- 151.c.:2,-ZtlFrA writ dna tt The .-Wese CellgrPee. *Mir 411Irtailik.M0gar7111-I , XEir.-:itimeierisE. 3 7Edrzs. eroly otornarrsEAV-vra , D ikonontoitcTic ? The represinatativree e l ec t e d t o the ee *: busii.'Clovereee‘i A 'Vail ICt~ Answenng this question, enable de_scrip- lug Cengreis are chased as follows by MI V V sbe '35 13.• RIDDLE Cc C 0 .. tire letter in the New York Time,. from Mr. New York Tribune, and the classification , - _ S J. A. Ware, the Secretary of Adjutant Gen- seems to be as accurate as it can be made. (jiL "" BIN !IF:L. for Crude and Refined •-• Oil, for •rale by J.lB. DALZELL & SON, `MIDST LicaNciG..i . o cr . 22;18 6 8 . -eral- n the Rost Plonta,tion, 2•publicurie oul War Damweate, elected m e at y co . c,,al es and 70 Water etreat. Republican votes.- twenty mike .fieni Now Orleans, formerly Democrats and Bell•Whiiis, elected by the cam- Physical Degeneracy. . owned by the rebel emissary, Judge Bost, Bo blwd s °Pr ce n4 l, by • mixed vote 72 _ ti 14 'the morireithltable results, to our and now by Mr. Brett. Sir.ifttre says: I vacancy (Albany District. New Tort, vice Coro . 'Ming the late draft, is the amount Of all the fraud-O lug. Dem resigned) ka, abserdities, and di sa bili ty w hi c h i t di s cl ose d . sophistries that have constituted the foun dation, and the sole foundation, of this stathe ciactper cottage, but it is *retched rebellion, none was morel paulat make the impression that we isle nor more generally believed. than the Obeolles, sadly degenerated statement so confidently made by every typ e oeiih mcs si o i n i elaveholder maim glibly repeated by their se of en organisation parasites in the-North, that the slavesare not fit for freedom, that their only idea of '`e requirements of per. it is licenie, and that they will never asso. 'I be .very naturally orate it with duty - or responsibility. Though I nets these reee it e , the charitable hoped the truth to be far dif eh,im„ in `"° ferent from the broad and comprehensive .. statement of the advocates of slavery, the /InPesee the nrtit moat hopeful scarcely dared to hope that betas's-such ar /sae than a - generation would bring s din' ne ldierly lire to - such - a point of intellectual and ma mita ixt the ral advancement as would fit him for the proper enjoyment of. freedom. I myself lue• - We have always been among the letterclass, but ometimes I am - beginithsg tobelieve that we have e not ay t h em only underestimated the intellectual abili ties and the moral condition of th e slaves, either but have committed the equak error of rea l' esr : main g the degrading' influence of their hu- past life. But without theorising, let. me state the actual condition of things here. • . TER riasvirrox Ail IT was. When Mr. Brett first looked at this plan tation he found only, the former overseer and half a dozen slaves. The overseer told him that most of the slaves had decamped, and ware collected together at the contra band camp, and that it would be useless to try to get them back. But Brett was not to be so easily discouraged. He asked for the most Intelligent of the negroes that still remained, and got him to go with him to the place where the rest of the negroes were to be found. On their way down this man said that they could never be induced to return under that overseer, for he had been unusually harsh and cruel, and had defrauded and robbed the negroes whenever he could. But Mr. Brett determined to try them, and when ho arrived at their rendez vous, caned them together. He told them that he would feed and clothe them, and furnish them with medical aid; that they should have . such and such privileges, and at the end of the season, one-twentieth of the crop. Now, negroes, from their long experience in judging of men and from the vital necessity they have bad of studying them, have gained a spit of instinct, which enables them to judge almost infallibly whether a man will keep his promises to them. Mr. Brett is a man whom any one would be willing to thrift after seeing him once. He is froni, honest, and bears the stamp of honor and sincerity on his - face and in his manner. The man who accom panied him had been quite won, and, pertly through his influence, and partly through what they had seen for themselves, the ne groes were quite willing, so far as Mr. Brett was concerned, to make the attempt. So, after a little consultation, they agreed that they would go, if he would employ an other overseer. To this he would not con sent. He told them he should not carry on the place himself; diet he needed the sett vices of an experienced man, and one that understhod the plantation. The negroes, however, stood out firm, and he gave them a day to think of it. The next day they were more decided than ever. They said they would be led out on the levee and shot rather than return under their old overseer. They told'hini he needed only to , have a bu siness man; that there were plenty of the hands who knew as =eh about the place as the overseer, and could carry it on as well, except with regard to keeping se, counts, buying supplies, and handling mo ney. After considerable ineffectual coax. log on his part, he had to give up, and agreed to discharge the overseer. - Ile brought away thirty-three hands, who worked well during the week. Tluk.next Sunday they asked permission to go down to their old friends again, which was grant ed, and they returned with one hundred and thirty-three strangers, but mostly belonging formerly to the place—all of whom have been at work ever since. Not one has left, and I presume not one could be induced to leave, while applies tionsibr employment are - coming in every day. tnriou Aso piuniusiou— TatEtBDAT ISORNDIG=:—OCE 22,1888. Physical Degeneracy. One of the moitremsrkable results, to our mind, attending the Into draft, is the amount of physical disability which it disclosed. We Gannet statetho exact per ccatage, but it is so large, as to make the impression that we area n ati on oebnbeoiles, sadly degenerated from the original typeorithll.ll, occasional and exceptional case of an organisation which comes up to the retjuirements of per fect manhood . . It will be .very naturally supposed, by those who note these results, that the portion of our Inhabitants in the very prime of life_which composes the first class under the enrollment, betrays such ar decline in vigor, or other soldierly quali ties, as to threaten, natewartresulta in the generations that -are to come aftei -We know that Oposure to a-draught sometimes prodiesi a ;Pi, bid we would not pay them the poor complimentof emcmingthat either this, or flint hearts;have entered : to any ex-. tent into this melancholy exhibition of hu man infirmities. And-yet , , we are not convinced that the exploded European opinion, that the human race degenerates in this hemisphere, finds as much keel ground for revival, as the phenomena of the draft would seem to in dicate. We do not believe that so huge a proration Of our young men Is so im perfectly organised, or so much debilitated by nutladies, as to_unfittiteni for the nuttily_ employment of bearing arms in defense of their country. = It may be that in some of the districts the "medicine men" are over Ltstidibas, or from inveterate professional habit, hive acquired the trick of looking gray we Intend no pun—and shaking their heads ominously—or perhaps think that It is their business to nose out the slightest Imaginable hlemishes—or are possibly hur ried away,. in the ardor of 'professional re search, into curious explorations for mon strosities in nature, or organs that may seem abnormal either in their structure or action. There may bo other reasons, however, for this phenomenon. We have heard it re marked, that if any man in good health will diet into a medical book or, two, he will be • confirmed hYpochondriio in two weeks, with all the symptoms of all the &team of whisk he has been so unfortunate as to read. We should not be surprised, there fore, if the public) exhibition of nearly all " the ilia which flesh is heir to," paraded under a high-sounding nomenclature, and with frightfhl particularity, coming in at the breakfast table—by way of bitters, we sup pose—had destroyed the flavor of the beef steak, and incontinently given the belly ache to nearly all the young men in the country. Tell a man how many enemies he has, and at bow many points he is vulnera ble, and,yotunsylreak hie rest forever.. We have seen a list, comprising diseases of which we had never heard, that was big enough, and learned enough, to send a whole regiment of veterans to the hospital. What, then, must bo the effect upon the raw re cruit? He will have no occasion, certainly, to run to hie medical advisor, and say: "Doctor, for the sake of humanity, hunt me up a disease of the most mysterious charac ter, and with the longest and moat unpro pronounoseble name!" He will feel himself —like the monster Csliban, under the magic arta of Prosporo--racked with cramps and aches, from head to sole, and ready to be catalogued for any providential ailment that may turn up. We protestrhowover, against all this un wholesome:Jargon of the school, precisely u wa i gheuld object to the application - of the microscope in order to spy out which would be otherwise - invisible. The doctors must recollect that it is the bachelor class with which they are now dealing, and that there is great risk of damaging the prospects of that interesting variety of our sputa, by insisting that nothing short of an Apollo oran Antinoutr--somedivine ideal of humanity, without - speck or blemish— shall pass mutar fbr the armies •of the Union. We rather prefer a trifling inArm. Icy, because it looks human, and brings the eandidate felittle nearer to ourselves. An Imprcanptu Thanksgiving...An fireiudve Se'Tne. A correspondent of the New York Even ''+ isy Post, writing from Columbus, Ohio, on the 14th inst., gives the ft:Sowing acconn t of s scene he witnessed: Whim the rettirnnbegan to coin in this morning, with such unprecedented majori;. ties and gains for the Union ticket, the whole town grew wild with excitement. Business ceased, and evet7body came out into the streetto hussar. The crowd gather ed near my o ffi ce, and after a few moments Col. Moodie mounted' a box and made a spetieb—s capital and effective one. The ex.:hematite( 'the crowd increased, aturcheor. tapan cheer pootAtcl the utterances of the /Taker. , Finally, Moodie (who was • Methodist'prestcher formerly,) as he drew to a ohne; sal: "If I was in s . Methodist . meeting I would cry 'Glary to (iodl' axia eine the — " At this the crowd cried, "lints off t Silence ! Go at it Colonel," At once he commenced . ..Praise GO," to-the„ tune of Old Thindred, and-that vaefaisem; Map tevok it . up;and every tut :in It sit S with ell his-might! Wl:isn't it sublime A nobler "anthem!' for the daliverence God has wrought, out for* hem traitors and bloody men'could not have been aims - and the impressiveness of the pane can onlibe &placated-by those:whose fortune:it :was to witness . Jsn. Pans V=Tsa Bj►aa's ARYL- The chstumcpog bas an aeeount ol JeaDaTiel_vielt to Bragg's assay: "the "resident has sought this doziest. mut, I am aasured, : on .stootatitt. of the tm fatting, difficalties which have disturbed the family of .Tenneuso, over, which Gen. Bragg presided with such tees. The InnTertalen of Polk the :arrest of Hindman, , the Sump . with Farms; and the illesatle Action of several others, all nenrrthg right oa thol*eaf a victory, andU the face of the got Yi+remmolikto.eselM git insist; data an administrathre ma lir: Wei. Ills inquiries will. be olose, and hie counsels eThc Ira:Went , mingles freely With. ths traspiCandl Ime made ,sevaral speeehes, which o cc asioned loud enthusiasm.; , Dzarrin 3110: nrßarrni.