(!War TUESDAY 11011111110mr::-.: :00T. 18,1868. UNDO State Ticket. GoTlONrat: , ANDREW*. CURTIN, or Centre) roil /you CIIIP TUB OUPRuItIR COURT: DANIEL AGNEW, of Beaver. Unica Coeliac Ticket tar Pnoming J. 0 aid 1101.40 C atomorami nom lor 4_. L JOHN r. ciitoira ALFSlDez..ter. in. SAO I HAIHHOH. iv. Wilt. H. DINNISTOH. faal• J. BNB AIL Ire? JOHli L OTHWIIer. Olmh d puny WK. .11.1111821011. ler Oro* fivarrrin ,DAVID 41.111.111,Ja. Itmenar, ADDIEL WOWS* Per 6 MIL S. RIOHARD i tr r e MIMI HA Pe MooMILTO flow. no. JOHN T. D Dinotot If dr Am ELATIX. THE WOE TW.DAy. WI never saw a lime when there was so little occasion far a rallying cry U. the TO. tin now. The people are thormighly aroused, and this night will tell • story that will do more to restore the Union and Mask its enemies than any victory that has been achlevedeince the war began. • The -time for.taliting is pain; that far vatting **come. Boar in mind, friends of the Baton, that at every election, bon ever important, some votes are lost through supineness and neglect • As far as possi ble-lit this loss - be avoided to-day. Let mit man work to bring out s tali vote. flome egad pr infirm ilea may moire es detains to get to thepolls,4litli a few may bo so indifferent that they will not turn oat unless they are urged. Nov the man who searches oat a voterin some outotthe•way place, and brings him to the polls, and Bali mei a vote which would otherwise have been lost, does a betterserrice to his coun try than he who qsanis the whole day in sealourbut unavaintig argument. The Election and lie County Ticket. The people of the county of - Allegheny have every motive to turn out to the polls today in all their strength—that strength which has given to this community the glorious title of the BAX/1101 Conn. In the election of Cann and Aonaw, the people of Pennsylvania will prenotmee to the world, that the Keystone State is heartily on the aide of the Administration; that in the progressive strides of civilisa tion, it 'Lager's:tot behind. Far beyond the move goad or evil which the elusion of on stake Other of the opposing candidates for Gnaws may, make him to do or to prevent, will be the moral effect of the vote upon the diplomacy of Europe, upon the hop= and energies of the rebels in arms, and upon the eohemes of traitors at hems ' Oar county ticket, independently of the noble plat'orm upon which it is based; is composed of men excellently well qualified for the positions they are respectively named far. Look at them I Don Mons Halmos, has for many years oconpted public position. With a private character above reproach--• penile record without ofittr, with a rich experi ence of many year. with superior quail tiestat -dr& heart, no man in the county could be selected mon eminently qualified for reelection to the position which for the last ten years be has so well adorned, than JODOC &zero/. For Assembly, the Convention has given us an admirable ticket. :on P. Ci.us, Is wall known to this community. Among the first, he has gained hie devotion to his country, by hie personal services in the field, and-al though • life-long Democrat-by disavor ing the treasonable platform open which the remnants of that piny have hued Weaning, and uniting with Union-loving dinette In support of the administration. Anne Suck, has already envoi one t arst, with distinguished nuns. Widely known and esteemed ne en honest man, a bird-fisted mechanic and .uncorroptible Weak he will poll a large vote simply for these reasons. liars B. limos is before the public for the first time. An upright and ea able man, • close student, a good citizen, he Will adorn the position. No man in the county has more indent friends, and no one deserves them more than he. WK. H. DinXISTON, although a young man, has a large acquaintance with legis lative duties, which will prove of great benefit to his ocentituents. He has given evidences of great ability in the campaign, and his future is looked forward to by hie Nand with hoptand pride. Of the Hon. T. J. Browse but little need be said. He is well known to ibis whole itenzomity. As , a legislator he is poi ,,oatesell of peak aperient*, all Ulla:tate isquaintangs legislative lilies and Indica He will be, as he has *trendy proved Meisel!, a valuable man for the 'aunty in that position. Per Begun, we have - Jous H. Suwon; Esq.