, . a_... i.. , „a., ,f3argleal LiAltamilkstion of s Cottleript.. I The itirtels47Voie for Governor ‘l iilid fill- ' l tlii' fr.i- F.I /0"/iitir .......u........................,,, •, • .i., , hie., iiirke._id• 1 ittr ..... 4 , D IrERTISE. IrTg . l tit E. ' . • -' - Mx= ibiltunkitißiliCthin4iurl t iusturgh,oazei4. ,_., .: ... . k _,., ..•pretno -- irage- :, :' '.- -.• '"'' '' LOST OR STOLEN. — Chi 1 4 sittartlayi 1 The ez„er darChlef Engineer Dean, of the The fallowing i t coirtlete tebnlax stater J - R, ...„.... _ -,,8" . ",..., r....:-.4.,„G:,„tatel. , . ~,,,.b.,..rste, ~.. , e- ~ ,e- of the C. Ar. IL .R., Fire Department, called at the office whore I meta 4 the official r tote for Goaernor and Sri. wi th i-w„.721,.1fw.t.,e,,i-''"' • ' ' Ws' , o , ~. ..irk, e l ..I , ''' ,6- a v, n r • • BLACK make shoes for et tiring, and handed me a big Drente judge, cast in Pennsylvania. October '.,.,, , 1 lestat 46 I.IIIIIIITY ernErr._ 1i:•,,Ai1,!.-.",8P'"'':;"r.,',N,'f,.,:17,...:"„Cf I. '. -' , ::, :::,7i, white envelope, notifying me that I was draft. • - -- ; od and . must report myself for examination at lath, 1863, ar it is recorded in the Secretary W Ell, numbers: li,lioh 11,11,1, ii,11,2, 12,1:-1, 11,011, hot ~ , :::: =Oa. 27 , 1868 - i LaWrenCle, on the 18th of August. of State ' s office : TES HEN . , priblie'ltre hereby cautioned against parriorming or _1 . Jipply to . , LUPTpIi:OLDDIDE ACO., 1 negotiating for me wee. A liberal reseed be paid __...-- -- --, - .77. I Hoer I consider It the duty of every citizen ----------- I ocnint car. TM and Wood etas. 2d story. I for the tecurnof bag awl mouton , t.' , Another Draft • ito give his life, if need be, for the defense of EMBEIVI . H. DAVIS, his country. So on the morningof the event- ! ! .... ~ 93 Wood Foust. Upon therespense of the country to the 1 fel 18th, I put on a clean shirt and my Sunday , President'e proclamation, calling for rolun• 1 clothes, and started for Lawrence, to see if I • Leers, dopende the question whether an- I eoll a d w g r e e t . eep ee l it m airn d aitul on the He" I r iv er, e other resort to the draft will be necessary. I , and its principal productions aremud, duet, In the former draft under the law of 3d ' and factory girls. The city proper, or at least I men' what I saw, consisted of a long narTOOF entry, ; of March; 1633, about three out of ten les7. :poomineeofimilichotfofgsimtaimrse,treadso,raaned:oovmerDeheumad wick enrolled Id the first class were drawn, { sa g about seven-tenths of that clans un- won-oat tobacco quids, and furnished with 1 drawn. The names of the men drawn in I o s ne. °ha . tr.., packing Ittr;:,,lnkder„orl.lrr,',' each sub-district arebound up in packages, 1 Scattered qp arou g nd this palatial entntnce hall wad it is pot likely that those packages will' were some forty or fifty eonscriEts,lookinedej, 11 be opened (except to correct improper en- li mach r onuttfifoldheaygeaVotarodtht • young ee : I L with y rolhnents) until the names yet undiatersed I the ferocious moustache should notify them of of shall have all been drawn. their turn. Most of them, however wore doomed to disappointment, lor, while they Judging from the experience of the last counted the boars of delay, the door would draft, and the small number of men obtain- suddenly open, and the tall young man would m hi o m m. through the ed froM:At for actual service, it is very solnpegt:edOourtWaamy " to l a d se m en no h probablfi that, should another draft be re. - My and by—that is, after scrotal hours gained through the failure of the volunteer- wa i tin g —my "/onnSmi t th Smith!" shou e te . d the doorkeeper. ! log enterprise, net its than four out of seven "That's me," says I, and, with a - cheer of the Marmot names of the first class will be re- from the crowd, I entered a large square room paired (d met the' imperative wants of the ser- persons sat writing at a table, and w a h th e ir " dr e o ridently a surgeon, was examining a Mu. 4 therefore becomes an interesting man in the last stages of nudity. question of personal concern to every man One of the writers at the table, a young who is - enrolled in the first class, but not man with curly eyes and blue hair, nodded . to me, and dipping his pen in the ink, dam yet drawn, whether it is not much better to thono ;d_.. go in as d volunteer, and thus seourgboth 7,i:ha flreitii,,,rhats's_y.our name the honor and the very liberal bounty offer- .'w here be we ?. you'eyborel born ?" ed by:thc Government., than to run four "Podunk, Maine." chances out of seven of being dragged : in- " What dbilyour great grand mother die of." "Darned if I know," says I. voluntarily into the service. . i "Call it happentap," says he t " and your It l supposeday the best 0 informed men grand father, that One o r the fret acts of the next Con- 'I don't ears what you call It," says I, for I was a little riled by his nonsensical guar gross will be to repeal or greatly modify the tions. commutation provision of the law. One "Did you ever have bolls ?" say. he. suggestion we have seen is, to raise the 3 reu a ,; ) ,? iL" amount to slx or eight hundred dollars, the " Nary fit." money to be devoted to the 'support of the ::?z r o d s e i liriut f , !remote?" families of poor men who shall go into the „or rickets service under the draft. ' "I'll ticket you, " says 1, for I thought he Men to fill up the depleted ranks of the g . e e meant something o y m ou et e h v in o r ha il ve . the moult , ' ?" says be. army must be had. The time of the origi- Hero I took off my coat. nal:three year!' man will expire next sum- "Or the itch?" mer,:and their places will bore to be sup- ih‘o',..Yeeds,asvirecy said ge l— bm, " Tha o t n e e re .i Mat (a:i h d re l , plied. Should volunteers come forward inches of his nose) hu been itching for the promptly and fill pp the old regiments, the last ten minutes to knock ycur pesky head off, you little, mean,low-lived,oontemptible whelp rebellion may, and probably will, be sub- you." . ' dued before the term of service of the yet- "My dear sir," sad!e mild-spoken, gen •l ors, now in the field expires. In that t"iceflainnylyoamasif,ozi,plazyn his band on my arm, Don't 'etyma angry ease the services of most of the new voltm- passions rise, but take off yoir clothes, so I teers will be short and very profitable, both can toe what you are made of." So I suppressed my anger, and, withdraw• to themsetres and to the country. ing to • corner, I hung my clothes upon the Hach 'volunteer is allowed to choose the floor, and presented myself for examination, regiment in which he desires to serve. clad onlybowitthat.hea are coveinriAgonfaotumirrethttrreonn, i , uJpon the back of each copy of the enlist- except y ce r T ig t right ohin, Aare I had fallen over P &chair, ! most (says circular 90, dated Oct. 23d, the night before, fooling for a match. i —--------. ------... ---- °MC. LLII.II. SNSVILANCI s 0,11,Kr, froin the War Department) shall be enders- "Young man," said the surgeon, looking ; • rittehttratt, October 27th, 186.1. ) me straight in the eye, "you have got the . [ 1 --- : - .,..--> IN ELECTION FOR TIIIRI'EEN ed the regiment for which the recruit en- myepie. „ I '-'•' - - 7 DIRECTORS of this Company, to servo' for listed:: "Yes s ir, " said I , " and a good one, too, ! the emoting year, will be held at Pa °Moe, In Bags -a little ' Beringer, with a drop of Stoughton: : ley's Building, Water street, o f n l ll . ESD.I.% N i ..... 4n absurd idea has gained currency makes an excellent eye opener of a morning . "l ber loth, between Lim hours o _ i i . w. _no : a . n reu. r. no song people who are not as favorable to „ And there seems to be an 'murals . ten. ; . '1.7'41 1101168 T I , !O. rT g auras. WO elute of the country as they might be, doncy of the right eye, accompanied with , a .---FMALH INBHUCTIO.—Ii Mi. enhthalmix." "<7 TWIriISO having ecevre.l the services of a ttiot. the term of en li stment may be pro-1 -.„ sh .,, : „ 5.7. I. k ,„, ""' s Pst'ulladarrikriadD gi PAINTING Artist b l i o . Zaike rge trefited to a longer period than three years , I "And that white spot in the loft e y e --°' lnary, can adm it aI ew pupils to this etas:, who are sheuld the war continue so long. But here I t ens a cataract.." , not mow atteuttants. Ash. has two other Assilt.- " I goes. you mean in the ear," says I, rot Teachers, the arraupmonts are so,l, as not to San the egpr3fis terms of enlisuneut: "I do ..'cause I went in swimming this morning,. hiterfue with the regular order of other etudles. hereby acknowledge to have enlisted this and io tan all-fired big bubble in my left / A_P l 2l i . mt , r l "" icl a • o d d ..i. r. ° . ° .. 1 1.. ""' t he r.?" , lt ---day of—to serve as a soldier in the °!"': jumped up and down two or — a... A.. 2 ,th three t a i h m d e h s e o r n s m i. ylettfoot, but to no purpose. . ogle:?" _ army of the United States of America, for as soon a.l I stopped, he mounted a chair, and r ~. THE Lite period of MICE Y8A13.9 Unless sooner die.- commenced feeling . the top of my h ul" Stockholders of the Penneylvania bait Man "d: . ufactnrhog Company will be held at their olidee, No. " Was your family ever troubled with apt chargod by the proper authorities, - .k.c., Ac. I ._ ~ he 177 Walnut bluest, Philadelphia, on. W NONNODAY, v , 53 . • says • ~ , N o vember 11th , at eleven o'clock a. tn., for the elec .:. Every consideration—honor, patriotism ' Only the two hoye, says 1 ; ,!, when they weds inch, r l b rectors to ... efr: fo o l e th e t e ., ens p uirlyzar, and private interest--combine together in c a a trn h e tooth them cmolibrifthealways te:;. at them with '''',,c-r6,2,,, SAMUEL P. lISHER, Treasurer. favor of this effort to put the war through Jumping off the chair, he hit me a kick in - M'''''''"i•itt.'‘bniarr I ! >C ' t c 7. .iit . .7l b atl. '. by the voluntary services of the people. the ribs that nearly knocked ma over, and bees r.-7-e.).• TITE ANNUAL ELEcrioN Full 't every roan do what he can—ge, if he fore I had time to moot:strata, his arms we •-• DIRECTORS TAU he held .t the Banking dmy nec k and his head pressed against Howe, on MONDAY, the 10th day of November Can go, or make sonto sacrifice in aid of . my berm, the stunt . way that Sophia ADO nett, between the hears or tem a. no. mdi two F. 'those who do go, if he cannot go himself. 'does whet/she wants me to buy her some new The annul tueting of the Stockholders will be things. bald on TUESDAY, the 3d day of Novembor, at ten The people of each subdistrict should call I 1 a nd bw t i,n J e us ts twhat I thought," says he, " tuberett- -9.81..k,,,,....0.• • JOUR SCOTT, Jr., Utalder. meetings and endeavor to secure as many tests and hemoptels, combined with a defect ''`'',„.. rr .,,,,_ Pittsb h vet-lee. 3 toluntee7s as will exempt it from the open - in the scapular membrane and incipient Ilferg - EITIO.Nn' . O II " .eta, tEct_ .t plittliis." talon of the draft. A generous emulation "H aar ... 1., s ay, I , ";hat' s th.,?.• On at !tile Bank will be held at the Bunk ing Hot" CM MONDAY, the 100, day of November, may thus be excited which shall lead to the " And cardiac disease." between the been of 10 o'ckck ;p. ra. " No 7" eald I. The regular annual meeting of Stockholdmo trill happiest results. " And ha held on TrfII23DAT, NOT. 3d, at 10 o'clock a tn. " Thunder! " said I. odium OEO. D. moonset, turht.r. "Stop talking. Now count after me—one." 'Oise ' said I, dead with fright. "Asthma I Two." "Two," I yelled, "Rums of the right labeler I Three." "Three," I gasped. "Gotalgis. Four." "Murder," said I, "Four." "Confirmed duodenum of the right ventticle Fiver "Oh I doctor, aint you most through? I feel faint!" "Through? Nol Not half through. Why, my friend, Pandora's box was nothing to your chest. You have epttynixians, and gloriosis, and coneheilogia, and persiflage, and—" "Here my knees trembled, and so I leaned against the table for support." 'And permanent taxation of the interior lobe of the right phalanx." "My only answer was a deprecatory gels S. RIDDLE & CO .LDIT ^IO, TUESDAY MORNLNG• Retribution. The Richmond Whig, of the 20th of Octo ber, has a column upon what it calls " the war against women and ohildren." The gravamen—as the lawyers say—le that the doors of all-the boarding houses of that city are closed against these helpless creatures, whom the necessities of their condition have either driven into the public offices, or cast upon the streets, and the chivalry is rated soundly for its want of gallantry and cold neglect of those whom it was wont, in bet ter times, to cherish and defend. What a lesson is beret If there was any one thing which, above all others, not only "fired the Southern heart," but steeled it against the soft visitings of humanity and brotherhood, it was the fierce and de moniac hatred of northern men which seemed to have taken possession of all those bosoins in the South, which should have been only open to the gentler feelings, and ought rather to have thrown themselves, like the Sabine mothers, between the contending *Anna None were so much interested in peaoe—none so likely to be damaged by war—as those• whom the winds ofjoeaven bad not aforetilis been permitted to visit too roughly ; and yet it was they who drove their own natural protectors—their own husbands and sons—into the bloodyfield. And now look at the consequences! They unsezed themselves, and made wolves and tigers of the men, and those who yet re main—true to the lesson which they taught them—are turning away these very women, with their helpless infants, from their doors, as they wander about through the streets of Richmond, seeking shelter and a miserable subsistence with hands unused -to labor! 1 What a swift retribution is here! And - yet bow gladly would the devised Northern mudsills, whose homes have, in many in stances, bean Made desolate by their Insane fury, eatend that relief to those deluded creatnses which their own hard-hearted b .ethrMi deny them TIM National htelligert cer sullies that the emancipation edict has no practical value, and submits the following theses: Haver) wa everywhere deetroyed by the tomtits =at oar arcaloo Wen the proclem.rier,or. .51.qrp L viva where destroyed by the hostile Mamas of our anaire Ain*. the proclamation boa ban bard Requtra t i to prove thet.itis the pr aw:eldest which destroys savory. In the first place, it is impossible to suppose that the prociarastion of a Government so strong ,a oars, the policy of 'a nation so great and influential, should holneffative. In the second place, .if the proclamation would be worthless without the armies .to-,enforoe it, It doe, not follow that the armies isenotatronsor with it. In the third pines, that ;the decree :of emancipation -strengthens. our armies in the work of craancipaGon; is-proven by the feet that hofore the decree was issued prir slavery got:Crab; returned slava to their re , hellions masters. With or without the prods titatlorii the'tendency of the war la to fieetrO7 slave J - With lye Pfeeleleution,, it destroys, livery . with ~ the 'espreese4 authority of the nation.-,PAia. Prom. -s • : 41:1 •`-t--sffFif;zi t 4. , - s SYlsf- _ ture." And scrofulous diathesis and ontaiopo diies." I sank to the door in despair. "Elluxiation l" ho yelled, for he saw I was going fast--and maxilllarittm and—" I got exempted. National Bankrupt AasoclaUon. An usoelation has been organised with an office in this city for the purpose of oombining the interests in favor of the passage of • ne, tional bankrupt act. The object is to WWI the speedy passage of • bill to provide for the relief of honest but unfortunate debtors and the equal and .1654 distribution of their pro perty among their creditors, to whoa It justly belongs, and allow tho debtor to commence business again free from clams he could` ot pay A uniform system of bankruptcy con templated by the constitution, and at no time is our history has one been more needed than now, this-business world being still crowded with ' the wrecks of 18t7 and 1880. A wise and judicious act can be framed which - shall meet the wants of the publie and secure them hgainst fraud. W 6116 detaehed efforts to in duce Congress to pass • measure et this kind are likely to fall, T.lgoroas gaad aattadadort will succeed. Those interested are invited to Join the atogoiation audalkin pushing on the bell.—N. Tf Onestireloi. - Snccturnt Exrintriox litres OAIOLINA. —A Newbern (N. C.) dispatch, dated October XO, says: The recent expedition of Cot. Simon Mix, of the 3d New York cavalry, through the northeastern part of this State, has returned to Newborn. The results are most Important. The attempt to Snforee the rebel conscription in the counties iut of the Chowan river and south of the Albemarle Sound was effectually frustrated. The country has, by a tacit un derstanding, been considered neutral territory, end the Federal forces have refrained from oo copying or garrisoning it, although virtually within our lines, it being separated from the interior by a wide rimpatrolled by gunboats. The citizens, appreciating this forranee, and indignant at thy- bsd faith of 'borehole in endeavoring to impress them into military service, have now almost unankaoludy repu diated the rebel government, and call upon the Union forces for protoction by the imme diate establishment of piste at Edenton and Elisabeth City. A nw &ye since, a well-to-do business man applied to a banker InThielp, to dis pose of $lO,OOO in Galena and Chicago rail road stook. Hr had bought them tame years ago 00 Nuts; they were mow quotad at 112 —a good time to sell. The hanker notioed the dots, and rentarked, Iran mustbays re ceived something handsome in the way of dividonds upon thief" This startled the bolder of the stock, who replied, " Why, no; never reaelvod a dollar, never thought of dividends from the time Llainght the stock, .iivinarylire ago, to the potent Moment." ga watt straightwaylothoalee of thiatins-' patsy, and thus found some $3,000 to his credit, for dividsads. cor% - ris , Adam. Allegheny Armstrong Bearer .... . • Berke Blair --- Bradford Butler Cambria Cameron • Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clinton- .. ........ Clearfield Columbia Crawford Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Erie Elk Fayette. Franklin Fulton Forest Greene 11untIngdon Indiana ......... Jefferson Juniata Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon. Lehigh Loosens Lycoming .... Mar./ Miffllll Monroe. Montgomery • -” Montour ....... .... Northampton..... Northumberland Perry Philadelphia ..... Potter ScbuylkW Somerset 3,20) 3,961 1,751 1,46 G 13,341 3,0C1 3,658 3,08 7,0531 3,414 3,907 1,709 684 6,22 1,112 3,465 2,642 44 2,323 274 'in Susquehanna... Tloga Union Vanangn ..... Warren.......... Washington.— Westmoreland Wyoming York doyen:tor G. W. Woodward'. Govornor Curtin'. mtclorit7 D. Alryev'e vote W, p. I,ow`le'e vote AgtleVr ' S majority. Mamas. Licsatioax, CLaws k Co., of Now York City, Government Agents for the sale o the 11. S. 5-20 Loan, took subscriptions yes terday for one million of dollars of the bonds —N. Y. Tima., Oct. N. PUBLIC .POTICES. Boa Of PITIIIIVII-011, jor October 16th 1883. RLECTIOS FOR DLRE - oss no.. Bank will be bold at the Dank. Wit Nome on MONDAY, November 10th, 1540, he tart•en 00 boars Mamas a- En. and 2p. at. The sn ored sawing of Steal:widen will take plug on TIMSDAY, November 3d, at 11 a. m. cleft:list 8.11. 1111/111AY, Cubic Atom:wry Bon, Oot. lith, 11063. ELECTION FOR DIRECT ," 088 of tkJa Beak will be bald et the Count ing flout* on the 16th day of November next, be tweet, the hones of 10 o'clock a. cu. end 2 o'clock p. se. J. W. COOK, Cuhier. The uannal tmetlng of the Stockholder. .12 bo held on the 341 day of November next, at 12 o'clock nk. 0c15:13n Ito. Ctrs BASS, Pittsburgh, Oct. Lsth Jena. .7 . • AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bonk erlll be held at the Ranking Hann on MONDAY, Nov. Nth, DM, he tnoen boars of II m. sod p. m. no gamma meeting of Stockholders will be bald on TEIDSDAT, Noe. ad, 1303,1.111 o'clort s. . ocllklat J. MAGOTTIN, Cubic, drnirme Basra, Pltuborgh, Om 16th, 1n67. ELECTION MR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS .1 this Bank will to held at the liwming Homo on MONDAY, November lath, at wo o'clock a. m. The regular annual istertl;of Edinrkbolders be held on TUESDAY, NO, RI 11 o'clock a. m. oolirtm GEO. T. A Cashier. gyosfiAi'til'. HASKELL will apes clasps for .• Physical Culture wad L*M Ortrinastica," as to by Dr. Dio ALL on °MODER Tura, Duo, at NEVILLE HALL, corner of Liberty and Fou rt h streets. Circulars to be obtained at the different Book Storer and at the Elan.ocirgler k i--;iT' ISH.-50 half barrels White Fish re relystii &rid for sa•by J. B. CANYIBLD. EARLASH-30 casks 'No. 1 in store and for gbh by J. B. CANITIBI.^ - ;BON TJII,--Tik bble. Refined ...lad for gab. by J. B. CAN FISLD. stove antV, FLOUR, Family and Extra,_ for sale al las Liberty 'treat. WM. P. BECK CO. GM AP •LE for Nolo b WALLOW 01L-12 Mole. to arrive iv rall, for Ws by ISAIAH DIM= At CO. WIUTB BEANg--2,0 bushels prime I for Ws by W)1. P . BECK CO. TOBFC-10 fare nice Butter for it" este by UENBT S. OOLLINS. B AGOL —lO dozen eileond-hand Twillod Ur_ for We by HEIM , 11. °DIMINO. SWEET POTATOES.-20 bble. Jere. , Bisset Potatoes Jest received and for ads at 1: Sword street IntA2IIC VAN 00111 n Et. PLES.-200 bble. chorco Green AApples received sio for lab by J. B. CANFIELD. . _ SALfElaill,.—diders solicited lei. Nat, by WU. P. DICK I CC).. oat Molise la Grocers, 116 Liberty sued ("TAM—Western Reserve Cheese, ki selected for retail CattloWfor. Co. °eta NO. 1 irIYTBR, LARD OIL--8 bble to arrive by rail, foe ante by Co. o de 11101.17 VOW UTLERTB .L Ea. asortiorat, for Pala bT JLASESSO r X, 1311 Wood Meet. IMat.CKY WILLOWS-4U bundles 11 now landing Yenin railroad care, for oda try oaf. IBAI&R DIMLY & CO. (`CHEESE;-1,0 0 5 0 Ws. Western & - serve; fro 11" ", In atm; izuftor gala by J. IPAANTLELD. VIDTE—RMITt PACKING, GA& I.tarigUrMustsr.' . 1 7 " baad J. ad& 2e Will Bt. CULT ataisa. WWl ' OIL CLOTHS, of All Asidtbs• .:1-40.*Ww",stoo, MIEN- OIL CIAO. * VlCse , stomp os bout st Ito OilMt& u m , P o Oil of J. & E. PHILLIPS, Par sat= St. CO arm. >, 7 i 1 4 e WASTE() TO RENT, A GOOD WASDHOUSE, Pittuttod in • busioets poltion of lb. city. Enquire st 128 SECOND STIIEXT. A nt to ilire Agents cil LI in every county at s7b • month. sz us Pad. to sell my new cheap f amily month. Sewing Machines. Adam,S. IHADISON, Alfred, Mane. ol242nadatel" WANTED —An interest -as an A ctive partner, in • well established manufacturing bualneay—a branch of the Iron 'nutrias_ _preferr. WU! be willing to invest trom $16, 030 to 12 0 , 000 . stbitem, with real name, oc27,St W, Gums Orrica. FAMILY HORSE AND ROCKA WA I TOR SALE. A fine FAMILY 11011 SE, that trots in 3,10; gentle to very n.ped, and can be driven by W children. ill be sold loy. Inquire of ocrltler hicTIC1111 ! 112 !fifth street. OLD TYPE FOE SALK About Onefihousand Pounds. M .t V st th . CLUNTTZ PiTRAYS.—Takon up, running at -&-j bap In the City of Pittsburgh, oa the night of the Std tuft, OHS 1113.01r11 was, and also ONE BROWN YALE. The owner or owner. are no to come forward, prove property and pey &ergo, or they will be sold according to law.. ocrat ROBERT ILAGION, Chief of Police. RRAUTIFIITL RITUDING LOTS FOR 6.LLZ.—/i lot of 96 foot front by 110'lliet &op, situate on Salot Marro aostma near thi Catholic Chetah. It will be diviX.didisd, to =lt par othaira. 'farma cosi. Sp to G. Y. Brokar, acs' Calor Moat, Lawreneerdllo. 1,617 - 2,659 -7,519 1,458 6,540 3,583 2,304 37,665 1,166 PROPRIETARY AND REVENU STAAI.III, of all denonstnattoos. A fral enpply 'rept constantly on hand, at the Internal nevenue Oam, No. GT Water street, watt door to City Tome- DAVID W 'r7' A = 7 ; of Internal Iternaney Alld Dist. Pa- Ilera.—Letten should be Wrested to Alleghony, eel Ilttileorgh. oat 1,442 8,463 3,060 1,755 354 4,418 4,42A 1 1,i73 3,271 WEN M •-F open, on sexy aDAT. sfrith Haunt, at , elegant assortment of WINTER BONNETS, LADIES' AND HISSES' HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, dc., The twerastrtytea of the wawa. No. HD FEDERAL STREET, ADaghsal City. ocallate OPEN 0. BEGGS will open, to SATURDAY, Seth tn.., a handsome wad elegant aaaort=ont of 11.D3 INTER BONNETS, LADIES' AND W SYS' HATS, RIBBONS, LOWERS, FEATHERS, Az. Al. the lateot style N s of CLOAKS AND ae o. IV. FEDERAL SWE cgca. ET, Allecheny City. 1,4110 1,238 2,961 I,:ma 4,368 3,133 5,581 1,431 8,037 ROUT WELLS NEW WORK ON THE .11.1 NEW TaX LAW.—A Man./ of the Direct awl /thelse Tax System, of the United Stan., Inclod log the forms and retrolattotui established by the Comtotastorter of Internal Balsenne, the gelato., and Bogy of the gatmiseloosr, together with ex trects from the oorreepondencs , of the office. By Geo. 8. Bontwell, late gausilesioner of Internal Revootio. Crns vol., S so. rTIOI. 52 50. WAY It. Oft, GS Wood street. A NOTHER itICHMOND IN Th... A PIXLD.—We are new prepared to Toralsh Cap. tats. and owners of Steamboetts with STEAM Sti. °INES, of any atm and woke. We will rumba , all the rosoltlneu of a boat., and .coon prom point of ex oellence too Ws hope, by oar promytnees la coming ay to time, and the quality of our work, to share the patronage of one omit fiver men. 11.1 d. SOUL .elf Dank of Alitichmoy 800 T B I B ON . rt . s ki A b T i u . N I 1. A D T OIL AT A , 13 .3 o'clock m., will be .old, at. Merc.hans's Lachangs, Fourth Direst, between Wood and Market etreets, Pittsburgh, for account of whom It may .00111 . 11, 800 BiRRWLYI ItglIltP1) CARBOI4 OIL, In bond, prim. quality, Semitesco brand, In iron barrels. Samples can be seen by calling on nese. Seller. Canfield dt Co. Terms at sole. w.. 1% Dells Amt're 1511 ---- EIrINRD OIL AT AUCTION.--On PIILDAT, Oast.. 30th, at 12 o'clock be wild , at the lifmchanta' Exchange, Fourth street, between Wood and Market !streets, Pittsburgh, for “COl whom it may concern— Utl barrel. Ardeem Brand, WS do Standard do, RISTIICED CAIIDON OIL, in bond, (lima. new, f)( prune quality, and in good shipping order. od d DAVIS it )IcILWAINE. Amt . !" Fab:SERVE YOUR CIDER. TIIE SCLPTIITE 011' LIME, DPeovered by Prot. Horeford, • LI pr•port Ctd.r from surPog wur, wd greatly Impruro oballry. la bottlp mak - pm tor. bprol of OldP, •rllb ffuulll ,Ilrectlon• for tile. Tor pia by SIMON JOHNSTON, VALUABLE SMITLIFIELD PROPERTY YOB BALE.—An excellent lore run for Abner ray kind of burner. The building la of three stories, and well brit La , in good 'Lyle, end very conveniently an - tinged. rge Store floom, with 13 feet ceiling, good show windows, &c. The room on the emend door 11 40 feet in width, with .00d stairway. Hall and able err.. to dwelling our, good cellar, etc. This property will be Bold at • bmain, as the owner Intends leaving the city. 8. CCTIIBIIRT 8 80148, ft Mmk.t et. Shl ALL FAKIii FOR SALE.-Eighty three acres of reliable land, eixty toetlys. Lion, .oven ammo *owed with fell grain, twenty•thres iwres of choice timber—white ,alt and hickory ; all good, emooth land, and lies well for roltiration. A well built frame dwelling house, barn and etable-16 excellent spring and opring-house, large gar den paled in, orchard of two arras Prior low. Terms easy. Apply to S. CUTHBERT A SONS, rommerrial Broken', DI Market R. HOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE IN LAST DIRMiNGIIAM.--Ou THURSDAY MORNING, Oct. Pith, at 10 o'clock, will sond, at the residence of Y. Plunkett, Eaq., on Catreet, above Centre etrest, In the borough of Birmingham, • quantity of Household Furniture, comprising Sofa, Chains, Carpets, Picsares, Mr.:idol., Silver Plated Candlesticks, d.c. • China Tea Sett, Bureau, Dining Table, 1•01,0 p Hedged, Settee, Stand., As. .27 DA ' ISA !UMW AINE, Auctlrs. FLOURING 1!-ITL--I.,A)K SALK—Th. sntecrlber arm for tale the ALLEGHINY CITY MILLS, Invested In the Fourth Warel, teeny Qty. We ll known Mil has been rebuilt Well, sod °ratan four run of French Burn, with eLL the lathes Improved umehthery for nmnufseturtnig the best bnuodi. of flour. linjoie • rood keel ea ell ss foreign imetons. Fhb Is • rem rhea. hr Mothers men, and in larks say who with to missy In • prollbsbss Motors to ull at the XIII, where term will be roar 4 known. oelllklmclewT .1. vozony etA.VALRY HORSES WANTED.- The undersigned will Writs., to openuurbet, Cavalry Ronne for the United Sums *omit*. The Stoma to be from fifteen (15) to Mown (18) bands high, from lha (5) to nine (8) years of se, compactly built, In good flea b, and fre4llm all deiscia. Horses will be received subject to inspection, at Pittsburgb, Pa., from the l ot to the I.sth of Mourn e.. ; sada% Co l umba., Ohlo, from th. 1611 to the 30th of November. E. M. BAKER, Capt. let U.'. Cavalry; YIELDING LOURT, Capt. A A. Q. M. orMtercliorT Cavalry ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF fin CUMBERLAND. By Offloer. Illeutrated with steel portraits, wood engravings an d maps. I volume, 8 vd . 671 usgal. OUR SUNDAE BCROOE, AND'bOW WE MAN. ACE IT. By Waldo Abbot, with an introduction by Rev. John B. V. Abbott. DEFENCE OP ARMAGEDDON. to Lecturee. by B. P. PitU. For nlO by 10 bbla.,.asaorted, WM. P. BECK & CO. c=2,4 O r - EiVi bOREI FICA NCY AUSTIN BALDWIN 4 CO., 11. BROADWAY, NEW TORE. AlmMoores at low rates oo Gnat DrPalo. Indagd Ix. Mows poems. from Liverpool or Closeastowa. Pooling§ fbrwarded to porn of Cho world. _l - 13ST RECEIVED. T - 7 1 1 .0. e. Ma nsak Sant, for the complexly , triertieies Metre*, Ibt reetoetts the Halt. Drale's Cimarer Plonlatioa Nun. ram r Dy. att.., a ebadee. Lindeey'e Improved Mood Scarriar. trursars Cbeoaime awl *Mon. Mr.. Allele. Maio Beeroier dad rifia`dr'rnara. Wieharrs Pima Tree Tar Laker, Bloom af roork. Fias Perfume. aad Rat. Oh. Omit sad alt Ormay for t l 4lTa bands, face, Is., at O. A. XILLY'II CIIIITEIT. TUG lITOItE, 0c24 lo Varlet Hotly, AlleXhil.7 yr EW BOORS. 4 The Old Iterebsate °[&.w Talk. 2dostee. Th. Blackman; tits sattoodeato sad Ids MIL , 4 Tr.-Ares 16.1 r. SY MI. Wood. a Victory. G Mhositreddos. Our Old Ham. Bp l 1111 1 1b.m. Gals Dam , eildlstitOteo. • ' The Amber Gods. Bs attes rttgott• Uusits /tithed of bud,' titifolarl i ins "' , &rt' end Gross • Its - Moe WI- Mendsliebettb lettleorttedr sedilettserbutd. Leseve from tbe DWI adiCASSOZT.M . -YU Idibt wiDaek et tbetbell • Tbe Toungizneteli , Claseleuotatleas—e Tboapt Bea. 3 7 Li: l sw ThlrOnftlarGetleiht; ‘OTS. l .., l l 7 ; 9°lotri The oda= or siersimi tidal Th. Deed Dot. Aow book *a Yet salt by UT CO, =retied. Grans or rim Cove...use or lux.. ear Co., Ps.. t Pittsburgh, October Itlrt. Idled McFarlazd i Collin* s & Co., rpo , ASSES,' 4 4.)IIB, &c.—Ton are hereby I. natlded that the Books for amewunent of Tas;te for the year IBM, will be ready for delivery on the Bob inst. Return. from the wend dinned. of the County by January Ist, Idea. will be required under legallesrialtite:r HENRY LAMBERT, Otier (or sale, AT PRICES FAR BELOW PRESENT Controller. , MARKET BATES, ea en tired) POW and cdowo - stork Of ..11551di ANT tay.la r ru.urrt a ormr, 1 (brew 0 and VA street., t . ' Wuttinitton, D C., Oct Etd. lets REAL ENGLISII VELVET CARPET'S ILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC A , C- 1 I 1I TION, on theSECOND and FOURTH WED- ' N CODA YE, 11th al Vith of Notetabm, at the Corral , Best Beal Brussels Carpets. near the Wzr or t o ; Lt Obriereatory, a largo lot of p ri t?hltr. earrtnel Bale to contotne m tr ' st 10 o'ltrkatit far 1 ENGLISH I, AIIKKAN TAPESTRY CARPETS, Term rash. in Government fund. t AST. CHAS. It M TOPH INS, 1 ~,, Capt. and A. Q. 10 ,U. B. Army. 1 LAPESTRY VELVET CARPETS, Psoroor ll•suLt.L's Omcz, !to DWI, P• .1 1 • fell Hue of new and very choice pattern. No. Pli fourth Meet, PBA.t . t. P. , O.' Y. lag. 1 taw STYLE PERSIAN TURZR-PLY c•snesrra. 1 4 1LEMPTED PE 5 DRAFT.—In ae _LA cordance with orders I publish the fullorring Very choke pattern. yet of persona exempted from draft by the Board of Enrollment to this District to this date, with the Lowell, Hartford and other etendard naked of reasons of their exemption lv.; Platemated by Beand dad ßesseered. , A splendid 1 1 SUPERFINE lUD EXTRA SUPERFINE INGRAINS. Jae. K. Reaunnuat.Routh Fayettediestblllty. I Mock of hapeoperie idtreolled—Rwadhee .of Recoiled ug alka , 1 Dootrwa.. I W LOW nil CES ALL OOL CARPET'S, Juba Butohlson, Jeer.. tp ; enrolled •nd residea t L. BLLLOL' 10 Water street, Plttebursts. In Mim tp. By Bowan, of Tlna Drabs" of Jimiwid F.eire. Thoi• I. C. Wilao,ll:llaabeth tp. Witnetant, Bacordo Adjutant Genorals Wave. J. !HMO'S FOSTER, odl7 Captain and Provost MarabaL I:2d Dux. P.. AL131.3163 I _ ENOS WOODWAAD, (Las• of Wm. EL Virood•ma L C 0..) Carder Yaurth sad Smithfield Aron; J. L. BEAD. No. T 1 Yorth rtmt. WILLIAM„ BINGHAM, Jr., Aria Adam' ixpreo OAa. Plttaborgb ALBUM! ALBtINI 8 1 A largo nadurtmedat M PITTOCK'S, OPPOSITE Tull POST .01TICE MINIMAL C 010118.4101( MERCIIANT epeeist sumac's Alma to the este of Crude and Relined Petroleum. Xo. ut SOUTH MONT STBBB7, PHILA. piIoTOGRA Pli ALBUMSI OVER 100 I)IFPREtENT STYLES, Vflo3l SO CI NT TO Ns. /CM 6•1.11 CHAS. C. M.ELLOR, SI W 001) STIU4ET NINE NMSBERS NOW OUT it WINN NTS:IDOLS NOW OCT V r NIYIE srmßElll3 NOW OCT L PAS II lr -111L'i Xi 0 3136 :MUMMY NOW oci s o o NINII3 yrxnuts 3 NOW OCT lud 'NEW AND POPULAR SONGS Boot, pan-paid, on receipt of 10 ants ADDIIII3I, JOBB P. HUNT, lIAIONIC HALL, TIRE sr THE LARGEST STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Floor Oil Clothe, &c, ever offered in this city, is now opening at prices much below the late factory 0111111 lITLINTOCK & CO,, Rtl •y. ~~~!'i. I'v~ WHEELER h Wllo,roo CELEIMATUD 114IPSOVED LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Itlghett mattes a* the Lemke sad Parts Rib Miens, sad llt an the teopenrtsal 84M4 and Meehan est ratio wMn nh!btted a. Cel sad em .mine these machines bon en pumbasll4. We We kr late Foote's Patent timbrelbs Lock Stand, .bisb larva perfrbt Haiti to es ortkis peaf,~l7 ewe to Mid Wry WI. 80101111 & 00., GENTS DOUBLE SOLE SEWED CU./ HOOTS bears Doable Sala Swami Calf 0010a1:83 ; Orat's 8.'7 Sala &mod BSOOAXII; Onst'a WAVES-SHOOP BOOTS, wry amp, at =l9 MISSES' AND CHILDEMNI'S GAITERS AIM DA LIMBO/LP mkqe Teatlea do de. . o DOOTP. O Da VXB, of all d kinds, it DORLANDII, 044 911 Ifarkat erect, M doer fro= Fifth LADLES DOUBLE SOLB LASTING JLA GAMINS . UMW RID OATTIMS WU.' Gl= Bois BALMORAL& ; isdke Buell S h am BAL MORAL& and GAITIMS,..Last samba& at oda BORLARD'IL 11111farkot anat. BELTING! BELTING!—India Rub .ll-P Ear and Loather B also, Laos Leatbsr. Massa, ha., always Oa b andi t Nos. NI sad IS Sa Mats stmt. . J. I. H. PHILLIPS. ET 13110=3.- 20 dozen extra eat e rria. far ale at the riusU JO y_Oryoloy OPro of VII A. • AW. SIVREFATUMM"-Eiralt Ws tad a ; sootbrr tarp lot Imt nos ot tW Ibdla lOW twiparjrat. It am 211 frt. Clair JJ.I . H. PHILLIPS, Oda. SAs Swots lbr ASsipboo7 LUBRICAVAG 100 Ws. Dud Orsa SO- • 9 .30 . 7 . • JAL DALZZLL SON, -ocIT SO soil ID WO* stmt. SO Ws. Po: I wilitiiiotrithst ty ll. Tor isle by J AL DAIXHIL a lON. sal SS sad TO listar . yr dID CA RPF.TS. PRICE Fan" CEP NEW CARPET STORE. Nos, 71 AND 73 FIFTH St, at ter than ataantutuare present prices, at arla.ta sale and retail. ENGLISH VILTZT DUGS and WILTON AND TIKLYRT MATS, in great variety, tbe largest as sortment of patterns to be found serbisr• i mid • splendid aseortment of SHIMP SKIN MATS. Floor Oil Cloths, FT , Act I to 24 feet .ride, neer and elegant patterns, and Stairs, cocoe ATIVO, saMucha& y. Moo, Halls M rommon and ys q ualit Woolen, Llnen A Cotton Dragget, Trout % to 4 rade wkin :ER, BAIZE, BIIVSSELS TOMANS; STAIRrELTET ROIXI; AND TABLE OIL OLOTIIS, plain and fancy ; Embrol- Send, Printed and Embemod FIANO AND TABLE COT EBS. Window Slade and Fixtures The sleek on hand haring been pureheeel when gold woe at 24, will be wad at eareeependlog . rale.. Sir FIFTH STREET, 'SU Between Post Me and Diva Sok Dandh , V oeta MDIATE CURB OF CURTAIN AD1123. seromlng • tarrlbW ...PK; by Por **salty =salting DEL a L BARB., • Of New York. Proprietor or TriMernar, ad, An, hie profeedonal duties requiring bk preempts to this city tore f.. days. all may be omurulted at 153 TIMD STRICT, until the bra NOVIIIIDER, end no longer, as his owners= engagements preelei the papeibil ley of a kenger May. ♦Judiniom msperrieion and Inspection of dimmers eyingform I=pm:denote., potables the practitioner, experiectoed in those vette/Abe, to adopt prompt and unerring mane to remove the blight, mid purify by tainted eye _torn, which, if allowed to take Ito wally unclawd, assume. , foram feartal to calItall• plate. Therefor*, lima. tinfortunatoly compelled to 'lLrreitrtii=or onfp=larythperrei= ere euborted to &rail them.lees of Dr. BARROW'S opportune vUlt aithout delay. - oar Remember the number, LIR THIRD irfRES7, benore Mairkdeld read Groot. pmts boom from ten till t so, sad from four till Med in the preening. THIESILMAR—Protorted by Soya Lotion Patent of Eng Mud, and secured by lb. Beals of the Zeno do Pharmacia da Pate, sad Ow imported Collis. of Medicine. ktecosa. T1111151121A 11 .. No-1, to the effectual remedy for Reduatioc.FTermatorrhoese sad oskorinion of Um nztot x TIMMS No.=. completely sad ontlroly eradicates all trans of taw diuresis for which Copal's sod Cuban ban senor. ally been thought on antedate, to tha min of the health of a not TRI portiZEZMAS. on of the popul 0.43. ati on. Ls etw great sad son remedy of N the defined Woad for all impurities of ths Erns. as v.l. Y secondary rpoptama, obentiog the du:truths was of Mercury, so Xll u all othar dAsterlona,litlirWlMuda, and which sU Unaparilla I. the world count remusra. View- Noa. 1. 2 arid lan alike dewed of toots or wall, and of nil unsealing enalitles. Toy an in the form of • lump, sad may Ho on thee toilet table without their use being 'lmported. Bold In Its alms at $3 sea, cc lour $3 owes to octo for $9. sari la $27 non, thus suns $9, se odmiale. tared by Tallow; Lalisocated, Boas, £l. in 9949939 sad Mali by Dr. H. A. DA ROW, 194 Miewskor at, ona doer from Mudougal stun, New Tem*. Immo diately re undo of nudttaars, Dr. BUM/ Will ibr ward Trleeemsr es say put of the world, mainly packed and addressed socordling to lb. lutrunlou of the writer. Published doe by Dr. n.o.aow, that popular sad beautifully llicenzatel roadies' work. Num= f** 114 7 , , ?rite 21nan. TZIONCI3AZ asuillook tan he obtain* on Dental ontbority linen L. MILLIKEN, 1 [7 City, Ps. I=3:=3 ANALYSIS.— - fro \ ..u.num•--- 31 - 50 . St. LOUIS, MO. P.m Ox. 1.30. Luta-- Al. \ 41 •. 1 kt•assE3A.-- .01 W•rax-- 100. Having sompted the Armory for the sale of the SIMPLY CLAY, =load near fit. Louis. Mc, I In vite the attention of Min and Steel Itennhotztrere to the Analysis given &bows, as reported by Prob. A. A. Hays, of Brotom, and J. C. Booth, of Phlindedybic, which, together with Om test of anon] experion by seannfacturen to Pittsburgh.. Ciwriusell and St. Louis, dataradms it to be Qa roost and most valu able Qat Do, known. whether Tonto or Anzericoo. Pot. made front It dm stood In dm Glue !mum from 6% to II months. The AnAlymt I. of Meanly as taken limin the mina, without any analog or preparattoo whatever. • 1, pomesses great silheeneuses and philters-, Layquage, which an not shown by the AnalYde. and se mit of Me mixture of a large proporuoo of shell of harmed day. I am = te Mend to 511 ciders Um Man Clay be sh from St. Louis or Aelirend hen. Wes PTrenenot, Pi ON fiqßlllllll73l4l OVAL LAMP dAiLltiNlrir Si XX FLINT GLASS Thom Cliklmoopo ars tstothot for du dot Boor% booing all porta oral," glow inoolb. dpo_o_not mom it to crockins. Dn'HATDOL Ton Pht Glue Works, W h utdastoa 461.14, spit Plttotoug. Na n& BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL W0R103., PITIIII3OBOII, PA. PARK. BROTHER .& CO.. Bzsr QUALIST =num CAST imam. 27 717211 822.211 ff. Einsee,7lat and Damon, of etl ear. - INorroatiol oqoal to erLy imported or sooncroctrinot m WI co®- Ter oak. sad inusbecoP, Wes. 1.9 and 161, Mtn and 1110 sad 1211MOOND BTIL ZITO, hittlid JOIIN L & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, METTIE= Xanefactsavre sad dealers la all the dillbrent kinds of PLOWS, PLOW CAIITINGS, • SCOW% CUT TING DOLLS. tr. With greatly increseed feal ties for doing buster., ere earnestly Invite dooms to give e.. cal. Mansdactory, Tereyennorrille. Warehouse, Cecile alley andOHN Übn-ty Pltteligh, J HALL, T. J. HALL. JAS. 3. MOIST. MWELL, Dalai. in WON LAID WWI MUD HAUB, Staling) *nor, se., 00)131:1*A r linT Ali]) MET FrUnk gelTds Pzrzona. fINTSW OCINEONNI24/13:44etrina tab 61-110SabtOle= WOVIM* dip Joni" =Salt% • `llXlWraiasstook NV , la Om and fat falslry 0,10 L.ll. YOUR 100. .., , ',; . '117.; - ;:j4 . :t - fi , :at'S.l in* , fps, ire. ' •No •0• : „ . s~.t's.. ~.~t. New coos ! vary na.y aritctes ye are enabled to men Wow the tevalar teaetbl Veal. Cite WOOLIeT 0000 oompstai, mons ettitn4 GOO Dos. u➢` BOSTON RIBBED Huey; " MKS. Doubts beela, the toot th tile =whet be *mice. MITT JACKETS, the cheapest In the city. Ladies' Knit Skirts, Under-Garment& HOODS, of various kinds Oar dock d BONNXT BLOOM% vane? EINDONA, SNINIIINGB, BRAIDS AND rsintot DISLICII Is •a 7 sztanalso sad complel. 500 auxoa-u. Brim. 1,000 Foe. ass-mocks & PASSE Tactuare. tkaz Mewls and the pntela gehenkt to•ttd to ghs in a an. WEOLIS L LIS BOO= UP f3TAISOL -- MACRUM & CLYDE, D RY GOODS i DON'T BUY BKFORE GOING aNLY $1 ,30 EACH SOMETHING YEW. ctrzAr A!.rD DINETICIAL ALEX. GORDON it o, stem) Erniarr DITURIDOIII PA VIA? Ilaindiketinti of PITTIBIMGII, PA. (aoccooor to 'mar Hoboes a Col PORI PAOZZI, T "'IN - P. t , TOCK 07 Liao, a new ismolos of BUSPENDICRI, NECKTIICS. to. 78 awucyr sTREET. 69 .Market Kerte& Anti-Rheumatic Silk undershirt, w. lams just introduced to this city Ibis really deciralde article or comfort and utility, and roped fay call atteatton to It, AB It V mkt to b. i pm.... VI sad aura of 11H1CC11.1.2 1551 , Lad aya4a. I& MIN a eli asp sed darabL, mild. a zaderclothtes, every *reed of .bleb 4 The tilde umppliod •t Ilbessl 5,000 BALIWItAL SHIRTS Oh hand sad thr ..1•. •1•f17 or by sot, it EATON, NACBUM. 8 cir.,s, Nor. 17 619 TIT EITHISZT rEPH HOIM it CO., Ineitnlite attention or Weyer; TO MILER trSfIURPASSEE) STOCX, or RAIMODJILS, 110613 UT sansorkares, awns, GLOVICIA 80201 MI MILLINERY GOODS THEIMINCI43, LAMA BASS; LIN E .RA ND ir E ROMER. MED, Brta3 1 • 1551E81.11373, 03N211"D ZW, OLOYII2. XIM,011!3 .&lip WRIT GOODO ; Wl>lob Chef afar?? tlro meet favorable team Yoh 77 MAID 79 XASICrr ISTRILIET Sir Orden rump:eft - Ay solkitaL *sill • FRESH STOgli. OF DRY GOODS AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. LAMA' DRESS GOODS. Fancy anal Plain Black nia]MEl, BLANKETS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS CASS MOURNING , GOODS A fan marts:ant. BRAWLS AND OLOAXS. N. B. oor. Fourth and Market Ste. 0* • STEM COLLARS I ELTON, & Not. n IJD a /Inn IMUIZILT. Preys:can, Pi., Sole Alb for Atkinso* Steel Collars eadOnife, 810 appears:lca .L 4 awa• Ibri t t= To agllltao wag oW:trawling tbw a* SOUR MON Of 11=6 OOLLAZO Gory SWAMCO fa& Tsofiffis " " 8Q per . par. Latlfeenalow Sima=k=tiil • krr dada CV Vir =• YEW OOLLAI lbs an OLD ONE, yee -I•Dokbreildi et boa; foe cacti,. • The Inds ispoSsi stile Iry Yak Apars pefn hr Fla lid WIN • WO, MCI= k CO, eelll Pittebenik, rs. FAGOODS, . NSW GOODS! Jett rewind at LANE, AMBOY & CO.'S, tt.. 10 mama. entmaknegesa. calla NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS! 1109P - BEIRTSI -- "7 - BOOTS AND SHOES, tat.hoetwa as ikM:U ArenonorsE. N0..55 FIFTH STBBET 160 p qtr