,71,hf ar .----t r? ,77 -r - zt - -" , :,-f-.1-5---,--, ,-,,, ------,----,-- • 1, 1 ,-- '•..-.-•• -.,- - 7 .• - ' - --.-,- ..,.......2•- - 17-7 7 :Wr- -- F•::,-..-.; . - * i 7- • -- • . • .. 111 -..__ 16 -1 • 7 - 7 -rip 1 - '-4 '.. - 1 .-. -.,..T-"="7--- - -- ~.: . 4,.. % ' 1.• .."1".7, - . l te, • ' -rr.> .' '' ' 57t 7 4 , . * 7 ,.... 7 ',,, - ; ka.; ; I. * 1 .:;•';; - ; ... .._.,..... , .... , _ , . 3 11..7•:'; Lii T , • ' , . . . . I AniSttPLD -- 1786. 2 ,;.! .. - , itiiiii!'glt: 'iS46itil:4.:, THIIRSDAY MORNING- NOV. 12, 18811, TraussiOF THE GAZETTE. me m ,. sowncivby nuln. PRJM O -- 10 °°• TX a. mom. Emmy° Berricar, by roan, per yea— 44, =gb— U. i.. " alaglinnopla..---. ~ Wow Emm a. pia eDW. per year.., I IX • • dabs at to la, 117. . 4aboormehaffili• Ll* —awl out cars to the party isiadlng slab. Par dab of MOM, vro alit smut the Doman Galen Par v slob at twenty, mo will and thea . Nom= Gasarra dotty. Knipe copies. I unto. Or Ul zabarziptions *city r odooaaa and mai lb"Aot Ttiethithies of Gera: Itoßerane Super.. sedure. yell.ll9ltnett correspondent of the Cincinnati anisette, in a moot letter to the N. I".Tribwee, OTOS the. oittlies,,whieh we presume will be foMidthe real ones it, last, for ' the laipetwednre of General .Rosecrans. ' He arranges tho Becalms under several heads, and goal atmprilat • ,length into the exPosi- Lieu' Ida 'discriseLin'i.f them derieghs. We present o sufficiently full synopsis of this In .. berteßneoemmunlealion to enable ottr readers to understand the whole subject pretty t'hor- , °NOV- • :The dist of the causes enrimerstodis the de lay after Smite River battle. Tho letter , • 'writer laya that this delay lilted tire months in spite of every representation from the Goy- .iforttiik".2 atilitthietAli&retary Stanton would write to Ilueetians urging hii up; thit Gien.:Mplleck would write or dispatch to the sainit'elthot; and ihat Mr. Lincoln would do ciApPibatligeecrene replyerert-be the effeet that he knew beet, and it they did ilot Like hie T l 7;4o l lanagiag things they could niutore • Sometimes it world happen that the Witr DeputmentArtitated at the General's °ended, *Meat Sally sandentandingtho 'obstacles with whin k be wps contending, would blame, him severely for matters it which it was clear to every ,one sem, understood ,the cue that he was n ot blameworthy. No one who knows his sensitive andlimptasiro,disposicionmeed be told how this nip/Geri away' lashed hlta into' &buy, and hew laylleotntanthaeghty were Tints the delay alter ,Stone and irritating correspondence that grew out of it, develop tee:initial onus. if the' War Depart ment's divpatisfaction. , ittellehiont. The Wei. tritterasys that the mernutent:elatmed that Boiatialie skotilditot biee'delayed it Tit.l4,- home; bat Wei prated Immediately on la fqbattsnons, and. that. Ids prom:animation freci.fuly let to middle of August, was inde feasible.- . The letter sant Moat rinfortutustely for himself, General Rosecrans now went - to Nashville to Inspect the garrisons, and examine the condition of ' hie noMmunicaNune, ahplieileye444,.l.' hotel. "Were two Mir department instantly" . .:nonstrued this a, amain an utter indifference, lei - its desires, and to the messing want., of the service,. All this time the correspondence has boon 11tv!Willft mar, end more cheep; and as Dose. mans felt the injustice of expecting imposel .. MUM from him, and saw how utterly the Department fulled to understand the tope , graphr 'of. the- eonntry,..his , :replies , became' • vinegary and 3 - imprudent in the extreme.. 3d. Military mannanagemeat at Chicks , =sego, This part we must givainllttly - Is thelait Arkta",df Asguet, MuiDepartment telegraphed to General Itomemane, perempto rily ordering bim , terefeis the Tennessee at mum, la report tacit day's movement of each Corps, and to allow he twenty-four hears to p.us -without rending en *report. "No orders. -were Ittien• fts wherS las shicild,Crose or ' whir 'et adopt liter Two saurus ..were ,Cpeit:.‘46.. Ile had . few bilipuMlf9ying en the north hank of the river, eppaalle chle4MmligS: 3 -liteould move A,._,..4":10° 4 1 111 #7 , 1# 0 .0 2 - Lea:Pas river under • ur:*orke I'. he could men tke : rirer,ZO . suret,thrsolh Woute'4. - koujiktvtiput. , passes L oo kout Moantidi tarn thst,eAratity's flank. In ether lti•-•filhi - the enemy. cut idUltilawo9llol'..DY',AL.ittoek -in front :or to seautcetraisisreotahy a'Bank movement, and 'MaitylikfMs:seirerniuyilt. , :lionhosef the latter. tfile point that the public :114-4 • ; - ( nrly_Vlal to underitiathe truena tore ant object of battle of feldr.lutonstiga. The imM.W.inimmsion is. that Gen. Rose- Citita," If" movement, took Citattastoogitind !night there have rested ; but that he got ambitions of further-laurels, was intoxicatedby his easy meccas, became it' •-• rash ASIA had burr before eautioni, readied Impetnomll alleitlorse i:jinght*r . bis I Curd, soundly pummeled and baelr'srith a very, bloody heat rt.tutt :bin e* discretion I* itiL &Ired ' The troth- is that Don:mans never really' heTd - Chattanoogamutil opr that battle—that ha had to.fight Chickamauga to gothic into Chattanooga. z, • • Lot explain 'as-bri efiy - as I can. The army was thrown soros, the river some thirty miles below Chattanoogs.. Between itatid the • rabid' positien 'stretched LookoutMountain, a perpendicular wall of limestone, which no urßeAlASldAtuti. The nountain juts against the river, twotmiles 'Whirr Chattanooga, leav ing n'nareow:pait by the Abut-bank, through which the railroad:am. To have attempted , to march mit tot Chattanooga through this pass -would have been madness. Nevertheless, It 'wesi:the quickest way to teelitlci the plate—if the!Ahab-would buy get out beforehand. ' T*ellitj-of thirty miler out the ! river t south) leas the Ana gap in Look-Out Moun tain. 20 thilei farther was the second-. The, reader who: tiney l the location of these opt . has Gen: - Itoseerus'plin in a moment. Be planed: Crittenden'aLeorps near the riser, at the foot of the mountain, ready to march righlkup es - rough the ialliotd pass and eh into Chattanooga, the moment. the rebels should lethi . IK Thomas' corps 'he Sent (=eelong the mountain the..hrst gip,And McOook's to the ee eond, with instructions to cross over as 'bones possible:- The moment the he • of their dabe er's. began to dobouhit on Aba: other (Chattnnooga)iide of; be - monntabs-the enemy, eaw his danger. If , he rubbed" -in Onattoodirkwe *pro. Una of sappily, sand south of him. lie evacuated at' ones, hastening southward to Lafayette. Critten den, quietly lying a few miles doWn tho of course marched up through the railroad, pa, at i 4 river ' s pag.ruo ionge,r,da4o;:, I: wlthibbLeileffirgodip.:4ltid ocenplidhe •••cmghold. IttlaJle -Tfut did this m He ,lleid very_ much as kstraggio; • abon l 4 411# to'ket away..around to ais • 7 41 roar, Uttld be said to hold the enemy's line.t _itzte. - Heated but a Single • corps there, orhich•-the enemy :could dish= ia any time. henceforth his :Whole effort' wu directed WL:1;040.8.-..filb_ieetwOitaig into ClUtanoogai sot ,that hoild re-nilite hie amity before afigist,itod,hold the'position. le woes* trA4 riliondiA wan not strong enough to hold Chattanooga, ao he was. Anaved southward not, se the public suppoSidOn par:tilt Of, liragg,hAto got nearer be rest of the artity„ fbitrafetyttgalnitellrattp,-: McCook was order ed to olAse-; up,op 'Thomas. Then the two,. still fronting the enemy at Lafayette, Mel* cc • - noltiskylp, nlytittgbi ttie'left daphivt.Critters.; • ann. Then the whole armj, eentonuidt the nettlianknoiresuent,lnsas to. try %wave Into Chattanup, for tho' en= o r. 4,101,1P-t¢ biltOkikTelafer :bi _ ay; 94u• -, B 4n e r " - tat " - tiis,agelibid;rlold7ot. moor sit ieliteree himself at will • _ atithei644o4,becliftst-Inotat he doesn't kot,..o.l3:Aty•eektain that beyond he wits:not' 'WA twenty sodas .-: ftq l ,b44lolol9V Q/ 111 *4,211°7- - -w , .- ,,, :• , t ,, 444 - 2.,.-.5,-- , xit,t4,,: : 0 , - 7-1.,,;-7,37-3,75.-±,-P.:7:.;71.-;,.-,..5-cp.::-....-4,-t4;k4c.2,:,-.4,*&%-z:.,,,i,,,,7;- c.,_,k ,- --- , -.. -,...,, ,•k.--,,__,.4.,,,:d3W4L16-il*-4.4:44.A. i. :\i'l-`..l4''''''''''''''-''''. . ' .nc?A'A r giiig*atill . *,:74 -1 0.`24;719.07- ......* , ,, 0 ,....,#.,. ~:.,„, ~,, t -vg., : ,- - - _,,,.... ed him to restob Themes'. position. Had he -performed the march in the time expected, 4.i. Ibkameags wild 'not haver 'boon foiled, suitthe txmay,Wwald have got eidelylnte'chat- Aigioogn . The orderifiachedMii'on the lath; bydbe erreulg of the 11th he should have joined Thomas ; while it was not until the 16Mfait Bragg , inuedlill general order from Lafajette, announcing to the army that it was bets* , veinfbreed, end ordering an admire "to seek the enemy." Bat, Instead of moo. 411 directly down the plain mountain road, .snook, under some-uhereptintable,:detueien • kit - wee not - preatieible;abioldtaly went halt serer the mad by which he had crossed Lookout Mountain, went down the valley to the Op through-which Thomas had crossed;, Wad so, by this dildidabout route, came in on Thomas' corpliviinitUrdng Ere days instead ofthirtybours in effecting thejmuition. Those j r divisdaysisettled , thellte oftheninty.. 11 did notuardtTlicarialtiatid wriming of the 1 th ; en Me moraing.cf -tite I,4th..lllragg halts nod , his cram to advance;: and thireinfo en emy, priding fbriraritandeloSinen, had al- 'ready eonipolleddleseerans to brifig Crittenden , still farther iiii i iikom ChattatiOpga, tad . clear. up to , Thome Oft; to save . both !caps from annihilation in detail. As soon's."' McCook get RR, Gen. Roseanne started the army for ChatUmbogi, but it was too late. The enemy struck the hoed of, his, oolunin near Rearrillo on !be 19th, and Wok arnanga followed. Teehnieally it was a de feat, but Gen. Roseman' gun accomplished his pa:pos . 6—h. iros_his..army into Chattanooga-- though at . ,a,fejr.., heavier expense than had bean 40861pated. - -111 8 lost the battle, he still wort i / 16 h ,...cam!igu• \ 4xid catcPaigne are bl iTeV4 l ieTtilt ‘iartitit in tracing the °penal _ peo... _ ,illng and producing Chicle nuau.3o,li4: p k r magus; lgalat%is proper to eoneet Mrs fin . - , , Ai1er,.,. e reasons why the battle was '' 1001 " use those fa/se int preisicine ~ :'lll . ' et in lamming th e War Doplirkkagtr ðos' with-Oen- Ressinania" • .' Until verent/y the real faetit ... ignfliwitood here; and the Departnnenty.sharing Ut.thepublic impnis- Gen that the battle was the imprudent act of an over-prudent man, grown soddenly ambi tious of greater triunspbsmnit; rendered foot herd7 by hie easy suecasse.; watt ,as ninth fart/tar than the palate/a. Its oondemnation, as its disposition to eondenan bad been more aroused by previous eatins. 4th. The letter Welter gives the fourth cause as fiGloirs : tits. Roseurane voluntary separation from his Chief Of !huff at the crisis of the tattle, And, his satirini, "stampeded," " deCt mentafararware. wont to express It, to • t tanoofim,... the cliff ofiteer insletecl on pressing forward to the front. It. will ho remembered that a movement lios-hylicipEion. Wood, under a idiom' - ~ .eiption of ;utaq opened a pp in the Pule of tipterhieli the nimbi at once uncel" an pulverised-the' vtieht Gen. ilpsemnsrThe Genemil :strove. for ihrette.of an heir to. rally-thens,' but in • . _ It wu while making — this struggle thatOen. Lytle weeltilled, irithin ten er twelve yards of him -Meantime, the Wm - lacing Midas hid 'eta . * istfropintils eentit'and tat,' and 'was thecebried:beck',opt~eaWe of - - route to the foOtatisitaanntaim.• Zoiget.to. the center agahri ha haddesolimh:the mountain or make &tourer strimker,rifglst Mlle& 'while doing Ithis he' et ittiUgthp„iiltd,.'stild 'they were froM Negley'i comma, -.id- this it wee routadandretreatlng.. He knew that he had sent lireglere troops Mt the 'farms* left. de captillithelsterry as bravos:a lelpieg at once theMairditsion that if both right and left were tinted - it was a hopeless defeat, he .instantlytesolved to lastest back to Chau*, noogts, andprepare to reorganise the stmt.,- sling fragments. It was the' fatal mistake of his life. I do net-know that. his friends make any defense for him on this point, except to say that it was. an *tor of military judgment es to luta; -that trahrldsuding of the Acts -had been correct, It would have been the e sky best thing far hintto.do ; and that, it any rate, it Is harsh to remove n distinguished °float for beingkeirwifieghroisasiareidWativcd by tales information from. hit soldier). The authorities reply that nobody bdt a man already'. stampeded," as they pfirase It, could have committed the- robliake a Vast be might •.fravwkinssri . thathe hid lin nlictrtiotof Neg leY's to=ed;. with Nsigidy blaieelj 'OlUs . end that from 'this .qtarterlbe strag glers he questioned-came . that 4.7. any- rate the mayor artillery said musketry tabard the centre, at the wiryliptr;' hd'ciekeided - all was tort, ought to hate - bottfproht,owdthativo that his ateurwtsstiLtiplisadlyhaildiugitagramad, washout& ham spurred tine' to -*stolid of :away froth f-paidtlatlhis wiii*noinsive to histhierifiltitf, "cm it AGM& hive been to • I di not pretend to enter into the disens 'atom is. enough to say that his unfortu nate step convinced the 'War Department that Gen.. HUM:Me incapacity for a sustained, - pratrictid - .VOA to' meet an overmastering_ crisis, 11.111b145041:11 decided it that ha most aot be left to command the greater number of troounceirequitedatOhattaxtoogs. Thence forth, his removal. was only -a- queetion of a convaniantsetakin. - ' bth., Whir !Atm...writer easlgne se the #fth ground entoplaint against Ttoeeenme hL abandoitaitrt of. Look-Oat Motmtitneitter ho bzd getppupeitcy of Chattanooga. dth...the /lath eonspLitint il.o4lll.ll.oseeerane . itithimWililel.oeue matt- MC. Trnudnil, tho Chief et - thiAtinyßollee, andwho Iru expell 011:Grip,rCliarit.'fiiiiit. hit Immesdal is, teary:the, leastlia very imapielbus man maid has been.eharged with 's - foss line of rim &Wes, but as Homers= did not believe the charges ba bee Wank to Trnesdall; and boa thus inieffil.../4 1 :Pelf , iritlithe' government and his fdenda. • - . • Finally tlia4tieiaays-; Add to that-the delay at Afurfrees- . bore hsirproduoutV snip a feeling between ItoWertwur flrapt,ilit.tbey could not serve anilably•lAgolhartixidAle wen Why, aftor it had teiw, decided ta place Grant at the head 70t. the - wit. concentration of oar armies at, Chattanooga, itAnurnot pueblo to leave Oen. Itosecrans in liVen the ottbeadinstm position Vibieli lie; Wiry:maw - of the Army of the Cumberland:wet thehOeforward to have. Sidi, then, are the muses at ,the teancrval which so startled the nation. If Ate, ire more trawl than thosa'at , wrwha Wirfriarida to the justly distingaished Generat.could have wish.. ed, they are at lout not Ina as affect his per !tonsil honer or detract from the well-eared iepififiticin his previous brilliant services have even hiscrt' jitur•iloririsrd Sendasur, ef. Salami* relates She fellewiligaineedeti "An oticer'in coin wratirtrof is:detialimsit'llieftitisCeiesd infor mation thst,AjcusiNvocooorigt had eoneealed h/meetf tij .0, TWA,proceeded . ..thither, and' sw4,4Abe otd - hk,sfsit tp,the lady of tho ' - troute,:iihii' e . 14.4Trifarmia - *lt 10 ' Ina two daughters as 1144csui.3moratai.af thn house, The oOleer, • • after • minnu assrab.Otiditik oho else, told the rad.i lkiltAme ,011 hot daUghtirs mwa be ths4ellsiquerati Theigdy protested against, this . .Insinnatiotri but the •tdebeinwoollecting diagnioint of Solomon .hrtireated she younglad/ that they Emit both - iprWith, him td the _terra' eke. At-thi&aterionnaerdeat one of the young halm Ithuatiloptil the other-- grow pale, end, giotiv., paptvaid the •triek. -The °filter atimeirequesteS the pield•lido• to put on clothes of- the other segl sad to follow Ton 1711TAGM Rn Juarr.—Ths Bosses Herald UM ...04 production of wine in that 0 9zUlt/ wii*nally , banning and roil+ 111111 befor e many lea& to. be Tilde eztentiree Among ethers, emir' Contain; Esq., has thine Amen - 0 .vins under "cultivation, made np of 1.05111 a and Catawba .-viidatimc , lmst year the yield of wtha rerentiebdied and liftfollons, this 'yearitwill . bi'ibout four e w prtsa gallons; for _wbinit....ba _finds & ready per 'Ol t 41- ./11,60,14:-..441,1010iVii:=Auillig tips eltitagithalfeLpci ariblitkadvilisalboroughly lipi‘ ant lutt borore. - / /When d .dadlypasid ptittabra caskin'whielv they are left until they, innxr& - umustrit lean they an tult-inte preis4td: tins Isii_eo squeezed out. Mr. Eouriten- tben.Atitil!,b; small bun/ press, lAu'**AA, •Adijr.pcloss` easily ohaaply 7 sut up by asp oi`ont it • ''' ~.. ~ ~. , . . .. ........ : ,- .1 . F;TC.Z..",, , ,4 . .. . . . .. . . . ' . ".. ' ' . -7' . '"-. , .:.'; ... j r....i . . 4 4 ''''' ' '' ' ' . . GA ._ _. • PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1863 EVFiNgfi GAHM TELEMIAMS. OUR PHILADRLPRII OPECIAL psPaTcu, Extracts from Secesh Papers. THE RUSSIAN PARQUET FRO A REBEL: VIEW Bragg Evacuating his Position in Front of Chattanooga. : de.. de. SPodol Dispatch to wit Pittsburgh Ossetts. PIIILIWILPHIA, Nov. 11, 1863. Of the Russian banquet the Richmond Eo prirersays At the , festal table where Baron Osten Beckett sat alongside of John Dunn, and Admiral Litovsk' drank wine with Borneo Greeley, It would have been a sight worth see ing, to behold the mingled worship of arietoo 'racy and ribald pretensions to r opnblioan pride on the one hand, and on the other the polite satire and carefully suppressed disgust of high bred Russian grandees, as they lis tened to the amazing balderdash that roared around them. It Is all set forth, of neuron, in the New York papers u the turning point in the policies and destinies of the two worlds. The Russians escaped to theirships, and there ever a quiet sew revolved in their minds and pondered In their heirte the grandeur, intelli gence and glory of the Yankee nation. The Riolunond papers admit that the Yan kee defences of Chattanooga aro now perfect,. and its vast importance as a military position more manifest than ever. Dispatches from Chattanooga, this morn ing, confirm tho report that Goa. Bragg is evacuating his position in front of Chattanoo ga, and failing back to Roma or Atlanta. Gen. Longstreet is organising a force for a raid on our line of communication at Bridge port. The Richmond Eramiacv says that a epeech at this time is eminently needed in that city, It urges the people to go to the railroad de pot on Davis' arrival [roux Chattanooga, and ev.ort him home, and demand an address. Rhetoric with flour at.ls a - barrel I The Enquirer gnashes its teeth at the ex pression of opinion elicited at the Union meet ing held in Little Reck, Arkansas, on the 30th ult., Ithritistakably in favor of the eerdialsnp port: of the United; State,' Government, the supremacy of which. the resolutions adopted there :pledged the people of Arkaisal to Uphold. • A Paris-paper publishes a statement that at a banquet given to cavalry °Mem in Versailles Marshal Maven was present: Ono of the Colonels delivered a 'speech referring to Po land, and &rimmed a•belief that at no distant day, the Emperor ,woold summon them to measmastrords with the oppressors of a peo ple friendly Sid sympathetic with Prance. There to nothing from the Potomac. Rebel papers smart that. the Atlantie Cable is destined to extend Brigfish supremacy over 'the 'American Continent, and that British statesmen are looking forward to the recov ery of the American , colonies, and prepar ing, to avail themselves of the exhaustion and .anarchy which mzietaticeeed the present war, to attain thatcherished purpose, is aim- - ply a matter of BLitt.. Philadelphia meehanics, of all grades, are Trparing fora general strike. W. J. J. THE WAR IN VIRGINIA. RETREAT Of REWORD RICHIOND AIIEIk EBBE! OUR li EI: BASE OF SUPPLIES. Lee in Command of Bragg'a Army THE ABANDONMENT OF RICHMOND DECIDED UPON. Sharp Skirmish _near Rixeyville. FEMALE BATTLE BETWEEN CULPEPPER AND THE RAPIDAN. Repdrted Surprise and Capture of Pour Hundred Rebels. CULPEPPER HELP BY OUR FORCES. Affairs at Chattanooga Lo., *a, to. NIT YORK, For. 11.—Tho Mice special dispatch from Washington, Nov.leth sags : . The main force of the rebels were at Gor donsville, yesterday and Monday morning making 2-4 h time to Richmond. Meade is encamped's° wait supplies. Rep aration-of the-Railroad to Culpepper is aban doned, and Aqula Creek will be oar next base of supplies. Ono thousand Beni hundred muskets were gathered as fragment/ after the recent tight, most of thorn bearing the Tower stamp of t 851,, and all in serviceable condition. Two of Alio cannon captured were ten pound Pomona, and two twelve pound Napoleons with can ions..limbers soden-complete. A Union eeout - jut from Richmond said other parts of,theSouth, reports Lee actually invomtaand of Bragg's army, and Bragg, numithnominally superior, is Leen sutmrdi loge., He says •It was derided a fecal drip nine* at the rebel osbinet session to abandon, On the first intimation of an intention of Gen. Meade to adman° upon, Richmond. Fifty-eight More prisoners were brought up to-day. 'An the prisoners will soon be trans mitted to Johnson's blend, Lake Brie. This wen* indicate • ranimption of exchanges as far off as ever. • A special to the World from Washington, . November 10, says t, There has been fresh Alisposition of our-forme for etragetleal pur poses, bat otherwise everything is quiet. There was very little skirmishing with the 'rebels tooth of Dalpepper, and according to all 'lU:eat:Ms it is by no means certain that all the rebel army le across the Rapidan, as reported. - Gen. Buford made a reeonuolessuee yester day towards Rixeyville, and came en a por tion of the rebel Oen. Wooer: division, and after a Sharp skinnisit compelled them to fall back. Darkness prevented pursuit. r • Our troops & not-occupy Fredericksburg or Falmouth, HirkpatriCk's , Mrvalry only having visited them ens der 'before our advance. The - rebels maintain their position between Culpepper and the Rapidan. It is quite pro bable that a battle may be fonght here . This is ',Lie', chosen battle _ground, according to his ofhcial repurt of oar adviwww, a few weeks rime. The Impresaion is general's: the army that all of his forms will yet cross the:Rapi dan, notwithstaudiugtheir partialhalt on this side. A special to:the 2SG:exert= Washington, Nov. 10, says :• - From Chattaaeogs•we learn that an exp. of the 143 d and 26th Wisconsin regi ments, of .lien. ilehnres Division, .Elevouth Corps,. underLient. Col. Aunuisson, went up the Branch- Railroad from Shellimund to Gor don's coal mines, and recaptured a locomo tive and two freight cars. • Phu railroad on the south side•of the Ten nessee is again epened as far as Running Waters, and treissfortation Is gained far sup plies. From thefront wo bave the following, dated Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Monday . Buford's Cavalry - Division returned from Its reconnoisuace to Pllpeppar at noon ta.dayrhaving *bran the miemy before them down to Sulphur Springs, near to within a mile of Culpepper. A portion of the enemy's infantry, with artillery, was encountered last night about masa near Culpepper and in a skirmish which ensued, we sustained a lose of about 25 killed and wounded. Them was but a small proportion killed. In tho opinion of the °Mears accompanying the reeonnoirsance, the main body of Lee's army will not be met this side of the Rapidan, although . a portion of their troops °coupled Culpepper. Seouts from the front to-night report lii; patrick as having thoroughly reconnoitered tho country from the forks of the river to north of Culpepper. Thu report that he has surprised and captured four hundred prisoners at Rly's ford, lacks confirmation. The dispusitiona of our forces are carefully made with reference to the possibility of any attacks on our eanks or rear. Violent snow equal's occurred yesterday and to-night. The weather is sinito obld. Tbo made are in good condition, and cho troops in excellent spirits. The Herald has the following: • Headynorrors Arony_pf tAs Poimnac, Nov. 10. —Yesterday two squadrons of the Ist New York dragoons, under command of Captain Jacob W. Knapp, attached to Bnford's divis ion, left the command at Mud Rini to reran,. noiter the country in the wake of the retreat mbels. They proceeded to Culpepper, charged through the town, drtvlhg twice their own number of rebels before them, rested themselves and horses, while they took fifteen prisoners,and then returned with their trophies to Brandy Station. We held Culpepper to-day, and our lines ex tend to the Rapidan below. The railroad will be completed to Bealtnn to-night. The road will be repaired as fast as the fumy advances. All is quiet in front to-day,—the rebels baring gone to the south side of the Rapidan. The Situation In Virginia. Wsorturgrow; Noy. It.—Gentlemen just arrived from the Army of the Potomac yester day, says that the position of both forties was believed to be each, that our reconnoissances may at any time lead to a general ongsgs meeL New Tose, Nov. 11.—Tbe &rad has the following : Warrentop Junctioa, Noe. 9.—We hoar of no ligWug_to-day, bat parties jest arrived report the passing of about 700 prisoners, entural vicinity Culpepper. This makes our captures 2,500. LAYARD Is investigating at Naples the causes and character of brigandage. A Na ples letter says that the panto-stricken popu lation in some of the districts are reoovonng themselves and offering resistance to the bri gands. The monitor tarLsa suffered a ilef-at, but committed horrible atrocities in his Eight. The troops who pursued him found the bodice of fourteen of the passatitry; at another place eighteen were murdered; at Croce a portion of the band cants on ten women who were washing outside the village, carried off Ail( and brutally violated them; At Moreeni they broke into the home of a gentleman who woo absent from home. and murdered his wife, another woman, and live parsons beside, their respective ages being 82. 64, 49, 10, 9,7, 4. Tris Bishop of tendon, in a recent con versation with a well-known member of the -House of Peen, expressed his great a!tort ish mem at the 'toady progress and strength of the Traotarian party in the London diocoso. "I had.little conception," remarked his lord ship, "when first I came here, that their numbers, influence, and organisations were so extended and so groat. To endeavor to put them down is a task easiotof suggestion then of accomplishment, I can Osauro yon. Sous days ago, says a It ashington letter, a woman visited the Presidelit's mansion(tot off • full half-yard from thli curtains of one of the window. in the Orrain Room, and made her exit without dissovert. Such thinv have been freirently done lately, as is supposed, by intrionty hunters. Pusca Naretues, ot(going to the Rum mum, in Leaden, had ths distinguished honor of taking hioTorklit With is .the name room with Heatian, the American prise fighter. Heenan wee introdueed to the Prin.., and they smoked a ehlironk together. DRY' GOODS JOU. 1511110, -.JII/1. lf. C.LII_..D•vID WILSON, CARR & CO., Lab ;Fallow, & C 0..) WFMnpto doolors lo FOREIGN' AND DONIEFIIG DRY GOODS, N. D 4 Woo 4 Went, illnl boa. AWN, Diomond l'Otoburob. aplotf Atari. 11. 111 . .1107 1.17 - 1.. Mc_IBUY At CO., Dealern in I.I7OIIEIGN AND DOMYSTIC DRS' 6001X4, No. 140 rodent atnet, (pwond finer below nos fd•rkot Howe,) Allegtiony City. 111d10 .1y &TO., NVIIO4.BIIIC 1_:1 and Medan Dealers In TRIM3117:08, NIIDR(.I - and DRY GOODO, of elary dos,tption, Noe. 17 and 1) h at , 47. Pll4aburith. "Ittit.CßOM & GLYDE, Wholesale and Retail balms la FANCY AND srArcit DRY DODDS. TRIMMINGS. dn., No. 74 Market street, ee betwn Diamond and roartla, Pittsburgh. BURCHFIELD_ (successor to it) • Bnrcbgeld .k ititioleole and Retail. Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeast corner of Fourth and Market xtrnuts, Pittsburgh. JOSEPH lIORNE, Wholesale and lin ty tail Dolor in all kind. of 51123t371N0P, Day GOODS, do., Nor. ri and 79 Muket Wool. \ BARKHR & CO., Dealers un all EP • kind. ~ f DaY GOODS, No. 50 Market ptrtivt., tet.teen Thtrd and Fourth, Pittoburgh. I)IIII7PALMEI2,No. 84 Wood Street _Ltn. Dealer In BONNETS, HATS. STRAW- TRIM MINGS, and STRAW GOODS generally. DRUGGISTS. SINION JOHNSTON, Dealer in PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, FEIiFUNCRY, FANCI GOODS, BURNING FLUID, 011,S, FAM ILY MEDICINES, Le., of strictly same quality, which'ha offal, at lowest prima. Corner Smithfield and Fourth atreeta, Pittsburgh. Prescription, care fully compounded at all hers.. BA FAILCESTOCK , CO. i-Golc . sale Druggists. and manufacturers of WRITE LEAD AND LITHAII.GE, corner of Wood end Prost stmts. Pittsburgh. mb7 JOHN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in paws, pAppini, MU; VARNISHES AND DYE mirk No. 296 Lawry street, Pittnburgh. All orders vat receive prompt otteution,„ nit GEORGE R. KEYSER, DrutzgisE No. HO Wood end, corium of Vlrgid Yitt.trafgh. Lars umaxcE -r GARDINER CIaFFIN, Agent for TY • Friudilin. Rail&lphia and Bolianc• Insurance Comparike., Northeastsorner Wood And Third Ida. TVP. JONES, Agent Northainerien, . state of Paratarteani‘ and Hartford Item, Arica Companies, C Water greet. SAM EL REA, Secretary Citizens' In maw.. com • •y, corner Market • d Water nta. 'Yfil M. GORDON, Secretary Western - 1n =moo Company,92 Water street. DM. BOOK, Secretary Allegheny In roranee Company. n 1111.13 *treat. BOOKSELLERS, tfc. UTM G. JOIUJSTON Station. .Mauk Book Masoftstrirsre agd Job Printos, Nei:67 Wood street, Pittsburgh. tr' AY & W., Bookiellers and Station otrA 14.66 Wood street, next door to tho maw of • Pittr i nrtt. SCHOOL trod LAW SOOKS JL. READ, Rookieller sad Stationer, . Most, Apollo Building'. BOOTS 4.11 MD SHOES.- TouN ompBELL, ManufactuTer of t./ 1100113.A1[D.58 0 t 8 , of every ,deeeriptldn, No. fbalthflold street..l4tteintrib. odt:ly GE,. ALBREE, I. 'O., Whole sale god Natal Hods" in BOOTS, SHOES, &c., comer Wood and Fourth strsots, Pittsburgh. DEJrTISTRY. JOSEPH ADAMS , Dentist, Connelly's Bodin, oirraolf Eir Diamond Po ll ak moots, Patabargb. -Beni:sea—Dr. A., M Dr. Mal. lack. nada" Robbins, Buaiall Mrratt. iayMy WALL PJPERS. WP. DiARSHALL, Nola ' P 1 tt i s b . Vg ta ti.-:"1111145: e No la . 'Pet GROCERIES,PRODUCE , esc CLIARLE6 c. Produce and Commission Xerchant. MERCHANDISE And dealer la all klud. of C 0175184 PRODtVre. xo. 112 I.lBlita 1' STIZZET, =MIN enhl ly Iut;;;;:sx 1{ K... • J., asstcs.is, (of the :Etc firm of D.. 4 D. Nis,.ld) PittsburzS. Co,llsvills Ohio.)J . 1 4 ,11 .1 0NALD & AItBUCKLES, Whole- Crsrers, Drain, sod Commission Mgr shants, lobbsritio COTTER, N. 0. SUGAR and 41-0- 1 LABRa, Ruin s ND SUGARS a STRUPS, DAWN, TOBACeD, TEAS. I SEEDS, Ae., hst. 21.2 sod AJ. Lilwny eireactulen of . CAILDON OIL, DENZOLE, AND ,rgraybzwx..LUßßl.CATlNti um „o,9pility; twollipesanflberrelm por week, ,$ $X rk man, °du.; koliOSGAlittA Horsy, Plttibur,it. ENOM W43ODWARD, (Late pi Wirt. D. W:taltrarei 3 C 0.,) GESTEIAL COILMISSION THEACHANT - Egental attention given: to the emir of Crude and Relined Petroleum. •:1 FOrTII FBONS STREET, PHIL.. Oeiniy 1 - AMES IRWIN, nomulsetwor of Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia enter., !oft mt. John Portedlold & Co.'s r..1114-r, nor of MABBIT• Ati'D TIItST ro cel v. prompt at ma JIM. .w.:3 arawrUIVICTUREILS, Jac D 'QI, , EEIN.I?. BRASS WORKS, CADISAN & CRAVTFORD, Marinfacttirera of evcry variety - or finished BRASS WOES FOR I'LLMMEMS, STEAM OIL OAB WITTHES, MACHINISTS, &ND lOUPPESSMITIIS. BRASS CASTINGS, of all doscriprioos, Wad" tl3 order. BT.F.A.IIBOAT %VOILE, .STr VII AND GA,' FITTING, and RETAIIIING, promptly attooded u,. l'articular attentlins paid to flttlog op 'REFINE FOR CCAL AND CARBON 0 Ms. Mao,Sola Aimptafor_tho Wesura Dlatrici of Penn alleania for Me We of MARSH, 1.241.:8DELL 00:3 PATI.til ioI:PHON rrm P, the ever in vented Hiving no ears It le not liable to got Wt of order, and will throw more water than any pomp co twice Its Mee. aplel JOHN HALL k CO., VAL= FORGE PLOW, wom, PITTELTECA PLj Matinfactunus and &lain; Iti•Ali the 411faretit kir.ds of PLLVB. PIM,CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CUT TING BOXES. tc. - With :greatly facroaaed Hos for doing IaI3IIIMIS, lre earnestly Invite dealer. to give us a call. Iklantitacturs, Tempemaciirilla. Warwhonse, Oeeils alley and Liberty St., JQUZi: BALL, J.112,LL. STISPIIIIN WOoiks, - a. a • J'es. J. BROWS... w. e. auczawrosn—...l. 11/XPI/D.l, ZWICI MAGEWTOSii, i{ PIIILL Cll. corner ?Ike and O'llara ntroce, near the Clt; Wafer Werke, Pitteburat. nuninferturers of MACK - INTOSH k lIEMPHILL'S IIftYROVELf ltbdell.Lo - SING STEAM EfiGINES AND SIDE VALTES, of etter and beet Bering pat np Ineebistery. of Urge repeat,' and of the beet quality. we are prepared to 40 heavy Job plUpeutz,d4olfts,.clerto.ik to ade r lin of e,..trustin moc k %oe m.l r : l7 , publie patronage. We turtle gocial attention to our BALANCED VALT.ii OSCILLATING ENGINF.S, es comblaltag tohaatagaCheretoroto =strained to Ole clew of Engines. jra2tUly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WOR-ii.S, PITT.S.BVIICII, PA PARK. BROTHER d: 00., ILioutartarers at BESS QUALITY BZI7JUID CAST STEEL Square, lilat and Octagon, of ad! ei, - 11. Warrx.nted equal to miry Imported or mannfertarodin thno oottn• 91i/r Ofibis and Irani:tutus, No. 149 slid 151 I , IIIBT sad 120 and 122 11111COND STEEnTS, Pit tabu gh 11111:13d • • WILLIAM B &RNHITA • & CX), Borcza Mahn: and: Sheet -Iron Wurkon, PENS STREET, Na.. 20, 22, 24 and 26. Ilasht6 mound . tarp yard and fordshed it with the =tat :b.zro d machinery, ws are 'prepared ts manufaCturo and description or BOILESS, in th e bast meaner. and warranted Goal to any madr to the count,. CHIMNEYS, /1/LIC/ISS TIRE -IMPS, STEAtt PIPES, LOCOkonvE Amines, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL gnus, - AGITATORS, SETTLING rA378,1 am= mos BRIDGES, SUGAR PARS, and sots taanntotturtra .01 :SA RN PATViT SOILSHS. itelmiting.stcres on the shortest nonce. &ISO BRITSNNIA AND BRA M WORKS • COLLINS tk WRIONT, c Y (Socemois to Oen Renton,) • Macottartosern of CASTOR PILLM . XS,IIILtiCt'PI, LADLES, and • great wiety of BR NNIA articles. Also, CARBON OIL LAMP =MIS sad LAMP BRASSES ioneralls, lio. 1.32. Second rte•et, Pittstomp.R. • v.': A LL•EN li CORMICK CO.f I 4I4.LET .C 1 inland, rittemntb. r.. +: 0 - f7Rirabonw. 31 4 1'1,113E.P.T7 STREET, Mannfactarars of - COOK:PARLOR ANlit nr,AT. ING fiTQVP.S, PARLOR AND SITIIIEN GRATES, HOLLOW VALE, etc., ice! andGiaas licalds, MEG Qualm, ]IN Gearing, Cu, an. 2. titan Pipe, Stet Irons, Dog trona,'Wagott limes, du gar Kettles, Pailega,llangns, Irtala, , Ctotplings and t.natinp &away: dice, Jobbing ataldlachina Osating. pada KI. order. Patentdl..Pcatable arttlrthearn cm/Ivrea Potwar. apitthrd JOSEPH F. HAMILTON 4k CO., Cur. PUS! AND LIBERTY Sri. , Pittsburgh, Mandato:rem at mnicnlon sTrem iCHTSTET, mytlktf Q SEVERANCE, No. 53 . WATER ST., ).J.Plitstorrgliontaulketareir of BOILER " MEM, %WROUGHT IiPIX.EB, tonsuaon tad roll teed; of oNrry Particular Aced or eloped EiPIHRS atoll UTV172. , , largo .or small, node. to. order at short..nutica. .O. cco4l iumoTtroont cOok!tutly On blend: - 7 , ..ctxt EL,I4. .1411/pLE. R „C. 0.1 ._,- 0. 215 unsay strait. oppoodto. SIX*, r .rittablW9, manufactwars.of WEDS, LARHES.and SUITE and'aircyj doi{ription of LEATHER - BRAIDED WORE. ' Onlanselltlted from the mule, wm2 ccide pivmpc ly shipped.= per tartructions. feS:li DL :.\V. NET'f, Manufacturers of • MOTE STOKE CHINA and Cltrall 'COL, . . Office and il'arebconte Si ;So. r . .t rxrc gnelasr, . , --,. . .. . .... AII r UELIC 4!i't . , -0....; ........ 1....11 . 11,1 4 0 /TE BLUME, i:ienler in MU -SIC AND 111181 VAL inarntarrn. Tn. 8010 . ..agent....r.o . .X.NAHß:4 . 0348 - PIANOS, 'll/1.07a BROS,..PLINOSi ito4 MINCE 4 CO-I , IIEIO/Dr- ONS. . No. 43-Stllls Moot, strand door ibp.Y. Wood. PittotrOtigti.',.ll,nos to lat.: , . 0 4 ., tik kon'A ozobaroto • , Dealers in =- A.A.. BIG .22iD MUSICAL INSTIUMENT24 and oak mats Ibr SIT.INVATS CIILEDIM.IIII3 Pl oas, ICc., 53 Pith ttmet,Pittibarib;:x tar ' , MELLOR, .',4oiLler in 4..SLODECINS, dc, NO; BVWood et... loveeen Fourth areet and -Thamo4!llle....P ittsb'c. , jiTTO/WriEr.S. mortrria, & - 8: t (LIiCHOYER; .. AtiorneTs-ist- LAi Lei./•4.1111.3416..115 , 15xceth-Wee; Pittgimrib•