The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 16, 1863, Image 4

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18PAN,240312.11NG ---- _.OOT. 16, 1863
From Yesterday's EVOlliDg Edition.
Larceny of a Wager.
On: Wednesday night, a countryman, who
had the verdancy to suppose that Woodward
was really elected, bantered W.. 1. Backbone°,
Ina, keeper, Diamond alley, fora bet of live
dollars on the result. The money was put up
in the hands of Daniel Ewing, to await the of.
Adel returns from theStete. Thursday morn
ing, however, the money had disappeared from
Hr. Ewing's pocket,, and a "contraband"
nanied Frederick Brock. hailing from "old
\greatly," who had - been employed about the
louse, was suspected of having the wager. A
warnint. was Issued for his arrest by Alderman
Donaldson, and he was caught just as he had
taken passage on Jones' ferry for the opposite
side of the river. Ho had made calculations for
takiriptp his abode in the coantry, and had all
his "trps" packed in a carpet: sack. Be was
take* to . the °aloe and searched, bat he had
no money—save one solitary five oentnote. He
denied the larceny In the most solemn and
persistent manner, and the magistrate was
about discharging .him, when his attention
Wal *Untied by anew ehiswi and new pair
of pants, in the carpet sack. When asked
' whom ho got these, Ite• said be bought them
four'weeks ago. He - started off with, the al
dermen, to' show hint the place where he had
pumhared these articles, and took him to the
clothing 'store, corner of Seventh and Liberty
streets. Fred. very Innocently asked the
storekeeper: "Don't you remember ma buying
there things hero about four weeks ago ?"
Tile' answer was : "No—but I remember you
buying them this morning I" Poor tiambo
war convicted, and ho acknowledged the
"corn" without further ado. The goods were
rani:zed, the clothier gave up the stolen
!stoney, and the prosecution was withdrawn.
Meeting at Library
On Monday evening, 12th inst., there was a
grand gathering of the friends of the Union
at Library, Snowden township. Tho copper- j
' , beads had succeeded, os they thought, in
effectually strangling the proposed Union de
monstration, by securing the closing of the
Baptist Church against it—said church being
the only suitable building for such mooting ;
that the village afforded. This accomplished,
the copperheads wriggled and hissed their
satisfaction, and confidently predicted "a fiz
zle." 'When the hour of meeting arrived,
hevrever, and the friends of the Union began
to'pour into the village by scores, and when
• finally a large and imposing delegation from
Union township, with brilliant motto-covered
banners, entered the village, the wretched
"cops" looked egoist', for the desired "fizzle"
. did not come: We had one of the grandest
Union displays over Coen in thegood township
of Snowden. The meeting was hold in the
open air; in a small meadow owned by Mr.
A. Willson, and was organized by electing
Mr. Thomas Kiddoo, President. The' meet
ing was,' in response to vociferiotts calls,
ably addressed by Col. Benz, Rev. Williams,
pastor of the Baptist Church, and W. C. More
land, Esq., of Pittsburgh. The speakers wore
all repeatedly and enthusiastically cheered,
and the most intense patriotism and hatred of
rebels and rebel sympathizers were manifest
ed. Some sixty of- Uncle Sam's blue coats
wore present, and also for the copperhead
who should have dared to spit out his trea
sonabl °views in their presence. Snowden,
rest assured, will do her duty in sustaining
the Government and preserving the Union.
]'ours, truly,
Arrest of Deserters,.
John W. Jones, shoemaker, of Allegheny,
was arrested on Wednesday, by detective
Herman, on a charge of having deserted from
the 123c1 Pennsylvania Regiment. It is al
leged that he only served two months with
the regiment, and then deserted. He man
aged to keep out of the way until Wednesday,
when he was arrested on Federal street. He
showed fight, and resisted the officer vigor
ously, but after a brief scuffle he was subdued
and walked peaceably to the office of Provost
Marshal Kirker, who ordered him into the
custody of Capt. Wright, Provost Marshal of
the Department. Under the orders of the War
Department, this man can be held in the ser
vice for the balance of the term of his enlist
A colored man named John Clark, who had
enlisted as a substitute for a drafted man, and
deserted from Camp William-Penn, near Phil
adelphia, was arrested to-day in Allegheny,
by officer Bowden, end handed over to Capt.'
Enoch Wood was arrested on a charge of
haying desertedthe service a second time, and
was taken before Capt. Wright, Provost Mar
dud. He denied that he had deserted a sec
ond time, and asserted positively that be was
not the man who had been previously arrested.
It was proved, however, by a party who has
known Wood for-five years, that he was once
before arrested as a deserter.
The Criminal Court.
In tbo Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge
Mellon presiding—the following buoiness was
transacted :
The jury in Oa case of George Froelich and
.other ,indicted for assault and battery, re
turned the following verdicts : Geo. Froelich,
Philip Holster. and Elisabeth. Froileb, not
guilty, but ordered to pay the costs ; Robert
Croker t guilty ; Edward Cr ramie, not guilty,
but ordered to pay half the costs—the prose
cutor' Philip Heiler, to pay the other half ;
Wm. Croker and Wm. J. Croker, guilty. Tho
costs in these
cases will exceed .$75, to say,
nothing of attorney's fees.
Henry Hall, charged with the larceny of a
watch from Hobert B. Wylie, of Wilkins
township, was convicted, but being . a mere
lad was recommended to the mercy of the
Jacob Miller, charged with assault and bat
tery on a boy named John Carr, was commit
ted and sentenced to pay a fine of fire dollars
and ores. The assalnt consisted in the de
fendant driving a teautagainst, the boy, and
injuring him severely.
Railroad Collision.
On 'Wednesday forenoon the Express train
which left this city at onoo'clock IMO 1310t11-
ing, cagie:in oollision with the eastern bound
passenger train, at Lucas Station, Ohio. The
trains were to pass there, but by some means,
In switching off the Express; two &iv were
left on the main track, which were ran into
by the other train. Oruiof the cars was thrown
entirely off thetrack, and the other was con
siderahly damaged. Six persons are reported
injured.. One man had his leg broken, and
Ara Ohm were slightly injured. Their names
hare not yet been telegraphed to this ,point.
The irkire efist - Was delayed wren hours by-the
aceldolt, as Abe:engine was Considerably dam-
-111i1not-Llke the Result.
On . Wednesday, - a Cabinet maker named
Valentine Lepler, of Oblo street, Allegheny,
who had toted for Woodward, and bad taken
an active part in the amiss', was approached
by a.l3lilon - tnan . muted Frederick' KIMMiII.;
with tho hiterrogatery_i ' , grow do yon like the
result of 'the - election Lipler took the ques
tion as ast.lnsult and at once resented it by,
strlklnc-fattautiet the thee, and beating'
Min - aeemaly,i the melee, KAmineti - hart
his ShiszetC.thslocated; and was other4lie fa
' Leplet:did net Ilke the . of the
election, neltha did.Knmmert relish t h e issue
, of , -the 0044 asd-he accordingly entered suit
batons tlayor:Alexaudor,cherging !.trpler with
assault and battery.
Geonro salt lioo.—Georgi-Beked,
butehaiijAtfkir Ttdrd Ward,"Allegh6y, bad
foarliogpe killed Tusi yy night and hong pp
00010u/bierlicragi• :During MO night some
thines 'entered , end stole one The
hbp Ma' Mei* etit in tiro, sodas' tiaras had
d IhiEfoot along - tits grounif;by:eidah
shag? they were-trooed,•-coltAi?followint
far .0-'ocuitidarsblec diittutaarz.:Ono
Dmga searahed,bat nothing wattoundlo
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- Aoangor.4ln _accident occurred at the
brewery of Spencer - a-Kay, remelting in the
very sesionainjory of an elderly- man named
Wright. lie was.passingby a hatchway, and
accidentally fell ihrough, striking
,his head
and cutting a terrible gash. mi . was conveyed
to his residence, in the rear of No. 1 Prospect
street, where he now lies in a very precarious
REV. Jona F. Ifru., pastor of the Reformed
Presbyterian congregation of Ebenezer and
Bethel, at the late meeting of Presbytery
asked to be relieved from the charge, having
received a call from Mount Vernon, lowa.
The congregations presented a strong remon
strance against the petition of Mr. Rill, and
the Presbytery refused to release him.