—agentleutan uho has not hesitated to Shaw upon the SeLl, his devotion to hlit country. Having bad an Intimate pci-, mind acquaintance with him for =AT years, we are able to speak knowingly when we say, that every Impulse of hie 'heart la generous and is manifested in a thousand ways, through his friendships, - through his chivalrous defense of the weak, aid through btu open-handed liberality. Ire Tobutteered 1 . n . Ceiit. Robert Patterson's Halm Conley;'wits elected First Lieuten ant, and subsegaentiy promoted to the cap. Way on the resignation of Capt. Patter son- The unities of Capt. - theivart, In the gallant First blarylandcaralry, in the re. glen of country along the Potomac) from Hancock to Harpor's • Ferry, passedlnto; kl i t or y. Having Pliantly. served 'his country in the MI, Capt. Stewart wW ably seers his constituents as Sherif-of Alla glossy county. tit Wit A. Eilanos, Clerk of Courts, we need any Wilda As the present incumbent, bibite been brought favorably Into °lnfect with a large portion of this Community, And his *fitness for the post is isndeomely codified in his re-nomination. Far Cowin' • Tanesunst; Dam Arm, is the soignee. He is' aline widely known and inspected. He is &putout, es; Means and nit banal man of ,business sad irkkelaffablo--quelifies neceolaryfor the`dica. . 1 •1. L;ri;g'L. -7 ,4; ,AWOht'KAI .. . :,•'.7-.3';‘,: , f,0 7 •:4 • , '' .4 .1 .. 0, • ,' . A ,•••+o.*=ff . , , ' ' • ;'-q0 4 .7' - _,-,041..:, 4 .'4 4.... ' , '''';'.- - ;W"";' - ''' ' ir-'''.'" , • - ; '' • '''''''' ''.;',. r:ris - 7. .7', ' '• •:',.., -,--• ;,'-: - ....•0 .'. :',.3.• 1."... • , ,,7•„?1 , .;:-.:j . ,„;;AT.i.^..•2FP.:,•••• ,, - ,. .. , • , -,,,,T,';',:-.f.:••.„1tY , , i,.1%••i1; , •- . .. - 'C'l'Z';'l.":' , ,' ' ,, ' , " q.',- - '•l` 7 4 -= - •-• 24',1.1 ci.r•l' , • , -'''"''''' - 41 ' 14'' ''''''' r ''''''F. - ' : - . ; - :;1: : %'' ,. •: . '4 '. - 71 . 1 .- W-' 44 ''''''''-'- , - Pl.:••''''''''.','Wg7•l`...4-:',,•5•.-‘2„,-,,,,e4-',..ik2:7,-^.;•',,-"' ' • Mai; a sturdy farmer, an ualliattblng loser or his Country, an honest man, Is OUT candidate for Renown& 1 Wu. J. RICHARDSON Is the preseat Reg ister of this county. Like Mr. Rialtos, he bes performed Me duties well, is widely fritowsi,fil popular and affable, seal receives exidereireent,ilie : high aeropThsent of o azonot ilsarn.von is re-nominated for Commissioner. Having °coupled that po sition through the times yhich required )udgment and discretion to a large degree, the. Convention did wisely in availing it self of his experience, by re-nominating him. • Of Mr. DIATO, for DIRECTO& 01 'us Peon, we need say nothing. Ile has given his puree, hie presence, and hie MOO, in behalf of the Administration and of the issues of the on every occasion Then one or the other, or all could avail. With Inch a ticket, and inch a platform, why should not this county roll forth' Such a majority as has never been equaled? Let every man devote the diij to the work. Let every man feel that the salvation of his country depends upon his vote and his influence, and that majority will be at tained. A &allying Cry to the Copperheads Let the Mends of WOODWARD and Low ers rally to the polls with shouts and yells, and vote withall their might; for it is writ- ten, I'll Beal be the god, follow hint." Let there be no hesitation, no halting between two opinions. Count the cost and go in. Take the plunge boldly and with your eyes open. Let the example of Judas, who did quickly, end with a persistent will, what hs did do, regardless of consequences, beckon you on to the accomplishment of your purpose and to the fulfillment of your duty to your party leaders. Vote that you prefer the enemies of your country to Its friends. Vote that those who fired upon your country's flag, and trailed it dishon ored in the dust, did right. Vote that the men who are warring against the govern ment are patriots smug, - - rights, and that those who „-t .. In defence of that gtrver enemies. Vote that ala , Zr institution, and that the out of it is a holy war. Vote (is your etand ard bearer says you should), to withdraw our armies to the North side of Muon and Dixon's line and of the Ohio river, and give up all the sacred soir of slavery to your ' rebel friends, and then beg for peace on any terms they may be pleased to name. Vote that our soldiers are lighting in a bad cane, and shedding their blood in a fanat ical crusade. Vote in such a way that if you are successful, the armies of the con federacy shall send up a shout of fiendish triumph, and the soldiers of the Union shall hang their heads in shame and desponden cy. Vote, so as to show your eons, your brothers and your neighbors, who are battling for the Ireton, that you have placed them between two fires—that they have enemies in the rear as well as in front, and that you have no sympa thy with them in their toils, their suffer ings and their death. Vote and elect WOODWARD, then you may °sionista that the brave men who abandoned home and ants comforts and endearments to die for their country will be slaughtered by tens of thousands; for your triumph will revive the sinking courage of the rebels, and cause . 