•• tilusburgh 6azeite. What ` Did Hughey g t 7s a watc Wit , h a:c t ita very kindly fellow withal, on Monday cliscovomd a TUESDAY MORNMO-• NOV. 3, 1863. robust Irishwoman, staggering along St. Clair street, with an infant in her arms. Hughey CITY AND SUBURBAN. thought tho mother entirely too drunk to have the custody of an infant of such tender age, and he followed her some distance to see how Official Paper of the City MitTIOROLOGICAL OrisSarsvorrs taken fur the Suspension Bridge, she began to stagger the Gazerrr, at Geo. E: Shaw's Opticiac s tore, worse than ever, and Hughey's apprehensions No. 54 Fifth street—corrected daily : ' for the safety of the child were PO serious that IN 'll- . N. IN SFIPOR. •ho determined to interfere in its behalf. tie .. 00 3, accordingly accosted the drunken mother, and .. 00 6 1 took charge of the "little darlint." The we .. 67 man, apparently pleased to got rid of the on =6 2 ' lo cumbrance, made no objection,'and as Hughey --- - - pursued his way to the Mayor's office, bearing Arrest of a Confidence Man. , the precious treasure in his arm., and no doubt On Monday of last week, a Gorman I jilted thinking that the mother :vroold follow, she took another coarse, in anticipation, porhape,ef the beer 11.0 of Mr. Frank Langkump, on . a glorious spree. In duo time Hughey ap- Liberty street, above the canal, ant after ' peered before his Honor, Mayor Alexander, taking a drink with the proprieto'e, borrowed and, exhibiting his "credentials," stated his pitiful ease. The Mayor most positively and three dollars Iran him, alleging that be was , peremptorily refused to take any cognizance agent fora Grower doing business on the of the case. He commended the fatherly care, Fourth street road, and RNA about to purchase : the sympathy, and the humanity which a quantity of grain, but was a little short of Hughey had exhibited, but ho had as many funds. Ile then went to the feed store of babies now as he could manage, and if ho took that one home be might "never hear the last Messrs". J. &W. Fairley, a few doers above, of it !.. and purchased fifty-one dollars worth of Hughey now began, for the first time, to re alize the awful "responsihility" which ho had grain, getting a bill of the same, but paying no money, alleging that be was going out n a t o e s i o , pd and e the options inquiry involun tarilyhim— "What shall I do with to purchase sacks to put the grain in. Ile it '.." It new began to grow restless and un - went back to Mr. Langkamp, exhibited the easy, and so did Hughey. lie felt that it was bill, and stated that he lacked eight dollars I comparatively easy to get a baby, but a molt more, which would enable him to complete the ' difficult matter to get rid of it. In his ex. purchase. Mr. Langkamp was thrown com- ' tremit), he again appealed to the Mayor, and pletely off his guard, and gave him the amount was directed to the Poor Directors, with the demanded, which was to bo refunded in an , remark that they were not obliged to take it. hour or two. The money, however, was not This was poor encouragement for Hughey, but fortheoming, and the grain was never paid it afforded at least a grain of hope, and he set for, and hence not delivered. Mr. Langkump out for the residence of Mr. B—, in the Dia kept a sharp lookout for the rascal, and on 1 mond. Knocking at the door he summoned one Monday, just one week after the trummetion, be • of the inmates, who, nc t unused to such calls, saw himpassingaloug the street. He followed i eyed the sympathetic man with cold suspicion. him over to Allegheny, when ho got tired I "Baby:' That was enough. " Did'nt want dogging his steps, and arrested him. lie then : it. Mr. 13_ not at home. Did'nt know sent for ono of Mayor Alexander's police, and anything about it. Go and see Mr. F—. had tho fanow placed in the look-up. He : Enough babies here now!" The door closed, gave the name of William Thumae, but be- and Hughey good without, a picture of de yond what we have stated nothing was elicited „tr. ' What chief! I do with it?" He as to hi. transactions. It is believed, bow- hastened back to the Mayor's office, and ever, that the fellow has played the "coat- threatened to leave the infant there, but was dance game" upon several other parties, and told that be had better hunt up the mother. among others victimised, in a .ciall way, ose he might get himself into difficulty. was the clerk or propnetor of one of our hotels. This was worse and worse, and finding no one Ho is still in custody, and those haying any willing to assist him in his humane endeavors knowledge of his ...ladling operations should to save the child from injury, or perhaps death, make the matter known at o r e to Mayor • ho threatened, in a fit of rag., to leave it on Alexander. the street—abandon it to its fate! " What Barometer shall Ido with it'." A lucky thought struck Threatening to Shoot—A Novel Case. him. Ile would convey it to Pittsburgh, and While Dr. B. A. King was under arrest, by place it under the fatherly keeping of Mr. order of the Provost Marshal, for aiding in the Fortune. Off be went, shaking the little dear escape of George Noulette, he was placed in to keep it quiet, and singing hi; .* h.ush-n -Iby as he went along. This was the last no an upper room, and ordered not to hold coin- i heard of him, and we can only close this renniestion with any person outside. Ile was ! article as we commenced, by asking "What Been, however, with his bead uut of the , did be do with it 7" - - dew, conversing with aJawyer on the steps , below. Capt. kick:teary, Deputy Provost , Marshal, threatened to shunt lam if he did out , Tuouse PARRY, Plain and Ornamental obey orders, and cease his conversation. lie d no attention to this threat, when McHenry , Slate Roofer, and dealer is Pennsylvania and paid railed a guard, with a loaded musket, and Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates. f -ordered him to fire. The doctor than jerked his ! Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water head inside, not wishing to run so serious a , rink. On Monday, he appeared before Mayor Works, Pittsburgh, Pa- • Sawyer, and pipferred a charge of surety of ~..,. Einnuoion Rnyainnn , non, on on. the peace agent. McHenry. Bail was ton hinition at Petty'e Real Estate office, No. 13 altered for the Captain, but he declined to let it St. Clair street, is recommended as below by :be entered, alleging that be was obeying the Prof. Brown, one of the ableet scientific men snider of his superior officer, and at the some of the West: time questioning the jurisdiction of the NORTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, In- Mayor, as King was in the custody of the dianapnlis, Ind., Oct. 3, 1863.—.21lessrs. Baker United States authorities at iite time. The & f/settA : Stns—Having an opportunity at the Mayor then proposed that Mel:Wnry should State Fair, which closer to-day, 1 had the enter into his own recognizance, %Pt hz da pleasure of examining your Refrigerator, on dined "to du so for the reason states 3bore * i exhibition there. Themaintenance a: a tem- He agreed, h owever , t o appear at ten 0 , •40 e• , pertain.° below the surrounding medium is a Tuesday morning for a hearing. matter not easily attained; but I congratulate woo on having secured that object very effect- The Criminal Court. • i te. `ly, as I think, by the direct application of MONDAY Arzmucoox, Nov. 2.—Judge. Mel- . the oh it principled used in nature to regulate lon, Stone and Brown. tempura. stre. Wear, in the three . form . of "sii,liquid and vaporous--m familiar In the case of David Rhodes, charged with . matter- one in this climate. larceny, the jury found a verdict of guilty, ! . '1,,; ' , e . , -v ,;: ar l y e 2l, the changes o f . temperature and recommended the defendant to the mercy , in this very change able climate, is de now t of the Court. i on the passage of .et a from one of e -- .' haw ingyf ice, or pass forms to i another. The, •-:.- gairardCalemus and John ktynti were isr- i.. of . 00toi from ..,,,a. toliqutid,has i long reigned on a charge of wilful instruction of l J o :. as ,, a .... me ... of m iacing temperature, property, preferred by Mr. Meerum, who oclecxi, it is not but, except among men of keeps a live in E Lib O the , 4th of Juno ery the stabl defendants ast. hired aerty. horso n and g en e rally understood that tLe l imic i ige of water ro. liquid to vapor is a m imit m ats effective buggy from the prosecutor, and came to the ! on , , lin g agen t . city. On the way lire..., while passing along , if Ile degrees of heat, whit • in evaporating Webster street, they drove over a steep place, ; water th e l o ss is n early a ihipusand degrees, four (oet high, overturning the buggy enil . 1980; or at tenet seven times as much at i lathe frightening the horse iiii that be ran away with l i thawing of ice—or to state the p part at vehicle itt big heels. The animal I • simplest form, an ounce of wat sr in its °rap arrived at his master's stable, bruised and I oration roisters it produces as much coo ling etfect se bleeding, and required doctoring days. The allegation was that the defendants fee nine I seven ounces of ice in thawin yourselves, however, of both !Oen° ria s tUr al had been drinking too freely, aid that they g. .4.vailing ! proms es, and at the same t imp , set string a pi' voluntarily left the public .r• set iii driv e , eiee ' fect ventilation , your Refrigerats•r leaves but some open ground, thus causing t h e acci dent. I little more that could be desired fin an lustre- On the other hand, '"""" were enlieil to I lint of its kind , to benefit the pa bin-. Wish show that the men were nut drunk t that they i '' ng vou great success, I remaim yours, truly, had to turn out of the at: e, from necessity , R. T. Beam 0, and that they had offered a fair recompense for . Professor IS atnral Science. the damage done—towit : eighty dollars—' .. . . .. . which the prosecutor refaced. Thu jury found ! a verdict of not guilty, and that the defendants SLCOIf D Astaivat or FALL iaco WIXTrn GOODS, pay the costs. just received at Beall Grahr,m & Co.'s, _Mar chant Tailors No. Si Mark et street. It con sists of all Ale very latest styles of cloths, oassimoros and vestings; overcoatings of all kinds of the very finest griaLity°, all of which is seleeted.from the kit est importations, and will be made up in the most fashionable anti bent manner. Gentltraten desiring a stoek of goods to e•lect from, that cannot be surrtssed by any - other in the city, and every garment warranted a perfect It, would do well to give us an early oath . _ Swarming of the Medical Mire::— Consolation for the Sick. Considering the enormous number of young • M. D.'s that our medical colleges turn out every year, we certainly ought or there be any virtue in "regular physieking "i to Le a much healthier people than we are. But the , bills of mortality do not shorten as the list of doctors lengthens. Quite the reverse! Shall ; we say, then, with Macbeth, "Throw phyl.c to the dogs, I'll none of it?" No, that will not do. Nature, when attacked by disease, needs an city to sustain her. An rslly, reincin Ler; not a depleting agent, that helps the die ease and exhansts her energies. Wa verily believe that most of the drugs administered in scats diseases have this effect. Such, how ever, is not the operation !ft the medicine now generally used in this country for s miplaints , of the stomach, tiver,and I.” trek. We menu nOLLOWAYIeI PILLS. U 1 course our readers are aware that both the Ointment and Bills which bear the name of that distinguished physician and philanthropist are in the highest possible repute all over the world; but wo have only had an opportunity to ilium's.; the effects of the Pills. • It gives us pleasure ts. testify to their efficacy. In dyspepsia and liver com plaints they unquestionably work the most ! marvelous Ceres. Nay, we will even go so far as to say that, with this remedy within their reach, ne man or woman need ever be I troubled with dyspepsia. The pills re- inure the distress at the stomach, and Tee, o the strength and appetite with a rapidity that Is really astonishing. The curative action ',ems to be the same in all eases. without re ference to age, constitution, or sex. Such, at least, is the conclusion to which or exper ience and observation point.—A. 1. Ai/met/W.. BLITZIEW A.—The Pittsburgh Battery, hav ing determined to combine their organization, held a special meeting on Monday evening, for the purpose of filling the vacancies caused by the resignation of Lieut. Metcalf and Lieut. Holtman. The officers of the Battery are now as follows Captain, J. M. limy; Ist Lieutenants, James M. Cooper and Dr. L. R. Harris ; :id Lieutenants, Reuben Miller and James Dunlap. President, James Dun lap; Secretary, J. I.rnest Schwartz; Treasurer, W. W. Ward. Tor BALL, BINGERS.—This excellent troupe drew a fine audience to Concert Hall, last evening, And their performances were received with demonstrations of delight and applauiie. Several of the pieces were loudly encored, and among them "When this Cruel Wur is Over," "Kingdom's Coming," Violin Solo, by Kauf man, etc. The entire performance was excel lent. Another entertainment will be given this evening. ZWATE or Plusotsaus.—On the night of the 22d ult. BIZ prisoners escaped from the jail at Honesdale, Wayne county. One of these is a famous English thief named Joseph Probers, who vas-confined on several charges of lar ceny. The other five prisoners were Theo dore Dickerson, Ransom South, and Dureen Blackantore, of Piko county, Hiram Van shicik and Christopher Brown, of Wayne mun ch arrested for desertion from the United State army. VIOLATION or OnDINANCL.—C. B. Taylor: familiarly known as "Charley Taylor," and by the way one of 010 Most persevering and :indomitable of men, was fined - by Mayor Alas• ander, on Saturday last, three dollars and -coats, for obstructing Bell's allot, contrary to ordinance. A ftor she had crossed she wuuld get along SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Ges.n.sm Co., Merchant Tailors, No. ht Market Bt. SAMUEL °sultan, Geo. NlcCsleoLess FOR FALL AND WINTER WLAR.—The Sum mer is past, and by the morning's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly be upon us, and we must provide our selves with the material to keep us Lomfort nble. A nice fall suit, or a good and well made overcoat are the very thing, and we do not know of any place where our readers would suit themselves better than at Messrs. W. 11. hteGeo St Co's clothing establishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing go.tile, and a great variety of new patterns for waisteontinr, kc. JUST RE/TUTTED AND MUST YOH flats.—The fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, lately received by Messrs. John \Vier & Co., Men:inlet Tailors, No. 148 Federal street, Al legheny. The stock of clothing consists of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and overcoats.. Tho style of patterns in tasteful and feshiodable. We would invite all of our readers to give the above gentlemen a call. To Anal; To Atom I—The citizen soldier will find a more deadly foe in the brackish, muddy water and damp night air than in the most determined enemy. Holloway's Pills sn purify the blood and strengthen the stomaeh and bowels that the soldier can endure (lime hardships and still be strong and healthy. Only 25 cents per box. 230 l'Acrii WORTH Keowten.—Rev. D. Morrie, Cross River, N. Y., says in a letter; "I know of a great many who have had their hair re stored by the use of Mrs. S. A. World's Hair Reetorer and Zylobalsamire, therefore I recommend them." Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, 19R Greenwich street, New York. FOUR DOLLARS, four dollars. Four dollar, four dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institute. Best cheap Dentistry, be cheap Dentistry No machine work, no machine work. OWNIBI7B and carriage calls will he taken at the Omnibus office, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All orders left at the above place will be promptly attended to. All calls must be paid in advance. • C. Edit, Dentist, 248 Penn street, will at tend to all business of his profession. I GOODNOLVII.—In Waehington ftlty, on Wednes duy, Oct.:llth, YIIANK A. GtIODNOMGII. • The funeral will take plane from the residence of Mr.. Isabella Myers, No. 75 fourth street, on nearlay afternoon, at 2 o'clock. stAgATs._tui Monday ere,. lIATTIE AMELIA, Infant daughter of John and Sarah ftheats, aged two years, ono month and tindetysine days. (Harrisburg Telsgneph plenee `oPs•) The fricnils of the family es, respectfully incited to attend the tumoral TH. •,.1.0011 at 3 tieluek, front the residence of her parents, :7 Ann street, Allegheny city, to proceed to ftilld►te fteutetery. !THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Siverisl Diepatch to the Pittsburgh Giusti WAAFIIhOTOY, Nov. 2, 1863 C , P4FARISON BETWEEN TUE TAIES OF GREAT BIlITII:I ASO TOR EXITED RTATES. Elaborate tables have been prepared by Mr. Souella, corresponding clerk in the Inter nal Effenuo Bureau, showing how immensely more heavy taxes on the people of Urea( Britain are, than those on the people of this country, out of which the opponents of the Administration try to make so much capital• Tho average taxation in England is twelve or fourteen times as henry as in this country spun the same articles, the difference is enor mous. In the probate of wills, for example, eases may be taken where an executor would pay hero SL, in England, ho would be obliged to pay $1,306 80, beside a heavy legacy tax. A livery stable keeper In England pays $330 80, whore ours pay $lO ; an Irish stable keeper five per cent. additional. Marriage licensee there are from $2 42 to $24 20, here nothing. 'the duty on manufacturers of whisky, in addition to his enormous license, is 42 a gallon ; here fifty cents a gallon. 113:17.1E1 W. U. Sparrow, son of Rev. Dr. Sparrow, late head of Fairfax Seminary, woe arrested here with 30 letters on his person (tom rebels , DS= 1111 . ,uTAVrE OP Tilt CAPTUME OF LOOKOCT EMEZEI Judge Rogers, of Tennessee, now here speak, of o , s rapture of Lookout Mountain u of the greatest importance in a geographical point of view. Tho importance of it, as un derstood here, amounts simply to this, that the possession of this mountain re-opens a good line of supplies on the mouth side of the river. Additional Foreign News by the China New YORE, Nov. 2.—The London Time.. publishes a letter 11 tiko well-known corres pondent "Mysterious," commenting upon and showing the importance of the seizure of the steam rams in tho Mersey, expressing the be lief that the public will stand by the Govern went in their determination to defeat frwatlu lent contrivances. Mr. Leh-dim. been speaking at twilit:ad, • defending his course in the matter of the Ala- • Mune. . . The Emperor Napolest) had received and congratulated the Mexican deputation on their , SUCCGSB, St. Petersburg accounts say it is the genet al belief that there will be a diplomatic meet ing between Russia and the IVestern Power, . before Christmas. The Tioiestas an editorial holding up in moving tones the threatening position of af• faire throughout the world, and urging that , it is the plain duty of England to seise and use all the opportunities of her position, and as arbitrator, make and keep peace while she can. The Army and Navy Gazette considers the Southern cause more hopeful now than for some time past, and thinks that if a similar apathey or nonsuccess ou the part of the' Federate should work till the close .4 the year, there will be a great chance of the South obtaining an armistice, and that armis. doe will load to an adjustment of the present difficulty. • Grarpwl Prvoignion Market, Oct. 23.—Oor don, Bruce A. Co., report Beef quiet and steady; l'ork dull; Bacon has a downward tendeney with a decline of 6,1; Lard quiet and declined fidki.l shilling: Sugar buoyant and advanced 1(32 shillings on middling and lower qualities ; Coffee very dull. Load,. Markets. Breadstuff+ quiet and steady : sugar excited and advaneea 2Ct.3e ; ;.. e firm; cofleo quiet and declined tid(tt It. Loaded, Oct. 2.,.-4.3onsuLt olosed 9361,93; , 4 for money bullion on. the Bank of England inctoated since the last return ; Wake field, Monti & Co., IT. Spencer 8 Co., and others report font steady and quiet wheat quiet, winter red is Bdfif.Ms Id ; cern quiet, mixed 28s, white 20, Heavy 'Bombardment of Fort Sunder -1250 Shot Thrown into the Fort—The Bombrrtiment Still Going On. Ft/TITHE!, Movstor, Nov. '''2.—The Rich mond iflog, of the :list, contains the following dispatch chat:m..9o, Oct. —The bombardment of Fort Sumter to-day, Is the heaviest that has over taken place. From sundown Wednesday I to sundown Thursday, one thousand two hun dred and fifty shots from lifteen.inea mtrt irs ;WO-pounder Parrotts, have been thrown na 'tot the fort. Our loss is seven wounded. ° nip ',coning the enemy opened fire from the morta." battery of Cumming.' Point, upon the ntd . theak. . angle of the fort which seems to Lo the special o ...tect of their attention. The enemy's I ,:tteries engaged were those at Gregg and Wagner,' the centre battery and Cummings' Point batter,. wi th the addition of three Monitors. eCiLI goes The bombardment at Fort Vote , ' on, but the fire is much slacker. batt l eries fire slowly and deliberately. Thd PnemY present pays no attention to them. The Fight in Tennessee—Captnres by Oen. Hooker NV A.SIIINGTOSr, Nov. 2.—The following .;13.4 received to-day et the headquarter. of the a .-say ,Ifettemooyo, fkf.29, II:30 P. M.—To Major U. W. Halleek : Since the fight of the nithe 20th, the enemy has not distort.- 0d0„,.i t lien. Joe. Hooker took ninny prison ers, aloe .g whom ore four offieers and thirteen won. He also raptured nearly 1,000 Fonfield r im", lees is 3.50 officers and men killed and woundeci7., 4Signed i F. H. TnolleS o Maj. Gen. - - Vessels Uesitroyed by Pirates. SEW TORN, Ni.r.2.—The :ship Star of tha West sports a g grallows: Oar; „ or 17th, in :Matilda 46 10' kW' long 27” city a regent twelve miles dietent on tire, it beiiN bat ! :I,kild not get near her. The same "van ing COW a tar p screw , frigate steering net w, The ship C. Gunnell ma,lts the following re port! October 18th, in lath, udo arid lon gitude 2;" we ioassed the hui'l of a large chip on :Ire, with her epars lying a long side. The ship was painted black and had the appearance of an American satin. • sie • rchante of Dleallection soon' the diger- Lorievitts. Nov. 2.- -There 3 fir" t .,p th e faction among our ronehants be. %Au" b requirement to ear l . their boIVITI, to Lto e g i o 7 cre t t i' o " the 'rl44" :::l i t t o. o th o w bta ar i d n P pri poin t. , • tc•waheirclh' .ionissi. l° ' A ere gooirmph; Gaily tributary toeutiog of en s merchants is in contempt. %Lion to repoirot to the government the jujus. Ice of depri'.ing them of a local of f icer for gran. log Web permits. Internal Revenue Receipts. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.—The receipts at the Internal Revenue Bureau in October, are 1.0 per cont. in excess of those for September, and Include about $t,000,000 as the tax on deposits and circulation of banks, the entire receipts since the Bureau went into operation, are nearly $83,000,000, nearly $10,000,000 for the last month. The Government Bonds. PIIILADICLPITIA, Nov. 2.—The sales of Gov ernment bonds to-day amounted to $3,150,000. Parties wanting bondadated November lot, can obtain them by paying book interest in coin or its equivalent. Deliveries of bonds under $30,000 are made on payment of sub scriptions. Markets by Telegraph. New Tonx, Nov. 2.—Cotton dull, heavy, and de cidedly lower; large receipts are reported at New Or leans; 82464 c for Middling Uplands. flour heavy for common grades and a shade lower; Truths Ersmds are scarce and firmly held, at 56 25g46.10 for Extra State, $7 20.37 36 fur Extra R. 11. 0., and 87 35€19 3.5 for trade Arena, losing dull with nu buyer. at out side quotations. The Wittily market opened a shade firmer, and elmod firmer for State nod Western. Whet heavy and I gar' lower, at Si 316(31 36 for Chi cago Spring, $1 31:41 36 for Milwaukee Club, 3136(3 1 38 for Amber Milwaukee, and 51 3701 4 3 for WM ter Red Western. Corn dull, and prima without material change at $1 06(31117. Wool quiet and arm. Turk opened dull, heavy and lower, and rimed rather steadier. Beef dull and In tomieraterequeet at $lBOO 1416 60. Cut Meat. quiet and firm ; t r for Shottl d,re and 001,110 c for !lane; Da./11 Fide ejula and unsettled. - r. • ',Tuna le, Nor. Y.—Fluor Sinn ; Ohio Extrn $7 Whost—Whit.• uhattrod Seaftr. Rod steads. Onnu dull; Whito SI 02. Whisky dull and drooping •t 61 4QX( . NN....ewy....Yorkx•oStocv. 2. ! utt and in llll3 :6,63.n neylWiLtic y ann.r qt a active, at 7 V cout:tou'rill. .tittstiint,GYSZl4l. . Gold quiet and setthout derisiod cissage, epaulets at -i454 and el.sipu quiet at 1.4"!‘. s Weekly Book Ptutemeut lucre's. to Specie MIDI, larre.a.se In curculatkm $172,06, to depwedts $1,311,342. Go•trunsent St...elt.444lthout decided change. 1075 i. kit.cirs dull and lower. ' 17. ,t R. --.110 ;Resuliag P., Pt.-Vi. RC..-...... w3Lil C. C. ..-._... 111. Con. )1.4 Y. C...... Hudson . 161Cutub Harlem .. 1 A[No.'.. - - Nor. 2.—Tlocir quiet; wheel do; $1,21 No. 1 1.1.-ago Sprisitql4r.t for nod winter weetern,; Own slow at 1%, 115 ; Oats nominal; 71 for freights, 17 for corn, for wheat. The weathers of the board of trade harem-solved to dose their, store, at noon to-morrow, for ilr , purpoibe of derotink their limo to the election. ---- PRILLDELPEL., NUT . 2. —Flour firm; Su iterime 55 !AO 7.5. Wheat firm; ettlea 50,000 to lleti at 81 50/5 151 ; White $2 W. darn firm at 51 Cel4l 07. Pet,. laum dull; Crude 29•T,3 ; Refined in loud 4366 Cr. firm; Moroi 51r. Biel trm at 513,11111. - Lard 11 yo. Whisk 7 Glc. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. The river swelled eume four or Ilse inches at this point yesterday, and last evening. as metal mark indicate] Ones feet fire inches', and still risingldoerly, The moll appears to have emanated from the Alle gheny river, as the Monongsbels, ea yet, het risen but very slightly, tinny.. It la thought that there trill be a rise of from fourteen to sisteon inches iu the Allegheny river at this point, and reports leen the howl-sate. of thin et tone., if correct, plate the matter beyond a doubt. It was rumored yesterday that It had clean three feet at Warren, though sr- do. Isot pretend to vouch kir the correctness of this report. The little atertmet City," Left for Parkersburg last s v e ssing, with a good freight list, consisting mostly of dry goods. She has been engaged to bring up from Parkersburg some three thousand barrels of apples. There were no other arrivals ~r •teparliirv. Yialo from the Monongahela rivsr packet., ('apt. J. U. 3liirriittn, late ••( the "E 1... No 91," vteLe In the city yeeter.l4, rind rumor has it tint he alowt to boy nuothor boat. Th e nin o win4 now onnunern are now wl the ik hart, rozol7 to commence tmelness so ...on as than Is rertalnty of A to, .(Iharmer," Capt. Moore; r. C eL pt. Reed; and ...kreolo,' . Capt. Mc- Callum. In addition to stone 00 toter )wt tusn, 6z, (hero are quite. n number in process of coustrortion. toms of which aro aimed completed. The weather yeatorday eras cloudy and n•rm, e nh indication. favorable for more rain. SPECIAL JrOTICES W. 11” kt 11.011I•moll. ;1110BE6rsof, REA & CO., (0ne ...0n to Rousso''. Brat. d Ifiurda,) WASHING TUN WoRE.S, FOCIIMX.2.I d Mdcanmsra, Pittsburg Maanf.....tarers of BOAT AND STATIONERY STY.AM ENOINO, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST INGS. Mall deactiptktos ; OIL TANKS 1 STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK.. Aente M GITTARDII PATENT INJECTOR FOR PEEPING DOILRPOI. . . E -, morFers VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PRCENIX. BITTERS. hiedirnies hare noir been before the public for • period of thirty yearn, and during that titer have maintained a high ctn.:actor In every part of the globe, for the ratrsordlnary rurall•e properties shall they pee,. The LIFE PILLS, in caws of &niftily, Dplapafa, fallen. and Liver Affections, Piles, Rheumatism, Fever. and Ague*, Obeilnate It.adarhve, and all gen• real derangements of health, have invariably pneivel • certain and comedy nentetty. A single trial will pl., the Life PIW beyond the res. h enmpetition in tic estimation of .147 patient. Tlw PII.ENI X BITTERS win he Gm od nqually efilnacitorto in on COW of fienowt I)obility, e n, jkodulte, the Mehl:wan inci•innt to female to &I 'cant health, and .rte kind of wi.tiknowt of Lb• ignntiv• organ, Protian4 auly by ANDREW Alt r Truati , f.ir the twirl a Ilia lute proprietor. Ili. B A. .lloltst, iltctrowd, 1315 BROADWAY, Sew Lot k. For eale by by all Drunter.. oc . :at IrutlewF L -THE CONITASIONS AND EX PERIENCE OP AN INVALID, publuthed for the benefit undue • warning and runt ,•, young men who eultur frusta lieretute DebUdy, Premature Decay of Manhood. et..., it:applying, at the WO. flute, nwasu soLl mre. By tone who hae cured bimetal after being put to great Injury through ruedleal humbug •od quackery. By enclo•ln¢ addrrnsed copina mny M b. 4 "(the sothirr, NATHANIEL TIAYEAIII, F. . Any2l4ydawrAdford, Kln,f,. coonty, N. Y. — .JOHN COCHRAN & BRO., Man ufiwturera or IRON RAILINO, IRON VAULTS AND .CULT DOOllll, WINDOW SHUT TERS, W loftV GUARDS, Ar, No*. 91 SECOND and Ad THIRD STREET, Lod 'Wood and Market . LI,. nu L-And ...Arioll of nro I'AoArna (alloy And pistil, suitable (tor all put - 1...0. rartitulor snout n.n lwnf T. , otsciuottu; Grass 1. 4. Jobbtu, d,ns st abort noti. o op'S HOLNEES & SONS., 1 p.REIGN AND DoMESTIC DILLS OF EXCIr.kNGF. CERTIFICATES or Di.PoPAT. HANK NOTES AND SPECIE. N.. Alt.hET PTRI:ET, Pamtnirgh, Imsg. mute on •11 the prinelpol cities thr,,,hont th. 1.1.22 H. COLLINS, FORWARD. ING A N COMMISSIoN 31 Enc. lIANT .„d ,rD"losal.. d.drr io cIIEESE, DT:TTIC r,F. EDS, yisti. and pr...lairt , groers.lly, N. , U WOOD ST., Pittsburgh. Pa. hiil 14A NUJ K/D'. ii()W LUST! ItEsTUILETi! -Jo“ publikliml, waled en tail/I', Prios I'vnts. A Lve-turs ou lb. ors. •,..gnantsut and Red foal 4'nre of ttartnatorrlarra, o µ,rd.oal Vi'veltnisl,. Involuntary Ltmemons, Nem nal D N o bit m ,,* b -y m v m ax d , fonaump owt n rt . m E t p o iledws,y tg V g i v t n . o ; r M al n tal and Plo7slral f nu. . Ar orm:amity, resulting from tlrlf At b, I.V.mr. J. rtrrawml.t., 0., .nth, of the "Groan Booi, An. "A. Boon to Thousand. o Suffurere," mint nuder goal, in plain envalogv, I any address, pose-pant. oo n•MiV of six roniv or two br DR. C J. o. 17.7 Bosomy. New Turk, pout um /Sox 4:46. esl6.3milsteF - is VALY NTE N._./ Th. unde RreignedH R purshaeo, In A open marlet, Ca w ali t H o e e o m u OmU u nitsd toS ta 0 e r o o s. S The high, from five (5) to nine ii) years of age, eel:upset') built, in good deah, and fresittr)m all defe,te. Ilonau will he reredead, subjert to luspection. a Pittsburgh, Pa.. from theist to the lath of Nuestri ior; and at Columbus, °hot, from the lath to ih ',PO) of November. So 11. DA KYR, rapt. Ist U. 11. raridry ; YIELDING /A.A.3l,Y,rapt d) A. Id. M.; o,2o:lterdsesT Cavalry Barren. 0 N'ELL HANFTACTURIM OF WIRE. WORK, Rave always on hand and stake to order IRON AND BRASS OCISEEN WIRE CLCrIII ; SIEVE'S, of all kinds; taDDLIrs, for Fortudry nee ; HEAVY WORK YOH WINSOWS, ; fo BIRD CAGES, OR NAFIENTA L WIRE WORK, r Flow ers, rtc. ear AU elsos of WIRE for sale, at foLlts Tier SO FOURTH WTREET _ .isi(YriiElt RICHMOND LN TDB „-ra.D.—w. are new prepared to rumba. Cap 01111eIll of flteanthosta with STEAM EN ... • r•v°, ono o f any else and stroke. We furnish all .n 4 l_ , • tom of a host, and wood to point of ex cl.'s:mob. -..0?e. We hope, by our prourptnese to orairront to L -4, and the quality of our work, to vP to . -'f our own river roan. 11 11:?.1 UL Patronage , H .M. BOLE, of Allegheny River •••12' Dab A3.12-8-iil ICECHITEUT, Prepares Ettsf.terr Dammam arm firscerirAnnto • for all kinds of Boildinp, mod nvprbtaada thoir aectbn mlrmoonstde tarns. Office on Anderson sercet, between Lemock and Robinson Kerte. Allingbeny atty. tau McCOLLNTER & I AEIi WhoIC - aide Tobacco brim, 108 WOOD hTREET, hem uow In store the largest and most complete rissole markt of • - - TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES In the city, whirl they. are wiling at the ♦n7 low est cull figura', All ortdmpromptly Attend.' to. 400 BJ 3 e.c . .P.. 4 .f,M T A ) `,.vtro:mrof'POi l l! TOM, from New York State. Alto, • lot of choloe APPLES, of different kindle, inch u were sold lbr the undereigtml lam sinter. oat ELM 'D 112AZELTOW. tt Diamond. IJEATIltrit iik - LTING.-10;550 - feet of the Patent Rivet Oak Tanned Leather Belting. Also, Lace Leather, Rivet", dc., altraye on hand and for sale at Nor. `2O and 28 . St. Ciat..t n .. role 1. * H. PiIIILIPS. ctudi Price paid for Corrnti7 Lard, at times. .10. DALE/ULT.& SON. orc2l and 7n Vail.' atr..l. Cg]; it—WeStecr — n, Resexv - e Cheese, Warted for retail Cottins, for 041 WM. P-11Ei3C a. co. - eIO6IYER - AND - CCIII S E . WErt TOOL S tsar sale by JAMS BOWL LIO WOW stmt. svik,ffs gEGIERIFFS SALES—By virtue of sun diy.execntions issued out of theDistriet Court of Allegheny County. Pennsylva- , nix, and to the Sheriff of said county di rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the CoraT House., in the City of Pittsburgh, in said county, on MOND-LT, THE 23D DAT OF NorRNIBER, Ann Domini 1863, at 10 o'clock m., the following described real estate. t ,, wit All the right, title, interest and claim , of the defendant, Edward Dithridge, im pleaded with Henry It is, of, in and to, all the following deaorib. I lots of defendant, viz : All those certain iota of ground in Dithridge ant Reis Plan of lots called East Pittsburgh, which Plan is recorded in the Recorder's office of Allegheny county. Ps , ! in Plan Book vol. 1, page 361, bounded and described as follows ' •Ir Lots numbers 58 : and 69 baying each a front on Washing ton street of 50 feet, and each running back preserving the same width, one bun-1 dred and eixty feet to Fillmore street. Lots numbers 60, 6142 and 53 in said plan each bovine front on Craig street of 40 feet, and each extending back preserving an ' equal width 190 feet to an alley ten feet wide. Lots numbers 38 and 39, each her- ing a front of 50 1. et on Washtegton street, and each extending back preserving an equal width 160 feet to Henry street. Lute numbers 34 and 35, each having a front of 40 feet on Craig Street, and each running back parallel with Washington street pre serving an equal width 140 feet to an alley ten feet wide. Lot number 7U, beginning at the corner of Waehingtolotreet and an alley ten feet wide; thence along said alley 216 feet Si inches to ground marked '•Ched wicker nuance along line of Chadwicks 67 feet si inches to lot number 71; thence along line of lot number 71, and parallel with saidalley 187 feet 4i inehee to Wash legion street; thence along Washington street 30 feet to the alley and point of be ginning. Lot nasub:r 73 in said plan be ginning on Waahiugton street at the cornet of Lot number 72 and 1.:1) feet from the corner of en alloy ten f?vd. wide; thence ' along line of lot number 72, 13U feet 83 inches to land marked -Chadwicks . ," thence along "Chadwicks' laud f , 7 feet 5i inches; thence along lies of lot number 74, 102 feet 3 7 8 ioottes to Washington Street; thence along Washington street ro feet to the place of beginntog Lot number 74 in said plan, beginning on Washington street at the corner of lot tintuber 78; thence along eald lot one hundred and two feet 3 7-8 inchee to laud mashed "Chad w icks," thence along line of Chadwicks land 100 feet fit inches to a poin:; thence further along “Chad trick's . ' line 80 feet 7 8 inches to Washington street; thence along Wash ingtnn street 168 fee t and oue 7 8 inches to • the place of beginninr. All of said lots being part of the same land sold and con- ' rayed by Neville B. Craig and wife to Dithridge & Reis by deed dated -- and recorded in the lien rders office in deed book, vol. 97, page 3:.5. Seized and taken in execution as the roperty of Edward Dtthridge at the suit of Seville B. Craig against Edward Dith ridge impleaded with Henry Reis SAMUEL 13. OXLEY, Sheriff. OFFICF., P 11 7 ,1131.11611. October 30, 18t31. TraJl - TS W.INTED.—.I good pair 01 . MULES, of nu•alum Sip!) at Hope So. 57 Wat, . . $75 A th mo...r , ii c _ 2i ll ~, I, l lt 1 , .. , ..11,1 , r h .: A ZOnts r , txpatil, to *ell toy twx clo.ni , }'amity }...wing Alxchln , l. Addrrea, S. MADIfiI.:S, .4.16,1, 3i.. -.2*.:113.1vrT WA NTE —VA./ A NI oN e want Afoot w et /.60 • M.. 11 th. Wirert,ll pnirl, to sell our Er•rlaahng Pro. Borne+, rot thirteen other now, useful end et.r 000 l srt whs. ortt• cies ....It fr.. At!'." Art 2 :tool.aF SII A h h MARK'. Ri44-4n.1. n u, te r l ) l , l; y Tonle or Trunroutz ho., on. ph- I, r—l. 1.,4,1 ref...r eams roqulnNi. R. , \ 774_ l'utxhurglt l'oqt Utfloo. 0, Inc name. • *!ANTED. 1C (M A N., I WITITV nAK STAVES, Yo: , II Itarrol9. Adams.. 11E1 , 1111 PNAIREItTt.N. Supt. Prutte. Stilt btuouftoturttt.: t 0., "intrt , •. . \V A N ff' A LI Cr 'i t)( l. ll) li. M E AII N"i t:II 0 SE, Nil nate4 10 • Unitne..4 portion of 11, eh,. Enquire et 120 SEf'l\li biltEls:T. ..<26 tf LA I RI, WAIN h.l)--Uue who under k_A stand. cooking, anti other homer-wort. Ad• drool 1101( 301, cit. Allogheny Peot Offlott, with nforonoo to to qnalittratt• n. and ch.,. tor. Oe..ll:tf VUANTKD —A riwir ; one oho Isom a pract al kuoui.dge, anti tan Come wall rrootontro,..t. Addr... BOX ha& Po. 0111.•. re2ltt TANTE' ) n 11$110TienCOd Y t'PH.U.STKLIEIi i..ani , •d numt,listelv et LI LR 3101..INTOCK & No. 23 Path avert. M M FOUNDERS, J. GAR "ID ST,III . . Port vnler ntwati•.a paid u, th. fitting up and pairing 4 )IEII. NEHIF.S. All ktade ~41111‘,^ A NI , 11: , .N ramie to or.i, 11,0 \ • , ASTIN , S, of all Linda, made at the• All uni..ro left at N NA Al RE. t. I hLET, [war 1.11. err".. will b. pronii.: Iv so—rhe utlx.r• unit 1.1t.g pr.s,.. vs/ reu.r.., of to in 115,r htl,litena will moire gle• •mtlersets..ii zn r very HUNNTZWELL'S Erl.Et Tii The mn.t perfoct b•rni CIA ll.tri• • tot giveti to th public, which oeTer require more that bra ,ml aol dem hut nu , to, !iluput the least griping and curb Indiltetclon, Itygpetitila, Iblettinext, Lite Produce and Commission Merchant. worm "'" d '''""`" otoriinwh or btmeloi. ••• - ISo r* l-..rt A 's ?TEA M Pl' M I', 1., • . yud Re dray' Ar ly ARLE: , And &Al, In nll kiwi, of ~ V NTRY rnoDucE, NO 179 LI 1, F.:: t Y 011:YV7T, ALLEN 5: CO., VLLLET Fin int T. Pit.l,rgh. terlt Warebous, STREET. Manutartr, ere "r PA It Lutt AND HEAT ING STUN:I>. PA HI.; 'lt A ND I: ITeEN ll GHAT E.S. 1101.1. t !IF. et , . ..La..., Moulds, HAI- N.; Mill Castles, 51111 GCOI"It.. t•s, 1N sier mot Ar• tiseu Pm..., Sad I t on.. Dog I I.eto It..xes, Se ger Kettles, Pulleys. Ilaugrre, I:. MI i. l'ouplincs and Castings 6esterally. J.• 1 ., se.l Mer:Hee rafting. wade to order. Peteutr.t Portnble Mill. erttls Bleu. or Horse P..srer. epl4:rltod -F. TWO fiSCOND•HAND KtiGINkS. Otte 12 Inch cylinder, 4`ei fist stroke. nog 7 inch Four set of Boriog Tools, new and very ov& Cheap for cash. 11. M. IMM..E. ael2tftees. the NM A. ViTs . W . LIU CK\V HEAT 11.01:1{.-10 bhls. Frst's New Fn.k R. W. Flour ; also wok.' promos Penna. H. W. Flour, plot received and put up lo 12, 25 and 50 16. sacks. for family use, oral , s • by the pround at the Isrolly llroce Store of JOFIN A. Iry tr.SSITAW, neZlcorner I.ll.erly and Hand streets , /NIAT()ES A N PEACHES. 200 dokso fresh Tomatoes, in 200 " " Prtwhes, •• Just roceleed and for sale 11F.Y1d ER A BROS.. ne2ll Nos. 120 and In , 0 noel strset. LUBRICATING OILS. 100 bbto. Duck Creek Oil, 50 " Franklin '• rut' W. by JAS. DALT/11.1. o sOle, ocIT co and To Itslrr street. . _ PICEA) SA LNION tiAt received, a rtipply,of Spiced salmon, tto 0000 taig... • ;rooked Salon., for by .1011 N A. RENSHAW, pickled a.. leer hoer Lilwarty nod 11.0.1 street., INIU 14/IS. in pitere and . oe2ll lag. PORK -. I.IJI 1n- was by MeDONALD. oela .21'J and Zia . CAGE 11 K-1 .0011icra. Weirtern . .310 do Ilarnbnrg; 1102 do Goshen; in atom nod y or ..in by . J. 11. CANFIELD. O:WE EF - POTA'I oES.- - 2Aii618..10r,1 : )' - I ~.., Sweet Potato. Just received and for sale at I,A , Second etreet. FRANK VAN Galt DER. Warehon, C "A' ALPAGN E Cif/Kit-L-26 . Garrets P L! "l 2 ._ ,rg k' r.n. ' orders of l• . ' Cbasapagne are Jona received and for lode at i 0 11.ev.. No. VA Second street. i mytiblydalvT _ oelb FRANK VAN (:ORDER. . ______,,,- - - . _______ A LMOND CRACKPJUS, fros' h from the i • L - , :r+o NEBNOUS Ea., - La. bakery, Joe. received and tor Jule by I ROTA SEXES.-e. reverend, JOHN A. REN.qIA I V. I log been restored to health to a few day*, o ff. Corner Liborty and Band et and dersoing all the usual routine sod irregular . APPLER.-200 lib's. choio7 - erTeen I .i.e. modett.d treatment, eithatit carcass, conaldars . APPIe. . 0 . 1,00 ctrl foettale te ~,,....,,,,, t hle ..and dutyteeMiunnraeste to his al:Meted fellow ' • J. "" s • .- -• ,r =''.- .' t crValaree th.lasaus otactr, , Jioa o r. 00 the nll°/F t or st. addreesild-wareitipeattairtlreoltatieeet .1 c! , 17 01 the Dtetteripticei coed: -Vigil- to Dr. JOUN U. 'DAINAIL, Ise natanstrratith T. mhtl:tydearT OrREEN APPLES--to bbls.. assorted, for mi. bY WM. P. BECK & CO, i ni aFOßßiqici sal; by ocIM JAMEB BOWE, 13 Wad itreM. sPrmir.4Jmniers • P.rsosi sl *Most:try tuslottt, tr,shirst stth \out a [sash - tads, palpitto too cr hear., k N.- ' rsthr. distrots afrr eatith, torisO ii sest.t.t{st : Lich, hc., chltt•no to ittfr." , ,:tey will hot try the crolettralhd PLANTATION 'OTTERS, Which use now reountmended by the hlgbeet M. 11.1,1 luatborittes, and warranted to preitice an irmardirt. beneficial erect. They are exceedingly agreeable perfectly pure, and most aupertede all other tonic where a healthy, gentle id tennlant Le required. They purify, strengthen and Inc lenrate. They create • healthy appetite. They aro an ontldeto to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dl3Siftittloci E 03.1 late le era . They etrengtben the oyster:a and NaliVria be mond. They prevent 018913160 C and Intermittent tenon. They purify the breath and acidity of the etomach They cure Dr:pewits and Conattpa , ion. They rune diarrhea, Modena and Cholera 11ortraa. They cure Liver Compinint and :Ferrous kleaduche. They make the weak ptrong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are oumpused of the onlebratiei Callen}, bark, winter. green, waxer., routs and le rbs, all preserved in pet - faulty pure St : Croix r. m Foe particulars, see circirlare and testimonial. , around each bottle. Poo-as-eV torpoatera. Exaa.us- "Tery t,ntle. doe that It has D. B. Ramos' eignaturo on our pr,rato U. S. Stacep ovor the c rk, with plaumnou wene, end our firm rignottnto on a fine .tees plate ongrabtt.,„ ,ot ride lebei. So.. that our Lott'. is net refilled with spurnus and delcterionb stuff. We defy any pawn to cnatbn tnte tr character of 'or goods. Aug person pretending to bell Plantstion Bitters by the gallon or 111 hulk, is or imposter. We sell truly in our log cabin bottle. Auy person twinning thls bottle, or lulling anynthcr materiel thon ;11, w hottter call. d Flntst lea Ilittor. or not., ts •crionnwl under the F. S. Law. and will lei so prosecuted by already beep on r r l'1: two nnnew to fitting our bottles, Re., who will succood in getting thonwito. Into clove quarter.. The dont:lnt for Itrake's Plan tatiuu Bitten from taunt, clorpcnnon, men-hunts, to., I. yeirfoctly luerodlile. Th. slmplo trial at bottle is lit. e, {deuce we preftut of their worth and holly. They aro cold by all nspoctable drrts gr«rro, tibnicians, hotels, stestoboan ono try stone :sea 6m-start -,7 - DRAKE ' S GENUINE BIT , TEM, fpm ale wb01...1e mud salad, by Corner sualtbflehl 2.11 Yvurth . «..•v lan7:tan-szawT ( :5-PURE WINE VINEGAR, I=! (Fornurrly Ifga .k Tire uuly 'r -..vrtrar , d wrth a Rice 11H1s4 oi .Izty rah Ratan at O. lutorunti, YLpr eaL. Ly F. M. H0LL33.4 N MAvwx --- - -- -PRIVATE DISEASES. ary Dr. Lttdlrua's Specific 1 • tho only rollonlo ronaly for dues...l r 4 Ow organs u. I t 11••• •.r 4.f all • itllllo/at l'lQ.eldan a I/0.0 ..1r,11.. tLo t,estroeot of dbtreurse, so.l a Ith ea. fvr twPut! yt.r.. I , Am I r.tutriug cntlrvly from tal.taken pm. u. atLa a.. 10.m , .t. , a, worth Ift lv.111p0t. • i 4 • IF , r• J r,;u• Kt.,l „II• ~f:. Ii wie ;JR, an.l Itntet.rts strength •nri the ,!le-etned eAt - n, gr.% at eale.ree .r L. t iug irrataa.•ut curt, h. lerd to tug imitated by tiaptiart:”..l mosu .b.erra, tbriervre, [bet the io..kukr of . h.t .r k hvomt.l Nor. .tb.s. V lob tkl) Ly WM. F. DAVIDSON, , yl.l by 1111 Pi box Por et by GE. , H. hEY gER, I 1.1 Wossl street ern lystasyV a~l'ba'l.lL AUl'll'k: TO THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH RHO VICINITY Thy undersigned aroold rop«.tfolly rok stteutio , to rite preparation known se 11F5NEWELL'S FNIVERSAT f'ol EDI For an Throat and Lung Complaint.. lIUNNEWELI 7VLL ANoI)TNE, TLe Grrat Neuralbir, Rheum T, 7th %elle, L... of Sleep, and kirnerel Itenaeray Also for Ow Monthly XorttorlIal:• Tv. • ppr Tne above. preparattoaa, of .na.b imt..”4l-t r”r• tenon in New England, have tho coufnisio , of, end ere ' , so.' by, oreut C.rrnlx•ra l'hsicians, sad at mine ari•hin newts isle vorthy th. istteutlon of invalids, Ash. , vtf flsni them ei strict ankformity to nature A. about res,rting to the corn• mon method of colitnius of adsettisinis. I sronld ceeednios to trot them, which will be sacred. Prrrinsvana, Pa 0:1IN L. IitNNEWELL, Practical Litomiat, For attle by all a:bolo...ale and retail dealer.. Tho I.rodom