' .....,.,7_-,., , ..._........ , .,.. T . . .... F ,I , 4 , . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCERIES PRODUCE,4 e. i SE Wl.rG ( SO ittsburgit 6azetti G . RovER & BAKER S • Ikr- , 'lea'Altus , . . Prodnetiand Commission Nerchant. •: siiiimexpros BROKER, Awl dealer InsD kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, HO. 119 Lamar, STREET, Those Yeahlueg were away ied the Hightail Premi- I .. . I eau, oar oil reerreethes, for the Beet Family Sewing p n .,...,.. 0n, p,, Machias, the Bel Mmessfacreeitur Mardi .., end the , " " single coplea...-- . excess setentaLm en ....... „, I Beet Madame Work , at the following STATE FMCS. Ern.. Renner, by mall, per year..._. (or of 1882: tor the /amerce of D. AD. 114'Dtvuld } Pittsburgh. ; y 4., p ork s w . F .,,.. , ~ mouth & Cd. 'Wellsville, Mo.) " week. AirIiONALD & ARBUCKLES, Whole lirirrt.l Premium for family machine. ium or double-thread machine. , " Waal. oopiga.. .1.1. sale Groners r Produee and Ceuxuabielon Me, ! First Premium for machine work. clutitet Jobbers In GOrnurg. 0.8110A.11 and MO- I Verrx.red &a. p sis . Laskin, IIEYINICDJ3OGA .k SYRUPS, FLOOR, , First Premium en family marlibm. BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, BICE, 01.1BESE, 1 Pint Premium for manufeetming machine. szad, eke.. Noe. 212 and 244 Liberty street, Pita- t First Premium for machine work- — I 23 CONMON OP AFFAIRS IN MEKIOO. hew Yong, Nov. s.—The Hera d escr ld'. snceilil berth alsrly lowa Sta.• Poir. ob. Fe AVIV of the Potomac dispatch describes the First Premium for family machine. • is Gam die., Cke., Le. SHAW ER & LAZICAR, First Proud= for mauesfeetuting machine, at sea First Premium for machine work, men n in fine spirita. The sick have been re- r i esa feats Pecie. Fleet Premium for family machine.. a, 6 ree Special Meant, to the Pittsburgh Gazette. moved to Washingtoe, and the sutlers have effeAe, arid 7 .. I Pi Pre for rearmamturfug machine . i rittLaneLrittA, Nov. fe 1863. Fleet 4remlam for machine work. ' ; all fallen back. The army is disencumbered leeticaz baits Farr. 1 Jeff Davis refuses to remove Bragg, as he I The N. Y. 7Si.i.une'a special from Wasiung read-ready for any movement. Bret Penne= for machine for all pinnace. i Loyal Leagues and Emancipation in don't know how to supply hie piece. The i ton, dated Noy. 4, says: The Commissary First Premium for machine work. 1 Maryland. nu... 0 Stole Fair. A letter from Baltimore, dated November 1 Atlanta Regilder dot ends , and. the Richmo n d First Premium for machine for all purpose, papers condemn him. First Prembun for mactibm work. 2, says : I G overnment , have beet nicely raveofie an t s Fel, i Col. Henry Thweatts an old citizen of Rich. t t ra n t a t ut h the ' de l P t h r ta t:: a a r n a d b . aa bla r n a k aa e t ts ved se i n a : a to ll tg ß a n a h a a nted ts, the prisoners fur whom Loyal Leagues ire Spreading like wildfire in I First Premiere JOT machine for an purposes. mond, was garroted and robbed in, the street. First Premium for machine work. i the Eastern Shell counties. A gentleman an ad d a dle Y a tri at b Pa...sonata Barre Fair. just from Easton, who went down to set the There is almost &famine in Richmond. The No further rope. had been made by the i they were intended. First Premium for manufacturing machine , ball in motion, reports the most intone ex- En Tuner says r " Hang hoarders to tin lamp- ; Commisslcrnen towards an exchange of pris- Feet Premium nw beautiful machine work Otte Brace Pew. carmen tln that quarter in favor of wiping . poste." One hoarder is named, who lone no i curers. Fleet Premium for machine work. out slavery. The Yana* seem put to have And at the following Count • Fairs : 3 ; gotten their eyes open, and they openly swear less than 'seven hundred barrels of flour, p er . , chased for eleven dollar, per barrel, stewed Richmond , a Northern woolen spinner brings . WASEUIXOTON, Nov. fr.--A refugee from Cum.. Co. (Vt.) Aerietimentlxiars. that they will never permit the slaveboldingnear Rich- Brat Premium for ?tensity machine intelligence that, at Manchester, Fleet Premium for manufacturing marble.. tyranny , to be revived again. They say it n away in the cellar, closet, parlor and 'garret, mond, on James river, a gunboat, clad with neck or nothing for the laboring classes now, of his Mere and residence. Meat has nearly Pint Premium for mutate work. and no It is. ter *mike of completion, and that at Reek 07eiseiale Palley (Ft) simiciaterei Sante. disappeared ;from the markets. The . papers 1 three tbiekrieseee of two-inch iron, is within elf's, at the foot ef Main ;street, two other The late emancipation mass meeting in this Fleet Premium for family machine. city has stirred up the population to a pitch of . First Premium for manufeeturnur machine. eon:plain about the brof impressed for the' iron-clads are on the stock.. Ile also says Pint Premium for machine work. zeal in favor of putting away the " unclean support of the Yankee prisoners. ; that a cease of security is P 0 complete that Hutspdes Co. (Mac) ..fericaltuna Socie.lo. thing" that no words can convey an adequate Diploma for family machine . , idea of. Election day will tell the kale. The The currency question is a subject of ear- ; I process of constreetton hj a man named Diploma for machine work. nest discussion. ..- large iron works, as private property, are In i Bradley, in Menehester, and machine shops Pranidia Co. (N. P.),Fotr. , massage of the President to the meeting, so First Premium for family matinee. ' effectively delivered by Samuel Galloway, The bombardment of Charleston is des- ,at the Central railroad depot have been great- Flat Premium for ni.infacturing machine i that "he was heart and soul with Maryland cribed by the Richmond Kan:liner as furious (tune'. Co. (N. Y.) Au:n1:6, 3 1 Sockty. in the cause of unconditional emancipation," ; erected In Manchester, end permanent im ly enlarged. Two cotton mills have boon First Premium for family . maohnot. 1 provemen hi have been made in the Tredegar ; has given the came an impulse that cannot he and incessant- The flagstaff on Sumter was ' , We:Odessa* Cro. (N. F...) Pmr, First Premium for family machine. resisted• shot away several times and replaced. The ' Works, and bridges have been built over the Easier* C.. (N. 1.) F.... Finn Premium for family machine. telly the Iron—clads were not Brought old flag was cut to pieces, and the battle flag i river. s Two n loo u l f army eumi cloth iy, llsin bidatirichm,. which i terturn , Ma,ladase'• bkailada ( l a.) Pa, Earlier into Action. of the Twelfth Georgia regiment was milted I out 1,30 i cold W the Government for s3f. a yard. First premium for machine for all purpose, instead. On Saturday morning at four o'clock ; The f orm yi. under Lec'e command is poitirely First. Premium for machine wort. A correspondent of the Baltimore Amer.-nu The above comprigai all the Pairs at which ,a. writes : I a portion of the sea wall fell to, burying in I stated to be now only 30,0 CO. CROY= & BAKER MACHIN - 123 were exhibited this year. At nearly all of them the leading dewing Most unjust are those complaints which I . ; Nov. 4th pays. Machine. wore In tertopetltion. ~e in some of the paper. that the navy per- the ruins thirteen of the garrison. Over one A special to the Iterol, dated Washington, thousand two hundred shots, many of them , Stking intelligence was anticipated fr.. the The work made open the Grover .1. Baker Peering mita the rebel batteries to fire on our soldiers from rifled guns, were Iced at the fort on Sat- Machine has rerelred the rtrat Premlens at ovary Without an attempt to silence them. Admiral e ne mete Fair In the United Beater, where it has been I Doh! • -rd '. exhibited to tide date. gren has never failed to respond to Goa- ; I en. Butler is on his to take command i sok,. Boom. No. 1 , FIFTH FT. p m . boogh , p, oral Gillmore's call to turn his guns on the ; II way ' 1 lions, tn thir da‘ uln ' a t l n q t n aa ie a t tr h ' e tt s Y p l r " e g v e a r L ' o r .l. l c I I'''' ta - or 29.72. s mle 0 A. F CitATO.t. EY. Ascent. enemy whenever their fire has become par- of the 18th army corps, and the departments of WIIERLER & WILSON'S ticularly annoying. But it should be reeol- : Virginia and North Carolina, to which ho has reeled that the number of guns on our iron clad fleet is limited, while the number the ; ; rebels can bring to bear from their serried The Army of the Potomac is In fine spirits. batteries is comparatively unlimited. Beyond I The siek have boon removed to Washington. I a certain number of times, say fifteen hundred I pounds foe,eneb piece, the heavy guns of our 1 Sutlers have fallen beak and the army is cm- iron-clade cannot be fired without rendering 1 Ineumbered, and is now ready for any mei e i then unserviceable and dangerous. Three meet ignus could not ho replaced hate, except at a The gnerrillas continue very bold, and in ; greater cancan:llWe. of time than that which many quarters come to grief. In Tennessee, is now exciting the complains of the public. [(every time the rebels opened on our working a portion of Gen. Granger's cavalry, from Parties the iren-clads Went into action, firing i Nashville, pursued and defeated the rebel; i perhaps !Alfa axon shots before they obtained Hawkins near Pinney Factory, and drove him the range, their offeneivis power would goon i to c eetree tu e, w h ere they again beat and I be expended and their guns rendered unser,- ; seeable by the time that the heaviest work I completely diepereed them. i was required of them. This would be playing The Copperhead. in PhiLidelphialllo deeply lin with to the rebel hands ill a stupidity that disheartened at the movement UlO Union men would bo amusing to them but fatal to rm. have on foot to displace II of the m holding a office under the State Government. Numbers of men in MB.. who voted and worked for Woodward, would now like to excuse them erl•e•. GROCERS; AND COMMISSION MEIICIIANTS Nn. 11 and qa 6m1t411.1.1 St., ear. Second . PITTSBURGH. •IDDRIP 11.11CIGDOWN.. ..... UMIAK?. AECREOWN LINHART, }' ter Anini Gum /Across. PIODDID AID COKYINION . arra, kir 'tato eale of Tour, On Pork, 80. ain Lard, Botter 4 IU. , Cheese., Beans, Tallow, Oran, — lreatbera, Ptitatote, Pot Ind Pearl deb.., Salannlns Linseed and Lard Oils, Dried anil (Die.° rdillidr %intent). Clover ran and Orem &Rd, Gish soleascninente m ade on Connignsonits. NOUS . No, Salmi, Meet. Pittini W GORiELY, u7iois;EaLs GRocER, !4 . 0. 271 LIBXIPrY STISZIPP. Pittsburgh Haying ;mrchased the Interest of Ills late partners, will oraitinne the braille.s at the old stand, and will ple.Pod to tatziee the patronage of bid old frien.L, and e+slOwiers. ruyls3l W V EBB It: WILKLNSON, COMM! SSION Y ndiurts, Wholesale dealers in VITFRN RIBIBRVI3 CHIME, DRIED TRUITS, B UTTER, N 46 QBALNIL and. produce goosrally. Also, 15.1.DM , ou,s, go, -No. Slf lAberty attain, Pittsburgh. II • airc.b adranoentents made. Consignments IN. J.19-end ?Nos. MITVI au. I . WM.. P. BECK do W. No . ISS LIB -Is_ , •Eal fftomt, , Plitabargb, Wholsenle Gro. cern, COMIIIIIIIIIOI2 MOrChlilta. 11.12 d dealers in COUR. TRY PRODUCE, PROTIS/ONB, BACON, LARD, I 7 3 UTIERit(101,: GRIME, llgii , &a., PRODUCE, YLOCII. GRAIN, BREDA, GREEN AND DRIED PRIJITR, &c., BAlfriand LIME. J,16 COSIBISSION AND EnEisanntistilizionlis? and BU TTER dealer lIESTEENItABLILYBV/IXESH,, I'ORI, BACON, YLDUTt; TISII, POT AND PEARL MMES. BALISEATUR, LINSEED AND LAIRD • OILS, Dario raw' r, .41 Prods. generally, Noll!. 111 rand 149 Brent Meet, Pittsburgh. nth • Telt uriisora " • ' Jsmas rainat.e. ,ITTLE k TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gro .o" -ILI cams and Commission Marchants, dealais in .•PLODI4I4 RAISON, CLEIPIZSE, yaw, caintilt( ANU LARD OIL, IRON, NAILSi-GELASS, COT lON YARNS, and Pittsburgh manuracturse r .4 . .412.1 801X6Itt itreot, Pittatanb. • - • surniza ...... D. DI.DYCII. Ii t EYMER k BROTHERS, (successors rt,to raw t.Authom i y Wholessio :1304ers wgfo 81(124:4`81.1133,i2sThn,litlitleFlaiSs 2ECTICII lu SMAY, 131."0.08. Flll.l WOllK2s, sr. , tom. Its and 128 Wood street,&bore Fifth, Pittsburgh. ...... .1[1171 . 1•11, ' U rLP SIIEPHA R 1), Commasiox VAncsArts qd'etewl• trp TLOCEit CHAIN, 'A PHOutrelt,lo. 20 Liberty onsiot, Pittsburgh. Mule* brands of Floor for Baton and Family 0.. r Vac otik,baod— I Partioctio:aatoptiiiip paid to orAtily • ,MtiLES II LEECH ; Funla AND tUtrdtvra. sirs Couiatittirr Ab•-stliiidt-tiIIAIN, BMWS ,somio2bl -PROLVCB, and moat [Or tbs es/abraded Unloutoon CB tIgNT, Nos. 118 Mooed tad 140 Tirst strotts, Mess Wood and Bmithtbdd. ?Mobutu!, est `:"VRAI4 -- VAN'OORDER Produce and Coma:Autos Merchant, deal. ill FLOUR, Err- TElt, BROOMS, BNIDS, LARD, CHEESE, pOIIK, • DitZrAfiltrint ARUM. anAprodune oener - • Tabo ra{ esatC obi eckeightnonte. • me, Vtd:l2tt tionded sfroet,Tlttiburgh. UPYIKAZ .01[0602 21LITIO1/6. 11 - BAD. ANIETZGAII4 ,Grocers and Nelitimilits; 'rad ;lateen In all kinds of florally Produce and PlUsbargli klarataclores, 31c.:19 .140orty atm.; opraelle head of Wood street, littabargh. 6 :I G. . JOXY.II. CIEO. B.Jo.NES S.:. BON,. Whole3ale ". VILLA Ai9ro ROPE; 0 560 , 40 - 119iL .2i t rtirnlehera, Madera In HA BLISI, OILS, PITCH. and Pitt.- Margit manufactured antics, Sig. 141 Water street, itioes this Idonimgalisla Bridge, Pittsburgh. WNW DA DA LULL. o m . EBEAT DALZELL A: CO., Whole- Mir (Imo, Conuriffill.!ind Forwarding Mtn.- ' poind Prbd, ur;•4l3d Pittsburgh rust. sdicroms; 41.bbity strpil; unuai . wn Lt. c c. f .2111113g . ..11T; IPTON CO., Whole stestarL'it [ 4.4.61.t.0te PrOdtea Dealers, 2io. t h rn utria oi . WILMON. WAT7.IO. W/LSON, .faolosale Oro .li, Ana; CirnbleissiOn .Itorchant., and denlon, in PPPillinoNiorPatitneth aninotsetares, No. 13a Lib en/AMA . . PAIlt .r.TELVORD, Whoienale Q.BOCNS,,ITIMOR AND PRoLl'eli 43 - 44 Zioerti.tract, kittsburgh. • tiC - • ... SIC=If:RSt. a LANG, COMIISSION Etiolseals ile.shms In OHO 011Ittik lt, SLCOMie: A/N, 02.0.1)17Ci1. Nn. rbia, Plt nel3:dly J. s. ....... rasamAr. S. LIGGETT-1G CO, CITY FLOC J iNG 1111 . 14.19, or Liberty and Adams Pittibp.o, ' 4l Elltr, 4 0 0 barrels tardy. nk • • DALZELL 2 — TON, Man a fac 4. W‘liin *it .Coiami.i. Mir ab/TAXL 1 . "€ 4 . and sale of CRUDE AID latia4 1100. Cy and To Water atieatjUnditrit ember-made on ems, • wat anar,awrs .. KIRKI „:47 I aCK 4.,I3IVTIIER;eue, t i fikto nrovat..k. AvuoLt SA. LEW, Noe. IN and 103 Libor!" Woo 10p1.tly, p art s..j D•VID r•••'' Eipeetal Panzer. _ & ,COFF/ Di, successors to :rtruseafee r ammo t Co., WWOLIDSA LE OIitOCZELS, corner of Wood sad Water streets, Pitts- CEESE WARE EIOUSE.—IIEN RY 11. COLLIN% nr.....rdhigand Conuatoloa Mer chant and *ales. In CILESSE, BUTTB., .LAILE MB, and Pendent' geberaly, No. 211 Wood areet, above Water. Pirtabargly. my 2 IaULLA ND RIDDLE; actecessor to J4O Naafi & Eon, No. 18.3 tibsrty strostAPitts burgh, general PRODUCK, OBOCERT ANIVCOM 111h131011 NEUMAN'S. CouslgnmenSs rent t : t j CO : r ‘ . % holemaie No.. Mtrchants, mold titishir4 rii=oe. tie %Valor street sud W Front .tenet, Pittsburgh. (CO. W. DILIWORTU - - JOHN GILMOIIth. _I. a i g l AKOWt t . AMY Whole Kale . Wooer,. Foe. Lib and 13:1 Second arena, ril. JOll X 11.0 TO PLOTD. "[MIN FLOYD ,fc, 4204, Whm esa k t diso an and Comm:anion' 'N . C./aim* You. 172 Wool and . ..I.4bvith&t.roPt 7 Pl446bwitta, O.IIMtIiESIVOMIDWELL, (successor 1 4 JP J IM "' /I.thlai 4 . 0 1: , ..J• PORK PACK= god ainOlif Id 'PROVISIONS; sorner of Rarket and Ftvot /groom Pittetmrgh. j.O - i iND (L o - ,( eurcessor to Jack :- Cros4 rt.) POEX AlEZiatid deal : - we VISIONS:No.I2 Fourth street, near Lib- WI, PittalMith , • • • • .027 stActlwareps.w..,.:4....J. • v n. N ONT. r . EL VOIOT & CO., suceetisorci to 1.4„,1, G. Oran, PROMS 4t)ID - 110)IMILSIoN )1111801LANIN. 247 Litany strut; Altai:with. ~nrll'Slaw • rpw.a. TN .HOUSE ANI/C0)1031110N XERCRANTS, th inet 'ithWaitirlrptarJannte..4,lll.burgb. eifooK;ITE Yr . * Conmlision A....Aifikiikitt4l44#4lbri,LlPlODUClC„ morn, 141.740f4 rooucw4xy.k., 49. LI Jimlthfi.kt erletutteitl- tibWARD. HILVIELTON, Wholesale JILL GROOM AND COMMISSION MiIICIISNT, T.isi"urns of the Diamond .NO. 3 8 PittablFgb f lOW JIAGALEY; -Wholesale W Oefies},-114. lb Woad - Wholesale Pitts bmth- kattt AA3II,WR KlN9,,Wholesale Gro- IgliortdtdMlPA - JIMI, titwirty t ttsbantb. =be N , . ^ 9 E l 'AßT,'Wholesale XAGEtatlumukaillgirtSslon atzaciuirra, ro: - Iwffitt01#4 1 M-balf 1 1 , / ;k 12 4, • 0., E, " , PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. F MS ONLY GOLD MEDAL TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Ever Awarded to Sewing Machines lallooLi. /10 m 7 c 1 EDT".., by =an, per Tar_ 5 1 Oa weak IS. CYLEBUATED IMPROVED LOCK sancH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Wean'. premium. et the Loudon and Paris Ertel bltitmt, and at all the Importact Stiste and Ilet hat! cal Fairs where exhlbtted thls alum. Call and ex amine those machines hcfore purchasing We offer for sale Foote's Patent triabrella Lock Stand, which Iturnreaperft ealbry 14, an irtiele proverbhaly givott to Le 1.4 satray WM. SUMNER & CO., 27 rlrru 8713.1:rf CEff3ll ~TOI74CCO,, c 7GAIRS, OTAIILISIIED 1160. PETER LORILLARD, ANUFF AND TOBACCO NA ?iITIrACTPRER, 16 AND 18 CTJAMUBRS STRIINT, (Formerly 41 Chatham street, New York,) Would call the attention of ;lesion to the articled of hie manufcture, BROWN sNurr. . • . Macaboy, Tine Itappee, (Jeanie Rupp., Americui Gentlemen, Dernlgrue, Pura Virginia, Tiachitocbea Oopenhagen. TELI,OW SNUFF. Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast or Londyfoot, Honey Deer Scotch, rresh Honey Scotch, Fresh Scotch. Attention le called to the largo reduction In prices of rine Cut Chewing laid Eknoklng Tobaccos, nhich I he fond of o superior quality. TOBACCO. - - fereicura--Long, No. I, No. 2, Noe. I anti 2 mixed, ranulated. Ytra eur Cittermo—P. A. L., or plain - parse- SIAS, or Sweat; Sweet scooted Orono.; Tin 101 l thorandial, Saacisiso—S. Sae, Spanish, ranastar, Turkish. N. 11.—d circular of inkts will ba .ant on applies lion. - - • •ap10:ly 110001416T111 ISIS. WOLLISTER It BAER, - • lianufictureri ,AM dealers—ln ail klocir of TOBACCO, EINCI:IT AND CIGARS NO, 108 WOOD stiiisr, Prriveratin, PA Keeps ametnotty B=l4 large variety of Pipes and lintoklng Tobacm. roVdly J YON Art.NSl'll,9L, IMPOitgbIK prALER. In tbe moat solod, braja■ GENUINE 'HAVANA MIAMI, and aft Mode r 4 SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, Kvcrir, NANCY MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TUBER, de, de., In great variety, UNDER THE BT. CHARLES HO TEL, Pittaburgh, Pa. N. IL—Tbermt. 'applied on Inland terms. HOOTS. 41,7111110ERJ . RUBBER SOLED BOOTS Az SHOES. GEO, ALBREf, SON dE CO., No. 71 WOOD STREET, Coma or Pontirm, Rare lust nwolvod . fun supply of (tont* Roy.' and Youths' Bolld Nubbar.lSoloi 4?Called) Calf, Kip and Water Proof LEATHER BOOTS with other scan. and &aft:sada - goods, - cos*Firt4 Sowed and Potted • rchi CATE ER TMODT3'; Won* Boys' and Youths' two and Mtn* solid Oalf.a s and W*tor PION" MOVE 4 a CONOkESS las Also, Loafs. nut. Glove Leather and Marcel* Sewed DALMORALO And CONGRESS BOOTS, Av. AU of which are custom-made and warranted to do asrulee. Dell 1306 - I . IT AND *-10Es—. G H&J, T GED lICTION Le. 111.• Eng. Laftri Cony. °alters, n worth $1 SO '' z ao All other good. soltfug Ivry kw JAMBS ROBB, &al • ALL KINDS RS MARKET STREET. BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, 'Halelland's Auction House, It. Finn STA= k7t.RC.afiTsT In BOVIS, nIIOEB, GATTEBS, DALINORA,LS AND (UM At J. 11. 110IILAZiD'8, 08 Narita. *tit**, _oc3l socond dnor from Fifth COME AND Et - AMINE OVICKTOCIZ Or BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Which are the cheapest In the city, at BORLAND'S, 98 Nuket ernet ECEIVING NEW BOTYTS,-SrIOER, GAZMWBAL.IOI2AL.4 AND GiTBIB /Om day, at BOULAND'B, olillorkot ttnet oeZ t t. ..~x5f.,.~.,5 j .,... _ -...~,.~.. moo.. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1863. MAY MORNING.._ %V taxi, Korrmx, aloe* ooplee. per year... 2 ('). '• dohs of b to 10, 1 &O. clabior 10 or more ... 1 25. —wod ono extra to the party Deeding oktb. Tor a dub or Meaty, we wilt mod the Er =roe Garzwra deny. For a shah of hrenty, we wlll mod the lloasrao Guerra daily. (Nagle mocks, 6 OMAN. QT Ail embeoriptions aridly is odormor, nod papers !dews Mopped when the time exilres. Death of the Roman Trlnm - ;tr. Ar- • mental. Carte ArmeHint, formerly one of the Roman triumvirate in cotijunesien with Marzini and , Oath, dimd a few weeks ago, in Brussels, at the age of eighty-seven. Ile had already obtained distinction as a lawyer when Pio None, soon after his ACCOIMOLI to the papacy I in Juno, 1846, Intrusted him to the preparation • of the reforms which ware effected between .1848 and 1848. Armellini was decorated for 't hie ttervices with the order of merit, and made orp-oenator, or chief of the municipal council ••Cltotnr. - lie supported and encouraged theP ? "l ? hlilr t ea : iews.wh"thrarch 18•3, cotsaitionlgoverament waspro! claficaniltribe Po o, Armellini was ehoeen deputy by several eonetiteeneiee, and after wards made vice president of the chamber. When, aubsequemily, the Pope fed to Gaeta, Arznollini was made minister of the interior; and, on the proclamation of the republic, he was unanimously tend on aa one of the mem bers of the triumvirate. Rome having sub mittal, after the well fought day of the 30th Jane, 1819, to the French troops, Armellini retired to Brassols, where ha was held in universal respect- Ilia body was followed to the grave by politicians of distinction, by re vans, by artists, and outlet of all countries. Ile was bated-by Cardinal Antonelll, bat was I held in high esteem by all who could appre- i elate a noble character and e generous dispo sition. Incident of the Digester to the Africa. When the Cunard steamer Africa struck upon the rocky shore,' of •Newfountiland, in the darkness of the night, the waters rushed in to such an extent that the passengers were called upon to assist at the pumps, working five minutes and resting twenty. All freely tendered their service& except two, who in that moment of extreme peril thought best to look out for themnelves, and proceeded to enemas themselves in life-preservers, one placing no less than three about his person. The water gained noon them until it was within two inches ot" the fires in the furnaces. If the Ares had been extinguished, the fate of the vessel would -have been sealed. It is further stated, that when the boats were hunched over the sides, some of the Bremen manifested disposition to take ponsension, in advance of the women fl nd children, when an officer drew las pistol and- thinateried to shoot the first man who attempted to enter the boats without the consent of the captain of the steamer. Order was inimaillately restored. Fortunate. ly, a recourse to the boats was not required. —Boston- 7inaveript. 1111 . 4RTANT ,SVCCIMS 01 lecur-Caen.—The Navy Department has received from Chief Engineer King attacciount of - experiments re cently rustle with one or the iron-olad reseals completed in the West. She turns out to be a perfect success in every way, having made eine miles an horn. The importance of this success is owing to the fact that this is the first veseef of the number having four propellers. She left St. Louie on the 20th ult., and was operated on 72 eunsenitive hours, the engines making 641 revolutions per. minute, end the propellors 112 revolutions per. minute, giving to the ship the speed gated. ft is very grati fying to know that the first of *largo dun of vessels has met with each unexpected Enron, considerable prophloiee having been made against their usefulness.- SVIISTITUTZ SWINDLX23.--Tho Cincinnati Ca .a/ft 11,1 0 tkst gentry are at work In Ohio. They induoo newly enlisted volunteers to desert s paying them one hundred dollars and uptrartl,and then taking them to Albany, New York. and other places In the East, where they soli them as substitutes for four hundred dollars, or mote. The. Oovernment, and our State elan, are thus defrauded; for every man thus carried off reduces the number with which to fill our quota. A fellow 'engaged in 'this infamous business has Just been arrested la Cleveland, end there are doubtless plenty more like him to be found, in other sections of the State.• Alms Anus E. Danneaow addressed two im mense Union meetings in Buffalo, on qaturday evening. The Repress Mentions this after-in cident: "When Miss Dickinson returned to the:resi dence of E. G. Spaulding, after her noble ad vocacy of the. Onion caus4at the great meet ings of Saturday evening, she found upon the toilet-table in her apartment a maguitletrat sot ofjewels,consisting of a breastpin and earripp, and the following note: "Miss Dickinson, from friends in MrMao." , Styria, rdlan9 la THE NORTH Wurn—The people wound Marquette are wild ever the rich deposit of silver in' that 'neiglancrbood. In one locality It was believed 'that fifty tons ° tor.. 004 bold mit in twaek,;,„ Alhaveint are niggly well defined, and of at:bander to be sully mined.' EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, FROM WASHINGTON The Potomac Army Beady for any STATE OF AFFAIRS AT RICHMOND., Movement I THE BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER, THE CLOTHING SENT OUR PRISONERS AT RICH MOND DISTRIBUTED. FALL OF A PORE THE SEA WALL.. NOV. 8, 1863 GUERRILLAS COME TO GRIEF. Business at Richmond Reported , Flourishing. The Philadelphia Copperheads 7 , 31 s ARMY ON LA.' :30,000 Disheartened. The /orispcialsouio Mr.:coon, of San Luis Potosi, the present seat of the (Junin:moot of Juarez, paints the condition of things as highly the invaders. * French accounts from Vera thus, of the 17th ult., state that on the 15th Gen. Bascule wu to maroh to San Lois to dislodge Juarez. In tte meantime freeh reinforcements of Toueves were expected front France. It was thought that towards the end of the month a great portion of the difficulty of French mili tary operations would be overcome. Adhe sions were stated to increase. Amoig the ' departments recently pronounced in favor of the French were the Islands of Cannon, Tobacco and Reenlist. In the Valley of Mexico and some other places, there is still mach to be done by the French before the present tior ernment in the Capital can Lai considered as firmly constituted. W. J. J. Affairs in North Carolina--The Elee. Hon In that State—The ...Standard " on the Elections In the North, etc NEWBORN, N. C., Nov. 2.—The report that Gen. Foster Is to Command the Army of the Potomac gives assurance, should it prove tree, that Richmond will soon be ours. Freeb regiments have arrived here to take the place of veteran troops, which have gone elsewhere. Two rebel Iron-clad rams are being con structed at Kinston, on the Nonse, and aro rearted nearly Featly for a raid. The war debt of North Carolina is being rapidly extinguished by the proseeds of price teem, which make regular trips daily into Wilmington. The canvass for the election, on the 4th, for members of Confederate Congress, 44 Prose cuted with earnestness by bo th parties. "There are twenty-eight candidates in ten districts. Hon. John A. Gilmer, independent, 4th dis trict, hie the field entirety to himself. Ile woe lately. quite eevere.on. Davis' administra tion, end indignant at the trestinept received at ids hands. Davidson is out with another constitutional argument agninet asesesion. The Ymndard appeals to the conserhitives to unite agninet the deztructives in the elec tion to-day. In "finding to the recent defeat of the Dem ocrats in Ohio and Pennsylvania, the Standard says: The last , ray of hope for the South front the North has departed. The North is banded against the South by. Immense. majorities. Lincoln will be re-alseted, and 'the prospeote of peace are MOT* distant than ever. The Southern people-stolid alone, with the world agalnet them, and they had better make peace with Providence or the North Yery The Fight it Pine liksll. Arkansas...—. Strength and lifostinents of .the Rebel Forces. etc. CAtito, Nov. 4.—Memphis papers of the 24 hays an indefinite account of the tight at Pine Bluff, Ark. Bfanneduke attacked the plate with 3,000 men and was repulsed with consid erable lou. The garrison oonsisted of 700 earalry under Col. Clayton, and lost 12 killed and 15 wounded. Lorinee rebel &Tinton is around Canton, Mississippi. HO has about 8,000 infantry three thousand are guarding Mobile and the southern railroads. lien Lee's cavalry 'force is about 10,000 strong, comprising foar divis ions under Jackson and Crosby, Ross and Redd. Ctoi y by's foroe Is between Jackson and Vicksburg, Ross' is between Benton and ?doore'e Bluff, on tho Big Blaok, Chalmers is between Crehada and Oxford, and Reddy Is about Corinth; at last accounts Lee wad above Corinth with 0,000 wen. Pillow's headquar ters are:lit Columbus, Miss. Aw attack on Memphis, in great force, was only provented by oar recant demonstrations on Canton, Miss. Numbers are said to he heartily. sick of the war, and would gladly give op their nogrocs to stop it. Accounts from Little Rock report that Prices force retreated beyond the Rod River, hie cavalry occupying Arkadelphia. Major general Ord.pismid through here to day en mutts for Louisville. The New York Weetion-.—Unlon , Jorltyl 33,1110. Nita Tors, Nov. s.—The latest returns Show r Union majority of 22,788. In the Senate, 21 Unionists' and 17 Democrats; in Assembly 82 Salon and 48 Democrats. ; • •• • . - „, IMMNMI From East Tennessee—Fight at Roan Springs—The Rebels Routed—Mar maduke Repulsed at Pine Blutr, Arkansas, etc. CINCI7INATI, Nov. 5.—A dispatch from Knoxville, dated Nov. 4th, says: East Ten nessee Is once more clear of the rebels, except guerrillas, who taut our wagon trace and mail, above. The fight at Roan Springs resulted in the rout of the rebels and a 104 , of seyentcen killed and fifty-two wounded. Col. Garrard pursued them beyond Kingsport- Thu situa tion is satisfactory. The weather is very fine, 4114 our troops aro in good spirits. Arkansas tidy ices say that Marmaduke at tacked our forces at Pine Bluff, on the ::Sth, and was repulsed, with considerable loss. Most of the negroes in Mississippi have been rug off to Georgia and Alabama. right at Lawrenceburg. Tenn.--Re. =TM Nsanytt.tr, Nov. 4.—Major Fitzgibbon, of the 14th Michigan erivalry, with 120 men, met at Lawrenceburg, fitly-five miles beyond Columbia, th• eombined forces of Cook, E irk, Williams and Soott's rebel cavalry, number ing 409 men, yesterday. After four desperate charges, resulting to a loss to the rebels of eight killed, seven wounded and twenty-four prisoners, the rebels retreated. None killed on the Federal tide—three were wounded. Major Fitzgibbon had his horse killed under him. Among the rebel prisoners are ono Cap tain and two Lieutenants. Flat boats arrived here yesterday. The river L eight feet on the shoals The 1111nohi Election. Ss- Louis, Nov. 5.--The county elections in Illinois so far as heard from show large Union gains. The following counties give a Libion majority Sangamon, 250 ; Morgan, '2OO ; Grundy, 400; Marshall, 200; Logan, 200; Will, 350; Ford, 41; Lasalle, 600; Macon 500; Mad icon, 360. The following give a Democratic majority Peroia,4oo; Tasao well, 220; Adams, 700. The Republicans of Springfield had an enthusiastic jollification last night. 4.MUSE.ME.VTS, LEC T UR l's PIVF BI7RQH THEATRR. Loa., and Managt,r. Wu. llcvucaaoe __EL 0 'mat mayor Benefit of the great artist•, Min CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, who will &riser ni her wonderful per et/nation of Madeline, glee to the Duchess. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Will be loneeentpd, 'h., thrilling drama entitled, DIAD&LINE: or, THE FOUNDLING OF PARIS Nadelin• M. Charlotte Tbotnpeon. Adelaide %Anis li•att. Bertrand r Loveday. Rana) J.O. Sefton. Fong Bias A'Bocket. FAINT HEART SE' EN WON FAIR LADY. Ruche. Ahntlotits Thoarap.ou thmies . C. Urea...lay rehearsNL "Cloud. with Sllvor Llulng." E" -- ..CONCERT HALL. CONCICIRT HALL ONE WEEK ONLY: OICE WEEK Wild! Commencing Monday Evening, Nov. tid Commencing Monday Evening, Nov. 2d TUE OIIIGINAL ANL ONLY BLAISDELL BROTHERS TROUPE Vocalists, Harpists, AND SWISS BELL-RINOERS I Will give an entertainment oo above, on which outs elan they .111 be ateleted by 'Vocal anti Instrumental Solo Artistss of ecknowledged ability: MADAME BLAINDELL, Solo Harpist. MISIVERICK. HEBB, Solo Cmust. HIER OrRTATE HAUPILta, Solo Vlolinlet. Mr. FRANK liloollB, Solo finite!. Grand Matinees for Children on WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Tickets Icr Cktidern, In Um afternoon, 10 amt. No Ma peke " Tt a rta,_4l. .2341. Bellarred mate, In swot Tor sale at the Book anti Mot& Stuns nod at the er2thlte 1ir.4.1"7 . 8 wiin6 - An Experienced Carpel Vphols t Is wanted Immediately at OLIVES McCLINTOCK..IOD.'s, WANTED.—VU a itio?int. —We want TT T Apra. .t co atootall. mammas paid, to will our Er.lagiogrit.".Orkst.gl Iterram, and thlrtasa other new. itaatatand cursoaa articles. Fifteen arti cles not frees • Addraaa, eel23mda•F 13IL&W & Ct.& UK. 131 , Mollird, Me WANTED TO RENT, booD WARM:IOI3HE, Shunted In s Lumina" portion of the city. En chat 120 SECOND &MIT oe.M:tf W - ANTRlLla — g OOd — pfti pair broke f 7 df. Cr CO, of Medi= OM A s fpl s Bop. Winhouse,lio. IS7 W.tor street. IRWIN, FULTON a CO i - " TRI -- VVAN'rED—One wilco uncle stands cooking. and other Loon - work Ad draw PDX MI. OW of Allegitro Port Ofllloo watt. relkinnonaa to gratifications and 'actm 06tdf ,A, 11-4 Finn th.ena •Boog ; vibe La a practical Icnowlectitt, .4 ell:woo:pit WVIII T0001111911n4011. mania, KM /124. Peat Ma. pens. PEACH ELOWs, wain ens Aid othor viarietkp of Plitt frOM Nov York-Iltata. pYq Jot pt rbalca APPLIA or dltterkat kinds} trap U Irviß' tuiltersimod lapflrtP6w. o da •• IEDW'D DisaP3oo. OILS, lf c RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO - ~ COILMISSIOW Jt FORWAHDLIG mrscuer TB, Crude and Refined Petroleum, Fo. 19 tarry ErIRKIM,4I7TBBIJILML teStr Liberal Cash intrantes on osostgrunonts for Pittsburgh or Eastern Markets. risonoriuni &pumas: Hew. J. & Dilworth & Co.. • Vbo hl 7 ."Z mblo:mal,l,4..goit. Oommordal Makc TACK & BRO., istOMS Crude and Relined Petroleum, BBT ZIN , ka, 122 WiLMIT BT. , PHILADYLPHIA B.lnena entrusted to our oars Win receive our prompt personal attention. Aster to Itlessra.ltinhardson, Muley tr Ca., Brewer, Burks A Co, and Mclllolhtud & Davis. Pittstotrign ; Thus. Multi:, Eng, Yr.'. Bank N. •. ; IL L. Poet, & C0"., - PhlTidelpitle: • an& ly inoi -- ern - OIL 'WORM. LYDAY & CHORPENNING, Dlstmfbatoraro and T..detn CAIIBO7I OIL, BBS LIME AND LUBILICITING OILS, and dealers In 4:7FiLIJ DEC PETRALETTM Works, oi.posto. ISharpsborg. &Nice, No. SU HAND STUB= D. ra 111LidiR, WALNUT ST., PIiILADELIILIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM On Cara=Eaton exci.lsely. All chargem at malt reshonable rain. fiTORAGA YOR rtIYTNEI . to cool cotton. Tor CHUM, ondor good lends. Pontoolor attention pad to OIL TOR EXPORT. Fqn Ii•uk—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA &ill, Ite. sol . _ • _ CE (SABOT & PMBERTON, General Merchandise Brokers, Lis SOrTV FRONT BT., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE dr REFIRED PETROLEUM, CAESTIC SODA, SODA ASH, BRIMSTONE, DIICOS, OILS, A.., ke Orders to boy or WI promptty ottemled to so1:17 ALLEN ,k NEEDLES, =I2IZO COMMISSION -MI UCHA Nl's. Particular attention pall to consignments of Crude and Relined Petroleum. air 1.11.. val advance. mad.. sully fIi;'NT(T 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA, Broker Comm lesion Merchant I CRUDE & REIM& PETROLEUM, LUBRICATING GIL AND BENZOLE And dealer fa Orode and ReAned PETROLEUM BARRELS. and 17 BRktYISK BC RKB & Cu., • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Loots of tb. °LODI!, Pearto AND Lfl3Bllll OIL WOILtII. Litres] nub sulmnene made on oonOgnmonto of Refined or Crude Petro/cunt COB, DINLIDINE WAY A BANOOCK 878., OMEN need not be embarraeted by V the eaforeement of the Bulk Ordinaries, who. they can tileirthlitYoll barrelled and shipped with. eat treadling the City Whereas., as cheap, more prompt. with imal rick; I. trouble and in better order, At KIRK'S OIL YARD, On the Alloghaty Ysidey Railroad, Or,, villa, whom Olt la pumped from the beata direct to the con, and shipped to any point, least of West, althent any draying or re-shipping. All radon promptly atiooded to. • iitdrOMce at Yard, oa Citizen. Peaseoger It. R. Pest .02los .dares., 1101 901, Pittsburgh ; or I can be men daily .t the O. Zzini4nax. ap2ll DA VIP sr JOHN ................ kit 0141111114. WALLACT & IITHTL96, Commission Meretiants. And deem la CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM BENZINE Alm LIIBLICATING OILq No. 134 BOOTH WlLlltria, PRILADALPHI4 Car &arm, uparlty (nodalr rover,) for 15,600 bbl.. Also excellent twilit!. for oblppLog to ♦tusriran and foreign ports, at our wharf on the fkbnylkill Hirer, over (pa platform of the P. P.. K. Joskly WALES, wEntoicESc COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 112 MAIDEN LANE. NEW YORE Ample Mantle., ler" STORAGE AHD SiIIPPLNO, at their yard and wharf, Eta Boos tuylettf DIAMOND OIL Wu NAYLOR & SKIM Refiners and Deniers in Carbon Oil, Unsurpassed by any In the market, MlTOrdors tat at tbotr °Mee. Ro. 41 MARKET STRI.BI, or at tbalr works la Lo.armaeavllla,vrtll promptly attartdad to. Boyarivl CRUDE OIL. tabll 2==lM T BT. CLAIR BT., PITTSIItrItGH, Forwarding & Commitalon Merchant AND Dail/3 IN 0114. an. I LLCIIINATINCI, taIItiCATIVO, efttlDZ YZTROLSITM OILS, cositawly atr baud aad far mkt et Um trepan market VIM. COMAIPIUMMti and oar, sittrfted. . apteas alo. IM—Nbur nounins. WOODVILLE oth REFINERY. GEO. W. lIOLDSECIP & CO., atiufacturns of BOBJEINCI OIL AND LOBBICA- T/NO OIL. - Mop constantly maimed very.Leot quality of MINING 'OIL ; oloar and without color; also,. • Loud. LUBBIOATOII,:puns WRITE ligyi- ZOLII atrICAR qSFADE.• prAn °Mei% Yr0..38 TTYTII 6710=1 • Bank I,lllCoir, 6e-promp t •ttmt.. to. odSO LUCENT OIL WORKS. D'UNCAM LAPDUN & CO., 3facentkt.ers of Pare White Refined Carbon Oile, Mos, Ao. 221 LTIMITY .P/TTEBUROH. PA my9:Gmsit R'S. WARI;i4I; CRUDE, REFISZD, , INACIDNXIBN AND PAM O I L. S, • A4ll &der !A RAW* • • 44: no. a s wt.:vita-440 VOLUME LXXYI---NO. 3O RIDER & CLARK, CO ILLECEIAIITS, Petroleum and its Products, ' Oils, CANDLES, ia, &C. 61 8R0AD..... Yoac. 98 WATER & 1110 NT EITB Prrran Sr Armlet* the PORTLAND HE-ROFENE OIL wokss NEW TOES PARAIFFINIt CANDLE COMPANY, AA • W. A. caermex, v17:111 --- ITh Water tt I.PI !'root mtg. MCCORM iCK & f.LENDER, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, oa- Conaignmotata solicit.l. Lyilay t Mon.:ming, Iron k..ity Work. Jacob Painter, of J. Painter 1 J 00. H. Chalfant, of Spaog, Chaifant. & 00, JACO. REL. IKAMILIE rr pETIZOLITE OIL WORKS. Manufacturers of PRIME WRITE CARBON s)IL, BENZuLE AND i t 'PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OIL. Caparfty tin thousand barrels per-wczY. RZEBE & GRAFF, PR9Plurroß9 OM" MONONGAHELA Pittst,orgh nn,-21 ENOS WOODWARD, (lAN of Wm. /I. Woodward .t t-o. Preranonolt, P. GENLaiL COMMISSION ArF.TICHA Special •ltentlon girro to the .ale of Crude and Refined Petroleum. 111 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILA octaly JAMES IRWIN, Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia Orden left et John * Porterßedd & ORlce, co nor or MARKET AND FIRST STREETS, will re mire prompt Attention. IX'S UR.4JrCE. TNDEMMTY AGAINS'r LO.S.S BY TrItE.—TIIIiNICLIN TIRE INSURANCE COll • YekNY 07 FIJI LADrisni.t. 4.3 s ettA 4J7 Chestnut street, neer Fifth. Statattemt of Ave., J.oary lat, 11360, puttlfeltod Azreeably to ea art of Ataeruay, bolo / I . II IP .e. amply mound ' t 1 1,636,1r. 00 Heal &masa (wn% rel. $108,314 01) out 102.,W.Z. Temporary Loa. em ample Oollatoral Stole (present valer 96,6a7 721 nit ,llotra mad Bills llrtaireOlo.—. (.b 82,208,0 bi 4.1 Zir Tbe onty pruflte from premiums which tht. Company can divide by law e.re from risks, which hay, been determined. Insurance made on orPry dsuription of property, in town uni ouau try, at rates as low se aro consistent with wwwtrity. titan their Ineorpotation, a pet Ind of thirty year*, they hare paid lose. by lire to an amount exceedietif Four ifillame of Dellera thereby aff.dlng evideewe of the advantage of Insurance, as well as their 6,1111 t tyanddlsloattton b, meet with promptnees all tkallts et Pi . Losses paid dxriag the year 1818 Charter N. I:S.oler tdorderal D. Lewis. Tobias Wagn•r =ECM teem EDWARD G. W. A. 6.e.., fosentary J. GARD zur6 0210. Northeas SCHANCK Insurance Co. of North America. G=Nal PHILADELPHIA Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., I=l Hartford Fire Inanranee Company. Dirjadtu-anc• In the above old and relialde na mules C.:l be obtained on api e llcation to fiA:dly Bacaley. Sandbars, 87 {Sinter acre". WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA- Y Y AT OF PITTSBURGIT. IL !TILLER, Jr., Proideot. O. Id. 401tDO1liSec.tary. 097., No. 92 %not /Moot, Spur& Wy-e. house, up stain, PittabargiL. 053 Won ogaiing on .Bd. of F. ood Mort.. Rids, I Hop firedatatio• sertharred lv &mt." rh. a. roil Worn is Liii.mrosamarty, mut wit , or. deco, 17 y l3eotiy. to thettertsta the Aeracter which lien/ hare paehmed, ha greriv the best tedithalieno &tee vete e.o. ter . I.er isrure,t • • . AsaFrs; omii3Eß. 30, Ism Stock Actoncas-----.. ...... —.II 63,000 00 Ito 2,1e0 CO 01.0 ACC1.2120, i . e - -.--..--.. ''''''''' 7,869 0,. Cash__.-- ----„......-. 18,361 Oo Preodozo N0taa.....,... —............. .77,603 I! Nobs nod Dills Discounted- .... ... 174,071 12 Y. Miller, Jr., Jansen McAuley, Nathaniel lloltues. Alai.,Ntmlek; Gaorg, Dusts, WW Mus' Et. Smith, C. W. 11tckatozo, sny3o grVTIZEN'S INSURANCE COM PAN Y 'V Or PITTSBURGH. Mao, corner Morket Lad Water itroehr, second poor. • •WL . BACULLY, Prodders'. SAMUEL Itg.A. &meaty. Imam» Steamboat's and Cargoes. 111111rtid, %%tint too and damage In the navigation of 11w Southern Western Ririe., lakes .a Balotta.sad the turrigat los of the Bess. Timm against lea and damage be tire. 'Wm. Hags lay. Park, Jr., W. 0-Johuton, B. f. Jaws, Brakihnas. Hon. T. lL Bove, DerclaT Yuma, Nargellingtuun, pEoPtipa Offibe, N. E. oornerVirooii & Fifth Sts FIRE AND MAltElffE 1111311 RANCE. pm.aenyaa ; 'Wm. -Phillip, Jamas D. Varnar. John Watt. f (htpt. Joint L, Shoed.. Wm. B. Rap, 6 1-, Iginall. Ellarivar, John N.-Parka, Georg. P..lonea, Charleol, Sheen, Daniel William, Wm; Van Kirk, C. Hanson rm. . JOHN VIM r. 01RDNZR, ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COM PAST OF PITTISBORGOL— No. 37 Fifth we*, Bandr-Blook; • - kladdofFlza and Aiming Meta IS .AQ JONEA, Presioiree., JDII7t D . 317X , RD, Fits Pte. D. M. BOOK, &tiara aspt. WM. DEAN. &nand AfraL r.w..tona. 0. 0. ll= • neTs i Opt: R. C. Gray , John Indo, Jr.. H. L. tabrioatxt, CA V Y HOMY'S; WANTED.— Ths.undastool *RI mammy, In open =irk.; Cintlty Bonito Atm the rotted Statu'..rrla„ Th. Morstitticto tins lftein {l5) to tixtaia (10 Wanda WI, fro:m*oll.M to'xiinF 12) )vostittp r orspeett”, !agape:l6mb. and ny•From all& *A& ' Homo will tsOet-W, rthicet ttinotttoti. at ..froni Quasi to' thi-liStargt :.sitalk-Columbos, , • fraaelba OW tart. MAT Capt-lirt ; r: L ay.copt. MMMiI OILS, 4c. MIZIE:I3 CHICAGO. linnufnctrlnpr of ECIEMIE OM VToite ; Isaac Lee, Jacob U. tliadth, Edward C. Dale, Glee. W. liirborda; Gaorga /calms, i. DANCES/1., Preordain DA./...E. nee Prandial. corrnr, it ear. Wood it Third etc. W. P. JWSEB, drawl • lIMIE Andrew A rklay, Alexander Speer, Da.lvd M. Lang, Rau J. Thomas, D.j. 1.: Sakaryall, John Q. 11.03... 21._001tDOPI, I:l4,JB:.;:inßM:rba.s.lsKl6.o4l:pgto:raatb.: 'WWI R. Cooper, J.;Calavrol.l, Jr. .?I,Le:grlas 11- Zug,. de3o:lyd WCE COMPANY, Ea7M;l Jetta D, McCord, - Capt. Adam JazoN', D. D. Stait Oked:Arm., Dow, • .11..L:McG row.. tr-DAida,•, ~':
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers