The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 12, 1863, Image 3

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2 • •
• 1.
s i a a.
MONDAY hicauffax.:=OCT.
0127 47.11A1R5.
ar-o//70141/. PAPER or THE 0127
The Election Returns.
Oar zealous Meade throughout the country
wlli orate as erpeelallevor byemoling in the
election retinas of their reepeettis &shade,
atlas earliest possible hoar,os Tuesday ma
lag. We kin made extenelve arrmakements
for procuring awe .from the Marva aim
antra In thethate. Tbs Eierativs Commit.
tee, to, hive erreage4 to keep a open house"
at Concert Hell, for the patine, of recelebs
ligation !stem, and ,publlshing the ante.
_ .We caulesonsise snob of our friends as suay
to the city with the district returns •
ke ity roceptian, and will ;tremble them, in
. Warn, Pie earliest reports, from all parts of
i l / 4 11114intialind Ohio. '
Otcourse, the aunty ticket is entirely au.
the interest centres in the Mate Whet. It
will ritzily feollitate the amain up of rM
therefor ,1f eleedon clime will count
de wield" Governor and Ad" and send that
la Resat.
.4011itistown Graad VIIIOR salle Co*.
•• • ifIS AU on.
:1 0a Saturday, tho !vest Political muting
dub' this par to *a wait.= part of the
, Boa, was hold at Zoluisioirn. Than were
dale/ottani fionk Altoona, 43saanabog and
• ettettownei besides a delegation of about two
. ; tilassuad poop!. inns this tl4. The Pitts- 1
burgh didosation loft here at /3)4 o'clock a.
• and *died "Johnstotnt about 1 o'clock.
They were than escorted to the Volunteer
adtilb= 9 l 8910014.1Meiro the people of the
'town had spieid a rim:mind WM* , Ater
dinner) tht intuition was loomed and pa
raided-ttiough the tow% At 'the head was a
Raid of soldiers; Urn dame abort two bun
, dyed classes myths a tag had a banner on
which was fesabod "A. G. , Cortira, the sot.
Men' friend." Thin camo an immure
Union oar, Ara. body and wheels of which
ware - - eOnlra with - evergreons) drawn by
thirteen large horses. On the can wereaklrty
five young Ladies dressed in white, having
enrgnan-wniatit4rn their heads, and red,
whit* and blue tutus around. them. They
'paha anal Acurion flap. Then followed
the Allsghway county, and wend other dm
ippon! on foot. A long train of carriages
and wagons then followed, after which earns
a cavalcade of at least one thousand horses.
non were several` bands of mules:id a large
number of dogs intorsyersed through the pro
The procession after going through the
town, came Into the palls iquaro. Hex
two stands were areoted, bat the crowd being
so great, a third stand was Selected on the
*toys of the Mansion House ea the street op.
' polite thelqbare.
About three *clock, the mooting wu called
to order by electing the. following onions:
Prcskleas—Hot. Geo. S. Rao.
Tries..Pialclena.-.Dr. J. Lowman, col. li e
Shaffer, D. J Morrill, Wm. Dysert.J. L.
Leader, Adam Booklet, Joke Hendriek, Geo.J
Inebolt, Geo. liohman, Annual WSITSIV,
a. Slick, Esq., Itavid,_Lueso, Isms'
Jacob &dab, Zane Yell, John
Saes, Wady J. Rose, P. E, Herlieger,
Christian Harrison, Nickolas Dingle , John
L. Has, Rioted Jones, Jr. N.J. John Thorny
' soh, David H. Roberts, John;Evans, (Smith)
Goo. Empfield, A. Harnslou; Jacob Ream,
Gage Settles:am
drardaria.—Dr. .W. W. Walters, P. A.
/tags, Joseph &after, A. M. Gregg, Sieph.
en Vann, Jas. N. Rea. Ala. Kene•d7.
The Chairmen came forward and said that
the. nteetleg was called for the purpose of
stain the heart and strengthening the
binds of our adds President by assisting in
Westing a man to the Ezeautive of tide Stets
in, whom he can dap red and lean In ease of
-•easessitv. He hoped, that from the abeam
nppearance of things on the oicasioniihat we
would be tacosserd in the great:battle to be
taught on Tuesday. . Ire then read the follow
ing letter from Gin. Sigel. ' •
Patisesa, Oct 9,1803.
2b tie Maw Closuoines,Jobestotrf,
Gamins: In aspens. to your kind Mi.
tatlon to be present at your mooting to-morrow
• night,i am sorry ts say Mkt my appoint- '
nuts will not allow me to comply with your
edits,. Though. absent, I will be with you
mitt all my hurt. Romdmter that wefight
now; our
se war of Independenoll, and /
hope that the battle whist we are now about
to fight, wilt be won by the election of sea
tree friend of the 'cider" and "advocate
'of s rigouts - prosecution of the war" as
Andrew G. Curtin,
. I run, gentlemen, with the greatest reseon,
yours truly, P. 810111 L.
Gen. Bores, of New York, and Gov. Ron
: - deli, of Wisconsin, than made able uproots'
from the main stand, and B. 0- Childs. Eeq
, Gel. Shott. 91.13ayn0 and ethers from the two
extra stands. •
Demonstration in Noislestown.
O. of the grandest domobstraUtun and
greatest out-pouriair of the people of the
preust campaign ' , tame of at Noblutown on
the 9th lest. The day was very unfavorable,
• but notwithstanding : this, tarp deleistions
ware In alien daioe from Maley, Moon, Bob.
bison, North Payette roid Eolith Pigott'
township., aid also from Washington unrety.
' Thsriebsilloss all ussinhladin the morning
at "Thompson'. MUM' at the Junction of the
North awl South foam of Robluion's Bun,
= and at 12 ettlook foresail Into& grand proms.
aftte, - andj 'afte_ passing through tho town,
loud on the= above and uturned to the
plum of ousting.
It wait be impossible to glee *yen a faint
v,.:Mali gummed= et - the picture thus tona
-1 - 04 se owpm:imam moved up the hill. The
gotta selsoted ,for, the proemslon wu a good
one, and sub. dolegation lain opportunity
, of seeing tai Asp, bannus, too,' twenty and
WO, bane tams and the , beautlfally demo
rated' wagons displayed the °them On
'anpriag at the growth, and after the proem
' stun had halted, • large number of little girls,
prfailpaily from the, " School, of
Mae, toinship, mumbled onilut stage and
slag - 4 'lthttilk Cry of Treolom.'r--Truo
'painting' vu then orgentsal ! by eluting the
.111=thers: - •
, it. if. go od '
Paiidats.-9odasis I.(kaltarallapt.
Ryan, Bobs. Meßurasy,
Abet Reyes, Robert Glut, Joie W. Stir-
- art, Edward illoDoneld; Jacob Osorp, Rana
' • Noorrirrfio.A. U. Morgan, Davit John
, lOW
awry; , U.
Wa ts. flasn't N Noßorgsa. rldo, Dr. Wm. J. Gil.
Roo. P;11. liatohlagoa pponotlwith Moir
Goo,J. S. Nooshoad sing la
tivitipidalude a tap Wing and oortoladag
apt44' ' $ o was Illtattel to throughout with
• 'Mgr funeral' Wren, the I , olinton
tho bashful rose üßtorti
arosit ltshrt ed. . it.
-towia o, ht • massor that
oothiaot . tudrasally ad
ioalrodisaul tha!ffllab'P 1103 for &WV goldos
,•aplidoat from all alba people. •
Ti.Cal.hi M. Boas am" o4dzoirsd lb.
itsothig 14 Mr anal appeal -Copt.
• john N. Stewart boloileattly oglatfor, toads
Umiak*, OW whirl tbo fottosnait mot
A r tltifi of; poopto `returned to their how well
• - soltilloatbst Noott, 'Bobhuoti, and
North and 'Booth Payette townships would
,Ifo their witolatiaty on the of
Tank, of
DatObet • • & &
Xeetin -at Mikis,' Hall.
A vssrintissatFophitod ousting was bail
at:Wuis>a& • IL&U on faints; inning. It
Y. clisrbg ha& sass:lid - that ProL•Cobon, d
th• Hsbrov Bohol, =aid dallier an Wren,
•sikesst may Bolan won frsoant. Ths
=war vary la his numb,
with therttletat attn.
lation• af "cou kb addrat,D:.
fhajelati etas loudly *ILA um, aad Of tak.
thaitax4 ha Wafted a mostanalkat 'ad
-...4ffaanatatiaporo opeata: M halm about
f'l , lans,llo MU, s sastbonsa apprasolied
the math: ftWall, Doom. pa
• au* gluttons nand to tha lidos ausa
ao.alght.", Oa Wag said fat Ms aami the
Dada Ma end. We
7 D ia li fonly add that the wad 'oostalitsd Oa
_ J ulakoss addrall Of a Wood West
7- s . ' 41'164 LW*. SPaU Pan Mal t UN*, tok!,
t,.... , V't'F4 7.1. ,.N-.1&'4.*.':e,-„-, n i t
• l 7 r l*' N
r... 3. ~.• . 7 . .' -1 ...... 7 .&,,,Z .,,.
.- , ....- k:a ...- .„.,.,, k........-,...-,t,i t,!=.r-vg,, _.,-.-,- 7 .
,-..- ,- 1X r 11 .,.. ,
- ,--- V - .1 - 7, 4-, t,.
,"41, :- . ` .-. ' , .,'la'''7 ' 7 - ' , . ` , , t;' ,,, ". -.;.•7.,',,',,, ' 7,1,,Z,'11 T ' s 41, '..'..
aOa!1 :,, ?•v. .-
_ C=lW z f --,-''' ,''s^'''':o.l. st.,",•' , - '4. ~- t '
Oar Book Table.
Aiwa ow an /Warr or no 001LICLIAID C
Oats BlograVlder. Drortoloos of twportnonats,
Ilawasts Of al:Pletisale. end Bott , oli
143.1bitOlfoolkondollIANO•ngylonin6 Pros:l
- Mei Itafrsariast; togotkir with Anoobtea,
Incidents. l'o 80 7. 3 •Oblboolookroto, sod Ofikal
Lomb/ of the WU* of Mono /Um. 8T an 007-
oto. Illastated wets Mod Postman, Wood Rm.
sad Kam PlaloOdeptilas Wpm.
mit • • Co. 11U 3 . ar
Pfttib•b: mils by /L B.
Darlo.lllWonll stmt. Irrlpp.
This lateresting ud beantiful book Is des
tined to be one Of the most popular gift
books of the easseur; and during the •
ndy , the ble Army e
C nmn in h shall I lathe meantimachiev
another victory, and clean the term of rebel
territory and power tbaugh its centre, from
the mountains of Tennessee struk Northern
Georgia to the mut of the Southern see, we
we can Wily predict that the publishen will
have an immense demand to provide for; as
thousands will wish to rendre, or to give
ko those smut and dearest ones fittingly re.
numbered at such a thee, so apprepriate and
so adequate a memorial of this noble army,
and of this mess mirabilic, as the elegant
voltune now before us upplim. Theblograph
iaal sketches and portraits of the Generals
and prinelpu dime of the Army of the Com
berland are pertieularly valuable—meeting a
want this has haat° been felt by almost
everybody, for few intellipstt readers would
acknowledge that they south remain indiffer
ent to the nal history of the bran men
whew deed. of berolem have been reported
from day to day. Bat not only in this de- .
partment is the book trainable h equally
so as runeete the:radar part of its remain
ing contents, and nen the portion devoted to
lie' anecdotes, Inoldente, eta.. Is SS graPhla
with tenth's or life-like delineation '
of the
phins of human thersoter evolved in strange
situations, that none but the poorest, the most
arthisature would underclass W. We shall
probably take an early opportunity to draw
on this, or some other, portion of th e work
for the benefit of our readers-and meantime
must nistotantly *lose the inviting pips we
have been turning over for the past bout or
two. We ought to say, huremtr, that In its
Ispograplty, blast:atlas, eta , the book le au
that could he desired—and as creditable to
the publishers as in other Teapots kis to the
031M011112:12 raucous& A Prima Itemdlog Lot:
Ckmtatolog. L, Belsctions from tea Beet French
Writers, - with ahrmace to, Ira/miter's French
Grammer; 11. The ilestarpiters of Ifollers; Ike
da% Boileau sad -Voltaire. With Itsplanstori
Woks. IllogrmAdad Bottom. Pi l l , a Voesbulary.
Br William I. Knapp, A. IL, sor of Modern
In Mahon Univerifty. Nee York :
Raw I Statham Pittaborsh: for sale en H.
413 lfin 0pp sr.lttno. stmt. (next door to the PostoMoo.)
The _design of Prof. Knapp, in preparing
this volume, is to supply the student with
such a reading-book as may be alai In eon-
Janotion with his French gtamarat--so as to
make the former, by a convenient system of
atunetial references, tarn the obviously use
ful ppunrtppoose of Ultudrating, and exertleing the
papUlaap principles of the lan.
gimp laid doers in the latter. The two div
isions of the work, as the title pep pertly
inditratu, tend& a oonseentive course lo the
Nom* language and literature '
with selections sAiraciatistd by unity and
simplicity of style, and gradually advancing
to the more difficult constructions found in
the Poets and„Dramatists, in the Second Pan,
where we have some of the muter-pieoes
of the age of Louis XIV, embracing extend
ed specimens of Modem Brains, Voltaire,
etc We are glad to observe that the Pint
Part takes a wide range of • eslootion—pn
seating the student with adequate specimens
of the most distinesioluid 'Often of this
century, sunk as ills:ranger, Ohateaubriand,
Dames, Glint, eta, as well as of these cu
ller writan more steady found in our school
books. Tim brief but comprehensive Bio
graphisal Netters of the great writers 'from
whom selection, have been made, is a most
commendable featureof the book, and will
sebum as excellent purpose la exciting in
the pupil an interest In the history of the
Must= which he studies. Like all Mann.
Harpers' adulation/it works, the beet is well
list MAIMS&
The Polyorama.
Oar leaden will Nolte with us In the
knowledge that Goodwin & Co's Panorama
of the war, which met with nth Leman sw
oon In Pittsburgh, in lanuary.but, I, about
to revisit our airy, and will open as Masonic
Ball on Wednesday evening out. Daring
the put seam it ,'.--ban visited most of the
principal cities of the United States, and has
uarywarre been greeted with ovinflowlng
house. It comes to Pittsburgh beautified and
repainted, with the addition of new.suns,,
Wm giving a correct Ida of the Belmition
from its Inception to the present lima It is
now ander the entire control of Wr. Baths
flomerby, whose eloquent descriptions of the
various Banes we models of dente oratory.
Mr. Elomerby will be aocompanied by his
churning ad estionble lady, mho has en
deared h er to the citizens of Pittsburgh,
not only by her rem smudeet scompilsh.
manta, bat for her private worth. Dozing
her former visit to this city, her society was
eagerly alight by these who us appreciate
genius, and mutest talent, and that rare
modem, which adorns the private walks of
It were almost needless for u to' speak In
aotanamdetioa of the Polonize or of those
coaaeoted with it, for oar altistas ware wall
aware of the rich treat la stars for them. Of
coarse, Maser& Hall will be crowded during
the ittlefstey of thlsmetablosseatertsfaxuat.
The Procession in etie;pen7•
,We have the strongest wanton, that the
grand torch gght obnionstratton arranged to
be rude in At ghee} to-night iW he am
eets. The number and character of the gen-
Moan hating the arrangements In charge,
no has than the mouses for the effort, b a
saddens guarantee of Ms.
Let Allegkeng be Illumbsated bralght—not
ate out of deers bat in doors ; let the bap
loyal pc* of that loyal eliqr Janata
to-night se in Inesettia. to duty tomorrow,
and a preparation for the greatar and mon
eloquent tzfumph of Tusks evening.
Tbastre wu graced on
Saturday evening with sae d the largest an
dirons we bare OW teen within its walls.
It was on the occasion of the last rapressatia•
tion of the Drum Spectre, the great ghost
phase. - The entire oompany performed ad
mirably. Loveday in his okaraotar made en.
immasse Miss Mehl _Ward made all
that coddle done with her witch character,
whits angle Hyatt brought- , dna the hula
with bar new soar. To fight the great'
Ledger Deeds of es - White Tends wl l l he
ftd and in oonasetbm with it many of the
moil Milling ghost spectacles will be pm.,
dud. Gently to seeureeests."
A Good gams.
A meeting of the merehmits and mamas*.
bum of this City win Gonne at Wilkie*
Hal this morning at tea Volan, for the
purpose of 'making arraupamota to nipead
baftsts oatirely to-marrow, so eaten oat,
Memnon but all their muiployeur en hare
an op 'Mmtualty to rota, This la , a 'mon is
loyalt dlreetin sad Ws lan na, doubt the
beam m en of Pittsburghe
glad to dente on day to the orrice of their
country, . _
Itswassi.—Llsat. N. J. Psttsna of
62d Ps ., Vol., has waived ids casfalssioa
from dhabillty oossalosed bp' a would .10.
sand debt Qs battles .at esttiabars..
Idsat..Pattassa tubas la the arm slags
the besisuilag of tha retellba, sad still air
*nth* marks of wends neslirod at Gatos'
inland Prodstioltsb o , at wall as astqs.
hog.. Is to h th at nadir the Wad
Isllasseed horns an dbinds hs wily weaver,
sad soa and prosprtl 17 Midas over a
ps ass
Simko Vunnrn—Tke UM of IL 0. Girls
vs. Bower, Wotan k Clo v Was npottsdi
wont to the jay on Banaday, after wkkili
Ji=&own sokownst the Court till Web
morabs—listetithill the jam nit
they coda old Mar rani& •at okras
Oslo& the jog spool upon a fogad and
tooled ft. TM polio win not know the zw ,
nit until Wednesday.
Dun Lim, *lnt dam amass of Now
York, Os null with Riad% la Oa hula
gall ameba at Bata, snivel in Ms city
es Wady,kra be will nimbi fez • tow
the see. okra
of SliOt" eirntal
of our bosdajecials lon i alianplas.ndeed Wm layll
Wino to lab &Path; entrithe.lol4
Ornses sad outageaiW will be takes st
tks Oointbssofw, Ala. ill'ihaux,
day or sight: AB oast, left at Na abort
'Um vUlb• prell_rUf aid la • 41,11talle
waist be pel4 us adivassi, - f •
Chinerauti gmleefi Milton • biaactr.
r u itPle i g 10 *et, si !Irtn,gllll,6
Gum Asa Bazza's 81viss liaoltaza, lot
tunny and manatiebning pupotaa, ars tb
best In ulna
A. 1. ()wort, General AgaaL
18,11fth strati.
TIOXLII Pamir, Plata and Orawasatal Shia
Soda, and dada In Peamirazda aid Vas.
nowt slate of tba ban quality at low rats.
Me at Alas. LiagAnnPi, alas Qs Waist
Woke, Ettabatigkas. apltada
Jan Iteruszo non Tam Sun.—The un
dersigned would mos reepeottally all the at
tention of their friende,and the pnblloln Qatt
ara,' to their Pall and Winter stook of Goods.
They consist of all the vary latest styles of
Cloths, Cubans and Vastings, English Es
kimo Buyers, Trios and Pilot Cloth and Over
casting,. Also, • large assortannt of Pseud
Chinch!'" Overcastings of the very lust
Quality, all of which Is isle:tad from the latent
importations and will be nude the most
fashionable manner,
and at pries lower than
any other marehant tailoring establishment
In the city. Give as an early
8/3[olll. °luau & Co.,
Merchant Wits, No. 64 Market at.
Sufnu. Swum, ego. McOaynrau.
Poe Fars Ann Wilma WlLL.—!he sum
mr la put, and by the morning's trod, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
be shor tlywith u
the pon as
ma , and terial to we meet provide
ble. A Mott SIB nit,. or a.good keep
and well-mde
overcoat are the very thbli, and we do not
know of any place where oar readers would
gait themselves botiarAltan at Mum. W. H.
McGee k I:le.'s clothinstablbhmtmt, corner
of Federal Meet and Diamond Square, Alle
gheny. They have also reotived a complete
assortment of goettemen's famishing goods,
and a great variety of new patterns for waist
outing, Ao.
Pastor Hirst Presbyterian Chant, Orange,
N. .7,mM:ea: "I have used Hrs. B A. Al
lea's Zylobalsamum or World's Hair Dress
ing with very great benefit in my family.
Its abusing and healing properties, remov
ing dandruff, sad gt►ing the bale a natural
and healthy tone sad softnais, surpass thou
of any preparation known to me."
Bold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 193
Greenwich street, New York.
fine assortment of Pall and Winter Clothing,
lately reoeived by Mum k 'John Wider & Co.,
Merchant Tailor', No. 116 Federal street,
Allegheny. The cloak of clothing masts
of the finest variety of gents' pantaloon',
mutt, mats and evarooeni. The style of pat
terns are Ueda! and fashionable. We would
invite all of our readers to gin the above
gentlemen a sell.
Tao horrors of wet eon be gently initiga
tad by that sererslgn rmsdy, Holloway's
°lament, as it will aura ross wound, homiest
desperate, 11" it be well rubbed around the
woundedmks, and they my be kept thor
oughly (mired with It. A pot of ointmant,
should be in ovary man's lunpukok.
25 sante per pot. 227.
Nana's, Java Lay, .to.-1. M. Roberts,
N 0.17 Flfth street, L now opening the meet
doles stook of due Gold and ether Watches,
Jewelry, Silva? Ware end Paley Goode ere,
dilphirld In this city, and is telllag them at
remarkably low mica,.
