonsville, and Gen• f , c it in l'." F../utla. ' beautiful preissut, although , it ese ' riil not Tequlr, '
13 iller forces are roueentrated ' the spirt.. or lis gems to remind Lim et the many
des, warning him of the existence of this - plot, n n t • d t: : : .t °r . i .'; . , pleeaant days he had spent with thein—Sh Lowe Is. iisville, Tennessee- I puelisro
and telling him the plan was to seise some The members of tiro Diplomatic Corps in ' .
steamer on the Lake, and give it each an of- this city freely care, their opinion, that a
feneire Cerise that they could sail immediately war in Europe next year is inevitable. It is
understood that the liositiou of Russia to arils
' for the harbor of Buffalo, and barn that city.
Franco an d England is haughty, and likely to
Lord Lyons at once communicated the die- r o n tj n ,,,;,,r .
patch to Secretary Seward, and no small corn
motion was excited at the moment. The lidiombardmn or mart Sumter—Block
a4o Runner Capturpd--Inaugeratiou
vessels now lying near Johnsort's Island, are of the , Governor or Georgia—North
supposed to be amply sufficient to prevent any Carolina Election.
remaining danger from the discovered plot. ' Fortrarss Mocreie, Nor. 12.-11 r Rich-
MS Sialsila Or MINATO° SIDIAGICIN AITDIcI.S.D CHASM: mond Whig, of Nerember 11th. contains the
, . . , following :
~... The:mluviage of Senator #pragowan4 MI" I Charleacier. Nee- 9 —.;:low firing has born
Chase last erening was the Moat brilliant oci i going ore all day on Sumter. Fifty-eight,
casion of the year at the Capital. It was at- I rifled shots were fired frompattery Gregg last
tended by the President and all the members s n i i!h t ;,:s l i n lze . r h o o d t re w e e tn r. d , a fi t m t d lie to soutlarze l t Ingle.
of the Cabinet, Lord Lyons, Count Mercier ty-firemortar allege, of w . hicir se Y, en missed
and others, Foreign /dial:sten andAttaehel The whole nonitcr of sh--t and shell trod
to Legations, Major g enera l s n n u en k ; at Sumter daring the himteirilment is 9.3-16.
Schenck, McDowell *nil a dosen others) I : f niy h w . ° , ; ;; ' , l( ,:l, ' ,. ' n r" t ? ..d " H r i ', l .: " o '
o : i r su li : lt r i' , ° . ° l "::::
Several Admirals and Commodorea,Rs-Etecre- !- transpired.
Lary' Cameron, and in abort b brilliant aUell3- ' Char/Eaton, .tor. Id. F:ring from Fort
t h lr a re lf " nn on liolz " r• st t e. w r ,t'';-:fi7.1.:cw014; et intervals
bingo, embracing many of the most distin;
guished people of the : country, and of the, an d trod dl s i n ," . No ~,,„ 2: .,. ` o lr a r e h. u ve °
representatives of foreign governments. The ' Leon mode.
bridesmaids wore Miss:Chase, Miss Spinner Tribuiori!o”, N. f'• ... , .or. a.--fire Confederate
and Miss Nichols, a Mee* to? Gov. lipregne. ;I S
tar e m s
o s r t ri iii i i n in g e i ) - ,
5. .' , 0 , r ,, n ., v 3 1; 1 e. „ 1 1, 1: .1 .4 4
, e n, ii rturcd yeeler-
The groomsman were, Major Italdwin, of .O,IEI i iE. ... 1.
,1 ..1•111‘,•. - ",.: I wttigurn tett Governor
General Stahl's, staff Capt. Haven, of General i of tieorgla, on the 7th in.t.
North Carolina election returns threw (lilt
ter staff, and atipL Joner, Fleet Cap-
ahead of Land:r.
fain of Potomac flotilla.'
, . .. The locionon.i E....0n0,- ~ ;wits of n rebel
defeat on the llotopnlineoek, and says bri
gad, acre captors-A
♦7FAtPB F:AST.XIet 31.80LXIA
The advance of Gen. Mtado, from Brandy
Station, encountered a considerable body of
Stuart's Cavalry at Mitchell's Station to-day.
A hot skirmish resulted it. the hasty crossing
of the Rapidan by the routed rebels. There is
now no rebel force this side of the Rapids.,
other than the straggling of bodies of cavalry.
A reconnoissance on olr right, as far as
Madison Court House, revealed nothing ex
cept the dead bodies of the rebels killed by
Kilpatrick. Clark and Thoroughfare moan
taMs are occupied by no. The rebel signal
stations and their works at the Rapidan fords
have been enlarged and strengthened.
It it intended to commence putting in eir- (. " 1 "'" . " ' l lvi`" , s l 'll" "'-
instating the notes of the National Banks t j,,",r, d ,;,,_ E :l B r f,'"' th":' ll '" r l'• ii " -
, 1.14 L .11/11 Lu,,nor ore urttmatu.i
next week. A contract has been entered into to tare &C,5.;;) men.
with the Continental Bank Note Company rouurre , l Than tv• • o dool hot wren
Now Turk for 'the transfer of too dollar he T.Uokolli and M.otco,on unt:ric
this ll' on. Oar Footle° tro. r.ort: .belle
plater. toirettng over Lot•knut Montan:, Thy
MEDICAL. DIRIECTOra . CEPORIS. Woo rlgurotl, 'ow no onaunltlot.
The 11eilical Directors of the armies in the • TL , ".:, hi furi , , 4rh :La, 1.-co graate,l
d..• Ia suers of ibeto
Gold are in future to forward duplicate re- <tulo lr-r•
ports of the 'tilled and wuunded after cn- Al! ni , h If
garments to the Surgeon General.
It will ho recollected that tho Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, by a vote of three to
two, decided the conscription not to be uncon
stitutional. hot by the recent election of Ag
new to the Supreme Bench the titivowstae,er
that opinion becamea aft TriArnei•iz
after that body may bieousidcrod as favora
ble to a jug* enforcement of the conscript law.
Fort De Kai( is now mimed Fort Strong,
arty, Maj.', Strong. who wits killed in tho ns
:suit on Fort Wagner.
.1. r.
The foltotringlfallonal Banks have been or
ganised 4ince,litilktit report : let National
Sauk, rrevra, $$50,000; Cireieviße,
Ohio, $ . 150,0004 Taloa, New York, $lOO,OOO ;
:ford, Connecticut, stoopoo ; Springfield,
Vermont, $50,000 ; Columbus, Oldo, $100,000;
White Water, Wisconsin, $50,000; Roadin g,
Pennsylvania, $lOO,OOO.
The Plot to Release the Rebel Pris—
oners on Johnson's Island-431spatch
from Secretary Stanton to the Mayor
of Buffalo
Brr rs to, Nev. 12. To the Mayor ,t"
The British Minister Lord Lyons, hoe to
night officially notified the Government the ,
from telegraphic information received from
the Governor General of Canada, there is rea
son to believe that a plot is on foot by persons
who have found an asylum in Canada, to in
vade United States, and destroy thy
city of Buffalo; that they propose to take
possession of some steamboats on Lake Erie,
to surprise Johnson's Island and set free the
prisoners of war confined there, and proceed
with them to Buffalo. This Government will
employ aU the moans in its power to suppress
any hostile attack from Canada; lent 'es other
towns and cities on the shores of the lakes
err exposed to the came danger, it is deemed
proper to communicate this Information to
you, in order that any precaution which the
circumstances of the case penult, may be
taken. The Governor General suggests that
steamboats or other vessels giving cause for
suspicion by the number or character of the
persons on board, shall be arrested.
You will please acknowledge the . roceipt of
this telegram, and communicate to this De
partment any information you may now or
hereafter obtain. E. M. STANTON,
WESUNNGTOIt, Nov. l2.—The [nob contained
In the dispatch from Washington this morn
ing, with regard to the rebel prisoners on
Johnson's Island, were obtained from official
soirees; but since then additional in:orma
tion, authentic in its source, has been ob
tained, by which It appears that the Governor
General of Canada has given node* through
Lord Lyons, to the Secretary of State, of the
rebel plot hatched In the British province to
make an attack on Johnson's Island, on
Lake Brie, and burn the city of. Boftalo.
Adequate measures to defeat the nefarious
enterprise have been promptly adoptOd. Tho
enmity and good faith of the British authorities
is appreciated. It is not apprehended that any
thing @miens will grew out of the affair, ag
the Government was not unprepared for the
disclosures made.
There is no prospect of an early general
exehange of prisoners, although onr Govern
ment is endeavoring to effect such an ex
change. In a few days, however, an exchange
of surgeons will take place, the rebels holding
at Richmond eighty-five belonging to our
Lee Maneuvering his Army fbr a P
eltion--Activity of Gen. Meade—Hon
orably Discharged.
