The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 13, 1863, Image 3

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    tbutik..t - *
TUESDAY MORtillig=:=OCT. 18, 1888.
011IOZAL PAP= OS ‘27311 MY.
The Election Returne.
• ,•• Our "alone friends throughout the country
will costar an especial favor by sending us the
-elsetion returns of their respective dbeists,
at theca:test possible hour,on Tuesday Iron
ing. We have made eiteneive anangements
for procuring news Qom the different news
centres Ix the State. The Executive Commit
tee, toe, have arranged to keep "open home"
as Cotimert Hall, for the purpose otreeching
eleetion returns, and publishing the Wu.
We can promise such of our friends as may
some to the city with the district return' a
hearty reception, and will promise them, In
return, the earliest reports, from all puts of
Yeaseylvania end Ohio.
01 course the county ticket is entirely safe.
The interest entree la the State ticket. It
will greatly [militate the ramming up of re.
Hits, therefore, if election others will count
As wok f.► Govenurr and Judge, and send that
in at Cu..
Hear the Fathers I
Jeereoe mad, The Maori mast and dull
be preserved."
Char Bald, "D:suzion, nem, never, never.'
Jet/Fuson, referring to slavery, eald "
tremble for al country when I consider that
God is just."
Decocts said, "There can be bat two par•
ties in.. this war—one for It and the other
agelnat It—patriots and traitors."
Vorssorse said, " Liberty and Union, now
truh-torever—one andinseparable."
Whether will yon vote to honor or dishonor
the immortal Memorise' of these patriots?
WOOnwailiend Loma are the synonyms of
treason and disunion—Omni and Aou* of
"Liberty and trailAP WOODWARD says
Let the memories of these patriot sires rot—
Secession is right. Therefore, withdraw the
netttinal armies North of Mason & Dixon's
line, and. Warmed rebels dictate terms of
"Slavery," he says, "ls an Inca:dr
hie blearing." JRIPLIZIOR trembled for his
*Wry when U.:pandered that there was a
ptit God who !meld execute righteous jadg•
*atter akthet are oppressed. Will you
dlitunter iiiiAtipes of Jammu, JURRISOI,
Our, WRIIMWIL and Dolman by voting for
thri unjust,-traitorous and disunion Judge
--Woonttsmi. If you do, the 03110 of your
children and your children's children wiltrest
upon you.
Grand Torch-Light PrOCesSloll—
Allegheny In a Blaze.
The Tomb-light Prooeseion, gotten up in
Allegheny city, on Monday night, under the
auspices of the Vigilance Committee, was a
grand and imposing agile.
The souralward delegations met at their
tailor:live pierce of readenons, and after
forming t o line they moved towards the gen.
oral verdurous on Ohio street, under com
mand of disk - respective Marshals. A large
delegation' BUM Manchester, principally in
league, also appeared upon thegraunti, and
was assigned a plies in the procUsion. • efts:
. <
considerable dilly the prosehion moved in
the following ceder : ..,7 '7
• !. it. Swum, Matt gito;iitl.
Mot Ward Dil•gallon.
Hope Steam Fite Napa* Company.
Manchester Delegation.
fecood ;Wend Delegation.
Wasbington Flom o,mpany.
, • Third Ward Dammam.
Relfance:llcae Campeau.
Frarth - Ward Delegation.
Colombia- Dow akongany.
Coluaddi But and Ladder Operzy.
(Athena on Soot and in W.
77 All the abort delegattone were liberally
supplied with Minima, and displayed lights
sad trumpirendes to endless variety. It
, would-be impossible for us to attempt to yar
• .tionlarise upon this point.
Tits following Anaistant Marshals We in
- lb. procession: 0.0. Phillips, Robert Les, C.
E. Huron, 0.0. Smith, John A. ilyhr, and,
Ernest Falhanber.
The Chief Marshal and Assistants, together
17 with the Ward Marshals, ware.mounted—the
' foram; Ulna desigusted by , white rasher, and
- ' the latter by Mae sashes.
The menden moved over the following
route: lip Ohio to Chestnut, down Chestnut
to Male, doWn Bain to Leaceek, down Lea
cook to Corry, up Cary to Marion Avenue,
thence to 'Beaver, up Beaver to North Com
mon, thence to, East Common, and down to
Ohio street.
Tee streets and sidewalks were liter
ally crowded with people,many of **houses
were illuminated, flogs Wags displayed, hand
kerchiefs were waved from the windows and
doors by the ladies, rockets ware sent up, and
all along the route there were the warmest
greeting, and liveliest demonsttations of en
Of the number to the ranks we einnot !peak
with any degree of certainty, bat we have
hawed& placid at upwards of two thousand.
Indeed, the number may hem exec:idol this
Inure oonsiderablyf
. - As we ham already intimated, it would be
, . almost impbralble'te give the vadous device',
''., mottos, earloits, eta, exhibited on . the
transpareiletes."Sonie of the hits were do
. eidedirayprepeate and cutting, and we no
., time bet 6611410 51D231012 of gpersonal cher
• ''.. meter. . Among the drvises was a very
•. ' venomous looking copperhead, crawling out
V.. at. he little 'end of- bora. Another dories
4 .
1", raprosentsd Woodward. is ordering • soldier
,-, sway fiont:the Polls, but the soldier was tell
-,' Mg "Weedy" to "keep Ms shirt on" nutilaf
ter thtiedesdoin - Still nether depleted the
17 fearful. - condition ;of • Copperhod who had
',•., - rat a / a ged:l ruttier at the polls. and who was
~:• receiving it terrible assault "In the rear."
;*, - t•N Among the mottoes were: "We Fight Mil
• '""Illgel, and Sigel Fights Mit Us." AsTile
*u err Party Eight in 177 d, Mill, and 1853."
,-.-',' „flo . Compromise with Traitors ." "Down
i' ~... , Cippulutada" "Our Brave Deluders
' 'l7" .' • aokson,lllack,Ripply,llimopten,Poland—
.. ..,7„. • "id, bat not forgotten ." "Onr Gallant Sol.
P s '''''',l* - 111 have not Diedln Vain," eta, eta.
? : ;#o,i4he display of.dfirworke along the route
• - .4 reue very ereeltable,and termed so attractive
.-. ••:-Ill.feature of the demenetralion. Minute scat
• ' were • fited while the "proussion wee moving.
WI - cannot close our report without melting
• ~
special mention of the - Bops Steam Flit En
, .i ~. Ono. ;•.1t: was moat magnificent—ii perfect
-, ..,15t0de1l of :beauty. The Columbia Bose, 'a
Nook 144 - Ladder Company also deserves
• —;•lpeelatiosatien. In it word, the turn-out
exceedinglyereditable .word,' the
' . 7•.;7 : 7- was to the firemen and
,- ;.1 --- - 0 1 0: 11 t•t,o9,l4)._!kid greatly lizavgled
. •
~.,;of mottlingalltaszpeetationt:
...1 - : - . Tbare wereseveral speuheistadt; but ow
.•,. - 7 leg to thelateneugfthe hour at. which the
tacesodon dbilanded-..ten o'clock—we oan-
;-: tot gives tepid of the meeting.
id* nu; nridifinUi Wses.--The =-
tut le poet, and .14 the moratng'e frost, we
boils to apprehen‘thet and winteradll
sa° lll7 ,arzads Odd lcutetprovlde our
gene wits materi a l to' keep u comforta
ble. alai fell calk. on good and ws , 1 1 :1 1 0 40
oTeressat ate UM wry Medina we an Oct
know of nay plus wham our -seeders 'woad
mitt tkemUves Utter than at Keene. W. H.
