The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 26, 1863, Image 3

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    Vittsintrgit 6aetfr.
Mae Lai Paper of the City
A Lady Creates an Excitement.
Dr. Mary E. Walker, a patriotic lady, who
obnforred innumerable blessings upon
sick and wounded soldiers in the Potomac
army, arrived in this city on Sunday, in the
noon train from the east, having in charge a
eiek soldier, who resides at Havering, Ohio.
The soldier was given in charge of the Saba's
tante Committee, while the lady started out
to obtain lodgings at a hotel. Her dress be.
intsomeirhat peculiar—in fact, unique--she
attracted: considerable curiosity, and soon
found herself surrounded by a score of idle
boye, while men and women stopped and
stared at her as ebe passed. She had on a
pair of pantaloons, and a militari overcoat
and cape, underneath which was • tunic
reaching below the knees. Her head dress
was a insly's hat, which had evidently been
some tiisSe in use, while her hair hung neatly
behind in an ordinary net. She had on a
white tarn-down collar, and a nook-tie neatly
adjusted. In this eccentric garb, It is not
strange that she became an object of much
curiosity, and among the thousand and one
surmises as to who and what the was, it
was rumored that she was a rebel spy I It is
said that she wan positively refused admit. !
ranee to two of our hotels, and not wishing to
be subjected to the ill-mannered gaping of the j
populace, she asked to be conducted to the I
Mayor's omen. She was escorted to that "en
cellent Institution," where she made known ;
her name and profession, and the object of
bar visit here. She is a repair graduate of
a medical college at Cincinnati, and has been ,
practising medicine for eight years. She had
er diploma with her. She adopted, her pre
sent style of dress, simply because it better
suited the noble work in which she has been
engaged—ministering to sick and wounded ;
soldiers, in hospitals and on the field. She
was introduced to one of our physicians, and
became his guest during her stay in the city. ,
She left in the midnight train for the west.
She-has promised to visit our city it two or
three weeks, and deliver a lecture here for the
benefit of sick and wounded soldiers.
A Frightfal Fall
On SaturdriY, about noon, a young $ man
named George Carson, residing on Lacook
street, Allegheny, made a most remarkable
escape from deathi-but at the same time was
very severely injured. He is a painter by
trade, and was employed with others in paint
ing the now hotel erected by the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company, at Ton-ens Station,
where the new cattle yards are being built..
Mr. Carson was in the act of painting the
- outside of a window frame in the second story,
arid in order to reach the top of the frame, ho
stood upon a! empty glass box, placed end-
wise on the sill. Ile had the lower sash I
raised up, and held on to it with his left hand,
while he applied the brash with the right, I
While he was in this position, the box turned I
over and flew from under his feet, and he fell
$ into a etonestairway leading into the cellar—a
distance of tan Monies. It is not known ex
actly in whht position be struck the steps, as $
he had partially raised up when disoovered I
by his fellow-workmen. He was very bad- $
ly injured, but his escape from instant I
death was most remarkable. He seemed to
have fallen mainly upon one foot, as the an
kle bone was smashod and flattened. The
bridge of the noes was broken by contact with
the stone step, both wrists were cut, and the ,
lace considerably cut and bruised. In de
scending, he broke two pains of glass in the
. window below him, in the first story, and it is
i ii ; - wposed that ho may have cut his wrists in
g r a kbing for the window as he went down. $
A ve.7 singular circumstance connected with
the no eidetic, is the fact that the brush which
Mr. 'Cm won used was found lying in the far
ther corn yr of the room in which he had been
working. As no'glass was broken in the op- I
per sub, Les must have thrown it in through ,
the lamer p'irt of the window, after he fell.
Ho was promptly attended to on the ground, $
and after r ecoverin g surteicinUy he was eon
veyed to All eghtsny in a spring , wagon.
Shocking Archlent—Child Burnt to
On Sunday m ere i tt c, about eight o'clock, a
shocking acct. lent °centred at the residence of
Mi c h ae l Raga in, in t h e rear of N 0.87 Chatham
street. Mr. csnd Mrs. Regan left to attend
the morning service at th e L 'athearal, leaving
the children, six in 'Lumber, eat...."g breakfast.
After the meal . had been finished, t..'" oldest
girl, Mary, aged six years, commenced to O° '
away the dished. When thus employed, For
clothes caught Are while poising the sic re,
and she was Boon enveloped in flamed. tier
brother Patrick, aged about nine years, and
the oldest of the family, attempted to take off
her clothing, but In so doing had his loft hand
and chin slightly bast. The child's suffer
ing now: became so intense that she ran wildly
into -the yard, screaming for help. Ells
aecen de'd a pair of steps leading to a
neigubor house, but *tiding the door
faskened she hastened down and ran
ibant the yard—her brother to the mean
time' crying "fire" at the top of his voice.
Several persons rushed to her assistance, but
the Poor child was so enveloped in fire that
her ciothlaig could not be taken of. An effort
was made to put her under a hydrant, but a
lady; who had much better judgment, rushed
sow the hoime and secured a blanket, which
she threw around the child, thus smothering
the .flames. Medical aid was at once pr -
cured, but the whole body was so deeply
barued that there was no possibility of saving
her life. She lingered in great agony until
three o'clock in theafternoon, when she ex
pired. Another sad warning to parents who
are in the habit of leaving their little children
in ffieraselres.
Rticased from Libby Prison.
Dr, Charles 71, Worthington, desistant Sur
geoulof the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, (Col.
Schoonmaker's,) passed through Harrisburg
on his way - to hit home in Cumberland county.
lie was captured by the rebels at White Sul
phur Springs, Va., on the 27th of August,
and-marched thence to Libby Prieon, at Rich
mond. On Saturday last (17th inst.,) be was
released. Dr. Worthington brings the same
horrible mount of the sufferings of our sol
dier at Richmond, that we have heard from
others, who have been witnesses to the wrongs
endured by there who have bed the tutelar
tune to become prisoners. Our men there are
half naked and starved, and receive treatment
snob - as would disgrace an uncivilised eountty.
He Says that all the aceoubts published in .re
gard to the sufferings of ottisoldiers in Libby
pH far short of picturing• the reality.
pcomeet idea can be conceived by any one who
has not been a witnoss•to-the horrible scenes
ipreriOnted there.
Maarts POLL A NovrL. BY Join , Barn-
Author of "Abel Drako's Wife," /re.—
This-navel forms No. 234 la the popularseries,
+entitled " Library of Select Novel,," publish
ed by Mash. Harper * Brothers, New York.
The readers of "MartirtPole".' will and that,
WI the leadhlif etort:lt ititiOduces and isle in
Its we* francesrotkot number of separate and
:independent titories, are rather, we should
say, stories that might have been separated
from, and made independent °Elbe exigencies
of ,!I.sisirtle Pole," halt, not suited the ati
lt:WS [ahoy bitter to bring them together.
Bar whether as one story, or ass composite of
stories--the book will no doubt be equally so.
coßtehle to tho very catholio-minded modern
noiel-reedori—alto, for the rash considera
tion of 50 cents, can obtain "Martin Pole" at
Henry Miner's, next door to the Post-office.
To On. Dr.stras.—.The attention of oil
dealer" di directed to the card of Mr. Enos
Woodrait, No, 111 South Front street, Phil
era, commission merchant for the sale of
and refined petroleum.- Ms long con
nection with the Um Arms 0f84110,19004-
won't: dr., 0 2 ., sad Wm. Woodward kCo
psi:gi an eztensivesecillutantiat
buyers of this ankle, in alt , titiv t
sealtoodd Markets, and soy business en ,
ta inns *UI promptly and satisfactorily
• sots& ; .
Jainza;lo, 6 4. 11.
111a -, l7llftbr knot, is now opentouthe most
abofoOtook - ot Ana Gold and SiloviMstabes,
Jnoraky, Slim wars and nay Goods ova
Jad In this city, and. Is soiling thus as
moat bly low prim.
ts;k4;:'' , ,
I Hope Steam IPlre Engine of Allegheny.
Meter. Editor.: At the fire in Allegbeny,
en Monday evening, a very valuable building
'could hay. been deatroved but for the
cient and timely aid of thin machine an•l hot
noble company. It was however, sad to se•
j how seriously this powerful apparatus was
I crippled by the want of suitable hose. The
frequent bursting of such as they had, reveal
ed the fact that the city is making no appro
priation to this company, and withholds all
proper encouragement, so I learn from the
best sources. The rotten feather /wee burst in
as many as twelve section., on that evening—
and what can the machine accomplish where it
is most noedod—on the top of a high building,
without hone? I learn that the engine coat
f. 3,750, and was purchased by private subscrip
tion, and it is also sustained in the Fame way,
for the public benefit. The Select Council of
Allegheny consisting of rich men, as Mr.
James Marshall, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Sc., will
surely appreciate the great importance of
such an aid In extinguishing conflagrations.
The case of the Third Church edifice in ruins,
calls special attention to this matter. To sus
tain such a fire engine, with a pair of hinves,
engineer, driver,
Av., requires a fair appro
priation from the city, and surely the city
cannot expect such valuable service without
cost. Let it be encouraged. Haying the en
gine without any outlay by the city, and hay
hag a sot of efficient haids to man it, should
not the Select Council agree to provide the j
current expensee--say of keeping the horses,
and providing a driver and engineer ? Is not
such a grand extinguisher worth an annual
grant, such as is absolutely necessary to
furnish the machine for aortic° ?
Note.—lt Is due to tho gentlemen of the Se
lect Council of Allegheny, to state that the
mason why the Hope steamer has not sooner
boon supplied with hose, and thus rendered
fully efficient, is on account of a difference of
*pinion in regard to the policy of fostering
tho volunteer system by a city appropriation.
A majority of the Select Council are now, and
hare been for several months, willing to pur
chase the Hope, and order another steam fire
engine, and to vote the necessary support for
both. Some of the members of the company
are understood to oppose a sale to the oily, and
the abandonment of the voluntary depart.
ment—and hence the failure to provide suita
ble hose and maintenance for this fire engine.
We hope for a satisfactory Solution of this
purely municipal question at the November
meeting of Councils. The Hope steamer should.
he at once fully provided for and brought
into active service, under one system or the
other. And whether the city authorities shall
make an appropriation to the Hype Company,
or whether they shall purchase that flue
steamer as a nucleus of a paid city Gre depart
ment—the citizens will not forget that to the
enterprise of that company is due the pies
core of a first class steamer, and the safety of
a large amount of city property since its in
Tee POLTOZAM/.—By reference to our ad
vertising columns it will be aeon that this
elegant entertainment will remain one woek
longer, and the manager, with his accustomed
liberality; has reduced the price of admission
to fifteen cents, wethout distinction of age.
Although Masonic Hall has been filled at each
representation, and would doubtless continue,
to be so at the usual rates, yet the manager,
desirous of showing his appreciation of the
liberal patronage seeorded to him, boo
seated to reduce the rates, thus affording fam
ilies an opportunity of visiting the Polyurama
at IL trifling coat. The liberality of Mr. Sem
erby cannot fail to be appreciated by our citi
zens. Last week he gave the entire receipt. of
one exhibition to the Subsistence Commit) ee,
and to-morrow afternoon en exhibition will be
given for the benefit of the Ladies' Sanitary
Committee. Of course' Masonic Hall will be
crowded at the remaining entertainments, as
the extremely low price of admission will en- '
able hundreds of families to witness it with
out minding the trifling outlay required to do 7,
Two boxes of reading matter and 1,800 pairs
of drawers, looks and shirts have been sent to
our prisoners at Richmond, as a venture.
Should they soaps the thieving propensities of
the rebels, more will be scut.
The rumors current last night that Admiral
Dahicren had been relieved, although un
founded at the time, will probably turn out to
have been only a little premature. Should,
however, the change which is not now altoge
ther out of the queetion, take place, there is
no reason to believe that Commodore Turner
will be Admiral Dahlgrep's successor. If the
command does not fall upon Admiral Fan,.
got, for whom it is very generally desired,
C-otemo lore Rowse, the gallant Captain of the
Ironsides, stands the best chance of getting it.
It is not likely that Admiral Dahlgren will,
on his return, resume the plum at the head
of the Ordnance Bureau, now so efeettially
Pliarsua Sraura.—We would caution per ; filled by Coto. H. A. Wise.
sons -against using internal revenue stamps
for postage, as they are of no use whatever.
In cases where such stamps are used, full The ordorrelative to the enlistment of negro
postage is charged to the recipient of the let-Z' soldlora applies only to Missouri, Tennessee,
ter, the value of the internal revenue stamp Maryland and Delaware, the latter at the per
going for nothing as postage. It should also •
sone! request of Gen. Cannon. Free negroes
be remembered that there is no one cent post
age rate in use now, the lowest for. drop let- j and slaves of masters who are willing, will be
tort or newspapers being two cents. I first taken, and if these don't reach the re-
tousio-loving citizens will remember Sig.
Giamboni's concert, which will be given on
Tuesday evening, at Concert Ball, on which
occasion he will be swirled by several [slanted
artists and amateurs of this city. The pro
gramme embrace. a number of operatic gems,
togetherjwith three popular ballads. A. Stein
way square grand piano, from "Ale are. II
Sieber S Bro., will be used. The price of
admission is fifty cents, and tickets can ho
bad at the music stores, or at the door.
quired number the slaves of all indtscrimi
inTthn: Cs . ." i 7 m o x f o t r ba ßA W l % — nt T b a h r ° , la o te ee l h , ft
i : n g e e d ' ' mast). will be taken. Descriptive Meta will be
come inquiry L -to tho cpsoation of rank, as • given upon application, and masters who ••an
• Mayor Generals. Their
betwoon the leadin , prove their loyalty, will receive $3OO compeu
00.ajoaioaa boar a m isis follows : Gen. Grant, •
Mara cation. All slaves enlisted are free from the
Febivary 18th, 1662; Gen.' 4 41 1 rn rc ii h d 2 T. t, 31 1 7 6 c 2 h , day of enlistment.
18th, 1862; Gen. Itosecrans, .
Gen. Thomas, April 28th, 10; Gi.n • Bh°r" RAILIIOAD ACCIDINT.
the o
man, Bl 6th, A train full of condemned horses ran ff ey Ist, 1862; Gen. Rooks.- .May
°MOVIE/ LID Bailie!' Skertios Macrame, fn•
Welly end nazaufseturing purpose', ore the
beat In use.
A. F. Onaronr, General Agent,
No. 18, Fifth street
Tumuli Palm, Plain and Ornamental
Slate Itoehr, aad dealer in Penneyleant& and
Vermont slate of the beet quality at low rates.
01114 , 0 at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Whter
Wm km, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' •
Justmeeelved at iSain't Graham Al Co.'s, Mor
al:unit-Tailors, Ne. 64 Market. street. It son
sistasof all the very latest styles of sloths,
eassisieres and vestings; overcoatings of all
kinds of the very finest quality, all of which
is sels.eted from the latest importations, and
will ha made up in the meet fashionable and
best. ARIBODAr. Gentlemen desiring a stook of
ri'elect from, that cannot be surpassed
e!: ny to
other in the city, and every garment
warranted a perfect At, would do well to Ore
Its an early call.
Merchant Tailors, No. 64 Market et.
Smarm Giants, Gso. llceoratims.
Pois - Fau. AIM WUrrilt WZAIL—Tho Sum
mor,is past, and by the marning'i frost, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
shortly be upon as, and we must provide our
soiree the m aterial to keep as comfort
able. A nice fall mit, or a good and well
-mods overcoat "re the very thing, and wo do
net know of ant phew where our ratifiers
would suir. tbemsett'es better than at Mesere•
W. H. Make k Co., clothing establishment,
corner of Federal street - and Diamond Square,
Allegheny. . They have also received a sum
plot* assortntont of genOcrases furnishing
goads, and a great variety o f new patterns for
waistooating, ka
line assortment of Fall and Win for Clothing,
lately received by Meagre. John Vic , 4 C".'
Merchant Tenon, No. 146 Pedant fit. Al
legheny. Tho stock of clothing o White of
the finest variety of gents' pantaloca. ' 5 w"t° ,
coats and erveroorts. Me style of pat ' ' 4 lll"
teetotal and fashionable. We would IgohC
all of oar readers to give tho above gentlemen
• call.
~ Jest ran Tionrc.--Itev. E. E.. Papal !lid,
D. D., Montgomery, Orange, county, N. Y.,
writes: "Mrs. B. A. Allen's World's Glair
Restorer and Zylobalsamum have been used
in my family with beneficial effects ; al d I
take pleasure in commending them to sod: as
hare occasion to sunssach preparations."
Bold by Druggists everywhere. Depot. 196
Greenwich street, New York. Gen.W rs
albeldes .. , ed the London Times.
i Now You, Oct. 2i.-.General Walbridge
Pottsnattraa, four dollar. ! published a triumphant reptr.., hr the Harold
sour dollars, four dollars. this morning, to the recent atntall 1 :.!pon him
Dintalliailtute, Dental Isatitut.. 1 by the London new. General 'Walbridge
' Beet - obeep Dentistry, but cheap Dentiskry.. charges that the nem no longer reprints
No machine etak , no mach i n e work. , ‘ the sentitinta of the English masses who Ca.
=ad to the action of Lord John Russell in
;...,- -DIEPt. - - g the broad mower, the rebel run.
1icLEL591,...04 85/2511) inmathe, October 351. b, Gov. Curtin , . Majority.'
KATZ diughteref•Annosi D. sad 5 Arab
p, mc ord throe years sad eight months. PIMADILITIA, October 34..-A Nerrisbuni
the hawed 40 his place tan Paniday) Arum epeeist dispatch to the Danis statalbst IN
1007/, 43 two 0'510w.k,1525i the residence of but ps• the etobtles hare been beard frays, elliebtlly.
rents, Canon: street, South Pittsburgh. i OeslOnititis Majority is 15,286. '--::
Vormilllonrille—.Rebel Volt Works
special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh liesette.
Wisnisoros, Oct. 25, ISO.
The heavy rain storm of the tat few days
has not put o atop to all active operations at
the front. About two thousand men are at
work repairing the Orange and Alexandria
Railroad. The destruction of a portion of the
road by the rebel. is most complete. The cuts
In porno places were filled up, and the rails
heated in the middle and bent around tree..
Culverta and bridges for miles were burnt or
• blown up. If no Important events occur to
interfere, the road will soon be in operation to
Rappahannock Station again. Yesterday quite
a heavy skirmish occurred on the river some
miles below the railroad crossing, of which we
have no particulars, except that Gen. Gregg's
command was severely handled—losing quite
a number of men. An attack was made by
two brigades of rebel infantry, who crossed
the river for that purpose, and are still re
ported on this side. Buford also had a fight
with Stuart's Cavalry near Beelton, yester
day, with no material result. Those occur
rences prove that the rebels •are in strength
on the Rappahannock, prepared to dispute iu
It is reported that two divisions of Ewell's
corps have been detached to operate against
Burnside, whoa' advance along the LynCh
burg Railroad seriously; alarms the rebels,
whose great supply is at Lynchburg. This
detachment consist' of infantry; and it is said
Buniside's force Is composed of mounted in
fantry and cavairy, and will havo nothing to
fear from these ;divisions. the mission was
to seize Lynchburg, but, falling In that, to
destroy the railroad on his return, as effectu
ally as the rebels did the Orange tud Alexan
dria Railroad.
Credible reports from beyond the rebel lines
depict a destitution of provisions to the verge
of oommon starvation. The three days ra
tions with which Loe undertook the recent
rh►ee after Meade, conristed wholly of dry
crackers. Supplies from East Tennessee hav
ing been rut oir, food to last through. the win
ter cannot be found in Virginia. In Fanquier
and Prince Williams counties, the rich bairn
divided with. the poor, until now, this early in
the season; all are destitute alike ; their stook
is all gone, and the negroes, from the mere
impulse of humanity, have been told to go
away and make provision for themselves.
rut CAM or LIS'S A.Dr/rCt.
It is assorted by good authority that Leo's
recent advanoo on hloado, was Moiled not as
much by military reasons as by absolato want
of food.
track near Gainesville, on Friday night
Fourteen horses were killed, and many in
jured. There we+ one men killed, and
eighteen wounded. -
Ina following examining surgeons have
just been appointed Ira B. Curtis, Docateir,
Illinois: James A. Minick, Point Pleasant:
Daniel Clark, Flint, Michigan ; B. J. Van
phon, Lonls►ille,Hentucky ; Geo. R. Thomp
son, Bucyrus.
rerwritr TO 51 lativzo
Patents are to be leaned from the general
land Mike to purchasers of the Winnebago
reservation lands in Blue Earth county, Min
nesota, sold under the at authorising the re
moval of the Winnebagoes.
The district land office for Colorado is to be
organized •t Golden City, twelve miles west of.
Denver City.
Sped.' Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
CuArrs.Noooe, Oat. 2s, 1863.
Gene. ,31eigs, Dana and Elliott are here.
Deserters report Brookinridge and Hind
rean's corm withdrawn.
The rebels' era moving in large bodies to our
left to-day. Their object Is not known. •
Rumors tun afloat that Atlanta and Rome
have been attacked-trons the rear.
River high and rising. Weather cold.
Gon. Grant arrived this evening.
The heavy rains have made travelling en
the :roads bad.
All is quiet. D. 8.
Southern News
Fentrarss Mows= Oat. 26.—Yesterday's
, Richmond Div/wad& has been received hers,
and contains the following :
Graorkwort, Oat. 22.—N0 new movements vet
The Yankees ire reported to be riveting,
smoothing and putting the finishing strokes
to Gregg, Wagner and other batteries at Cum
mines Point.
, The fleet remains quiet. Stormy times are
! especial soon.
The number of prisoners hold In Richmond
' prisons lut night wu 11;000.
The following dispatch appyan, signed by
I. 60:
1 "Gem, Imbodea on the 18th attacked the
Cbarlestownion - tberShenandoab
Valley eaP 44ring 434 prisoners with their
arms, se.„
-.atillonrille-.Denez wa.• • t ....-.,
___ _
Destroyed—Arrival of Gen. Demil- -
1 p ill ,{ Ineraten to the Firms Garen..
The bcps. e entertained on Thursday anti Friday
for Techu Recaptured—Or- .
Lorrirriiii.z, 0,.. 2!., 1E63. that the recent rams w , c:d pr,inc.e • rise In our
Gen. Bosporus, accompanied by hi. olaf, der for Ret6lstrellon Alotilfiod-.Texte
A :fat ra. 'riven mracient to adroit of a resumption of naviga•
On ruder night the rain ceased, and on Saturday ,
:NNW i OM, 0:!. 24.-..-ibC st:eamchip Morn- , ''''' ' r° '''• ''' "''''''' t '" .7, likely '‘' bv r..lis• d •
i ,
. p arrived h i e h l e u r a o rt i t u rs t
a n t i gthhte
Gal[et IC i o j ics , l u3 o c e k a n s d h
, t „. 1..., ,iy k
tog star, from Sew tirieans on tile 17th Inst., both the ,thooog.ehete and Au t ,,. ni t i ro ,. rot ,
1 after his arrival he was serenaded hi the arrived here ti.t. ot ..eing, hrtneing the folio w • . tneooo d to r00t „,,, , ea ,
~a ouode „
eee.thir. the e , ete ,
citizens of lninisville, and in reepooso made a i „, ~,,,,..i i t z, n .. ; mark indscar...l thee. feet foe: rarhes, a decline of
short speech, thanking thorn for their at ten ti. , 11 A., 0,1,,,,,, i,,, I:. _l,,t„. f,,,,,, ). o ,d. .50 Les et eta lathes. It 1, that list little ,
hone site up to tau o'clock last night, state. nil. too at the heal waters of the Allegheny i
and welcome.
•rtnish to , nearly entry river, as that etnart rail.-4 out nuts it ant this
day tha fu tl r ' a ." wo h t e k . :w ir i o t n t. , , , ,, l' t easualtres ht our tide. is • sad blow to to: steamboat. and ri t epubli c
To-day we took six min, end the enemy took generally. en all ware ewer..:,. of : ow : rli
to T t h h e e f A oi r i m ow , i o n f g
t f h a e re c su um il b o t r r d is e n r
d w . a . . a p er tib b l i t e an d e e. il
parture i . sham the tame ilniiii , vr. Ti.. enemy'' 1,,,, . The new strwmers "Olive - sad "Cairns," l•ft fur I
I flesnigCsartats Der surer,: or Tut CrUeMitarto, I In the •letuity is estimated at about 2,,;(10. CID.CITILIZA DO Fiendsr cri - ratitt t . with all the Cr..ight
Cearrax..•, Trsv., Oct. loth, lee!?. ; The rebel salt works in the vicinity of Point , tier the:a taro .0 the
General Order No. 4A2.—The GoneTal cow C lear, filoodslippl Sound, have bee. destroyed.
et zi t b b . [h it ti. s- rir i
- i• • I entire! A. J. llamilthti hat tinned in the ' 'u- 1 t "" 4 '''''' ' So.t , r"i''-ar."'"u" iol
tiarting 4 Intl, digs:lsl. ' s y ;silt bees draw
-1 mending amortise tolhe officers and the col•
city, and will Ath .....
..,, meeting
po_ ,
I diem of the Army of the Comberland that he lilies! 'inns. , tog only about Cutely ii...ii. o, wet, We learn
leaves - them under orders from the President. i The United States Steamer Tenneisce de , that they pose„! ores • . 1...i.1-11 Const , witheut much
i Gen. Thomas, in compliance with onlers from oil four seheoners off the Texan coast. , difficulty.
i t 'h n e 'i ir e were heavily loaded vr , th ammunition . it is not probable that sty mare of our etc ere
! the President, will assume command of th e and storms for the ' rebels. i will attempt to pont, now * until thenits more water.
1 Department. The chiefs of It¢fril of this depart. The old nag again floats over the lleyou . Hume two DT three of them are partially loaded end
r T . e .G e : h : e „ --o ,.cdnoh lt r t ) itructions in the Bayou having been
1 meat will report to him for orders. In taking It I. not unlikely that they will rosittene to remise
I leave of you, his brothers in arms, offioers and Shi p ley
n i : y r a h 1 . f,,: 0 ,7 1
freight until fully freighted, so sr to be ready to take
;fled the order fe
moldier', he congratulates you that your new the regiStration P of the loyal voters in a man! . "14 ''''''' d she fins '''n'
: d b. °on City," Capt. Y oes, null leave.for Wheeling
I -
commander comes to you not u a stranger. ner, that all loyal citizen s may be registered ,
I Gen. Thomas has been identified with this :: , ro m to . r h o l :p g un de tAt r l a nt io t h h , o o t hs a th t o , f ue ft h ile h g , i t a h nee h:
Th. ft .,14. , 5.'....,
.tri.i trip
. s.twuy,
army from its first organisation, and has led taken voluntarily and for the purposeof este!). : her machinery performed mtlefactortly. She is to.
you often in battle. To his renowned prece- fishing' a government loyal to the United ! tended for the Allegheny trade, and we understand
' denco, dauntless courage and true patriotism, States. I that else will be placed under command of Cep'. Mt.
Advice' from Texas any that Siatameras is eaten.
- look with confidence that under Gal you may
he will lead you to victory.
still unoccupied by the Fr‘,,,,, ench, and that the The "Charmer," Get. Goetze D. Moore's new
The - General people o f e ~
xao and
t h e rod.rato
othei.l. ,
meamer b rapidly approaching to completion, and
commanding doubts tot you will be as true to are in open opposition to each other. she will beriithout doubt, one of the finest steam.
yourselves and your country in the future, as
Affairs at Charleston. ere built here this season. Capt. Moore ex to be
' you have been in the put. To the Division
Wasnrseres, Oct . 25.—)1 letter to the .Poet ready fur busintas about the middle of the week, pro.
and Drill:id, Commanders, he tenders his oor. 'riding the ricer Isle eavigable condition.
dial t glen reason to honey° that the quiet et Char.
tianks for their valuable aid and hearty Capt. A. C. IfeCellum, Jr., I. to bars command of
Weston is soon to be broken. the new steamer, "Arcola." This fine boat IA d
eo-operation in all he has undertaken. To
Col. Jas. If.. Hawley, of the 7th Connecticut ' ready partially loaded, and will be ready to leave no
the Cblofs of the Staffs of the Department and
'ment, is in town l
etting from Morris ! 'h. 0 " , rt.*.
their subordinates, whom he leaves behind, he
n a , o w n ho rig hls . ; Whenever the Ohio at Cinlennati, Pittsburgh cud
owes a debf,of gratitude for their fidelity and d r l e s i
General, where i
n h he
placeh i b . o r e
s n t .
p ho n so
! point. below shall rise stamently. the beat:Wel ex
! Whitton will be seen, of somewhere about one hut,
confiding devotion to duty. Companion. in been home on furlough. dred steamers bound down that river for St. Louis,
arms, officers anti soldiers, farewell, and may Young Dahlgren and Col. Hawley glee far- ! coming hither to go Into active SATVICD la the trade
°rattle reports of the condition of affairs in : that will appear mat suitable. Most of them will
God bless you. the fleet and army off Chariesten.. : en South, In Government service or on private expo.
...(Signed,) W. S. Routexasta, Maj. Gen, Much Intermit is felt in the fleet about the ! dirges.l' '`l''''''''th'" will be°42l.i.""i'"'"
rebel torpedoes, and the s triet eat watch is kept, for all. In the meantime , there are, perhaps, not
C. Gorus, A. A. G.I half a dozen boats strove Louisville light enough to
Glen. Rosearans left to-day at noon for CAI, particularly at night, over the movements of ! carry my freight to the mouth of the Cumberland.
anything that floats on the 'Teter. Our own ' Owing to this fact, nearly all army supplies bare to
cinnati on the mail train. F. C. boats are sometimes fired into by mistake, so -be purchased bent, and shipped from thhipaint.-St.
careful aro the iron-clads to keep of floating ' L ' i . u : o l , l : r T'' . .
was rising yesterday, with forty Inches
for gee .
water it the channel. The Reserve left yesterday for
ho stenmer Massachusetts has arrived p„ r h or e o , g. All the boats are brushinir up and
front St. Johns, Fla. She left Charleston on ' making reedy n, go tut on the rig, whe i sheg Intel.
Tuesday evening, and brings dispatches from - -
Admiral Dahlgten.
Tho siege is prisgre,mg 111",11h:y. Otto.
Gillmore's batteries were nearly ready to open
on Charleston.
*rem the South-West.
Mot. 24.—8 y the antral of the steam
er Dickeyj we hare Memphis dates to the 22d
A correspondent of the Bulletin, writing
from Corinth under date of the IPth, sage that
Corinth has again unturned a lively martini
aepeet. The streets are being tilled with col:
atone of troops •
The Mein:aphis and Charleston Railroad is
in running order from Corinth to Bear crook.
Gen. Sherman and Staff had left for the
front, and the indications for operations are
Gen. Ripley. chief of Ordnance, Itnd paid
the Department a flying 'Hatt.
Gen. Dodge returned from a leave of oh
nonce. Ile has resumed command of the left
The Teeth Army Corps, ((en Sweeney's
command,) sent in pursuit of the rebels
from Lagrange, were expected to return next
The Third 311chigan Cavalry bad returned
from a tocuessful scout, in which they killed,
wutusded and captured a number of rebel/.
Seventy-flve thousand dollars worth or grodc
per month was allowed by trade regulation to
Ent taken there and told.
Hurtbat's leonto report the enemy' at Greu
ada watching the eipoeted advance of Me
Pherson's forces from Vicksburg.
Adams is guarding this Jackson k Meridian
and Mobile k Obio railroads against on oz.-
posed raid.
There are no troops now at Atlanta, all
hoeing gone' to Join Wheeler, Stephens, D.
Lee, Roddy and Forrest. The latter is In
Sherman's immediate tidvanee, tearing up the
railroad and telegraph. The former are re•
ported south of the Tennessee river, between
Teseumbia end Decatur, and amount to 10,0ee
Osterhaus' division , n-hieh is in advance,
had another severe fight yesterday, losing
Col. Lowry, of the 30th lowa, Lod seven MOD
killed and twpnly wounded.
Shortnan'Phorpltal depot is at I nc a.
Chalmers is reported south of the Talla
hatuhie.river recruiting for another raid un the
Memphis & Charleston ltallsoad.
Jeff. Davis reviewed Dragg's trout s on the
11th and 121.11.
Southern papers of the lath 'tato that Bragg
draws ono hundred and eighty thousand ra
tion.. This is thought to bo for a purpose.
The balance of Longetreet's corps bed ar
rived from Virginia.
A heavy rain fell here to-day.
Washington !toms.
.13E1/10TON, Oct. :A.—No sullen are now
with the army of the Potomac, they having
daring the late campaign been ordered to the
roar, the restrictiona not yet having been
There was nothing vositively known up to
yesterday of the whereabouts of Lee's army.
The Secretary of War returned to Washing
ton to-day.
The State Department has been officially
informed that, from and after the oth of Sep
tember last, an effeotive blockade will be
established and maintained by the French
!Carat fore.. of all the ports, riven, havens,.
roads, creeks, he. along the °outs of Mexico,
which are not occupied by French troops, and
which still acknowledge the authority of
Juan., from the Lagoon Ten Lague.,
South of Mattamoras to and including
Campeacity, between 25 dog. 22 min. north,
90 dog. 54 ruin. west, and 19 deg. 52 min.
north, 97 dog. 50 min. west of the meredian
of Perin, and that friendly and neutral vessels
will be allowed the period of twenty-tire
days to complete their lading and leave the
blockaded places. The points excepted from
the blockade are Trmpico, Vera Cruz, Alo
redo, Coaltsaroalcot, Tobasea and Corn:tea.
The following circular has just been issued:
A vencl attempting to violate the said
blockade, will be proceeded against in con
formity with international law and the trea
ties In force with neutral powers.
October 29th, 113113.
Circular No. :5 :—Regiments now in service
which re-enlist as veteran volunteers, under
the provisions of General orders Nos. 191 and
300, current series, from the Adjutant Gene
ral's office, will be credited to the States, and
as far its praoticat,le to the Cong.reasional dia
tricts and anb-distriets to which they belong.
[Signed . ] Jos. B. Fey,
Provost Marshal General.
Death of Thomas J. Clay—Guerrilta
Depredations—Arrival of Gen. Rase.
crane In LOUthillle.
Lorierttla, Oot. U.—Thomas J. Clay,
youngest son of Col. henry Clay, of Buena
Vista fame, died on the twelfth, at Atlanta, of
congeetiro foyer. Ro woo inspector on Bock
ner's staff.
It is reported the rebels burned two trains,
principally forage laden, between Murfrees
boro and Chattanooga, prooeediug southward.
A small party of gourilla oavalry en
tered Danville at dsy break and destroyed
the government stores there, and probably de
camped. Simultaneously another party entered
Harrodsburg and Min all the horses they
The ten o'clock p. m. Nashville train has
just arrived, and /Nor General Roseman' is
among tho passengers. The train was delayed
four hours in oonsequenee of the down train
running olr the track, near Elizabethtown,
this morning.
Lotasvmtz, Oct. 25.—.1t is reported that
200 rebel cavalry were at Earedsburg this
Danville details say that yesterday morn
ing our quartermaster and commissary stores
wore burned, and several citizens robbed, by
About sevens eve guerrillas. They then
went to Shelby's farm and stole 250 Govern
ment horses there pastured. Capt. Simpson,
Provost Marshal at Stanford, with about
twelve men, atterwartis recaptured these horses
and four ribbon. Ow ewers are in hot pure-
salt and will probably cuptoreor kill all these
Rallined Accident.
Wan:moron, Oat. 2S.—A train of mon
tasa nettle cars, containing about 120 con
demned Inn, and s guard of 120 troops, all
belonging to Cso. Italintrick's third cavalry
division, started from ~.wnorrille 1411 o'olook
Friday night, and when fon: tulles on the
roa d ingsodris, mid on a Gunn, the titan
tc; eeryrapid rate, several of tbo track
t i es oat wayfpncipitating eight of the ears
"from the track anddown a steep embankment.
Twenty of the goer d were injured, four or
fits dangerously, but, .strange to say, no one
was Wed; Many of the hones were Weil
instanity, and others tonna such injuries as
to reader the shooting of thus neeeessry:
~. a...... ~.4~~` 5 ~~~~. . ~%.5~..:.~. . x'..1wt~~ri.1 7 ~. 1 .:>...~~~.a~.~~c~".T.di....~ra~r . ~w~-.~~~'.~...~"vc'',.:' x t.3r~ -, ntiu ~: .z..:. Y.+w.:.E...i.~ 5 ct.a..0r?~ Y k.5. ~'a~~t. 'k a.a,'L`. ~ ~s.~..b .c:'.~,,,a 0 . i. +~:iL.:~"• '` ~"',2..
Attempted Eheape of a Murderer—Re
pairs to the °rang.; and Alexandria
Railroad—Another Broad Riot Ap-
preliended In Richmond,
Ngw Yola, Fertriets Monroe
otter. to the .11.roid rifles, that Geo. Wright
wilt, was executed fer the murder of Lieut.
Sanborue, attempted to escape night 'before
last be aaaurning his daughter's clothe, but
was dtaeoeered by the ,cntiutl, after be had
actually paesi , d the guard.
The gerala's Washington dißpe.teh says
The repairs on thu ()range and Alexandria
Railroad will require several
A de.erter from IlMhunond m , rrobe-atco the
Ftatementa of deolitution in the: 01;7. and
fears of onoth,r broad 01, ore apprehended.
The Herold', Army-of the Putout/. letter,
of oho 24th, toys: toe .nfaat-y ore main
long iii,ket and th. ra,alry
brigaddo arc drily
A Vieltilurg letter to the Herald er.oteo
that the guerrillas in the Atm-sanding eouLtry
ore very troLleterne.
Deatrectl7o FLro, Started by a Mob
V. J., Oa. 71.—While Mr. A. T.
Rogers, or Susses county, was addressing a
meeting last ovenit.g, some missiles wore
thrown in from silo oni,ilc. Mr. Rogers re,
tt.rtbd in 1,,1 nod tw.errn lanntang.e. Soon
after it, tea, on tire and t.ntlrtriy
dolttroye,l, w.tb on ad..outing arable rontanlng
scroctocn to; of rh,ch be:ncgoti to
Mr. Rogers. T.pral ! pi $l. , fon
Hooker Repel trkt Fighting %sill the
25.—Thero is no news cf
importance from Chattanooga. Lleoker's
foreea hoc tan river, and
fighting repo:m.l yesterda). 'ILn telegraph.
RSA cat the it ii now working.
The river is rising, with five feet on the
alvials. There it no arrivals by river.
Gon. Roaecrans left for eittetanali at noon
No Doan In Cincinnati--Pablic Re—
ception to Con. Ream-ans.
CINCIYNATI, ?S.—Gov. Tod annoancea
diet tF,ore will bo no draft on Wednesday—
Lbe quota being filled by volunteers.
General itosecrana will arrive to-toorrorr.
. public reception will be given him.
Proclamatiou by Gwv. Yates
ST. Louts, Oct. 25.—Gor. Yates, of I.llin.qs,
bas issued a proclamation for volunteers under
the President's lam call.
The weather continuos quite cold. The
snow of Thursday last hue not yet disap
Markets by Telegraph
New Tong, Oct. 24.—Cotton rathar more steady of
Stykso fur Meddling Upland. flour more acttro and I
firmer; canna grades advanced 54810 c. Whisky dull ;
420130 ukcat, and GOLOGI oderi-d. Wheat lc bot•
tor, but the demand ie purely speculative-, at $1 304
I 3.3 for Chicago Spring, SI 36 for Choice Anther, 41 31
al 34 for 4111waukre Club, $1 36(41 3848 for Amber ;
lowa, and 41'37741 44 for Winter Led weldern. Curn
lc better, In good demand at SI 01(41 01 , j fam 11 - mt.
ern, adoat and In stem, Including uue load at Si 14°,
for Western Yellow. Oats active prioeo hare again ,
advanced 162 x, with Sales at 83(4eLISc for Wow°. ;
end State; included in sales, 3,10 , 0101 bu Western, to
artive, at ftc. Pork a shade carder, at 414 12!-44
14 37)4 tar Old Mon, and 815 62Y8(0,15 13744 for Nios
do, srr 50311 75 fur New Prime, au a 814 50416 50 for .
Now Prime Mews; also 1,000 bble New Mew for Jane
ary. option, at SIG 1.10. Beef dull. Cut Meets j
glutei and km, at 544 , ic fur Shoulders and 8(40, , 47e
for tern Fed Bacon; did. more active at 634438 t .c
for Western Short Ribbed. Lard a shade easier, Id
- - • -- -- • •
New York Stock and Money Market.
Money lea. active and a shads easier at 15,,§7. Star.
llngivery unsettled:lira/class. bills nominal m041(1,162.
Gold irregular, unaiketisfol firmer, opening at MN,
advancing to 47 i 6 to 45, and closing at 471 4 .
Total export of epscle'ar the wesk 678,000. Govern.
meat stocks quiet and firm. C. 8. 8'e,..'81, coupons
Stocks quiet and Inner. C 9
C. A R. I lose' M. r ...
P. Ft. V. k C ..... -... 864 M. 8...
C. a T
l A S] S.'
' t t
C. 6P I ,Ena
111. Can. Scrip 125,
i 6. C... .... .•
Hudson 1.11 IPaclOr Mall .
Reading 12,41]10. tis,
DAVIS S PHILLIPS, 110 Water lit
V V Timiersa Ilvsurtsv.
0c19:2w DA VIS & PHIL LIPS, Ile Witter et.
GIRL WANTED----One who wader
pt.& cooking, aad other house-work. Ad
d/wt. BOX 501, City of Allegh•oy ron Ottlot. with
rahranoe ae to qualification. ••11 character. orSnat
goaere home work, • short distatike to the
gionntey. Ilighast ware paid. Apply at 'h.
oe2l:tf GAZET TE orocr.
Cemenn ; one erbo Lis practirAl knowledge,
and aan come well rev= mended,
Addrese. BOX eat, Post Wilco.
WANTED.-- .i6O A MONTH.— Ve want
Mann at COO • 61011413, srpsusas paid. to still
mtr Ersriostiad Fracas. &ingot Duman, and Orinoco
ocher dos, tisatol odd curious artiolcs. Itftem
ies sent ftsa. Addy, ,
salt Stri drvr SHAW A CLARA. liiitt4sforil.
Tor 011 Barrel,
Sart. Penna. Salt Manufacturing Co.,
ocrier Natrotas. Atlaybony (n., P.,
Private Watt, .praCtrrect.
Address LOCK BOX NG. IV, FBI/burgh P. O.
F 1.40+31
Atram cad Eities, al the Matiututory
orposraferna rola OPTIC&
Cauuntrea - tkik lan secetfts szt4 *r 'at
Ito. IS thoond street.
SMELTING WUIHa , rtrfurram,
3l.ufaaturtra of dB EATMING, BRAZIERS' AND
brporterli and &okra to METALS, TIN
PLATE; SBEET IRON, WIRE, Sc. Conatantly on
Warobouge, No. 1 St FIRST.ond 1?d SECOND STP.,
Plttelon - gh, Pa..
Special orders of Copper cat to any doeft.l pattern.
m,y2B . .lyttaaT
_ _
6 •
DOTI! SEXES.—A reverend gentleman ha,
tog bon reetorod to health Ina Leer day., newt un
dergoing all the oatml tontine and irtegolar oilmen
sive mode. of treatment, without 0110053.3. ronriders It
his sacred duty to comnaux.l-cto to Dln afflicted fellow
creataree the moans of curt. lieuce, on the receipt
.•f an mt.tre•s•d e4lvolete, be oW aen.l, fee, a ropy of
the peeper:Nam nod Direct to ET. J.
DAGNALL, 166 Fulton argent, ?;. T.
mhll .1 yd avel
Er -- N. HOLMES & SONS., Dr:Ai.v.Rs
STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa
0/3 - Ciallocticuts tantla et ell tir• r I dr*
thronahout the Enrol Ststas KM!
ufneturora of IRON RAILING,
and Bo THIRD STURM', boL and 3Larket.
II•re co haad a rattory of rt•Vt Patt,na, find au•f
entirable fcr all porposne.
Pat-Ocular ettanttoo patl to aucloalcc Gram Lott.
J.tatritia 1,a,, at %Lag, n , t:re. ap9
velioLeula dAaler In CHEESE, RUTTER, SEEDS,
FISH, and grade. gesencily, No In WOOD ST.,
PlD.burcb, Va. nel
C 1..1 .1G E.A-T
kfi ELI i'A it Y CLAIM,
CLAIMS of_esery description, collectod by the eta.
ecribrr, et the following rusk vie: Natio. IMO 00;
all other daft:4,ll3 60.
.0. C. TAYLOR, attorn., at Law,
No. 73 Grant etreet, Pitts'marsh, Pa.
N. B. No charges are made if the claim dour not
fumed. and all information gt•en grata m4:17
I,lc.kculad by the U. S. Governameot
103 FIFTH STREET, 3d door below &ho CNb.drd.
Pennsylvania Soldiers west or the monntalins, East
ern Ohl,/ Soldiers, and West Virginia Soldiers, can
hors their Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay secured
at this cake.
Circulars will bs sent gbing fill inibratation to
the Soldiers, or to deceased Soldiers' Bafn, showing
who are entitled to the Pension, Bonnty and Back
Pay, and tho manner of socaring.the same, by apply
ing to me by !suer or in person.
is No charge milli collected
NO. 114 TITIM STREET, Prrrervizoi
Oollectiotte in Allegheny end adjoining comers.
Pt011.10:44111 80 LDJIMBS CLAIMS, of emery descrip
tion ; BOUNTIES for ell car Soldiers. PEN
SIONS. for wounded officers and Soldiers; BOUN
TIES and PENSIONS for Widow., Parents, Orphen
.Brothere end Watery, or oilier legal repra
senualeee of three who have died In the service, or
hare dtod after discharge from dimeae contracted to
WWI chary until collectod, and co ktter wal b•
•n••nd • •tamp I• Indwell. fel9`.i7r•
.124 3 '1
67 S I
0 NEIL t 8 TosEmtiN,
ItAra always on band and make to order IRON AND
BEAM sonr.eN WIRS CLOTH ; AIEYAA. . ef 41
kinds; RIDDLIM for Foundry ass; URA VT
NAIII:NTAL WIRE WORK, far Flowers, ta.
illar AD shoo of WIRE for ode, at
No. 99 i'Ol7Elll flimsy I
A N r ( ra Y i.D. —We an now prepared to famish Cap
tains aud carom of Steamboats with STEAM ES
GIN E.% of any also gad stroke. We will hank& ell
the rcombiaery of • boat, and mond la point of ex
cellence to Dona We Lam by our promptness la
coming up to Woo, and ites47llty of oar work. to
stare We placing° of oar river ram.
vela Dank of Allegheny Itlviv.
E yks AND EAR,. •
Papa particular attontlnn to the treatment of
CHRONIC - DISEASES, the STE and EAU ;operates
PUPIL. Inflame ARTIFICIAL EYES, and treats all
end all ,Inmattes affenting the }o and leading to
Olllot,loo FIFTH. &TESET.
. satratrawo sutzsT, 'on sell asap
Ibr cash a good ONION BRIT FOR 120; CASEI-
N - ERE, ALT 111)01, 828 BLACK CLOTH SUIT, 536.
A salt If olotla =do la twol.s hoar. sl
D P,oporns n;I.ICIT rinalisios ass. dirraizsearovis 1
lbs .11 Undo of &nailing*. and sararincando t 1
eriatfon 'on mailman. terms.
Moo au AP , 3O/19011 IRMA, between I.,suaock and I
Robinson words.. Atilaidisni tit,. WO i
tj —.plane and cootninodkuts thillo- Brick.'
D d w u i o t t
i b t ar a
aim l.b luar itt;a n
o in f
und. i-g 4!: w 1
old Saa o ralidt, ,, ,: ClfiAT
it SOlnfi.l4 liaise st.
rAtirrlitAiNTE)), =4 AG . high4t: mate
.1- 'S id l br Gi naVA,6ll-1102 , r,
~,,,kn 7. - , , ,a - , -111) lout TO Watericnoit.
Oa Z-1860-2t.
Peru= seclautory hahid, trout.. with
imaltudz, palpfhaloa of the fact
&strew attar .athsg. torpid lifer, thh.ti;,•
flea. he., doter-re to ■aihr If they trill th:t try the
Which ars new recommended by tho highest tin:die...l
authorttiee, and warranted to predate CO mass's-::e
benaticial *Boat. They are exceedingly. egreee , .le
Fert.e 4 Y ems, and must eupercede all other ton,
where a healthy, gentle stimulant I. racuiral.
They Irmi/f, s'aengthon and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
- They are en anti iota to change of weer and diet
They overruns *Betts of diveliation and tete beam.
They atrengthen the eystem and enliven the at
They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers.
They purify the breath end aridity of the stomach .
They sure Dyeperela and Constipation.
They ooze diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera 'lltsch,e,
They out. Liver Complaint and Nervous Benxi - elm.
They mar., the weak .trout, the languid Willmar,
and are exhausted nail:ay . * great restorer. They
oosepued of the celebrated Cadieux lurk, winter•_
green, wraufres, roots and barbs, all preserved in
periactly per. St. Croix Beta Tor particulars, see
cirostimn and teatime:dale around each bottle.
Beware of impoetera. Examine every bottle.
Slut it ha. D. S. BMW.' eignature on ear private L.
8. Sturm over the cork, with plantation awns,
our firm signature on a firm meal pinto engraving 11/s
side labeL Be. that our bottle is not rattled with
various end deleterious Koff. We duty any person
to match the tams or character of our geode. Any
puma preteadlog to sell Plantation Bitter" Ly the
' gallon or in balk, is an impute:. Wo will only in
our log cabin bottle. Any person Iniltathig this
bottle, or selling any other material tkerein s whether
called Plantation Bitten or not, Is a miming unicr
the U. 8. Law, and will be so proseonted by no. We
Already have car eye on two partite re-suing oar
bottle., vein) will micceed In getting themselves
Into close quantum. The demand ter Drake's Pima.
cation Bitter* finan ladles, clergymen, marclunats,
I. perfectly lacredible. The simple trial or a
bottle I. the evidence we present of their worth and
sopartor*: They are saldiby ail respectable drag
glib., mare, physioleria hoteht, Meamboate end
ctrutry stoma
TEES, for sal, wbolelgale and r,WI , by,
Corner Emithtleld and Fourth greets..
E. hf. BOLLMA N, Germany,
(Formerly Maas( et Co., Itoii lova.)
She only }•luoyar awarded slab a rrl,3 Medal, of
slaty eablbtten at the International ExhibitLau
Ll5OllOll. TOT silo by
Dr. Ludlum's Specific
I. the may reliable ralhois diaesuei of the organ.
of pparatioa. It to tta diactmer7 of on cT u
PhysiciAzi whom US was dovoted to the trohttueat of
Llass at dlseraels, .4 with roapncedentod su•
cos, for more than twenty goers. It Is perVlon In
.4.elf, requiring to b.jection,, differing ortlrei7
from the mietelto prem.ea and tho uumeroms can
ceinvounds Mitred t. the public. It II on'arvll
♦%,cable and pnrt►ctly srJo. It acti lite a cltxru,
aad strearl saaa wl.zra m ato goosed
CAM., —The vat Mande of ttia reraedy is e
teeth:4; vattuth u Lt cvrx h tr., hal bnirg
by wzprizteigL,l rasa. 0 4sarso, tlierfury, th•tj`o
tignators of the proprietor L around cub bat. Note
othar Is gone.. Preps/rod may by
804 Preprletur.latati. 0.
But by all Druggist.. Prior, $1 per bol
car For sae mot wholeigalo i by B. A. FAH.YFSTOCT
The undersiginid would respectfully BA attention
to the preparation known ea
For all lama and Lung Complaint.
Th. great N.TAndak-. —Bittomatic, Head-none, Tooth
acne, Loa 'of Bleep, and General Norms Remedy
/also for the Pains In Monthly lifonstruntione a p•+r
hot relief.
The mast perfect form of Cotimrie ever given to Ills
public, which never require more than "ro and sel
dom but ewe for a dam, act without the least Pirlog•
and can Indigestion, Dyrpenedo, Billotuness, Liver
Complaint; PIW , Worms, and all dorausemenu of
stomach or bowel.
The above pmparationv, of scat unbounded repu •
tattoo In New England, have the confidence of, and
an used by, great number, of Phyaiciana and at
prices within teach of all, are worthy the elevates,
of invalids, who will find them a fillet *seem:city to
nature In medicine. Without resorting to the cons.
most method of columns of advertising, I would solo
Oistadems to tat their', which will ho sacred.
JOHN L. HUNNEWELL, Proprietor,
Prectical Chemist. Damon, Elms.
'For sale by ell wholesale and retail dealers.
The greatest freedom of corrseryondence solicited.
Dealers of good references supplied on commission.
Tor sale In Pittsburgh at retail by J. if. Fulton,
O. H. Keyser, H. D., Jese p h Fleming; to Allegheny
City by Jim. Boma, H. D. IV. J. 'Sl.ans end d
ocitameodawF Wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh.
tcon=s ,
The understated leaving beam restored to health in
a foe, aveke b 7 • very etmple remedy. after 'bating
Nand general years with a wearer lank iffoctioo,
and that dread disease, Coremaptlow—le eraforw to
makeknoiat to hie follow 'offerers the, matrof cure.
To 01 who dell". It s hp will send • cc* of the
proscription toad, (tree of charge,) witit,„ths direc
tions for pillaring and ming the same. witch they
seal snd score Wl* for 003iiiiMPTIOX iiift)d3Lti
Buoscarne„ vorims. COLDS, ay.
object of the advertiser to vending the priserlpttat
Y'W terwedf the 411eted, and upriad information
which be toacedvm to Le larslusble ; oad 6eropee
ens" endorse will try hie remedy, as It wdl soo t
%bun nothing, ud rasy prove • t.l4.uirtg,
Pullet Wishing the prescription Will plesaa ' addrsiit
wiluktasburah. couzi7. Xesc.rork.
sallandawY , - . „.•
, PIiMISMOM OF A..N Va - VA pohi!lhad
14_14a tenet and ea • seaming and =alma io:eoung
iwp ;orb* , ia'Pr &cam Natrona Debillt:ht*l2l.ltCl,l
Dinky of Manhood. ate., supplying, at do Aunt time,
A. ammo/ Wawa. By onealho has cured birsaalt
atter behog.pna to gnat sa - penaa I:s=l.7.Mirouzh
I:oadyaal bdinhair and misekary..
2By aitt I poay.pakt Elitrelaed eirn.ififa,idort•
c7 mril ts esf ho
arla. 7
l. tiad
z. tba dt..d,.
asdhor a , 44o .
TII.LYLEZ U.a•rpirlif44.;
I srt s. *'trim sax.
Er - B.I3RNISIIN, ILEA & Cair4sttc-
Rasossa,3llxta YVEZ-MS°
"1 0 3. 17 03.Sailravvsias ismilissum pittsbarga.
of.tBOAT 6.11tv icrAnottar
•Irreeit -nun , lit - toll, - - AuLt.
ummiNprratAisrgerz - gru-rNiat car
t. bitt74earatootptionil rom 4 1 , 42nKsa`rruss,
41411ita, tatreumiroat%
Again Do OAPa2D D weviewitras,
P. 11. DEIS-12 1 CO..
202 Broadway, N. I'
F. 31. 11OLL3fAX,