Ncw Your., Nov. 12.—A Washington cor
respondent says a private note from the front
states that it was believed the rebels were in
considerable force south of Culpepper, and
on this side of the Rapidan. It now looks as
if Lee was Maneuvering for some position,
which the writer did not regard at all im
probahle, unless the enemy suddenly crossed
the Rapidan with all his force, then giving
confirmation of the: previous belief of his
weakness. It will be recollected that in Lee's
official report of his former advance, that ho
selected the ground ho now holds to attack
Meade. lie therefore has an opportunity to
make good his word.
Our army cannot advance very rapidly
owing to the want of a railroad bridge at the
Rappahannock, yet a few more days will suf
fice to see if a change in the situation will
,develope a battle. Gen. Meade ia 'very active
in diaposingef his corps, to stragetleal Wets.
Mr. Jno. Canaan, Jr., Whose arrest at Chi=
cage, on a oluirge of having fined the name
of Deputy Collebtor. B. P. Mudgett s : to a
note. for $l,OOO, VII noticed about .ton-days
agO, bas been honorably discharged on exam
ination before Justice Dowling, baying 'bairn '
his entire innoceitec
around Chattanooga.
There is no relight.: int . from lien.
eiragg'e army np to titer a. nl.
Twelvo men desert. d to •,n- fully
equipped, and report groat diesa,islaction
among the rehel.s. It 1,, no longer -onfiuod
to the Kentucky and T",i1.0/11.0 troops, bat In
widely spread among the other*. (tar :laity
receipts( overact , twelve to fourletu.
Harden has bcon aeaapned t,/, the command
of l'ulk's Corp, her n here./ Longstreet
on Lookout Mountain.
Lonptrect has gone nth 16,000 troops
and a part of the cavalry I , lit,t Tennessee,
and the balance of lb.. cavalry ltoe ;one to
Iltooal and Inter...tin; READING MATTER for
Nearly a hundred Valuable and Profitable Itecatpta
tor utt.kitos tunny of tha met Popular PATENT
Foreign c 1r Air Ercoßn.
"" ru r " . ' - • '3 "‘ • "•••. ASTRONOMICAL PHISNOMENA.
Bohemian front lit, .n Lotoionderry, REWRAP 1.,/ , EVENTS.
on the 30th nit_ ?lox point at a n'olork ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS,. nit OREAT
"3 that re , l "'• THE UNITED STATI33 BOUNTY LA.W
„. ,
Tier " . r g'''• .".".", TEEM DAYS 00' THE vArdous COURTS OP
on.ler and the nano ; Wi.ISTEILN.,FENNSILLYAXIA. itte—.4rra
eVanag - 11.10 an; 0.1 Io lure e.Aptured n,• Lakulationa by Pnisorrir.Pnaa, A.-11., Principal
r Pittsburgh-nigh School, and, taptsf.." Deim'a
! trlthruetir...' •
':, There ,me "ri le c ' u “ n " i ' n ! A Herr Pciituiv ur thin Number Iv the TWELVE
navel in /nVan,., ..o,g to rumor, 'rum -
that on attempt 11 - .113 !,a inade tako
not to tea, by nocesvary. the : PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS
4122.7.1 rams ,c 1 the 3lert.4.y, Order, tr,•ro
ceiral Plyntotah to t..vnti a vocal forward P°"" on ""-IPt a t P rin'
to Liverpool, and it cons stated that alter 301110 artTf A Liberal Di.count to Dealer...
indocision and countermanding of order.,
the iron-plated frigate Printo Consort had JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher,
started for Liverpool. In the tneantituu an
other gunboat had reasbed on th o ao3 Masonic 7 , 11. Fifth atreot.
2Sth, and was anchored oppoAte L yar 1, I
ready to start at a moment, notice. anal Aesemment 110., F. r 187, containing
' Tarts on Incomes, Licensee, Silver Pleleand I...ld
riagea in Division No. I of the Twenty-thlrd Collec
tion District of Penn's, comprielng that part of el
legamly county north of tioe Allegheny and Ohio
r i her I wt. received, nod IL, ttodeougt,..,o will
attend at hie °Mee, Na. 61 Water street, Allegheny,
(next door to the City Trossorer,) either in pawn
or by Deputy, mail SAT till OAT, the lath day
Novensbor, for the purpose of nariving said Tams,
He will 415., attend :0 perton or by . Deputy, for the
convenience of Tax Perm, at the following plat es.
to wit
At Tarentum, at the bolus of (freakish
1111 DAT, Nov. flit, orecn the hours of 9 a. at.
and 3 p. m, of that day.
