5 U8T188.411r. The Result in Allegheny County. Wo oongtst our widen won the Os done reoultuf the election held In Allegheny county yesterday. At present eititing {tiro oftiloeh a. ii.Yete hive retsunintkom fifty-nine &std.:tn, leaving bat seventeen districts yet to boar from. In the &striae Woody in, tho tesultfor enamor foots up m-fonows Queue We harelitrge Union pins in nearly ovary district, u oompuod with the vote for Gover nor in 1804, and tho =dimity for the Union tfoltet will:not fall much short of 8,000. The reader Is refilliedlo the table for the vote ha the several districts hoard from. We omit the returns of tho vote east for the eounty oftleers--first, because they are rory meagre; and secondly, becutuse,there aro no doubts whatever of the triumphant elution of the entire ticket. We shall publish them to day. Grand PollUcal Jubilee: Concert . Hall was thrown open for the' re. caption of the loyal publio last evening, hav ing been secured by the Executive Committee, for :the purpose of receiving and making pub lic the returns of .tho elections hold in Penn sylvania and Ohio. Tho hall was densely peeked, at an oarly hour, and. the scenes which followed the annonscement of success after success of the Onion ticket, beggars all The returns were road off by Thomas J. atetapt,,_ Esq., 1p his -stentorian voice, and puouttar , li amiable atria. As he warmed up, ha . tioirtuteltighly -exalt:o4,llnd hisuatraordi- nary gestures, and - mosthadierous contortions of countenance, kept the audience in a perfect uptoarof laughter and applause; Whenever a lull occurred, the audience would demand a speech, and izithls sEay ex ceedingly patriotic and telling itemises were a:tested _from. John M. Kirkpattial; Esq., Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., B. (F. Chlldt, E.q., Bon-Wm. P. Johnston, Lion. J. K. Moor head, Hon. James L. Orshant, Major d.. M. Brown, COL T. M. Bayno , lion. P. C. Bbats non, and others. Thu Garman Glee Club was present, and fa vored the audience with $ soh* Mr. Marshall, about midnight, obtained a copy of the -no, jut [mod, whieh ematained a vary doleful leader, acknowedging tho de feat of the traitor Woodward, an coming to the aaga conclusion that "thaotoocrata wdddstibitilt with the beet grace in the world." Tithrlietighlr,!' -was read and' commented up on .by-Mr. Marshall, to the Infinite amusement of theltudigince. Ur.' Eilghsto was then called upon for a song, and attemptod to "start up" Auld Lang Srw, but he signally lLilad. Tho failure, how ever, was just what t h e andieneoeareeted and deeirod,Ma everybody knows Ur.' Diem= "beano ear' for. . The excitement at thiepoint wes.indescrlbable. • - Capt..adegemsy thou recited the pretty army sonegilgitirmit Siid,"" width was' neared wittViniulteal appltme. • gr. Nem* cud Mi. Marshall followed in stirring and rollicki ng speechos, • after which the audletoesang old Jaya -Brown," with thrilling eftet; Tho audience dispersed about one o'clock, fully. satiated with, thoresult of the elections to Pennsylnurla and Ohio, and rejoicing at the overwhelming defeat of treason and Cop perheadistn. to-Nion'tlitm. Goodwin a Co .+. celebra ted Polyorama of the War opens at Moronic and bee:Li:tie oe tho great success it has everpdaira met with, we expect to woe an Lin manse andimeo present. This LS without doubt tho finest painting in this country, aid whenever it is exhibited meets - witiunexam: pled suoceas T —the largest Halts: in tinir.fni ted Statee _Eolog too mall to nocoriunotlate the crowd' that axe eager to: pie upon its matehleas beauties. The autaagtomeat eiritiese a commendable - liberality in 'the 4'aiioas de parents, of their :butane*:'They will, we learn; .11ir3ag their .briit stay in Pittsburgh, give the entire receipts of an exhibition for the beriontotthallubsistouraVorowattec-Thie generous sot, perforniedbYtheet:when here on January last, won for themselves a host of friends. But few, if any entertainments have over met with that distinguished mimes that eve rywhere attends . this o the original Painting of the War, and WerdeinOt hesitant° ,4 It that Masonic Hall will be the Bone of en over whelming throng, hundreds of whom will be unable to gain_ even an .0 11117ZICO to the Hall. All, dangers, Srhts would - sTeutstt teat must go very Caibi pr. nitres-a 'ateapiolutuieut. 111-tilt HIFFPFXSQL—It .was our intention to netlerethiVratura orthls talentod. actress ear lier,l4.3llO-ksiWY . .itila . o r, b' llllll l l / 1 9 W only•exernse, We most say that to record this estimisbleltsgtes pretenee again. amongst us 111 .1. 1 110 1 1/1 1 010A 14 very , many, Indeed; ono. ill - Oro 'otettiieCthe Otoinan runt& Of her'stgasimitppeannihefaiwits ulton , a. itiffi, we feel ateuradlhat the gnatillwatlon fano Lew gr 4 2 1 1 CYOrigra , thliti: tiorstaieli , ; Her Western en 44fiviti*t'aientintsiWis*Midion almi112,4 5ck4494:-.'iWO glifill iank4ktfligTE rot as announcement of her lint aiipearanee. Titietaiinefille Courier says great etnape titioinfipa.Og a9lag On *Ong the coat ors oflbattysior,• few .weeks past, and the artiphOwy risen considerably. The outside m daia la hail Veit/Wit - Wm: eiiii,liefoen s : which has easuusdrthcstdrnnew_ Large contracts have - Veen Tn'Thibithsirtl and other Wanes, .thts coal to -b. -delivered at-the depot In 'Zanesville, for elgEt ennts per halve. Me. Maas Act Bard, te now in this eh'', Ind desires information of husband, Thos. reWol ll n ll ‘ 6 to I