REV. DL Ounutte, pastor of the United
Presbyterian congregations of Mount Pleasant,
gave notice, at the late meeting of the Alle
gheny Presbytery, that he would domit his
pastoral charge, on account of declining health.
Tho clerk was instructed to notify the congre
gation of the intention of Dr. Guthrie.
Tor SADDLEOS.—The journeymen saddlers
hare lately held a series of meetings to con
sult in reference to an increase of wages. At
a final meeting, bold in the Beetin Ilonse, on
Wednesday evening, it was unanimously re
solved that they should hereafter demand
three dollars per day for their labor.
Aniorntobia Corivre has gone Curtin and
Agnew about 30D majority. The entire Union
county ticket is believed to have boon elected.
Being united with Westmoreland in the legis
lative district, the Copperheads of that county
have elected the candidate of the minority in
Armstrong, in addition to their own two.
ler, an Mims Express Messenger, on tke
Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, was killed
on Saturday night last, by falling fican the
train near Newark, Ohio. lie was about
twenty-three years of age, and resided at
Greencastle, Pa.
Rsv. Growls Scorr has been released from
the charge of the Reformed Presbyterian con
gregation of Darlington, in consequence of ill
health. The congregation, on account of his
long and valuable services, reluctantly joined
in his request to Presbytery for a dominion of
his charge.
ligrivAL.—Thicre has been pn interesting
revival in the Presbyterian Church at Pine
crock, in this county, under the charge of the
Rev. J. W. Potter. On Sabbath last twenty
one new communicants were received, six of
whom wercsthen baptized.
WATCHES, JEWELRY, drc.—J.' M. Roberts,
No. 17 Fifth street, is now opening the most
choice stock of fine Gold and Silver Watches,
Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goods over
displayed in this city, and is selling them at
remarkably low prices.
Synod of Ohio meets to-day in Zanesville.
The Synod of Wheeling will meet qt New Lis
bon on the 16th Met., and the Synpd of Pitts
burgh is to hold its meeting at Johnstown on
the 20th inst.
800 ore AVRESII.—The firo in the ruins
of Mr Hostage's store, in the Diamond, broke
out afresh lost night, about nine o'clock, and
burned quite briskly for fifteen or twenty
minutes. It was finally subdued by the citi
IN THE CITT.—JON. C. Cochran, of the 139th
regiment, is now in the city, on a visit to his
friends. Ile will return in a few days, when
he will resume his dutien as regimental clerk.
Supplies, Bag—a ge, etc., Removed
to the Rear.
Reported Removal of Gen. Meade.
dr., dr., dr
San YORE, Oct. The Timor' Special
dispatch says: MI the surplus baggage of
the Army of the Potomac ham boon removed
to the rear, and the army is stripping for o
fight. Meade's position yesterday morning,
was on the North bank of the Rappahannock,
his right Bank resting on the Eastern slop,
of Bull Run Mmintain. Since then, however,
he has fallen back to the neighborhood of
Manassas Plains. Lee's whole force has
crossed the Rappahannock, and were yester
terday pressing our rear. A battle this morn
ing, of course, is deemed imminent. Our
trains last night were all at Centreville.
Late,, 11 A. M.—Burners are rife that a gen
eral engagement commenced this morning on
the old Bull Run battle ground.
The command of the Army of the Potomac
of course is fatal. Gen. Meade in his turn
has been compelled to give place to some other
! man. His removal from command seems to
have been determined on. Flt. successor 4
said to bo Maj. Gen. Dan. E. Sickles.
A Washington special says that rumors ere
extremely thick there. Among other Improb
able stories is one that the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad had boon cut by the rebels at
The following diapritch, received at this Bu
reau this evening, from W. P. Smith, Master
of Transportation or; the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad, officinally strangles at leant ono of
the manyabOrd reports now in circulation. It
slays : "Thai° is no foundation for the report
that our line has been cut, nor has there boon
any reason to, believe it will bo. All one
trains, both passenger and 'freight, are run
ning regularly. '
ilfiere ate "
,6,000 patients in the hospitals.
373 wounded.* from the trent, arrived here to
i nrb,Cl, They.were wounded In various
lilies in Ourfivnt.
The Confederate War Departmenthes made
two now and independent departments In
Forth Carolina j Wilmington sect the region
of Cape Fear bas been assigned to the COM-
Omura' flea. W. It C. Whiting, while the
balance of the State' Ii under charge of Maj.
eta. Geo. - E. Pickett.
Gen. Ileintsleman hai been relieved, and
Gen. Auger temporarilyassigued the command
of the defences at Washington.
WisuisnioN, Oct. 13.—A epeeist dispatch
to the World says It is • generally believed
our army will take up for the time a position
with its centre resting on the Orange and
Alexandria Railroad, at about Cattott's Sta
tion. Balling back to this point has been for
sometime talked about bore, if not at head
quarters. . The recent engagement on the
Rapidan; in Which a regiment of New York
cava l r y )ras so badly cut up and a large por
tion of the 13th Infantry taken priseuers,illtus
trates the inexpediency of so lengthened a
front as the line of the Rapidan obliged the
army to maintain. Catlett's Station is come
distance this side of Warrenton Junctien;neat
which General Meade had his headquarters
.rovious to his advance ?to Culpepper.'"
_ .
Rebels Routed In'llihnonrlrhar Ar; , -
ttllevY, , Baggage. etc.. CaPtgrelt
Wastnarnns,"Oct: 15.---Readqriarters have
to-day 'received dispatches from Ger; Soho
flabl--onedited fist,tonl6 - 04L'
that Gen. - Brown has beaten the rebels under
Shelby throb times, andla stillesreshisthiro.
‘Anaherdheti-likted f , Oota r 14' o r.itstei
- that ( teen. rend brought : tba rebels today
lithelbi:tol/4-deaervir enmemenVaiLircemt
004 yostertsndses
oltheit+OgertigoV'kal/40;15411136 irate
bee or , . 446 : 7 : • h e
~ I Mftne!l /"C4 - 4 -
;killed . and wounded L
Spootal Digpatch to the Intte;burgh Garotte.
PIIII.IDiLPHIA, Oct. 15, 1863.
The moult of the vote of the Ohio soldiers
in the hospitals in Philadelphia was : Brea&
59; Vallsindigliam 1.
The rumors of a battle between Lee and
Meade turn out to be highly colored. Gen.
Meade lost no supplies. '
Gen. Meade is reported in a strong position
on the North bank of the Rappahannock, and
can defy any flank movement. Leo has fallen
back to his former position. The demonstra
tion was made to cover the despatching of
troops against Burnside or Rosecrans.
Who attempt to blow up the Iransides at
Charleston was stimulated by the authorities
at Richmond offering a reward of $60,000 for
its sucrose. The two attempts made were
daring and persistent. The rebel steamer
carrying the torpedo passed the picket boats
close into the shore of Sullivan's-Island, and
made 041 . 058 the harbor. She struck the Iron
sides amidships, exploding sixty pounds of
powder. At the time of the contact the rebel
commander jumped into the water. The ex
plosion of the torpedo drove the rebel steamer
LID der water, which ran into her smokestacks
aid put out the fires. She wont to the bottom.
No damage was done to the Ironeidee, as she
Correspondents say that the preparations
for a groat military and naval attack are now
complete. The fleet still rides outside 'of the
enemy's range.
I saw a dispateh from Gov. Curtin thin
morning, which claims 20,000 majority. From
Allegheny it is reported this morning there Is
7,500 majority for Curtin. Berke gives Wood
ward 8,500 majority. Clearfield gives 850
majority fot Woodward. Official return from
Philadelphia give 7,375 majority for Curtin—
two precincts to hoar from. Susquehanna
gives Curtin 1,700 majority. Tioga gives Cur
tin 1,800 majority.
In lowa, Stone (Rep.) will carry the State
by about 15,000 to 20,000 majority. W. J. J.
Continual Firing at Wagner by
the Rebels.
NEW Yong, Oct. 15.—Morrie Island letters
to the Tribune contain the follwing
Monolog , Oct. B.—To-day has been a very
severe day at Wagner, more so than any we
have experienced since our occupation of the
fort. Firing has began, mostly from the James
Island batteries; three were killed and twelve
wounded during the day. One shell exploded
in the doorway of a bomb-proof, killing one
man and wounding five.
October 9.—Forte Moultrie, Simpkins and
Bragg fire continuously at the working parties
in Wagner and Gregg; they have exact range
and plump their shells and shot with deadly
effect and accuracy into our works. They
have been practicing to fire almost simulta
neously, so as to make the cover of our men
less available agabist shot coming in diverse
directions. Our excellent bomb-proofs pre
' serve our mon from most of the missiles, but
still the casualties are numerous.
One of our 200-pounder batteries, that has
been silent for a week, reopened this morning
on Forth Sumter, Johnston and others.
October 10.—The rebel Fort Johnston
again silenced. A skillfully aimed shot en
tered an embrasure yesterday and dismounted
the gun.
The Morrie Island correspondent of the
Timesistates that Lieut. Glassell, and sailing
officer Toombs, declare that the expedition
against the Ironsides was one prompted by
desperation. The citizens of Charleston are
pinched for the simple commodities of life,
and unless the harbor can be forced so as to
admit vessels with supplies, the most serious
consequences will ensue.
Decided Union Victory
NEW YORE, Oct. 15.—Tho Tribune hoe tho
Army of the Pogoome, Ckt. 14.—Last craning
our cavalry eneountered the ertomy near Cat
letts station, and towards Warrenton. A brisk
artillery fire was opened and continued till
tato. The firing commenced this morning
and continued all forenoon.
This afternoon heavy cannonading opened
along our lines in the direction of Manassas,
lasting till evening. It seemed evident we'
had driven the enemy back. It Is thought by
some that Lee has his entire army in front of
Meade. It is believed that no considerable
body of infantry has yet been engaged.
WASHLSOTON, 0ct.•15, 1 v. st.,-An extra of
the Star says there was a considerable engage
ment yesterday,'between a largo force of reb
els and a portion of the Army of the Potolllie,
part of Warren's Second Qorps, in the vicinity
of Bristow's Station. Infantry and cavalry
were engaged on both sides. The result was
a decided Union victory. The ;rebels were
badly beaten, with the loss of an entire bat
-1 tery - and one hundred prisoners. Before the
termination of the contest, Syke's regulars
came up, and assisted In driving the enemy WI.
Drafting Not to be Abandoned. -
New You, Oct. 15.—The Herald's Wash
ington dispatch sap : It. is not true,
ported In ieveral of our New York journsli,
that the Government lute any intention of re
sorting to volunteering . instead of a draft. •It
is true that the conscription has not realised
as many men as was exported, and it has also
proved very costly, bat now the machinery is
m working order all,over the North.. The Ad
-mintstralion believes it to be an easy way to
secure en. The military authorities,
all hal been sold, aro still of opinion gat the
draft is . the cheapest and most expeditious
means of securing an army; and besides
tributes more evenly th e burden or war among
the whole population. It will, therefore, be
,orsisted in.. a-
CINCINNATI, Ott. 16,—.Returns frorn
four counties give Brough 52,144 tanibrity, a
gain of 47,777. Of these counties fifteen give
Vallandigham majotitios, the largest of which
b Fairfield, 1,127, and alio! which give heavy
Union gaine. -Complete return:sof -Chub:matt
give Brough 6,476 majortty.lll.s majority in
Hamilton county will be 6,7 P, • :
Cn.inva Xtifority.
Mantuan Ecyoel.ll6=Reliable returns come
to ebvly. .Cortin'a umjetiffif oratillnffrom
1:1,000 to 20,000. ' •-- : - •
Mantifsetarrs of
DESL9.VA,L I2 7, ) e 3 A . MEL r -f
' OciigOn, - ok - Asa: WArraniia
aqua to an 7 fallepgo;•minfttcpurm thft coup.
ainearatinamstr, ligrAPia TUMF.
630 120 - afrilft CONTI !Urns, Yittobargh.
1 COllleite4 L00.11,D.'
i' . ..:::, , is il
Finance:. E I . i• '
,-, , ; . •
and Tiiile.
TIIUSADAT, Oct. 15. ,- -"-Thf sudden and violent tine
hiltless' In gold conthuiesio iss •OW En at 40 0 3 Of
conversation in ilisint' lal ambit:Sid It la retairked .
that these fluctuations exercise low Influence than
hewetallare upon isserchandlse kteltralp,'Boina OF.
dace when kohl eirtanztal, flair: itnin, giocefits,
and, in Owl, emit keeynrtkle of nietinandise, ad
vanced accordingly. - T y gold b quoted at ISG
to New - York, an adran , yet, in the face of this,
rota is unchanged th . and oats shoed dull and
drooping. Our brokers buying what little coin
is offered at isii(pra An‘ id, and 14453145 for giver.
Eastern Exchange is nn hanged.
In the hew York market, on Wednesday,
Cleveland and Pitt. Railroad Mock sold at
loftgooty, es.diside and Pittsburgh, Port
Wayne and Chicago at '
The hew York Com mind Advertiser, of Wed
needay, says s
The government setialties at* firm. Tho repds
tered c per cents of 1881 rote to 107% per cent. or
the coupons US% per cent. 'was bid. The result of
the elections of yesterday in Ohio and Pennsylvania
and thalami Dews from Y" )..eland
any probability of the ,recognition of the so.callod
Southern Confederacy, ere well calculated to Inspire
.additional mmllderiee in the public stock.. The de
mand for the popular ban In this market is faun
151,0D3,1308 to $1,a4000 per day.
October; 15, 1S
FEOIIII & GRAlN—?hero is a regular demand for
Flour, and the market is dead); , with sales of Extra
Sunny from eon) at 80,50@0,75. Rye dour is Arm
with 'than mi. at 86,00. Wheat is steady with a
regular demand from 1410 hands at 51,15. Barley
Id firm with sales from wagon at 51,25. E7e -0000 .
Corn Le less action, and buyers no asking far a con
cession; we quote Shelled nominal at $1,03€01,65 from
depot. Them is leas inquiry for Oats, and we quote
totmarket rather dull at 70077 c from depot; sale of
bash at 7Gc; small sales from store at 80c.
GROCERIES—The demand In light, but pricers are
Arm and well sustained; sato of 10 kb& of Sugar at
Cuba, and 140 for 13%e for choice New Orleans. Re
fined Sugars aresery firm, and may be quoted at 16%
€11630 for °B,' and A." Coffee, and 17€317e for
Crashed Granulated and Powdered. Coffee In steady
Small soles of with small sales of Rio at sw e gzic
for fair to prime. Molasses at GO to 65c, and Syrups at
BETTER & EGGS—There is a good demand for
Packed Batter at ISr, gala of D bids prime Roll at ate.
Eggs—sale of 4 bids at 16c—an
POTATO}--The market la quiet and unchanged'
vale of 150 bosh Neakannarks at 80e, and 15 bble lie •
Jamey Bw'et Potatoes at 1 1 5,00 per bbl.
BE tNS-41.40, will! • ter durum' at form
tes; =le. of 2 . 3 Dumb White of s27i per borh, •
30 ba,d, small 'Nary" At 53,00.
MEESE—The dernauil in fair, and
tot It firm but unchanged; salts in lota of 100 bac W
II at 12*.
SALT—te firm but the demand le principally torah;
talus from depot and usual at $2,50 per hid for 140 1
Extra, and MO from store.
SEEDS—There is considerable inquiry for Flax
Seed, and ft may be quoted firm at s2;Nu per bushel.
Timothy is dull arid nominal, and there to Lku demand
for Clover, and but very little le market.
APPLES—Are In active demand and the market
Is firm with sales at from 1:1,b0 to fi:l per bbl, for fair
to prim,
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Ocr. 13.—Tho Only new feature we have to natl.
In Petroleum, 6 that there Ls n better feeling on the
part of holders, and the market is decidedly firmer.
The transections, bosrerrr, aro limited, and there In
scarcely enough doing to eatablish quotations. There
In only a moderate local demand for Crude, while ral
ers remain about as last qnoted, mtmlim from 25,
packages returned, to 20(430%, package inchuhsl,
and some few small sales were made at these figures
Refined, in bond, is firmer, but as there are no sales
and buyers and sellers are so wide apart in their
Nays, it Is impossible to glee quotatiOns. There is
more Inquiry ter free oil, and the market is more
active; we auto a Bak of I*3 bbla.."Allaaki... tot
Western account, at Gry; al., 23 bbLs. `. Lucifer," at
the same figure. Benzine, also, is nonruinquired fur,
but without material dustup ; stale of 100 L. 1.6., to be
delivered in &atm, at 35. Residuum remalm as last
During On throe Baja ending on Wednesday, there
ouportni from 15aw York =0,191 gullorouf Pe,
Inikrom ; and duce danum Ist, 190, '4017,9 - 28 gal
lons irons cavorted to foreign ports thu. New York
plillaikaphia, Baltimore and Portland.
New York Petroleum Market.
!Special Dispatch:to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Now lona, Oct. 14.—Crude Ls firm, with min at
Mc. Mined is firm with sales of bonded at !de on
the spot; flOVEgde Ibr October, and 58(3150o for Novem
ber. Free nil is higher, with salmi at oLt3ole. :Zap
the Item at...2&55c. O.
Allegheny Llve Stock Market.
Ocr. 15. The market her been rather quiet thi,
week, owing to the tut that quite a number of the
principal dealers remained et their memoirs homes
in order to rote. The receipts, consequently, were
unusnally light, end the whole nwober offered did
out exceed twelve homlrol head. no demand was
fully equal to the supply, and the bulk of thane of
fered were said—prices ranging from 2 to 3c Wr In
terior to common; 3 to dq for fair to good, and 4(34%c.
fo*xtro. Marta 100 head were sold to government
=arse:ors at former gnototlpria, and this, we may
add, finishes op the contracts - for the present. Timm
is no demand for stock WO% and the market for
this grads of stock is exceedingly doll, nod ham can
only be effixted at low figures.
There tom boon mote eCtleity In the Ilogttuarket,
and, with a fair demand, principally, for shipment,
prices ruled firm throughout tho week. The Balm
outvote about 1500 hind, and price* ranged from
Kw to WA for common, and 85,00(95,50 for good
to prima. There were. some 400(.4500 stock Hoge
wbotemled at KM, and Merrick d Lafferty retailed
200 bead of prime holey at 5 5 , 50 to Su.
'rho nicelptepf Sheep sere =wally light, reaching
only about WO head,..tid the dennuid au. ray equal
to the. supply. in prices, there boa been nu material
change, and iine quote at 3 to .33.ic for common, and
3 to 4c for good to extra. Lamle may be quoted at
from 81,60 to IN,OO per head, with considerable in
Baltimore Markets.
Ocr 23—flour and Heal--Sales reported on 'Chang.
of 400 bbls fair to good Ohio Extra at 60,87Y,@7, 200
Mae Howard street Super an 111, and 600 bble EXtra
do at $7 per Mt The market closed strong, and we
quote Ohio Super as 65,87300,00, Howard stool do
at 68043,12%, Ishdew as seosem@t; Hower,'
street do at 7@7,112,ti, and altipplag lusulds City Mills
do at 58€11,25 pet Flour Ls very acarco and
aoudad al $6,23' per -bb Ckan ideal we q uote St
64,87% per bbl.
Grair*Some 12,000 bushels pf Grain Were received
to the Own Zachanga this morning Viz : 6,000 trash
Wheat, 1,020 do Corn, LIMO do Oats, and tOO do Rye.
Wheat was active and very firm. Sake of 2,000 bust
good to prime Kentucky white at $1,70@1,8% $OOO
bash damaged and common at .81,3,58.
1,C1,11,010 bush ordinary to very tab do at 111,700,
1,63,161X 0 Wet good on phoicedo at 61,6631,06; 4,000
bush tollerksr to ordinary Southern' rtd at sigoat,E4
, SAD trash fair to very good do et 51,00a1,02 per
' boaheL No• choice red •at market. Sales of Corn
Were continedles email lota of both colors at 51,030;
1,07 par bushel . ' Oats advanced 2 Mate colon
a bat
ter inquiry; saldiof 6,000 bush; Maryland at .60/6170e
memareetbr common les 'prime. .11ye brought 61,11
Far bash in small lots. •
nohow and Suipuse:Xnder thls bad wo have only
to tune a tab of 60 hhtle wry Common Cuba ttoihtlug
Sugar at 11* pet M. Pair to good grades do are
held at 1231236 c. Miami inictive, but
are nominallyunetmnged. 4 •
p ntr, Frr it; rsTr
... • .
OCT. 14.—Floues fA bble. XI rod at $6,38,'
and Andodo widte et 11733. .131044-3fithet cod
stderebty- better. Blded 1 yesterday inondig on
the trade et. 1230. On'etolitethe Wei reported "Tr .
7 awe red on the track at 130c1•1 hex etioiewlodleng
White 167 e. After Thing. , the . only 'sale reported
eras Inn. red on trek 430 e... ACtotthg dull end
henry. Oorn—Beles 3 care on treat at 33C. Oats—
Anhes Scare nt s aki ontract.•
It tporpc by IbilfrctsuL
. .. .
Pirrtsroon, Es. Wenn & (Wow Ilartatio, Oet. -
15-31 Olds bacon, 100 us lard, INV bacon ihouldent,
r Sellars & I=4oo Mb Uhl:IN - Lambert & Shlpton;
S Mk silk*, ,2 S Harbaugh . co: 161 Utei., J 1.3
Woolf. co; /21alea rag., LUC:IOW& bin - v 8 ,
. 4 ,
~ ,
'lra, U TOWnientlit agit Ed. eider, .1 G kli, _
leucottls Ms WI, Ho da thmir, , Sbomaket.2 Lang; 6
nos brawn, W, A Bootthen: 8 'dos. tab. and &Merl.;
Eakmald a Arbockla;,B bblispOks, J. kook - 66 bre
tandles..l:l6 Dllsurth; 17 do soiti, IS L Yaboestock &
ea .le, do. candle., E II Ilyers & to; -n .bbiaronr,
J Kirkpatrick! Bond LI& applWallolierkp do
do, Cleo WNW; 20 Ws on; I , & co; 42 pkgs .
Matter, .1 E Crowfoot .150bbla dont, ackeOwn &Lln.
bast; 4 aus metal, J Ewa:bead; Et bales cotton, King,
I R.TIPe , kaq o . 114. 1 4 1 . 0 1F,P1u1 , Wa1inc0.. ,,
AZITAIILM Omuta, 0a:46,4 pulolgooPosinte.
&MAWR &; Kahan; 6 &Ms .applos; IF Ellne;, l 4 kavr
potato., 2 Usk &cur: P rotor:mg A t&W potttoes•ti
.' I'Ae. epos,- 3 ,•Enargrrt Mk , applts, 'I
' Balarn kingalintter,-glibbobsu*il6 . bons Wee; 0-
Grotoosgsr &Saw 2bhlt baloxid;Wo. Emcee; , &id&
bntt4'JiblM=27:bDl.. -2.* seed; Ewor roam-,
1/banl 12 bp bleans,J. , ftig; 3 btdo da, Orme &Ike—
On: skttwbtar, .&T ,lIonnodyl& 11.14 raithh•
II Jahn
n Esebitt:33 bbl: door, A 31.111 . ; I tar
. teed; west lining .-103 bra- barkyi 233 , eke Ott
Jobn:11 Spam 40 bits •
A •
I c a t s ,'E .
Wank.:l4S bga gassed, at B 43 WaW. - lay ,
J Uelcv; i ait.lattiti 314 Kennso 4, Mt% ~;',..-" 2,,, :
OtatiTiani a Ptitainta4Biii*osii;:ol4 6-
_o:ol;•littetaxa;Miegery t toptbalesl4:lsl32
YlolkiloTespobibniq Llllrolgl &to 4 ICOROo3isir
sbciakileamustl ol ) do dditardita l t,' kul`
4 .,,,
Ma desalts; Van Wallace; 201 mks whast,4 IS II
&OM .3 2421. 15ti&0ri111343400.413 -bbli; -.X.:
!month 95 bbitims&O L tßag,Coni. l i a
r_iikaAraGi gado; 4 BiliMe4 2 40 . 1 ‘
akabplaral , tr:-.. , ...1 t'4.3 ,•.e.' ~.:4 .! 1 . • t ,
• ' I.ri;:ir., >,
Market, • •
"260 •
.-ii-n0.r1.-sowbuttitgbt afb.r otti rt totio 1.00
Ibis X Sort tatiOatt.C;P: Ibis XX red Ind at
all halo XXlntilit at XIX. Wheat—Sal:. L.,'
amtlii bo anther Mich at Vat; 5,000 hu do
13Ic; bra ha white 111 th at Vitt,4 2.0 00 tut No •l Rod
at 12Sci; I,silb bit No I Rod at 12e40 - apou-bu o 2
Rad at I.2iNr; 1.500 La No Sitio at 12.1te; 7,OUV-bo No
I !lad at 12% . ; 7,raat ht,t do at 5,700 lot Red
-Inch* 1,:40 ba No 2 Itod 3.c.v bo No
at 12Go: 14001 lied at To.dol
bit mama . ..Mich at 17.2!-.1.c; IAO hu d.. at
LIS; 12,000 Ira ?.o 2 iteit (before report) at 12.TX.0.
Corn tate Cut owning; G. 400 hu No 1 at Oro.
There ia tadhing dotal In other graloo.
Murata Markel.
0c4.14. Flour—Dull and nothihAng. Wheat
—Doll. Fab' , at 31,1 V LW for 'lto. ng 1
f ebiragn 4PrinZ
141,2.5 for ?Cu. 1 Milwaukee dab and rrd winter west•
ern, rum—Dull and.hcary; iktc to arrive, and 86e
on the q.t. lbtrValt. Whhity—Dull. Canal
yndew.a-4'orn Licr, wheat 15, lawarre-1„9 410 bbb ,
flour, 131.000 bu i lt wheat, 30,000 bn h corn, 13,0xkl
Irtub barter. Eqvits--80 1 ) bbL flour, 1 4 .42,00 Nola
wheat 31 WO bgA corn, :40: 1 0bwa• 00 1+1 COW bud,
Claw Quawrosueorrosis Orme., )
Decor or WOnnorrox,
Wesothoroh, L. 0., October 7th, ISM.)
SEALED L 4 will bo received at title of;
ace until TlTEelDA.Trlktober 20th. at 12 o'clock 21.,
for furnishing the . Government (2,000) two Giuliani:id
Mules, to conform to the following
All to be (14) foOrteen hoods high and over In
All to be in good flesh, sound, serviceable, and
suitable for draughtpurposes.
All to be over (3) three and .un,Ler (9) nluo years of
Proposals to be for (sno) fire luttnired and mu:lards.
The full name and wordiest askintes of the bidder
must appear In the proposaL
If a blcits made in the name of a lira the names of
all the paths must appear or the bid aUI be consid
ered es the individual proposal of the partner sign
ing it.
Proposals from didayol parties mill mot be comadered,
and an oath of allegiance, must aemunparty each
Proposals roust be &bimetal to Brigadier General
D. 11. Bunker, Quartermaster O. S. Army, Washing
ton, D. C., and should be plainly marked "Proponent
for Malec"
" '
The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should
it be awarded to him, must bo guarantied by two re
sponeible persons, whose signature, mat be appended
to the gnarantra.
The responsibility of the guarantors must be
shown by the official certificate of the cleric of the
nearest District Court or of the neareet United Stet.
District Attorney.
Bidders mutt be premed in person when the bids
are opened, or their proposals will not bo coneddend.
Bonds in the tuns of twenty thousand dollars, signed
by the contractor and-both of Ide . guarantors, will be
required of the inettettsful bidder upon signing the
As the bond meat accompany the contract, it wilt
be necumary for bidders to hove their bondsmen with
them, or to have hoods eigned in anticipation, and
read] to be prodneed when the cont.= la signed.
Blanks for bonds can be procured upon application
being made at the office, either personally, by totter,
or by telegraph.
Torn; of Correa e.
We, —, of the county of —, and State of —,
and—of the county of—and State of r, do
' - hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil *contract,
he accordance with the terms of his proposition, and
that, should his proposition ho accepted, ho will at
once enter Infos contract therewith.
Should the contract be awarded him we ore pre
pared to become his securities, and should ho fall to
sign a contract in accordance with the terms of his
bid, we earaches will become the contracting parties
in his mead.
[To this gnarantoe must be appended the official
certificate above mentioned.]
All mules contracted far under this advertisement
111 ho eablect to -inspection, and thaee not conform
ing to the specifications will be rul.ted.
The vaults most be deliver.) in this city within
('25) twenty-firo days from the dote of signing the
Payment to be made upon the completion of the
contract, or . soon thereafter as the Chief quarter
master of Wit depot shall be In funds.
The mule. will be awarded in lots of (SOO) Ave hun
dred each, maws the chief Quartermaster may deem
it for the interest of the Government to vary the
The Chief Quartermmter Tonerrof to Memel( the
right to rnieci any or all bide that he emy deem too
high. - D. 11. RUCK ER,
Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster,
vdd Depot of Washington.
• 'WA. Dmurnamr,
Wusmscron. , October 2, 1663.
- •
SEALED PUOPOSALS will be received of this
°tam until the 30th day of - October most, for BAND
ING and IMBUING the 42-poundor Gana, at the
Forts nod Arsenals of the United States la tho At:
tondo OW., aft onting In number to 100. moo Or
The 'gum will. be delimred at, and removed from,
lieu eetainisionent where the work Ls to bo done at
the can of the United Staten.
Propowile for theme on the Pacific Coast—about 00
In number—will be received mail the 10th of Docent
tor next ; and to case of thaw, the gum will bo de
livered at flan Frandsen or its vicinity.
The gam ere to be turned down to a true cylinder
for the length of twenty-amen inches from the mar
of the base ring, prepared to take o band of the beet
wrought Iron, the Interior diametet: of which will be
twenty incheer, and its thickness thtvw Inches.
The vent Isle be hushed with a new Bash of pare
Ingot copper, one Inch in diameter and about nine
and • half Inchei long, and bored with • vent of two
tenths of an inch.
Drawing. of the gun in its original form and with
the band put on Clll2l be wen at this once; at the
Weterrown Amenal, Masa. ; at the Watervliet Ar
senal, and at the: New York Agency, No. 45 Worth
etreet, city of New York; at the Aeeeeml at Brides
burg, Pa. ; and at Alleglway.Amenal, Pitteburgh,
Fe.: of the Fort Munroe A nsmal, ; St. Ar
wood, Mo. ; and Benica Anent, Cal.
The work to to be done to GM entire satisfaction of
the officer who will be appointed to superintend it ;
and payment will be paid in 'full for each gun upon
his certificate of Inspection and receipt.
Proposals will date theprice per gun for the whole
operation • describe in detail the manner in which it
le proposed to put on the band; the number they
will hand per month ;• and the time which will be re
quired to do the whole work. The method and the
time reqUired for doing the work, ae well as the prize,
will be important elements in ootaidering the bids
and *warding the contract.
Nn bids will be considered from any parties but
such as ore engaged in ties manufacture of
iron and beery machinery, and who are, in the opin
ion of this Department, fully prepared to execute the
work. In the case of parties not known to this De
partment 0T 1 4 0,6, to tie f.ntolpis ciso mast (Lc
computy the proposal.
Bond with satisfactory swathe to the amount of
ally per rent, of the hid, will be required for the ful-
Mama of the contract; and the Government M
eow. the right to reject any or all bids, if deemed
Prossamle boandomed .s.Plopoesle ihr -Banding
42-tionndiaa't and. will be "addreesed to .Brisesdise
General George D. Ramsey . Chief of Ordnance, Wash
ington City. EOGGE D. BAMBAY,
oth:oodtd Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
Alsatian Quartgasuarge , s Orrice., t
Wheeling West Ye., October 12th, 1863. I
SEALED P ROPOSALS will be received at. Li
°Ulm untli o'clock at boon of °ticker 24th, 1803,
far furnishing the Quarternimur's Department U.S.
Army, with the following, :
Twohundred thousand (230,0tg) bashels of prime
Data, In sacks,the Oats to Iftigh thirty-lime (.13)
pottnds to the Mabel, and the mete lo to good strong
burlaps. The grain to be delivertd at — Wlieeting,
West Ara, oms quarter within Afteeb-days, one quar
ter within thirty days, one ginnerwithin fortY•fini
dill, and ono quarter within sixty (Lys from date of
the award.
Two thousand tone' (2,000). cif glad, sound, mer
chantable Timothy Hey, Wed; to be delteered hi
the same ratio with the grain.
En:Tonle will be considered. for the entire lot or
for tweedy thymand (Bli,ooo):busbels of Ostaor fifty
(b 0 ions oSlfgl Propoindstaut titaio the qunitity
effete', the Ptareof Midden.% of the bidder, and lutist
he accompanied bye gitstahtee' of at Pod two re.
Sp:m.odb persons that Owevender will falfill the "con
tract if awarded to tom...saempstut omperalkin be
notified on volt after the Sward is rasdesa possible.
Written eolitratte will In all cases tie entered la;
and contractors wlille required to'give bonds for the
faithful 'perkumshce of the. tontnlit. Proposib
should bo undimmed on the.enTelope “PlBstht
ravage,' and be addresed, to the ntelemigned" at
Wheeling, West Ta. "The - right 'to 14888 any or all
bids is.roserved the . Goternment.
bale will twe.enbirtskiid.tinleiti ete
requirements &recompiled frith..'; , ....'
Tunwriz zooms,
enptain and Aset faltaziazuwter/ 7 . B .4Azwv•
Proposal. are invited theW.ddayntOCTONEß,
1863, at 12 frir ,fprniehtag fthertlishastence De
pat-meat with 20,000 barn* of flour.
Ithia will be reeetred fbr :what to haulms at No. 1,
No. Scud. No. 3 and thr. Any portion los than the
iNde 4i duplicate far:the 'different ',sisace should, be,
oponeepatataaects 'of - paper.
The . delivery el the flour to be eatamenewit within
ono .week.fromAlcrer optaivof the 'bids, m. 1,1111000
ilicondler to the Doternatent•scotT direct. Id 8118481 *
800,. hula; daily, dellsered.elther at the.Gotwin'
melt WArehdose in Georgetown, at the.wharrea,ar
therallroad depot, Was h ington; D.
• Payment will be made to earthy:Mg of Indebted- -
mesa of attch celtet Buda as ttio GosetaMat May itach
br diatributicss,
The usual Government impaction. will be mule jest
befortitholloueLefataired:, •
An oath of allegiance mutt seconipany each 10.
No bldarllibr• entattained froth helve
breale* failed to simply 'iiith , ,heir orittmc
idders not pmeent•toreaponfls, .• • , .- •- •
The birrela to entirely new, madeypty.etrong ot
Dew material add had lined.. " • -
No llour wilt bereecired which la not froth mom&
' he dtriated toroot ti Emma,
muadearaya:- CC Jenohondlitied
''ProPctab. for FloMr.•:.ti !L. Stu Skit
Soto Aged for E. M. Ba=t'* Celebrated '
, .
WATERS', BURTON'S k AIND - rmanirs ,, snob
tolt t t; rz.:t
igrab ho ouwiTpai,eu2Lidii
ull,bt'co 1 la 4:
SALE.—"K 'convenient' two stoxy I
brick dwelling hote.el.eithhack building, No.
;X. Bose "met, Pittsburgh.
Also, a. large, convenient and well finished three-4
story brick dwelling lions, with brick dwelling, No.
'hi Ross street, between First wad Second streets.
Also, a two-story brick dwelling bane, with back
buildings, No. 212 Second street, near Ross.
All the above ore in good order and supplied
gee and enter.
Also, one-story frame cottage, dwelling. N. 214
Second street, arid the two:storylrame dwelling ad- .
joining. Both of thesohousea are In good "order, and
suitable for email
Alec, P lot of ground. on the uortheentwordly side
of First moet, beternottitnas and Tr,) streets, near
Item etreet,..haring a front,ut 21 feet, on Tint street,
and extending hack GOloet.
The "bore property is situated in a dcalrable part
of the city.
For terms of sale and part ionises Ingulre of
No.loB Flab( erect.
Rrf FOR S LE. --The underoigied
J. offers at private salari_very valuable, farm In
Ohio Township, Allegheny County, Pa containing
about 87 acme. It to situated on the . Ohio river,
about 4% miles below the city. The improvements
are a good stone dwelling house, log barn, and ether
out-bulklitge; shoot SW apple tons lu
condition, and other fruit Iron.; aboutrecree b =
cleared Land, the balance - In good timber. It to the
property formerly mimed, br:THOMAS 11. JACK
MAN. The whole fartuvrill be sold in a body,. or
Minden* Inducement is offered it will lie cot up and
mid In lots suitable for rocuirry residences. As the
subscriber intends to dispose of the property soon,
those who may wish to purchase should call upon
him without delay;
For further particulars enquire of J. W. F.
ESQ., 106 FIFTH STIIEET, Pittsburgh, or
of the undersigned, In Ohio Toemship.
ERTY ;FOR SALE..—Two Lots, ZI foot 4
inches front tom alley, with o large doable house
between Hancock and Hand streets. A desirable loco,
lion fore Physician or Dentist.
Alm, ROM° line building sites fotiprivate residences
near Allnerwr ille, from 3; to 1 acreswch.
Also, s large number of building lota of various
sism, of from •L'+ to E.O fact front, by 100 to 150 feet
deep, situated st too tertaitturof Hui Wylie street
Passenger Railway.
Apply - to the undersigned, Execiitons of the estate
of John Herron, dec'd. W. A. HERRON.
73,22,3 m R. G. HERRON.
situated at lit
and Ward, Pittabmgh. The loth a front of 30 feet
end extend, basic ail trot, on srbi Is r• cud a large
three-story brick building, with LeOk buildings three
storioa. The bnikilug it finished "in modern style,
arranged with double parlors, (marble mantle,) din
ing room, kitchen, laundry, with tuba, boilers, stare
and bath room. Also Boren commoilloris bit cham
ber.. Parties seeking a comfortable maidens., the
atom is just the placo. Is offered low.
For ten= and phaeton at
ocIS IIIcLALIi Fourth street.
.12 second-hand STRAII ZNGLNE; 141 u. cylinder,
4% foot stroke, poppet' out all, foot fly wheel on
countor aunt, 40 foot S ln.• steam pipe, with two 39
in. &ruble fined (16 lri.) stator balm, 26 foot king,
steam drum wronghtdrun stand pipe, breeching and
ere front, oil in good working order; rated at 60
borne power. Also, one 'small Steam Enkin'e, 'in.
cylinder, with fly-wheel, Ac., In like condition that
has been .driren with the other.
For particulars color to 1101388, TAYLOR & CO.,
of Whording.
ocklerrl CU. ; - 11 d CO.
1..) The undersigned oasts at ptivatii sale his
orontry reeidence on Troy Hill, contain fig about
six acres bf groimd, a splendid - Brick Dwelling.
House, en excellent frame Bart.. will Mom for •
hired man with family ; learns In gmPos. In en-rol
lout bearing order ; about ill choice peach tress, and
about 100 apple taros, pear trees, cherry, plonk and
other trow, Ac. Title indisputable. Conditions
easy. Enquire of
se:nim JOHN' C. FLEINEII, on the place.
Pod. RENT.—Four New Two Story
1 Dwelling Moms, with finished garrets, making
six rooms, at the corner of Chancery Lane and TWA
street, near Market street. Alec, • well finished
room smiler .Mse. Agielilles harbor shop, in the Dia
soond,sultable for gardiater's store room, or coffee cal
lar,with gee, water, be. Apply to
J. Lri.r.x McABOT,
of Lane, McAboy Ca., 140 Federal street,
he. oclaawd.
'VOL?. SALE.—Four Acres of Ground
1: and a Pour Story Brick Binding' Engine,
Dollen end Machinery ; Gen adapted for s manu
factory; lOC foot by lie foot; can be purchased foe
one-half Ito original coot, by calling on
No. 99 Grant Kraut, Pittsburgh.
in complete order and condition. Dimensions,
80 feet In length, 14 • not In Yridth and 4W depth
Coal Plans, and wilt Be soldel box`
gain. rtopstre two4.lsox.grAri.
at the °Mee aloha Meek; .
eeßfotf Daqueeno Wey, neartor,ortheid aL
S TEAM WEES.LY .TO 1,117-'•
ERPOOL, touching ak4IITEMSTOWN, L 4
((Coax likusoa.) The well known steamers o
Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Staantellip
Oompany are intended as follows%
CITY oFlcuickiEsTEA—Bathrdsi , Oct. 10 .
CITY Olf L0ND0N.......—............85turday, Pct. 17.
CITY OUBALTIIIIORE—.,....-:.l.Satisnlay, Oct, N.
And evert mimic:ling Saturday; at-sons, from Pier
44„North River.
earzi mr llItSACir.
.. _ . .... .
Popobis in Gad, or gs eosins/oat in airrascy.
Soar. Carts—......-W -00 erk0k1um.......- —.532 50.
do to London.... 8500. d0 to London 35 60
do to Pula...-... a :co s..dii7 to Purls._ 40 80
du to Bamberg ... 90 00 sky ' ' to [iamb g 37 60
Passengers alsoformanled to ilarre,Bremon, Rot
terdam, Antwerp, 4 e...,,M,eina l l7 l ces rataa.
Fame teem Liserpool rOr Qtl.3l , lltollllG Ist Cable,
$75, $95, $lO5. glettiCes 43tk, nose who wish to
Pend Mr their ftiends.can buy tickets here at them
For further information apply at the Company'.
Maw JOILN7II, DALE, Agent.
15.1lroadony, New Fork.
Mod street, Ord house from the Midge.
mhlo:tt l'lttsbur gl,
"THE "OLD 001TNTItY . ." • •
Paneengen brought out in Fran 01GA133 NAIL
37EA3111E9, !nun Liverpool, Londonderry, Galway
or Cork, for
Twenty-Five Dollars
Acid by eating vow% for minirt-oss DOL.
LADS, In eurromY ,
Apply to
my: gamed
Damian Chnm4L Building.
• . Illtkinteend,
ADRIATIO, IMO' Homo-pm; 4,000 tone.
HIBERNIA, I,Colllione-powar, SDI? tom
COLUMBIA, 1,000 Horso-pewer. SAM tom
A If OLI A. LPG Hared-powm, 9000 tons.
The magnificent Steamship ANGLIA wOl sail
from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, the 6th
of October.
Rata of wave from Ltreigool to New York, pay
obi° in gold or Cl. equivalent in curreticif.
Intormediate. 401
Passenger, torwardint abo to Donde% Paris, Ham
burg, Mush% Breition, •Botterditia, Antwerp, Sr,., at
lowast rpm , -
fares esain Liverpool or Galway to New York and
Dania, IMS, 5:14 SU; fillk SUB.
Tor pomp &pay at the office of the Agents.
BEL I Br ABL E "- = /4rmitqlNY.
EMI= Da* Hanagtik.
• •
Diathip Clltivaddißallfilng; •
jyliblrts No: 70 Fifth atroat,,Pl • burgh...
OUNAItD /4-7P',2?qr911
uviaircipL AND grunprroWN
Wa . in nor fb oipliv l l;2 cane ricz
711021 . H114 TORS, ials-ip‘ci:Frenq.
Balt aftry "Meek.- Airply W.,
r f ri*APIIATOOVii Atia,
ceinult catmow
MinttOiCtureet dem" vadoty of ilatohed
BRASS OAWITEOS, •olhaf:dekriptioniOniVielo
ITITTINO,And RpPAIMING; ponalitly. 'attended - to!'
Paktenla* Wftotstforivaid to-fittingnp BEifINE.
Sok A
Oc.the Western DutittilirPemi..
oiviAta Air the info of MAPES, , LABORELLA:
CO.'S PATENT BYPIIOM'PIIIIP, the beet erer Itt*
Tented. Haring no mires it Jo not lialblalo get our.
prowler, and.iiarthhow num water • th a o any ramp
03 twice its size. S s split
rayCA * 4 O N. AiLL4I.4..4,NOTICE.
,:10 , OW: INTUESTED:—Tbe ,Cominitte.
apio'intia W. collect the account' for ;laboron-tha.
want then City of Pittsburgh, woold
hereby all persona haring bills for. labor or
PlatertakasoSlitiallt .intninschusents.l to presant
thotuuns;._beforatha lit-day-of November, to GEO.
TMESETDR,sbqE9W , ot TroAs RonTA:24
baTipt s toenithrtruiteel,R , Attizia to!' Ma auty•Ot
th iFIUW: O24 rO )11 4 ,.. • -! l ^ik 1 4 . d 'IIOOFAT ,
Grek - 11: •
daOpuronaiii. Ogre' 'aliti.;;;l'lol‘
tbrmakbig oft add bills,and for' ristirr ma*
&Stir azdhentleabion by admards, at thel3aiid of
tree matipas;fronim to - 1254 m. „.
.„ . 9E0:1I:TIIIFESTON. •
' JAW 7 . ' •
.IVAILOAirI",t,EXINT:."): I, rI
14 :ceellon iastio r's1Lrs.n- li osi,raotaiLbil7Z ila bentu r
QUMISIER A& •-••;,:: .- f loi
t -16.) RA-NGEZIEST. , . 1,2. ..
_.{ _
___ •-
sock.l.lUr MONDAY. A • •,•-•• • ••••••• • --. cy Tn• __
2C•th. ANNSTL_ -PAX • . , yn._ . 2 .
learn the Pittsburgh Station chin (elate umosia-.. .0
at 4:50 e us:. gutting Wall Steams blames Pitts
burgh and Philadelphia, and nuking pert, Queue
lion tor New IforkenciPidisilelpbte"
- The- TILSOVEIII MAIL TlLiati lame tbii.Psis
wilger Station 01.7 1110Milig ( , a n .d..,1 . t
0 e is.. "'kWh% mar at Prim - stiaisti, Ind
snaking direct connections at H ib i . Bau _
=are and Washington, and Ssr Nee T tor nits-
The THROUGH EXPfirsdd TR4Tg.. • keno' 4 - 4'a
3:50p. m., clopping on=incipsl statidie;sosktox
direct connection at lug nu. - Bat:noon and
Wuhin= and for Noir -Pork via Allentovn rents
Tire VAST 'P IA i ta kens - ita Station WI (cunt
Sunday) at ti:3s p.rios4aloystnt<V Principal sta
tions, couniorting at esrlusi"
for Few
tiller and
Wastibigion; and et Phlissielphiii 'New Yor k.
Ths.roarament Actium:4am Teen -daily
(exceprilimday) art4s paa m ,atopplng at Bea t ions
eel terming ea,Sii as Goarmatigh - .,
First rtecatimodarlon TriSt - Ittr - Wen Stall=
berm dap (=rept Sandy) et 00
Second S=mmadeks. Train ear Wart Station
ka"rdsit,T (WEBS Sanday). atll:3o.a.m,
Third tAemtarmatatloe Train Ibr , Station
learn dally (creeptscausiy) at 400
north AorommodatiotOrraill Atm Wars Stat 2oo
.Warn iiallr(except Sunday) ate.lo p. m.
The Ch mch Teen laaen.W4Pa Starke armyAm
day Ik o 4 a. m .; rotwubs..lairc• Pittono as
1245 p. m. _ •
Itetarrns arriro to Naito:Eli as tbuowa:
Baltimore p.'m
p. m.
ThroughllailTrain a. so.
Johnstinim Accommodaticm—.--........ 10,0 . 6 a. to.
Hint Wall's Station Accommodation.. —.1b55 a. =-
Second Wall'. Station Accommodat - 8:36
Tithe %We Etat= Acconv.m.LlPm '
Vosirth.Walre Station Aommanodatiotth
Ealtllaire I:sprawl will Aram with Phltadelphta
'Wtesseitlit3) p. m. on Mondays.
Trains fa:Blairsville and Indiana eatinnet it Mats
villa Intatsection with Through Anxinuissilidlon,
Johnstown Accommodation and Express Vali:l2o4
said with Daltimme Express and Johnstown Amain
modation Wort.
Trainsihr Ebensburg connoctat Cream with
. Itt-
Trabas an Mail Train Wait, bad with - Throgh
Accommodation and Express Train East..
• The public will find it gnsdly to theitt.lnteresiti is
going East or West, to travel 6y the Asrinsylvania
Central Itailrond, as the acoanamodations now °Maid
cannot be surpainod on any other Mlle. The Road
is ba ll asted with stons,und is malady train ftomAxdrc
We can promise sedgy, spood, andixentbsW tia all
who may favor this road.ith their pat:roam*
To New York—sl7 00IfoSaithol 00
To Philedelphia.--, 10 00 To Lancostur 10
To Harrisburg..—. 706
at=checked to all tattoos on the Pazentylva-
Railroad, and to Philadalphiaalaillicaraa
ma New Mirk..
Passenger, purchasing tickets lit the - care be
charged an mows, according to the distance traveled,
in a:Mitten to the IltattCni rates. =apt tit= mallow
where the Company has no agent.
NOTICE.—In case at lees, the Company will bad
themeolow responsible kw personal beano only,
aad.for an amount not maetilll l : o ,,
N. 11.—An Omnibus Line has been amPlopdhl
convey passengers and baggage to end from the Di.
pot, at a charge not to exceed XS Mats, breech paw
senger and baggage. Per tickets OLT_to . • .
J. smwART, - Agint.
At tho Orland Railroad
Stationper:ibertyand Grant atreefs.Pl=
CLEVELAND, tr aiii i, *
Pla aatistilll3ll AND ...• IV .
SUMNER - ARRANGINIINTOra • Stoat , elm •
MONDAY. April 20th,1961, Truths will-lean, Os •
= of the Yenrasylvents Railroad, iti Pittstensels
Loaves Pitaburgh 1:00 mm. 6:10 a. m. 1.44 P: M.
do Wellarlitm ,1:1O" MS " 'AAA: - "
do Stenbannee 4:10 " 0,07 " . t 1.53 '• as, - „
do Wheeling . 0:10 " 10.04 " 4:58 4.:,
Arrives Beller... 6:25• ••" 10.25 . " mei .*
Connecting. as ',lnaba:mill* are Beller with Sten ,
benalle wad Indian:Railroad and Central OhlolteL ,
road for Zanavillm Newark, Columbas,Xanial
ton,lndia:nape% Cinch , estt, Unitalle .Catzo,
Lal: St. Joseph. end all points wad andlontlar
and at W buskin g with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad:
gilt and Olevesadlisa • - ,
Leaves Pittsburgh--..—...... 1:00 a. to 1240p;m:
do We1L5ei1e.—............ 4:10 " 2:50 ,
do 8ayard.......,•-- ......... &40 " 4:01- 4 '
do - A11hateer.............. 4:36 • " Cia ..
do 1aaTe111ia..........—.—..... 7:24 " fait "
do Buchan.— • —.. 7.56 " tielo. "
Arrives at Clevelsld -7. 0:10 "• TM '....'
Connecting at Bayard with err :spa Ibb
New PhiloMphis and Cane Dover; at Alliataes . —
Pittahorgh, Fart Wayne and Alla kago •Banto•Ofia
Ravenna with Atlantic sad Great Weitent Ridirald
Om Warren, Greenville, Ileadvillai; Dian, tom,
Jamestown and Beamanna; ablindsomisith
land, Unwell: and Cincinnati Railroad for Aber
Goyahogs Tills 'and Millerenag, sand at 01
with C. A E. •R. R. tbr, Via Itanldrk. tug Babb
with O. AT.R. B. /tie baxenetyi,'Dohnip.and alio. .
with steamers Rat Detroit. — . f:• •, • •
Wellsville ACCOlMOodithiii to it . 4l. tn. ...- , . 4 7 '
Returni to irthcat 810 . 4;ixr. t • Land 405;•2 ' •
toad-pr0m. , ...
a-- . -•-• iii ,
.1)= 1 :t the Liberty Street a • • ~, •• .. - a • :- ,'
'L - • GEORGE PAR , s v ; •-, • ' Art.t.-:
A. G. ERRN,ltekslApickt
For father intormatbso applybs • . ••••_ . . ,•—••"- ar, '-'.-- ' '
,- .W 114,12,11 vrawAnialistllir,"'-' '• -,'
At rho CoMpany'S 'Mai in Freight Station, I'mansak7: •-_, '.
Omni or Ctommeemso or mu Coenriters
Waehln&A Angost WOW,.
the WIISEXIS, By el'r'lliOdelll9lofallien
tbn FiniaVr i iit t al ag iiialts:or yTEMuillj ,
In.the county of AlitliiinelY.endfitate est Betimyttial
ilia, has tXandoly ' orminized:under and seco= ‘ ,
the reqrdreoxitta of the Act of Corertnear
"An Artie provide a Batton:el Corner, Wand b 7 •
a pledge of United ilteteei Stocks, and to prod& ter :
the circulation and redemption thareed,' . leppreleed ,
releruary hhth, 18t3, and lute complied witlaell thin.
provisions of Bald Aet regidred totbe cowl* yid*,
before commencing the bollixes of Beath* -
*Nov, therefore, Llfirovi lifeCtemome.
of the Currency. qlo -hereby tertffy-thel=l
PIIIST NATIONAL BANE, or- nrrmustarf.
county of Allegheny, and State of knourfiroote.*
authorlsodio commerce the hostage:l of
In testimony whereof witminetune
ss, tend matiOf othce, this 6th day_
j 1605. HUGH Uct.l.OMe - ”
a th l C°: l 7 o gr!. 1
PloBlllThfilti PL, -
(LATE P1TT16317110.11 TEMA' contemsu ! Iv
c..prm.,*sl-pp.000.,41k pitTpcgo.te
t! , 4;1,000.000. .•-`.
. .
The Pittsburgh _ Tntat Cottony' laving airikgs.a:
under the act to pluvide s National Currency, tinder
the title of the YINST-NATION-Air BANK Mr. , .
PITISBUNGH,:wanIA respectfully offer,ite sershnlet
for"the collection of Notio, /hefts. Bills Pchaim
an - receive 'money on' deVollt,sind buy OA. ieg .
chs4e on all pares of the cormtry: - "- •• "
The. success . whirl: his attended , the , Pittner&
nut CaIEW.Y. SW* JCS . , organitotism'ist 1.862. win
we -believe, bo rid:clout,suarsose .thct business , '.
entrusted to the new - organisattel will recetiwtatieh
semi n:wept attention.'
Raving a very extensive correspondence withlianki
and Bankers throughout the country, we Wiese we
c an 9 trer 011,46 - 1 01 0 A* WOMB
with us. '
Tiretnianeaswill be conducted TqflOoltill4,o•llk,iiii
canscrour '•
Al •' - • .
• ••
mada** - -
Alai. linutleY;
James Taimh.lln,"
Hobert ;3. Rap,
Thome* Wightman,
Wm. K. Maack,
3011)l D: scrur,..
- AechaVr, OM, '
. _ • • . CHASIMBND IN 1259. ..y.; ', -..g.•1:4;
Opin dar from 9 to 2 o'clock. vasoms Trobleolli t
and - flatarday mreolosiatom3lay /sato November
Ist, tom 7 to 9 o'clock, and trom November 11.4*
Mai let from ',- 6 Vol o'clock. . - '
-- 4 ' .2
- ; ,
astptolte.recelead of &L. SWIM Da MI thisimbi ,
D O U t i an d a diliden 4 of lbollro9M dodarid •Mribtig i
year, ' June sad, Ikon:oer. - Isteamtbse beep 4 kin.
dated avml4mnnall On Juno Out Vicember,,ftw,
111611=1k iros :itt its rata or itc ;NYtont;
Inetest, If rot drawn cot, is placottelbsomdlt.
of the depteltor as prlnelpi.-attd-bearr Os sum tn •
toren tom limps; den of,73mossej PeaMlSt4mlto -
Pnbarg ft*, a par Irlthqui u'oub/ 0 0 11 5Pokl
tgrto eau or maiovroosast Did pstibixi;',U#l l l
rate mobejNiflT double Itt levi than tialmikell.^. '
• 33boka.:ondalnIng tbs 4241n0r,. Ily.noVltesiv - ,
and itemdatlose, famdebedsmile, bloodridWl9oSeti
__ Ti
_—• e , , I mitlxi gr 3 ".:.,• --- " 1•17 =l'
fan U. *cpulain.: Is hi 'S , '
lobs Names, • , *.TolcoilLeraoll,,,,-..,
.1,.. 1 ,
A l exthdif SPoor. - ' ' ; Zama B: D;10% ,
Benj.-.E. - Nabsesta4,, • , A.M.-Yollia,lll. .
JairuNkMeAseeT. : ..• BM Thargleoo bsts,ga.
Jones lierdmes, WI/Ilsoa J. Atetherldi..', -
John Cl":BoakoWn i •
`Sohn C.l3lndloy,
it.lhortirt,•: l, '
.chaitlee A,.091t05.
, William Mae"
John Ems.
' William 8.
'Peat IL :
1 g4144";."414
47a."::: ,
Micirwer t• •
. Mltidaw
Meta PITIMOIH 1 : 5 ;
:Toto_Ozt, -
llext hytxr ,
Jobe, ILrila j =7,
blisan&R ,
ly;Nicz .