At Bakerstown, at the boar. of Mn. Mackey, on
TUDIDAY, the 10th of November, from 8 o'clock a.
to. to 3 o'chrlt p. m. of that .fay,
gbt Sewickley, at the store of John Way, on
TITUBSDAY LVY.NINO, tho 12th day of November,
from 7 to I o'clock of that do'.
The ten per coot. and other peraltlei preemileed la
the Excise Law, whteh will be Ineurreel after the
14th, will Do strictly enforced to all cum
Government Panda only received.
Collector of the 1 . 4.1 District, Penes.
Steamer Robbed and Burned by titter
. rillas--Atiother Atta , k on Colliers
vine I:...4tectetl—Arrival ~ f Prison.
the Little Teniteaxee
Cstito, Soy. 12.—the strotner Allen Com •
mier, recently attacked by guerrillas a abort
distance bolt/. liclens, as.:a brought to the
shore. and the fot• z enges. and "et a.
anal toe heat bullied to t! e aster's. edge. alie
seas ott - nott Ismuhi. anal N . :tit/ell at: tsls, ^ Ort.
11Icutiet between 31eret1,4 and Corinth.
It i+ reported Oar In:she en
ether 'n Collies 4,111.•.
Thu rebel oflioe.-.. 7!.., Inks fight
at that place, arrived he, a to-day. On route
fur Jobason'n Inland,unmog theta Gal. George,
who Irtely ebmainielof th. Mitt,int i tp: State
A fight neeurtnd no the Little Tennoemie
ri, or, nn Munday, io nhi,h a rebel re
giment WEVA repultwd, n i , h a !.n killed
and 40 wounded.
.Try'rEllSON Cu:, Mr 12.—After some
unimportant hu.iness this morning the Legis
lature went into joint :CF2iblt fir the election
of United State Senator. Senators Brown,
Phelps, Wingate, Breekindilgo and Voorhees
were put in nomination. The names of Breek
inridge and Wingate were subsequently with
drawn. Tho first ballot remitted as fellows:
Brown; 62; Phuips, 36; Brodhead, 39:
necessary for a choice ; 67. No further bal
lotiug oceurred during the day. Tho after
noon session WI,. oczapied with matters of no
general interest.
- Socrotary of War
Gen. Dix Ordered to flunks.
lilir.l-0, Nov. 12.—Mayor Fargo hat., jot
received a second dispatch felon izecretary
Stanton, stating that Major General Dix Las
Loon ordered to tent city, to rotore measures
for the security of toe frontier. The Mayor I eattellsction Fria-n-t.r.l. mriatlyetrarTis
has taken steps to guard against ineendierism, m
etA143013 MARBLE N%
and is in communication 'with Gov. Seymour
reletive to military attain!.
-- ---
Markets by Telegraph. A beat:alto] and varied euortmentt of
Now Erma. - or •-• for com
mon and inid iling grades abbot Zic heti. r, with tale
Goons doing , chli•fly for thi focal trade ,4.30 ,
7e 75 for rtinntia. S hiP l ' l .7 .• nr°° 6 L` bd7 ""r° Monuments and Grave Stones.
R 0., the market chniig• quiet with scarcely
much firmness. kinky !loner at akiliCei Wheat
lgik better and in malerate ileum specu
latlve $1,911q1,37 tr 1111i..,mtne Club ttl.dTeet,le
tor Amber Illilwankeo, $1,41,51,60 for %%Misr 1L,4
Western, 14,1,...1 for .Iml., 311, higan. Corn lc
higher and in moderate dsmend: fdr EhlppinC
Mixed Weatern to agora 81,os nfleat Ont. shade JEditiElisa
firmer and a moderato liteiln •oi dom.; , Viayali for T ERI!' EXTRACTED %‘'ITL@UT
PAIN.—We cake Oils methal of informing our
BALTIIIOtr, Nov 11 Ohio Seiler- friends and the pubic grnerelly that we are tarry
fan $ , „50. Euro 01,1007,64 2 Wheat-t% pniparwl to EXTHAt.T TEETH WITHOUT PAIR
%toady , Red dull at ShiCka I,Cs. Corn firm , in Um practice of Dentletry. Thom who here Lean
Yellow $1,0501,011. Whisky qnlet o 'llo poetponing thin south dreaded operation may now lay
New York Sleek and Alone, Market. acid' th 'ir "alandgl" as • tans u th• VP:MIN
. hare in Tao tam beam iltaronghly.tieted daring the
En, YORI, Nov. IY.—)bray better at 7 par tent, pant four 'ears, fully mdabllahing the oe.r. ow C l pads.
