The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 09, 1863, Image 4

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from gatmatry'a Evening Edition.
Meeting of Coal kieretuata..The Ton
nage Tax.
A number of our heaviest coal merchants
met at tho office of A. D. Smith dc Bro., Water
street, on E'riday afternoon, to consider the
lam order of Secretary Chaco, In reference to
the tonnage on coal boats. A. hillier acted
u Chairman, and A. J. Bigley, Secretary.
gr. J. F. Drano addressed the meeting on
the injustice of tho proposed tax. lie ex
hibited figures to show that the tax on the pro
duct of one acre of cool (150,000 bushels) was
now $620, aside from the income tax of $B3,
on every pair of boats, and a license of $2O.
And now It was proposed to tax a coal barge,
costing but a few hundred dollars, and used
but once, the same amount of tannage as a
steamer imam thousands.
Gen. James h. Moorhead was here intro
duced. He said he had come to the meeting
to hear and not to speak. It was the. duty of
ell loyal men to not only pay taxes to support
the Government in hi hour of need, but to
point out everything that mild properly stand
taxation. The credit of our Unitary was now
the wonder of the world, and so it must re
main. Mistakes had doubtless been made—
artic les are now taxed thet ought to go free,
and others now go free that ahonld bo taxed.
The law in relation to the enrollment of coal
boats had its objectionable features, and
had no doubt but that Congress, upon proper
representations, would correct them. Still the
coal business was now very prosperous, and
those engaged in it should not object—fie he
knew they would not—to pay their just share
of the national burdens. Secretary Chime had
oonstrued the law as he thoughtright and just..
If be was wrong, there was *remedy.
Capt. Batchelor was next introduced. He
seldhe was much gratified to meet so many of
his old friends, and to afford them all the in
formation in his power. He was but carrying
out the instraetions of Secretary Chum He
did not make a single cent above his regular,
salary, and no one would be more pleased
than himself to be relieved from the onerous
duty imposed upon him. In reply to a ones-
tion, he stated that the amount of tax be
world have to collect would not be over
V.:O or VO dollars on each boat or barge,
and that small craft would not pay as much as
larger ones, es there was a graduating scale.
Many questions were propounded to Captain
Betchelor, to ell of which he returned prompt
and satisfactory answers.
htr.Draro moved the appointment of a com
mittee of three to procure the beet legal ad
vice to the city on the subject, and report to
en adjourned meeting on Monday next. The
President appointed Messrs. Brown, Martin
and Horner, said committee. -
"'Mr. James Coiwin thought if Capt. Batch
elor's interpretation of the law was correct,
there was no hope for them, except in an ap
peal to the Courts. He would not pay it..
What thee ? Capt,Batchelor would seise his
boats—he would sue out a writ of replevin,
and then the matter would come .before the
proper tribunal for adjudication.
Mr. Bravo moved the appointment of a
committee of three, whose duty it should be
to telegraph immediately to Secretary Chase,
asking himto suspend the order until the mat
ter can be legally tested in the proper Courts,
or the law repealed by Congress. On this
committee Hon. J. IL Moorhead, John F.
Bravo, and Thos. Fawcett were appointed.
At this stage of theproceedings, Captain
Batchelor submitted to the meeting the fol
lowing letter from the Secretary of the Treas
ury, which gives the real merchants a
to hope that they will yet be relieved fro::: ti,t,
proposed tax:
Tamara! Drs.s.rmicsr, Oct. 2, 1003.
Ws. B. Tsonal Collector, Iphis.
I hare bad under consideration the lett, rs
olJames B. Cox, Esq., President of the Lehigh Coal
Navigation Company,-an others relative to the lie
telly to tonnage duty of the case of vessels known as
"meow boats," and engaged mtcluslvely in carrying
coal from the Interior of Pennsylvania to some point
on tide.
I And nothing In the law expressly excepting this
clew of boats from Its general provisions. They
have, however, never beei4rwirolled and liceneal co
der preview; statute., and indeed have essays been
;onward sod managed, that a compliance with the
lawn relative to enrollment nod Loewe on their tart
was impossible.:Their construction. too, is peculiar,
so that they do not come within the deoeription of
vessels usually known as coal boats. In the absence
of Soma mere strochic eunctments of Congress In re
gard to them, you will refrain from enforcing the
coasting laws and tonnage duty against them.
As to canal boats proper, I must adhere to the In
etructions heretofore given. The uniform decistats
of the Department, from the earliest exietence
canals Lo this country to the preoeut time, admit of
no other construction of the mates.. h o tsgret that
they work a hardshin In omen eases, have no
promut alternative. I propose, however, at the ear •
beet moment, to lay the subject before Congress, for
Its consideration, not only as regards the different
descriptions of vessels uarigsting our Inland waters,
but also as regards its application to temporary
registers and licenses.
With groat revert., S. P. Co.un,
Secretary of the Treasury.
The general tenor of the remarks of all pre
test, wee that they were willing and anxious
to pay all just and lawful taxes, but they were
opposed to having unjust burdens imposed
upon them.
On motion, a resolution was passed thank
ing Captain Batchelor for the information bo
had given the meeting, and exonerating him
from all blame in the matter, as he was acting
simply under the instruction of his superior.
On motion, the meeting'sdjoarned to meet
on Monday afternoon, in the same room.
Death of Lieut. Edward H. Geary.
On the night of the 28th of October, 1883,
with one brigade and one battery of his divis
ion, Gerona Geary took a position near the
foot of Lookout Mountain, with orders to hold
It at all hasarde, until Howard', troops formed
a junction with him. At midnight Geary's
pickets were driven in, but they fell back only
to the main line, which was Quickly formed
to resist the . attack. Two sections of Atwell'i
(formerly Snap's. Pittsburgh battery) Capt.
Atwell commanding, were advantageously
posted on a slight eminence, while the infant
ry, viz: 109th and 11111 Pa., vole., and 13Tth
New York v01e.,-700 men, were formed In
line a few yards in advance. - Two brigades of
Longstreet's dieision advanced against the
little band but Withoutbaccess. The enemy,
was repeatedly repulsed - , and after three hours
desperate fighting, withdrew leaving their
dead and wounded and one hu ndred and twen
ty prisoners in our hand , . 'Our loss was'ever
three hundred killed and wounded. Among
the wounded was Brig. Gen. Queen:of New
Tork, Capt. Moses Vicki and Lieu. Buis,
Aid-do-camp. Capt. Charles A. Atwell, was
mortally wounded while gallantly serving his
gone, and died (Our days afterwards. Of
some fifty-four men of the battery
engaged, twenty-Coven, or one half, ware
killed or wounded. An eye witneee, Cap
tain Viele, infcrms no that all of the men
behaved most nobly, pot one einehingalthough
every Sound man was stricken down. Among
those laid low by that terriblesterm of bullets,
wee Lieut. Edward R. Geary, eon of General
John W. Geary. Tie had jus t sighted one or
the pieces, when minnie ball pierced hie
forehead ; he fell, es he fought with hie face
to the foe, and in an instant his young heart
was hushed forever.
Lieut. Geary left the Sophmore class, Jeffer
son College, early in 1861, and joined the 28th
Pennsylvania regiment. sui a private. in
October of the 'same year he was com
missioned junior wend lieutenant ofthe
battery connected with that regiment. Ho
soon ,gave evidence of morn than ordinary
ability, and before 'the battery left Washing
ton lerthe field; was comPllmented by the ex
amining beard. Daring all of the engagements
of the command, Lient. Geary was prominent,
and had many narrow. amapes. At Ceti:,
Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville cud
Clettriburg, he, was bravo us the bravest.
few weeks since he was offered the captaincy
of another battery, which he accepted, and
was soon to leave for his new command, which
be bid tidily deserved.
Liont. wan but eighteen years of age.
gistetiltiilS have been taken to Greensburg,
Penna., Pr Interment.
Tsot EarIAND BaliALOAD.—The
work on' the unfinished portion of the Erie and
Iratibuth•Railrosd, between Meadville and
Newcasde; !slating tepidly pushed laniard.
It is Unmated that the road will be completed
*bola ate Hof December.
, .
grgalrownr Brictihir .-- Tiro pilots ban
bieontYlecti, and may ba obtained_ by ay
plying tho t adiately; Addran the Principal,
at Sewteklille;Tak;-See am near oleentsrs,
at Dirtse.aaalteinin,Titteburgb, and Cade.
ranter, Alleghopy. - I
! Our Prisoner, at Riehmond. The Atlantic and Great Western Rail-' COAIYERCIAL RECORD. ',
igZetti. From a complete and cfficial het of all the . way Opened to Cleveland. • Obis 2:Y I'lll.. 1".+I Al ~/.,.. N 1 Ilt At , I A.,:.. ILA
. union officers held as pritoners at Richmond, The closing link in the broad gauge line of , ,
T.jrII,IA.NCE. A.N.II,:TRADEe. I ported on 'Flterige wove- 2an rs rid 3n tra al, m et
`V.,.,„.lgictaxisem egetauetigage-iegese-gionamegicrfrobithfa
+'-the Great Western Railway was ; -
--.- t - ____._.
