:pax: ~~>. if;Ilk:. kr. ;Mitt SATURDAY )10B.101:0 ---- ROT , 7, /SO,i 1:4 ki - Wo Klaia We are indebted to the Lutheran and Die leofferwfor some interesting and vaDmlde facts, in reference to the German wing of the Lutheran Church, which we reproduce ' in a condensed form. The immigrationot .a large number of Sweden andliorwegtans into this country, during the last ten years, who have principally settled itt the . West, the Lutheran denomination lute reached a position in numbers and influence of a commanding character. The Augastana (Swedish) Synod, now numbers thirty-three ministers, sixty eight congregations, and eight thousand communicants ; and the Norwegian Synod, twenty-five. ministers, ninety-eight congregations, and twenty thousand communicants. The former has a theological Seminary, in Paxton, Illinois, and two church papers in Chicago ; and the hitter, a seminary in Deointli, lowa, and a church paper, in Msdison, Wisconsin. The German (Lutheran,) Synod. of lowa, numbers forty-fourministers, sad isixty-two congregation and preaching stations. They have a mission among the Indians, at Deer Creek, conducted by three ordalne d ministers, one Candidate, and a colonist. Prom the came paper we learn that, in 11323, the English Lutheran Synod of West ern Pennsylvania was formed, comprising twenty-nine ministers. Since that time three other Lutheran Synods have been es tablished in that territory ' . The four Syn ods number 182 mi nisters; 427 4 congrega tions, and 35, 070 communicants:' ita. aim From Yesterday's Evening Gazette announced in the same issue 'of their pa- Criminal Court. per, that the three hundred and forty sixth Tamar Foss-woos, Nor. 8.--Judges Motion, anniversary of the Reformation is close at Brown and Stowe. hand. It says : "Around the firesides, in M'illlam Boldron was arraigned for the tour the Sunday School, and in the Sanctuary I der of Benjamin Chambers, whom he shot on I - .__. . let the wonderful story make the hearts of Coal Hill, on the 17th of June, when guard- j KROITILIT, Tenn., Oct. 1:1h, 18130 young and old to burn within them-and I lag the property of William Bond, the effects I write you a few hasty lines of our little let every true Lutheran heart exult inlay- of which shot were the death of the victim on battle of Blue Spring, fought on the 10th. the 97th of July. The particulars of the ease b it is ita glory to have caught the pulse Twelve days ago the rebels, numbering eight Wit- Of spiritual life in that communion which weDree about follow, • thousand, under the command of Gen. Wit ed"wa work leg with others at th to e th root and MI-spring: the mother and fortirea u tions, and, after dinner, having a dee. Rams and Mud Wall Jackson, advanced into th daughter of the Reformation." sire for strawberries went with a fifty cent Ent Tennessee, by way of Bristol, reeved ' straw berry field of Ilr Bond, down the Railroad to Greenville, and forcing -At rho recent meeting a the O. S. Int en ding to thtoebnyso berries. This Mime ' the email force we have there to fall bank &mit, f o r c . -Gold , fur somo cause or ,•tiler, Presbyterian Syncalof Pittsburgh in Johns- field, together wtth fruit trees of the neigh- toward Moristown. One brigade of Infantry ad-thoed ?",.; P er cant ill .NDW Tort t o -day, rho no . on .. town, Pa, the [iuretics within its bounds bortmod, had been greatly damaged by those of Gen. Ferrero'e command wee sent forward quotation being 148% Sneer, also, is a shade higher I " 4° ' working on the forttfications, which had called to hold them in check, until certain move- _ were recommended to take up a collectiors for an woad Peri around there, to prevent meats could be mole toward their capture. The advance in New York has produced a correspond- --- PROPOS.ILS. on Thanksgiving Day !or the benefit of - the' further mischief. Boldron had just milled the uti the Bth, Col. Foster, with one brtgade of lag moult, here, and our brokers have seteanced the Christian Commission. guard to dinner to the house,and rematned in his cavalry, watt sent by the way of Rogers•ille rates for coin a trio. Ha tore Extbanse Is edendy loon in tie meantime with a rusty old gun, to their rear, for the purpose of cutting them at par buying and t i , to 3. 4 per cent prom.wines. -According to Wilson's Presbyterian place to be unloaded-for several trials to off. The impreesion that further legislat is necessary Historical Almanac for 1863, the Preabyte. firalt, with the hoariest caps, proved of no f On the 'Rh, Ge ed u..Shae . k th ieford, t with lh a body to th e the sale of the presant lesi o n do 10211.11