" (1 ESTABLISHED IN 1786. 06 1 ttiOSSIOarS, /sc. 01DICIF 1111CIMOVII— ..... -WILKINS LIMILHT. MACKEOWN - ; LIKICART, Tiont J- 7 3 , 43rit.Giuts FAcross, Panned atm./:Oarmtssut Mrtulkk Trf; for the ulip of Flew. Grata, Pork, Bo cott,'labl; 'Beller; 'Eggs, Chew, Nang, UM., reathers. - Potatoes: 4 Pa and arl Ashes, 01,411 M0r idtpfet4 and Lull OIL., Bi and Green Waits, Thnotity, pow, Flakand G Cash futraidErticutstiutd6 on - Cdpaliratie npLly So. Wrildborry stz.t, Pittsburgh. WEBB 14 lirtig.KlNtiON,:() m WIC& 311,,,Ittittziltts,Vbolosals dealers is WESTERN sEssava xIisF3E#IPAIED ERUiTS. BEET= EGGS. GRAM& ana:produge ~•generally. Also, LEATIEEE, AIDES,IgitS; & ; .e., N 07.217 Liberty streeGPlt . tlls7kh. , • OII4.ABIE4SRU,d;ind Produce generally, no. 141 _Anil 14.31Prinit irteeat, Pittsburgh. oe2 th..V lEEE HAI p. Cominstox . • .iktaaciivrra and dealers In noun, (MAIN, ikAIPRODUCE:IIo.I.43 Mort). street, Pittsburgh. Chbko brands of Flout for Bakers end rurally use conatantly. on hand. Particular attention paid to fillfug:oniers for lifCrchaudire array. .obdly 1 1 .A.,44ES B. IRECII, noes AND GRAIN riCTOD AND CoxsgtmaX arstrauvr fur . . . . . the'ii;de of4lfAW. REEDS, CREESE. PRODl'af., 6e,valkd . ngent :r tho colobrated Uniontown CB ,lit).Rirr.Ao,_l,,,M.._,i_ey,..l_l43 Finn otnions,j•- • oon. nd Idmithllold, Pittsburgh. - W. ocudivaxg....—.. ..• ...... . ... Lau CI4O.4IKEtE tiNd, CO)13IOSION Seniitrii - and settalesalo &Alen In Gll4l. CEILIMTLOUII., PISODIME, &c., No. 329 Lnelt, wooti RittybUrgb.. . =MUT. jll-:S3.PUMT & CO, CITY FLOUR. I. O Ls . , r ,zroa 14671 and Adams ligrOa*enahoo barrel. por day. N„, DISSOLUTIOXS, issm" , OF PARTNERBHIP. D heretofore existing between the subscribing, uglier Ho firm of PHILLIPS, FREW olr 00.,, , t4es -Ilitedsj been dissolved, CHAS. LOCKHART and WILLIAM. PHEW haring pur chasott tht untiicrititinium of the other partners. ThOonSluesTsOLthi' settio4 by.LUCK HAW.* FREW; 1 • -•-• • •• WILLIAM PHILLIPS, WILLIAM BREW, - CHARLES LOCKII ART. . • , .JOUN TAXADISDELL, AlllrM V. KIPP. Pitimhargh,Arigust CHARLES LOMIAILT LOCKlttati - F3 i iiEW : ...771•11 CREW Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, Ilir At ALBION OIL WELLA, ',mango emnly sad HBILLIANT OIL WORKS, Ner,lpy'a nun. 01114 r, Ir. a 174 WOOD STREET ITUE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ez -11. the undanigned, under the ityle and Atm.°, RILL; MeCLUHR tt CO., has Ode day been mutually dissolved, THOS. HILL and A 3105 LESVOS' hating-pureltamd the Inter eat eL RONOHN HCCIAIRE, the busdramt or the Into firturiwill be Eur tleittir-14 lIILL/1 LEWIS. • THOMAS HILL, ItoWAX. M.CCLUTEE, AMOS LEWIS. Pittitkigh,•o6t.ltb; - Isza. • •• H 1.1.. • LEWIS, asocessors Co RILL, MreldlßE &CV/4 . 1411 eontlauo to manufacture at their old stattd; corner at Grant and Setuath ate., ot Glad pig litaterlaLS, In - the bast Manner all articles of Clogiansteela Werke far finishing buildings. enteb as DOG* Sagi:Frturteu;Sbestturs,:douldings. IBleadsace. I t l od? ' s aa ' ll an at= n o ! .Tr P tiV 'b'fiding. am Wrl - HILL te NThe undersigned having injirlmse4 the stilt.; stock from the long es. tablishathouse of J. R. WOUND, weed 'annnunos to histla onstonsors and dui public hid nnuoval to the earp,pq Liberty guest, AJnady ~...cawbal by J. R. Mcca"./ .1 " . sPxge Aud ....plate stock of Mere found,''end'Skiimmakerr Leath6r Findings, Hides, 0113, non be nat lowest rates. - G ptZDERBU*I, Liberty street. .-1-*'-AETIltiNa - FROM - THE - HIDE ~.,--'II4r..3TTIXTI:-331TEITYMEI,. 1 nitit teirttlatty countatodzorcuoodoor tot &loin oratritt Wort', HY And,gootl.l,tototto, qualtdrotkont. For moue months to cords 1.13411 - cootinun - To Mr: ANPSIL 110ratoigrifgg, itioWand taka 'great plefogro In itittotlating Lim - tomy boslitosualototteet. July ?Jib, 11P3.. . J. 11. 31'CUNE., JyZr3m . . . . . EI:, /L. VI ON.—Sotico, is hereby given that the partneratdp lately eaLsting_lx., =1446 a Mesa NeGNEN'S A HITINN; Cali Merthanta, id' niader the Arm of hfcGIIEAVS a ATONE, v Ny" tattnat roeient on the 10th day It: Apalrl •rverwasm sron baxt6i itErchs.i'd` the Nltahnitantent - or IlIcaltEIVS, the - Indiana' 'twill hettidtai r Ltiiiinshiatt'a -.hr 'MILIAN - 'STONE. Ainplo.,Welotitnentiltipt, 'boon zoo& to load coal biansi;Largas; 0+ 1,,,, e , 4 ' 1, 4, Not Cod. ao., at reaeon lible Fie eS • °filAr.'• Saggkr. Banding, crania of llarkat and Went 'atztotrter, - Itooln No. a; thint.tnry. gteaMIPO" Aftt 4.'l'''.l/.5°.4t,NTr.P1,...!- .0.2-1 m TO/54C.003 ClB.lB9,jfc. E.I3TAAI,,ISIIID, 1760. Pp.wiEn., LORILLARD, SEiIIIT :411D TDB! OZV) ➢!A\'UPAQTLREB, I.6.llNR.l4.ClldlapartS EITABET, Aronn4r,lY: ChAtham otrost, Bic. Turk.) Winslike&LiAle•Sleatien of .4:sletato the cuticles of his manufacture, via : nwiszi-anws. Ifecaboy, Fine gimp* Coaree Rarities, American' OrnigetnellepStniffrN3 glue.lYirgiubs .?idchAtoc-h.. CoPonlm4M.- L • • XSLLIAIf SNUFF., Smtch, Ziast Scotch,. Mat . igh Vizi or Lundyfoot, lioney Dew Scotch, Froth Honoy Scotch, fresh Scotch. caUed i ttSbe, Inme yuductlon Irc,•pricee of Cheallig inifSmokinkl'obilicar, which witikyleff. 44-414 1 P.riof I= l 4- • TOIINCCO: •- - • ?fP 3 -/ gull 2 , 1 , LX.1 1, Grandaunt r,per.cwrTar-r,. A- Li-Pr-144 1 i - d or Iroct; await isceikted 01.611003 ; Tin Poll Comendish. S ' Nitociiin—S. Ingo, - pan'' ish , eaninter, Tur b. N. 11.—AncirruNii. pf ;dam nrit un applica tion. , 4.1. V . , , L. c. lura. M i I:XMA4MT, At Fan!",n59.571 5a4. kitulA of TOBACCO, MTV AND CIGARS, N0..7108 - IVOOD STRBEr, - PlTTsztutur. • d atioking Tobacco. LYON ARNSTII ' """ IMPORTER AND .11ENIZAH - .01. nos••roost-oeletZbrands of OHICHINE HAVANA CIGAIIS, and all kinds of 51101CISIE AND,CIIEWING ~TOBAOOO..H.HG FE:. ri,NßKALpiquinum... PIPS, TlT.BHiktx..A•c.,- Inet CHTIEIt CJIAHLESII O - Att,liberel :atom. • • ..11097Pw.1• , $00ies. , • . nzpritierairaind P igil Pr or cieuv". Don! sad .l ywthoLtighl, Bubbor Poi Rinday car, 'Rip pad trift rion,EaTiVeit - TB; iith other rake' and &amble loodai Compridag -4:leaVifieved hod PsigetilaInNAYALAY:REp Men a, top' and Youthehwa:a#llllrao itiTtl: 11p' dad Water p ro ,(SOM..ontriCONO WATERS, Abi l v ialie.ltro Aliprer:Leabte .. anal Morocco Sewed BALMORALE and yONORESS,Bthns, ac, stiMiNK , ' • T i n yd iftate di r s i l i Eti by purybseing their .44 1 :400T8 IrrifD , SHOESi . irsitatits.,fflotiarin . e tild,lic l 9in o r tephti gait„ 41,7404,,,tit0vitit0. : 4tiOltdr 744,l4 uP to g irsoos . 00k4.:,;;;:li:1;.1 .novacii 74W% hat; ^-8111=1. 24 13'oarciatitb.' 1r1164W11, 1.41.0t*,, 4 ' 14 -w"-•• .2,te '1 es-, V.P.,11,32 1 . , d4 • r_ Au oth e igoods 6"1114 , 1411. 1 ffet• 71110~ 17 ty.l", Adr}4 44661120 f rg,Vi.f. - :..1.4 Illzuf..tr:Vitt, CJIIFtPiET,B, OIL VILOTI!#,!ic. I TUE LARGEST STOCK. 9F Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Bextoets, Floor OIL . &c., ever offered in this city, iI -noir opening - priees - much below the late factory rates. OMER lITLISTOCK & BOi2ll BTILECZ N EW FALL STOCK-JUST OPENED NEW CARPET STORE IdoFARLAND, COLLINS & 00., 71 and 73 Fifth Street, 'dm.. lb. I'm Om amd Diaqich : Having ,lend purchased for cash. daring the ,recent favorablo condition of the markota, a most attendee and complete nesortment of the retreat and eliOtrust CARPETS,. on chants, Elistiow Shades, We m 5 -bow offering goals AT MOBS. OR A YEAR AGO 1 By our redurtloa lu•prioeu we have almoet cloaeh our former purchaam, and uow oder to buyent af, wholetude and retail AN. ENTIRELY ,N13 . 1!' AND 17111211_ STOCK, Liniarpemi•ct ani;ror Offorod In 116 cl eel NEW STOCK AND NEWEST Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggete, fqIA.DES, &c., at 17121=12 McCALLUM'S, No. ER YOUICTLL §TIIELT, A very large assortruout of dt goods iu our lisle, wwooe et Abe-lunit colet Eastani Bltirket this season, .ud much reduced from last sea aan's prices. oc la MISCIELL4-rEOUS. p PORTANT I'o RAILWAY .(X)3l PANIES. Xll4, Ou2IEE9. dc. 'We bare erected and-have to operation, near the city, PM extensive Labratoryibr tharennufactore of LUDIIICATLNG AHD PAINT - OIL Rj a new and Ingannpat ectentifte lames., and now o or and command to pedalo notice, and patrons thaw grades, A, J And C ceepactivaly, of _ , le, 2d and W qualiiy L UERICA rING Wherever thaw lobrlcators hmo hem todteas they have been prontinaal greatly impeder to any of the piepumultma latelycleredju the uturket, r , C Thw.lr,P or -beistskpality -, ta daaltned to take place of the beet fipxon Oil, and Mr pao on cotton, woolen or otherluachintimi .100 Pt.". or 4 , 1 rs. for railway and other like machinery ; and the "C.," or 3d quality, for heary,tinid Ceara, gearing, too. The PAINT OIL has loon teeted nnistaitdi , Painter. in this city, and proved to be a alpaca sob 4 " . 04, 1 ,,, boiled Mr. 04.04... Infineilmany Painters give It a decided prefeience. Them Oils quo% RAM extensively. Manufactured at our MIER* T.9111h0 OIifQII AVOIFIL.S.; AM ikis retieeiris :del;trisiktid)nlitaintrr6amini Erely on the uniform excellence of these economic ivalents of Spatm miditameed 011.. A trial and confidently invited. Tor eras at No. 30 MAILIMT , Snamr, &Irma or Second. PENNOCL. - BALL - de CO. aelielco ITEMiY G. DALE. dtGU., • Am'tnro. t.ceirtng their Fall and Winter, Scock, And incriteilinli MNomL•utnPt6n their stock, which is thirlltiest initt Most Completa ewer brought to this =argot Af;rwil; a•i,;itnio`i,t .:1::•"), GENTLEMEN'S FURNISMAG GOGLM;. CORNER OF FENN AND ST. DUI% STRUM F URNITIJBE CANE A ti,D WOOD ,04akie,Sit errxuxo A ll iteDiCcii iitiPii; ' • •vi WIOLFSALEOII ' II:Etat - 07 and 99 Third street, oppoirie E. Edmiindson 6 CO. flB :•.• • s • • Makers and Stipa Iron Workers, PENN STEEETelicap ElaY.P2••• •• 7 d • large yard and urn 'tt b tbo m isitpOrt4 machinery., we ate pared an Panufactore pery .doocription or BOIL .:Arabb_.,`Paaga Man - anted opal fo any made In too country_ CHINNETR, STEAM LOCOMOTMEOII , aCR, CONVENSERS, , SALT PANIIrTANFAOI_PITH•WAPIMR . , ISETTLTRO-' - PANS,' . BOUM' -MON , SUGAR PANS. and pole mannibetprera of BARN ' 'BILL'S PATENT BOILEIDLLI-laraitYrkee-rione on 'the obortoit notion :CHARLES C. B. —...,a4f4,11:1 4 1 1 1 1.: 'roduce sad Commissialifiahant. And d i aler in all land, otCoinifilti*Otrelt, • NO. 179 LIBERTY BTBBDT; wr--.A. IL ENGLISH ullY Intone, the citlsens of MOW kr` ten hat been npyolntal solo intent for NW ' SOWN OILIGINAI. CEMENT 2,2 i iyE PEN. They are rtatutmOnkted by pitcyt houses In ttr city, ankong tohlctvato.:2kk , It I Goan, Ittarnrry C 0., ..: - litoonnr.An Co., , lion[Optrlgeire Co., Ern, nano* Akillrothece, joskly GEOHOE Verdant, c. • 0 NEVI . orturaitti LA _ . G. Wrararcanisses &much ' Meas. d. tr.dsai . uaci a ls u. : E. 0. Knight A Co, and C. P.Mght Moo. Philvdolphla. L. 1.7 aarad .147171g 6 M 1 groitecrigMtbow . imai owd, Grandview *Mali% ana' in ' 11L PRODUCT, PBOVIM ' Ap3N., 9 BIiTTTEWAV riflon nom I 114 II te. • • 1.V.40 rf r irri 1 4 ", let V' l NA gwziu • " , • „ r. ^ll.-7,"":” PITTAITROR SANURDAY M O RNING, OCTOBER 17, 1863 - - SiffiiDAY MORNING- OCT: MUM' We have carefully zetrisedlour table of ma orities, based on the re,turna received up to this date. The estimates which we have ,made, for COunties not yet heard from, are ,lbased upon the vote for Curtin and-Fe - star, in 1860, with all duo allowance ,for loyal canoes. Tho result in' the, State will not vary material ' ly from the following: Thirty-seven counties give Curtin ma- joritics, amounting to r• 1 , . • 52,305 Twenty-eig4 countjos giro ilyconLnrard majorities, amounting to t. • • .. Cartin's majority in the State, . . 22,217 Our estimate Of the majority on 'Wednes day, was 25,000. Wa were net far.from the mark. We clip the following from the Port of this morning: The Abolitionists of the First Ward of this city bye, for the,palf fhW rat"j'eeq , et:" fe witting ryglaringZalms utintte a box, but their conduot. Inst• Thea y, surpassed all their previous proceedings. Of ono hun dred and seventy-seven votes polled fur Judge Woodward, but seventy-seven worereturned, showing that one hundred Democrats were cheated of their votes. • • • This First Ward, Pittsbirtgh, hal Jere been =LI- ported of foul play at elections; the loading active Abolition politicians there are known to boaugly ,?turpratalopli,fnlid,tbe b ene e t voters - and honest men of The ward of every party owe it to themselves ' to see that the perpetrators of-the fraud by clearl 'exposed, and when exposed,.-promptiy and' , ettlmontly punished. The bnitat-box is the citizen's last refuge; corrupt it and all.iagene; keep it free and we stip hap : .49pc , egoutet .tonporary unirratigq and . opprosion. ; We also find the ,Sellowing 'notice in the same paper: The Democratic citizens•of the L lrinit Ward will meet on Saturday evening; at the Club ,Itaom, corner of Fifth and Smithfield streets, for the purpose of investigating tho outrageous proceedings of their election offiCeriu,depriv- tug them of theirrights ns eititeni,'ob Tue/ 2 day last. A, general Attendance is ,requested, as a.therough ,inveztigation of tho frnade in question will be instituted. We imagine that the. "First.. Ward Demo crat*" will iinditermoodiogly• difficult to prose the charges made in the above esthete. The election-bourdrof thri first Ward isconiposed• of gentlemen-elected. by the citizens of the ward, all of . xrh9rivufqkkvar e sufpjfion of any i l. simpathr tir frau Merits' sAlous they ! may have boon in the Uniomeause. • .. EMII:3 PXRUMMII4 .'-bMs>=tcs4l:erbN MEM= Vitthitaro 05azebt. The fteAQTt in'the itate. The First Ward, Pittsburgh. ATTIMION, PIttST WARDAMOORAT9 Let the. investigistion be held, hdlrtsrer, by all ruis ) let tlferii . ge a strict. inquiry media The question is .e whai - has become oct.ttosh . "ono huiiired*Ottidcmti , " of the. First Ward who'djad'irvpie of thercietien distriete.ln this and the adjacent counties might. institute a similar inquiry. Thu insult irould,sporhops, be cn: fling to "DolVocrutz go.°‘-*** Seeretary Chase and an Office Seeker. "Agatp,". pr trio clincintintloc,, who trayolloil with hir:• Chose during bin noont risg:to. Ohio, tont tho fonointip gon4:ittoty of an office-seeker: rri . day marning,the Secretary-had been im portuned by a.uertain Ohioan for an office. "What are yen dr* here low fit inquired the ,1 Secretary. "Don.t you mean to go 'home to - yoter "No, Lguesanot," replied thosanguine applicafit, indifferently. hardly think its north while to go so for just for that." "Well sir, if I Mid five lkaridred offices to giro away to-mammy,. At? Arian_ should have even the .poort4l Of them who`dlifreemake every exer don in his powet to go home and vote. And. -Om applicant retireit,soinnwheit obastmil, As the party' , same--mat SUM- ttio breakfast table, who. should encounter the Secretary but this simoisyffity? hantet.3 , "Well, 'Goy ernor," hiCexclaimed, as ho seised his hand is a wonderful outburst of friendship, "I'm going hiiialiktik:lailiciiiightACirw . .eitecry mane duty to go, no matter what the ex pense." The fellow may not getitii - office, but as the divines would say, it is evident that he don't ititand. a) aelpe , c. Aar uw-of - tta),Appoiat,4, ' • • (4114047ThOlIIII)St ; • • 7 Major General George H. Thomas, td whose 'skill, coolness and bravery we are mainly in debted 'fbr tialidterea tirelAfinitiethei• Cumberland, is a native of Virginia. Ile was in the regniaLuriny let twelve rum* withnnt, 't is said, being absent a day from hispost. ust jmfere, tiagj;lrti*ipg out of the rebellion he abt.tfaV& lelifit-nrii6sence for twelye, months; but before-.the expiration of three' months' . lof !ttilgthiatiliirt I .tdtlei?..HsW tattor cram, admit aLIISICSIMISSIMIttediItr, Whet* hns be en ever sinceolitheat, being atawat. d a„ ho nOt, iii .: M . , , , ,i ; l4 l,l r - 1 4. 1 . , , 4)1 70 4 1 4 1 # 1 4.1 4 1 1 . 19L.0: 14 , ,, dniiiio.)l/10....-84/1! IS. felleiVitlg his etmeee rhilJorrdeent"tentlence, Witham:add, • oVtaiiMety•to:pairtritittlantf itrOltdat'Ohit cOlOgoa4l 3 :JKZ:VO 4A lfii_ s ai r most -;extVia ea4ta zkia.46oriv, and it • will•sona extealLoventhe whotaleotatrv. - s ••,•• • " 1 ; 4 '7" 1" ..,. 40A1g.... 1 111 1 4 ,1 6 1 24 4 4ctig i r 11,0 Vet ,c.a-vEPt....cr,,,Ey•inoss soma.ae ceritipdatiMd,basillanem:by ladvseht?.edri.. detitiy,:taitigkvia Wandtbittleartil#a* p ro smblo.7omicitomoi.fori th .sI4P s 'aril Cleat reias g t. r.rece a gttbmadiaus. of her fatt-ftrush444ltitimlciSimaittillgirde ::. diandeiplitzheifillikelvalef•„l3Opo to have Wm dining`athot .'aaa'ag-' 2 ..q-Aiow at on*" was the gaitkivailV,attaddnjAlaggad Salome of criticism on the meagre entertaid, *ea. CLOYMASIO ZAIL,T.At".) Tetzettebotwaya - sf tooetmonte. Sem-the Mtosiselpll t oo)cirtitlet. the etrereoln6l; Acisticiot lei, steVell, erVt tit ,Flitto to doetro c y't 0111,0144:A.44p, , ~..... . Theil.hAt Iteleft#93" Mcnite) inrelleceletkii I ttungh they beet keptacyr iroorla that di. reettOnlttte bett..^Ctot4ffidtty lidrittbilak 1 the i SQ , "" 51r1 VIITNYV i N a Tirft sußgiqllf o rOi . 00,4( 10 Am .. tter Pr itr.,:wionttiheN,lghtetttent como ILlP.illAili eihi.: foreementrand , ititsaltedlhas robe - 141MM* them withrhetry teal thrie . eyiteortteltbeh7; putetteTbotitied thereihthatela 14 . 1* ~ -,:. - ri ;,, 1 ,, _ _ , THE Richmond pawn Itgainoltdolag over the fact that Bragg has again been re inforced. Bragg'Eaten& eldhitthat but for the pdeßonduct ocitiehop Polk and another of liie gonetult,iiis'eietiatf over Roseanne would hays been ooroiliaoPh ,:„ Beaurogarirwitb his aiarseteristie halm dance, hnelitletietittp. flag to the State of South Cnialßia,Winelf be pretends was the originalts4 Ofiltorklittnatur.vdie our readers know, the banner is hxtho ponspelea Cleri , y cialAidenon. - c / • fitn. Bwror,tos fait.ltr i agmeasfa, Ttre rms.— WeerAtneopi, "WMaesday,, oa. 14. A —212 ~foita W.:lawny; Voq..rtEtutnlao Ott tioar tire - gram. AU honor to tho Kustope State I &be npholtthy'fidistal l ,preh'iAltiiiti; - attdarlpf, 3461"114,-Afira.ikbebiatatiela, treciaer.ao ; now, in October, iheAns await ranted l l,ll4ll - car i tirtictior t E tho toe at theditUot , btott " WC . l .l=l Aik44:t ew ii-x t eteetsiileetaitpseihertleßliftwit }lemmas; appeaml et the oti Toeiitij dye &if time to tweitWifiro y ears . 9 4 "4 RAIIPOMPOict I ikkrAit eoutemwouaztathlpttiANol4l4, — , auks litwert kiwe i tarazi Mpla v l orthrigtlitidalt , pt-r " 1iC4141.4 tti.; rIZ "7 . .4 f t 3 The 2141' iptrong Gun. f' Sir William Arm;strcartc.reats his , repetition fot t abroad 'ability on tte inrention . otty:ko ifideci of ordnance which bears tis name; inni I whirdi y4e-sribed by the Parliamentarithi lect Committee ea the Monty emitideto ariatera of constricting ordnance for firing projectilet with heart Chanted of powder ever offered to its notice:-! Now, scientific men both in Englentil America know that the Armstrong gun is' ' piracy fa Lip billAiklUX a 8 thro depredations of the Akh onia , pa l l the , claim of Str William the Invention Is almost' sublime in itslinpu. thee& A - - L' In theimar 113403 f, ?Messer Nut we% of Cambridge ..rantitganttifed, .UniteAStates lleverinnent cortninMMlloll ; „en precisely the principles and with prociselrthe same mode of construction as those used by Sir William Armstrong in the Conattruotinti' or the Armstrong gun. Tho :process, :of whir wo swa Ow in:pose to give triwy_brief• aocentit, I was :00 ft Amertiaitid Efiglandirtift4, an d printed in the Thiglish sPeeillisdbitte of, patents in 1115 t, itall34s:Professbr Treat - !Wall printed in pritapblet forma short Ili:count...9f the proemmT etrittannfeentring - hie ,gtnisi .. hitti circulated itgittOidhinlNF9P and AllliO4t I and:vink tof , Sr. 6 kiltel 4g. I uponoar -credulity to suppose Mier. lit Yst• liam, in producing in 18a8 • the same grui r liy the setae Methods; had notseen the pamphlets -and specification of Mr. Treadwell. Putting ,aside fot making cannon, on accomit'of its fragility, an , taking the fact that' wietightliron , Valenta much-more resistaneo to cross ['metro* than if dais - to fracture in 'th'e t directiOn,of its :any Mr. Tteadwell CODCOIII4 She . idea:3.oo44:r. up agun of wroughtkiron wherein • the , fibre should run . round the gun; i. a., riglit;nns glee to the airectionief 4,1 n bore. ;1 . _ a p A bar orwrneghf, trim ecatedtd .we4ing beat; end;trOund , l , :;la a mandrel .kreititieciatT tog the bora of the gun;) when sufficient thick.; nese is obtained, the moss is again heatedamt placed in a strong mould, and the mandreF again placed in the centre; the force of a. by- . drostatie perms of the power of ono thousand tons is then applied anti' the mass is crushed into the mould, forming at once the outside and inside of the gin, tuul' log the bare into a haimegeneons'inass or poll. This process is repeated and another pill formed; these two coils are then phteed.io the .furnace and heated to welding heat and again placed in. the mould, ono above the other, and the press again applied , and the two coils welded together: the process is repeated until the requisite length is obtained necessary far the gun, irbiehls then finished inside and out, ataferuto a gtm four times as strong as any east-iron gun. 