PITTSBURGH !, _14;1. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCERIES, P.R OCE,Icc. CITABLES C. BAI.BLEY, ; -' ll. lrnificti and Commission merchant ILtRCIL&NDIEIE BROKER, And ckslet ha all Hada of COLA raT PRODUCE, Na IT9 LIDEIBIT OMBRA anDNCLIC ' CRAB. a /No. Aisrciis, (of the &to Eno °ID. hD. lii'Dostald) Pittebart,h. & Co. , Rellnllle, 01144 WONALD & Pm ARBUCKLM, Whole ) melts, - hsblatii 61:1171111, 0. SlZ l r l andTir): LASSES, REFINED SUGAR.% & SYRUPS, FLOOR, • DAME, TOBACCO, 711A8, RICE, CREME, OXIDSN RR and 24 Liberty etsoetPl'itts nol4:ly SHRIVE Et & liAZEAI onocms AND COMMISRION DIDECDANTS lira. 27 and 22 Bosithfirld fit., 'Dow. Second, alintler - t•Tinula tattijae. MACKEt)WN at LINHAHT, FLOUR elm Oasis Tnoeose, Pimotren own Conkimmou escrusrre, for lb., We or Floor, Grata, Pork, to curl. Lard, Dotter, Egg., Chorea, Doan., Tallow, (triune , Bentham, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl AtMea, _ Liolierd lined Lard 011ia Dried and Green rimits, Timothy, Clover, Flax and Gram Bowls, malt athaacomenta made on C'ansigorotalta. N 0.107 Liberty street. Pittyborgh. We M. WRSILY, WHOLESALY GROCER., No. 271 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh flaring purchased the Interest of hie late partuers, will soatlnue the buslneu at the old nand, and will be pteart; Jorndeir• tEe ,pationage of his old Mends add ecaohiera. Inplauf WEBB &WILKINSON, C0E11[331021 Stetwash-rs, Wholesale dealers In WESTERN -RESERVE CREWE, DRIED FRUITS; BUTTER, EGGS, GRAINS. l gut: produmorally. Also, LEATHER, RIDES, OILS, An. 10. 1? Liberty street, Pittsburgh. SZ - Cash advancements made. Omudgnmenta so 11.ated. • Jel2-13sad tsar. I BEM TlOlll P. BECK & CO., No. 185 LlB arty 3 treV,Utnreb Wlroleeale Oro derKOorecnllaina aferthantif a d'dtalarr to COUN .IMT PEODUCa i . PU0 , 1810201, , It/CON, LARD, '$ UTTEE, =OS, CHIVE, FISH, de, PRODUCE, FLOUR, OWN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED BUMS, An { , SALT and LINE. DI6 'el'OttN B..CANTIELD CORROSION AND rOIIIrMILDII.I MEIV:Mi3T UHL Wholloule dealer In RIRIERVE ea EX3X.'BUTTZE,LA-1111, TOILX.,I4.CON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND p RARL AMIE% -BA.LERATUd, LINSEED AND 'LARD DRaND,FRUIT, and Prod.. generally, Noe. 141 and 143 Front street, Pittabargh. 00l THOS. LITTLE, en3. , M211 111.9151.1. [.....1.1 1 ELE & TBJ.M.BLE e Wbolesale Gre- • eirri ca.thtwoh Ilterebaits, dealers-)2,1 k.s.opcer, FLOUR, RhOWIL. CUSJIRE, YOH '-'011.130N AND LARD OIL, MAC NAILS, GLASS OOT FON :YARNS, sia4 Elttaburgh mat afamtrei '•irefitrally,ll2 114 ISocoad &treat, Pitutmrgh. u. 111VIP.Bruir PAOTHigii, (euccessors Auto iloymeW:Aaa*DA *toteni. Na.r. ta rosmcm MS 'SSD SP ICU, co la - .I.IECTIONSEI, SUOLIIS, NM WORKS, ay., Hoc, =load ]2 Wood street, abon /fifth, Pittsburgh. GULP 41 . • Sit BP HAR-D, Cox3rlnKt`i ViJuizeisra tad deo., .11.orn, AND - PRODUCII,IIo. 243 - Liberty street, Pltuburgh. fliolai brands of rout fbr Baker, and Fancily c.eo constantly •ou hand: Particular attention paid to orders for nereltandlaa atiterally. oceltdly OHARLES B. J.FRCEt, FLtra. o AND ariltx Ttcroz AltD Corxrtarod Atirddzarr for rhotiolo of GRAXIC BEETS, mama, PUODUCE, and rant tat tb. cilabrated rulantown CE .o(llorr, Not. 110 SeKfaladi and 145 Tint stroste, b•- twisa Wood and amitfigiold,Plitsburgi. WANK VAN (ORDER, Produce and .112 'Donna.Luton Merchant, dealer La FLOPI, IS UT. 'NUL BROOMS, Writ% LARD, C1181:1111, PORK, DRIND AND quzz.N.inunss, and pxodum Ir.:W ally. Liberal ' nista idvances on conalicninenta. Waceh.Luto, No. IAS decnott Meat" Pitts/Ann. 01DINA L. . . HEAD & METZGAR., Grocers and CollllUlselan marebante, sad &al.rs in sit kloda inonatry ProduSe end Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 219 Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, 1 1 1011bargi ap3:ly O. P. JONat taEO. B. JONES & +SON:Wholesale lam , Grout! and Mat Mirnillhers, dealt, `Ali- MILLA BOVA - OAKUM% OILS, PITCH. and Pitts burgh znanuniuturad artielee No. 141 Water sty..., stare the Monongahela Bridg e, Pittsburgh. ' DaII.ELL. e4OISEHT DALZELL & CO. , W hole aftlefirorder. Ileatalsahus sod Forerarding Mer fr,insd-deldertrfu - Produce lad Pittsburgh moo - rilial.ra4 Liberty. `treat, Pittsburgh. Jit.liT UAW= JOHN 6 , 1111 . T0N /.WALLACE. f ,A.MBER7, 1:51:11PTO: , .; la._4 sale Grocers snd Produce Dealers, 10. G Sloth street, Pittsburgh.- .late ,ilOlOl Win .101131 {[HMOs. A/V* 7 A ' WITF.SQN, Wholesale Cho y cars, COMMiIIIIOII Merchants, and dealers in PrOandratid Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 148 Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. ' TIILTOLD: LT INDSAY TELFORD, hf , lNsale itetail GROCERS, FLOUR AICD PRODCrE DEALERS, /67 Litrrti Greet, Pittabargh. api-Cha .' SCHOMAKEtt S LANG, COMMISSION MammaNrs and ...Meals deal,. in GRO CERIES, YLOCR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ac., No. 329 Liberty' Oren, ?Mubarak.. T S. LIGGETT &CO , CITY FLOUR. .. INO MILLS, corner Liberty and Adams stmts. Pittabsnata, Pa. lllll7'Capaefer, l 4oo l l.arrals lot 4.7. DES DALZELL N)N, Manufao mum of LAED OIL, and Commlasion Mu chants for th. parches. and sea of CRUDE AND SCYTHED prruoirupt, Nos. 69 and 70 Wafer .1. 4 . 7 .50 n s4s4o oo nottaignmen U==n! AIRft.FATIIJ,CK -BROTHER, &mire 'to iiroirn 'ff 141rkpiiiikka, WHOLE inALE osoczAts, Nan.,191 and 193 Liberty street, Pittebroth. ap13:17 . 