pittsburi t h 6tett4. it-IDD LE Qc 00.. ; =mai Azi4sorarrresa.' BATII4DAY MORNI110:::=NO . V. 7;1883 BEM:4S READING.—For an interesting opitomb of the Religious intelligence of the wiek, carefully ,prepared for the Gazarrs, lee fourth pogo. The Natbnial Debt. A. B. JOIINSON, Esq., of Utica, a retired banker, and a profound thinker, hu pub. lisped a pamphlet on the subject of the Na tional debt, in which he /aye down, and maintains by irrefutable arguments, the bold proposition that "Government loans in crease a nation': capital to the amount of its It seems at the first glance 'somewhat par adoxical, that the debt of a nation should add to its productive capital to an amount equal, or nearly so, to that debt; yet a little reflection will suffice to convince any one that the proposition is correct. The bonds of the nation, the interest on which is paid semi-annually in coin, are equivalent in value to coin itself. Their value in the market-nay be equal to that' of an equal amount of gold or silver, or, it may be, a trifle more or lees: it matters not. Be that as it may, they are, as a basis of currency, or in other words, banking capi tal, equivalent to gold, they being convert ible into gild, or money, at the pleasure of the holder. The national debt of the United States will, on the first of January next, be not far from fifteen hundred millions of dol lars. The cash value of that enormous amount of government stook will almost certainly be a little over par. These fifteen hundred millions of bonds are nearly all in the hands of our own citizens. They are not bandied about among stook jobbers, as are some kinds of fancy stocks, but are either held as permanent investments by individual; or are accumulating In masses of banking capitalbetter, by far, for that purpose than gold and silver; because, while acting as gold and silver as a basis, they pay to the stockholders ale per cent. interest, which specie, held by the banks as a basis for their circulation, does not. It is because national stock's, instead of floating on the surface of the money mar ket, settle down and form a solid basis or foundation upon which the whole monetary system of the nation rests, that a national debt becomes a national blessing—at once enlarging and steadying the supply of the productive capital of the country, and ren dering periodical inflations and contractions of the currency, to any disastrous erten impossible. Of the fifteen hundred millions of national stock, which will be in the /1411(19 of the people by the first of January next, one thotisand millions will probably be ab sorbed as banking eapitalln less than two years. Will this vast sum be, too much? Will it cause too great an expansion in the currency of the country? We think not. Unquestionably it will be very large; but that expansion being sound and wholesome, the foundation upon which it rests being as solid as the Government itself, it can not be followed by such collapses as that of 1837 and 1857; and that being so, the true industrial interests of the country will soon expand in an equal ratio, and profitably employ the whole of iL The saute thing followed the discovery of gold in California and Australia. Many theorists at that time dreaded the effects of the sudden addition of $150,000,000 annually to the then exist lag sources of supply of that metal; but the _business, the productive indast,vy, of the ' vVorld expanded naturally and beautifully, and absorbed the whole of it, .without any appreciable derangement in relative values. So will it be in respect to the vast increase of currency which will be given to the corm try by the national stocks. No man can estimate: the amount of money which can be legitimately, profitably and safely employed in developing the re sources of this new and widely extended country, and in its cultivation and adorn ment. Let the currency be kept sound, and it may be increased ten fold, yes, twenty fold, without any inflation; Air the demands of true and legitimate business will soon absord it AIL The introduction of labor-saving ma chinery, in every department of industry, agricultural, mechanical and manufactu ring, enabling one man to do the work of five, ten or twenty, and, to the same extent causing money to take Gurplace of men, will alone employ profitably countless millions of capital. To these useiof capital add the construction of railroads into every part of the country, and the thousands of other things essential to the comfort, convenience, and intellectual and moral well being of a great and rapidly increasing people, and we may dismiss as groundless all appre hensions of any dangerous expansion of the -national currency. It is fluctuation, and not expansion, that °eases mischief and trouble. But the national debt will be not only a source of prosperity and a guarantee of eta bility, but it will be our greatest tend of Union. Every man's Interest will be inter twined with that of his government; and in every step of his progress through life, he will habitually regard it as Megreatand beneficent patron and partner, and feel, that, second only to his God, it ii his glory and defence ; andas such he will maintain and defend it with all his .influence and strength. And again : To restore the desolations 'of war in the South, and plant there the in etitutions andapplianees of a high civilise than, in the place of the rode, barbaronsand brutal meal structure 'which this war is sweeping away, will req - ulte a vest amount of capital ; and ilia an astartishinginstance of the great la* of compensatio.n, that, to a large extent, tho means of repairing those desolations will grow out of the very ex penditure incurred by the nation in cruah ing the wicked rebellion which caused them. TitrilWollllllr Information from within Bragg's lines is to the *effect that kb army does not exceed seventy-live thousand men, mind et these all the Tennessee troop; would desert itt once were they not afraid that they world be exchanged as prisoners of- war and so fall again into the rebel plateh. Mrs:War Deatocrattattballortiwest 'hay* lasuodrii;:eaU,for_it'lluiratenoilito be hold at Chicago on tho 25thipat. AxEngUilt pivot lip: ' , Wei were taxed la 1820 g 45,000,000, mitt now £74,000.000, bad aro more raisin:es now than thee. The Karylipd E r cro f --Shall Traitor Maryland, although a loyal State, has .very many open - and avowed secessionists among - her population, who have labored hard from the beginning to take the State out of the Union. Yet these men claimed the right to vote at the late election; but Major General Scantg, by proclamation, and with the approbation of the President, forbade any man known to be a secession ist voting. He did right. Shall the life of a nation be jeopardized through a mawkish regard for the rights of traitors ? True to its instincts, the Post, of this city, sets up a loud howl, because its friends in Maryland, who prefer the Government of Jgrr. DAVIS to that of the Unioil, wore not allowed to vote. The New York Tribune, referring to the matter, says: The right of traitors to vote came sharply into question on Monday in Maryland. Gm Schenck issued an order that Provost Marshals should arrest all rebels offering to vote. Gov. Bradford saw fit to resent the order by a proclamation requiring the Judges of Election to conform to the laws of Maryland, and to them only, in receiving or refusing votes. General Schenck suppressed the proclamation, the Governor appealed to the President, and the Presidentveeponded in a letter which modi tied in terms one section of Gen. Schenck's order, but which expressly approved its principle, and left its operation, in fact, lit tle hindered. Whereupon Gov. Bradford proclaims agains the President, also, and Gen. Schenck was good natured enough—or Shall we say was mischievous enough ?—to permit the whole document to bo printed, accompanying it with a supplementary order of his own, and the President's letter. Gov. Bradford thinks Maryland a loyal State, and urges that as a reason why dis loyal citizens should be allowed to vote within her limits. All the candidates for Congress, but one, says the Governor, are loyal. Yes, responds Mr. Lincoln, but treason is catching, and "In this struggle for the nation's life I cannot so • confidently rely on those whose election may have de pended upon disloyal votes. Such men, when elected may prove true, but such votes are given them in the expectation that they will prove false." The answer is a sound one, and stated with the Presi dent's wonted perspicacity. So is the fol lowing ad hominea argument : "Nor do I think that to keep the peace at the polls, and to prevent the persistently disloyal from voting, ronstitutes just cause of of fense to Maryland. I think that she has her own example for it. If I mistake not, it is precisely what Gen. Dix did when your Exellency was elected Governor!" And we are left to suppose, what Mr. Lin coln is too polite expressly to urge, that on that occasion Gov. Bradford did not deem objectionable the policy which secured his own election. Oen. Schenck's order as modified by the President :directed; Provost Marshals and ' other military officers to prevent distur bances at the polls, to support the Judges of Election in requiring an oath of allegi ance to the United States as the test of citi zenship of persons challenged as disloyal, and to report at headquarters any Judge refusing to carry out the order. It was meant to confine the exercise of the right to vote to loyal men. It was issued at the urgent request of numerous loyal citizens, and upon representations not merely that open Rebels were intending to vote, but that in ceV ain parts of the State which are notoriously disloyal by a large majority, there woe reason to expect violence and in timidation to loyal men at the polls. It was not merely a question, therefore, whether Rebels should be forbiddes, but whether Unionists should be permitted to vote, and should be protected in voting. And with that question before him Gen. Schenck would have been remiss in duty if he hag neg lected to issue the order. Independently of that question the mat ter is equally plain. It is not neoessary to impeach the loyalty of Maryland ass State. Nobody doubts that the great majority of her present voters are on the side of the Union, nor is it material how large a par of her former population may be fighting in the Rebel Army. But she is a Border State, a Slave State, claimed as parcel of the Jeff. Davis Confederacy, and contains many active, able, zealous, and utterly un scrupulous traitors, who are still striving by all means to take the btate bodily out of the onion. Shall such men be allowed to try and cots her out of the Union? Gen. Babcock aid the President say no, and they are unquestionably right. Whether •the ef fort is more or less direct, open or covert it is not to the point. The principle which the President's letter decides, is simply that traitors shall not be permitted to vote, where their votes imperil the allegiance of a State to the Union. The safety of the 'Republic ie the supreme law, and it is well that an opportunity was offered for the President to declare himself thus unequiv ocally on a question that has always been serious, andamay yet become vital. It is a monstrous doctrine that traitors retain and must be allowed to exercise the civil privi leges which they voluntarily relinquished by their treason while of theatreason they are still unpurged. No Government can exist which will deliberately suffer its authority to be defied and Its power resisted, whether at the ballot-box or by armed treason in thi field. And this Government must crush treason, in whichever shape it shows itself, and by whatever means it seeks to destroy the life of the nation. The Prealdent and the Maryland E action. A letter is published from President LINCOLN in reply to a protest of Governor Bradford against an order of General Schenck directing troops to be stationed at the polls on election day. The President says: "WAR DIPLYITIMAT, WAIMINOTON, November 2, Ms& To Hie ImoMacy A. W. Bradford, Governer of Ifaildand : "Sea : rears of the Slat ultimo was received yesterday abad noon, and since then I have been giving moat earnest attention to the sub ject matter of It. At my call Gen. Schenck has attended, and he worm me it is almost certain that Violence 'wilt be used at some of the Toting pions on election day unless pre vented by his Provost Guards. He say. that at some of these places the Union Totem will not attend at all tie run a ticket =lass 'they have some assurance of protection. This makes the Missodri case of my action in re gard to which you- express- your Approval. The remaining point Of your letter is a pra ted Whist any person offering to Tote being put. to any test not found in the laws pf Mary land. This brings unto a difference -between Missouri and Maryland... With the seine rea son in both 'States,"Misiouri has by law pro vided a test for the - .voter with reference to the present rebellion; while Meryland has not. For esamplegfen. Trimble, captured fighting us at Gettysburg, is, without recanting his treason, a legal voter by the laws of Mary land. Even Gen. Schenek'sorder admitshim to vote, If he recants upon oath. • I think that is cheap enough. My order in Missouri, which you approve, end Gon-Schenek's eider here, reach precisely the tame end. , •Each as sures the right of voting to alldnyal mad, and whether a man is loyal each allows that man -to HE by his own oath. Your suggestion that nearly all the candidates are loyal, I do not think quite meets the Me. In this struggle for tke nation's life I annotate confidently rely on those whose election may have depended open disloyal votes. Saab men when' elected may pro/aims, but such votes are given them in the expectation that they will prove fal se . Nor do I think that to keep ,the peace at the polls, and toirevent thepersistently disloyal 'from voting constitutes just cause of diatom to Maryland. I think she has her own exam ple for it. If I mistake .nr?t, it is precisely whet General 5111 did when your Excellency was elected Governor. I revoke the first of Alm three propositions in General Schences General Order No. 52—not that it is wrong,in principle, but because the military being of necessity exclusive judges as to who shall be arrested, the provision is liable to abuse. For the revoked part I substitute the following: That all „bennet Mustuda and other military ofil condo prevent all disturbance or dolma et or about the polls, whetterr offered by snob persons as above described or by any other perisan or persons what- leaver. The other two propositions. of tbeArder I Wow to stand. General Bohan& Is tatty Ai termined, and has my atriot order besides, that ail loyal men may rots and rote for whom they please. Your obedient servant, A. Lticoce, President of the United States. The Public Debt. The following Is the latoet statement tondo of the public debt- The overage rate of in terest on the whole debt (3.81 per cent.) is less than that paid by the British or French Goy eimments, and shows <dearly the estimation In which our public securities are held: MIMIC DEBT OF THE CEITID STATE!, LEO •NNEAL UTE AND ♦WOCNT OT INTEREST THEREON. F t ErTranlitt, 1863. ltato of Amount of Principal. Interest. Interest. Old public debt. ......567,261,591 15% $3,700,487 Tin.. year 7 3-10 tand5..139,996,950 7.3 , 3 10,219,777 Two year bonds 276,203 6 16,672 Twenty Jeer bonds (1881) 50,000,000 6 3,000,000 Five-twenty bonds 256,639,231 6 15,365,535 Certificates of 10deb'ne5e158,436,437 6 9,606,186 Oregon Isar debt 450,876 e 27,0.52 Temporary 'loans 100,(00,020 5,000,010 6372,531,223 846,835,610 United States note. ..393,024,360 Fractional currency 18,662,856 Treasury notes past due. 41,600 Suspended requisdt'os,,te. 41,653,670 Aggregate 81,2211,832,71 316,835,610 Average rate of Interest 3.81 per Cent. on the wholo debt. Average rate of interest on funded debt alone 6.06 per cent. RELIGIOUS ✓TOTICEB. 0... ME FIRST CONGREGATION OF DISCIPLES of Pittsburgh, reset stated. ly, In . the IRON CITY COLLEGE BUILDINGS, corner of Peon and St. Clair streets. Prear.filug LORD'S DAY—Morning and Evening—at the/mama hours. Sunday School at g% o'clock p. m. Pray.] Meeting ovary WEDNESDAY EVENING. Th, public are respectfully Welted. no7:lt , DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, ALLi. otrany Crrr, ELDER JOSEPH KING, Pastor, meet in EXCELSIOR HALL, corner of Federal and Leaeock etreeu. Preaching every LORD'S DAT, al a. m. and p. m. Prayer Meeting WED. NEOAX EVENING. The public are oordially no7:lt YA SERMON will be delivered by the Ray. R. D. SPROULL, In tho REFORM ED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (Dr. Alpert:KOPKO Allegheny, SABBATH EVENING NEXT, al 73 o'clock. nal:lt PUBLIC .rOTICIES. -U. S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION If EWING& Ingl In WWI of Um CHRISTIAN COMMISSION Will be held on next SABBATH, In the Salon:lna Ohurchee: PILIBT BAPTIST CHURCH, Grant itreet, at 10% a. in. Addles. by Roy. ORO. J. HINGINII, of Phil adelphia LIBERTY &TRUST MISTHODIST CHURCH,IO% a. oi. Addren by ROT. 0. P. LIFORD, of (lamp Coo.loseett: ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CLIUBCF,I, at 3 o'clock p. m. Addrou by Soy. ROOT. J. PARYII4, D. D., of Now York. WELSH oONGRI:GATION AL raft UCIi, •t o'clock p. m. Address by E. B. W. Clf IDLAW, of Owe:int:ma A Union Hooting gill be hold in Rev. sows D. CLARK'S CIICROR, Allegheny, al 3 o'clock p. to be sddrcaoecl by Rey. 3losass. CABTLX and LTYORD. A Union Meeting will also be held in the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Pittsburgh, at o'clock. AU of the &Instes will be present et this meet lug. . . EITUART, E.q., Chairman of thn Co.. minion, will be present at these meetings, If pass bin. The public is cordially and earnestly Ins lud t attend. nalgt O.NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.— Pittm A Bre ',l=of the Sta' sd Chtt i ll d 7b: f li t e h l; at the 018 m of the Gamper'', in the City of Nite• burgh, at 11 o'clock a. m. on THURSDAY, the 12th day of November, A. D. 11182, fur the pupae* of at ceptlng or ritlecting the following named Acts and Supplements, passed by the Ormond Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at he lam melon, to wit: "An sot to roped the ninth eection of an act authorising the laying out of • State Road from the Borough of Oraigsburg, Schuylk il l county, to Wm loot • public toed leading from Easton to Mooch Chunk, and for other purposes," approved theist day of April, A. D. 1863. "A ''supplement to an act to incorporate the Pittsburgh d Connellsville Railroad Company," approved tiro 11th day of April, A. D. 1862, Also, "A aupplementto an sotto lncorporate tha Safe Harbor and Sosqtuthanna Turnpike Road Company,^ et mean; approved the If th day of April, A. D. 1883. TllOB. 8. BLAIR, OTROS P. MAR/ILK JOHN A. CAUGHS T , J. R. MARSTON, W. W. TAYLOR, A. MILLAR, H. ictraownr, JOHN 8. DILWORTH, DANL. R. DAVIDSON, W. 8. HAVEN, Directors of the Pittsb'igh A Conn. B. R. Go. Piffebrevf, Oct. 17th, 1881 ecThtf MELPTLNO of the L' ,7 Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt Mae nfaeturing Company will be held at their nem, No, 127 Waluut Stroot, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, November 11th, at eleven o'clock a. in., for the Lion of Seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and met other btoinems ea may then beresented. oc".•:2w SAMUEL P. YISHER, p r. Asznein se - O.TIIE PRESIDENT AND DIREG TORS hare this day declared a Dlrlded of YOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, out of the is of the tut .Is month., payable to the Mock holdere or their legal repreeentatbret, on and alter the 13th Instant. no4:td J. C. MopIIERSON, Treasurer. • DIVIDE'S D. omcz Werreas Isevastos Goarrarr, Pittsburgh,3d, 1883. The Directors of the Western Insurance Company hare thin day declared a Weida:id of TWO-AND-A LIA LP DOLLARS upon each share of the Capita! Pus*, out of the earned profits of the Last six mouths, payable to Stockholders on or after the 13th Inst. no4.td F. Iif.4IO6IDON, See . 071/101t Erma Drstoasace 0039,14114 Pittsburgh, October 27th , Ma AN ELECTION FOR 'rIORTE N DIRECTORS of this Company, to servo for the ensuing year, will be bold at Its Mks, in Bags. ley'. Building, \Voter street, on TUESDAT, Nowt:o ber Il,tb, between the hours of 11 a. to. and 1 p. 19. oc277td ROBERT FTlCNEY.Secretary. Tinct Weannui lastmascs ()Damao; Pittabargh, October Mth, ELECTION ron DIRECTORS , ve.r of ttaa Oompart_y alll be hold at Ito aka, No. M Water ,on TUERDA If, November 10th, UM, botsroet the 6ban of 11 a. m. sad 2 p. m 0e.30v01 T. If. GORDON, flec'y. B.4.rAC .41^0TWES. - - - Cmy Dana or Prrrammors, Nov. a, 18113, Ec? , , , THE DIRECTORS of this Tank have this day &eland • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, out of the profit. of the hut six months, payable to litockbolden or their legal reproeentativer, on or after the Mb Lot., fro. of Government tax. no4:lotde2tvor J. MAGOTTIN, Cluhlor • Hasa or Plrremaan, Nov. 3, 154. 10.TEIE ,DIRECTORS of thin Ltank have ths day deciarrd a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on i its Capital stock, ut of o the progts of the last ex monthe, which will le payable to Stockholder. or their legal representatives, free of Governmeat tax, an or attar the 13th inst. notittdalterF JOHN HARPER, Gambler. kirentaxere Burl, Pittebargb, Rot. a, ista. HE DIRECTORS of this Bank have this day dsclarod a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. eit tho Capital Stock, Ike the last Biz raoatha payable to SWaholdars ea or alter the 13th Instant, freo Of Gorerneasediaa. • • noi:101 GTO. D: Mt:GREW, Gender. giacauerrs' • ~H aar AN1 1 ......4.11V111.CTV1LW lice i g ts , } Pittsburgh, Nov. 3, 18e3. 10" TH E BOARD Or DIRECTO ot this Dank km this day doolared • Dividend of FOOD PEE. CENT. on ttts Capital dusk, ant d the profits of tbo lad six months, payable on or att.. the 19th l o st., trop of 111 taxes. no4:t4 JOIIN 800TT, Jr., Canhisr. Prrrex•••• • /Scratcher X, DOA THE DEREOTORS OP THE EX CHANGE DANE of Pfttiburgh have this day declared • Dividend of yin PER C ENT. out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on flo after the 13th Instant, five of Goinrnmont tax. coda's — U. Al. MURRAY, Cashier. ALL/AM= Datta,Nov. leak 10..THE pRESIDLITT AND• MEC. TORS of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of POOR PER CENT. on the Capital stock, payable to the Stockholders or; their kcal representatives on and after the 13th histant, free of Government tax. no-Ltd J.W. WOK, Cashier. Orrisrars' sac Pittsburgh, Nov. 3, The. 10. MB DIRE d TOUS of this Bank have this day declared Dividend of TIT& PER CENT. 011 the Capital Stock. peTable to Stock holders or their legal representatives, ou or after the lath Zest. The Government Tax on Woe will be paid b~ the Dank. GEO. T. UN DOREN, n0343w Mahler. _ Farr erroseL BASIL or Pirrasoson, (Lsre Pimbesdh Thee Comp.%) Nimbi:re', Nov. 2, 11163. rczarip, PRESIDENT ANIII3O D of DIRECTORS bare - this day declared • Dividend of ONE DOL ME AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per share on' the stock of Os . Pittsburgh Trum.Oompany to Ist of August, add TWO DOL. LARS per stuare on the Capital Steck of the plat share of the prollis to the Jat payable on or attar =MAY, the 10th MM. m. Stockholder@ are hereby notified that the final payment of the mitecription to tlsaCapildl Stark. elm Twenty-live Dollor per share will be temtissel on or bates the lit day of Way next. JOHN D. SCILLY, • Cashier. • ri3;#_rwol4et WANTED-4 eituation, by a boy who - =foretells Pawn reounaent.e. and elk: operatio, nseessiuT. kw". 0. Di n Allmben, IARENVAiI - ) will be paidfor inform- atlon leading to the recoret7 of a small FRENCH CREEE BOAT, taken from the wharf, near the railroad bridge, on the Pittsburgh side. on Friday morning. It le CO or 65 feet by Id, with one streak of elding, excepting two spaced, one et each end, on one side. The above reward will be paid to ney Parson leaving the necessary Informtion at the WHARVKASTEICS OFFICE, near the n Rand Ftruot Bridge, Pittsburgh. n07.1t ECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Let.ters of 1.1 Administration on tho manta of Jacob Aber, late of Baldwin township, Allegheny county, demand, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and them haring claims against said eetate wlll present them, properly authenticated for settlement. JOSIMI ADEN,) A. W. BEDELL, Ex. F. S. poLLocx,) ITPEIOLSTERIN6, or ALL ire BRANCH- Leh—Raving srtirchesed a large stock of good' for cosh, as are able to offer great bargain. et ex tremely Icor priesm. A great variety of BLINDS, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTII, EMBOSSED TABLE COVERS; ADILADE, GRASS and MANIL LA BORDERED MATS, CARPET BINDINGS, and every variety of goods kept in that line. We Incite the attention of the public gluterally to our troll es eorted stock. All orders promptly attended to. Please give no a call. at 172 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny, (house fennerly occupied by Mr. Semple.) no7:11, BARK Edl t NIEL°. PUOTTIST 31411.1111ket OITICII, 22D No. 08 Fourth arced, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nor. 0, 1883. PMEIRPTED FROM DRAFT.—In ac cordance with orders I publish the following list of persons exempted from draft by the Boast of Enrollment to ate District to this date, with the reasons of their exemption: DP Eamon of Harip Famished ms Acceptabie Firobadtale. James Miller, Bth ward. Thos.Brimn, eubstittite. dticau taha .Aare raver Declared tafeatioaa Thomas Bober* Temparanoarilla. Witnaessea— D. Robinson, 0. 11. Cochran. J. ILEIION POSTER, no 7 Capt. and Proanat alarsbal, ttd Mot. Pa IKE MARVEL'S NEW BOOK—My Farm at Edgewood. A country book 111 60 Beveriee of a Bachelor. Now and beautiful ad.... 1 25 Dream Life. A new and beautiful edition 1 25 • Philip Van Arterelda By Henry Taylor...--- 1 00 Peter Carradiner. By Caroline -Chomehro —1 50 Broken Columns. A new novel 1 60 Our Old Home. By _ Hawthorne .... .... . 1 25 Tout L'Ovarture of Hayti. A ............ 1 25 The Black Han, hie Antemdents and Us tient= 1 00 The Amber God. By Harriett Presoott 1 !A Zchokse Medltatione on Life. 1 25 Freedom and War. By Henry Ward Beecher_ 1 60 The Sing of Ameals. By B. Balmer Lytton... 1 00 The Old Merchanta of New York. Td cutlet__ 1 50 The Dead Shot. A book for Bportsmen 1 25 The Groat Stone Book of Nature. By Awed._ 1 25 Fur sale by EAT A CO., 66 Wood etreet. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Daring and Suffering. A history of the Groat BallrMd fid - renture in Georgia, by Lieut. William Pitt Inger. 1 vol. Bend the Lin. ; or, A Sankt* Prisoner Loos In Dixie. Ike Marvel's New Dock--.31y Farm of Edgowood.' 1 volume. The Last Timm, by Seise. Wendell Phillip.' Speech... and Lectures. Our Srinday Schott, and How we Menem, It. A now supply Jut Toothed. not J. L. BEAU, 78 Fourth street. ( - 10 MMISSION GOODS.—N ow in store 1000 bushels. prime Potatoes; 75 Chestnuts; 50 history Nuts; 800 White Bmna; 3 ton-Buck wheat Flour, 50 bulbuls Barley; 100 Ear Corn ; 10 barrel. Tallow; IS Maple Sugar. I barrel two year old Currant Wine; 100 down Fancy Broomr, 10 barrels pure Cider; And 3000 pounds packed Batter, for , sale by L. H. VOIGT A co. C I 'ESE.-1300 boxes W. R; 100 do Hamburg; 15 do Goshen; 100 half bbl.. No. 3 largo Mackerel; 30 bile. No. 2 large Mackerel; 40 do 1 do; 100 bushel. prime Timothy deed; Bdo Cheetonts; In stare and for sale by oc3l CHAS. C. BALSLEY, 179 Liberty et. CIiA.NHKERIES 100 tibia choice Michigan Cranberries; 50 do Minnesota Wild do; 10 do Jersey do; 7 do Cape (kid extra do; 9 do York Stem do; 15 do Sackett's cultiv'd Bell do ; Now in store end for sale by nut L. H. TOIGT & CG. () u • IL crrin OIL CLOTH!—FIoor NJ 011 Cloths, of all styles and Widtild • also Table Coven, anilTitattegkorit Green Clotlt Oar Wlnikne Made. A bits stock always on hand and for wag at prima to atilt the Gams, at the OH Cloth Depot of 3. a H. PHILLIPS, nos . Noe. 28 and WI 81. Clair .tree!, W HITE CORN MEAL—Barrel'stra silted White Cunt Meal, made from Flint Corn, Just received from Indiana,and pot up in email mote fur family me, or for sale by the pound, at the /Molly Grocery Store of JOHN A. RENSHAW, Outlier Liberty and Hand abbots. SUNDRIES. Tllake" Potatoes 260 do Buckeye do; ISO do eh leo Grown Apples; in slam apd for sale by 04. - CULP 1411 EPA RD. LONDON CLUB SAUCE, a relish for 0 . 4 t . ,.. /MM. soups, &c., just repaired; also gen uine French prepared Mustard, Walnut and Mush room Ketebup, Sc., for We at the Tinnily Grocery of JONN A. RENSHAW, no 4 comer Liberty and Band ;dream G RKEN APPLES, —3OO bblo. choice Apples, els Gatse, Belltiorreds, Pippins, Green ing; Barabows, de., In Gore and fur sole by COOK, PETTIT & CO nos No. 14 Smithfield street. CUM BELTING, PACKUCG 110.911, and GASKETS, of all sizes and thickness: A Ime b : r tiv e d i Lltu a t received an 4 1 , :oL . sa p le .1 the ladi. Noe. 20 sod 28 At: Clair street. Ess PORK I MESS PORK 1-1,1100 ALL hbli. Moo Port in store and for role by MeDONALD A ARM:TITLES, Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Com. Merchants, no 4 242 and 244 Liberty street. pOTATOES.--42 bbls. Peach Blows; 44 do Prince Alberts; 9 do Logibth Whites; 8 do Whits Neshanzocles; Just received and for sale by . oc3l CHAS. G. BALSLEY, IT9 Libertyloo BBIA " B"•11U0Aii; 40 " "B" do; 40 Pored, Gran. and Crushed Sugar; Jut readved and for sale by. LISTMEII & N 126 mad 126 Wood a BAILRELS ORANGES; 25 boxes LZMONS ;" • Ault brooked and for sol. by BXYMEEL a. BROS., bob Nob IZ6 and 125 Wool atm UONSIGNMENni 5O bush. prime White Reams; • 60 bhIL prepared Sweet Older• Tr. boxes W, R. Mow; 60 tombola Oakes • To arrive sod Re ails at 126 Seeoud street. 0e26 FRANK VAN GORDFR COLI'S RE VOL VERN. Allon't do. Karp . Warner's • or pals by do. do.. JAMES BOWE, 134 Wood straed ARD WANTED.—Tho highest cash Woo paid for Country Lord, aDALZXLLt all time SON.. JAL , tien _O3 and TO Wow area. GOh Areps, (IRA bcixce choice Oilm nd an Oman by ,. put' exprouly family vintor , Pot not CULP tr,EIHSPAIID, 949 Mort: • C',ESE.—Weetern Reserve Cheese, mewled fur rettirCuttiog, tot tide try ot2B WIC P. BECK t CO. caixiss4,—.l,ooobxe. Western Reserve Is sues and Ibr r....d4d.'°' 148ba.mBb..°47;AITTIELD. PPLES--41 barrels Rambows, Bel 0c.7 21""" ' lc ' for II"' 6 41MT 11. OOLLINO. C' 'ot Clay for solo by COLLINS. • ORA' GUNS, -double and single barrel, Zult ll .l4 auundsetare, *made by . • JA.111133 /SOWN, 730 Wood street. OILB Atdiati, for Crude and IletinlicT n, &mule 129 , JAL DALZILL & BON, 09 and 7t} Water street A PPLEti-kAIO bbla °beide Green I.Apples readied and for sale by 0t:417 , J. B. OA.N77ELD. LA" (5114-12 • bble. No. 1 Winter Lard 011 in More and for ale by yen ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. ASKET WILLOWO.-30 . bdIEL Ken. %dry Ilaaket Willows to arrive i roll, Tor olds • MIMI DICKEY A CO. P.W. ----r, el'OEtiz—:Xl_bblo. Jersey Sheet Potatoca)raipaalvedsodtar sale at 11V amend atreat.. • /RANK VA.N GORDIUS. P ENTEICKY WALLOWS,-30bundlos anevi landing from gnaw! dirk for sakrby cs TELMAff DICKEY 4.ett, HUG. CALKING it !Xis : j ua t, 6 readved Ibr Irak br JAIIES HONK; 138 Wool Arad !sem RAIZ , SALT,I-,Ordero-. solioited for kJ Alit. IT WK. A;clE4.co., odei irholaisla iliocen; 116 Liberty stmt. CVEAP WALL l'APO*7 , Beautif9 , %aro vezrAtiarrim4 _ • • - • .11rE W. 4 rERTINEMEAT'S. "MEW APPLICATION.- TISTR tho memtiess of Um "Pitt*. tnargb Denial Association," have adopted the y City, P.. Commonly called LA raurNG G '.S, for the painless extraction .4 tooth. LAUGHING GAS has long been known to the world as lutraclena, and It must eventually supersede chloroform and all other amts. thrtic agent.. The leading Dentists In the East have been using thisthui for some time, with great succees. C. KING, J. D. WHITE, J. KING, R. VA NDEVORT g Sox C. SILL, M. DEPUY, J. WESTRAT, LIU LLIHEIC A ORB, J. ADAMS, J. HOFFMAN, It. DIANCHESTER, H. BAK Elt, H. 0. GILLESPIE, J. D. WILLIAMS. am7:3toatrB COLLECTOR'S NOTICE.—The Au anal Assemment List, far 1563, containing taxes on Income., Silver Plato, Carriages, Sc., .d License Duties, In the 2d Pa. Collection District, comprising that portion of Allegheny minty eouth of the Alle gheny and Ohio rivers, Mu been received from the Assetwor. Payments for the First Sul-District, comprising the let, ltd, 3d, 4th, sth and eth Wards of Pitts burgh, nod the adjacent Boroughs, most be made at my office, No. 67 Fourth street, on or before the In DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, alter which time the penalties presciibed by the law will bo exacted. Other portions of the Dlstrict may make payment at the same place, until notified by their respective Deputy Collectors, JOHN RHEA, Collector Wd Penns; District, Office, No. 67 Fourth street. Fittsbrugh, Nov. 6, torn. no7:2w VERY CHEAP.LVe have on hand, at and well selected stock of BOHlT. ge Aril n 6 /71Z, which was bought before tbp late advance on goods, and we will give our =stoni er' the benefit of low pd.... We have the latest and meet fashionable styles of Gentleman's, Ladles', Misted', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, BAL MORALS. SLIPPERS, BUFFALO SHOTS, AND GUNS Of orrery else and description. Call and examine. Country merchant. will And it to their advantage to give m • .11. 98 mARKET STREET, 2d dlrx,r from Fifth. no 7 /NEW GOODS! No. 112 FEDERAL STREET. Allegheny, has Jos rooelrod a large aesortment of MILALINICFLY GOODS, tons of BONNETS, RATS, RIBBONS, BON NET PATTERNS, etc., which she will be pleased t show her friends and customers. Call and examtn them. noT:lw HUNTS PITTSBURGH ALMANAC 72 Pages, Illustrated flffdy to-day. Ootitedning— Nita' and Interesting READING MATTER for the FAMILY CIRCLE. Nearly • htmdretl Valuable and Profitable Recoipta for making many of, the moat Popolar PATENT MEDICINES, PERITMEIIT, HAIR DYES, 4a., do. WAR RECORD. ECLIPSES. ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. RECORD OP EVENTS. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS or rtm CHEAT REBELLION. THE UNITED STATES PENSION LAW. THE UNITED STATES BOUNTY LAW. TERM DAYS Or THE VATLIOUS COURTS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, arc., rro. Oalculattoim by Fannin' Dun, A.M., Principal of Plttabargh High School, and Author of "Deem'. Arithrostka" A Na. Imbue of thle lintabar Is the TWILI.VE SIGNS OP THE ZODIAC. PRICE ONLY PIPE CENTS Mailed post-paid on receipt of Rios. Jar A Llbend Discount to Dealers. JOHN P. HURT, Publiiher, UITED -STATES TAXES.—Thu van sail Asessamant Lot . kyr Imo, containing Ti.,, on loconaw, Llama, Silver Plate and Oar dace, to Melaka No. 1 of Ca Twanty-third Oollec non Matta* of Penn'a, cm:ullibly that part of Al legheny county north of the Allisgany and Ohio rivers, has been raceived, and the andandigned wW attend at his oftiot, No. 87 Water argot Allegheny. (mat door to the City Traunrer,) attar la per= or by Deputy, until SATURDAY - the 14th day Nonimbu, foe the pupae of reeet;lng add Taxa. lie will alms attend tn pavan or by Deputy, fbr the rocrouleno• of Tax Payers, at the following pia" to wit At Tarentan, at the bona of Beseklah Vanthie, oa FRIDAY, Nov. Bth, between the bouts of 9a. nt. sad 3 p.m. of that day. At ilakentown, at the hare of lira. Wakep, oa ITEiIItAT, the 10th of November, Crum 8 o'clock a. cm to 3 o'clock p. ni. of that day. At liewleklayau the storeof John Way, an THURSDAY ) 31W0 INO, the 12th day of November, from 7 to 9 o'clock of that day. The ten per sat. sad other pritalthe prof lathed to Ilse facia Law, which will to hearted ator the 11th, will be orally induced to all caws llovammant nada only mama. DAVID N. MUTE, Mato/ of Nu =ld Markt, Penn's. oc3l2olowT RPHANS' COURT SALK —By virtue O of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allagheuy couoty, thane will be expiated at Pobilo Saltier Out cry, on SATURDAY, Nov. 231 k. Isa, at 10 o'clock a to., at the COURT MIMI, In the City of Pitts burgh, to the highest and twat bidder, idl the right, title, intoned, estate aad claim of Wm. A. Murdock, Palen' Mordcsk, Robert Mori:kick and Sallie U. Mury dock, minor chilclnts• of hums and Frances Mao dock, late of the cotfoty of Alisfuny, doomed. In a certain lot of ground siltoste n the city of Pitts burgh, bounded ind described as Wows to wit Outdo( at the wartheau corner formed by the Wee, motion of Presbyter an Lens and Church oiler and extending in front on Churc.h alley southerardir Z 1 feet, and In depth outwardly from Church a ley, preurving the tame width of 23 feet along sold Pres byterian Lane, • dhitance of 30 foot, to a lot of ground formerly owned by Dr. Peter Mowry, being a part of lot No. 11 In James Horner's plan of lore, (being the same lot of ground formerly owned by David Blun ter, deomeed,) having thermic erected one twowtory brick doodling house.• Terms at see. CIIAS. W. LEWIS. Guardian of minor chilVen of elageta and Yeomen Murdock, &came& noetAtdoewFsta bIS SOL U T lON.—The Peat:unship heretofore existing under the name and arm of .f 11. LLYDSAY d CO. L this day dlootred by metual conasnt. All badman connected with the. Into arm will be settled by J. R. LINDSAY, at OS Wood area, Ity stairs. J. 11. LINDSAY, J. LINDSAY. I bare also dlspoeed of iny intannat the Ann of J. D. AB. ALAXIVYLL et Co. to 3, It. LERMA!. Foe. 1863. J. 11. LINDSAY. Having purchased the intend of J. H a rdw are Y, in tha Arm of J.J. R. LINDSAY & Co., end Cutlery Dulness; also la the firm of .T. B. Lai. MA SWELL * Ulm. Nano hmtunte, the nem will oontlnue a. usual, Hardware and Cutlery, L y J. H. LINDSAY; Bellows, &c., J, B. A 8. MAX WILL & 00. Noe. 2,-1881. turklan ALL KINDS or BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS AT McClelland's Auction House, PIITH MUM. oof - .o's A — Kgdi - Ws of entry style. LADIES' rums I Of onty tlad and quality. LADIES' AND rdIINEW HATS I WWI all Liam. DT WIIOf,EBLLY AND 1I TAIL I AT MoOQED & 00. f a, ce-17 131 WOOD STMT. ERE,EAL ik)ILEION AGENCY. AIIBI7.II'IIALDW/N.& CO., 72 DIOADWAY, NEW TOM. Itimittaneos at law rate. on Great Britaln, leetaliA 49 / 0 P "WM.. tram Liverpool or quesagovni. Package.' forwarded to all pane of thaworkL WILLIAM BINGFIAMar„ Apia, _ - oc2l:9meod Adams' Memel Offies, Plttib EYES AND EAR. DR. BAELZ Pays Imlay attention to tbs . treatment of -autop InIIZABES. the Ens and BAR ; operates on CA ARACT,EQUINT ARTIFICIAL PUPIL, inserts ARTIFICIAL E and treats an INFLAMEATORTILTSS; also HARD lIIARINA and all diname.aatetinr IRS Ear and leading to _OM= IGO *pin-aims?. PAM, /th day of ber Penn to the rum Of ROB?. bfof:lltiG -011cAr ?au ter Alibtp.Allegbet 'couty - a - LIGHT 'BA tiOnalk:Wltlistar ow awl ' about tow Tan oltiP IIraOWDPT L IVO pelted to grow* prePtd, doli or 0 41 wat t -win be told acconlW‘ to law. nofrai APEB ALLt,..,„;]..ra• brip.ltAitsuALL. 11REEN APPL I ES-10 bb176 . 7 tbr salo by • • ' VII. P. BZON.*CO.. NITRIDES OXIDE GAS, 108. R. BORLAND, MISS SIIANNOPi, MOE ONLY JIVE C=ITS Messesks Hall, fifth street. POT CLAY.-44, Missoari Clay 1.21br We by z 'NEWRY a. mime. • IRIS 1 5104 61 einalsby " ' irarqmcx Iv. .rz .?b PERT NEW -1"-EfiFf73fERYJ ♦ largo and wall-a,df , tod stork of NEW PERFUMES, POMADES, TOILET ARTIMI3, Of ervry variety, Just received at FULTON'S. PHALON'S NEW PERFUME. NIGHT BLOOMING! CEILEUS,a delightful Perftuno for the Ehookerehlef. WILITI POND LILLY, lansurpaesed for doligtog of odor. °DOD OF OPINING PLOWNIDL 74111 Y WILD ROBE. NAY FLOWNIIB. • or the 0000 Hair , ALNE, • Compound of Cocoa-Not Oil, Ac., PLORIXEL, a delightful Perfheie for the Hand hieL ILALLISTON, a Cosmetic fur removing freckles, Tan,Sunborn, Aa ORILNTAL TOOTH WASH, fur Preser v ing sup Hea C gt7.l. WlNATAn d u?tvalred In Blames@ and Delicacy of Perfume. JONAS WIIITCOMIr: REMEDY Asthma, Rose Cold, Hay Fever, &c. SPONCIFIES. SOAP'S. Of every variety DRESSING COMBS, TOILET ARTICLES, Of the rerr beet quality CEDARS AND TOBACCO Of !be boat Brand. FAMILY MEDICINES HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. HOLLOWAY'S OONTECTIHNS. AYES'S PILLS. AY WS SAR&APABILLA AYEIVB CHBILET ricroitAL. DR. EtCHKXCXII POIEBIONIC SYRUP DR. SCIIENCES /I.I,NDA-KE FILLB. SPAULDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPAULDING'S THROAT CONVECTION BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. TOOTH PASTE. TOOTH SOAP. TOOTH POWDEBS. TOOT H WASH, .• HAIR DYES, Chrlstodore's. HAIR DYES, Bachelor's. HALE DYES, Basle.. BAIR DYES, Mathews HILTON'S CEMENT Mn AILW' HAIR .RISTOR&TIVIS En. Allen. lIdIR D 11.10481110. OLYCHRENE 80APS. COLD cater,. PURR OLYCEME., for Chappod Lima& Na 67 and 62 Fifth street VOTIVE TO OWNERS OF COAL 11 DOM:On.IOIIAnfitMI2O2AIPLAT (`.carol{BOMA PETIBUICLII, For. 9,1882. Tha att./310a of Coal and On Meishanta, mad *then, omen. of list Boats, V& Boats, Canal Date Bargee, T, Oltnaviga Ikeda, he Ohio Ave Stare Boar% r and flasoete ibe. and Coal Iting tp its tr 11 SD canal', tui an outlet Into nav it tble dyer or Wet, y directed to the o tos letter of the itearstary ai the Treaaary TinalinvirDiraarroarr, Ma ) 20. LSEZL—Si , bay , received your letter of April Slat, Mg, relative to the ocontlry, trade on the Interior waters of the Vatted States. The lawa ting the coasting trade are to be applied to th e ta nd navigation of the Ohio river tritnztarles, with the exception of • row provis ions ore special or total character. Plat Boata laden with coal and floated down the river with Om andstance of oan, Coal Barges, Open Phu Boats, Nuni-dected rat Boat*, Decked Barges. with model bow and stem and Keel Boats, Plat Baste laden with inerchandiers' for the purpose of trading at different points on the Ohlo and Illeth alppl rime and tributaries, Quiet Boots with and without deem power within thaw-Im, exclusively on eartall, and not coming out into navigable rivansi ere required to comply with. he provisions of the Astir of Congress the Coasting Trade, and to be enrolled and or licensed as the case may be, endplay tonnage duet, provided by , the pro visions of the 13th Realms of the Act cd July lath; lei, entitled "An for,'Ana rem y. the duties on Imports , and purports, which apply to °atter& which be altered ot Ora, tom Haase I. the United State'," and includeall de ecliptic's of boats and rear de subject to enrollment and license under t previous . lava. Canal Boats, or other craft ply in waters exclusively within the limits ore State*. ring no outlet intoe navigable river or !neon which counneros with foreign nation or an:mg the State', Cr wi w i thi n an tribes, can be carried on, do not came the'provisione of the or presto= acts. With groat rerrtter, of the ~ P. CRAKE, Treasury ORAL W. BArcassoe, Esq., 'Surveyor, he., Pittsburgh, Penna. The law. of the muting trade require that aaaty . description of boat °retaliator aver ATE tons, sad low than twenty ton emeastrouncntodiallbelloerised, and If of twenty To mkt andupwarde, enro ll ed and licensed: Toply with themerequiramenteosch boater vessel m oilbe named or. numbered so as to dletiraptistslhe Particular vowel for which a boaure or ectrolinarnt and vowel may be issued. IT hum. bered,Xtur name or initials of °wizen or some other. ,Angudistinguishing letters , mustaaxunpcny the number ishing vaned. Two vends of the name chers, starn4 - or number, cannot be Reenrent, orenrolledor licensed, ae the cue may twin the district., -The Regulations of Internal and Coastwise /nice ,tune require bads of all description destined for any point on the Ohlo or Alladasippi titers, eolith of Wheeling, to exhibit a manifest of their entire cargo, to the ihrmavor'ut Customs, and obtain a clearance before departing callus xoyege. Owners of Cod Boats and Bergin are requested to; report at the Custom Homey the - different pointe at, which other boat. can I. found and measured, and to tarnish the tnibrznatios requirdte so as to avoid; unnerwelary• delay in obtaining enrollments! and IL! MUM CHAR. W. BATCHELOR., notlwd. • SOZTOCIT'Of Customs. _ _ . , ANALYB/.4. '°4 'ke,4„, • • w dttnn",.•••••• •—:3L54. 82. LOUIBIIIO, Pea Ox. _ 2.30. .0L ii o z . A wi /L6IM4A., .0i • • 100. PE na•l Lxl _*?° l the 4 Senty fir Abe sale of ta. BEMPta Wong, mined neer St. Lon* Mo., I in vite the elution of Glue and- Steelllsnalegtuters to the Atudmie Wuxi alarm acregenled by_ Pro M . -d. Thole, Iteeton, 0.,800th, ot_PhDadelptde, width. together with the UM of Weal melanoma by mentithohmere In Pittsburgh; Otneltinatt • and Bt. LOaikdalamina ll It to bathe parest and rood vain. Pe ai dete My now knolen orb/atter Foreign or - dromicam; ithin It hate Mood In the Mau Perna* then 6gt6 0 month& • The t eklyede le of the they as taken from the mine, 'Moa ad/ gmmnee great m a a d d h e r'h r o o r m p a eapnadr a o tion ,ith ty a teer. wild. 11 not a bovhyu. - Aniislnd Width be. - telt of the 011J412111 of - lame 'grogeTtlon of ehe'4o...r lam nom , fill *Wear for th e ithove I. he ship from St. Lonle or delraered here. ALICE. GORDO2I.. No. 121 SECOND STUNT, Plrrammott, PA. ILtITIIItII OVER 100 DIRERREIirt STYLES. FROM as CENTS TO 15, 78a Lux BT CHAS. C. MELI_AJR, 81 WOOD_ STREET. OCLE'ER AND CARPENTER TOOLS JAMES .DOWN. 136 - Wood WWI, Fara y Extra, for Bale at 165 IThkrty WM. P. RCM& C 0,,; gym* lr GOODS, lire. WEIMSALIi 500 daz extra three-thread B and Grey Knitting Yarn. 1,500 doz. fine extra do., all colors 500 dos extra heavy Wool Soo, 50 doz. Knit Jaoketz 50 doz. Traveling Shirts 50 doz. Drawers. 50 doz. Atkinson's Patent St( Collars. 10,000 Paper Collars. VERY LOW. MACRUM & GLYDI 7S -Market Street, BETWEEN FOURTH AND DIAMOND_ nol BARKER & CO.lB, No. SS) Market Streei F.RIMOH BEERINOES, 81 OD PCB TABD—ALL coLoaa. SILKS, AT 75e., 873(e., $1 CHEAP. DRESS GOODS, AT 18X V) AND 25c. PUB YARD. OtOAKg ALL KINT4-:411/ruir D6IKLUZIB. IS 31 - '2l W gnaw n'n IN ThE kilLNltt EVERYTHING CHEAP: 113 ' CALL AND SEE. - wa no • BLANKETS I . BLANKETS I I a. swum& Has tun opened some ItICTILA CIDMVIreineANICILTIN ClABlinnatEE3, UnNETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, TWEEDS, Grey Twilled Flanliels. ENID TWILLED NieANNELIIe YEnz.° W, ' WHITE. AND SOLFERINO FLANNELS. A full mortment oL NEW GOO-Da. N. E. corner Fourth and Market, Mi. rod NEW GOODS.—Wo have nowin store • comgete dock or FALL AND WINTEIt 1:100DS, m o d or which rerupirchaeol NOM; the hits •anee In prim, anlertli be sold it lait rafts. . CLOAK 011 NA GIRPORELACES,BRALOS, AN COLLARSD" lITND LN REAKF OR CZAST COLLARS, LES ow ION , B • In r sip LINEN gHAND :old vads id I nr atioNlLK &QUM • BONS, PLOWER:S, PEA & RUSCRIM • FELT MAU, BEAM HA H,14 lie u: = i aa-vaasaza a 1 ITEAD-NETs, lii svaryla,_. , 'BONNET VXL- 1 VETS, BONNET SILVA axamicr noor4„ KOILLVE JACKETS, BIZEAKPAST CAPZS, SONTAG'S, BALMORAI SKlRTRaatksly Dow sl/laa ; ELT, QUAICIPIL oast atm • ' asw HOOP SKIRTS,: TREK a AMERICAN CORSETST ZULU - MORAL STOCKINGS, Baskolitlb• Sjoo ••- -, ' iod - , .81A/ow Etatoost °Uwe kV: - , ars sad y kt x blsekaor WI tad winter; GLOMS:slimy oat _ qualltsl pills STD G EranA 0111. , 1 : Inn= BMIJ GLOM tw MAO,- Mat's WOOL •-, IHMERAND DRAWEES, rad &old, awl . still thus °tallier Undnemnints and Finishing Goods, toe Men,'Woom parviikdosak Booms tip stifi. • . m a from cortry," Mid etty dealM l oolll b our stook t all times assorted, and prime at For vs any other house. nowt liinual 77 &79 KLEIST STRICT. JUST OPENED. 2,000 DOE. SPOOL COTTON, In =ban ranging from 1 ° to 60, wl4c l, " 641 clan 00 6137 CCOPTIS pordareli. 000 NZ. PUB AND FANCY a inn 5000 BA140)1AL SEIM 50 dozen of the NEW MATTO SHIRT, at, the, elan'? lee of SI 50 eaelk: " 00 doz. Atkinson Ste Cpllars rfe. conk RATON 3 facßxr*Ariya, It An "uric 81331? _ STS. COLLARS, • ". • EATON, ILttilitittil36 4 'ace. 1i AND IA TllTfl Burn; Piramor, • gOi AiNnt#Tol. MEM - °i f 8 Steer aillaritandadk-. Nnex L isiDd Viiite; - apswmee caw, Ibtt of Iretar~lM., ',IVIANNarj-,01 !Jld . t9inkiFt 134 1 As. ra . nzi! letup ceuatclunicvints:., Diat'p Cott: Alp. • Lake- NI "or pilD -1 00 ads. " "/ SC,ky! , bylicAranzeoeipt,ofilt = • awe wsra megasoalled blab t. yr w• et .OOLLAR tmels-Iran - OLD 0214 irtding ic Da broke or bia, to. - 44 CaotA , , . - Thstnidenapplied-sttboxilV44, Nor peke ILet *Nina " a th i aa , mitt. ~, - • ..• r... Plumbers:4 • NEW= 00:01 S LANE; lIVAINOT ,*(11.111 2 - - libmivetuurnAniAilwr. CIODFII3II.=—A isupply aCiirstad Btu* qophb jut soothed an 6 far alirsttbeirsagli Grxx 2 7 &Pre , JOHN A.lasseasv, - .- n "‘ -• uorniradterty god nand desist'. BOJUNG TOOLS—thu) Spt p ei x nev . , lotsait -4. z..rtizsztrAt pwrAm3l ; ALLOW:1)1: 13 % " bi?titil 114:4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers