The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 23, 1863, Image 4

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Fr= Yesterday's Evening
'Horrible Murder in Delaware County.
The town or village of Middleton, not far
distant from Media, in Delaware county, was
thrown into great excitement, on Monday, in
consequence of the discovery of a horrible
doublemurder that bad been committed there
some time on Sunday night. A. woman named
Ellen Jones, who kept a drinking hope there
was found Moray 'hewn to pieces. Rot far
distant from her were found the mangled re
mains of a man named Sohn Barrett. An axe ,
b a d been usedmoommit this horrid butchery.
An attempt was made to wash out the blood
stains from this weapon. A basin of bloody
water,:and w-hlood.stained towel, exhibiting
linger MaSkii,;•as traced_in,the life blood of the
victims, wore le ft in thelionse by the mOr
darer. , On Monday evening, a man giving the
I:Maa of Wilkloson, was arrested,ln Phibadel
phia; on suspicion ,of hating committed` the
murder. Ho was taken le the 'station - lame,
and admittel,being at the hence of Mrs. Ames
up to quarter before eight o'clock on Sunday
evening. John Barrett, whose mangled body
was found, was aeon about the' premises from
two' o'clock in the afternoon until dark. He
was drank ; a portion of the time almost stu
pidly so. It is supposed that Mrs. Jones had
money laid away, and that to gain this the
murder was perpetrated. Two little children,
the oldest. only seven years of age, were up
stairs, and probably asleep, at the time the
dreadful work was going on down stairs.
Wilkinson was sent to Media, and placed in
prison, to await the result of the coroner's
investigation of the case.
Serious Charge: Against an Miter.
Mrs. Brashly, a' roman of whom we hare
no good to liay,2 l 'appeszed before Alderman
Taylor and prefeqed a charge of extortion
against liatthevi' 'Heap, an :officer who does
business for Alderman Humbert. Mrs. Brawdy.
alleges that Heap, some time &Moe, made in
foramtion against her for keeping a disreputa
ble house, but after considerable dickering
he concluded to settle the cane anon the pay
ment of fifteen dollars, which she paid. Sever
al persons in the hones had also been informed
against, and they appeared before Alderman
Humbert and paid such costs es were de
She further alleges that Keep frequently
visited her house afterwards, and attempted to
"do as ho pleased" there. He also demanded
money, which she refused. In two or three
weeks after the first muse way settled, he made
another charge against her, and stated that it
could be settled for thirty-five dollars. She
told him she would pay him no more black
' mail, and the Alderman had her arrested and
held to bail to answer. tier bail afterwards
surrendered her, and she alleges that Keep
had frightened her surety by reporting that she
was about to ran away. One of the Mayor's
police then went her bail, and - is still on her
bond. Therd have been several charges since
preferred against her, which she claims to have
been prompted by malice on the part of offieer
Keep, and under legal advice she has institu
ted a mil/anal prosecution against him.
Supreme Court.
TRCESDAY, Oct. L 2. —Present, Chief Justieo
Lowrie, end Judges Woodward,Thompson end
John J. Case, on motion of A. M. Brown,
Esq., and Joseph D, Hancock, on motion of
atom P. Hamilton. Esq., Ware duly admit
ted and qualified to practice in the supreme
Pennsylvania Railroad ~Company vs. Mc-
Tighe. Argued by Hamilton for plaintiff in
error, and Marshall, Brown and Dicken, con
Allegheny Bank vs. Brennan and wife;
Mitchell A Potts vs. Same; and Statile L .
Brown vs. i Same. Argued together by Shires
for Allegheny Bank, Hamilton and Acheson
for Mitchell and Potts and Barklie and Brown ;
and by Shaler, Kirkpatrick and Mellon for
Ward and others vs. Patterson. Argued by
Gilinoro and Bruce for plaintiff in error; and
Stealer, McConnell and Woods, contra.
Appeal of Young's Administrator and heirs.
Armstrong county. Motion by J. Alex. Ful
ton, for appellants, for rule to take testimony.
Opposed by J. D. Hancock, for appellee. Rule
granted without prejudice to appellee.
Fleming .vs. Ramsey. On motion of Mr.
Woods, and leave granted, additional assign
ments at error wore filed.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company vs. Do
gnome Borough. Argued by Hampton for
plaintiff in error, and by Dicken and Lucas,
The Criminal Cokrt.
Tuvalu:olv Fostaroos, October 22.—Before
Judges Mellon and Brown.
Hannah Douglas was convictetion a - charge
of ;keeping a disreputable house, and sen
tenced to an Imprisonment of six months in
the eounty.
geared Scharff, an aged citizen, was ar
raigned on a charge of assault with intent to
Titbit, on opth of Jane Fleckenstein. Judge
Mellon cautioned the jury that the charge was
one - easily made, and very difEleult to disprove,
and hence it biramenecessary to sift well the
teetimony, an weigh each fact and circum
stance with great cart. The Jury found a Ter
diet of not guilty, but ordered that the defen
dant pay the costs.
A Man Fanged by Accident.
moat ensurer accident occurred at Sue
qua:Unita Depot, on Wednesday of-beat week.
Ogden Weed, a men of about silty year .of
of the bank of the Su squeliturtne, and
lodged-between tho limbs cif n tree, and there
tinsimipended' by the head Until ho expired.
This is ono of the most reinirkable accidents
oti mord. Being-impended by the bud, the
limbs of the tree holding it as in a Tice, it was
hipossibbe for him to extricate . himself, and
belp_did not reach hint in time to bo of avail.
Thu he pulsated likes culprit on the gallows,
thoigh ins execution 'accidental.
Jima! WOODWAILD'S i'sw.---Judge Wood
erstd held pew N 0.41, in the north aisle, in
the 'Episcopal Church of the Holy 'Trinity,
Phlladelplus. Judge WoOdWard left the elugeh.
The pastor, Rev. Mr.. Brooks, ii 11. goal)/
apostle, who believes " whatsoever ye would
that men should do, anto.youctbattdorprabo
unto them ." Judge WOOdWiidlielreres 'that
selling a black baby off the; breast of its
mother is_" en Incalculable blessing . " Whether
this is to the baby, the mo th er, the seller, or
4buyer t be omits to ezplain. The pastor
-purply of Rely Trinity 'thinking other
* e, fudge Woodward 'left the ' church, and
offered tis - Pew or sale .. par 'alba of the
Orc is $156. It brought at auction s92sowlth
very spirited bidding.
PSUCASS Rune—Mr. John Barnes, id Lsw
repos county, recently idiot apelioan, ' a mour:.
insight feet, four inches across.' the- wings,
ad Ave teet!two Inches [m14 ; 4.0,4311, o f
Leak tV the en.l of the
wialbot a few days - since -itt'torinettut Lake,
measured eight' feet three inches field tip
tirtip of the wings. Anetber of the .same
species was shot on theMartstiirre.Reservoir,
measuring nine feet: from- tip. to:tip of• the
wings, having a bill fifteen inclose long. ..The
pate= very.rara . bird in this section of
the country. r- - • ••••
• 13•rfr DZILTH Of • CalLlV.—On ; the OVCID
-lig -'-the 12tli initant; •s , little girl,
aged three years, •daughter .Nathaniel
Wale, of. York, Pa., was burnedto death in
harbed,in eonsequcnoe of herclothing hating
aright tro c frOnt a lighted lamp. The spiel'
At* clothing attracted Mn. Vreigls,, and
!ahen.she ontered,thoannn the child was dond
4.the'liody haring been'hettildy burped. Tt
tt anTipped to hatcdied - ftotnnecication by
ram kalefortr the ilnines clanked it. -
•fiers. Ds axe , ..ozostaW CR= RAILLOAD.-
TM Camber Lend end Peausylvitrds,,Railreed
t i.Pm7 haTorgchased _ the Oftgree Creak
xiltmooCompany's railroctendrallingetoek,
anikering the — former WOW, litte• entire
etintrot of theriitd from *Ctinberlntrit Id Pied
-21114, NW. tei..ett thez.tremporte
*ad mat front the Georges - Cimitk .1 , 41117
ytrittte Baltletere end Ohio 'Railroad, and: It
toter CO Climbs:tiara ingeint
it acts. Co.-;Thi Vain- .1616ciriHis ryis
2V464.- s prison
fit t eisrat us; assambtp-Nogisy 369 ;
B ..Sh r iff—Breekiarldp Ir 4
li,frF4Cesktuall2o) tletWalroiuilel66
tfis- T Yrilka26lpo6262Tihtottet - Leuots 215;
Coroltr-1526wa 265.
• \
~;,: ~ t; ;,S~k~- ~~' - ^- s:ract~~ :ua..u,.~,ni~r.J:.• :;: ~'P~~:a :.,.x7'Fvc'"~=r~;i`:C..K_~.t ~~. , deg->~:;3~::: , ...~._ , ::✓::~:
Pk: Pertstilogflir- Rep!;.
fdoinni; - fitTrocs .Di. Pershiktinftei suf•
fer Log tho futnp of parturition for "six days,
at lut brings forth, In this morning's it:.,
his reply, to my inquiries in the Gassue of the
16th 1111/l. And, as might naturally be ex
pected sate:such protracted tabor, the bantling
Is a monstrosity.
=OCT. 23, 1868
It was very currently reported in the city
that Dr. Pershing was a Copperhead, and nu
merous Incidents and circumstances were given
as ptoof of the report. Au anonymous cow.
munication bad appeared in one of the city
papers expressly stating some things reported,
and Dr. Pershing had deigned no reply. It
was thought: duo to the patrons of the school,
and to this community, that Dr. Spilling
should be called out publicly to definehis po
sition; and for that R urposo my inquiries were '
published, with the advice and saw:Val i
several of our prominent eitisens. I sue
nothing as a fact. I merely stated some
the current rumors, expressing the opinion,
that If they were true, he ought not to remain
at the head of the Pittsburgh Female College,
and calling upon him to answer them, and to
d Vis ' :, 4 atTr ' s k rx . assys of study and elanorate
preparation, he has answered in two columns
end • half of the Opera*. lie 'give* some res
olutions and certificates from thertees.
Faculty and Pupils of the ',chord, a nd from a I
few otters wholikrd him deliver a 'lecture,
expressing their belief that he is a loyal man.
The relit of his .reply is chiefly vituperation
against me. Ever, Copperhead could get
similar certificates, and they are aIP In the
habit of using just such language. Dr. P.
only. proves, by the use of such language, his
great intimacy with that class of politicians.
Dr. Pershing was not called a:troieor, nor wee
he accrued of being guilty of-erre:won. Hence
It was easy to knock down that man of straw.
He was accused of being a copperhead. What
e copperhead? One who is opposed 10- the
war measures and policy of the oppo sed
and in favor of some patched up peace
with rebels ; ono whose sympathies are more
with Slavery and the South, than with Free
dom and the North. Now is inch nub the pro
' sition of Dr. Pershing? He was nailed upon
to defuse Air position, and yet he /tediously avoids
doing so. There Is not a word in his Whole re-,
ply could not be said by Dr. Plumer,
or by C. L. Vallanqigham, the very personifi
cation of copperheadism. Rend carefully his
whole article, and tell me If you• can, whore
stands the Bev. Dr. Pershing? It is most
cautiously worded, and perfectly non-com
mittal. Just like his voting st.the last elm
ties. He prides DWlelf that no one knows
how he voted. Ile - Nps got some Republicans
to believe he voted for Curtin, and yet the
Pittsburgh Post, of testerday, claims that he*
voted for Woodwarda lie declines to ray how
he voted. And thru the Rev. Pershing,
D. D. is deliberate ly intentionally deceiving
somebody I Is lira, the kind of man. that
should be at the had of oat of our leading
:Female Institutions? Is that the position of
a trulyloyal nulti, or even crfansuDi at all ?
I do not wielilo injure the Pittsburgh Fe
male College, and therefore I refrain from
noticing the conduct of Dr. Pershing in his
school, and with the Trustees and Faculty,
since this controversy began ; and I also re
frain from stating certain things which have
been voluntarily communicated to me by dif
ferent persons. Bat I am greatly mistaken
in the temper of this community, if, under
the circumstances, the Trustees should retain
Dr. Pershing at the head of the school, they
will not have reason to regret it. I certainly
can hare nossible motive for Injuring the
College, and I po have not the least feeling of
personal hostility to Dr. Pershing. My church
relations and sympathies are all with the Col
lege, and have heretofore been with Dr.
Pershing. I have acted In this matter solely
through a sense of duty. It has caused much
ill-will, which I regret, but I have yet to be
convinced that I was wrong.
Pittoboryh, Oct. 22,1863
United States District Court.
THUSISDAY, Oct. 22.—Before Judge McCand
The cane of the United States vs. William
Jackson, a drafted' man indicted for 'perjury,
is still on trial. The testimony has not yet
closed, and a verdict will not be given to-day.
True bills have been found against Abra
ham and Cyrus Stouffer, and Thos. Cowhand,
for concealing and harboring deserters; and
against Thomas Conrad, for counseling resist
ance to the draft. -
A Rio Truiro.—Tho anassercioi states that
the bell of the Third Presbyterian church
"was the largest in the city, and weighed
some fins sons, requiring right hors,* to haul
it to the building." We are not advised as
to the exact number of hones employed in
the hauling of this bell, but wo are assured
that its weight was considerably short of two
.meeting of tho member of the Third Pres
byterian church will be held. on Friday eve
ning, the 23d inst., at Mozart Hall, for the
parpose of taking action in.refereneo to the
procurement of, a temporary place for wor
HARPER, roe NOTEXBEIL-Mr. Frank Case,
Clroaiela Building, Fifth street, has received
Harper'e bragialni, forlievombor. This num
ber - closes the twenty-eaverith volume of this
exceedingly interesting and popular serial. It
can be had, with all the latest papers and pe
riodicals, at Case's.
yesterday held to ball by Alderman Jones, to
answer a charge of assault and battery pro
ferredby Patrick Owen. The allegation is
that John threw Patrick down in the mad,
without any provocation.
Ccoluxo out Carpeta, Oil Clothe, Huge, Door
Matz, Aro., at greatly reduced prices, at J.
Finch's, cotton. of Groat and Fifth atzeete, op
posite the Court House:
ADRIATIC, 1,.101 Ronet-fe4eft 141: 03
I,ooOBci7ile.poefitr,l,ooo tom.
COLIIIIIIIA,i,OOOI, 3,000 ton.
Alt .I,ooolitarsa. ;1,000 tans.
Ths nu t gainnans wlit sail
ore New York for LtirerpooL on TIMDAT, the 3d
Raise of passage from New York to .. fdywrpool, w
edeln phlox* equivalent in currency.
.Psmengomforwarded also to Loudon, Parts, Nam-
Bun, 144 1 14-Bremen, -Rotterdam. Antwerp, ge., at
lb. htstesr rata.
- Parisi trintr- Liverpool or Galway to New Tort 'Lod
Boston, VA NM, Vas IPL% 51 0 d. •
701 paeans apjdy at t o Aloe of the
adt Bro Agents.
MARI gway.
4 A.
- "Eerhop areessideßilddlng,
riftlriarstet. Itlttabargh.
,Joico, ylyst.Aages.
(Cuts - 11.sisog.).- Thu, trulacums, _
14"11?;191; rf eW " e Vollourr
poinp A q einem:4a as • ..
And ernm . .sisnenedlag.did hum Pier
lurgt dr Wile&
, . .
. .
84;44 is Gtdd, or . 4d cisiodkisl to (harmed. 1
darn emtuf,.....- .. ;400 00 diadti1d::.........•.«.830.00
-do :td London .... WOO do' . - t0:L00d0n. , 54.00
do- toTarti. ...:96.00 , dti , mkiTalio.,.: AO CO
do jo Etkobturif. , oo4:lo -do-- ,- sollantirsirtilo
PototectediloO fOrdaidod to Udioreinidoun, , ltot.
taidotookomiqs deal; etnatiritayrkto4 - -_.--- -,
rood from XdoOtpool. orAlofts .bum ;%liit.Cabin.
# 75 .k.5 65 ,ARC ' dtoonto;d3 o .. `Moo Ids° id & to
moo to Attatirrirode Giqfpgit Ockbte hes* id peas
rides. ' ' - - . - - , -
'Tor farther Inicatut api,ptirld I .ls:COmPlarre
015ces. JOHNIL ONI1;• 4 11gant.
lireadwayc n t Turk.
JOHN Tll9/1.1130W
Mad and, P!. boll.;frPgitNr
..ruz cotriTlii.'
p .tromed_out. in .7133 T CLAW:IIUL
BTFiauraa,tram .I.orrpt9, LoAd*.4l77 ! G.b . nv
CorkObt - - -
And by mak% midi ReAlpriTOE DOL
--App p•to - D. ii'VX/it,
MARV L.1141-ini-f_ts44l&
Win gold, or ate lel9loeiiiii "
, ..
_ Illailinnery indr. 410
I. NV. F. Warm
Tweatr.Viirsi Dollars.
?BOWS saructif=,
Alleged Cause of the Removal of
lien. Roseerans.
The New Mexican Government.
A Foreign liar Faintly Discerned.
Th Florida to be Sold
*wild Ingtp..tchii: d t PittAhorgh Cliaatts.
DILPHIA, Oct. 22, 1863
The remotiteolikßosecrans was in conse
quence bf chargtAlpreferred by Crittenden and
McCook for unoltiorlike oonduct at the battle
of Chleitamauga. The specifications allege that
he was panic-struck in the early part of the
battle, and retreated to Chattanooga, leaving
the artily without a commander. Rosecrans
awaits p investigation by a Court of In
quiry. •
/near cause is disobedience of orders
in advancing beyond Chattanooga when or
dered to remain until reinforced. 110 is also
charged with inefficiency and disobedience of
alders in not advancing against Bragg, while
*ant wqs operating against Vick/burg. Of
fensive novements against Bragg at that time
would have prevented him sending reinforce
manta tosPemberton and Johnston.
sit depttation of slaveholden from Prince
laberges county, Md., waited on the President
to protest against black soldiers being sent up
the Patuxent river to carry off slaves on the
plantations to serve as soldiers. Tho deputa
tion feared that serious consequences would
ensue if this was not stopped, as the presence
of black soldiers among the slaves Would ex
cite them to do acts of violence.
The President replied that so far as the
using of colored troops for this business was
concerned,lthat might be obviated and white
soldiers scot to collect the slaves, but that the
Government was determined to compel all
slaves suitable for soldiers, not only in Mary
land, but in all the border States, to enter the
army; that they would be taken and put into
the military service at once, without regard to
the wishes of their owners. The necessities
of the country demanded It, and it must be
The Forey Government in Mexico has off,
eially notified our Government of the orreni
sation of a new Government, and desire to
open diplomatic intercourse with other na
tions. The question of the recognition of the
government there is now practically presented
to the consideration of the State Department,
Gen. Grant, the new Generalissimo in the
southwest and west, has appointed Thomas,
Chief Lieutenant; Joe Reynold, Chief of Staff ,
Brennan,Chiet of Artillery; Biddy Smith, Chief
Engineer, and Gordon Granger a new corps
The Paris Pays says Franco is determined
to keep the Polish question before the powers
as as European question.
The Paris Coartirtaloaavitakes It fur granted
that England, as spoken for by Earl Russell,
will consent to the abrogation of the Polish
partition clauses of the treatleit of 1815.
Toe Liverpool Courier says : The Russian,
French, and English fleets are In New York
harbor. The scene of war required the intro
duction of no distinct European element to
heighten its interest, yet at this moment the
cloud, no bigger than a man's hand, which
seems destined to darken Europe, has arisen,
faintly indeed, but clearly, for the harbor of
New York.
Lo Proses announces that M. De Bisllegme
a member of the Corps Legislatif, has pub
lished a pamphlet entitled "France and Mex
ico," which concludes that on the accession of
the Arch Doke Maximillisn to the throne, the
protectorate of France would terminate, and
the French troops would Immediately be with
drawn. The fate of Iturboda should be. a
warning, says a correspondent of the London
Times. Iturbede, a native born of Mexico,
and a General in the army, who had rendered
services to the cans. of Mexican independ
ence, made two attempts to put an end to
anarchy, by establishing a monarchy. Be,
too, was proolaimed emperor, and was driven
from the throne within a year, and had to By
from the country. Ile returned to look once
more the suffrages of the Mexican people.
Ile was taken the moment he set his foot on
soil, and shot at San Antonio De Padilla.
We learn from :Brest that the Florida Is
about to be sold to the Trans-Atlantic Com.
pany, to be employed on a secondary line.
The new captain, Mr. Hussey, was, before the
gray between the North and South, the inti
mate friend of the Second officer of the Federal
corvette, the Kearaage, which is still lying in
the roadstead of Brest. The men of the two
vessels are said to have Indulged In many free
fights on shore. When the otlicers.passed each
other in the streets, they maintained a dignifi
ed silence.
The Liverpool Cour4r, of Oct. 9th, points
out the great power which a combined Russia
and American fleet would possess on the
ocean, if the two allied iowers were mit.= to
war against a coalition brought about by the
oommoutions in Poland and the Southern
Amerleun States. Admiral Milne is warned
by the journals to watch where the Russian
ieisets head fur after leaving New York.
W. T. J.
ratheige oA Enropew—tbiore Inva.Ud
Re%lmPtil 9/I;aulged---Enllstragnt
of, ayeil—Admlral Potreo Ober*.
"tioni=-The PrealtietWo,Letter to Gen.
Nair You, Oat. 21.—A dispatch from Wash
ington, dated Oot. 21st, says : Stook quiets.
lators to-day endeavored to create -an.ixtr
presslon.hero and over the wires, thaideore
tag Chace will soon throw on the'. market a
large amount et Exchange on Europe, and so
reduce the.premlum on gold. He will do , no
such-thing beyond paying the November In
tacit oitthe, public debt.
Piro memo regiments of the Invalid Corps
have been organised, vis 3rd, 3th, 11th,
12th and 13th.
1. 0013211010.01) of wealthy slave owners railed
Ron the President todayto protest against
oeurititisegro - sOldiers in fit: Mares courtly,
MaOland, , to enlist slaves "'from Olt Flute
-rhe-President tepliedi So ler as send.
Jai Ahern Was:concerned. that might be auodi-
Led, 'anal/hit° :soldiers tent; but "tar 14 thb
negroes ire concerned, the iloittrument snit
Imre all-the slaves in Maryland aridthe border
Stabil for military purposes. •
flew: Teen, Oct: 22 The 21:iiirse's special
Trim WaShingtein, dated 2lst says:
Admiral Porter has taken advantage of high
wider in. tba Cumberland mad, Tacselsautiv
-471, to go ..witis his squadron to ppiPto, where
be can sander assaults! iiivice to.theCardy.,
The resume whi n th e,. a to
Oen. 'ldeacie,last Saturday; des' iMeitto , 46 -
corded u put. of the history t bs . UM.PaliP ,
now drawing to a deist
Mr.Llt4aiaS.:My.,t.n..Mead,.itiy,t at
betuust iluditad Aght the anewenne, r and
.thisigita - Won.i.yiatity . iltoaldititte lathe
logrbut it De Were„drifielsitl; '311131041 13
commandir4n-Chlef,would assorile the teSpot-
~.c'.N.. ... u1•...aG:..,.,z[.. ~.,z v..~5~w~~t... , . , ..~.5`:ta~:.;3:'v.,.,... .~~ir !~i~( s ~s.r.:o: w~ ..., .., ~~.. k t a~ d~s is '} f ~`.tn,`,f~~ p -~~,+ s et"~ i s .-'j~'-';'W j'~ti~"_3~'`z "~"..'~'~:b?+
•'te+'s."'~=-3.2 ... ~..rLL;,...,.uA.., :b-x.-~:.:~~ : da.d.... '_.tF.~»sz.._vo.r-..-onwri..:~:'~3~aa~f ~a,::~U.Sr~»,+. i -, 0;F ,- ~ .a
~. w.. ^
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
OCT. LL,” o record a routinodd dull mat.
ket,though the 111• w• frcm C.e I•.rk is more faeor•
able. rode .tet teit 0 , 3.1. wall ...les
New Yoxx, Oct. 22.—A special dispatch to
the non from Washington, dated 21st; says :
Our army Id following the enemy up to day.
There wax no rebels discovered this side of the
Rappahannock by a reconnoissance to-day.
Headquarter. .trmy of the fossuc, 04. 20.
The cavalry of Gen. Eilpatrick's division in
front of the army, moved forward yesterday
to near Warrenton, driving She rear, guard of
the enemy, and the whole army advanced to
within supporting &Aimee during the day.
Tho railroad to Gainesville is reopened.
tins - Your., Oat. 22.—The army correspond
ent of the Herald, dated the 20th, says The
prevailing opinion, founded on good authori
ty, Is that the energy has fallen back behind
the Rappahannock. Our infortant status that
Lee's and Stewart's forces numbered over 70,-
000 mon. With this force it sounds strange
enough to have them falling back. It is said
the want of supplies is the cause ; but when
they get within reach of transportation they
will make a stand.
The Herald has the following .
Army of the Potomac, Oct. 21.—Among the
camp rumen bearing semblance of truth are
• •
That Lee's Headquarters are at Culpepper.
Ewer's and Rill's corps arg between Culpep
per and Warrenton. Lee is greatly disap
pointed at the failure of his plan to occupy
Centerville and Bull Run field before General
Meade could march his troops and send his
supplies back to that point. That Lee in
tended not only to force Meade to fight him at
Centreville, but proposed to take up his winter
quarters there. That Lee's army is disor
pulsed-and disheartened, and that Blue Ridge
is fall of rebels awaiting an opportunity to
desert and come into our lines.
This aiming quite early there was artillery
firing and a cavalry skirmish in the vicinity
of Sulphur Springs. The particulars aro not
Rebel Purees around Charleston
-*, about 20,000.
kc., ke.,
New Tata, Oct. 22.—The following is the
vote of the Ohio soldiers at Morris Island . 25th
Ohio—Biough 199; Vallandigham 7. 62d—
Brough 2724'4 'alien di gham 41. 67th—B rough
233; Tall" ham 29. 73th—Brough 130;
Vallandig no; 107th—Brongh 2i; Val
landighst one. flospital--Brough 39: Val
landighank . Total--Brough 898; Vallan
dies= 18„,
The Tfinghai the following letter from
3f orris Island,_
nth Ca Una, Oct. 18.—During. the part
thr% or four days there was very little firing
•op milker side. The enemy is evidently wait
ing fur Iron clads to come up, for which event
he is reserving his ammunition.
Admiral Dahlgren, • short time since, ex
pressed his determination to an officer hign
in rank, that he would go up to Charleston
on the next trial, or elso assure himself that
the iron-elude were unequal to the task. This
will enhance the excitement of the conflict,
and do much towards settling the dispute as
to the amount of work the iron-clads are cap
able of petforming.
It is believed that James Island is occupied
by 0,000 rebel troops. Sullivan's Island is sup
posed tq teoeciiedby aboutthe'n
r.i4ieimldi.uviultyof Charleston
are quartered 10,000' men, making an aggre
gate force of about 20,000.
Gen. 6eryinorir arrived here horn the North
yesterday. As yet be has not been assigned
to a command.
From Europo...gelsure of the Rebel
Rams Confirmed.
Er. JOIINA, N. F. Oct. 21.—Tho stoambhip
Hibernia, from Glasgow on the 13th, has ar
The seizure of the robot rams is confirmed.
Liverpool, Oct. 12.—Cotton advanced Id.
Breadstuff, steady. Provisions quiet and
London, On. 12.—Consols closed at 92.7414
93 for money ; Illinois Contral shares 173i1111,
18% discount; Erie 68®69. Stooks active
and better.
THCIIIDaT. Oct. otll3 - 44; feature we have
to notice in money matters fa that gold continues to
declita, slowly, the New York quotation to-day Wing
14?. Silvar also be. declined In New York, ranging
from 137 to 13g. Ilere our brokers are paying 103,3
Llt for Silver and 13,901110 for Gold. Ennio,* fir•
change lasteady at par buying and Ng4l per cent.
premium eaMng. Government Certilicat. of In
debtsdnewa an firm, but without quotable change.
The export* from New York for the week lusveteen
install for the avaeon. The following will show the
exports texclusive of specie) from New York to
foreign porta for the week ending Oct. 19th and since
Jan. lot
1861. 1882. 18113.
For the veck 83,815,470 55077,436 52,888,417
Pray. nr0rted....1111,336,116 L 13,962,001 138,1810,184
Total minceJsal.slo6,lsl,sB6 8119,040,037 11139,T76,601
When Secretary Chase ceased issuing legal tender
notes, there were $34,000,000 of unfinished notes in
the hands of the sugrarars. In various stages of CCan
Several sweets sinus ha gave Grim to ban them
finished as early as possible, and they are now daily
bring .ant to the Treasury Department it Washing.
too. to be registered and paid out to the Gorernmest
TaviaDal..october. 2 2 , 1503
noun Q 1111.4114—Vibeat le Iltqadb with a regu
lar demand, with slam from 'segue at 81,Z) for Red,
and 11.2451,28 for *bite. Spring Harley has de
clined to $1;30 por buthel—a decline of 10 eta; nal
8. 1 .1 It arm at 11,W. Corn it quiet, with war of
Shelled from.depot at 111,05, and from store at 51,010)
1,08. there le bat littlademand for Oat* nod the
market 1a quiet at ,74(7::a by the car Rad, and rio
78c from More. Flour is lees active, but without
quotable change; email mies of Extra ratolly from
more at 10,6)30,75 per bbt. Rya Flom le aellmB M
Se' per WA. : '
aIIOCESLELi-There h i eantinned modaratejob-
Wag dammed:tor gtoco4os. end ttao nulkFt L Anzw but
MUNIAP46I , * 9fP:14441c40.F.P..i.1i 4 . 5 .4F-K t
" 4 . 15 , 3 45g4 34 u. X o 4ultPa l iT o , r ! eto
40 to 4.1 c, ara4stips dray be quOted'at SO to Mc
BlTrr UGS-4isteriltater 'arm lath
ads at VtalEs: tale of Staab& lithos lion nt 2.1 c.
Eve firm, and all 5agd1441:143 14 e. ,
POTATOEllut r mrloo (elr,dsmatel boa un
cl"..Pd; =loot, ltal bble'tflukes" : at 12,50 per bbt.
!Street Putatpes may be qutalsi at 0,00 to S.. Ml per
bbl—tho latter rate (or Jelllsii• •
TOBACI.n.I-Pies nod • shade hither: maim of 40
Fenn Baltimore Plug at reklitoc per lb.
APPLES-.Cionang in ware treely, and the market,
nntlennemtly, to • thane easier; 'aloe of 400 Obis at
42,766:1P0 par bbl, and 70 bblsas
IL&T-,ls Arra and hisherLsales from acmes of 21
loads, loose, at 313 to 313 per I9S. 4!lr e4 I 6 j ;1(
BUCKWHEAT FLOTIL-311. et 603 lbe (ant of
the season) at 54,00 par cwt. -
111.0073 4 -Uvrehanged; oda or 10,000 lbs Eboulders
CREWE-Is larm with sales of common W. rt. iv
123 i, and pyit l
4L7.-:6a!t• or !Co. 1 Extraat "Wl* bbl 0001
from daptdruilleanAl sad stow 11113,3 0 6 1 ,0 12. • 1111,
Ground Liverpool selling at 3310 par sack.
New Tlirivioatriiiiiins Market.
dree*latch to eh; rittibutitt dsotts :
10t w Toil; guittWerfittr. trot
yritaiable distsiiy is st a*.
Thin ts ittikoitsiolltd Mita .ixtfbondt,spl
asedrareetatelatiarralkia itlii • 41 # 11014.10 ",
"OC l Ptil k g n 4b.000210031.0ff-40341 r,Or
A7so4l:l l 4imoulauthOcr erg "
PaoalbafiiPasc 4l ,Vittragt s
ths raps hum to s ia tbilkilVA
at 2:1!„ knit,. 111 , 111%/114:
quotat!..- mar T.• Girls girt, itt . 2,o,ttitt. F., It , .
fined, is Jt•ittartti hatttvot lett& in
thettil..nt . .. of 431 r., wd •ttntt !t i• ?tut
prop, t. .soartt. that there 1... a•si.r..ut
natinn Ilse part of of ...At larvat opeculator.
to 1.1.1 the lr.,hi 13,1i1 tioss, I. all tarot in the
mat-Ice's, /Owl twit, pt Tti•r ,
are. Ihr.
hoty.4t. who aro wad - tut:tate 1.1 hte tanahla
"hold,i . and th... parti. trill probably 1.. (.4.-1 to
.11 at to -acrid,.
Ikunu~ i. 11/1..t I.Ut atand!, with an
timal: kale nt t. , Zlr, and nom. In 1.1. n a r ro.:11
22, d r d ., du not tittuk, bun rt r.r. that the, hay.
truen -.1. Ittoole ttivssr our TM.
Utak cry firm, and. to tb.
tu•oru nt -.1e., Inn) I.e quoted nt $3.7:mr,4.0ti it, Id&
In ghina tit. •tu.nat 1",, if Crude mI at ttil I I . !, on
Wedittititlity, a n.A tt,t {kir bait'. I, vi
fihoutil hove I,itt rifllisr,and fifty c.nti,
.tllegteny Lire Stock Market.
0,, la —TIO market bar cattle hes ru1. , l rether
I dull during the week. and, while the supply wee telly
as large as mual, there were but very few good rat.
i tie on sale. Third le but httle demand for any ex •
eept the heat gi.adis of catthi, suitable for butchers,
and to effect saber of Inferior stock, low figures bad
to be uteepted. Stock Cattle Continue to Meet with
wary limited request, and the government demand
appear* to have imbelded altogether, ee all the eon
' trode lid remelt,' hare been tilled. There are but
very few Eastern buyer. here. and they will operate
only when they cell get gOO4 clock at hiss Sores.
I'riceu hare undergotto but Mlle .bongo from last
wook, ranging from $1,75 s2.oo . per cwt, greet, tor
Inferior, $2,50 to fri,oo fue . outnittort to fair, and 82,50
to 8.1,00 fur fossil to prime. Stock cattle sold at from
$2,12 to 52,75 per cwt, and those may be ronehlered
the extremes of the market for tide grade of clock.
The r,colpis of syrip. were Larger thati
though most of thoe tot sale, or of n Inferior
quality. There to, lntwever, • good demand for prime
Casey bogs and el of this ;made sell readily .at fall
prom. Stook Hoge, like Meek Cattle, are not much
inquired fur, and of cduree, to effect sures, low Ilgurea
Coro to be so-opted. Moat of those .41, with the
Or.caliptioln of tut. few email lute minded, were for
gallon.% to the ra.sterif 'markets.
The following lots .ere wheleealed during the
Holm. sold 90 1..4 to her at 04.60 t Mcrluffnn
SU to Munderbnagh at $42.5; Scotland al to at
51,60; INaren 111 to sign. at 34, 6 t, Maven 0 2 to Glab
at illat; Ander.. 51. to Warren at *LOU; Lomoo /08
to White at $4,7% Carotidal 102 to A Ithousw at 14,62
tloodburg e 2 to Lafferty at 14,62.
There has been no [stateside-Lange In Sheep during
the past week., worthy of apecial notice. Toe offer
ings appear to be equal to the &mud, and quid/s
-lit/LW sway fairly be given at 81,60 to 84,50 per cwt,
fur good to ingote. Lambs, of which there are but
few to market, remain aboqt as last quoted.
New fork Grocery Market.
From the Shipping List, Oct. 21.)
Sugar—Like most other articlm of marchindisis
noticiel in this Ilarikete, this has boa unmnally quiet
enure our last, the present dullness forming a very
marked contract to the activity of September and
the early part of October. Molders, nowt:roe, have
shown little disposition to relax former extreme
views, and values may be said to be unchanged,
though at the close. no usual in a dull market, there
was a little aoften Refined .ing of prices. Rened it a trifle
...Baer, and Ilion Cannot Dow be quoted weer
cents. The sales of !taw are =1 limb. and 110 blds.
cobs et tiOteriX% cants; 52 laid.. 03 - , in bond
t rash l; I eon° hose. 111 , 1144; 70 Mei, and 4 tea,
let:names, 10; 10/ bide. 31aottniqua, 12; 50do. Jamaica
11%; G 1 laid, New 0rie1..., 1.1,.M.14; lots two. Ha
vana, 12,014%, 4 tom.; and tit hML.. 31eladn, on
terms not made public.
einfot—The market Taa rental nr4 nem at the im
provement noticed In OUT last, lint, until yesterday,
the!, was an atmoat total absence of demand, the bon
poionsl being riestrietod to the supply of the mccv
mediate wants of comarnem. The transactions in
clude 4,100 Lags Rio. p, Traveller, and 4,%0 do for
Favonten, both prime callow. new crop. *float, at
*.0.0., cyan.; 141 nantore..l4,; 75 Maracaibo, 04; 211 hf.
and qr. Mk. Mie;ha, 1$; and 210 bags Lagnvm and
4010 Maracaibo, on terms we didmot learn. The .I.oet
of Mu In the Country, as made ,up by Messrs, W.
Scott 4 Son, Is 01,s&J leap, vie.: 50,:250 bags here, and
; 1,."01 at Baltimore,-
Molasscs--There has not teen much inquim sine
our last, and the market to dull, but holders are Mtn,
and there le no change to notice in prices; the salsa
=lade hhds. l'orto Elko at ov,Tu cont., the
t,,w o c price for sour, to Barbadoes, 65; 4.50 labd. sad
00 tea. Claysd Cuba, 40; '4ll hhds and 10 tea Cohn
Muscovado, 44t437;.and 1,900 bbls Now °clean., 42e4
60, 4 Mt.. _ _
Chicago Market
t4-roses 21.—Thu bread...tuffs markets to-day wore
again easy, owing to a further decline to gold. Thera
was little or no demand for Flour, on recount of the
scarcity of freight room, and in order to ellect salt"
holders would have to submit to • decline of livsoc
per barrel. Sprtrig Wheat woo In fair demand, but
the sales show a denims of 1E1.13.e per bushel ; Winter
Wheat was negleeted and nominal; No. 1 Spring sold.
at $1 OLesl ; No. 2 Spring at el 01,irdt1 0;1, sod
Rejee-ted Spring at 260590!...e ; at thwelose toe market
ruled s teady et $1 02 for No. 2, and $1 02 for No. 1
Spring. There was sot much activity in Corn, sod
the market declined w ith Ma. Of NO.I St ing
rie s clewing at the inside Ague, Oats were in fan.
demand by speculators and short sellers, and at the
opening 55(a2° o were paid for No. 1, but after the
New Tort news wu digested there were no buyers at
anything over rds. Rye was quiet and easier, with
Wes at 0701390. Barley was dull, and I@die lower,
closing at 11 1641 11 for No. 2 In store. Seeds wen
quiet, with light sales of Timothy at 1215, and Flax
at 82 W. The Improvement In the Now York and
Cinclamti merkets caused • firmer feeling here in
Righwinot, and abuill.l7llo barrels changed nand. at
Cleveland Market.
Oa, 21.—Flour, dull and unchanged, but tending
doe Eneant. Wheat, dull and unsettled. The otily
sale reported at the Board alb. I car common wilt*
at 51,40. We could not hear of arty transactions In
red, or of often being made. This afternoon 2 can
of very choice Kentucky while are reported at 51„60.
Corn, dull at tak from store. Oms,lllulL Sale 2 can
ou track at We.. Bye, Bone on the mtu - ket and
wanted ; would readily bring 100 c. Barley, in good
demand; sales I car on ma at 130 c. Begat...,
des 1 car at Gk. Cranberrha, Woe 3 bbls at $l2.
nighttime, bell firm at 18c. Salt, we quote Sue at
$23/1, coarse $2,70, Timothy Seed, quoted et 52,71.
Clover Seed, worth $0,21 6,10.
Imports by Railroad.
Prrrescsion, Pr, WstxSA Cnicsao Itati.nosn, Oct.
bbis whisky, M. McCullough &,o . 40 bal. of
cotton, King, Pennock & co; 68 bags barley, 1 car
corn, Hitchcock. McCreary tr. co; 11 bbls apples,
Ira & Hall; Icu Corn, D anus; 3) boxes war.,
11 Kirkpatrick 1 eco; 19 bp feathers, K 11 King; 70
bbl• lour, McKeown & Unbolt; GS bags oats, 8 21
Kier; 2 boo tobacco, E Megrair; 10 bbt flour, Sho-
Dakar & Lang; 112 the, &oilman & Garrison; 243 do.
B F Scholl; 3 rolls bather, 8 Keys; 34 bp potato.,
It Kiddie; 0 bales wool, 11 Childs; 170 pigs tract, J B
Canfield; 144 Ogs wheat, Itcsoner, Wallingford 6 co;
150 bp oats, W S co.
31 Ms pearls., J B Lyon; 10 bbt. cranberries, to bbl.
beatm, C C Etalsl4; 74 bldg apple. idellan• s Aug.:
40 do do, 0. llolsmarc, 36 do do, Ahi lieeril; 13 balm
hay, UK bblaaands, 8 11 'Floyd; 10 tibia potatoss, W
Kirkpatrick; W do do, WFr &gram; 16 bbla tur
nips, B L Bream 1Z) aka Nestor*, 40 ads L
11 Voight & co; 16 balm tom, J Childs; 160 ska mill
had, Bingham, Sturgeon & to; 169 Mils mad, 111eKeo
& Bro . 200 ligt Malty, 1) Fawcett; 47 Dbl. eider,
Van dordrr; 13 do do, I' Wessell; 19 aka dal wad,
James Craig; 71 bbla apples, John Herbert; 10 Ibis
beans, F Van Corder. 20 bp apples, A Balloti; td do
du, Mrs Arbuckle; 8 b4u rags, kleCutlooste, Smith
co; 3 boo nice, NV 1 , \Capital,
A LtrAMIKT 8T.1410M, Oct. TL-1:10.-Ackie ahast, 330
bbl. do, 1 car Kennedy & Brother; liX) bbla
door, Simpson &-Knor.; 1 car h.y, Yoeght,y s Kopp;
/ cat colas, .1 IV 11.09081 10 14 .broome."2l 8 4.1-
lori 32 kg.. k. 4404, U 11cCkAii; ' 3 Phis batter,
8111110 ;Jori Pe,•32l;lle4ples;AClgranion3l64,
J0hp.T444•4; 1410 birley, aka. Caret; 1 Dbl ei
der,,fatser A Art2stroner; Obis trine, K P BoiOlandi
46 Ilan, John Waddell; 15 tiblnapplea;VEMEniminc
4 bbl. cider, O Myers; 2- Ws potatoes, 11.1 T Cram; 12
boa chasm, SholsiViti d col,4%Otriak lumber, 0 C
Boyle; 1 bbl mustird,, Tiernan& Katy; 6 hbla oil, J
1 1 10 POSALs.
Wheeling, :West Va., October 12th, 1603.3
REALED PUOZO2#I4 - ‘111.1:41-receivell
dace until 12 o'clock at noon of October 24th, 111011,
for flirldibinthdgnartermaster'. Department: U. B.
Am p-, with t follawhigole: -
Two hundred , thotitandl2o3,ooo)htshele of prime
Oats, in swim, the Oats to weigh thirty-theca:(23)
pound. to the butthelistal the sacks to he good strong
borlapn. The grain to be delivered at Wheeling,
Weld Va., onegmtrtef.wlthl. &tam days, one quar
ter within thirty dam une quarter within forty-five
days, and on. quarter within sixty dayi f ro m data of
th.award. l • •'
Two thousand tom (2,000) of good, sound, 'nee
dilatable Timothy Bay, baled; to be delivered in
%balsams ratio with the . grain.
Wbe Considered for the entire lot or
for twenty thousand (20,000) bushels of Oata or fifty
(60) tons of May., ,Propoulamnst state the quantity
offered, the plate id reatihineis of ths bidder, and must
be accompanied
_47 e guarantee of at least tete re
sponsible pendriXthar tr. Venderytinttlfill the con
tract if awarded to tilin• - • - 13nisfaL.Idatierawill be
tiotilhifiatt 9.0 i. Old the . d'arardi'ins4,o B ' to ignAL
Writtireixestracta will in all casertdortiterist - into,
and cohnsiton4.lll be .Thrarectio riTabonall Lithe
.dittlitl;peribratattav !WAR* enaliVra.
60016 be .ppderspion_ off, ;amigos* !
Tyrihs , toed et
"t* weir Te- Ito "rfela .40 rodectA.Pi.e.r all
ratiOnLbithallb - verxmwi -
qatirtilai4 : llnlgsirthe lbiegOlng
iivdratralikars Fosiplied with. • •
. - -
C•Pt =4 Aimet r-tr:
HOUSTE.4tst t?lartoilitear. a -
xoTE,_ tun , oiiir 'arab.
Abu, ENTZLUM lik - IThesil4l, Vcion and
. • Patisl* • '
"W w." 4 "Nts. 00-li
~autommt,...., ___ ._ Wood atm.
POPE .0 ' /23 1 / b Li.
.4..1 Au mai lq " 111111Mit. °ULM
ArEiiktG4LC -
Hernia d.
Hernia or
Hernia or Ruptirre d.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Honda cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Marsh's Radical Cure Trues
Ritter's Patent Truss.
Pitch's Supporter Truss.
Self-Adjusting Truss.
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace,
for the core of Prolapsus Uteri, Piler,
Abdominal and Spinal Weakneseed.
Dr. S. S. Pitch's Silver Plated Sup
Pile Drops, for the support and cure
of Piles.
Elastic Stookings, for weak and var
loose veins.
Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee
Ankle Supporters, for weak knee
Suspensory Bandages.
Self-Injecting Syringes ; also, every
kind of Syringes.
Dr. KEYSER has also a Truss which
will radically cure Hernia or Rupture.
Oilr 003 re at his Dann Brons, No. 140 WOOD
sTagsr, .Ign of the Golden Mortar. Person.. writ
ing fbr irnseee should wind the number of -inch.
around the bud', frornediataly over the rupture.
DR. 6STI3WR wlll glee his personal attantion to
the applie.tion of Trepan to adults and children,
111214 ho i Battened that, wtth an expectant. of twenty
yearn, he will be enabled to glee aariafeetton.
A dozen different kinds.
A dams different khide
♦ do® alffemit klub,
A dos. dlniareat kinds
At, Dr. KEYSER'S, 14) WOOD Jiregsr.
I Invite attsadoo to some of tb4 mutt oauliordl
ouy atm by my
They ma at beam and any ma who has doubts cm
baildra ed the tame= who hays been owed by it.
Teen' standing elms. by DR. EXTREER PECTO
D. Hares.: My wife has ban afflicted with a
bad cough ant difficulty of breathing for Ave pars,
which for mead years teak had gradually Inereesed
in violence,. The complaint has been hereditary, and
We had been treated by several physicians without
any reliwt in thls•tata of her cue. I procured some
of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the first
time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very
winch ; I then celled and got ► dollar bottle, which
cured ha entirely, and she has now no trace of the
former disease, except weakness. • I would also State
that I used the medicine myself to a sold and rough.
The medictoe mired me by. taking one doss. I a
pnea my entire Istlsibotlon with the medicine, and
yolk are et liberty to publish this if you data to do
eo, - Wlt. WILSON,
Aldermen, Fifth Ward.
Yrremmeaut, No t. B.
KITUB 1 ha.. been. mate at leisOn my
.abated lab the semen ortolds mad.baremena.
At time, my throat ermtM became° obmedm to pr••
mummy eposkiter above • *diaper, and I.y taking •
1.. doses .at ttie above Ilyttrp voitld' tains me
In motatnendlugihia nuolichno, I Must ingusits
lingly nattbst R i Rio 19d ieated7 / tirtrlbuted„
papa:than tneute thcatxmj,xpr„sho;l4latg,bnay .
b. 'without this ismsdi Ibr dbestonio Flrfalent.
- TOIIIIIIOIIOO 11:54110341.r .
, - 0WAAP. 1 2, 10 2t 2 . 9 :_
- -
Dt. IFsmi--.oEgr:4 . te*#te &Iv sg.
aclawsWitte 4 611 4 609 . dM r 1,4,1 .
*Mak B *P AMEMer, Tl4•4O l M , ll*Mi. -Di MY
1 - dui It la all - yea eiy It fa: - li - kiheieff4iiksq
eels/ ow cow" sal the wont dn. t slut ever motet:
al Ire net asiOspie = titiri
betas. cad' X =a! J1d.40 '4411i 'thati42: - . 4 rtio - ea 'ar.
'Meted iktuld '511•4•:01112:i 'a(
lane." 114* ..opazithkr:itiotllo FM!"
fur any conaldarstlo or ikons. coot , ignicblzediPPl
I am breath* asarerfrsolp tiorki L unt d . bL,. I. shall
Alwyn ecknowlndgele debtal gratitodeAbettureat,
In! so szolDrat nneedy. Tam pas at 4itrlty to au
mY mum M. .018 proper.:
• 741 u,
Ilealeocer -Lomxisoa Pltttbersh.
Pittiberek Zoo 14-1850, . •
IL 8.-1 Immo etraapi to toy lallow
an rho aatertatadtaibta oan .eottrolt-uiaccureoßT.
N. B. .
rummer, Aprill4 1557 .
!zip tatrtit.4i4' i trxigs t• bir. •
&Vita ii,4144 LAW •toihtlikkigud
00igh; .041, XtlVlV 4 ttrr
Pectoral. pereltaiert*..r,te - iiiitliait ;Tim
praroa•L sraoPoraimemn• tiedmd nil •
evttug , •••• her
warily of bar lima.
• 40Eni *ARM
DX : 1=1011F TIIP
, .
‘ 4- ,t4.l43oscrs•inata7ins,
• .7
110 freed InTqsalitAx4,2i.
and after MONDAY, Apt! • •
lean. th. Pittahur•gb Station daily. (except Saab))
at 4 m., atopptus at all Stalin. bereven Pine
lough and Philadelphia, and making direct count,
t 1,12 I', New York and Philmlapr,,,,
The. THROUGH yIAIL TILLIN lemma the Pas
...anger Statinn en,/ mooing (stacept Sateday)at
2.50 m, mopping eta". at 1 ,4 4;41 5ta11..., a nd
making dtrmst. Counectious at Harrisburg tor Balti
more and Washington, and for Near York Err ?Wu.
The TB ROUGH EMPRESS TRAIN kern daily at
154 p.m.. .topping only at prtuttpal stations,
di w
t nnection at nlurt.burg for Baltimore
Weabilagton, and I', SO. Tort. via Allealown route
and Philadelphia.
Th. FAST LINE leave. the Station daily (eampt
Sunday) at 6.15 p. to., *topping krtoat_pritmipal u.
thole. eennecting ht Ilarvialmrg fv , r Bevltimere ausi
Waaltiagh.n, and at Philadelphia for IVcer York.
The J.,hustturn Accommodation Train leaves daily
(except Sunday) at 2...45A m., go - japing at 1I Nation,
and naming as nix eu Cadnemaugh..
First Apanamodation Train ror Well's Station
teams daily (accept Sunday) at 6.11) a. m.
Second Accommodation Train for Wall's Station
isms &fly (execpt Sunday) it 11:M s. m.
Third Accununodation Train for Wall's Mallon
loam/ daily (oicapt Somday) et COO p. m.
' Fourth AlSommodation Train fur \Van Station
leaves defy (except Sunday) at 6:10 p. tu.
The Church Trait leaves WalPs Station steer SLIZI•
day 14 9:0.5 a. m.; returning. Isar., Pittsburgh at
124.5 P• m.
Beturn.nag Trains lirri•C ea follows;
Baltimore . m.
Philadelphia. Binaprisis p. m :
Fast IA l°:60 a. m.
Through tlailTrain ..... a_ to.
Johnstown Accummodation„..,-- ... 4s. Si.
First Wall'a Station Acctoomodat ion...—. 6.25 Si Si.
Second Walre Station Acembroo.hition—.- 8t35 a. to.
Third Wall's Station Accommodation I:4a p. tn.
Fourth Wail's Station Accommodation:..-41:06 p. Si.
Baltimore Zapreas will arrive with Philadelphia
EaPra. at, )2:01p..m. on Mondays.
Trains foallairmille and Indiana connect at BLitt's.
villa Intellection with Through Accommodation.
Johnstown Accommodation and Express Train East,
and with Baltimore Brom,. not Johnstown Scrota.
modation Wog.
Trains fur kilettnaluirg counoet nt Cresson with Hz •
prom Trains and Mali Tram Wr.t. and x ith Tilt °ugh
Accosurnotistion and Eaprtwe Train Kant.
The politic will tied .it greatly to their Intcront, In
iFolog• Eaat or West, to travel Ly ttto Younotylventa
Central Railroad, as rho aetturntouilat ions now offered
cannot be sarpgmand on any other rout. The Band.
Is ballasted with stone, mud is entirely free from dud.
We can promise safety, speed. mid comfort to alt
ho may faaor this road with their patronage.
To New Tarn—...._El2 Ise To 8a1tim0r0,...—...811 00
To Philadelphia-- to 40 To Lancaster 8 40
To Ilarrieburg.. 7 45
Baggage checked to all btaHorte on the Prrinsylva-
Ella Central Railroad, and to rblladelphta,Ralthnore
and .thaw York.
Passengers purchasing tickets in the cars will be
charged an excess, anmrding to the, distanco Waded.
in addition to the station rates, except from stations
when the Company hies no agent.
TiOTICEe—In case of tom, the Company will hold
themselves respormilde for personal baggage only,
and for an amount notasoneding $lOO.
N. B.—An Omnibus Lino has been employe.] to
courrY passenger. and baggage to and from the De
pot, at a charge not to exceed 23 cents. '9.r each *-
manger and baggage. Fur tickets apply to
J. STEWART, Agerit.
At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Passenger
Station corner Liberty and ¢rant streets. split
C raTsßtacu '''''T
11101 a ,
E3f Elt Milian - I:MEET:LI/a and after
MONDAY. April Kith, 1863, - Train will las. the
Depot of the reunaylrania Zailroad, in Plitsbargli,
as folloya :
5:10 a. m. p. m
8:18 •• 2:55 "
!Ma 1:+5.1
10:M 4:53 "
leen 5:10
Leaves Pittsburgh, 10) a. 111.1
do Wellsvtlio. thlo .• I
du liteutreuv'e CIO •.
do NV load ing . .',..10 o
Arriora Pollair. -. 5 . T.5 ~
Connecting at Steubenville mid Boilair with Steu
benville and Indiana Railroad Ithd Ohio Itedi•
road for Ransil!le, Newark, Columbus, Neu* BeY
toa, Lodi...Tolls, Cincinnati, Loninville, Cairo, et
Loula, St. Joseph, and all points went and aonthwast
mut at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Pa/dart it et ad Obtreiond Liar.
Leavesj 1:00 - a ru.'LZ:4op,m.
do Wellsville I 4:11, " 2:50 o
do Bayard i) •• tin ••
do • 1F,4
do Ravenna.. 7:21, raa
do" CIO o
Arrives at Clevelan:L..—.. 0110 '4 1:30
Connecting at Bayard eitt — Tusearavres blanch for
New Philadelphia and Canal Dover; at Aillanenvlth
Pittsburgh, } ort -Wayne and Chkago Retried; 'at
Ravenna with Atlantloanur Great Western Railroad
for Warren, Greenville„ 3leadville, Union, Corry.
Jamestown and dalsnianca ' • Mason with Clem
land, Zanesville and Cincirosati Railroad for Alamo,
Calenaga Tailo and 3l .llle sung , and at Cleveland
with 'C. k E. R. B . for Erie, Dunkirk and Buffalo
with C. A T. R. R. for danclualq, Toledo, and also
with steamers for Detroit.
lA'ellsville Accommodation baron at 3:4 p. m.
Returning =alms arrive ut 9;10 C. mi., On.A/ and SW,
p. nt., and 2:10 ant.
iaroagh T i ckets to nil prominent polio do be
procured at t he
e br FtORME PARKA,llretßiat.
And at Allegheny Qty.
A. Q. CAtISELBERST, Ticket Agent.
For further information apply to
WIL L1A.31 STEWART, Agent,
At the Company's Omen In Freight Station, Patina.
Orrice or. Coal nimaza or nn Cuanterr,
Visahington City, Angtort sth, 'ISW
Warkasa, c n satisfactory 'endence preeme to
the tmdersi , it has boon mode to appear that
the FIRST ATIONAL BANK OP vrrranneen,
in the County of Allegheny, mad Sow: of Peonsylva
obi, has been duly brgatilz.l under and according to
the requirementw of the Akt of Congress entitled
-An Act to provide a 2:atlonal Currency, secured by
• pledge of Linited - States Stock', and to melds for
the circulation sod redemption thereof," 'approved
February 25th, 1563, and has compiled' withal the
provisions of said Act repelled to :be compiled with
.before commencing the badness of Booking : •
Now, therefor% I, Rron bicertacaitt, Comptroller
of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said
county of Alleghcoy, end State of Penosylvaztl2,.is
authorized to commence the bus:rues of Banking on.
der the Act of
In tastlmooy . Irheroof witxtees my baud
ps aad neel of office, - this bth•Asy .of'Attga t,
J 803. • 31cCI7LLOCH:
Comptroller of the Curren4.
Cancan, $400.0.00, pith privilego to IticitttW
to ga,ooo.otlo. .•
The Pittsburgh Trust Company having insulted
under the act to proms A Netforml.Ourrency„.andar
the of. - ths P.ULST. RATIONAL BA RIC ;or
P.ITTI3BMML.WOItid respectfully offor tteurrtica
for the collectionof Robot, Drafts, Bills of „ExoNinfe.
Ac., rotas./ monsy . eu 'deposit, hpy end - self Is
clump Om. all patauf the'emmtri. • •
The enceem.allish•has attended the .Pittsbargh
Trust Company, suss lisoarewnizetion in 1652, win
we bolters, bo si b s:43o.4 eptarsupor that bmiromi
entrusted tb • thS Aim mg...salmi dpl recetro the
same prompt attention.
Rasing s rery . ostansiro correspondence with Beni.
OA Benton' th roughout the coulitry, do believe we
canafferwmtnewlthoWciei to
: thaws who: Milmithasso
• witNiA,
This bustritetriil conductetticy thewaithrOffirore
wad Dinstors. . .
Abs. ftrulley.
Jatteserdamblial • ,
• ...Robecrt
,TliammAY kw?.
- 14An4
iwime Wise:Ur' • -
lAZGULTR, p iC fLJatf.
110LI;KIVIAATI-MA! 4 . 3:471c NI): 65
_ CDI TrrEa - D - di less,
.141, 3 01 1 A kal.otleac. ext,Wedheichty
eind.Beituess.,erf.e.e.hupt,feaChat ircieember
Whyte 'toll cer.loekterht - fraid•Neetmbee,..l4 ere
-Maylift fr osoeb elorha , - • .
otilleLatqqe not 4 , 4_ then thee
Anidind4,tbe,prortts • dedatedlyte - A
lear t lp. Jettee,att .INlher. - Intere it - Imi di:w/o
ehirea - IsehOtiblyalf,'lttqlke atid.TheseuitietOithee
the Beak eirlytiui: , etAtia :Tote /4 . '03 *EMIL
lame trans; dtpri k ,;Rl4
bt the depositorAattpal. did Way the same' th
terverticen com
loithalpi tedee'reyetr Nettlotitlrthbftet'therierosi
-39Y-to colt, eilerti4e-pf , sieue hlt {ois WOG?. AtAte
rate ittobeLtalt doeWhelase thettchneyesei,, .
I.Booke,trzeitilhlit :tteirggeel'lßDles
ilhAßegg44 l t 13 .4 1 '
, %.4 1, 14f , :4- 1 0: 14 2 44 4:at
ttu ?zo , -
rilardiri'T 2 4=ol}FAlNlttE: ll
. - memorsts:
Joivescatmg; John'
JaweelL - D.
Be* L. Yahneetoelt. A. }Little*:
James 111eAtiley,
1 ..„
. ClaTia MiliDll,_ _ _ ."... , 2,1 V.Pablili
,491 1 4.:04 11 0040M17.7.!,.'7. IWaact,P;MIBPIIIO ,
.Icl4,o..lnualfz, '..,......, t lam wr. m .-- L s ',.,:)1
- Georprigict, '' . Soterllloo...
'"Albi.t. - Ctintii ''' ' ' freis7tan 10 ' r*It:,_,, ,.. ''
tOtratlielnaba; = r- , o .7atoareagam''' '
'''' italisid Dmillarr, t aohiaclikVeNnli t •
AA,7,: 1t %,
I..ttC B. triff 721a"''''''' WlDSRlVicoktrk,„
Z Tbillq,... W e''
lalaillirn , l' ; lii;
AkilltiaklLlA?" --