•-, r-- • •• „ t tip - IFEDNEBPAY, litintkilliG=OCT. 14,1863 310itls:koi...tve?e. flrilg. :IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON. Itti in Relation to Affairs on e Rappahannook Oorreoted, lINEUVEEINGS OF THE OPPOSING atm =CMG ON BATMAN, BENDA! AND MONDAY. MEADE'S ARMY IN N EXCELLENT CO NDIT 10, TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION OPEN. :Most& to General Moorhen!. Wasinxinos, Oct. 18. Gen ; Morrheati has jusl received the fel ', :lowing highly important dispatch-from Wash ington. It is from high official authority, and contains the latest and moat reliable Writes -from GOEL. lieado's army The enemy, some days ago, made a move ment apparently to turn Gen. Meade's right. Thlaled•to a maneuvering of the two armin, And to pretty heavy skirmishing on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. • We have frequent die patches from Gen.. Meade, and up till ten o'clock last (Monday) night, nothing had hap :psned giving either side any marked advert tap. Oar army iimported to be In excellent ;:•condition. The telegraph is open to General -- , - Meado's camp this morning, but we have not troubled him for a dispatch. • SNEAK-THIEVES OVERHAULED. ADDRESS FROM TEE PEOPLE OF MGM - • VERY IN MARYLAND A NULLITY. :-Ant MS BOY TIE EAPPgIANNOCK. REBEL CAVALRY DETERIORATING. &e., Ate epedel Dinat4 to Pittsburgh Gamins. PuturlitLem.a, O. 13,18 p. Twonty sneak-thieves, hired for the pur pose of cheering for Woodward, end prodded with iiititeris' clothes, were overhauled this morriliag . by the Provost Guard. raft short' time an addresi from the pecipla of Virginiawill bepresonted to the Presideut, con densling nutedily his leniency to the traitors' North and GoUth; Lot endorsing ell other acts. They acknoWledge their detestation of Shy very, and recommend that some measure be adopted to purge it from Fast Virginia. The address -will 'condemn maudlin • Provost Mar shah and lukewarm Unionists.. Slavery in Maryland Ia almost a ability. It, ' b believed that in three months from this date none will remain. Rapidly all able bodied male slaves ere disappearing from that State, the negroee are going into Bath where they are enrolled as Federal soldiers st the aver _ age of eizty per day. Eight United States steamers are at present blockading Wilmington, N. C. There is no disagreeable news from the Rap. pahannoek to-day. The rebels are not at Thoroughfare Gap, u stated In the 'papers, but at Thoroughfare Mountain, forty miles from the Gap. It is believed that the robed army is about to retreat, and is trying to throw dust in hicade'e eyes' Jost before leaving for a , point further down in Disie. The rebel General Bishop. Polk is to be court . reartaled for being licked at. Chickamauga and ailing to retake Chattanooga. The Richmond Whig says, concerning- Lee's cavalry, that it has sadly..deterionited, and is now only able to fall back. It takes -. Stuart to task and Bays Unless (ion. Lee, takes the matter in hand, our cavalry will. goon become a disgrace to the the country. The Whig is also very much uhained that the lfaiikee tailors and shoemakers 011 horse back are inperior to the cavaliers of the South. W. J. J. . MAIO IN ROSECRANS' DSPARTIIENI OPERATIONS' OF BRAGG'S FORCES, DIVEMS OE THE AM CONSOLIMED. ustimso TiiE :BATTII OF CHICAMMICA. PURSUIT OF WHEELERS' FORCES,I • FIGHT AMONG THE REBELS. &c, Nzw Yonx,oFt, la.- 7 -Tho. following sped at relatire tnaplecrans' Rimy oppeere 'nndera Washington date : _ Things are uaehanged with the exception that the enemy 'bays removed their artillery from 3ieokont bionntain, where' they bad ,about- ton , pieces in .poiltlon,And appear to ban'aomewhat,withdrawn , their -forms. It le:euppoled that will...'oeneentrita. their arta-. &me of .the en ter. are hasvy and all seem . to (wry 4... y hold both licnkont Mountain and ,Xintintaart'Badge, from which the threw on the 4tb.and4th inst. On the .. - :day :ISO abatis wereAhrOwn= by, the enemy. ~ .,;Theti'hotrever, iniiketod damage beyond tintinding three men, and killing , one hersal• •-• Wcharo several linas.ofintrenchments, and . ; :tintensive earthworks ere 'still 'goineeti: The 4141 of the- enen4rappeare.tota nOt.,to make^ AU attack in Irenc bartd Valenti leabadr. don C hattanooga simply ho lding fn-our eetit position, with their anny , In front en:. r soying fu with: their: artillairi, and brialibii oar Men of communication bycavalry one rear ' ' ' " , , . A general order lesuod On the 7th.iniiiiinneei `]lgor general Iteynolds.es eiget. of staff-in ...plane of General Garfield, who primatera , the ,reitionlo assume. hie seat in Congress.` 'The dlitelons of the army-wily ba- amnion ,-'dated into six, to forrethe Yam* stops, and :;ths,ponith amp with c10n..-Tholoaa and Gran ro— Thoil Oder, the. former wUi latimmiended by Generale Bayard; Barb And Bonne* and thee° °ander , the latter by .43eniTilli:140od, Sheridan and Palmer.`' Cep.? ensetn-wlill be Chief ot , . Gee4.ltcaseraie denies . *Midair to :lira. ttroni ' _any ehargei :against Gene. .h 1 oCroolt Juni antendene: •It in bettered genarally - that . willehow a mach - hotter regard '+ahin reports in regard to them warrant: With the _of reinforcement/ al- irosdy arrived movements will soma be made, . .0 h hopefi that; will , drive the enemy fria` ',Sate 044, 1 4:- - , . ~, -.. - J :Ths,srmt t's}.lll:woli auppued•jrita wily:, r i,..D.t...,. = nod bet,-..the want , of -.-' war iesul it cold Wettbor, !Attire:WA.' is intierliig - . t ! All thelrowidtd that ' iri title to boar ro , iftoraliove been sent:North. i As botiioltfis In the late Wlll l iwit l tie ..,- 4esit thsola, ooo , , • - -- , , -, -, --' - „,_, Osi Thorsiloy - ,zthii , ro l bif; from tioNitp l igila "do of the riror44o4. iotp- our r aitexie,ood Ikobolonoo era* posoing over • the Valley irsdostonollectirtcssuaki'l4:lfinh,g'oolt Ending minirotftutiliiro ; 412tyrsOrliliotir:.' lazed on embomissfajecittfilinifpOztalion ho Iblo way - • ' , - oral poss _ ..- .-.. J r ...' '-`", .! ~ ,, ini ;,;,.. Twos or heeler , after hurolag a par -4102: of Sholbrillif, - iiiiiii ittiggtedibT Cloi- Civoli not ler from UMO.P4MOTM-WO 4 OOFOOT• We 111101121/0, : the nem f tiolblheon li, cII otillafoo i of _ .4._ The roliati _Vat tWri, ;'!*- ( 0 04 1 h t. - 411'141631A1V ixreftivaX: ir di tied fait itg ' , joie too ' st - lii there- 'Al hat FEEEEi 'aecoanto they were making thole way into the i n terior;.-oloat*rpttrinted shy-- our • liavaini, *dads heogardell astoritScleittly strong to take giro of them. goddy hat pus d thsiTonnosoe with 1;000 maul-lisepasott etrattgh•tarldruiville on the liforaptitsind ffrieloston Railrkad, yo;torday, and made off in the direction of Winchester. On Friday night they drove in our pickets. At the tunnel, this aide of Cowan, came &m -g, was' done by throwing down stones, bat to no great extent, and the obstruction have been removed. ' Gen.'Hooker sent a farce last night to that t, bat the rebels did not venture in attack. i . There sums to be good reasons for believ- Ile% that the rebels had a light among them selvbb last Monday, in which five or six bun dred, were killed and - wounded. Deserters 'confirm the statement, but differ as to the cause.and the tome engaged. One version is that Georgia troops refused to cross the hietatteulga; and IVither's division was sent own to compel them. The other was, the ennessee troops had.. refused to obey orders, thcY Longstreet's formi were sent against them. e line of battle and gash of the guns could diatinctly seen from the mountain tops. This occurred-at the time of their connotin rg on Monday, by which we conclude that 1 was thenature of their trouble. MPORTANT FROM . MEADE'S ARMY. , i I3,RISR FIGHT FOR TWO HOURS. • . par Men Compelled to Retreat. ,LIPEPPED. EVACUATED BY OCR 'FORCES. tee's Whole Army Reported this i Aide the Rapidan. • _ 111EIDE'S.A1MY FALLEN BACE TO NORTH BANK OF . THE ILIPAIHANNOCK. lITTEIRPT TO TURN GEN. NUDE'S RIGHT WING. ac., ac. Wan:savor, Oct. 13..—The Tuna spoeial says : Early on Saturday a brigade of cavalry Eelonging to Eilpatriolt's Division, attempted a recennoitsanoe, and on the south side of the , It:hertsons river they wore attacked by a large force of rebel cavalry amply supported by infantry and artillery, under command of Stuart in person. 'rho infantry force .was one of fiwoll's division', and numbered about 8,000 men. A brisk fight ensued, luting about an hoar, when our cavalry was com pkllod to fall back on their infantry supporta, tirCe miles from Calppepor. 'At this place another conflict ensued, In which oar infantry supports ware worsted and compelled to retire s the rebels capturing about oao hundred of the Twelfth New Turk{ Our cavalry again formed into line, and made a splendid charge, recapturing all the prieoners taken except fifteen or twenty. Rebel rein [Ornaments coming to their assistance, our [mem pushed back to Culpepper, skirmishing all the way. There is heavy firing this afternoon, indi cating that the engagement had been renewed. later intelligence from the front says our forces have evacuated Culpepper. Stich stores es, mild - not be conveniently carried were burned. Their value, however, was trifling. It is reported that the whole rebel army has crossed the Rapidan. Further reports from Gen. - Meade say tbit he has fallen back to the North bank of the Rappahannock. Prisoners captured on lest Saturday state that Longstroet's corps has returned. from the &Others's/ ; this however, is doubted. The robels - cOmmenced to -cross the Rapidan on Thareday morning, in the direction of Madi ten Court Howe, with the evident inteatien of turning Con. Meade's right wing. ;Heavy cavalry reinforcements have been sent 4.0 the front. It is reported that rebel cavalry hold the gaps in Bull Ram mountains. A large env *lo force sent from here yesterday, how. ever, will speedily dislodge them. The rebel forces holding the gaps are supposed to be 'White end Mosby', men. The Election. PHILADELPHIA, oat:La.—Thu eleetion to-dny hes mostly suspended business. MEDICAL. H EA DQUARTEfS- DR. Ltrimors WaNVINE t3PICIP/C Rotallni at A FIRE DR. HU3IPHREI"9 170.110BPATIlle RILITEDIIeg, Ina racelrvi at FULTON'S DRUG STORE. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TimmEs FULTON'S DRUG STORE, rilEffi STERLINtIitf AM BRoSIA !MU THE trAIR Bar sate at FULTON'S DOUG &TOILE Nat. GT and G 9 Filth .I.nowt. DR HALIigrIALSAM, E3=2 rcvro:vi DRUG STORE E7T219 A FRESH ARRIVAL OF SONS OT MALTA CIGARS IfTILTO,TS DAM STORE, for sale et seM Nos. 67 and Oft Fifth street. BELLlNtiltitithi ONGUEIiT, - mit 171 . F RAM AND WHISKERS, ITITCPX*B DRUG STORE 11312= in 'tor. 97 mm 1139 fifth street L~UGTOX'd GOUGH SYRUP, POA COCOS, COLDS, Frepurgd aull4u4d J. M. FULTON, ga49' , Drug Stare, Ftrth Diver. TrAliFYB' : • Ri.i.tlMttloN E T , 7611,§ 1 .01:1 04*, rgyrTs imuctATopc, toinerts suiti4i4ed4o - 6. wow P: O. 4, rRs. • I Parma , , 3 • a t! • 1 4xosmi.ni • • • gapitz, 0 11. 0 0 .: 2 "cr. ' 481 Efind !Mb it/mt. . WARM I IL BOCYIN AND 811.0E5., • ; ttrAT 11EDUCT1ON. -Wise Eng. Gael; Cattg,o4ltars 7.0 01 rot i% 01 60 " 50 DI 174 ! , 7 211.' t' 1.75 111 ottlyi .... • JAMES - ROBB, sal • r j r • - gaitAiLitti nuts?. gEW GOODS. —flaying ltzet rethenb from the tist,:ttethiste: tome in Atom as °sten. Ilmlarttoontot mares sad delirablo BOOTS 'AND 5.7 , 11 ' MARS' . iiit i r&TlLDrEl s irg i rlt OLITEAS*4 ZANOT.EILIOZ% it slitibt udMnb -rF cash, at Opodilbree;Sca44ll, l l, • Neff So. 71. cor. WOOD a POIIWrItST.I.I DICKng AND £ololoB:Pertiousnrishu ince:wafts torr , l4Lotimitztems will And tiny, aut tiropzeney by mdulting • :1 , 1100TO:4ND ELHOP44. • L; • ,•:•-• -• Trot mg.. ,Irttlinp op bind it terisetaerettlebet .d 4,„eir,, , tmptiefec tytetythtel in the abet* egairt4kkt.re,ete antes &mery tow piece: ,tCov o eitry merthente.,lll: l e t , ID etteentese all pArAi Fmk; TA 114 . 4.10 - - e , t • `.- - COMMERC'IAL BECO.RD rtov& GRAlN—Wheat to firm with sake from firel hnede of Red at $1,15; sato of 2 cars prime Red to arrive at 612 . There I. a good demand for Osta, and an adeanrs has been eetabllshod; oak from Ant hand. of 2 are to arrito at 74c—below the market— and 1 car from second bands at 60e. Corn firm with a sale of 2 cars at 51,05. Earls?' firm with lair. iimto map. al 21,25. Floor firm and unchanged; small asks of Extra Family from store at 013,56311,60; sal t , of 100 Ghia Extra from depot, at 53,25, and 200 bbl, Extra Family from depot at 56,21. GROCERIES—The market Is quint, bot prime are firm and folly maintained. Sake of Sugar at =Glee; Coffee at 33,ti034e, and Mobtasee 00 to 65c, for com mon to prime Nes Orleans. Sales of 10 bbl. Maple Sugar at 12%c. BUTTER & EGGS—There Is a moderato demand &sr 80l Butter at 20 to 22..; sale of 8 tone parked at 18e. Eggs state' , with sales at 15e. SEEDS.—sale of 80 bath Max Seed at 82,50 per bush. Timothy Bad Ls dull, and In the absonoe of salts, we omit gustation'. ILAY—nnektringed, and quiet; sales from wales at 530 to $3O per ton, and Baled at ir5(390. POTATOES—SmaII Wes of Neditinnocka from atom ►t E.5490e. Sale of 15 bbh Street Potatme ►t S 5 per bbl. CHEESE—steady, rah sales of 30 bra prima W II at nye. APPLES—The demand Is fay equal to the supply and vra note sale* at $1,75 to $2,23 per bbl, for Infer for to falr, and $2,60 to $3,00 for good to choice. OCT. ;13—The oil market r as mai, has been-re markably quiet to-day, and, ea there Imre been but few transactions, it to almost Impossible to give tor net exaltations. Crude it held at about yesterday's ratos--2.5c packages rettu - neo, and 30 to 3D a, perks got Luctuded, though 14:Lather or not se/es could be effected at these figures, we are not prepared to my. There to nothing whatever doing in Refined, and, in the present umettled and unmttsfactory con dition of the market, we omit quotations. Adrian rewired from Oil Creek, under date of the 10th lust., ropurt tho market very dull then, and de clining. Special Divatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Nair Teat, Oct. 13.—The oil market I, excited, and Crude la 2a3c higher, closing at 31133.5 c for 100 on the spot. Refined, In bond, also has advanced, with sales an the spot at 344.55 c; October delivery 53 0156 e, and November .57WW,gc. Free oil is higher closing at [02(3 3c. Naptha Is firm at 2 r, a slight advance. C. 10—Flour—Sire 100 bble "Atlas Favorite** at 55,02AT1 1 z... oo 10t bble "Rey nolds,ol6:;.b:t cholm .hli.wt. 47,00. Inoue—Sales Late teat evening, 8,000 tin No 1 Lod at 1222 2,000 bu No 2 Red 120 c. Yd-day before ['rat report from Nen York, 6,000 ton No 2 Rod at 120 e; 2500 Mt No 1 Rod at 12k; 1,350 bu amber Mich at 1.240, 2,000 bu do a 124 c; 2,100 Mt rejected Red at 1125.4 e; 2,000 bu No 2 Rod at 1:33c; 5,000 Mt Red Mich at 124 c; 5,13.e3 bu Rod 31 Leh at 124 o; 5,003 bu do at 124 c; 4,000. Mt Nu 1 Red at 1.721-..- 2,50 0 bu do at mums; 5,000 bra Red Mich at 12k; 2 7 0040 Ins whim Mich at 1410; 3,000 bei and 5,000 bu 1e 1 Red at 122 e. Alter first report, Balm 8,003 bu amber Ilicb at 125 c; 2,000 to, do at 125 c; LW bo white Ilich at 141 c; 4,200 bu white Mich at 146 c; 4,000 Ms amber Ricia it 123 m 4,000 bu do, part to arrive, at 125 c; GOO bo No 1 fled at 123 e; 3,000 bu No Red at SOO to, amber 311 ch at 125 c; 2100 bu white IlLeh at 144 e. Corn—No ads mported. Other grains quiet, prime unchanged. Pwratraoti, Fr. Wars. t CUICAGO Bantosn, Oct. 13-279 pip lead, J B Canfield; 2 ears barley, Jaah Rhoden; 160 aka oats, 147 bgs corn, Dan Wallace; 16 cks bacon, F Sellars & co; 165 aka barley, Spancar McKay; 30 dos brooms, B ELoblson S co; 303 aka oats, Sl3 Floyd; 38 bbla apples, J H Breen; 249 bid.., 9 Harbaugh & co; 8 bbis cranberriw, W W Freely; 107 bides, Caps & Coe; 10 Ws whisky, H & F Evart: 23 do do, Si McCullough; 13 bbla Sour, co mark; 100 bbl. flour, Gregg A . Clandenninc, 100 do do, Shoroskar; 100 do do, Simpson & Enos: 1 car torn, 77 bg. bariey,ds bal. hay, Hitchcock, !McCreary S co: 100 bides, 0 N Hoirstort; 27 bbis whisky, ltostotter S Smith; Si bp seed, 1, II Volgt & co; 100 hider, FLays & Stewart; 64 do, 8 II Wood A co; 63 do, DI McMillan; 10 bbla ebb. by, Th. Moore. Ctivenvro & Prriaacaon, RA.II.3tOAD, Oct. 13-13 bbl. paint, J L H Phillips; 25 be. thee., Shoemaker & 64 do do, 5 lAA. beans, C C Halaley; 340 by cum, Hlttlimck, McCreary & co: SO bbls rye flour, Culp k Shepard; 46 bide., S Harbangh & co: 17. bre cheer, J Daub; 21 bbl. apples, Wm Seddon; 1 bbl egg. , edsull, Son co; =. Gbh apple , W P Beck & co; 144 sirs 'Cheat, B T Keettedy & Bra: 20 tox. candles, 10 do .00p, Graham .0 Thorne; CO bal. chairs, F G .Walker: Silsbee chaos., S IFI Green; 50 do du, 311 Riley; 30 do do, Hopkins & Boman; 70 bg. beans, 60 aka po tatoes!, 1. ri Volga & co; 15 bbl. apples, 6 Dyer; 25 4.. Bbrlver .4 Lamar, 40 bbl. turolPa, B Breen & co; 9 mem boots and alt.., .1 Boreland; 6 do do, II Child.* m; 14 do do, .1 P Tanner; 10 cke pearl., Bryce, Ilichani• co; 6do do, J B Canke/d; 16 bble cider, F Vangonder; 5 bbl. potatoes, D Bente; 0 .k. potatoes, 7 du do, A Lippert. Auxoncnt Srerloss-154 kg. batter, Shut:, dun .0 cen 1 bbl egg., 2 do butter, II Len.; ll bbl. applot, G Backart; 10 do do, H Hoover, 130 bg. wheat, Joa Cndsr: 6 hides, Kellerman & co, 100 bides, C Groetz- Inger ,t co; 61 Les tobacco, 423 btos oars, 95 by bar. 1/.., J 11 SFr.: 71 bg. Leaky, W W Anderson; 1 car hay, P H llorletott; 391 bg a mill feed,' Simpson & Knox; 21 bob apple., J Herbert; 1 hbd tobacco, J Frnyer. Irth itrevt. Pitdbutgh JORTIFICATION BILLS.—NOTICE TO THOSE PiTEBESTED.—The Committee appointee to collect the amounts for labor on the fortifications. around the Cit 7 of Bittaborgh, would hereby notify all pawns haring bill. for labor or material need upon the intreoehmenta, to present thearra, berme the let day of 'November, to OEO. IL TitUBSTON. at the Board of Trade Rams, he baying been tnetrocted to attend to the duty of har ing ell such bill. correctly made out and properly authenticated. No.. hi and G Fifth argot. KW. 67 and tft Fifth sheoL • Ely order Otto. Committee. GEO. H. TII4IIBTON. Sec. re. Com. ce of the above notice, I will attend dat ' y nerporpate of furnishing the proper forms fur snaking oat mid hills, and for moulting the same after authentication by claimant., at the Board of Trade Rooms, from II to Et y. a. m. se2.ldf GEO. H. TIIEBSTOIS. Mot.ARGO'S MARBLE .WORKS, 335 LIBERTY STREET, A boa:infol and varied anortnarnt or MARBLE MANTELS, Monuments aud Grave Stones. ALSO, PLASTER PARIS, ROSENDALE AND TOWN CESIEN'TS. DOOlyaz RUS.BIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLEB. Notwithstanding the attacks of jealoas = . le Venders, who wire to the mane of Opt.- RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Are readying daily the warmest endorsements of our citizens. All that is raked to to examine all other B thou :d em'. the RUSSlAN grmz..wV.!br J, DUMONT, Practical Optician, Atantakciarer of the Runt= Pebble Spectacle., JuJO SO I'M 'treat, Morning. Prat Building. T D. BERND, Nos. 67 and 60 FilTh street Bole Agent 15:a. Z. ftwirt's Celebrated Glued and Unglazed Spool Cotton Facsonv—TALL BIYEB, MAI& • Abo, Agont for VICTORIA, DIAMOND MEDAL, WATERS', BURTON'S AND PEERVS SPOOL COTTON. '• • - Dipper FUME AND WARN= STREETS, (op otakrs,) pltßibur(ll, ra. SarTheithelesali Vide Supptioet to quaotlttem to Putt; toj Da owater, .o2ltt ia Colored newtons Wanted, " AT RO: 83 WOOD sTnErt, Par tba ZIOIITII REGIMENT D. 8. COLORED TROOM wbtch la -now Ibmting at Camp WIWI= Poon..lmot Philadelphia., P. . Pay, Clottting.and Rawls theism. so white soldlero. • Transportation will be turnisbod upon empOtatton ta (ho andorsigned, - to squads of men of any ntunbor. Cilia. T. H. BRIMLESS, AzoataTlNG OFFICER. MR A.- IL 'ENGLISII retrpaatflilly Intbreno tho Mina of Mat be tan boon appointed solo - moot for itu, ode of )11fERS a SON. `43 ORIGUCAL CEWILIir A2a'1(O11110SIVE PEN. an maonnoodoi,Py the largoot boom In thocity, moogThbkb, ate • • • . GmmilMmery 0 Co., • I One a CO., • ; • IfoinniMa Co., ' • 'TIM MT TanToperCo,' .