~' - s - f { 4 - - ti7 ,max ,'. >.~^~ t n:r { ~ r`t - i. ...: P ui. yrt~t - . . "'+.-- r--- t...-:... r ..... _ .qtr-..,. - rf:7. _. * i„ 'a" Aa tir ;i 9, .''' . ..44 1 .z.‘ , 77.:47' ,1- Z"-rrwc.-7: -.. - , . , ---,..zrr i,-;-...—..=7. , :g.-,...7:-.; r 7 "..:,-.—:::7r--;-; r:e.r.:,.:;:rr.vz.z.v.r.-,-..::::.; -; ~.- ~„ ~,,--:—... ~..,...,_,. r. 1 " 19 !... 037 M-7; - `x -" cr'l4' '" 1 -ATTa ' 0 -::;.14:Tr:'-t.t. , !:;;M.f4ra - J . --"--:-..-.'-., :,. - T , ....,..".,•i- - ..ii, .::.4-.2 , , Ar::,.' , ,, , .-- r,,.%,,..-.1w,., t 'k ,4,,_, 0 : : _:. .. : ,,, ii .,,,,,, , , ~, ~.,: ~h , ,,., ~, . , ~, . . . . . . :--'•- )7 'TT ` ,..1.: 7777i i r ". -.: --J.;:-.."-. : . .. 1 ' '-r r ? ... ~.. ~. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 FOR SOLE. . - - - • R. hALE.—A convenient two atory (ARPILAN'S' COURT SALE OF LAW bructONlingbiMe4; with back bnildlng, - No. A N_., RENCEVII.LB LOTS.—TUESDAY MORN 'Matta intact, Pittsburgh. • ' ING, October 27th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold on the *largo, Convenient mid well finished three- ptemieus, In the Borough of Lamencoville, by order e tellbrick - dwellinghoune, with brick dwelling, No. of Robert Bell, Admintstnstor of Malcolm Leech, 8114asetroet, betwoon Tint and Second etroma • deed, the following twenty-eight desirable lots in the bl Alert, • twostiory brick dwelling home, with back plan laid out of the tomcatted property. via : aildingrilln. 212 Second street, bear P.m.. Slueen lota, each leering a trout of ...it foot on the irMilieli above ore in good order and aupplied with Pittsburgh and Greensburg Piko,"•ted extending bock eillaiset %Mee. - 100 feet to Fairview alley. fAioi rato.ettley frame cottage dwelling, 'No. 214 Two lots each having a front of In feet 4 inches on ward street, maths, two-story frame dwelling ad- on the Pitudnergh and Greensburg Pike, nod 'aloud. Ikiltilng:- Roth of these homes are in good order, andl ts ing back 101 feat 41‘ leachm. aiStabbvfor small families. Six lo on Li be rt y attest, each having a fron t of '4Uo, a lot of.grcomd on the • Uorthetutwardly side 24 tio amt extending hack 100 Pet to Fairrlow aley, OtTint Moot, botwoeO Rae and Try streets, near Throe ieds on Liberty street., tack having a front of Welistreet,Uvlng a front of 24 feet, on First street, 24 feat and attending back an averagodopth of 71 set asid etatending back - v:0 feet. ' 10% Inches. The oboe* property Is' aionated iq 0 desirable part Ono lot at the ,coneer of Liberty stroot and Fair. v_ of thecity. view alloy, baring a front of 103 foot 7 Indio on Lib. _F.Or toTina, of sole nud particulars inquire of . ' orty street and 118 feet 10% incleos_ front on Fair. • WM. W. TIIOILSON, Tie, alloy. yrl7 - tS'-- - ' Ito. 148 rum street.. TERNS or Sus.—Ono-third cash; and the reside FA"'T• In two equal paymmlts at one and two year.. with il OR SALR—Tho undersigned i.e.:, mcnr.a beiaairweat bond. '' . 6lolWvit radiate sale a very saleable arm tll Plans of the property may be had at the Auctl 014 4 101,1121 5P. 71,11 ve1vi1,f °gutty. Pa., containing Rooms, No. 54 Fifth drool. ablule 437 , aivea. •It Is Waited on the Ohio rivet * ees . • - peals a wens:anis, Anct'' about mite below tho city. Tho • improvement.; . arie"agl%d stone • dwelling house, log barn, and other =ltett; own 2.5 a apple trees in good bearing s; and:othet ftult taws; about 00 acres good tiesiledlina,the - balanoi In good timber. It la the _'formerly owned by THOMAS B. JACK. MA , e ,, The allow Sernt - will be sold in a body, or if sufflctentinduccinceit Is offered It will bo cut op and sold idiot* al:alibi* ihr country residence.. As the sulsicr.ibey inland. to, dhoposo of the property soon, thane who inay wish to pt rchaws should call upon IdellBittioitrt delay. ' - -- FOTA : ftirtiter iptu•ticulaint enquire of .1. W. F. W1117Q .: IOGIL IVLISTIEET, Pittsburg h,ot of.llo l ll iii:Fied,bitlllOTcnuhlp,' 00 . 1& ' 1.. . Vtudrai JACKMAN. VALUAItLE 'PENN' STREET PROP .r.; =11%40U SALIL:—Two 'Lots, 22lbet MO*. froafbi a110y,,w11.14 large double betwoaft fllizatork Lind ITiimd straaja.',A desirablo loam, tom: foY iflbialdall or Dentlat. - Mob; MOM fhWbulldlog elk% for print), rcableiarm soar Hltamarlllr, from % to 1 arm tae". A-UW.li bar camber of bulb-ling lots of varloM stami.:Of from Z.' to 50 fool: front, by 100. to 150 foot deep altuated at the tonaltula of the --Wylie! &roe! Pawn:lgor Hallway. Apply to tho undersigned, Executors of tho estate of John germ, decd IV. A. ttEnno.N._. • - • . JOIN D. HEBRON, G. HERRON. j.f2l:3m poR SALE AT A liAltGAlli.—Ono 6otiond-hand:STE63t G 11411,14 4% foot /stroke, poppet cutoff. 12 foot ,n t h on counter ohaft, 40 foot 31n. Waal pipe, two 34 In. deathly tined (l 4 In.) dram boilers, VI feet tong, kr-ad:drum wrought-Iron nand pipe, breeching and nre nr.. 4 001.in good working order ; ritual at co borne power. Ai., ono mi.u_tteari, Thigine, c in. e3linder;"with fly-wheal, :to to like condition that has boon driven with tho other. For, particulars rifer to 11013130, TAYLOR 3: of Wheeling. oork3wd 038111N44 00. , /lOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. "Tho andendgned °Mrs at prirato Palo Ms eount47 residoncit , t Troy UM, containing about elt agrr_s of ground, a rpl,mlid Brink Dwelling Ilatrnp, nn erreilent Ynuno Burn, with roam, for a hired Mall with family; 1 acres lu grape,, in grad ient bearing order; about aft choice pearl' trona, and ationt.7loo apple trots, taw trues, cherry, plum other /roes, Title indisputable. Conditions may. Ent - Intro of ' se . M:Dirt ' JOKY (1. ?LEINER, on tite-pinee. POic:ltitlNT.