The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 12, 1863, Image 4

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it ~ I nr,l t it mrpaaelll.
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, /2
FrontSiturdars Evening. PAition
°teat - llstoa yemosstration at WU.
awl Hall.
On list arming- a very large naiads* as•
_ -
ambled to bear GOvAlarldell, of Wisconsin,
elm of eta ablest and most eloquent speakers,
• . .
and..ltulge , Sherwood , Tries, another most
able gratleman:_ By mons'accident, Senator
Liam, Of Hanueotho was palling through
tlarcity with Judge Mishaps, of the 'Mimi
State, was also present at the meeting.
Judgettherwood first addressedthemesting,
owing to Gov. Randall's abSenositt Om open
lag thereof, in a forcible and lonlnal speech.
ILL was followed by Boaster Lime lath for
cible style. who gave his views of the condi
tion of affairs and of our dity when the loyal
men of the rebel States sloth doom to rat:oa
st:ad their Stets governments. When this
was being done, he wanted the robots -whetted
armed themselves to breakup this Union, to
to put upon the Jame term of probation
(vise 6 years) that the honest and loyal Ger
.maa or Irishman waaput before he could ex
, mein the right of_franchise but the loyal
men of the South should be al lowed to go into
elections for State and National reramenta
Jives and resume their Wallows as States.
We cannot give his whole speed, but it was
' full of loyalty and porriotisa.
Gen. Lane, in the donne, of hie remarks,
paid a high compliment to the State of Penn
sylvania, and to the county of Allegheny, for
the number' and character of the troops sent
Into the del& He had met one of our brave
men in the "far meat," and! although a mere
led, he was a true soldier and an aocomplish
al *Steer. Ile had proved hie skill and cour
age on the field, and the nether had helped
il) mike Min I) Brigulke GsWali and also a
Major General, and he ' was ;willi ng to assist
enfining still Maher honors upon him.
- • "Of oars.," (said the - speaker) I need set
informyo* that I- allude to-Major General
Prank lierion." tha ettopliment was keenly
appreolistal, and loudly applaided.
Gov. Randall, of Wiscansial'followed next
in onset the moat eloquent and patriotic
addrillniss it has emblem our fortune to listen
to. Me reviewed the condition of affairs at
preterit mast the outbreaking of the rebel
'lion to a masterly style. 11, administered a
most soothing rebuke to those Northern
traitors, who, whilst professing to be Union
men, were thnowing.every
the way
of Om Gorrommont-to prosecute this war; he
showed bp.satual itatistis that Mace the war
broke out, the grambacks, which the No:th
em rebel sympathisers, the London Pima,
and our 'enemies across the water had en
deavored to disparage and deprecate, nearly
sixty millions hadbetnreturged in Gold; that
with our present revenue eyStem, yielding as
it Mae our those.hundrid millions of dollars
per annum, if the war - were Dew terminated,
weeould pay the whole Noddles! debt in four
years our prosperity as • nation was not
affected; the inmate of agricultural pro
duds proved, thot with all the men we
had la . the field, that I great interest
was not neglected; that the increase
in the number of bushels of grainlaised in
one State albne was meal millions. Our
manufacturers, laborers, artisans and me
/ - thealos were all prospering, end better wages
were tieing paid than heretOfore. like
his Mond Senator Maisons' in favor of the
loyal men of the South on thl termination of
• this war, going-into alealene for State*nd
National representatives, bnt'hedidnotwant
the rebel leaders to be. admitted to vote after
Ave years' probation. He wanted them toter
as high st Haman. It is Imre:ibis for us to
do justice to the very able troth, as we had
no facilities for fully repartiog the same, sa
lsa It to asythat it was most eloquent and
patriotic throughout, and fully established the
reputation of, the Gormnor as bstsg one of
cur ablest statesman.
Presentation to Atist Weaver.
Friday evening het, a large and anthuslas
tie meeting fawned at the ;house of Adam
Weaver, PIN., on Pennsylvania ammo,
! - Bitventis Ward, to witness this presentation of
• a beautiful photograph Album and a magnifi
cent flower stand to Miss Sane Weaver.
The meeting was organised by electing Dr.
A. G.lliailandless, Prasident,and 11. anively,
• Rev. J. Demean, D. D.; being present by
Invitation, made the presentation, and paid a
merited oompliment to p&f110#0 ladies gener
ally, and dab Weaver,. smsulally, for her
pure patriotism and love of. country, In ow
'. Dubs to ht Oopperheads pima a banner in
father'e front yard, on sew, wvitneartb
' al Ma name's of Woodward add lamb,
Was, 0. Moreland, Beg ,o 4 bobs f of Miss
Weaver, received the gift/ in • most eloquent
stadium dwelling partlenterlY on the Wh
ence, of womea, from Martits Washington
durn to Sally Weaver. 1
Mr. Pope, the celebrated jvocalist being
present by invitation, ung several beautiful
songs, one of which was composed" for the
04331110211.. The andlcame wcialdaot cease dear
lug satin%Weilepeited. I
After the *lnd theipts and official
`of the 'meeting; and others, re invited to
partake. of a -sumptuous repast.- Ole large
oaks, gotten op for the
Gondaoaks, by Mr. Geist,
- •of Paulo ivechavenue attracted cartionlar
attenilop. The Inscrip tion !upon It was:
" To toyal men—with Mrs. Zsarmerer's and
Mn. Delray's' umpliments, October 9,1803."
The presentation's& an exesiedingy pleas
sat lid agreeable affair, and nested off to the
satire satisfaction of all concerned. '
Grand IJaion•Rolly
The Union - loin of this melt, Ward,
held :lensing =sting, on Pride,
eming, it the School House. Eloquent
and 'oilissinebig speeches ware delivered by
Han. John M. Ktrkpatziok,! 0, W. Robb,
Esq. 0 and Josiah Ring, Erg. The First
Ward claim the honor of xtipg the largest
1 *godly flit the Union Tionet,; of any district
- baba State, on Tuesday next.;
_ The Sollowing officers p.sibiSd at the mot-
• °slat Ring, It: . '
Vim lkuldeage Mmes Boimed Willie
. ,
Mite% Sisnot Dram, John J. enninp, C. A.
, Chamberlain, Simon Ballard, :Sergeant Wm.
Come% -Dimon_ idoDonatd, and Col. John
_ Beereterree. ll 4. A. Gio4e, Sobers . Wll.`er
BMUS! Th omp son, and W. Wi Anderson.
': : :At the doss of the meths •- after threo
‘•'icistsingeheers :for the - Union lakes and •
Vole ofeltanksio , the Speakers the viglianoe,
oommittee motet •Washington I_, to mete
armagelnents forth* pandT h 141110.1,1e
anion on Monday arming. i lfilem McKee
Beti into unanimonsir seleelmf Si Narita
• with Sargent Win. Cowellior tuipp's Penn-.
spinals , nano% (varied iS *4 }l 4 .,kitri)
Wad George W. Habig as anistentel - TIIOAcm
steastration of **Best Ward will worthy
of the Gibralter of Unionism. -'
Pleasant Incident
Om mind at the alas el th• sortbut at Wil.
kilts' 110,110 erantni. Itangstl,
intlit Assistant Pod:mute Claire; libitum
- thegual of Postmattor Vob Bonnhent s had
.7.:,sefet ltplo rho mann of ;the latter, on
• Great street; aftat 'dales:du ;Ida very able
Shea at the haU, whoa he WU called cob,
eallayropti unmade by the coployeu in the
Poet *Moo; Goy. B.actaowledged the com
pliant In a very best • and amp* speed,.
enema to the ootedon. Senator Lane, of
fte; ',ledge Sherwood, of Mot Han.
- 4..'• , 2listase lt. Heweiind other santleniao,"were
i--- Float. Thsputy that eutook of an els
' pittstation, Ind /woke ne ails late holtr,
tontnally patthed by the - , usiexpeoted, bat
,-ideelonalitoldent ithloh closed the der).
'lliztaeao Vora'—Ws fad the loOotrlns to
the Ptilladeiptda Keith 4214vicaa - :
The other swabs Alte. • davit •tuts ef
- . North Coma road, Mar Blablutt to; Bahia.