1 1 1 4. Y muss.pnn DAVID Ie'rANDLISS, 414. A. corm, 1 Special Partner. kerEANB COFFIN, zuccessors to ..I.Y.2. — M•Canaleas, Means & Co., WHOLESALE ROCTIIb, corner of Wood and Water meets, Pitts bonrh- Jy3:ly CHBESB-; WARE El Qui3E.-.BENRy n: Yorweralng and romaosslon ebanc,and dealer IA CHEESE, BUTTER, LAKE iPISII, and Produce generally, No. 20 Wood street, 'hue° Was:, Pittsburgh. turg - 11[4 OLLA ND RIDDLE, succoesor to Jno thut, Nu. 183 Liberty strest,tPuts burgh, putrid PRODUCE, GROCERY AND 0011 IBBION .111EI0CEIANT. Consignments rospeot folly sollettAd. feftly TSAIAII DICKEY & CO, Wholesale Grocers, dotattaltloll :;:archants, an 4 4tez.l.re YrodUce, tins. 00 Water street and a Front street, Pittsburgh. . iiii: W. DILWORTH *JOBS I. DILWORTH. E 8. DILWORTH & CO.. Wholesale 0!I . Or ,cro, N 05.130 and 132 Second rtreet, noir ~,,i: — 41eld, Pltteburgh. not '''"-- lOTIN .FLOYD - & CO ,Wliolegale Giro- Fe n and commLoodon Itarnnants,.Nca. In Wood - 404 PR I..lberti•treet. Pittsbnno. laid ARLES L. PALDWX.LL, (glacceneor 7o Jam" Wines & C 0..) POI U PACKER and 4 l:alar to PROYISIONB, oornatpf Karkst and Front ts.Plttahnrgh. jarl GJ. UriJ W Nt4E N D, (surcesanr . to Jac eon it Tolresett) PORI; PACR-Fal er In PROVISIONS, 'No. 1 Vouith street, Dear Llb tot!. Pittsburg!). ; IL ' V& 010 T 00., boecccuttors to L. O. Gruff, PRODUCE ARD COMMISSION MERCHANTS; V/ I,llstrtg Orr.t. Pittsburgh. fear t. sates. tr , LAO R.EIII. 'TORN L HOUSE A. , 'CO., WhoLesele -.legal" AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, anAliSsitor streets, Pimbrintb, cond., of Sm. 00]17" -- , ih CO., Commission Mechants, and dealer; 'a PaoDuc E g Lorn . micor, Wow , aa s , 5.. is Ithlield afreet;-Tltadmtgli.“ ' gWI-0108111a7 KJ GROCER AND COMMISSION insucnnorr, ElatiOiller of the Diamond, Mo. /8, PittilVargh. liOtiCiltxs ' ; • • . IAT 11-...-----137C(TAIt i l, Wholesale -- 11*-e+, Mcia. 18 and' V.!, Wood stmt. innaitf ..7"A—LIZIA29IB.It KLNG, Wholenale Gro :xi Np.DA ANIL No. 273 Limbilberty r • • •, • h• • rfe - 61! 114tir . ' olesale ; amass 42415. cosausszon lizEcturre, MeWet Wood ttwet; Pittaborst, _ a fff r4 l . ' . ?• - 9 - - - ' 7 ,25',.a..."-7117 4 ... 1 ‘ - ' 7lV . `". 4 =e4T„o:--. I.WWUR.4.VCE _ _ __ __..............._ . T NDEMNITY AGAIN'S - Is LOSti BY . y e , :""1415' JO Intrgh 6aritit. , .1 rißL.—raslM LI N TULL INSURANCE COM• ______ _ ....._—_- -:-- PANT OF PLILLADILPFLIA. Omni, 43.5 wad 4Ft WEDNESDAY MORNING::::NOV. 11, 1868. 1 ) Ohostaant s h eet, near Fifth. Iltstement of Amato, January tat, 1860, publietod Agreeably to an bet of Anambly, being— Tint Mortgages, amply moarad.-.--.51,886,800 00 ItAtal.ratata (pret't val. 11(4,314. di) 00. 1 102,938 00 Teroporm7 Uana ample Oollatoral Block. (present rale* When TX) Notea and Mlle Raottrablo. PLTITILTAGIN, Pa $1,2011,061 65 ear The only profits from premiums which this Company caa divide by law are from risk., which have been data:twinge& hunresnes made on entry descriptios of properly, In tows sad country, at rams as low Mara cOlUdast: with security. Ohms their Incorporatloti, a perird of thirty para, they hay* paid lossea by Bre to an amount ennotAing lour .=h6u t of &Won, thereby affording evideno• of the advantages of Insmance, as wall as their abili ty and dtiportion to meat with promptness all lia bilities. LOSMO nu: Looses paid &trim the year Me.— Charles N. Rancher, Lau Lee, Mordecai 1). Lewin, Jacob R. Smith, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale David S. Brown, Gee. W. Rich.:ls, Sanined Grant, Tales, CHARLES . BrNTKER, Proddsel. EDWARD.C. DALE, rke Presides/. Wx. A. Sem, Rrevveray pre J. GARDNER COFFIN, Aped. me) Odic. Northeast nor. Woad Third eta. INSURANCE. I=3 Insurance Co. of North America. PIIILADIILTIIIA Insurance Ca of the State of Penna. PHILADBLPRIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company 1114"Insnsraiste In the above old and rellatila ram Panics can b•Sibtaltied w applicati”n to fer:clly llsalej 11..11,111er5, ei Wnter street. I T ESTREN I NSURANCE COMP-1- PITIBBEIEGII, I,FILLXII, Jr., Presirimt. 7:41, GOlLDOlL.Srerefenr. 141 IYyat Web., flpting & Co.'. Wax, !Wit.. op fads., PlarburßlL Ma' nein .all Lied* of rire irt4 A If nort Prfialtica managed by Irirerto... tree orb, itbb comonniph yryl yd. are drier. 1164 ' 5 '..b.te. :144 isberolito, v.infrix, eltitk '741•10 Awcy . , boyabbed, o.thrioo the PrOkilif4 to .cbo dears Cs Is insunni: A,13/IETS,OCTOBICR 30, 1640. ............f m.OOO co 2,100 00 °pea Accosusta, SO2 00 Premium 74,696 11 Notes and Bills 174,076 12 R. MBLiq Jr., Jarene• licAnLey, liardmunial Holmes, Ala, Yin,lnk, George Dante, William H. BmltL , 0:1T. Ricketoon, _m y3O F. M. GORDON. fkordeary. OITIZEN'S LNSURACCE COM PA Ni" V OF PITTSBLIIGH. Office, corner Market and Water streets, second floor. WM. BAGALZT, Preteleaf. BAMTEL BRA, Beeretare. Insane, flrnboate and Cargoes. Inman age tea ism lop and damage la the navigartrn the gotitharn and Western Elvers, Lake. wid Bayous, and flit navigation of the Rasa. lionaree againet leo and damage by rim. . . .. Wm. Bagaley, 8 M. Bier, Jr. Park, Jr., Jolla Rh Ipton. W. G. Johnston, James M. Cooper, B. F. Jones, 8. Llarbattgh, Bow Henna, s J. Caldwell. Jr., lion. T. H. Howe, John 8. Dilworth, Barclay H. Preston George Bingham, Charl , ea ZaL riti yet pEOPLEs INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, N. R. corner Wood & Fifth Ste V.:1:03:p0.:1.1:11.1:01:1:0PAMM: Wm. Pitlllipa John W.tt, Wm. H. Hays, Jolla E. Parke Charles S. BlasSll, MW= WM. r: GiRDNIER, : ALLEGHENY INSURANCE ('OM PANT I:7F PITISHURGIT.— 0/Son, No. 37 Flab stater, Dank 'Slott. - I neon! Amapa *ll kit..le a Fire end Marine 1114 - a. ISAAC SORES. Pra.L.at, JOIIN D. NVCOILD. Vin Preeitieed. D. IL BOOS. Secretary. Capt. W3f. IMECTOI _ _ Lusa Jou.. C. C. Elaare7. a.r Malian, Capt. n. C. Giro, Jebti Ir.l , Ir. B. ,L.-7..4nbiltojle. BOOTS SHOES. RUBBER SOLED BOOTS & SHOES. GEO. ALBREE, SON dr 00., No. n WOOD STREET, Coma or rooms, Hare Jun received &AlRerapp , of Gaut* Dore and Youths' Solid Rubber Soled afire) OW hip and Water Ploof LEATHER BO TS, with other scares and mods, etatarnsing Demi Bowed and Po uo 4 Ara* CAYMAY .80016; Min's, Bore' ,d Iknithilasa4,threcealsd Odd; Sip and * Water rroirt.• and.oo23f/DENA Alm. • ' Dins MOTS Leather and Morocco hewed BAILMODALS and CONGREDSI BOOTS, &c, AD of which are custom-made and warranted to do webs.. ALL KINDS BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, HineHand's Auction House, 63 P 1.1711 /31MVST Vliftli CHEAP.—We hare 'on hand, at present, very large and vra eileotal etoek of BOOTS AND SHOES, which was bought before the late Adeline* on - Roble, *rid we will give our 000tc oratbabenO P °Mk" grids. We hoes the lots* awl met' fasbionsble stylee of Glentletnen'e, Maw% Bop' and Childtetin BOOTS, GAITERS, DALMOCIALS, fItiPPICELS BLITALO AND GUMS, Of every size stol Call and oxamtos. Coontry , m.rebratu will Mid It to their adrantor to give vi • roll. SOS. H. BGRLAND, 11,AILEXT STREET, : 241 dmr from PHU n o 7 WitYll4 AND SHOES. GREAT BEDUC'TION Coig. , (ialtws, it l i g wor . t h " 11 2 m 6O " " " " 176 1 75 All other gouda eelllog very low BOOKSELLERS, Oic. Wei. G. JOHNSTON 6: CO., Station ers, Mc& EeoY Watelfsettirers,:and Joh printan, 1;0. Wood street, Pity odo 'VAT,* glittoOsollers • ' : 7 3itirt117- " -44411rit:e 0 WilVa Walt 40 , Mar the corner rd Third. ritte ot. ReA Z4W 11,04:10 conetehtt, un Mad' • • TL. READ, t% • • and . onar, No, TS rauth 'Snot. ADO. Bsildlass. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1863. WERlCl.Tlirtjt• 00018, par year— 2 EQ. " dubs of b 10, " 160. " date alO or wore 1 Eh —dad ow extra to the pert, ending, club. Xor • dab of fifteen, we trill tend the Hymns, O•nrrs d•llf. Nor • Hub of twenty, tee will seed the Motortro Deanna Way. Single twine, 6 tests, ll All nbecrtptlons *44 t. ettworte, and papers satrap, stopped whim the time eeplrot. -...1106,0 67 Trig Richmond inquirer, as quoted in our despatches to-day, attempts to give a rose color interpretation to the news from Bast Tennessee, laying tho flattering unction to Its soul, that GRANT means to retreat irom Chat tanooga in order to secure his supplieir It is true that BRAGG has pushed a force forward on his right so fur, that it,lloollll. to threaten the most direct lino of communication be tween GRANT and BURNSIDE, but no other line of communication—and no important line whatever of 0 itimr's, has been Interfered with. We think the people in Atlanta have better information and a bettor understanding of the situation in the Southwest than the Rich mond fscidecr. The dispatch from Atlanta, dated Nov. 4, rays: 'The Yankees maintain possession of Raccoon Valley, having been heavily reinforced. Their raids are more dis astrous than any of their preceding ones in Madison and Huntsville counties. Bragg has it in his power to muzzle the telegraph, but he cannot muzzle the mails. The enemy have gained important advantages within the last forty-eight hours, which, unless they are counteracted, will place the question of sub :sting his army in Chattanooga beyond a I doubt.- W. P. JONES, .t...,rwL The arrival of two stesators at New York, the Fq„jton on Saturday, and the Thorn on Sunday, disprove the report brought to Phil adelphia by tho Salvor, of the capture of Fort Sumter. This false report was so eircurcitan tiol in the making up, that It doubtless im posed upon a considerable portion of the pub -Ik, though it was utterly irreconteleable with the dispatches published in the Richmond papers, which statod that on the sth and Ath the Bombardment of Sumter was sti❑ going on. How the person said to have brought the story to the Salvor—(if there over was snob • itt)3,,251 26 person, before bewail quoted in the Philadel phia 'rape; orLich pit this rcotardh-could dream It, and persuade himself thatlt was a matter-of-fact, is a question that involves some personal history nut at preloat in our poproosion, or corn accessible. But there Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, Dslvd M. Long, that the imaginative or inventive voyager by the Salvor, or the Philadolphia reporters, who arem,puraAble for both him and his story, have evidently studied probability so Well, that their account may ultimately ',erre thefiuts 7 thoigh t act =at . these feet; have not sett:telly been achieved. • The very nert arrival may bring no the welcome :tette of ti o fall of Sumter, and oven of its oe enpation by the bravo Cons of the Keystone State--jnet as the reracinus goers or actibes of Philadelphia have given it. From tiew Orleans and the Department The Intent ►dricei from from New Orlest, 1 show that an active campaign is in progress in the Department of the Gulf. The naval expedition under Gen. Banks was at South- Wee, Pa's on -tho lath ult., with the Com manding General on board the flag-ship Me- Ciellan. The fleet consists of sixteen steam ships, ann a large number of schooners and brig, as tenders. Th:tio ships-of-war—the Monongahela, Owasco and Virgina—aocom piny the squadron. Gen. liana issued a stir ring address to the troops of his command on their embarkation, in which he lays: "The people whore wo go shall feel that we are their friends, and be encouraged to 'lonia' under our battle-tattered colors and fight the fight of Freedom ; and the troops of any nation we may meet shall burst into a shout of admira tion when they shall see tho eitixen soldiers of armed America 'going in' to 'repossess and occupy' their own, and to tread out the dregs James D. Verner. Cqd. John L. Mona.. Samuel P. Shrivel., Georg* P. Junes, Daniel WsDens, C. Hanson Love. ILLUS., Presider/I ATT, rsco la 141 DZA.M, Choreal Aged John D. McCord, apt. Adam Jacobs, B. B. Starling. Capt• Wm. Doan, B. L.McO row, -- Bebt 11. Davi.. of the On the 2711 the order for nailing was Riven, and tho whole fleet sailed out in two linen, each steamer half n milo apart, presenting a splendid spectacle. There in little news in New Orleans. One of the la- toot Secescion dodges is the issue of an ad diesa by u clique of Secessionist/1 who prc posed to hold an election on tho 2d inst. for members of Ccdcgress,,State officers and State Legirlatura. The trait is palpable, and will probably fail. The Obstructions In Charleston Harbor W ashed Away. TFn correepondent of the New York Tri bune, writing from Morrie !eland on the Met ult., imp : The recent high tidos have washed away mire of 31orris Island, invaded tho floors of the forts, and swept out of Charleston harbor the mttoti-feared end talked-of "obstnietions." Ttle,c last float up high and dry ou the beaches of Morris and Polly Islands, and are Instant ly seized by the men and converted into fire wood and tent frames. Four full-sized pine trees, at least fifty feet long, are lashed trans versely with spars, at distances of thirteen feet apart. These rafts were fastened to gether, and marked in series by upright poles across the north channel of Charleston harbor. Attached to them were torpedoes, made of lager beer kegs, fitted with oontc►l ends of wood. and filled with powder, into which a wire was inserted. Behind these were railroad bars, some of which, entangled with the rafts, bare also been driven ashore. A certain Admiral may still find "lions in big path." But he may depend on the fleet he rather restrain/ than commends to furnish him with a sufficient number of sea-Samsons to en counter and slay all the feline monsters in festing the water, between Light House Inlet and Charleston wharves. Was Boer eta ry of the Sanitary Cornball/11011 acknowledges the receipt of $5,267, the pro ceed@ of entertainments In Boston, New rock, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, under the inspiration of Miss Charlotte Cush man, the celebrated actress. Mr. Bellows re marks: "It is due to Mile Charlotte Cush man to say, that this extraordinary 'gift of money, so magically evoked by her spell, is but the boast part of the 'orrice which, ever since our war began, she has been rendering our cause in Europe. Her earnest faith in the darkest hours, her prophetic' oontidenoe in ear success, her eloquent patriotism, in all pres ences, hare been potent influences abroad, aid deserves and commands the gratitude of the whole nation." JAMS ROBB. 89 EOM= bTREST A GOOD-lITIL OYZIt val Lan.—Ast incident attending the recent advance of the army 110TOMil the Rappahannock, 11l worth toting. A correspondent writes "When our froope wore fording the river, a burly Rebeliumped from their ride-pits and rushed toward our advancing column. Plunging Into the river, he looked back to see lf boyisa pursued, then, pluolug thumb to ta noso, :with fiatsji ztended, jiztonded, he yellodoot histormureamrau "flood bye, you 4-4 Graybaeks p here's for the Yanks and a good cap of Yankee eidoc" TERM OF THE GAZETTE. 1f.01130W0 Enos, by man, per year...--11. 00. " mingle enpies--- Ermscre Earrros, by mil, per be. month-- A. week U. The Philadelphia News front Charleston. of the Gulf. EvENIG GARTH TELE-Gnus, The Advance of tirade's Army STATE OF AFFAIRS IN RICHMOND. BUT SLIGHT OPPOSITION OFFERED HATEIENTS Of A - BEITIRD PRISONER.' T he Re b e l s - R a p idl y Pallin g Back The Defeat of Hudnall Jackson. REPORTED CAPTURE OF O. BUFLNSIDE'S ADVAICH POSITIONS. Jeff. Davis' Late Tour MATTERS AT CMATTIBIOORA FROM A REBEL VIEW. The Affair at. Lookout Mountain. Sressbd Dtsroatetoo the Pittsburgh Gamete. PLITADVLOGIT.t, Nor. 10, 1883. An eld Phliedelphian, given up as lost, re turned this morning from Richmond. lie was taken pis — omit* Fredericksburg. The case In Etebmond is this: The improvements in thenyire made by peOple who dare not keep - Arney they , hare made. The zuttnlcipalityls *impelled to employ the un occupied biempLs. The buildings in progress are by the people who know that the Confed erate ourreney is ialuelou,'aad thus invest it in pormanent‘lnisks and' mortar. Men are putting up thetoriet because the Confederate money. not wi*th, keeping. Untied States notes, once talcs's, are hoarded like gold, and never seen in emulation afterwards. Rich mond In Improving as if In time of peace, but improving because rich men do not desire to hold valueless eurieney. Thousands would be glad if Meade would take Richmond with out destroying the property. New! from Western Virginia contains ac count, of thaaefeat of the rebel forces under Mudwall Jackson, on Friday and Saturday, by Goals. Averill and Defile, in the valley Rut of Greenbrier Mountain. The rebels were driven through the town ,of Lewisburg, and they abandoned their supplies, guns and colors, and fled precipitately, leaving their dead a:4 wounded. It is reporled in Washington that two of the most adranood positions of Gen. Burn side.' army had been assailed and captured by the enemy. There is no confirmation of the stst.nnent. Dispatches from rebel sources, et Atlanta, say a heavy foree of Union troops had ra.alt ed Twosloos, cm the way to Selma', Ala., by the Tupelo route, over whioh lien. Bragg's army came last slimmer. General Magruder hoc notified all the State troops in Teas to hasten forward to Houston without delay, to meta' the Yankee invasion approaching from Berwick Bay. Jeff. Davis is now a ohureh member—Bpis copaleart. The Riehmond Eavrtereer, speaking of Ida late tour, says: "At Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, and especially at Charleston and the vicinity of Chattanooga, he freeload ovations, which only an affeetionate people eon render a glorious and victorious savior. fair visit has bean an incalculable benefit to the people tad Gen. Bragg. it inspired new life, courage and hope everywhere, and among all classaa. The bare sight of hL sad, worn and attenuated feargrre. has drownedtbaraity of faction...and &roared the wannest patriotism and harmony among the masses. A mandato° never felt before, and too long delayed, has attended his wandering footsteps, and lingers like aArlory behind him. "At Wilmington, N.C., he felt the full im portanoe of the harbor—the only one still open for trade, and would do all that could be done for Ito defense. Oar army was now in bettor condition than it was twolve months ago— ■tronger, and could bear marching, hunger and privations without mormarlng or strag gling, and always welcomed cheerfully the word onward." Matter* at thoOkickahominy and the poem aloe of the *oath bank of the Tennessee by as ia three explained by the Richmond Ram, "A detachment of the enemy embarked at Chattanooga on the 26th alt. and name quietly down the river to a point where there had been a ferry. They found tho confederate guard asleep, and without awaking the Sentinel, handcuffed them before their eye. wore well open. These were the cavalry pickets. Pro ceeding op the bin they found the infantry pickets alit uleep, and took posseision of them In late manner. A solitary sentinel further on happened to have waked up in time to bear them, and fired off his gun. The report waked up a regiment which fell into line and fought some. But the enemy haring brought up an overwhelming force, this gallant regiment was forced to fall back. A bridge was speedily thrown over the river at the ferry. "A large body of troops, Infantry cavalry and artillery, were brought over, and In a few boon the hillside was covered with breast works and batteries. "Ifity did our pickets sleep? AA the pick ets in the world will go to sleep with the reg ularity of &Mennen, when they hero ascer tained the fact that their is no danger of be inn awakened by their generals, and shot after Aye minutes notice." W. J. J. PERMISSION TO RAISE MEN FOR JUAREZ REFUSED. Hanook Practically Superceded by Grant. JEFF. DAVIS' SPEECH IT CHARLFSTON. New Yong, Nov. 9.—A. sposial disdatoh to the World says Secretary Seward, in unsuor to a request 'sling pm - minion (o raise men for Jureeit Mexican Government, Bql such permission Cannot be given, and any One el:l -ifting in it would be prosecuted with all practicable diligence. The World also nye : There ean berth doubt but that' Halleek has been practically su percoded by Gut. GUM so far as thq 112070- manta of Grant's army operational in Georgia and Tennessee are concerned. From the Rappahannock to Taut:amide, buts single field is embraced. The Richmond papers contain Jeff Davis' recent speech at Charleston. Ho says be de sired bypersonal obeerration, to., to under stand their wants. That it we. from South Caroline's great men heard IMbibed princi ples and doctrines of State sovereignty. He paid a high compliment to the heroic garrison, Fort Sumter. Eyes were held on theta., and he Masted the day would nevereome when tho the Tankeellsigshoublireve over that fortress. That ha panportlan an the .Yankees hated this nest of rube batts ea is the boys of every true son of the -eonfedersoy gathered around it, watching the Waggle with maxim solicitude. FROM CHATTANOOGA. Spectal Dlepswh to the Ftwobtoth Gown& Cairusoockt, Nor. 9,1663. The paymester lom arrived to pap the whole army up to Notimber. A tow hariperlith tlea rally's rimy au the night et thee/mends. Several Um we i r lost. All quiet. A. I I &HORT FIGHT AT WATERLOO BRIDGE Culpepper Occupied by our Cavalry. PURSUIT OF THE RETREATING REBELS. Another Bread Riot in Richmond. REPORTED 110TE9ENT IP TIIE PENINSRA MM! Nets Yost., Nov. 10.—The Tram's'. special, from Washington ? . N. 9, says: No oonsid erable opposition was offered to the onward march of the Army of the Potomac yesterday, the rebels having fallen back and placed the Rapidan between them and the advancing I columns. ! A brigade of Reford'e cavalry encountered a brigade of rebel cavalry at Waterloo bridge, yesterday morning, and after a short fight drove them across the river. Having orders to proceed in another direction, pursuit was not followed up. Last nigla Euford's cavalry occupied Cul pepper, and the main hay of the army is in the vicinity of Brandrotation. Today our advance has wished on and is now at the Rapidan. The enemy is on the south side in their old intrenehments. Our forces are rapidly moving upon the dliTerent fords on the Rapidan. If any determined resistance is to be made, it will probably be in disputing the passage of the ricer. Meanwhile it is re ported that movements aro being made by ' another column ins more southern direction, and reports of Kilpatrick's Cavalry being it ; possession of the beigOte islet( of 'f*.cclericks burg aro reiterated. Furthermere,it is stated that Lee is not with the forces in front of Meade, but A. P. Hill and Ewell aro in com mend. Leo is reported to hare g , 300 to Chat- I tanooga. Prisoners taken wake the usnal brags of how Meade will be soon ivhippe , l, and give out mysterious hints as t:. his being drawn into a trap. Rabets confirm the roportod destitution of their army. The North Csrultan troops captured declare they will not again take up arms. The North Ce:oiinians and Louisiana Tigers had r f , :" in the 00511 on their way to town ca this topic. The former saying they were heartily sick of the war and di , l ent wish to ho exchanged, the latter . called them poltroons, and at length the two parties ell/r, to 61011!. A private letter from an inmate of Libby Prison, dated October 13th, states that the Union prisoners rote ice no moat, .t being on posi,ible for the rebels, wine are starchy! them selves, to supply it. Already another bread riot, of which thopa pvrs make no mention, has occurred. The real cause or the difficulty is said to be the entire worthlassnens of the rebel currency. Farmers have grain and cattle to sell, bat not to he given away for paper lags, or to pat within the iron grasp of the rebel government, if they can help it. Tha Herald has the, fJilnoring : Brandy .'terfuns, Nor. o.—The :Wormy corns, after the b.'illinet anion of Saturday. sit h4a ly's Ford, encamped.. OK south side, restilleg till daylight yesterd.iy to , rninA when, they took the lead in pursuit of the rebels, fol lowed by the 2rl and corps in order. About noon they came upon a .trung force of cavalry and light anti lien . posted in line on a hill near the ritilrisd, and t•io East of Brandy Station. The 3d Division, on ler Gen. Carr, was in the advance., and. Cul. Keifer's Brigade, bap ported by two other brigades of the division, immediately charged up,. thrtn and drove them from their position. Thi> /stop with its artillery followed them, and intlict , ,l en sure punishment upon them as they retreated op the railroad to e point two miles beyond Brandy. The fighting continued until alter dark. The casualities tin our side are very light, not exceeding set en or eight wounded. While this was going on the other corps was scouring the country up the river and towards Steverisburg, but could find only on cantonal stragglers from the retreating army, which had evidently left its well prepared winter quarters only a few hours previous. We find what c , entry au hare go re over so far, filled with camps, many et them with commod:..., tog huts. Prisonern and rebel surgeons, left in °harp of their wounded at the chureh at Kelly's Yard, agree in the atatementA ilL.at they were in Lull expectation of wintering here. Lee's headquarters wero a mile north of Brandy station. Our army is in toe cv.. li•lon, and the sol diers are anxious to push no to a dren‘ral u.- gagement. Army of Ma PoMolar, .\'o• . tiregg's cavalry division Lad a smart sktrmish with the enemy, but the details are nut krionr., though the results were satisfactory tu us end disastrous to the rebels. There EMS Leen treeing a sufficient fall of mow to white the ground. WA9IIINGTO3, Nov. 9.—The streets are fall of :amore in regard to what General Meade intends to accomplish in this campaign, most of which are mere rumors on the part of those who circulate them. There seems to be n 9 reason for most of those surmises. This however, an earnect movement, har ing a definite, important ohjeet, which will, in connection with other !movements of the Union army go far towards estab lishing the fact that the rebellion to eseen tinily played oat, and so reduce its tern. tonal limits as td deprive it of all pretence to importance and reerw.ctability. A short time now will fully develop° the plan of the grand campaign just now being inaugurated. A special to the World from Washington, dated Nov. 9th, says : ft ed that a ocinsielerabßi Union force ba u d, or was about to start, up the Feniaards Rich mond. It is slated the art...cry roads, conetruoted ander orders of Gen. McClellan, are to superb condition, and will greatly facil itate the movement against the enemy. The entire army crossed the Ftaprnhanook yesterday without an 7 incident of import ance. Advices, received otherwise in Washington, state that the rebel army seems to ho moving toward the Rapidan, as yet taking no position for aooopting battle. Our troops command all the roads approach ing Fredericksburg from the northwest, while some of them bold the town of Falmonth to day. A Timm &spate . b hue Lsvra.—Olkeers from the front this evening say that Calpepper his been occupied by our Areal's. Our , Allllll had roconnoitere I as far es tha Rapidan without. meeting any rebels in considerable force. The impression among military men is that Lee's entire force is in full retreat for Richmond, and it will make no effort to retard our ad volice this side of the fortifleatiorui of that eity,, LiTrOT.—A dispatch to. night ti'om the front says that heavy cavalry skirmishing has been going on all afternoon south-west of Culpep per, toward Madison I. li. The only rebel force this side of the Itapillim is Etnart's cav alry, who are covering the rebel retreat. The Missouri Election- - . The Rebels Routed at Arkadelphia, etc; Sr. Lome, Nov. 10.—Seventy-tofu counties give the Conservative ticket 6,769 majority on the home vote. The soldiers rote, as far as heard from, reduces this majority to about 1,900, and there is bat little doubt that it will bo entirely overcome by a Undiesl majoritytif at least 5,000 be gained when the complete seturns are received. An adjourned session of the Legislature meets to-day, at Jefferson City, and an ad journed joint session, for the election of two United States Senators, meets next Thursday. Little Rook advices say that Cot Caldwell, with 700 cavalry, entered Arkadelphia on the 28th ult., and found the rear guard of Price's army just leaving the town. .Our forces at 'tacked and routed theta, capturing a large 'nueiber of their itighns, and taking 'enrol hundred ti° ll .r. 'Col- Caldwell then do_ it i oyeti so powder 7aill tMd great unanti- , tine of items and ammunition. He not holds the town. 1 GOMM 'Crude t t ilEir Libsrul t Pittsburgh or T.. Hews. J. S. DIN 4 Spriugor tterLans Thompeon Bell, gel mtklOnSm TACK & BRO., drude and Rant BENZIN* da. 132 WAL3O7T Bt. PfILLADEL Hairless entraftad to our care will prompt Ixanottal attention Bata to Ntemara. Mcbantam, Bark,' timrer, Barka (lc Co., sod. MoCl.l.lacui & Davin, Pltter!-77t , ; ThoO.gtaitlk. &K.. Pant. Bank 11. A. ; H. 1.. Flaw & Co., Philadelphia. au.s;ly , I 'IRON CITY OIL WORKS LTDAY Ii.CHORPENNING, an, 31 au:toren and Itataen of ()ARBON OIL, BEN. ZINN A. 771 I.II4,RICITING ORA and din la CRUDE PI:criaoL.ECUM. Work., oppoelte Sharratmrs. 08Ico, No. 5 RAND NISIIST apthilm D. L MILLER,Jz., dolor; 1.41 WALNIT ST., rntirr.Lenie: CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM C/o Cemoalralcom excloolvoly. All atorre at loof: roo.onoldo rate.. STORAGE POE REBTXED io cool celk.ry. tar CRL'DX., tuador `nod ahodo, Particular ottentirm pal.f to OIL YOU EXPORT. Yea Baia—CAUSTIC BUDA, BUDA ASH, .tc. atthly CABOT 1: PEITBiIiTON7 General Merohandize Brokers, las sorTu THONS ST., PITILADYLPHIA. CRUDE & RETTIMD PETROLEUM, CAUSTIO BODA. SODA ABII, 111:111137 . ?1 , ..r DROGB, OMB, Ar., Lc. Order, to boy or poll promptly attentlnd to 1,1 ly ALLEN & XEEDLE4, 00.11XIMION Al ENCHANT& Particular &Mut lon paid to ecnisigtatteota of Crude and Refined Petroleum. ear Liberal &Jean°. made. anlay _ _ 13 N 011.711 FRONT Br, PILILADELPIIIA, rroker & Carrumlatiionll;erohant cans & REFINED PETROLEUM, LUBRICATING OIL AND BENZOLV, Awl &dila lu Crude luid Bedned PrrEALEUM BA ANIL& B REINVIIR, HURKJ & COMMISSION M:6I3,CHANIO, 2kvlat. of the CLORE, PACIFIC AND - LIBERTY OIL WC,11.5.8 Laend ouh advent , . mad. on cone gnments of Refined or Crude Petroleum. COE. DUQUESNE WAY A TIANUOCE. STE. PrnwevutH, (Alb MEN need not be embarrassed by lJ sk. salher.emarit of the Belk Ordinance, vrben they ran bare their OIL hmsrelled and shipped ItAb out touching lb. Ott) Wharves, as cheap, mere prompt, wish lama risk, tam tronbk and In better order, St .KIRICS OIL YARD, OD the kneehole) Vaney Renroad, obore Latamac. Tithe. where 011 !a vamped trots the beats direct to the wre, and ihlpped to any polo; east or Wert, without any dr.tylug or ro.hippine. All order. promptly attended to. at - Office at Tord, on Cith,.. PlLMOttger t. 3. Port Moo addroes, BOX 902, Plttel nreb ; or I can be teen doll, O at the n Excit.otatt. . 7 23 DAVID ICIATC. j- iV . A.IIAai - CURTISS, Commission Merchants, And dealers to CRUDE a: REFINED PETROLEUM _ BENZINE AND Luswirrrnm No. 1M 80r711 WHAM= PHIL4DIILPHIe Ur Storage capacity (under coverollor 15,000 bblit. Al. a:anent ficilitlos for shipping to American and Toraiga pone, at oar wharf on lb. tichoyikill Hirer, mar Om platform of ths P, E. H. ja25,1.! WALES, WETMORE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AID SHEPFERB OP PETROLEUM, TT! MAIDEN LANE, NEW TORE Ample csatUtkoe the STORAGE AND EIHIPPrNO, st thstr yard and wharf, Bia Floor. mp4ttf DIAARYND OIL WORLrti NAYLOR & OM= !tenon and Dealers in Carbon Oil, thuarposed by any is the marina. Wa.Orlon bit. at that+ rehre. 6n 111 miaarr or at their wort In isterrsetrargla, will be = l7 " 14.11.4 to. Stir.* of 4111UDB ROIMIRT ASEWORTII, No. 1 HT. CLAIM ST.. PITTSBURGH, Forwarding Ot Commiodon Merchant • AYD DEALER DP 011.5. ler iiumix_ ATM°. LITMWAVIING. CRI T " PIKTROLIMi .obaataattv au Wald and for Ye at Me lowort marked. prlgi. Conalamarata and ardets laHritad. • • • " • apT:Fra sin: W. 110LIMIXP ni AT vonsiutr WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. 11011,DSMP Ca.;' Martureettrorre or 11IIRNINO OIL ANL LOBRICA• OLL.. X ecorstaroll on head the my best qnslity of BURNING COL, door pa,,twrithow .'7 r; .lad, • gmt pore ~.VllTlt, IiEN• LOLL' sad OAS. LIMA= • • •qiirAlt artery. loft ett .Bout Moat, sound door, 10111 beep o ptli •twriu ,l to, ord:tf LIICRNTOIL WORKR DIMOL11; D 113141 1 4c CO., - litiEwhaura . rs of . Pure White: ludine4..cgooft 0014 (Moe, No. 291 LIM= eTRZ T, .pirmsnasay.. P 4 R. 8. WARING, linker to B ITMD.ISIkI2UNZEM AND PALvr and ilaaler tet BantnirXiasll/14 • ocn:l7 No, 33 JIUSUErr Err., Ettatargh s' t .`I. —.Ad 213 South Water Street, 11.5^ Cortsignmonts wild wa Ly ESP y Claorponaing, ain hot, Cit 4t. y Pa Worn .loolto Pter Juo_ R. lliiolfant, of Spain, Co. JrZJ:l,y JAINIII RIME pfs'TROLITE WORKS. /I.ltfacturerr o f PRIME WHITE CARBON OIL, BENZOLE AND - PETROLVTIC LUBRICATING OIL. Gitpacity two timonsand berrela per liee.k. REESE It GRAFF, Picoraurrons. Office, MONCENILLIISLA 6.,G, Pittsburgh. m71:1 ENOS WOODWA RD, (Late of W. R. 11"oodoon1-1 Ir2== GENERAL COIT11139101; !wry , ' IL'. NT Prodel attention Oren to the sale of Crude and Refined Petroleum. No. 111 UT!! FRONT f Ir. ka-r, Pll 11. A. JAMEH IRWIN, Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Aniniunia Onion loft at John Forterflahl k '• enr not lIAILS_ET AND FIRST STREETS, will ro• c.f•• prompt latent Rat. so= aL4XIrFaCTURERS, a c starassurein ' I ...wit r. Lunt. INTUSLI, . ITcomer Pike .d O'Hara streets, no. the CU) {Aster Worts, Pittrbtic—,..h, :.arnfiv,rere , ± • r• NTOSIT 4 BEM BRILL'S I.IIEIZOVED OSCILLA. TING STEAM ENGTIVIN AND SIDE 'VALVE, as 1 . 4,1 and hest etylo. Haring pat op machines . ). rr f the Invnquality, we aro pesparat to do local, f ih tong, and solicit stork in this It to, trusting that by promptnen, and the character if our sew's, to mer i t Pu\ t t 'l e c ifi:Fte v"g spec ' lal attention to our BA LANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, as - innibleing advantage. heretoforu u.attatnisl this nes. a )5.21•17 BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTSB P.I. PARS. BROTHER & CO., Dusi QUALITY REPINED CAST STEEL Squareslat and Octagon, of all alma. Warranted equal to any Imported or manufectured la dila won try. DT 012. arid 1500. 1111 euktl 121 1211LST sod 120.,,4 122 SECON D 2TH 1:11'13, P !La:A:rel. Lell.lll IVILLIAM BkittilLlLL h CO , BoTLRW. T Slatury aryl Sheet iron Workers, i•E.I; STREET, Now. on 2. 0 , W 4 and Yd. Ihrting secured a larg-t lattLiteti furnished it with tits moat Lnitnro-C Machinery, we ars prepared to manufactare er y dracrtpthnt of ROLLERS, In -the bon. - orner, arid arr. - ranted equal to way made ha the crnor,..-- CHI Tri.NEYS, FIR'S REDS, ' , TSAI( RUES, Ltrr..1.).1 °TIN'S BOILERS, SALT PANS. TANKS. OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, taTTLLNO PANS, isviLEr. IRON URI LOIN, SCOA.I3 PANS, and sole tna_u/lenutera of It - HILL'S LATENT Rerslyirm, drew c. the shorten notion, i _ klitl'aNNlA AND JiItASS WokshS. COLLINS & WRIGHT, (snworon to Co:in Berton.) Muratlettrart of CASTOR F GA Air?, I, ADLI9, and • great varl.ry or bitITANNI , Alan. CAXBON OIL LAMP BrILN i. 116 and LAMP BRASSES eon rtr 139 SC , ,n,! street, Pletabm•gta. jt.R.:EPH F. 11AMILTON Cot. FIBST AND LIDEHT STS.,4Plitkurgtr, SUPERIOR STEAM ENCLISES, RACRIS EMS', A .nlylS4f SEVEILA_NCE. No. 63 WATER. kJ. Pittsburgh, maztursitatlr of DuILES RIVETS. wilocv.ar common and rr.ilroad. of orcry description. • Pa. - ands, viand or shaped Sprrzs n. 4 DIV - ST. 4, tarp or email, made to order at short o. A good avortment coostantly.on hand. my2o.ar. ELLS ICIDDLE x CO., No. i Liberty acme', opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh, - m:aufactnr.rs of wirrp6, L.i F31;.9 and SW 1101 at I ow.ry deseription or LEATICER BP.A.ITED WERE. Orders solicited from the trade, and goods prompt ly whippod as per D& W. BENNETT, Ma.uutite.wec,i, of WRITE STONE thITS A tu.d CRE A M COI • °KED WAKE. - • s 'OM* and Ve h.hooat at 3.44 n rill STREET Rittaburgll. TOB4CCO, Es All-170-. PETER LORILLARD, atiCil AND TOBACCO MANUFACTCNED, (Formerly 4 Chatham Sea Would call the attention of dealer. to the .11,1, ~f his manute,...thiv. via! Diecebey, Tine Itappee, Oenrse Rappet, Amort, n Gentlemen, I:semlgros, Pure Virgin* Nachltoch.., ilapebagen. • • YELLOW SISTIFF. bcotth. High . Taw Scotch, Irish High Tod. or Landylopt., Honey Lbw Scotch, Triudi Honey Scotch, Breit' Eeotch. • Attention Is tailed tollts 14.1 V reduction to re,: of 14,1. Cat' (lambtit and Smoking T01,c , " , a, aithttl Rill W mind of a raparior quality. TOBACOC. 22triura—Lops,12o. 1, Nc. 2, Noe. 1 and 2 mid (h*nalatPd. For CV? Canwur—P, A. L. or plain - Corer.. dish, or Privet ; Sweet wormed irronoco ; Tin Poll SurmiNo--P. Jego, Spanith, Canute?, Tmic!sh. N. B.—A. eftrulas of prkes gill haunt on applie, Hon. M cOLLISTEI; A; BAER, kisanflicintors awl &mien It all kinds of TOBACCO, EININIT AND CIGAB!%, 108 - 1060 1 / B TR,EFF. pmsF!v . s:vpi, p. Kcapa mr,fantty-ca hand a large nufetpat Pigs and Wanking Tobaceu. Atal' _ _ . • - , , ,YON , A RItISTIi AI, IMPORTER J-1 A-VD .DEALER. la.ths.mostmisel bratdi?of 41ENEINS DAV ANA CIGARS, "Ands aSI . kinds of 4.10)* CIIDWIND TOBACCO, ENVEr, YAliprktraiscuAtlr PIPES. TVBESiht-. 4ratta .,L 'E D. V NDEali r CITABLE/3 110- N...4.—iW ety rado supplied *ultimo] lanai& lift. etIeIARLOTTE-BLUAIR, Dealer in MC- N.J 810-..AND' MUSICAL In4.rntarKsrs: Sas 4t_c9.:9 PIANqS...IIIALNF-9 MI O3 u *" 4,03. ON& No'. 43 - Mi at not, weetnid . dc.C.l ; 04" WI. Pltubtagh.' Ploroor to ler,' ind'talkto Ikezobort • fhr new. X " I6E " lie - AterOn MU .sw 4*D_ NUnICAL mstir.trucxv...3 0 A 74. 0 1 X . 7 ... ta 57E474 . 117 t A : 1Y 1 '§ a CaElll4l.lsD tt .I.nrab.; sey'ze CfflAßY— r EeK_ MELIeOfS PeSier in 1.1. /AV OB . 3 rAILI NS, et. intim= iSannh irtnierand Diamond alley; Plttab•g., OIL-1' bbin • etined in Kari aad Ibr sido by J. B. CANTIELD. .y;:er;".. -.)KERS, C.HiLAGrO