. . . . . our Book Table. ' Ittsbitrgit smit e ......---.• /trustier= Nanoxat lium-Bass..--Ein bracing a complete Compendium or sit. Mum' i ' r '3l‘. ' THE LATEST .NtE, 4S:I monthl of the liinerywo ricer, thence up maxi brongbetitreasen, and their Plata foes or far • •-•: ~ ~, . ..i,, firer to Like Ckiiiot, 'near the extremity of ' sakijagetion defeated. GeV relianco was now BY TELEGRAPH. ' .-. :-...t13. Dorira Lalto, then,- north to the Int.r- nu: niC. 1 du! . .. Irc should not look to . Ifatory of Via rattsd btstr,e. /row the origlnst for- • tostion of the Gover sa.ut to the Pot Tim e. ° • ISOCI.I.LI houndsry, thoncr in the ;Jac. ~,.. be- Europe for aid, for ?Itch t• not to be o er• 24 , 1868 - New York: John ;''.. W.lts . 1.M.1 littoburele . frntwre i r ',Tem s miwsw-nes - ' for PM. by Henn Miner, Fifth ttreet, 'rest d;,.: O UR SPECI A L, 1JJJ.).E.15..L Lia.Cllo, . ginning nopc-ted no,. Our en!s siternanre :A to the Postulllce.l oca :MVP 7‘ ,r;, C,PC:,,. t o . 1 U , :.1-: rll., k - 01 frith I - C.ilk V• 24.1 energy This book, containing a great amount and An erroneous imrcssion prerails with .• anTicteta.ttuattou, cud a litt/a more secriiice variety of important historical and political FRIUNI WASHINGTON.• information, is arranged with a Tim" to make ____ . yard to the - relation amount of oar imports ' tlion the part of the peiple, the President • It a band-book for reference, which thousands Sr.o.od losiati-h to the Pittsburgh Ger.,tto. ' and exports - during the trade your, of 1.562 ,fiy . pily believes that next •Spring would see would find useful crery .day in the ycar, as cur —•" " - " -6 ATURDA.Y 14011NMQ::: CLT.r AND SUB URBA °Metal Paper of the City. ustgozoLowc.At. Ossrwranoxs taken for the GAZITTC, at Geo. B. Shaw's Optician store, No. 51 Fifth street—corrected dally; Barometer, Presentment of 'the Grand Jury-.. The County Jail... Horse Racing, etc. The Grand Jury for the present term of the Quarter Sessions closed their labor, yesterday, and previous to adjourning made the follow ing presentment : To the Honorable the Judge* of the Cowls of Oyer and TeMainer sad Quarter Sdl2lollll of 'th• hoes The Grand Inquest having concluded-their labors for the October term, deem it proper to call the attention of your loners fertile ne cessity which exists for ameliorating thOcon ditlen of the Inmates of the county jail. We found on visiting thin institution, that It Wax as Cleanly as could be expected, in vie* of itacrowded condition, but at this seasoner the year, 'MN:lent bedding and an abundance of warm, comfortable bed clothing, is ' slide to the health of the prisoner,. Under the most favorable circumstances, the rigor of imprisonment, the meagre diet, and scanty fare doled Out by the hand of the offended law, mayyreiltettthe endurance of the most sial wattintiviet. crowding some half do' en ' eftentiritti a cell badly ventilated, with a • aler - the -used . ..all, scarce large enough for It.'llitqtrliehar, with one or perhaps ewo COitt therefor, is, ere . believe r an act of Fn humanity without excuse, and which • wily needs to be . thus mentioned 6:4 l .:ltanara prompt-attention of your We desire also to bring 'to 'your notico he growing evil in this community, of horse rac ing for money. This desperate amusement of trans , Atlantie origin, forbidden by our law and without a single plea of utility in its be half, is no longer concealed or disguised. The acts of Assembly which prohibit It are pub licly disregarded, and this violation Impru dently proclaimed. The influence of such de moralizing sports on the youth of our land mustbe exceedingly pernicious and greatly tend to the extension of crime. As Grand Jurors we therefore feel it our duty to sug gest to your Honore the same stringent ex ecution of the laws touching this abominable practice. We forbear further allusion at this timo to the excessive number of petty eases returned toCourt. It wotildseem that no legislation can i ROOTS and shoes, of every description, at be had to remedy an evil so often complained ' McClelland's Auction. of (without effect) by our predeceesors. The Grand Impost, having disposed of or orDams GOODs, p four hundred bills at this present aession, ClelLand's Auction. muslin, and riots, at Mc cannot adjourn without bearing testimony to the seal fidelity and ability of the District Prrrocx's News De of osite the Post- Attorney, John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., and office. p opp his assistant John M. Riddell, Esq. This prompt attention to the pnbllo business L'unand-as, cheap, at McClelland', Auction. its the highest encomiums. [Signed by ;1 Dixie E.:Apia:s, Emmaus and An an Agri , " other jurors. - "` Gabe= owe Buria'a Berm° M/Oulara Delegate of the Christian Commission ;' for - Captured. 1 *molly and manufacturing purposes, are the A Washington letter 'gives an account of i b ut In u se. the capture of Rev. Mr. Hussey, a delegate I A. F. CELLTONY, General Agent, I No. 18, Fifth street. of the Christian Commisaion, while laboring i on the battle field of Chicamauga . Mr. Has- ! THollail PARR - it: Plain and Ornamental say bad lingered to minister to some of our I Slate Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and wounded, and watt turreted by a company of I Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates. mounted Texan intantrrand taken prisoner. ; Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Being in citimn's dross, lie was asked by his 1 Works, Pittaburgh, Pa. • captora if he was a cheolain. and if be be- I ---- longedSE A d or Fszt.•se Maria GOODS, to the army, both of which questiOns I just received at esam't Graham dr C0.,,' !Ser bs. answered in the negative. The renegade ; chant Tailor., No. 54 Market street. It con- Judge Terry, the murderer of the lamouted , sista of all the very latest styles of cloths, Senator Broderick, of California, 'Tao preterit ' simerea and vestui . gs; overcoatingt of all I when Mr. HussoyAwas examined. Terri is ; is of the very finest quality, all of which atilt a rabid Copperhead, as the following willit seleeted from the latest i nations, and qtatation, r ut by him to Mr. Hassey, 4,•...m 1 be made up in the most fashionable and ' ihow f—'l on are an 'Abolition preacher, then 1 best manner . Gentlemen desiring; stook of are you ?" To show that he has lost nunit of I g oo ds t, bloat eronhitiAt cagitot_baisrpissuldd his murderous propensity, he informed Dr. ' ty any other in the city, and every garment i Xi:may, "If I had my way, I would-tike you 1 warranted a perfect fa, would do well to give out and hang you on the nearest limb." It lus an early call. will he comforting to Terry', friends at the north to know, that amid all the changing ' SAIIIIEL GitAtlA34 & CO., Merchant Tailors, No. 54 Market st. icemen of war, he has not forgotten the old I M e oa PILL GRAHAM, principle, and practices of the great pro. 1 GEO. MoCAxm-ess. --- --- elavery. party. Mr. Hassey was delivered out 1 Fon Fait AND WINTIR WEAlt.—The Sum- of the hands of Terry, and is now confined in '1 mer is past, and by the morning's frost, we Castle Thunder. begin to apprehend, that fail and winter will shortly be upon as, and we moat provide our- The Criminal Court. I selves with the material to keep us comfort- FateAr Anna/roof!, Oct. D.—Before Judges able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well - made overcoat are the very thing-, mail wo do Mellen an,d Brown. • net know of any lane w reder The Jury In the case of Joseph Lynch Cud would suit themselve p s better here than our at Si c e re . sers. s Theophilne Lynch, charged with malicious W. H. McGee it Co's clothing establishment, mischief In killing chickens belonging to Jos. corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Crawford, found a verdict of not guilty—each Allegheny. They have also received a com party to pay half the costs. - pleto assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Samael Smith was tried for assault and bat- goods, and a great variety of new patterns Sr tery, on oath of hits father, and acquitted by waistoosting, dm. reason of insanity. Ile will be Cent to the hospital. JUST BICEIYILD AND Rooter rem Bata.—The fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, Charles B. Taylor was charged with assault and battery, ou oath of a boy earned Blake- lately received by Means. John Wier A Co., ney. The facts" of the ease we: as that Mr. Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al- Taylor (everybody knows A• Charlev, had legheny.. The stook of clothing consists of D erron the sweat variety of gents' pantaloons, Teats, purchased the material in the old ' oats and overcoats. The style of patterns is building, corner of Penn and Wayne sire: t c astefal end fashionable. We would invite ands being very much annoyed by boys, cough: all of oarr. readers to give the above gentleman yg Blakeney on the premises, and cuffed and kicked him pretty roughly. The jury a ' found a verdict of Dot guilty, the defendant to pay the costs. _____...._,......._____ The Result In the State. _. . The official returns have been received from all the counties In the State, excepting Elk, Cameron, Forrest, Greene, Potter and7ioga. The official return. foot op as follows: For Curtin ...... Woodward 247,978 Curtin'e majority The counties yet to bear from are reported to bare noted u faller : Majorities for Crrrtin---- ~ Woodward_ Additional for Curtin. 2,038 This, added to the above, will make Cur tin's nigjority. in the State, 18,273. • We shall probably be able to publish the °renal vote of tho State in a few days. Taravas.—Our play-goers have presented for their entertainment to-night, one of !the greatest bills of .the season. Ettle Hender son will, to-eight, appear as "Kathleen Ma voerneee," said to be iiiPerior in character to that of "Colleen Hawn," and in which HUI, Henderson Created quite a sensation during her European Mar, he will also appear as .`be "French Spy," in Which she will exhibitbat proficiency in the. French sword anoraks°. ThL' engagement will be the last opportunity, this 60460/4.olll.cttbena grill have of witness ing ,Ettio Ileuderson's performances, as she has engiSontents in . the Eastern cities, ex tending sissough-the winter months. OIL RESIIMMIS Curvxwm.--There are sixfeen petrpleumielinerles in the vicinity of Cleveland, ip which 103,691 gallons of the re ; fined oil ware produeed dazing -the month o( • Aurae but, of which 27,709 gallons - were for exportation. This doespot include theheary lufirloating oil and'bensoln also obtained from the crude petroleum. There are thirty-nine refining stills' in operation In theme reltneries; the petroleum I. obtained from tho wells in peninyirgriin, and chili trim to $7 per \ barrel. _Bt..ermwoorealianezure.--Tbe October num ber of Blackwood has jut beonntaired by W. A. aildenfenny, 45 FlAt; street, ern/ for the American pubtiebors,'Nessre L. Seem A Co., Sew York. TIM contents are; Tony Butler; Caztoniana--Conclesion ; Sheridan Knowles ; To-day in Italy ; Harrow School; Chronicles of Cetzlingford: Amen I—ln the Cathedral, St. Andrews ; Gold and Social Politico. It may be ceneidered a good average number of cud Deep" Cotrunzirrr.—Lciok oat for the counterfeit Sion the State Beak of Newark. The ground. dolt of'tho bill la bine, with red border, and the lint* 5 is 'oonapleatously displayed on eaoh alge. -although , cosily datoourd in daytime sheinrellable: betit for genuine by gaZ 41011•;,*.;:'. W , Ftletneklittrititta.--Gorentor Curtinlurs graitiod fortbscreprievoto Patrick Partias% 'who 'wit to itsio been eseented at Phil:idol plia yesterday, for the murder of Thomas a -_ z ~~tir~ ~: y~lt ~.. ~ 3rd o.a=.ssu~,a.~.