:pax: ~~>. if;Ilk:. kr. ;Mitt SATURDAY )10B.101:0 ---- ROT , 7, /SO,i 1:4 ki - Wo Klaia We are indebted to the Lutheran and Die leofferwfor some interesting and vaDmlde facts, in reference to the German wing of the Lutheran Church, which we reproduce ' in a condensed form. The immigrationot .a large number of Sweden andliorwegtans into this country, during the last ten years, who have principally settled itt the . West, the Lutheran denomination lute reached a position in numbers and influence of a commanding character. The Augastana (Swedish) Synod, now numbers thirty-three ministers, sixty eight congregations, and eight thousand communicants ; and the Norwegian Synod, twenty-five. ministers, ninety-eight congregations, and twenty thousand communicants. The former has a theological Seminary, in Paxton, Illinois, and two church papers in Chicago ; and the hitter, a seminary in Deointli, lowa, and a church paper, in Msdison, Wisconsin. The German (Lutheran,) Synod. of lowa, numbers forty-fourministers, sad isixty-two congregation and preaching stations. They have a mission among the Indians, at Deer Creek, conducted by three ordalne d ministers, one Candidate, and a colonist. Prom the came paper we learn that, in 11323, the English Lutheran Synod of West ern Pennsylvania was formed, comprising twenty-nine ministers. Since that time three other Lutheran Synods have been es tablished in that territory ' . The four Syn ods number 182 mi nisters; 427 4 congrega tions, and 35, 070 communicants:' ita. aim From Yesterday's Evening Gazette announced in the same issue 'of their pa- Criminal Court. per, that the three hundred and forty sixth Tamar Foss-woos, Nor. 8.--Judges Motion, anniversary of the Reformation is close at Brown and Stowe. hand. It says : "Around the firesides, in M'illlam Boldron was arraigned for the tour the Sunday School, and in the Sanctuary I der of Benjamin Chambers, whom he shot on I - .__. . let the wonderful story make the hearts of Coal Hill, on the 17th of June, when guard- j KROITILIT, Tenn., Oct. 1:1h, 18130 young and old to burn within them-and I lag the property of William Bond, the effects I write you a few hasty lines of our little let every true Lutheran heart exult inlay- of which shot were the death of the victim on battle of Blue Spring, fought on the 10th. the 97th of July. The particulars of the ease b it is ita glory to have caught the pulse Twelve days ago the rebels, numbering eight Wit- Of spiritual life in that communion which weDree about follow, • thousand, under the command of Gen. Wit ed"wa work leg with others at th to e th root and MI-spring: the mother and fortirea u tions, and, after dinner, having a dee. Rams and Mud Wall Jackson, advanced into th daughter of the Reformation." sire for strawberries went with a fifty cent Ent Tennessee, by way of Bristol, reeved ' straw berry field of Ilr Bond, down the Railroad to Greenville, and forcing -At rho recent meeting a the O. S. Int en ding to thtoebnyso berries. This Mime ' the email force we have there to fall bank &mit, f o r c . -Gold , fur somo cause or ,•tiler, Presbyterian Syncalof Pittsburgh in Johns- field, together wtth fruit trees of the neigh- toward Moristown. One brigade of Infantry ad-thoed ?",.; P er cant ill .NDW Tort t o -day, rho no . on .. town, Pa, the [iuretics within its bounds bortmod, had been greatly damaged by those of Gen. Ferrero'e command wee sent forward quotation being 148% Sneer, also, is a shade higher I " 4° ' working on the forttfications, which had called to hold them in check, until certain move- _ were recommended to take up a collectiors for an woad Peri around there, to prevent meats could be mole toward their capture. The advance in New York has produced a correspond- --- PROPOS.ILS. on Thanksgiving Day !or the benefit of - the' further mischief. Boldron had just milled the uti the Bth, Col. Foster, with one brtgade of lag moult, here, and our brokers have seteanced the Christian Commission. guard to dinner to the house,and rematned in his cavalry, watt sent by the way of Rogers•ille rates for coin a trio. Ha tore Extbanse Is edendy loon in tie meantime with a rusty old gun, to their rear, for the purpose of cutting them at par buying and t i , to 3. 4 per cent prom.wines. -According to Wilson's Presbyterian place to be unloaded-for several trials to off. The impreesion that further legislat is necessary Historical Almanac for 1863, the Preabyte. firalt, with the hoariest caps, proved of no f On the 'Rh, Ge ed u..Shae . k th ieford, t with lh a body to th e the sale of the presant lesi o n do 10211.11<r ?inn Church in North America and the ajail. DrefoondtionttLwas mo en rely ße to n j m am ak in e a e s h h a o m w, o i the le a s z s tousi o raepttiodotyott.tki:e.orplveit Iltni.,drei..l.llmllll.o.onken, now - daycaovnarl:l7;is"ion, ( I rio t ( 9th army corps,ju i = e r ple British Islands, exists in twenty-font die- ben ware passed through the field, defendant aim- Gen. Ferrero, took the cars at Knoxville, and the Act of 3d of liaruh lee ' t, authority is siren the duct ecclesiastical bodies. Of these there; , Fa t at kinitt Artrclsielititlol ,tnhothtetureubso-) 7ri:r•cl,attll:ll',l2sesp,,,:einntisortgiilese,west oof.B:itro beendary of rho Trettelll to fund the ['Mud Atatm are thirteen in the United States; six in the currency, and intereet -bearing legal-huder Treaeury I LLEEY haunted .....,, .. . floea ' the I ° 7/ P eras discharge!, eri m d took effect in tho rnPorrnigng of the lOth we mo . ved toward the For Artillery ( ,500)71 British North American Possessions; four left side, a few shot hitting his faee, which front. Col. Carter's brigade of cavalry were Note f t, at a ra rf te od of ha f t: reet i not ext , -n,; f ai ,t t per °out, (163. , ,i 0tt....4.1...t0gy o . tt ...0 ,..„. , t 1,7. , in Scotlong and tae in Ireland. The TrylonPi=ht=itia Zt,il= eare dec sfietaitlii,tiym. sfoki.rtthetlininfawpitohrtft.heg enemy . dae . WAeboaudtrannZdn n bo o t r h O ra r me and " det o o t to ' be le ° ll. 'g jo r th i e dis n oretl Y on " of the l' i "7.' re n ns fi ll e l . d u ef d ecte Bgb , ' v i ten bro of kll g n s t .. olarn, k 7co l Ti- ; pertly lent, and to;reig i b .o n s oz i le , s ; e than 1100 pounds. D u says the Banner, embraces into the shade, washed his face, and removed Gen. Burnell arrived on the field, and took Serretuy Hemet first, however, exhituat Sliri,Wl,- I the Dutch Church, but omits the German him to his father's house in Saw Mill Run, command in person. The cavalry continued coo internet-tesaring letral.tendsrrs. nut a dolls: 0. 1 The 'lll moue and reastotdce Seidner of the bidder nt:: :o rtho G u o t . gi Reformed, which is Presbyterian both in 'xiThe's,:,':":4'.%ltT!!Vi:Z.lll:r.dd. T 1V,4 1 . 