Melee c 0.% clottdtk eitabllshatent, comet
of /edema Amu ant-Dissomd Bqure, We
lissaY• nay, hare , also .reeelved templets
AlSSol4lllol4oflantlemthi faraishing tomb,
and • graarnalty otnew patens for wiles,
costing, to.
- - -
bfAressil silifstios largo and
ontlinsbuitto Emotion vat held at Wats'
Kali last evotitzig Eon: Thos. L Kowa sato
lag as Piestaint and Tbastss Stash as Bsons•
buy.. AV* land pstdotkl spospolua wet* mad*
by Win. lAttle,2el; Assistant Data States
Anossor, Won M. 811 bus, Esq., Ids..lltoks,
actor, BIT: Kt. Stuart, sad Postmaster 8.
I. Von Banshorst. At the oonolosion of the,
11 ,008ng, ip W 4 Pops, Esq., pliyet• th e
attar and sang three patriotic' songs.
1.4 . t . i
is!gli will be Piehoti arc/ eTlinteg
E et i rei g hi math. •The laaohinsri is
il -- --- I l e a le gym, part, sae th e Woke
E,,i sio___,w6o_,..,ll/P infiyanutOUtablinUlZMlZAKlMM
.„ , , c' 3 / 6 Pr 96 ,._ i .,.. 6 4° '" -- '.- of tho Mad t o
- ° --- ' — '41.4.‘,._., hest ilk* darks lila.
ki , thweallbas n' , "' — ' k o veuraolgd salmi
14 Mu' U 4! thsattlell_.__,,,,, ,- - - ,
,t 1 abe moat 0PP 91141 , 11 ' - '
'it . - ..,
•r, -1,
Letter trite, Gen, Sigel.
-- Thiletliiiiiiiiiirespouisree, 'thigh late
lr patuallowseisAir than Vlgtlinee Com
mittee of — Allegtteuji sad Maj. Gm. Sigel,
has ben handed us ',for publication. The
plias' soldier stomas out boldly for the
num of the Union, and la particularly dy
slecm that his German friends should vote
against the copperheads, sad audit largely
in the general rout: which awaits them at
the pelle t
CO; Oat. 7,1863.
Major General P. Hi7d r
Duo Om t....At a joint routing of the
Unica Vienta Cemmttfirs, the undue geed
were appointed a committee to invite you to
address the friend' of Omen* Curtin, and
arising generally, of Allegheny City and vi
cinity, on Friday evening the 9th init., or et
any other time that may sift you con
With sentimanU of high regard, we are,
very respectfilly, your obedlent unman,
Joan P. Junsoe,
Jong B. Bantu, } Committee.
Ozolos Gum
Yvvinnunan, Oat. 0, 1863.
John P. Jennings, John 11. Serif, and George
Gene, Montboiv of the Union Vsjilante Cow•
mites, Allegheny City:
Oerrunsez—l have received your letter of
invitation to address the "friends of Governor
Curtin, and the citizens generally of dile
gbany city and 'widish'," on Friday next, and
confers that I am very sorry not to be able to
comply with your wishes. Bat at the lame
time I request you to tell the "friends of Gov.
Curtis and the citizens generally," and the
German citizens in ilittti.ltint, that I hope to
see the true friends and supporters of the
Salon el:Aerie's' on the 13th day of Oetobsr.
I hone that they will stand arm in the 6000124
battle of Gettysburg, and not only repulse
the Copperheads sad their camp follower',
but detest them by an overwhelming mijority.
Let Gov. Curtin, who stood Arm daring the
time of invasion be "kindly remembered"
by the people of ;he Keystone State, and in
tiugkrated for the next term.
I am, gentlemen, truly and
Itespeetfelly yours,
P. Slow..
5111016.6 LOCAL NOTIONS.
(Isom Lip Bunnestennee Dlinimes, fel
!ening and nanuteetusing pneposes, an Os
Met In
A. N. Oilmen, General Agent.
No. IS, street.. .
Tunas Pune Plain and Oznamnutal Sla •
Bader, and dada In Pannalunla and Var.
font *data of the but quality at low rata.
Oidna at Mu. Latighlln't, our the Waltz
Works, littstrartat.F.- apEnam
Jos* 1Inoue) rum ran Sur.—The an
&mimed would mos respeetfatly call the at
elution of timer friends, and ate public in Gen
eral, to their Ball and Winter stook of Goods.
They oonsUt of all the nay latest styes of
Clothe, Casimeres and VestiLga, English EA
klmo Bearers. 11100- and Paot Olottand Over
coatings. dim a taro assortment of Brenah
ChinchUs Orezeoatittp of the eery dust
quality, au of which is selected from the latest
importations, ma will be made In the most
*biennibb manner,and at a price lower then
other turibult tailoring establishment
in tha rdtr. Gprii as an early fall.
BANCILL Gauls & Co.,
Ifetebant Talks,. No. t 4 Market it.
Sum emus, - • Ole. 11111411DLIS1.
Prasitostx Sonssseroir.—Bev. Jai. Hoyt,
Paster Ihrst Presbyterian Ohozidt, Oanp,
N. J.. wiitss Moe mad llrs. 8. A. Al
lan's ilylobaluansin en World's Rah. Draf
t:l with eery cast banal In sty family:
Its cleansing and healing proputles, num.
Inn dandled ; end siring the hair a =twat
and healthy tone and softness, un pin those
oe any imeparstlon' known to sec •
Bola by Dsegalsts narraters. Dapst, 193
Greenwich sweat, New PGA.
Jos: Itrouvon aln allaDT 101 811.11:.•The
Ana assortrusat of Fall and Winter Malang ;
tasty rocelnd by Mean. John Wsla & Co.,
Merchant Tailors ' So. Utt /Waal woes,
Allegheny. The stook of clothing oonsbta
of the Anal variety of gents" pantaloons,
vests, coats and ovacrate. The slylo of pat
terns are tasteful and fashionable. We would
Isola all of our. Nadas to give the above
Tni lumen or mat mile grainy mitiga
ted by that semeign - gamely. Honowsn's
Oismaent,emit will cue oaywonnd. however
daspeesto, it ft bo well ribbed around the
vonmind parte, and they am be kept &or
oagikly Gomel with It A pot of ointment
Woad be In sorry mane knapsack. Only
15 ants per pet. 237.
Foss Datum, four *owe&
Your dollars, tour dollars.
Doubt !What., Dental Institute.
Bat clasp Desitotry, but clutopDoutistry
rio 'maim want. go isseldne work.
°art= and carriage ins will be taken st
the Omsdbno olio% No. 410 Penn intent,
day or sight. AU orders loft at the above
gun wW tervomptly attended to. All tans
mut be path is deems. •
Conti:astir tab of good tar:atm to-mor
ram, (Viands,) at 10 o'clock, at 11100iciland's
Auction, 80 Ytith enema.
C. lksa l i Down, zas rim. moot, mum
111 truatzwri of ttis soofosollos •
Intercepted tiarreepandence.
Among the letters to Jefferson Davis, re
cently captured, is one written by Gen.
Gadsden, of South Carolina, dated !desk°,
as fai back se-11154; when DO;Vill was Sec
:Mary of War, developing she scheme of a
great federation of the West India islands,
!stranding Cuba to be a formidable naval
and commercial Power, stimulated In their
protrporify and advancement by African
slavery, as now edging in the Southern
States, where Southern plantens of enter
prise would find space snd Inducements
enough to seek new homes for themselves
and domestics in the most lovely domains
of God's creation, and all united inharmony
under one homogeneous American system
THOItIPION,—AI hi. risktme, ao. 2401. Ot•tr
AMRarab, ea lb. UM hilt., •t 10 o'clock. •
m.. 0.40 RN TLIOILFIDN, la the 19.:h pt•r of Ws
lib roam' wOl take place front the etnaseami
Peeatetio tan Obarob, on ( Rath etreet,on WIDSE3.
Da, the 11th Inst., at. 10 o'clock a.m. Itlitrietoto
arioenttalle ballad to attend. colt fl
paw PARTNERSHIP huatofors
Isttes baleen thr nedaslgned, valet thsatele
and Same I [UAL. SWUM' Ml,' lise the dal
has matially diametral. MHO& HMI sad AMOK
LsWtB haring award the Maui et 1101 WIN
McOLOSI, the bateau of the Isle line Ida be set
tled up 4 laiLb a WIWI&
trILL & LBW'S, successors to HILL,
.11.1.1ferTh01111*C0.. wlllrentinnetonaannfeotoro
took old stood, corner a Crane and esemb 'sin,
of Good Dry klatarialo, la the nod manner. all artl.
dos 01:flaspe0tern Work. for 111218'51ns buffalo's
mon as Doors. s&s Varner, thallium looldleys,
Benle, id, Milldam - end 1410 ecratempliging bad•
dog. ore Melte, to call end anew ant van.
weeder& - BMA. h WIWI&
UPI Onikilik
do.. Cabs • do;
10 Ws. Mader' 0a83184 dq
• Si do Glizazdatod do; •
76 do 11. sad Caw 888
• 80 do 1 ourbito 811ain
11:8) do (lids do, omelet braddi;
bop his dolbat
)78 boon woad Tabooed
YID' do Madigan Fowl atarcbt •
With anamortnuias of all iodides "Aurally kegt la
wkolatala drooity, too uo, by
• aril VAT! ik WIT.BOBI. 491 Libor*: 'treat.
100 limo W. B. •
10 Irmo Bomb
10 W bouo 114116 2 Thdryv
WI BEA Ilaciorot
• . 101wsreen N. Ili sauna. Loris tow;
00 borzoi No. 6 Lorgo. sow;
100 isollltLsrolo No. 1 - Laurz‘now;
- to No. 3 tledllm r Lee;
ICO boxhailirblts Emu
itete atkiltor Las 07
010 ' 110.171 orty,stnov
.Mrsonr ri trir 21 1 0: 1 M "
HUI a gpe;h4 Datu m
• arrant mama.
Forte WMID, ViZczo
laaadiderri TisrhalAtinicsniailll7 A.t..kt•
lea bc" foribriuritreirgeptSiga Otto
elotegibst*h. UM: .6•101 1 m
niaUIUS jUlk rc
vh# NITA' iz , MII3I9CWILUSetsii.
•• • "A" : 117 Unity at.
._ „444.1-.!
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh (Watts.
Out, 04 : 12
/MHO 01.011111 T 01 TIN 1/11431JILT.
The Register of the Treasury, L. E. mgt.
tendon, is acting Secretary dating Beeretarf
Ohene's absence. Dr. Bolger, MsWant Re
gister, takes Mr. Olittendsn's place.
LDllia OP 711.00P8 111 INDIAJAA
Oev. Morton, of Indiana, is raising Omni
regiments of volunteer, oven of infantry
and four of cavalry at eleven olithrant camps.
It 1" expected that they shall be fall by the
11th of November.
worms 112011=115 GOING 1101t1 TO mum
The 19th Indiana, 2i, 6th and 7th Wiscon
sin, and 24th Michigan regimenb, composing
the let brigade, lit division, let cores of the
Amy of the Potomso, known as the' Iron
Brigade," aro to go home within twenty days
to recruit rip their maximum numbers. Fur
loughs are to be given at the discretion of
the Governor. To expedite, other regiments
will, by torn, be alloNed similar privileges.
The Idea of Wing up the ranks by this pro
oars is credited to Gov. Morton, of Indiana.
Indiana is said, upon the strength et olleial
&moments, to have furnished 1,649 men in
exam of all of the calls upon her, Including
her quote under the draft.
istrisi ixeowni °Tux niroava.
There Is good authority ter saying that the
exports during the last fiscal year exceed the
SALMI 01 11•11.71,1111112.
The sales of fivatireaties hit week were
over twolee mations and a quarter.
loszolase BITUATIOIII.
Th. Ihmabiicsa says a dispatch has been
received by the Government to-day, whir&
left Itosecrans as late as last strening. AU
his communications are couplets ; his forms
are in position; the raiders ars dimmed, and
the enemy In his front is inactive and does
not show fight. The troops are In good phys-
Jul condition and In fine obits.
Tour ro rits roarthcsnosa.
AtimintEnna, of liie English navy, accom
panied by GOZIESIII Behanlman, Beni and
staff, visited the fortidostions to-day.
lIMIIIIIII 07 D 15117117 A51121771D
Five thoutand and sixty-two deserten from
the whole army, during the jut two menthe,
havo been reported to the Bureau having the
matter In oharge—a demrosse.
The Ohio soldiers had a large and onithsu.l
- meeting at Armory Square to-night.
Addresses were made by GM. Bob Meredith,
1.. E. Chittenden, and Mr. Jordon, of the
Treasury. The band of the 153/ New York
was in attendance.
Special Dbroatch to lb* Pittsburgh Qtrattsk.
CammociA, Oat. 11, 1863
Reports up to thla mains ray than have
been no military arguments, and all reining
quiet &length° Hugs. D. 8.
Leei — ltatrograde flovemeat—ben
floholiald Pot to ba Removed.
Now You, Oct. 18.—Thelfuhington ea
respondent of the Cemegircial Mates, under
date of Sudsy, 11th inst., that the city was
somewhat startled this morning at the au
thentic, nave from the Repldan, and that the
rebel army had abandoned its Leto position on
the Beath bank of that stream, and that our
cavalry had already encountered one of its
retreating This Intelligence was
rendered exciting by the wide spread tumor
bonded merely on information deaf:dins that
the retrograde movement of Lee meant the
resumption of the canine by • flank move
ment around and through the inside of the
Warfemton Rau to tha-north bang of the
Rappahannock, thus placing the rebel toren
between Meade and Washington, after the
meaner In which Stonewall /mann flanked
Pope on the same ground. II this be the
rebel plans they have been fairly thwarted.
General Nudists not the man to be caught In
so old a trap.
Persons who came from the army Ibis
morning, ream to agree in the, impression
that the retreat is to draw the rebel army
closer to the railroad at Gordonsville, where
the rebels have an extensive depict of sup
plies and where atone will probably be left,
and the remainder of the army sent nearer to
the defences of Richmond.
All military men concur in believing that
the rebels/ do not intend any campsite this
fell, but as they have made the ant
movement the true s! qui will icon be at
As anticipated Gen. Schofield retains his
command of the department of the Missouri.
Kann!, ;,.howster, is detached from it,
while certain military reforms have bummed°
that will restore pine and order la-the State,
which is in to much danger of interreption.
There seems to have bun I general um-
Oman, on the important Mmes.
Interesting from Obartestou—The
City Bet on Fire by /Greek eheits—
Arrive 1 of Roans for Removing the
Obstructions in the Harbor.
New Yogic, On t. 12.—Tits Roston Hautd
has a letter from the not oft Charleston, da.
tad October ad, which say/ I but evening
Oa. Gilmore sent owlet ble Gree k fire shells
Into Charleston, whloh set fire to mime build
ings. The fro bunt for over two hours.
There will be warm work here before this
ranee yeti,if nothing Interferes In the mean
The following from the eareerponderit of
the Baltimore Ancriems, from Charleston
harbor on the sth nut, le=of interest
There are indications now
ir tthat the present.
Inaotivity will not be of many days can.
ammo: Gen. Gilmore hastened Me works
forward with remarkable rapidltz ocumider
ins their =gated* sod thereitilielanar
obstreetione 1n Me way.
Troops are ell worked hard s ;• nearly every
regiment on the island taking its turn way
other day In the trenches for fatigue day;
all this has been cheerfully done, the soldiers
having unlimited confident* in Oar. Gilmore,
and co-operate in the moomplishment of his
The Navy Ls also preparing for the renewal
of the attack.
Within the list twenty-four hours there
have been important arrivals her of mum
(or the removal of the obstroations in the
barber which we may soon hope to sae rue
confully applied.
Generdl Order limed by Gen Meade
Raw You, Oat. 13.—The Tribune say
Enure the McClellan subseription in the army
of the Potomac) was stoppe 4 , Gen. Mons has
issued s gown order, calling attention to
paragraph 220 of army 'nplations, which
probiblin dollberatins or dial:ado= smug
any °lasi of military men, having the °bloc
of canying praise or mucure or any mark
of spprontion towards *Cr sambas or
ethers in ',the military oervice. No. duds
soya this regulation has hitherto, to • son
siderable 'Moat, bun mainly Mire.
guded la this army, but recent acturrsizoos
make it inotualual upon the command
ing patrol to thsist upon • dila
obrocanoe of its reualismento and that
was to ,he , no' mlstindentandlug open the
subject: It - is declared that - meetings or
ountdruitiOns among officers or Sun for the
pu* of szprealng regard for their su
rs oiothors la Ike Militoty • ionise in
the way of presentations, or their &ono
batiort et the sots of their superiors' or Others
la the military semen, by rsoolutions nabs
moldered as violation of the Enlisting,
mid notice
AT .144 , Beet ,Ollity Chase at Oin
„ • 01111713{1.
• Curcuraavz, Oat. 13.—.5scretati Mune ar. ,
shed thla aluarnoen.., Be wu teadred at the
depot by a large crowd sad warted, to the
Dumb .Flatual. when ha bade. shoat jpeltah.
Great btabst b feltia 'the ebetbap_itllait
cromfball te-morrew. Sulam fa Uda aiq
will bepartbUY ingsadad.
' •
The Election in Ohio for Gomm,
Opedal Volta to tho Eittxtra:gh (Units.
Crzongs.itt, Oatobtr 11,1883
A more exciting election has neva taken
plan in Ohio than that which comes off to
monow. The lime has been squarely made
between Treason and Loyalty. party preju
dice, and the lying of party leaden, will lead
very many to vote for Vellandighaut who are
too ignorant or too olgoted to fathom the
depth of his treason, but the hoiden of the
party, ran precisely what Yellandigham
muss, vie Opposition to the Government
and revoluGon in Oldo. This Is the Crane as
the Union uienimsderstand it. They are con
tiguously setae, net only hare, but through
out the Stets ; and I ant safe in uying that
every Union vote in Ohio will be polled.
Oar merehaute, buinese men and menu
futurists, are almost nnanimonsle Union.
AU their places of business will becloud, and
the proprietors will give the whole day to the
election. . There are a large number of Cop
perhead, here from the adjacent States, but
they are marked slid watched, sod they will
beaky succead in voting. Their will be no
rowdyism at the poles. Ample preparations
have been made to crush the , lint symtemi of
riot, and to protect evarfr man, whether
ynlon or ilopperhead, to his right to vete.
This will be den, by the yoliee i ll passible;
but, If neousary, the militia are ready • with
Dive thousand bayonets. I think we will
have a gotta election.
The Unionusm are gala confident of a Mg'
victory. My own estimate is fifteen hundred
Upton majority for this %may, and forty
%mama for the State, exclusive of the sob
' dine - vote. The Western Reserve now pre
mium twenty-five thousand, ad if this ,is
given the majority in the Stele will be over
lay thoniand. In Vallandigham's old dis
t/lot—Staler, pnble and Montgomery un
ties—there will be a Union majority of three
hundred. By this tiros to-morrow night yen
will hear of the death of copperlastUsm la
Ohio. The Union men will put their feet
upon the auk of the serpent and hop them
there. S.
Interesting from Buropo—Arrival of
the Steamers City of Baltimore
and Jura.
New hoar, 04, 12.—The City of Bahl-
Mae arrived at this port to-day from
Vier Lamm—James Buchanan has ar
rived in London.
It Is reported that the relations between
the Preach ambasador and the Reama Gov
ernment are net friendly, on acconitt of its
protection of anassies.
The tire on board the new Ousdien, Steam.
er Pamela wee got under, after destroying
the duke' and fittings in the after put of the
Several engagements between the Rillitine
sad the Poles pre reported without definite
results. The islands of Corfu and Pail, have
mononneed In favor of a union with Greece.
It .wu feared in Path that the British
Government was about to bosoms leis indul
gent towards the South as regards building
vessels Intended for war purposes which will
affect the polloy of the French Government
and the Southern cause.
Fauna' Poise, Oct 12.—The ;tumor
Jura, fram Liverpool the let, via London
deny the 22. peered this point this evening
an route for Quebec.
Political sews unimportant.
' The Confederate loan advanced five per
mat. en Friday under the news by the Scotia
of the repulse of Ga. Rosserana.
The Manchester Southern Crab having me.
moriallsed Earl Raul to make represents-
Rom at Washington against the unnatural
and exterminattig ehaseter of the war. Lord
Russell replied that he feared no represents-
Itions of Her M.jesty'a Government would de
good, but that he would instruct Tier Maps
al Minister at Washington to report on the
etatement made in the memorial.
The 014,Lee correspondent nostarks that it
la mainly as affecting the French position In
Mexico that the Federal chances or Confede
rate hopes auto any interest at all In that
The In femme believes that Bum Gros re
turns as Minister to London.
The Bourse was Armor. Bente, ref.
Earl Russell's speech, asserting that Rus
sia, bevies failed to fulfill treaties, has vir
tually toddled ha title topossess Poland, at
tracts great attention la the Park journals,
and they generally endorse the sentiment.
The Grand Duke Constantine was seriously
111 at Denmark.
The Minister of Marine had demanded au
thority to sonstmot Iron-clads and for calling
In 6,000 "Aron.
:Looms" Monet M .—The demand
fa discount was exceedingly active, but rater
above the bank. minimum. Hands quiet and
study. The revenue returns for the quarter
ending the Biat of September. show a slight
falling off, owing V. the natation of the duty
0a tea, and the income tax.
Commucrur-Lherpool, Ort. 2 —Bread
stuff" are dull and tending downwards. Pro
visions steady. Boon Amur. Produce
. Zemke, 04. 2.—Clentels closed at 1133
Mosey bullion in the bank of England has
decreased 15;2000 pounds. Amerloan se
maritits aro Oat without feat.
• Bearish wheat in steady demand at Mon
day's tenni,but In foreign not much doing.
Flour trade gotta. Barley slow of tale and
Low:km, 04. 2 —Wheat scarce and quite
dear. Oats Indian Corn in steady de
mand at an advance of 6!(3124 per quarter.
Wheat maize generally eery Arm. Consols
for money !or 93X093%.
The Mc(Melina_ Leuer—narnelde,e
New Yogi, Oat. 12.--Oen. McClellan bee
written 'letter to Bon. Charlet J. Biddle, of
New Jamey, requesting him to deny the
statement in tbePhiladmphla Pfet• and other
newspapen, that If he voted and spoke In the
Penneylnnis pplitioal campaign, It world ko
in' favor of Oov. Curtin. Re eels th at after
a hilt conversation with Jody Woodward, be
ands that their views agree, and be regards
hie election aa Governor of Peansylvania
galled for by the interests of tke nationiand
world. if it was in hi s power, Judge
Woodward my voice and my vote.
A Special to the itibese from Knoxville
the llth sake, , 11011Ild• advanced toward
Oiseneille, Thursday and Tilde,. Hs
ormstook a rebel foot under Jackson end
Williams, on Saturday at Mae Briny ; they
campy a ctroeg position and.number
Oar cavalry held the *banes until 3 P. M.
when the first dtvitlon, several times charge&
the reboil, the firing was sharp and Mottos.
ties to mit men.
The rebels used. only one battery. Tag
wore driven fromltlie field at sundown, bat
dertnam - renderid penult Impossible.
Thembels are nor/retreating on Xhe Green
ville road.
We lost sixty-six killed aid wounded. The
letter are in,okte to be sent to Knoxville.
General Surnalde is passing.
Everethlog leaks encouraging.
Leiter from a Prisoner.
BOKOlfo Oat. 1g:-The following entreat of
II how ts from one id the boat', crew of the
ship Uneaten% engaged ta the attack on
Port Ininte, on the Bob of September.
02lusbia, B. 0 . , 41. 11.—We hare been
this dry one west tonight. All our boaCe
crew, numbering Afton and two ethers, are
wet, and were not Wars& at all. Wo were
la the Charleston Our dap. Chaplain
0„ Trimball, of Ike 10th Canneeikeit.
protract to wspibirdep Tkeze win ninety.
itz men Mid four officers taken at Port Sam
, ter on thenight of the Bth of Saptetabor. We
think we alma be esehanged. and ,sent home
by the way of Biahmonds to • bow dam We
oltit7 eurralvol simian& st;.• end hare the
liberty of the yard all day mug.
pima youtstille.
LOCISTIALIi 004 12 --Nashville matters
ftltrout and the telegraph ands.
Col. Deed, halides on ItoWessans' Steil
goes northward nonarrrow on sick forloagh.
Gins. Gatos Orlttendan,and McCook an
la town to-nlght and dlsoreet ths reportsf a
large nhal cavalr7 lei I ths 'WOW'
Tomlassollitiv ," 1
TO steamer. Glasgow, wield, watt MIN
itgltillla Waal Of *WSW/ and 001114 Ulna
of canals frentAr Wein& • s , •
a ,. ; , ..,
Dolt Out far DOMOCTIIit Foorbaeks
He [o la Favor of Wootiward's glutton
etc, &C.
Special Dispatch to the Pittabstrat °sults.
Pintkonratt, OA. 12,18133.
The public are egoist cautioned against last
muds and other devices of the anti-war De•
mouraoy, to holster up their sinking mono, on
the eve of election- The first effort is sem to
day, in the shape cf a letter purporting to be
from General McClellan, pablished in en ob
scure evening paper in this city. Other lim
iter forgeries will probsbly, follow.
MeGlallan hao written a lobes to Chas.
J. Biddle, which Is :old to be a forgery, but
most probabli tine, denying the assertion
in the Neu that he Is in Bilror of Curtin. It
'tato that In a recent eenvereation with
Woodward he found that their views agreed,
and regards his election as ersenlial to the In
terest, of the nation. It also understands
that he is in favor of the war tliktite military
power of the rebellion 11 destroyed, but that
tits policy of the war should be in &coo:dense
with the priecipils of humanity. In con
clusion he says: I would, were it in my
power, give to Judge Woodward my voles and
vote. Ble letter wee placartirdi all over the
olsy, end intended to 'neurn the soldiers'
vote. It will fell. The soldiers staler Curtin.
McClellan onatet help Woodward, and it
will blur McClellan. The letter proves the
General a puppet In the hands of politicians,
and Woodward's defeat will kill him for the
loading politicians of this city bet this
eveniss lota thousand dollars that Ourtin's
majority will be over twenty thousand.
The feeling in the city Is Intense, and me
confident of a heavy vote.
Nambers of deserters will be caught at the
polls whom the Clopperheeds have colonised
Good news from the interior. 'temente
Union meetings were held at Easton and
Curtin la In town
''The malt !root doebtfal, and expeet news
of a glorious victory, and are ram that Mc
Mellen no longer loads the army of the
ldalon. 8•
Washington City Rents.
WASSIZOTOS, Oot. appears from a
telegram received to-day, detail Chattanooga,
yesterday, that Gen. Rosecrens' communion
thus are complete, his forees In position, the
raiders dispersed, and the enemy in front in
seam Oar troops are tapretented to be in
good physical oonditlon and fine spirits.
Eleven hundred sick soldiers have ruched
here recently from the Army of the Potomac,
and been sent into hospitals.
Two men were arrested yesterday and com
mitted to the central guard house for dealing
in Confederate money.
The President has not yet completed his
reply to the address of the Missouri and
Banns delegations.
WASHINGTOS, Oct. 12.—Admiral Milne and
his snit with Lord Lyons and the entire
British legation attended by the Secretary of
ditto and assistant end a eon ante Beare
tau of War yesterday visited Mount Ver
non and paid their homage at the tomb of
Wiehington. The tam:melon was in ell re.
I aurae a pleasant one to the died:patted
party. The Naval odious stationed on the
Potomac in the vicinity waited on the Ad
:ohs' end were received by him with great
courtesy. To-day, accompanied by Major
*lurid ilaintreiman, vette a proper military
escort, the party vicitad the convalescent
camp theeeatrebeed cramp and other place,
cf interact in the Department of Washington.
From Cairo
Cane, Cot. 13.—Arrivals from below rep
resent that the rebels burned the Reilroad
bridge west of Corinth, and cut the telegraph
thvoral places, and a large force of cavalry
threaten' our Ilan between Oorinthand
A fight recurred on the Bth near Bakun,
ktithlreippl, between 4,000 rebel; nadir Leo
aid 5,000 Paderals under MoCmliii and Phil
lips. The rebels draw back with a loth of
fifteen or twenty billed and wounded.
Little Rook advice' of the 2d, mention a
IMMO!' that Kirby Bmitb joined Price with a
oonsidarable form, and that they are now
worths on that plane, from the direction of
Ombrallas are committing depredations on
the ddetoelass Inhabitants at Dam. An
/ow", regiment and four handrod armed old
sans have gone to look after them.
Contrabands Incoming Into Liras Rock.
The Rebel Raid lsk fillisourt-- A Fight
80. Lem, Oat. .12 —Shelby and Coffey's
Isidore loft the PsolGo Seiko-ad on Saturday
and moved North and reached Brookville ylte
tarday morning. They burned no railroad
property at Tipton, as previosely reported,
but plundered the town of a large amount of
money. The ol tissue of Wsrefiel4, Green
deld and other towels through which the
rebels poled suffered in like manner. The
federal troops from several dirsotlone cloud ln
en them, and although oar forum souffles
principally of infantry militia, the author
ities ate sanguine of capturing them. Artil.
tory hos been gent up the river from Jefferson
A fight was expiated at Booneville to-day,
but it toyer, probable the rebate will retreat
towards Lexington.
The Pirate Sumter not Destroyed.
Baer* Oet. 13.—i letter received is this
city lank Daub:Mime the pirate Aumter
was not destroyed In Ohs/heron itertuir k ' but
is now In Witudnatou, armed and awaiting •
;shwa tom the Monads. There artraight
United States steamers at present blocitadrus
that port.
Blathers by telegraph.
Tim Ton., October IL—Oottoa mom active ana
firmer it Ito for Middling Opals& Pion opened'
IMMO bitter, but clomd eon with boyars decerall
ribtang to pay the advance, al 15,135.5,95 far Entre.
Rano "1e &4110 1 .9 5 for common to rod attlynne
bras& Yana Itt. IL 0., and $ 11 ,7106 6 ,80 far MI MS
lirandie—lase Solve sad issuer, closing at hintiai
Wheat openad ornettled sad. ercited. and 865 war
higher, but clan dull and twiny, with bayou pan.
entry' reunion t 6 pay tha advance at $1,1101.2e for
Old . .Oblosgo ending, $1.3451,1in for
,Zierw Chime
EPtibint3l,Mil, 32 tor Mildistkee Clob, 11,350451,44
for /unbar -laws. and $1.37§11,40 far Winter lied
Western. Ono opened at 'WM better, and active,
but cloud dull. buyers refamento pay the advance.
at 11101M51,05 gsr Endpoint' Mind Western afloat,
111,8320 93 tar Shipping Mixed Wats= in store—
ening at Wide qiudatious. Oats tone active sad
acncely so dna at 85090 for Wester& Odin quiet,
and without decbh-d chance. Einar quiet: Monne*
dull sad bripel. hen). Pnik attire cud "firmer, at
IPA for old kins, iMilyOg for sew Men, 5143 1 11
for new Prnae, and SLOAN:OIS-00 far new Woman
Prime nem. Laid steady at 11%011%
New York Stock and Droner klarket.
New Y0u..0ct.12.— Mosey steady at 6 pet cent.
Gold aims:ea 3
tooprnk Vinton al UN &ends% to
it, and edirinceing 61%. and closing [lnn et 61%.
Governatent Mocha suede firma—United Stites
Vs, 1521. Coupons. /0 8 0 108 %.
Stocks bolter. Gold to the street sad u hlgh'u
151% closing tows
0 3 B I.— 10%
P 47 IBrading
0 3 9 r 1
21 Y II fi ltt
Catoaao, Oct. 19.—Ilont edits and arra. Wheat
gala, and It lower, at $1.12. Corn OWL and ageo
lower, at ISRPfn. Oats wale, sad 40 lower, at WO
09e. ' anoint, SOO barrel. floury 89.000 blabs!,
wheat; 78,O ; hi:labels corn. litdpmanta, 0000 lamb
Soon 19,0t0 barrels wheah MAW barrels corn.
thrtgbia doll had aneS urged. .Whett axonal,- and
e(103 tattar, for all radstlan cats 8d4600 batht Is
as $416051.13 tot /go 2 Chlario byr1ng,11,21101,14
ion 210.1 Chicago Spring, $1,240,26 for do. 1 213 I•
wants) Club, and P 05304114 for Winter Bed. 03T12
In gold danterul, with sake at 076198 e —holden at
123 close sating 093. Mirky Dna.
Batrunait,Ost. IL—lrlonr rep AM, at $9.87®7
for Extra Chin , 'nest antler and buoyant; Wee
of. sa,crJo bushels Kentucky White at 8 1 , 0 0a2L0.1.
Southern Wait. at SIXIO_I I99 , and Southern Son at.
$1.12361,131. Clan settee; whits at $ 400431,14; Tat.
low as $1,0301.07. Whisky unrolled at 14(3114% for
ru + aaanri, Ott s.m a i l;.= Cm; Surr a f t v st
011,60 for Iliad, and $1,050)1,7ra Oara.adreclng:
tad firm Wu 5,000 Ibtabali at 111,041.11. • Whtal,
Armenia; .;
IWO) 11116113.-.1 Jare.i on kW,
it in_vin itvti lapilli to oft t Uni qt , N i a ,
it mkt 114114.011a1t
..11 4
I cturi
li-i- c: • ,
Long, Miller Co.
tiq .s Bic sung: PocheNl Van n
01I!los and Vszaborat; No. SIB NARK"
81711= Pfttabargh.
Blanntadareal of ILLMOISATLSO sad LUB
Mlr No.l MUM OIL, waanotod alan"
she, always on hand. ocliOlyd
'The Confessior.s andftperienee
OLE IITI7A.LID, panelisa be the bandit and me
• turning zadOMITSON TO TOON° ILLS shy
Who* From Hurons Ytemiturt Dow of
kranhood, eta., rayplytaw, et the MD! Mae, THE
NUM or PELT 111711.1 L By tate who has eared
himself &Ow ban pat to gnat enema sod Wm
thratel medical bombes nod quatkety.
By robbing • pattp•lll eddiemed travalope„ eht. ,
gb corks may be tad ante author,
rayndetewF &dim% Eta/P aoatj. N. I.
H. BIiGIAD 33 raapectfolly
RMII cm ditECM Of Plthiberth. thee
he hee berm =Water tole neat tur the isie at My.
re es Awe wwmu Mut A.Numougosm
PXN. Tber ete reaolemeaded by the larsest haws
In the atty. man ehkh ete •
Nu" Brown i Co.. rase it Oa.
ll oaltaeen Co., tem Ctrs Terre Ga.
Ito, PAEM/1100,
.mid cetera 1e5:17
OtITLIT aew mrraa,
iinv =Ann* on band s Urge and thoron64
sessonel stoat of DION MO, BOAT AND BOTTOM
b1113431LL8, JOISTS. Bram*, LATHE, PAL
MB, &a. la be.
Bo will All ordort fee HAWED BTU= with
promptneen and nt Mr rata.
N. ll.—Fersosi wanting LONGTIME= or POP.
FLA are tartleniarly invited to examine bit [lock.
Un - ODe an Mali street, seas Itobbncar.
auflß:tt _
TROOPS, which la not forming at Oamp WO=
Pane, USW Paltalalphla, Pa. Pay, Clothing and
Batton Rowse as chits soldiers.
. .
Trenrportstion vlll be famithed upon application
to the undersigned, to 'goads of mat of any combos.
Recruiting Odle=
==lONlpirtfcalat atlas tlca to tto of
C DISIIASES. Qs sir, and N treat:a nd
ales on OAT6.IIAOT, SQUINT Infs. for ANT/FL
MEANING, sad all Means amens tear and
loac i Deena&
Mee. 100 MTH STREW. nisi:Witte
Wholesale dealers In E 141377 AHD SLCIABB, have
now In st:re their 611 'toot of goods, which they
will all FENT LOW FOR 04811.
Country Illarenaats would do well to call before
purchasing eleenbere.
orAll radon promptly attended to. se23
808 ran BATE,
fo 001JGE11, COLDS, &a,
Prepared sad odd Di
J. M. ruvras,
The Dist place to gat them Li of
YEDZEIAL MILBET, 61:egheny 01t7
: certfticato of tan esares of noot of the Bank
of Plittbargh, mutant ant. frond liontobar War
1833, to Marla Eon, damned. too been otialaid ar
totke le he gino that tattoo the odd oar-
Woe,* to nonrated before the expiration of leer
weeks from this dabs. appßeation will be mida to the
Rank to IMO t duplicate corttßoste of the stook.
Adolf:be:rotor of the Istate of Knots Herr.
Peolnriber 11. ten ottrhtta
DRAFT.—Persona who are draft
ad, who are entitled to ostroptlon for ousts
opli down In the Otrooctiotton Act of ILitht, 1863,
r who Irish to ba relloved the payment of SEOO,
from Ibis roma droA or with to procure a robstltat•
to tail theft plocol6tp tie ma, yin futd It to MO
oflimatap to coil on mo,fit l em fatty prepared with
to. J. fLif 0 RANGY,
No. 107 restrtb street, near Imlttitteld otrtot.
16117/112 QIIAITLEXLITIIei Orrice%
Omar GI land std street;
Mutiagto& D. a.. Ent Mt& 1110 0.1
vas, on Um' TIBST. 81001 ID AND VAUD
WIDE XIDA.7B,Ith, 14th and fast of Wats, at
the aural, mar tea Washington Otearastory, a
bras lot of 110118110 and 14tThE 4 , condemned at
unfit for paella marks. GL to commence at 10
o'clock & to.
TIM= —Cub, ba GaTarament (tads.
OWL. as Burma, A.Q. rLi
leoli. lidlLai.P . Orilt NEW COAL Kura,
to complete order and evailtlart. Memolore,
i 0 het to Loeb, 14 fret to width ad 4 tooth.
Mete ere Ido 1 Cod Errs, sea wlll be mold at a
bargidn. inquire of rums IIeKtILVY, ,
At the eke of obe J 41/Ack,
erteal Trovirsre Way. Oar cu or Bead et.
Trout Radial's HisoUton. A. 8., dl. D. Soma
edition. Ihntsed sad Imp:orod. Olostroted with
tno Ibundetd sad Eighty No no'd oats. Ono mat
o= era. ICIIT d CO,
on , it% Wood stress.
eillICAM&111 & Utt'o di
D/Ms as tba tint= Bank. Loam', and MOS
Ulla ea every important town In Caratany, Primes
emttserland and Italy. tor eats In cum to Intl yu r .
amen. by W. /I. WILLIAM • 00..
• MAID • Wood Wool, ronw of Third.
LS. seas Intereeted am busby notified that Om ma•
dendmod, viewers appolonel to thew and seem tae
&metal end benefits wising Apm the prewied open.
Vita, Allvelen• Avenue, tramthe nmati Ihn of
• Wed to Island Lone, ‘lll ewe on the line of
gild stood, for as purposes of their appointment,
on BATIIII.DAY, 04.17. leak at II o'clo4 p. m.
Jelled memmior,} -
JPIL 1111183."-We ate row Trepan:4 to tarnish
Captain' sad Gram eI Steastnets with ermast
3D o Illtikot any Fin sad aunts. We will forniih
all the mtnery of a boot, ond laccol to point of
lijoellineete Coos We hope, by ow promptnins
'in cooling pp to Uwe, Ind the tlonlitY of oIIf Roth,
to ohm Gut pstrostign oi MUM vivarium
Dill Beak of Allegbastr Rim. •
11).11MOVel...—We Imo this day taken
the Wouslt.cts lately . iscontod hs wham
Bamako. a Co., No. ea WATlia TWAT
WU/WM and will rontinc.lh. Oomnbintan trot•
mos. and wars Nedra Oil on Hail 4 for wbbb.
w. bus open, for SAN barrels. hate of stoup
matrate. , EIDSB • AS CLAUS.
October 141,1103. Was. •
outs APPLII9-7,01.14i. plekid drple4s
az ast—tco cam Worm Bison%
DAOON.-8 DOO la. ribbed Man
surrire-4,c00 tbs. psebed Baiter;
Alp—near. Maw. Mr" Tabisto, eynn Nan •
M. UN* Broome , Bc4P , Outer% Spices. Nina.
wane Ball, to nekl,Wabbrada, Backe% ie., iris
ills at 80. U IdEarty Welty •
oda . P. A4(= al 00.
NIN2 atliftE9 of valuable laud for
nlp, altastad buena to= the city,. pod
Oolta_zo Your. Stab% Ovid Mow. Bortog of axed
loot Wotor,2oo Apt* tad Poach Taal, tiodirkito.
lot :dui sad tome apply to
6.001.11EH8U At BONS,
• to 7 61 Itatkot 'tort.
11.L.411.-50 Ms. No. 3 largo hiackare
.60 ht. ale. do. 9 maim do;
60 to Hap do;
ed Efts 1 I
60, d 044
Tr. MU tdls. Wldteldi;
SO do lake SS:rotor,
• .
In steno sod fo# old. ho
mkt WATT k WILSON. 163 Liberty ease
9141111 TV IeNNT BLUNT ON U 1 Y'S
lIOLD DT 140 DUP.—A two atm, Vann
Dwane' Zoete for two tenants. ewe lour toots
r,w SUM • Tee toe ow,
8. 1113TH1184.4 14088,
- - - eilketeete.t
ts 01.taitaVa ' of all yid . and
*tams. cut** tall why Mud kali =loam. RIC
**OW* and nun at the Ott Oath Doot at
Nos. !I sod Stilt. Ostratthak_
71 t. "11" Itirtal -stsbss souslic4=
its*“oo OS tor sou as so. us soa
IM=l34St LOUIS. ;:
Oz bias. uo- •
^ ' ICO
Barlns eralphet tb* Ashy tor the enle, of a
8212P18 CL&T, hilara nett Et. tonic, ,r
-ens the attention et Claw end - Steal lient.artra,
to the Analysis stout abase, es mar . Lne by rm.._
41. Hays. of &etre, sad -. .
Piet which, topthur with the vet ruclatel repen
t= by utanutentarere o.taliaure.l
ma ft. Luz% Erterte.r t. wc. tto yc ra t end
mat valuable Crlay am known, a-bather intelyn cr
farAtlelt. fob made him Ste
®ate tarpapered's, 63.4 to ft swaths.
The Amelytts
to of the Clay M takmtnpe
rota; without say treablal or preparation e I,ct
eaer. UPonewas greet adtealnkteu aid 05V:city
opatiliat. whirl are and & h
own by the •lytis, and
Verb analt of the ettailiccro ot • Lerserreporric , .
of the or burned clay.
om row prepared to , cane Lae the *bore
Clay, to be slt.'"ned from S. Loaf. or deLv,,..rattr.a
Boa 1T Lr4D 19 71FTla LTM:I", Pr.Tnrsanp
Atkizttion'; Steel Cellars and C tffs,
Eim.e.ct Whit% baying tba imamate. a•d ^um.
tort of Lhaen. 5o aataia7 man Bud tbi";
inn invaluable.
ILMIL /SIM 0/ MILL 001.1.11/ AV, c9T/I.
43142V3 cart'.
:" Tenurial ' "
• • _,. CISTAr ter.
Ladles` Barrow . .
Cub. a
fait try port 011 rtarlpt LI zi .
/VW Wes rikautimelhd :or LS 7900,10-1.
• azirixasas for . sn OLD . 4 18.,.V.
tidies la rat broke it bear Totta outt, 7% . ,
Tba tzsdei supplied Its h,olAr terrk 4 5 6 132 q1PR1 a
, wag; itualtun co., ..
ool4t ' _,A.trlrl„ re.
ziariaa JUILLUOLDETIT rrato ;
I 17, GILT AND BTESL lILLT Brogrx9;"
lated epee ;
Together with • general mewls writ of other von
kept Ea • Tatamtog Uwe% at
appointed to tudeot the acrottula for labor on th
fortification% around the City of Pitttbergb, moult.
hereby notify ell persona b»fr g bills for labor or.,
material mad arm the intreettarete, to proem - ht .
the lame, Wore the tat day of Howercly-tr. to 0 TO.
IL THUBBTOIL at tee Boar! of Train, he •
hating Wm tustructed to ward lo the dot, c" i.e.
tog all ausla WIN otrrectly male cut tud . t.roperly
By order of the Committee.
GEO. ti. Bea Ex. Corn
In purthenoe of the above no! It". I erlll gettamd
daily far the purpose el farniehheg the yrener fit cu
Qtr miktag out add 611 b, eel :or revribtrittot=g ,,2,
taranthentlmllen by deimeoth at the 11.-4.4 of .
Trade Looms,tally, from 11 to 11,. 1 / 2 ; " '
ge2kti HBO. IL TIiCICS/O.T.
638 LIKLIITI 15111=
beentlful and Tatfcd 1430Zi1. - Dili Cd
Monumants and Orave Stone:.
ynnf.—Via tan tb.fe rattbod of habratin c 2
Hands and the yobllo generally that en tremor
to 231.21:a.f12 TLL - rfl W1T1V.)1.71.' ra
Imelee of Maestri. Those •h - ho bson horn
portyoata6 toll reach dreaded eyelet:on cry nose
lay amide abate taa.ll and Elva on a mil, as the am.srasa Ws have la me has •.om thosenglOy Meted da.7-
.bg the past four yen, fully ctabtlontsa tan mil
and_pdalle. thane= of the otnrothom /ic
or Getaceada Ins 13atttry terA. ttoie
vtahlny, the easel= at a ge'd and solEssle lot•stint
win do wall to call and commit with . .
or, D. O. re..)..
lett:rasa No. e Lkoilthield P:hstrzz
AC.II. To the Mtn and sex. of Ste cud , rarirac 47
attars thawed fa the estate of Mccerd ei.e'd.
At the laudance of Jacob Lisbart, ooe of th e mad:.
lomat' said decocted, Tao era hereby rive. M be sod
sprat:before ms, .I.lthUtattliDYON, Regiverr
of Willa &IL, la sad for the meaty afcressid, 011 !Yr
has WIDNIZDAT, the 7th day of Dames! rtzt, .•
then sad than to A. oat Letters tl A 411111.1140. 01
lion tpcm the estate of oath drec.:rnt, or aims cchse,
sod yaa tram, why red letter, shrub: cot here
I, Jacob /thaw t, or some other it proem.
elan colder my Laud awl real of slllce, th o 3.1112
day of September. a. D. ma.
aeStlddt WEr. 3. II 1C11110.503f, Reeder. • •
andanigned odors Ibr rils s very d0d,,10
pyres of lead, =taxiing 18% wets, wstarlr, I itcaNd
In Baldwin township. It fronts on Ma Inswortlllo
road on ens We, and one s!da on the Edsabstberwr_
road. It to prrt of Ufa White Ball Farts. :his
kw a hoar erected on It, and en erchsrd of applo
and chary trees, blaring trutt. Thlr lot will 'Lis • oid
as aossonsodatlng terms. If notsold tam do f.rst
of Ja nn e-y, It will be kW TALC • •
be farther putt:Wars Inquire
or SW anbstitiber, In lino ards , a township
saild-awldswV3rn DAVID rIB6B
VALUABLE WORliti Uti .121 . 11.4'w
wTst Y 811111/SSIY.
PfArtr's Anatomy cf the Arerke, S I fa
Losgrocas Gunshot Wonsan 51,00.
Anse itastiLl 01 1311ltary Etracry, St 01
TSB HorAted SWIM iss manual, Si 25.:
Ystnatose's ltlPaq 14711.00, 55,0 M
ramstosd's l'hydologicatl 31tmchr, 51,f'
Tripter t Plaamsn's 1111.11twy Sursint, 51,03.
Psetkartra Minor Sugary. 51 00. • ,
Varpst's Minor Scrtgary, 51 Es.
lism'ltos on fratia.s ass Vtalocatl..tioAil _
ler q'. by . ELI a "
sc .. rd Wont ntvet::.
Philadel;hlsirtebii to wumthr ono/
holiest and indnatrioso4otuig
eemmledort, in ilitelmzgh The tarty tbus etnplmtd w_41210,- to
cheep hie Vire teeigenot.W. lellibtfornisont
eenoPice; artfriodeivilloten4Veftrded to 2clato kb -
energy reolonaratito, ,Grieboieltand
player. trodoobtod . ortrenso- vs lu eoenct•ri
oared. Address nee, Box lOtlahlsoelonla Net t
°Vim ,4334
1107487 PUBLIC, •
No. n Dranqn 671.71 LT; Yminolaz.
&knowlap:pints - Of Deati - r epos:11 mas and AM •
&TitsilliglietUeds. Mcslages; Ides
avenans, kglll. PAWS or *Teti tit .1
4.I9IsLLIEG cr alt rooms, Cobh , d attire. bet,
booment, An. Lot, 21 by 91 test; ttcre
=Anthony %Wins a tin thtp, ' •
blasts Arenas. "e±Appty to
P. , 8AT114 CoameTctal Proktii ,
- OM Unitas str el..T.sroorts7Thr.
17,Y0t1 WISH to preherve,Our
gocnuro tho PU AIIGIAL et rat 4
to wren formeittattm ßE
Wa P r. n od
that to r ,,, Ftlr!!
Ita spioldlos properties. Vor rots la.tottlis em. •
talzanglo or. taco. tiltb fall diro.ntmle f?rattor k at
Gal A. WILLY'S,. Central Derg Strto,l-
trork.t Nth hat.y.
slam or wrieErs iii‘atrantr
eirtann, Ira 4, corm of LlLarty and• Ellra.
strata Onkoopan nor?t4lDs. D6Y and day-
USDA,. • .
bar had pains dbed'ad Can ;
- IN. ergs;
Now at Dmot sad for u by ;
seRS 8 BIDDER. Tg Tib'•rty atreart.
PL IVITA'OO siTrtes, -
.a Wit* doer tau. P.
• - .
caul:dal librrldoa• On. ryarA Mos. Pm. $l.
Yee als by *, • - SAT CO, , ,
1 1.1311130 t—Tbe Voicarial Reiner '.s is
04, ow lan On perfect uraotlps. roe
Ws *sly et Sot 93 sad 3139. Par street.
co 7 ' ; rutr.irro.
lf • • • ,
*Ft UMW Weimar tielet gap
wfr •
oat - NAN 1111N111/I.M. ztred
SII GAZ CURED' -O S. lar't
. Tosslittlap.
hal No. h lterha shos, um WNW.
ALEX. cidl 17,
Ho. 121 +ll'Ern)
Solo Aunts kx
78 tiArass been.
H.•sxo Terlrtn