Ron Douai', tow dollars.
Pow dcWars,foor dollars.
Dental Instigate. Denbt Institute.
Best cheap Dentistry. be olusap Dentistry
No malts work. no umlaut. work.
Markets b Telegraph.
New Bout, Oct. 10 —ban= Armor at gnomic for
Middling Uganda. MoorBollloo batty. with rather
*nom &bleat $5.704125.110 ?Ur Blitz's emu.
eared MPOO i=4 WI:110in braids rima ill63 ?
0.. $6,6368,...9 far Trade Brands—the went
01441 4 Piet. Wtdtki Itrmilr at 64610. Wheat
mock excited and bad mots highs: =pat Inquiry
modwatii,„biat brisk apeoulatire dentand for Western
and local wont* at. $1.40=1,21 for Old Online°
eprlng, $1,31651.311 Clw Chicago $142
Was far KU, 4 0 1 4 a iihr D etect BWhitar Bed
Western. Corn opened at, er, bat slowed
quiet at 1 cent advance. at $1. 02 05 1 .04 fle i g
wed Western afloat, rump 01 for Shfy
Watarn in store. Oats much nutted andnizonid
14210 c at 1114196 a far Wieners. Word quiet and firm,
particoliirly foreign. Ootiw qukt and nondaally
tombanged. SwirisCad steady at mow, tar
Ilstacovado. sad 12 bar /lan= kolaaaca quiet and
without material a Pock Ormer salsa 4.20 Q
barrels at 111371 for old li en, 11.6,27301.5.6.13 i
liar Dew Mow. $1 for me Prima, and $14,000
115,00 for new intern Mae ilesu Beef stands.
Beef bares quiet and Arm. Cut mats are quiet.
Baia Olds firm al ry.o for Western Short Mar.
Lard firmer at 11.,410Ne talus an extracts; OM
barrels antra Ma at Al ant 1,600 barrels for
January and Tettratry as 1%,. Batter aelthig at
51 :0 22 0 for Ohio. Cinema firmer at 101 We.
Nem York Mock and Illoaei liarket.
Now Torm, Oct. 10--/loney we, at OW per sent—
chief hada.= at the Inside. Medias kuhanp Min
or, but market very iidlet at 16. Va 11495 for Dui clan
Dllfa Gold dinner, hat inesular sod unsettled.
imenbag at WU.' adtawelng tot% dec li ning to 47%
and closing quiet at GU.
Gioeirmatiot Stocks Min and dalat—Uoltad Stabs
We, IE3I, Coupons, 105,44.
Total imparts of owls, 1.2,1 7 9,231.
Thus Wu no m0:0..4 Board of Stocks bait). Gold,
Batantoaa,(4t. 10.—Pinar hi far do aaa I. Whoa
active; Ihrathsra lied. 81,884111,60, mad Whiiis quiet.
Oara dull at $1.02. Whlay quiet and acashial al
63 Ott. Oates quiet; lib, 3130331.
Pataanztrata, Oct. lo.—Flom quiet aed draw.
Whaat steady; atlas 4. o oobliabals at 11.4aetu0 for
Pad. Oorn haa aa
isky Ondalty; gas 6.000
bashes at 8110401.05. Wh CI.
apixdotad to °Ohm tbit 110ttralitll a labor oo itto
fortlfloOlowt.tirestad the City of Plittborgb. would
booby unity all pumas bubo bin. for lobar or
malarial seed upon lb* intranobaleots, to mama
thalami. Wor.tb.lot day of Ifforatobar. to OW.
N. TAUlaBTolf. at too Board of Toad* Comm b.
billow bolo bestowed La stood to tba duty of bor.
tog all sorb bills carectly mob out Led properly
By eras al al Ike Ootomf .
GBO. U. TillnitTON,Efio. Sz. Oons.
In manna of lb* abar* motto*, min attemd
daily br Mo purpose of farabblog Ma proper lama
for mattsg opt sad billtr o aoi for readrlng Ma mom
after sottomfleatlea by WA:natl. at Me Bawd of
Vida Room, billy, from /VW IN a. in.
.I•ll4stt • MM. W TaltaltroM.
6.5 117TH STREIT,
Hu • largo ossoftroust of
WI Ltd moo tho good&
Rfonmoroff Iwo 11171.111111. Mt
Amnon Quottzsaorria's Iona;
,Oorner sod streete,
Wasiieotoo, D. 0.. bort tStI,IVO.
1;111,00 the Tint 030001 D AND TOM
.WIIDIZSDATO,IOI, nth sad slat of October, et
Vet Coml now te• Weebingtos Obsunital o •
lin• lot of BORON and modeossel
oat for pobllo scram. We to mambo at 10
o'clock a. at.
Intss.4llb, In Gorenntintt Innl..
sa4l:t4 ONAA naittliTtiON. A.
L -
08T 011ialli/CATlS.—Mbeteai the
oertfacate of ton duos of Moak*, Um Soak
of Pfurbargb, samba 164. tamed Ilatember 17tb,
mmh : wadi Barr, Meowed, bar Dem added or ;
Wt. Mimi, bomb? elm that Wes the old air.
Moats le nornred b's the saybarkm of Saar
meek, from chic dates omplketba MU be Ma, fa the
Nook to bras a duplicate cora/1000ot the iamb.
- W. H. WitIOAID
Adiolahrrolor of Ma rule of Simla Ex%
amptrsobar 11.1141
AIL Ens tateradid aro hereby aoudad that nods.
doffing, stagers oygoototrt to state and mom tar
dumps sod Watts ugh% gem the proposed atm.
lag at Atfegturay Menus, groat tie north lino ot
Mete "toot to Island Lame, wilt lost tge Ifs said - street, tor the moosesot that. sppotatmestp
oa taTuavar, Ott 17. IBM at II s'olotk p. m.
• %ultra MAIMAT,
1110 HI DIIII_ ,_ll trim*
lalatt tial.ll.•••if isW COAL HUI*,
a? ix ossplito =dm end condlthdu Lthdosibris,
SO hot la Isostls, It fan fa width and 434 depth.
lbw us No Cbdi Eat.. and urn be mid
Ingo& ihners of HUGH lisilltVdt,
at the oak* od Aga Ilk"
• ago Tispanweirsr. war eat of Sand st.
• OM MOTOR'S MID inepoontolas. Dip
Ifialltoa. A. V.. bang
whi m ,. • Bawd sod hazgand.
tee baadtvl Ind eighty Ste itcvA, mak:
00Oa* rot
=NSW. '• ' KIT lk .
iNutittipt, billOsmath do oui,'d dighS
IA attics Ma Was soak. LI:Um awl SW
WM musty isrparisal lava la Ommaah Tram
Illtairbadaaa ladr,lor labia latara torah par.
o b s ors. by • • IL WILLIAMS 00"
mem Woodstrodianinie of %AL
Dt—.)trAlAr4- e, hate this day takes
ib a. Waraloor,lo6l_7, acesplikLbs Meet s oo ka ws a Oa r llo.. .421 MI nos.:
gumniookill coofino• Onateftics both
am and Min Mai Olt as son" tar width
v. kip compOr !or Lr Istrali. Bus at Nano
Vurasual,- • • AMU I MOW
koala Me - lOW
Special Dispatch to the PtUebsteh Onetta.