•Zoo,r4uXfni &MA J° s-3 / _ 1471 LITA K Y CLAIMS - BOUNTIES, .131. PZNSIONfit Datk nr_attal MILITARY !CLAIMS 41 rrer7 Mort.yedon. Mlietocl by the sob? scotar, at itilfflowtag, ratio, - !ill Traci? alp oo;' alf 60. . r . at , ...-avri , AILTATIMIWAttortimat:LIMI, , • 9nnie fule‘ pie fonev,;yo., ILLe`MiMAiMi en* MA - 1A• .erfiSJAXA infield, sof aUlitmenalonlitven PITT BURGU MARKETS. TVZSALT, October, 13, ISca. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. New York Petroleum Market Toledo Market. Imports by Railroad MISCELLAXEOUS .misesuA4irEo7s. ANALYSIS.-- _ . SLIOUIS,UO, Prs Ox. TROY—. 131 Lam-- .011_ O T . 51Aaxxx0....-- .01 100. !laving acted the Agency for the sal e of the SEMPLE C LAY, mined near St. Louis, Mo., I in vite the attention of Glass and Steel Manufacturers to the Analysis given above, as reported by Prof.. A. A. BAY., of Boston, and J. C. Booth, of Philadelphia. which, together with the test of actual experience by manufacturers in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louie, determine. it to be the pooe.t and most 'valu able Clay now known. whether Porelgnor American. Pot. made from It have stood In the Glees furnace from G% to 0 months. The Analy.i. of The Clay as taken from the mine, without any waahlng or preparation whatever. 1, pommels great adhaiveneas and plastieltY Quentin , which are not shown by the Analysis, and which ad mit of the mixture of a large proportion of shallot horned clay. I son now prepared to 1111 orders for the above Clay to be shipped from St. Lords or delivered ALEX. GORDON No. 121 SECOND STRUT, D UQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN Ss CRAWFORD, 'Manufacturer& of elm variety of tal&hed BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS, STEAM OR 6AB FITTERS, MACHINIST'S, AND COPPER- - WITILI. BRASS CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AND GAS. FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Partiality. attentkes CARB ON Siting ep REFINE RIES FOR COAL AND OILS Also, Role Amts for the Wartero District of Penn sylvania for the sale of MARSH, LA;;SDELL a CO.'S PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the best ever In vented. Having no valves It la not liable to get one of order, and 101 throw more Slifer than imp pomp of tale* Its sire, ems • riIEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT .L PAIN.—We take this method of inlbrming oar friends and the pubic generally that we are now prepared to EXTRACT 'NETII SHOP! PAIN in the prattle* of Dentistry. Thaw who hose been postponing this much dreaded operation may now lay adds their fears and Ore 111 a U. as the ePPerato we have to use has born thoroughly tested during the mat four years, fully establbking the safe and pain less character of the operation. No Drugs or Chemi cals nor Galvanic Battery used. All three Wishing the services of a good and tenable Dentist will do well to call and consult with .JA3llliB 8. KING. D. D, 8. N. 97 Fifth stmt., or, Du. C. KING. No. 47 Smithfield street, Pitts-. burgh.lfemr.ll ONEIL ,t STONEMAN, MAIMFACTCHERS OF WISE WORK, Han alvrny. on hand and make to order IRON AND BRASS SCREEN WIRE CLOTII; SIEVES, of all kinds; RIDDLES, for Foundry ate; HEAVY WORK NOR WINDOWS, &c.; BIRD CAGES, OR NA3IENTAL WIRE WORK, for floesr., &e. ISAAC CRAIG 01.71"LIVI" SAW MILLS. Koala constantly - An hand a large sad thoroughly seasoned sung of DECHLNO BOAT AND BOTTOM PLA,NIC, WINDOW FRAME STUFF, LINTLEA, 808-BILLY, JOISTS, SPOUTING, LATHE, PAL. INOS, Ac., lle SR orders for SAWED STUFF with prompt.= and at fair =ars. N. B. Pelson. wanting LONG MIRED. or POP LAR ars particulary invited to o.ll.line his stock. ISANNOce on Craig moot, uoar,Roblasott. araldr I" G. JOII..NerON & CO., . Steam Job Printers. STEREOTYPERS, sad 131-.A.N 13001 f . MAI IRS, S WOODS 103 THIRD ITS. M'3:N•wJ EG LEY NURSE KY. ROSES, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TIMES, SIIIICES, VINES end EVERGREENS; WILLOW, (basket and ths orasatental talon,) ; FRUIT TREES and herbariums pleutte, all in peat quantity and va riety. BOUILBUN, CHINA, TEA and NOISETTE ROSES, at rho low pia of 51.8 per handrail, If duel before potting time; and all other Nursery stock of the boot quality, and at reduced prim, in order to claw out during the present Pall and next Spring. Inquire of C. D. SEELEY, 37 Diamond groat, or T. A. MELLON, on tho prenate.. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—Tho undersigned offers for sale • very dealrahle pleas of lend, containing 185 Amos, nearly, situated to Baldwin township. It fronts on the Ittowrovate road on one Ws. and one aide OD the Elizabethtown nand. It Is part of the White 801 l Yana. This lot hat o house erected on ft; and en orchard of Apple end Cherry trees, bearing fruit. Me lot will be cold on accommodating terma. If not sold boron the drat of January, it will be for tent. Yor foram. pertkulars Inquire at WITITH HILL, or the anbacuilier, In Snowden townallip. anl2aWdatilnm 14.s.Tgli: . a . vfag; PRACTICAL PLI:3IDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. 14 FEDERAL STREET, Alleeway City, And No. "X Llt.rty .tryet, Plitaborgh. self, CENTRAL DRUG STORE, akin grad Fr *Ural Streets, Allegheny, GEO. A. KELLY, Prorsuroa P.PARKLING SODA WATIR, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. ISlTPAyMclans' procriptlous carefully compound Jotlynx ALLEGHENY AVENUE.—AII per im...stod are hereby motifiM tint the on &reigned, Viewers appointed to 'low and mess the ref Itl r eg d b bett e !y e' fi r " i.th‘frrt7mlt the l'Zr9tritr3i Ridge street to ulecul Lans u", , w W meet on the hoe of said street. for thep urpose* of !Asir appAritaneut, on SATURDAY, Oct. 17th 1162, at 2 o'clock p. m. JAM kfeAULAY,} ' JOHN DEAR. Therms. cellw :ARTA RICHEY. ANcrral'R RICHSIOND INT THE MELD.—We are now prepared to furnieh Cap- Wm and owners of Steamboats with STEAM EN GINES, deny site and stmts. We will ftwtilah all the machinery of a boat, end second in point of ex mlience to nom We hope, by our promptness in coming up to time,'and the quality of our work, to share the patronage of our own river men. H. EL DOLE, Wank of Allegheny Rivas. TON ARNSTHAL, IMPORTER .L.al AND DEALER la Ma mod soled imandi of GENUINE HAVANA CIGAE and all Muds of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNDVF, FANCY MEERSCHAUM PIPES. MEP. AA, Au., To groat variety, LINDEN VIZ ST. CHARLES HO EL, Pittsburgh, Fa. N. D.—'fig Praia supplied op Din* terms. - MF., M A RCLIIILOT Praparm Eamon DIARIXCS *x Sucinciato", for all kinds of Butldlniv, and inpernaanda than. oreotlon roaionabla tottoa _ Moo on Wort= Woe. betwoon' boactxx l " o Rubinson streets, AUloatoni.afti• ..,, VACILLOWIS.4 1/111111201 WILIAM?. MACK}X)WN 'LiINHART, FLOM &SD GRAM FACToII3, A nn egoustsumon IPdauctunts; for the Gale og Flour, ankh - Pork , nott.J.,ard, Butter, Eggs, • Cheese, Beans, „TOM", amuse, Feathers, Rona" Pet fwd-. Plan Ashes, Baletitus, Linseed and Lerd Oils. Drip:land Green Finite, Timothy, Clover,' Flax and Grass Seeds..' Cash advancements made, on Consignments. • ' • oPt/Y . • 80. 231tidherfy street, Pittsburgh, JOHN B 0/011 0 1Et..1), Commigalog AND ronvAßDneduramurriinnirtiouirlidasior in WESTERN REBEKVE CHEESE, zunTraalicED; PORE. BACON,FLOI7B, EIBBROT AND PEARL AIRES. .151 , 1BEATUB; LINSEED AND—LABE, OILS, BELTED FRUIT, and Pinata gamma% Noc -141 and 143 Front street, Ptttshiruh. • • 'oeB sm. cut,— snarttato. CULP., A ti DAP4AD, Comiunicti unman. and deal Sri In 17,01.111, G4AIN. ititiD PRODUCE; No. 4 213 Liberty pane, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Slone liar Bakes 'and rarolly,tmo enustantly on band. Particular attention Fold to biding Green for Nerctuuttliac, generally, . -.s:d .00ktlin F ON, •,! " • TWO SECOND.IIAND ENGINER. , . , . ;One 13 limb cyllndat 4 oallaell .o.lbut strOhth . Four sera :florin* T..ag nate'aid irrarod.• Cheap lbr cash. • .. DO leUttf ~ ' : .;.ttiar the Point. WEBB li .t r -WILKINSON, - car 'flexor nenna,•Monona &nun a•WESTERN' RESERVE MEM, RULED YRINTS,EUTTER, EGOS, GRAINS. -and .m4= danaMl• , Alio MaIIS R..MDE B . PrLa. &c.t No* S i .'• 7 ' /4 4 " . 4 sane, Pittabtrret: • SOrNin Ananncennago 'zinnia; Gondwana ai; Lldtad. - ; ) ) ..• ,-- • JelSnad • . OttASLEBII,LIEO4 . _ Ni car, -- 410 NJ' 02,6117rativii aattitoinomov. - gnaws? ow nub, oausonus,•canirMontoPtrea. ,atalWarent , surciasivtiscitacriruer,' T. wo.. us wass ale WI 7#01 , 1200. Woo; iusd on PROPOS4LSL FOR .••• - legigr.gnarrrentatstint's Ormeg, Mewl or Wassitgavor, W.tanisniolt, D. C., Outober 7th, 18(3. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received al this of- Son twill TUESDAY, October lltith e at 12 o'clock for turniohinglho tkorernatont (2.01.0) taro tdoturand Mules, to conform to the following SPEC' FICATION All to 1(0 (14) Wanton hands high and orer to height. All to be in good 11.0. h, woad, .rvicoahl, and suitable for draught. roorloam. Ali to bout or (3).throo and undor (D) afar posy of ngn• Propsosis 10 be for (WO) floe hundred and upwards. The full name and poetoffice address of the bidder moat appear in the proposal. If a bid is made In the name of a firm thn mesa of all the parties moot appear or thu bid will be consid ered at am lndisidnal proposal of tho partner alga- Viionale from &stool perdu tall Mosso:sierist, and an oath of allegiance, mutt aocompan) each proposition. Propoimis most he addressed to Brigadier &mend D. If. Bticker,'Quarterninster, C. S. Army, Washing ton, 11. C., and should be plainly marked "Prop...min for Rules." The ability Of the bidder to fill the corttmet, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two re sponsible persons, whose signature, must be appended to the gma-antee. Tbo responsibility of the garautors must be shown by tbe certificate of the clerk the neared District Goma or of the nearest United litotes District. Attorney. Bidders must be present In person when the bids are opebed, or their propowda will not be considered. Bonds in t h e of twenty thousand dollars, signed by tho contractor and both of hla gtmrantors, will be remoired of the euscoseful bidder upon signing the cataract. = - . As the bond must accompany - the contract, It will be noccary ta bidders to hare their bundsmesi with there, or to hays bandit signed in anticipation, and ready to be produeed when the contract Le signed. Blanks far bends an be pr.:tired upon application being made at the office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph. Font of Gaaruniee. of the county or —, and State of —, of the county of and State of —, do hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil acootract, in accordance with the terms of hie proporition, and that, should his proposition be acrepted, he will at once enter Into a contact therewith. tlhould the contract be awarded him we ire pre pared to become his securities, and should he fall to eign.a contract in necordance with the term. of his bid, we °unwire. will become the contracting parties in his .toad. (To OIL guarantee meat be appended the qfflciat contemn, abets mentioned.l INSPECTION. DELIVERY. .to. AU moles contracted for under this adtertbannent •111 be =Wet to inspectlon, and those not coofortn- Mg to the specifications will be ridected. The mules must be delivered In this city withl.. (25) twenty-flee days from the data of signing the COIIMICL Payment to be made upon tho completion of th contract, or so soon thereafter as the Chief Quarter tauter of this dopot .hall be In funds. The mules will he awarded hs lots of (3w) fire tom dred each. =leo the chief Qrsartermister may dee it for the interest of the Government to sag th number. The Chief Quartermaster rescreen to himself the right to reject any or ell bids that he may deem too high. D. U. BLAME& Brig. GOA . end Chief Quertermaster, Depot of Wuhlogton. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Wu Dreurxr W./1061'0N, October 2, 12C3. • SEALED rROPOSALS will be received at thin office until the 30th day of October neat, for BAND ING said BUSHING the 41-pounder Guns, at the Forte and Arm.le of the United Smite In the At ! ud< States, amounting in number to 100, more or leas. The grub will be delivered at, and removed trona, the establishment when the work b to be dons et the can of the Vetted Illtatie. Propagate for those on the Pacific Coast—about 60 In number—will be received uptll the 10th of Decem ber neat ; and in tam of there, the rms will be de livered at Elan Francisco or its vicinity. The guns in t 0 'be turned down to a true cylinder for the length of twenty-seven Inch,s from the rear of the base ring, prepared to take a band of the beet wrought iron, the Interior diameter of which will be twenty inches, and its thickness three Inch.. The vent Is to be bnahed with a new Bush of p • Ingot copper, one Inch In diameter and about nt• and a half Inches Int& and bored with a vent oft • tenths of an inch. Drawings of the gno to lie original form and with the Mad pot ott cat{ he seen at tale 01 llen ; u the Watertown Arsenal, Mass.; at the ,Wateryliet Ar senal, and at the New York Agency, No. 4.5=-Worth street, city of New York; at the Amami at Brides. burg, Pa. ; and at Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa.: at the Fort Monroe Animal, Va. ; Nt. Louis Ar. weal, and Denial Arsenal, Cal. The work la to be done to the entire satisfaction of the officer who will be sop:Anted to superintend it ; and payment will be paid In fulftbr each gun upon hie certtdcate of inipection and receipt. Props ahe will Eats the price per gun Tor the whole operation ; dawdles in detail the manner In which It topropmwd to lotion the band: the number they will band per month ; and the time which will to ne , attired to do the whole work. The method and the time required ese doing the work, as well as the price, will be instent °tantalite In considering the bids and award the contract. Fo bid e d m be considered from any partine but such ea are actually engaged in the manufacture of Iron end heavy machinery, and who are, to the opin ion of this Department , fully prepared to execute the work. in the um of Jartim not known to this De- Fitment, evidence to the tangoing effect meat ac company the proposal. Bond with satistketory =reties to the amount of fifty per cent. of the bid, will be required for the fia. aliment of theaceotrectt and the Government n ano§ the right to reject any or all bide, If deemed uneatietectory. Proposals will be eadoned "Propagate for Banding 42-ponndare," and will be whipcord to Brigadier General George D. Itarrasy, Chief of Ordnance. Wash ington City. ocsworitd GEORGE D. Rilabltra, Brig. Gan. Chid of,Ordaance. pROPOSALS . FOR FLOUR---Sealed Propoiel• are Witted till the Mi day of OCTOBEB, 1843, at 12 111.., for itumbhlng the Butelrtence De. vestment with 20,000 berrob of dour. Bids will be remind for what to known le No. No. 2. and No. 3 and for nny porn:lrk len than the 20,000 barrels. Bids in duplicate On the different gradee should be upcm =pante aborts of paper. The dclinuT of the ElOtlf to be commenced within ono week Dorn the opening of the bids, or as mon thereafter as the Garernincet may direct, at the rate of SID barrels daily, denuded either at the Govern meat warehouse In Georgetown, at the wharres, or al the ralireaddepot, Washington, D. C. PAVIIIIIII will be made In aertificatee of indebted ness, or =A other fonds in the Gnernmant may hare for distributive. The usual Government Impectidh will be made Just before the flour Is retuned. An oath or alictianm moat accommory aach bid. No bid will b. entortahltd Erma partial who halm rerlowity tolled to comply with their bids, or from iddar The l = n 4 ea to t r i t Z b ata, made very Wong of ow material. and had Hood. No Opur will he remind which Is not Drub pound. Bids to Do directed, to Col. A. DECKWITIII, A. D. . C. B. U. B. A., Washington, D. C., Aid endorsed 'Pro ; Oa Pour." . oeLltd SHIPPIJrC. TIlEt ATLANTIC IRISH 1 . 3 ROYAL MAIL BFRAM NAVIGA- • • VON COMPANY. OALVAY LINE. ADRIATIC. 1.200 Hatio•powar, MOO Wm tIDEIINTA, 1,000 Honalower. 3,000 tuna COLUMBlA.l,ooollorwo.paurao, E,OOO fork AN CILI A. I,ooollorae.powar, ROOD tow. The magaMotat Meaariabip ANGLIA will sail from New Yotk for LiTerpool on =MAY, the oth of October. Nato. of pomp from Liverapeel to New York, pay able to gold.or Its taintrahnet In currency. blamed.lata.„-. 401 Passe_ e ngen I/awarded also to London, Paris, Rana. Antwerp. do.. at tts Fenes e fror st r therm:.l or Galway to Raw Tort end Dolton. sw. szo, std,Vit.% $lO3. For postage apply at the oft* of the touts. NADEL d MAIMS. 0 Broadway. Etzazza Jona, Manager. or, D. 01FitaiL, Antare Chrorki• Btdatog. No. 10 Yifth street, Pittsburgh. STRAIit • , WEEKLY "TO 'lHi r .4ll& ERPOCEL, tottchinfaf QUIN:NiMIFN, teamr,../Ltitaon.Y .21:e. it'll-tn.:len steamer: Liverpool, New Tort and Plilladelpltha Steamship Company are intended as follows: OITY OP SIANCIUSTER".I. - ......«.35tarday, od: 11. CITY OF LONDON-- ”i..,......Sstltntah Oct. It :CITYOP ner. , T1M0Z1 " ......,.........8attar1ay, Oct, 24, And every succeeding Saturday, at mom frourPier 44, North Ittwor. -, .. 'atilt' or mains.. , Pasoots fs GAL - or al Optilidaid toLterwry. Taft Miark............W 00 gra5aamr.,:........._.532 60 do to London.... 66.00 do .; to Landau 33 60 do to s Parb..--. 95 00 do, , to Parts._ 40 60 "Peeta Munhorg . MOO do to Moab g 37 30 obgais also fortrardo4 to Mins, Dresen,.Botz Ordain; fui ths." si lolly low Wee. ' Fires from L .or .Queensimirni.tst *Ohs; 4 76,11 6 6 . •SiOsT:._Sts 01 ThaeW' *ha wish to fond on they.nianadi ,tart,huy ticketshere at thaw. Tau forthir Informatkni tly at the Compettios OWN. JOH 47.. DALE, Amt. , ' .: !. , LS Dmadway; New Fork. . , JOHN Tnoupsox, Agent. iluid street 4 AM homes from tbo bridge. rublittf - P A -, . Fittsborah. CHEAPEST SK/WE 1 PRO 3 I I . • .. EA PEST , ..$ * • .Irit's ..oLp • CrOZNTILY," .. - - : Pastriogom brought out In 71123 T 014101-MAIL RITAILEIOI, from Llntrpool, Loodendert7r 041,0 37 4 . , .r , f0f , , Do la rq, ,And biltlijAg:tAwil (dr TWENTY . -O ' ,NE DOL. VA 1 7. 4". ... D: 133 746 . 4;i1 -1 ' • strujlttAb. C U YOr n I Z *77^.!.4Va: II I4D li • toot, kip' carinupsTo • , 193 In soi, or taigaltlaleat In earning. 'lllO3l NW 'roar, In entrcisq ~,6 411" vir, I' Y./4k: 'lopll - 16 $,.! EMI Tti IaiTINAN .11IEDIC4LL. ; 0 - TRUSSES, FOR Tfie CURE OV HERNIA OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. • Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture oared. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cared. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Marsh's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Truss. Pitch's Supporter Truss. Self-Adjusting Truss. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapsus Uto't Piles, Abpominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. S. S. Pitch's Silver Plated Sap porter. Pile Drop, for the support and cure of Piles. Elastic Stockings, for weak and %IF cose veins. Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee oints. Ankle Supporters, for week knee cats. Suspensory Bandages. Self-Injeoldn' g Syringes; also, every kind of Syringes. Dr. BABE; has also a Tram which will radically care Hernia or Rupture. Ofilce et his Duca Bross,'- No. 140 WOOD STREET, eve of the Golden Mortar. Pusan* writ ing Ibr Trona should send tho number of inches around the body, hamodiately over the rupture. DU. KEYSER will give He pommel attention to the application of Trueees In adults and children, end he le satisfied that, with an experience of twenty Jeers, he wilt be enabled to give satlefaction. SELF-INJECTIVO SYRINGES efELP-fIJECTING STIIIIIGES. SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES linS-INJECTING SYRINGES. or 0 , 017 Sou £T Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wooi ST. SUSPENSORY BANDAGES. BUIPUNSOIIY BANDAGES. ISIAPEN. 