-:-Voirr New Two Story Di ouri % with entail:4 garrets, making ale. rocenarnt the corner of Chanoery Lana and Mini street„ near Market street- writ ani , thml room under M. Wieble's barber chop, In the Dia moadJouitublo for giirdener'eatora room, or coffee col lar,wit4 go; water; An: 'Apply to' J. LYNN McABOY, of. Lallo,, McAboy A Co., 140 Federal sheet, Thany.loc 3:llrd pou SALE.—Four Acres of Grotirsi .L and d Four Story Oriel: Building, Engine, liellera and Matlabaary ; adapted fur a - MAIO, factory ; 100 feet by 150 feet; ant he purchased for cmo-balt Ito original coed, by calling on WILLIAM WARD, . keg; ;Fd. ES CrautetramilVitia burr:h. R SALE.—Four. NEW COAL PLATS, In eomplpte.oNcr .and coadjOoo....DimenaionA, 80 feet In length, 14 foot in width and 4% dapth Thaw am No:1 Coll Flata, and 14111 bn oulti at n Lar ge:lL itoqnll , o of HUGH rtfolfaiLVY tho oMoo ofJohn Clack, ealtlktf Dolmen," Way, near coo. of Hand at, TOMICCO, CIG.iIfRS, h c. ESTABLISHED:I76a PETER LORILLARD, SNUFF ANT TOBACCO MitNTFACTUREI? ,16 AND 18 V/7.171r/lETS ST/IkET, (Formerly 42 Chatham street, New York,) Would call the attentlOn of 11.4deng to the artlclrs his manufacture, viz: BEtOWN SNUFF. • Iracaboy, Fine lial.ppet,, Coax. Ameripl, ralemel4.l4ollgTos, Play, YELLOW SNUFF Sooteb, High To Scotch, lath high Toad o Lundyfont, Bonny Dew Scotch, Frosh Honey Scotch rresh Scotch. Attention Ix called to the largo reduction to price, of ltruictile Clouting kat!. Stunkir(g Tobacco., which tW trot %waif-tea inapviai gutdity. —„... • !e‘ . Exottiro.:".4,oo., T , No. 1. No. 4, Nu.r. 1 and 2 mixed, Granulate& '— Prot Orr Cat'FINLI—P. AycL., or .ploln - Covon• dish, or lisroo:; thrert mooted Oronoco; Tin Foil Corolla& ' _ _ Jags, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. Irentor of prions will to scut on appllea aplikly M COLIASTEIt & BABB, Manufacturers and doulorp In all kind+ of .TopAcc79,glivir AND mats IPO 701 HOOD STREET, Prrrszsrmcn, Pa., • Keep. oonntehtly 6trband a largo slaty:ly of Pipes and Smoking Tobacco. 1113-21.1 y LYON ARNSTIIAL IMPORTER AND DEALER In the moot select brand, of GENUINE. BANANA, CIGARS, and all ktode of SMONING.AND , CUESTINO TOBACCO, SNUFF, FANCY IiFEERSCRXUM PIPES, TUBES, Ae., In grontruriety, UNDER TILE ST. CHARLES HO TEL, rlttsbunth, Pa N. B.—The Trade supplied on liberal terms. - '"800T5 . .13 4 D SHOES. RUBBER . SOLED BOOTS A; SHOES. GEO. A tBBEE, SON (S 5 CO., No. TI WOOD STREET, CORNER or Fotarru, nate, just reenlred a full supply of Gent's, Boys' and Youths' Solid Rubber doled (Nailed) Calf, Kip and wAterrscorbv..... BO O TS, with other scarce an &Unit.lo - gOials; comprising Gent's Sewed and l'emsed Grain CAVALRY BOOTS; Men's, Boys' and Youth? two and three soled Calf, :Klp and Water Proof BOOTS and CONGRESS GAITERS. Also, Unties' , Pim Glare - Leather and Morocco Sowed BALMOTLABS and- CONQUER/111001'S, &c. AR of whleh are, custom-made and warranted to do sender. ' ocl4 BooTs AND SHOES.—Persons wish lug anything, in our lino of bunineen will find that thorn:lli taro:money by purchaming their • • BOOTS AND ; SHOES _ F ro& a& . s iVo,tyttaaa hand a .lasge and ell comprising everithing in dm shop° of 8110$4 triakh aro are wiling at yer7 tow- prices. COnatry moriluuits4lll find It to their advaldago t 91411 aen cab: . ' 1 JOS , 11. EQUAND e alr°, %98„ TEEET, 2 , 1 llOor from sth. BOOTS AND SHOES. GREAT REDUCTION tiiAltwelttigltorg Cong. Gafte . rx; $1 7 50 5 T'iortl. $l 2 65 •,..=%.- 1 . • 1 OO " • " " 1 ZS" 1 75 AU Mho good., eeeing vetty JAMES ROBB, AuA, . /33 MAILKXT STREET P9Reil, • kignand•VOMMiltillOlL Mer Chant cNE‘ii OiLtAlji, 61 1*,946 1 ;;1ii4s arvirtioiX.:ll; Jatk &Co Pittiburgb; - • V.: O. gulglit ic C: Knight 4t Itms. Pllll4l4ciptds, ' 103,30ul aiAicitES:4l- BA 3 Ey, PrO~~OCItIIfI~'4IIC~2ISEIOII EC?Qhffit, .4041241,41:aUf4ineraniefittsmir ilroDucE, 4014:40. 0 2 , 74A4W1MY eltrort Artenricai, RA SUPERIOR HOUSItEIIOLD NITURE.--ON THURSDAY MONING, Octo ber 15th, at 10 o'clock, sill 65 Isola, at R tho residence of John C. Fletcher, Esq., on Franklin street, site the Sixth Prrobyterian Church, Sixth Ward, the entire Punishment of superior Household Furniture, romprisiest Hair Seat Chairs, What-Not, Gilt Frame Mirror, Marble Top, Mahogany Dressing Bomar; Brussels Carpet, Parlor Ornaments, Jenny Lind Bed. stout, High and Low Post Bedsteads, Wash Stands, Cane Soot Chalet, Feather Bala, Husk Mamas-vs, Lounge, Chamber Carrots, Looking Masses, Window Blinds, Ingrain Carpet, Dieing Boom Dolt, ono set Sue China, Mantel Clocks, Floor Oil Cloths, Logs, Cooking Stem and utensils, Kitchen rurniture, Ac. 0c.12 DAVIS & McILWAINE, Anct'rs. FINE FURNITURE,' BOOK CASES, cbc.--Oa.77IUBSDAY MOUNING, Oct. 13th, at ln o'clock, will be sold at No. 61 Third street, the entire furnishmant of a Boarder's Boom, comprising ona Ingrain Carpet, Marble ToD,Mahogany Dimm 'Bureau. Marble Top EZICbSea Washstand, Tol l ot Ware, Walnut Wardrobe, Two Walnut Book Costa, with Glass Trouts, Lc. • ocl2 DAVIS & McILWAINE, Anct`rs. COJ7JIIIB9YO.rH, ria ANDIIEW XACILSOWX..... LINUANT. MACKEOWN LNITART FLouR .LYI. AND GRAIN FICTOIIS, PIENDUCL AND 0011:11ISSION MZUCHANTS, fur the aale of Flour, 'Grain, Park, Da n, Lard, Rutter ' Egg., Cheese, Beans , , Gmaso, Featheis, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ashos, Saleratua, Lhareol.and Lard Oils, Dried and Gruen TinndhY, Closer, Flax and Grass Seeds. Cash advatioemeuts made on Consignim.nts. aptly No. 297 Liberty street:Pittsburgh. WE BB,A; IKELKI NSON, Cotioissiw: MtaCytkenr, Wholoode denten In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE,IDRIED FIWITS, BUTTER, EGOS, GRAINS, and protium generally. Also, LEATHER, AIDES, OILS, etc., No, 217 Liberty .tenet, Pittsburgh. Clutl — Cash advancements made. Cotudg llolbeL linunits ,12-om+ — ,1012-tad CANFIELU, Co3I3IISSIOg AND FOIIRMIDISO MEM-MANZ and wholesale dealer In WESTEIIN DESERVE CHEM, BUTTER, LARD; POUR, BACON, YLOUR, yrs% POT AND PEAIVE. 'ASHES, SALERATIII3, LINSEED AND LARD OILS. DRIED FRUIT, and Prodeteo generally, No.. 141 and 143 Front erftret, Pltiaburgb. ...... etliErtLIUD. (PULP SIIEPHA RD, COMMISSION vv 31rnettlerre .d dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN. AND PRODUCE, No. 213 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Rakers and Family. nee noun:nay t on hand. Particular attention paid to onlere for Morrharnlize generally. weirdly CILIA hIiES LEECH, }lour; AND tlm sale NJ Guam Fame Amu tharanteurn Menet/Aire for of GRAIN, SEEDS, MEESE, PRODUCE • An.. and agent lbe tbo otdobrateef Unionhorn (T.- 11E:FT, Non. 116 Second .and 146 Flat &roots, bo henna Wood and Snattlifield. Pittehargh. net SCIIOItAKER 0:OMISSION Idmanuals and srholusalo dealers In ORO: PEREES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, An,, No. stunt, Pittsburgh. 5013.11 y J. R. LlOlirrt -.3011/11.11t13:41, J. S.-LIGGETT & (X) , CITY FLOC fi• . INC MlLLS,'compx-MnualT —mad atrortes, Pltteburv.h.. Ps 1 .4.7 - tlapneity,.4oo' barrels per day. •WO -uiSCIJZL o a~. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY CAM PAMIRS, MILL OWNERS, ac. haro erected and have In operatlon, hear the city, an extelialye Labratory for the anannfactute of LUBII/CATING AND PAINT OIL By a nen - and Ingenious brientific prom., and nos offrr and :amnion:l to public notlm, and patroncig," grade, &, B and 11 respectively, or 14, Wand I! cretality LUBRICATING OIL. Wherever thaw lubricators hare teen friths], they hare been proneneed greatly superior to any of the preparations lately offered In the market. no nit," or bent quality fa dmigned to take the phooo of the heat, Sperm Oil, and for use on cotton, woolen or other machinery. The "It,” or 2d quali ty, fur railway nod tither like machinery; and the "C." or 24 quality, for 'heavy and coarse gearing, hr. Tho PAINT OIL has boon tatted by ntuuerous Painters in this city, and proved to be acopiraf =b unter. for boiled Piairsnal Oil. Indeed many Painters give it a decided preference. These OIL nor now catenalvoly snanufarAttred oar • Tho undermigned having purchnwui tho antic, •stnek from the king cr. tahltshrd lo s.° of J. It. McCUNE, would erinstunce to hls old customers and the public hie removal tolho store 187 Liberty street, (lately occuplea by J. It. IteCtinc,) where a largo mod complete stork of Sad diens' and Shnemakore Loather Findings, Shire, Qll3, Ac., tan bo found, and at lowest rat, G. U. ANDERSON, Liberty street. IN HE:TURD:a FROM ' THE HIDE AND LEATHER BUSINESS, I mat andbily crontodnd my successor no a man or /aria illtfgrik and good bwiinesit unaliticaticant. Fur some months to come' I will coutinua to occupy Mr. ANDER SON'S counting room, and will talc o groatspleastro to introducing him to My traducesacquaintances. July 2lth, 1003, J. It. IFCVNE, Jy2.5:31r And incite their frkuuls and the nubile to examine EUREKA LUBRIC OIL OIL WORKS As the prose is scientific and uniform, customers MI rely en the uniform excellilice pf anew economic equivalents of Sperm and rissisepti 00. A trial and test W confidently Invited. For sato st e o. 30 3IA.IIKET STILEET, comer of Second. ' PEfiIIOCK. BALL & CO HENRY G. HALE & Co., Are now recelring tbeir Fall and Winter Stock their stuck, which la tho thunit and most templet over brougbt to Mk§ market Always on hand, a largo assortment of GENTLEMEN'S "'FURNISHING GOODS CORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITIIIEVIZOCI, PA FURNITURE CANE AND IVOOD CHAIRS mum OTT LT REDVOCD PBICig WHOLEFIALS OIL BETAIL. JAM. W. WOODWELL, 97 and 99 Third adroot, oppoolta E. Edmundaon .t Co., and 111.ronifh Wool. ' mhlO 1 4 4DIE:S: - .F.iNCY FURS; , • CHILDREN'S FANCY GENTS' FUR CAPS, COLLARS AND GLOVES, HATS AND CAPS, Every varlay and sfyto of ago above good., on Land and far tolo at MECORt & CO.'S.. ndls 151 WOOD siarxr. PATENTED OCITOBER 8, 1861 DITARIDGE!S PATENT OVAL 11,A-Bil , pnie , yl‘, , MAILTACTIIVED OP X X PLANT GILA9II. ghliztat*Witittiista - au tope. beat 1401 tagtp grAboxlmirSallli t i . .lo4o : 4W " " " - Vl h 4f;( apl7 Mob b, rano& Mall PITTSBURG% THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1863 C.4"WETS, OIL CLOTHS,:fc. TOE LARGEST STOCK OF Velvet, Brusselsand Ingrain Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, dc., ever offered in this city, is now opening at prices much below the late factory OLIVER FOLBTOCK & CO., = WIFTEI STILEET. oclo • NEW FALL STOCK 'JUST oTiNED NEW . CARPET STORE MorABLAND, 00.LLINS ik CO., 71 and 73 Fifth Street, the . Puot Ojics mkl Divatch Dealing. Haring jest ruclutsod for oath, during the recent favorable condition of the market., a moat extensive aad complete assortuteut of theimwast and cholonst */ f at o CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, We aro now OfreFrAg gouda AT PRICES OF A YEAR AGO ! By our reduction In prioe wo ham almost cloned out our former kurclunuat, and now odor to buyers at wholowde and rotall AN ENTIRELY NEW AND FISPRII BToCH, by tiny ever ofterint in thin city xe9 BARGAINS IN C A 3EL I= o MOT Si, JUKT OPENED AT MCCALLITErS, No. 87 1-01711#1.STEEET .• A. large ewwrtuent. vhkh .ill bo sold at e very greet refluctim (tom lain priers. W..D. & E MeCAILIIIL ISSOLuntorrs . - D ISti()LUTION OF PARTNERSHIP'. 'rho partnenthip hereto existing between tho ettleteribont, Kotler as Itrso •of : PHILLIPS, FILEW A Co., hes this day boost dieLsAred, CHAS. LOCKIDIRT nod WILLIAM FREW haviug Ntr rhoseti tho oadite•lntoresits of tho caber partners. The bosinose of tho Into tires n4ll bosettlod by LOCK. LIART .t FREW. WILLIAM PHILLIPS WILLIAM FREW, CHARLES LOCKHART JOHN YANANSDKLL ARIPM Y. KIPP, PlO...burgh, A ortot loth. 1863. naiitsa LOCKHART .se; FREW, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, DE At ALBION OIL WELLS, Venango county, and BRILLIANT OIL IS ONES, • 011 Ice, 174 WOOD STREET zm PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex isting between the undersigned, under the style and firm of HILL, bIeCLURE & CO., has this day born mutually dismlmed, THOS. HILL and AMOS LEWIS haring pnenhased tim !neuron of ItOWKN MuCLURE, the Madams of tba let& Arm will he mot tled op by HILL A LEWLS. THOMAS Ma., ROWAN MrCLITIti `AMOS LEWIS. Plttriburt;b, Oct. 7th, 1&33. HILL. A; LLIVLS, successors to HILL, BierLURE S CO., will continue to manufacture at their tild stand, euruer of Graut and Soronth sta., of th.od Dry dials:Oaks in On toast manner all articles f Carponters 'Mirk, for flnisltiost buildings, snub as Doors, Sad, Frames, Shutters, Mouldings, Dcsole, ste. Duildens, and than - contemplating building, aro Int I ted to call and examine our work. oc.Mard MILL dt LEWIS. 'SOL UTI O N.--Notice is hereby given that tho partnership lately oxistjag to. McGUEITS t STOSPI, CW Merchants, of Pittsburgh, under the firm of iIIoCALEWS &STONE, .11,4 dissolved by mutual consent on this'll:lth day of IStZL V(.11,14.01 BSONE haring, purchased the entire lutenist of the boldness vfll hereafter bq cooduotal by WILLIAM :STONE. Ample ormugenteuts tram .boon made to load COW. bargee. &t op Hat 00.1, ax., et reason obi° pricor...rniso. &MAW& Building , comet of Mortal iurd ii atcr ,hoot/, Room No. 2, thlrisstory. theambost Acia'a °glossa surplice. oc2-1m SIUPPIXG: THE ATLANTIC I.RISHT r z. RONAL_ NAIL BMW NATIOA- 0 70 TION 003IPANY. GALWAY LINE. ADRIATIC, 1,400 Hoveopower, 4,000 Rms. lIIREBN lA, 1,00011oreo:powor, 3,000 inno. COLUMBIA, 1,000 Ilorso-power, 3,000 tang. ANGL lA. LIMO Horan-power, 2,000 tone. no magnificent Steamehip ANGLIA will nail from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, the Gib of Odobor. Ratty of pomp from Liverpool to New York, pay able in gold or its equivalent in currency. Flirt Cabin-....-..--s4ol,Sitnor4gou-n-------E0 Intermediate.— .. 401 • , Pasmengcre fonvanlod also to Lornton, Pane, Ham burg, Timm, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, do., at the lotinst ratni. • . Yams from LiierpCol or Galiray to Now York and Boom , ' 825, 5 35 , BLS. 8&k8104. Yor piano apply at thermice of the Alpente. • • SABEL & MARLA ,23 Broadway., ELEMEII Dints, Manager. or, D. O'NETLL, /krerag Chrostele Jrlo:Tywn No. ID Fifth . street, Pittslmrgh. QwEAIII WEEKLY TO LIVA ERPOOL, couching et QUEENSTOWN, ((Cosa Mown.) Tim Drell-knovn :steamer. of the Liverpool, New York mid Fhlktdolpltio Stemosktp Company one Wended ea ro ll out; : cm/ or MANCIINOTED—...—.IIatunIoy, Oct: 10. CITY OF LONDON.... ....,..-tkaurday, Oct. 17. CITY OF DALTIIIOIII - -___Saturday, Oct, 24. Alm tsvet7 micaecdlog Baluolay, at mow, from Pier 44, North Blom • , :antes or ra30103. ' Parable in OutL or its equiralcat is Ourrracy. OU ...6.12 50 do to London.... 35 00 do to London 35 80 do. 40• Prate......... 05 00 do to rarla,... 40 50 do toltamburg . 03 do to Ilanibg 37 150 • Passenger! Sim iinwardod to Ilarre Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwe*, &0., at equally low ratea Fares tram 4Arelluml_pr Qaconetunm ; 13t Cabin, $75, 3 34 ; 91 00 .' Steeragereso, noeit wbo *lab to send Du Slavic Woods ran buy ticket. Lora at Chao rates. For further information apply at ths COuldury'm 0ff1,2,11. .10fili - 6. DALE, Agpti. Join? 111 1 0=k 14 4 1. 1, °". hand eyrept, first Loma from tote to t tl:lge. Pllttiburgh. • LlNE—Steam Mimeo. AND sioEsxsxow 50 in gold..ar un eqUilikall marnWei not =iv TORS, iii BeIY entl ".4 eki AyDl7 b; THOMAS HATTIOAN A.4.;4 aza:itssly pittsburgit 05Hattl. --- THURSDAY MORNTHOF.- - OCT. IS, 1803. TOR returns which hare reached us up to the hour of going to press, warrant us in claiming that the people of Penney lvania and Ohio hare repudiated Copperheadism and its representatives, WOODWARD and Vatt.santa 01e, by a vote that dooms it and them to ir retrievable ruin. That so foul, so grovel ing a monster abould hare lifted its head so high in this country, and in this age, may well emelt° our wonder; but to-day, after witness. ing the battle which has Post bee " l i g ht, wo may.well rejoice that oar' glorious Old Key done State, and her sisterStato of Ohio have struck the death-dealing blow, consigning the wounded snake to its appointed place among the infamies of the past, where Its memory shall rot forevermore. ' Are coming In plecemeaL It is Impossible to givo results, as yet; bus no Imre sufficient information to warrant Sorb estimates. Our estimate of the Union majority in the Stare-- making due allowance for possiblo Democratic gains In some of the dark rind benighted coun ties from which we shall not hear, probably, for a day or two, is 25,000. If wo read the votes of our true and loyal suldiers,zow in tho Add, this would her increased to about 100,000—enough to satisfy oven the most skep tical that the Hoystorwrof the Federal Arch Is not at .all likely to enuso the destruction of that glorious old paternal legacy. Onto his gone for the, Onion, without tho vote of the soldiers, by 60,000 majority. loia has gone for the Union. IX DIALS has gone for the Union by a largely increased majority. We congratulate our loyal people on the as pect of the news, and refer them to our tele graphic columns fur details. Destitution In Virginia. Capt. Puul, correspondent of the New York nmes, writes from the Amy of the Potomac: The county of Culpepper is to-day barren of every thing to support. man or beast. The only crops raised—corn and grass, with a few yogetabfes—have been consumed by the in 'habitants, assisted by the invading force, and there is a stream of eitizon-applicants every day at the Provost-Marshal General's office asking for assistance. What the poor dupes of rebeldom will 4o the coming winter to sus tain life, is more than can be ascertained now, unless their old Uncle Samuel comes to their relief. There are a few cows and pigs left yet, but when winter closes in, as there is no means of preparing them for the shambles, they will hardly be worth butchering. For the first time the strung-headed secessionists of this eounty are humbled, for starvation stares them in the face, and many of these people begin to realise in practice that the way of the trans gressor is hard. 1 know people who up to quite recently have been the most ardent..- cessionists, who now assert that they never wanted the Union destroyed, but ntere forced to move along with the popular current. Those who do not admit this touch., do admit—many Or them .at least—that the scheme of estate • • • lisping a Southara,Confedoraey has moat nig nally Scene In a Street Car Tho following incident is vouched fur by a correspondent of the CAristion /kyncev : A daughter of Massachusetts, living In Nra York, was riding in a crowded street car. An intelligent young soldier, suffering from lame ness, was standing. This lady kindly offered him her seat, which he politely declined; whereupon a city dame, occupying the neat place, gathered up her robes and scornfully said she thought things had own° to a pretty pass when a New York lady offered her scat to amen, especially a soldier. "Shame on you, madam," rejoined our hu mane friend, "have you no dear ones In the army 7" ff==fll "lia,!' was tho reply, "my husband xlmuld not go." "Indeed," Was the patriotic =MC!, had rather be a soldier'e widow than a cow ard'a wife!" An ontbnrst - of applause greeted the speak 151". There was a happy finale to the incident The lame soldier soon obtained the very flea seat to the unfeeling woman who had so in stilted him. Tun colony of freedmen on Island No. Ten, in the Mississippi, is in a highly prosperous condition. There are in all nine hundred per sons, two hundred and twenty of whom are children at school. The colony owns a sew ing machine, and there are a number of wo men capable of making their own garments. At Corinth there is a similar colony, number ing 2,188 men, 1,092 women and 578 children. Over 600 of the men aru in the employ of the Government, 848 are employed by individuals, and some 300 are workers in the camp. There are two schools with 480 pupils, 350 of whom have learned to read. Eleven hundred men have enlisted from this colony in the United States army. A Ss:smite Snacnnmos.—A loyal Virginian suggests a plan for clearing the northern coun ties of Virginia of bushwhackers, and making all-tho•poople openly loyal, and with but Mao enpenso to the Government, which has Its merits. Ito proposes that the land of traitors be given to duscharged:soldiers—say fifty acres each, and give them material aid, if necessary, to settle, upon these lands. In this, way and no other, (at present,) be contends, can Upper Virginia ho made actively loyal and capable of self-defence without the aid of United States troops.— Cor..N. Y. Tuxes. Efaritribusw could , organize a formidable army, it is`asid, with the place-hunters eager for appointments in the now empire. Thou sands of applications have been made from all parts of the world ; and it would require the combined fleets of France arid England to convey to Mexico all the parties who offer their services. Pia,ros. SECOngrIIAND PIANOS. A 0 cctstre, rosewood "Mao, imam' cor• t # nets, Iron fraiwa A vary good looking Indrawn t • mado by Chhharlng. . • .$l6O t A 0 octaro, mahogany amo r fluted corners, made by Vidokorldg. A good Plano, that wW vent 140 00 A.O octave; laillog;iry . cam, Kura comma, made by 130 oo A 6 octane, mahogany' ease, aquaru .comora, =de by Loud &00 on A 0 octavo, mahO•Any cam, oquaro cantors, Made hyChf ..... ".--...... . .. 70 00 Al 064,6 walnut' corners, cam, Mond corne, GM.. A 0 octavo, walnut awe, 117 - rad FOR SALE BY CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD ST. NEW PIANOS from Sr-S Fq 11300. oelo MUSIC! MUSIC!! CLASSICAL MUSIC? I 1 yt The undersigned are the lola agents for the cheap yot moat correct edition of Classical Man le published by Male, iu, Wolkmbotte, comprising the complete works of Boetharen, Mozart, Haydn, Weber, finch; B o di n !. commie, Nubian, limiter, and also Post pone'. and Overtures. Two and IN cents per pogo. Cali the catalogue.. J. M. HOFFMAN , 61 FIFTII STREET, . Bois Agents for Dec fen - Er N ABE'S PIA-NM I, .h a t moire* the most comp siorthiont of tho undialloa. KNAIIE mums eter wen Val Ther:r l. ouch doubt Ihif IdEr P ?MPS, lA . cal Is orwatilly #ielp4 elnellgOssing, atiowberc. ..catii4lo= want,. 43 FIFTH LITEZET, Solo Agent The neterne Tho largest, moot complete mid only authentic, ILISTOitIf OF MIX CIItHATIINDELLILON ever de picted on erunasforming a perfect transcript of every event of Importance from the first dread signal at Bernier down to the capture of Vicksburg, This is the same COLOSSAL YlOlll/thl OF RUE WA.l2.that woe tahlbited In Pittsburgh in January last, and gime such universal satisfaction to crowded and delighted audiences for three consecutive weeks; and the satneftwors which marked its advent Ia this city also scooted Its appearance in Clovehuad, Cincin nati, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Daltinaore, Wash ington and Philadelphia, the most capacious heat fa those cities being Mann/clout to accommodate, the immense throngs which flocked to witness It. Inning the months of Jnly and August, this Pic ture was placid in the hands of the Wanted artiste under whose auspices It was originally produced. and for nine swiss their uuluvl ettergiell Wore Widowed in retouching the picture and executing now tomes of nhaorf,T g Interest. Each some Lou Wen entirely repainted, and stands forth in ail the freshness and lustre of its prvetine beauty. The immense soccer and unparalleled reputation acquired by this match less painting, bronchi into thatield a host of misera ble imitations, which have vainly endeavored to wmpete fur the ',obits favor. The efforta haveiroved utterly futile, and no press and public, with one ac cord, Imre prdnerunessi GOoDWIN a CO.ll POLY°. KAMA OF THE '‘yiat. unrivalled and anapprotieha- Tho exhibition is now under the exchisive direction and control of Mr. nurvs SOMER.BY, who will Issitlvely appear at each exhibition and de liver on elaborate lindoricol Lecture, the rendition of widet, in the principal cities of the United Stat., has extorted the imposiltled approbation of the en• hire piddle. Mr. Geo. D. Premier, of the Louisville Journal, In connnouting upon tine Li!slum, awantod to 31r. Somerby the proud title of the MOST GIFT ED /11,0CFTIONIST DF Tit N. DAY. Still farther to 111(Tnlike tine attract irons. of Oils elegant and roe clttertniumeut, Mr,. MUFFS SOMlllillY, the eminent Contralto Vocalist, will introduce, at each eating t pan, a nvi:•ty of popular and appropriate songs, ladlads, Se., malty althorn written toprowily to Illus trate the rariuto deeply efeiting senora. Ties charms of melody are Onto aodd.d to the printers' art, and the lovers of ARTISTIC EXCELLENCY., CLASSIC ORATOEY tOl,l ItICV I NEI, St USIC will he rer,,,eatod with an etm•rt , dumetlt which ataias cottfee.dis WITHOUT A ICI VAL IA Tllle WOIII.D. CC - Tickets, :55 CENTS; Children 'wider ten, 15 CENTS. Donn. open at 7. ratanteateo at 7' • / i Grand Matinees 11 EON LIDA Y tool SAIUItDA AFTERNOONS, al 3 o'clock, when children will Inc admitted for to OR: 4 1.: FA I R COLLINS PARK, COLLINS PARK ASSOCIATION AMMATING TO $l,OOO IMPROIEMENT OF BREED HORSE Wednesday; October 11th, 1963, Premium for tho hoot Drought 5t011i0n.......... Premium 1 the hest stall 100 r. all purl Premium for the boot Yeftrllng ..... Premium for 'ha beet Tao Year Ohl C01t...... ... Promtura tor the Nod Foully Iforee, More or 10 The above Pn•mioou ,rill be otrorded en T 111; 119- DAY. Oetoher 15th. at 10 a. m. Fran D/r, 13-r s i P. N.-1 , 114Nr Parana., 61:,0 roa Tcorrixo llou,P y FIVE . TRANS OLD, OWNED IN A LECTUNT Couxtr. To First Horne To &wood Hors...— lima. 3 in 5, to hansom, to rule. riturr DOT--Sacota Prmarom, $lOO. Flat bust Double:Team- 0 &of, nul licst Doubt,' Team.. T htheatr, t to, 6 Eiewsu .D.P.r, 1% r. at.—l'sm.vium sll.o' , you PLceus. Find boat racing lionie..._—_ _.sloo &rood best Pacing llonio r , 0 Milo beats, 3 to 8, to harm., to rola: &moo Our—Sienna Paclouilk RCO. First brot Trotting Stallion.— $75 Second bent Trottlo,g 5ta11i0n......„ 23 $llll, heats, 3 In 5, to harm., to rola. THIRD DAT, I%P. ht.-0612050 TUOTTING—Panama, $4OO--Bvcsrstoilas roD .ou.. Tirol beet horse. .. .. ..._....w ..... ......... decond boat Milo heats, t in C., to hulloes, to rob, Titre° or more entries, and not km titan three, t start. Entrance In per rent. LEutries tan ulado to Ow Troasunx, on tho ground at 0 p. m. t La day protium to tho ram R. H PATTERSON, Treae'r. JOHN {WATSON, !key. *, ocT:td Y EN IONy ISUIJ`TY, ` BACK PAY. GENERAL CLAIM . AGENT, 03 Ting STREET, 311 door below the Cathedral ALL orotanlool tiohlion, who have boon in tho mill. tory or HMV.' 1.21,1013, aro ontlthol to sltlo Bounty and Penalon. All Soldiora who Iwo sorsod two yowl; an also not RIM to tho $lOO Bounty. Rohllora tllseharitatt by mnmm of dlseiuso, aro antltlerl to ten. aloes .11 . Wows of solillora übo dlo or aru tho sot - rico aro outitletl to pension. and tho $lOO Bounty, se., do.. AO Oil 40 litl 0111 mm claims of evyry tlwriptlott, promptly at• to. No clutrgo tualo to any awe tmtll thy Mor l ey lo colloctod• .1 ut pENsioNs, BOUNTY, BACK PAY H. C. MACKpELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENT, NO. 114 FIFTII BTIIM7, Pzrrenvizon Oollnetkinn lo Alkalinity and adjoining counties. BOUNTIESDI gr., Aims, of (icor, &scrip- Ova kr all illichargol Soldlors. PEN MONS, for wounded officers acid &Idlers ; BOUN TIES andrPENSIONB foF Talon, Parente, Orphan Children, Brothel" and Sbrers, (mother legal regrew. eentatlres of Woos who hare died in. the yen**, or have dled after dhehargo Brim dhsesee centracted In aerrlre. - _»'.N4 clonal/all malected; and no loiter et/II be un.4 a ititinPla Inclosed. . 11,121yre. MILIT,AKY 20LAUSLI BOUNTIES PLKSIONS; BACK PAY aid ItILITA.IIIII CLAMS 01 every description, collected by the sob seri bor, at the Antoning rates, : Petit iot 17f10 OD; all other 4'1=33 60. r , 0. C. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law,' k , 73 Grant street. Plttsbnita. n.-Ka charges ere made Wer claim net e • asimmtuahad lama:4'2lkt Mean lra*, 7 'MM.: OIL-125 b1)18: to 'airiie and N.e fur wale by REMIT U. COLLINS. AMUSEMEATS. , PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lowe nad Manager.-- Treastuvr ItzmDuataar .....—II. Orru:Korot( DIY Tenth night of tho VONDEIi OF WON• DEES, Ow Great Psyco Optical and Spiritual Enigma of the If inetootall Ccutury. THE GHOST! THE GHOST I THIS (Thursday) EVENING, will bo performed, l 7 minced, the now throo act drama, of wonderful interest, written rept . .. lndy for tho introduction of th Phantom entitled, TUE DREAM SPECTRE. SUNG --Mae a • BECEET. To ooncludo with WHO'S GOVEIDHOI2 ONTIIE ORIGINAL PICTURE Fr Itilbh.'n Saloon, Nen . York, M MASONIC HALL FUG A 611oRT SEASON Commencing WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 1863, Gooirtrui & CO.'S GIGANTIC Polyorama of the War RUKCS SOM RUBY, !damage., C. AMORY KUUCE„%gvta. 0c10.6t PITTSBURGH, 'A. Will give rig_• f..ll.uvidg liberal Premium., MED rAIIL WILL lIIIIMENCE ON AND CONTINUE THREE DAYS. CL4L?I .IGEXTS. T. AVALTIVIII 13A1C. OILS, Ire. Ric , - CO. CO)LVISSION d FOILWAIIRMG 3LERCU&NTS., Crude and Relined Petroleum, Na 19 IRWIN STREET, PITTNBUROIk. ea" Liberal Cash advances on cornlgninonh f Pittsburgh or Eastern Pilarkets. ratialTßOU VXMIIIMCES : Maters..l. A. Dilworth it Co-. Springer liarbangh. req.. TbomPaoa Each. Pula. Commercial Bach. mlautim TACK A; BRO., 11.1101LEUS IS Crude and Relined Petroleum, BENZJNE, kc, 132 WALNUT ST.. I'inLADELMIA Business entrusted to ow Caro Ida NCeIVO one prompt remould attention. • Eder to. Mona Itichardeon, Mirky &Co., Browne, Burke & Co., and. McClelland & Dart „ Pittstmroh; Thm. Smith,Esq., Went. Bank N. A. ; 11. L. cater & Philadotpkle. an&ly IRON CITY OIL WORM LYltArit 011011P1Mi6li Mannlactetrers and Refiners of CARBON OIL, BIN RINE AND LUBRICATING OILS, tuld deanis CRIJD.IC Voris, opposite Thorp bang. Office, No. 59 RAND STREET. apll:l3m PITTRIMILGIT Po. Da L. MILLER, Jr.., Aaamr, A., • 123 WALNUT s'r., PIIILADELPILLL ORUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM On Commission exclusively. All cbargos at most reasonable rata. • STORAGE FOR REFINED in cool cellars. For CRUDE, muler good slauls. Particular attention paid to OIL FUR EXPORT. Fun Sawa—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, Ao. . CABOT k. PEMBERTON, General Merohandize Brokers, 135 BOLTTII FRONT Err., PHILADELPHIA CRUDE it RIMMED PETROLEUM, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, Dill AISTONE, DILIICS, OILS, Sc..r Ae. Orders to boy or .11 promptly ottotolml to. nully ALLEN Al NEEDLES, PHILADELPUIA COMMISSION MERCHA NTS. Particular attontioo paid to couslgumouta of (I . i ‘ t i, d: HENRYHnd Relined Petroleum alr Liberal adraocut mad, ENR ROE, Et NORTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA CUITI Mission Merchant, CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OIL AWD BWWZOLE, Add dealer In Crude add BaSued PETROLEUAI BARRELS. BREWE R,y BETRKE S: CO, COMIdiSSION MERCHANTS, ALente of the GLOBE, PACIFIC AND LIBERTY OIL WORNS. Liberal calla advanrra made or, eo.ignmetas of Refined or Crude Petroleum. COIL DUQUESSE w4Y & lIANCOCE JIMA K. tI'•LLACL........ WILLIAM CLIITIPAA WA LIAACE /k CURTISS, • Commission Merchants. And denleii In CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS, No. 134 ROUTE' WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA 4141 Storage rapacity (motor cover,) for 1:4000 bias. Also excellent &ditties for ehlpplng to American and Foreign port at our wharf on the tichuylklll River, near the platform of the P. 11. R. Jed&ly WA LES, WETMORE dc CO., COMMIS,SION MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 112 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. Ample tacllltiee for STORAGE AND SHIPPING their yard and wharf, aro boa. myl4:tt OIL MEN need not be embarrassed by the enforcement of the Bulk Ordinance, when they ran have their OIL barrelled and shipped with out touching the City Wharves, as cheap, more prompt, with less risk, lees trouble and in butter order, at KIRK'S OIL YARD, On the Allegheny Valley Railroad, above Lawrence ville, where Oil la pumped Dom the boats thee{ to tbn cars, and shipped to any point, Bast West, without any datying or le-shipping. Alt onion, promptly attended to. ilkir - Orace at Yard, on Citizens Passenger R. IL Pon Mee addrass, BOX 902, Pittsburgh; or I can be soon daily nt the Oa I.7,cnsitoz. _not= DAVID SIRE.. WW6M)TilLiYoth urP. G EO. W. lIOLDSHIP & CO., Blanufadurcre of BURNING OIL AND LUBIII6A TING OIL. Keep constantly art head the Tory beat quality of DONNING OIL, cleagand without color; al., It good LIIDIIMATOR, pure WiIrTE•BEN. ZOLE wd CAB GUN4IiE. L te - Ail orb= loft at No. 35 PISTII STREET flank Block, eeeeral floor, will be promptly attended to. ocSaf D IAMOND OIL WORKS. • NAYLOR & SMITH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon OR, Umnumumed by any La the market. ON - Orders left at their office. No. 41 MARKET STURM ur bt their works in Lawrencerith4 will be promptly attended to. Boyereof CRUDE OIL. whit I j ITCENT OIL WORKS. , DI:MOAN, DIINLA.P & CO., Matnathotaren of Pare White Refined Carbon Oils, Office, No. 291 LIBERTY' STREET, my4l:6hutz ,PITTSBURG//, PA. ROBERT ASHWORTH, Na I ST. CLAIR BT., PITTSBURGH. Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND DEALER IN OIL& 097- ILLUMINATING, LUBRICATING, CRUDE PETROLEUM OILS, 0,1., constantly on. hand and for gale at the lowed market prim. Conehtfunents and order. wilder& .ap76m R. P. 411 LAND, C,Onimian Merchant, - , hijidar CRIME int= On% pLet. apm-lvtr.,-firri! wave, Plltib ntoti:iciAiitheAprmY :ly uql6. ~ P: = VOLUME LXXVI.--No. - 286. ~j cCQIt3IICS t CALLENDER, 211 and 213 South Water Street, iSZI'• Consignmnnta polleitc.l. XF3LII Lyday & Chorpenning, Tom City Oil irorkn.; Jamb Painter, of J. PaluterA Jno. IL Chalfant, of B,pang„ Chalfant t Cu. RMKR - A: CLARK, Petroleum and its Products, Oh SI BROAD STREET .Env. Yost. SS WATER it In TRONT STBZ-...:...PoTsbructr ~ • - AV , Agents for tits I'ORTLANDE.EItOSEN : S 0/1. WORKS, NEW 11011 K PARAITIKS 0.140 LE golli'iliY, Le. W. A. CILMIAN, Scilly, , os Water& RR Front/1W a4co2 I,l74l>e~a't asv 4asiir lIDETROUTE OM VirWINS. . • Maiodatturerstf PRIME NVIUII4 CARBON orr.,r BENZOLEiARB PETROLEUM LUBRICATING Cap-J..31a 'two ittcnitiiingilmiislipei week.' REESE ekGRANWE I NOPIRETORk " ' OMeo, MONONGAHELA' ItOiNke, rars3 JAMES Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. Orden left at John Porter Sold Co.'s Office, cop. nor of MARKET ANDFIRST STREETS, trill re oeive prompt attention. oe3j7 INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY PI EE.—YEANELI N PIIIE 'EMMA SCE Mit - P ANY OP PHILADELPHIA. 003, 4I and Chestnut slant, near Plfth. Statement of Assets, January Ist, lOW, publiated Agreeably to an net of Assembly, being— Tint Mortgagefounply secured 91,886,1173 likn 11,tal Estate (meal val. 9108,314 Gl) cost 102,.935 ISt Temporary Loans on ample CollateraT Stock,. (present vale 906,667 7 2 ) oast. Noted and Bills Receivable 6=08.051 art, The only profit") from pre:minim which tbia Company Mn divide by law are from riskt,•wltioh• bare been determined. insurance made on every dest:riptioa of property. In town and country,at rates as low as are consistent with security. MUCCI their incorporation, a parted of thirty years, they hare paid lassos by ilia to as amount - exceeding Your Mahon* of Dollars, thereby affording ovldeneo of the stdranytgea of Instunnee. ne iron as their &bill. ty and disposition to moot with prosoptuess all 1/fifties. WHAMS 01 1,11.8 Losses paid during the year 18&A.. DIIIECTIMI ; Charles N. &tacker, Isaac Lee, Mordecai D. Lewis, Jacob R. Smith, Tobias Wagner, . Edward C. Dales David R. Brown, Goo. W. Richards Samuel Grant, - Georgia Falea,• CHARLES Ft. RANCHER, Prod.! rut. EDWARD G. BALE, Via, Prodidetik' - W n. A. Salmi., Secrittra .1. GARDNER i 'OF FIN, :lam:. rapt Office Northeast cur. Wo,d A Thirdaia. INSUIt A NCR nsttranee Co. of North America. PHILADELPHIA Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., .. PULADELPHIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company EIZEMZEZ etarlcummner In the abovo old and rellabld corn paid, can bo obtained on application to Baptley'elidinm 87 Water eitmel IWSTERN INSURANCE COMPA NY OF PITTSBURGH, f B. MILLER, Jr., Prceideee. G. M. GORDON, Feensater. ORco, No. 92 Water areal, Apang & Co.'s Warn house, op attars, Pittsburgh. Will 146171 against di Main of /We and Marine Risks, A Horst /agitation rsonagod hit Directors rho are seen known in Ow cononnaty, and scho are deter_ mined. by PrOMNISO. 12.1 Mara lily, to maintain the character which they hare nassanol, as offering Ca Lea protection to thane who dean to be inanad: ASSETS, OCTOEEII - 30 — , Stock ONIDOO 00 2,30 u uu 0111 w ..... y7O CO Opon Accoants, 7.l+n 090 Premium 21,092 If Notes and MIL 374,075.12 R. Miller, Jr., Jarmo,Auluy, Nathaniel Ilolmes, Max. a WlM D lfttlt h, C. W. Rlaketaon, ray3o F. (IMZEN'S INSURANCE CO3IPANY V OF PITTSBURGH. Mee, corner Harket and Water street., second Roar. IYM: DAGALE.E, Menteat• SAMUEL REA, Eet.detlf. leant. Steamboats and Cargom Instate eggattutt la ntana daraago fa tLo nerlgathiY4 of the Sontbein. atutVestern Rivers, Laker smt Bayou., and the tuevigatton of the Seas. • Insure. against hen and damago by Attu . . Wm. Bapsley, J. Park, Jr., w. a. Johnston, B. F. Jonas, Reese Owens, Bon. T. M. llorre Barclay Praatoo, George, Bingham. PEOPLE) INSURANCE COMPANY, Office,B. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sts. FIRE AND MARINE' INSURANCE. Wm. PAPIps, John Watt, Wm. K. Ilayk, John I.L - Parke Charleifi.l3lo4ll, Win. Van Kirk, P .1011 N WM. V. GABDNXII, ALIAEGIIENY INSURANCE:',Ctig: PAla PlltallpllGll.-- Oinal No" 31 Fifth street, Mak Insured against dl kinds or Vire and Matitie ISAAC JONES, ltresittrat,-- JOHN D. M'COND, Vice .Praddatit. D. M. BOON, Secretary. Capt. WM. DNAN, Omura dome: DTIUTIVIRS Jolla D NeConl, •Capt,Adaza Jacob*, B. 11.,/ttallag,,. Capt. Waartlatti B. " Itobt.lll,Datitte" latEc Jones C. C. liasee. y, HanSi Chid, Capt. R. C. Gmy, John Irwin, Jr., D. L. rohneektric, Atltst ,CORMICK . FolrstieWPitt eborgb.-Pa. ' • ISECrlVarebouso, 301 LIBERTY STICEET, Manufacturer]. of COOK. PARLOR AND lIEAT• ISO 13TOVIN. P.ABLONAIIDAITCIINN GRATES, HOLLOW IVAIM, etz:,,Stcel sad Gltuo Moulda, 801 - Castings, 3llllGrael4r. NAIr - WrA'r tial - Ar• alma PtoN.ssa .fraix. aLIP. Dog p Jima: Wagoo Nor". dnCz andll,44es l'alloY. Car W 1 . 4., o.migin and Castings , g.D6rany. • Ab,o, lobtdiag sad *sew,. Oastfora L aude to , ordar. Patont4d.. Partatda.4l% with Steam or name Power. BOlCGualr 14. .31'STEEN,:J3kAss".Fou4gm, • J. GAS CM Strait Firma. - Pirttealirsiieation reto ll!tllbaAvariivtllt az= IFs inVAa mid& to order, :!,Abfrl. B//b B a CASTVIGEIZ - #A • um* itaile et tbscollexteet: nonce All °edam lelr at lif;e: 41 end .14 WATER anttsr. near Llbeny, *lll be wouiptly ABMs numbs* of. Udell= being prileadu beg , ' ebonies, annuli years' experience hi their Inidni. win ttomio to stye astlersetlon in .. , nwr? !!!pat• • T~. OILS, ltie. OIL BROKERS„ CHIC.da t). C0 . 313118510N 31EECII ANTS And Vectors in DANDLES, &C., &C. Manurrietarer or IXSUR.IJrCE. Eln4,ar, r 7 W. P. JONES, Aga,: 8V3,2,71 Za Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, Doled DL Long. Beer Mamba. Deql. r. Balrowpll John B. Wenn.. G'OnDON, Serreterry. DILWI . 6IIII. '8: EL 'Kier, John Minton, James M. Cooper,. d. Harbaugh, • J. Caldwell, Jc„ John S. Dilworth, Charles H. Zng. • de2o,lyd Dinsßake ; 'Jame D. Verner. Copt-...ToLu L. Moell2, Samuel P. /Maher, George P. Jortee, , Daniel Wallace; O. Itrtnaork Love.' 'IIILLIPS. Pnvident: WATT, Vice /iv .LMVON!!