Ir . ~..„...,„. , ~,,.. ..:..7 .....a ~.:„.s., ~..,, '. 4 .. . •/ .. ..., - 7: : :- . •:' , R•ST - ABL.1811ED . IN 1786. ice ,,CQ4l =Caw. MitAKEOWJEci iiNHART, Ecouu 4 1 -1. AXllGanir PRGDCCI AND Oasts Tema ILitibirattm Tir Vie Kale of 'Myr, Olen, Park, 8.- imiliAlfiTSSlTlif,"l4o* - Cheeed, — Beans, Tallow, ( keadeorealliers, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl - Ashes, Saleratue..Linseed and Lard OILI, Dried arid Omni Pruitt, Timothy; Myer, liar. and Ginza Seeds. Cada adeaneereenta Maclean Camilgrorteuts. spEly ,ti0.'297 Liberty etreet. Pittsburgh. 4WILKINS° COEN/BEM 4 ee I WESTERN 150liCHEESE DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, 0 GRAINS, and produce generally. Mao, LEATHER, HIDES, OILS, /cc, No. SHT Earufy Ud rilareandr adrancennetda tairde. Hcdadgirtnenta - . JollE4lund 101IWIMNFIEtai,.dimassufs AND ToworEgoierrßlouHß,Orr and whokaale . dealerla WEEITERNRESZIIVEDIIKEDARD,. PORK, DAMN, PLOOR,EISII, POT AND PEARL AMES, SALERATOS, LINSEED AND LAM) OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, No.. 141 and 143 Front street, Pittsburgh. . oe2 OULP k SHEPHARD, Comi,umaNt. Mancnaarre and dealers in FLOUR., GRAM AND PRODUCE, No. 243 Liberty street, PittntairAK. , ,Clicdot brands of Floretlayßakers and Falai ms Annstatilly 'int band. Par Denim attention Odd to Wing orders for Merchandlze generally. oc6adly - ffi.A . BLES B. LEECH, FLocizAND altAr/ FACTOR AND 003011111110 N MiLICE4.I7 ills We of GRAM SEEDS, CHEESE, PEODIME, and lime fl the culobrated Eatontown; CB. . /PPM, Hot; 118 &and old 148 lint atrartB, as k , , 411148.' Wood amtSmithelald, ad • • t oxii. • • VII. (I)37AICRIL & SLANG , COMMISSION tptitorze.itul, sholasalieskr . FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, ke., No. az , • Ltborty:street, Pittsburgh. am:ay JB. LIGGETT & CO , CITY FLOUR. • 112( 4 `)ILLS, (* . mar Liberty and Addmn strata, Pltbdimghaa; - - 1 1 1 11Wpatity; 400 14trell pei day. }PO zussoitIITIO.TS . _ • • DI M) LITPION OP PAR Hip, The partnership heretofore existing" he:nun - the subserlben, wider the Orin of PHILLIPS. 00.,Juia this day .been. dissolved. CHAS. , &q.t.* por eheentllts 'entire Interests . of the other partners. The brotineesof the late firm will begonia! by LOCK . ",f' (2 -It . E , & PllTir. • - WILLIAM PHILLIPS; - THEW, CHARLES LOCKHART, . JOHN VANANSDELL, • • ABNITY.. A4%141001, 1663. • L--OCKITART & FREW,- - -Prodimaraand Refiners oflNytroletun, WitALl32O2; OIL WELLS, Venn go ccranW, and DEILLLANT OIL WODES, Negley's Dun. Office, 172 & 174 WOOD STREET, • i 0.17:22:1 I : ,Dcffilitosct. %IRE PARTNERSHIP heretofore JR. -Ltting..hetruma the nudatelgoed. under the ityle andlihohmt 'AU 1. .,! • 9EE.A. , .00., has this *day been mutually dlasolted THOS. HILL and AMOS LEWIS having pruutuuied the interest of ROHM ituCLOILE, the hmtnees of the . 4ip dim rill be eet, Mid up by HILL d:LEWIr . THOMAS 1311.1 . 110WdbF AMOS LEWIS. Pittsburgh, Oct. 7th, MI • 'WILL LElVlS,"Eniiie'ssbilito HILL, Is_GO., will continue to manufacture . at their old stand, concur of Grant and &tenth out, of Gloorl,Dry Slawritas. hi Guinn utklas . " I, 4ofautistiteeirWorkelbt fintsbinzbu u Dcoris. Sfatl rnarrec, Stdrttml, liftuddlngS, de. Itidtders,:andume contempLtUngltddlding, am fun ned Mean and ex . runlne our tr.rd. • -.. Lath; R LEWIL . NOTICE: undersigned having purchased the *ad. eta* Man rho initetss,s tabllabed house of J. IL WOMB; woad •• • • - -kis oid emitennaita and the pub*. hip mmoiral,to the ' atonslB9 rater* iikreet, (Witt occupied by McOcutesambare ajargewind completer atotk nit tad:- azid - Blidefriakere — Liraiher - Tindiega, Hides, ma foundr.and st lowest, rate*. O. IL ANDERSOISVI I iberty meet. itTIRING THOM — THE HIDE BliBlßMlSB;.Vrimet cordially command my anommor as a man of strict integrity -ftift good brodnOwlpoolificafLons. , . Far some months to come I will continue to occupy Mr. ANDEM: notarting.rcems: and RID taker great pleas= In Introducing him to my busing.. acquaintances. ?Only subasca. V. :R. M'CUMS, jytk3m • • DtPrifili:- = Notice is hereby gren that, the partnership lately existing be . Me= broITEEWSIiE SeroEg, Ifereharits, of Bittern e , ' It under the arm of DIMIHEWSI STONE, Ff Iredhybitittlateensent on tba iSth day of r= " - WILLIAM - STONE'bwring based the entire Interest of McGIIEWS, the beafnep mill hereafter , conducted by WILLIAM STONE. mple ifianteSeirsita have been made to toed real noels, hum tunalah OW, Fut Coal, 41:e-, at reason. able prices. Meek . Bagel . Building, carder of Mairltaxixt•WittaCifteetir,Tbanu No, 2,thirdetory.. Steinntent bitfutlfifflirie at lame plate. -. 6'Xi s bn. • TOBACCO., CAG4RS, icc. • • ; )E§ T A B „ . PETER , LoII.O.,LARD, • kNus7.4l9-, TpAIfaING,AWFUZACTITIZER, IC AND, 18- CfrA HAM ,f 17211347, • . 4Tantenly AZ Chatham street; Nem Tork,) xrdcatitalllheiateltkal ordeal:mad:the art a!! Of Ms manufacture Ma • • " j11.: 617 -': ' ' , ll lg¢ l e rf G en u em'af PPE2 l fTr'.Pr'' Ichit ' 4l r in Copenhagen.-- • •• • YLLL.O.yr_Sinnry. 1 - .11 . 11. 440•Wilillig T 0414: SthathOlrialt:lllglY Tout or -rr , :74 W in= 12 1' 7 1. 1 ' 37 3 r , iN t r 44 2 1 , 1 7 ,2 ..? 1 ?T7: 5"-tch ' Attention Is celled to the Large rertuction.4o Weal of 710 - oM:ClientlrapirailthAlrlotTobsocce, trALcia will be froind,of a uportor tarty. , . ' Griunaittd• 8> Long, No, 1. Re. Z Ng!. l and 2 rand, Tura Orr commoa—r. d. L., or plaln • Caren : y,:th,= ti c L gtuft rrb? Toil 1.14..g.;V-2140,4‘Airtia car _tutor, Idea:num virtu forillim sent on applAny . • - • ; " ' - 44 ° 27 % - :: alai. 1 . . am* M OOLLISTEIrar 14E14 ...massetimfiviza Walla-46:W klikla of EROBA CA, XT et9:re4llo2ecArpi: Kei.riOttrilirPoA3Sl72M; Prr nivisa, Pa., • ..,44. " I Seep; consUaatttion hater OMR ruidittqf TV* BMA • 9.• •••." re -4 I TON. AMTHAA- TES" - %D tillattn 4 fitLifitr vibe. select bnodri -IW S :Mtgrgab s i d a a i l anH77, dB*ce i TANEY MIEW3CHAIIM PIPES, THE .Ic,..ta. t In - 0 isittaziat i AßOMMOSST. CHARM, HO TEL. Hlttaburgh, Ps. N. 8.--TbsTrieflargObrialberal terms. ' ,e-zo.atrin T ; - 4 1 . CRiMPt t0P114.1.300781t MOM ~ ,-•- ti - ALBREEIM 45 1 clo g .: GE, 24; "11 WOOD illtiratFeollicia or Yotni%, • ,V.3liitte r • s tot . - 6 - *. i. .• es aubFers , 1p out Watt Proof Mann g •r th *dm 04i* ,' ',...... and dodroble goods, engtlent's Senrod • 7 . -1 hued Groin CANAL . MOO% 130”" • • . , Tongue_ tiorid Kip and Widat F7j 4 LlMe ad re im itoODUNoltddananzus. ~,:. Ntho•dild*Cloddbas and .Nosocoo 84**1•BALMOgaitlaMCOSCIECBS-110013. dd. , Attlatl4Pl7sllAMOnidtdilliott worrdoud oddAO do .Ir 4"‘ • ' at) cfc A..#3;bmTicr7, l s3l - v. JANES ROBB, tie.oB4 VOSTEDEEN'atpRADQUARTERS, • 1116 JAMICS. MOWN . = • Ulnas ;b. atte atlon of and others toltis A 4,7 17.4 stmt. 15/ asirozyggi. S.ett mot BIiLTO and P0 1 " 4- "VIMISLI1eLli**4 mis• . Isaassigairel~itla allitkasistbsiblveit inws Witlansitia tallistailiPi:l: a-, .4 telt!. • • • cazipErs, OIL CLOTHS, Oi NEW FALL STOCK JUST OPENED AT THII NEW CARPET STORE Or MaFABLAND, COLLINS 'St CO., 71 . and 73 Fifth Street, 9e4. 1 " . 0 0 Pat Ofice and Dispatch Ravin/hit purchased ftw oath. during the t Iltwewlge amdltket of the roarket• • wed az ve and complete easortinent.of the newest and e last gybe of . CARPETS. Oil C4Oliss, Window S Wa are now offering goods AT PMEgi OP A YEAR A ! Dinar thin In prices we bays 'linnet al out one farmer parehmoe, and now offer to re at whobsale and retell AN EXTIDELY KW AND Pamir EITOOX. Tratbrixsed by any ever offered fn thla'dty. ten _._.oim mtrltii THE LAIZGEST STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, dm., aver offered in - this city, is now opening at prices much below the late fluttery rates. OLIVER raihvrocK &col t SS 717TH MEET. solo NBW STOCK AM) NEWEST STYLES Of Carpets, Oil Cloths, ,Druggets, SIIADES, at McCALLUM'S, 2%. 6f num =UT. *my_ targo sasottnent trE all-goods In Crtli le g =at Mit loma ... t =tetra d:lrott: Eastern °el& IVA n•Iict:FAELUM. AflripELZ,dwrzous. piPORTANT TO RAILWAY PAM% IL LL OWNER& de. We Ur* arectid sod bars In operation, hear the city, as ecteetairo Labratory for the toanuetottual of LLIBBIOATING AND PAINT OIL, • 'Bys new and Ingenuous nolontete proem, and now •'• and bOalinertid'to"pobUo notlno, and patron:sago duce grad" 4.1103 d p 'inactively, of 142 d dadadqa4tv .. LOBRIOATINO OIL. Wiswerer ifWee tubrirators bare been Meted, they ban been .proninied - pvesUp Woperior to any of tit* -PCliturt-44.14*Kilrthe market. 4.te • - irizba: ter•ill:NT :tuck . "B,!: or 2rtquath r ill ata t u!ngL. 3 .4b I.,er, enatee gearing. the • Tbei,PAlllir . -01L kinir bent tested by ntunerom Painters fn tbbi'xitt; and prayed to be an , inka gbdadiffeir-boderraaieel 00. Indeed many Palen. Om ft W deckled preference. Tibiae' Oils are now extensively manufactured at ETSERA LOBEIC OIL OIL WORKS. tho pure L aefientila and cmdforin. customers can rely On the , untibrtnescellenee of than economic drsUsta of Byer:p..l2d Flaxseed OIL A trial and teat fa confidently brrited. Sow For We at No. 3)II..A.RKET STREET, corner of n& PENNOCK. BALL & CO HEN - W . O. HALE & CO.; Are now reeelTlng their Fall and Winter Stock dad temtio their friends and the palls to examine their Mack, which Is the Await arid mad complete ever breroght to this =stet h3o•ap oh hhad.hlar4pOssitortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 00005 coaxal: OY PENN AXD ST:CLAIR STREETS, Pirreireiner, Bk. O*ANE AND WOOD (SHAM ILSLLIIIII 077 AT lIIZODOW.II Palen, ssivisseax. os azrai. wogirricfriLL, tu.;&'&;;Jii& toy • , „ v:thio • WitelentilliLLlt CO ,liintan 4n:112 Weaken, PE3EN ~..__/11 75 4 aDd 26. Mott% neaten • #...Trtrall=livntehnAff with the mbeT Improved , I:24YentalTPll. every th. met manner, and Itt'an mode In the country. ;,, ;. - WEE - 33EDV,INTEA TIPS* • ItitTEIME/CONDENNENN. NAATIPANJAZENEB,OM ATILMAGITATOREI, tZETTYLIPACPANINe3 BOIZALTVIIMNIBBIPGEN. NEGUlReVAlMusuirsetelnkine.annorrer W.B.E WILT PATENT 1N111228. ..Baptirtair done on ,tbnibnliellOWL daft,/ ir v AkiIAYAT. -- P4 ,. .: • if tomipisilW ifoitohant. .n". 7.10 7,11 lIZSCUANDIAIIIOIO.IOIt, AnddeslUi slard r ai 4ott4iniiiiciriccr, vre'l;inkft%• sTREDZ .7 . -7 IF,— • - A etfu mpt,.. y AttiWarrltOkiWast h. bas tb‘lala BS - " mium ut win•voitaostvz yal4 , 42bizametsedoloa6idlo6 , : , NpM h awse flan• Jeglv 7171117.11711 , P ---- (Asa 171 k Tarr co., „ as, norms* „ - 54bon. - 051 . t .1j; Pr i iGiinicurxis &worm - # , ?4, - szt4 , o,.. , P,'Ksililiti Eros., Inc •nci......--,...,„—rukt. .. • 11 :P.• 1M1KA400.4, , ..N0; 185 FIB. AlNtolV_ Ty 4 NtOYimVit!Z"UgOhN z{ IV • I e r N i m. I M O- 5.. VtaG HUTTPMM9r I 6C I ARD E , ,nAvairfmlfi-gyirs ' -5 T E V1 4 55 „ ..4 ) tDddmnll.r o e oo m i tS tuflW : good order. tuTwrYbk. bon.tato room, bah room, klmtmo dilhdW, _lt ; ,largo lot of inroad. wiu ir sold ot •tkariman._ :Wbro _ • •:. , t4ll7.a:mtllllM.' At BOUM MAO st.,- mmiaiiimaiJiiiiisamilasamaaMMlllMlll PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY`MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1863. pittsbur g h atzettit. WEDNESDAY MORNING--OCT. 21, 1863 The Battle at Bristow Station. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press gives the following account of the late fight at Bristow Station : From Catlett's to Bristow station the rebels fought:Os all:• the way. At 'first they would come - surging against our Veer, then they would threw themselves with a mighty shod; upon our right. They amid neither move the first nor penetrate the latter. When we reached Bristow Station they opened on us in a ferocious way. Then we knew it was their intention, at all haunts, to eapturethe train or break our flank.' About noon Gan. Webb's division of the 2d corps passed Broad run; the 3d corps was in the advance.. Tho rebels rushed a battery down an indistinet-looking road, and sent a few iron compliments to the rear of the 6th corps, which killed four of the Pennsylvania Reserves. , TOE HATTIE AT BRISTOW About this time tho 24 Corps emerged Into view, sn4,llen. Warren tanned, them in bottle_ array as:rapldly as poaslble. Tho right of Gun. Webb's division rested. on Broad- ran, the left being stretched out in n manner to protect our trains that worn new being madly dragged along. Gen. Cid:Drell faood his divi sion near the railroad, while Hayes held the centre. As soon as the enemy charged oar right with their cavalry, their batteries opened on the first division an enfilading fire that. rendered further passage along the road they . ] had boon marching almost Impossible. At first a slight 'commotion wee perceptible, but it betrayed Melt by no outbreak. Boon all became steady, and the man .coolly awaited the onslaught. Brown's, Arnold's and Rick-' °tea batteries played continually upon the foe. Beery time they opened on us they were compelledlo withdraw and change the Im sition of their piece. At length the rebels', emerged from their corer in the woods, and formed in en open space of - ground about 1,40 D yards from the Philadelphia brigade which stood complacently awaiting their movements onthis side of the railroad track. They had not long to wait I with one of their peculiar yells they started (or Lieut. BlicOlel n's battery. Oh I bow the red flame started from them brass Napoleons—how the shrap nell went tearing and crashing through the advancing line! But they stayed not—soon they reached within 140 yards of the pleats. The command was given - plainly—it could be hoard all along the entire tine: 'Steady boys— "metre your fire till you -see every solo die ttnetly. Then cams .the- exalting Irder— "New, bApiztveit to - thers."..;.Ttur long. ad- . Tandad line tlnlYar 94--411 4703tlAakIy . 10 right and left, sad then , eVotr.lnDo.l, aed - DT himself, The Tine, noWnitended..froul aria.. tow to llotOsom'Votelt:Ectiletrtho smoke of the swath* could be 'seen sieetiatirginto the clear and spacious firuiament.' 'Heath'. rebel brigade was to front of the 14t -Brigade, Id Division. They had a battery,of ids pieces, which had given nemuch annoyance, INVIDITIII OF VIZ PIGHT-RZBIL LOSSES The 19th Maine 15th Massachusetts, and let Minnesota, ch arged on the - double-quick, and captured fire hundred men; the remnant of Heath's North Carolinians ' and dragged fire of the field pieces away after firing all the am munition near their side at those who were retreating. One piece was.disabled and could not be brought olf. Two stand of colors wore taken ; one was snatched from the-aolor bear er's hands by lad belonging to the Lt Min ima/As. Webb'aand Rogers' divisions did al most all the fighting, which oontinped till the setting of the ann. We held Hui field, and the enemy's dead and wounded.. All 'the former were decently interred, end the wounded care ikilJLAttolldiliKta,4l/griPrpiiiteneral- Cook -3.ll,HatnaPTitottipsed; Korth Carolini ans. arereported slain. The battletags taken belonged to the 26th and 28th North Carolina regiments. 1 This closed an important fight; Important because it saved our trains, preserved our flanks intact, and gave the other corps an op portunity of reaching Centreville Heights. If the enemy had got there first, It would have been a sad thing—a great 'mortification to the Potomac army. Wo are .now in tho tsrtifications of Bull Run. I 'fear the rebate will disappoint us, alb:mall, and trot dare at tack in here. If they do come over Cub Bun, itwtll bo a sorrowftil time for them till they return. All things seemed ready for a tight on Friday, but a drenching rain ' came up so suddenly, and lasted so far into Um day, that both generals postponed the engagement. I forgot to say that we did not have 2po moo In killed, wounded, and prisoners, In the battle of Kettle Bun. I=1:1 Otir cavalry has suffered fearfully In this march, because the enemy mounted their In fantry. I should not be surprised if ws had lost near 1,000 cavalry—prineliutllifrom Cap tures. We Ant oar trains through in safety, but several times CAMB sear boring them. The withdrawal was admirably oondrieted. B. The French lerlgates In New lan* Her. bor•A Strange Mission Assigned to Them. The Now York Times says: There has been a great deal of speculation meet:Ming the purpose for which vessels-of-war of each of tho three greatest powers of Europe were in . our harbor, The public, we believe, generally settled down Into the belief that the English kappa:cc( here • that this Estariaili had come to our Atlantic coast tot : safety he -sweat of war between.- Alexander and Napoleon.; but nothing lutelligible.eardd be. suggested re garding the French, unlink Ilkitthe - E lish, their coming was an tiOeldent.: z Cane ruing the latter, the Richmond . ' , tends to have news--wonderful, if Oak - nob ;, I Government, Which monopolizes thalci Is6cs trade of France, and pins from it aniener.. moos annual reyonui (amounting in 1 i t , 50 to about Iwo hundred millions of france)sent ents south shortly.afterthe inauguration of the war to purcbasiklargelortuditios of the Virginhi. weed; but the Confederate Government. .trae; unwilling to let It4o frem4bair ports, and.dt, ha& beanatored at eartain paints ,in,Vitglitts for nearly two years. The E=nrincritayi that Vicompte . de St. Remain baiiti:lattfobinitied. the ooneent of the Richmond authorities 14 .. .1et the tobacco go, provided the French Govame merit will send its own vessels for it, Which: the latter wade, accompanying the ships by; armed convoys; and It is on this errand that' the; Frpolt frigate, have been lent WI Now. York. To this whole arrangement, ho*overf the Federal Government eb.leets i "it VI. tempts -- do - St..Romiln bas corns North to communieate tho results of kisssit l y to the French Emparaii: -, N i'- J., ‘.l i :IL, The main features of this story a highly probable; thenghlifldUke 'seem singular that the Preach-Government should ever think It 'posslbkitlat 'our Government would permit, the eximrt - of tobsocopunder ouch eireamstan• nip It 09.,grezeb could thus purebast and Aspect tattoo from the South, they cot Id of course do, tho same with cotton and with 'augur; Mut Inlibt tkini- drive en enormous, trade withlle_Contederate Governsdinr, and All up its exhausted iXrtier:..fAcid It Plfileneh. Government had this privilege, wo.ecild!deny It to no other; and thus the blockade l l the Southern roast would booomp,letely shot bed, It Is simply abritrdto eoubeirstlitt the nited States Government could cement to thlL Tarrstarpr- ; 4;llliattp . p Doerauta.; r 4' Washiagtoa letter In ilia Iltorr Yark ;11totr from a..tunilly: welidifortaidioiritpir#M, atT says that I:taaeo.luta la preparatiorrit large iron;elai - fait Of which Is to wintor la the OW orlifextdcr. It hi tutelar Intim atedthat this in intiolpotion of a woe with amnia. The lame writer assortspotively. that ,Princielialletillan has deelded UI dent the throna.of glezloo, all reports from kerope. to: the contrary notwithstanding. pi Alined deference to the wishes of the plo, true, the provbton of s Etrroinian protectorati;'are like a young lady's blushhigrifbronglai d !pa'r, when shale blassity tillicting upon Thu trousseau. Tut azooutiqn of DT Wlizbc.-tor libSt roost Ro.fpw lir , 114'. ~~~~:. =E;== ~.„.., -,..„,•:.,, . _.,_. ...., H .... . _. .. . _ . . : r _ ~..„...._. ,: _., p . ... . ' c ' -- ' 7 I ' —TT The Rebel Guerrilla Gainey A contemporary shrewdly remarks that the recent guerrilla operations of the rebels, in Tennessee and Kentucky, In Missouri, And on the lower Mintssippi, may be regarded as a mere repetition of the old game., A raid by a thousand dashing cavelry-men upon our emu =lntentions, during the whole early period of the war, we. often anilleient to cause the rev treat of an-army of fifty thousand Matt, or the suspension of the most important operations. It , remains to be 'seen, further 'remarks our contemporary, whether one milita' ry, leaders have nerve enough to treat this Warfare as It deserves, or whether they will Ibliow the tmfor hung. preoedinds before epoken trf.' Fortunately this general upoits.'whose rear and commemiestions the rebel Salmi& troops are Milking the most persistent _amanita la' also be upon whom mach attacks have hitherto had the slightest effects. General Mosematur has never been oppressed by thei — tenurs,ll Morgan, . Wheeler or any othe of Ulf rebel. raiders. At Mur f reesboro' anit heather° he zder e y a acted upon the theory If Ite!whifs tb) pad the main army of. the enema ,in his trent, the dying eguedrons which ann oyed his veer would Baen= of themselves.', In the des perate and protracted struggle et MurN es . boro',, Ulm had labored. _ 'Saner dread of-snob ',Reeks . which :. was, Useietutiplenous (*Binger some otherof our Reiterate, he would inoWitably have - lost the battle find perhaps his army. But all Wheeler's and Mergan's asesults were in Vain; he latioutriking go as it mightdn Ms. rear, and stubtemly battled away , with -Bragg• In his front till be beat the rch c ianay, esifilbat done, the raiders in his rear disappeared like ghosts at ooek-erow, lie was like the knight in , the . Miami, story, . who...lamas/Mg; with some:mighty Monster, was Wier on: fisnk and rear by hideons and MpeideglittaPairs,:aftannind wit h 611 4stiing ofitiliabki Cagan, and atteMptingeonsfunt ly to distract his attention from the work of conquering his abler antagonist, But the faithfizi and well-lnettneted. kill t kept - his eyes fixed only on the enemy' he m him, and paid no heed to them g t who phi hint from . other quarters till ho had elshithe dragon. - Then, suddenly, those other she flitted flitted out of sight, and he found that In doliqueting one ho had beaten - all. .4 ' We have hope that General Amman' will treat tie, guerrillas this time as be has, always dealt with them, If he shoulfi-attempt to catch them, or to protect hi,* from their annoying attacks, Ins would do Weisely what the rebel leaders hope, and he ould lose all the advantage gained by his lon g and skillful marsh, Prom Murfreesboro to ttanoola. I More than this, while wasting ' , time and strength upon the guerrillas in I essee and , -Kentucky, Bragg would have the opportunity 'either in , strengtlnalltis own poilitien or to so I largely relnforeci.iiii at to ma li him fm-tol- I Made in Virginia.._,''''. I But we do net hailed tmoli Umid and ruinous 1 vonneels to prevall`with Reason/Is. ins wis dom has been proved In SO majky trials that we may confidently look for theimost advan- tageona coarse to be :pursued hg. our army In i Georgia. , No doubt General. Renecratur will lose net, a day in attacking Mtn. , Ile has been heavily reinforced ; heiknois that while he lies Mill the rebel raiders have ` neat advan- taps,. and that he 'Must basteitin mama so- Ur . ..operations, if only to diSembkruis himse If of these annoyances. lle look, therefore, for I a speedy attack n , Bragg. 'l4 If it was worth the while otthe rebels to hazard the loss of a great battlakin older to drive back the Army of the Cumberland, three ; weeks ago, that object hi still Thrportant to I them, and thoy mast make Ragg 'Strong by reinforcements, to . withstanditlie enact of Rosecrans, So far, thereforedfam Bragg 1 sparing men to Lee, it is more Oki* that Lee i bas been forced to make stilittatksar drafts from his army to strengthen Meet, - 1 'rhe recent movements of the enemy In Vb.- giniatond to approve this theory. .It is re ported dust the rebels are beginning ofilinsive operations; Leo is said to have. recrossed the Rapidan, and our troops have fallen back be hind the Itappahannoelc. To these who have studied the military situation daring the last two weeks, neither the advance nor the re treat is ettrprisiag. It is, on both sides, a part of the game sure to be played in VirginliL If, indeed, noseerans !should pursue a Me- Clellan-like policy of inaction—if ho should give the enemy to understand that he did not 1 MOOD to attack, then the movement of Leo might presently become formidable; but a , general like Rosecrans is not ,to be trilled I with; and,the rebels have too much at hazard in Georgia to expose themselves there, as they would have to in order to strengthen Lee ade quately in Virgirda. We can believe that Lest will endeavor to alarm the North and disconcert our military operations by threat ening movements In Virmnia—perhapa even by a cavalry. raid into Pezamyfrome—but if Rosecrans does his duty these will be only feints upon tho flank to draw attention from the important point, the centre. GEN, W. T. Susamss, the , colleague and friend of Grant in the great Vicksburg eam palgn,lost a bright, beautiful boy of eight years, whooe disease vas contracted while In camp with his father on the lu gßlaek , twenty miles from Vicksburg. The following extract front a letter written to Captain Smith, of the 13th battalion of regulars, by Gen. Sherman, presents a very tendoiepiatodo In the story of the war: - "Mypoor , ..„.„ -- as my, was, or thought lo was, a sorgeont of the i3th. S have seen his, heart beat and his eye brighten as he beheld the battalion under. anis, and asked me If they were not real t soldleri. Child as he was he had the enthuatasm, tho. Pore lore. of truth, honor, and love of country, whlchahould an imate aft soldnrs. , Gent: only boys ehilte should diathus ydnng. is dead;lnit,wlll not bo forgotten till those who knew him In lif e ne ve {alloyed , him to that stuno toysterioste end/. • • • • "Please,esamey 10 phe battalion my h• •••• felt thankerand-ahnWeach and all than If, in after yean,Aaraskon me ocialavnd mention that they wee* of the 13th Re an whoa poor Will mull seiteentilhey ail brio is toy. to &earned - one of ray , fau:}4 that will or u,tiliStlidr,;ro OW ;:flugo L ittem our 1V1tia10404.041.4 r: !kang., ~ 1 , Juin! §iirt, i4Pof 'CluutnnatiOiss: pelt ibifoiliiii4l2 iu 00,10. :Ike General WM: 11. Lytreqtlrbtrwiiirlfirlaf!)bit.litigiqiumbit IT -1 911 1 ) lz fD/ 711 4 A . ri , U4, 11 4 ta SI PUT raise HwariLit . kAtio forum for the "Add. T ow amoral Willbuu 41: 'Lytle •abuoit , lio bo y. 4 "...quili o , Hob, qd varied irkll itiel oridovitionti, Jails wiroidi c i tai la, 164 Ile bid a kthdlif Ili it keit monis of honor — a lo ty sidrif, and magi oblvelroui pitiotslocidap. tr• iIHIMO bort!, fora arddltr., Wbsok rmtb ita wu an oar, and ielibitligatifiod one, In the war f 414- Unitoot.filitai arith Idialoo. Goa. L lid ,also, w9q op , 41 0 1114 roW!l.?tul iltulic; :ands iaid.c:lz.. .-.. ~,..1 ' : , , • Too nognthttloni'of Senator Rams 4 ' lot IRlpuesota, withaboludiantrlbei of that tate, haye biten sump kl. lii has *wooed d In purehaeinteL.titioinfland of tho India 4,180 miles In ength, and from 120 to 1 0 „ta t Woodall :'' This...comprises. Qs -load 'On both , sides of Red rivey, 4 7km .trinatyl'irial a poll by every chief hut OM and. he walla edit,' with% boa Irini itaktmvonld novo si gn: any tritiO;othonibt It woad Injure hia 4- . , l l tattoo. •Iwetity , tho. Cdop i kfittr, rot tfogo yeaFil kitty' ' dig on; 'thst 4o : to pcuptp.- TIO, tio,kdo o - 44 , 1toptirtant, Anti MATS*, 4'4 tliki trade of Rod [lnt Aranoy.. i. ,-.,; , ,,,z..., ...,,,,:', i: , , :••• () .7 solif Ar . otioiiiiatielii:ergest prbinga and e at t he on the next mornlog, Oise argrafgotio he e gall be` ere a .e o'clock. The reverendd octor .tat on hand,as bs promised, at hlsiolls nth* Elicospd,iyarti t tkheing millpond tb t the . dikifor might da'acone.gotellp.teptritual nay, hi *Se aikedh noeke; .S Train, which 'did. with greseumitkor, and with greet o ct npon the auditory. one 0011 • aanVri,hl , 716,0 - -41yet•thit: ,d-fL Pttot: cieother nnw ,pisu trio.t,lMbat"" land Is herself span. MEM= .I.IrUSEME.V7S. Lowe and Ca""Thlrd rllght of the talented name', ETTIE ITENTIERSON, who trlllappens In ■ta characters. TILTS (Vireeinieday) EVESING, Will be presented, the [liraMpg dram, entitled, • SATAN IN PARIS. Mterloui Strangw ........ . W Lf Nand:left Winces &rare,— little Ilooderson, MontelL Mitre Fount Varuille To conclude with FAMILY JARS. F. Chippendale, MASONIC HALL SECOND WEEK OF GOODWIN & CO.'S Polyorama of the War. 11111002136 nuccess I lioneos ightly or - mited to overflowing hy deligLled .111thellet. Vaal and instrumental Mask, and an apprapriate T.Ctute et eitib pe.olbitiom ckch EYES ISO 'at o'clock Admission, 25 cunta. Children undo. ton, 11 ruula Mai PPM WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF TRITSPOS. at 3 o'clock, when ilithlron trill ha ad mined fur 10 cent 4 each. ocl9:lw_ RUFUS SOMERBY, Mannger. AN Rill D GREAT SllOll The model atul m exhibition of tho RID exhibit Is PITTBBITRGH, (ox RED Liox LoTo Wedinsday, Thursday, Priday and Sat- nrday, Oct. 28, '2O, 30 and 31, EVERT AFTERNOON AT 2 Vpon which occenion tha cvlebratal Amrrkno'llo monist, DAN RICE! Will elytlirrol intr,lnc. lir wooderfn rdtagi E,xtelsior, Jr., The Trained .ininials, Edu rated Mules, xc., And land in their carious perfermaniee Th. twat itoupe nt EQUESTRIANB Ever brt.q.lit bvf..ic II o DAN RICE " STILL LIVES I f / . - . Boxes Beeervesl warn Children under 10 yearn •'1 agt parts or the Pavilion. 0e17:1.4t • KXHIBITIOS GrPODWIN. 61:' CO.'S POLYORAXA OF THE WAR, For the boot of rho SUBSISTENCE COMMITTEE, JI S ~1' If C HALL, TatESDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. 224, at 2 o'clock Admission 2.1 conM. Cliddrou to cts. oral MEDICAL HMDQIJAHTEIi DIL LUDLUM'S GENUINE SPECIFIC !totalled •t U LION'S DRITi STORE A FRESH SUPPLY OF DR. LIITAIPLERRY'S IIO3DEPATIIIO REMEDIES, Just mitred it FULTON'S DRUG STORE B4°l'?v'9 BRONCITTAT, TRO-7IIE-- )OR SORE TRROAT, 1;;;11 FULTON'S DRUG STORE STRRIANO'S AMBROSIA, FOR TER lIALII, toy Old • at /OLTON•S DRUG STORE, ULTON'S COUGH SYRUP, NM COMM COLDO, de. y!eptioil nil mold by R P. lituasipb, , Commission Mrerobant. - Dealer la CRUDE AND R.DITIEDD OILS, . PLAT BOATS, L O®eta rritior;'.TiLoci: ct.fronstila A4iioa. FriliriiiiDlLOG STORE, .' Dd'lt"2-1. • DR ItALL'I3I3ALSAM, TOR TEE MOS. For Lb at TOWS DEM STORE, DR''"E's PIr&NTATIOiLSILTiEBB,; rOi sale RI . 85 M . Gi.tood PL Fllll it., 51 door below P. 0 . _ H ()r t ir"rMV ' S lITO3L&Ott DITTEIIS, rot s< tit ITITON'S DIIDO EITOTtE, CU=2M sosEt Imure. masse, • 'FULTON'S DAM groan Noe. 67 and 69 Fifth efietit. rot val4l Ai 5..,1 NG UEN'I; $13.1,1415Q 1 :4 ,104 . ST .t Nolo of Mitt itra;;; FORTY,Fiatilaig a- 3 :./ilfititr, - , 24: 1, TUOPN'IMIZSZEIT,-Tho..Cotroottteit `ippotrUldAO: - oolbtOt the mounts for--.labor otrtho. tbraticotloits, around the. City of Pittibtorgh r woold .z= 1,01 47-1 1 U-Psnloss - ditrisd bills•lbria)xo , ; oso4..XlpOd . ths. thtroothrocatc.-,to . .pteistrt 4holaestc- be tUrs the Ist . •do. liottimio . _,r" ll;Aniumon,Ar . .the a ward ' Of Trabi L oom,, he boodlostrixdoct to attend to%Sh6 duty Of dais /In SU 'snob bills eorroctly mate old. sag proporli sotheottested., . , -. • •!: 1 2b order or rho_ " aottoutr.',..-." . `' ' 'GICI. ;!•-• 2 : / L.....--" Srt) Coo. 7 OODVILI -1 . Ili ri ! dally tbc Indian 'of Anatthlng tlioltrVer 1-7 ?• std ' , P' 4 " te r ; IbrothKidir.ottl,sald.blU4oad 113.r.mtcolvioattot "'" 4 .V1 . after .sa th optlesokto. olstassatto ",thVpoord:of ,Xdraoldteiti : OSAW), Trade: Vtricitoo,. fFoia .1.,1 alklis. - • i • TINCLUIL : .oarothollivOliand, t s "Mir - krICK. o nal 12' os in= crtayl.4wrod . trttbata adOr.r. Iiti.VOUR . :LADIES' OR ti.E.N3.1.E.., 4 1 ,ZE - 0 4 :- q t AI TThate tx7F.trr i ',,, , POOTS, BAL,MORALS, thingliS or IltdrAllosithdra.ltft intilanular. GUYS' VOILLANord, 98 fd.rkot Meat. Book Bak , second door, will be romptly attended .017 2414:1c0r trcaa k, • malt _ et:t wi t e rtma Ot tate la t t fear , 'd op =;EZ=M=M 11. - DR3O%. . 0 FLILLiOTON. .c. tomlity. Buslane entrusted to our care sill socalre out prompt personal attention. Refer to 31...ers.Eiclarxhion, Marley 8 r".., Burk° Sr Co., end McClelland A Darla, Pittsburgh; Th... Smith, Esq., Neat. Bang N. A. ; 11. L. Poster & Co.. Philadelphia. art. 5,17 ro - gtny OIL NIT-omi_ • . •• • LYDAY m.nuf.ctur,r...d lleiners of CARBON OIL; BEN ZINE AND LtiltilICATIN O OILS, and dealereld ca - rumr. PETROLEUM. Workei, Opposite BLarpnburg. • No. 59 RAND STEM'. opillGna Trrrivrium, Pa. T 1 L. MILLER, Jr,-, 121 NTAL,NTT BT., PUILADELPICIA. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM On Commission exclusively. All charges at most reasonable rates. STORAGE FOR REFINED in cool cellars. For CRUDE, under good sheds. Particular attention paid to OIL FOR EXPORT. FOR SALE -CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASR, kc. aul:ly CABOT ft PEMBERTON, General lierehanclize Brokers, 135 SOUTR FRONT ST., TITILADELFRIA CILUDE & RP,FIfirEp . PETItOLEIIII, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ARII, DEIMSTONt DRUGS, OILS, Ac., Ac. ALLEN 3,; NEEDLES, Particular attention paid to ottnaignmantat of Crude and Relined Petroleum. CZ , Liberal athances made. aul:ly • HENRY ROE, =REM Broiler & Commission Merchant Ir CRUDE & RKETIOD PETROLEUM, LUBRICATING OIL AND BKNZOLE, k.TRI ETEi, And dealer lu Crude end Ranod PETROLEUM BARRELS. eraly BREWER, lit'• !ME Cu, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GLOBE, PACIFIC AND LIBERTY on. WORIIS Liberal urish sidvadeoa made on cone lifornevis of Refined or Crude Petroleum. rill, MEN need not be embarrasse& by V the enforcement of the Bulk Ordinance, Winn they can hare their OIL bartollwi and shipped with. out touching the City Whams, u cheep, tilie prompt, with leas rick, leas trouble and In bet r order, at KIRK'S OIL YARD, On tho Allegheny Valley Railroad, above Lawrence tile, where OR Is pumped from the boats &real to the cars, and shipped to any point, East or West, without any dealing or re-shipping. All orders promptly attended to. MB - Office pt Turd, on Citizens 'Passenger R. R. Post Orrice addruss, BOX 902, Pltteburglz; or I can he seen daily at the OIL Yzarettot. JOHN E. coutna. WALLACE & CURTISS, Commission Ikterohants, Fifth atreet, Pii tidmt CRUDE & RETESTED PETRCIEEURTi Sot. 67 and 66 Fifth strurt Xo. 134 SOOTS INLIDVES, PHTLADIALPIIM Storage impurity (undue rbrir,) for 115,000 MAI. Alto exeellent facilities fax .Ikliippiag -Alimericatt and Foreign port*, at • our wharf ea the fichirylkill River, near the &Wenn of the - P. - R. Ii WALES, WETMORE k CO., COMMISSION 3INECITAN79, am SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, Ll 2 auximi Ample facilities for STORAGE AND SHIPPINa, et etteir,yard tad Ithaddlite gooL terl4:tf Nos. 67 amt fa Fifth • •2:d. 67 and Co 711 Th ',treat. J. N. VULTON 01131=! Noe. 07 and GO Fifth 'Greet Rethexcitnd-Peogre Valurpaaesd Ifiatti In Ma Marker: Lir °niers loft qt ihii?ots.;;44. ; illtAlivrr 8111Etr, or at, their works In ZawreneoilAt, will he Far ' 141 Y 1 1'.'. 1 °I-9?1)11 Nos. GT ad eo Firth strmt cuitte imprrrattou, , Pormatizig !Se coindesion ketch* , . AND Drazaziltozrs.3%. , PETROLEUM .OILS, .4t4r ibros# 4 4-tbnlaqui Zdarkal, paced. - .400-Arttors Ep 7 ' IIICENT , OIis WORKS. • •, . buzidalr;ttilitip`ei CO. r': `a .-"' - 0 • Tint , Whit ` • Carbon. 0314- • .nrismoninf,!rELl ray9:l3mito 7 - Z ;f„-kr" VOLUME LXXVI---NO. 291. OILS, Ofc. R ICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., COMMISSION d FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Crude and Relined Petroleant, 150.10 rawni STREET, PITTSBITEGR. OW° Liberal Cult adrancra on connitinminta for Pittsburgh or &mom Markets.. PrlTAllrlall : Ileum. a. Er!"Dllworth . &, Co., Springer liarbangh, Esq., Thompson 8011, tp., Print. Commercial Donk. TACK .S 7 UllO., 11201MItt t 1 Crude and Befitted Petroleum, BENZINE, &a, Order. to buy or aoll promptly attkoded to. aula♦ PHILADELPHIA. r COMMISSION MERCIIA L 3 NORTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA, Agents of the COIL DrQ,UESNE WAY d HANCOCK BTS4 Prrrercsion, rA EIMECEI333 And dealers In BE.NZINE AND LUitiIdCA.TING ioND olliwottiw NATIOR tt,B*-17,14: OR'.'. ti AS V.I OILS, /fa -11DIDER do CLANK, _ . COIDSLSSION IMEWITA3I9. And Fontars .1n Petroleum and. its ,Prodtkote, oeAD.r e lts, &0., ea. 61.D110AD •as.WATKILt/S2 . „ . Ior igeitalgr thiPORSLAIIVKICKOSItNE on. 'WOEMI.-1111W row, CANDLE tomrAxir, W. A. CUAr3IAN. Aaeaa. 98 31sta ITlrrvne sta. McCORMICK & CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street - cordiob. Con'eginnettfasolicited. • , urn To ehorN , ihikik, Iron Ctt Oirty4la. Jenablabetirro OnT. Painter _C?lfratf Spzg,qafnt&So. 7.llcoataxa p IiT.ROLIT_E . 40 AVPHIiS. c *-13.ditiisrkotE AED I'EXIKILEIThI, Casickty pro tholzsllsl4,; REESE & oRaBrl. 'llo i 4 likTOßS. ' ;I=rsNosamico trcrat:4 , inacurga• JAMLN. • • .21iinufa4urer of Oil of Vitriol and tAtina Ammonia. Onion -bald John Porterfield & Cia'd OlDce, cor ner of MARKEY AND FONT BJ 11 E0:00 , 1/1 re ceive prompt attention. srsrrBJ.rcE. TNDElinrr AGALNST LOSS BY FIItE.—FEANNLINPLUELSSI:BANCE CO3l. P ANY OP PIIILADKLPIIIA. Office 436 and 437 Chea I nut lobe, near Fifth. Statement of Amor., January Ist, 1800, prnlllaland i=ilto enact of Aseembly, being— acer empty sectund--.01,880.8911101 /tool rdnateral. 0103,314 61) coat 20"_.985 00 Temporary Lmm on ample Connte l . l 0%136 00 Stocks (present .aloe 860.867 72 ) o . l • 32.784 00 !iota and Erna 14= 60 Oulg ..... 4 . 4272 00 54,2118,051 es car The profits from premiums which this have Companbe entiat y eau a e rsine by Leer are from risks, which rsained. Insurance made on array dowliPtiou of ff"Perty. in town and rates as kw no ma comment with • Since their Incor . intattom a period of, thirty yearn, they hare paldinms by Sc, to an anima excemling Four Millions le 4Dollors, thereby affording evidenis of the advantagmof Jammu., as well as their abili ty and diepotltion to me--t with promptness all lia bilities. Losses paid during the sr 1135'8- DIMICTOIII ; Marisa X. /Wicker, lease Lee, Mordecai D. Lewis, Jacob $• Smith, Tobias Wagner, Edwardle. Dale David S. Brom, Geo, ~ I tlehtra vr m, Samuel Grant,- Saki, CHARLES T. B G MER; Pra.eirl na. . . . .. . . . . . EDWARD 0. DALE. Vies Pre:Fides,. tylt. A. Ora_ 0111ce Northeast cor:Vood Third sty INSURANCE. Insurance Co. of North America. PIITLADELPHIA Insnranee Co, of the State of Penna., PHILADELPHIA 'Hartford Fire Insurance Company. tirerkuntrance in tho above old and rellable nom pante, can be obtained on application to W. P. JONfig, Agent fa 7 :dlY 8.8. 1 •7's Buildings, 87 water N INSURANCE COMPA WT OP IP? PITTSBIIIIGH. . - Jr„ Pros G. IL 43101100 N, fienoory. 01111ce. „No. (V. Wtta2 West. Opus. & Ware - home, up natra,:Pi&tammxh. DTI imam agabut. abliads V . Firs Marno Sub, A Haw lictitution emusayyd by 4:kinoton tar are well &ann. ix £h, coixamatix. amid nho aro din, nixd, 6Y-pnoxixoe amid Wxrality, to maniain .ebbracter =aka Ufa han axamai, an cebrisay Yoe twos pptextfoxio ikon who dame to-to inured ; - &SSETS, 04T08ER.30, 185&. Stak 63,000 00 2,100 00 Otßoe FtErnitort- • 230 00 Open, TAP 00 Ceeh 00 Prelolom .27,025 14 Notes 'and DIM 114,075 12 At.ller, Jr., , Jame" McAuley, Nathaniel fiolmo., Ales, Zilm George Darien Wjlllum 9. Rletetron, Andrew Ackl*, Alexander - Speer. Dalrd:3ll-Lamp Efts J. Thome, :Deed: Ellikeirell, Johnal. 21:Tune. N. CORDoHc9sree.y. CQTIZEYSINSURANCE COMPANY N...k-or-PPagunnumi, - 4mrn corner Merkel and W.ter &nth 199?fkMrit.x nv7 3411.1.LEY, .I , 4•ZeiL FIAMVIUALIMakntsry. - 4" 0% Cargl)". and -.lzwores Slow 4 tows tiau nirt I .of 3hClik:Saent and: Wear , _ es . 11=Ft=r ntags 4 :44z , rftric., 3111. . 4' ' 0 . 10 , 401ptet!fr: ' 'JobriVuuwortn. ,Slarys-44.;U:vd „, Woilen — Jag. kai1c.17.1 , 4 W. O. Jobxtstpn, 13: , 1 1 1.70n5., 7, 7.. Rep* Ono. • _ Mit: T. .1L 'Haim ' Hamby ft:44=e Gime DEIPIX§E4' R. COMMIN Office; N.'lLeorter Wood &PM Ste. /****74:l3l-81442WE• ci':icitiiiii: .7 - - -- - actaiit. iiitip. ..y4aritt i ,,,. 7; ai , ~.:oiPtorohtarriihoads, ,yt.7 ,, ,,,, : ,,.,„ :=1:11 0 z 1 7;. Charles 8::BisieIli, „.; , ..A.N70.14:e. r 1 IL . Wpi.VOIXItIr; ''. ' "::"?'ifitttlKaryrry•. • ~,.. -:•;:_r rra,'.; W. 11: PIIMLIREVEYWMII. JOIES WArtoroi..eresiONC . A' ,INSURAIo ;:COr - ,413Wrirkir TITTBDC2OII.z.yi No. 37 Fifth OtoettlianNlDoelt. - nsa Disarm against all kladootEntiood Matto Ebb. AAO JONES. Proklook., , : ' IDDORD,Tfr# :2"Ookitic Dilif:DODN,“Bovistom • = , r eapt. - Wl , l , DEMGeoerol . oir—warDeap._ IlfcGlooy, D C. C..lltakm IL Ck" arV*”' 'J9 lanriti;Jr. r r4sltteetolk,ii .;.:Afi rikSitligirc4 -004- Kau" raw k ripttlit, 2 14 4 01 , itYs a ti n ftft b P"' - o iTo l trg; PARLOR AtriktrAT. :11 0 1.741W. WAIM PAI •te 4 .= - ;r Maw Ail i tr i tat NtopujounciaktazPillx.l"!elfead At. 'dun pi: I == cowit % AirKettiarobblar aniktlactdas • ardi * t Agar — „, p i'druitl• routings, . 14 : c1 . irtilrStoafarrtotimkPower. - a 414.Ezed F f t e2.16=11',;#1,"1.1901,3191 - 1 , 31104 , CLOM: 1 0/2 1 4V/Wart eArbr, rl YclOylo i rarztit Atioqpite - 08 13 " ,4-5. - q!ligir4n iuesictuntErfak l / 2 1: 4 7 , *max • so: tirorrian iiiiiiii Ems= roar- ,3106,03,. 67 PA= te.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers