'''''fiV44.l .A., - ,1,r -, 7 , 4 , , , , , , , ,,—,,,., t.:+x,.--9 , -44,-;,....ap1_.-..,57;. ,: , ,r, , ,,, A,..... , ..E„- ,-- wv..tomo , P,M3-7,--- , ,,-,,,,, , , ~,,,, .......,:;, :,,,,,-.,......,,,-,...-..,,,, z1...r..v.,....,,,r,,,,-....„.,-...,., eat • . - - -,a,r -- 4 - - 4.1.i..,' , 4,.., - 4,.." , --4.' -,V,...-..,, ,, ......-,-, 4 , - - q.,, : fr , . ~ . . . .. , t, - . ' .. .. , ... .i Eal3-it Mar4FabiSO, ,N -Coltman= . . Y l ' Zggrigirixia:.Wholonile dealus in WISTNati a RtgEBVISAIHNESE, DRIED FRUIT. HURTER, NW* 6141N8.., and • produce generally. . Alfa P LEASIINII,' HIDW, . MB, - dn., Ne. 2IT !Abney street. Pittsburgh. enrOseh advanoements made. Consignments ao.. :PAN AC CANVIMD, eO.llll 188 - 10 N AND ParrAliDikolilucaLsT and wholanale defier la WESTERN atzusztamerg, 11UTTER,LARD. PORK, BACON, NLOUE, MR, POT AND PEARL ASHES, BALERATIIS,, LINSEED AND LARD ItumiruiT4e=n-,1°,,, ~ • ';' ,•.• • • ,:.•.• '.410:41,N424.2h414.1:411!-• MNIME • A. • • MENNE ''.., • f.t.',:'Et-t':'-'", :., ~. • -,..1 1. `..., .: ; • .4., ...: 1 . , ..i.,V.41. , e, , . ' , i1;: 44 .f. , '•:.,': *-• ''';*- ' ' , 1•1:0-2 d~ ~. ', 1,:; •• ••• ,0 ..•• . . , ;1.:4r. , ..'• ' k • ... ~-;•:•,'',,..,i.•:',!•''..,,.'•4 ' .:•:, ~. -',',4::','z'''' •;+!: , .4 .Y; •:•:''.;.1:..f,i,' '.•:: .1,... ..1 'l, '' ,•:.:4!:',.:4,!'' ' '.''io ' .. ',',' '-'•:'t.::: ~,,!+:.- ', • ,;:". ,•, .... : , 1: „: ; ; . 1- . . ; :- .: •,•, ' !,;:'i.,. • ,••• ,44,44,,,,,,,,,*,. -•;;'• 1 .: :14!-;'!I-:,,. , i .i. ~..,;;. ,-; 11 fI:'-!: , '4. •, 1 .;•: r.• ;34 - 0 ;• 4:,-,. • •:..;.-0.:4,q.4.4,•,1 ,•:: -:-• , • ~ . ..17-1 '..., ; ..., ~,,_ '. :. :::', ' X.l i.,-,;,•-'!;,,41.• •::•:- •:• -ci ;...;:: mil • -1 i - : ,•:..i.• ,;;:•:. ;...: .!..• pz ; : :,1-, ; : : , :v.:i: 14 :-.,• 1 :14:i : ' • l -14i*i!'$_1t i...... i 4,-, ::?:• !: •1 1 ;:iii, .;1;- ... ii,,f3 kt',N:4i' '.': ,!' 4 :: .1 P , .:ii .. . t :,4 . li; •' ... ' - :? . , ::.: 1 • ,%''.-. :f , :•., : ti..!1•1I, , -0..,,,.*:',.:...-...,-,,,,evi- .I' , . ';:,'•• : , 1 . ;1. ' •; I i-Z " .:- , '. T.::: •, .. :. , 1 . . .:: ~ 4, .1,•:::: .!'1:: ''7,,,;• hr _.:.•:% - i,:," ' " , i:,;,: ~i ~,, .;.k . j..i ~';'': '",:.• :„..f • ','.::.:,,i;;'.:-+.-• :-.,.,. --. ' :: ;•,,,,-: •-•.: ~ , .;•,•.;•:,: .....,: . ..:f;, ..;.• ,:,,,, •,: I. ', ::-,-'. ' :: .' • - 1. • '„2:'. r"!...'. • ~:, , ~,•• • ! . .. .i-. 1 , ,''.'' :-. , '' , l , ',..- . t 4 . ' e , ,:•,,. ~-.• , 4 \ rr . 7- ; 1:: , .„ . , 4r Elin .1' • •••••'-'• .4 , ;;; EZZZWIE ;;'( ESTABLISHED IN 1786. EMaM COMMISfiIOJrIiI, 1.31W1 tabu= MACKEOWN do lANHART i r FLOtrlt AM) GRAIN YACIaIti.PIIIIDUCT. AND Mncaurri, lbr the sale of Mow, Grain, Pork, Ba 00%.4,112.traltiter,i1/414=C=2;JW=, &Imams. Unwed and Lard .0112, Dried and Green Tralls= ti rekPAr. Pa and Grata Seed/. 13 21 214 ._ ONAMOintai • • A A, tale; 2d marry street,-Pittilharitt, vat. crir "Lars 111111KIAIID. C.la • P S E HAS D, Ccopri4stos- Xiiacuarza and dealers In FLOUR, GUAM, ANIFFRODUCB.So.'2I.3 Liberty stmt. Pittsburgh. Choke brands of near for Rakers and Family use constantly on hand. PanicuLa attention paid to ailing orders for Iderelumdize generally. octinlly CHARLES It. LEECH, "flovn AND , .1311:11311 TAME AND COMAIZZION MIALCOART Mr *slab of GRAnt, SEEDS, CREME, PRODUCE, de.; and tannt:lttr ithin oekddined-linlantearn-M MIMI% Noe.. 116 Scand and 145 First straits, Da tum WoodaidEddiatald,_PDtabnia; - I.- , me -* QGIIONAMS9. 7 4 . . Ceidassiox Menem-ars and windenala dealers in GEO-- CRUM% /LOUR, IMMIX PUODUCEEde.:No; Ufa Liberty atroot, Pittsburgh. seldelly .. =near. j.l i piailgrr,&. co, CITY FLOUR . • .., plug, L b !, cornor _Liberty an d Mums Mrawseityloo E437,1'N pr ay,. • DIS SO L UTIOXS • D ISSOLUTION -2- , ..llqmpattanskde btniAP3ra exhales_ Autumn the entiocribeie, ringer the firm of PHILLIPS, FREW I CO.e.ttee , thle day.beeti dteeotrod, MISS. LOCKILLIti 'maid - WILLTAX usw hieing por =ll4:l6 e :o l f (bets fir: A r lt bb settled by LOCN HAUT ,t FREW. ViILI.I.,k3LPHILLIPS, .. mivoittiViArt V. wt. Pittabyrgh. _ ., lOth, 18(3. cauan maw LOCKIHART & FREW,- 'Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, an-Ad 4-Inforont. - tas. *nano xcon , ti , and BEILLLI.NT OIL WOBKIL Ziegler. Run. Moe, 1V & 174 WOOD STBEIT, lIIHE PARTNERSHIP-' heretofore biting betweenlttit undersigned. meter the style and firm of qUEL;IdeOLIIIIE A 'CO.; lies iddirday been mutt:l44 EVA and. MICA LEWIS b ana :A the Interest of. BOWEN BcOLIME. the tresinem of the late firm of be sot . tied rip by BILL k LEWIS. THOMAS BILL, 'BOWAN NoCLITIIE, ittdOS LEWIS. Pittaburcii;lit?ftli;ita HILL & LENA . iiCcestms to HILL, r,uits a l co, will continuo to coaaufactare at their old stand. Caner brGrant and Seventh ate., of Good TorrNatariala, to tte bed teannorall article. of CaresataralYaHt;tar 'fLnlablog bulldlom each is Doom. Scalt Frame'', Shultorsadoadlnga, Bad', de. Baden, andllioli cohteletrlallog billldlng, ere invi ted to call and caatoloo 9:9x : Forir" ocoawd - Ern & °IIC- l'—'l 4 6o undersigned liniing I.2a=bacealligpwattier eta* .Ikoca-ibe rong ea. how,. WAX &VS:real:lV would. announce to Me old cuitomersand the Falk his remcrral to the Mot 180 Liberty elmyt e .., Varely.,acenpted by J. It. McCono,) where *Urge and complete stock of Sad. dirmiLlend -81memakers?- Leatker, Yinclinpro,zlLidee, CDs,!co., as be found. and at. icorestratea, .