The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 27, 1863, Image 3

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'lttirgit.t:gaigifg I
Official Paper of the City.
ISMOROLDOIOAL 011.1111VATIOX1 talon for
the CILUTI7,III. Oeo. B. Elhaw's Optician store,
No. 64 Fifth street--correoted daily :
7.1) a. x. - -
12 Y. - -
6 r w
Shocking Railroad Accident.
The Wheeling latelligencer says : "On Sat
urday morning a most terrible accident occur
red at Ititobietown, near tho borne of Mr. J.
B. Ford, which resulted in the instant death
of Mrs. Crane, wife of the Audit*Cof West
Virginia. The engineer of tho express for
the east, as the train neared the point indica
ted, observed a lady walking in close prox
imity to the' track and called to her to get
eat of the way. There are two or three tracks
or railings near the point, 'and It is supposed
ehe became confused and alarmed, and in
stead of getting out of the way, fell with her
neck upon the main track. The driving
wheels of the engine passed directly over her
nook, completely severing the head from the
The Criminal Court.
-, Arran:coos, Oct. 28.--Judges 51 el
ton and Brown. •
In the case of the Commonwealth rm. An
drew and Catharine Andres, indicted for
maintaining a nuisance, (maLfacturing soft
soap in a shop on Butcher's run,) the jury
found a wordlist of guilty. Sentinco was de
BAbert }3. Cameron, colored, was arraigned
on a charge of assault and battery, preferred
an old lady named .Hannah McKenna.
Verdict, not guilty—the prosecutrix. to pay
the costa.
United States District Court.
Mostur Arrmusoox, Oct. 28.-4udgollic
'The' trial of the case of Mrs. Martha For
rest, wife of the postmaster at Fondues, Mer
cer county, indicted for embezzling and se
creting letters, was continued.
M. Rohe, G. W. Hanna, Win. Semple, end
J. W.. 0 T. K. Cree, plead guilty to issuing
tokens, and were each sentenced to pay a fine
of $lOO and costs.
Signor GlarnbonPe Concert.
Those of our musical readers who, a few
years since, were wont to attend the delight
ful and recherche Operatic Concerts of Signor
Glamboni, will be delighted to learn that on
this evening, at Concert Hell, that mu
sical veteran will give an entertainment, which
wit ere assured from the choice selections from
thi:Ohef cr Oeuvres of the great masters of
Opera, sad the talented oorpa which will be
called in requisition to give it eclat, that the
Concert will at leant equal, if not exceed, in
interest, any that has preceded it. We feel
confident that the mere announcement of this
interesting musical re-union will revive come
of the pleasant recolleCtions of our musical
dilletanti, and that the Concert room will be
crowded. Wo sincerely hope that it will be,
foiwe could not bestow our patronage on ono
.more deserving, if we consider how much this
worthy pioneer of Opera amongst MI has con
tributed not - only to the amusement of our
music loving citisens, but to the development
of a true nautical taste amongst us. Lot the
Concert be an ovation to the musical veteran,
say we'
Tee Potanaaws.—As might have been ex
pected,. so 'immense crowd was present at
Masotti° Hall last evening, and the vast au
dience- were delighted with the many been
flee of this delightful entertainment. We
have so olien alluded to this really meritori
ous.entertainment, that we hardly know what
to write, without reiterating our former en
comiums. But the entertainment needs no
praise from us to gain favor with the public.
The citizens of Pittsburgh are well aware of
its merit., and the crowds who nightly flock
to witness it are sufficient proof of its popo
levity. Mr. Somerby has exhibited • liber
ality, which other managers would do well to
imitate, and this combinsd with the fact 'that
he has a first class exhibition-is doubtless the
cense of his great success. The rates of ad
mission to the Polyorams:are but 15 cents.
and those who have not yet seen it, will, of
coarse, go now, while those who have been,
will doubtless go again.
but bills of the season is announced for per
formance at the theatre this evening. The
new comedy, written and adapted for Ettle
Henderson—and only performed by her—
entitled, "On Guard, or the Little Sentinel,"
will be produced for the second time, in con.
jnnction with the now and beautiful sensation
play of "Gipsy Gower." This latter piece
wai received hut evening with the greatest
dertionstrations of satisfaction and appLarulo.
We-had not the opportunity of witnessing all
of 11,, but what,we did see and hear of the
Pie" we GeLeirdident in pronouncing it one
of this vet7boill sensation plays ever prodneed.
"Ou.fltnifd r ," the first piece, made a good hit
on, airie representation the other evening.
Ifilzi‘irially rare entertainment, call at the
.iiiisburgh 'Theatre to-night.
Tut - Para.—The Wheeler h Wilson Sowing
Machine Company es-triad off their accustom
ed honors at the Fair of the American Insti
inte--the higliestPrvaium for the best Double
threaded Sewing Machine, being the most per
fect and simple in its construction and work
ing points; also for their Batton and Eyelet
hole Machine, for novelty and perfection of
its work—diploma for a beautiful specimen of
machine braid work, and a silver modal for
Foote's Patent Umbrella Lock Stand.— Is de
prudent Oer. 1 w
Flour Amos° boys in the
Second and Third Wards, Allegheny, have
been at loggerheads sfor some time, and on
Saturday last they marshaled their forces and
took up their,positions on the hills on either
side of the road leading out of Federal street.
Here they pelted each other with stones until
surprised by a. sped of Mayor Alexander's
polteii,when five of them were captured, the
rest skedaddling in all directions. The Mayor
is determined to ■top this dangerous sport,
and parents should make a note of the fact.
the well known grocer and tea dealer, Fifth
street, went on a hunting excursion to Wash
ington county,but week, and in one day and
• - half, in the Tieinity of Surgettstown, he
bagged no less than sixty-six aquirrela, with
a few partridges, pheasants and snipe, thrown
in by way of variety. Ile also killed a eery
large blacksnake, but " nary" copperhead, as
that species of snake has been Tory scare* in
that rich:ay ever since the election.
IrsarcaosT we had the phial:mire of meet ng
the ;Lev; T. J. Bfailie,D,P., and pfcoluie 'en
quired with grektinteriethow hbi lately pub
ibbed book on the Penicaular Campaign had
auceeedsd,—as are had anticipitediatid even
ventured to promise, that it - could kot fail of
Media. We ware greatly gratified to Learn
•that the : book has already had a Tory large
sales conliderable edition being nearly ex
- hiiiitsd. It certainly cannot emceed beyond
iN merits, incur opinion.
Jott:Becinrro awn Raw( son B.ttl.—The
One useetralost of Fall sad Winter Clothing,
lately rediired by ?atm. John Wier k Co.,
g a mma Tailors, N 0.146 Federal most, Al
legheny: The stack- of elothing consists of
too dant misty of gents' pantaloons, vests,
oasts and overcoats. The style of patterns 13
tostsfol and fashionable. Ws w 00.14 Invite
allofens notion to give the above gentlemen
st sat
!Ammon or - Locortarrry.—Wo boar it
rumored that s looomotivs on the Pittsburgh,
Port Wan* and Ctdosgo Railway; exploded
QO ,Raturdaf last, at Crestline, rosoltlng
the injuiy of several persona. Mr. A. Duman,
of fiewitiltioy, is Sported to have been serious
ly soaldad, beside having his leg broken in
three pleat. '
ireaute, .to.—J. Boberts,
Ito. / ltemit, is. now opening Um most
°twice Merot taa Gold sad Silva Watches,
* - 7004 - tiltem. wan *ad Palmy Good* v►sT.
„.41014pit_tiebta atty, sad 1* toslttag them at
ltattitiosir prime
. .
won koottzListidoot of Wheel
411Hia Baltisnors, eotortlax list Ho
mitotabtloot two piers of his Ws troroUng
iistAolillontbio Was and Japan.
,AfeCt4g9fP 7l :9 l c4s.
. , —.:—....
A re g AI A 7 : I " AtM Y 121 " tin i af'Ci t 7 Cvan- . xyl Duretches to the ritub,.ro csiwt..
eh wee held on Monday vretint, Oct-'lBth. Wasii:Forcrs, Oct. 24, 1863,
I In Select, present Messrs. Allen, Brown,
The following lea 63.911:011r: statement of the
ilierainan ' Miner ' 31.CarthY' Morrow, Ph ' lli P s 'l amount of the crops of 1862 and 1863, both
Quinn, Thompson, Rees, D. Reed, J. R. Reed
summer and fall, of the loyal States, 50 ro
, an ln the d wins:
nce of Preitdent McAuley, on se
a Brown, Wm. C. M'Carroy was turned to and estimated by the Agricultural
Department, and furnished to the Rasters: and
motion of b Mr.
Western associated prams, by the Coreeleill
ohoien President lA, rem,
stoner of Agriculture, in advance of his month-
The minutes of the'preceding meeting wore
ly report for September
read and approved. The answori returned to the circulars fur
Mr. McCarthy submitted an ordinance pro- September, of the Agricultural Department,
riding for the grading and paving of O'llara asking information of the condition of the
street, from Etna street to Duquesne Way. crops, aro given in . seethe, above or below the
The ordinance was road three times and crone( 1862. During the summer the Depart
ment made an estimate of the amount of the
finally passed. crops of 1862. This estimate was based on
Mr. Morrow presented the following : the census returns of 1860. As the Crop of
Reeolreki, That the Gas Trustees be author- 1859, which the canaus took, was below an
teed to have a gas lamp erected on the corner average, and that of 1862 above It, &Rowena.
of Bluff and Miltenberger street ;:and one be- was made for the difference, varying as to its
tweet' pan Bream and Miltenbergel streets, amount according as the agriculture of each
on Bluff street, in the Eighth Ward. general per cent. Increase
Read and referred to Committee en Gae o S f ta e te ac r h 'in S i ta re t d e . w a s h'
added. One-fourth the
Lighting, amount given In the census was struck off the
Mr. Quinn offered the following: returns from Missouri and Kentucky, on ao-
Resole:ed, That the names of the streets 40 count of the war. Thee calculated, the crops
painted on the corners of each street, or cot- j of 1902 were made the basis for estimating
nor buildings, either on auitable boards or on the reports of 1863, socortling to the tenths,
the buildings, on the corner tiif each square, increase or decrease, of each State, Al reported
and charge the same to the Contingent fund. by the correspondents of the Department
Read and referred to the Street Committee, The summer crops of Wheat, Rye, Barley
with power to act. and Oats for 1863 and 1863 are as follows
The Chair took up "an ordinance relative Wheat. Bye.
to fire alarms," passed in ,Common Council Tole!, 1063 191,068:2W 20,795,28 T
July 14th, 1863. The ordinance was read, " mat 109,993,500 21,1564,8.50
discussed, and postponed for the present.
Mr. J. R. Rood submitted a report of the
Street Committee; with "an ordinance supple
mentary to the ordinance authorizing the
grading and paving of Morton street, from
the Allegheny Valley Railroad to the Penn
sylvania Railroad, passed July 27th, 1863."
Bead three times and passed.
Mr. Wilts presented an ordinance for the
grading and paving of Rash street, from
Penn street to Liberty. Read three times and
The resolution, passed in Common Council
September 27th, instructing the 'Police Com
mittee not to sign any warrant for any mem
ber of the Night Police, whose appointment
has not been approved by said committee, was
taken up, and on motion of Mr. Phillips it
win' non-concurred in.
Mr. Thompson submitted a communientitte
from Goo. W. Cu., Esq., President of the
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railwuy
Company, asking permission to erect an adcii-
Donal pier to their bridge over the Allegheny
river—said pier to be erected on Duquesne
On motion of Mr. D. Reed, the communica
tion was laid on table,And the City Solicitor
was directed to take such steps as will prevent
said Railroad Company (tom trespassing upon
Duquesne Way.
Mr. Thompson offered the following:
Resolved, That the Committee on Gas Light
ing be instructed teThave ages lamp erected
on the corner of Baldwin and Liberty streets;
one on the corner of Mulberry alley nod
O'Hara street, and one on Turmoil street, be
teeen Pennsylvania Avenue and Wylie street
OCT. 27, 1863.
Read and referred to Committee on Gas
Mr. McCarthy read a communication from
the City Solicitor, setting forth that the Steu
benville Company has not accepted
the ordinance granting them the right of way,
and that the agents of the Pennsylvania Rail-
Toad Company are nEw doing work on said
line within the city limits. In reference to
the obstructions placed on Liberty street, by
the Pennsyvanis Railroad Company, the S,
Miter reports that the company promise that
no illegal or unnecessary obstructions shell
hereafter be permitted.
Also, en ordinance authorising a change
of grade on Penn street, over the old canal.
Communication aceepted,and ordinance rood Leaving Odenelency of 125,1560,238
three times and passed.
Mr. Morrow presented an Ordinance in- t Which meet be provided for by greater econ•
creasing the pay of the Day Police, as fob ; omy infeeding, and a greater proportional
lows Chief, $650 per year; other membert, oontuunPtion of wheat.
$45 per month. Read and postponed. The number of stock hogs Is about the same
Mr. J. R. Reed offered the following: as in 1162, and about a percent. below a gen
ifssoleed, That the Street Committee bo in- ; oral average in condition. These were early
'treated to prepare an ordinance establishirg ; turned on the frosted corn.
the grads of Pennsylvania aretine, es pro- The buckwheat erop is not as much Injured
posed in the report of the Street Committee ; as generally supposed, because most of It Is
Also, the streets connecting with the same. produced in the States of New York, New
Read and referred to the Street Committee. Jersey and Pennsylvania, where the frosts of
Mr. Thompson offered the following: August 30th and September 18th did nut in-
Readoed, That the Street Ceimnittee be in_ jure the crops materially.
strutted to inquire by what rlicht the Penn- 1 The tobacco crit of 1863 is larger than that
eylmusia. Railroad Company are working upon , of last year by nearly Shy millions pounds,
the tunnel through the city of Pittsbuxgh, ; although the front, In the weetere States were
and building a railroad en the track granted very injurious to It. But about bhs-ltalf the
to the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Italiroad er"& there had been gathered before the frost
Company, and If the said Pennsylvania, Rail- of optember 16th, and seventy-Ave per cent.
road Company are doing said work under any , more ground had beep planted than le 1863.
pretense of right under their own charter, The hay crop of 1862 is estimated at 21,603,-
then the said Committee are instructed to ! 000 tons, that of 1663 at 19,990,482 tons, a
confer with the City Solicitor and institute decrease of 1,600,000 tons. Its quality is good.
legal proceedings to stop said work. Or if The monthly report for September will be
said Pennsylvania .Railroad Compan are ; distributed on the report
doing laid work on the franebises of the Pitta- '
burgh and Steubenville Railroad Company, ; SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES.
then said Committee are instructed to see that
the proper security bo filed with the Controller, ! ti littera 1.,0 Saera'a &man hiscataxs, for
as provided by the ordinance granting the' fatally and manufacturing purposes, are the
right of way to said Pittsburgh and Steuben- ibest In use.
villa Railroad Company. A. F. CIUTONT, General Agent,
Referred to a bricial Committee
of Aleuts. D. Reed and Phillips, of Meet, No. 18, Fifth street.
and Messrs. Roberts, Cameron and Steel of
Common Council. Not reached in C. C. ; HOW A. 13 Pszer, Plain and Ornamental
A remonstrance against the occupation of ; Slate Roofer, end dealer in Pennsylvania and
Allegheny street, In the Ninth Ward, by the ; Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates.
Allegheny Valley Railroad Company, was Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water
read and referred to the Select Committee
having the ordinance in charge. • Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. •
In Common Coirsesi, present all the members • _
excepting Messrs. Armstrong, Holmes, Hutch- FOR FALL AND Wirt= WILL—The Sam
isen, MeCandleu and Portent'. ; met is past, and by the morning's frost, we
Prayer by Mr. McVay. Minutes of last begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
meeting read and approved. ! shortly be upon us, and we most provide mu
m, Cohlße preceded a ' , L ia o , f or . J... 'Ave, with the material to keep 01 comfort-
Carr, relative to the condition of a sewer on able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well
' Fulton street and Pasture alley. Referred to . made overcoat are the very thing, and we do
Street Commissioner, with power to act. not know of any place where our readers
Mr. McGowan, a petition for a gas lamp would suit themselves better than et Messrs.
on the corner let Adams and Etna streets. W. H. McGee d Co's clothing establishment,
Referred to Committee on Gas Lighting. ; corner of Federal street and. Diamond Square,
Mr. Montgomery, a resolution authorising -Allegheny. They have also received a core
the erection of • Lamp on Virgin alley, near pieta assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
Baxter's alley. Same reference. - geode, and a great variety of new patterns for
Mr. Montgomery, an ordinance changing ; wal.teeeting , de
the place of holding the elections in the Flirt
and Second Precincts of the Third Ward.
The ordinance was read a first and second time
and, there being objection to a third reading,
the ordinaries was laid *ter under the rules.
Mr. McVay, • petition for placing water
and gas pipes on Congrees street, before the
same le paved. Referred to the Street and
Gas Committees, with power to set-
Mr. Killen, the President, offered a peti
tion to refund to Mr. John Robbins, on let on
Apple alley, Eighth Ward, the taxes paid on
said lot, with Interest for sixteen years,
amounting to about $95, since said lot was
taken for an alley by the city, before be bought
it, and while be was ignorant of the fact.
Referred to the Finance Committee, with
power to act.
Mr. McTlghe offered an ordinance to fix
the salary of 'the City Assessor at six hun
dred dollars for the year 1864, which was
paned unanimously.
Mr. McVay offered a resolution to the ef
-feet That a committee should be appointed,
'and an herewith instrupted, to takeoff Isma
ili'. Steps to stop the Pittiburgb, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railway Company from building,
on the Allegheny wharf, an addition to the
bridge over the Allegheny river, without
taking first some arrangements with the city.
The resolution was read three times and
Mr. O'Neill presented ainetition from prop
erty owners in the First and Third Words,
preying that a sewer be constructed from the
present terimination of the St. Clair street
sewer at Liberty street, along Market street
to the Diamond, and also along Fifth street
to the month of Market alley.
'tenoned to the Street Committee.
Mr. O'Neill offered a resolution providing
that the Controller be authorized to settle with
the constables for serring notices o
ff Install
ments due on grading and paving asssment',
on such terms as he thinks reasonable, and
the same shall to charged to tiget
(end. Read three time, and t ae d. In 8.
C. non-coneurred In.
Mi. 'Nagy offinad a reshlation instructing
the fittest Committee to dispose of the zente.
dal In the bridge over the canal on Penn
street, to the hest possible advantage. Read
three times and passed. In S. C. non.eon.
carted in.
In all action not otherwise noted, there was
a mutual coneurronce, when Councils ad.
WS ASSZIT BOLDST.—Thera 6ra Ss other
mailielnes so reliable, effsetatal end eonvenient
as Solloway:fp Pills and Ointment,' slimy'
ready for ass. They -ate invaittable to the
Soldier *goofed to Wounds, Sores, F o yers,
and Bowel OompliLnts. Tbey never faik
Only 25 emits per bow or-pot. 222.
gavertioomist load , Yaail Ho
&Ad Sooksink y fat We, hi ano ed
ther oolu y
• •
" TE S TM :II " 44114 PH
Obi C& 14:" 111. ' ertCAß6 mapes „,,, ' "--4 7 00 p 11 1,,,,,, - 1 7,56, t IPe' ladsr aud
_ triate, afill=ded- Centele Kellot, lll l=' st
rI , IIII4DIRML cixemien, Oct . RAnwerans ar- : e q,„.l.oe s cags p a paws tom . sbipcacqae.-ld,ooo bar
' rived hen abent 11 eciock this morning, and I rola door: (11.03 q banal. wtrost; aon tooshola corn.
was . ereorted to The Hairnet Hoy., by an ,m- j rrtiebta quiet wheat 40,BM:faro,
menu crowd of citizen:. He was ultimata.- dainuseas. Oct. W.—Floor decliniug fat Rana-
R.d Wheat .
00 q m ale d t u an u
is k,tle i.. fos au Son .t...4.7 thent
o ti f aa m l a lyw h utco j mt ud e a d e th s roz e g r bo i ct . t tro th d e .m e ci nti t r i e j= lin t e c at
Whis.k7 at C. 'GUM clod heavy at teMiti.ii s .
the anseinblage, and said his fellosueititens !
of Cinciulat i appreeiato the work be has ao
eomplishad for the country, and assures him
of their ,shaken confidence. While be ham
never dishonored his notice State, the state
has never forgotten him. Alluding to his re
moval from the army of the Cumberland, ho
said the people would recitiße records upon
which that action was based.
Gen. Rosecrans returned thanks for the ex
pression of sympathy and respect, which this
public reception implied, while ho felt flat
land by it, lie could not 'forget dot the heart
of the people (foot not go out to Individuals
alone. It is a principle for which we an con
tending; the struggle for national life that
produces such assemblies. lle asked the
people never to forget their allogladoce
to the °internment, whatever might Done
to individual.. The question as to how be
had been :need, ho desired to leare for future
time to answer. Some friends of mine in New
York, he said, are very solicitous about my
health. The Army of iho Cumberland thinks
I am well enough, and so do I. As for the
quantity of opium I have taken, consult my
druggist- . The Now York and Washing
ton papers. have /32144 that General. Crittenden
and - McCook intended to make charge. against
me. They have assured me that they re
gret exceedingly limited/ fable reports should
be started. lie mid that since the battle of
Chickamauga he had received a letter of ap.
proval fro& the President for his notion in
that affair, and that whatever charges appear
ed against him in the eastern paper. the gov
ernment was In no way reaponsiblo for them.
He expressed his routine. , to do whatever
wu desired of him. At the oonelusion of his
speech, cheers were given for Gen. Rosecrans
and the Army 'of the Cumberland. Rose.
crane welcome through-int eau earnest and
hearty. ,
*1,014,793 t 456,669
Barley. Oats.
10,760,697 174,868,107
17,7141354 172,6211,997
Tutu 1862
•Inrtwe. fDecressa
Corn. Buckwheat. Potato4: -,
Total, 1862.... 686,704,474 18,722,996 113,6..T.3,116
1863.... 449,163,894 17,193,212 41,870,035
Tetresse.... 137,540,5 SO
Monthly report of Deportment shows for
September that the amount of wheat and Sour
exported to all countries for the year ending
September let, 1863, is 40,680,308 bushels,
and of corn , 11,690,342 brothels. The domes
tic. consumption then is as follows
Ni twat crop for 15,2
Dom,lilic Coroutuption
Curn fur 1862
• •
Those exports and domestic consumption
exhibit the relative magnitude of the foreign
and domestic markets.
• Tho report examines the probable foreign I
demand for breadstuff' during 1864, and shows
' that in the English markets tee principal por
tion of our exports of breadatuffa are purchased
—that the average annual importations of all
grain. into Great Britain and Ireland are 114,-
27! , ,949 American bushela, but in 1860 the im
portation was 185,186,434 American bushels,
and in 1661, 142,529,106 American brishohm
• that it was aa great in 1862, but not so large
in 1663; that from the present condition of the
crops in England, the !demand for 1864 would
return to the general average, rather than to
the great amount sinte 1860 ; that the borne !
demand for 1864 would be at least equal to
that of 1563, and that the condition of the cur
' rency would remain as favorable as it now Is •,
that hence, the amount of wheat and corn feel
1864 would be as follows :
Wheat crop of 1663
Domestic oomsnmptton
Lexclug for export
Corn crop of 1=1._...
Domettie consumption.
jOst received at Oem'l Graham & Co.'s, Mer
chant Tailors, No. 64 Market street. It oon-
Gets of all• the very latest styles of clothe,
caesimeree and vestinge; °remitting, of all
kinds of the very fneet quality, all of which
Is selected from the latest importations, and
will be made op In the most fashionable and
beet manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of
goods to soloot from, that cannot be surpassed
by any other in the city, and every garment
warranted a perfect fit, would do well to give
no an early call.
- Merchant Tailors, No. 54 Market st.
Boston, Mass., writes—"l hare used through.
the advice of personal friends, Mn. S. A. Al
len's World's Hair Beetorer and Zylobalsa.
mum, for 'overt! mouths part, with great et
feet and entire satisfaction. !ma NOW neither
hold nor pray; my hair was dry and brittle, but
has regained the seftnese of its earlier yeare.',
Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot. 103
Greenwich at. .
Fora DOLIALS, four dollars.
Four dollars, four dollars.
Dental Institute, Dental institute.
Best cheap Dentistry, best elm? Dentistry
No machine work, no machine work.
Norms and carriage calls will be taken at
the Omnibus °Moe, No. 410 Peon street, day
or night. All orders left at the &bees plies
will be promptly attended to. All mills must
be paid in advance. •
C. Srtz. Dentist, 248 Penn street, will at
tend to all business of his Profession.
WnYth - glt.—ln Gettysburg, on the 30tb
CIIAIO, w 1 of Itor. Jolla 11. Werner,
her nth You.
oCOLLISTER & BAER, Wholesale
its Tow.. Design, 108 WOOD ,BUT. boo
ppgr In dare Ow lonost mot men ootoploto ooport%
mud of
Oto 0117. vtilcb Ow olltoi tbo wort to..
eat oath Ovule. AU ordols pxopgy ottoo to.
/A 200 basis Dm W. B. ttabias;
100 half sad qr. bazar "
Now landthig sae broils by
0023 asixta a axes.
sootn.b.trruche whit. Near.
ea Ws. Flowed Owootabiti
IL Meow
60 baba& Ontam!i
Tom Ml.l."ll=tinitaAVia
Bpodal DinaLeh So the Plttsbargi Oszotte.
Wasstioros Cm, Cot. 26, 1862.
fill ?lOW
o further details of tho fight on Saturday,
near yi.pp.hannoati Station, have reached
Rumors of battles yesterday lad to•day
have been rife on the streets, but Imes in no
wire been confirmed se yet. It will be found
moot probable that the prsisentsetivity of the
rebels in Meade's front is Intended to cover
movements In other dlreetions.
The report that Lee' whole army to on this
side of the Rappahannock, resetting from
Beverly Ford to Stafford Court House, is not
credited In military circles. If it be true, a
general battle may occur at any moment.
The probability, however, is that whatever
bodies of rebel troops there may be on thin
elde of the Rappahannock, they wilt retire
before a forward movement of the Army of
the Potomac.
A contract harbeen made by the Confeder
ate Poem See Department, to mu an exprue
and mail across the Idleslealppl river;
Thomas Kano, a citlson of this city, has
been tried before a Military commission for
procuring pay, bounty, and allowances as a
soldier upon forged papers, has boon found
guilty and sentenced to the Albany Peniten
tiary for five ran.
.1,5'1),763 15,663,083
us's urs 01.111••10X Is !musts
A correspondent In Lee's army, from Cul
pepper, under date of the 20th Inst., thus
some up the late campaign In the Richmetad
Enquirer: " Our troops have all doubtless
crossed. The enemy attempted no advadoe
upon our retiring columns, if, indeed, they
know of it. Thus you see the campaign is
over. Its results are briefly slimmed tie. We
hive captured about fifteen hundred of the
enemy, with some smell arms, and killed and
wounded at least as many more, and tore up
the Orange k Alexandria Railroad for twenty
five miles, with the Joss of not over twelve
hundred in billed and wounded, some few
prisoners and Your pieces of artillery, those
lost by °cur at Bristow's Station.
Whether this game was worth the candle I
Will not attempt to decide. Some think wo
have done wonders. It has only taken ten
day.' to do all this."
&TS n2I,LT:
The letter continues : "Stuart started on
Saturday last on a raid, bet cacao upon • dol.
uma of the enemy's infantry,near Dralnesville,
and was compelled to return without aocom
pitching his object. Gen. 8. was also engagod
with the enemy'. cavalry in skirmishing on
Monday afternoon, near Warrenton Junction,
on the river, but with what result I am net
advised. Before dosing, let me say • word
to our home folks about shoolosa soldiers.
That word shall be simple and practical. I
have Seen bravo men who had walked all the
way from the Rapidan to Bristow Station and
back to Culpepper with bare feet; and these
1111.1311 men had naverstauered, but were al
ways ready to meet a foe.' _
10,907 192
Geo. Milroy baya for ludiaaa oo a sweitsty
days' furlough.
Letters from prominent citizens of Itisconri,
Blau the publieation of the President's reply
to the delegation, otrongthen the cue against
()amble, by fiIOWNI the dim:atter of the ft,-
rolled militia to - be rebel and semi-rebel.
riutsotlptiocui to es s-twontiss last wsok ware
nsarly $14,000,000 millions.
Commiuloner Oates last calonlation makes
a difference between him and Oen. Meredith
as to the number of prisoners to be ornbangod,
10,1100 more on the rebel side, than olatmed
a few days s/noo. An 'sawing, of reeerds
of deceased prisoners has been agreed upon.
One list has already been reoelved from Rich
Was Dtrarraarr aD/CTLIAT 0111114L'i OPTICS, t
Womblopoo, October 1601, letct J
General Orders, No. 2.37.—8 y direction of
the President of the United States the De
partments of Ohio, of Cumberland, and of
Tennessee, will constitute the Military Di•l
sion of Mississippi. Major General U. S.
Grant, U, d. army, is placed in command of
the Military Division of the Mil *ppi, with
headquarters in the field. Major General W.
S. Rosecranr, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved
from command of the Department and Army
of the Cumberland. Major General G. H.
Thomas la assigned to that command. By Or
der of the Secretary of War.
E. D. Towsatixo,
Assistant Adjutant General.
Inameeavires U. S. Q. M. D 17.112111111,1,
CILATIABOOGA, Oct. 13th. IsoJ. f
Geeerol Order No. 20.—1 t is reported that
the ofhoersof this Department have demanded
and received from their subordinates, receipts
for a greater weight of forage than they ao•
tually issued. Such a practice ii to violation
of the regulations, end opens the door for ex
tensive trend, and to most reprehensible,
and upon conviction, the severest measures
will be taken with those who accept, and
those who give such false receipt..
(Signed,) M. G. Maas,
Quartarrosstar General.
Special dispatch ta tba l'Sttabargh Ciasatta.
Kiroxvruz, Oct. 25, 1863
The engerment of M-day wu a gallant
and hot mutated hand t 9 hand affair, and
tented over four hours.
The rebel terms ts estimated at b,OOO. Th.y
legit i n lag, wounded anal prlooners over
am hundred.
WooHord nosptured hta wagoo• train and
some of tits men, bet lost his Grass Hopper
Battery. Gar lotus to killed, woundsd and
mining ewe SOO.
ow l . sugars adenoid to-day.
The rebel wide a 'Mad tour miles below
phusgolphla, bet 101 l beak on our approach.
A running tight wee kept up anti' dark.
There're no rebels net of Sweet Water.
Sanders' loss wu bet two Mad.
The road above is all clear.
Col. Crawford, of the First Tenuous* Ar
tillery, bat jest returned from an expedition
to dl tribute ertai tbrongh Virginia and North
Carolina, and recruit. He wu snoetweral
in both. The people are rising everywhere.
Among tits prisonen sant to by him, Is the
InfeMotis bobwhaelters from Uppor Clinob,
kinneyhue, whose murders and berharltleo Sr.
bislang sad Brotroloor spoke from II
to sb immense coneonne of peo
ple, gstheltiVuilin twenty miles around. The
albs radio& von rewind with otattosisom.
rinAlAirirk,OeLler—Vfetwin !Dada her
debut" bx $ O- Dliht. It tb• Clinton%
Streellitasim UN* so emiovirts bats%
sad aresq4 ismailestettii. Tim*, and
ber 0214 vow mostes4 m Lesuk rao.
The - lady-AU
Capturg of the Leviathan—Arrival of
Tar ala 4 Tarpentlae—ltlockado Rua-
net Deirtroyed.
Wisuxearon, Oct. 2d.—The Navy Depart
ment has reoeived information that the steam
ship Do Soto, during the latter part of Octo
ber, when in the Southwest Pass, received in
formation that a steamer had been boarded
by a bind of rebels and carried out of the riv
er. After a run of thirty-five miles she was
captured and proved to be the Leviathan. She
is a new and very fast screw steamer, and was
amply supplied with coal and provisions for a
cruise, with a piekod crew. Captain Walker
says he feels great satisfaction in announcing
this success, for when the Boston, a much in•
feeler vessel was carried off by the rebels
some menthe since, we coon fell upon her
track, and had the opportunity of witnessing
the desolation she spread in her patb, black
ening the acne in her wake with the charred
memorials of many fine ships. The Leviathan,
with her desperate, band, ha.s been sent to
New Orleans.
Admiral Lee telegraphed from "Newport
News yesterday, that the Nembern has ar
rived from Beaufort with 5,000 barrels of tar
arid erode turpentine.
The Nansomond had driven ashore the
Venus, one of the largos: and ewißast of the
blockade runners with a valuable cargo. She
Is totally destroyed.
Latest from Europe
Cara liana, Oct. 26.—The atommor Canada,
Crum Llvorpool on Saturday the 17th, vla
Queonstown en the 13th, pawed Care Ftaee,
at 3 o'clock Ws afternoon.
tilts was boarded tact newn yacht .•!• the
Ante:dated Prose.
Politlual news by the Canada is unim
/Ivory Ward Beecher had tussle a forcible
speech in Liverpool, without any riot as was
anticipated. The addross, however, was Cs
gracefully interrupted.
Liverpool, Oct. I?.—Ditto's has been =cited,
and prices have advanced 144 for American,
and I...tiGdri for other diseriptioni on the
week closing quiet, and the tulladrance barely
Breadstuff, doll and tend downwards. The
authorities report dour quiet but steady, at
19sQ21s for A merman. Wheat dull and tend
ing downward; Rod ostern 7.®Ss 2d; Red
Southern So 3.l(Ass rid. Corn -putt and un
changed; mixed 276(4::96. Beef flat. Pork
tending downward. bacon quiot but steady.
Lard market bare. Sugar null advancing and
prices 30 - 3`411 higher. Coffacc quiet and au,
Pavis--Bouree was heavy and Rent...closed
at G7f 20,, O 17 --Consols cl , Jsud on Friday
at 93(g,93.1". Tbo Broad tuff market quiet but
Southern News.
Fortness hioarkoz, Oot. 25.—Tho Dielunond
Dispatok of the 24th Inst., hoit the following:
Headquarter. Areesz of Northern Tirrinia, Get.
23—To General S. Cooper: General imboden,
on the 18th. attacked use garrison at Charles
town, In the Shenandoah Valley, and captured
four hundred and thirty-lour prisoners, with
their arms, transportation and stores. To this
number add the prisoners :already forwarded,
and it makes a total of 2,442.
General Forest's resignation baa not been
accepted, and he has left Atlanta to enter
upon a separate command.
,number of Yankee pr i soners held in
Richmond last night, was recorded at Libby
prison ac a fraction under 12,000.
The Di•pateA, of the lid inst., contains the
following dispatches
Meridian, Mies., Oct. 20.---Offioial informa
tion states that the Yankees are rapidly re
treating to the Big Block, pursued by our
cavalry. On their retreat they ^burned some
houses In Clinton.
President Darin loft thi. p. m. for Enter
atriveton, 001. 2.1.—S reconnoitering party
of the enemy in barges, w►e discovered Dear
Fort Sumter last night, between 12 and 1
o'clock, and driven off with grape shot.
IVashlugton City Items.
Weaumotos, Oct. 26.—The Treasury De
partrueut has reoentiy sent 97,000,000 or
$9,000,000 t the West for the payment of
To-day the Treasury ie,eired another pack
age of notes from the wreck of the ►teamer
Ruth. Thi► furnishes additional proof that
all the money as alleged—s.l,ooo,ooo, Tru on
board at the time of the fire.
Over 5,000 rebel prisoners are to be removed
from the Old Capitol for exzbe age.
It L not known in military circles that
Bragg has been recently reinforced from Lee's
army, nor ii it believed that the report, from
Gen. Burnside, received yesterday, show that
ha is rendering good terrine in Eng Tennes
see, and hut repeatedly driven bock the rebels.
Active operation/ by the army of the Cum
berland has been retarded—a complete and
safe communication for supplies not having
yet been eitublishod, but they coon will be
Tao Penusylvania Railroad.
PaiwocuunA, Oct. sB.—The Pennsylvania
liallroad Si again forwarding goods to all
points west of Pittsburgh, the western roads
being clear of accumulations oausod by gov
enneut transportation.
Market. by Telegraph.
Few Tag, Oet. 46.—Ootion more seal's and dr
cidadly lirinar at andlli tor Middling Uplands. now
and loon. batter. at 14.1tyoteA , for Extra litatar,
$7,100)420 for Extra IL ft. 0., and $7,25 f or Good
to nudes Nxixa . Whisky bravery and lower at
6210. Wheat tutted and :Wain batter, at 111,n 1.
for now Chicago Spring, 51,32 for new mixed irago
Spring. SIX lot old Cblesnm Spring, $1,35,31,39 for
Milwaukee Club, S 1,4041,11: for Amber lows, 51,42,1
SIAS for Winter fad Wastarn.and $1,32/31,40 for In
tailor and common old Winter fled Western. Corn
adminead 3f3Sc per bushel at @LOX for nuniond
Westarn, nod $1,0141,(0% tor wand IVestern to
Moon Oats Ita2c better, closing quiet at 63111860 for
Western and State; Saturday natant 10,000 Mabel'
Qf C 4•114 1 41. Vrafe sold at Sic, &Namable beton the clam
of narigation. Wool firm. Pork Griner. with •
moderate demand at 814,X7M014,62% tor Old Mesa,
11100010,123{ f M
or New 00, 511,50r11,73 tar
Prima, andsl 14,60 for Now Prima Maas— Net
staady. Lard Armor. particularly fhomrda7 areidng,
at 1134tfall.fic. Chasm very ante .t 12.
New York Stock and Money Market.
Nsw Toss. Oat. 2t.—!lousy actin at 847 permit
pratolum—oearly all traimartwas at dm latter.
Burling Sacbanse firmer, bat very gnaw wed mom.
tleet; first elan MCIs mclaiaat at awe at 18.2%4113314.
Gold blib, bat . lrreaulex wad unaettleel, slosit4
at _ 14F4.
Otwarnaleat Stocks a AIM, armor—L'ulted Rates
KIM 'Bl 000poue, Il c tryll&h: 74tra, 107(1110A
Ratko better tmt t.
C. & T ' ' 17 ,Oloadlag— ....... ........13;
O. A G 113 4 l'll C
Miels.N., liii —tat ltli. Co.. ecdt ,„....... r .i,
Web- 11----... 88 1 3111. API D. C.__ ro
.42 4
ltd._ ____li I.N. T. C-. . .......1.%334
SmBo; . ----- I F.B-1 T0;76;r.--.403
Ponaoturata, oet. S6—Doan trut; taloa 0( OM
barnda at $ 5 ,.. 11 r. lnuat doll; af 4,5 0 0
t be tar ; ratio. da "'
= 11 91 , :c dactinardo,- C 4 .Ma twolodadl
mho o( 80,000 tanks2a at tylapt. lard dna at WC
Wittidiy trio at
The river, very erreirpectelly, raid several hubr
yeatartlay, amd Last avenizig,:the metal mart Indi
cated three feet Err inches. This Rita moll =-
tod .I.lroly from tbe atla,hea, ri var. ea the
Monongahela la about at a stand. cr other declialag
Tha ereathor yeaterday IRIA cloudy errri ram,
wilt, but allght. Indira( tons of run.
The 14.00 presented a more etwerfol upect ye.ster
day, fa ecrnsequettre of the river rising, iwd qtuto
number cf boats .are receiving frelght. Then le
=tun!arable fieight ready for shlytnent to va.
riot. points, end the only obstacle in the 'ray of •
brisk bnelnue to eteamboating, te the event of water.
ITe are in hopes, hovraver, that title most Darlene ob :
stank will soon be removed.
There has, as yet, boen no arrivals frog below. Thb
little Warner "Oil City" left for Wheeling lest eve
ning, uld watt thought that the "Capt. John'
EtnokeU." and the •'Jackman T. Stock..tele"—both
new boats—would get off 11,r CincLunati during the
Capt. John Rhode' new steamer arrived from
Brownsville yosterday. She will he ready for hurl•
nem in a very few days.
Capt. Robert Robinson, late of the Aba •• lisat-
Lark.' left for Parkersburg yeeterday, w bring up
the hull for • new boat hs le buiLllog. The ma
chinery and •tho.t everything iu bore ready to put
on board, so that he will get hie new craft out in a
short time after Use hull arrive..
Iho Pit taburg6 and Brovrturrills packer lure %um
rearmed daily trips.
Capt. W. Heed's new steamer the "Arroey No 2,"
le, without doubt, one of the net/Lust, etannehent, tad.
prettiest boats tbat bee been built hero title vu3u.
We t7WI refer to her to detail come future time.
The neat was mill rising on Saturday, with thrum
feet and a half water in the channel. The new raw
boat belonging to Capt. John K. Booth made her ap
plated.pearance at the landing. She will be speedily cam-
The new etessnens A. J. Sweeny and &ma Boyd,
an advertised to lenye for Cincinnati cn Sonny
next,.—Rlediskr fra 3 47xr.
Also. Importers and dealers to METALS, TIN
PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, to. C'Lnatattly 00
Warehouse, No. ItOTIRST 120 SECOND ETA.,
Special orders of Capper cut to any A.OreS pattorn.
BOTH ELBS.BB.—A reverend gentleman ha,
teg been Teetered to health In • few dep . . after un
,lergoing all the =II tontine and Irresnlar expen
etre needs. of treatment, Taboursrnaven, oonelders It
hie sacred dnt7 to commnalcate to hts &Mimed fellow
creatures the mantle of cure. Hence, an the remipt
of an addreesed envelope, he will sond,fere, a ropy of
the preerriptton used. Dtreet to Dr. JOBN
DAC/NALL, lad Fulton street, N. Y.
mh I LlydawT
. _ _
80118., DHALEas
STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
lar Collections made on Hi tha principal cities
Virnnetout the tnlietl Siatee. orat
PTO OCELBAN &8.110., Man.
sfoxittrers of IRON RAILING, IRON
.d SS TRIED STREET, bat. Wood and Market.
Hare on baud a variety of new Patterna,intuncy anti
plan:, imitable for all puriutees
Particular attention pall to .cloeing Ora, Lot..
Jobbing done at .l:ort
. --- - - .112311tY H. COLLINS, FOR NV iltD•
wholc4alii dealer In CIISESE, BUTTER, SEEDS,
FISH, and produce pi:malty. WOOD 57.,
Pittaburgb. .
C 1.41.11 4GENTS,-..
T. W. 1./1` Etrt
Liceetwel L 7 the U. ft
Id 3 Ylll7/1 s WT. 3d d 1344 r. the CailkedreL
Par, CU ylraala Poldim lent of the inonntaina. Ear ,
orn Ohio &Idlers, and West Virginia &Idlers, can
bare ittair Pettslow, Donuts' and Back Pay owned
at thin office.
Circulars will be sent sawing fa Inkrukstion to
the !Soldiers, or to ',accrued Soldier.' Beira, alsearing
xbo are entitled to'the Pension, Dimity and Back
Pay, and the roamer of securing the anus, by appl,y
inia ma
No o b ln t v a
tll istwte,rxson
NO. 114 11/713 ISTRYET, Prrrtorsow.
Oollectiorui in Allegheny and adjoining wrestled.
Prosscome SOLDIERS CLAIMS, of every desicrik.
lion ; BOUNTIES for all allscharg...d Soldiers. PEN
SIONS, for erovinded officals and Soldiers ; BOUN
TIES sad PENSIONS for Widows, Parents, Orphan
Children, Brothers and Sisters, or other legal rerre
sentativee of throe oho bare died in the write, or
bare died after discharge from disease contracted to
writ. &aria until collocted. and =I letter .111 be
anmand na....11 • rump Id inelomed- ,felfitlyws
CLAIMS of every deactiptlott, raazted by the {ob.
scriber, et the following Taws, : Peasioaa $lO oft;
all other claims fa 50.
C. C. TAYLOR, Attorney at Lie,
No. T 3 Great street, Pittsbezel, P.
. .
K. B. No clargoo ave ma4o it [to claim doss not
onceood. and all information given gratis. wkly
cocV.Ot DAVIS & PHILLIPS, 110 WaLer et.
rotrimora Brststae.
0t.19:2Pr DAVIS & PHILLIPS, 110 Water pt.
0:1111. WANTED—One who under ,
souls crating, and other hoopo.srork. Ad•
dross BOX 301, City of Alloglieny Post Odic*, with
relinsoos o 0 to qualMostioos and character. o40:11
- I,t A N D-A 11.82 1....L.AM •• K
Immo ; 0011 who ham n prootical knowirlaw,
can env. well recoosmooded.
.Addredis, Box na, Pon Office
100,000 ♦ No.l WHITE vA.IL STAMM,
rot 011 Darrel&
&wt. Poor. Soh kronufactnring Co.,
0c54.20r Mama, Ailegbony
BY - • 011111TIMW,, WILE ► TWA =Urn
Prhato busily prellinit
Adirms LOVE DOE Fa 12a, Ptttilnirelk P. O.
WANTED. -460 • MONSIL—We want
Arlie sa) • nieltals. =panne paid, lanai
ear refirwg Pre 7e, Prima 2:0~-e, and thirteen
Aber nins, inchri and cartons articles. Meet arti
cles senefreet Addison
ealt3mdma &Haw & CLARK. litddetri, Ms.
• • DR. 13AELZ
Pan particular altoe,, the treatment or
CIiROXIC ,DI3ZASXS. the ETE aadBLa °woks
tniCATA III . O e. foltitter rag,•ft emblem
PIIPIL. Emmett ET E 4 sadiron:l all
sad all dleesome *Ewing the UT ogld leellthg to
Mee, 103 717711 MELT.
ri DAtibl, lisucruxx 'Lula; TO
94 seU cbelip
tor ouli good mom TOE ; CAM.
keels of cloth ma& l• 0001 e booso, at
a. w.l.lAillre.
r .
NoMtz , So. ci lkolthltekt strove.
oo son No Tomato"; esno
" Wads's.
Jut rocietoXl sad It* We 7tir
, • , 11117XLB 41. DOM,
oda MI 044 123 W-9 141 amg
T r 411.1) - VirKNTED•— i the. , cash
IM.ftell,?/ vox •
K!7' es awl 70„:. ipc . ,s6lol. • -
ow & T.-1860--X.
Person! of eetientary habits, trtrobb,l vttb trra.t.
b m itpd t s ygapitatitzt of th• Lxrt. of at
pent*, distress after eating. torp..l -
tfon. ea. deeem tJ rr.firr ,t 1 ..ot try t.b•
Virhkb are new recommended lty the highest tnetli,al
authorities, and tearneustod to produce an nr.rned.,J,
beneficial *Met. They are exceedingly evocable
perfectly pole, 2.121 mast superamk
where a healthy, gentle lailculant Ix rrqtarect.
Thai parity, strengthen aril Invigorate.
They errata a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote to change of vaunt an•l diet.
ruy 4L.mati0...0.1 lot. bourn.
They strength.o the eyetem and enliven ths miod.
They prevent misurniatk and intermittent I...verr.
They ;nutty the breath end acidity of theatortd , h•
They care Dyspopola and Constipation.
They cars diarrhea. Cholera and Cholera Martins.
They cure Liror Complaint and Nervous Head=lie.
They make the weak etrung, the languidtellliant,
Leal are evJaanstad nattere'll great restorer. They are
oomposed of the celebrated Cali4aya bark, winter
green, sawarrini, rooli and herbs, an iresorral in
perfectly pure S. Croix Rom. for particedine, sea
circulars and testimonials around each tsottia
Beware of impoosia Ras:nine even, Dottie, S..
that it hae D. S. Barnes' elguaturs on our private r.
S. Stamp over the oork, with ?Lineation iscomos
oar firm eignature on a fine steel plate engraving on
nide label. See that our bottle Is not refilled with
nyliZ4oull and doletorlom stuff. We defy any person
to match the taste or character of our guar. my
paw. pretending to .11 Platitatnts Bitten by the
gallon or In balk. Is an Imposter. Wo cell only In
oar log cabin bottle. Any pers. Imitating C., is
twat* or coping any other materiel thmula, whether
coiled I",ntation Bitters or L.::: la a criminal under
the C. B. Law, and will be eo pre.cuted by as. We
already bare oar eye en two perilee re•diling out
bottle,. be., who will ..,,, getting the=wlrta
into el.s attesters. The demand for Drake:a Plan
tation Bitten from ladies, clergymen, merchar 'a,
4te b perniethy incredible. Ilea simple tekd et a
bottle to the evklenco we prevent of their worth /et
inraerkwity. They are add by all r.pectable drag
&eh groom,' physicians, hetet% dee:above Led
Cannery noir.
M 2 Broadway, N. T
Iz.DItAKE'S GENUINE BIT, mr pas btiblebaLe br.d retall, by
Corucu and Fourth airevoi.
EL A IL It OLAJfeI lit, Germasty,
Cirormirty Mafld s co.,
Eta only Vinegar swirled a Prize lardal, or
etrt7 exhibitor. et the intnraatloa•l Exhibittkin,
Loodon. Par wig t 7
F. 31. 110LI.31AN,
Dr. Ludlum's Specula
Is tbs only rallslas remedy lbr disosses of the arzsus
of imerstion. It hi tim CL.aret7 of on eniL,ctiht
nrAdaa who.s Ufa wan devoted to WI .arostsout of
Oda dal. of dLmiiee, wlth unprecedented
ore; tbr mute dub menu yrure. is
!belt rolintring no tnjoctlota, and dilfecln,7 entircry
from lb,. mOWea prnalca and iko numerous wort:.
len coraweads offvead W W. vu'ulic It Is cattruly
regetabla sad parfevtly mala It mats lila n cLarta
and linparlt stsvairti and v
C.A.I.MSON,--On, re x,. eat.... mf thu remc.iy is, n 1
G..ctize pr•rmarten4c-otra luta loa to Its bAng brat
b 1 =principled men. Oboe: te, !Let the at the propriztor 13 11.notred each box. Note
other Ls pliable. Prepared only by
Lk.l. Pmprictor. Cliactazati, C.
Sold b 7 .11 Droggiets. Price, El per boo.
®' ro: oda at wholesale by B A. S USTZTO C:i
& Co.
tuidersigtuni world anteutt.
to the preparation boar
For all Threat toad Lung Complaints.
The great Neuralgic, Rheumatic, Read-rele, Tooth
ache, Leas of Sleep, and General Nereone Remedr.
Mao for the Patna to 3funthly Menetrastions a pro
fact relief.
The moat perfect form of Cattuule ever givento the
public, which never requiro more than Oro and ed
dom bat cm for • dose, net without the le rut griptrz,
and curs Indignation, Dyspepsia, Eilloomeds, Ltver
Complaint., Piles, Worms, and all dorang,mouts of
stomach or bowels.
The abate preparations, of such unbounded rept
tattoo Is New England, here the mendence of, end
are used by, greet numbers of Physicians. and or
prices within reach of ell, are worthy the nunstion
of invalid', who will fled them a strict confarrnity do
nature Is medicine. Without roosting to the tom
mon method of columns of advertising, I seuttai ark
confide.. to tort them, which will he sacred.
JOHN L. HUNNEW.F.I.L, Proprietor,
Practical Chemist, Denies, Mass:
Tor sale by all whokole and retail dealers,.
The gnats,freedom of correspond.. solicited.
Dealers oftood references supplied en commission.
Tor sale W Pittsburgh, et retail by J. 11. Fulton,
G. H. Heyear, hi. D., Joseph Fleming: to Allegheny
City by Jae. Brown, M. D., W. J. Means and 6,.0. A.
oelG:3maralawl WhoJanda Agents, Pittsburgh.
I...piThil g r lXCN y sta C r o rD. l
The itaderrsigard fuming boon natered to boalth to
• Pm walla by a very slmpla =lady, elta baning
satibte4 sorvaral years with a Downs huts arectlceb
'ad that dread Maras, ani(oo3 Co
mike kaara to his fellow tufforan the means of erne.
To a 0 who dub+ It, be will send a copy of the
prescri . pt lon need, (free of charged with th e dives=
beta far yawing and =tag the lame, which they
ablest of t h e advertiser In =Mug tba pfpriFtiptica,
!a to beadle the affikeed, and weed infornattoze
width be modem to balevalnahle ; and he itopea
every maim will tor hi, remedy, ea it will cow
them nothing, and may preys a bleeding.
Parties wishing the pre+creptlonwpl plcase aeariss
Williatesbargh, !icor Tor k.
litiVtial koo t anda" a warning and caution to young
Manlitho infer from Nerstrus ItebEltty , Promatora
DeilY of Manhood, etc., 'applying, at tin" wen time,
a.... of miles. By ono who has cus-cd hitmeli
after being pint to pest turporao and biatzahningli
madb:al humbug sad quackery.
By tackling a post-paid addrused en'iloysa tingle
onto. may Itss bad of the maims,
tor2l:l7dAvrT Bedford, Kings county, N. y
0.11,0111;N130 ,
inaurs) TrASHISO
TOS WORKS, Porn= !Moamar:o p Pittsburgh.
Aussesigurces of BOAT AND . STATIONLET
mAoBINEBT, Gramm, SHATTI/iG: OA sr
elirasstali Oiroriptlogs i OIL TASKS STILLS,
-soma orf *ern tans WORN.,
Azieteese arrirmurs PAITSV INUCTOR
Di: for e .y" • '
0111 arm ALcolinrs.