1 them to tight as they never fright before_ Vote so as to show to.Earope that we are a nation divided against itself, and that, therefore, we cannot stand, and that the insurgent slaveholders have more friends is the North than the government. Vote, to give to that small, but arrogant and aristocratic portion of the American people the supreme control in everything, and let each Copperhead, by his vote, declare his fealty to the lordly owner of negro slaves in the words of Balaam's ass (and in hts case it will be very true, expressive language) "Am I not thine ass, upon witch thou hest ridden ever sines I was tAim Vote, we say, vote, so that your children and children's children shall blush for you until your memory shall rot, and until the earth shell slowly recover from the Wary and shame you iedicted upon it, and shall purge itself from the defilement of your footsteps. Now vote, carry the election if you can, and verily you shell hare your reward. An Avowed Traitor, Wru.tam B. lino, of Philadalpbh, Is On. of the moat prosolaeat wd actin Madam et the Copperhead faction, sod has ben making speeches all over the Elute. On the authority of a patio= of anis peaehablo veracity, who is now a rexidant of Philadelphia, and is well known in this oily, we make the following itationienti Wm. B. REED, of Philadelphia, was at Niagara Fill/ within this put few wash, with his wife and soon members of his fanstly. While the guests wen at breakfast one mus ing, he cam* to where his wife was sitting, tabbing his hands apparently In glut glue, and umarksd to his wife In szplasatlon Lhasa, t , We have lad a great victory. We hammer amnia an dm sow. We have efiated Basserama." Although IM, was Intended doubtless to ha earit 'Otto eon, get the heartof the trailer was go fall that ha could not control the tone of his Soleil his remark' were heard, therefore, across the table:- CITiZENII OF FOREIGN' BIRTH REMEMBER! 'That WOODRAZD, for whom you are asked to vote to:day,- , - - I; the man who need his postilion, anti his eloquence as 'n member of the Itiform Convention of Pennsylvania to D 13781104111 You roe te vas I and that If his efforts; had been suooessful, instead of casting year votes this day as American citisens, you would bs amass in the land of your adoption. SOLDIEfte I Remember that your brothers in arms, -I►ho arts perhaps this day offering their lives to defense ofo as swam as citizens, are by Judgo WOODWARD and LOWRIE, de prival of theirs. Out your vote; for theirhonor and your own,-and thus over. throws 'laxly, which disregards not man ly your stared rights, bat whloki would not bssitate to 'hand over the Government to the enemies of Your country. SOLDIERS. Who hie been dnly seem* end erbo km paid taxes within two yesto, - ire on. titled tcroote, u SWAT AIMITS At BOYS OS. THZ DAT 011;1118 ELY: 1 110S They /nog not beet their reeblenoo, 14. thonslOtoy, ate, tlis fr dnokleed jodlobtl" tribunals, earl° In the rant,, In the lento' of their country. ;JO r • ' the Copperheads and the National The copperhead presses and orators are making a greet ado about the national debt, and consequent taxation. But what are they going to do about it? We must either fight Ike rebels or make terms with them. To fight on will increase the debt more or less; but to stop fighting and make peace, will at least double it; for of course, in a compromise, the confederate debt will have to be added to our own. Is that their method to reduce taxation? Nobody likes to be in debt, either nation ally or individually; yet It to some times necessary to go In debt; and never was there a cue In •bich the creation of a nationai debt was more justifiable than In ours. The alternative was either debt 'or ?tan. If any one wishes to keep the national debt at the lowest possible figure, let him vote the Union ticket to-day; far the success of that ticket will dispirit and sub; due the rebels more effectually than any thing else. That will step the national expenditure, and the debt need not be in. creased any farther. Bat if there are any who lilte a big debt and heavy taxation, let them support WOODWARD and Low= to day; for that will encourage the rebels to snob a demi that we shall be obliged to fight another yearat least, and add some five hundred millions to the debt. Or, should we take the advice of the Copper head; and make a compromise, we must take upon our