Sterling firmer tint very quirt it IaI,VA PM for scot 1,44 character of the °pension. /to /heap ur
rhea tills. Gold saner raid rnther more active, OW' nor Caba Eattely'Ufiel. All Ilona erfahling
opening at 10),„ declining in 4 ,,, f„ mud steady the nervtikii of a good end reliable Torettat n ill do
ni a 7! f. aril to cull ntal comet with
Gmernment st wk.. without ileeldert clmp: r. 9. . JAILT.3 %HMI. D. P. S.,
6'. el Cour,. iret, V tt 1 y-nr eertittentes tt<t!..c, Ho. -132, Youtti ate%
Mocks or, Di; C. RICSC, No. 4 7 Smiltbilehl street. ritte-
Erin, prof'd,
Resillna ... .
_l2O 1111. r•-n. S.-rlp ..... .....114% 1
._.101:A: 105 ltA N HOOD i now LOsT I r .
C. eit 1' lit 3 -
.....i011.; 11. 0 ..
11 — I Mt
121 C..: 11. 1 103% 1 ILL I . I.ESTOBEW I—Duet publiobod, Ins &Med end.
...-..121 5 / 5 31. er P. P. C........... roI rolorY. Pr.lce SLx CPIO, A Lecture oar tho 5410 r.,
_121% P., Ft. W. 4 c. .. ..... ergi 1 Troalmont and Iladlial Curs otAmirmatorrlars. or
, D3ol EluminailFeekneas, ' Involuntary Ruitsakros. Sexual
~_ .__ _ . I Ilebalty, and lairodurnants to:lilarrlsge
_cunerrilY i
E YES AND EAR, , Nerrourorra, Consumption. EpUrpsy oxrd FM; Mon_
• • i
tel and Physical I ucupouity, ersnilths; from MI-
Ahnao, Ar., Ls Troar.4. Cum - 21144. D l , D . , nuthou
DR. BAELZ ; of the .errron . Rook, &e. ^A Boon r•O'lMltaiuido or
sumo...ow , sent under moat In ri Dll.lia.craWore,“to.
PM particular attontlon to tlio tn.wm.nt ml i . I ,y odchass,prat-palet, on incotpt al abCcanni or two
01111051/0 . DISEASES, thol'.l'll sod Etat i operotto , vowtogo sterglig,. Pr; . . TAR....PH, F. C. RUSK,. 1;;
on CATARACT. 'SQUINT ES Ea, for ARTIFIMAL, i.. 1.. r Ilourry,eir . 'York, FoitVilicalrox WA .i.
.PCPLL,disirta ARTIFICIAL EY Fri and treat. 1.11 j .. solotarodarrlr-ls. ,.
'Anil all dltembe. erecting Ow Enr awl 1....11ng p.
Deafrissa. • -
0m.4.100 - tilriir wrim:Y.
ribAXSEED OIL.—We will Bell, afty .
100 Mao. 'Partott d EOM' Flax!fed Oil, if ay,
Wed f.r nottroon - nda and tho sth' Init.
nolo Vutid.P pIPIZILT
''kb''~' T'4~i~a~ . ~~'%c:~%+a:?sPAß '' ristir~ " ~dc+a~;r"r:L:~~
A:raira at ChattaaGaga
qui., I in und
esourl LegtAlaturc
- -
lonoce sad Etanager.—
Parever beleSt CiIISELOTTP.,
SOS, wile win appear, fur to Err thsz, &I:Lather;
also In the Little Treasure.
(FriAayl ETtiajNp
Will be prateut,4l, the grrat Halation drama, trade
hated Croat the popular German play of Deborah
and :htfil,cl,
Ming Cha,dotte T',Er.wpank.
ill Al
'• • ..C. LO.Oda, •
• •S"Z34#:49,l4idia
. gichadfiti •
Terownhule with
THE urn:fr: TRF.ABtRC.•
....Charlotte Thompulh.
.C.. Loyliday.
Dith, •
' 41.erturo.