D , ' , Ti de of whit: 14 I et's... WI L , I, •A • ',.., at
~t. ;, 84411.413: . . - completed. on the 2.d• inst., and Cleveland ind ! &motor, Nos. 1.-There is an new featule in the 1 „,. 5 , 5 „ ; ; : 44 ;,„„ , „,.... „ i .,„ 5 ,„,. A „ tr ,,,.. ; ~,,,,,
" 1 a . L.AT TH.II , ___
car.vier e - • . New s or. me placed in unbroken oommuni- .1011,211 C money ma rket w art by of menel nett,. there .2..1 , ••le; ed A liff c dlt...t . ,1--d • .; ; r-. 1 r Sternum Of Mosta, ] ardor, lat. 1660, published
trod: ot 12,- . - fare rc... to. At., a. ,r e .•otte N L , A . c A 11F , E ,-., -- ,
~ H 12 . . . Igramehly to an w. o f 4 4„,,.. ;b4p; Ni „„.__,
cation with each other. 'Trains have already • i. but little dein; wed., front , the
bul l rot:two o_f
thtni.-. Corn . then 1. • e-rali 1 -al terat intrn, ' ..1. c7l. 1 t....
bulneas. In New York Go d rimed l end !ewe ~._ e net Meng-mina amply mamma ~ 11,811‘ , 60 CC'
• I , passed, east and west between the two points. i & w ard, and the market fAII/Slllll nt .. ,•.. ..t,
' • having declinid to 146 1 i. and Sterling IL, hirage 0110 I truk and ter Ir . core: • snlee this after... 3 `
,a,-, - . .." , Real Estate (peet val. $106.314 61) wet 102,453 CO
. Temporary Louie oa ample Collateral
Luturettairr.COLOSELlS. The regular trains, however, will not be run on t a rs aat ear. oa r
"Idady sod en:han g ed • eel,
o rvlewled dull nt 16134 '1 RIE2 for tint claes td - .1.
ei Si Pyfer, 77th; D. Miles, 79th; F. Covode, ! until the 16th inst., when the regular winter 1 ' - . :. 2 can on track at era. If q uiet and te Id cow ...Ili DficFar i an d i .., , s t m t ., t aruent velar 6116,067 TIITOM - .....
114th. time table goes into effect on all the ruilroade.. tar New Tork exchnogn mport no r hang, . th. , at 115 •. Barley steely at 10, i ,611ate A. re. Se e i • Collinsr/ & CUM • Not. and Bills Bscelvable,___
t tar.. market there.. the demand ..entawies th- t iv. • quell. ' I Cask ..--......„
atritOrCiltil. j Trains will then be made up on the brood - ••
C. E. Hrunpluay t l42.ll G. B. Sumner, 13th gauge line to run directly between Cleveland et 1 per cent for rall loan', at alit. h rate there is n Citichinall Market.
Cavalry; W. P. McCurdy, 87tb; John C. Fried, • and New York. The road will be formally ', fair rapply to brokers on good rillatTrale All th 1
,;;.; .
_;..;;;;;; ;.;
~;;;. ;;;;;
64th ; W. B. Hasseek, 78th . opened on the 12th inst. A train of Atlantic j Indications are in favor of as. easier mak- 1. The t ,..-9..2".444,01 fo r e t pertne %l el fatally . there
Ya3oBB. i and Great Weetern can will leave New York . balm.' in the ituraTreaMtry is demo 01.1.1 LI, l4 lil I.ll l l. eli ti;; l l :l ,, : , ll , o , S . t .n ri n cir , s l
, 0 , 0 ,7 ..1 , ra. , ..,..... i n ; 1_4h ,, e . ..1 ,, .. 1 - 001,, for
rusl,r ," rr i
W. B. Kemper, 57th • A. Philips, 77th ; T. ' on the 11th instatit, with s party of invited ' payments for 6-20 bonds may Le wade in deb.-erre
nt'"th.•';.. buyer . who ' line.: o.gula r or•h rs for hip )1 ARK ET It ATE.S, en entirely new and Me. i
B. Rodgers, 140th ; Barry A. White, 13th guests, arriving at Meadville in time to lunch Catet.. PA well as in rertificed... of depoau. Maned of • 5 ,,,,, r , 44. a „..„, I , to 1 ,,,, t r .,,e,„„ ~,„,: i „,,,, „,.....,,,, mock of 1
cavalry; A. Von Mitzel, 74th; W. R. Storting, on the 12th. At that place they will bo met ! ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,),
Still the stringency of the past work hoe , fratur.r at 91,1/.511.2n for prune and e1 t ,• 1 4-.. e .; , i t ,,,„„
Aid to Gen. Hooker ; 11. White, 67th. .by a broad gauge train from Cleveland, filled I , ...... 1 ,, - • • : 14.,,1,,r , ~, , i , ~,,,, • , Whitt. sold at 0.1.40. '1 1 ' 7
' .";"
CAPTAINS. -a ; with inrited seta, who will also lunch at . ' l ' 3 ' I'''' • - •••c -- k / •''' kkkll7 ' .° I limited eipply with a very yMen market ter • Id, SI li ' JiN
. .
, .itOPO their comae In fewer of lte een , meemer••• end 1 elle for car blot tltie for shrliel • one is t a Oar •.atidult
J. M. Thashane, 142 d; J. C. Johnston, 140th; , Meadville. The two trains will be united, . :
E. A. Mae!, 88th ; J. S. Maedowell, 77th ; R . : and will go to Cleveland in the evening, in I
the 066 u"ing 1 at 22c in bulk. Rae I. q uiet, at 61.1 t'. t 'hod, Fall
their effort to keep if rap to a. I to , A 11 . ,. • it 14 genet ally held at 72(0.72e. tint. sell
Best Real Brussels Carpets,
pouooh, 14th cavaliy; H. H. Gregg, 13th env- I time for a good dinner at the Angier Ileum). j they can, which 11.8 tempontry effect in retarding Sol ;.; . ;;;;;;;;;;; ., 4;;;;4 „ ; ; thar, i.
4;;; _ y ;;;;;;;.
a ,
;;;;;„; Puma So ytae
1117; A. Hefty, 142 d ;W. A. Robinson, 77th ; I j 012ything like material 4.. e. 1 ono, 1 P' l ' ° " 1 ' : 1 "' 1 ' 1 ' 1 " "'"- 1 • •11r1uk 1 “ 51 • I ` • F,NGLISII ,k, AIERICAN TAPESTRY CARPETS, . 1- "" P'"'' "*-
1). shorts, 12th cavalry ;G. L. Schell, 18th ; Tex CHICAGO Fata.-The lady managers of 1 The folloalug sensible and tined) article 10 r. fer- ; ESI4i. M'hsky w a a at iv att eed L . ~....,4 , ~ err:`
G.H. Starr, 18th ; 'John Lab, 116th . ; O. Tem- th e s o ldiers' Fair at Chicago entertained the mare to the ill-advised operatic.. of western epecula- , ma r k . . .
piston, 107th ;R. H. Day, sth cavalry ; 11. Governors of Illinois and Michigan, and other tors, is from the New York Horrid of Saturday . ; Imports. by Railroad.
Dirurmore, sth cavalry ' H. W. (limber 150th ; distinguished officials and gentlemen, at a The present poeition of tun mode, to rale ie not .;
.. ,_ r .. , , , , , ,:, ,1 .. .... ,, , i , I % j i
b 1i .,, A ,, T 4 ,11, „1 ,t. 6 t
. i ti 1 , r . . 1 4ra d L1A ., t i t..e .,. ..i . t .0 .. 0 `.2. , .0 0
W. L. Gray, 13111; 8. B. Ring, 12th cavalry ; I dinner in Bryan's Hall on Thursday. Ten without its effects open fuaancial affairs. The brae
P. Marsh, 67th; D. B. Meany, 13th cavalry ; j tables were set, at each' of which a tidy pre. let year our Weeder° product% avera 10./11110g 6 ri.rd ; tk,::,, k 1 . 1 1 ; :, 1 , 8 ,2, A . , ,„, ,,,-. :,,,„ A. „7, - .„.i.:.,b,..i,,•,':::,..,., ,, , , L, , ,,:
E. C. Moses, 58th •, B. J. Pennybaaker, 18th I sided. Fifty young ladies served as waiters
e ayalry; J. C. Stroh, 77th; 0. C.Widdis, 159th; who dressed in costume as follows : White '
lilterally,under , the i n fluernat or a good consumption I do. 14 It Procter, 12 I•gs feathers, R II Klee. 110 toll
I whisky, 31 McGill... lra, hide, El Si Bo t s t on t pat •
S. C. Arthrtmh 6718 ; John Albright, 87th; short skirt with red stripes running from top i demand from England and other quarters. m etch ro.
1 kids., SBy %qty. I crate tag s, Perk Gra A ote 71 b 4. Lon-ell. Ilan .