Wasp:urns Ons, Oat. 10,1863.
In consequence of the receipt of a commu
nisation on the inljectktrour a under of the
Cabinet, favorable to Out Om of the Missouri
and Kansas delegations, the President with
drew hie rept, from the bands of the copyist
yesterday, and will give it • few days further
delibention. Mr. Drake started for St.
Louts last night. • -
112113elee 0s ISLINTDRI
The time for enlisting veteran volunteers
has been extended. 8110/1 netsuke Is not to
secure rank end pay to dime after Augut
25th. The bounty Is boreued to PO; ma
ins a total payment on muster of d 7 5, and
the matador of thi bounty is not to aimed
forty dollars.
sus urn communes roe nernsuire.
The member of Congress, Balaton, from
New Orleans, sap that the loyal people of
Lonidana are to meet in convention in De
cember, to form s Pros Slate Constitution,
under which to come back to Delon.
IIT•oUSTION Or-miasma=
The President has not yet bad time to give
a thorough examination to the record of the
Caen 01 Inquiry kr the matter of the evaiu..
tion of Wineltestra by Milroy; and the review
of the arida:roe by Judge Advocate General
Holt. Than are good grinds for believing,
however, that General Milroy Sill be 'sour.
atedaltogether, and 'hail/hater"? blame there
Is will tall upon his mustiers or his eubordi
net's. It was 'town In the evidence that
General Milroy not only never received an
order to withdraw, bat that he was on the
very day of the attack upon him by Ewell,
forbidden to do so by General Satin*, anal
farther orders, while he was, however, to
make all needful preparations therefor. It Is
tree that, nigher with the Instructions, Gen
eral Bohan* forwarded a Wein= Glom Gen
end Balls& to himself, In which he said that
Harper', Perry was the Important place ; that
Winchester was of no impala= that only
enough' troops should be retained there to
serve as a look-out, and that the rest should
be withdrawn.
This telegram was couldered by Gement
Schenk as advisory rather than Important,
and the °Medal Interpretation put upon it by
him in his own orders to Gen. Milroy, pre
eluded the latter from receiving It, otherwise
Gen. dolman Is censured for net having par
mad the course recommended by Gen. Hal
lock. In !edge Hole's MOM, suplse is ex
pressed that the authorial), at Washington
were Ignorant of the feet that Ewell and
Longitrest were working up the valley and
toward Wlaohester. No notice or this dr
ounatance appears In the telegram from Hel
ls* to Schenck, or In those from Muck to
Milroy, who up to the list moment had-no in
formative to that offset until It was too late,
—he believing to the last - that General Hook
er would hold the enemy when they erne.
As tepid' the oceduet of affairs after the
attack was made, 001. Moltepsoles, who has
since ben arrested. Iseldelly hiannd. It sp.
4p:taring tbathad he obeyed Gan. Milroy',
order., rheresult of Ike operation would have'
been very daunt.
The assertion that the tharstary of the
Treasury intends to allopl the payment of
Number coupons on the Ire-twenty bonds,
is without laudation. The coupons will be
paid promptly when due, and not before. The
department has mon than sullaint gold on
hand for all its payments.
TES 101111111 tatil-CLADS.
The Navy Department has untreated ai
yet for bet one of the Monster Iron-eassma
tell Iron-triads for which it advertised some
time Use*. It Is to be forty-Ave hundred
tons. Mr. Tufts, of Massedustts, is the
contractor. The stattmist that contracts
have been catered into for the construction of
eta larger Tunis is premature, and the mat
tes is still under consideration.
IMPOSE/KT elan eT nut. KRIM
Ga. Meade has issued the following gin
oral order
gnaw. '011)11111 10.91.
UILLIKIMITIIS Amor or =a Poroxoo.
Ocobor 0,1687, j
The lilsjor General commanding calls the
lineation of all ands ids oommand to para
graph 220 of the general regulations for the
arm, it Wag as follows Paragraph 220:
Deliberations or dim:dons suiting any Man
of military men hiving the object of many
lox prake or osmium or anyNkark of approba.
tlon towards their superiors or others In de
military aerrlce and all publications
relative to transeetleas Wiwi oilcan
of a private or personal net= whether
newspaper, • phamplet or handbills are
strictly prohibited. TEL regulation
has hitherto, to a certain extant, been pram.
' heed In this army, bat nosnt ommlons snake
it humeabent upon the commanding General
to Weld upon a rigid observance of its re.
ciimments. And that there my be no lois=
undastanding Open the alibi sot, it is deolued
that meetings or liemblnailons among oilcan
or men for the purpose of expressing their
regard for tbsif merlon, a Gam in the
Mary service in the way 4f presentations, or
testifying lb:dr xegard of them:its of their su.
paha or others In the !althea umiak by
resolutioli, will thus be =udders:l as viola.
dons of tits regulation, and naked aeaad•
By comma:o of
MAi. Gu. MILO!.
O. WILLIAM. A. A. Gensfal.
The Lead Odes Us adobes of large Goal
In 9olorido Territory, as well as of
additional &condos of metals and valuable
opoolmans of copper &ud copper bomb' rook s
from We Bomb&
Count Garowski haa ban acquitted. Th•
promotion inn nnahla to pun ttu publica
tion of the Mora libel upon
Barrio et sorsa huadad•lots al ths port of
migslos, Wuldagess Tartitory, bars boon
ventral aSes Lsad CMGs.
! pa w Dispatch to U. ?Wawa asillttik,
Osumnooas, Oct. 9, 1803.
AU hi quit. Tito position of both armies,
L msolisspil. D. O.
The .Coust Gatol,lllll , ll Mb.) Cue. ,
Wausau, Oat. 10.—Cout Guould
ins solid to-day is the aiming Gout asd
bud sot guilty of Ilbal naiad M. Su_ ' tar
Wards& of the Stab drpartmut, who lad
domplalud that tho Coast had paldlabod bs•••
gap for do parson of Wastes b.O OM
holed ilobSd tha cosidnue that the Gov.
oramost had round Is Ida - ao (boot lb ofi.,
Fall el a Errarr•llnage—Elalit Per-,
• .• sou Illowned, •
Tian Tinny Osi. 10 drint-taido
Ut• %but fe TAT Pada*
Wag. atm demos tin tonna& snug
"sang Lite ea dyer. • Mai 1..pr0
lawntolidtinilisil t ainevisew
ths to reaudivispi„ 4:
Tremendous Union Meeting
in Philadelphia!
Elite Thomann Freemen In Attendance
Greatest Demonstration Ever
Seen in Philadeiphia.
ex., dx., tic.
Brutal Disystob to the Pittsburgh Garotte.
Governor Curtin's reception this eftunoon
was the most anthnstastLs. A cavalcade of
2,000 horsemen escorted him through the otty,
&Mended by members of the 17nlon Lupe
and National Union Club.
Them Is an Immense meeting to-night In
Inderendenee Scum Gov. Curtin was re
*dyed with the wildest entholum. H.
spoke nearly an hoar, =ld the greatest
please, followed by ethers preriouely an
All the 'treats were crowded with people.
There are 60,000 at Least around the square.
The torchlight procession tiontalined over
20,000, and was the finest ever seen in Phila
delphia. Its march was triumphal. The
splendor of light and =nob, the loyal ban
nrrs, and the deafening cheers made a tOnni
of unparalleled excitement. AU Philadelphia
Is mumbled to honor the loyal cause.
The Tonto of the precentor' through the
prfaelpal drags was hang with flags sad
trantpareneke, and through the largest crowd
OM known In this atty.
At Penn Square a Inv:Mont display of
Muerte was Wade.
Philadelphia V literally on ere with ardor.
The mans of toilightpreve that her majority
for the Union !Won will be great, than
the warmest Mended the cease bad believed.
Nothing In the Presidential campaign can be
compared to this demonstration.
The late Demeentio man tenting was one
tenth as large as this. and if Philadelplda can
speak for the State, Canis wlll-be elected by
fatty thousand. B.
Washington City flews
WaIIEIGITOI. October 11.—A latter trent
Headquarters Army of the Paternal: says: Far
two or three days past the enemy hea been
concentrating a heavy force around Hadisczt
Court House, and Friday night and Saturday
malting they moved out of town in a north
westerly direction,. A &video of Infantry,
* large body of Cavalry and considemble Az
were occasionally teen by our signal
man through awnings in the forest ,ehich
generally concealed the road. The Ojai of
the movement could not, at that time, at de.
Yesterday evening reports from the front
represented that early in tho morning one of
Gear Kilpatrick'. Carib, brigades consisting
of the sth Michigan, 9th Mow York, and fib
Pennsylvania and another regiment attempted
a reconnoissance on the south side of Robert
son's river, where they were mot by a large
body of Stuart's rebel Cavalry. Alight caned
continuing in tom when our troops fell baok
upon the letantry reserves.
After another severe orates% the infantry
were compelled to give way and &considerable
number were captured. A distachuunt of oar
cavalry then dashed upon the enemy, retak
ing all with the exception of fifteen or twenty
of the Infantry. Our entire force was then
pushed bash towards Culpepper, akirmishing
On the way, and conteeting every foot of the
Heavy icing in the afternoon itidigates
that the contest had bee. renewed. . .
Oar signal station on the top 0t... ,
theroughtare was nearly out off, bat thesis**.
party, with the property, *soaped. •
It appears to be mural/ believed :Ithat
the main holy of General A. P. MIN Oirps
has passed from the lefelolhe rlghtuf our
front pursuing an obsmoe tent*~ ita
Ridge, intending to route 41111110111MIM on
ear right rear, for the purpose of4liklig
our railroad communication.
Should the rebel movement be simptyielaii
to clover a heavy attack on our front, rill*
prepared for it, as the ground hu been cleared
of every thing calculated to embarrass a ganual
and vigorous battle on our part.
The advance of Goa. Hill's Coos probebtj
commenced moving from Madison 0. H. on
Thursday morning, and by this time is be•
tram Gordonsville Pork and deriver.
'lt was positively stated yeaterdzy morning
that the rebel cavalry wed infantry were upon
the Culpepper and Spetsyvilho pike.
Wanntaarow, Oct. 10.—An immense num
ber of sick and wounded aoldien arrived at
the Hospitals buy to-night, the army of the
Potomac having been thoroughly la.psabsd,
every man aunt for duty hue been sone
hot. All oilcan fit for duty have been or
dered to the front, thereby Militias oar ho
tels to a vary groat extent.
A Herald's Wuhan ton dispatch says. that
CoL Lawallof the dud Mcssachtuatts cavalry
fell la with a small squad of gnerillaa, near
Vienna, asd attar a brief skumlsh put the
party to flight, capturing one ;dhow.
Particulars of the Atchafalaya Battle
New You, Oct. 11.—A correspondent of
the Harald gloss the following pa:Collars cf
the eagaganant near the Atehafaleya :
Owing to the Hiram of General Henao,that
officer had rewired leave of abamoe and Ma
jor Genml Dana had been appointed to the
command. This cheap crooned about a
weak ago.
Al Um :rimy ern found to be in great
strength.arid good position on the opposite
aide of the Atchandaya, the commanding gen
eral thought it advisable to throw up entrench
mints, and while the largo: portion of the
troops were fortifying the Wee, Lieut. Col.
Luke of the 20th lowa, was ordered to pre
and 1160 fire or six villas in advance. Ile
was acoommled by portions of the 19th lowa
and Mb Indiana, together with one hundred
and Iffy aarairy and • nation of artillery.
Early on Weinesday morning , the whole
former the alemy,sonshting of Green's, Mar
ton's and Major's brigades, samba In qui
etly orosslng the Atsekstatv., and nassing
between the main body and Colonel Makes
sompktaly onillanked it off. Were Sir
toonment was dimmed, CoL Leaks drew up
his rasa In Has of batUi and gallantly pas.
paredlo giro the adnuatag foe a wenn re
ception. .A slump fight of steady half Ashur&
occurred, In which our troops fought keenly
against overpowering numbers, but at the
end of that time they ware compelled to cur
reader, the enemy having almort Intizely sur
rounded them. With the exception of the
earairy the whole were taken prhoners and
Its guns captured, the former condoling of
from the 6111, inith and lit /M
-aori regiments, :moose:led In making their
escape. The prisoners calms and Orates
number 480. -
W. osptiond • Lint. Colonel and 'twelve
214. *natal Dane advanced with his
whole form es soon u possible and oar leen
&dolma nets the enemy wee in fall retreat
they baling fallen beck du idles as soon as
dm saw eh Drilla advancing towards them.
It this is trne the tablas will be turned upon
them as tbay are between the Mississippi and
Atchafalaya rivers and to escape our Oa
ter they will be compelled to leave 'Mei:
prisoners and art/ilery b.hiad theu.
,gloo Army Withdrawn to Richmond
Rao Tom, Oat. 11.—The Rerati has tie
following smash from the Amoy of the Pot
ono datad 10th Inds
Lee hat withdroon from, oar frost to lho
difisou of Richmond and is sasuling • • pit
ilos of his orm7 to willfurt Ban in Ent
of Chattanooga.
The weather continua I. and the roads
b good order.
Haw You, Oat 11.—A. special Waiting
lon dispatob to the Maw, Motu that the
entire rebel May fallen book from the
Rowse, and probably to Richmond:
their Wilke ow mond. .The retreat has
F ogiohty beaming an severaidays r thealPt
tlidrellllll trent rout witoths‘R.Ull Pig,
The HoserioWsahlsgtOrideilatolt:MySt
The moot high tidss bays p m t moat
grebe ebitnualmi Ii the Q asittton harbor.
*Hilaire has bar lamb
t ro ops, man
4=410f a :pa rtlost of zhatie liked.'
rdihtatlallt ere this, haLlitilkieedt
The Tore Wight Procession A
tacked by Rowdies.
lawnll and Reid Denounced by the
?M g ea., &a
ipat•l Dlips'etk to the Pittitouvb. Quoit'.
PHIMLDIZSZIA, Olt. 11, 1883
While the great Union Torchlight Prora
tion wu patting the Dam:ratio Club Rooms
in Walnut gigot, on Saturday night, an attack
wu made on the delegation from the 2dth
Ward, by persons in the Booms. Maks were
thrown from the windows, Waring, though
not seriously, moral persons, bolading one
child. The attack was undoubtedly preeon.
*arta& Flamm Masons were arrested. This
wu the only &an:banes during the day.
The Union men are delighted with the tarn
out yesterday, and Copperhead= despairs.
Nothing is spoken of but politics. The ex
citement is increasing, and a him vote wil/
be polled. The heavy bats on Woodward aro
withdrawn, and odds are given by the Our tin
Gor. Carlin will addeme tho deism of
kanayunk and Ftarator, to-morrow.
MI the prominentloiders of the campaign
area tha el ty and whit NIIIIIIII until sag the
Goy. Corkin's rooms, at the ContlnentelAo
day were thiongsd with visitant A somber
of Elonthare ladles attended the lons.
The Dern;erats hays held word ectommes,
adopting resolutions to read Ingersoll. Read
and Company ant of the party after the elec.
Con. If the party Is &fantod they say It will
M from the aztmne disloyalty of these man.
No news from the Interior. B.
Arkansas Neves.
New You, Oct.ll.—The name Washing-
Ington dbyttch states that a latter was re.
awed here to-da7 him an Meer of Remand
Stiele's commend, dated ..Little Rock, Sept.
110/' which says: •Dasutere from Priee's army
are coming into our lima by hundreds and en
listing in oar ranks.
Guerrillas stilt continue their operations,
but with &misted success. Several gaup
have already thrown down their arms and re.
m yth peaceted pursuits. Those people ad
it that Avbiptaa es wallas the whole trans-
Missiulpi campy, is forever lust to the
Southern Coefederecy, and ft is prooablo that
the rebels will abandon that State altogether
and make their last stand west of the
sissippi In Texas.
Cotton burning in the State has Nand
almost entirely, and planters are beginning
to bring their cotton into our lines In small
nominee. A great deal of cotton is still held
Staby Warders in the Northern po rt ion of the
A Richmond paper, remind hen to.eight,
is doleful, over the enterprise of • genius
named Livingston, who, representing himself
as the agent of a responsible house In AID.
hams; beguiled over $lOO,OOO out of the Rich
mond bankers, and made his escape with that
amount in Rzoltanp on Loudon. He is
said to be at our Kirkwood Rouse to-night.
Minn In Tinniest C.
Naoanun, Oat: 11.—The tight iopottod
'wards'', *mind at ranabgton, and not
Wilder's federal brigade eras engaged and
oaa nillserrat of mounted Wisner, and 2nd,
Tire federal, oft: took Meelar's forams on
Thersday nigbizuf Parinlngtsn. Tits Tab
-413 lost beeleilross esptand CVO 300 prison
rervanda, battery. our loss eras 39 killed and
-150wasendad r among whirl! was Clel. Morass
,43,1 Mids.
treircter Midmost shoo the
rebel rani kit this morning.
It brume/a on the street that the rebels
atlampled to destroy the teazel at Saco=
ilaustaln, but wets &Ives WS by rtur Waage
after destroying part of the tanned.
Maj4ielrati, on Iditehalle stag was vary
slot. r7sss
Trturrstua, Oet. IL—Thies hundred and
prisonen arched at Buhl/Its
yesterday. Itoreare expected to-morrow.
AU quiet in the front to-day. Telegraph
and raltroad communication uninterrupted.
From New Orleans.
Nair You, Oat. 10.—The steamarfirening
Star, from New °dean on the dth fast. , ar
rived this afterroun. Among har passengers
are Major Gen. Herron, Commodore Golds
boro, 101 don eoldlars, and 101 rebel altars
u prisoner&
Letters of the lth Inst. state that the had
vtartan of the 19th Army Corps vise mar
Oa the ni • cavalri skirtelsh between CoL
Davis' command mid the relish under Capt.
Ogden, resulted in the Wrest of the rebels
etcurfret Are, eq alms Wag Mortally trona+
ed. OoL Davis captured a piece of rebel me
dn No further mind demonstrations had
a been made.
Th. healthof the 13th ea 19 th Aimy Corps
war extellent.
The rumors of the busing of the town of
Baptista arose ft= the destruatlon by our
gs to the o for defensiveutektrth purports, of • Lamb n of
Depredation, of Guetanas In Nis.
ST. L 01713, On. 10.-A num party of Earn.
by's rebels mu within four miles of Call
lorala Station 26 runes Welt of Jamison
City this nabs, due which time we hate
no Whip of them.
Col. Italtinsolk. Superintendent of the Pa
pilla Railroad, mired from California on
hornbook this mains, and reports that the
rebrn tumid the bridge our Abelvllle—ter
largest otmetrus on the road west of Jeffer
son City—tore up about a mile of track ba
tsman Byrum and Abeltillo, and all ths
water tanks at and batsmen thus points.
Dispatches say that Shelby burned towns
In Boston minty; Thrum, and Morgan
clounttu en kis war from Warner to the Pa
side Dallroad. Goa. Drum is supposed to ba
Is.'therobele rear, and Gen. Totten is at Nu
fouls to•night. •
ComespoadeMs Excluded from the
, Army of the Potomac.
Saw roan. Ost. 10.—The Washington on
aespeadent of the Sordid states that the en.
respondcota d ths Sew f ork be. aid
baa 4 have been sans caddie of Melina d the
Army of the Polomagoin violating orders
relative to the pnWion of information ob
tained iron desertion, retagese.
Another Bald into'Kentneky.
Lotuseass, 100-;asmoto sot tram.
ble to an/ enthorlth, prattled et the sp
erm!' a Pgrat's zebels to Onmbertarni
rim, for an Lemuel= throniailonthern Ka
tak,- -
••••/•037 012 lima a boo' irool'
mom" steak of DA DIMMI3O2.I.AND U M
aeWUIDOW. 118111.11 STOMP UMW%
ametr aoirmszettuna, • PAX.
/30 1 6 4ta., aa .
o la- au ceaWs Smiiio mars 4101
••soomtaars aad Mt Mu. • - -
M. - ..Partoas waft& LONG MEM or PON
lAA ors eattlealady to atooloo Ws stork,
our oa Wed, asar llobtosos. -
A LINGEBNY 001:11iTli; siAIR
AG. 14 Ur Mho SDI out of Ida wad
oases WNW b the agate of aidtaad
Uko Waage of Jacob lambast, au Of Silas&
tom of add doomed* jos on birth* ctsed to Woad'
same Wows% WOL - J.llloll4Berats,
of Las /A. ta sad' far do a coosty akosold. wads
Writ IFIDILIMULT; rho Tik day df - Oototor aut.
tbso sad tbsto to take ost liattors cdAkta ktals.
tha aim tho ostalo Of oaltddcodent, motto, canso.
u duky SIXI bow*, said "1 ottani aboaid oot tom
toJt mooor e r tuba.: - •
ewe:tft Mt bawl nil ot11",. We . 2:14k
a la
day of fl
w atusbot. . '
• ittst, - m.rottosiiinebs. uniew.
SM. • 14 , ' • tufts ltwaa,_
,• 4 111 1 : . fieCkg • MOW
.Tigni.arr JORGE .
nuorPd.- •
Lim ,..ft,Pw r i d osalleco=
isimaysteb o lNS. ; seletbilv
eilrL T.-1880-X
r am p as *mom habits toomb!oot If ith web% -
es% WOO* Pgititatka at Vol km" look of 42.
patlto. Odom acme mato& It omit Hoof, ecze.4*.
Wok fa. Lam to sabof U MO oral not tl7 tbor
, •
3'1014 iiirr
With an cow rectatiasnistl by the highaferea
settee** and warranted te • palace or tesneCoal
tenelhdal eh* Tha are Cleeedteer 'rota:..
parboil, pare, and and Napery* other toota
where a healthy, path, sthaident b require&
Tive, got*, otroagthott sad latigasto.
Play ants • healthy appetite.,
They are to sittldote ap changed water sad did
Std 7 mama 410-AdletipsCon and lets Lt.'
Thep strengthen theiydeon and enliven the ran!.
pedholly pare Bt. Croix Ram. Tor parti=ars, s, •
dead= and tortirtundde aroma eee.h atae.
Rowan el frapannre. Xrataine emery Wale. C:e
Thar prevent alusaatt: and later:lla= tafta - s.
The? Mgr the hada and acidity of the elecaael,.
They tae loyepelpaa end Ltaatipatton.
7:1125. care Diarrhea. Cholera sod Cholera /Mates
May arra Lim (implant and pert= ittedothe
They make tha'sisk drag, tte leoanta h. it bai.
ltd aft extounted out Thai
ccmgcao4l of the wastostat Colima both, elute,
no% =What coats =a )sm*, arer ,l7, l L
OM It haa D. R. Roam? afgoatoia an our prlvato
o Stamp tree ths rak e with prartatlon ear. gal
oar drat elven:non a One stabil plata onazzinrn
dde label East that oar bath :0 not ra9l.-al apth
NM I= deisterlacm stat :W. day any
to With tbit fastik or' dimmest Of car gv:4l3.
pen= ptitoodbli to ion Plautalloa Mare by the
gallop or ta bogy to tot ticpatko. W• tell only In
war log Mini bottlat .I.h.fpontat ft:Manna thts
lottla or mann any oftl tkorakt, akethtz
°Qat Pktatatkm Matta or not, b a aindnal eado,
theo.S.Lw,taddobeonimecated by W
already tan car silica two partial to Mari , cot
boittak go; who itilik.coad in Caul:; thateult,:
tato alma amotma The demand fa Drake. - tattoo Bitten from ladle.. ottralmeo. marrhrdiM,
M. to parboUg !actin* Via simple till of
bottle b tba MIMI Ire present of their worth es , .
etpaiteritp. Thej are sOld by Ihty retractable that
glitt. Rte. ghyitclamt hotel; twamtoort and
=Wry stares. _ _ _
P. 11. DRAKE a CO.;
- 202 VroadiraT. N.
fbr. sals. "bake& tor rota% by
(balm Etsoltbfield and ro=rth Rectos.
(formerly ALL & Co., Barlearzo)
Tko only Mear awarded vith a Pep Medst, of
oxklblicza,st the Internatlanalltba,
Tar nle by
the only rallabla firmly for dhows of the orma-.4
of gonarallon. It fm the eiso4very of an malacca
Phnlelan vittua Its •L drichil to Ibe tratttnent of
this c 1 of disown. and with ankrEeedaLto I two.
coo, for mare thin treaty rare. It la petital=
la itself, requltlag no bjecalant, mad Lifferlsa en•
Maly tram talstaken pr.ettce sal the commas
vtableis ectapdanda cit-rad to Q. RUIN It fa
catreky vagstati7o lad perdrall tab. _lt acts Lto
chant, sad *arta Varairtb sad vtgci to ths db.
card crow.
atimos—Thy rod iticara at this remedy Ga
actors peroment tarts boi 111 to Its belarlmltateil
by atiptacfylad mom Observe. MAN:are. that lb
dittatetra of ths ptrylator fa mud atop boz. nab
Wasik pantie. Prepared os/y by
Proprieter, Clastartell, 0
ear eat by .111MiggLitt. Pt.), $1 per txx.
ler Ws at whelatele by B A, ITAHNESTOCIE
WPalmonasp Consumption a CA.
To oostioilTrivra
the eadenfresed hulas berm restored to braids
In a few weekly br a very .11mplil remedy, meth' Lev
ine:AM mural your with a• !MTh Mpg' effeo
tba. sad that drnd dhoop, Connell tlon—ts =-
loos to auto litoint to hi taltrolniffento tto soma
of elm
To all who dedatt,lts will and • copy of the
Intoottletkat and, Otto of rant,) Ina ebe chc-
Mos for preparing and using the lame, whfoh they
will Ind a awe can fat Cowman= , •on w• D son
mak omens. Cot" ilte. The only otket of the
adrettleet to nuetteg the paprletten Li to taunt
the slanted, end 'matt Intenaution lech he =n
otate to be Invaluable and De_ hopes every ant:rex
will h 7 his remedy, alt will ant than nWh.g. old
may prove • bkinhog.
Putin within es inwrintkm wut plena Waal
Err, zDwARD A. %maw'.
stela Wllllamsbargb, Slap c4utty, Nair York.
Ike &Tana 'Copper Mil aid
IlLannlotonne of ems. 111AEMIS. sun
BOLT 00111M;$4128ND DM= BOTTOMS.
aanzamfar. ainsomarArafra NOUN!!
EDT! trios. yip. a.. aciotanay
Timm stacava asp wow.
Wa2M1413. 2i4, lint and 12011xond oun*D.
enpididorditto Dorm o 6 to any Aldred yr.d.
WlRemu s &dam of BotZ
nomad puttleasa hairtng 14s. re:
o=4 to tiottlao a tow dopiottsr =denial:lg fai
th* mind nottoo sad tondos a: to tto4o cf
ttostmont, vtUtoot totoos, totolikos It Ws mood
duty montont oteAohLatiletedtelloorooNtto
Ito m m to aaaf: ._ $taa,oatb. Mott of Du
dosed. orrolooi to vlll tomillatopt con et tkok
pnomiotkoktooL . *tot tololacatt X. DAG.
T1LW,4114 Yalta Omi t _ Jkoottp, 12.
nblllberier -
MIL C. 1011ZIKM s . 310.trizm
1114, ZO/MOll4
ceonstozmorm?, MEM Ilit.pauh)ilisannumos
W(4'3470=1= azalllkmostets,BObterEti,PlL
MaavActurers of BOAT LID . BTATIONTISE,..
BTIA zaranya, stdig:natsia, Rim
gLasusuir, AMMO. OtATTIIO, aurp
ima.ceinaseedationi TAM A Bitgaz.,
Mists ira 4310=11 PATABT ,18.77.0201,
be *saw Bonin.. ' smS
AIII:Y.117147 =OM SMEDOW trarrriZA
MEM CLII,M4 11809eLf1 eteccditraet4u6
it ValtdOrtst, lama Wood 114 Itukst.
llsra *a Mat a nratjas mahatma, to
hattabrattostlik Pim A 1111064 emu lat
10... dozoaollosetisotico. .
1101Mitik 80" Delfts
UTRsicvnw Antmamma Russ cut tx.
NMI A99apN;Pilhafilffeetirtailas,
mtreetnd =dr 4. 'I Frtectpatalo
- C Fax
W9 ant
iolq6ilW - 9~ 0199 91 11: - MPAA191111
1 111 1. 111 /TIVIM. $ **AN,
~~1 ~