• • CI. 11. AIWEILSON, Liberty etreet. TN RETIRING FROII- THE' HIDE LtterffElt-SITStI4IS3B;I meet cordially oozfforandpittettalat:,_uk alneotyd' wict Ant,;grity and ofild ewe gassmostiaos.4 Foitiknon .1m0t4:14 to nOttil litatirienttgat le -04w hors counting room, and will tate great pleasure In Introducing.ipr,tomy , business argnaintanow. . July gith, 'J. It nrcusr, - jy2.4.3m DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given that the partnereh l iattetaaditftift meta McilllEWS.ft SWIM embark*, of Pittebtothoindei Ann of ILEWS ft STONE, waa disoired by =Mal consent on the 10th day of April, 1861. MELLISH STONE hsiiag purchased the entire infertat of MoGIIEWS, the hominess will hereafter ha ' , Cohddeteff ' WILLIAM STONE. Ample arikkgementchare,been made tof o od coel boats, barges,f urniftabel.Mut Ikea, akreestat. able prima. Offlce,..Bcgaley's IMl.l4lmr, comer of Market rod Water streets; 260 W Ifni% thlrd-story. Steamboat, Asanla pp* eamoslacc, , oc:tarp rosacco, C 164.114 c. ESTABLISHED 1760. S ; RETTsg 41),AlinDe _ _ AND TOBACCO MANUFACTITESR, ,":: :.,;•7 to AND . IB - crthatirzer firlargT, (Formorl) 42 Cluabam arrt,ldtriTork,) n!MEEM!!!!= his manufacture, ids : DROWN 1:1N147 Lesbos, Fl aßeppee,iiaanfe ciappaer. 24=100 Onitkarien, Damigroi, Pura Virgintq Nachitaches, Copenhagen ' ..1 YELLOW BEEFY. Scotch, MO To ut fko irtsh.aligh , ..Tositt;or Loot , tot, Stoney Dow Scotch, Troah Honey Scotch, lragratatt.,' .77 ,•! Attention la called to lb* Lugo teductlm in prices of ghigthlf .Xlisithriddirnalnj TOtaccto,'whtch will be lbond of a fopechtf r TOBACCO. finhilldtd-t7ennd..2lo:ll,ll7ta - 2, - Sada and 2 Ulltunt (Inundated. VIM Crt etntwzaa—r. IL. or plan Caren dieh, or throat; Sweet =awl Ctronooo ; Tin Tod Carendtda• 8 " 1130-3 . Jig*. Blankb. attanter..Ttuldeb. 2i. 11,—.1. circular of prices will be sent on applka - aplenty F. le.. Mw Wilt dr, 3A}.1 .. It, .16" I!IBi!RfiI;!:f.T.FEFT? iryrnscaan* r.„. Sacs amstatilly-no hand lb rarlity.of ripe* and alloking •-• !3 ;I:ll.myth LYON 4ANIFIU L.., ,lAMORTER AND- DEALER In the mint wleet brands of OVONMEEINAVANA,OIO44-$34,411 Wade of 13111 1 rA.Eff MEWING TosAcco, snyrr, VANCE INICEBEERAUR PIPES. de.,tc., In r at variety, Up - DES THE 110- TEL,Plitatnag l. a. 104 N. ll.—The mpg en ~••• 1.7r=1/frr0.77).7?1 itparallSOCED 1 I L . - it. GEO. ALI3BEE, GOrtilitiO No. 11. WOOD IiTBEEP, Comm or Vocorra, Thr 1, 411 00 1'..{ ., ;it 13oUtiplA ie fi , and Water Proof LiZATIO:II rearm and desirable goods, tom • rising .64rhetr . 4 , bawd Graln OAVALAtX ; .1113 • ,• - 'and Youths' two and three' • • lira • • ••• Water Proof BOOTS and - CONO • 't 4 Also, Lodi.' Vlne Glom. .• r• -- •• • pro= s omr & Dammam aal t ; i t i At All of whlell'areiottrioof ' rodeo . I I AN 0 - • ES: ' I.Ti. Aye • , , , :t.:14..t.y. ,:., (1,4"....T 13 , -° ~ . GIIK&T. BEITOTION. ' - • •- . '.'7 , N 4,, ,:-., . ;":-.. Lad*tlag. Last's COng l iitilieli N , 11 • it. wo rth EL cu, .., • .. 0 ~ ~ . 115 A ••,,, • 1.15 An otbr g'W 4 0 1. 1 4:veolic 2fAMESLROBB REIM EGI4, - Yeattp-81311 Al_ MADE: Op_ ORNAMEISTAI Timm: sffeants,-nsehowttYEXIMENNI3; JWILLO_Tri (batht and the ornamentd VBOIT TIIM3 and barteciona plants: all quantity and .ra misyoußsolt,.oindbu NOISIVITE at. U. low Ilia of $l5 For luir4...if at. dated-lbefteallinttldritmot , ntkag *hat tnatiatr: glaitAstabilllisad , it-Mooed , pOttok Ia .ordtoolcint oat &Wad thectallarlidal - tarxt B. MEM Itiliibbod *Met; wita)442-w,4 . .q u iSCWU. I . I( Vayia ••• - • - - • ' . - . RGH . G _ • ,• CARPETS, Ott CLOTHS, gm NEW FALL STOCK JUST OPENED AT THE .CARPET STORE 01 - XcEARLAND, -001.11 NS & 00., 71 and TS Fifth Street, &Aeon flot pett IlfAc• lid Alcatel parldiej. . Haying kst:Trpic?tasea for ail', &Wage* / 0 5 0 4 Womble eireellOeji ut the tierketi, swot COODOTO Ar s w e i rrate, - aseartoteat et the unmet and ehoteent - CARVETS, Ott - aoths; iriOdoto Shades; -7We imam offering cotde • AT- PEATES OP - A YEAR AGO BJ.our t;milleilon In Prices we have almost dosed :ft r io:o o t_ seee joirttns",toul tow obbr to buyers - AN ENTIRELY NEW AND FRIER STOCK, Elantrpused by any mar °Mind In ibis city. inn ?PIE LARGEST STOCE, OF Velvet, Brawls And par& Carpets,.Oil ;Cloths, , • &a, ever offered in this city, is now opening at prices much below the late factory rates. OLIVER lITLINTOCK & sti sum EITEIXICT. atm NEW STOCK AND NEWEST Carpets, Oil Cloths, Driggets, SII,AIIES, &a, at MCCALLUM'S, 4 eery largo assortment of all goads in cantllne bought al the loweet point rfteled • In the Easton: Markegthis Intmaki,nnil mach reduced from last see eon's prices. cicla JfIIIRCELLAJrEOUS. IMPORTAIIT TCr BALMILY CUM= panes, gin mums. ac. We Imre *ezected and.hanj In •near.l%6 dry. an exteninni Labtatory ta!alintaatul atipa ci MITIMICATIIKI 2.6147, pp. • By a LOW 'ind Ingetiteeis eetipittleilieceme, Lamm oar and Commend to public Dodo), and ParobVe three man, A. B and 0 rioedthgy. ar 2 d . 6 4 MrliTp4mra Olf W ham* . thi`fiadfitortiglii4 F . Verei bi"4"S itgr gja tir griat te teetftet "." tehf am The "X....0r - War chality:4•Abitoo Jo tei'.Ru Place of the beetilretrui,oll.lalrfot , me on et2too, woolen at atiteeteaeltbaelt. Ther - sql," Or 2a goal t!. tabet.llke ! toseblaery; and tb• .C.," or 342 httatitf.thatatietelyeetee poring. ag4; The 'TAINT hatr_brou ,teroel by , tromerous Palnters In this et 4, tottutosel .to - he capital eeb etetate.fa. boiled_ Flamed 0.1. ' , lndeed many Planters give lt edetthaetivettepts. • • / t ) • hoer eibielftely _toatinbetm , 4 at out ' , llAnlikk Emink oft, om WiMES. . . . thetnnenol ' scientute . ilaxmitorm, etlernaara con nay on the nintrottnotcellonoo of ' th om oconsaato elnindonto nt'boilin Thinkonl OIL -, ll:;trid Jima test b coandentlybnited; ***** • ror aide 1543:101MIEry . .1117EpliM, corm of &cad. • *** ''''''''' • I'INNOCILIi= 'lc' CO. . HENRY O. HALE et CO., Are now riendvlnithelr Fall and Winter- And invite their- Mends - ond tho pallet° exantitio ttyi tr taxa,. .hich Is ills finest sad most sotaplsts; prir biouilit to MIA market; Always on lorry • Ono ansortment of lIEMMEfrS SINUOUS(' tows: CORNED OF,PFOT AND BLIDL!9 . 3I 4 3 rIZMI Prrrestraim, Pi CANE AND WOOD 0.11-Ailt9 QUM On AT 1117317i1b111114*-- 0/1-asTAU. .40014 kit; fT a;aninua swot, to a- Eaccivntiscm Etau Lsnd 111 Fourth area. sohlo WlLMABlliinikill.Thlta4.o ;Bowls 6,66neriisated, Iron wart," Pgszi et. •24 and -101: Hering oseauod s prerszatzto I,trit-1110 It -111 th tho;nioof itnAnned e -vo am every+, ptionASOILYRII, in the bat' manner and winninted: ood, to any ma .J 1 pooiji?7, Trim mucHEN ME EMS, EITN,. i IANOMEXLB . OII•ZEB,_CONLICNS I 4 ,II D4 fifti AND, Tal , o iIT/LLS, ACIITAVVIRS, 8113TTLINa-PAAIuIIOII4KB 111 ON Balpt.l2l, mks' PAM sad ioio manufacturont of lipiltlir mmea zirzimixo.Uxes• Bexhill& *T on sh* athrtiainepueiCL: 011ABLEt3 C. DItMLNYI Produow,iind Clot-r1,14= Aud dealer In al) klndi COMMYttIiODIICS, r? t rl iPq l : 2 7 * E PA '.:l7,ll6lfitiata,A. A t { i • .reive en •"•"" nag the el tuilat-orßittebna. ' !MI be ters been epeted so Mr lc or VS: k WWI 1:11111 .• 11.00 W T. , •• • 7"": • IT, IaSZV• theca • \ Gun; keb, 1 Arectieb Homo= , _ NervalTr Tim Co., "Retegiti.ol,/ ;,• GE9lcomm4oactir. , ' -,-, z• General Conuniblecl,..' ,. , , ,r-., 4 .: , ."2•11 1.1,1 • tr P4.l 6 o4llfb•flittiltrandin I. 0;0 WitAANAMto.;.P.Artrtect.tritax4 • • • n ~R ,'..:BTY~~6j:.v: UW>P;-BECK 4 . 1Xt,40.;"185 T !LTV' Utiej . 1 4f a tiAMMRAZ ets. 'TRY :11JCZ; b al101ik . pb.0021;PAD, Inmrsamcas, .Tzsa P Dtpc vAtwaLtiar j xatgLgemixort-r .- - TMUITINIII. ISILIZIXIALUM tHr .tdpfesiknryinir MAK spews, rtritsivartair., vow id, amid fernmi lxiplOr,and,9olloo `IP qatiklblip "Weal in DOMINI _i ,, !a. , f.t.tr ir/01W IL•11 *X ft, • r;59 1 14 1 -. AN • The following interesting remarks on the subject of recognition of the Rebel Confeder acy, by England and Franceore copy from an artiele in the Philadelphia Press: It must be clear to the napaalty oven of a Copperhead—notoriously "the meanest imagi nable—that England bas not the slightest in tention of acknowledging the. Sonthr as a tui tion, and that , the Bouth v has abandoned all expectation of her doing so. It L Tory.tFue 'that Mr: Gindstedie;th a poet-pratidial 'speech, boldly venturod.the fithentatereent that Jef ferson Divirhad Made - the'Sonth it great na tio:ln. True, also, that Lord Russell, rashly hastened to acknowledge the rebels as bellig erents, at a thee when they'had dene litde more than fire upon . Fort Stenter 7 -though he has allowed.Pedtllido:hatilh with the.Eillantie power of Russia for eight months without ac knowledging that noble nation to belelllger ent. But whatever absurdity Gladstone ut tered, whatever folly Russell committed, those men are only unite tape British - Cabinet, and the aggiegate deeisloi of 'that l'ody,!theveal ruling power. over England,, is that. the Soath ,hail llfli be recognised. Queen Victoria, in general, has very little influence over her Cab inet. seeing that they are legally and consti tutionally responsible, while "the Queen can do no wrong ;" but we suspect that her known feeling. in. favor of- the Union here has not been,without Some effect. Prince Albert, it le notorious, corrected, and 'modified, and mill lysted the-offensive dispatch which Lord Rus sell-and. Pah:MOM= sent eta , this country on too affair of the ,Tront steamer, and his widow naturally mast retinae; his view of the ques tion. . , The writer then details the cold-shoulder ing princes ao disagreeably .dpplied by =Earl Russell to the hauglitY P. F. Virginian Am , hammier. of the Confederacy, Mason, which at length, fromdisagreenble, as we have lately learnt, grew intelexableto a degree that &Cie Mason [toil London altogether.bi ate up bil quarters with lawmen! courteously treated , fel low emissary to lonia i Napoleon. Aa to the course of the•Prenih Emperor the writer, adds : Is ho the man to risk a_misunderstanding with England, on behalf of the rebels in the South? Let him recognise the revelled Stews 'as "a Enuttnetiall '!itkil:durtn fury Ater*** cordials 'with England, the great anchor by which he hal hithertArbeen safely moored as a ruler among the nations. Itwas England that in 1848 acknowledged the French Republio and its unexpected .Prosiden 't-L.thrit has tened to giye its approval , (Lord Pal merston-did itYletha.sauyi Aetat af .1831 that acknowledged the Empire in 1852—that sided with 14-anee, in 1854, &gait:lit Resale-- , in a .word, that bus, made Napoleon respecta ble before thewerld. Whim lea mltistm exiled adventurer ingandon, no. one dared. to take him by -the hand to intrOdl/001101 to Queen Victoria,- bat the moment the . gave 'him her cheek.te - liss, on the grand *Wrestle in Wind sor Caittle,avd,whon, wi th her own hinds, she 'buckled theflarter of chivaltic renown around his knee, the man lons rehabilitated in the ...quo of all contemporary sovereigns. ' Rotlbr the sake of 20 Bouthern:Confedonscies would •Napoloon initiate a difficulty with England. Her settled policy ismot to recognise the Eon tb, and, whatever the apparent.dilferenee marho, hionnnot rick irerieusij against if. We sin cerely baliovc that Englapdand Fret= will Clow us to cad - the war in our own manner and according to our own, polky. EiMEI3 No. ST FOURTH STREET, W. D. d H. ItcCALLITM ~,f ilrotifit'AteffeiDavls•Miii. b b Mares t ,- - )crizary4ts gittfteteilii•t-todiviitc' Vafos lays .