, - bar. carded, as pusestra, Judge , Wood
„Amylase had mama to take a Tote
for Gowan sad. cioaditirtO the Judas,'
Oastlukod ' t ot 010
sod& vote -fotr Igor • my putty/ 1 war tha n
illdet.tepizt,-Doat. filet .= this :.,glaaa that
Noodward tau model Ao itleit'Clattla, the tear
"WO fee the eeistry.? stood-ter
Weodiard d.
Aamino-etntil•filingaraat Gm ' Kth - 1 r:
. . 1 , 4 1 - 1 7 'et MLA,. lit XIS rft etiAtihriTa i r o S n
• ASV Citjeredpialiarldi 'UR*
ylfd it ii ' lghtlia ft lianire...ol, &m .
He -warlisibS
. .
. .
. t ... . ...
„....., ~, • ,„_,- F,„ 4r.-.71,F2:7,,rw-,i,••11--_,....1,7..,,,,,.,-,•:;,,,4-,zrzi4,-:•.,:j..n.A.3.774,7....,...77;2*,:;•• ...,,,,?.,,..:,,,.,,t,..t.,,,,A-,11..,_,,,...,..5f.A.,_-....,,,: ,a,,,..,,,,,,,.....1•-•,_,..5.c...0.,:::.,-;.,,,1,..Z.,,,a1,1.;,;...
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. . .
Ctiarialtiei hi -.mut- a f ,
- - Worm indebted to Mr. Sidney J. tlite •
f_3l..lllollrtiiikulA. for following hot of
41ijusl aien& MilllTllAlsateßeu t s
ifitl bail; of thichamattil? Re : list is
from P. 8. Dogmas, and may be rell•dirporr
ai — Frao The regiment it now commanded
bi 0 4 0; iistrells, and numbest 116 nun, aU
o*, with teams. OW. There were three kill
ed and twenty-six wounded, while seventy
are are mining—mostly prisonen.
IXilled..-00mmmy A... Jonathan Good.
Compasyll—James Biropron., Company D
'Geo Divalan.
Womsded.-00 A—Privates Juob - Lam;
-Jacob Situ, Jeremiah Bow. Oo B—Brigade
„Orderlies, Stephan W Seel Beeler.
And Lewis Vote. Co Dixon, Tho'o
M Lo gran,
o Arl mpson,d J N
Robl McLaughlin. Oo D—lat Limn
r E.Co Filegerald. Co F—Corp Boson
ul Bina rp
rd, B D bloantala. John Green,'
Malang Henrik, Goo Elailharder, Ban Kerr.
Co G—Cbas Conner John Kelly. Ed
COK—lst Lunt J r A Hsu& Suet Nathan
Runes • Sam I Lents, Goo K Taylor.
ifiniesg.—Pield and Eitaff.-Col J B Bose,
Lt Col P Et Pifer, Mai Alex Phillips, Sergi
mai A W Luger, • Fife-anal Jeremiah Cooper.
Co A— SergtJ VT Bryson, Giro 8 G Skinner,
Oliver Jambi', Bowser, Elkineemay,
Enrich J . Waddles, Wolf, J Wolf,ll Bas
tin T Wioklina, 3 Weisel, J B Wood. Co B
—lst LIM - Kreps, Bergs M Bright, Corp W
Z Jack, Chu Base , J MolKimus, J L Jobs,
8 Morow, 11-Kahne, Madman. Co 0,
Berg 8 Wilson, Carp Woolsloyer, JP Bender,
J Braddock, Win Berry,/ Martin, J Mates.
Oo - D —ll Lint !rhos Coohria, Bent B B
Franklin, (Borst of Brig enert,) John Blith
er, George Hass, John Mauer. Co E—Oapt
Wm A Robinson, Sergi Alfred Bay, Sergt 0
-HZwarta, Jan A Beier, A M Bahrends,
John A Bantubsy, John H Crawford, Enoch
Eckel', Edward P
p i t J ohn
II Harnish, Jas
Rodgers. Co P—Oept John 8 MoDowell,Corp
Timothy Sullivan Jeremiah Brown, Jo
siah Booker, William -HUL Oo G—Lient
David. Oubett, Semi --Smith, Suit Sta
mm, Gilbert Valedldwud Ilan, @riff Morrie,
James Powell, Lynn Barrett, Samuel Wilkes,
David Lindsay, Jamul Cain, John fdeDon
all, Jos MeKean, Wm Morris. Oo K—CaPt
John 0 Shroad, Sint John Outer, Corp Jacob
Olunberpr, Adam Doormen, Augustus II
TotalKWed 3
, r—Wounded
" —Ninths 75
0CT.`4 , 1
Total L0u.......
Than marked 0 mortally wounded.
S. M. Blank and Captain DIVil got within
the rebel lines and wag fired upon, when Qs,
+wheeled, and Captain Davis, hearing Black
hallooing, looked around andaaw him falling
from his horse. Samuel Meter, shot through
the right thigh—no now here In
the hompitaldoing well. Lewis Yon, shot In
finger of the left hand, finger bompletaly shat
tered, gone to. Bridgeport hoitpitaL
Mr old Doetor, Brig. Surgeon a. J. Young,
was captured. Dz. Smith I. nbw Brigade Sin
The B, !glide Staff lost ten in en s Lieut.
Culbertson, A. D. 0. Lieut. McGowan, Top.
Bog., Ltant. Butler, Provost Marshal, Dr.
Young and his Orderly, Bind, Scut. Frank
lin, and three clerks.
The 011 Trade—Am
eteount of Crude on
Hand, .
The OU City Register, In tie review of the
market for the week ending the Bth inat,
makes the following remarks :
The ail market has been quiet and come.
what doll for the past week. There have
been no material trance lone, however.
Buyers appear to be standing off at present,
solvating events and a rise in the Allegheny
river, which leas tow now as it has , been since
the oil discovery. The only way of getting
the oil to market it by raitroeds at Franklin
and Titusville. liauliag oil ten or twelve
miles Is a slow baldness. Bo great Is the
waste in this produca that peMons do net ears
about buying andholding it Eons at present
figures. If there au any more speedy mode
of transportation at head the oil market
would doubtless be muds kW= and nriees
woulifrule higher. Thula*. av markettaneff
now being mast° 0 3tesedOwn the
This effort has been SD' far incoessfal as to
'cheek operallene Pr the printff pal markets to
a great extent. - .We lave an idea that this
temporary dulinue of ides petroleum trade is
caused, in no slight degree, by the ittbeabre
hension of 'parties abroad as to the, etW.lite., te
of affairs here at the place of produellsoirl-We
mean the actual amount of oil on hand, and
the daily production;.4.Thinking":lo might be
of iatareet, we Mow taken sorkspains to pro
mo all the rellabli-iinformation we 05nld
gather, and lay it before our readers for their
In the month of Ostober, one year ago, the
was from 15,t00 - to 80,000 barrels, and mazy
tartlet estimated It as high as 100,000 barrels.
Upon Oil Creek the amount .of Al In teaks
was variously estimated at from 100,000 to
150,000 barrels. At the present time, we
should estimate the total amount on hand at
this point at about 26,000 barrels. In tanks
en the Creek we cannot now dud over 40,000
barrels. At about the same time last year,
the quantity of crude oil in tanks at Pitts
burg was estimated at from 76,000 to 100,000
barrels. The estimated amount on band
there at the present tiros. Is from 15,000 to
20,000 bunts. In New York city, last oo
toter. the amount of oil on hand was esti
mated at from 75,000 to 100,000 barrels. The
estimated amount. on hand at the present
time is froml4o,oo to 150,000 barrels. Count
this 'as you will, the lawn will show tato
feranoe between the amount on hand at the
present time and at the same time last year,
to be from 120,000 to 150.000 ~ barrels. We
' think the daily product of the wells on Oil
Creek now about the same as that of bat
year, via: about 6,000 barrels. As before
stated, we have heard of no metals' transac
tions this week. Boma buyers elsim to have
been offered oil at the wolfs at >56 per barrel,
but have baud of no sales at that figure. We
give as the ruling quotations $6X4 6 3f Per bar
rel al the welle;s7a7X at this point. Freight
to Pittsburgh, $1 85 per barrel. 'The weed'.
Or Is cloudy, With rein. Itt consequence of the
rain during the past twenty-roar hours, and
the prospect of a rise In the river, produeere
hive stiffened up In their views, and are now
asking $7 per barrel at the wells.
The Grand . Torch Light Procession.
Oar friends in Allegheny are making ex.
Madre preparation' for the asmonstmtlon of
likoloy evening. Chief Marshal Maltz B.
Branot,we observe, has calla. a meeting, of
his Aids for this evening, at his residence.
The Committees of the several Warde. are so
+ yeti:maim preperntionse and the Union'
oltfmani along' - the 'route' of 'prostates are
tasking entangles proeirstioni for horning
•iiteersizkei ditelsylsg Ughler
let ell •Union oltirma (*.operate to
make, thedamonttration worthy of Allegheny.
'• " - '
Vizor liners° rs him lowaserr.—An
sitimilastto attesting Of the 1:141on party wao
told at Sharonifdoon township , an Thaw.
da r y,.-Wm.A. Stmdes, Zig t was chosen
Chairman, andSho meeting was addressed by
Captain Dadaist's B. Stood and it. A. CII/Il•
mai Sm. Koh enthusiasts was moi
-1 festod,•and a vote of thinks 'glum to the
"Oaken. It U expected that' a considerable
gain_ TM be realised for the talon ttoket
Mein township, as man Delnoorats have
dgnidod their intention of v oting Um Union
ticket. •
Ronnie in ewe Exxiii-Weiu).—A
loot grand ray will be held! in the disib
Ward, ea Hondo evening; el flue corm of
WyHe end Towiesoat stmts. Woe's* loUl
be delivend by Thom' M. Maribaltclien. A.
W. Loon& awl - lank Child& fdf.
Pope will be venni and dog a new Union
Mg. •
Tin Cuman Cloort.—Thana ine nothlni
of Lorpottanoo tnnnated In tho (Water Sas
alms to-day. Thajnry to tno_sua , of two
- ComMottwoalth Ts. Woo. W. Baolotran;olowded
with smolt and battamonosth ot . Dr. Venn,
band ra tallied of not guilty.
, .
Munuis.Bauylng time slatting Man
among the Democratic Irishmen of Barris.
berg, went It stated, bureselredto ;impost
no man foromeeWho mould nit .roff. Davis,
Ind Una, online lyeedward and nipporta
Accoarr.—.Linitorutt .11; P. Callow, of
tho, 824 'Po: anCfOrroorty of Oh- 04;
woo thrown from tam -horse - Wills On Allay
.s war whore thojankondompter ' 4, 1 1 / 9 104 1 !
ooitar boz•.. - ! •
- :'ltifositiokilirs.—Tho °Art - ot , ammo'
'ZipII wio bunco WU;4sy,pl f l
tboscrwiliMCialsicons oldslav-
Cosi wWlso Is rodent oir*Otioy; tor US
&a., &a., &a.
Socha Dhpetch to the Pittabtugh Gazette.
PHILLDIILPHIA, Oat. 10, 1863.
There are no 1710TC/116111.1 by Gsn. kleadee
army. News received Wm morning sap every
thing is
An arrival from New Orleans this morning
says the blockade runner Sir Robert Peel, was
captured by the Seminole, on the 11th ult.,
with a rich cargo of modhAnes, brandy, clothe
end manhineryAs heavy lose to the owners.
New Orleans is prospering under free insti
tutions. The old slaveholders are beginning
to gee that slavery,is • non-paying institu
Amounts from Gen. Boster'e expedition in
North Carolina, hit Baturday, state that it
did two million dollara' worth of damage to
the enemy. It destroyed a great number of
boatel and railroad property, mills, etc.
A dispatch received at the Board of Brokers
this morning, says thatthe Are from the. rebel
batteries upon Chattanooga did no damage.
Boeserarts has fortified himself la inch a way
that his dislodgment is impossible. Tide dil
-1 patch had a direot affect upon money transao.
Monotonous inactivity atilt prevails at
Lookout Mountain, from whloh Bragg mi
dmost to bombard Bosamans, is eighteen
hundred fast higher than Chattanooga, three
mike distant by wagon read, and less than
two miles in a direst lire.
Missionary Bldg., when tho rebel dis
patches are dated, is about one thousand feat
high, three miles from Chattanooga by road,
sad two miles by air line. Lookout Mountain
and bibalonary ridge nearly encircle Chatta
nooga, whieh lire Ina baain for Med by the
mountainous ranges around it.
The Memphis (Atlanta) Appeal, speaking
of their amass at Chattanooga says 1 „ We
shall now be reoogaized. Oar securitbso will
rice Valiandigham will be sleeted."
W. J. J.
Largest Convention in Western
rennsylvania Since 1860.
Special raepoteb to the Quetta.
JOHNITOTS, 10, 1503.
The largest and most enthusiast'', conven
tion bold in Western Pennsylvania since the
b'lttsbarglo convention in 1880, ls being held
here today. O. W. B.
Important from Manisa' Department--
Gen. Darius@ Force Pushed Back..
118/DfOrCCMentgl Needed, etc.
Haw roar, Oot. 10.—The World's New Or
issa.' eorrespondent luur the following im
portant news:
Oen. Logan hovers around Beton Range,
and clouds of mounted partisan rangers hover
along Cheriver, on the right hank, from Don
aidsonvßle to the month of Red river,
and on the left bank from Baton Rouge, and
often below that point Is Natchez and be
Gen. Berrou'e division, at Morgan, or Mor
gan's Bend, on the right bank; about twenty
five miles above Port Hudson, had born en
rowed for leveret days skirmishing with a
body of, as they supposed, guerrillas. The
rebel, becoming more daring sad annoying,
Ben. Dana, now in command of Berron's di
vision, sent out a number cf regiments to
feel the enemy and ascertain his strength.
The enemy was felt and provcd.himself too
strong for the force sant against him. A
severe engagement ensued, resulting in • loss
to the Union army of several hundred killed
and wounded, and the loss of some fifteen
hundred prisoners.
This took plane on Tuesday, the 25th nit.
Binee then the rebel tozois have assumed the
offensive, and are pressing Dena's men with
snob vier that the gunboats have been called
in to aid them in repalaing.the enemy. All
the sugar houses end all other structures
standing in the way have been leveled to the
ground, but ills reported that •still the gun
hosts can be of Beth: :service; owing to the
numerous bluffs in that vicinity. The rebels
are still there, and will do greater mho:lila tf
Ben. Dana Is not ratable:ed. This body of
confederates is said to be ander the command
of Ranee Polignso, now Beigedier General in'
the provisional army of she Confederate
BMWs. The truth is, reinfor:rments are sad
ly needed here, and until they are received;
the people of the North need mot espeot to
hear of anything being done in this depart
ment beyond Ma mere holding of the lame.
The Missouri- finnan, Embrogtle.
limy Toni, Oat. 10.—The specials this
morning are almost entlieli devoid of- any
thing. The Tribune's dispatch has the fol
lowing The President has completed his. re
ply to the idissomi and ICansle .delegations,
and the manuscript IN now in the bands of the
copyist. It all probably be banded to the
Chairman, Hr. Drake, tomorrow. The Kan
sas delegates presented • distinct address,
uking Out that the Btatebe made Into a sep
arate department, or secondlii, that General
Scholia/be removed, and a general who bet- '
ter understands the requirements of the De
partment be substituted.
To the first propotitton Mr. Mnooln b geld
to have replied that he amid see no ogee
tiona to making Kuno Into a separate de
partment, provided them were no °haulms
froM a military point of view.. Several eon
saltation& have taken pleas upqn this and the
other points, between the President and See.
rotary of War. 'Nothing le positively.known
at to the oonelusions arrived at by the Presi
dent; bit those most interested incline to the
belief that Kansas will bii'mdde a separate
,departnant, 'and that Ginerallficheneld. will
not be removed, bathat eriimi will be Issued
directing Governor Gamble had his military
coadlnters to carry out some if not all the re
forms asked for by the committee. In the
Meuse Of the confeences with the committee,
'the President assured them that the election
of Judges in Missend. in November,should
be. protected. The delegates' are terefore
sanguine of sneous at pas.
Secretary Chase starte,d this evening for
The Attack on tf a. Blunt— 1 7 8
Man Killed--Cart ge Mussed.
Be. Lome, Oct. 10.—The - Dentoevut's Leav—
enworth weld glues the particulars of the
anal* on Gen. Taunt and amort, below Part
'Boost. lie was attacked •by three hundred
rebels in Valera!uniform neat the encamp.
Mont. Limit. Pond end his escortbroke, and
one hundred and' teventy , eight men were
itilied—sll shot through . - the had, evidently.
after them captured. Midas Curtis, son of
Geti Curtil, -- was throwairom him hors,,
was - toned With a bullet hole through 611
head, whb was undoubtedly murdered after
being taken primula. • , •
Lieut. Pond's camp was attacked about the
same time. Thal were four Man killed and
Wei wounded. -; Geri, Blest .eseapaii, and
'meeting reinfoloiments below Pork Doott, took
command of them , and started in. pun* Of
Lieut. Baer,, of the Third Wisconsin, was
Capt. Todd, Quantrere Adjutant, came in
is Pond's camp and Wad for an ezettalige of
Prisoners. Be said *number of rebels were
wounded: Among them ems Col. Shelby.
Qualms forts came from Cowskln Prairie,
McDonald eounty,Mlssouri. •
A letter from tort Bott, dated ,the
WI elf rebid fame "tamed Cullum M0., -
et IttataLag. -• r
014.' 1 600141d te•gtaptied to LaavaiWorth
lhatltut slalom 'hundred tb eight titonsand
rebels, ander Quantal!, Colliq, Onion - and
Ilualtr,'lnde teaching on -Mort' Eleatajaat
that WI Itaioitairet Oct.Oraa* to lota &MI6
taro to otabl raise to lot Mott.
}.•"Tbtt tiattatioa at ChattrinOniffi. '
Nmssuierree, Oct. 9 —Lookout Montan,
from which 'Bragg smdeavors to bombard
Rosterans, 11 1,800 feet higher than Chatta
nooga, three miles distant by wagon road and
less than two mull in a direct line. Mission- I
my Ridge where the rebel dispatches are
dated, is 1 ,000 feet high and three miles from
Chattanooga by .road, and two miles by air
line. Lookout Mountain and fdluionary
Ridge nearly encircle Chattanooga, which
lids Ina basin formedby the mountain ranges
around it. Bragg has an open Railroad corn
mutilation with Rome, forty miles,
and At
lanta, one lauldred and thirty-etz miles dis
tant, from whence he can bring up the heaviest
siege guns cut at both points. The Etowah
shell works are sixty raise from Chattanooga,
and also oonneeted therewith by Rsßread.
The Richmond &Wiwi, of the 81h inst ,
announces that the Ralsigh (N. 04 Standard
has again made its appearance sines twins
its oftioe damaged by a mob. The Raleigh
Stata Journal, which was among the greater
seems, has not yet rammed.
Encouraging from Chattanooga—
The Bidders Routed—sacking of
Shelbloille--Bragg's Bombard..
ment a Failure.
Wasarsorow, Oot.lo.—The ibiohliects ex
tra says that the Government has dispatches
from Chattanooga on the 9th, and official din
patches from Nashville, of an almost en
couraging character. "
Gen. Iditehell overtook the rebel cavalry en
the 6th Mort Shelbyvilb, when a battle en- .
mod. We completely routed the enemy, who
!drover 100 dead on the field, and a large
number wounded.
The railroad torn up by the` raiders has
bean repaired, and the telegraphic communi
cation 20-established.
The noting of Shelbyville by the rebel"
was a disgraceful affair.
Bragg'a bombardment of Chattanooga was
• comple failure. There was no oncdarnaged
except a few dwellings burned.
Hebei) near Columbus, IllizoissiPPl• •
Proclamation of Gov.
vices from Little Bock.
Canto, Oat. 9.—The rebels nadir General
Lee, of Johnnie. staff, any raid to be oon
oint:ratlng near Coimbra, fairlditiPti r , whero.
the Confederates have astsusive On and
other manufactures, and strong works of de
Gov. Drown of Oa., has timed a proclama
tion protesting against the seizure of per
tonal sad private property for dm rue of
the Rebel government, except In mules whore
uthority plainly emanates from head
Ho calla upon the State to resist the Ito
pretsmen t of property where such authority
oannot be produced, persons attempting mob
ltopronments aro to be committed to jail until
a warrant Is limed against diem for robbery.
Advisee from Laths Rook ars satisfactory.
Sonthern papers notice the decline of throe to
four hundred per mint. in gold.
The Rebel Raid In 111Issouri.
8:. Loam, Oat. 9.—The telegraphic com
munication was interrupted aboutibirry miles
west of Jefferson 'City lilt night, the rebel
raiders having struck the Patina Italitutd at
that point, and are marching eastd. Ac
counts, this morning, place them within five
miles of Rut Tipton.
The fortifications of &della have been
strengthened with baled hay, and every prep
aration has been made for the defeats of that
poet. It b not known yet whether the rebels
have done any damage to the Paciofic Flail-
Schooner Burned.
ST. 0.1.713111111 . 8, 0. W., October 10.—A
sohoonor loaded with coal all was burned last
night in the Welland Canal. Tho Capttin
was drowned. Navigation Is temporarily sup.
• ended.
Communication with itosecrana.
Raw Your, Oat. 9.—The Herald hat the
following :
Nackeitic, Oa. B.—We are again in un-
I aterraptati oommunication with the front.
T IST OF LET rEgs rein 'awing in the
1.1 POST MICE at ALLEGHINY. Pa.. at noon
on 13ATLIRDAY. October 10. 1863.
INlPPlesae mention the date of the Ltd In which
the letter is advertised.
Once hem - stem TX, .E. 0 r. se. •
A Cantor Au McKeever Win J
Ayes Anne Graham Saran J McMartin Will
A octoroon Sark Gerdeer Janet McCleary Wm
Afton Melinda Grimm Jae &tolled' Joseph
Alexander Wm Gaytoo John A BoGale James
8 Macs Maggio liclntyee J
Barb, Albert hi - li
Buffet Cheletln Huya XCo Naughton Patk
Broo•ay Calb% Hoover Sarah tieemetth Mesas
Bet like A HackwaideeSaml Newell Thomas
Bread KrnaJ Howells linsle Newell Hugh
Brown Muff" I Hamilton John Nevil Edward
Bona Sally Hood Jas NyaranCheidifan
Boxby 8 0 Hovey John 0 •
Beadoy Du 4 Holey Thee Otto Cathrine
BayJoi Limier Sloop B O'Doeutell Margt
Bark .1 H Hooter Warn P
Bate John irony Rebecca Porter Bobt
Belttain Martha I Packer Henry
Barry Mary Ingraham Nary Porter Malley
Brown Martha l Page Morris
Bartley Lbscuri /shut= A 0 Powell Joseph
Burnside Wm JeultiosErebth Powell John
Bond Writ J Judd Bantry Patten Elko
Blackburn HerW Jon= [Dory Forest:kir A 3
Blostmen Jenny Johnston NI m I B
0 Roberts Emily
Coates Deal Kerr 8 8 Robinson Ellie
Casson E J Kirby 8 8 'Rogers Emma 0
Chrietman Ellett Knots Susan II to Eliza H
Craig Mule L Key Jortontah 0 Rogan John
Cake, Joe Ir Kennoly Eva Richardson .1 D
OatopbellJenlert Kennedy Ellen Lead John
o.ble hie Kleine Ilzslo Reynold Mary J
Orals Jae - b L ' .8
Cotton Bev ZII Lebo , an Easel ''name Rachel
Conlin Miry I Leach JOOCI Blown ßobt P
Clynsocellallleo Long Loans Shoemaker Ross]
Chvothtes Kant Linwood L, B Swam P
Coleman Mary Winds/111 Mrs Sample Wm H
Ca dwell Muth& Love sisr J ollentlyJeto
Caldwell W W Lyoph Wm Stewart Jas
Cowell Wet Et 2 Lagglehßieb. H ihnith/ H
Cols W W 8 'swan Jolla
Oases Phabe Mil er A H Sinew. Li
Cabmen Peter Biaggi Chas %vole George
Clotting Reuben llsweeyltliatbeth %detester Eliza
D Moran E a !earths Ann J
Diller Eliza Veazey - George T Thereon Eliza
Duckett Elks Breese George W Thompson II
Davis Frank flyers Lydia Thompson .1 5
Davis Hattie Morris Mairda Trenton Wm
Denman Joe K Master Margery . V
leillimetth Joan Martin Matilda Peahen Jae II
Doff JaeDo 111. blurry mII
._ W W
tdoliall di Button
, enlnto h Lodge
Mclntyre h 0
Itcruland A II
!Satoh - Alin
Mogleiry 0
Holley Dodd
Hoene Ellen
Ma Xm l
May eneyLlezle
;N I : K . l tL , w i e f I n U D I " L
llcOchoon Wm
Hoag, las
Dodo Wm a g
Donlpban Wm
ale ilia
WI, nun
Ewing BerglG W
Eatcn Henry
tens Mies
'berg Hornell
• IP
'Mend T II &
Francis Joao M
Sores Win Y
Gross Huy
Ginn Sandi
Hanuranturers and dealer. In ell the &bona kinds
700 POEM, it,. With greatly Incaresad hdl 1.
nil for doing brainrac we toreeetly invite &flare to
Lire =Su& Honor urtcny, Tel:swearer Ill&
Wantn:Jo. Oeala alhy
JO en d=HN Liberty
ar, BL, Pittab4.
11P11101 WOODS,
• I" J MOWN.
YV 0 nave
the Wert ami bud assOrtlnoat et •
In tho 170.1 of 'Pittsburgh, and pdcei at low, and •
litre lower, flea got& of dinflargasllly aro tomale
ly iota tor. Dealers 111 the country ray releate Mar
W 15 1, 171 ,0 ten our sake of Albums Wet Met titian,
others. I. J. L. 1183. D . 73 Yearth .uses:
rhalbl'ts. l3 Clitlet
SILTY, Lots,,,tti bat 4 hi.
front byllo (mg drop to an allay, with a large &MO
'abase, lotrreen flincock and lland street. • dash
table lotation fot &P
AIM, rem* Ono bell g elks for gerhataroddattor
nearlittumills, from % to lams rook)
Also, taro number of lading tots. of TO7loan
lime, Cl MID AS to bD feet trout by.DX) t. 160 test
broPialltuded et 'hi tan:rant , of the WO* throat
at Ballway, • '
•Ar be the anderelfined, I:Manton of the oasts
of Jo Maw, W. 11.111110154?
JOHN D. 13D11.11.011,
D. IllitEDN.
Fut, nAii...Ous Aura :qf Wound
and • few Boaz unink Balalin , bet"
Bolles and Alsoblory t v./1 &Mated for,,i ann.
(*Coqa If 0 tut blllO foot De Punamd for
°"41.01 ft 4 0411151 b( v catll -
ILLa c ir
. WA D.
r , MN:fa Gant stud. Mutant,:
SAL*I:4F+ raiqUbati&
711ALEB 07 WILO7OT3 117 D 101/7071Z3.
y OfFeeilftod 4, eerier Of Liberty troi Fifth
WZDBlllhDhcf t!ST.
(lAM BLEHIL-4 ; now, , and splendid
lug • scrusint ftWe bf
sai I 4/011011 1 1 80WL.128
EAII7/ID.IT, Oar. 10.—There is no now Mama to the
domestic mcnny market worthy of special notice.
Gold =Aleuts to advance slowly but steadily. In
New Tort tt opened ts-day at I IPA, advanclng to
1.49 X declining to 147%, and finally closing cubs at
141%. Government bet ea s are reported &teen
but unchanged.
In Phlltdelphls on rrtday, Allegheny Connty Sian'
sold at 80 ; and Pittsburgh rife! solder* 70.
The tatal exports of specie from New Tot k to day,
the telegraphwepotta at 14,170,M1.
In the Noy! York Mock my het, on friday, Client.
land and FPl:el:crab Railway sham sold et 106%0
107; Pittsburgh, Port Winne acd Chicago at SOX@
81%; Gbifelendand Toledo at 111%6)119, and Nicht.
gni Southern it 883V388-X
All the Interest accreting on the 7.30 pot cent U. S.
treasury notes Is payable la coin, lusd the peter them
solves on the lit of Oo ober, 1801, are payable in
legal tenders, or, are connertab'e Into U. o.6's of
1881, cow selling at MOW% It is this of con.
version, into what Is termed the °Meg that
puts tlo 7-20's to much above p By genre' act of
Cannae all loans of the Government, principal and
Inter:et, ere payable to Wu; and all treasury notes,
to., trope:ebbe, the principal, In curreney, and the
Interest In coin.
Ste Now York Harald of Saturday, to uotklaig the
ololoat flactuattoas In Gold, sop
Gold opals( d wait this morning, and fora time the
trodency was downward. At an early hour how
ever, • leading broker outgo od the market with en
order for 111,300,004 which put the price up to 14T%
Room thin pant it declined gradually, with coo..
sional reatOidis, and dined at 117. Moth ep-tasla
tion existed, of comae, ln relation to tlie huge order
above mentioned. One thrtry was that it was booed
on private intelllionav of bad DOW& from
Another, that a heavy short Jolter was coveting his
contracts. 'lbe Impression Forage pretty generally
that we have teen the highset price of gold that ie hl
be witnnised in tome time, and that, =lam soma
disaster of an olio whehning character tants, it is
Mall to touch 140 before it touches M. 'neither =-
doing° nor merchandise is keeping race with gold.
When It was worth 147,54 to-dsy bills gem only 111.
01.131%, and dull at go quotation; and merchants
I complain that when they mark np their gcods to the
ttandafd of gold at 140iglet they coo make no sales.
The isivannee of gold from 130 to 145 has qtdokentd
ell aras of trade, orearged the the volume of our
exports and enabled no to soak large quantitithis of
American accoritim to Sumps. But the country
will der Ire ne,benefil from a further admits, whim
the depredati on of the currency widdi w. aid be On
rotted would be • wins etiL
&mann, October 10, lfiCtl.
LIBMIS AND 11.01M—Wkleat Is :mkt but Arm:
awl prime Bed lulls readily at 11,111. Oen, is s:m
and higher, with a sale of 1 car Shelled int track at
6403. Osia Oral and higher, with sake of I can at
734874 m bolder' generally are raking 757, which was
of for 4000 trash to arrive, and refuel. Hanky
Le firm, with small asks from fiat hands at $1,25.
Floor to motet bat very firm, and the tendamy is :T
-wat; ale to the trade of 50 bbla Bite Family at
$0,93, and 100 do de al $6,50. Bye itorr—nons in
0110171131 - 64—The grocery market centime to
rule very dtm, and the extremely high prices has a
tendency to retard operatives. Bay Sugar, may bo
quoted at Malec foe fair to prima; Bodzo d0.1 0 3i
Es16)(0 for "B" and "A" Coffee and 170 for Crashed,
Granulated and Powdered. Coffee Is stiff, and prime
WO soils reed) y at 340, and in many cases Met
asked. Mottoes steady with salsa at prices ranging
from 60,t0 65c,
MILL PEED—Ls coming In more freely hot the
demand Is billy equal to the supply; mles on track
of 4 cue at 11,10 per curt for Bran; $1,20 for Shorts;
$1,30 for t hipsters, and 61,70 for Middling}
BUTTER. d £GO—Thor. Li more litqult7
Buttes, but prima ere without change; We alit
Digs good 110 at 220. Eat withal:4W; tali of
11 bbis at Ur.
Brill—ts las active bit unchanged; Wee of 10
loots from lades at $3O to 135 per ton; also small
sales of prime Baled from stme at $1,60 per out
POTATOES—Ben:tab quiet but unchanged; mile
from store of 100 bosh prime lieshennects at 000 per
hotfoot; also. tto bbli Onset Potatoes at $5,00 per bid
OBANYEBBII3—There is a falr local demand:
and ere note a sale of 6 We, from Indians, at 613 pm
BAGS—firm and higher; eale of of (OD ..fmalston"
two bushel fiestoltaa at 600 each.
SALT—No I Extra batting from eon al and de
pot It too par bbl, and from store at 113,60. Fine
Ground Liverpool may be quoted • at 113,1743,3 D pm
Plitsbergn Petroleum Market.
On. —Sturmarket for Petroleum. end Ins pro
ducts, hos ruled dull, Inactive. and &preened through.
out the creek, end with no demand, smately,
transactions be.. been very limited and principally
of a local :character. Crude has declined fully Yin
omits during the week, andiron with Mt concession,
there ars but kw buyers. In relined, in bond, them
hat not been a sale for tea days pot, that we ate
aware of, end to effect one, a material on:canton
would be Tinniest on the port of the holder. There
Is such a marked =mono between the views and
feelings of bayed and sellers, that transactions ere
entirely out of the question, and this being the case
Lt le impealblo to give correct quotations. Free 011,
also, le dull and lower, with email sales of oteii:de
brands at 604,62 e. Wo doubt, retriever, whether a
round lot at a prime city brand could be purchased
at the above aimed Dors. The last sales of Ben
zine were at 81er.120 per gallon, and Breldirem *Apo
per bbl.
Ons of the most remarkable emot■ oonnederi with
the bletory of rotrolerun is the reported shipment of
CVO cake relined from Liverpool to New' York.
There Is emnothing very strange about this,- and
while some ars disposed not to belles It, ethers al
lege that it is a movement on the put of certain ,
_parties In Now York, who having contracts far Ode
bar and November delivery at high rates, ire anz
tomato break down the market. Wo confine that we
at a loss to Imagine what motive or object could in
duce the shipment of Petrels:nu front Liverpool to
New York—taktog Into consideration the present
high mho cf sachangs—uniese It to the one Ws
have jest mentioned, to break down prices
New 'York Petroleum narks'.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gantt*.
tins Yoas, Oct • 10—Tho oil markas tzmtiaan doll
sad demand sad quotations may beconalihirod nom
pal. Orudo is a sluideCowes, with =giant:sat leo
U. lined, in bond, an ilia 'Pats •may-be guard it Os
Warmly Peter
Whittaker W L
Whittal 1H &
Wright Nary
Weer Jennie
Wilson Jane
Willa= Jno
Ball Jno
Walker Jew°
WAY Jwx it
Wr&kar Chas
Wit&me A
Tering D
Chicago Market
Oct. 2—Ths demand for Spring Wheat was vary
heavy, snd the market advanced hilly go par brutal
on yesterday's tulle g Wiwi.. sales being made et
It 0701,09 for No 1; $4046111,06 for No k t and 01,00®
1,01340 Rejected In Acne. At the dote the ad
mace wee sustaluod, and It was Marin to tray at
anything below the outside. quotations, Winter
Wriest wos Inactive and nominal. The demand tor
Stour continue:slight, rowing to theanas noted yea.
tardily, and print* aro without material alteration.
oenn waricntr e Ey ate. . and rag up fully Inn per bushel,
with Ida at IS % sad SW' •W' On No 2
In .taro . Corn was Inactive and nominal.
Oats ems on the *hawse' undo: a my actin
apeealatlve; demand, and prime advanced hedo per
taubaL Bileetangad Sans teXeSdo held° V—dre,
'lna at the latter dors. itja waa In wave request
lad Improved So per bolted, with sales at 06@abo for
No 1, and aidgdo for Be la In dam Bales was II
=awl and shipping demand and pilaw imptand
No In star asold ft, 1,1% sart We by
lamp% on track at $1,1191,80 6 latter piles kr
avers abxrce Wt. - Mislead° Eat vin qtdet tad tad
, - changed, take being nada at 12,11:1, delheriell. • WM
elan MO firm sad In pod domed, 'km prices
were not made piston°. There Wass gym* dad dew.
citement In the market foe Righvlnes, end prices
advanced Aft p.r gellaa. Before New York din
patches wafted Isla mom made 67p580, brit after,
hOic, was paid, and bolder* gmerally lethal 000.
t. P4ataisatar
Baltimore Orate Basket.
OCT. 9.—Muiro wn s ktr impply of Goan at mar
ket today, and the Inquiry for all the tradlug do
actlptlons vu mdmaWy SCUTS. Who Rao exam.
lion of uhlto Oont, union fell off 2 rents and chunk
henry, poke were unchanged. We quote prime. to
actor Southern tans Whoa& at $1.26 , 01,90. fair to
good do at 1111,73d4M,80, demigod toOrdlomy do. at
11.241011;00; go - obOlco Southern Int ell two
Infettor to very fair do. al 51,1.5110,00, and gar
to very prlole Kentucky Matte at yl,051 , 1;111 per
batbiL ohne. Cora at 08.:481.01'''damagett to
phno, and Jetfoil, do. at $1.034)1,06 par bushel.
Maryland Oats at co go o.l44saimpondPanisi.
tante d0...V5(486 nada uaght. By* i11.08011,11t to quails.
Cincinnati ileutet. , •
o.—lu our market' One le hoht Onnly
but eatable of th focaloads those Is not doing.
Whisky, under the neve from Nrw Tat. adrenced
to lAs. Provisions ere held oboe° the elms of boy.
:n Itule Beir Wheat aduanoed Lfslietheldi
for ankslll7o4. BO foe ,Iteatucky Whltalorn
bade armor tour. but prlote were not quotably high
er. 'Xhe glee want at 880 for ear, end al.o foe ahem&
Oats dedhuid to. 660470 In the torenoon, but sub ie;
Tautly au advance of its ^saa asked. Briley Is
held at 111 11031 60, but these farmers Go ohm the
views ef bwrs. Bey aIEI at taaaso Obeem
held•Xo h/gWr.—Geralto
Cleveland 'intact'
Ocr.o—ltloar Mai ant Dative; Wu 100 bbls obi
ground XX Sad : at_ss4o•.altoamaU lota Itadagid
Whits tradicand DA $025 and $725 WITDI.T.
The Moat maggot Is nag dall a .asid no agent
=MP ettaial tramples= viten XdUstat.alter. tin
-Err York rims in teeelnd 'Mann mom
,Arto, at &Mugged that gelott cooddnably. Com
la van int sodinalpti DOI; tbs oaty ado maned
=vuwsearbeforeafternooa' , report. At ErNa.
an lathing more fnelTi and' SO local demand am.
' Mar good sato 'tom eamottleack at Gboi Otto
snobs amid tamdancy. Ants la go dimazut, sad
pried are Dosolnl. - &del eartnin at 1120.
Dalton Grain Markel.
OCT. EL—Bsradred 10,656 bud, want, 13,242 Dash
cora. Wheat--blukat higher and senors holding
re, ttos only sztalsalng oda car tto 2 red at slbo L
Osta—Testerday 24922 bulb and at Sic Le. b.
For ten cars In *tan days , - 57 c was veeredL C. b.
Oars wanted at 7423 c. Barley—lto range Ls moo
142.5. 2 pr cwt fat Interim. to pine. Bye wanted at
Ripona ay Railroad.
Prrtilitliowilbe.Warnt • • Crnasoo Samoa , Oct.
10-50 bbls wittislry, 8 H 1 14 . 5.4 GO do do, nail
lough a co; 4H/ bgs nail feed. las Gardiner; 0 bbla
Bons, ithomaker /is Long: 29 bbl. scraps, Pier,
Wel'. & col 4 core ibarliiiiJcali /tholes; 190 bp oats,
9 B Floyd; 707 dn do, los Dorrington; 43 bbla whisky,
Latabort . Shlpton; GO do do, 160 b6a oats, D Wal
lace; II wool, J L Hand:LW; 13 bgs potatoes, 5 kibis
Gooks, W 11 litrkpatrick A co; Gl lip ootatccs, 11 13
• ow 45 bbit cat bon al, J • Caughsyv 11 carboys, I
Irwin; XI bbl. apples, Giabarn A Th omas; 23 bp
trathars, lt 11. Zing; 1 car Bra brick, Groff. Hallett
• co; 1 do Iced I do corn, Ittchtoelt, &tot/retry a Ci;
183 by teed ,J , & W Farley; UV bbl. tkur, Lindsay
A Telford; 50 dodo. Hackman A Linlasirt; 4 cats lam
bar, B Langhan; 60 bide whisky, iliui Boyd; 141 bil
timothy toed, L II Voigt A co, 4 601. bides, 2 Lk ;d
-isco; 45 blies hay, ocanark. i
Cumxwao B Pummels /3.21xnu., October TO
-30109s apples, 81 do potatore,3
.44 1 1 12 P 2 G 6
cottage, Ohm 0 Beater VXI WA., Umhaogb nog
164_a4 oats, D Wallace; 140 bbla potatoes, Calp•
Bbrpud; 3 crates cabbage, D FatxeL, 213 bge mill
• thA, YEA do eats, 8 13 Floyd; OM do corn. Wm Car
solchiel;23 bbls treat, 10 pkgs butte:, A B 104411
bbls apples, L II *Mgt B Cc; 128 do do, Pester &
Aiken; 26 by potatoes, A A &adenoma; 85 dm barley,
W 11 Garrard; 8 pkgs butter, 4 do lard; Janney a
Andrems;3o7 de wheat, J lil Liggett & cm, 10 aka
can. II klcOullaosb; 10 alai beans, A Llpperd; GO
bbti Amu, Gratutro & Thomas; 3 2343 tobacco, J Gra.
„ Aar; 80 bets flour, Lindsay a wrard; 7 pap helms.
Wm Ilaoctur, 20 bbla aPpics, W P Peck & co; 9 eke
older; B Bishop; 9 cam midst, II Childs; t 2 do do,
Gee Albree &
Akmasat Stenos, Got *-12 bbla appl a, sdo
alder, 1 do bow, Ajto W Resift; 100 do Soar, Strop
moo 6 Knox; S pkVdtr, 7 1112er; 10 bbls splits
20 do ldit 1, Tier Getty; 53 aka rug', flagrant
k Cottrell; /45 kgkouta, A Taylor; 300 do do, J B
B u gm "nit t i t
td, „r.
toot aftor SINYDNY Lartl
ion,. kiwi:m . olMA 05.9 %Iktilbto .
leaves tho . Pealeadar Stag= d•Pr, telsePt daadshi
at isISO a. is., riewlskg at all Blatkas briwroa Piny
burgh and Philadelphia, and Inaba &sot =WA>
ttoo Ibrlis• York at Pbtladelphts.
41111013031 MAIL TIILEDI Lime the Pss
lamas Matt= wary saaratat Pasant at
IMO a. ta.,412=1:12 o-sly K stalls." sad
atakfali 4tract eirmseetlctra at U. rg tor Itelth
arm aid Wasklngtaa, sad tor Nay York via PUSs.
tiILOCKIU lISLITLIZEI '311.119 loans ABMs a
MAO p.m, Moot =l,y
principal Maths" mattes
/Mot umnoottote at giernbarn tor 'Landman as k
Wand in Haw York via Allentown rand
The' LlNSiona the Satan deny (=al
Poadrra or • Mb p. 4 at prinahml
Maims, comMottanatawrintre ta nalthnonaM
WathWitton, mast Philadaphb for on York.
-aoacallootaaon safAura
iztowcwaimeinspaa= arra wins dela
, Omni 1 : 45 1>. IA" ototrAs ea rater
rsd running ma or teal darermieh.
ThitareormairWealtsis forWtrallansabiona
ear , miLd 1230 a. a.
tteersd h. • •,• _Tate la Wars Mare
hrots dal (saorpt at 115a0 a. te.
• !bled A6.-rmicto eßreot sUon Thin es Wain (lanai
isnoo (tempist CV ch
Truth Ahrodurodottor Wal'e Stant& '
Y am MO (acept gardry.) a.
The Church.Trah learn Walldim- my Elm
drg at rat tit.t . rotsltd:43 hone PlttMarnk al
IPA p. rs. •
Tata arrive hi Plibittorgn 63 or=
Math= 1.1-10 p. vs. t Pllnadidphis Zs
non, 19d0 p. ma Linea a. wa. Oneamith
Nan Trala.l.lM a. rad Jamas= drearwdetha,
10106 a. or.; Rat Waft dna* Aenommodatlas
fen a. en.; Swami WWI Eta tin Aocomineatardas
628 I. ta.; Third Wars *lath, A=l:l=dr-don
L p.m.; noarth Wan Etatka lomommodattrat. &tinnier* matey will orbs with PI&
adebbn , Ibrigsw p. tm. on Roam.
Tutu far alatovitio and Inttsnowanon at Blahs
into Intrantsa , with
lohnednro Anoramadattao and Train nook
and with Bantams Loran and ' Atom.
mast= West.
Tears Ibensbarg =mot at Orman with Ra
ptor 'Pram and Tnft Weert,and with 'Mon&
Aotemunniattim and Nona Tian Mud.
Tht Ro*Ll' la art ft Mat, to Um& tatmost.ill
Nan or Wiwi. to tenet ny reardrynosia
Eanratd, the suxca=dakilla now Omni
moan bo amassed 02 any othlaroato. Trw Lt=/ti
ballasted with Mona, and I. entirely trce tram dut
We on maths mkt% said ma wabot to ea Th.
any emu fhb Era with trair ortnesam.
No New Nor2.--.411 031 To 173
To Pk 1340.1..... 10 51: 1 11
To ThorzlgOorg T 66
CAl=olarotri AN Clatiort es ties Peacylrc
1 13r11"oall, IGA a Nk1izi4373.7, UMW,
sad Now Tort.
PeremAr meant* Naga team vtllc
eauccod e
co rt.= , acoorAtcg eo diztasm trertise,
clilltiola to V.ot 0101100 ratio, slops Ironstatism
'Mtn Nos Cr.7A377 WA co live.
1313MINIL—In env pi 0:==1
umiserna raixesibi. raiz
sad for en =mat cat creem-trorn ,
N. B. —b.n OziotAul Lillian Dm to
pot, 3 • :blots not to rat = 4 4. 4 ersiti a ao :isr lnm
anger Anil Amor. Nor ticisda, nopty to
3. tirliValel, 05514
Li Oa Nracrriror% .A3rabott lalrocl 1 Ara..... 01
Matto.. er. IdasoC7 tai P.- itt - ons aol7
r7r7 , 7 7 1
111114181781 i DRPAIMIZET,
Orrin or Conrator M si n TEI Murals%
Washington y, ugnst o W
Waimea* 8y soldietory evidence presentedto
the undershmed. It baa been made to DIMSr that
in the County of Allegheny, and etas" of Pennsylva
nia, hav bee n duly orgarthad coder mad according to
the reguinrocnia of the Act of Congress, entitled
An Act to nrovide a National Currency.fiscored Dr
• pledge of Milted Bats Aterho, sad to paoside for
the circulation and redemption 2 .1 1," approved
Ifelattiory With, 103. and his WM with arl the
provisional:4'okt Act required complied with
store commencing the Madness of Honking.
Now. therefore, 1. Hum MoOnmoca,Ccronaler
of the Currency, do hereby testify that t hesaid
want/ of AllogiralY. and grate of Pemaylvonts, is
authorized to commence 01111XLIklaj of Bantling an
der the Act oformaid.
In isetimo o lithireof witness my Mind
( e tand sea of this sth day of August,
I '""" f hlotrULLOOd,
Comptroller of the Currency:
Carrots, $400.000 00. , oith
000 Flattop
. to I=tomas
to Sl.O
The Pittsburgh Tract Corapany baring organised
under the act tow:midi - a National Garnsacy, under
the titter of the MIST NATIONAL 1114111-0/
PITTSBURGH, would rwe pa offer in terrine
, Um ad:action of Notes, ]Dlofalift, of Hachau.p,
so., metro moat, on deposit, and bey and sell =-
change on en ports Of the country.
The =Can which baa attended the Pittsburgh
Trutt nottpany eince its organizatinn Initial, will,
le Whore, be a andilniant guarantee that boadnen
entrusted to the new orgstdration wiiki melte the
samaproolpt attention. •
Harillg a ,vary extanatn oarrespondence with
Butts and Daubed throughout the cone ryr INV per.
non we can offer tunnel tactitise to throe who ao
Winces with ne.
Tha busbies :NM be =ducted by the same V m
• can andßlrectors.
num= :
James Lanblin, b
U. Speer,
Rand& Ham Planets ßa
Tlupa. Bali, Alex. Brad/ey.
Thai Wightsnau, Samuel Res.
Win. K. Blink*.
Amosi 6th. 18E3.
DOLLAR riiivl.Nties No. 66
Oted dilly Dos In We
, also on aned,*
and Hate rday dellaSte eche* L dl Kay let to Uodnabee
from T to $ e"and tons November lit to
ilegd a tfrom be le
reoetna of all wan not lea than Ona
Della., and a 4bridenelot theta:crate dochaed had
. year, In Jun, and December.. Island Du Mande.
cadet lestmlly In )111, and December dna a
the D bera
ank wen s 4ll t the rsto of slz rere , d.
* rued, If cot Andra ont,L laded toll, malt
ol dd &pallet arid. , and bestallls sonat
I a
West hem thiefart of ;me sad Decensbeh ans.'
danding Mk:o4 trOdan Mb &PON).
far *al den to prlemlbla pas boat,. At ale
ritaidedl,loll•4ool , ein km Asa Mtn you&
• , Bo o ks. ccintdatsei the Qatar, By.Lare Re*
'and Deadatlons,tturoitha WAD, ou oPPlialtkm
the cam
Pitnaelne—ClDQUal ALUM.
, .
dc, mean=
Jahn H. Linraddln..
John Hamm, •
Alsrandu Spoor,
Bent. f in pc
Zuni Vasliy,
James Iletanmu
ht tam, •
Jobs G. Hickok%
John O. Bindle,.
Geoids Mardi
Alonzo A. Carder,
Olitricalk. Chicon,
wathiva 1M410. , -
Wlflhi R. Rom
Rickard li
Il *kerb;
Juin D. MOW,
lisccureno Rada • • •
o aus o k) doson.;.ftalai Hags for
ish - br " VIM H. oord.HlO.
X_ , ... ~r~y~
z ,.. iaA , 1.~i.-+JaG.~"je'S:s >iy::i-ll'
~._ ' ~~) `~` ~k3l.~:w.r_~...~r.~arel rfi.Yw...aYe+S '~ ~"~'4a
Taussss, FOR THE CUBE tiV
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
geniis or Rupture cured
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupturaor Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.-
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Marsh's Radical Cure Tram.
Ritter'e Patent True.
Pitch's Supporter Truss.
Belf-Adjusting Trau.
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace,
for the mire of Prolapses Uteri, Piles,
Abdominal and Epinal Weaknesses.
Dr. B. B. Pitch's Silver Plated Sup•
Pile Drops, for the rapport and cure
of Piles.
Elastic Stockings, far wealf and Tar
lose veins.
Elastic Knee Caps, for stait knee
Ankle Supporters. for weak knee
Suspensory Bandages.
Self-Neptu' *Syringes ; also, ovary
kind of byruipa.
Dr. KBYSBR has also o Tram oddah
arDl radically care Herni.or Redirare.
Otr Offioe at hie Drug Store, No:, 140
WOOD Smuts, sign of the Golden Nor=
tar. Persons writing far 'Primes should
eend the number of inches around the
body, immediately over the :wpm
Dll. SIIIIHKEt vtil Etta Ids pareond attention to
the aypltcaston of Thom In adults and alibisa
and he la es tidied that. wtt an azontenta of mi.;
ty ram he sin be melded to (tee ditlatankta.
6&LY•IHJRO!ffiO 15111150103.
8111743.71:013817 IhrBINDID, of ►T7 kbd.
avid at Dr.HEYBkIII, 140 WOOD Er.
SUSPZEIODaIf B1liD.101:8,
A ea® ditbrent maw,
At Dr. 10, 1 1111111'8, 140 prom Ertort.
CV= C0891NEPT10X.47174X9 BB021(111n24
4 Lmatio. iattomthm to mum at Um mad extmorp.
way Mm • tiy my
Thai as. two% sa may vas who two do* ,
coo hopt.tra Rio looms who lons hoonacood hylh
TO rum inz mom, WITHOUT onsiEgi
Iron Mal moss WHO DUD HIS RIM
Amon' TO YOUR cas.At&l
ran' stein lint oozed by DE. ELlttiiird MOM
SAL fiTit UP:
Dxrnounaa. tau. 13.1101;
Da. gm oat kl 7 uth has Man ailltcdcd vtik s
bad emit! sad admit, of bleathiad for An rift
which by smell yew beak had puha* lamed
in eklee nea The cothylabie, luxe been lielithetri
sad the lad teen treated by ettetral plothst iSTIO.
out enrrallet, In thb state el In cania Ipteteid
some et year Pectinalthuith Wm, / bog%
Int 1410 m • titi7 Dent botthiewhich tamed Writ
thothi. I then ailed widget& datter Utak width
mad Ise cake,. and &WIWI ammo huoifilha
Tonto Mame, =opt weakness: Imxed ateihia
that Yi need the medicine =Fedi to itahl ablealO4
The noedichie cared axe by taking au d05.`.140 ,
Vent nay Wire eatatiwnlan with the madietheilti,
you' are at Meaty to rablith this U yeet dsltitolN
no : Wed. WIIAPOSai;, .
Da. Itzura s 1 bats beery was or itiOd
RD, affected 'RIM,' amnia at eats and knew;
ma At thmts my throat scald Deanna tordmid
to wawa my speaking maxim a whbyarond h 74
taking aDm damef the atom Elmo U maid 'MI
Um ma entirety.
In recommit:ding this zap:Wm I mutt Imbutht&
tingly my that ft Ia the hart manly I me lbando
parynrtlncto ears the abreinor should say bat
be without MD rantoty &Mr to ynntikat.
Torn, most railetrogy. .
RDWARD 7, 30111, i
Ruh* atbeag Doran Salk,
COL, PRATT AHD DR ILZ1(811111 rzolofai,
trafiLlti. President
Da. Emana—Prwo Xviras ths ado es sir
schnowiodging lb. asorliatos of E r.,-
oough Pyrap roma. I take gra& bow
toy that It Lail gum sag it ti. JR thr Eder
ew cfl DI amok sad the worst ass I wis me Mai:
od with. I hats not wed maw thaw sawhaf of 1110
Wig% sad I can sal do whh that sil who MC di•
dieted 'maid els it sr fair • tad ss I blow dowr.
sad dory WM Us proud to sq. "Ills swgussit mod.
tctue." I would net satin. another such ea attach
fa gni oosidleidirw. or at sigma. lam anthihmt
I can broths mots fro* thsa I net did. I doo
blimp schatoirlidfirs debt Of mitts& for tam&
fog in 'Umtata sissedif.' Tom dni at ilbetti to as
MI name to Udo Mud. of Yon adia Pinter.
• . blowups COIEEKIII COIDXI4 Pittsburgh.
lighbrost. May 11. lilt.
H. E.—l em Co granger o rayiellnee Wm; sad
ell Iran entertain doubts as nonsalt ens peamatil.
Duct K: Puntitk,
:Jabs lissoluin,
James B. D. Deeds,
, A.ll. Policia, EL D.,
BM orris,- ,
WlDias, J. &dams.
BUM IME TAITIEL,-Dv. paint I haVvi"
11v:utter vim lau tau Buena modletue Ix a tvi
°ugh, wittuita busat—ausiti Ova Apes COW/ ,
Pleura. I Pylutuoi tragi you a bettb
norossii BUM tat beiiiip• bad void boir
• total kta vu i 2jo sd Th wand WWI also!
bar eallnay of bor oonxb - - 10819 vastir.
stmt. euVosKr.
Pear a. aradeln,
WaWr P.llariba.
Doha Orr,
Itobort Stab,
Ovary L. lltaiwalt,
Arms 8/441.4
John 11. eticiustmworr,
WWII= Z.Elab mink
AlKtilider Thais,
WWI Tan!! k,
laaa'Whittkr. •
Wriary •
Gaud & MoN,
iornme mirroßAL snmw
A dam alitrat ktade,
it dames idthreat kW%
A doom Canal Madly +'
Mnws Erik
Priunaply Atoll ISff.
DDind clad by
, CPU, a. Junin.
• - wiisitrilOmousi.