8011 Y BANDAGES. SUBPMISOUT BANDAGES. Adou,tl dlfdwetit kinds. ♦ damn dMorent kinds, A dawn different kinds, A do en different kln4s. At Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wcop Srssisr. I•22:ltawdawlf D R. KEYSER S PECTORAL SYRUP C 1712123 CONSUIPTIO.V. CCBE3 BRONORITL9, CURES COLDS, CURES ASTILIIA ;. ("TRU ALL Dial4BES OP 21111 LCNOB. I Molts attention to mato of dm mod extraortil Daly curate by my • PECTORAL SYRUP. They an at home, and say one who has doubts our Inquire of the persons who have bean cured by It. DR. ERYSEIL IS PREPARED AT ANY TIME TO EXAMINE LUNGS. wrrnorr CILLEOE, FOE ALL THOSE WHO NEED HIS MEDI CINES. ATTEND TO TOUR COLDS.—A um of Rye years' jitanding cored by DR. KEYSER'S PECTO RAL SYRUP : Pirraantan, Jan. 11, 1860. Do. Kum My wife has been afflicted with a bad cough end diOlculty of breathing for flue which do wound yen back had gradually Increased la violence. The complaint has been hereditary, and she bad been treated by several phyalclans without any relief. In this state of bar ewe, I procured mule of your Peetorel Cough Syrup. I bought, the first time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her 'very much; I then called sad got a dollar bottle, which cored her entirely, and she bas now no trace of the fanner diseaaa, except weakness. I would also elate that I used the medicine myself to a cold and cough. The medicine cored me by taking one dose. I ex. pram my entinisattsfaction with the medicine, end you are at litertym publish this If you desiroto do to. Wlt. WILSON, Alderman. MN; Ward. Pm:m=li, Da. Roma : I ban teen, more or hm, In .... T. Ilk affected with the severe* of micisand homettem. At Ulna my throat would become to closed se to pre mot my epeaking above a whisper, and by taking • few dose. et the above Syrup tt would relleraMe entirely. In reommnanding this medicine. I most unhetita-* tingly my DIM it is the byte fumed I aver found, purporting to cure the atKar,,nor, should any family be without this tamely for deepened" wept*, . Toon. most rimpectinny t EDWARD'S. JONES; Ceabler Citimeue • Deposit Dank:' : COL. PRATT AND,DR. sirsiwa. PEcroB4.t Da. Herne—Dew Bier time the deitur,,haanY. ecimowledging the =adieu° of your • Pootoral CollifiNniiiiilciol* ": I'teho IdeettfiLtn tleY -Itytkstti en you '.. 18 1 , L< Y; It boehmtPa ROW qf Uly MR* sad the W.Mit One 11114 ever adtlict• et with.. I hare net Awed tame that ono-hat of the beta% end I an and do wish that an who tr. at . -dieted would, give it an reit* trial n I hare: dean. and they water Frond to my. -",lt is no along Red lebic!. I would apt eider eaother.intelt ;Mattock for any conalderatioq. mat any tart; I mixt:ol4ln I an breathe more fgt.* then I ever did. I chill always acknowledge a debt of gratitude Mir intwa.i; lir so ozeolloot r 0 .11 19. ley name in thie mud. as Sou t h inklionam eperpr. Camywa Ocrapq! N. 11..4 im no stringir to my thllow al#l .411 I.b.z. inftersain doubt com consult. mo v porsen."4: • Pinsg April %SOT. READ TIIZ TUUTII.4—Ds. Evan r I. boa a. &lighter who has tilts' formal toidlrlissi tbr, =eh, without hassillt—among theizi AycrY Cherry PIttF! ,, L , I -Pstubii.&4olA bottle yF tetg, PECTORAL 5111117 P, and babas she bad and half bOttlii she was relleilie I tha 'second bottia curia bar aattesty or bar' mei.. • _JOHN ' itoblasonstnel, A11e54141,1 DR. larrnifitPaTOßAZ SYRUP • lisiabaitidbr. `• ' ' • :DIVOZORbiIL 19r0513•- . .I,46:ffocidb.A4 Imo .QOIINIEIt, AB; • S RANGEMENT. " '• and after MONDAY. Apri, • - 411 PIM. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL - "' NINE DAILY TRAINS. Tito TJIIItOVGII ACL"'011IMODITION TRAIN learns tho:Pittantugh Station daily, (exeopt ; 81lltdaY) lat 4:30 m. stopping at all &axiom between Pitts ; burgh and Philadelphia, and rugby, di rec t m p m. tion for New York and Philadelphia. The THROUGH SLIM ?LIMN learm the Psi. mnger Station toter; morning (aap on t Snaday) 250 m., a. atoPPihil 001 7 01 Prinei rtatis. making direct connections st Darr ham for muro mad Washington. and for New Tpri fm Phil a . delphia. The THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN learn daityst p. m., stoppingonly at priacipaistations, direct connection' et fiarrhurg IhdtintormiVLll: Washington, and for Non York Ma Allantema nog and PhlWalphis. ' no FAST LINE leaves tim Station daily (cunt at lb= p. stopping only at paittelpal Lions connecting nt Harrisburg fur Rattner* and I Wasiington, sad at Philadelphia fur Now York. gi .) ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. The Johnstown Accommodation Train kayos dally . (except Sunday) at _tap. ca., stopping, at all Stations. and running as far a. Conetnaugh: First Actionnoidation Train for xr.w. Station lea,. daily (except Sunday) at &tO a. Second Accommodation Train itir Wall's Station lame daily (except Sunday) at -Iwo a. to. Third Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leavos daily (exacta Sunday) at COO p. m. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall's Station teams daily (except Sunday) at cat) p. m. The Church Train ;mete Wall's Station grimy Elm- day at MCS a. ; returning. learn Pittsburgh at, 12:45 p. in. Returning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh as Molts: Baltimore p. Philadelphia Exptea- rem p. to. Fast Line— a. Through Nail Train a. M. Johnstown Amommodatton....._.......Mldd)6a ws. First Wairs Station Accommodation.. .« a. tn. Second Wall's Station Aeoonurtodation— ABS a. at. Third Wall's Station Accommodation.._.. 1:40 Fourth Wall's Shako Aecommodatiom.ma. Baltimore Express wil t arrive with Phlbideipla Express oh I=l p. m, on Mondays. Trains or Blairsville and Indiana comicciatßlalre. villa Interaction -with Through Accommaditheli Johnstown Accommodation and Express Train Emile and with Baltimore &trees and Johnstown Accom modation West. Trains for Ebembetrg connect at Creeson with to mes. Trains and Mall Train West, mad with Through Accommodation and Express Train East. The public will find It greatly to their interest, In going East or West, to ousel by the Poussylesithi Oentral Railroad, as the accommodations nmr-slionett cannot be surpassed on any other route. The Bold Is balliteted with stone, and Is entiraly - froe flout dust. •• We can promise safety. upped,, and comfort to 0/1 who may furor this rhea with their patronage. • PARR: To New T0rk........812 /To 8a1tim0re.........111 00 , To Philadelphia-- 10 50 To Lanmstor ...L... 6 50. • To Harrisburg.. .7 65 Baggage checked to all Stations on the Pannrytte; nts Central Railroad. and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Pametagers parcimaing tickets to the ads will bar =an exams, eccording to thedistance travelled, lan to the station rates, except from stations when the Company has no agent. NOTCR.—in coo of lore, the Company will hold themeelvee rorponsible Sir personal tkaggsgeonly, and for en amount not exceeding 8100. • • N. .11.—A - Er Onutibro Line.has been empliayed - to convey paasengers and haggageto and from thapil, pot, at a charge not to exceed 25 CUM, tar each pop senger and banage.' For:tickets apply to sTrwaur, Agent. •,' , At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Pamengiir Station corner Libertyand Grant streets. - split L E VIAL AND, 1„, 0.. a i -1 -PITTSBURGH LEUDAGIGir WHEELING RAILROAD"h, .t BUM NZ 4 ABRANGEMENT.—On - and • - allar MONDAY, April 20th, 1853, Tridn• will burn itia , Depot of the Pewirilvurlia Railroad; lriPittanwer, e foll;wz: , - • rte, , and Whesti6g -L4we. Zr=. 1..1g" , `" 37 -1- I° . Ittl"" do do Elonberneo 4:10 357 " • MEI! ffMM .. . . . Connecting at &maharani* and Basis with SW& be preille and Indiana Banned and CentralOidolhall: nand for Eararille, Newark. Columbus, Xania.-Day. ton, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Lonirrnie, Cairo. Bt. Lou* Si. Joseph. and all points went and aMithweat, and at Whoellllnngg with Baltimore and Ohio linartaid. Piasbarpk mai °lmam! Lime. ~,„ , L Loam Pitta1mrath.................. LOD a. tn. Ilt4Op-.m. • do Wellnille.---.- 110 " EEO do Bayari.....—.-..-.... ;40 " 4•01 w •-. do Alliance.--- - ..-- .35 " 4:43 do 8aranna........-....--- 7:24 " 'lnn .. • - do Hudson.— .....--- 7:56 .." thin. +• Anima at %rola:4a .- 9:10 " 5:30 '' C.onnecting at Bayard with • was hinach itti -. New Philadelphia and Omni Borer; at Animate with • PittabFgh, Port - Wayne and Chicago Railroad; at, Barman with Atlantic and Groat Western Railroad for Warren, Grattnille, NestiTillo, Union, 0= 4 170 - / Jamestown and Salamanca; at Hudson With Chria.,. Land, Zanewrille and Cincinnati Ban:road Er Akan;- f: Corilunis Tans and Millarsburg, and at, Cleveland ••• with C. et E. R. B. for Etta: Dunkirk and Buffalo:To:Jr. with C. .1 - T. B. B.,fbr limited:or, Toledo:and alawtir. with amamoraforpateolt. , . - . Wellstille - Aeseennasbadon leaves at ]:sop. Iteturning trellis anise at 0:10.a. nr.s3:SO instal*, p. rn,„ and .g.lO a. m. ; , Thro h Mama teall promlnee!_points mitt - he at the GEORG E Street_ GEORGE PARKIN; Tian Agana. r Ands Allegheny Oity A. Q. 0 . 'mASSMLB=2 ,, T, :Ticket Age4,,'": For rorther Informetton apply. to STEWAMT:AgiaI.. • At the Company's OEMs freight Station. P.M ep2l . B.sJrzEs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. -, !• -- ' • .-. , ',.1 TREASURY DEPARTIMT • Orme or Coarrezotts3 or rws C 171111161, '., :, f ‘ Washington City, August sth, 1.8611,• -- p tiWerrazsa. By sattsiketory -*eidetic, .Fewn to the audetraigned, qt . low boon _made to appec that: the mar NATIOSAL - DARIi OF P 1.3 cURGII; • to the County er Alltglieny, and State of Peonsytes• ale, has been ditty organised endsr - and,seoading to - 4 the reOnlreausata. of ttorgat Ad Congrow,:imitttled , "An Act to prowlda A listlonal Curreney,Wetatid hy: a pledge. of United States Stocky and to provide ker. .. the eirenlation_aud redemption theme, epproreC Ifior 25th, 186 S, tad ham ctoplied with sit est as of Gald'Act required to:beeempllad IMO , r , Q:Zommimotatths: turineis'ot Ilitalthigli • . , ilf, P Now,. thartforea, grog NlcCrucca..kri of the Currency. do ..hereby oat*. th at .„.. ___ FIRST NATIO:SAX, :BA. E or: PrrrsarviziF_ -; county of Allegheny, and State "ogPennsyleiesig la '''..• authmised becommence the business of Banktngnso '.' , t r. sg. r 1 . 4 1.w.: of aleq: e itlia u t al i t&on -b44 , '•—••••• C9mptrollor of es (km,- - me FIRST NATIONALBANZOP to - 4T S IPa FL, - Srs x.7:1138C1,Gn TICKS CO3iPAIKT4I"i:. CorrAL, 54,00,000,mitb ;whiles* to bailie to ea. 000.000.... The Plttehurdh Trail aumPailt Wind "Imam* - .'i under. tin actno prosido.aNtitlonal ,Cmtvom, ander thel title of .ttab 7111.97 NATIONAL BUM •OP ''.'.. •PITTSBITEON, *mid' Mier tin . ismlter 14 Toir the collection o tt Otse, bilk a Exasiri , 4 so.; reasivelmoney -dAssilt, and pal; end Ida ~ , rt 'change on a parts Gala country..... . .. The mamas which' hie attended - the - Pittard:mph _Trusthil Company, since "It Orgaiiiiithin In 1 9 12, will we iessi lie.n millident Vnataxito that hattemili‘ en •to the new -organization .willYrecetra.alkf '.9. tryl4 prq • P ier/ extenelMCOrreiliodinciWithikiki c:.'rs an throughout th e Coun4; vs bolters ittr' - ' 7 tjaded =loam nninual imillitcs to time who do. holdhanr • wi Ttn ift 131. bas ' We ' '. win • - b• eixt 4104 , 14 . b, Mt Nei 0 4* .- 4' and Dip:ctors. s AlaiWWl .• . Roberta. Rep, • .rnincis Thema Dell, - 'Thbzalta W 1 66311 1; '" • ' JAMES iiooApt,,yrea4scip.;,..ll 301 a, D. EMILY, 01166:11% , . Aripsatet/41203.‘:::: - anlikand, --, n01.474g I:7aVbTS - B - lag_ KIM: 6lka nvf"!- ettrAx4 . '' -..--- .... _ 1,. ~.. ';' i nl ll.ittTOZP.*l2:s2; ' ' _., .--.- ' .., ~ ,O pectiv.27:*** 2 ti;2 04 . 12 *.iiicka4.1r#11222 16 4-;'. .apt Saturday. emniage, trimilday lirto mormither ,--' Ist; door T. to 9 o'clock; tool.trOotr,oitiatit.W 9 ?' 4. May tat groin i toil o"doelt. - . - "•• ••-- . -, z- , t' . ~', 3 , ,r 7 ,_ _- Deposita received oT all. sank ea leow•Ttiuut „.4111a,,v ,mogar, and a dividend of the welts declared moo A, - •'. year. to June and Xecemba....rintorese has beta db. ,--..,.. dared seademam&, In. Jona eilit lamemberiateers,; - - t A iBO4 / 1 , 71 .!. .°:`". S_l!it the :50,0! 1 1 ,. 1 1' , ..11-_ - - k- , acne ‘.. i ;, 4t, - -tr itbt dM " eat, ii- place 1:to ehektallk , l ,l 'of the deyealtor u prirselpHd i ..ask twart4te smut Inset A terms gebm the Irst dilya aJune Iled•Dectm..kw); twaVo ! , 1 thotuddlois twill 41zear, without moulding tmsAew.,_., . 1 tor to eau, or /um to present his piss - book: 'At Ws "". rate money will double In Inas than twain' ' -, 2 Books, tootalnlng-TAIK - Bnlea sod itigulauops, 'itaufargrist , lya, - .4121 1 25al -,,Mixisilf.E...WiAllc:....-, .; . -, . , _-,., Ilan. alln=a2= ian ;••:-.,:t.r :.. ~ I.LI . John a„,lfinggan, . .'rl.liaaciLitanoc-4 LIU John-Man" Jan Statettall, . .-„: ,0,,0, l' i ". AlatandsBpmr,:- : , ',, Jima.% D: 1deed5,„7 .. ... Dent t. Yid natal. A. BlLl'olottr, - X.-y,, ,... _ , Jan* xe...v.der. HID n m j i neto.' ",- ," ••-• - " :4 "'-'- ''''S**2l:s : 4 . - Galli MlLtidri . ' ' ' - Pee ' A:Veileb* , o ,,, li - re ,John o.lladdhal. •: ;Waller P. it intuit. l-1 .ror. John O. Bladia7 , John Orr... ..4."11 [George Black, Robert Timoit, , ~,..-.......1 • Alonzo A. ollasyter, • Dairy L.:711ntte,.:,;.7, A : 1 ,.. Chula A. ?anon. • • Jamas Shidlta .2 ' v ' ' William lloastaec- - -Ardor lirdhcsalmrprr , ' - - .Mbi , Viz* ' ' • -,' , ..;2Fri11aga.12422001 , 2) . 1 Wlllbtaa a. Ra li k : 1.,. ;Autandor.—.......tbdlkz- i'taif . Petra il."flenAer.. , • VilltsulTaumse... 4.6 ) .',/ . Itiehlad Nam" ‘-' ' :r. 1 Jamie D. Ilatly,:•------ wis.rin t Wans 22 I /ma& .:. - ‘ ichriatAiszta .4 itmiumaxy IlkigaildridVA;COM l4 14 : 1 1 *lam