• Woman us that it would. be a,perilous experiment for the South to arm 200,000 or 500,000 alavpe, and gyre them their freedom, when n pop lona and powerful hostile nation would be ferMrer hovering, upon her. border, Arad with revenge, and toady at all limes to • prompt - the black army -to crush the white traitors under foot. „But -tci'vtabre this point, on which so much might be said,'we think the effort of-the stave MiSteentaT:to .doorive the stares into their.. defence by the pledge of freedom would be fruitless: , The slaves could not be deceived by this sudden and complete change orbase - on the part of their old . tyrants. They would pinee no confidence in e.,piptniee extorted - by necessity. The judge Art skives. Aare no Ws, and. ess , love for, their mot ion,. This is no assumption on our part ; we know the fact. • The mom of efoverihate tido ma Lora with a firma and bitter hatred, and look upon them as their manta! enemlet, whom they must SOP :from thwtoradie to the grace. Lot Jeff Diitis;then; StinittiOn'hislarkey bat tallow', and arm thene , as• soon as possible. We pray God that he may ; the quicker the better. And we lottldi stake war lives that ;the first time that they are brought into battle against the Federal artorpthey wiU desert the pirate fiat of the Southern Coefederney;first raised to perpetuate their own bondage , and rnehrlfith enterttess_ tollhanatiaiuskataxhint A warms for ono of the Liverpool papers, Whose nom .dfs plume is " Dicky Sam," thus oopeluded an article on Earl Russell's last epeeeh: . lour speech, my lord , will satis fy most people, because most •peopy fat apeept, spsy • explanation of your policy on the American.' question, for the simple rsaitoto that kopr policy was theirs. Ilky wiltepiherre 6 your refer lence,to Mr. Sumner, and willingly forget that • agland has its litarar3colferrstisas Welles the Tinged Statee. blie!}f l s o l l.4 -' the Mdantlo is the 41irttrRif iltnpersdldn that, eanivotbq Pinaelitd uzithits side, forth* 2lma . will challenge comparison with the wrest labgeigei ,in any Yinkie • jobinist is' fleasant, however, to find thist , you Attfesidthe: ederal government—even Mr. Seward comes I for a good word:All peoples isroaccessiblo Ito flattery, Andyett excel ,to paying a tempt!- . at. Meek Ateericalsislcomed the Prince of 'ales we all felbgratilled t but you ought not to have forgotien that the North was kind, the South unkittiVekCtisfribasion. But lot that pass. You lure done wrong, and you offer atonosnentz Yoirneght to have stopped the Alabama, but yon did not. In cos:morons° of our omission millions' worth of private pro.' rty has been destroyed. That was a grievous onv-a folly , a wickedness. Knowing nothing of , year lordship but NI a TUblio man, I Intend you etto pessoidd aro itpket when I say that you are a miserable statesman—et leastio-this elthustion of I -4 D i m , am I — Is a lotter , to iba hircurrTerknompito•liroo tot Brownson :banes his roligio;political vicira fin;the following important words : sir,,am a Catholluind'a l itepublican, and` M aim in wlint I wrote was to show that the objections of the Cathellosos-euth; to the Re publican party are insuilloient to justify their lidatility,,eron supposlug.tbn e limes to bo the forgan of Ow Evanghlimill of Know-Nothing ,ping of the party, for oven that has advanced setthelhriliolbototiktt eiliogies. To-day this Know-Nothings are united-with the Dew— oerottol• pltt3int4litktt4. SeP9bP9 l 4 l PO,lf. The/ 10 .14 1 4411444 , 41: .audiit-Priesent 'more foininit Pboril to Oldh am; andrnakes , lassdistination:betWoentbam -1 41 4 1 ,tilS7.1"r1*2r1RhOeOspis. Mpsfropboro, iiid „ gurgitAytog • 2here is no dollhi'ilOtO"Aoh , Wheolor has f a l lo4 IIiSPOY:/.o4 l oWilg l i i l l)nt PnitiOn of hieng!, 7111 taym gottooot. )no foot I.TR tittaiiitij—worthy, motloot Itct of the prFontretled Anwerfalitmihionnoharels'are can airseltcloi thi-Ottanar. , 'Whceler'll onliro'fotie oplendidlintoblit"ittoilitbalf Of We Inifin *el* . tralitr.:ontforias, and those , who Itoro,ito aof cstbitios 0;0-mita Win Wield p•,1404.0114-134adiii,Cionoist GityletiViltKo,cottif f taiMaitlitsoUtiOva irom 7 that placo to Brig. gatifititliaittitla : ; • t Amster:Lofton suritilidmod4t 111121T1,310:42iddloWontbetkrtiod..for ttiOtt'Oon- • • • At that Iffatitt !MitttielrhoSgAdart'd bb liiikpOilWeiVr POMO t°4414/P4I:3NAK, • nag! • • Ibitsarstrissiewaimeatioteed. • • PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING: OCTOBER 19, 1863. Piftsburgit 05aztttil. MONDAY MORNINGI----OCy. J. 863 No Recognition. IMI Ova James Dale Owen, professed eta of the I eminent professor, James Dale Oshn, and brother of Hon. Robert Dale Owen, hit, passed a brilliant career as a geological and titherwise profound and scientifie pickpocket in the West. A Chicago paper rotates how he victinilsed the lowans during the progress of the filotto Pair ; bow ho was going to Walled Loktol Port Dodge, 'upon 'geological business; how he be came engaged to Several young heck at Du buque, who were connoisseurs in plating, all of whom be was to take to Etunpanitat nun -mar, and introduce to the chef tr ceutta a ma_ rillo and Raphael; how be dined - 104 three nor Kirkwood; bow ho prevailed ttpiniJadge Mason, of Burlington,. to present weepy of Owen's Geological Surrey of lowailOimmsin, and Minnesota, to the Young Meb.'d Lasky —a very expensive • volume, and:akin' oat Of , print; how , ho hypothecated suyen4 vorics of Darwin, Lyell, and other grooltsistir at the iDt ezpOriso' of prominent citisetts-iltbaltie • . how he stole a .valuable overcoakArnm Dr. Herr, relieved ladies of their morollYmbile he was talking , with them, took elgittp%dollars fronetbe pocket - of an exhibitor ofiteck, who was showing him his aniniab,bnd Ala Money . and clothing from the Rey City Imo. All these things are matters of recant,: . . ,'. WAGES INCREASED BY MACHINZIM—In all countries whore but little laboVniving • (or _ , t rather labor doing) machinery l a . d r wages are low. The price of laborite ' I land and the United States has einlaplia eaten fold since the invention of the steamingine,ahe spinning jenny, the cotton gin an the ;Mixer, loom. Wo have before us some4ridiilly eel lected statistics of the rates of. wirairi...Eng -40 land in 1642—et the time wh ho'oppres- Blom of Charles I. were driving, grantn he such crowds to this country.. iricultniat laborer received 18 cents por,:duf r if- ho had his food 12 cents.: A weeder hid &meats, a rt . watchman 8 cents, and a mi 26 cents.. At the prosentlimo wages Art o ' lower than these rates in all countries w e roaring Machinery is not employed. I,l4the division of the product, the interest df tiot laborer is adverse to that of the capitalist?hut both are alike interested in having a laire . qtmatity to divide, and it is, therefore, for the interest of both that all labor-saving autekkinery should be kept in active operation. MII. GEORGIC CPDYIE, mayor of Now York, has answered tie letter of Mr. Thrtrlow Weed in which he is charged with being "gorged with cower:smart". contracts," SM. "Equally groundlees," says Mayor Opdyko, "is the Chargd against me of being 'gored with Gov ernment contracts.' This, if trite, would not be at all censurable, provided I obtained them fairly and executed them withildelity .; and I defy Mr. Weed, or arty 4Ao a 10, to pointlq single business transaction of mine In viola ticin of these rules, or of any ethers prescribed by mercantile honor and fair dealing. Bet you will be astonished at the mendacity of the charge, when I inform you t ha t these con ; tracts, like the offices of my son, exist only in' Mt. Weed's imagination. I have no Gov ernment contmetsi nor hare I eny.husiness eonnectiori With the Government of any kind, direct or indirect." • Linos Locostorrva.—The largest Income ! tire in the United States, if not in the world, his just been built for the Philadelphia and. Reading Railroad Co. It has) twelve driving wheels 481nehealn diameter. j The cylinder is 20 inches in diameter, and )the stroke of piston 26 inches. The fire boxes 10 feet 8 inches long, and 4131 inches Wide. Inside diameter 48 inches. The weight of the loco motive when in running order is 100,520 pounds. This locomotive is,Oistended for a 1 robing one, to force the hoary:coal trains up -the grades of the road. It.ereir designed by Mr. ,lames Millhollaii4,o,4ilta construction 'itiperfttande,l Tar. loss of Rebel railroad stock at Grenada, Miss., was quite as serious as the moot extrav glint estimate made it appear. A letter to che Mobile Register, after stating tbo various retrievals this property was subjected to by the. advance of our forces, says that there had been aocumalatedsit Grenada Fhoroping stock and machiaery of five important railroads, ell: The Memphis and C ha rleston, and Tennessee, New Orleans and Jack son, Jackson and Vicksburg,! and the Mis -sissippl Central. The property. was valued at millions of dollars. THE New York Sun says: I‘,From Informa tion that has come to our knowledge, as well as from indications thatare are sufficiently appa rent in naval circles, there seems to be no doubt that Admiral karragati will leave this city in a very brief period to take command of our naval foreesuff Char/eaten. The gallant hors himself makes no secret that he expects to be ordered to sea at any moment, and has intimated that homy beunathe to accompany the Basaian delegation to Baltimore on that '➢mount." . Onto Surer TO BE PASTURED'IN iLLINOIB iso lOWA.—One of the moat singular results of.tho failure of the crop in Ohio, is the fact that over 50,000 head of sheep bate. already been shipped from Harrison, - Jefferson, and other counties, to, the West, to be iutstured en 4he great prairies of Illinois and lowa. Two hun dred and fifty sheep can be plated in one ear, and the freight on these is $55, from Canton, Stark 'county, Oldo, to Ohleagb, linnets. PAttftcx or bentallthig on fife dookAt \Titoism', Waiting tor dispatches from tie American side, and sadly whistling— " Dottie, miss MO at home, Do they mile me, 'Tench! be assurance most dear To know that this moment the toted ones Were saylag'`:/With ho ware here."' . . OLZETINCI @TM COlriliZD 114D8.-.41011,11C0 Nightingale asys s There is season to believe that net a few of the apparentlyinaccounta hla eases of scrofula among chi(d ott proceed trim the habit of sleeping with .their hood odder the bed clothes and so inhaling air alteady breathed, ank h L further contam inated by patialition from the Skin. A lorrvna from Cairo saya:.9en. :Hulbert, is taking-an onergetio Minnie arith the rusr—: rifle warfare in West Kentucky and Tonnes flee, for whatever &triage is done to the ,'Union men ho taxes open refril sympathisers, `with a penalty in addition of 50 per cent. of all which hbeolliichfittronee.- ;AT thsr - 'whwirope Manufactory of John 11. bing~sEth e being prepared: thq , Cartel for the construction of s wire Suss, ion bridge °Tenho Ohio rtear•int Munn netl, whICI Will' cost' $1,600;000: Th 6 is nearly 'font limas tho 'colt of the bridge at Magnus Foils. - Bacsetnen Sn KnozvWG 13 very brisk. The, patriotic Bag tennenlianS bi hundreds. In ono day Col. Brownlow re ceived orrenty.volontoers into Ms regiment, thi SileToinnettec Cavalry. Mu. Joon Buxom . is yet at Nahunt, on joring the beauties of that "sea-girt shore.' Tii Gene* tnpiotiFfetor Of otio of - ttio . fines • houses on lb* peninsula. - PROM January Ist to September 10th; of this year, theismere imported In • Gres4 tat* 5,625,846 gallon* of petrolelish *bee the ..rt of Neu York. • • - • , ON Grr.-rltis the gossip that Miss Chug is to, be married to Governor Sprague, on tho 12th proximo imd that cards of invitation lame already boon given out. airs Catitiniin ttatutkii; ttio eolotirated AraOriCll.ll Owatonna in Washington, the guest of Secretary Spward.' Pt.le estimated tbat the whist crop in Eng. lead of this ear wiU be equal to that of 1861 'sad 1802 added-Wilier. . Tug itinfority in lowa vrili reach '20,000. • _... • Fog BALE. . - . . ~ - TiOlig9o 94l,ol D tiggsza•-• ~ , on.T lun •, . ...1 ••••,.. ~'., , • ~, -.-11 , i DN. viswing , s.l.r.AaPftw o irt_. ~ away osek• XII. I, • 612 if Dear the Alai. 4.T1 USE. lEXTS. ~YITTSBURGU TIIEATRK w ..... X. ntfDl3lso,ll ..11. Ovurananut Loam and Manager- Treasumr ... air :No Bill ren•ired U.M ASONI C lIALL I=i GOODWIN & CO.'S Polyorama of the War, Immrxvr trnocelts! Ilou.n nlgLtly roconted to overfloyring by delighted acidivoces Vocal wad Instrtimultal Ilnnk and ar niproprinto Lecture at vaob exhibition Eihibitioh each rifna-sc at n'clock Adznigsloti, , 2s mut, CLIkIr nmlor ten, 15 cents Malice. WEDNESDAY owl SATURDAY AF TERIccION., p 1 V 9 o'clock, wk. Chi on will be Jul muted for 10 cents each. • ocl9:lir tUFUS SO3LERBY,3fattager DA N GM SHOW The model and mo exhibition of the a: willyxhitfit In PITTSBURGH, (Ds RED Liox LOT,) Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Sat- urday, Ott. 2N. 29,' 30 and 31, Erna Y A PTV? NOON AT 2; EVERY EVENING AT 7; tpon which I Kenfion tho celebrated American Ha niorist, DAN RICE! Will pasitlrely nppear and Introduce the sroaderfu Blical Talking Ilone, /Excelsior,JPy The Trained .11aiiinals, Educated Mules, ice., Aud kval in tbotr rariouN pmfornLaneen. The boat troupe of EQUESTRIANS, Ea= ACROBATS, and ATRLETES p Eve 4: brouilit btfore tI, ptiblfr. DAN RICE "STILL LIVESI" 1343:ea tiLmoTvird *eau enthiren wider 10 pears eqe, 25 route, to at- Votte of the -0,c17,19t lIIEDICeIL. AEA QUARTERS DR. LUDLUM'S GENUINE SPECIFIC. FULTON'S DRPC STOEE, I=l Fifth otmrt, Pittsburgh.. A FRE:34 SUI PLY OF DU. lIITIIPIIIIEYD HOMDEPA MID REMEDIES, Jog rocelsvSsit FULTON'S DRUG STORE. Se 29 Nue. 67 and GO Firth street. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES FOR SORB THROAT FrLION'S DIWO Froßs, CM= GT and GO Fifth Omer. STERLING'S AMBROSIA, TOR TER HAIR For Mb at 7117LTON - 8 DITG STORE, N.. G 7 and G 9 Fifth straot FULTON'S COUGH. SYRUP, FOB COUGHS, COLDS, Sc J. M. FPLTON, Prepared end add by Drng Storp, Fifth •ttmt DR. RAMS BALSASM, I=l IIITONI3 DIII:0 STORE, MOM DTs PLANTATION BITTERS. Bqr tato at FUTON'S DRUG STORE, . 073 d 7 wad 00 Fifth et, 2% door below P. O. 11-llBVerfffirS BTONACII. EITTEES, Ein:rore bßux; STORE, cz.nd G 7 Yttih strnet Tar sale at ;020 A of FRESH ARgiVAL OF • SONS OF 'MALTA CIOIIII3, SQLTON'S,DIII3O Tcrt . nolo at sezi • , ands Fifth "treat. DELEINGIIIA.M . ,4 ' ObigUENT YOU THE HAIR AND WHISKERS, YIILTON'S DRE I 3 STORE, Nos. 67 and 09 Ptah atrnet Far gala at cIuSSIFAN •PEBBLt .SPECTACLF4S. I : - sostihtlist A ndlog thi attacks or joalotya dada yondets, *lto aspire to tho .namo or OA t SEIIA2if /Tint R SPECTACLES r , . , Aoolecelying daily tbo warmoot endorseinontiof 012;'` Milani:a '• .6.ll:dlust is toMod to to calamine all other 8 —pilule ; tbeu Mil ands examine tho . massrAw. .r.TBIIVE'onee. ;For oalo by , l S. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, igeaufneturee : of the RUSIIIIII Pebble BVoctaelel. 30 Fifth ertrelt, Morning Post Building• MoCARGY§MARI3LE WORKS, • 925 LIIBEIITY EMMET, d Uniunt and wird ncenrClnent of ?MULE MAMLS, Monuments - nil: Grave titones Arno, , _ Pkairit 'I;ANIS, Itotaaitoax dice. .1°111514. - • . Torii crpgiirri. s aoana DOTS .AND, 6wag9.—Petiliirti*Bsll7. lag knygdni, In our lino .. of bullpen, ma And tent tin "Ve mo n ey b7.P ° DF " °1 ! - • BOOTS A D_g OEB Ptamnt .24 sernekid:. ed stock. suniskieg svent.m B B is• tko elcilwor BIIOES, whelk so an oclllncrilt very posntry nesekante end It to theft odrantngi [JOS. R. BOBLAND . No. 98 ILIMENTIMIZET; bukotiewist6.l.! Iti3APER AND . VELORX:IYABB7. N EWo " Du " AIDN 9 51 4 7 1 1 44 galditioodo ado 1,1; ••• • , •10 . .47:11%5T0rd170..1r0Pei Digh .1 , Oeltasw-vrax 57 Wood newt: OILS, tse. RICHA ROSON, HARLEY & CO., COMMISSION it FOIIIVARDING 311111CIIANTS, Crude and Refined Petroleum, No. 19 TURIN 8191910, PITTBIIIII93III. Mgr Liberal Cash adranees on consignments for Pittsburgh or Fasttun Markets. Maar!. J. 9. Dilworth & Co.. 9pringer Blubaugh, Esq.. ThohlVuottEi Comaurciel Dank. MUll =OLIO Crude and Balled Petroleum, .BENZINE, In WALNUT ST., PRILADELPILIA Business entrusted to- our tare will restive .01v Pietertb - ffiArdson t liarlos4 Brew*, lurks it CO., And •MeClelladet4rll,,VdtAithsrgt 4 TbesOlinith, TAT., Freer.: to IRON ,C4TI.. OIL LYDAIt oillittigin ion ofoct torn And Realms of CARBON OIL, BEY: RINE AND I,LIRItIeATING ORS, Aniblogon ertunis. time'rEoptili. Works, oppaslto Sharpoborg. • • • olGco, No. L 7 run . , AplLAiz . . . xmasamaii, PA.. D z. miftEß Itotsy, 17.1 vi.tortrr ST., PAILARELPTIEA. CRUDE & REEMD PBTEOLEV2I . On Commission cuclualvely. All Uhargai at racet . reasonable rates. -. • , • . STORAGE FOR DEFINED In tool cellars. , For CRUDE, under "articular nitration dto OIL FOB RETORT. lea Biz—OAUSTI SODA, SODA Afill,ltc. • aulay , CABOT Ss PEMBER'PON, • General Merchantlineßroketk .- • 134 sown rao.iri CRUDE ikltpttißD CAUSTIC SODA. SODA ASII, BRINSTOYE, DRUGS, OILS, de., Re. Orders to bay or wll promptly attended to. golds ALLEN & NEEDLES, PIIILADELPIIIA roaranssiox MERCILIETTE. rorticular tattntiOn mid to oottitoutwato Crude and ttetlned Petroleum. CAr Liberal adirano6 wade. . • ' inlay • . _25 cents HENRY ROE, IPOlt7ll /fllolit sr., PrIILADELPIitt; Xtra!ter & ocm:twine:ion Merchant CRIME mot* PATROLE7X, LUIMICATINOOII. AND D>~42OLE, And dealer In CrUdq and ,Bellned ,PBTILOTALId BARBELS.' statly BREWER, DUI= & Ca, COMEISSIOR MEIRCIWITS, Avian of the GLOBE, moutc LNG LIBERTY OIL WOBSB Liberal cash advances made on econignments of Relined or Crude PetroUlm,: COIL DVQITES:IYS WAY & iIAWOCE gm; .OILM L '' N ' need not be embarrassed by tho enforcement of .the Balk Orlinenri„ when they can have their OIL barrelled nail shippedwith, out toucting uß tho K e: O vur. Thyfut . p. more prompt, with lea. riot, km trouble and - bx bettor order, at On the Allegheny Valley Eailtoad, above Laireence.- .ville, wheys OW. le .pampeclfront the boats-direct to .the ears, and shipped.to .any point, East oT West, , withont any draying 6Di-shipping. All ordeivprinaptlyiliondal tb. t'-- - ItatrOM** Yard, on Citizen* Passenger E. S.. . Post 011108)0(1re*. BOY 002. PittetMlTA% ; or I elin be seen 'dill y at the Om EityrAang.. DAVID EIRE, JOHN X. CO=SE WALLACE A; CUETL.M, . ComAnitudon Itterebangs, - -And 'dealers In • CRUDE dc REM= PMBOLEtcIi, • • trszro . Isoura W114611E1l Allifr4DELP4l4.. DlEr Sterne capacity (and-¢ corer,) ihr1.5,000 bbia,S; Meer -excellent • facilities MP ehipping trrloartrieart .I . l .,Fo l * l lorTeriN at • atir *hart on , llro;Seheilikill :Weer, near the platform ,ustha A. B. B. Jet=r37 WAL - FA — WETSIOItH lc CO., COMMISSION IfENOIUI,MS.; SHiiPEBB _OLV=_OLEMI, 112. MUD= IJJa....NEW TOILE. Mnrla facllt - 491jar . i70.1Lik ***3lVPXl,l4i. thou yard'ind !roar.. ' • P. VIANDS, , • _ • . !pouirrussion, • • ; • ' • ,Ticalet in • ' : ~•• • . cups: ,4,15 JD PRIXED. 1 MA: lattarimy stetts, fie --- z 'woe* KIWI_ toutthdimilyzhe'ny ttabanitfi. . • , - VA ak MONP"O/1.1Y.Q. • - Refineriraaa D eae re in carbon CiE r aex w ket,,..,l 46 - 4e ' r■ciC At ijaktirt' STBEEroir atibetrikorkiiirldatimeerlile,tellibe PIMUY + 3 :Umtata. •Brantief.aLTlDE'o/L..tnr 1411013ER1A.A.SIL .oilllHii . LI -.7:".;; i.. •...:- I 20: lif,* V.,...if. i u i ..l ii,iii , iii ,• tliii i ' ~1 PaivardineinatiiiiimMatehitit 1 . 6totittittitilaclAriiiiibittga. cifiDE MBOLEII3I-3011,9, faiWtointsidtrxecinpliCsall ' l • L uc*T4 . l)yqx Y: • L ' ' 's jAittditt l •VVrtiffit 8 - 4 .. 0 - (t .' ..'.'-'. • ; : i iliY, 1 , ~*f iii i tatiote,A7. . i :47:-;. 0 4 IP . : ,---, Lt,"A . + , l. n. , -,;:4A ra f • . ''.' ' White .tßalisie . :Carbm,,puk . • .• • . ~ .045 - *'#o** l / 4 ',f,.iii44*.;.lP'; -, '!::•.n'7.:. ,-. , ....ai........ .:•:,... . 7 ,i 1 .-),- ii:l4iiirin'tiii:j4,:, at°. W. a0t00m..41.1= - = - ?..1.-1...... autocue. WCW3DNitaaroir7aPINERM, a-. 11: ..,:ftb 1 .-;;OFEEit. 1 1 9 7 0:18W4i V.P.;t i , atkiaatirt — atirxitisii iiit; J. ttinti6c: Inumrr,...x ' -kliaitialto:ashkrid the Tarbes; .444 1 , ttoe MB CI 9121 ti clew *ad altbiuta4cl; 01 a ll° ' ..IFY,Y!fqII. Mr , : ZO . - an-orast. a 1Nd.' 1 .13, 3 sink . B Back, Kuala floor s wllt-Ant tat!Otte _ to • xi•4i,%•".1.7•04- ME=ZItE=ME!!!EM voLumE Lx#-1---No. 289, RLDER et. Rir i • • COMMISSION innicgirrs, Petroleum and• its Products, 4:1114 , 1 oar DzEs, :ie., &a. .• 61 BROAD rriic=. Agentabrthe PnTLANDlisitiegirott xf - wonHB, NEW YORK rawFrar cethagif.V;; _ CLI.APILMAccrri” 9fl Water b .IV-ProV efi. Mca)IOI,CKIeCALLENDER,, Oa littoKED.ol 211 and. 213 :itOtith tritt:4 Wed, CV: Co tbdg '"Urte'n sollette,L LOW & :rz j a cd, raftiterodi:PLinter ChiatiuKoT tkattit,:t!nidit :) to: -• " 4 b . 2l7.al:::::;:tr'S 4 1n2115 ^ 2 . 1 1 T : • • /1-1.17 kl“ clt if i ; •113"jartic.04 - • • • tat..--gaintisifithibityr i • APJANnirra ee3ltOtikar4ldta 6 LlD ANkr'L " 'REESE ome., .11014014AHEL'A *OM; J AM - 40 ; • • oil ot - Vitllol and Aqua liinaioaia. • - Orders left et John Porterfield it-Cows Oißcr, vor-, tier of MARKET 'Mitt Plitn• !STREETS, tillf eel" : - .*:4eP • INDEMNITY AGAINST _LOSS •BY rrug.=nu:sKralriTitt marassal COM pAN'y 4.IIIMATMLP/114. Up 5,433 anii447 Chestard street, near •-• • Statement of akiseta,.January Lt. 1140, Mallbated - Amieablf tbanMet of Smembly, beina•- 1 1 1titatity ia,ssc,sse oo *al Eqtayripreslyst. $108,31.4 61) met 102,035 00 T.tojxmu'Loaas vtt imMlo•Collateml• ' • • 87.13000. Stockelprisent to MGM 74) cog— 36,7116' OD 'Kota and /Ms -• • -- 21,019 00 • ~.Ittil,osl Tho only profit from prughams l. Which this ' Company cart ivide by law am frau risks. 'which.. bete been dote toed. . Insurance made on arm description of property; • In tows and country .at mbar as low no em consistent with security. •• • • • ' • Since thelrineorporatlon, a perlcd'ur thirty yearth they have paid losses by fire to an amount exceeding Fore MI ltwok ier Dollars, thereby affording eildenes of the advantages of Insurance, as welt no their 44111- ty anddidistrithin to meet with prnmiptnetai all - Witten, . Losom paid ..tioing the plea.' • nutvcvons Chaidat N. Banker, Dana Lne, Mordecai D. Lewis, • Jacob B. Smith, Tablas Wagner, Edward C. Dale, David IL Drairn, Geo. IV. Diehards, Samuel Grard., Cnsarde • 'CIIkELDT 24;BANCE.Eft, PreVideal. C. pair.. VW. Reread. A. FerroPtry pro Pm • J. GANDNSII @UM, deed myo Mee Northeast coo.. Wood. d. Third sta. psuRANCE. Insurance Co. of `North America: - Pll4/,ADELPIIIA Insurance Ca of the State of Pena., Hartford Piro Mari= Company. Pirlamout, P.&• : 113/P7esnronce in the &barb old and reliable cum .pantos bon b. obtained OD applientbin INSURANCE .1303LPAi, 7 v NT OT . - • • r '' • 85wa rm Jr., Pnaidert. Mee, No. /*Water "atroot; Sia o g & Co.': WiU imam _aga/ad a/L kariaa„ Ida* • allbour It 416).d- by Director* irk. - 0 ,, oh* jaspcx,isk.acconnwati4rolmi wAo “r• wised aY promDtnir ai f t I 6 Aity, to mai - dais a.; cLaratarlsarolaaiscriskaa:4lPsaai the /No, pigrreks,go taros aka &airs taiasared.: , , . • Ofilat /ralidiagr. . 230 ~! 6:*xx '7,609 00, , Cott* • - 174,56V00'" 17,4,70 ' Jr., 7enicis Mcdtd4, Nato* Holmes, . Abr. =Wits; • &ma r ir‘lr; Illskefacm, : . CUT - WAN'S INSRANCE COM:PAN - Y.O. Y 4.1 OT PITTEIBUILGIL U . :• -Water strati, second ' - - sTat ry ...nAGA.L . : :„1; ' Inside's Stesmbosts Ltd ClutiEs: F%-J r. 1 4 cofts "Alain Lsa an4.*bassge lati++: l ._lDOOMakni,!.+l. or die Sou th ern - tad Westerti - Efssis;' r..siss she ' IlsTyssiksd.t.hb suisigaimaf•tha biOnsAPt Il dIMA P:q I P: 9* : 4k + ae.Para Jr.:'. glort ci G. Almon, T.4l' r.JOara. • 8 iturimilh. • nesse Throbs, Ma-3Lalow, . JILII ' ' payday Piastae; ' '' " • -Fballes2l4tts , . • r • • . alsettosne - : ANIEEi.T.4 PgQr..l4o INSLIWVA,IO3Imii,„II 0 , 11 ,71 . 1; iii . ..-..4v0. - c ig i f O t rs t i r ;:... ;{..,... ?!.r.l tr, ; ..• -.-17,17.1) , , .:,,,:: -,ili -AID IIIABIIE11113111100E.fx.:. :: • ,-..., .....,.:,- ~ -.1 . - 7.!i n di t e; .1 ...,',',"i) :e . ...i- - L-.T.,'l' I kin.-Rbilliwi: ~,,, f ,l ....- Ail" i )- 7ft" ,ii l . - ' :' ti:L6 q 40bil Wait, - eakt. SW= 1: Itimoulg, ;1 Vol• B. 11.142: , ~; ...., t; .tilsmueltratir_lver - ,: i.. itt - :',Nl peiwPfut.,...: =I. lir "is ./aP e '.. el`' ,l '..,:, 4 4 N 213 4 11 4 q. 'V' 7: ::7 0 .-.lb9Y o, .id' lf:i .1 1:: . • r :-,.; ,! r: :- ,i KWII.PnILLIPPrh itd etirx i JOHN WATTinc.lesdoe Nfll%-lARDNEgeanj -'1:-itat, li y . i ., z . Q • . i..; Nr.t.1.14: IRAN , .11::' 4 ' A 'LLFAiiill . m. 21 117. jj ' ' POT " - 0 7 P1T4 8 fit.94 , 1-.7 ... ...9.1 • .t , PIM Ord; Bak Black. -4 - i t i e e Idadiretrirs tad Maine linvu! 7 tglinstial zwadad, . ..., -i- 7 , e ' -gut - -JOHN tr WOOED Two NioridamE` 77-74 ' '"- 1174:714K' lirtn4Ciiiiii;Vlr44;e4...l.'' , , 2.1 - , C.i !tillittil2l7l '' ;: s ..ti.itf .t 4 .2 t,:,,, .0.4 I , Ufact ac es. .: -.•• i - . "Al& A t c " in h , rer , il. , i CIA: i1im .,. . -1-1 • Ikpc•Aait. ruff* ,•., 4 7 D. Ikatergnec. .r._„•:l4 :..‘ gra (I:G4 lAWthati . 31 L. reauestOc,k, ~, ATJwq‘i 1143013111101 k W. , VALLEVI7 Pat DIY. Pittaburga. PL • -• IWireachosio, s • ? 1, Manabetarers atICOML7I4taIrAND BEAT. paSTOTTIVPAICLOICAND . rnotaatrsnas, atr-AtettwaiGlaao int= Candatik- 'AM-GesitriV 9. 1 4 'W 1e ttut/is ilstisalpoißmptirctSitailrastik-inavtilkomWB44ui IpirßeittirkralkelltCaelitgollo , conpu , ax , i k agNew.p .-- Deraip, , Aujooebbilvel....AreFutel ,, a.wituitku. mfr. " Taunted ronargu.mm,.: irithSteartiagletieltneW.;;? sys,„. .#„,--..„,.,....**"..-; ' — "77sir. Pio Militiopirnai ;; I ' . i; '7 11. ,sz Am. =Yeti orate TIOVIES; a Alliiirc /IMWDDLISieir 'n3,l3l*7lWr w . ....,...• .... ie. ) ; -gYmvr - t.fli .A'l.CT.4plFlENWltrikykiiretZki 1.r.n.; ~. 2::, l.:-J ,v , ;.14 . 0144 1 .c.i.i.12 - ' W !AtittsidrVMl.Srmllimilfi.ii:Fr-Fit•i: v:di 3 i ga3 Z i . lo ~,laqii. i i:iiiiiWali. iritakiimd • . wwis sia e , sesal ^I t 't onE4 -I"fc. And c tonl ID /MEM 4:1111C4MY., vrstflt:9lXVlE. PR IL &DEL Pll 1 P: JONP.o.—Acretat. itwagd. Band4ipx, e 7 water ■tract Andrew Ackley, • Alexander Spqr, . Lang; 1 Bees J. Thema'', Bent P;llitkerwell, , Jahn,B. Wen= • r.„151. Gonor..scrilay., .3r.',. ':..~: