Vittsintrgit dao,t4. WEDNESDAY MOSSINGr::::.:NOV. 1 - , 1E63 CITY AND SVBURBAN Official Paper of the City. MILTLOROLOGICAL OBSZETATION2 taken for the pazirert, at Geo. E. Shaw's Optician store, Sit Fifth street—corrected daily: 94. II 12 li 6 r, x Barometer The "Confidence' , Man Win. Thomas, whose arrest we have already reported, on a charge of swindling Mr. F. Langkamp out of eleven dollars, had a hear ing before Mayor Alexander, and was eouunit ted to jail to answer at Court. Two other cases were brought to light. Thomas had entered the clothing store of Wm. Dunker, on Liberty street, where be deposited a sealed package, addressed to a man in Now York, in care of the German Savings Bank. On one corner of the package was marked the amount of money (ittba) which it was supposed to contain. After leaving this in the store for an hour or two, Thomas came back, and under pretence of lacking ten dollars to complete a purchase of grain, he diddled Mr. Dunker out of that amounts The package was never called for, and it was not opened until after his arrest. It contained nothing but paper. Thomas Clark, clerk at the Mansion Rouse, was swindled out of five dollars, In a similar man- ner. Commitments were lodged in both these Cll/108. The Criminal Court TONSDAY, Nov. 3.--Judges Mellon, Stowe and Brown Riohard Murphy tins convicted of the larceny of a pair of pants and an umbrella. Motion made for a new trial. Adam Oxenhart was tried for the lareony of a hog, the property of Mr. LiAdermau, but the jury failed to agree up to the hour of ad journment. George Massey, colored, was convicted of assault and battory, and sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars and costs. ' Henry Holler was con ricted on two charges of larceny, and atntonre I to two years In the penitentiary. Joseph Davis, (colored,) was tried on a charge of larceny and acquitted. John Weaver, Jr., was convicted of petty larceny, and sentenced to two months in jail. Adam ifertsberger was convicted of larceny, and remanded for sentence. . • - •. Lavinia - Williams, Joseph Davis, and John Jankson, (colored,) were placed on trial for re ceiving stolen goods. The case was not con cluded at the hour ofutdjournment. Bogtua Recruiting Officer*. This public are cautioned against two or three individuals who, without the slightest authority from the Government, have opened recruiting offices in this city and in Allegheny, offering the regular bounty, advance pay, etc., guaranteed by the Government. Hand bills have been issued by these parties, and one of them professes to hare authority to raise an Independent Cavalry Company ! It is needless to say that no such authority has been given by the War Department, and all persons wishing to enlist must make their ap nlikations to the regular agents, Messrs. J. C. Sproul and C. W. Lewis, whose office is at Ito. 98 Fourth street, near Wood. An advertise ment from Capt..J. Heron Foster, giving au thentic information on this subject, will be found in another column. Racy. AT COLLIS'S PA RK.—An exciting race took place at Collins Park, yesterday after noon, between the horse "Shamrock," entered by J. Dishier, and "Soft Soap," entered by Felix Laverty. The race was exceedingly well contested. The first heat was won by "Shamrock" In 2:47; second heat by '•'oft Soap" in 2-40; third heat by "Shamrock" in 2:30; fourth and fifth heat by "Soft Soap" in 2:38 and 2:46. The attendance was quite large, and considerable sums of money changed hands on the result. The race was for a parse of $4OO. AIitSAVAL OF EXCIIASMID PRIBONLAS.—Firo hundred and eighty-two prisoners, molt of whom were captured at the battles of Freder icksburg and Chancellorvillo, arrived In the city hut night, at eleven o'olock, from Wash ington, and after being fed at City lialcby the Subsistence Committee, they took a special train for the west, eU route for Chattanooga. They all belong to the 11th and 12th Corps, which have been transferred to the west since their capture. Coxourroa is LCCE.—We learn that Sam uel McCleary, Esq., late a conductor on the P. Ft. W. S C. H. lt. has discovered an ex tensive deposit of excellonl bituminous Coal, on the line of the road, on the Myer's farm, about 1% miles west of Masailon, 0. He has been fortunate enough td lease a large tract of land, overlying the coal do cult, and will, no doubt, make a handsome thing out of the discovery. The coal is mild to be of an ex cellent quality.- THE DELL RtNur:rm.—The almond entertain ment given by the Swiss Bell Ringers, et concert Hall, was largely attended, and every body present was delighted with the chute and unique performances. Those who wish to spend an evening, cannot find more pleas ing enjoyment than in listening to the 801 l Ringers. They give a. matinee at three o'clock this afternoon, and perform every evening during the week. HUGH BELLA.% a well-known lawyer of Sun bury, Pa., died'on the 26th ult. Mr. Deltas was, in early life ea active politician, and coon after his adtkesion to the bar, was ap pointed to the office of Prothonotary of North umberland county, when that county cm hi-aced Union, Snyder and Columbia within its I imits. TUE KING AND B.ICINENIIX Cssz.—Dr. King wishes us to *tate' that he war in his own office when Captain McHenry threatened to shoot him, for putting his_ head out of the window. ilia Office however, is in the same building with the Provost Marshal's office. The further bearing in the ease has been postponed until the return of District &ttorney Carnahan. ArrIMPTED • ASSASSINATION.--912 Saturday night last an 'attempt Was made to assassinate Air. Daniel Sane, of Uniontown. While ho was in the sot of onlooking his own door, some person fired a pistol at him, the ball out ing the skin on the upper lip. A similar at empt was made upon his life some time ago, end hehas no knowledge as to who the would be murderer is. Base DIVIDENDS. - The ante of lame yesterday declared the following dividends: sank of Pittsburgh, four per cent; Iron City Bank, five per cent•_ Exchange Bank, five per cent; Alleghene , Bank, four per cent; Merchants and Manufacturers, four per cent; and Mechanics four per cent. - OIL REPINZIff Bomn.—The oil refinery of Messrs. Smith and Naylor, located at Law renceville, was entirely destroyed by fire, yesterday evening, between five and six o'clock. We did not - ascertain the origin of the fire, or the amount of tholes,. Sarnoes losses or CoL.P9arr.—Wo regret to learn that' COL E. F. Pratt, the well known Messenger to Councils, Is now lying at his resider♦oe in the Third Ward, suffering from a .serioal affliction of the lungs. Me took ill on Iredneedarbot, ancibas been growing worse over oinne.:-L. 'Nun Dais's - tn.—The Philadelphia Mail and Baltimore Expresi trains, duo here on Tuesday at noon, were detained two or three hours, in consequence of is freight train run ning off the track at Jack's Narrows, on the Juniata river. • pima Citaatorra Tuomrsox drew a large nadiente to tie theatre, last orening, to wit ness bar idi2able rendition of "Juliet," in Shakepeare's tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet." To-night elle:appears as " Pauline," in the '4beaaUfta play of The Lady of Lyons." , Baca OS Darla /c Mcllwatae,st sbefiAtiation Fisonis, Fifth stroet, Tuesday eresdusiliViember 3d Eureka:Unmans* Co., .j 05 1 , 1:1 30.. WZR , a resident of Ilarapden, a stiburA Of _Reading, Pa. died on Wednesday ;at, attbo.oatcsordina4 ago of 103 yam. -~. s, . I United Statethrldlan- Commitzton,• 4,-. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. The Army Committee of Western Pennsyl- • „ PI • sotika Pacey, a= and Ornamental • t rania presents the following Report of its Fiate Roofer, and dude, in Pennsylvania and operations during the month of Oeio,!•cri Vermont slate z , f the-Sant quality at low rates. The following gentlemen have been scut us Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water delegates to the army Rev. J. W. McFarland, Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Rev. T. L. Purdy, Rev. W. W. Ihorgemon, Rev. T. V. Milligan and Mr. Janie. McLaughlin. Surtno MaCIIINSt3.—W ilh respect to this rideable invention, Grover & Baker eujoy The Treasner acknowledges the following i the public a pre-eminence n pu regard. They ftniributionl • have kept pace with this now indispensable Proceeds of Volitive at Mansfield 5148 61 economy from its inception to its present com- Paton Beller Association, Western Pennsyl vania and North Western Virginia. 37 40 pleteness and efficiency. The marked im provements which it has undergone, its thor- Soldiers' Aid Society, Ebenezer, Ps la 70 Soldiers' Ald Society, Greenfield, Pa 11 13 ough usefulness and great popularity, aro Union Leanne, Sugar Grays, Pa 2 a. greatly due to the care, taste and enterprise of IL P. Church, Ltarrimille, Pa 12 25 Grover Baker. Their long experience and U. P. Presbytery of Steubenville, old° 13 a i constant manufacture of sowing machines en lit. E. Church, Minville M. Et Church, Well ace; Penna. Ille, Penn'. able them to present to es the very best and M. E. Church, Brumley, Penn's 6cs very eheapost stock to be found. Those who EL E. Church, Forfeiter, Pann'a ....... I wish unfailing, durable, perfect working sew- Sabbath School, Ilarrimille, Ohio 65 ors should not fail to c all on Grover 3: Baker, SLR. Church. McKean, Pean'a.- ..... _...._... 2 71(ti ty I, H. E. Church, (Marysville, Ohio 4L "Y"' Slate Lick Presbyterian Church, Pentia... 36 70 Smith Creek C. P. Church, 31 tel liallie Wilson and Caine McCidlough 4 50 Collection at Kingwood, Virginia__ G 00 Presbyterian Church, Bruceville, Indiana.... 2 7:1 J. Blythe 5 Ott Mn.Elica Welker, Allegheny. 5 Od Miss Hannah Anderson, Portereville, Penn's 2in Mrs. Mary Jeffrey, Shlriand, 6 ou Rev. J. E. throthere, Lecchhurg, Penn's 4 00 Alex. Wallace lit al (.56th 10 00 5 00 Cash 16 Millen,' Run Presbyterian Church, 10 at Soldiers' MCI.. Smithfield, Fayetteco.,Pa. G rowel:ohm:lock Prez. Sabbath Schoel, Pa 4 00 M. Davidson, East Springfield, Ohio 2 00 Procimls of Concert itt Boolotown, Pa 54 SO Tito following contributions of llospital Store, hero been received during the past month 4 boxes and 2 barrels of hoepital stores from La. Aim' Aid Society, of Erie, Pa; 1 package and 21 housewives from Male Grammer Department of 241 Ward School, Pittsburgh ;25 bonseerives frva, e - male Intermediate Department - of 2d ward ; 41 do from Junior dpt, do ; 60 do from Male Primary dpi, do ; 100 do from Female Primary dpi, ; 250 do from teachers and scholar, of olth ward school, Pitts burgh ; 2 boxes of hoepltal starrs from Ladles' Aid Society of Blairsville, Indiana county ; 2 boors front Ladle."' SoldienitAid Society of Butter, Butler Ce ; 2 box, from Ladles' Aid Society of Saltiaturg, Indiana co 2 boxes from Ladle,' Soldiers' Society of Lime stone, elation ro ; 1 box from Ladle.' Aid Society, Putneyvville, Armstrong co ; 1 box from Ladies' -Ltd Society of Elder Ridge, Indiana co ; 1 box from La dle.' Aid Society of Mahoning, Lawren. co ; 1' box from Bethel ;Christian Commiation, Indiana... I package from J. and M. R. Creighton ; 2 Sixes Iran Soldiers' Aid Society of Ebormer, Indiana co ; 141 housewives and packages of paper from Mole Interme diate Department, 2l weed school, Pittsburgh 1:17 housewives and 1 package of paper from Female Grammar Department, 2d Ward School 1 packago from Freeport- Baptist Sabbath Schatl ; 1 box from Mr. C. Prossarant ; 1 box and 1 packagefrom Uciat Relief Association of libeler township ;t 1 package from Mimes Shaw's, Etna; I package from Mrs. Schmertz ; 1 package from IllssesS. end L. Ball, Rob inson township; 1 package from Mr. W. Thaw; 1 box from Ladies' Aid Society of Watt Middletown. Washington county; 1 box from Tuentunt Presby terian Sunday School; 2 boxes from Ladies' Aid So ciety of Mercer county ; 1 box from Union League of Sugar Grove, Warren county ; 1 keg of .1t1.• from A. A. netneman; 1 box from Aid Society or Sew alit. field, per Beaver county Army Committee 1 package of books from U. P. Board of Publication ; I box ot clothing from Soldiers Aid Society of the at Perot./ - terian Church, Pittaborgh ; 1 package from Presby terian Sabbath School, Washington, Pa.; 1 box from Lodi.' Aid Society of Corsica, Jefferson county; box. from Christi. Commlation, Philadelphia; 4 barrels of apples from James F. booth Pulaski, Law rence county ; I box of apples from Lewis luting. Pulaski, Lawrence county ; 1 barrel of potatoes nod 1 box of onions from Ladies' Ald Society of Worth ington, Armstrongcounty ; 3 boxes from Sa die,' Aid Society, of Clarkson, Ohio; 1 ben from Farmington, New York; 1 box from 31r. McConnell, Weetnmeland county; I box from Chortler.' Lodi.' Christian Aid Society; 2 box. front Ladles' Aid So ciety of Now Castle, Lawrence county ; 1 box from Ladles' Aid Society of Patneyville, Armstrong coun ty; I box from Ladles' Aid Society of District No. 2, Darlington Beaver county; 2 boxes from Beaver County Ar my Committee; 1 box frost, Ladle, of La. trobe, Pennsylvania; also congributions of clothing, frulta and reading matter from W. Thaw, Mr.. Tur man, Mr. J. McConnell, Mr.. J. Pennock, Mil. Wal lingford, lira. Johnston, Miss Moreland, Mr. Mrs. Stewart. IN SUS. IS SHAME .. 00 62 .. 00 65 65 29 3-10 The following articles h Western armies daring du seed by onr delegates : Shirts 751 , Drawers, palm .... 465 Socks, pairs. 676 Comforts 47 Blankets 48 Shoats 148 Pillows 276 Pillow ca5e5......_.....196 Handkerchiefs 14 Dressing greens 471 Towels 345 Slippers, pair 5......... 451 2778 liousewivest 127611 Books 27 pads 72 2721 Tracts, 66C7 Papers, pagea Writing paper, reams The following articles of clothing are now moot Flannel shirts and drawers, wool.m sorts, blankets, and clean .nmsiln rags; the demand for the latter is now very great. At a meeting of tho Christian Commission, held in Philadelphia, Oct. 15, measures were adopted by which the general work will be combined, energized, and in.cvery way ren dered more efficient. Amore extended, syste matic end thorough organisation of its forces, and the enlargement of its operations, on a scale commensurate with the greatness of the cause, was determined on. The Commission relies confidently upon the unbounded sympathy, and most generous sup- Port of all the peoplebf God, who lore Ms cause, their country, and the souls of men. All atoms may be sent to W. P. Weyman, No. 78 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. All cash donations to Joseph Albree, Treaq ureT, No. 71 Woiid street, Pittsburgh. Flown, Farr, AND tacos PICO= ; or, The Mar. dad Life, Beath, and Wedding of the Advocate of the Poor, Firmian litanialatre Liebenkae. By Jean Pool Fraidariek Richter. Translated from the German by Edward Honey Noel. With • Memoir of the Author by Thomas Carlyle. In Two vol umes. Boston Ticknor & Fields. 1863. Pius burgh : for tale by Benny Miner, Fifth street, (nest door to the Post Office:) and by B. tt. 73,W00d street. 361 and 345 pp. Irmo. Among his own countrymen, we believe, "Titan" is considered Jean Paul's master piece as a romance or novel ; but judging by far other standards of art-workmaruridD. read ere, In this country will generally, we pre sume, give the preference to this book and its hero, Leibenkas—in which and in whom this wonderful humorist—this strangrest, gentlest of philosophers—will be more readily appre hended and' oro therotighly enjoyed by. those accustomed only to the forms and usages or Efigliah or French literature. Be this as It may, however, we have ter...from the sarnereminent Boston publishers who recently gave us the first' English translation of " Titan, " theseloompanion volumes—which, we cannot doubt, will be at least ...welcome to the Amer lean public, as an unexpected and almost nn preeedtmted sale has proved that,their prede misers Mast haie been. Thome who have read d Titan," and will read tide will be ready to join with us in urging her. Brooks to apply himself to his work, and enable no,to read- Resperne " .also, as he has promised. We close this brief notice with the remark, that, if we desired to introduce Richter for the first time,tc an American or English reader, we should not open "Titan," but OM present work, and road thereiu some of the noblest passages, in our judgment, which can be found in all his writings:—and we may Meatiorithe first " Flower Piece," with its wonderful, ter rible sublimity of thought and imagery—with its profound benefieenrie of purpose and dac trine—as one of these. Tug Axiom GorejuidOthsriltories. By Harriet Eli - sabeth Peeeott. Bootee: Ticksor and 'Fields: Pittsburgh : for sale by !harp bfluerfirifth street, (next door to the Postollce.) 43 pp. lemo. Few writers oteitherser, who denote them - selves to that department of literary effort, "shish delights that two-thirds majority of mo dern readers who read eothlng but stories,have greater or more tariedresour9es for achieving all the success that 'still drown ambition, with in any reasonable bounds of ambitious striv ing, than Mice Priseott. The readers of the Atlantic Monthly, whose pages are often en riched with the contributions of her pen, will probably recognise sonseuf the stories in this volume;—but none will 'lrma appreciatively welcome them; in thcir preiint beautiful dress of tinted paper sad exquisite typography; than those who already know how worthy they are to receive such honor. ~ Ai A .1/QPI.--On Monday smelling, nun named ham, Tirdmile, 'einployed in the livery stable ,of II; Paterson, Diamond inss street, ilked on the head by a horse, and Injured to such an extent that ho expired on the following morning. NO Quoit/rm.-4%elegkens , Board of Con trollers-met lad 'waning, for the tratanaption of bushman, but there being no quorum pres ents, nothing as done. • . ET-Convene= John W. Killlnger, has been appointed Aaseesor of Internal Redenne for the eleventh district of Pennsylvania. • of a great many who have bad their hair re ass been forwarded to the ' stored by the nee of Mrs. S.. A. Allen'. o last month, and ilistril, . World's Hair Restorer .and Zylobaleamam, I therefore I recommend them." 'Dried fruit, S. Ali 1: Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Cans of fruit . 5`.1'.. , Greenwich street, New York. Dra.ody and wine. uts 14:. : Whisky qts ii° ,' WATCHES; JEWELS; &C.—J. M. Roberts, C ' 4 " nd ''''''''''' ilk, "`"" "... , N 0.17 Fifth atreetr ia now opening the most 1,11200 sugar, jure._ it r , . 8.,, rum qt. , .... ... ~..., °auto° stork of fine Gold and Silver Watches, Cologne, qts. 76 Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goods ever Butter, So. 144 ' displayed in this city, and is selling then at Pleklas 417 ° remarkably low prime. Tea, Ifs Sugar, IN In; Soap, Ito 21 Farina arid cocoa, its. .ri Grape., boxes —. 5 Cornstarch, lbs A APIA.. bb15....,.. t Potatoes, tibia 5 Onion*, bbls. 6 Chocolate, lbs F Oar Book Table SECOND ARRIVAL OF FALL AND W INTIM GOODS, just reseived at bam'l Graham tic Co.'s, Mar i chant Tailors, No. 54 Market street. It con sists of all the vary latest styles of cloths, oassimeres and vestings; overcoatings of all kinds of the very finest quality, all of which is seleeted from the latest importations, and will be made up in the most fashionable and best manner. Gentlemen desiring a-stock of goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed by any other In the city, and every garment warranted a perfect fit, would do well to give tte an early osH. SAVCEL GRARAY k CO., Merchant Tailors, No. 54 Market at. Beam. GitSHAat, GEo. McCssrii.ess. SOB FALL AND WINTER WOAD.—The Sum mer Is past, and by the morning's frost, we begin to appreheud, that fall and winter will shortly be upon us, and we must provide our selves with the material to keep us comfort able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well made overcoat are the very thing, and we do not know of any pine° where our readers would suit themselves better than at Messrs. W. g. McGee .4 Co's clothing establiAment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, send a great variety of new patterns for waDteoating, ,be. 1, TIIONI/S Roar, of Latrobe, Pu. having per chased the Livery Stable of Mr. John Don nelly, legs leave to inform his friends and . the public, that he Is now prepared to furnish , them with Carriages, Buggies, and Saddle Horses, at moderate rates. There will be a person at the Station, at the arrival of trains, ! both day and night, who will attend to fern ; inking earriages, buggies and horses, to all who wish a conveyance from the station. givirg potice in advance, a conveyance will be sent to the station to await as arrival of any particular train from t-he cast or west. JUST RTZEIVED AND MUST von SALE.—Tbe fine ilesortinent of Fall and Winter Clothing, lately received by Messrs. John Wier k Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 148 Federal street, Al : le;, , heny. The stock of clothing consist/ of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, : coats and overcoats. The style of patterns is tasteful and fashionable. We would Invite all of our readers to give the above gentlemen a call. To !Lava! To Anasi—The citizen soldier will find a more deadly foe, in the brackish, muddy water and damp night air than in the most determined enemy. Holloway's Pills so purify the blood and perengthen the stomach and bowels that the soldier can endure these hardship, and still be strong and healthy. Only 25 cents per box. 230 Facri WORTH Ki Morrill, Cross Hirer, N. V., says in a latter; know Fora DOLLARS four dollars. Four dollars, four dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institute. Beat cheap Dentistry, best cheap Dentistry No gum:lino work, a* maohis' let.aork. ()whims and carriage calls will be taken at the Omnibus office, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All orders loft at tbo above place will be promptly attended to. All calla must be paid in advance. • C. SILL, Daudet, 248 Penn meet, will at tend to all baldness of Me profoesion. 2d, MARY JASE, daugh ter of Alexander end Sarah Jane Cargo, aged 8 pant and 7 mouths. Thu forterel will take place from the rotidothee of Iho pnrente, ou 'White olley, Sixth ward, ruts (Wed ♦ rrr.v.soos, at s o'clork. The friends of 1.1,0 family are n•vjectfully Invited to etu•ttd without fur ther nou n•. GLENN.--On Atigust Inth, IWO, at Vicksburg. on the hoapital boat Woodford, JOSIAH C. W. GLEAN, of the 31arine 13rigade, in the year hire age. The funeral will take place Wranranar nonaticw, at In o'clock, from the roeldenor of hi. parent., Lili arty .cruet, above East Lane, Allegheny City, to proi cw,l to Allegheny l rmrterr. The %lona of the family are ovii3ed to attend. GRAHAM—IIn Toosday morning, Noy. Jul, 18Q, at Ills mob - Sanaa pa Pitt alley. Allegheny City, Mr. DOD EAT GUAYIA.M, in the 71fi year of Wm •Qo. The hionds . of, the family aro rxrpectrolly Intik-0 to attend the furicrol. on Vitt:v.:river arTrukuok. at 3 o'clock. I'aoaonr ntAILIMAIisI Orr ICI, 21. DN . ?, P timburgh, P., N. 4th, I«