=-Anorrespond -: int of the WWll:4ton Ctiromcie, it giving as neeenetnf _the battle at litdololv etatbP: says: 1 , 1 • u i " oat t rarr balv eazirlioctio *ballad . -7 4 / 5 :1: 644 T i 11ig = Wel*P': -spealar..et Om In tertai at AendeTriuitt.W luy stood in thairn sad drie more ;au be NU eats b rimpt sodas= trarrior.. , They...dlC num ;Doi narendi4l* - tidi was becaueetikey'eathinot land and Aso se rapidly ali Our reitinne TIII TIJITATION LI IT IS They are more contented and happy than they were under the patriarchal institution, though they work a good deal harder. They save their money for a future day, and their savings amountaiready to a "good bit." The working hands will 'make from seventy-five to one hundred dollars apiece, so the overseer tells me, over and above their share of theerop. They support their families and take care of their aged parents. Now this does hot-look as though they were so utterly shiftless, does It? Again, on Sunday, after the Bible had been given them, L went into the midst of the congregation, and after saying a few words, so as to get them somewhat acquainted with me, com menced irtunning fire otquestions on this very' topic. Ituldressed myself solely to the men, who sat apart frouilhe women. From the conversation that ensusd, I am con vinced that they do appreciate their re sponsibilities and duties. They will spend their money as discreetly-as white laborers do, and I am inclined to think more so. They will put their savings in the savings bank. They will try to be temperate and industrious. Not a theft has been committed on this place, by the negroes belonging to it,iince Afr. Brost took it. They understand the in fluence they are to have on future genera tions, and On the 'Policy. of the country, pro vided they shall succeed in doing well and accumulating property. They areAleeirous 'of vindicating themselves, their race, and the system of free labor, and thus laying ?or their posterity the foundation of a home and a country. How they will succeed, whether they will be able to resist the tempt ations which the spread Of among them will generate,c whether they will be willing to take their chances with a had or a dishonest employer, I do not know. But no onethatheazdtheconvorsation I refer to, between thitoiseliii- and nie, can doubt that they rally-have the ideas and thoughts I have presentediltand that I Sall "appre ciating thto position." The Siege co,rOtarlestoa• The Charleston Nerculy of the lath pays : 'The enemy'ff. mire 'altogether silent yesteniay. Bettery,Sitnitins kept up its turnal :barter lire Atgainit. Grkg ind Wagner. But:, few, 'dots were fired from our other battaties. • The two prisoners taken in the harbor on Saturday night'are communicative enough, though it may well bo doubted how much credence is due to their statements: They say that batteries Gregg and Wagner will not be ready, to open fire on the city for two weeks yet. Pour guns have been mounted at Wagner and one at Gregg,all, they say, 200-pounder Parrott guns, and. bearing upon the city. There is la prime of con struction between Wagner arid''Gregg i email battery upon' which is to be mounted four 800-pounder Parrott guns. . —•- Parrott, the itiventor'of the romans gun of that name, arrived on Morris Island a week - ago, together jvitheome 'dials work men, who. are busily! . .oupged in getting the ordnance into posiWu. Parrott will give his personal .nttention to. the firing of these guus, when 'Gilmore — Is prepared to renew the attack:- By the panelled of Cumming& Point, Timor, has approached. one mile and a Ulf- nearer to the-city than when Wire was directed feces thethe girth , Satte, between Illack'indbforili Tibias. Theprisoners state .thantbe _shall from 'the INAtimadtalt can be praAot.l with erect lip dr milwott - OW ram liontheoltp ;Odd -bledi bllt-thaigibittiraprefers to tetanal/1411 hie batteries - are pentonW , `, 11usaferceirlfof thaldllimor =Theilrettatoe=:teir)itite-CumnbielP o lit, Well t, oar awn stil'ort Jazumi, b e e n totem up in formidable proportions. Total.. Claar Acltololatrallou maJority There are ten members yet to be chosen : one to fill the vacancy left by. Corning, of New York; one in Delaware in place of Temple, opposition, deceased; five. from Maryland, and three from West Virginia. All of these, save perhaps the successor of Corning, will probably be loyal UniOnista. Of the Border States men already elected, not quite half are friends of jhe Adminis tration, while some of the others are '" igated conservatives," only slightly tinged with Copperheadiam. Prom all the signs thus far It appears that there will be a working majority is the Rouse in favor of the Government. DlffieulUes with the Rebels 'ln the Ex- change of Army Surgeons. - The official correspondence' which took place last summer relative to the ernhange of army . surgeons, has just been published in the Richmond papers. The whole diffi culty lies in the . case. of Dr. Rucker, who is a prisoner in Richmond, and against 'whom the rebels allege a 64A - committed in Virginia, in violation of late'. They are willing to exchange the other surgeons, but refuse to give him up, insisting that be shall first be tried in Virginia for his al leged offense. This cannot be conceded by us, for by the local laws of every Southern State, every one of our soldiers has incur red the penalty of death, and we have of course steadily refused to give them the privilegeof general execution of our prison ers. The correspondence upon the subject between the exchange,officers was dropped as long ago as two months, and in the meantime these surgeons are without pros pect of release. Tea New SPOAR CROP OP LDEUBLIEL.--- Advices from New Orleans say that the esti mates of the coming crop of sugar from the State of Louisiana are conflicting. The area of cane planted has led many to Infer that the present yield would be at lettat fifty thousand hogsheads, but a close examina tion recently made, taken in connection with the reports from all quarters within our lines', induces the belief that not over one-half of this quantity will be produced. The growth of cane is grnerally small. The great cause operating to diminish the supply of this important staple is the want of labor, which woe felt at first In the plant tug and cultivation of only a limited ntun ber of acres, and now in the lack of a suffi cient number of field-hands to cut and 'mike" the present crop. Dtarrreve Cosortion or vex Union pool,- XIS IN• Colonel Bro derick, of the lot New Jersey .Cavalry, who was wounded and taken prisoner by the enemy in the cavalry fight on the Rappahannock last June, arrived here to-day from Richmond. Hie statements concerning the condition of the Union prisoners are of the most remarkable character, and should induce the Government to initiate at once prompt measures for their relief. There aro now confined at Richmond at teasel:tine hundred officers, and over ten thousand enlisted men. Many of the latter are-utterly destitute of shirts, pantaloons and coats, and sickness prevails to a fearful ex tent. Numbers die daily and the mortality is still increasing, insufficiency of food and lack of olothing having prostrated hundreds of the most hardy men. The enlisted men aro ac tually starved,. and an officer who gave some portion of his food to some privates in the room below, by passing it through the floor, has been confined In a dungeon.— Was/I:119ton On-respondent N. Y. Herald. DELTEST Co.u. Mum is 'Ars Wortto.—Ths Coalmine of Monkwearmouth was visited by a party of members of the British Association, among whom were four Mica. The depth of this mine from the surface is ainbteen hun dred feet, and the workings of cOal under neath extend to a distance of two miles from the abaft. About three hundred persons are employed in it, and six hundred' tons are mined daily. The heat at the bottom varies from 84 deg. to 99 deg. Feb., and the miners work in an almost nude state: Of all the pur suits by which men gain a living, there is none more toilsome, more dangerous, or more dreadful in allits circumstances and sur roundings, than the lifeof him who wins coal from the mines. PUBLIC AVTICES. B. o► Etrrenwou, Oct. 15th, 1553. übAlsi ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIitECTOES of tide Dank Will be held et the tto dclalLootewi o ur. o r f l 1 1 , 1 1 10N1tAl a ;totemter 16th; be tween The animal meetlh:of the Stockholder, will he held on TUESDAY, Not. 3d, at 11 o'clock.: oel6:3tdiatear .101/NIIAREER, tluhlo. CITi ElBl, Pittaborgb, Oct. lath, 1883. 10. AN ELECTION FOR TIIIIITEEN --DEBEOTOBEI of this Doak IFNI be bold at the Banking Homo on BOMBAY Nov. 16th , 1863, the haul 0811 a. va. an d 4 P. m. The annual muting of Stockholders will b. bold on ITESD/T, Nov. 3d, 180, at 11 o'clock a. m. 0c.16:1m J. MAGOYVIN, Caablar. Manumit IlAxa, Pittsburgh, Oct. lath, DM lAN ELECTION - FOR DIRECT ORS of thla Bank *lll be held at .tbeltank. log Dom, on MONDAY, the l g ath day of li November, batsmen U. hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 p. Tbs. lar annual mee of tin fltocn. be bald reguon TVESDAT, Nov. Al, at 10 o'clock a. m. ecldam - GEO..D. McGIIEW, Gambier. Lzatasoa Bari or Pirriecaan, cT October 13 1829. . • f i r - THE ELECTION FOR DIRE - 0118 of this Beak will be held et the Back log novae on MONDAY, Siorember 16th, UM, di nner the boors dela= a. m. and 2p. to The an ima meeting of iltockbolden will take place on TUESDAY. hcrounber 3d at 11 a. m. if. oclidm . M. 211.72111. AT, Cashier. • ALLIKIII3NT Dui; Oct. 14th, uszt. ELECTION FOR DIRECT ORS of this Bank will be bold at thellonat lag Haim on the 16th day of November neat, be tween the hours of ,10 o'clock a. on. f o'clock p. or. J. W. WOK, The annual meeting of the Stockholder, , be held on the ad day of Nomad= nmegat 11o'cloult n. octfelnt 10.11rEltztirAtillAIN DIRECTORS of this Rink will De bold at the Itunting o a. m oues on lIONDat Norembs. lath, at tea 'clock . The regular annual meeting of Stockholders trlll held on =MAX, Noy. 3d, at 11 o'clock a. m.• GEO. T. VAN DO R , Cashier. • bliscitawn AID aill1111•171t7113 Pittsburgh, Oct. 1241,18 M. Za•TLIE FLITTIONF R DISICTODA w U be.hold at the Banking. • Moues, Co MONDAY, the 10th day of Noranbar next, between the hours of tan a. in. and two p. os. Tbe _annual meeting of Use Stockholderswill be held.= TUEDDAY, the dd dal.ANotember, at ten *Wink a. to. .1011 N BMW, Jr., Cashier. XElt• 4D rEnrisr.wwrTs. (AMMAN GIRL WANTED—To do mord hems wort, • stunt dittoes tu d o country. Illyheit once pahL Apphy at the octant . QAZreTt 07110 E. CHEAP WALL PAPERB.—.-B?autiful Wall Papone, at 15 mots: for sals_bY cslo W. P. MAESHALL. 57 Wood 'Snot. wANTED---Arraksuricts TO Turthr.ass normal:No Busman. . =Maw DAVIS a PUILLIII,IIO Water wt. 13ASKIM WILLOWI3.3O bdla Ken paary.zuko, Willows tO Arrive by rat, ar wl. MAW' DICE= 4b, TO: Adh s for Crude and Refined iv! other marchandee. D JAB. L 4ti 504,- oaf and 7o, Wate r duet OIL—A pa!, asicto q n 14 hand end , for salerby JAIL aItIZELI43O2!, , Altd 7o Waterstrist. pct AGNE • rrels. iunto/gm oda' .terr;,reoetre} end fo gab at ce. ue llsoorid,rttert. • •-• odd • - - TRANNTANaotna, 1 .UJ3BICAUNI}. OILS. -100 bit?. Lark Overt O. • :Na gaiety •- - Yu. rraixrii INnr; • • - !Nana 'TO meatless. • tri. very s th' lea nejx4,lleyyrteaellemlemetireeer I fa rem sad for Web y - g . ming, eola No. lea tansy dreg. TTNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, V the best le nse ; another large lot just remised at the India Rubber Depot. Nee- grt art 4 48 SL Chir street, by J. d H. PHILLIPS, er,el • &4e Areas for Alleghtsw(krunty. CARPET' 8K0W1.18.-2O dozen extra mh.r lll7 alto, "'I) made C ara t . me bra a j .t fial 14°' sa eurtmeat, for raze at the Family Glr9afffit.r. • cm2o JOHN A. ,•=iSIIAW. JAPANESE TEA.—Just received, a lot of the hurt Japanese To that has been Import ed Into Hits coantrr. For sale at the Family. Grocery Store of • JOHN A. RENSHAW, oc2o Corner Liberty and Hand streets. TIUNCAN, SHER3tAN do M.'S Sight Min on tba Union Bank, Laudon, and SLOW EH& on army important town In Gannty, Omtuarta:pi and :Italy, for gala In tun suit por ebamra, by WM. FL•WILLUMI cot. anifilotta Wood Wrest tamer of Mb& TOILET isoaps.—A large and full as sortment of Toiled Steps, of Lona. Son a 00., Claseer's. Basin's and Ooltista's neanuthetters, reads. «I and far sale st lowest prices by JOHN A. ItrifBllAW, oclft Game Liberty and Band streets. OLD TYPE FOR SALE. About One Thousand Pounds, L o m f assatit. GAZETTE MICE.. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1203 lba. obcdteeHalled D. W. noun 100 bade. mall White Baidon 10• do Ityr, 10 kept Packed Dotter; Received and for rale by 11. RIDDLE, 0c22 N 0.1831 Liberty atreet NEW STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, QAITEBS, BALAIOBALS AND GUMS, Jut rewind sad will be mold at the lowest prices to to food to the city: Glee toe a cal before porehae- Lag elsewhere, at BORLAND'S, 98 Market at, col 7 2rl door Dem OPENING.—Msa. M. KITCHIN will vow, on 13ATITED/a, tun to taut, as elegant WINTER BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' • HATS, RIBBONS, !LOWERS, do., The newest style of the swop. No. 723 TEDIIRAL STREET, Alleghtiity City. oc2D3w VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 47th, 'Mt, at 73i o'clock, will be .old, •t the (xuamerdal Woo .B=l, No. 54 Filth Oxon 60 wham Exchange Book Eltodo 4 do P. F. W. it O. R. Co. Stock; .DAVIS A McILWAINZ, Altera. DUNCAN STREET PROPERTY.— On TCEBDAY EVENING, Oct. 27th, at 7i o'clock, will b. sold. at the Oommerctel Sales Room., 64 Fifth area, nice lot of ground situate near the corner of Centre avenue and Erin street, having a front of 38 feet 3 inches on Dun= street, and ex tending back some width 83 feet It inches. oekt DAVIS d IdeILWAINE, Amain. "LX )R SALE—A lot of land, containing .112 78 sores, aitnated miles from Dumont Ma rlon, cus the Pittsburgh, Fort Wan., t Chicago E. IL The aborts property Le well timbered, with a good young orchard of bearing (Cult trees. Title property will be sold on reasonable terms. Far further particulars address oc23ui 8. C. McdIABTEB, Bindeklayrflla. Pa. To FLINT GLASS BLOWERS WANTED. 12 rood CHIMNEY MAHER& Aho, 12 good CHIMNEY BLOWEE& To good, sober vorkinon, of the oboe. ohai, ore sill pay Moral owe. Apply to WILLIAM T. GILLL'fDEIL 6 00., Clor.Oxihrd and Howard Biretta, Philadelphia. oelbdor BOUTWELL'S NEW WORK ON THE NEW TAX Manual of the Direct and Exciter Tex System of the United State., Includ ing the fonts and regalations artablbhed by the Cemmiseloner of Internal Reveriao, the Dodete. .ns and Rulings of the-Commindoner, together with ex tracta from the correspondenoe of the office. By Goo. 8. Uoutwell, lato Commlusicmer of Internal Revenue. One vol., 8 vo. Price 82 50. cut KAY IGO., 55 Wood street. (IPENINO.—BIiss O. BEGGS will open, N... 1 on SATERDAY, 21th hut, a bandeau:to, and elegant ..111110a01013t of WINTER BONIGETS, LADIES' AND *MIMS' HATA, R lIIDONS, }LOWERS, FEATHERS, ler. Also thr tared styles of CLOAKS AND &imam. No. 122 FEDERAL Bram, Allegheny City. MA CRESTER PR fI'ERTY FOR !Qat, BO fret flout an Lit atroct.,by 151:1 deep on Freble Wreak A wail bunt and coneerdently arranged tarowtary brink dwelling berm, puttee to front, ball swam Pad wide, two parlors, four dm:o ber% dining-mom. kitchen, flidabrel attic, and pod dry collar. Caning* house. stable, frint and shad* Fepapa Tines and abrubbory. For price and terror apply to oe2l B. CrTIIMMT & son, 51 Market st. POE SALE OE LEASE—A large Lot u SU:Debar& on the Peatenpr Sathag, are miler from PltUbuzill, on which, there to a good Denning Howie of Wel roomy; slio, strew o th er Homo, ell bat of. brick. A woo at good water In the yard, plenty of good halt, and contardant to Churches and 4thool Houma • /or particulars mddrcar or cull on 0. T. GILLIAN, Shanahan, Alleghen minty. Pe. oe..l:ttelraY J. N. TAT! r. CITILLS. IRATE dc SEVILLE, PILACITIOAL TLVNIIRBAL, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. No. SO 117DXCAL STUET, Allegheny Crty, end _ i ~,. Wili i MEMil i l TU SIMPLEITi OW LINK, Discovered by ProL Elorafort will primed Cider true tm-alag sour, sad also [ready Warm its'Anallty. Is bottle icollcrent for a barrel of Cider, erAh 1141 dbeietlans an , are. For owls by entoN somcar4s, od esorner roartb szed Mattbead • • ' CONSIGNMEN'IS. thtm day-150 Mb. Given App SS do Craabirr; aoo do %Wu, Doom 32 do Unary lareet Potatoor. 300 tap Mohan:mei' do; IOU& CAW 4 do Boil Dattoir; • 8 do 30 01 1;r 4u4 ' Vow in 'taro and for bap sal* by oaf - L.B. TOICT & CO A. :Wall I !MEOW AtIETIdi I A lugampartmentAt PITTOCK'S, OPPOSITE TE POET 01/7103. oda ILAN - FLAGS I 111 Meet itha pion, et the IlliesttfeetaT. PITTOOIC I I3, • oriVartz'rEtt POST 071101. • ocl6 , • R • • - Wok* in canoe; itiarnuo. XlCELliingt AFT) rant And &dor in Itiogning . 3lntitrisin ungtly No. AS xeaasT at., Pittsburgh. GENTRAL FOREIGN AGENCY. AIM= BALDWIE & rl IMOLDWir, 241 W you. B = tteacas at low raw CS arid Britian. /Mao. l'ad==10111971 ". WILLIA =mum 3r.. ,f4ves: aoimai;md Mons' Zama OffloiMttibusit. NE! PINE OF ••• • ' GODS' , ' 8 0 OTli AlND' . .klo,l* • .• " ,. ° 1 - 4420041TOTIONOT* MESS PORK-1,000 bigIAII•11t001114 asb b 7 IIItDONAIAD • Ammon= ow In 1164 Llbaltrjairt. :on - try. orylij ftnrcoLtic or AL.r..410N1 •-. Pattstitrgh, tobor rpi ) Ass E. ,. ..0R5. nre hereby notifl.-1 ilia: the Itook• for s-sesrmrot Tax,. for free 17 , 74, IM ready for dillsrry on the lost. Ilesoros from floe sstar..l ill... Snots of the Conotj Jaziguu7 Lt. 11/01. will be required ander . ILENEY LA31136111, «eztatd•itwP Controller. PROVIAIT M.A8.1311..1. x orrICZ, Du's, Ps.,) Nu. Yti, Fourth street, p. Pittsburgh, Ps., Oct. 21, 18d3. "Ll X EMPTED FROM LIIIAF'f. —ln ac oordanve "with orders I puhllsh the iollowitur Wt of persons exempted trots draft by the Iklard of Enrollment in this, Dlstriet to Otistdate, with tha mums ofsheir exemptiuu Betualawl by Board and firnApted. Jason. Woddel, ElixabeLh tp ; divabllitJJ 'J. HERON FOSTER ; Ceptuin and Proroet Marshal, 2^.,11 Dist. P. WAR CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUN TY AND BACK PAY. T. WALTER DAAC, GENERAL CLAIM AGENT. Lloebeed by the V. S. Goventegrat 103 rum STREET. Ed door bt.loa'the Cathedral. roomy Mania Soldiers westal the mountains, East rn Ohio Soldiers, and Welt Virginia Soldiers, on have that,. Pymsidus,l3otuaty and -Sack Pay secured at this office, Circulars *lll he sent ylelng fall Information to the Soldier...art* dammed Soldiers' Hale. shooing who are entailed to the Pension. Bounty sad Bank Pay, and the manner of emarlng tha sense; by Olaf lag tome by lettar ar Lnpreou. - •W: No charge until aolleatad. J •.lynx-!a T:1 ORPHAN'S' COURTazi 07 ALLEGHENY COUSTY Is the aattar of the Partition of the estate ofl ." 7sines ' Spargo, de:eased. Alsel ncnr, October rith, IBA it appearing that the inquest bas been returned In the above awe, dividing Yid estate Into two parts, and appraising the same, the Goan oh motion of H. Burgwin, Attorney for Nicholas Jones and wife, grant a rule upon the pu ttee Interested to come Into Court on SATCIIDAY, the Ylst day of Wornober twit, and accept or refuse the geld real estate at the valuation, or show cause why the said real estate, or any part thereof, should not be sold. In case %boor any of them should neg lect or refuse to take the ensue as aforesaid, service of Yid role upon the maw not resident in this minty to be mate by publication In the Weekly aurae newspaper, of the City of Pittsburgh, once a week for four weeks. -BY THE COURT . Attest: W. A. lisawns, Clerk. ociltetwi PARM :FOR SALE.—The undersigned often sit private ole, • very valuable Farm In Mifkin township, Allegheny county, P., containing 78 acme, with opal under It, situated one mils and • smarter from John O'Neal's doal Works, on the Mo. nongehela river, five miles from McKeesport nod nine miles from Pittsburgh. by land. The Impreme• menu are • frame dwelling bones, [none barn and other i , ..." 1 *1 buildings ; elm a free orriard. About 60 scree good cleared laud. It le the property for. reedowned by James Finney. The had and cool he will soldlogether or .eparede, to salt tie buyer or If endiclent Inducementa be offered, it will be cut up and *oldie lota suitable for country reeiderice.. If the above named property is not said before the 13th of NOVEMBILE, it will !warmed, on said day, at public sale, on the premise., at 1 o'clock. For terms of safe roll with the nitscriber, JAMES INEOREW;West Newton, Westmoreland Co., Pa. odatd EW BOOKS. .1.1 The Old lieretuttits of New York. 2/1 series. The'Blackumn ; his antecedents and Ma redo.. Squire Trimly - tea Heir. By Km. Wood. Eleanore,; Victory. By Mss ßraddon. Our Old Home. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Gala Dors. By Gall Hamilton. The Amber Gods. By Mho Prescott. A peals's' Method of study in Natural History. Heart and Oros. By Mn. °Upbeat. diendeladion'e Letters from Italy mid Switserland. Leaves from the Blau of an Army Burgeon. The Light and Dark of the Rebellion. The Young Parson. ClaseleQuotationa—a Thought Book. Sy J. Rime*. The Children'a Garland. Arranged by CORI:MI Palmate. The Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. The Dead Stret. • A new book fir Sportsmen. For sale by NAY & CO., 56 Wood street. ELECTION RETURNS. How the Ladles have Voted. We are *ambled, through ow "wand." to en the pebile, am at - this e32V date, et, malt of the Win' tote an a eery Important 4nartion. • melt, too, while showbg the monndneem of their judgment, speak§ louder than wards fix the pepolarity of the WEINELXIt a WILSON SEWING uacturaa. The three Icedlns Sewing Disr.kine Ccurpanice m the country on the "Wheeler t Wilmou," "Steger S. au.," and Grants it Hater,.. and their Wes for the quarter ending June 10, which ere Nutdela, show how the Wier naiad Whaler Bing. a , Ca..-- Mowing that the Irtmeam t Wilma Company sal, daring tbsgasrtar twined, nearly double the LWOW =MO by althe of the others. Osar iskpoo of thme Yacht= have boas soli/ and Use demead tot them la gagster thee ens. Thls ahmild b. regarded ea a teat by them who Amino to by the BUT FAX/LT FFW/11/1 XACHINIL war 17 - PERU IPERZET, Prthitongh. , SUMNER CO, coltincirlf A EST NEW 800 : AT H N T'S. MASONIC HALL, runt SIBYL % The Army of the Potomac behind the /3cente, by earthmen. Dottier and Bastre, by the author of Gay Living gone. Nett& tna Polo, by author of Able Drake's WWile. The E Amide, by B. Bahr*? ton. The Shad ow of Ashlydrat„ by Mrs. Wood.. Ineedoni and War, by Mary Ward Beecher. Plain Guide to Spititaallsta. Social Condltko of the rapid& Peseta Three Tows In Japan, by Alcoa. The Soul ;Arbil:me. by Wee. and =sae& * Denton. Oar HoteLm by Hawthorne. The Old Illerehante of New York ; second wales. The Dead/Mot Markman. Deretlel.ta *toy of today. Zleanoei rktory, by Mb Dradd/n. The Ilattlettialto, or the rebel Privateer. Jo. Davi** Clitatt- , Dbne Nord PO. Dime Wee No. -IL • tkearait—Blp .706 Duston's Greet Indian! ight• Debnah, the Nabien Wartko' Johnston'l Boys Sinop their Captors; Oen. Nor.; 's Prayer: Ghat otWelldeali—No. 1; Irwin D. Beadle! T.n' Gat Stenos. ju=d, the Lime, or a Yankee loose In Dlsle. lupe lot Otitis thilllins mark motive& Doodlers Inttory.of the Oreat - Reln;l&,, n, the best Work publlabod. - Iltutt'a Penny Song Books. Ninenatabars oat. AU DOW Bob., late /.41P1414 MaileAge• Cla be had at • ' Join' r: oelfi ; rbseonle liar. Fifth street. S EEL. COJJ.A RS • E4TON, 314311331 & CO., Noe. 17 AND la TIPLEI rraur. Prrsottax, Pa-, eola Arnim Au Atm'a Steel Sollars andenffis, WLlty battlar the appearance am! ems ibrl ta of i t ih ailiftary alaa sad ameba, - they ate sum Mats es gran maw AND onni Abe" 14=cciara..„—.—.-111 OD emsb, 1 - 60 per - pals. !VW 00 nob. 1 60. per qtr. .6;56 try . _ ea neap of 11 16. Dead nunalaulkd far 25 cents I'm u irCll attmadsa MY. oomor. he OD 01,1),0/91.1,nr, Tiding a. 4'ac4 kcal or boat, at WADS& Tb• tray gascard at the 114 m Tort Ageat's prim Tar pica Wt Odart. • • zaroicaiicaux a co. aclif • • • Plttsberatt. Pa.— punneccts PHOTOGRAPH BOOMS, ooissz sire AND :unmans:as.* 0:4 impiii4citis. igni;DiebRANOA• A ].ntri et(SAS lows. DA. putyroeni..pas. of fray olio sod MD. rads or colors% Dom the . popular Ck,* VIBD4;ti ChAltzuft and US itrs Mr. Pln4 , llPaict Diallix4z4 q DIO.NA., - elation of the AGED AND ]MIEN to the Oa so-. aemUttj Ottb4 5403ugultui, riSact,!4 ' . alibi of, stsitS. totAtr.sad oiDdootion!tooratood. . • - torMyssortis , - CAMS DE - VISITE .04:mie, ire • • . 1 0TP ) t..TAAr0-: - • axto=.rost imigrtszi37:: • . .-PITTOCIM " , wrzackiii.taame miaow - arm& Fo.ll3.*oseale lark OWL. Leo. a to{ el 'hake APPIJZ. dleinst sorb an vu!isoti Lit Water; 0r.19 IDIrD mauzzaoy, 111 D aaosi. 5L1.431.11M110. ) ALI ...... Pr.y. ...1. .01. 0 .r.„ A ‘‘i . , .. .01 Warr-- 100. ilartng aeorytwi the Agteacy for the . =to of the SEIIPLE CLAY, mined near Bt. Loul, Me., I tu rns the attention of Gins ansVittiel-Ailatilacturen to the Analysis girth shore, ab reported b. Prof.. A. A. Hope of Boston, andJ. C. Booth, of Pidiadelphis. which. together with the tan of actual atperknco by matufacturvir to PitUburgh, Clocinnati sal El. Lords, determines it to to the purest and most valu able Clay now known, whethiar Yoreig-e cr American. Pots made from it hare stood to the Glass Furnace from 03. to 9 mouths. • Lthe Analysis to of the Clay . . aa taken from the Asia!, without any washing or preptratten whatever. ~ pnewescs great adhesiveness and plasticity qualities, which are nor shown by the Analysis. and which ad mit of the mixture of a lane , proportion of donor burned clay. I sat now prepared to till olden for the above alay to be .hipped from StLontir or delivered bore. • ALEX, GORDON. No. }21., =CORD !mm: Prrrastvorr. Pi BAILEY, EiltitE4 4L , CO., PItAcTICAL I'LtII2DEBS. GAB AND STEAM Fri TESS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, J.nd Ulla of fittings bar *aim; has and ham. AGITATOBSI AND TANKS NOR OIL HtiiTSE. in is, Ilsw4 with 46,1 by • maw proem. Ypo.. 129 1011TII 82111 ITT. PlaJroS. ,GarrBCHALK TO MASON dc HAM LIN.-- I congrattdats pro on the introduction of a new musical Instr.:tan; long wanted, and sore to And he way into every household of taste and re, finement which can iwealble afford Us moderato az- Mf. Ymir CABINET 011041 i is truly oohs:mit-it untent, worthy of thehigh praise It has received. and far nowrior to averrling of Its class I baXi own. Itakoidtaseire in totoman=rnsoit tou4ty u ntanh r r n ir tliTs m4 ' l t, from its capacity the 'Pt: renaming much delightful music, sacred and aear, cleats and popular, to which the Piano Le not o:l4ted. Gorrectuad.." ♦ rplgedid 1 , 114 of Mason dr, Cabinet Organs Jan Teethed Di the subscriber Primo from 570 to 5U4/. BEV - Send fat an illastratnd abialnind, CHAR. C NELLOB, 81 Wood St., ‘417 Sok Afoot !cc the .111sanhetunas. MUSIC! MUSIC!! MAMMAL MUSIC I I I The ondendrood ar. tha wig sigmas for the cheep yet moss oormot edition of by Mahe In Wolfenbatte, comprbolog the coteNeta word. of Beetbaren, Mosart, H.jdn, Weber, Berh. Bartle!, Clemente, liable:, Hunter, sad .1.110 Pori! wm.'s sad Cmorterm Two and omits per page. Call for catalogue 3.. M. HOFFMAN & no., rITIE 8=1:n. Sala Agouti for Deckles Maas. .el 4 T - HIRD FALL STOCK OF ' NEW PIANOS, dining others splendid lITZINWap. I Pr% the brat Piano. In the 'amid. LEISDEBVS N. Y. PLLSOS, the teat Pianos at the rrt W 0.13 N. T t .Tiitio6., the anapest Pianos to he had soyerhere. H. KLEE= a BUD., Na. 63 PM West. .oci6 Sole Attests Az !ha abode Pianos.. piANosi—Just arri rap. o g t , l 1 NIECW PLASM% train New York. at v. inzvur. WM.. LIM thalthesti stmt. r NA. BE' 8 PI—N2 6 4911 Jost received. the mast salottourtit or the unrivalled E 3 E Pao9 eras lean In this tier Thai are beyand don t the DEBT PUBO9 MADE. k call le re. 117 solleited Ware purchasinc else/when. oHABLonz gvgs, oa 431117T11 eTiIErt.49IIAPaL ir.savw. aim, WANTED—Ono who under atanda cooldag. sad other hauso-trorit. • Ad drum BOX an, City of dike= Post Offlos. .71h rolimence as to quolificattoaasad . oe2Ottf IATANTED. 100,000 A No. 1 VIM'S OAI EITAVIS. • War CM Banda AAdres RINICT PEMBEItToN, &apt. Pam. Saltaluaracterlag Co. oc~Natrona. 'Aile.beily 141... BOARD WAITED BY ♦ GIANTLEMAN, war a TWO'CIIELIISRES Private &Oily farnxL Addnea LOCK BOX N0:132, l'lttabanA P.O WAISTED.-1560 A Mornt--We want other new, wend and =Am luMnies. r u t en arti clesisentlint. Addxsos, " oeMlindawY SHAW & MUHL Biddefcad, Me. WA NT E D—A Fraar Crass Dom- VT; Ctuw4 o lTiVi - pkic4atiaCciedp. and izen imsle TIIIEWIMMI ed. mA rish sox,a2a. Post , ,opak "a , fiVETH EXTBACTEH WITHOUT yy PAnc—w• ub tba method of Loring our tejmdiaza tba patio i__lvAr - titatn era =taw to IXTAI.C7T =gtcm WITHOUT PAM acate Dintla. now taw bars boa =V partpoatoig M moat b ariadat op to rosy now l add. that Ikera sod gin al • calk• VitittiMatatt - we lam la use his tawar . gto bu n acted an li.put g oi a cany ate mak and psis. atara pa% ctic ot tba *graft. 0 Drop es assed. cal nor..4lobsal&Dattser OIL "latex* tiled" tha facial of arca and ralsbla Frail will sail to call and mutat uttai ;•. -; ':i'? i Ja3lll 4 a B. :aka. rt nnu -ND4 al W w """t ,v4 ti. C. KEN , Fon THE FALL OF 1847 0 . ; . 2/000-bi:Merai s .. , .. tlaa-2.3, 4 iota 6y" dd...i tm i s m i 0:„ old balms susigtoft iver=nagrauSl,l-, t a_atry: la rk7itit k iv Nu n k a ii datart,B.4 f.aSIII,PLUM IMEYAGIUMW. SHAD AND xgammiTAL GRAPE , u 0 OIISL PLANTS, exi4,-e',4e,„ lauthisaisatal.litall at yaw*, moll , Wir.— JO s C d W t asn't x ar rE arag Tr i .. - kraV u. al gIiOWDEN, . BroTAxm Sa:SAlXQND:antr.,;•nttnntolni‘ • . Atkomud gmt . or Neftor l aito t i-ina 'davits tan. *hp, Dm*. ' - nols, - 4.sticloA Anrcenunh Luso nz4 in!;11 • • ' MGCOLLISTER BiEtr a zolsale 1011 - W,IXIA now In dots Ih• tarn sad moil =On* aalPart• mot of TOBACCUIGARI4NIEPiPES u the cit 7. whleA Utieci anfifellini ' a6be te - a m an auk' Vim& AU order. prvapity sA tiA ad& W. 'DAS_ MlxoturiaktiN4- -- No. ,Vf. ak Of, 8311'raTEILD erßSlTo.will moll clomp Oa cab goal 17NION 1111 IT YOB 1214.0 AM. =IA inal - 42111 - BLAOB CLOT/I tramilgs. : A pia ack4h madelia twelve liogoi al. , - otalk . 2ol , 4:s4m liaitthlidd I F l lOl.l-" , 1:1: : to p reserry o u r >1: man .the Ptl&tiumnira z •• a ' MI Win bratut4tice tctOkrolad, *in to proisrpo e ll erMA 1 elMasi3r4M .• • ZELLrIII k Ceara Dr26 c 0r. 616 :-:. bet;.:: ' • ' . s :1A: 4„o9iin Almoropono soooidso 7 uwmoacru y ms = os 100,101,430 - s 1 o msmo ssesizistsss CiCsPsetZsnuo s,« ooilmov000toOmmolltrVoargook, tot d "grew* of out corn ttrot two. E. IL IKEA nil Boot of Allielosor Mew. ~ ~ k. ~~ ~.~ 31L~,. _..._._.. MACE NIA? Fwg..FEluNO, caLliso3, ttZVL ; BROW" aa. All eboko azd dcalrabla mktg. wow/ o w ' n u! arbolevale or Mill at." • • : , PATON, MACILIIII & CO:13, N.. 11 :n4l 14 rirru arum , BRIGHT SCARLET AND' CUE ' Velvet Trimmings. 150 PlVv-a - SCABLE'Z' VELVETSIBBOS, &Pa% limb to 2 lathe* aide, received by Mmes. this day. • EATiVS, &LAMAR& & 00.1 k PLAID RIBBONS.—A neviN lot ,o Royal Plaid Bonnet Ribbons, Dina from As Itaprotar, orooed ado do at EATON, /WIEN !OWE, . azd 19 Fifth 'trot. DRY GOODS NAT BUY 1120114 CM* B.A.M. MUMMIES, Jfiarket -Singe. • HAVE NOW OYENgD Tsvoraz Mos or. Nesw Goods Tea, =ay articled we' are ezabled to sett the ' , quiet marlin Om. Our WOOLEN 000D11! comprise, sums others, 600 mz or BOSTON RIUSiD nosii 200 '‘ " S . ocirs Drupe heels, the bed la the eniutet, for earefou ENT? JAMIE% the cheapest la the ell,. Ladies' Knit Skirts, tri:ukr4hmluitML HOODS, of itnriona kinds. , Ott stook of tarn alum ‘ll;Lirt imam, vtenntrias,intaira our =ram: DES= Is eery aismulse and wmpletw Aiso, • new invoice of 500 111.1.31q.da SEIRTIL - I,ODO ec& SIRAXOGA & PLUM laticicurs 81715PENDE88, =1:08; to.' Our Mends and the Intblle german, are twit! Ors us* ea. wzoLmuzs'aciolts r? sum SACRUM & :CLYDE; '7B MARKET STEM ' FANCY ANI) STAPLE FALL DRY GOODS t', Just rooeived, a very largo aaaoriairait'or -- arum, or an aka; idirlilNC'EL SWIM% .LLPACC.II3, DU LAMM% =PIS. POPLINS ;tad BANDlEltatoi • .k complatos varies manse. vattpit a au+ erg, a oar goods too Ream!' gl.lizeo stock of IlthiSTIA4 otworloo hio6oo'clentis4o cider, fig ethologist-- : desk' s giill-';assitaissit' or answra, nelectod with tit ilat CMS: . DOletB7io GOODS. Of ail Utah ALEXANDER TATES% 21 Fir= £kl tan, vela FRESU STOCK I FE. DRY RintiCHFIELD* 7 , • LADIRS'i Blass (rotas. Fang we night •' ' FLANNELS BLANKETELv:: TWEE4 - ANDIitriECKY '.3EANS. 1 vase., GoODIEId Ital gammas. - SHAWLS AND CLAM • -.cpr-.Pgnrth 410E4if5 IX).„ - , .; sttaittan To „. ' 11ALM08414.--- - 11011 DIRT ' Eigaanium , ".. .., /t U la°3s .•”. MILLINEVY-4300D8t. Lh LINENEANDICIROIitiat tAsta l ' i e~u.'rr lD e s PATTELIW,, oomira suns,- • - 6 ;c assn as~rosse DUCE GLOVS4 • r • rk_ 6 , '; varion a= Lora doozir; 'Which thy oar oc Ow sod Wardle dam Mr ". arsaM 7 Ai — Orders isrpectilltr latent& 'oda ALL 1 OD01)4. NENSr 40 ODS Tat .ziotind WE, Alter & Caw, (r Ha uo Aiwa, t_eottlat !TY: • • A • - • P . `, a 7 . • t;;;..k , • • eauciiomeavioeser-.! tx au 1111131. of_l3aUdlam. sad .040100#4, - ' . —'" artxtlap ansisesable tams. - • • °eke -CIVAXASIMI Unit, tetwelgr MINIMIar Rattan sinith4llll4tril ottz. PMM!M !MEN