Gertnid _
]t n. ti, nut will
.4' h.11,E8
punk: LlQ,uons, GROCERIES, Tu
14th, at 10 o'clock, will he wild, et the Ootomercial
Solos Root., 3i iirth street :
10 enure pure IFtwooh Brands ,
to etas. do Bye Whisky;
do Malt do;
pipe do Ile: Gin;
E dice/ Young lisson Tea;
3 do Oolong Tea;
4 hoses Ground Cloves
I do do Allspice;
4 do old bloverntoont Java Cbffee;
1 do Dandelion and do do;
1 barrel Dried Apples;
1 do Spilt Beane;
s i..oea 1. too ny Ibledent:Soap;
3 do Castile Sots-
IA do Pala Yelkqr *tap;
1. do Spun Roll Tobaeco:
du Natural Len! Tobacco;
do Net. CevendLe do;
in keg, ail: twist do:
bide. Veit and Dry :wilting Tobacco;
i Torklah do d..;
1 do Snell
3 do Mackerel;
10 do Herring;
I dour: Ilandind Aso.;
3 do do lletcliets •
not?. DAVIS* McIIWAISE, Anct're
ROOKS AT AC UTlON.—Pusitively
.11-, last and closing sales of Mr. Pratt. great coo
rigroment of Root/. Friar, Mentos, A c ._-e n aION.
and FRIDAY EVENINGS., Nov. a, 10, 11, 12 and 1:3,
at 7 o'cavlt. Macy raft and valuable. Rooks yet rv.
main, wUJoh must boclomakunt. Mn,, the tit. to
gvt Largaina.
N. B.—Books at private salo during the day, at
average auction pricwa.
T MoCLELLAND, ducer.
J. K. PRATT.BRO.. :Wu... nal
1:1 - [ NY'S PelTSßUltall ALMANAC,
71.3 Pagen, IllnetrateA
14ady to-day.
conxra ru' AN - D maw= marts,
(24 sad ae dodo., aver Jenrolry Stare,)
Of envy sirs and plain or totorotl, 0 . 061 the
popnlar Carta de ',hilts to Cabfort and IUo slzs,
PCB. would particularly call Ow at-
toutloti of am ACM.I) AND TNITInt to *bit easy am-
celmaibility of this retablbibment, being raiched ty •
mingle short flight of !tetra. Prim ottodorattt, and
v . KICROEB. sad atm cidstlas at ?On.
TOO, from 'law Toxic State u n- -, .., I- ^- , 41 k; ,
Al o, a lot of &oleo An a(
v gAtit.
racti as irerlo kait brit*
.49 - . lelDw'D WCA At. Itt 11 , 1 a.' .
T .11im,L13.41j,ljUstreetireA_bt
..1.4 hid', ~ • ix."Eppz.4s 2 g ,
. .
bt - id eJ 011
-- Ik . EiTlO)Tifii r isetert
(Zode Pionheer e % Teat Ceneosy.)
• - • Sot-11
lI OI I A )
of DIRECTOES have this di. &eared
CENTS per duns 00 thio doer-o,oe rici..4oni,
Trent Company t e Ist s and 'lyo COL
LASS per dare 00 the espltat stxct. o shl . nr.
National '80a1.4 out, of the mall toff," LaSient.,
payable on blearier TIMEX Y, the loft - :est
The Stockholders are hereby - .1,112,41 ~.; tie Le,l
of the adh=tpdon to the Capital 6-tccr.,,A:.:.
teietity•Esa Dollar, par dude oIU bo f,q !A v.! -ta r
beGsr. the lit day of Moy noel.
• JOILN,T• SCL-LLT,Cos*der
Dace ne..Prrr•: - ...u01i, :tor. 3, '867 -
TRY, DIRECTORS of, this B4nk.
hare till. day 4,13n1 a Dirldbr,ll" of TIV::
P1,111=7.. eho Captml Sto :at-of the.prcia,e
of the lam alx meattle, myable to Stockholder* r.r
their leipl rermoratatires, oo or 0ft..141131b tai:.,
fiv• of tau rourtit
z , •1:10;3.4 .71 3. Iric:orvT.:7,l:..Si,r.
Ebro...sun' Pitt.burgb:/mor :::,
~,--=, r ttE DIRECTORS of '46 Ba'roc
aselared a Dirlftra or FO: ,
PEE r•ENT. on the Ci r . 11.4.1 Sxt, fo;.0. 1 ...• •
monitor, paptble to Et.--theltiers Ga:lllar iLe. 13111
Ifutant, tar • .• „
no4:10t GEO. D. 31.:G1e.E3T;
rITTUCMG., Noveatitor
DlREialkliSi OF Tll6 IX
CtteatsE BANS, or-Titt•harvh,
day &dared . IN•kletuti ortrtiti -PEA CNN=
th• •••:.1•1,•• cf payaboD oa cr
attar thal3th tuatara, floe a - utfvern... ,, s- tax.'
ern ume shxtrz - WNG - ..
TriE nnt,EcTp.Rs of this. ant
lusie this .1;.;,-.1.44urt , d • blvt.lood
PAS CNNT. au the CarralLL,,,,„l„
hold= or their kcal rturumaativolt, ea or.atecr
the 12th lat. The tiovorolo,t Le ou tame i.e
cald, tU U. T. \..Y INALFX, .
••03.41, C..4••c0
4 1.
... iilCll•• , n DANK ...? 1 . , rfornon. '
uotobar 27tb, 15Q. -
,L ...11s1 - ACCORDANCE Avini
Am 0W A&FESIBLY, notice :. 14 - 1,11-
k_ZIM iLat lit. .4..!,..talUnii 2:1311:C.K. has boon
olecfool Vice PrrAlOnt of this 13.01
at air ' .a. Mtllilaf, cashier.'
• 01.2204/111V.a., &LANCIA ..ft'rni n 4.1.1.
Ptttaben h., Oct. IStIa.,IACY.
`'=>" DIRE'CTORS wW b held at . thin 46attn:
Ilona, on MONDAY, the lr.h day 'nr-herin*,
next, te•tneen the hour. of ten a. tn. and p. in.
oelfhlre .1011 N SCOTT; Jr..'
F!*.wf4tri.o , .arf
have this daz Invidrnd of FOUR
PER CENT. tin Its Capital titucic, not 'if tho pinfits
the last ric itionths, poTatila t ,
Stornbolders or their 1,11 represented...lh tree of
Government tax, on or a;tor the lath toot:
oirliEtdaltnr JOHN •LIARPER, Cinshler.
3.1611C1f7.2iT5 . /1.1:1E,
' Pittsburgh, I.‘f;.r, 5 ifiM.
tills Dank hare thLe day declared • Die/dead
of FOUR PER, CENT. oo the Capital Erma, taut tat
the profits of the Wet ais c.uatbe, Fey al.le oo or a!rer
the lath inst., free of all taxes.
[l.4,td JOHN •SCATT,
ALLZOBr, HAnx , Nov. o. ltd.%
TORS of tbla Dan:: i!.ese foie day aleolarnel
1 , 1tIton!'"of YOCH YES CENT. on [ln Capital
Stook, payable! to Oa Mall:told,. o Stir !rte 1
rnpraaantatic•a on and 4.n,r tho 1 : 4 1, au,tyla, of
ft,..fartfoot tax.
J. W. CoOIZ. Cnahior,
=mums Al a. op Byrum:nal,
October ltth..Won.
(I,'" 081/ of Bib; Bank will be hold nt. the Bank
tor. Haruki on MONDAY, Novomb, !88. ho
ts...on ine homy of eleven a m. and '2 p. m.
nr.ll:lm H. 31. 311.7 R
.4m.rtingst Banc, Oct. 14th, ISli3.
011 S of thin Bank will lo• held at the Count
ing House on the 16th day of NOVPlrlber nost, to.
tart,: the hours of 10 - o'clock m. and 2 o'clock
p. tn. J. W. A:von, coenier.
Crouse FIA.S., PittlbUrllll, Oct. 11511,,1563.
DiSECTORS at this Dank Isa lurid at sha
Banking Rau. un MONDAY, lsth, at I.
o'clock a. m.
GF.4). S. VAN
CITI DAYS.. fitteborp, LStb,
DiItECTOU.S of Ibis Bank will be hotel at the
Banking Hansa MWIIIhY, Nov. 16th,
tut,. the bon. 01'11 a. ta. and p: m.
tort rlm J. )LIGOVTI.N;CaahIor.
31nrannop limfm, rlttsocr7h, /PGA.
dti ELECTION 1)1(1ECT-
L'- , DRS of alit Bank will I, lk.ld at tl.a Pao:,
om lion., on MON DA 1", Iha Inch .Iny of Norombor.
thn Imam of 10 n'elonS n. m. and 9 p. m.
oclhArn GEO. I), MO:10.W, Cushier..
CAUTION.—We 'have this day ob
tante.: a Patent f, our Mancito;turate known
1/ . .r Dye, macna•tc-ed by other persons, uedvr
tilettatur of Domestic 11y,n." ,tro reado In Tiu
latlutt et our ratant.
Ire caution a/I peruoua ma/Ong or ealing tho grazio
Traitor, dkat./ . . ,, • socutu !Jr all Infrikgo
. ma of our rights. il V srz.viNs.
Boston. Got. 13, 18M.
atiir•Tratit sop l:0.1 at rapottable Taus.
vrx. e. 1103M0N..-. ..... ...... r. 20ZOriai
Rm. LEA 7.a.<141 , C,41131t02.
I t rTeROEDISON, P.EA F.: CO:,-.(salu
usisora to Rosuuoz, Ittszs d rAnArze,) W ASITCAo/
TON S. uIISS, ro , solos d ?Urn/x=4 88//barA
Itarostoctursoo of BOAT AND STAIR/NAM
MAuRINERY, BLARING, suArrn..a, el.-T
-INOS, of 01l ileuriptiono ; OIL TANKS A STELLS,
? for GIPPAIID'B rAig - sr DiTZo2oii,
cols. iiOLLERS.. .
XML k SECELTM:II 7 OIIZ-9, 7%r:scrawl.
Also, Import= nod &aloes In - -METALS, TIN
Warehouse, ?AO FIRST and 1 . 20 Str'OftliSTS .
PlitAborgh, P.
Special wins of Ooppec cot t any &atr ! pettiata
- -
for tie bone tt and aa a wurnlng and mutton to
men who ender from vont Poblllty, Premature
Decay of 'ffarthood, eta., supplytog, at the mum time,
A. maw of atif ss o. 117 out who bat Mr.?. himwelt
after Deng Out to giant inpenset and inprry iii;v4ll
mediN hallibtig and Quackery.
By pletosbaii`patt-pfael act.fresso4 eavekrpo,.lelibt
corks xecy be! of OS, eutber,
myna:Mawr Benifeed, KlllOl antr.
H. HOLMES & SONS., Dzias:sir:
CoDectlaco muds en &II the principal:Wl/I,
Vamp bout the Ungt.4 State, • , • •
A NALXSIK- -- , --...
---..-/-' 4.. ,
641.3C.L...:...... —.0.59 0 . , ,
Airvt5.4.—..7_31.50. Etabloglio • . "
Trat 02..1z0x-- 2.80. ''' ,'" '' • • •
Lras..—. .ot. Or zi 'l . .' •''
WoTcay... — 7716.40., . ) ~_ . ,-, " '
Baling aci-vyted the Amoy-fin- the ants of the •
SE tv ix. CLAP, mined noes .St.„ iitAto J. tit,
tils the atlitmtlan of Gime and Steel Iliantifsznironi
to the Amilyeie sins above, as reported by Pros, •
A. Kaye, of Batton, and J. C. Booth, of Phltedelpl.4,
which, togother with the telt of snood a.xwrient,it:y
rentifectniere in Pittabnelh, Cinolmtatt. r.nd Stln
bode. determines It to be the prawn and Matt rain.... •
.b.,, , 01,.n0w known, whether Foreign Or Americeet.,
Pots made from it have Monti in - the 'Giese Fitenace -
from di)c tn month". . -•-
Them alphi to
of thee:Tay setakon from the wiled;
!t aspiratingor ,preperatke whatever:, 4- , •'"
Irommall adbefirmag- and plastkity
which /MI net anent by the Anatrale, and which"a4l , - -,
naked the:01100a a'Agzga propartlaa sbedlarr!
I am now preptmd WO orient; theiebistreavY
to to ahlwed fnim St. Lents or delh-eretthorte
, 'Aixx.,thuraos.
no,III SZ0011) STREET, .•••
Iftilos •.; Trrrn;:rion,
7 , -1 103 bbLx. elwte IliebLeitri Create:Nei; •
150 do Minnoitoto Vtsl4 .
10 do Jorny 09; •
- 7 do'- Chips Oxtextn. '
P. do York Slati3 %-ekc •
15 - 62 -34 0, krdil crd!led 30.1 I;!
4.. 64 4PF,..3.4 0 ..1(.. • '
'„ vprci C. 0..
1,..7 English =so •
• ceitt JAM
ou le atti,esin,gietarre ,
sese-by -
'A OWN, 1:6-Apai otrOU=.
P liFsEc,-;420Q /Able° .G -- " - ree•n , ' •
;4,._Avpiegmetua sad tor adailm •
olgott, - .7.14C43132XLV...1
z rj h a , . _ I! x d,Lklr Ora'
R. E. SELL:: .5 t CE,