'this gun and this process of manufaattire are the subject of Mr. Treadwoll's patents, which expired in England in 18.58, and the Armstrong gun and the Armstrong process are identical with hie The only differeesas, if it can be called a difference, in the manatee_ tire, is that Armstrong uses the steam ham mer In crushing the coils into the mould, white Mr. TrAastrell hies tha: liydrestatis Alter the gun is made, Sir William Armstrong rifles it and applies a breech-leading arrange ment.—Bowee Tnnuaript. . _ • Washington's Opinion of the North,. In n letter of Washington to his friend Lund, in June, 1776, occurs the .follouring passage, in which he most graphically de scribetikthe peculiarities of northern rand soatlAtrii.M4n:tislioldiers, and gireia-Pref erence::ibf:tdallidilities of the :nortltorn men, tbejattliCeof.which the present. Cum- . paign is likely'to verify : We hare lately had a general review, 'and I have much pleasure in informing yon , that we made a better appearanoe, -And went through our exercises more like sol-1 diem, than I had expected. The southern ' States are rash and, blameable in ; the judg ment they form of their brethern of the four New England States. 1 assure ;yen With all my partiality.for my owie corbritt7- men, and prtludises. against - theta,Vissn' but consider' them ns the flower of . tits American army. They are strong, vigor ous and healthy people, inured to labor and toil, , which our people seldom are ; and though our hot and eager spirit may suit in a sudden siiTdeSperateUnterprisi, yet, in the way in which our wars are now car .ried on, you must look for permanent ad vantiges only alat patient arid pthe,' vexing temper which is the result of labor. The New Englanders are cool, considerate and sensible,:while we are all fire and fury. Like their climate, they _maintain an equal tempqratstre, Whermai In/ Minot shine but we burn. They have a uniformity and sta bility of character to which the people of no other States hay& aitY. pretensteinii; :once they must and will always preserve 'Their influence in this great empire. Were -it not for the drawbacks and' isadvantage 'which the influence of their popular opin ioni.eti khe.eubje' ci , ..efigoiternmentihare their army, they soon might, and probably will, give law to it.. ... H o w •. .-etriers up Battle Fields. Did I tell you ever, among the affecting lit tle thlngs.onehl always Iseeingdwittese stir ring war times, how I saw on the Bull Bin battle field, pretty pore delicate flowers grow ing out of empty ammunitkon boxes, a rote - thrusting !up its graceful - bead through the himul of a Union which doubtless sound- • 'd its last cherge(or -retreat rut the ease:taay 1 &aye been), in that battle, and a cunning Ilsearlet verbena poo talf,sitrutfragment of 1 biirsted shell int*r . h , 'Strap+ cup it had I been planted? Wasn't that peace growing I..ettt of war TA- . .Nyon so shall ,tho gnieefol and ;beautiful over grow out of the horrid and ter, rible things that transpire in this obarigiug, ji.at ever advancing .. Tforld. Nature toms i ` ; Bien ths,battle ground 'with verdure and i ;bloom. Peace and pplenty soon spring up in Its trace of ds -usnipaigns, and all 't Inge in nature and, society Shall work out ' Pod's progrms., t il tniZ e t , t , 4 7; L 1 harmony of Pod's great slits Tusinatag.STOlTtett have:been sent from the battle field at Gettysburg for tbo Masse:, ebusittion ftiftoTir 5 ,0 1 (1 ") ties. They irltlattes the fierceness e. the cent Not there, one of thens haring two hundred and fifty bullet holes In the space of twenty oho feetiwriethe'ettierlterting -onelenallred and ten-jsi. s the JUIMO BDISCO, 441Ketputere 'they wirt beottholterole k • • . • 11.. • . 1. A.NTIPATIIT to reeding OTMOnS in the pnl ',,pit well-knotoot. etutrteterldier.4of khe ttr,?trb_Dropl?... ,itt.AWAPO§ris4 l ,•r. t onguritlon; *otasiiOd tho purple kaki asked 01111- 4 her, torroposiEthortevj meta ietar whrtritiriler.""%frbliwdah - To iced, - ) eromottf . : rru.--Aho..Vrply ;the ptdr man's. t boar ihn,i4d, ApOsikee alivisttheyifirtro•e'bitil a e i t• • If is ostiaataa siiinoral wealth 'of 'Nava& • Territory irilLta:auflitiaat•to.:pay a. national dabt'afVß:oool o o o 4l oo i targiin 3 rOunpingipolctior adlntlakOlcit OterAm4 . ,4o, I fuT 3 4 l, 0 114 0g-irP; 1 1 111 410flOt.:P. plats at alliarlblna{..tlauvtli9kFasontaprming thin. Pant iiiti:llliilrep.4?. o einpt,Af4 to • - • • AUCTlOlirtAtEll;•"•' 4 ' - - - (1110CERIES, • 'MCI 1 I &u. AT NJ! -.AUCTION.—..on SATURDAY ISORDIRI3; 011.: 17th; at 104A:took'. will be Pads at ceetteo7ol4 l &dm Rooms, 84 fifth street ttrl 1 j chats imperial TON 2 do. Young Nylon Toi IQ lines GalleslJits*AeSbe: 3- bbts. -2 tawippdro Mo. deforbd,dpidoef tint tkintsfB boxasPearl do. Bede tArlitert.d SoMovss; d,o,,Ground Potion Tt itito: 0d.6 bozos -Indio; do: 'stitch 'Mustard . 13 essos Old Arcady, .Bosdesur; 8 do. do. )6 1 0,1 2 do.lEltroitteWlthdcr 2 boxes ' t iors Pig Sacco 4 , ll.llTuslinuoking thitA! do. Ctdsb / jb4..q.j p 6 0r,P0,,,j eeeP d 0116107114. , IDPIW I ID dd. dogon,r4ld.TOPl - d °- ikd A ; Geis. :DA di arc OE, F, STOCKS AT AVOTION: ATAP,2O6At troranct;ikr,2oth e 71D be et' ItkmaiThe,44 ga m ; . tram!hr . .. _ . art,W oclo mMETIOLIMUM. Joiej itlXllc, ,,,ClA.Valgisba 7710,.. yob 4.4 1 No m itaig "AZ, rin c . Alcv°4-,,, t .I.iff US U.PITNBI.II3bIi TIItAt.RIE. K ;nliinso Orrasennos . • . Positively loot ;light of tie woaderfal :Fad oriiir . TILE 01101 . 