John Bird, 14th cavalry; J. C. Carpenter 68th; to bottom, blue Spanish waist over a white 1 ,,,,, ,"i' , 1,..? 1 : % , ...rrhu or .I.i.Y I° ~, , 1 ,
,-,,,,,,.... ..!,_ I rap. McCullough. Snoth A ter: Ira len bar , . • 7l'ate et
L. T. Borchers, 67th ; W. R. Bolti, 16Ist ; R. waist, and torletino breakfut caps. On the ~,,,, j r ,: b ;: r , ! '„,' l r . rait.rdr'....nli ILA : 0;; ‘:,, , ,,.,Y„ - :, , , ~,7 k WE•Ko). i/ 11 " Roth. W A knentnnill 1- roil.
T. Cornwall, 67th.e - A y i
; left shoulder they wore a rosette Oates., Wolf") rope have been more fortunate with their. .repa than I.ther, Al' foggier,: 3 bb, e (raki, J Dui,. 0 raw
b o ra., E It Myer, A co: .25 .1., do, Lam ben 0 stop- A frplendld stock of
nosy LIMITIOCANTS. I, and blue. In the evening addresses were for mane pear" Pact. in Bolt. ll I- ea Id lot 0 "; tau; go bbl, appin, Fetzer A .Irnietreng; 25 bra ..v.p,
T. J. Borders, 87th; E. Schroder!, 74th ; R. I made by their d.istingulshed guests, advoca-
, E , 6 , 1 6 2!", ,, 9 cf ‘a , ,,i nc•Flchl i 111 • 1 -" yccE will I '7 "1 . 0 ; tal ii; i; ‘ ; /:'. o " i , , Meals. A. Cott.: lo has •andiet, .1 Moir., 15 bra. I,ll\l ' PRICEr) ALL WOOL CA ItPl',T! 4 ,
Thompson, 67th •H. S. Birds, 57th A. Rtes. : ling the cause which the ladies have so nobly '
i v 0110. 0 ., eu ‘ te ' P us r' eff t ' r:::l.4. ',”' :-. '", f , ":p ,',..... nldr'`• l4, , Vo 4 Se kll ,% - . ) r.le h ata bl" sp n , ° 2 74 . ll II:I! ' l ' lt s' di b r ' , l T. r , l itt l ..:c b t. s' l .. .:ll. l . ' '.•l .l .
age, 67th; M. knapp, Q. Id., 68th ; James and successfully endeavored to promote. end while the &mend for export 1, hes we rat est like r 2 . . 1,,,,, 1.. , ‘ thr,, et , . Sethet I 1 h e11...4, t• I.t.S up- al lee lb.. mouttfacturers• present pros ., at wholra
Kane, 18th lay.; 11. Morningstar, 87th ;L. I lower prices for what we do Milli, say t., 01 ) I . th.rty pi , Lit %,i g i Aoe i-; p g, p ,,, ht ... c . ; JM. g,,.... , . sale and retail.
Wagner, Ith ear.; T. M. Rion, 16th ;D.F. I T . FI . 1 . nfillhm bullets. Yet in the face o f t his t , lure- ' bra .l liumllten, lit: 1.1.4. a pples. II sla eats •- . . .• •
McKay, 18th oay.; A. M. Penton, 140th; J. L. tEi N 1G Wive movement h. been gotten 1 4 .-i•rt•tlit• t' in : nn' unities.
k.ibarley..; E; ;.-.; 4 , . . • LOGI-1011 VLLI ET lit and R I LTWN AN It
GAZETFE TELEGRAMS, ..„.,L,,, „, . . . , .-'dr l ' c "• " c ' l .•r• 1 ' l 'l - VELVET MATS, in great viriety, the largest ••
' Pd.'''. "di" .11.1dcWc cgs.:. - : " I ' l l' • belts flute-harem; 4) tins b..... I: 13 Mathew, .2.0
Robinson, 17th ; Jno. Ryaa,69th ;A. A. Tay- 1 motets end locks up large ri.nlitnte of tor.: ;stuffs, Ide do, Sr II Kirkpatrick. I cat bar. J Berlin. 30 .k. I. " d ' mc k t c' patterns he intend c.Y.WIcEct and .a
tor, 12211 ;A. A. White, 27th ;M. Wilson, 14th ! w n hi t •lo g r k e! ,, Tifie larao amounts to carry shorn. Pr. a , 55 .„ ; E E , t ,„ 14 ,,,,.. p “, h p ; „, 14 „*. A 5. ..; p;;; renortundet nf SIIEEP SKIN MATS.
envo i ; H. Wilson, lath; A. S. Bartley, 149th; I , - hen by nearly SIX
in is •l• turfed than ~,,, g
. 51 Ki e e ; 10 du tra, R. 11 Sell., 3 do do Wood•
G. D. Brill - me, 88th ;S. G. Boom, 89th; J. The nebe s
I Reported Evacuating ", hi
a Liverpool, Mill higher again in Chicagir than in ~,,,,'A . w; , ;;;5 „ ; 4 , i;;;;; ,, ,„,,,,,,; K. ,,,, r „,,,,,! L A ~„, Flool' Oil Cloths,
Burns, 57th ;S. Boughton, 71st; F. B. Cook, I RIChMOIId ! • ei 14.. York. Thom Western epeculators havo ells:ailed I, 2 ,, 4 ,, ;;;;;; wA E Clark ; . 2 .,„-, ~,,, ~,,5 ;
.140., C. K,,,,
140th ; J.ChaltbUrp,ll. s th ; C. H. Drake, 142 d; _____ their. perations to this city, 0.1.1 0.00,05111: °Very el. i 1 ... , A . •
~.,,, A ~,,..,,,o . 5 ppd . 1 „,,,,.„ . w t .,,,, 5 A From 2to 21 fort wide, new NIII! elegant patterns
fort to blow their bubble still high.. 'flo , e•Spri- ! ~...., , bbl. whisky,3 care ~.rte, D II ellen; low blda
B. Davis, 71st; A. Dankel, 114th; F. C. Gay, COM of the pant, bootee, has lweu that when West. ; „,;;;;;',.; Mott & w;;;;5; ion , 1 ,, as ,. (--,,,,,;„ A r .„.„,,„,, COCOA MATTING. for ("burden, Oahu, Italia
trills, Foe. 7. -The ail a
PH [LADE Enquirer 4
14th ; B H. Harkness, 6th ear.; C. B. Iloffiey, ern men begin . operate in New York 01.. rettilt is ; gt. ,,, 104 , ; „,,, t ,„ ) , g m i % ,„ : , g ),.., 35 n k, 4 ,,,,m,.. 1r g,... nnd Stain, couem. and extra quality.
142 d ; Geo. Hielpin, 118th ;E. T. 'Hammond, i special from B a ltimore, l aying that "it ❑ is ria- Oot 004 OW . 1001 t, 1/11t. Wool. , them st hard! . A 2,0.1t,t,... 0,1, e M ht. r . I keg. b ra ter . gf. , p a ,. a t
that they precipitate the defeat of 1111, I , lln ealvoLo ,„, „5.
battery ;J. 0. Carpenter, 150th ; T. J. I mooed liege that the rebels are evacuating 4,5, Woolen, Linen SE, Cotton Drugget
Crooley, 57th; J. A. Canner, 107 ; . CI-Ceti-AND .t Prrnerithu R tit, •in. 7". • 7
Thayer, 67th ; 8. H. Tresswithick, 13th 1
1-1 - 0- I Richmond."
• NEW ToII.K Dar G.-ions Ticior.- Coosn ....e.14 are ' 1 „ ; ,,, I , „ pig ..., if W B u ff e t, 1. •I g e fish. ~t. c ities.
dull and unsettled, buyers hold ell. We hear of no ' 5;4 ,, t ,.., % ,,,.,,„,, k , A. 1 ,„,, ~ go ~..,. I t r .o. ller , A From •lli to 4 yeird. Wide.
ea C. W. Jones, 16th ; J. C. Higgenbaeb, I From Waahlugton..Army of the Po- standard sheeting. at Ron than XS , last llghter evrara do; to hide scrap iron. Idpfuncett A c....• I id- col., C. IfLEN. BAIZE. VF.I.VF.T AND nitussr:Ls OT
67thars lower; 4-yard itheetoigs .11 it 214,44...... , ••••230 1 .C 0 It. .1. Rh Irbsatte Nontrk A 0 -, 47 1.11. rad,
; ..T. Hall, 67th; H. 11. Morrow, 6th ear; j Comae Moving-Bold Guerrilla Ope- 1•031.4 Ns ; STAIR R01)0 ; TABLE Mk
A. N. Harris. 107th ; 11. C. Potter, 18th oar 1 ! rations-Panic among Sutlere--Af.. eheetings )1K(0.22c 1 Ed-square printing , let l• 11 . i i . 5.., Feeder 5.0 etc pearls, 11.newell. Penri 0 cra. I"7 CLOTHS, plain and fan.' • Embroi
l), tau li Wallace: 3 butts tAlloseeo. J tearer; IN &wed, Prlote i and EDI l'e +bed
G. W. Simpson, 67th; A. Rurbower, 87th ; ! fairs at Chattanooga Satisfactory. etc. St@pirat''rio'ca,th'iltedi'LllT'earinl47lk•-4c,22'an't:t:f 1 f1 ; :. ' 7,•: • ,..... ' 71-e r .• ' : ' ' ,t o , ~p ;: p.., 1, Ii g „ to . 4 ;.„, ~i , ~„; . 1 - 1 ,,,,,,, r , i ,
L. R. Colloday, 6th mu ;T. G. Cochran, 77th; , lire- Teat, Nov. 7.-A special &ispateh I e r gr e e e'er . ! sore ly et y st .,i o ,l, Si e a w ,g e , ........ ~ tro- ra, do, M ru . 51..450.-hron; 14 ris do. F Vnegordc4; Id PLANO AND TABLE
,7 0 T E It o.
J. Egan, 69th; M. Flick, 67th : S. P. Gamble, dency to advanee.
to th e W or ld , dated WashLigton, liov. Cieb, ! tom rent. trall, Mullen A co: 100 O.IE, now. A twvll,
63d ; J. A. Green, 13th car; 11. L. V erten, ! The following is a cam p:tredve statement rat WO 1 Le e A ro; 0,0 bids appi,, .1 Herbert. t.. 2.0" do. 11, rt. 1. - % - indetov teiliholete. anti liPixtureo.
gays t The Arley of the Potomac le at last on i m p ort. of foreign dry goats te , t toe ;.1 , M ,. :0' '14 . 7.
, 1 , 0 , 1-1. ,
10164: W.lloffner, 67th ; F. A. Hubbell, 67tht el." • 04 bF.lo. o ih. s, 51..., 0,01 a rte : I l lade a ;•.
T. Lennit, sth eav ; W. L. Laws 10th env : J. 1 the more, and ins direction which indieatee f „th, anZ ' F. " , P r ' ' ''
. tat '' ' ' ' '''
' , ' pie., D A Merrick; An Mc. rad atece, Tlt TI rtephy. be. The +trek i. Land hai In; been pure...nal 01... n
1101111. Ida" apples, Os slot 1 car do Potrar 6. Aiken: lo I/VIA 1,14 reid was nt 24. will be sold at correeferailing tau..
C. testis, 18th oar; F. Morley, ' l2th car ; D. ' the abandonment of the Warrenton retire to I
ee- ...eq.. Pea 15.2. •cCk• st p a y, tin de de, Fleming A Bro. 27 .ka "rhea% J • ear FIFTH S.FRKET. -vs
McKeit, 13th cav ;C. P. Potu, 151st ;L.E. . I Enter el tat the p00r..... SCSI .5,15 1-12.1,017 51,n1e.n..; Liggett dr co. 11. fobs cheer., J IWO.' I 1 ite• Between T'.... (.103ce a Diapenh Buildinga.
Richmond. Winter quarters may be to claw,
Fillips, Bth cal', J. Ra ft , 67th ;E. E. Belong. I Tb o wc. " 0 3 d.erke l •. •• 1 .4) , I" : 4. 1 1 . 879 /•••''' . ••• 1. .. 1 tht - W kvbien-,.102 thief., liaillnen. Ikehm Ac ~ .er 4 , 24
114th ,• J. clatith, 67th; C. P. Stromno, lett ! : and the present movement may be a step in i r. , .. ,,,41 •The5ar t 5 h0 1. p. . ,, _
r..-.,,, 1,6 4E 6 376,402 2:7, C,r1,41. , •
ea e ; W. R. Dailey, Bth ear ; E. J. Weeks, t the directi•tr of a ottiet abiding piece. "shore I Thrown on mar k e t.. 40,,,,,,:,. s ~,,,,3,61......„.7,,, hat wheat. Noble I An.l;l. 1 .ter ono 1, Kenn , ...) .0
1-. r•:,
1. 3 11 . 1) w t;. h ,, 15k t y , , ,; 11 1.3
,I K , att. ,, r o 7 , ;, ,
a d , l , - g;'
r 1. .., 1.1;
i ll
_Lk LAI-Oil?. AS ,4 4IH'I'M EN T 111 ,
- -
07th; J. R. Weseer, 18th eat ; W. 11. IL. the blasts of the approaohnig seaman may be ' I's THlt 14.1.1, kst or EIVE-TWC.,I•I. 1100011.- do 'shaky, JOll It.; hal, liquor , It
lii t tgl.enTt:e - kr
Welch, 82d ;T. A. White, 82d; M. Fellows, . Messrs Livermore, Clews A C.... New Y. rk. have - ro- A ....); 5 hrals tobacco, J A N' Taylor.
14911 ; L. L. Forstruee, 29th ; Jr . M ooney. I foiled by lotThets instead of tents. i ceived tha follow.: dispatch fd''. A' -..1.1ke100, -
1 IST OF LETTERS remaining in the
107th. l./Taa.-WaSalatrON, Nov. ..6.-Intelli- "in consequence of the unprecedented seler•rip
tionn of Saturday last, further .I.liv ert, of five, e - e a t i
; pace from the Army or the Potomac, does not bomb will b. d e la y e d „. 01 ,1...,..... o f i i, u .,,,,i, ..:. J PosTOFFit Eit A LLEGBEN l, rte., rat noon
1 , 1:1 SATURDAY, Novienher 7th. DSO.
possess the interest anticipated. Two corres. ' rin.
Murderous Assault. 1 •
nondents came near being captured by gut,- ' The throe aeries of coupon bond..d 11,. . lo o n ~,,,,,,t nt
pi,,,,, 14 .. n . t. , 1n n u:di . At TllO6ll,
Ito 6300,000,000. and the registerei to a l. a' .1--.. rest.- I the dute of the List In ...1-1.
, rills. only a short
from the headquar- .., roaring . , 043 , 5 ~o rt ~,,, ~, m t . eu m. c -ff„.4 4,. : the letter or ad, rurasi.
A most brutal outrage was perpetrated un i ten,. Unice hour. from 7 1 -; A. 'K. tit II r. it
- .. - ..-
Graig street, Allegheny, on Tuesday night . The herald has the following from the Ar- 1 PI TTSBUR GU MA Rla tilTle. A ,Ilnu.llort. It it
last, between eleven and twelve o'clock, upon lay of the Potomac, dated Nov. dth t _ . 11.1 ander A bna liunme Margot , Bichey rl.
San 10./ii,, 7 ; le.°. .tilco Jane !tarp. The :Brawn- tr • rith
Guerrillas are hero and there, and every-
the person or a poor and nnoftending German • toeienbettel• SI I.
where. Among their moat recent victims were FLOUR A GRAIN-Wheal I. foul to,a .1o Loot A c d ' ll ' " 1 ‘,7 J , 'lb in Jo.
; Buds. Jraie F P 2
named Booty, who was almost beaten to death 1
Hodges,..l. Commissary of Kilpatrick's Dori - ! quotable change Red :a aeling fora loft laral• et 3 1 . 21 • Bradley mra Sa I Hulett Ilegh !lin t el h t's „
by two ruffians who have thus tar escaped de- . ion, who WI. shot yesterday, between Ste- I en d Wraie 61,3341,15. s tar kly to sp,o g t i L0T t,?,0 ;; .., , h 21c0 il i l i :o - ol , . i
, - .7 !:,,i !1 ... V in ; l i r i l i s , e , e t i . !
ven's Ch urc h and . Auburn, near Warren.
teetion. Manly was assisting a eplored matll has advauced to $1.35, and Fall retnei. morainged Buller Fred II etc Linn. A " 24 1 1tobereran Been
ton and Cartlett • station. Ills wound is •1111.50 Corn te drat S 1 .104T111 for Shotled on treat:. Bode 0,... W I
named Thornton, in emptying a cesspool on Fartholtek leo Ingram )in It - Brad, .I.•ran
very severe. Adjulmnt Brooks, of the Tth , _ at.; • ' ''. • " . I - kcc : •••"c w " l4 .
Oat., decidedly firmer, and generally an u k.
the promises of Mr. Morrison. The horse and IVieconsin infamtry, was captured within our I , Barr JllO F Ili -clog Jae ; Bea Jane
1 mg.. advance ever our Ine g radations. Ilya -none In ' E,,,,
.Ina 4;
„4„aa...;;;;; 'Mw Jun
cart were standing on the sidewalk, when the ! lines, and a cavalry Quartermaster was killed ~,„,„! g ,,,,
market. Flour-the market er Lltrales 'my g ine!, l' J 1 I K ;Itemeey Men
,), rh . ; by the geerralas near Warrenton Junction.
attention of Thornton woo attracted , Quite 'panic was created among the set- : though prides are folly sumeined, the b. rt geed. a : 1t.. -V . t h rlee. ' I li• a . ? 3 , 1 37 2 I notterraeo Wm
noise of the marine! cart. On going out of " lets, who had goods up to the front, yesterday,
Eon Family selling from store at o...7:eds.ta). ' ph , ;;; .7,: r ,. 1 , ra ; ; 7. s 4 a ; l : c - 1, ;;;;;;;a0 ~';;;;
the yard to the street, he foetid two men Iby the road, in violation-of orders prohibiting Buckwheat ibrar semen, shout as I.t q u.derl, and Barclay Mary Kaufman 0 :Smith WT IV
the rale of sutler's good in the army, meny there &preen .Le no Ity• deny in market. Breoke Mary Kelly Jra• I Scandralt m ,
" fooling" with the horse and ordered them ! Ben w , I emelt .11to IF ISnotl. IS II
:of n-b. am were arrested , their tents closed, and j oat/Cag1e...0.-Tee eatounaly high - pre. , te, pre 4 . w, l • ' • K
eway. . Oct e '[ .the fellows seized a paving
such goods as not ordered by officers 6 I "' ' '''" 1 r'"""'" 01.6 .7 IthEllYiEk Nano
eon 1- , y s lnne Ins a tendency to reetriet tie green. tend ., Bradley M r Karr 1) R Seenght Mar ) J
x• one and struck the negro on the head, knock. I cote& I 1, an ni, den dennie
; an retailer, are buying just enongb ft meet thed du
tag him down. Ile getup, however, and made I Two hundred and tweet) -oev en can came !!
~.m.5, , , ,
~..,,,,,, pri,„... tua.„.;; _ .,
;;„ ,; a _; , t aI.M.• II .Nteche,Lantigraff. Mrs Strong Joe
his escape Into the yard. Beaty had got oat l o p Irani Aleamndriayestereley, with supplies. . r•re•2l. 0 • "' • ar t t e t , Cor a Lindsey >target , Str ong Jo
,we contlene to quer, rat 1.1 b. 1.• far 11.40 sugars. tan:flirt II .1 I Is e ten ludintla ,smith J T
by this time,when he tae immediately knocked I General Stedman, of the Army of the Cain. „e j • s
. 33 ,„ . w . , c,., i ' s p ,..,. c o • t 11.110: l'ololl l' Luta Jrio t ols;le .111:,
down and beaten in the most bretal menner• lierlanti, just arrived here from Chattannogn, - o'''';'''''oe I.l ' Rc 6 .)". "o - ' s '• ' , nine Sim i Leen, Jrat tSteuer lire Jlf
One of the scoundrels used a club on the head ; reports everything there in the most sat is far- I• '-'"' for m"h - -""'"• cod 1 " 1 . ~." 0 " , Y“ 1, 0 . 01 ' . r 1 • oeltrau J C I Minima Jas Selterk Steen
and face of the prostrate man, while the . t o ry condition. He iesures the permanent lln to grultty. fli own Jranto C i l.uts Susan !fright IS
other struck him with stones. The man was I occupa ti o n of Chattanooga against all assaults ,
I BUTTER .t. 1:061.--There ts nit improved &neural 4 c.llWe'l d
Couglernan Jan Lindsey arm T Sutler Isaac
31 Solomon Gls ,
utterly unable to resist, and still the beating from the enemy. . f. , Btittar and Eon roof boo en°l"'"fct at ' 22 '" Co t'arnraek FAIIIT !fetich Mond ,Smath Fred
was continued - every blow beidg followed by I Th e H e rald's special, dated Waehington 6th, ; fore..., to prints. Packed, ale, M Ann.:oft 01.1. , t'olory Jail . ;31egrath Jo. , • Sbevart Chu
I'sayst The ,lotted States frigate Niagara ilt still • e i iisiige st. Th,, n , to coes id eu me ' , t el e , on . F., :e . ar o : t "entrant Jas K 'Marks Mes r Sway.. A Iler t
groans from the suffering victim. The
neighbors were aroused, and it was not ' lying in the Giouoontor Harbor receiving, not 1 1 Ea , p .,. k .,.., ~,,,,i 3. ,;,. 1,
,coo Pod L T :Marshal two , T •
ottrettan Mel•dal Marro Geo T rte.. 11 c
until One wf them (Mr. Andrews) j having as yet been able to obtain a sufficient j
CliEliSE-The sto. kla fair but ths deform 1 ap. . roghton IN I. ' Martina Joe ,Thornton Jele
raised his window and threatened to complement of seamen to proceed to sea. D . Martin Jo o •IT roa Mary
g and pries. slo .0.11 sallao.ol
0 1, 0 C, that the villians reared their ' The town COUlikeil of Gloucester, bin ..ache- r'''''''' ''' ''' h r " r ' '' ''' - ' 1,11;n:er Oar 'l Merton .00.• 9 ITet• Mary .1
mote t. They were both interim- ' setts, voted 00,000 to be peid . bounties to I q"" 1 """°" ""T h"' !WW/ 1 1 " c an I .' 0 " 1". nod ‘ 11 " . "' Itai I. ,:att 1 31orton Mond L.llrampson St .1
tad-acting more like demons than men-and the seamen, who shell enlist in the craw of the " are the eatreran of Ito. market. 011ottii../ss II Mullen Mary 0 ; Twi s s li n
at every blow crying out "kill the d-t 1 ui :Martindale 31 ;
6 - N 'agars, the Navy Department having no no- i CKA.N El ER/Li ES -Thero '' , "to • itfutted tiettacn , • • t,':',! ; o ; ; L i l l a % ' non Nan , I .... ;;;; L ‘ah
ger," e vidently 'apposing that the man was 1 thority to offer bounties for eulistmenty on j Cot ." th e ' , witty h out Win; Ins mark,. I, 0 .. 1 1 li e ,iean Story Llklanoing '. I ‘ en yo u ci, y 2
Meek. Mr. Andrews had his gun ready to ! t h e Nosy. ta. 812 to 511 A per bbl, foe cemtwon, nal $111...0 to Danvers Lilly j Morrow Sr Veach Mein B
shoot, and would have done eo, had they not : - - --- • b. ! 114 for prime Cultivated.
Dawson Tilly • j 31elear Dennis W
; Surgeon Gen. Hammond- Captures y ! Dunlap 31argt I 31r Waddle llebt
desisted. If left to themselves, they would
Guerrillas. ete. • APPLES-The receipts rontin tic Itrga, and, with • K McElwain.. Jrso IWalter A Angeey
no doubt have killed the poor Germon. As it : soppy somewhat In erase. of the demAnd, the mar- I Eaton John I 31..11ethry Jw, I Wortiek Fred
Was, he was beaten almost to death. His j Ellis J. ,MrDowell Jas IlVnt Wm
Int, is rather dull and prices a shoots oostsr-ranictoz
body, arms, face and head were horribly I Larly JPE 31tCormick J. B Williams Nelson
from r 2,50 to /2,73 per lAA.
bruised and cut, and lie was not expected te Erna Wm A McKelvy J J Watson M A
surviv. POTATOES-There an o mew CestUre to notice, Enright Aug..' ,McDounld Jas • Wortman Rey
Information of the outrage was conveyed to ! with :he exnptlon that then appeurs te Le a alight r 1 . -' 41 "...° Wm B Wcbber Story
Fi ran ev ASr ,MeCaue Libby Wilson Jno Mlt
the Mayor's office m soon ea possible, and the : Improvement In the demand. Prices hove undergo. pr ,,,,„ s o .,„ j 'teeflary Daniel ;Wall John
Night Police were put upon thealert. ) The ,
no change whatever. . Frtich Gest McDonough C A• Wa tutu J 2
rowdies ran ap the steps, crossed over the I SALT-The market is steady, while pr: , ere Fisher Mollie ' McCurry Ellen 1 1W hits J.
went up to Beaver street, where , i; !McAteer Bridget Wright Jacob
without change. Sales of No 1 Matra, f rom er.: tt „, 4 ,. ; ,.,
.. 0 ,,..
.Alen waff.,,,
they disappeared. The police are blamed for hands at 112,50, and Prom Mom at r,t.10g12.62. 1-Iv -on Ale: ,
;; , pag; ;. a „, 11 ,,,, . 4 52;30 4 ,,., 4 .. 1 f o r c , ,,,,,,.. ~,,I - Golden J 0 S INeely Sa N nphia N " V • e s lran ' d 6 9. U 4 P rh b il n
not using more energy and dllligenee in the
search, which might have resulted in their beetle.; .Icy 1 5411 h. David II illinnes Isabel
K 3,30 for rine.
capture. • Gray J. A i IWtrttedllettle 02
- . ceirge Sarah Co 'V' Flaherty P. A 'wolf.- Henry l'';
The injured man vas conveyed to his rest- Pittsbur g h Petroleum Market. • Gr..: it-v I. • r I Wradworth 1:
denee on West street, where he still litres in a Grulde Mario I ruction Jae ',Wentworth A
precarious situation. Ills condition is more Greenleaf; 51 A ! Patterson J. : Y
to be pitied when we state that he bee a tam- 11 Pierre Mary ;Tot.; Comm ., '
ily depending on him for support, and that Hamilton It ni SA 3I'L RIDDLE, loch cater .
Thomas E. Road, 27111 11.-Tippen, 68th
. H. Powell, 2d Vs.
W. B. White, 4th cay.
they were found destitute of eoal, c provisions,
and everything necessary to then . comfort.
Their wants have been relieved by the neigh
bors, who will supply them deriag his illness.
This ease has been known to us for some
time, but it was kept quiet in hopes that the
dastardly porpotratorq of the outrage might
be arrested.
The Charge of Drunkenness Against
Governer Curtin.
The editor of the Beaver Sear, hating most
pointedly and deliberately charged, in its
lane of October 20th, that Governor Curtin,
while on a visit to Rochester, was so drank
that he had to be helped into the ears, several
personal and political friends of the Governor,
knowing the utter falsity of the allegation, I
Escape from Richmond—Rebel Soldiers
anabolleving it .to I o
have e originated in party , Dying of Starvation.
bitterness, determined to prosecute the editor I ,
iounxisr MO/1110i, Nov. 5. The mail boat
for libeL Many witnesses from this city had Thomas A- Morgan, from Yorktown, brought
been summoned, and the case was expected down two officers--Major. Houston and Lieut.
to he reached at an early day. Tho lam issue D. Von Veitsein—who bad Made their escape
of the Sear, however, contained a full retrae--, from 'Helmand. The Major was captured but
Lion of the slander, and as this was all that I July in North Carolina, and Imprisoned with
the friend. of the *overflew desirrd, the suit . the Lieutenant In Libby prison. They made
has boen withdrawn. Thq retraction is as , their escape a week ago last Sunday, by die.
follows .Uguisinglhemselves as rebels. They state that
CORSZCTIOI II . t't rebel soldiers are dying of starvation. and
In the Renton Star ' issued Oct. U. it wee stated, were not allowed enough food in a week to
ctrot whet we then thought reliable Information, support them a day.
that while sr Rochester on the preceding Friday,
Gov. Curtin bad been drunk. Anon set of Justice to The Huriem Railroad Company.
Gar. Curtin, against whom wo had no intention of ,__ Nov. 7.—The TStibrne
giving cirmetttou to • false report, awl for .onr own _ e."
'iodination from ill the ill-fuling whickhes grown The Harlem Railroad Company, at a special
out of the Altair, we desire to stytbst enbeeenent . meeting last night, resolved to double the track
vestlgation hat induced to to believe that the or*tacti , of their road to Albany, at •costof $4,000,000.
:o th , / ,,,,.'" I " 16 "'"" ' 44 tha tL "" in "f ° " 4 "1.‘" I $2,000 , 000 of the earnings to he taken and
We have no desire at any tlzut r to conceal or sop- i $2000,000 derived from the sale of their
pre. the tee th , even though its diedoenre any benefit new stock. No stock is to be sold until the'
•1. 11 "*" P"." 4163 .• end had weknown before second track is laid to White Plains. The
its publication that the .toryof GOT. Curtin'. drunk- stook is to be offered to the old share holders,
muses riot unfounded, It would certainly never have
a ppeared; or b e d we fithity beltro the pro rate by nubile adver.tisement. 'Enough
olertloo sa wqr know it now thin Wrath= would stock will be retained by the company to lay
hue been pultlisherithet. •Bellitving the statsrairit their track to the Battery. 4
made to no, with aeopens. for itspublicatimi, correct,
me thought it righ t that It Sh'..d made known. Collision at the Month of the Potomac
The pcoeki Wu Y right to know the truth concern-
this pernoat baths of the candidate ter °eke who hew Your, Nov. 7.—Last night, in the
cltethstesnpport,enaapeciallywheetbrseh►bitehee month of the Potomac, the steamer Louisiana,
are of such &autoroute interfere with the prefer from. Fortress Monroe, collided with a three
discharge of his Medal duties, they are legitimate '1
toilette of criticise, tab ',,,,,td,„ ret i on . we wasted propeller , suppoeed to be the Catlew,
folt °tinier lestilledin reheating the etatement re. lof New York, from Baltimore. The Louis
*nisi to. tiarine been bold enough to give circuit. inns was badly damaged. The Carlow in
floe to the original diary we arc now fearless of supposed to have sunk, atshe quickly disap
whets-rer conlermenceemay follow lte refutation. We
hope always to hare courage to tell the truth. peered. There was a gale blowing at the
SATITED/T, Nov. 7.--Judges Sterrett, Mel
Stowe and Drown.
John C. Conley, convicted on one charge of
burglary and three charges of Larceny, was
sentenced to the penitentiary for the term of
nine years—thgee years for burglary, and two
years each on the larceny charges. He is a
Hardened criminal, and took his sentence
Joseph 801 l and Jacob Hardy, two boy■
convicted Of larceny, were committed to the
House of Itafage.
Jane Aimllicrn, convicted of keeping •
bawdy house, wad lined $2OO, and sentenced
to ten days'. Imprisonment in the county jail.
. 'Robert Gillespie, convicted of highway rob
bery, was sentenced, to the P.voltentiary for
eve years. • , • •
Kosal6 for • illegal, litpsor selling; was
fined $2O and collo,-
The Criminal Court.
C•tao, Nor. 6.—The hospital steamer Mc-
Dougal arrived from New Orleans on the 27th.
Among her passengers are Surgeon Honored
Hammond, en route for Washington, and
about one hundred discharged and furloughed
soldiers from Gen. Banks' command.
From a citizen of Mayfield, Kenturky, we
learn that the guerrillas who captured Lucien
Anderson, member of Congress, in the late
raid, assert that he is to be held as hostage
for Trueten Polk. Dr. Lisedrow,..State Sena
tor, and Anderson, seventy years old, were
among the captured rebels who had the blood
bounds with them on their march, used for
hunting Union men, and when caught, mur
dering them.
Eighteen thousand dollars' worth of goods
was taken from-the stores, tho train thrown
off the track and fired into, and the passen
gern robbed of their rateable!. Tho relels
were commanded by Panther and Newcome.
Rebels Driven Across the Little Ten
nessee—..Affalre in Arkansas.
Clam:rosy, Nov. T.—A Knoxville dispatch
to the Cbaunerrial sayer A rebel regimen't
crossed the Little Tennessee on Monday, and
were driven back by Col. Adams, of. the Ist
Kentucky, with a loss of fifty killed and drown
ed and forty captured, including four officers.
Arkansas advice' represent Arkadelphia,
recently Price's headquarters, in possession of
Over 700 volunteers from Tell county, Ar
kansas, have reported to den. Steele for duty.
Two infantry regiments aro being raised at
General litirnaide , a Expedition Con;
Wssnixormr, Igor. 6.—The expedition of
Gen. liurneide's army to the eastern corner
of Tennessee, appears to be completed. The
people are reported as exhibiting most satis
factory signs of loyalty. Glen. Burnside is
again on a march—in what direction will soon
The Illinois Election.
Cnicsoo, Noy., 6.—The Trauna today
publishes returns from twenty-eight mulattos,
which, compared with• ragjorldes in the lame
counties last year, show a Union gain of
British Barkrßoarded by a Pirate.
Now Yong, Nor. 7.—The British hark Ana.
.deli reports that on Sept. 29th, inlet 19, long.
7, she was boarded by the pirate Taxonomy
on a piratical cruise.
Non. 7—There ls • decidedly b., ter reeling tn
Perruloltru market, and, while, at yet. there he.
boon no marked advance in prima, the dernanu has
improved, and as • matter of 000”.0, bolder, are
.omerrhat firmer in their view.. There ilea an
sualky brisk demand For crude, and nearly ail that
was Offered was sold at our luotat rn. while at the
close some holden, withdrew their oll•from market,
in anticipation of an advanoe duritg the early port
of the coming week. The following sole. were re•
ported : 250 tads at 15c, package. returned, 2.10, 163 ,
and 21 bbl. at 's . lc, package. Incinded: and 220
at 20142
Thera is mono ingalry fir Relined, in bowl, but the
dlirorance botween the Trews of buyer. and rollers, hno
a tendency to prevent erearations. Buyer. freoly of
fered 35c, whirr holders dans:Med from 4.1 to 410,
and, weamay remark, there are but low sellerneorn et
these figures. Free Uri also le better. and we note a
axis WO bile "Brilliant" brand, at :Ac—to go West.
Naptha is quiet, sod doll, orttb scarcely enough
doing to rotabllah quotations. gab. of 201. bi.L. Held
dium nI 683,75 beg bbl.
New York Petrole um Market.
E.peclsJ Dispatch to the Pittaburifh Gazette.
2; ger Yalu, Nov. 7—Crude lestraily but unchanged,
with sales at 20430 e. 1 b in bond t steady out
without quotable change la valooi sales at 444 lb< on
this spot, and 45,g4Ge for November nud December
ileileerles, buy." opiag.Z.Free 011 has adcanied to
11.450 r, and Napthp is nominal at former quotelkns.
The Grain Trade.
The following show. the receipts of the "...1. crop
of wheat at tide water, Albany, to the ith week oi
October. compared with thaw of 1/11t year, glee the
remlpte of the new crop is 1802 and 1333, by weeks •
1882. Dina.
gd week Sept In dOO lot. 7.7,400 20.
4th . 1.11,100 bu. 137,200 lan.
let week Oct 60,008 be. 431.700 be.
Od . T 2,400 be. 427,1(0 ho.
3d - ......... -.......2.32,300 bu. Wa,ltel Du.
4th .. 'AN ,300 bu. 282,80) hu,
Total 698,C00 too. -1,1i86,T09
Showing an excel , ' of receipts of now crop t aßß,livi
Chicago Market.
Sac. o.—The rider market was moderately actITO
but without material change In priems--thougb tie re
was rather more Inquiry for Isisriag
ff,700 barrels of all kinds changed headset 38,23(48,50
feu white Winter emir., mid for low
grade and Wiles Spring extras. There was • more
twelve ahipping and speculative. inquiry for wheat—
particularly at the opening. and the marked advanced
1 , ,kn12e per bunked: hot a Ctor the receipt. of the New
York dispatches, the market fell oft I@il* end
rimed quiet. V inter Wlmee was active and hif her.
About .450,000 bmbels of wheat change for
Nandba., a
81,85 for No. 1 Bei Winter; 111, 1061 ,211 1,
P 1,&: for Rejected Red; 81.0:41,1i) far No. 1 Spring;
$1,04*1_, 1 On for No. 2 Spring; and sl,oo,3l,oti>i for
it.jected Spring—The market doing h 1.05
for No. 1 owing and $1,0 14 for No. 2. Corn tru In
ective demand by shippers, and pries. advanced 2g3e
per bushel—withhhomisales at Score No. I Corn
afloat; 81482* for No. I Corn In
t ~.„for
No. 2 Corn in stets; and 78c for Rejected Corn it More
the market closing quiet and rather wr3k lc
prove:neut. Oats opened at' an sdrance of lc per
bucked over yesterday's extreme gnotattone, but the
market towards the doss underwent a reaction and
prices fell even }Ale below the. closing fortmee ed
yesterday. *befit 150,000 bushels changed hands, at I
62,*;61eOats in More and fildg. 813clur No
in store—the market riming dull at 82,4 c for Nei. 1
—buyers offering only 62c. hyg was qulat at 92613.1 c.
for No. 1. Barley opened shade beter, but closed
at a decline of* per brinliel--with trams,
tiOns at $1.11901. 18 .. The taatitet for
advanced *per gallon; but LS pi quite tossils•-- I
the males amounting to only 160 barrels at M. At
that quotation there were tree rollers at rho close, but
buyers were offering only 53*.
Cleselasid Market
A eery large I.4OIIININt of all goods In our Hoe,
tivuglit at tno lowest point reached to the Eastern
MArket this season, and moth reduced from but WS
11012'11 Pried,
Fliorn J 2 CIC W. D. & IifcCALLIIN.
- -
P I.4JrOS, UR It,. arc*
speaking of Carl Anshuts'e Con
cert in New York, the editor of the
ifairirof Iferint. and World makes the following re
marks: " The Instruments used on this occasion
were of • comparatively new firm, of the name of
Decker Drotheirei, and gave very gratifying evidence
of er,ellent workmanship and powerful .a brlW ant
tone. Decker . . Pianos are undoubtedly the beet
manufactured now in this cmintry."
Solo , agerite for Plttabnrgh
m. 31 No. 51 TIM' STEEET.
THI- - - --•- - • ,
Among othen splondkl STEINWAY ,
PIANOS, tho boat Pllaloo In the world.
. .. . . ..
CALENBEIi O'S N. Y. PIANOS, the heat Plano.
at the petal to the rot - tett,.
BALK 8 CO.'S N. Y. PAINOS, the Ptertoe
to to had anywh. , re.
H. K LEBER A BRO., No. RS 111111 street,
bolo Agents roe the above Pianos.
piAAUNf—last arrived,
.pl.ndld ett.ic
NEIV 1.1.A.N05, Crum Now York, at
N. BINDLE .S. NR013.,
orl7:lid2Ase-Wss 183 Smithfield street.
1 - 4 1 0 L.: RTH FA LL STOCK -
now opening of E GOLD
ore now beyood A doubt conalderad bow Or the
worhi, and filly warranted for eight year,.
BATHES NEON. N. Y. PIANOS, ths best at tLe
cheapest rawestrewl '7 oats, Planes made.
veld CHARLOTTE BLUME, 4.1 Fifth street_
no SMITHFIELD STREET, (oppoelie the
Cueto lloome.) Chartered by the Leith.later,.
Pm-tic:kW—JAMES PARK, Jr.
14.7% 1`.611 , 01111:
Wl9. H. Praha, H. Y. Rudd,
John Y. Jennings, lA. Heineman,
Tina. D. Meader, Joshua 'Moder,
Thos. R. Blair, Jacob Stnekrath
Francis Beller*, Alex. Bradley,
Hang Lloyd, Alfred !Hack-
1 - 111.711"..
3.0 lih King, IC. Eng, D. Wolff,
A. d. DrII, J. Dilworth, It. D. Cochran
S. F. Yowler, W. A. Reed, Wm. Smith,
J. W. IV oadnoll, D. C. Fshmertt, n. 11, Jon.,
F. paha, C. W. Rickstron, B. F. JOIKIN
J. M. Vern., S. II llortman, W. U. Phelps,
D. M. Lon, It. J. A, denson. C. D. Derr.,
Jar. W. Maxtor, D. E. Mcilinley, W. Dimon,
tkeritirflf <ll.l Trenamm—D. E. M'ICLILET.
Open daily. from 9a. na. to 3p. m. Alen, Tuesday
and Saturday evenings, from 0 to a iinlack•
Deposits reediest of 010 E DIMS. amt upwards.
Dividends 'declared to Becembor and June of each
Dividends allowed to remain ars placed to the
credit of the depoettor as principal, nod bear Inter
est, ohne compounding It.
Books containing Charter, By-Laws, ac., ftirnieh ,
ed at the oelce.
arir This Itutitution otters, eppeclally to lbw per.
eons Ideate earahma aro email, the opportunity to
accumulate, by small deposits , easily wed, • aunt
whlcb will be a resource when needed, their mousy
not only being sate, but bearing Interest, tnstes,l of
remaining utiproductley. toyMlymi-eltl
SALT I t3A_LT —Orden; solicited for
Salt, try WII. P. BECK. & CO.,
sea Wboleste Grocers, IPS Liberty street.
(l UD FORKS for lab by'
ca. 24 3d1dr.13 BOWS, 136 wood *tract.
Nog. 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST.,
A full line of nev6 sod very choice palter.
{"cry chair.!
! steutlard met., uf
the NEWEST PATTERNS and ewry width, •t tho
_Lowest Prices for Cash,
Crumb Cloths, FeMugs, Bugs,
And ltariag pur , tuate.l I, CASH, beane tba late
reir.ewe, we etc eld• xtl Lt the meaufeeturtra
price., an
Window Shades, Mattings, &e.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggets,
SHADES, &e., at
%Ter A.. Hod to Sowing lischinas 111 Minot.
Three klactdine. were awarded the Filgtiest Premi
or' all competitor., for the Rost l amily Seisi.4
' Marilinge. the /ten Isfane•facrariv Jfachuses, and the
ilea Mach.. Wart:, as the following STATE FAlltfl,
of 1/343:
New York gent. Fair,
First Premium for family machine.
First Premium fur double-thread machine.
First Premium for machine work.
Perwant Rate Fair.
First Premium for family machine.
First Premium for manututnring machine.
Find Premium to machine work.
lowa State Fair.
First Premium for family machine.
Tint Premium for mannfacturing inaohine.
First Premium for =chino work.
lidageas Skte
First Premium for family machine.
First Premium for manufacturing machine.
Fiat dremium for machine work.
huisana bran Fair.
First Premium for machine for all purport..
Find Premium for machine work.
Make State Fair.
First Premium for machine for all porno...
Find. Premium Or machine work.
Kentucky State Fair.
First Premium for reaabine for all purpose.
Flint Premium for machine work.
Pssewtimaia State Aar.
First Premium fur manufacturing muhine.
Fire! Pramtrim for beautiful machine work.
Ohio Plate
Find Premium for machine work.
And at the following County Fairs:
Chitteletien (Fl.) Seeley.
First Prerilillell for family machine. .
First Prenclinm for manufacturing machine.
Find Premium for machine work.
Champlain Valley (Vi.) droicaitural Seedsity.
First Pre:Muni for family machine.
First Pn•minm for manufacturing machine.
Pint Premiums for machine work.
Hampden C.. (Maas.) sr-Oa/aired Soddy.
Diploma fur family machine.
Diploma for machine work.
Fraakh. Co. ( N. r.)
1 . First Premium for family machine.
'' Find Premiere for manufacturing machine.
Queen's Co. (If. Y.) AsericieltaraiSoMegy.
First Premium for Wetly machine,
Washiatica Co. (If. Y.) Flair.
First Premium for machine.
Saratoga Co. (N. P.) Fair.
Find Premium for family machine.
lifecliarKe's Institute (Pa.) it
First premiumfor machine for all purposes.
First Premiam for machine work.
The above contrite* ell the Fairs at which the
GROVE'S it SlAh EH kLACHTWES were exhibited
this year. At nearly all or them the Wading flawing
Machine. 'remit/ ronspetiticti. -
The work made upon the Grover It Baker Sewing
Machine has received the First Premium at every
State lair in the United States where it hie been
exhibited to this date.
Sales Booms, No. 18 FIF"FII ST., rittelmmh,
ocM.DtuwF A. P. CBATONEY, Agent.
Highest premiums at the London and Paris Exhl
talons, and at an 111. ha portant Atato and treebanl
cal fairs whore exhibited tills seavaa. Call and ex
amine them mechlueva before purchoateg
We offer for ule
Poote'e Patent Umbrella Look Stand,
reblch Insures perfect safety to en article p
given to be led astray
Wall Papers, at LC, cents, for saigq7
ocED W. P. If A VIP 1 1.44,437 al OOd _street
Futr..—Fr, ANEau littOsrEiNcEe°,„ 3/ '
P.VNT kri• rztlaDra,paopPlol. as and
Clanktrat syre4i, emar
which s
EMT Th e anti profits from premium. which t h is
ompany ran divide by law are tram risks, irtanh
bron determined.
Inmrance made on earry description ofy,
In town and country, at rates as low 14 Sr. c onsistent
'title motility.
itarea their incorporation, a period t thi r ty rea m,
then have paid tows by fira to an amount exeimedirtg
Fusir of Dollars. thereby affording midame
.1 - the 1011.1.4..gra of lraurance. m well maths'r abili
ty ant: disiewition to meet with promptneta all its
W.= VS ri ll
lenetwe paid daring the year ...UMW IT
Charles Bander, Image Lea l
Mordecai 1). Lew* I Jamb R. {{mitt',
TAW Wagner, Edward C. Dale
Resid S. Brown, 1 Geo. W. Rkluir:ll,
Samuel Grant. Geairga Fke.
EDWARD C. DALE, 7k. Preakimi.
A. STMT., Raritan, P.m
sari Oaks Northeast oar. Word d Third eta.
Insurance Co. of North America.
Insurance Co. of the State of Penna.,
Hartford Fire Insurance , Company.
Irk — lu.uron ,, , In the above old and reliable cont
peon." can be obtained on application to
fendly Bagalej. Butldlacr. w+ Water street
MILLNA, Jr Presets/.
G. 2d. ocumvs, Eterrdary.
union, h o. V 2 Water street, Bring k Co.'s Wuro.
boa., up swim Pittaborgh.
. Inntre apcias, a!1 /ileac of Fire and Yes*
s Dem. r.aLLdws elassaatd by Directors eke
ors tre/1 teOton is the Msgasessiy, arbe * digs ,
~rged, by pronto,* cad acrotity, to *Wats 0111
ehttratior which they )1 , , asnoutd; us ereriag Al best
more dosirelo be lesurect.:
Stock Amounts-- 622,000 m .
Op, Acrortnts, ice .............—.-- ).„ 7,2009 00
Cash-- 18,361 00
Premium 27ntea...—.-...- .27,0 1 5 14
Note* Not and Dills Disco:totad- ...... 1.74,015
Dratcroms :
R. Miller, Jr., I Androw Ackley,
Jatneslllehnley, ' Alevalailar Spear,
Nathaniel Bohner, I Dated M. tong,
Alex. Nintiok, Beeg J. Iholau.
George Dante,, Real. P. Balowall„
William H. Smith, I John IL 711'Cure.
C R. Michelson,
m 3410 V. M. GOIIDON, &crown,.
OF VIITSI3IIII.OII O. earner Martel and
Water streets, second floor.
Wll. BAGALIT, Pro and.
.. _. . . . _
I names Steamboats and Canoga.
Insure, against law and damage In the navigation
of the iikenthetri• end Westera Rivera, Laltes and
Barnes, and the navigation of the Seas.
11..1re' against t. and dams g, Li one.
Wm. Ilsgaiey, P. M. Kier.
Jas. Park. Jr.. • John Shipton
W. G. Johnston, James 11. Cooper,
B. F. Jones,, P. Harbaegh.
Re•ese Owens, 1 J. en.:Jerell, Jr.,
• Hon. T. M. Howe,l John S. Dilworth, ~`.
Barsky Preeton, Charles H..
Gears* Blogham. ' de3o:ljd
. .
Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Rs.
John Wgt,
B. Kays,
Jnh•n B. Parke,
Chula. S. BiAsell,
PANT OF PFTTEDURG7I. 011104 Ho. 37
Filth street, Bank Block.
Inauraa agalngt all kinds of Tire and Matlnallbk‘
ISAAC JOICEB, Prericlod.
JOH27 D. 3VOORD, Via Presided.
D. N. EOON, Seon*sry.
Capt. WEL DEAN, Gourd Ameg.
onizonne :
Jahn D. McCord,
Capt. Max lacoba,
D.. B Batellnin
Capt . Wm. Dean,
Debt Jones,
C. C.
Barral i ,Cbllds.
Capt. C. O.
John Min, Jr.,
B, ti. Faboadork.
(002 r lieneok) The well-knownot
Liverpool, Sew York and Thlledelphin stmaildp
Cnmpony are intended re folhnrs:
CITY cF WA, Nite.,l4:7
- ..... Nov. leL
CITY OF LONDON .--..hettrerdn, Nov. TB.
And every anoseding — asturdahnt , 1100 Fe Ft. l44 Pier
44, Worth Direr.
The Steamship CITY OF COr 'II, of thta liras wUI
sail as an extra dean= on TR ' MAT, say. btb..
and Sm a rmnsti accommodations fOr Prir Witt
and Passengers, at reducedlatats
11. A. Cm-tansy.
Fear C1115..........W ~ .
usarnand.. .—s3o Off
do to London....
00 1
$6 00 do to Loudon 31 00 .
do to Paris.— 96 00 . do to Paris {6 OO
do to Hamburg. 90 do to Hirsh g 37 00
Paeaengere also forwarded to More, trinetniOlog- •
ternon, Antwerp, se.. at squally low ratan . • j
Faros from 1,1 , 9rp00l or Queenstown: Ist Cabin. ' :
VS, UN $lO9. Steerage. $3O. Those who art* is
sand for their friends =1 buy tickets here at thaw
For further lafbnuatlon apply at Ma Oconpante
Mee. JOHN O. DALE. Agent. - '
lb Broadway, AM 24:01c.
Hadattest, drat bona* froinahs bridge:
rethhhtf , Pittiburadr. N.
_a. E0T.1.1. NAIL STEAM' NAVTOA.. tawar.,
ADRIATIC, I,no Horseloner, 4,000 tone.
HIBERNIA, 1,003 Rome-power, 3,000 tone -
COLUMBIA, 1,000 Holm-power, 3,000 tans.
• N GL lA, I,ooo.llores-pownr, 2,033
The magnificent Steamship ADRIATIC - Ida ean
Sons Newl'ork for Liverpool en - TUE/MAT, the 17th
of November.
Rate. of pomade ROI!' New To4t. to ilenrirrot, pay
able in imld or It. equiealent to ecirrincy.
/Int Cabbs------sBolBtoenkg—...V o
Intermediate—. - 40 •
Pamengera fere - LtIZI to TA11401:1; Parit,Tha.
bun, Moire, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antarm,
the lowest rate.. ,
Tares from Liverpool or Catnip to Rev YorViute
Doom, $725. $35, $75, $8315105.-.-
For pamage apply at thootitoe of the Agents.. , ,
Itisairst Joss", Msnitger.
reeistp Chnx.
Na 70 Irtlllittieet. PKtabtallati,
CUNARD LINE.-7-titeara-from
VA In gold,: or R. equivalent to comae/. •
!BOX NEW YORK, pa in caminci.
lolls every vaok. Apply to
1910.111.5 r4TTIGAN. AVnt,
• . .
Paseengera brought out le •TIPSY CL-tfPnif;the
BTF—% hiLltS, from Liverpool, Loadondorry;•COvlY
or Cork, for
Twenty-Vivo Do11;05.,
And by Fsiling vessels for rwsurir•,o2(l#::DOl
- in nu:Toney.
Apply to
- WeatanAton; D. C,'Vet: Via - -
V 'ZION, on the SECOND And
Nr.SDAYS. ilth and Slitit of Naretaber.4VDe`...."._,_,,r .
neer the Washington Ohaarratteri% Wawa.
HORSES AND MULLS,- condeternet-or trent far
public seniors. Bale to coareninal , eV ine* - .. l6 '•''
Terms crab, In Goinitanent inn&
• caus:iwromal* ,,,
oc2o.:Di Ca r pi. Snit
Ir, P. JOMI, dee&
94913,151 96
Jame. D. Varner,
cut. John L. 'ahead*
&mad P. fihrillr,
George P. lows:
Danial Wanes:
C. Mama Lan,.
HILLIPS, Prsoidad.
WATT. Woo ProkkßEL.
. . .
n. cncirm
M street. l'ltteVerlA.-