ehoulders something like fifteen hundred millions of Confederate debt, in addition to the disgrace of the thing. Tin Pea eays, There will be another death" Nonsense t Why, we are going to give the left wing of the rebel army snob a thrashing in Pennsylvania and Ohio to. day that there will be no further need of • draft. That done, oar gallant soldier. will make short work of the right wing. CIT/IVIS 07 FOLZION BIRTH I—Can you be deluded by party-leaders to degrade yourselves so far as to vote for Georg , * W. Copperbeaas Abaadoalng the Lame of Democrat. The Copperheads having pretty much abandoned the name of Democrat and adopted the odious British tory name of Conservative, it is 'ingested by several of our ootempararlee that the loyal men of the country assume it, and be known hereafter as the regular Domocraey. The name Is 4 1yllog around loose " for some organize tioa 141 lake up and wear. The reason that the Copperheads end traitors have die carded the name of Democrat is because it le too radical Tom Jefferson was a full blooded radical. All reformers are radi eels; .all men who love liberty and hate slavery are radicals. Democrat le a syn onym of radical; hence the Copperheads who bate liberty and equal rights, and who love slavery, mite and despotism, have dropped the name of Democrat, and, taken up the British tory cognomen of "Conserv ative," which means to preserve old and rotten abuses in Government and society. A Conservative is one who labors to make the rich richer and the poor poorer—to up build privilege and degrade the masses. We wish the Copperheads much Joy with their new name.—Chicago rrelons. Death of George Sommer. GlO. Sums, broths: of Senator &min Mei in Baden on Tuesday, of paralysis. The Boston Tansseript sap of Mau "Mr. Borneo was coo if the most accom plished mem of the time. He lissatat only familiar with mazy blimps and mu? Starstares, bit la the miens of • !nil rad dace abroad bad upland ahem sway Out of &mom and mad* the saissintanwi of the most prumbent &tropism state's:stand Men of htters. The isfarreatlon ite had dirirsd from books wes but a email put of ths toms ores of knowledp width his *burring' eye and islentiva memory bad stored op In his stied. Bs knew thisgs from personal scam and mu from personal latereenrak sad It Was hardly poseibla to tooth. in Owl' anie*no on au outjut uarootod with the ommortittostomoi lostitta masa, or pub* Ito gisit of Auras - oonalstss. that, his par soisProoollootiou'lat youdizoo did not throw light or tko Whet, ko urn routs it might be froat Mks, ago.? L ROT' ON TIOIMN.--The innox VOWS ore now moistly for dls• tetbatton au/ ass by. hai by conk on s Mt T. IX DAV/list the 1131014 01.1 TD ROOTB, WOUaf Han. Tostth stnet, am the hatters Oaks. 4 13 : 0 4 ritz ot the IX ZOOTIVIII oomnurri. ELE NIGHT —THE Air tumor COUNTY ILIZOOTIVZ COY. Erma. baring mads sersagreatut to Empress Mt Comity and also to native Eleetbn name by Tel- Pb from Pennivreals sad Obto, turn saatttdd 0 011088! BALL far Ws ocoldlob, friatra the Umbra drab Ire bolted to attend. Ty crier of 0019-Itt COY II T VIgILANCIE PITT TOWNSIIII OoL D. B Bon% Irmo Amok Ima J Mark, • ttolhoom. team Wit'ker, Itobt Then B W 0 tomll., bmi.teton Jr ;ammo, 8 Kanto. Plus Wolfer, Joo & itottltsr; Jeo Flemtng, Jao J arORI, Duo :Mutton, R licam, Jota Proem W W I/ Hamm; roam Nook, It P Baettor, Joo 8 Ws, An. Nixon, • D Herron, Jr, Into Patty, Dont, Goo Nome, Wm Wm:idles., Was 11 Gandy, A Blllenagn, The Oommltteo wtll istei DAP Z 00311216. the 181 tut attentlanoe Is mutt WUNION ViGI :NV, Para Ward, ib. eOHL 0 b BOOM, TH at 73,6 Jahn Haat; OddrP Wll:sa ?beNam, John H Bata. ohm Om. James Wean:, 0 di Cbtan, CI IV Breath, (hap Humbert, P °Galina. Jews Jentwoh Niel &Mad, 0 lidiedeaantid. Jana whs., We Piatink,l. Myr Bracitatrir. Al:cabala rw„ JaAJgta, Wa etainliAu, 13111111114 bnaY J•bn 51•114310, B Omattstur, A U 13Bvnoan, Jobi Batty, Ohara Blenosa, Jets Baamy 11Pn, d iwts. Jaaryb W Loa& ;matte TALLUW bartala now land log bozo railroad, kg is'o Dj 15A. I MUMMY 00 WINTER LAED 0/1.-8 lanais Igo II 1 now landing from railroad, lbr neb bp l e l3 IS &IA B TIM IT & 00. TALLOW OIL —l2 bbla to a:rive by aml Torras by 1114148 MCIEZY bat. WANIED. COAT KARIM. .Tis Wart pools am :teal Int dui tirknan. lager. of HINST O. WW2 400, one• of Nun ea , Qt. hip ipryt: ocl3-11.1 (11171 d BBLT IliG —l5 000 feet snorted NJ/Bh N. P, 7 elle I plOm Waal C.r. haad, aad for WAN at tbo 1N.,.* INlThellit *SPLIT at J. * H. PHILLIP'', cooll Et!. 26 me ts et. CIU4r stmts. OLD 0HRE913.-75 boxes small "Hog Ilaa Cato." Weldor. Rosana and tlotankas, for sal. ITIr to cloto coasts, mown W MBE a WILK' TFIS3N. 040 SIT Liberty an - - - WANTED.-rALLIGHBN Y COUN k Inn an our. 00UPROM113 I BONDS WM. B. WILLI 411 N on • ORIIFSE.-200 boxes Plimo W. K. to .co Lap liamblul W.B. paial lA Hare, sad mow. by 217 übsni NAB A WILK/WBON, ottO the timbal EMMA, thee, wale at °Att. A . AAL L.ll own! Drat Etat% to itaetet Home, Alleghsay, p BlaißtiV El YOUR OIDRR —no .G. Salphtta or Liam Caromed by Pro Harstord oat provost Older From tOnlieg soar, and also greatly tssprors Ito qua y. In bottles anClotrat tor. barn] of Mar, rite Intl dlrattions for OAP. /or sal. Ls suit°. /Jane tub. ma, Caw. Seattbeeld Lad ?mob EL _TIMMY 8 u barrels sbol-o Gnat Potato/41ot riellirld from t bltattsdpals, sod Gr sat. by As barzel or at ratan at the Tautly Grotary Stun of octO JOHN alltal/AW. enema Ltbartyand nand stamen pH J at 00PRE Et.... 15 bags Old Ginernennt Jan OWN* IGO mine. MAN prima •ki /Amps and Meths OoObe , we nth by YOBS A. EIIiiINELAW. 4010 • coma Llb-rtip and Rand dawits. ii4I4I:IICN choice lot just Phn a nadrad. *ha, old imitalba * Chanppal, ud kap flag; tor ula at the /amity Blom, - rem of :OLIN A. RICNAHAW /awl/ am, gyud „ m a ..... i CPRNNBYLVANLI. Ars 11US PROPERTY TO RALE.— no name andltog Holum d call . am moan klules and caw. Lot 2D tad trent by lOD &op. Apply to P. OUTER/JIM BOER, RI Cadet at. N 0.60 SART OXICRON FOR RALE. —so fret tress by 110 deep !owl a!by, • Gem. fa a o l t i •a Wl.og4ztoylmM twedlng Hoes of h.l -4._ gyi r y gtt. l 61 lltarlut .t. THE I'ARTNERULIP heretofore er- Tl 5 Ott a lasing trader the ease and style of 1013 flfealllft ,le We daaolved hi =Vaal =mend. Al! of the butane Wtba late Brut be @mild by B. JOBS the of tall Inkirtio sloe. laanther. laded nmpoas itir sum leitaada O. L, attßTra J. W. SOB tigfelll4 W. B. JOASS. otIO aid ritetnieeh Oct eth 1 1 014 D tk, klitut/ Alat FOB MI LOOP, For ml. et FULTOWB MO *OBE, mat Doe A sad an MB' p STA.TE Or DB. IPAOD3 QBATH, Dat'n.—Letters of Adadolatratfon eg the *abate ol Dr. P. IltOrath. late of - Plitaoargh, &maid. hiving ben vented to . the sadateldned. all pima' bevies dahlia en- at to present item. .no 11/1 , 00 00. Indebted are regeired w make payee.% to PUMA 1111006ATO. ITileereas Beitaed stmt. Pitiebsook ÜB. Liuti Dion, itir 1111 PALlIft _ BACIMS'e IIfaONOLT ULU t WU.% BLOOM OF FMK t NB% AL , 1111.8 LI 41,1 i l: bOBl itAl Itt l . oll / 1 1.1ANOM I Cleo Coin po - essel et 12/10. A. &IL We, General Dr* diem lb Markel Hata* 41,,aheare. Vott. RBBT.--Four Dew ar two eon Health,' Bowes, %lib fiei,,h,,,j gavel". and nil de rooms, at the corner of V,aalegg lane entil sow . aim mutn• • else, a *ell Onitlisds 'ideate, vaiir New 1 9 10140'.• Barbr l b . Hatabie qa•don ro! 7 7107 "1 : 14 "°l74°'--- a.r.tivitim,tritschizeurw,""' p, OD oolt C l Lem& lerd '.diner Ai rutoen ~ Aneele, QUilip.iFiltitit u e*v-th Tatuair rm m 0261110, a* nib. Vibgu* . idli b. sold, at tbe swiddenc• a Job? * O. ridaberi rab t Ca IrraiskUn West, appetite 0 a otztb Predykriss March. BUM ward, tbp edt , g o Instalment clenapitiw Ilcoodod fluidtur cr at prfilng Hair ton Obidta, Whid4lo, OW IFIP .wd• Wm. , . Robb Top ailleoll4ll/ Oman Bar: ima. Voldaad WIMP' Caneit Panto - Otatatath n Joi lead , MO and: ow pus bklateutde. . Ws* Mud" Ono raid Maks, ladllor Bwls, Mull ; llat. Immo. I .llllSh ClitaPwr Owpite, Loofas ( a...„ ~ wasp Ithaca, livala Chau.. Nobs Row a. 1114 al2 as ass Chin. NUM deck*. nip? PitCialiP, iliamlkoilag &ROAM rang& . cen AMU* a itoneLlarAl ' - . A MESH ARUM OH lOU OP SUM 010410114 , - 111LIPOW0 00110. Wa0041*1011111:' Pot Wad ~ ~. Fagm Poit undereiga .1 offeni at trl.ate Dale • eery reloaho Fettle fn Ohio 46, Alegten, cooruty, Penn's. con , afning stoat 37 ears. Ul• situate on theOhto river Mout 43. i Whit Wow lbe city Tb. imarairecceet: mu • go d Stang Dwelling Howe. Log gun ..d otter gsp a. pl. Ines to go. d log a LOP ri • and other Unit treat abyss 60 ecru ',of cleaned t oad. 'be !niece. I. good hiober, It Is the ;dewily famed, c enact bi Moans. 13 Jack eon The whole fill/P3 VI Ib• sed ha a It dy; er If eualci.nt indrioun. et* ere ofhaed. It sill be cut tip end eon !p Icoe sallebia for convey realencee. AM lb. pubwolb, setends h d - epore of the pr 'petty soon these who may wish :0 purchase elk2cid call up - n hint willow delay. Pm further pa Weiler, Inquire of J. 21. I. White, tog.. 101 Tilth strut, fittebusgb, or of the under. signed la Oblo townstq. on d.. wd WiLf.Thei /Anita° le, pitoPoseLs FOR FLOOR. COMMIT/TIE OF tit/. LED PEOPOSILS ate luaud ttU the 22d DAY 1 4 00 . 2011111, 11143. at 12 m, for ft:umiak/12 the Satahtecce Impartment with 20,000 PA OBELI, Or FLOOD. Olds will be received kr what le known as Mo. L do. f and No. 8, ski for any portion has than the 'lwo barrio. Bids Pe sheets of pepar. diagram grades should be atom separate Ibe debtor, at the Moor to be comostremed on the ltth day of September or m loan therenitu u the Government may dire st, at the rata of SOO berrels daily. delivered ehlita et the Goverucent Werettoue In geometer/a, at the Wharvm, or at the Dailmed Dmot, Washington, D. O. Payment will be toads In cerable ct I tdabted. are or inch other foods es Ms Gove rnment may has for ditty button. The mini Government Inspection will be made lost betas the Flour is received. An oath of elOgiance moat swain= *soh bid. Ito bid will be entertained from es who hue previously tilled to comply with Om& bide, or tram bidders not present to rwipond. The butah to be entirely new,usde vary strong, anew memento, and head-lined.. . do /bur which is ntt fresh ground will to re. calved. Bids to 1.6 dtrected to Col. A. 13 FOOWITO, A. D. 0. and 0. S.. 17, IL A., Waittbsion ; and endorsed Prepoaah tar " oeltdd BAILS Y, FARRELL & CR, Jos Iffinsh f`sO /oho Jinn, W PI Brawn, • P Estop, 'bra insOonsghrty, Ohm II Porter, Wm arising, a Bohm, to Joon', I J Dark, Thou Thema', • loots, losi Wood, Bras ni filth, W • Ersnr, W J Jones, Jamie 0 Gray, Jsha Grim, Haim Johns, hos Shaw, Joi Crawford, • El &Man, nathair lindtriov, P Gardner, V?i t Jos Lomtbrsy, John Dunlap, John P Barron, • Hobe bider, it to Sums, Dand I casco, a n Dioreort. it it ti, Li nt t S b l V o lli olock. al " Ihm Ee s. ‘ Mid. LANCE COMMIT. Pittaborgh. 'pant st If (ettillay) 1111_1111110, GIS AND STEAM FITTEUS 33bn lieehlar, Jura Brno, James &weedy, W H Humor, Beni !Innerly, A DOOM IittOSOIIII,Jraq L tl Jane, IN, Devi I 71111• 6 / 9 0121, N P W Gotta, Villnerns, rapt A Miller, Adam, Petty, Jam. errs,, Alan Bay. Allen romleP, • Ja•Obs, • ab R Habk7, • JO Mill4o. f...c0n.1 Ward. I. lverm, /ohs W Nay, John Oraley, Junes N 1..,, Jahn Ourbberi e Jolineon, Nemo Ogden, ha 2141 Ikea, N Ammar. Wm V Pellh, Toillerto.2, Opmhietater, Allen W W : 81= Omni Postman, Vm lnuM. BRASS WORK, PIPES, And an k:ndi of fittings FOE WATER, GAS AND STEAM Aorrerars and TAMES. kr Oil iladaarnal. Itosd with Lail) by s asw poem. FLAGS 1 FLAGS! FLAGS! laialcua Flags , Novlas, POLES, COMPANIES, &a, BUSTIN% MUSLIN OR SILK, 419 dm, from wrilasoara TO 717 TY PZILT, Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, PITTOCKI3 HEWS DEPOT, "MTH BTBIII7, OPPOBIIII Till 1 , 087 OPIUM Nl6 pußvLialorm PHOTOGRAPH ROOM, oonszu inarit awn meazirr ermiTs. pd rad N Urdu, our Ittchardeor's lunar/ dam.) IrIIOTOQILLPIEB, of ovary rho and otyto, plain or inland, tram the muter that, Ca Vtiolts to Oehteet awl Ws Else. W[ r 111 1 1714.1101 vinad partkalarty old :eittica of Ms asso Lao minis to Qs ory sowed. Wily of tab ortabushin.t. being moiled by ■ do. de short lIlRhl al itatra. laid. air Puma vanseum, tot latlabottei mum. 11121112111. 1"1"71' ROMPIPArzaa imams, Jut natind at FULTOWEI MUM Erzori, NEW CASTLE AND BICA.YER VAL- Lit 11 .411.11011 D —On and OW MIONDAY, nag I toiling gamma train on LV. D. y,ll. 11, will tmanies gragmaroog Stara' with dm mail meta the I'., P. W. 0. W., liming Pittsburgh ina at a. in. /Dn. witb tto Orenl nerommodatbs Irwin Pittsburgh at p. tick ti tar Now Ikytkr, Mum, ilkrair, fraaklln and NI City, cma bi premed at the ticket oNce of the Pittikargb. Nan Wpm* • ( idea° Ban' way Compeay, to Plitatio• Wit. D. DICKSON. Passagor Nam Was; IP, oak SOM. Ipmt j, )l Y.ari tole Apat fat It B. giraire Odatrated Glazed and Unglazed Spool Cotton. IrAirrawr—/A.LL EMIL Ew. Also. mai far norosli. DIAMOND AL. WA Mir. BMW! MAD Pinar' POOL CRATON. OWL FMB AND NAMT .1226 4 di". PrelliffUtaX. Illar T i wbalmg• buds sendkpi b VantiVis to mu% bv wipe. edlan pkitiA---m--jE} rnAI.B .A A/1 shins Prim. Bias and otaltia. The Chedpest and 'gest In the City, L" U ZT T' S IdAHO - SIO BALL, FIFTH EIT od HIsAIN DR' TA:rpr aThiIiGENTJINE 8P130070, FULTON'S DI&O 8701111, a v ailed p, N..vm ~ct ! ir ou~vu eitglaintag Ite cit N. letast mad awl , POPVLAR BONGS, Poi MU CIABTIIi Orli MIST ZACH Mailed, soil pall, on receipt or two Scant stamps. 4 ddrati all arena, to haw, rompt, attentive, to JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, sireemno WALL. TIM ot.t. MenttutyD nuW /.txrPl nuW DIV/01111D I—bud published, Inn Inended en "WM r.ion Otnto. A Loudon on the dam ihnottovat nod badlohl Oars of Eysrmatorttune, Ilsostai Waknoty, Invotattary ambecas bung _botany. lad lanndlovitnes caniad• 'gonna , ' I norm aso, tbnanusptlon. Iptbsysy and Mt Non. tol Nurpbyaloil lall , paclit. matins boa #.lr. am% *, by J. t maims; D.. anther of lbs groom Boob, tn. ' , A Dona IJ dbounads et end . rerVl seat aria MI. In a Oda nnesbno, to an' pid•pad, as rendyt al a a amour two abl 1 0,12 DLO! .11 qi. Rill!, aO oxen Stn Poet OmK BC& 40211. I t atOZACIII EMIR% PULTOWI DRUG ROZA Mod el Ma stert. ..~.~ _.._. ~~" r...~. PRACTICAL PL umßl'es, PUMPS, VALVES, No. ISI ?myth stmt. =EI I . :mamma. th. DIL EIIIIPEBIITO Etas. 07 sad VD Ftd, Mb street, Tit now OUT, Raab at Dar creams SPROIAL NOTIOR JUST OPENED, A ass and ariamild listorticar.l of LADIES' HEAD NETS, Imtcacteg the folioed', pc pu'ar .tiler PARISIAN CROWN NETS; 'MULE SSTS ; PLAIN AND FANCY BEAD NETS; CHENILLH NETS; BILE CORD NETS; BRAID and the TINSEL BRAID NET Ala),•nsw lot at MILLIs EBY BILK', MYST! k Tannusas No. *pan, inA Porno upon our usual orati plats 1.4 GABEL EATON, MACRUM & CO., 17 FIFTH STREET. a: t. WE HAVE NOW OPENED AN EX Tzzrarva mos or Direw 4131-coCatls Vary mud Betides Ira are enabled to eel/ below tha rhgnlar market prices. Cur WCOLIIII 900D6 GOO DOZ. or Bose= Baas) Hon; 200 " Pools; Doable heels, the bud fit the market be reek% KNIT JAaltros. a.chespoo to the eNT. Ladief rail Skirts and Under•Barments. HOODS, of various kinds Oa toot at Boarirr 1113BOZI8, VILVIT RIBBONS, =DIEING& DRUM /LSD IX BI9TDEBTE3 h Tory azhcoihs sad =Valk •uay • now Imlay a! 500 BALitozat. EXIMTI. 1,000 PO& &Waal a PAIIii ?annum; BUISPZNDZII3, lINCMITIZB, 11.. oar our am& ma Or owe) suinalkr 1 " 62 Tttal to give as • call. wuoLituzz zooms VP BUIS& MACRUM & CLYDE, 78 MARKET enzEBT. NM We an twee opening wie crt the lateistmertmethe FANCY DREBB GOODS, Twat.: with s very carefully abated suak of SHAWLS. We are ineiefsatartoz do atteily tram the IMO eel mot *eatable Morten Pn; LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. ate'r, style at at ava7 1100-da fa waat hash aad Saadmar dlirala dhxda t °S t% do will to oil ALEX. BATES', I?i 11 10 , Volrokr• If.rnahanti cavalied. j Übrcett lilka2lls & Vi..k. MITI Tua A4narTlOB OP MITE= To tai9t bNBMsPASIOD STOOK 07 likkE47ll•l4, 110611 IT ustiorthmugh upson, *mom SOZINBTS MILLINERY GOODS ! is ollll. LINER HANDILERCHIEW I TARNS. BLWOSTED. ADE SLIPPER PATTERNS, OCINNVD BRAIDS, BRAD DIMES, RIME OWNS, NOTLOSTI AND PAM GOODS; Whkti they cam as the mat Ihvonalemmens. Ica TT AND 12 IItAIIILIZE smut l•'Ord.n mrpettelb soil Wad. WO UAiQI NNW SHAWL& DALKOILAL aad HOOP SHIM otra• YLANNILB. SRIBTLEUI. itz. 41111 T, 11HD k BLUt TWILLID TWAIIISIZA ecuatisr, 11L1321, OBBY, PIM aad OBANGII aICQIIC FLANISZ la BOW astd QUIN" OLEIBINXIITS & CLOT®, WW2/44300P OLOTEM, dust a 101 l enactment of Dm. Cloodi it J. M. 110110EIFILIDP1. Math Emit conker loath and lath Moots. J. W. BARKER & Co.'s, 59 Market Street.- SHAWL O I O Jima 000 m, . I noviparalo7 tlui LAMM? ROM UM Gint• IST TAIIILTY, end the O H EAPEBT GOODS An, szttildtad 1n this city clourn: icznaamtas BappVed at, Ism then Masan was. =iNia4 NEW GOODS Jad teadaall at LANE. BUSBOY & CO" Ea 1111DIRAZ MU" Anft!aakla. Wl:7w Bay NINA* JUSWIIII.IIII4b IliUtnit!4 ros moat, , • Immo Dior oro4N • • - OSP 110 19131 d'.."Pv; iX) 4, =.z [CI , I nt.1.61' Panama at theint.wit, bath inabled With trot anhhea, paiwitatiati of the heart, lack of aw. WWI% Mann Wier fit'torpid Wax, ochuttpn alithrnad dawn. to antic it they TEN hot taw th• 1,. PLANTATION SITTIMS, Which ars novereatonneaded by en s blo w ,„,., n ., aatharusw, sad watranted to puha .an leas,,,,,n.sy `beneficial ay. They an excessibiti wearable, pesintly Pars, sad must aspersed. 111 otbar tonics when • healthy. pale stiandant to ropstred. They Pm*. Strengthen and lavigotata They create • healthy appettta. They mesa antidote to change of wake sad diet. They averanses Whets of dtedintka sad hits 11013 ii. Tber ettengthen the wawa and antiresi the sand. is cad peas 84 Croix Hum. Tor parnmdan, see circulars end nrelanneines azumnd such tattle. Beware oilsrepostene. Tanabe nen bottle. lien They present calandstioand Intermittent ihrers. They pant, the brash and Acidity of the stainstb. ,They are Dyspeptia and Daunt aeon. They ears Diarrhea. abater. and Cholera lice= They care 'Liver Cioreplatin and Nervous Headache, They auks the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and an estimated eater's great ronorar. They in composed of the celebrated Wheys barb. winter. pion, sassafras, roots sad herbs, all preserved la that tt has D. 8. Barnes' agnattre on our prints U. U Stamp own the cork, with plantation Beene, and oar limn signature on • Ana steel plate engraving an ' fide labeL Sr. that mu tattle I. not Willed with Mains and deleterious du:. We defy any somata to match the taste or character of one grads. day term pretending to sell Pine:dation althea by the gallon or In balk, I. en Impostor. We sell only to = kg cabin battle.: dey person hattatina this bottle, or selling any other aartsriel thereto, whether celled Plantation Blinn or not, Is a ottadnal under the Ti. 8. Law, and will ben prosecuted by ea. We randy hays our we on two saran re felling oar nettler, he., who will amend In getting themselves Into close einartere. The demand is, taks's The. Won Bitters from ladles, clergymen, merchant; SA., le perbotly Mandible. - Tbe things Mal of • bottle Is the evidence we prentent of their.worth sad- . ennericrity. They arstaid by all reerpectada drop L t gnome, physician; hotels, stse=beed3 sad country Mew aotito tare D A ~71 / 1 1 1 DENIM BIT ma, far ads, wbolacale and retail. by BOOR JoolllBToilip Minerllbiteld sad lcmeth Create, safsba-Nrainee Er PURE WINE VINENLR, I ”v/i 4., S. , E. a IL BOLL.NAH, GEBILIST. (rorsicaly ?Lam it (b., Berdsucc.) Tbs ad, iltegsr awarded with a Prfze New. M dr4 •Zllbttere, et the Intuit&final Mxhlbillon. Leadco. For sate b 7 F. 111. noLLNAN, wzeTqmstreaseirn. jg3r2EIVATiS DISBASEIL Dr. - LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC Is the oat/ reliant ruaods kr Ciskei of the aroma of nenuailniThi. It Is the eimscry of an enfaent Phyttelan whom 111 WU dactyl to the tratt.aextt a th:s clura psalms, 6314 with mapreadattei ma. ease, for more Cum twenty ma& It leper-halm In Itself, mutat% no bjectlacte, 234 tf.Lning m. Wally fecal tht mtstaken prig:kip Auld the numerou viceless compounds ctr.nod to the rains. It Is aittesly tegstatee and perAml,y ea.% It sots Lb • ohm, and lmrarti Erergth sad tiger to the dtz coed arms. eartoz.—Tho coat tuccaus of Mb; nmsfty In of. fectlng yattamwt cans has Ili to Ib bang Imitated b 7 steering:lvied nen. °bane. thirster, that the Ambit. of sh. Atop tutor h swami each box. raw other to gm:dm rxrpared aziy by MIL P. DAVIDSON. Proptazr, cfnazzudt, 0 ..- mar eald by ill Dm/Lb. Flic.), 11l Far tax. saSst wheLeses ty B. A. T4.IIBI3TOCIC OD. J•i!blyilaw7 Leoatootaerno.j Miklmonary Consumption a VII SAHLI plellattls e —A OA3D. TO COMIDNETITYII. Ths aaderafgatd barbs been reatarsd to heat* to • taw wake, kf a wary ample remedy, attar him fas tatioad moral rats Via • man hag saw Um. sad that dread dims', Coninsiltkoe—te =- tons to oaks know to b Mot estrentes en mom of can. To all who dulr• u>a tarn rad • copy of th• ; pr itio% Om of chup,pda ths Note kw priplatng and =lnn Us um% add& thapr,l: , Till dad au cows torSonualuus. Ariu,Bannv,,. aura, Chavas, Cups, to. Tha only 'nlier.t Wraiths? In landing the pzen 3 dDlkw If to beta= th• eallatad, and spread InfardwUon width to oat. Matto to Inulubleki and ha hops sionytnitlwee will try Us ninedy, u It tarn oat them nothtag.rd spy pus • Urdu/. FUSIN Wilting es preworhalow 'FM plan addwit' ErrAMWABD d W/241014 senhanoda wla Wilumoai'uTgb• KILO emmts. Now To:: 4 filapenor Copper Mill sad. aff WORKSarrticomOz. - Eta ISTURDI & CO,, floodica m oo of emanniNG, NNAZIKEIP AID BOLT corm, Main .COPPNII NonoBll. NAM]) trau, BOTTOMS, SPLLYNA NOLDINI, uo iaportamaarmnuimirras. TIN PLATT. EMIT 12.0 N, wnts, to. Ocoananttt tat `.a4 mama" Limns Lido now. wasuom, No. US 15trt a axead atnnigi Ilttabovi. Peon's. tartiotatal ordara cer (Itypor au to any dattad pat. Orb Bervon Boren= of Both azaza-A mninnul mama tartar 0•0 n. and to bank In • by da l. daz alai an as nand raga and amnia moan mai of . Cnatmealorawa inana Dada, it Ita alma date to conuanka• to la aliened tallar crafting asiasis op ana. Ea u% on the renal of an w e n *, b e win Rams um) • copy et tb• som•droo• uski. Dltsci to IX 101111 D4Go I=l 4 Lt Talton Mot, EroollsooL T. ==l ti V. WM b o. ioBINBO4, RNA* eo...truc oesmit(ssaoharsiklinutujlligamerail Wow, Tom= MID Kaaronfft. rittabartb.h. Kasafttories 'or Mt An mummy aux mrianas,,ausz Satenru. witaturegsr.- =Maio, annuto. Gan. -race. offlititoollptfoos ; TAMS ISUZZA, 150111 M OD SUIT IRON hoots to GOMM mart limion, hr begat &Cam - farriTOEN COMM it alLiiinUiceras of 16021 LIMN% IMO'S YAMS AND; VAULT .DOO.llB, WINDOW 1518T121214, WIUSIDOV,GULUDI Vat: 111 thandstreatsio 1110 Third strut. lama Wood alidAhatist. asn n 0414 Taxidyat eai Pattern <.- , hag and pklnmattabis allparsers.` ' ' - haActusratedictt Pam cwatniresue Dd.. ; r 4 Jobtagt dom ibis =Ma, old) ROLlCEraliOnS,Dederi .fflnua, ON /OM 1:6111LISTIO BILLB Or IC C. =Nag, manimazicur IMPOICELAUX am= ADD arson, Ai. 671ututionwilter f s Imo==isoa ski geigedlikek• .1k adetegoad Us Vatted Mama < 4 Y voLLitia, • AID comanicat zazoaANT wkisbiab'esgur se caumn. DIMON imatas piiiitemainn h xo. vOO 02 ,1./ t „c 44141-49, P. E. DB6E3 a co.. IMS iliesdesT W. Ir • ;