51.1 THE,QILOST 1 ~ • La t•TaDran4s. • TILLS (Saturdsky) to porton:ord. TEIE DOnSICKII uninuEns. Loul del-kranchl, tored.y. Istdip;del-Francbl, .) . .. . 8. Kamen. - To co 9 einda with , ,Tat.k iILIErPAICD ABll ITV GIIOSt. Jig& ' • —.lunte Enerlic. Miner *linden= will spricolt cat BIONDAL as ANCI4OB.. Ir TI ORMINAL PICTURE, :Froze Saloon. SL , 'York, M .MASONIC HALL, Fos /, SHORT 13PASON, Outuarndna - • ' I SVEDIOSDAY, tlotober 14th, 18133, ' GOODWIN 4r, CO.'S GIGANTIC' Pblyonim-of.pie:Wat; • 'Thut.gwit, melt womplide and only authentic MiTORT Or .71.111 DEMAT DED.g.LLioN our do pEd qiicativits,triPing a perfect - tratiteript of every elelit 'of Impudent-4i .horp.thir lard dread Wend at Seeger alowd.to tho *apt u lto t erAirkalieurg. 'PhD the. same, C I OL rictuAe wAirthitt will exhibited') in January lest.anif glut, Such anlVerual satighetion to crowded and deliglatod audiences for three consecutive weeks: and the , an which marked Its advent In this city also tad H appearance a appearan hi Clreoland,Clncln pad,. Lo ilta, Bt. Loins, Chicago; Baltimore, Wash ington and Philadelphia, Um most capacitate 'halls In those, sides holminsunicieut to aceommodato the immense throngs - which flocked to "alt.,. It. . During Eho months of July and Angina; this Pie tom was plis.,l in the hand, of the tplented Artists under whoso emeriti*, It was originally produced, and for nine week); their flatted energies wero bestowed In retouching the picture Dal meaning ZOO MIMI'S of absorbing interest. Each SOMe hue been imUnly repainted, and stands forth hi all rho rashness and lustre of Its pastille beauty. The trauma° semis* and unparalleled reptitatlon acquired by this match kin painting, brought Into the gal • hoot of nasal* ble imitations, which harevainly midmvored to ' compete for the public favor. The otrorte have proved utterly faille, and the pross arid public, with one as curd, duo pronounced GOODWIN d CO:S VOLTD RA3IA OV TIIE WAIL unrivalled nod unappaacha ble. The *Hanlon is now ender the exchialve direction sun control of Mr. RUFUS SOMERBY, who wUI posith*ly appear at cacti exhibition and de lloer au elatiorato Historical Lecture, the rendition of which, hi tho prioctjmt titice or the United Statue, hatexterted the unqualified. appeal:dim of the en tire pub1ic...21,G.). D. Prentice, of the kithrville -Jasenef,in commen t Opoo this Lecture,.ewarded to Mr. t am .ray the title of the MOST GIPT ED ELOCUTIONI og THE DAY. Still further to Myriam rho attn.:Crewe of this elegant and re -50,4 entertainment, Era ECM'S POMEEII7, the eminent ContTalto Vocalist, will. tritrodere, at each exhibltion,a variety of popular and amitopriato songs, ballads, Ac-, many of then written expressly to Was tra. the Tarim. deeply molting soma*. The chums of melody' *e thou wedded to the printers ere, nod the lovers of AUTISTIC MX.CELLUNCIE, CLASSIC ORATORY and REPLIED MUSIC will be presented with an entertainment which Plan& t:outte±vdly WITHOUT A EIVAL IN THE WORLD. OW tickets, 21 CIINTSI Children under ten, 15 Doom open at 7, ...nal.* Hated Mathois WEDNESDAY and SATUILDAY AI7E:ENDOWS, at 3 o'clock, whoa children Will be 'admitted ihr Ocean! etch. 1 • SiliflJeS gLUE11111", 111.anat cr. C.•A31011.1" Agont. 0c10,6t MEDIfC.II, 'S tic' HUI', FOIL COUt; Uti, COLDS, kc Preparod and told by Drug Moro ! Fin . altrot. Tlt HALL'S p,ALSAM, For 1419 at FPLTOS•S DRUG STORE, Nos. 67 mr6.9li.great DRAIEN S PlrA - N'I`ATIO33 . BITTEati, vrvrows Dlcra" smut, 1320/E3 at. 2d door below P.O 51031.6,CH BITTEBS, FttLTON'S DECO ElTOltr, Fur sale of Nos. 67 and ro Fifth Meat. A pirwli SONS OF MALTA CLOAAS, FULTON'S DRUG STORE, Tor gale 10,1. No!. 67 and 69 Filth greet. BELLlNukaits oNcluE.Yr, FOB TIM LL&M:Oil? sv,nisg.Ess, FITLTON'S DRUG ME= Soli. GT and (*Fifth stmt. 1 - 310(Vis'S BiaiNUfflAL T.R.00.11E-g; FOR SORE THROAT, hr cSla 4 .111tION13,D4pci swyg;,. aa.'7and 69 : Flfth stitet STE#LINVS,AIIII.IIOSIA, • FDA TILE EWE, FULTON'S DRUG STORE MEM tnq ltokr . 4G T .outi Fifth etteet r . ADQUAItTERS" • • isitottrnvors9=l*xz smcni.c. Ftrihocirs WWO sTolig. ItcLllltd at 040'1,1 ; ' ' Fifth etz!mt.ilittathigh. A YBO l-11 . - 4 ( l,"• f i Y V W . : VOIPIPMIr2I3 irC 3 T,Wr 42I/7 q REq t r IIMS . Jun received at - FULTON'S DOUG STORE, !amid C 9 Mk stred• 14 1 110ThladatieriON 4: TO THOSE INTERESTER.—The Obittrafttoo ' apOititotl colloefthe ItectAibtp , IBtlatkie.ot the petillOkttutkt ittocoul th 6 Citfof , Pittalioigh.` hprobf.lttiUoisOcit , for likbordt , Mitten& ltartutrototita=ltl'l7. l .fr: t ir 14tif )4611 loonaiW e Ao own 4 19, Ar d tl -Pav chlo 4l46 r rt DT P ak ! OttiehtleatodS • • • . • •, 4Stilet ititrObtemittee.. l • • -• • , • ~ 1, ! GEO: ibttlittismat.,sl , of tto yib;oro - lionie; I :irflf ittaa 'didly^forttio' porpwe df-Iltrobltlitttie #hpr form* I 14r triiktog out tea tAlltoidif or rittachig tho'isiattr! latorl,sAtbotillgition tirthAtAspAcquird,-.-Of i Triidtt. /1011 . 1 . 11 7 fr0i1i .„ 3 . 1.: to 1 , 2 it. • j :read' ' ' , . --------- - 111P,SKOFPET.g 3 PE V.C.TA•gA It * - 1 .I"fotertlittbm4lx% At et Ike% geolotok V #4o:..Xottoti; Ortto."ltoltik to the mane of ORtt.: ilystmerndiativittatitit , tlustteitalta Is to olatoltto all °the rEBPIto tlhort larESl434 olilpors..,Yorlettlo bi • _ °sm.' - ; EttataxtiPobblellOctethe;e) . - 1 JohD , • aolilltVetraetiln.l•tihte• rost ltoltilleg IVIcatd I 9 66 *k I P II :IWCI I /C S n , n zqkrAoraFrYii!ramr; A be!9attioLinit virtea. 1,...,0th0z0t or 3tAITTELEfen , ,tiolinnetai. r7 .Itz di . :l l i ra lir:. onas • .t^i• ,irZe-r. 1...1 F....AM, , Ir' i PaiktielASlCiloakii;OrZefilip Axs -L Inirwaraw, VOL um:g_ ' • , • i LXXVI. — NO. ' -288 : ' . .-- - -•:. ~ - e.,.-.,2..-i ,-, ..: •• -.- .. .. rtICHARDSON, 4 CO., , COMUSSION a-livnivAnDristi *EntellicNTS, Crude and Refined Petroleum, Fa ra Eitairq,eintraGg. oar Ifbond Cab adrabects , On eclnsigisme4l6i Pitt.borgh or Esitzeit Market& Mews. 3. S. DilvorthAr. Springer . ' Motown Vell, 8q,.; Prest. Coittmate.mu alum in1i10:6133 ' S. picK aft 6 . . • Crude and Refined' PetrOieuni; BENZIN, /cc., 'I.WALSTT BT., PTITLADE.LPICIA. ' Daabiess antrusted tato= care Will reeetra caw prompt pereenal atteatbm. Rotor to lilmata..llkbardson, Harley A Ca.. Bawer. 'Dark° b Co.. abb. Hagellaml t Davis, Ylttabargla mi. Smith, Had, Prat: 11412 k 17.1‘. FILM. Foam. a co:cfgaidariau. • L • , ..10014.001117 0 000 ."7 Mineactiresi'lLted It tisl6l 0i42/0/ICditill,* .I'S'EJ AND LITILRICATISIG OILS, and-ask= In Cituvir. t.wriiorAai7Sti 'Wake, oxpi,lte - Stiatpstoirg. ' • ' ' Office, So. G 9 FUND ST/LEES. I'aritaraap,PA.4 1 :T - 1-te. MILLER, Mtgs; I= WALNUT ST„ PIIILADELPIILL - attlint ;&;REFitED Poloo:trit On Continissim est . ius - elette t4.lnolt. r TlO n ;t b liirrollNED in evel cellos.' Tot OR uD7E; tinder good abbda. Partiality attention paid to OIL NM EXPORT.. FanSato,--10.AL'SNIO SODA, SODA .ASIL dc. , CABOT ez . PKIIBERTON, General Xerchandize Brokers, 13C, SOUTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE ifk EEFINED PETROLEUM, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASIC, BILINSIONA nava% OILS, *c /cc. Orden to Imp or tall promptly attended to sold? • AT.T.ENT A NEED ",- MriI4DELPIILS coumuslot MERCHANTS. PsrtfcnWr ottontioo paid ‘o coosiontocnts of Crude • and ;tubed' 'Petroleum. aznAl.na adrin RulAy HENRY- ROE, 13 NOICTII #0.1..if 6T., 1114, *E1,14111., Broker '& Commissien Merettant CRUDE &MIT& EtTßOLitli,• LUBRICATING OIL AND BENZGLE, Ant dealer in Crab and Bellinal 'PETIIIAXtaI BARRELS. titaly BRED EB; BLIR.IiRd: CV., • COMED3SION lIIELCHASTS, Agnate or Mend men adronan =do on connillnte , 4t Refined or Crude . Par olenm: COIL DUQUESNE WAY k 11.:CATOW Portionrson, PA. oD:nly 4TL _ 3174 - need nbt be embarrassed by. tto entor6ment or tho Ordbotoeo, *hen , thr y can hate; thilr OIL barrelled arid ehrptted pith ont touching. the CA/ Wharves. es Cho4POPare 'prompt, OA. lees : rlek, teat t ded trt. Letter order. at • '& pm iAItD, On the A.llesbeny Ealltond; above' LArenee- OW putupixt trenn tho boats direct to the an, and shipped to an," infra, East...or Wgst, tsithoUt any draYloVt.To*AtliPPlng. . : All order. promm.attentod to. carOffki k lik Yard, on Cillsitis l'aiitanker , Pea Care.tcddrets,l3oX-90.1,-rittetweij Or I tan. Le •001:1'ipdly a t ma Jour • •..•,i:.i otrirriaL WALLACE /c , CLIRTII4S, • Commission :14f.arrihants, an,raolor l on , CRIME & RUINED lE'rII.OLEITIX, .11ENSILVE AND . imsraciernicv oiLs. • No. 134 SOUTH. ,WELUirag, • ~,, &dor corer) ibi1b;000 bblat. hi 0' x 4Ugcl - ' Sncllltla 'shipping tcrAttetirican Rad Votetti-porte, at oar Irktiat tirthet t3aw7 Itircrpaegar the platform of the-Lq ~.LE~, ~~. oommissioN razumi SHIFISitB QF •PETROTXIIX 112 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK.., Ampto acinqei - 4Fr• snlrrmay at ttolr Mai R . P:101 4 1D8; .1 7: • • I CordiMita.d.otildr.OtOlia nt . ' • .*...49i41,, iLer aokit. itrUag. BiessEEVii. - .‘ 1 OiSalitMler IlLpfiltasatdinthcalllmt , Wilgrealtl4buiStk, MIAMONDIOIIiVORK B : , • •;.:.--"1,1 '6f 11; 1 161adv 4 by Fyl4 Droßirc:ktt...rthiTirogicc,:ziro...g tAIA ese STlty'reirabittigtaretkit In - Ixtereadteda.atiN Fri* dratted by , mold ?:ttalDs . Qtli. itl . i 1, ! 1aj08P49.00.WQR714-1.4 .-., .Lite.tq , ;.,-. f 1... ..t 1... i /:, • . ... fi ' 1 (1% - o: I SWCILATCUIT piTtBB VIIGUaI..I -. . CT4ool6lliiiiCatilifialit. -. 1 .i.,A.4 . .t.7.1.111: , r; . . ~ I giti4iitrittitiftgii,ttraitleVlWO , l i ll ll lM ^ VETMOUIT3t'OnIVai.i; eati*UkitifoiCtilsdland74 .111:1114141.11111*K4It.r.t:petegez -00001D0141. stubgrdatilmAt: - lINITENT 0114;*101fat3.:7”-L:d7: Iv ,1.,,r, LA :.,..-• r...„.3.; • ' -,svpalt, ,, rnaasitic€o4 , :.. - 4 1,.1.-,• ,- ~ riiiii:Atilii .00X 0 ,0'.44, 6 , vo4ja,i .,.. t:iiiii - h i 4o2arit4 , , . LORMILIfiIt . .. ' ':- ' '...,, 'irrimaniart.,,DAl arVir. 65913 M/ WP ( MP 41. -94 1 1941. 1 5# lfta sr-irdopStoW za• • mit t Innttasoomerfruituttila , z WIG Sam actuitiatitliutabasui Ettesoott_ [quality or BURNING Loa: clot iu4.nb0 1 wgi! ;VEt uti sirtzlrairfßopt7l , :r . -Wager-WO " .Bath Block, misaotl swoon 1)09= 2 attlix , Y L ',ILO:A.I4a =;.M ' f_ : r ccoßmtm4t I birniti*SAßS l *Wand, 2.13;•Bou climreco. JNr Copatv!limits sollcited. L;43 ,1 & city et!'* OA: Ramp Patatze,;aVJ:Pidnizr &Ca • • Jtro:Chalfant Cu. u. p alito 01 Span& • , p:11,4 , 3i IFuci!Awrs. 1 • _ • ' Andfactoni In • Ifeedeitli said sits Producti4'4ils; . . . • I CA 27DLE,C, J tp,,AR t. DTATED &72271C0NT rkerAirents Vir the tOUTIAITIVEEROSEST. DLL it cantsoIawrIORIC,PA.I4.MNR: CANDLE', 'Di. A. tllAPtit . iit, ACs2:l, • '.0:18-.Water:Attl*Frvat.saz.q-:.1:1 1D1CA1VALLU1L.........., 13ineETAOLITE QM WORKS. :. ' J • 4 irliaitahh4; 6 o 3 -- k . ' 77'... 3. 01 travrtAititgrailo $l2 it....smasts•• • Algre. ' • RATEE,ILEYM LITIFP-4/-Su 0 1../.: - ',$11 ; 411. ' pieny twticksa.iiitaiit.pki . A4. -- 4 T - - , --, N( let 1 iontas,ittniblicalitia , noefitldisanu r t4 f • tril . 7= , - -.-•-• - • • '•,- ..,.. I. 'l' fr:ltNi mitriithetiver'or "of Vitiioroid: qno Anuntitori. • *derslalt di:John-Pellis.Co.'e Office, cur hgr or arAinicrf 'AND - 174Sr )3PIEETB, - 4111 ru cOrqpromptatinifloran: viviri4vre,E-1 • - IiDkIIINITY -AGAINST . LOSS BY 111.117..—FRANE.Lni numlornmic.r. COM, PAYY OF PLII.LADICI.WILL 0111 co, 435 wad 41T Cbcotont Amt.-Emu Sintement Ealkill; JlTlttar7 lst ,. lgpp; . pnbWhed .=1 Agreeably to as act of Ametably,ixdug— Tina lifuttgagea, amply asietred.-::- . ....-11,885, 803 00 Real Estate (men va1."5108,314 GI) Cast -2493 5 Tlmpoiary Lo ins on ampieAredinteral . . beeuritieS.:.'i..a...—..„ • • —BMW 00 :_: Stocks torment Taloa E84,613r7p Oat.. 10.780 (B Noterand Ellis • 1,821 - 50 TIME -1-EURViR ft , Oar Thu only profits from premiums_ whiichh this Company 'can -.ileitis by law em-franceitike which ' have.been determined. • dneurance made qu awn description pispetiy. - In taws andestuntry,at-ratesai low.saro trudetent with lecuittl- Rincertheir Inearitecatioti a pork& thleirrars, they ham paid lopsee.by 114 to an'amouneesqcoding • nar,2lJfnai C 7 Dalian thereby affOrdlak eajdeaca qatolthilitaVa of haalin. o , l, wait aatheinablit tyt and dispoettiou to Asset with promptness all tin' 'Lestiis pea darin g inocou , . . . • .. , _ ... rharles N. Butcher, . . • Isaac. Loa, . • • AfordeClTD:Lawist . ' • dieobit.Anilth, T o m.. w.gau.. - Edward 0. Dale, . f. David S. Brown, - Geo. N. Richards. . Elnize , "1= 017,621.Ra i la i rift, " j`rc . si.i. • •• ' EDWARD 0: DALEi•Vkis Priwiderit• ' Wm. A. tircan, ,Sacniday pm teak. . I GARDNER GOTTIN. Arid. . . Pots• - 01 Acts liforttaniss ca. Wad &Third as. , ,-- lINSURANCE: Insurance Co. of North TUiliAptlPffli Insurance Da of the State of Pensia t , ittx;;ti:4l" t - lii . irtibrd Fire Insimnee company lummox, el Ma *boas old alla ,TCUSbISO:I9:4- 11**111,1131. bo.g:ibtiartoApf!applleation.to. „ SS. Y. JONEBvdes . L TWOUY's rtlVat.iiitteet! -WEVERAN irsmarrct - ccOapPA:: Ar# or wrraurutas, , • . _ 444:11 ' Am* o No S 92. Water vcreipt,Epang .4inue, nty', Pitt§ War .6mv- vaiir-tl bu ltti'4 'Mks A How istkakii.gokogreit:ki Dk Wars Adel are 1641 - 17 - vita Lltike. tax! 'who oe dein, .4 010 4 41Pra.0200k.iii.v6100,0bif. Co . autlikikt 'eta .e.koracr /mad .assmaar..in ofernio. Dot r r pry:lea:NOD ikalksatAtifkiikibembichidt '3tor.' Acioob. j 201114,3 .250 00 .opea - AccOnats, ae.6 .r 1 21U436 1 . 4.97 69 2.1! - 7:: Th••=li6 Foie .::«`..- i'•;:' • ' •-; .:: ''';' f EzAtisx.wr :,.. :1-191t.ife4; -. .L.t. Aieiradat Speer'" ' 1 ! al nalsist Ilabass. , . palTtla.AooB. :.• .... •)~ , A u x. Ith A ux, . - . .14 : 1. Zho_ m e ss, !CleirieDsraier .. .'7r~lt e• DIX *MI, : • , William IL Smith, „1914n . ..1. : 4 pyln!t. ~_ ~ e. w. inck.b.o., . " • ! ft , „:, ~ ~. , . , 1"..11. Gogroznirsi rerrzErtitisIMASCVLGOMPAI 1-24)1P '.Oll carnor , 34rblatadzit Wallt streets, irealltdAtim:.:l.66; *J.! ;:, , 'lruitres thmTwatiiiktd Clio* lainnt . 3oad 'rots,*'.9l"aVtAnegigriVilts Oru fh Lek. ' lLll4ll ' llnsures an agalint tors and damigeby .7 CI: 1' B.IET HAM:, Jo. Park On. ataltlo,2l. NV?W,Tahtigtoifi- c.litmet MVar. • 'Jou ee r . k l XT• ina L.l;. Beene 'throat, ildeLA'aLdlowsi •:. jcatoximorth..,, „5:1 Gao )34l4lq t rPoF 4 7 -42 Inghair " tridiq ti:.WAlßAAti(ptigitzt4 ~" . Oifiesali: 8 cornartroottelittl4*:: ', , , , liaida.irtagnOtiMPOß 4: !: 110L.L1 , ...• ...fra L-,,,6 6 - 7;, i ,, i,,,- . -.L•1 . :5,,,,,,- - ,.:,: . a . ?" - • - :,' „,„„:- Ibut • 1 ,„„- ~,,,...7 , r.limes 14 . 7,::37. 4 .: . i John Wait, , Ca1 4 .4 01 4 11 .0 1 .40'.1641. iv,.; B. Soma PA leiter . r hi 4 L elfsbilr, 61. r.laleMillaco , ....z.x.T. ' '''''' Wilk Wittilliltiskliie ,5• , • 13.,,,!...3. ...c.d . ~ ., : 401INAVATT, Vlotavegale'sl:..ria ~INIIIIVPSABT4 I i.- 1 D .. ---------110,03n , 00 , 1 ~ , .- -,- .4 itkay- . ....,: )I.IWHINILANS Wie.11%4X).11-0 : • YISIESASiTTPLIsqt - F, . 4 )14 , 4! !o. 547, ;...- .' ru4l " 6 - 1 -4thave sviittirei`iiiiiii. - iifiii: 4 A , , ,- ~, , , , , ,- 18MLV.MNRA Prmiiklit,' . __. , • , ':.;. , „:„ga5. , .. .- - i D. it 11C°14 " &" 1.4 . 16711 - 47 474 -. - " ': : : ;....-'s,iT , li' ...- ,!: ::::....tibiondut e, 1 . , .... .1,•• - - 4.1 . )..,, , Zi::::.. - L , i 1015e31:4114101:P:i;:: .11.:' !1111:Ititatackat,4 IC.. -; ±4,13 , 1 ,0 -7.1 .4 . - .e , , pbtrltirlk, - .1E,• /.41 '' .. ,IL Lilkgetift_ f; . -P. T '''. 4 7:',, - • - ALSYSIVCOMEICA'aY3 V , Ait n ' t °Let o 'Yiy"pitburomi:.; 4 MarWsrehoose - , 401 LIDSERTT STRUM; r. - :• te. wfi - Moonbeams Z4IIIOB-AblnIZAT biCkS OVA Er" : t tlirt• V fic *2°F l4 2 - , ilis. ‘..... . ti . c r z0 ia.,*%. 1 % . 4 , zi...5iepegp01 , ..... , ; :riihteLc et thp ~.,:dbe , 7. 7 . awl cm at • " b sla l 4 l4dm " t jalkaingSFESpßscaUuNentaPP,o , I't°l2ll3l4llll*),lLvirogi 617BRIalt "6121{ / 1 lIIOM ' to adotr-10"4"b611544111"4‘og•il ao oligftlt4OW •-•,,.... • 1..-NlacOaßVlMlgitrffeqi.-.. jam , Moony, mem ' i larrho Odoiak•Of ' i 415 20VA ,-; •.- -..,- -- - rr-F- - 1 • __, : . --_ .. .1.0. tr.dt 104 vmp, '~ A -.~~.~ .~,: -~ + - f '~S~x~„,~;; z r~'' ~ ~.......,. ~~~.. : µ~'~: