r:k 2 `~;~€?~s~~ F-~~~~.~- r~,":~7."bra s fill's -burl* 6azettil. S. RIDDLE & CO.. TITE&DAY 3ioSNlntc3 Gov. a, lBGa• The New York Election. The result of the election to be held in New York to-day, will bo looked for with great interest throughout the country gen erally. Every .public officer elected there, i who will -heartily inpport the Government, and resist the schemes of Earuoon and PEILILLICDO WOOD, makes so obviously im portant a gain to the strength of the na tional cause, that: the success of the Union ticket in New _York to-day, will bo hailed with rejoicing from Maine to Minnesota, and even to the far-off shores of the Pacific. The election for judges in. New tort city will probablyMatme the most exerting con test of all. A. contemporary, referring to 'the matter & feW days ago, remarked: The inhabitants of New York citf are tasting the pleasures of having an elective judiciary.. Their pleasures are more excit ing than could be enjoyed in many other parts of the country, where the judiciary is elective, because the dominant party is in the hands of the lowest sort of pot-home politicians, shoulder-hitters and rioters. The Irishman's instruction to his son was to give a crack with his daftly, wher ever he saw a. head. The rascals who are now trying to run the Democratic machine, give a crack at every Judge who has shown any disposition to dis pense, justice like an honest, order-loving and loyal officer. They are not content that these Democratic incumbents, who are faithful and who are supported by the Republicans in this contest, should retain them places on the bench. They must have not only Democratic judges, but the most rascally Democrats that can be fished up out of the sinks of iniquity in that great city. It is even charged by Democrats themselves that a couple of the leading wire-pullers decided by throwing dice,— whether the dice on either side were loaded, is llistlitated,—whether one Sam. Jones or ono Sam. Garvin should be the candidate for the office of Judge of the Superior Court in the city. While the rank and file of the party, blessed souls, are flattering themselves that they make their own judges, twoor three or half a dolen of these Mackerelville politi cians sitting over their cups, decide by dies or otherwise for whom these rank and file shall vote. It has pleased these precious schemers to nominate against Judges Bos worth and White, men who tire reported to have discharged their duties creditably, the Pad. Garvin shove referred to, and the no torious John 11. McCunn. It will be re membered that Gem McClellan turned Mc- Cann out of Washington two years ago for his disgraceful conduct in the military ser vice. Ever since then he has been known as &sympathizer with rebels and rioters. Re did what he could to screen the villains, who brought shame upon the city by the terrible riots in July. They and all their friends are for him now. When he was t running for the office be now holds, of city judge, be did not scruple to solicit support on the ground that his friends should be re membered by him, if he were elected. And so numerous and powerful are the rogues directly interested in placing such fellows as this John McCunn in the seats of justice, and so natural is it for other men, who are accustomed to vote the Democratic ticket, to support the wiegular candidates," that grave fears are expressed that the fellow will be successful. But we are glad to ob serve that publio indignation is considers.- My aroused by the nomination of him, and thaymany of the Democrats intend to op pose him. When Will he Resign I We do not like to be troublesome, but we really feel compelled to remind Judge Woon- WARD, that he has not yet indicated thepre- . ciao time at which he intends to surrender the seals and retire to the classic sbadesof Wyoming. The people are growing impa tient, and would like to know; and if the occasion Is to be honored by a repast in this city, where everything required to titillate the judicial palate, as well as to convey an agreeable sensation to the judicial diaphragm even to the Tokay and Terrapin, may be had asplenteously and served as invitingly, as in that seat, of stook operators, and paradise of judges which nestles so snug ly upon the Delaware, they ought to be in formed at what • time it is to come off. As to the Chief justice himself, the Constitution has settled that for him, unless he is pre pared to give it a parting coup de grace, by altering it again before he leaves. Not so however, with Judge WOODWARD, with whom the thing rests pretty much in the judicial discretion, and who has thus far maintained a reticence so obstinate, inscru table, and mysterious, that to fathom his purposes would be as impossible, as it would be for any lawyer to difine what he and his fellows would probably dictate in atgr given case which might come before tam. Will he go out with Lowate, to im press the public with the lesson of two flow ers plucked and perishing from one stalk, within the compass of an autumn day—or will he assist at the funeral obsequies of his defunct companion, and fold his robs about him, and lay down his emblems among the old leafless oaks that listened to hie unhap py war speech in Independence square? If it is to come off here, however, it is not only the dinner, but the toasts and speeches that have to be got ready. The lawyers will want time as well as the purveyors—not to whet their appetites, for they will need no' whetting, but to burnish up their poetry and classics, for the occasion. We can promise no great amount of copper amongst the fraternity, or in any other assemblage here, to give the desirable ring to thesenti meats, that would snit the tympanum of the Judge, but he must be tiatisfied for this nonce,with thejingleof the brast—Corinthlan of eourse—which can be supplied, no doubt, ad libitum. But when--Oh t when 1 Excuse us for be ing importunate.' .ou:return Impatience cbidea the tardy time, Which Ilka a foul =I ugly witch, doth limp flo tediously sway." Shell it be next week ? We humbly sub MK it to his Honor, that 'lt 'men done, when done, • Then `time well It woe done quickly." Slave Stampede In Itentueky. The Nashville Union of, the 27th says: -"A ve ry respectable alaveholdsr from Kentucky informs us that, within three weeks 'past, a change seems to have tome over the' negrocs in the the soothe:it eonn ties of that State, and large numbers of them ewer:inning off. Ile says that over ono hundred and fifty have escaped from one county, and the trouble is increasing., In spite of the enormous prices which the t Kentucky staple, (tobacco) is rin bg sn' slaves have depreciated greatly in • e... A :very large proportion of the slaveowners say that slavery is hopelessly :destrojed, and that they are willing to so. -4lttissosin any dispoisition which may be . ~.:blade of slaves. :This sentiment is ptdllt spreading;ssaang the people. ; The men ailiehruistuniinimmay op the factious ens selfish connect the pro , "slavery higobist Louisville and Frankfort." ran clerks of on* of the London Itailway termini are to learn phonography for we to laronaleting goods. uooth Barylindleee o, the - tittilkletiting - ltrlitontunent INnare. Baltimore. The Washington correspondent of the N. T. Errninglbsi writes: • There Was one scene connected with the emancipation demonstration which has not been reported. At midnight a few emanci pationists sat down to supper at the Eutaw House. Secretary' Chase was at the head of the table, and such men as Winter Davis, General Garfield, General Tyler Judge Bond, General Goldsborough, Collector: Hoff man and Mr. Galloway supported him. The men who have fought the battle of emanci pation in Maryland were present, and a more gallant set of men never honored any cause or state: After the good things pro vided bad been properly attended to, speeches were made, and there was not one which did not enunciate the doctrine of immediate ancutelPation. Mr. Chase was peculiarly happy In his remarks. Those who know We man simply as the great financier of use nation, as the leading statesman of the Administration, have not seen him in his most attractive aspect.. So, too, those who have listened to hire in the Senate or from the stump have not heard him speak in his most delightful vein. Among friends, in an after-dinnercolloquisl speech, Mr. Chase is perhaps more happy in his efforts than under any other circum stances. Certainly, the impression which he makes upon those around him at such times is a happy one. • The speech of General Garfield, on the oc casion referred to, was likened by many who heard it to those of Wendell Phillips. Ho is an orator of rare abilities, one who deals not in rant, who rarely makes use ' cif a loud tone, yet who thrills an audience at will. His description of the character of General Thomas, who has immediate emu-. mend of the Army of the Cumberland, was one of the most exquisite bits of eloquence ever listened to. But it is not my pur pose to describe any particular speeches delivered on this occasion, but to refer to their general character. They were brim ful of anti-slavery and emancipation doc trines, yet the leading Maryland men pres ent were alarcholders, or friends of slave holders. It will be noticed that no member of the administration but Mr. Chase has lent his influence to the emancipationists of Maryland in this great canvass. It is en astonishing fact. Mr. Stanton tried hard to attend the mails meeting in Monu ment Square, but was detained by business. In the congressional district bordering upon Washington, and containing the famous "Silver Spring" of the Blair family, the Post master General uses his influence against 'the emancipation candidate and in favor of Mr. Crisfield, who is opposed to emancipa tion, whether by proclamation or legislation. But the War Department does not seem to favor the Hon. Mr. Crisfield. A day or two since six of his slaves volunteered for the army, and Mr. Stanton will not make haste to return them. In the canvass which is about finished in Maryland, Mr. Kelly, of Philadelphia, who is well known as a radical anti-slavery man, delivered stump speeches on the eastern shore, and was listened to by master and slaves, yet he delivered anti-slavery speeches. Occasionally slaveholders and slaves ap proved a sentiment that he uttered, though it was in favor of hunian freedom. It would seem as if no Republican in the country would be stupid enough to put himself in the way of the revolution in Maryland. - • Conservatism Defined and Illustrated. In the concluding paper of his series called the '"Caxtoniarta - in the last number of Blackwood's Magazine, Bulwer -makes the following noteworthy admission: "If I were an American, I should regard as the worst affliction that could befall my country, the substitution for Democracy, with all its faults, of a constitutional mon archy, with all its merits; because my countrymen would have been accustomed to associate their elementary ideas of lib erty with republican institutions. So, being an Englishman, I should - regard it as the worst affliction that could befall my coun trymen, to substitute for constitutional monarchy a Democratic republic; because all their habits of mind are formed on the notion that liberty, on the whole, is safer, and the dignity of life is higher, where the institutions essential, to the duration of con stitutional monarchy, make the representa tives of the public interests other than the paid servants of a class that must of neces sity be the least educated and the most ex citable." In a later part of the same article he says: "Suppose you had said to Shakespeare, 'Friend( you have considerable talents; do not throw them away on the contemptible occupation of a playwriter. Be a philoso pher. Look at your contemporary Bacon : how much higher is his fame and his sta. tion than yours! Yon are ambitious of progress—be a Bacon!' If Shakespeare had listened to your ad vice he would not have been a Shakespeare, and it is my belief that he would not have been a Bacon. If, on the other hand, you had said to Bacon, 'Friend, you have very great genius, especially in the study of nature. But see bow all schools of philoso- - phy perish. You are destroying the au thority of Aristotle, to be destroyed yourself by some other bold guesser hereafter. Poets alone are sure of immortality; thoy are the truest diviners of nature. You put down Aristotle, but who can put down Ilorace ? Be who writes prose builds his temple to Fame in rubble; he who-writes verse builds It in granite. Write poems—poetry is clearly a progress from prose. Write a tragedy out of one of these novels on your table, "Romeo and Juliet," or "Othello." Bad Bacon taken your advice, he would not have been a Bacon; my belief is that he never would have been a Shakespeare. It is the same with States; the more highly they are gifted in one development of fac ulties, the less it would he progress to turn aside to another. Each leading State in civilized Europe has its idiesyneracies ; its real progress is in developing these idiosyn cracies; its -.real annihilation of its own 'highest - attributes would be to exchange its own for the idiosyncrasies 9f another state!' • The Public Debt. On the let of Beptember, last, 'the Pablo Debt amounted to $1,228,832,771. It to com posed as follows : four per cent. Temperer: I.seen..-.:-.827,672. 518 00 nee per rent. Teniponu7 77.394,021 0 0 Old 'hens 41 ' 000 W Sews 8-10 .L 19,996,950.00 Two-year 0 per cent. Lose :Two 00 Old Pule° G 7,221,091 IO Suspended Requisitions 13,250,C66 bll United States Trousury Notes - .695,924,360 00 Itrsettunal ....... 18,651,856 00 Turenty-ynat Bonds .. .. ...... 60,000,000.00 Omit= War Debt ........_.........._-_.r..... 870,450 00 Dertlllattee of Indebtedness ......158,436,437 49. Ylve•Twenty ..... Total ....-44 25 : 8 " 1 7/ 11 On the Ist of May, 1663; the 'public debt amounted to $960,045,216. The inane:o'in four months, up to September 1, hu e " been $264,787,555—which is at the reboot $66,196,- 1388 75 per month, and over $2,200,000 par day. In connection with this statement, it le. proper to say, Gut a semi-official Intimation lists been given here that inasmuch as the sales of the Government 6 per cents amounted for the twenty days of this Getober-to' the enormous sum of $36,100,400 (auguries _a. :rapidly enhancing ,poptdirity i and the de mand from Serape for 'these ands increase steadily and toitiout eolikitaries; and the amount of the loin pat =void is considerably Jess U="1200,009,000, and, at theprasentrate of sates, it will very soon be aborbed, the See rotary may see flttOwithdraw it frOria Ole muket and obWI- what mousy he needs upon terms more Severable to the Goveurment. . The filly soillionaberrosedit isterestpayabte is ortrear' y,' referred lei and • contrast drawn between that interest and the loomed on the five-twenties, which, payable in g 0 .14, is equivalent - to ass per tent. Moist Cdzime, et Alleyille; Kendall coon , le, 1114 MM Opting pee two Virgil:de :elaves ei f ht, sem Gaud, and farniatunt, them Ada & l o unimegon; tool., am, to:lobate° robing,' be to receive UK. the probs.' The crop' le soar being rut and will realize in the neigh bettor* of $3,000. MlSl=E===ntewEl EMEMi in 47; Ckari #o4s (liondon) corii; , ; plains~ tL that canditlatei ihnholy.lariers,froin , St. Adisn's College, Birkenhead, apfear profoundly ignorant of the New Testament _-one of them did not know what were the topics of St. Poore preaching to the Athe nians, of the let Episile to' the Ephesians, or of the let Epistle Of St. Johns, '&c. The reason assumed is: "We have very few lectures on the New Testament, our time is so much taken up•with Paley and Butler." A Banta profeasor Audi that Europe con tains 272,000,000 of inhabitants; Asia, 720,- 000,000; Africa, 89,000,000; Amerie42o6,ooo,- 000, and Polynesia, 2,000,000; total, 1,283,- 000,000. Of this little crowd, about 32,000,- 000 die in each year, which is 87,761 n day, or 61 per snintite. Tea quantity of cotton afloat from India for all Europe is about 342,000 bales, against 331,000 bales last year. The proportion for Liverpool is . 285,000 hales, against 200,000 bales. Tun Popetar Science Review, for October, prints a page of the London Time., in a space of by 5% inches, front stone by photo lithography. The type Is perfectly legible. • . . Tim Arcadian (Scotch) says that tho want of a lock-up has long been felt by the respectable portion of the community. PUBLIC JrOTICES. - - oOrics Wiwrinus inITRANCT. 0021:PANT,1 3.8 Pittsburgh, October 29th, MO. O.AN ELECTION You DDLNCTO of this Company will be held at its office , No. 92 Water street, on TOZSDnit, November lOth,lBo, booms the hours of U s. m. and 2 v. m. ou7ktd Y. M. Ot . heel. Ornci Enum./ lasinuutcs COILP.1;1 Pittibuigh, October Iffth„lB 83. O.AN ELECTIO N FOR TEM ee . DIRECTORS of fhb. Company, to rre for the morning year, will be held at Its Moe, ln Bmm lefe SWIM& Wateralreet, on TITRESDAY, Novem ber 10th between the hears of 11 a. so. and 1 oelad ROBERT EMU, Secrete- O*TM ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of toe Pennsylvania Salt Man nincturing Company mill bp held at their °Moe. No. 121-Wsinat Street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. November llth. at eleven o'clock a. la, for the eleo tient of Seven Directors to *Pyre Ito the eruntlng ryes, end such other badness as toss then be yresented. oclloter SAMIIEL Y. negra, KrNOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. — A Specbd Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh d Connelleville Railroad Co. e held at the at of the Company, In the Pitta burgh, at 11 o'clock*. m. on I'III3IIBDAY, the 12th day of November, A. 1). 1863, for the purpose of ac oepting or rejecting the following named Acts and Supplements, passed by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Panneylvanla, at Ito last readon, to wit: "An act to repeal the ninth section of an act ortring the laying out of State Road from the =ugh of OreigsburgSchtylkill wordy, to inter sect a publlo road leading from Easton to Mauch Chunk, and forothnr purports," approved dialed day of April, A. D. 1043. "A supplement to en act to incorporate the Pittsburgh le Connelleville Railroad Company," approval the 11th day of April, D. 1883. MOO, .A grapple:nem% to an act to Incorporate the Safe Harbor and Susgewhanna Turnpike Road Company," d oarna, approved the 14th day of April, A. D. Hat THOS. S. BLAIR, JOHN S P. MARKLE, JOHN A. OAIIORET. J. R. MARSTON W. W. TAILOR, , A. MILLAR, H. DIIROWIN, JOHN 8. DILWORTH, DANL. R. DAVIDSON, W. B. HAVEN, Director. of t h y, 1 A coon. 11. R. Co. Pirtebsowl), CS* 18C1. ocalitf gJ,►'K .rOTICEN. Esautram Bmat or rITTSBITIVIH, October l l . 27tb, IMS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH T 1E ACT Of ASSEMBLY. notice is bomb] glean that Mr. ALIT...AND= NIMICII has been darted Woe President of Ws Bank. 11. MORHAT. Cashier. otaider 37LSICBLISTS alto irlAsorAcruaras &mg, Pitub=b, Oct. 15th, 1663. HE ANNUAL ELECTION Atll DIItECTORS will be held at the Banking Houle, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of tea n. in. and two p. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the &I day of November, at ten o'clock m. JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Chatiler. oclGilm Eicnanac Bass or. Drranausw i October 15th, 1860. U.THE ELECTION FOR Dll - OBS of this Bank will be held at the Bank ing Hoare on MONDAY, November 16th, 1840, be tween the hours of eleven m. and 2p. The an nual MeetiniT of Stockholders will take, place on TUESDAY, boveanber 3d, at 11 a. m. oclLam 11. M. 2dUItRAY, Cashier. AIIXIMA" Oct. 14th, WO. al - SAN ELECTION FOR DIRECT OBS of thla Bank will be held at the Count ing Howe on the 16th day of November next, be tween the boom of 10 o'clock a. tn. and 2 o'clock J. W. 00011, Osekler. The mumd meeting of the Stockholders will be hold on the 3d day of November next, at 12 o'clock m. °Wain • - • Colima Hama., rittsblych, Uct. 16th, 1863. ELETIO 1 rOp CTIO;1 FOR 1, TH III IRTEEC s of tlats Bank be held at the N Banking ilosim on IKONDAT, November 16th, at ten o'clock a. m. The regular annual meeting of Stockholder. will be hold on TUESDAY, Not. ad, at 11 o'clock or.ls:lta GEO. T. TAN ODIUM, Cashier. —• leo II Ceeir Bunt, Pitt.burgb, Oct. lull, no& U•AN ELECTION FOB THIRTEEN Dll2B47foftS of thirßank will be held At the Banking Rowe cm MONDAY, Not. 16th, 1633, be tween the hours all and 2 p. m. The annual meeting of Stocholder. will be held en TUESDAY, Nov. 3d, 1862, at 11 o'clock a. m. ocledm J. KAGOFFIN, Caehler. ilaniThttsoorgb,.Oct. nth 166. yeti ELEdTION FOE mitEcr- OBS of this Bank will be held et the Dank. log Howe., on MONDAY, the 16th day of November, between the holm of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 p. m. The regular atiqual meeting cif Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, Nov. ad, at 10 o'clock m. oclanlm GPM D. MirlilltEW, Cashier. .ArE ir aIDrERTISEX)E.rTI3. BBUTTER,-1O jam prime Butter for Ws by WORT 11. COLLINS. STRAW CUTTER for sale by - 044 H. C'OLLINB SU tAR CURED 11.A11R—O ton. sugar Cored Canvas llama Just received and for ado n No. 120 Bocond street. 0e29 TRAWL VAN 001WEIt. LEATHER BEL'ELNO,-. of the , best manufacture; also LAOVLEATILEB, , BOTETS and BELT HOOKS, elm. on hind 2.6 and 28 St. Clair isnot. J. Ell. PHILLIPS. APYLES I APPLES I APPLEs car loads of choice Apples, coneletlng of Oman- SPlllcklleMora, Emma", Roman Seant les Goiom Oat., Bellflower", Pennock', Golden and nod Atreak. Pippin', &c., nun In store and for ode by oc3o I, VOIGT & TIIIVERSAL CLOTHES WRING h...) the only Wringer that giros perfect satlefae. Hon. Call and .=amino them, at the India Bobber Depot, SO and IS St. Clair stree & t. .1, PHILLIPS, oral Sots agents Srh this whilii• pOTATOES.-42 bble,each Brows; 44 do Priam Alberts; 9, gagUn Whiles; • E s White Hoshannocbs; Just racelrat sad an b 0031 CHAS . C. 114. LZT,I79 Liberty et. CONSIGNMENTK 'NObash. prima White Dams; 50.bbla. prepared Sweet Clder, • • , TdlterseeM..R. Cheese; CA bushels Ontorui; To11711iT• pad for =de at 120 Second Wad. odd • • . : SPANK YANGOIVIN92.• COLT'S RBV LVERBI.. Allen's • do, • Sharp's Warner's" - do. or ale • JAMES BOWL 130 Wood street VT - NV RAISINS. • ' AA 200 boxes oew W. U. Raining " " Low 200 half "Jul gr. boxes Now bOstUng rad fc ale b 7 - =23 UZYIIER a afrwa - - CHEESK--1300 . boxes W. K; 100 , do Thirciburgi x 5 - do Goshen; 103 hell bbli. No. 31aiwo Noekerol; 30 bblo.'No.2 larts',Mackernsl; 1 do• • 100 40 babes prime 'llmoihigead; ' 8 .do 'Mortara:: itoro and tbr mils by _ • acJl , ,01;18.0. BALBLEY,I72,LIborty at. --•••••• NE CONSIGNMENTS.— • : c aved 'ON dor-150 bbla: Grora'ApAft. ; • 33 do eranborifet; • 300 do Whit' Beam Nil do Jorsey throot Potitoel; 300 too Neshaoziock do; 10 'bblo: Oda, 4 do BON Bdttor; , 6 do 30 bap On.; Now to "kap, sad Or Ws 67. U 0020 - V. VOIGT CO. 'llsl/11P ( (100PaIjor in stm J 1 001 WALL plot i Potatoesi 50 IlielcUito; 3 ton Buckwheat Moor; 3013usbela Darle7;. " Ear ; • 10harrels • •—• • .1 ;/ 11 40 0 Sugar; 1 bailig tiro ',arida Pinola W1 0 1;' 100 deem rimy Meow; 10 barrels pun Odor, 9000 pound. packed Batter; And for ado by L. It VOI0T*0: . . joati-E,MlRStff':: llHTlO,t i Littig . diii el=the Snake:male ig Muth** heretofore DIETRICH lri. RIDEALT:, will con limes tbe eananat the-0140.mnd ~ortElidatreet. where be wilt be happy to receive a ad execo2.e all olden, OrOMPU.T. Pittsburgb, October Sf)th, 1 ICI. 0c71:3t FAMILY - HORSE A ND ROCKAWAY FOR 11l .LE. A due FAMILY HORSE, that trots in 3:31 gentle In 4 " 2 7 feePect, and can. be driven by children. Ti 01 be sold low. Inquirer of ' , oB7der A. Id cTICTIE 112 Fiftb street. DEVIEF WARJAATED IN 10 Mrs. INOTP.3 I—CADN'S COUGH CEDE, for the imme diate relief of Cough/4Eo2moms, and all,itthrts of Throat *Sections. Htb, article stands tinrivalla gl clams of people—ministers. publio sped:era, sing .'s...Merl, Sc., hl their voluntary commendations place the 'Core where It justlf inlonge, viz : ahead of ail other Cough ropedlse. told by 12121017 JOIINSTON, eel Corner Ponrth and Smithfield etroete. ____ __ VOR SALE,--An .excelleritLTßACT,of LAND, Com Wing of twenty-five scree, situated in MELIA townshb?, about one mile from the City Farm—har lug tiecroon erected a dwelling house and ham Also, fru.% trees of Tarim kinds, about five acres of which id teal land, all the products haying as cmallmt mar ketin thmudikbork.'d• Said is under good cnitintlan. For terms apply to J. DRYDEN, on the premises, or W. C. AIIGIIIN BARGE, No, nt DiAmondemt, Pittsburgh. no3a3td _ pROPRIETARY AND REVENUE STAMPS, or all denomhvatioua. A hill niggly kept conatantlfr on baud, at the 'lnternal °Moe, No. 67 Water street, next doorto Ci Tress ury, A=cy r: DAVID R. WH ITE,of Taturnal Revenue, WA Diet. Pa. Rata.—hettira should be directed to Allegheny, net f6ttateugh. oc7A RIGHTS FOR A VALUABLE PAT INT FOE SAM—Manufacture.' Rights or State Mats far BAKER'S EXCELSIOR REFRIG ERATOR. Can ho mad with or without Ice. Scianatlfic men an - speak in its &slur. On exhibition for a 'short time only, at PETTErIi REAL ESTATE OFFICE, ou3lawl3 St. Clair street. PLEASANT SUBURBAN RESI DENCE FOR BAEZ . altwete 2% . adlra from O. city, on the Perrysrflle road; a new cottage house of Lee rooms and cellar, well built and in good arbor; s well of excellent water, good Stable, feed house, /to. Twenty ehOlorapple and pear treu; aloe peach trees and shrubbery. Will be sold at a barimia. For price and terms apply to oc3l 8. CUTHBERT & SONS. 51 Market at. STRAYED—From the residence of the underelgned, In Penn township, Allegheny county, on the 27th Oct., ONE BROWN ViLira% Vs a:g. t h t. year On doe. Any toglaton balm og to bee ' recovery Will be reasonably rewarded by addreaslng the ondemlgned, White Ash Post Ogles, Allegheny conaty. JOSEPH dTONEI3. Omma or Tat CONTIIOI3.II or Alumn Co., PA., PitMbur.., October 22: h , 11933. FIFO CONTRACTORS.—SeaIed Propct _a_ =4n7l be umeired at this once until NOVEM BER. 4ru, fur furnishing material and building a Bridg amuse Pine Creekon the old Butler Turn. pike, in Hampton township. Bide for Stonework by the perch and for Superstructure by the foot lineal. Specifications can be men on application. BY direction of County. Commissioners. HERBY LAMBERT, Controller. ealfr,s4.dellirlf tTIvITED tiTATES POST OFFICE DIBECTOBT, for ISf.3. Price El 50. A frost) supply recolsed at SAY it CO.'S, 55 WOO4l .tr. V itll-100 res. prime kat No. 1 LEAF LARD, triD. WALLAWL, 2 No. 353 Liberty mtreet store and for We by RECEIVING NEW BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 13.SLMORALS AND GUMS Every day, .t BOULAND'S, 98 ILarkat street oat COMB AND EXAMINE OUR OF BOOTS, sumo! , AND GAITERS Which .re the cheavat in the city, M ac3l POSLAND'S 98 Market strrot. B LRGArNsi BARGAINS! Cuss. W. 'Literati:or, Esq., Surveyor, de.. rittaburgh, Penn's. The law. of the coasting thole require that every description of boat °reuse' of over Ova tons,end lees than twenty torui mammrement, shall be licemod,and If of twenty tom meesununent endupwarda, enrolled and lionised. Toter:imply with theseniquinonents,eseh boat or vessel must be named or numbered so as to distinguieh thepartieuleir vessel for which a lima° or 'enrollment and Octave may be issued. If nom honed, the name or initials of owner% of some other distinguishing letters, most accompetry the riumber on each 'meet. Two Tenets of the same case name or number, cannot be Named, °remelted or limorred, tn the cam may be, in the mime district. The lieguletWne of Internal and Coastwise Inter- move require boat. of ell description destined for any point be the Ohio or Ifississlppl demi south of Wheeling, to exhibit a :natant of their entire cargo to the Samna of Custom, and obtain a clearance before dapartine en the voyage Owners of Coal Boats and Barges are requested to report at the Custom Rome, the different points at which other baste can be found and sutured, and to huvriah the informatbm requisite ree Uto avoid uroureemary delay in obtaining enrollments and ll- CriAg. W. BaOIIELOB. ' ' Surveyor of Customs. ANALYSIS.— OPPOSITZ TUB POST orvics. In BOOTS. 5110 EB, aerrsas, DALETOBALII AND DUMB At J. Ei. BORL.I.I(D'd, 14 Market area, second door from Fifth DENTISTRY OR. W. P. FUNDENIBERGI Ilas rosnmod the practice of his profession, M No. 144 PENN STREET, two doors twtow Pitt Pittsbutvh. Oetnber 25. 160. ALBI.IIIB I ALBUIdB ! A LilU3ltt A lAN* sasorts.nt PITTOCK'S alb 'MAC CW°, OUTLET SAW MILLS Li k ` of DECKING.BOAT 71i 1 D tb = • ANN, WINDOW DIANN STMT LINTLLS, INGS, lc., de., ÜB-SU,I4 JISTS, SPOUTING, LA +U N ' PAL- Se Will ON alders for SAW= STUTZ with prinnatmaw and arrfair N. B. Perms wanting LONG MBES or POP LAD are partied/try Invited to examlns Ida stock. Sir Moe on Craig otreed, near NoLtneon. sad,* Nw.ttooKs: The Old Merchant* of New 'fork. 21 series. The Blackman; his antecedents end hie gonna. Squire Trarylyn's Heir. By Mrs. Wood. Eloanor's Victory. By Elsa Bruhlon. Our Old Home. By Nathaniel liavrthoroe. GaLaDays. By GallTiamilton. The Amber Go.lo. By Miss Prescott. Agassis's Method of study lo Natural H4tury. Heart and Cross. •By Nis. Oliphant. litandeLeshon's Letters from Italy and Switzerland. Learn from the Diary of an Army liorgeon. The Light and Dark of the Rebellion, The ying Parson. j a rl= i37.El. The =n's Garland. Arranged ti3ovntr Patmors. - The Golden Treleitiy of Songs and Lyrics. The Dead Shot. A new book for Sportsmen. For nab by NAT t CO.. a 5 Wood street. PERTH .EXTILACTED WITHOUT PAIN.—We take this method. of Woman; our Mende and the pubic , generally that . 0 us DOI to EXTRACT TLC= wrraorr PAIN prepared practice of Dentistry. Those who have been postponing this conch dru&d operation may now hiy olds their fears and give tte • all, u the aPputttie we have In we has been thoroughly tested during the put boar yam, fray attabilehhig_tbs sib mid *o beli character of the e . ratin. Dr:4ll' o r Mud cols nor Ilalvanlq Battery wed. Ali Om wtatug the auto" of stood and tellable Dentist will do veil to rail and consult with JAWS B, KING, D. D, 8., • Ira ISSl_lfootth drost, or DA. O. KING, No. a eratihnew Shut Pithi iitirgb. pitamss NEW mum BOOK. By 31:11. Bwatinit In per. and wjll 1m issued early in Novembor THE lAZIPIcr+NO) • . • A now collection. , of Sowed and Secular'Moak for Singing Sehoota, , Chotrs, Congregations, and s oda ass. 117 Wzralair B. BSADMIT, author .of Jubilea," and mull other aoudad ar9rlcs. .Ons hundred pages will be devoted to the Elements of llfusio, with *great amount onager Sloping School Haste, and nearly TUBER ItlfliDitED plies to Ba rred Muir, as Tunes of d 1 metres, Arttheoas, Chants, and other sotplates, malty new:. The Work is pant ed throughout front Urge Dildal4ene* Port on staff. Price, $10 ; per doses .. A, copy Will be wont pat-paid to Nty teacher of inus or leader of choir, for etamlnation, on receipt of one,dollar. The itrunense lumen of bit. 13radbury's prostate' works, and their aluttat Medan:T*4 sale Gilds lett work In this department, Tux Juana, (more than tip) bendred tbanaandooptes bare already been sold, prose Ms knowledge of the yenta of, the public land his ability toeupply 'Mem. ' , The present work was designed for publication last year, but haying been delayed bemuse of the nate= lovable tinier; the author has had opportunitytopet , feet it in its "serious department'. As a S I NG IN G . BONOOL BOOK, the .Idrpliorw will be AIM two/ comprehensive and retnplete than He predecessors, *bile to choirs, Congregatiods, Itociettes;Ae„ it will present the results of ICI: Bradbury's labors in corn. podng sad collecting for erteratyears. • for sale by Hanoi it Ilamilivlltaten.MASON Published - - , • ocielgtixsi 7 Mercer street. New Tort. IPkTr'S 26TH CONSIGNMANT BoOEst At, Auctioxi._ • , _ PRlVitr, MMN TIMING "`DAY. 0r.30 BAGS. -10 dozen second-hand Twined 81.0 a& by BURT H. OUSEL ..*Efr ..4DIER \ TIIIR4 EMI . . I' Sitt_-.0-t r *..-L IS- - - -"• I44TEXMArIII.-* ........_......._ ; —•,..._ ; _5____.,„.....--.. :Boig -_,---..,—..ir.: LTEP_ tiTATh...T.C.l.Efeit=Tliti_sta; L '-- -•- Vtirrsitres3,,rov , mhd - Vimf -- OrkiITrSI3IIRGEL U -1 !,.o. ..I.,,cairucnt LL- t, for 190, centaluing , BILEAN& Taus on Ittcontes, Licenses. stint'. agate and Cu- , 1,,,, 818., Di ...,,,,,,,, s .4 C. s. . loges, inDlYlalon No-1 of tho Trrenty.third GAM, . N fl d . :Blume of Indebtedness ..... -..51,503,063 gr. • Hon District of Puno's, COMprlsiitg that part of Al- ~. S. nou4s, 6, .. 4 7 3.1 ,, 531.000 00 H en county nort h , of thm Allegheny and Ohio ' rivent.dbas brectrece tK lr and ; th e ue d e ,...4.„4 „Ho , ... , It , eaj k Es . n te od te m an i.c.l .l G t vo , :ld 1ieu ......, t....... 49.114.1 13 3.314 .69 ittand'all blicdre. -0. tir Water street. Allegheny, 1 Due by other 1tanka...._..... ... . ..... 1.. ..W1,293_14 (mit door tot le City 'Trensnrei,) either i 2 person . Bank Note... Checks .t Traas'3 "intr. 104,711 DO or by Deputy, ustll SATURDAY, the 11th doy of , . thil,o2 88 November, for the purpose. of receiving said Taxes. ' He will also attend in person or by Deputy, for the , convenience of Tax %yen, at the folloaling Pie." , • Want:. ' . ' 1.1.ABIIATIp: . nt At Tereutu, at the honse of Heyeklah Y out h s, , on FRIDAY, Not'. Ofh, between the hours of oa. ic. ' ett i,,To P e it t el , . S o l 9 c d ir4ru lLt...i ........ . -- ..... ----. - $ .1,, a )3° c° -.V3,318 89 and 3 p. m. of Host der. At Dakeretiran, et Hio , use of Mrs. Markey, ..0 ; .UnPaldDivilends Ar SitrTtener A< ., // ,91 / 99 7,834 17 TUESDAY, the 10th of No, from Si o'clock a. 1 - 17 " , .. 10,0 t i 0 . 0 u ter 1 .111 "; :-:-.•.-..--. 31 878 IXI ....... . M. to 3 o'ctock P. ni, of that day. 1,491,9A' 41 At %trickle', et .the • 'tore of I"), w ,y , n o ' Depovits , THURSDAY EVENING, the kith day of November, ! from 7 to 9 o'clock of that day. The ten per cent. and other penaltiee prescribed in the Excise Law, which trill be Incurred efter tha 14th, will be strictly enforced in all cum.. Government Ponds only recelved. DAVID N. NVIITTE, Colt rtor of the 4.id District, Pvitt'a. 00.2wd-T pirrt;Buitir ALMANAC. 73 easzen, PUCE ONLY FINS CENTS Beady today. Coutaining Useful and lutaresting READING MATTER tor the FAMILY CIRCLE. Nearly a huudred Valuable and Profitable Re..ipts (or making many of the most Popribts PATENT BIEDIOIN Et l ,. PEKE MER V, II AI It D 1,• , tr. WAR RECORD. ECLIPSES. ASTRONOMICAL. Pll EN 031 EN A . RECORDWY EVENTS. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENT'S or tur GREAT REBELLION. TILE UNITED STATES PENSIoN LAW. VIE UNITED STATE BOUNTY LAW. TERM DAYS OP TRH VARIOUS COURTS W*FTEIIN PENNSYLVANLA, stn., trc. Calculations by Puisorra DUN, A.M., Principal or Plttsburst High School. and Author of" Iteatiai Arlthmetles.“ A New Featuro of this Number ie thu TW ELV SIGNS OF TITS ZODIAC. PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS Mailed poet-paid on reeell.l of Price. JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, groin& Hell. Fifth atmet NOTICE TO OWN EELS OF UUAL BOATS, COAL BARGES, OIL BOATS, r LAT BOATS, KEEL BOATS AND CANAL BOATS. Carrots Fiore; Pyramus, Nov. 0, ISCi, The attention of Coal and 011 Dierchants, and others, owners of Flat Boats, Keel Boars, Canal Boats, Bargee, Oil Boate,Stors Boats, Coal Boleti and Coat Berce‘runigssinee the Ohio river and Its Mat. tutus and cassia, h.ag an outlet into a navigable aver or inlet, I tespolly directed to the follow ing latter of the Secretary of the Treasury faassuar Dresnllmisiv, May 26, 1863.—Sir : I hen received your letter of April Ast, ISM, relative to the comUng trade on the interior waters of the United States. The laws regolating the coasting trade an to ha applied to the Inland navigation of the Ohio rarer and tributaries, with the exception of a few provle ions of a special or local character.• Fiat Boats laden with coal and flouted down the river with the asentuire of con, Coal Bargee, Open Flat Boats, fiend-decked Flat Boats, Docked Barges, with model bow and sten, and heel Boats, Plat Boats laden with merchandise for the purpose o trading at clidarent ?Ants on the Ohio and Wails! eippl rivers and tributaries, Canal Bouts with and without steam power within themselves, excluavety on canals, and not coming opt into navigable riven en required to comply with the provisions of the Acts of Congnee regulating the Coasting Trade, and to be enrolled and licensed, or lieensal as the cue moy be, and pay tonnage does, provided by the pro vaione of the 15th Section of thence of July lath, 1842, entitled 'thn Act increasing, temporarily, the duties on imports, and for other purposes," which • apply to "oil nods width atoll be calendar any Co.- - tom Bonze in the United States," and Include ell de scription of 'boats and camels eubjoet to eitrialturst • and License under varietal lava, Canal-Boat, an other craft plying oo withers exclualvely within the limits Se Mate, having no of yet into a nevigebbs river or Woos which commerce with foreign nations or among the States, or with the Indian tribes, can be carried on, do not moms within the provisions of this or previous seta With great respect, S. P. CILASEV . . Secretary of tlio Treasury,: Ascrauu„— Pm' Oz. 2.30. .01. .0/ ALLMIM CITY lOU. Having accepted the Agency On the sale of the SEMPLE; CLAY, mined near fiL Loa* Ido., I in vite the attention of Olam and Steel ktanufactareri to the Andy& given above, es reported by Prof.. A. A. Ilya , of Bosom, and/. C. pooth, of Philadelphia, which, together with the test of natal experienco by manafientamx to Pittsburgh, Cincirmill and St.' Loots, determines It to be the pored and 'Mott valu able Clay now known, whether Toreigo or American. Pots made from it have stood in the Glen Furnace from fiN, to 9 months. The Analytic Ls of the Clay so taken from the lane, without any washing or preparation whatever. I, pomemee great adhealvaleas and plasticity qualities, ad. which are not shows by the Analyst', end akiak mit of the mixture of • laige proportion of shell or burned clay. I ant now prepared to fill orders.for thenbove Play , to both ipped from St. Louis or &Intend here; F LAG'' Ail alma and pride, et the MantillctOry, OPPOSITE THE POST ONTICE. 4.15 CIatTES DE V - 1/31TE I ORNTIM DRUG STORE, Cbrser o►to.ed pdarstStrteta, dilmlwasN, SPA43"I""D PA A N B itIED T WINES. &e. • 041•Physlclane pftetriptbmiln7 CoinPoU 6 d x&1 A FRESH SUPPLY OF hit reedred it " lIIIILION'Et DIM STOWS, ,Tor sale at B ,;-- QwNl3 igg/NCIML.TROCRE 'roit solo vtrsorm 133123113 110MtMONS sTofacil AXITAB4 lor "10 at' r itrrljltiftolte 131:444, Wt. a seal ea • *NM I TRE - ARMYOF THE . By m after: Illiantstod r vittk Aneei 'portraits, vox% acinvbsir and 'nom, v3hadr,4 mi. Crimea, Alla SUNDAY SCHOOL;I3D =WIVE ZAN Aar, I By.WalibAbbotodtlvialzttiublo4 ISet.Jobt a 0 Abbott. . Olr ABILA by far sale b) L L. RIM oeSS Na. 72 Nu* West. E=MN Thr attire mato:Mint is correct to the beid of my Naosyledgo aml-14410. • Jouszir.aume, Castdor. 2 wont Co aud sublicribed thi Elatl s T 24 , No day tary Ychllc. of How., ISC. b. H E XCH A SGE , BANKTOF PITTS.I3'GH. Ptrrotsvaatt, November 2, ISM Leans and Dieconnie .11,3111477 iloal taste 60,000 00 311,187_ 00 fiGoid sad Silver Coin United Buttes Legal Tender Now... 561,046 00 United States Bonds, 7 1-10 per a._ 100,600 CO United Mated Bondi6 per 0ant...... 100,000 (0 ratted States Certificate', 6 par ct- 640, 0 X 1 0 0 Pennrylraitia2s,ooo CO Checks and Note" of other !auks— 112,V13 17 1)06 by other Bank' 124035 58 3,745,6211 47 The above statement to correct to the beat gay knowledg , and belief. 11. M. IMOKRAT, Cashier. Affirmed before Wei tbde Ed dal - of Nor., le6A C. 11. MALL, Notati MEitcIIANTS" AND MANUFAC TUILKIIS• BANK. Prrmerace, Noveznb.-r 2./ 863 . 0,0,00.) 1,154.= u 0 =9S9 17 20,147 e St: LOUIS, NO; ALEC. CIOADON. No. ISt 'WOW) STRIST; Prrrrmsrou, PA. PITTOWEIS, CARTMDE TIBITZ I G6RTES DE VlBltE.l 6,000 JUST EICIPMD AT PITTOOWS, OPPOSITZ THI POST OVVICZ., GEO. A - . &ELLT, barium& DS lIIIKPEIIrre 891102PATT1713 8r5. , 471i 69 YU& WOOL' ' OF BONS OP Kiln CIIGABJ3, rumors DRUG STORE, 1606. a sad 69 Irtfth Ark. ftILIONS DEl?g,Prary ' Noe. 67 and 89 stxpet. y- , f.' 1.7 t ' . 4C ,A ;NiD , 949M,442 4 $2,x.1,9 Capital Stoek Note In Circulation Due to other Banta Contingent Fund and liarottige. Ottani Stra-k Circulation Due Depositorn • Duo othsr end Disconuts 402,881 98 Coin 202.173 47 Notes and Checks of otb, 103,0.. 07 Dor by othrr Banks 04,983 98 Cummonwnalol Puun'a Limn 40,000 00 r. 8. Government Loan.-- _- .. 1,194,000 00 The *bore etatement le correct and true to dm beat L ' r kapwl'ige""lF JVA SCOTT, Jr., Guilder; Sworn imd,outactilmd before me this 24 day of Nor., 1143 ✓ iftS. SNOWDEN. Notary Public._ MECRANICZT BANK OF NII:IL 81111611. Pirrsamunt, November 2, 1802,, LLIBILITIffiI. - .5 998,163 IV .103,965 48 13,040 33 Circulation ....—_ Dim to Depotitors... Due to other Danko ASSETS. 11. S. Loans and Discounts 81,554,332 60 Due by other Hanks 16,86.3 91 Treasury Sots and Notes d Cheeks of other 8enk5.....—.... —.. N 33,003 46 Coin .- -- ....... -.. 61,490 90 Deposited In Cir Su b-Treasnuy 130,000 00 ----- 81,972,080 83 The above statement le correct. to the brat of my knowledge and belief. GIRO. D. IIcORZW, Cashier. Sworn before me this Rd dap( N0v.,5 6 3. FIRLNIf. W. 'KENN T, N otary Public. fiITIZENS' BANK. NJ - f Pittirsonon, November t, 18 61 . i, Loans and iscounts...-- $ f95,3c3 9G Coln 169,TV1 CA Note. and &eke of other Banks.... 1r.9,165 59 Legal Tandir N0w....---....-- 27,030 00 United' States Becurities ' 414,000 CO 1 Due from Danka and 8anker....._... 58,071 14 Capital, 500,000 CO ...... ' , 089,100 W • 327419 92 -Due to Bunke and Bankers. TABS 9.2 The abort statement is correct to the bat of my knowledge and belief. GEO. VAN DOBEN, Cashier. Affirmed before me this ad day of Nor., 1863. • H. E. DANIS. Notary Public. IRON CITY JUNK. • .• „ • P 111113131611, November 2, MS. Capital Stock 400,070 OU Loans and Discounts— 610,4M,26 -D. B. and Pa. Bonda.t Certilleatea—. 554,500 CO •Depoetted UM. & Bish.Treasury..:-. 235,5001 D Due by other Banks Temporary Loan 'to Go. error of Pa. 2,200 00 Notes and Checks of other Banks and Trwszary 150,42110 Specie —.--...... ....... ...... 131,950 01 Ctrenintion.—, 771,927 03 Due to (Aber 'Banks.— —.— 4,194 01 Doe to Depositors--- _ 693 , 261 9 5 The above etatemensis correct, according to the hst of my knowledge and'lief. kLAGOFYLN, Cashier. kdirmed unto before ma ttds day. & MUTH, Notary Public. A LLEU IIENY BANK. Prrrovar,o, November 2, 18433. 071.,500.000 00 2v Loans ospi 78.. f 38 DuP b 7 other 8ank:...._... 7& r 3 873 98 Notes and Meal of other , 888 ..----''''''''''"—eas F 37llolCL-. 512,457 00 576,30100 Doe to other 4,633 CO Doe to 3N1,744 03 ' The abotement Li correct, according to the best of my-knowledge tad J. W. COOK, Cashier. .Debra unto before me ale da Notary Publle. pROTOGILAPH ALBUMS! OVER 100 DIFFERENT STYLES, FROM SO CENTS TO $l5. FOB SALS BY AS. C. MELLOR, ft , ;.• • S 1 WOOD STREET. pATENTED OCTOBER 8, IN6I .111THIUDOZ13 PATS= OVAL L,A.MF . CHIMNEYS stAiNalervii T GLASS. Thole Chthump an blooded for the It gam% heating all parts of the eass equally. don not expose It to cracking. Z. T. DITEISIDOZ ' • . Tortoni Glass Woritsarasklttelte strait. spl7 Plttstratgbaaass. ALLEY, FARRELL &CO., PIt&cTIPAM PLIMBEILS, GO ARE STERN FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Ponape, Valves Aud m kinds of Attthp ar Waal, Gm sad aeon. 1141ITATOILB:MID.TAIAIIIIrc4 OIL SETIAZ- BIER, lined with had by w ninipnxxam Zl . OO, VS TO= ETBYXL: AMOND STEM-W '1.1; runanlaaff t lu• ' ' BILOTEDDI " . 41aunta.ctFor , k9! •"`" . , wJAZITY =nun war grim. ; and Octagon. of am . Wan . luxiol •.40124 40 1414 17 9 1Prbd at itam:Astured to this ixqua; 419,0n100 and osottems, Not. 149 664151 !TEST' sod 191oinil= LiZCOZEDSTSI4I:III. Pittalocrith'f , 9311:10 Waaiikcxti _ POGO' PiOW WORKS, iTrlBl3Mttlin Ilititai4lllisten hi tD die darned rids . eF PLCM1011 1 1,0W: dhsllNoB, -- SCOOPS, =- SUM =Ma' /*JAR% ißeatb thalami taill ike Swilkolog ITlchprinassmutly Writs dmihtrp n ort= o. 3fh a txtditehllrmparaiteinrde, all Wit i at- tilla ' gh. T.J. J HAM . - STITH= JAS. J. BROWN. - PRICES RE9IICED. AT ran NEW CARPET STORE. McFa.rland i Collins&Co., Hoe. 71 AND 73 FIFTH' ST., Offer tar u AT. M OSS TAR 8.1 111.1131:1fT KARI= OATES. &CI entirely - and cbotm HEAL -ENGLISH VELVET CARPETS, Best Real Brussels dupes. EMUS & AHEM TAPESTRY VELVET CARPETS, A lull BAe ut ueir s ead rry ettoleirattorns. KW STYLI PERSIAN THIIIMPLT CLAIIPICTS, very choice Patens. Lowell, Hartford sad otheritandarf talus of SUPERFINE AND EXTRA SUPERFINE • INGRAINS. t , 1,745,62.8 G 950,000 00 1,777;47 (X) 920,294 2 AGO 77 "t72.,940 41 irptandld Oxk of. LOW PRICES ALL WOOL CARPETS, at lean thaa akaaallsettaare I taY 1t price; at whale sale sad ratan. ENGLISH VELVET RUGS awl: WELTON AND VELVET MATS, in • great iretiotc, - the tug. , 1. - sort:nerd of petterne 10 be tompt_ &mob.. ; en. , • oplendid assortmeot of SMEEP SE.M MATS. Floor Oil Cloths, nom 2to 24 ftvt W.. now mut ettiptit potter= COCOA MATTING, Go Cburction Moak Hann and Seas; common oad extra Woolen, Linen & Colton.Drugget, Pluto % to{ yards wide. • , . GREEN, ILUZE. VELVET AID. 13HINISICLS OT TOMANS; STAIS HODS; -"TASLE OIL CLOTHS, gain mot fumy I Alinbrol dorod,PrlntodandEnabossAl PIANO AND.TABLZ Window Eihadoss and :Fixtures. The stock on baud baying been ,ptuchainsi when gold we. at 24, will Ise sold at sarcasm:llow rataa *a -trots ere;ll',lNl $1,407,934 81 Between Post Mot imd •Diotalek DOA trz LAVOEST STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels and ligroin Carpets, Floor Oil , Cloths, &c., ever offered in tkii city, is now opening at prices much below the late factory rates. OWED ELITE & CO., NEW STOCK ANDa NEW I. strultoY ' Carpets, Oil Oloths,gets, 4, 7 EMADES;&4I, a MoaALLUM's, • very lam siontmant ofalli tooth In ear Use, = al the lemon paten untied In the ?ninth adman:MlN eindlthen Woad than tut alb a:Vs mites. ode r , , DIA CURB -OF CEIITALN MAL AMES," samming terrible aspect, by po , ',Dually xurulting. A.BARRow, Of New tit, Proprietor of Thannear, de., de, lie professional dotes respiringhla m tast e & * lbw dap. lie may be lid fintEgT, omit the dm NO , IIOECIiO4 , and no imigg. as his numatoos ettptgententapitetimbs the pmelliel• ity of a longer stay. A Widows supervision and ittrpection of &mate arg from impnatencke, enables the practoner. experlauced In thpe spocialltles, to adopt plresirpt and =win name to moots the blight, and wiry the tainted getm, width, if allowed to mb Its course =due mionner foposlearfol to contem plate. Mader% those tmfortutudely compelled to appears...WM the axial sixth, with I system atm ted with dieser, or enlestded.br pa•Tated habits are exhorted to anal tbeinitana. of Dr. DARROW'S rvisit without delay. it:ember the number„lf2 TEDEDINICEM Idiom asiikddd sad Grad. _Ms hours from les till two, and front four till eight la the male& , . TIU881:11.AD-:Prolocted tylloYalLettem Patent of Zealand, and secured by the Seals*, the keoli de Pharmacia de Paris, and the. Imperlel College of. Media" Menlo- ' nummatin, - lathilideetuslremdyfrallalaia4lon.Bpermatorthas and exhionstiong= completely and entirelyeradia ,tt ttee all tracts of those disorders for which Copalrik,:aad Cobebe hare gener ally been thought as antidote, to the ruin o f the health C. o - lather 1 VP= m j e t h •=as° the elvlltrad Mid eyeeptams„ mdarf obristhig the deetractim use of Marcum se well se ell other deleterlend w hi c h all Saresparilla la the wor ld_me. Tram tear 1, 2 and 3 am alike of taste or and of a ll aansestlag qualities. They myrtle th ey of a lomags, sad may Be'ea the toilet tabl. wither& their ens being inspected. Sold In tin eases at $3 each, or four 23 cum in as do SS. and In 227 cum, thee wring 29, as admiral*. tared by Velma; 1 me" , r, Boni ; de. Mudemde sad Mail by Dr.. 11. DADDOW, ISt Shocker et, one door from Handertypdstmet, New York, Lase dinte co reedit of remittance, Dr. Bartow win fo'. ward Thmu=ir to any pert of the world, securely packed of the miter end &Mitered accordbm to the luatruotl • . Pabllthed alioley Dr: DUBOW that popular and bearitifiroodthd erdlltunest Tram. Price 25 ceats: Tridenaar ated can be obtained on Dental anthetitflrom : ' B. snamucti J'RECEL EA el Hamer Napo& Wok tries emzi•ptexl on. esiiiwee Anhatia, for restraing Om . Bair. • itEkni• randlir ea shades.. • Liadnee• Blood 8110118111. Bll7lldre MAI* ffis.4U Stair &dam aid Adabcdoemmag Mho* PENA Trot roir andka. lags. Mem cf rata. - Ran Pafasian Dad Bar Oaa. Giparias ChM= and 4:bid Crams, Am dipped bind; er,ta., 0. A. KT.LLrfI CENTRAL DRUG STORE, 0t24 ' Ilartid Scam, A/UO=3% U.SitTER3 1P ."44 • ' • ; DR. LIIDLIJII4I MOM= memo. Maid at 11:1=0.108 MVO BTU; ST• . G' -•., . : - • ' - _ TOR TEIXEIX3, 7 . rat iisi. it' '' iviTiiikc nue +Trost% 1 Imo . • ~ . EaCirf sada lifthstni6. '8 (X)IIGli i3YIII7P F ULT" ~.•.. NIH 1 : 0 9 171 :q 1 B , C°4 8 . ae l Vrei!# Fid## l 4. -7 '' 'J . - /ill. imam • ash ..': • -! i: i m i ttn., 71.fth genet DU. HAILS : -, 1 IVIIIIIZ 1.1371c16, 7 sale et • - ' • 79111!OHNIS DWG NOS% D iLIVUTION =NM EEC= siz • ' eri andi ia axe bay. P. O. -0 - • • • 1 /011 TWO 'RIO AND inttlinaliC at sascatilixera non, 6,09 MOAT Oa elligth atnita LOTALS, covEs& ; 1 , • 49 TOTE EftlpiZlCT.' Ha irt Toms gram EDICAIL. inioni . ipmtrwa‘ • i - ,F,