~~•_• .ry,.,"' "' '.cr '~ ~~~ _ R~%x. r:i a7~r. -;-- --- ---- a•-• - I Sugar active, and affratiedBl: caffee - firm. „ sue yeat, - _on- Waal:Micros Cite, Olt. 23, i atiß. •" a 1 --• mu The atiertion that u balsuee of the invad er driven from o . e a or d ors . Thee / the I• • &en men are ettrthat•bie to weaknese. I Tea firm. Tallow needy; 11l ta. i t iaiag gT a i. I wickedness and immorality, but rather to civil I disrun i t. L .F . rie 6 , 5pc9... , . IS,-- ..,., venation or the newspaper brings up subjects seventy or eighty million dollars remain farmers, who are now refugee,. could return war, of which he gives a vivid picture, refer- • addd r d -. di = i , ... Ekt * / t - f ii ° P ° i !tip "d -iet's LATE rati.tME. e r mz i t i t o i on!, wi r iicb l o of e i r Ti t l h uzi . noel ~,d documentary a n a t n itly h e e, ll. t - againet ue, and that ail,. will be increased to their f amilies, end pursue their businees tug to the condition of the etato under Fre- . stuff s g tead e ' g _.Fiend, y. Wen firm, at 'A's for Nixed stored memory Ivßl sometime., be at a less for. The Richmond /Saporta of the 19th itato during the coming' jeer, is pronounced inter- undisturbed as heretofore. In fact. he believed m?ut„ , with . littater, italleek and Curia tens- Provisious quiet and steady. Lartreadier e ssit Rao, Waug stun Write Maw: or Retiglova lima in speaking of the eomparetive failure of reel on authority 'Whia. cannot be questioned . _that the defeat of Ito would pract.,•slly tam his poettlon. Ile don 't believe the massacre •',' a death's of ed. Petroleum heavy. eis. far Every Day to the Year . Selected, A, Los ' s late advance, sap: It is reported that In 18C.0 balanceof trade was against on of end the war. a at Lawrence pros - oe imbecility on the part of • Leerion 15.--Consols chased i5t..93 for ranged, end specially Adapted by Bev. Nelson Bead. New Sort: Harper At Brother.. Piits- but for some deserters goingover to the enemy ' thirty in : iia l lefil an equal amount i non rev er: inri A PPt tt_ Schofield, as similar acts could pare been rem I naoney. ' lMneia Central 18 , aa@litiliacount. burg: for mile by Henry Miner, nab etreat.- and i oggiv information on the da our forces ' was attained; In 1883 cair eeports exceeded The Atlanta, Ga., Appeol Bays : Il.c.ccrans milted to Grie m n i t t o t e ho o oi r John Morgan, had the , Erie eat ' peat door to the Post-otlice.) Tegpp. Illreo. - • Y lie approve, • S bo Y ' . - '' . • commenced moving, we should have achieve { , our imports twenty , millions, and during the is preparing for n terrible onslauget in Crourgia, e fie n li s ie n tie ' t e iZl l in preventing thecn ° ter-rairt i The anther seems to have, done the work he Markets by Telegraph. - , undertook when he entered on the prep arat i on a meek more eubstantiol alliceus s . The newt' l a ,i t ee d ° year this balance ie "ur favor has and ale° to 'elle the railroad temeeetioes• and int o alieseari by citizens of Kansas, as the • New Tees p e a = -c o t ton ..4 ~fui, tiro . ~th'" of this Year-Book, with exceedingly good from the army of t/en. Lee dem not confirm ' been swelled to eighty millions of dollars , one , thus produce a see end set °ranee of the Cue- only safe way to maid an indiscriminate mss- ' Sia...ae ter Tone , tpl..ds. flour moriiedr a e e . judgment and good taste r Be had ti wide and the a lmost • most tauttetzble reports which wore in bow credit ba n in spade. This is, of 1 futieracy. The fifteen days that have elapsed emote bettet at sacra. Hearty! the eharges that Schofield has ' / 7:" , .,,;aa ,,a0 air ..6 tr .,; , •TS, ,, ,,t ls __f,m2,:z.trit . S e tato. exuberantly rich field for selection es he wan- ' P withheld proteation front Itoaal pee. , ao0,4••-ao noaea.aira_a'aaa'i.dieaealtargillaae circulation on Saturday. ' Leadthealready d ' • battle f la k course, on dared at will (to use hif,Qtrti Stords,) through ,ple, and purpolely facilitated the objects of 6144142 e tor State and Western. Wheat:42c the beautiful end fersid,teeetbings of Chrysoa- TUN rtitom •T BRISTOW'. exports, whereas the actual reports are be- ' bided him to make sure of hie grip on the the disloyal, la altogether beyond the power' a - RE - rather More doing arel,infil - ,31 for qw.Chl . tom, the devout uttemnees of. ugustine, the A pretty severe engagement was hod at l• db cone-fillia larger on account entire State of Teeriessee. which in of far of hie helief. Wi th his present views, th ee ,. ,:i i .orteg, taitereholme Stakedlealtrorattlerukaaisual, S as Amber lowa, 1 1 :43111,4/ for Winter richness of Taylor,,the earnestness of Baxter, . Ba s t a , ' g • theOrangeand dl tiered to e - fore, he eleetinee te . romove Schofield. Regard- 1 a l „,,,va awa l aa idad 027 ka , i ,Bad mi.!. Station, on e xan 'ofid 1 . ent returns of customs for the non- more service to Min than would be half a the enblimity of ibr the calm and lucid ex- title e tato . ; Mg the eurolled mila he says he shall aseer- , Rye firmer. ea mai a, and e Idg • he , We: positions of ,Davonant, the striking illustra- Railroad , on lVedlteldal afte rntate , lie- rendering of wliell there is no penalty. The I dozen Richmorals, or the same number of i Gifu, better than he now knows,what Its exact I Wl.Ol for thie ru ping rl ttei r W l '' r , t d hr dons of ReytiONS, the tender appeals of Fla- tureen two brigades f G a Dili e °- -°-• - .' °• • ••• P s-- /•Me of our exp orts ia not based on our in- , Charlestone. Ti e Apace*/ thinks that Role- value is. In the meantime he declines to ' store- Oeteeettee et t i t l e., and kale higheit: i t ' .. ' S a eel, the 'motion of Leighton; and the eloquence , Gook's and Kirkland's-and a large force of I a - "" abandon ft, and expreeees gratitude to Scho- ; a . for Weetern, and Sutra °tuella: - Pork a th:de Elated currency, whereat much of our foreign crane wilt not mere with less than a hundred tamer fee Gal Mem, at Ststaarlor, Old Ness, 111.5,75 i y Of Bates. These who hare been familiar with a, i I b . 1 a d Geld for it in June last, thereby enabling hint I e enemy, who wore poste( 0 t o rat ro i5,8:34 for New Mese, 111,73A12 forge , * Prlia and the old ler/tees, Marin this rolunro delight- ' Wan la for dipper'. sae o f creating exchange, • and filly thousand [Den. to strengthen Grant at a time when reinforce- i $1.5411,30 tor New Pilate Melee eaagateureltPrime fully renew their tecittuirttance with the ehoie- cut. • In advancing upon them our men were ' end is, the re Aire, stated in the terms of foreign 1: NOIMIA ELECTION. manta were imperativelyncedad. Iledisetuises i BP" " n t.k'on by the GOVEIHEE% ati/NA`Asul cost renew s in their works ; and to all, this ' eeposed to a galling fire. Our loos wan quite , remount This eredlt of' eighty millions in Southern papers contain the returns from the delegations request regarding the aka - ' 3,500 barrels Meer at eft1,33016,60. veetaquat excellent selection from. the great teachers of ' severe, and is estimated by some to be not . • •• • •' • ' . • lions and concludes as follows :I do not feel I fr a °nt . enehaniesti. Lardecatueleithener tullA the Churett since the apostolic age, will Lea ' ou r Meer is not fallingaff in the least, being the recent Gubernatorial election in Georgia, 1 . '2 I Justified t colorupon the brad field o , ie-tatter an extreme al the' ricie. Choiseitmlet no less delightfel aid to lo ft y thought and 1 lass than one thousand in killed, wounded and ' maintained to thelesturoment of advice* front ' which put the election on Governor Brown • - - .. '. , . •: ~.. . i , T ~ ant, in regard to the political differences be- p na ,,,,,,,..... o ct. ba . __ com . ad i wed.d ., de. pions meditationa. I Musing. In addition to this , we suffered a the aaa.a . b an , da. ~...' , the prevent incumbent, and the constant an- tween the radicals end conservatives. Prom dined 6e, at 85 for Middling tplatile l . Mous. ...WI , loss of seven piece, of artillery, and Generals ' sac; 6N times. I tagonists of Jeff. DaTie over both his com- time to time I have done a.,1 said what ap- Wheat &alma deetiamt2e; salts of 4,01 X. It ....at ! Cook, Posey and Kirkland are reported • Thu Atlabta,(Ga. a k apace!, of the 12th, b eta 1 , paters' beyond a doubt. Ills majority ever P e e re d to me proper to do and say.. It obliges rentielt,d $446 r"-==Vate!'„..! wounded. Many of our wounded fell into ttia • a letter from before litattatiouga, dated the'i both, stiatr, le nearly fire thousand, while his to r o g c,o o oo u t l , l o o d w m i ca I t zsdi ornaist iLe d blies .e m r e 7 ,. coif . thin. 1 , 1 . 0 , 4 . 4 , am:a ju ...„... wh al In hotter detnandat 016.te. hands of the %pomp, but that night they roll ' • Ilth, detailingthe " - tali fJ If *th in 4 171 1'! - ' v - o e . Davis avis to the , aatagonate not more un- ratites else agree wi me some lager . New Hark Stoek and MetieyMirtit. back four miles, and Cur badly wounded were : and dieagreeln others. I wish both wonld I rebel amps It nays that be was atieintena- tired votes between them. New Yana, Oct it.. - Llitedine firie:ir , -iiils!,:r I agree with me in all-things; then they would d - . • tectorerea, besides a number of the enemy niad by Bragg. - . . ' I rro atoreeded to visit the : , General. Charles Clark has lane ehoset Der. ennead at eita7 per.ant. prerahnis. -Sterling rm. . agree with each other, and would be toostrono I a Gold !mauler end Wise tiled and filmier aspettesa at i maiously wounded. The next morning a per - 1 .. 0(13as and inspect ilia hoops , • The fine hien- , ether of aliasisstppi. for any foe from any quarter. They choose to I 4:14, &Mara:Mato aatatioclittlagtoilatiCesadeloseng tiolaibraGmt. 1 /urea's MPS ,I!ad lk ' fi g ht -li th l ton of these a ff o r it4he party art excellent • L SPOL a ORD. do otherwise, and I don't queetion their right. unsettled at My- a . the enemy, in which we capture about fire : I shall do what se ms to be my duty. I hold • , Oaveri i r "1 ,i4 .10c i 1i4 it i t i r i ox-Tr. S. Cie, 'AIL Coupems, opportunity for setting those of the many That:apart that Admiral Dahlgren het Leon hundred prisoners. There Nero 'thou% one to whoerer d eoat t m t ands t in Miss th ouri is responsible . ' Stall meaty • C• • - '•i ' „„ also. Ile exhilotted bla Interest in them, and roPered, Is Utl (MM.'s,' so far as can be aseer- m eco no obi her sor Conserve- I Y. a. d ,. ii Taa . cia1. . 80 , 4131. 3,....... . - & ., 0 thousand Yankee prisoners at Rapidan Sat- gratified his eurioeity, The troops • ' d - • .. . ps weraforni- tattle . tires. It is my duty to hear all, but, at tenet, I Pacific 31 aiL.a.....,,.1 . 041 1 1. 73.. ftt'n...,..... 7, - .,,1ii lion yesterday morning. I eel in line along them:irks, and as he primed I mast, within my sphenaaadge what to do autekillrer Co , latlemearip 1.. lirltOM PUMA HELEN/ A. / and what to forbear. Mr. Drake says in hit i ftarlom---1 ,--. el.: , 0..t.P.. a .i..... - ..l it AVE tIELe IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA. along the front, he Wjapeceived with cheer . t Erie..... ... ....... ..... 110 G. A C....... Dai l B" Your sadly.' while they ere cheap. The ' Tho Richmond Dieporah, of the Vat, has ' replythat the material pasta presenterd by rho after cheer be our llija• • ends taste: and confident delegation and executive committee we un- I t el a tn nar"a ..... aa -11 / 1 124 , -- C. tit iv t.... r ...:....:108 / place to get them la at Pitfork's, opposite the • , 1 ~, . i eat al Dispatelie. to the Pittsburgh °emus. tile following : The advicee or yesterday de. Posiciflce. veterans. At erery available point the eager ! I noticed by the President, and the case apart- ra T • •-• 114• • , • t••• ' • a t•• . •••:•••:' "el' . retype nothing new In the condition of affairs crowds of the enemy - tiare risible watching PHILADEL PHIA, Oct. 23, 1863. rently decided in matters not urged by either • , BAR•rna r G ' k " Y , ' l ' l. ' 6 ' , Pa".. , 110114 . . • in Northern Virginia. Since the great chase , • I FORSIGN ITEMS. lin regard to certain charges referred to by the _ RIVER INTELLIGENCE. . ' he movements In our lines, but no guns were I President, which may be.enunterated thus: and Comismsta/ at Pittocka, opposite the Poet- ' . The steamer Ptna has arrived at Cape Race, gtven the army of Mende, our torero have office. fired, though they could' have easily reached ` • burst-fmbecility. La -that Schofield, in with Lirerpoul dates to the lath Mat., eight been quietly renting in their camps . 314 b6 with their shells the gallant, cavalier that coo- ' esterase to protect the Lawrence murderers, , Thu none of Thursday alght sad Fridity,lt Li LOST.-$5,000. To avoid this, Soy a fine Mr the enemy to make their next demonstra- Rom anted the party. l'h ‘ • 6 trooops had bad • days later. ' /would not allow them to be pursued into , thought, will can. • rise in oar avers Madam to wallet at Pittockas opposite the Postoffice. . A guard of ma ti n ee had been place,l on the I Missouri. Third-Schofield has purposely I admit eta spmsly and permanetiffesumptlim &sae lion. aside their rough and 'ragged appearance, I withheld protection from the loyal people 1 itation. At thls paint, yesterday; howeregthiAllen- Frio racy Cite RLKATON. rebel rams. GENTS' fine calf borate and balmorele. at which so lemma of them seem to take a pride I and purposely facilitated objects of disloyalty. onaatioe,,,,,,,, aannaa on , aan a i .44, 1 1,,m 0 . , rierlescol, Oct. 20.-Our batteries have kept .t Paris correspondent of the London Herold , Mr. Drake says no sueh charges wore ade t .. MeClelland's Auction Douse. in, and their a talwart furttus, burnished arms cieuney was felling alowly and last elle:ling She pi, _ up a brisk fire peon rho Yankees, who ap- a d . , , , • aays Franco has not the least idea of receig- ' In the address of the delegation, or in thatet n SUIVIeetIOIO equipments show that we are I • marts indicated there ices th 'l ' ' peered in much larger force than usual, at Wising the Doris gove rn ment. 'taro! their executive committee, And that he rho channel. a ... h." from rec ti or four h echte o ln very Mr from being the starved out people 'hoard no such charges made at the interview , int _ __ T , _ that elm c °„g":,, '" ° ` ll '. . . ° . oa t ' Gregg and Wagner. Another Monitor from The London Timer says nothing is yet tier which the Yankees vainly imagine. as to be. I , with therefore, the Presiders He Re aearrate thatfor them, 1 at L'': po s ` int. tb :; . :'' bei • ng "' .. - : -. 0 ::: .: ::: . .. r. T.,: iv the North has joined the fleet, making five in fait about the dispusal of the rams. They Dacia made th e entire circuit of the rebel . only on a s pras of '''' - "mn they I the chanu 1 and i had fall‘there all. The Irensides for the first time since the a are, however, sutpeoted of the same destine- were contained in one two statements made , e i no e t. up to that lines. The Southern papa rd also'contain th , by the sub oommlftees, which wore presented tint, The Monongahela le reported as falling all th e attack upon her, steamed monad Cumming', lion a, the Alabama, but will not be allowed following telegrems concerning his journey to the President, but not submitted to the del- the way up to Brownsville, though allthe poola ern Point thin afternoon, evidently making a trial to slip o ff an she did. egation or executive committee. He regrets 1 ropresentented as being pretty well tilled. If hea _ of her machinery. The Naval o ffi cers who b°•°° " fli • Petroleum-Crude bile fad; Relined 2e 3d. i that inch charges were made, and state. for I ever, the present rata is ' Delta, Oct . 14.-Nrosidont Davis left Geo. _general, (and of tide, we watched her closely, ray that she has been Mulct steady. I himself that he . has no knowled . ge which , think, there le an dortbt,) them will be a 11 of at Bragg', artily to-day with greet satiefaction, , eoesiderably lightened, mast probably for the 1 News from Ja V i a San F ranc i sco, re- I " old lead him' t° make or belie" thane least th or four feet between Mises:id 3londa . pan, a and in high anticipation. The people called , charges. Mr. Drake claims that it was , purpose of sailing North. , cattail this afternoon, to the 2lth A ugast, says manifest to the delegation while they were 1 • r . The levee preseatat quite a business-like *ppm him out. Ile said that we had been looking ante yesterday. there being no law than fintrimats emu's:efts CAPTURED. ! the Japanese Jamie heel dispersed and badly In Washington city that the sympathies! in the face of the enemy, but would see their ' were unconditional. The Unionists of all i DESITing freight for Cincinnati amt. aouasytila Ciordencrills, Oct. 20.-The one thousand tired the British fleet. back,. afore important movements are on , l''' I loyal States were enlisted in their behalf, and Among other new stew:nom mow lying at the where Yankee prisoners captured last week, ere ex- THE P. S. CAIRLST/ AN COHttlaelLlX. foot, and a glorious ca mpaign antiorpated. that they were recognized as the representa. 'we notice Argus No 2, Capt.Geoaltalteed; Charmer, peeled hare to-night. A few d ay s ago Geo. 11. Stuart, Esq., Pres- ' lira of the tritrtinion party in Missouri, anti I Capt . Geo: D. Ifooie; Chain , If. If . 'ltstalott Ativ • tdento, Old. 22.-Tho President arrived : REPAINT:ea ran RAPIDAN BRIDGE. !dent of the Ch r ist., C umin i,,,,,„,,, received will be so recofrnized hereafter by the whole : Capt.F. M. Andonem Capt. John Dricatik.capt here ibis morning, en d goei west to-eight. body of such Lame menu have just swept The Rapidan bridge will be repaired by to assurance from the i rs bel authorities at Rich-Mefash; cleat:um T. Stockdale, Capt. aaughlita Gen Gardner has been iota to Florida, as sue- ' a n to and the Arcola, Copt . 3l CII I "dal 1 morrow morning. mond, that any goods sent by the Commission ;of Pennsylvania, Ohio and lowa, and will in I Caller tO Gen. Cobb . the above mimed heats, lbre ere seeeral otheia In THE RPHP.t. PRIn. GEN. KIRKWOOD IterOstßD rs at Rioheaond. would be due time perform the same g l o ri ous work' in i Mierionory Ridge, Oct. 17.--Tb e following to I-t ' t " p rison° ~ • - , process or coostatetirm, tweet lehleh ere fine 'side WOUNDED. Muted. In accordant.° with t "" ef " tet e a • faithfully distr Dispatches, of the 20th claims that Stuart ' s address from the President, to the troops, was The President in • letter to Schofield sari- I wh " 1 "'" ..,-",.... .. • the information, oho COmmission hare just • The Starlight CaII:MUD Dom Sowteldry nit Thum cavalry ehased oursacrose Boil Roo the pr e - pulilished yesterday . , sea the efficiency of the militia in Missouri, I dicreatehed tweet see hove., entail/leg of ' and rise it so far es practicable to compel toe , day . where Me bud been laid u fur Setae blue to rious Friday, and states that the rebel Brig.- dleariloortere Army of the Temtemee, Oct. 11.- • d 11 h e ' p ' clothing, medicines, h es p t t a i s t ore , o f ' ,II ea r c oo it t % tple,oopti:ot:rolett:noytty arrest ~a , 1 d 0 , n , 0 , d. .:1 1 , e . c r , 7 ,o eq o u n e i e h e t s .:f . the lau , Nrater . This la the Brat sr dier General Kirkwood was among then- . Soldiers-A grateful country roariviltes your kinds and he...aril, es, besides hams, tea, d ' wounded in the engagement at Bristow. retest-de cervices, and rejoices urea year s', suppers. assemblies, or newspapers, when they The Olive, CeUt. Attar..., is ariiinwattc , sl Li kt. , m. coffee and sugar, jellies and picket, The , TERRI. OFFICERS AND PatTATEs TO Da EXCRA NG ED. tory on the field of Chickamauga_ 111 am aro working injury to the military and in no , h. r I:mein/MIA noel Meostille this cmituag. On Wednesday a I.la week Commissioner p.ur countrymen shall more full) lade goods were , eat by Adams' Express to Fur- other,,enewiien t.onyinteorrfmorezit.hmtwheitezg,bossiionnt.i:f , Then. are no pukuts here, al yet, for tlie Wii;ellog t h,, „1„.„,„. eir5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, under which trey.. Monroe, and Will he taken thence hr flag i cute dt with vioie r . y trade, but wo unders t and that the popular Sio:enose Ould published a notice in the Richmond Di .- tl by others. Ile leaves to 1 of truro to City Point. ,the General's discretion all matters relating to 1 511 "" a _, wilt °•••••• • _ ••1 7 . __P„ 11 " In th ,„• h "' la° j ust " poled, declaring all the rebel offieen anti pri- you attaeked the roomy, though they , FROM. NASHVILLE.. ; the removal of inhebitants eJ‘mussi.froin car- ' ,soon I. "' L.° e " "" 'i'' he "' * l4 " init '''''' Batas captured previous lo September let, ea- Cannot be more thanirk tete' may adthfro lain conntlee. -- lbe e:die - tial of certain ladle fa/ l intel" : !setae kat been theraughly overhauled, re. tart those capture:oat Vicksburg, on July 4th. mere the gallantry add patriotie deco - - . lions als is deemed, tehichiettnu, and restrio- i Pair. , cud rePaloted. - - ~' to,borgh ~.,one to be exchanged. This, that paper ■ metes, in lion whirl secured your eueoesa As repro- m t's al a • n ''' °"' l ' ••• the PI , . upon trade and intercourie. Fugitive ' Steataboanuen, and tar nubile generany, wi ll e a P. AeIINILLX, (Oct. 23, 1 063. slaves are not either to he returned, nor are I glad to kern that Capt. Marsh Marion, fornierly of 0 1,,,j,„ th,, stag o f t h e ra w! General', Pew- sentatives of every State of the Confeilerney Oen. itoseerans arrived her e this morning. by y h te ii i r. li foreed or enticoll, from their homes the Linden, but mere receutly to commend. „of the bertou, Slovenian:l, Bowen, Moore, Barton, your The train is off the track near Gallatin. The I ta S aa t pa, 1S t :: 0 0 1 /I . lS e t r. lo . lo s t i Starlight, and who Las taro eeriously ill - for so inn Lee, Cummings, Harris and Baldwin, and of Bonnie solicitude by your friends its avert m o.oo ta p tt-y.hy order of read is ebstrueted There was no train this I one is to minfiscrite property, except upon 1 rnb1ut.„,,„,.,, Len:: . rin, m ,.g h lo" . o :? ! . . cm ,i i f:,h`".." •"••``•• "•• a ' • Cols. Reynolds, Cocrell and Dockery, and the portion of the country : Intel 113 defenders of I ordure front Washingtn, and none but clearly . i .",; 8 7 - - - --'" officer., and men of their engineer corn*, and the heart of lour tel )eur movements eveeteg . Louis Democrat gime rho Edlowing luta, There was heavy rein this morning. It 13 : illualifled Voters are to he allowed to vote. 4th and 46th alissisaippi regiments. hove been an older. of interest, anxiety and , Guerrillas, maranden and murderer' aro to bo mane etatement of theme:Auer, in which-the govern - exceedingly rold this evening. ruzGliels notes OP Ditt.BOATER. hope. Our cause depends ou you, and happy , , held, and all who are known to harbor, alder ee e t 'r" th e 'r r i.v. of . .. , fillaS 0 11 otal - A gun host has ivrite . d. The riser bun The Virginia Rouse of Delegates has passed it is that all roe rely open your achlev:abet them, and all assumptions of anauther. "Pilots are a clam ofmensingalaily useful to iso. W. W. E. I lead individuals to perform such service, are to : • " I Sl' and their services are tnealnable to this Cie, a Lill to suppress exchange in gold and Lank ing whatever the blemings of Providence , r ""'" , ernltteClL Tim Government has many of than' con -- - - be held responsible. notes. . and human power can effect through .)..0 IV nahtnton City Items. , stantly In exchssive serrice, and can easily - get meta I whenever hewer:it of them. The pumas tr:precut efueb, eery much, remains to be done. Ile- WAsIIINUTON, Oct. 23.-A +Freels! dispatch Southern Nevva. , Inc them ha- lately teem reduced to a 'halite Helenas hind you is a people providing for your support Ito the fet/ Sant that a son of Admiral Dahl- FORTRESS Mosaus, Oct. 21. -The following 1 , nerd , Por t t,Lir days !duce, mot to Gen.:Ache. and depending upon year proteetion. Before Brea arrived he" this !"'" ln g , wi th ail ' • from the Richmond Dispatch or Oct. Mst : , send' down inz rigte for '" ir 'P ti P i i iiion s i7 a th i l ee 5 . 11L1 :11 1 ; , patches from the fleet- o aICiLL/ aews• nete7- etateos or all unemployed pine, written unapt, Were you is a country devastated by your ruthless t h ing a gioni , on well. aud invaders, whore genial wow/110'0/4,1e age and Rumors prevail that Meade will be remored pat in a box, a boy was direct.' to draw out me. reunce. The following, gentlermes, and. one more helpless infancy hare been subjected tu out- I from the Army of the Potomac, mid General whose 1111 an WO 'did aft leant, got prizes: OW, t'a.r. ton, John Way, 11111 Monday, Jim- H is, Geo. I Sedgwiek be pat in his place.. rages without parallel In the 4 ariare of aril- Babirds. 'This Is called drafting pilots. itsseHln e r The Chroncele, a this morning, says it will brought the mewage from the Admiral. "Caron hied nations. With eagle rye they watch for take a furnight to rebuild the Rappahannock hired Bon Mahan to to place, Abletraaprom you r coming to their deliverance, and home. bridge, and Intimates dissatisfaction i with Gen. lard to do ln c few day, The pay to pilots\ in Go, Meade, en:anent ser,iw, is ezo per meotha ate is binua less refugees pine for the hour when your vie that all the names will be drafted from oust; future The Philadelphia / irrr of to-day, says : t u ber tortoni. arms shall restore their family shelters I About 1,100 wounded soldiers peeled through The Colomus arrived from below - yesterday 'with a from which they hare been driven, and forced I this city from New York, yesterday, at about gad trip of passengers and frei and left a nat to take trn arms to vindicate their political ,eve o'clock, on their way to joie their respect- s ' o'clock. Ifer attentive clerk, air. G4 l ii, in forms us that the Jammer Lacrosse streak *log below rights as freemen, equally, and State rover- , ive te regimen o ts. Ab o o o a d t do Bo 6 o awed through flaunted Hollow and mink In shoat thirty Met m of past week water, fthe islying opooaltelitug's landnis,on the aiilntY, Parehaaed by the bleed of your Rev. - I come 7,o Y oo m ar7V i e n ct on their wa g y t ta e the coat of Indiana elde. Elm freight is not damaged, mid the lotionary sires, all of which fires a manly I war. • , -• liroast and moves a patriot or a hero, re ' The Commercial says that the official orders can he raleed.-Lenirrille Jot:moat .. present to stitnnlato and sustain you. NS- • i d n a r a n g l i . :! Gaeta'''. Include-ir w a i l t i b to a r i r e a n o 7 a ce o aa ,. `a nf aa t : o • bly have you redeemeil y our pledgee, given . Allegheny Moulatains, to be cabled the West in the name of freemen, to the memory ern Military Division, with hie headquarters of your ancestors, and the rights of your ! at;ix report bli that Captain Turner has relieved i q. posterity. That you may complete the mis. Admiral Dahlgren is certainly untrue, sion to which you hare deroted yourselver, : Tho Eroniner.Ster says: "After diligent in will reqaire of yen such exertions in the future : quiry we are inclined to believe there is no as you bore made in the poet, and the cocain- . ; tenth o o t o i f e ,A l o h: do entreat t rumor hooo i l! t h o tt i. the disp o la no ce - uo us self-dealal which rejects every • consider- 'of the Potomac. General Meade, after 4 brief ation at varlancetwith the public eervico as visit to Irashingtou, returned to his headgear unworthy of the holy cause In which you ore' ter C s L o a - I d ry sj necionnisanees are continued on engaged. When the war shall be ended, the our part as fag as the Rappahannock. highest praise will be duo and probably be l The Orange and Alexandria Railroad has given to him who Doe claimed the least for : already been repaired one mile beyond Brie himself in proportion to the SOTVICP he het , t o ciw ht elat r io o n o . itio r g oro tt e i s o are o en o fa o r t d ho da o y hom and rendered, and the bitterest self-reproach which 1 l ihe n resi P deuts of Faquier g and Prince liriT- . hereafter haunt the memory of any one, will i (lams countie s aro represented as In a painful be to him who has allowed oeldah aspirations I condition. They are in want of the IleCe33B - :te a s of life, trod are in a state bordering on to prevail over his desire for the public good. rotation. Pelted as we are In a common destiny, obedi- ' It is estimated that fifteen hundred will once and cordial co-operation are euential, cover our losses in the late campaign, includ- There is no higher duty than that which re- ins killed, straggle* and missing. quiree one to extend and render to all whet is due to their station. He who sows the seeds of discontent and distrust, prepares for a harvest of slaughter and defeat. To your gallantry, energy and fortitude you crown this harmony with due subordination and cheerful support of lawful authority. I fondly hope that this ferocious war, coo unjustly waged against our country, may soon And, and with the blessing of pecks you may be restored to your homes and useful pursuits, and I pray that our hesrenlifathor may cover you with the shield of His protection lit battle and en dow you with the virtues which will close your trial' in victory complete. (Signed,) J termite:ix DAVIS. President Davis arrived here this morning, and was welcomed by the citizens en mane. An immense crowd gathered in front of the hero. The President congratulated the pcM ple on meeting them under such favorable cir cumstances, and spoke in glowingtorms of the gallantry of the Alshama troop' on every bat tle field.. Be said if the new conseripts of Alabama would gather their guns and go to the rescue, by guarding Courtland and other points, thereby relieving regular soldiers, who are cow from necessity diseharging that sort of duty, such - blows would be. dealt the enemy, as he would Sndit diffieultio recover train. In ihfILWAT the moat effective aid scald be given tile gallant men and otfloera wht4tre carrying-out the plan of the noble Longetreet, under the eupervhdon of the heroic Bragg. In ad. w ay the people was confident that Hose crane could be crushed to dust. It was only by force of arms that the Yankees could be TEI Poventuare. , --This afternoon; at Me, sonic Rail,' a inatinne will be given, when children will be admitted for 10 cents each. Of course there will be a crowded house, as ladies and children are delighted with this elegant antoirtalnitient. • • . ILtimilitAestiejigi=lndependeat,- Wake,/ and the „Wary ' , tot- this weak! at . Pittoalt , t,Apposita t o Postoffico. CABO PtIOTOONIKIS, at ,tho lowest Prices— cheapoithan ever. Only $1 00 per dozen, at l'ittoers, opposite the PolitoMee. CIAL LOCAL NOTICES. JCS'? INN THING.—Bev. E. R. Fairchild, D. D., Moltgomery, Orange, county, N. ",;:trs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer and !Zylobalsamum have been used i s , my fu n ny with beneficial effects ; and I take ploaanre in commending them to mob as hav e occasio n to use such preparations." Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, IPS Greenwich street, New Yark. FACTS SOLDlUS.—Throughout the /li aise and Crimean eiunpalgns o the only med icines whioh proved tmitelveit able to cure the worst cases of Dysentery, Scurvy.and Fe ver, were Holloway's Pills and Ointment. Therefore lot every Volunteer see that he is supplied with them. Only 25 cents per pet or box. 228. Warners, JEWELRY, kca—.J. Roberts, N 0.17 Fifth street, is now opening the most choice stook of tine Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goode ever displayed in tide city, and le selling them at remarkably low prices. ----- • , Font DOLLAX3, tour dollars. soar dollars, four dollars. Dental Institute, Dental _ Bret cheap Dentistry, best &ail, Dentistry No =whim work, no machine pork. Owns= and carriage calla will le taken at the Oatnibm Mike No. 410 - Penn . street, day or night. All orders left at the . shove place will be promptly attended to. All calla meat be paidla advance. ' • eintnara and thorough Lustrootloa to She Freteh 'Language and drawls:44mo bereeeoght from Profaner Victor Boileau, Igo. 28 St. clear street, Pittsburgh. 1w 0. Btu, Dentist, 248 Penn street, vlll at toad total business of his professirn. DIED: PATTDISON.,-On Wednesday ,ey et nne 21st. 11M, 11,1=1Will TLIMi Wig oraod; Patteesone The Mends of the Donny aro ref pectfully bolted to attend the Amaral, from the ori Idiom of Mr. Body Patterson. Ctartilgre Onek, cm gaeranae NOILO7OO, October, kith, at 10 o'clock. carriage, 'dß leer. the Livery thabla of W. B. Jack am Youth area, at 0 o'clock. • Tril/D-43 Thil"Io =4. I t., ELLA OLIVIA daughter Of W. and Ransoms W a r d, egad 1 year and 11 months. BRE$ 18 " -- - 0 0 October 20th, st bt ivadolte. Deny u quiship, Westmoreland county, 31.0. RAERIBER,I sq., in the 3?d year of Me ago. ODERs4n rilday ma ruing, October Eld. of W//4.4AM 33 years. H 7 IRBY WINDER, aged /*wig 00 EIPX . Diy, at S • 'clock p. m., Tn. his hititaPPllDl3. NO:16 Third th met. [Ne w- Yr0 7 ii. 1 19 1 q24111 , 4 »l papers pleas. copy.) BLit; Out; BUILD .11% LOTS FOR 8.4,14.-4 kit-of 06- het 1:1 oat ,Oy ntk Dot dooP. Wallop-0a amt oy &or tbs Cla , thoUe Mooch. It will to avtdod, It Modred, to mit par. Oooent. Terms r 1 172 003 _ • thi t y4Z tL rr con" la - - r r - I - arid well light ed 8110P8, 2:04r4 enitablo for Cablnet Hars Of nechlse Shope. win be Lem d to on. or differeut parties. Apply at 42 TUTU B.T.rJ; Je4 EIBEE .-f ~.... r .~ ...:. z i ~: rx --,.- A bill to eoupeript all free negro°, of the ?State of Virginia, bettrwen the ages uf eighteen and fifty, to work in the mines and manufac tories, was before the same body. LIEUT. GEN. D. H. HILL RILIIIIVED Lieut. Gen. D. H. Hill has been removed from his 0001131811 d in the rebel army of Tenneesee. Gen. Polk charges him with be ing the cause , of his failure to carry out Gen. Bragg's orders in the battle of Chickamauga. THE POLLS OPENED IX DICDMOXD The polls were opened in Richmond on Thursday hut to determine whether the Leg islature shall pass a Lill regulating the prices of amides of prime necessity. ly ORDER OPPOSED An order sending officers that are in Wash ington to the field, and filling their places from the ineidlid corps, is held up in conse quence of the opposition by the chiefs of Be. ream. OEX. )ICADeII CELOVAL The rumors of Meade's nitnoval, and the statement in tbe Chrowid. that he told the President ho could not rebuild the railroad in less than three weeks; is believed to be untrue. Immense exertions are being made to rebuild the road. Our army a tretches from OdirleaTille to Warrenton. TREATIES %MIT TILE INDIANS A treaty nos eonoluded, October Ist, with the Western bands of Shoshone', by Governor Nye, of Neruda, and Governor Doty, of Utah, upon very favorable terms. A treaty with tho Goship tribe, two hundred and fifty miles east of Rnby Valley, Is et - pentad to be made. Those aro the Indians who cut the overland route. 301171 MINOR BOTTS. It has been ascertained that when J. Mind, Butte bought-Ills farm of 2,100 acres near Cul pepper he paid $lOO,OOO in rebel money for it, a . regular illusion of the un certainty which lan • owners in that vicinity consider attaching to their title, to valuable estate. Botts is known to have recently had a conversation with Judah P. Benjamin, in whlCh the latter asked Botts how long the war would continue. Benjamin replied, so long as the Aonth could mine men to fill up its ranks, An. butts then asked Benjamin whether ho still thought the war should continuo till all slave territory, including Maryland, Missouri and Kentucky were within the Confederacy- Benjamin, of course, said yid: Botts took an apple and sliced of Kentucky, than Tannesses, cutting more than half away. He then said to Benjamin, that when be could make that apple grow together again he might hope for the fol6Ument of his wish. ?VISION S USOZOSS ATPOLNTID. Dr. B. A. Wade, WOodstoek, Illinoli; N. J McKnight, Brookline, -Pa. Gov. Rameey's treats with the Chionee, of Red Lake and Pembina, givei them kubstan- daily the following boundaries: CoMmencing at the intersection of the Internationni boun dary with the Lake of, the Woods, then in a southwesterly direction to. the lead of the Thierring river, thence following' that stream to its month, thence to the head of Wild Rice river, thence following the boundary of the Pilger cession of 1655, to the mouth of said river, thence, up the channel of Red river to the .....'tt ~ f ~ W3~ .~-3.,1..t .c r..... =MEI Letter from Commodore Dahlgren. WAsmacron, Oat. 23.—Rear Admiral Dahl gren, in a communication to the Nary De partment, eaye, that as the Secretary of the Nary has &lidded to the state of affairs be tween Gen. Gihnore and himself, the follow ing from Gen. flilmore will satisfy the Depart ment upon the subject, at least to its date, namely, the 23d of September : Atoms Idan¢ Sept. 23.—Admiral: I am much chagrined at the reports In the newspa pers about tendering my resignation, in con 'equalise of disagreements between you and myself, that we did net co-operate cordially. It is not necessary for Me to aseure you•that I anientirelyigdorant of the slightest fomode-. tion for such reports, and had no Idea they ex isted until the appeared In the papers. They were doubtleas Started by 100111 scribbling len sationist In lied of news. I will see thatthey are authoritatirely contradicted. Sincerely YourP, Q. A. GILMORR. To liedr ArtmlrofDaktgree. I have only!to . add that General Gillmore spent several hours in oonversation with me, yesterday, u he did on the 16th, and, as usual, in the most fr)endlj manner, and came on board this morning to converse on public bu, Finest. Ile spoke on the subject, and the General assured me that he was not aware of any foundation for the current rumors. In deed our 00i2COIVIICI, in the public business, and our personal relations, make such rumors absurd. Your obedient servant, JIMA. DABIGILTX, Gear Admiral commanding 5.A../KSquadron. 1=11:1:11EM sr. Loris, Oeti 23.-4/zie :of -theLheaviesh ' t onne tier witnessed-ii St. Lords-prevailed yester.day, clear; freezing night. Itereury at nine'