7 . z,°'.l',',T4To=lw-t:Tdllfif4"=!:,! -1?,:tri;:.g1rzt....,-......., t ;t7 1 T, ' .1 "2 : 1 ; doctrine and order. jury was sworn about ten. District Attor n e y command was . then ordered np, and fo!med a f,ore}:Lisill nec khes.pnutit.ecd to , i l lcreaso pid, kl,i:ordiTii,,snpe,ii I. 1,1„‘iiii.e.,,,v17,,1mt.:cp;,,,,... or t h :f l e o p. lll ri be n. neund: -The Thirtieth Anniversary of the the Kirkpatrick appeared for the prosecution, and line of battle in a wood. The rebel ' s line was '... sent popular roan of 115:1,000 Out And it le &Monti Mg it. Thos. M. Marshall, Esq., for the defendant. OD a crest, well covered with heavy rim- whether on the rilthaude funding of the contemplated Peer...ale Ram disloyal porno will sad b. e......lartat Bishop White Prayer Book Society, (Protest- Tn. t ; . -- -3-MOny for the proteculibn was then 1 for- Between 125 wall a rolling plain 5 103 a nd e ,,,k,, t,,,,,thg .t,...0t la c.,...y. ..., 11. an mob of allegiance will be required from me ant Episcopal) was held in the Church of heard, and the fact of the killing was clearly ' f or nes h rly loan' a atilt on t the left, t, :; : : r b t ,. .h .fi . 7lii y t rs i. t..: run,4l.vii4ri.eitoir brotior,...erunt. eirinalphldderem.betfcberoe t i gning co w ntra n c r es. ~. G....a the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, on Sunday established. Intln.ffacictfid.efendant s comae dint that th e Secretary' has too right to tootle. , a 5-.20 li 11 Reciter, Qmirtermaster Ur S. AMU, Washing s ervestteOprhTil L' in te th ft e d f nce of m ti " most. ' g e n " lliog a evening the let inst. The annual sermon Mr. Itarshall, in opening the case, etated i l fire. At half-past four o'clock the word was oh idirrola.L-4tOoliewb arter y ...:•ga,v,,.2ghth,,,is:ottt,,,ce;r,).. i t o .r n li li o C :ln eh -aid be pled nly marked “Tropoeale was delivered by the Rev. Phillip Brooks. that the defends, wo d uld t b.c.;tlaanabontanikinmhwen- f i ti 4 ven u o i f n or b weard, ttor s a ty nd le n t e h v a e n r d d f i d d L e see yet. a r l . in n e s if , , ,,i , i i lf . iLbode e ttt , he se t ( 0 1 1 1 ..I,ol..l.t.,,T,the.t.t.ilitaLthntie „4 114d .n s eqthultel..inn,r.amx.r,iitatuodhia,ylf the ewe to to be r La .:l --The municipal authorities of Pa ri s ci as h a ti b o a f rm l :co e s e si e m n pl a e n ton , from infatroy. k no wn lof Ze First Di viaion. The rebels poured in a ly only until the Ist of May, 1.8 e" -ttaeo pars and a tworternsiblo astatine., will be required of son ar, erecting for the first time • new Re* half doien witness were then examinedterrible fire of shot and ehell, with a fire a h a lf atom t,tv,: r „d m.„.,Y,. j; t ,t,h 0 .,,r.„,,,,,th t . '•,7 - g ,v, ' Itia._,.. tdd uinst be preset in pertain then the bids formed Church, in the quarter de la Made- t aza b e t p d o o i v n e t r ,.an d d a per io d n r o . w n l g e , d s ge r e; n f m th; ftee defend at° I m tre u m sk b e i t o ry w F o o l r l ca . sl.Luglaioted.itoomme n et: o h:a t /o f, h rg a h rts t, a o s , j . th to e 17, ,,, p . t0 si ,b re.. „ eafer s to p,r ut ,... k / l i t tg,,,,,,,th.:;5e,tzi,,,, are t ze nod , f,,,, or t ! „ hr . t r e a r l . p wi . ll xt u b po co . T p lcile i r n. line, capable of accommodating from one twenty years. hey all testified g to the tent ' they seemed to hold, but rasing their general re... aoft would out lai imprerta able, when re- lio being made at this oftice, either p ereo ndy, by thousand to twelve hundred persons, and that the defendant wee not capable of discern- l ln front of the line, on the centre, they went ',14',10a-dr.r,h1.tL",ta.,:„.,..utt0hrt,:;,;11.4...,t„T„,..:Tur.t lio n ' . lii:slrel,' ~ 13:. DELIVERY, de iin with a shout that must have chilled the „,_ „ ~,,. • alto to be provided with suitable coeds fof ingrcroro,./7jobeott,w„°:: r t i ,V . ' lna wrong' 0 „,,,,,,,, or ,, All home contracted for under this oft, rtleeroent ; heart of every rebel that heard it. The rebels I: o `.°,, m :',V e - r : Th . ti, t( i_ 4 ,„„ -, „. 0 ,, ~,, " • ' esti b. sub i owt to inapection, .id it... aci cmiorn... schools for boys and g hie, connected with fell back very rapidly on the left, but rein- „ Let _ .„-,„„ ~, tog to the specifications will be rejected. the church. The churches now otrupied by Something New in Dentistry. I forced the right, and it woo here where 'he - l"''''''''''''" No mares will be received. • __--_ The horse* comet be delivered in this city v !thin hard, t fighting wad. T.ited sl,essi3Ooo,nro , that denomination were formerly Catholic Laughlng Gis,"ao long regarded ati only For ono hour our right feugbt them and rel. la. or ]lamb 3.1 authorized dsio,uoo,ooo in a t0,25,2,17"7"dve d. 7. it". inn duia of signing the elinrChel. a means of amusement, has recently been ; drove them .1 o w I y roc L•i able tiler tea and orSye n, biter tt' '' back, while the left came ' a ' ''' . 4 ' l° t '''' t `' 4 rap:eclat to be mut e upon the eororhoion er the found &moat practical and effectual ante:L:l4ode , lo a n d P. e`. l. b" Vb.'. rb . e.b' nds te be ~ 'd . 1 ...! " 1 . ' contract, or Do wain thereafter es tti• inlet gototer -A congress of clergy and laity, underastiooun.dsocnhaori, : h n e fr .r o g a t i h tii ii b g e l a d u a ti . Lei isotyc..nm The ss too i pLee ;u a , t h l o b4 , cliscreitiu . o o , f theor....:;,.rvt„nrp!, 0t .. t .., at ., o . 1 . g „,..... the auspices of several bishops, noblemen f r dent4P"Palc*. I° eff"ta pace ° I."- I a the Ist brigade , consisting of the remnants cent legal tender ea,. payable in pa on per Of thee.. Thee° hone. will be awarded in lota of 7'...1D) two idly, but even where the unconscionaness Is the goetetary has negotiated 1150,0 W 0,-, [hit. de- hundred and Lily each, entree the chief Quaftetlf.u. and members of Parliament were to assem- of the 79th New York, 38th Massachttsetts t ducted from h wit le 1 ea 550 . .0)() . tor should deem It for the interat or the GOVID110 131 : 1 t but momentary, it etiable3 all export dentiet : 45th Penns•lvanis and Bth Micigan, ordered 1 , 0 i „. 6 i the ", ' l6 '',l-o l ,!i ' lN ''' ~,, P' t , o " to vary the number hle at Manchester, England, October 13th, to extricate from one to six teeth or roots, as j a charge, 'before whic`a the rettels fled like petri.uLets;er:' .' - .. '' '' ' - The Chief llemmertneeder memo to Masai the at which discussions on the following sub- the case may rega i se , and the po „ en not frightened deer. It was now dark, and the Th e ex pe r t. ~,smiee or epeeist trot, 5... Seek right so '''''''" y ' 'll bids ri.tyritTaiieg7 t'n° jeCIS are announced: Church E.xtension ; cnot7 exp.i......vit „ Tea . .0.,...,i.a., . rebels bad ~bemend.driv,reina. from Te t r e y ., :t d ro ! b ig. ~.,, m .,,,,, t0 port for th 5 .,,,,k .r,d,,,, ~,,,,,,b,, :„I, nos-td Brig (kn. and Chief Quartermaster Supply and Training of 31inisters ; Lay from ether or chloroform, but when under its ' position one . too mile , world defeat 6. 01 , ,je L and einee.lan let hove been as followis ARTILLERY HORQES Co-Operation ; The Church of Ireland iefinunce this sensa ti o n is most delightful and I for which roster bad been sent to the roar. s ''' 2000 For the Week _ .53,Zxd 14 .4 2 8..tt $31.0 ter• ) ~, . ethiltratlng. Thus teeth esti be extracted - , ... . , We had mined aI , lendid positi.n and the prov t eported..., 105,085,5.31 tts,in, , ,uo3 111,.e.e.,eit'i wrsattun., TIM • Dafaarirrt, L. a a ,I, Management of a /Ann Parish - Parochial without the stadeet feeling the slightest nein, Ilse was formed read; 'J attaoli of defend . ---- --- -- - Indianapolis, Ind., i. 31, WWI i Minion Women , Growth of the Church in ,or rourong the least injury of aieknois or Out, ,-• Our can lay on licit ante all night. The alto. Jun I _ st , /, ,_,,,/ ,5 , 4 ty5,34 , , ,,, 1,,,,,,,, Sealed . Prepoeals win be received at tate omen up lea. I restration after the operation. ___ .. __ _ to to D ...or-Y. am on SATURDAI, November .ti.., Lancashire; the Law ofthelDelonial Church , rebe built large fires and we could hear them 11333, for ; At a meeting of the Dental Institute, held lam PITTSBURGH MARKET*. lio ping es if felling trees Henning come. - 2,0t0 SISTILLET:f HOWES, and the Supply Or Native *Ministers; Day 1 evening, thin subject woe discuesed at cousin - c ond P ac fici ' d the "bud" Go w n. As s g oon as - ' and Sunday Scheele. Papers will also be 1 i c ru s b i lo Irtha ß lu l e d the re o mboa . of . :l , t 3 e s d o i : posstble we were on the mad with a very small ratnAT, Noreirt, e 1863, To lc delivered at the Oceettalleut Stable. in this FLOURdraakixt-Wlnest Is stead) with ' ' a mg ` "l ' '"t" fort y (W) d ,..."% "' " if " 4( "'"" u read and discussed, in aections, on Free ; eta Is application ppdaeationtof thTseagtentwin the practice of 1 G rne nt . a ..: fo f cavalry in our front. ArtiVirif a tll eigTil miles from tbe battle fieldt, lar demand train first hands at 9,123 tc $1,35 for Had Sa i d horses to tea of dark - colrs. tort lee -- then at and Open Churches; Clergy Discipline ; 1 their profession. The machinery way tho man- we were ixet by the cations with the wildcat and White. Coro to more active, and en note eat, teen and one-half hands high, from els if.) to nine Modes of Atigmenting Small Livings and [Acton , of the was Is now under , and no enthusiasm. The old men shouted, the wo- 1 a l l a." Shelled at 81,083;31,00, Idododo at $l,lO I...eliTeareLtdp,,st.trtirg,lurr,ictraot active,l ctirelyso&id i our leading dentists will soon be Tithe Redemption; hurt-Decarial Meetings, presume all a to ll administer [ hie harmless men shed team of joy i Ilerevre loam@ that --delivered, 1 ear in Ears at 31.1.5, and 81 elks do do, horse to weigh Lioness than eleven heit7red (1.100) pounds Smog had boon beard tn the direction rnen. ' (new crop) at st,a,. Barwy la selling from ware _ .. ~ Diocesan Synods and Convocation. ' r r ed for. Taft, a of Ctocinnati, Professor In the demon, 'oven miles beyond. The entire env- 31,30 tor Spring, and 31,30 for Fall . Oats -inset bet ty r m , "7.:"`"" b !„..""'" , ' d "`" 1 '''"`" 1 " 47 "" ,----The ninety-tifth anniversary of Old OLIO iy livered e / d ": v ua ,17 . C s ol b i l e o g e :o 1'411,1'1°,7:g a :d a d r ;137. airy force come up to ns here, and passed on to unchanged; sale of 200 sits from whet( at 73a. 1 car Nu bid will be, entertained unless eccompanied by Pain Street M. E. Church, New YOrg Wag He is one s ot the most emment dentists in the.f.r-do:t ' d t. of I I ! wri notilvd:xcimtement-all felt from despohat 75c, and 100 both from stores •at 7oe I a it , usran ora I t f ,t o . ; ite d fattliful performance y be bad mi. appli °lllebratCd Sdrirl 254,1 Ult., Wail appropri- the ocuntry, and speaks highly of this new c° We marched ra g pidly sa gs po e ssible our men FL's' """qmi" though fin' ' ' , n" r ''''' '. q " t " ." '' ' noa to tide CM?. gu'rant ena anresthetie agent. Ile also paid V iigh eom- . . . __ i . We note • sale of WOO Ike Buckwheat flour, Ito melts) gt 6 l6 oe , 666 ,,, b e present at the opening of bids, or ate and interesting service". This time- :eking throe riles a n nanti teat la p enneunn, at KW per cwt. pliment to the Dental Institut as being thetheir bids will be rejected. s. honored church is theerst Methodist church lint ever established in the United Buttes, and in a thOlr re re m ar at a nd the wordcwsr , wee Iptaa:estrtrowou"r GROCRELES-The market ls quiet but without 13 e.d.. 1 . 14 be Med fee the faithful Ran:tout of the meted in tide country, and is called the ens whose lumens had tee flattering se .to boys with a shout, they almost docible-quicked ee.Mbl• etouge BMW. me lePerted to b. , * al. Pantos wdi bo , i ,nd tf. some up matte term. or haute th e dentists of other cities to organan "cradle" of 'Methodism. It is located a ° 'futile? institutions. The Professor It a very to Rheatown, a distance of six miles from Hen- ranted in the East, but there is no chrome here as the contract, or forfeit the amount of their bonds. demon Here we found that Foster had lot yet The transactions are light and tmttraly local taree,.undereigned r ester ee the right to reject all JOhnstreet, among business houses, not far , able and entertaining speaker, and his ad- - b him. Wh disappointmentd the tk i them go y at a to an eaoc a not large. d med onreaaonable. I drub was 11 toted t 6 With markVd attention Tkeo or more ban/me Ma manse parties win insure Me from the Post-offiee. Kotsritlntandivig the ' ' tle. Had ho held them in check two hours, MILL FRED-There is • very active demand, ana ' , Vali.. Von mob bids. r. J. D. White, of Allegheny, delivered memberhip has grown feeble by removels very interesting essay on "Aoamthetscr," COD- we could have bagged th t err i i 2ti all o . ai lt it he for I with • light supply, tbe marked Is firm with an op- r2_hi m d . w t lllte k entartelned for less!hats . jifty t tain o "tip Wm:4' and a large sum has been of- raying mach important information, and ex ,, tooexplnt'dinasysU4t7agustfnegtorilsy , !bat I cer ' l t s e e it." w c. erti f. tendency. Sales of 3 care Bran at 31,2 U Per a,,,,,:tb.,..0,,,a." t o h n . undr:.,attla'in., b. I . ft', d. and 2 ears Sol One Bliddlings at Bi,ss Eiblp• Proponls will be endorsed, “Propotials for Anti. fund for the ground it occupies, it is re- r h:l) . !t a i r ol a. ezitreorentdabebletbd: degree t'tfii r o , d o. o Y ° o ° . ` o ' I would not give ono regiment of cavalry from muffs may b . goo* , ~ tn.,. key Ronnie." rained Decor's° of its likSOCiatlone. The re- of the moat tangent and profitable whla a the trhoboosti.rmrcyfroef.t.the l'otomao for all here. The 111:1-Thenoutet coral:uses to rule firm, and for- 4pAupu):=,. ril:tri.tix;.iili:.taprompl.yiti,vsoi:: ry lighnts•exereises opened vrith a love feast at 1 Allsomation as yet held. , . das rapidly as possible, losing , in kilial, wounded, and prisouen, every mile mar priced am well sustained-4M to 35 per ton for letter. ___ - 001 ......, followed by a sermon from Rev. The Late Fight at W auhatchle. of . the be‘ w i ay. At Rpeatown we halted, having I PO *l ire d 112613"Th?rdi'llnd. ix fair • apd the market lam aril! purchasing CAVALRY HORSES in op i en . ILL.Thiahiel, of Jersey City. At two o'clock We aro still without details by mail, In re- The n y warier obnatzy-tlrwohkrtlr but eight o ti ro on n r o s i eteady, while price. ata unchanged:sale of 60 bbl t inerinift:iagtl(34oerac.%..e.rayrter=e.natel .. .P. Is.a TOWlliollt IlerliCa WWI held of formed grad to the losses sustained by our brave aatisfied with that; we irlated to capture the g 2,80 per bbl, andl6o tibia “13neXoyee" mid llTlnkaa" I n'4l2. A. Q- Rio U.S. A. Otters'andoldriendida. Iliiii represented troops of Gen. Geary's division, in the sett tot, which, if they had been infantry, we could a t 112,th. w - as s a thrilling time. One old brother, now,. - witbilangSlieuti ott4io night of the 28th ult. 4 ' Our entire loss In the First Division was g i3Crrra I r‘leGa-Them" coon fa far ROB . tter a and we note 'aim of 3 tibia oar at Me, and More than nutety-one. yearsof age, slid that ,Ont isle t , ~ hie correspondence is unusually i eirty wounded and ten killed, The rebel lots oat prima , kip,... Egg, MI, ,b, V.:ft,' .I . t io he harmer' both John and Charlet Wesley guarded-care twang taken, seemingly, to 'we burled eighty-three and took ninety •,, „„ ritcomi „ , . ovoid naming any partienlar body of troops • prisonem, ten or idiom were wounded. Allot -`-' ~ heard thtm preach and been instracted by w e h a ,„ paltered the following i lieforma- the wounded that Mould ride they carried off. -111DHOID-ls • finmand. with is fair demand, the ad. • ahem . Ho had also seen Lady Huntingdon, lion , however, In reference to linap'e Penn- Allowing three wounded to one killed, their nom tswell matotaaed. Sales In lots a4ob. et the foundSe at the '..CalvirAstie. Methodist sylvania Battery, and the part taken by it, t o j arinal loss was not less than 450 In killed, erten ratigingtrom IS to ltc as te smithy. the tattle t ' ' wounded and missing, during our fight, while APPESA-Tireaupply is buge.sail the turrket, in RocietY- Be his meal the round the world It poem chat t wo "at on e o f th e b a tt e ry 1 riiiiieralrdy took d a e good many n prisoners, and otokuitlicca los , Milo dun, though prices ram i n -many timesothdlin'all the prineipal places only w"eCenPgi'fintdlV. 7}:P°CtlWVettilt : the killed r w eb t eTlets a up to g rhoot di7o . , Rhos about asit gaoled. e 92,5c1 tpll'T3 P r of the world. . prayer meeting wee held by Ci . tpt. .A. Atwellend I whole loss pre our ride was leas thee 100. The ' "it ' " f some C ' e° bbis „ " Lb." ligur" '„ ' Atwell o'rtall fifty we om en. Capt. was or ,/GRAFP-Ssle of 60 loss Catawbe Grapes, at at Oil trelOCk; u nder thirdlisctien of C. V ( =OA instantly on thrust, and Lieut.' cavalry followed them to Joneebcrongh. W. W. T. 1234°.9.41P:aid• I ours, Walsh, Esiliof.Narark,li.(l, to the e ve._ I t llt n izr l 7 . Las:am.4w ki l te r : e h& atirusteti t sh m ot . --------. CUSSTNITTS-Sale cite bush at sl,:kper bmh : 'lli, getl4..X..ocesekiquin, formerly pastor of missioned tapers ani privates of ° tit: battery 5 ittriburgh, now of axe reported to have been killed or wounded. Chri CM; B. - Church; - P I . the old f New York, pfentled on "Ardc firs Thu body of young Geary passed through this oily on Wednesday night, in charge of an of loathe The collectiotts of the day amount- Hoer, en route for the residence of the General, ed to about thirteen km1;461105. near Harris burg -----no one hundredth 'ehrd'reottu7 of and e wo s n * na t ed i with r gre lhe a n t anrie°tfy. Bose killed the Berkshire Association of Congregational welt, Es ep, who left for Stevenson . , Ala., woeyes idiattetw, ~ t iw erro d t i t 0, l a t e date a t terday, to procure the body of his son, will 'endeavor to telegraph the facts at the earliest . . Dtnekbrkligo- Row! Prot Albert Hoplmne, o f moment. ' Ariatirtts- College, ilaWercal -an historical -Address on the occasion. The 'kerb= Re , de rays the whole vicinity'of this Asso .dation ll rich In the most sacred recollec tions; es those of the Stockbridge Indians and their missionary pastors, and of the elder Zdariredie ministrations .and author- Ship, as Well as of later Warns end laborers fit the. Barad holy Work '1.it) 1 .. - .----4,tallotlng date tr t nitedStates Chris. gat` t viatobitionL.W4heldli*l44l/4 at the 3siii4Oktee, ;co:41, isuk.stratap,..tleis `-iudfain. ,- The sttendtuterr- tras-laige, ald 41:10",*(1154.1T41400 _Ufl 7 ...-itirit!ililit:cte 4yßie ,6 pitii tvati*ltho con', i i iiiiitai: 4111141-si' Igl4Dit. lawiltifilV eiWigoo4jiy7"llik: ' ire Tbeildpalliiiiitiliitfit Alita tirgi t i . . -tn "'''.:sit,;rimg,:.:4i i ~',' , : ,,, zt ,-, : ,,, ;t ..,,,,,, t ,,,,,y, E , ; ,,,,..,„:. : _,,,,;,,-,. 5 .,-;,•..,,,,,, , ..---- 1 , 1',-;7:-'1 , w , z - . , A39 , p$:-TfiA , ; ,,,,-- f'M IV-'v''-''''` Ai*** General Office ; number , of Blige,,T4siatittents, and other bound war gigitaipinTe grantedby .thor,44tian Bible .BCulety, 480, 768, which,:with6itantof ls, - 000 from the British' and Foreign Safety, nutlet; a total of , nearly half a million of copies ; money, stares, publications, ito:. half a million of dollars; and religious newspapers, one million and a half of copies thetracts, and hymn books, and other good reading matter, scattered broad cast, have been in like proportion. —According to the Madison ( Ohio) Jeurned, in its. account of the dedication of a Jewish synagogue in that city, it was announced by the officiating priest, Dr. Felk, that the congregation had adopted the re foimed ritual and modern phase of indalsm, which does not look for the advent of a per sonal Messiah, or the literal restoration of tbeJews to Palestine. In this reform move ment, men, women and children are allowed to sit together in the congregation the same I as in Christian churches. —During the recent session of the Gen eral Confeienee of the Evangelical ASEOCia tion, usually called Allbrights, the subject of the baptism of infants, and infant regen eration, came np before that body. The discussion wee quite animated. The fol lowing points were distinctly evolved: 1. That the great majority of the Church fath om so far as represented by this Conference, is thoroughly convinced of the propriety of infant baptism; and 2. That all are equally opposed to the doctrine of baptismal regen oration. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Merril.= Darerr.—The Ponnsylranta, Philadelphi, Wilmington and Baltimore, and the Philadelphia:and Bowling Railroad Com younza, oriternplate erecting a new passenger aepot at West Philadelphia. The structure wilt ha a mammoth affair and of the mein ' substantial character. The site upon which the italics is to be erectedb tlufgrquud north of the niediarailroad• conneetion with the thitelii fir thiretiand , egress - Into the build ing, it will corerabout siz acres. The groind 'is at present omit - Pied* the car shops of the Pannsylesois Ballmntl:ontrpany, which will necessarily hale to be removed to mike Way Sot' the new atropin. • ."' • - 4.MOTOll3:Bl:7:Cnix—lift mo . *lie tio for 4tivietellof Oa GermaitArart• matt:wings 20,..ki m i , SlstAttOfs'l,lrelabilitne 'gentle iiral,*o. . mw :*.l t, : AtiM# r-AUgasttt., 41.4T0er, n A v ri : l-4ft.E , 7 iat : Jain 1 .tiVil*3 e 1 .,.' ...,..„ f* , :. Air nit , ' , „ ...1 - lb; ... , ... 4 . , . c..., , ' •,- • ,5,„.,:ii.......,--•at .A,...u..-:!..x.i TIM 'ARMY OF TUE' COMBERLINIL'' 4 931:5. Orris Aso Piss or ors &Tin. T m Erz, FBOIi - Po,;oße,•"—sash is the startling heading to Crowe . ;ides:mot the Pfttsbergh Gazette. An innocent item in a morning contemporary, - E.srosyMts, Tint., Oct. Bth, 1663. refeirihg to an attaek Inadepb3a1 toad ,6 rebe at is c. 7_ Gma. Bantridea eaaned4e, 'a the liberation i'liheernrilrell'Misitir The ° item, correctly read, ' of the loyal pegple of East Tennessee, and the r „, that the attack wan repoi,ed, and cutting of the rebel line of communication by I "Brig. Gen. Geary and t thirteen of his staff the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, re- P o ris:n jelv—i„.bifi,h.er,,Utoinotr'x'oomr:Lod of suited in all that noble leader could wish for. his own 31a i• 12th co,p,, and now the Though a bloodless victory; It will, nerortho- . vicinity of Chattanooga. lees, prove a most valuable one. That ?Munch patriot, Parson Brownlow, (whose representation of the sufferings of the loyal people of this Faction did not receive the credit they should).—has had his prayer answered, and. the flag he loves so well, now Suite over half the houses in Knoxville. The troops received unmistakable CT idence of the real joy of the people on entering. More perhaps than can be said of the treat ment in some of the Northern States. Of the barbarities practiced upon this people the half has never been told. The heart sickens at the story told of bloodshed, outrage and. pil- loge. We are receiving in our lines hundreds of' ' refugees from North Carolina, who not only Forty-eighth. take the oath but enlist for the war. Barn- side organized. the lot North Carolina at New. born, and lie is now organising the 2d here, I O no Hundredth. and it will be full In a day or two. The Bast Tennesseans are 'forming regiments very rapidly. 'Deserters from Bragg Buckner's and Lee's army come in our lines daily. Yesterday there were a number from Bragg's that were in the fight at Chattanooga. They report that I the rebels Acknowledge a lose of 20,000. Their reports agree with all we have learned from otaer sources. This department is a very active one. No laying in camps for weeks at a time ; troops are constantly on the move, adding to the already large territory we hold. Of move ments on foot, it would not be prudent for me to write. Suffice it to say, that the military leader hero is doing all that can be done toward driving the rebels from this section of Uncle Samuel's domains. Not only Tennes see, but North Carolina and Virginia will learn a lesson from Burnside. Oar only trouble will be our source of supplies. But our Burnie Is hurrying up his military roads as rapidly as possible, so we hope to stand the pressure. Besides the loyal people are ready and willing to give all they hare in tho shape of bread anti meat to have us stay. W. W. T. Suprema Conti. Pumas, Nov. S.—Present, Chief Justice Lowrie, end Judge' Woodward, Thompson, Strong and Read. The argument in the Commontioalth'e Ap , peal, Armstrong county, wasooneluded, when the court adjourned until Monday, at which time the list for Westmoreland, Fayette and Greene will be taken up. , COMMIT= TOIL A1LF.0%.,-.1,10y11 Leonard, a colored boy aged between sixteen andeigh teen years, was committed to jail *Washing ton county, a few days gibes,. to answer charge of setting lire to the barn of ,Thomal Mune°, of South Strabane townehipOriiieh'iras recently destroyed. Leonard has seised one term in the penitentiary for stooling money from Mr. Mance, and it is presumed that ho fired tho barn for revenge- . - &MIMI ANSI Hosea Buswr.-11t0 rnorniug, about one o'elook, a fire was discovered in • stable, in the tear of the Dispatch which was totally destroyed. A horse he , longing to an espreeernan , named Eidges was burned to death, The stub!' belonged to Aloe. ZdeClarg. Esners or Dann, R00r.,--Wo unurlt and tind-Daniel Rootewlmse wand - at Wheeling wo bare already reported, sande bin eves?' st -Deep Run . station, a abort dietano• abWra Wbooling. ,Re was in ebarge otoiere,eatt atilt - Strain, and bow be 6euld'inanl. -Awe .upe .witkr two sum 'retaking tail; tatiA.nery. Tlll3 BASTIMS WEELLIO.—TheIo pope weeklies, giving the 110W5 in a comprehene# o and well-arrange i manner, will always be ehonen for mailini to friends in the country, or in Es/roe, and will be read by many, even in cities, whose dike multi. economized. The leading journals of this class will be boned at J. P. lirreS, MA.BOrIC lii•LL, Fifth AUCC.i.,— the principal being. The Tribune, The Tune, The Herald, and The firorZil, of the political journals, and Ilarper'sFrnnk Newspaper, and The Illuntrpted Tru k , of the pictorials. SOLDILIIII . Fore.—The manta nn !rr General Burnside held an election on the 13th of October last, to erprets their eheieo for Governor. The reiells Ass CO fol lows Curtin. Woodward 268 14 41' a yr DIATU Fll.Oll INTIIIIPZIUNCC.—An old Min named Henry Weidman, aged fifty-eight years, and employed by Mr. Vogel, butcher.vosiding in Union township, was found; near the slaughter house, on Thursday afternoon, in a dying condition. He expired soon after. Coroner M'Clung held an inquest. A flask of whisky, found in the pocket of the deceased, told the whole story. A verdict of "tiegth from intemperance" was rendered. The de ceased had no family. T •RISCIITLNO.--M. Dometme, Biel Pittsburgh, has issued the following The President of the United States and the Governor of our Commonwealth, having by their proclamations, appointed Thureday, the 26th inst., as a day of Thanksgiving end Pray er, we do hereby direct that on that dny the prayer for the iuthorities be read at the Holy Saorifice of the Mass, and also tbo Collect Pro Pate. . _ Taoism= tares RATIL9 F HEM niv. —Tho Ci¢ci(Matt papers publish a nevi railroad freight schedule. Rates have Len fu:ther draneed, and are now $2 10 on flour, 3.10. $ OS on fourth class to New York. INcoaaacx.—The reported killin of a man on the railroad, at Jack's Itun on g Thursday evening, was incorreot. CO.2I:I44ERCIIA - L RECORD FINANCE AND TRADE. Petroleum Market. Nov. 6—Thire boo been o moderate degreee of ac %MUT in gm Petroleum market. today, though therm is Mill roam for Imtirovernere :‘,Ynda has undergone no further ihanita it price, oa d wa rode Wee of 600 end m Mb at Itse, parkeima returned, and 143 bbl. at Me, *Mew Mande,. In Itellued. the only pew featare tee jive to patios Is • Nile at 300 hble bonded, city brart4, on az. rpot, at2oc, and thle, we may re mark, talk° Ent private sale of bonded ere have had to record for Dam lima. Nardho to doll and tower, • rata of 103 bbla doodarlted hating been reported at 170. tWeintoc not, at the present writing, recd.,' our taus] Now Tork dippet4h,ks rho "lines . " are reported out of order, or working tory toolly. Priekre die- Pith.* hqWerer, ;inbred In thcarirlY•part of the "7. f.P9f:tsko inkrkerke baying insprored, end It it also =Wind that kho.rwropeort nom by the lent cleat:lob/snore annotinnitini.) ' s CIOITCIIO/liOltet . any* Nat. ,15."-Fliar . gaint. Whast 4.11 : 'alcove tin 'Chtliga Wary t.! ma on track at.adTa ; it Una Mir Ar au4 Irtiffi• va .trulr. et icoe. Compiles qutea aisd a u i d,f sk* I Car .. tr.ack at Doc. ,pate mclanged; 'delta cusowissek at o.c. Bid' held at 115- Barley; sainv,6o37bnaltalt i a , store at Me; 1 eat optimal on trent at 120.- . S t Feed in setly.filemaig.sniLsOls no at 1 , per taliaviDe dill/. '-litiot Pat ; tella et t i we, nuotasp*StriXimitlwntlllt 18,4:0.. 1 °ll%ts,CnAZ * V• 9 4 l = 4" Ahab4 4 l . '"I 137 ! r e • ..., - • istammrs. 71,4.1••`• .... 1 44' 24C14.41411 '.47-4,4;,,11mcir . . i $6,260 , s • - 5,7.7:zi:.-3W1,-;2;;C:1;47:‘ -_-_--------------- Chicago !Market. C.4I.IIP.ETS, OIL CLOT . LI:I,4c , No , . 5 .-TL" ' . liu g , .d '," 'k ' '' p 'l"'-1 fir' 'nd he 10 - ENV CARPETS. eta scl.s 1.1 &MU( 3 rete,. .a poratid, but t gamraple ones trom Nn. perk canted I ataifor fall- LI toast ale elm , . • d prwes ruled lugtar on all do mino* of pain. Thor* was • fah . Initury for L ' pr ' Sse Wheat, and the sales show so &drone , of AT THE 1 i - • - . ; fully !,..c per Innihel on Ni. 1. Al the CID. , lAtO , l , tsealy °demi .51, , * tor froth receipts to Nava & Scot Co and North side hop., but holders manifesmi NEW CARPET STORE.' DR. J. H. SCHENCK. F10ur.11,47 to 033.1,11., No. 2 Spring avid at fmni I ,03!.i. , 11,n4. rioting firmat the outside quotation , . .. F It' a. more acttro. but the demand was prinoi. palsy fee fOr tho upper and elv4l...esradm. of Wh he Win- IVlcFarland,Collins&Co ' ter Extra.. _Prices were without ally material chang, Core was to good shipping request and int • 9 i yh ro osti the eolititatlens of inersorgitts poiofttlh' proud tee, e . with mica of No. tat 790.. t, and No • ... at 7' ....i7 , !...,. A boat load of N... I Canal tom I the abort. assent gentleman wM be at lb. DOW eold at o.:r. odoat. The N , u - York an.. p,.lucte , Not. 714,ND 73 FIFTH ST., c0.,d0.-.•14,,, ex.:lto:Ton in th• Oat martot, and Store of DT. GEORGE H. 'REISER, No. 110 'Wbod pritee *Assured DP per busel. Early _aisles awe . wale at 614.1d20 . , but at the Owe 02,41:0 ,4 1 , woos Offne for sale, AT rrirrf , . FA II PFLOW rr.r...sca , . - trkt, PittelnlE t s. ,:. I t freely pald fir }rest, metris of No. lin mom. li,o MARKET BATF-S. an ontimly nest sod -to4os - _ , - . - _ . was to ld.od &wand for sidpment, and db•anced lc, stock of I Wednesday, Thursday. and ay, with os at .12.373 , for No. 1-printipali,s at 0, 'ut.'d. e4Mr.--"d'''' "' N' -.- Bane ] ''''' "rm RE 41: ENGLISH VELVET CARPETS . arid !wad, art 21,i; for NO. 2, and 81. It".! for Rejseted November 4th, 6th and Stb, • • In et...re. Tien win, wore dull aul tromtnal at ;,31.,. L. 1 I 4.‘ I Pm the examination of patients alllksesit wtth sey (ple. ----------- . Imports by Railroad. Beat Real BrusgelF Oarpeta. 1 01.1.1 of tlx Pulmonary ottani, rach a. 1 PITTSZTII4II, PT:WATT! k Chtir Ann DA 1t.a..A1t,N,. ws tiGLISII k AMBP,ICAN TAPESTRI CARPETS, i PULED:CAR V CONSUMPTION ' . 5---813 trgs core. Dan Walla , . 18 rolls loather, II . k t liver; 3 1 bp barley, dpetwor 0 McKay; 51 Oka arm i BRONCHIAL OONSUMPTION I disc. , . 3 11 Aoki.; 3 cars metal, J Mohad; i.o TAPESTRY VELVET CARPETS, • • bb. apples. The. bo a, 7.:e0 bp. barley, 2 car. do, LADY NU DAL CONSVMPVION. J Rhodes; 122 hp brow, 160 eke 011 , 1111oZ , R... 1 & Kett; 3701 p barley, 8 11nrbitogh A nt; 225 do bran, A bill line of new end vi.ry ..holn patterns. , xi " cal:l.a cossumprzoir. on mark; 100 lads hour. Shomaker .2 Lear. 1.A7 bg. 1111 W STILE PERSIAN TILREE.PLT CARPETS, I oats, li.ognam, Stdrgeon .2 co; 215 do do, J u GA• Atairau, TEL 50.42 DISSA4D. vitt; 312 hides, G N Hoffetott. I 'Very choke r ott.lll. Nor. C.-4011ml ton, MeClorkan, hereon A ,-•, 33 / t SCR OFLT.A, or ; EI.VO'S NI n. • do do, B A Fahriatdrok & co; 15 do do, Itr A Soestheol Unwell, Button!, and other standard mak,. a . MJo do; I'd NV Italitin; 2.5 do do, W P Beck A ccr. 10 FLEE-Erne CONSVINP7CON. do do, Slurtland A Connor; 10 do do, Eibriver A La sser; 40 do do, W Himith; 33 LW. apples, Sdo cider, SUPFRFOE AND EXTRA supErsiu INGRAINS. DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION. I Elder A Feltwell; 2 do tallow, B Schmidt; CO has CAD- Al. and Amp. J 8 Dilworth .t co; 25 do do do, 0..- A splendid neck of i Cu:logh, Smith & co; 31 do do, AVM Gormley; I LIVED COMPLAINY. 20 do do, Little A .Trtruhla: 13 /Id. arpina, PRICES ALL WOOL CARI'F.TS ' . , 11 Goring: 43 MS., .1 IT Bel.t o; le rolls kalbor, A C Taggart; 13 aka rap, WO ladis paper, Goltray & than mannfaeturers • present rico., et whole- typs, or fit•cayiug iif , the. ner.srm powen. DT. lrk; '3O bbbi apples. J M 21.-auglitin; 10 bra soap ad retail. j C. 4. any chi...l. au...a ~,....4u.4.,, &Willett% I mill ENCE: would' adtbd all, 'persona who haft 01 II Myers .2 r...; 12 1.013 applos, WII Kirkpatrick .1 • ' . I chronic aUmouts, and wish to ponetalt Mm, to rot ,:ludo do, Lll Volgt & on; 700 bid. cranberries, 0 ENELISII VELVET ILCGS and WILTON AND , this admirtheinent out, so as to enablatkem to re. How, ~.) Mils applei, Ilayne A co; 1 ear corn, Ilart• VELVET MATE, in great variety, the largo... as. ra.mber tho time of bia 1111 t. • 0 „,, ,i, p ro; I do do , dtho ddcook, x o croory b co; 0,3 tortmont of to to to found anywhere; and a ' For consullattou andailswabe makes no cherga • big. whisky, Lambert & bbipion; 100 tabls floor, srli•odid anortment of BIIESCP BE IN MATS. I Bony persons, howeier, desire a. toorough rams. Backeown .t Llnhart; 140 bp oats. J llogland. notion of the lunge, so el to know thou - exact TOO. Ctsvotaan A rim.r.. FLA:Litoen, NON. .5--- F. 10012 Oil Cloths, .lii...u. For earl so. exttnithSTlOTltils ChatTe h. U.* Ir. sits corn, 25 hp oats, Dan Walliwo; 330 bp corn, ; dollars. The e-toatatottioo being toads .ab ... 14- , trument of his own warentsou, waled "SCIFENOVS Tilos Bell it cm; 327 do do, Wm Carmichael; 13 aka , Prom 2to 24 feet wide, new sad elegant ; , ..`terooi , `8.,,,,,,011.4ervp.., • t h,, e , troll is mainly rags, It C Howard; 5 pkg. mdse, Rea Marro, lo see rage. Markle & co; 25 bids apple., Lll Yogi{ & co; =I I 000 D S. MATTING, for Cheirchoe, Otßrea Rah 1 " from l'''' , •=4 wit Pc;iititlhe u "' ' c ' dithi l l 1 of the longs, whether in • nearby or morbid stale; do do, A Lippart,• 20 pkge produoe, Jll Boyeohls; 13 and Stairs, ooniroon and extra quality. {theßelow will be loud a rooeot certificate of care fri'' .k. potatoe., it 31cYb•kar, 25 bbl apples , 1.10orolg; ot/ bbis dour, C B Lecel, 10u ,do do, Graham & Woolen , „,s. , Linen & COttOtt DrUggri, , Dr. Geo. IL Ecytter, of Pitubtirg,h, was pre , ..... wso Thomas; 20 do opplrs, Fetzer lc Minato:mg: ri do n,i the steam:neat of 31ra. Bartholomew was given s an . d • iota sk. potates, 1 A angonler. 40 d. ptoe. Potter ' Prom % t. , 4 yards mid.. I ran vouch for its puoinerwie. Hundreds talcums of a A ik,.., bo tca lard, I Sellers & no; ell obi. wheat, I . 1 a I.lrei character are scattered - all 'over the Untted Noble d Augol. I GREEN, DAZE, VELVET AND ruossr..l-5-or• ' ddoto, od ea to convince tha malt formations of the Nov, 6-'..4 bbb ale, ht . ta Eticriorols .t. C..., 54 Hats : TfINIA N't , ; 'TIM RODS ; TABLE OIL 1 velem of Dr. Schenck's tundninta.. petroleum, J C Tilton; lt.o FAH Cour, .1 A Cane,: CLOTES, plain and fan - y ; Embre:l. - • ESTILSORDLNARY cor,r. or A ItENESING 362 as bae], Spencer ,t 31cKw; 2.4 J a ka robot . Js I dered.Printed and limbossed I TUMOR by Liz. BCHENCIIS'd 7.IPDIMF B . The Liggett & co; 5 pkp produce, II Kiddie d co; 4.8. this PIANO AND TABLE bezling powers of sontlasrni PCL3IONIU SYRUP door, Sitomaker & Ladg; 51 bp barley, Wm Hick; 4 CO T DB S. strikingly illustrated. The af. of pkg. eggs and batter, P. Daze!! 0 re; 50 do. broom., , • 31h.0. .31.A.81 BAIST.DOLOILLW, .1.70. M West' Jacob Reuner;l97 hide., II Hroetzinger A Son; 4 pkg. prodtre, 11' P Berk d co; 347 bush whoa:, .I. .net.- Window Shades antiAr ix t Mt•ers. 1 Forty-fifth street, Now Xor.k i nedy it Tiro; 31 Wale sans. Bats./ Bro. This ls to certify that / bait. kl,a laboring ardor:, The .took On hand bwinghnert prirehmsed when s disoik. rkT.Pra to hove twin .1.1 ,,, CC:alpha:4 Ibrjr ALLE.ItirTT BTATITT. Nov. 0.-1 6 tige wheat, 13 du ...old was at 24, will be said at corropoodliag rates. a groat Omuy piers. There ants • hard tuit:hog lx.' cons, .1 D Frisby; 13 bp flax wed, Baer A Hamilton: my sule,wratch bosoms eiritolarge. The doctors call -30 bb tipping, A Brown; 14 do do, F Berkort .1.00;17 slar rtrra trrr.zrx, -we ed It • 1100i.r. ABor4mlriekline ighreke and cootttol bat Md., J Shedd; 5 pkga produce, II Lenz; 22 do eked running for , fourteen year; sometimes dischares, .. do, 12 bbls apples, Shull, Sou 0 co; 50 bp oats, 1 . car Dense, Pofft Ofdoe arid Dispatch Buildings. hag a thin watery matter,and othertirros gram brim., corn. Sll Spear; 13 bble app es , Bde cider J Adams; 0,34 • 1 had tliehe.4 medlealwttendance in New ToOr,,,aad!; , 33 bbl apples, 4 J Day a y sks oats, II jurrlson; _24 -A-L-ARil_. ~, a my physicians all told me that -the ulcerous bola lal, . hides, J Patterson; 2 pkgs produce, ri'llanloo & No. Ye .Arili-JRTSI ENT OF , ray . .o. must Etat be healed- or,tbe discharges tram W•', has, 273 bush wheat, B T a rKenney A Bro; 1(x) Ws stopped, or I would TWA .I.las ~/17 :Plays/Mane PM^ Sour, Simpson & Knox; 1 e hay, P T Hoffstott; 142 1 111 It IJ GGE T S, •' me cilomel or mercury until My month became very , Oils wheat, 148 ski do, Noble it An 11 bide apples, I sore, and several lineal well'attlliisted am badly as Wm Sadden; 1010 eke potatoes, SUM Dyer. 1 the NEWEST PATTEYISS avid every width, at the' nlgr,:ayliclbsbo....44rithe'°.nitikrinethaVlsri .....lbe . Pronts a ni it. throuati ft. Whltio the kao..yearso4o.reark begin to fail mote than onr„ my blood, paned to atop flow ,ow-est Prices for Cash.; tog, my polo at 'HMOs 'cid/Pito heat for tllleau or twenty seconds at ti time. 31 akin Ind the whits of my ors serene yellow as eatTron. I knew mt., whet 14 do, and oil doctors acknowkrigsd , that they ' ' _mire PROPOSALS FOR HORSES Cuing CICASTIt . . IAPOT 07 WAIIMMOTON, Wannliar., D. 0., NOTeMber Td, 1863. SEALED 11101 . 0 SA LS will be received M thin of fice 1m tit WEDNESDAY, the ilth day of November, at 12 o'clock M., for forulaidog the Garen:meat with 1 . 1,5001 Mem. hundred Home, of the following de scription, Ma P 14.1 1 -0 8, Jff lIS itt,, aPu - - .. -......-. . ,TIECKER'S . PLINOs.-- , ,„ ,;,-;....-.- . _ -1,.." spesking_of Art noshing , * •... ' - •"`""`" :1: i cert. in New lark, the *dime of that , ' ' I Misdeal Resicv sad World cobble the fatiguing re marks I . The instrument. .id oa ills occasion e=f a comparatively • new lira; of the. nem. of !koshers, and 'ove vary gratifying evidence of cooellont workmanship and pews rfel end Minima tone. Decker's llama are , cusdonblol7 the beet tnantifectured .ntor th Oipataltri.' , Boloagento for PlUstorrgh, J. M. HOFFILARN!... DUO., THIRD FALL STOOK OF ITEW PLANO', 1 3 . - =•. - • otbm etStwlld STEINWAY 'PtAli SOU tett 211aar-in ths OALENBERWE E. T. F/AN.OB. the t." Pis , " at the prier to the txtuntrl, HALE & CO: 15 N. T. rAISTOS, the cherprit Ma . * to ballad writhe -a: U. NIMBI:8 ERO, No. 63 Flab street. Soo Moats tar tha abart.e. - _ STQC vow t of - ADZ'S GOL D UEDA'. iFirr.mrtm ,PLANCed, which aro now bayoud• doubt couttderad t 0 bad 0 0 the troetd, lied fully warranted for alert Tiirit LIAIN3 Bilk& N. T. PVANOB,Ibe 'best at Ole ;doe. A l. Ae . wood 7 mtsve Pianos outdo. ucT4 caaltlarn pionte. ossutb SPOitl'BMo7 B nrADQUARTERS, 155 ISOOD gram. J athInECS DOW7N.I _Wits' WI illtoottio of EipattrottO oad libels to tili •olemal stook ot UNS, RIIL ES4I4I3KIL eaerTS BEVOLTEBB - &2OLSOGADMI G LICAT OWDi BELTS oad PQIICHE.• , DRAM 14414 =dant =num ot ovey Wad. 1110 stock Litho hard OM Vrawcht Ilts•motitot. DOI? • ASH, •A. ti. :ENGLISH haUte fr g lly l a mthsMims*onhAirb*h AsoellogargilL commAT Awn ,811.05112 , gra,l Xhossiwnicettailgot torth/ohlittit how* ',l* th*••• ilioillrehtelettir: ,;,,, ~••• • ‘ s al - tam* 41‘ z. Oh. • i illloomitolarelec;. 1: , tpinrenTan co.. PRICES REDUCED, In6.aing Crumb Cloths, FeMugs, Bugs, would 'to no more - for me. I was trj what aro termed ''Petentliiisilicines" fur I thought I hid nearly au the beat physicians, In hew York to attend me, and If they could not help ma noon. could.( At tins time when 1 had began to • despair, a irked sa' of mina broughtme a lientday ilifersars, in which 1 read the airtWate of a sonderfol nue of otoini=P tion, the patient hating both confined to her bed and aplatrenti7 in the lad OW Of the 'disease, and pt was cured by Dr tothaick. I vrovdd ban considered eta a trickery • deorption undo-not been certified to by many mapactaide perscasswith the =dominant of the Her. Dr. Davriing. • This gen me 011WhXrip- tient, and I was impriera for a consultation with In. Schenck, having to 'kilt for Tuesday, ma of Mo days of his regular attendance to patients in this city. it WY libollt the last of July,ltBl, wbeu I called on • .Doctor echenth, at his MOWN .119.. a: Bond dread • Be said he understood my care, and gave all theca or l•to medicines—Pulmunie Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and liar.drake Pills—and Within nine days then was great change in my feetip. Tho hole in my tdda ..aged Pon than ever: still I felt bettor and Pu to sotin lnor eu S r rup ho ai ng a h Gr o lu g. h blood / The l m boaweed Tonic Beeniud to act Cm my itotriath in an In deecibelide manner, but in • very shbn duo it pow tne a ravenous appetite, but not until I had taken nearly a b-ru u 1 lLaudrake Pala. Nona could believe STYLES OP that any human stomach could contain nth an ems -1310111 quantity eteruption no I discharged. lt Carpets, Oil Meths, Draggeta seemed that for ne arly two weeks nOthing but peen ' j I bile and neboalthy matter passed my bowels. My at complexion changed. my Ate began to look dear, 411 A DE'S, &a • and to my great astonishment, lloond thou:a:our heel - big op. I did not know what to think of that, as the Mc C ALLUIVI' S, &attars hart told me that e n ulcer healed my death , weadd the initnethate COne. CO. flanged far 8I YOUSini STREET: the next Tuesday , to en Dr. sc6nek. He mid that 1 I was and dada would idea be as andl as A very large assortment of all g,oods to our Untt. per, end l• to doilyide this pond. Ins 1,111.4 ht at the lowest paint reached ID loot ern ! r a lLralki. Tbj a fi ,a re ... I dm Market and mach minc•od teem era- in my fife, although it it Duly 'arm menthe slummy ones peva. nee appeard to be desperate, AD who know me lea. ' • eels W. D. ar• H . an it. change. The running nicer of at "•••• many yea es continua= is entirely healed, add / ban' no mono( that hoary, sleeping 'feeding which I toed to experience' almost without intermtssion. rise in the morning without havingighad tot in mauth, era barred tongue, and 1. alwaya ha n en eaoellent appetite for my breakfast. lam satisfied that no ma can speak. too higillyAl Dr. Belitnekl medicine. and their extraordinari,adoca. For nty I.7ictliTCM:l.Bi:lineti ate g e r, b i ; .y r a g ,. .t . deuce of God, ban teen the tuatioilin• the re storation , of my lit-, for st tab I shall ever he thatlfol. Several of my friends a Waugh .my recomusathe• -Do., ha teen tiring ,Dr. Schenck's Medkittes Mir ana'amptionand other dinesee tt that kind. All of them have teed greatliberialited. I make this pub , lic statement in order that the Montan& who Par from diseases rizollarga mine, atoy be. induced to try t Dr. &bona'. invaluable medicines., „Monet think ea I did, that if your fianiritadoCter cannot help par no on te e a.. I would advise nary consumptive per. i eon go and a tha w Dr. Scheuand follow bin pos serlptions. Take bin 'advice, at-resat, - II you do not take his medicines. It I. encouraging to hear the =lo t COll7 . Kh r Ida- hi . rooms . ; and •Mb e l iz eU a d show that they have no deception in Ditto. Thos. all anxious tor Alsip and are befog all helped. I wish all who era afflicted as I was the:Ml-and see me, for I • foil that I can satisfy every ono cf them that ebb statement Is not exaggerated. I relateall the path' elan, because I know that many era UP what /1131 —skeptical. I have requested a numberof my flienall to append their names to my ...meat, to order that no person can entertain any rcosonthhe doubts on the subject. MIS. MAU IDARTHOLOIMM. OIL CLOTHS, &c And having porthamd for CASH, Infix. 0.. fate aideallew, •e are able to sell at the to.ufaotoserte pica, au 0r...quai1...1 auxin or CARPETS, Window Shades, Ilattings, OLIVER, M'CLINTOCK & CO., 5., b lITTII STILT= NEW - STOCK - IND NENVEBt .111CII1Jr.ES. - GROVER d: BAKER'S P 13.131111031 SEWING. NACHEBrES. THE OYLT GOLD 'MEDAL Lver Awardrd toßawbag Macaws tri lIIIEOIL Them Machina warn , ewe ad the Tiliehrst Primed ems, rare an roratmors, for the Bari 10=4 So•mg Marareo. the Boa Afanufaxeriv liferfiawy and ' Era Ifacitise Work, at the following STATE FAME, • of ISaf . New Fork or Fair, First Premium far fandly - Inachlue. Fart Premium for duable-thrted =Lachine. Filla Freud= for machine waft. Ferrooataacr Yee'. Fret Prceilun for &milli machine. First Premium for manufacturng machine. . First.Premteun far machine wor i k. Zawa Dace fair, First Premiere for funny 'machlne. Vint 'Pretalum for manuring mat". Finn Prernicim for mac ulaework Mahican Prate - Fair. Fast Preardnutibr fanny machine. for manttescturieg 'amebae". Tint 4remin a ia.for aumbine work. Indiana heir Fair. First Premium for machine fir 411 purposes. lint Premium fir machine work. PEW& Siam Tar. hint PreminmEor =atm for all purPoma Vint Premiwalor machine work. Zencecky SS& Fair. ._ Parini= iomachine for ell F i rsti Premium tbr trichina work. pi:newts. Praaamecasio Sta... Far. Fart Premium for manufactmft machine. First Pretedura Awl:Agatha; 'nat. Olio Stab First Premium for machine work. And at the following County Fain : Chimealea OK FL) daricakaral Brown. First Premium tor fainib - machine. • Tint Free:dem:fir mantificturing 1nt141116. Tint Freudian for machine work. Oliaggpierat Vance (ill.dpriesitiral er e ire. Tian Pruntem for family =chino. That Prembau for rasitifacturtug amebae. First Premium for Machias work. /issapdas Geri. Waal Agricultural Bodge. Diploma fire family. machine. IlrZas ferraumbitii• work. • • Cb. (41. r.) Fair,: Prmaliun for ; Wally machine. first Premium for manufacturing machine. Daliaa's (b. daticallatnal geoiety. First Premium lot Dually machine. sr.Amon.-om(rt: F.) Fair. Tint Prearduarfar fly machine. Sanatoria CI,.A/Cr F.) . • ' lint Primaan fer:ferally machine. Iffeekeedds Dalin* (AO Fair. .1111 t mfg Err Maxillae Or la im , pace. first ft=11113:13 far marinas Vert.' The state cammiew all the Fairs ea isirtch the GUOVIG MAGUEY= were exhibited tAlt= i ; At raramly all of them the boding Sewing Imola comprtitice. . . . Tba vain inattapen - the' Gratis b pater Sexing liacixtrashas. melted the lint Frei:W=4l l *o Stein Fair in the Tinited:fitates where it boo been exhibited to %Melanie. Salo Boasts, Zia. la 1171TEI ET., Pittxtinagh, Pa. odstsbewa , A. F...CIIAONET, Agent. WEEP' Ho. 611Trnt ETtilreT, IMPROVED . LOCK SITIO , FAMILY-.IIRANG _ll Cfit 18. 11141:Privalt,i,v0 ft the pxadou andaarl..t.shl- sstd - 1 - Me4mpo,rta,nt 13tatci and M.r.2u:W, est l'abs when. vaidintil this sawn.. Call aid ra. mains tII.s. mathinsibefoTai purcbadr4. We afar rand. Footal P!;ttoot thohcdia Lock MaAd, whicik Inruns pselbet fahtyto PitmelarlY .an a be )01.10'"7 WK.MAO., ,74,74 ~°ol~ss jiui;riNT mir EM=O We, the anderdszed, Mends end amplaintancia of Mn. Be-rtholoodw, who giTee thirabore cerdecetth Imre lectorrn hcr for many year!, and do certify_ that the statements made by bd are entitled to Toll cm dead, sad that the eeconnt noted all exeszerated. Scarcely any pericatwbo lthent her. threemontha alp would iscognise that now, inch 1 the alteration of her &ppm/ranee ISOCIEWIZT/ 73.41511710TA515ZW, i 35-W. 48th street. • Ospt.'4. 'ettetrisirmers, 65 West 48th Arad. Mn. 58. 3. CHAWBEftI.S.I3:, 83 Wed 45th street. r/4.17:1'W. stsarr, Wed 48th dmwt. IL-K.Aarearr, • 83 Wed 48th emit. sa. end Kre , SCOVII:-D, • '„B3. West 46th street. . . , )4. $: U. SIMICROE wirloo at Mit:toe* oes., Aarth SLAV tir«►, gia . :*p* nary sdx- CBpALscts.D ; _•.in:t" P4xl- Pe,gh - ist advice Cm; bet ro t64l.rnine"xlMla"la meth th. BM* mruta, / 1 * eb4WI, 1):A1.1' tir.eatembiirs ISIOCUChIr .re tbr sale by lb. VOID, dOZAID ciridnele bottler & WILSOYB CZLZBIUTED ;S - for isltibs JAX 80WN,13 Wocd stria. DA.- 111:'*"031, ; , :,-..N0«140 WOOD 873721? rwqble,ts rni: at_ t&a.___ _ - DR. KEYSiaB BLOOD-SPARMat.' IMION ! iu wan?" . ar. ',u . focal sils &sena. and to N!MfEE! - WPM'S LMtErti It will Matt mrstlitibUtitngrltimatcs: Tatter or Saltithanni s 4ing Werra, Pimplen on'' the Feee,.l3azbere-Itehißlotih• Ificersi?tantalland • Irritating: 1 .mA , . the Skin, Sore Zoe, • - , . C1 : F ( ,, A L 309171 = az. Wir 80 CCM litedigrOilar Iffiii
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