ESTABLISHED IN 1786. MISCIRLL.II.VgOVB ,41altDS. DyQpigNll BEAM WOBBI3. gamma ORLWYo BD, nanahotaronia ofgo7 =ll4 of MAL*, masa G *vas roz PL ULM OS .118-.7,1 1713, 'KA 'Mat -ffiILSSjRAMSOR,et eser ell .._ilMtlons, made to EVIAN AIM GAS. IW ka ewi IMPAIRIN prom* at= e l h BM a L AVID G • &Newnan pada Pe 101 AL ClABanlab Also, Sole oo Aitatilice the Wettwo Dfrtekt Petra eihntodir lb/ the tale -or tfA5BB LAIIREGILL • 00A PATSIES SIPHON 10)11, the test wee , It:mated SrAat so. value, ft it sot lulls to pi wit °IAA" sod .irOI throw IMO MAW thin say pump at Mks lb atm sat FIinPnTURB OklUI LAD WOOD 01Ulna ilium oisi JAB. W. WOODMILL4 essi_tiofflttird street, opposite I. Illasteadsoz Oa, and 111 fourth !street. etlito D. M. BARBOUR, 6.. L. WM pso., caw qf Pnxit sad Clostoiroo Broth • - .'" - ' • . ILLLTDEOBI4, • - 43114111MLL 001: 1111138102 F Au& Avala Cif ttis 'sok- of DITPOE I VIN DIX *ND tlifinifirill.• ai " lin tanakcitallat 'akin& of Western Pm. r ndisaltO *Mums Wreak. 8, S.—llatnaktmkta treat of Vlronlooso. inlkocEl.ltialflrAl Co.. Pitlaborgh Mit Ss Iliokolgom. o ',_ =a astrazd. o Blisklmanf, 11,11 "Noroinatif Mink, Baltimore I C. Do fora ir soak . LAMB' FANCY FURts i =mows ram rinSi MITI 703 ams,ooLLAsa • GLOM/ AND-OMII. Ivory misty and atytaetthaabon vxdsca3 hand sad kir sob it SeCORD & CO.'S, No. In WOOD BTUIT. DATRNTED OUT. 8,1861. J. Dithridges Patent' OVAL LAW 013:111WEA . .#tnnlyctmd at - t ; IX FLINT. GI4E, iimiziailrinimustesi tha Imp. milk& Mathis 811.sode of tits .dots ma .it9igvitto 4al9 l . I .Sort Pitt Mao alto ilitsidnittoargmot. pz. ~nYT~-- BLACK. DIAMOND BTKEL WORKS, PIrTBBQB9S PA. PARE; BROTHER 4 I r. m,!,ri =IEPT QIILLITT MAUD CAST EITII1 4 , . 4 14101 0 el i t io =ost ,fr ol et alms. War m ait a l ic =lllceMST ' 11411114 me nous issi nom! rusbrugh. Wi:WILK BARNHILL & CO., Bata Makin' asid Moot Intl , Wcoltooo, 2INIS =Noe. NO% Stand IL i Morin' wand a tarp ontrunhAM itirttb Po moot boomed to dastetptloi: tOr Mar i n tho to lin Tt" re ntairaett= troorsotod oval tosoy , or i lltt -tho omits". CLIBUNIM - BRIMM, MEN= RIM LOOOktOIIIIIIBOMOND 6ALITTANS,TANICSAIL MIITOZOI, EitTLING ! Ma, BOIL= • 11 s ame IMMO PAM sad solo aitotrfoottoset o:sum EI/44' :PATENS BOLUS. Bops/dos 111tooroo' the aborted notion &LW GEORGE W. PORCH, General Commission Merchant. osziaas. sr COPREINZIMI &tr.Nrento. 188 11,..a.1ack I Oa, Pittibargh O. .111 CO., and Ch Knight Phtlado) • Mbllsawd A LLEN, MaCORIGOICAt CO., VALLEY' • Al3l.lrovessa,. PLtrabargb. Pa. ! • , airwassaomoio.ool Maly Wallet. ilia. STO ~.. P I A 4 201l j kantal l %C AT. HOLLOW w eta, ' Sisal atalGlaaa Break* Rene It ,%1[1 %. Garb& Ow, Water and Ars ~.... 884 OPIT - / OZ W. 404 Vet .; 7.7 lDillrothiP inms* to.vriir m°4-4 ari agia. - gsscialrg ""` S°c '' /^a'• Eitc l' sii apmeatl4- BfiLI'AAMA'ANDBEcAS 3 WOW. • COLLINS SD WRIGHT, , Calookaari to Orris Sewtemj • -• afactanstiot CASTOR 17141i11411111C1AC114 LAttlais,. and a vatt , raday, of , BaITANICIA, _0&1180 . 1 OIL Lail' BMUS aid - MEP MAI3/411 igabtnatir,-No. U B &coo/ witessi. Pit6bargh.• • -• only. - - - - - - - liiarsiragNO3iimis Roman, • u.'eurampisimursirtula Dartiostar *Deaden ppaNtosoaarWhsuvand;feosUing ot MIPI. 411111121. All &taxa DBMS *ND DION own *Di, DEMICD- .6124 -- 11 aD - , ltands.tudsait.brakorastimtle*. . Nl'aadaak[iitDo.Ylll4 N AT= anal* • polassliberty. tiD Ds preinptly Meads* to. 11,19* mambas et Wm Ina pawgrootica; es* dram of many pain' atparisam In their Mufti.. ailfl harm tasks raDiDeDen ld erig7 rugs 1. CHAR. O: BALBLEY, - ?roams, lienenl, Commlialon !brava, - igIEWHANDIBII 111 1 1,0E111. llia dial/ ' titan Waft Of 0013NTRI FIIODUCk S.. IT) Lassa ; eab4:ly 4 ,Panora s. P.. MOOLLISTKIL BABB, atanulearent and Eltsias in an lamb oe TOBAOOO, MIT AHD Sawa 95.100 WOOD BTBUZ Prrsaftsaa. fa. am sawn* R a n liOn Imola lov . Tottotiz et f a Ptir G` TARP TBOUNT/E4 P11211810118. - 13A0i PAZ mot ILILITABI ,1 4 01A1103 of olS .... ...4hoodptloottird b 7 VT ; sidoso,af oOkoroltdomW 0. a. Tams, - mow is sam Nom Oriool stood, rifitoborgli, ILB:lfootoz it t aik. ro'instiolf; oho otofm dcri o ft as& an 111 , 0111eStill. • 4.1.6JAUW2144 6 - omen= to Jamey Salmis SOW PORK PROLIR. 4 ' paw tit BALOON4sAED. ime4kouzaw limn, snow j)117. as. 00IL MAIM LSD 111318 T B PlZat ill' im. a. /MO% • DOW= AID Duzsils the mows Ostilet tinuada of 0111NULEN rIIAT/ANA MOM, Ed all Wadi of =OEM . mama TOILICIOOM YAM 1.1710, ras ,ft.jti o m mush 1:1111DIll st. msolisa ai Mena lams. e11123 -m: , AZOIOXIOn • - ‘ ~; f tegaris /tinny ttaawssfus• ersamistaft AlcaltidnOlogi Bdidbilx ea 4 inseitaanalitbste Airidookokaulosatdotarsos. Andaman, deskliDursea Lemsekitia anew engm" fy _ No - (H M V " F mow 1. 4 t-st, a - m ckrrilicanture ..I,M,irptuonstratheir lad 4daFaitFumpypii. •';11' V.% :Z213.'1'0, 1 '' 'l. ' - • D ,_ i 'oP T T-, :,_: _:„ .i. ~ • N , ‘-ruATE a 1 0 A. MINCELLA.TROUS. A JOINT RESOLUTION propcsing .Cll. tartan M /tithe Cbasthatioa. Bo masa / mo w Boats oad HOLM of Brorsoodo- Wool el as Oossiomostai Paosochooda to Gast dssamety mot, Mud the =alibi' dotetaimosts be ea Ooastltatios of the Ocnamotinelth, = d rdeasbatth lb. proteins of the tooth atlas thstiof ' nore stall be ea suldltioaal tattiest to the third NAN& of the Ooaatttattoa, to be obalgoatad at too. this tam, a folknim Own= 4. Motown* bay of the totallfted Gleam ofyy We Cummostrealth abol to brae, actaal mints. unto% mulct • reqabitlao bom tbe Pnablaat of the UnltedBtates, co ley nut aelhotity Of MI Ono. ma:vain/4 lock idadom may modetertia tight of ramp fa all alindona hi Oa mean., =day .ash os rats. or ,aba3l be, ptesattbeat taw, ae hiVolf tluky mu Drama at Oak =ad plume! dad= ' Ibunatin b, two eikUtiatel tattoos to the dm watt &Mote of the Countoths. to be destanated et Notion eight out dm, se loam: tu llacettoa No bill shall b. pawed by the Legiale. e.cconalateg mow Om . abject, whkh ha tot deol on ywntemed tn. the tttle. except. &mop t :L -n ama Ma. Hamm 9. anyM aball to mod by the logfria. bus granting possro, or prirliesto, In any ma. turban the authority to at each Nom, co Ftan. gm, haa town, or may hartafte te, .nid upon the court§ of this Ocuamonwoalth. JOHN 13133341, faun of POpriamtaltros. JOHN P. PIOWIT. iipuhar of the Pout& lImOQID PIIIOZe. Opialac of lb* Orruns ar Beruureenn or ran Geocuourusoura llarrleburg. July lOW. PEINNIMV.ANA ie._ • I do hereby wilt:tuna the nuegoing end, annexed • fall, true sod aureet copy of the • sal Joint Itelohttlouef the fieseral Asezeb4. anti. lotsrgaeolutionleppoidas to tale daunt• noun to the Conatftedk n," ehe the es= remain on /la tnehhe dim_ • : II Stertuon whereon hire hereunto wet soy hand, lerd ceased Mama of the fleacetures oaks to to itOnet. the day sad year stem. written. •ILI KAMM bfeoewdta Beendary of the Oaternoeveelth. piPORTANT 'TO IL LWAY COM! raanst,'Aum muse, ail We hue Greeted wed bale be teattoh, hem the litt htt;ptia Lobeetory mattatedtue Lubricating and Paint 011, new mad tapouom stiootitlo Flom% apa nob oft. and catontend to po S p ey o f pstrasfte dues arks, A. II sod (7 r, 171 and sersdner zumuternra OIL. Wbeetwitkons Inkrinana Lane been tinted. tb.y byret=taoooaaadneatlympecbrtoayofthe PClPlately on In the mutat. or briquettes. le 'Waned to take the plow et noted Diem Oil; arid loe we on cotton, lenclaa Cr lase neehlosory. Tb• e or 2doell . 01. toe maim and oast like madttnery ; ttui or 84 gualthibtbsars =doom, paling. an, Mee PAM? 0//..Jas been land by enanaerona Patanne tble thy, sal. mond -to be • eaptiel tat settoefor boned lineseed 017., 'coked many Patntaea tra decided peeleresso. OW are now exttnalrely aragokt-Inzed at ear Eureka .T.:l2brio 011 Works. AN th• proem IA solentllla and onlanin, oaten= can tat en Um tiallares eacelleasao al them rerounoto gm*rJanla of spans and flamed 011. A tabd and tail r andldantly bated. Baoand. tor sae al no. so mans"? nun?. au= a PZIONOOK, BALLa co wads TIDIES SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No, JJ' 110 thirteneme Brawn, ("petite &be OW= Mama Obertend by the leehtleteze. cimwm: Ittelksit-4A11113 PAILE.Ja. Wm. H. math. John T. Janultap, Thai. D. litesslare, Thai. S. Blair, Prim& ft 1L2317 Lloyet. A. a 114 1 2 4 r. ia ll airartb. C it I-c , : ~ ! zul. .. &lrowir, W. L. Said. Win. Smith, J. A. Wood 8.0. 11 - a achmante• a• B. Jam% F. Wm. ' W. PJakstion. &F. Joao, J. M. Tiaras% H. Hartaati f W.. I ?hem D. IL Lamy A. Andinan. B Heim, ha W. Baxter, D. & ilaitohrt. W. nix=2. eecntary sad D. I. W8.1151.11t. 1 2•21(111 . 17, bin oa. ta. A tbaadoi itYSTOckak. Taposits roomiest! OM MO sad aysrszda Weida& doebood b Boausbot end Jane at garb rem Diddles& gloved Os smuts are placid to ehs aadlaol lbs &vodka. as prbsolped. sad base Woo. at= yo‘bg Ocoststzdag Fly-Lenny Jah.farabbed od odic% . AIMPTIds Imdlitatias oebesoespaldby to ear par. EMS whoa amino an mall, tb• snares:idly so secluankto, by 'ma dopoitta madly sand. mm wblcbvm be rescalas Hsi modal, their moray =ittetessadb, bed Marina basessb, bead saproduates.' Eurftlyetimas ESTABLIBRED 1760. • • PETER LORILLARD, 53071 AND TOBAOOO MLNII7IOIIIIII% to el 18 MAIN itE2B 822312'. (Ifortoatfy 411 Chatham strestafro Tothj Would ell the atteotfou of desists fa the luttati.ol Wi saantacCure, eft illacabm Flu Bop Cballe Bap" Mud= Gentleamm,Tharalgros, Pare MOIL. Nsattothes. C4 Mil l arg 6 TILLOW &etch, HI hot ISootatY Isiah LIAO 'Port cf lameitaat.s7Des&xtob,Sreat Ext•7Boackle tiihl esEad to Aba: jam redistka pekoe anriniOat Obeirlag sad ftwftg Sawa% -which B I* band of Allmetier quality. . TOOOO. ' thexoto-Long, No. 1, NO. 1, lks. 1 sad Slatud. Owinlated. Znis- Ors Opzinza-.P. A. L., at WA; altien• djik await terrs Neated Olm000; log Miortig-11. no, B‘B2o6.:Osaaster,Turtilsb. 8.--A obsclar or prlcasBBl boo arnS an TAP Wm. 0 f10 . 71 0 (4 ki VION. WILE* —IIAIiD Jake Ltd lb. Vatted Stabs Weed{ *art - krusteent • Ont. pw AND sr. umnivrimik • Prrem The lerglet, *welt id bet. enda, l i te l x " t4 "Ibr fta igfr wan.. Btatenboe,% . Whaled end Beet thelistrebbill Me at esukoll prim. eltadente ester end reelerr_ et eni ens:, - ?Mr IMMba y. candaeted bP espetlesed Masbate And preatkel *Jleixarntants, who prima g gateslhr gala* Iteadato4 el the lad sponse mg anted thee, ter the rentajonntrell and lence• able eltostkne. IllOcenee granted .1W Stellit.4. glue the nolasend manna fee gradesdee el ' = OM Mem by bailees am Prof. A. coma:, the boil Peernan, et, the. thiko.arbe beide the largest No. of Ist . premhuse , end evare , el t . cembetkera. teethe, Sabha Ellghedo of Perunangeb, end cataksraf cestelelegnetton. balms tuvatplbre ousts to ;LA _full AnuaNss SAWN. Principal. !T1 HENRY 0. HALE lb 00., Ali not racelvtog tear PALL Si WINTER STOCK, And tone ibhr ttliools and ths plat to cumin, *dr dm*, try* lo tho Est and mat =plots to? brat& to fhb tototet. , Alms troot:o bop wortmont of Gentlemen% Furnishing Good& CORREB PPM AND BT. CLAIR STREET& P/2718080/4 ' • ma W EL JOHNSTON OD., a7ATZONII4 STEAM JOB PRINTERS, BLANK BOOK DLOJEUDES3 • ' 57 WOOD axga num I ei4 23211.44 Asitrkinii.-4krtiLatmaatia base, Align/kiln, allot Woo to malt tbo r etNot. 21"" di ocd~ "1 a El. vnistirve— aroze Lull for al? tai 6452 , Lt. P. aide, A. Itsdasasa, Joshua /Kati Br= • /Jaz. Bradley. Altrat 111101,8 fibtliZ. :r' . ' `n PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1863 Vittßtfurgb, One*. S. RIDDLE 4.00.. 11DiT0118 dFD r.copatigroise, Publication Office No. 81 Fifth Street. NOSISITHO AIID NYENING IMMUSB, DAMT.. OOSTAESING THE LATEST UWB VP HOLM OY PUBLICATION. NEW TERNS OP THE GAZETTE, aortal rocexas, by mBB6 Pm 1 128 -14 00 . ro o m® szumtb.. 713. “ 0 • yreet..... 18. t: " single c0ptea.............. • 4 , Emma cpnema, by mall, per year.... 4.80. 0 month.. 83, week.... 10. 0 ~ Blngle c0pt55...—.—...... ll. Watoto Emma, gnu coias, per year- Ai, o elute of 5 to 10, ao. chariot 10 =more 1.23. ...and ono =Us to Ma party omens dab, F . dab of fiftecm, we win nod the Emma. Gararrir. daffy. Not a club of twoct7, ye will wad the Mons= Gamow daily. Bin& copies, 6 Mai albeoriptboas stricao f• estomew, sod mean &Pray' atom* wboo the USN rubes. MONDAY 14; 1863 010114111 Britton, brother of the Massachu setts Bonitos, died on the 6th at Boston, altar a long Illness, of paralysis. Wa mu It stated that one of the fifteen shell, dropped by Gen. OLUmore Into CUzlta ton, shivered to pleats a endue of Tittu d. Calhorm i 'rooted In front of the Court Hour. thus To swami civilians of I hie employed in divhdonr of the army to come home to vote, the Gamier has ordered Rate agents at all points to hoe half-fare tickets. It is esti. mated that folly 8,000 voters will be added to the poll. fiasviontwas near Culpepper are lending their chattels into the Union lines, telling them they have nothing to feed them upon tide Winter. When the loyal North has Wintered them, thus pleolont owners will be after them Si The St. Leas Republican states that the novernmennt requires all the tonnage there for the traneportation of eupplies South for some time to some. Boots win:not be per mitted to take any stook or private freight for citizens for the present. THE Philadelphia North American say@ that the demonise guerrilla Quantroll Is no other than dui celebrated thief. forger, and biga mist, known as Dr. .1. B. Bayne, whose like nosi In the Ventral Station Bogue.' Gallery. He lined fire years In the Frankfort (Ky.) Potion, being liberated just before the rebel ., Hon broke out. Be changed ills name and ob • Inland Gantsmernt employment al a major at Washington, bat was found Midi for his position. Many rare of hit life have been spent in prison. He was an expert forger, a cold blooded murderer, and a heartless de banshee—la 'hart, a onaller of the Ant water. Gam. nosamtaas.—The fallowing extract from a letter from the wife of • staff ofiloen to Gan. Roseman? army tends to refute cei uazi derogatory statement' whit!: have gained currency In tome quarters: "The General was In command of the army daring the whole engagement, and In it much danger, when the centre of our army gave way, that he was lost to the larger portion of his staff from two c'olook Sunday, until Monday morning, and it arm feared by many of his staff officers. Slut hp :war captured. I write this became of the report at Loaelville, and air:misted through many of the Western Journals, that he was not In the engage ment." 01 the 14th of last month Lint Tramsl and ten men of the Find Alabama Federal cavalry, started on foot from Glendale, some ten miler from Corinth, where the regiment is stationed, and proceeded in the center of Alabama, and after an absen6 of two weeks, returned camp in safety, bringing with them one hundred and ten recrcits for their regiment, as well as flee prisonen one Lieutenant, and a rebel mail, as &obits. The Lieuteliant esphired was engaged in tonseripting, and eye be thinks that tho Genfederacry b about played out, if ten men can travel all through It. They report that the - country le full of conseripting offl orus, and the Union men are all hiding in the wood.. The recruits were obtained in the counties of Fayette, Walker, Winston and Plokene, and are a lizukookint got of men, who will do good toreica for the Union. They report that thousands are ready end anxious to the Union army, and are only waiting the opportunity. flies Dicantswa. Tide gifted and patriotio Lid, has bean tasking campaign speeches through - some of the eastern portion, of the State, for mmiral *ask, put. We trust that she will be in• Armed to moss the mountains before long. A oorrespondent of the Philadelphia Press writes the other day from rianyllts Miss Dickinson favored the people of Sha mokin with one of her hest specolms las t seen tog.. She spoke for 'limit two hours to a most enthusiastic, audience, in the Methodist Chetah. It was the moot telling Spaioh heard In Shamokin during this campaign. The miners were present in considerable numbers, and joined In every round of sp rier as heartily as any portion of the an- &viral intense eoppertundo who beard be: effort. last OVEllig, openly expresied them set highly delighted with her oratory. Oaelto, idlJOntleman, who had never heard a lady 7 i - spook is ;publlo on tho stage," and whine"olifalong prrjadloes against female ora tor' woo deeply rooted, when rallied by his Wanda for venturing to linen to hilso D., is be did int evening, replied, Well, I ant of the lame opinion cells; a woman's place la at the Monde of the heart, to feed its dame; but I verily believe Miss Die' khasen hu an minion from Heaven for the convoroVo li f ooppaboads, and I am proud to acknowledge nyself a ono of her converse." She Is doing untold good in arousing the enthusiasm of our friends, and sowing the nob of truth among our rural audiences. Had she been able to lave Anted every por tion of. our State, oho could have added thou sands of votes to our Dales majority. Prospective, Itetireinent . of Chief Justice Taney. The Washington correspondent of tho New York lion contains the following! • It is thought bare In professional circles that Okla Justice Taney's protracted hold on the Bench of the finpreme Oriurt of the Uni ted States, will be - unloosed bilious the spring of /Bet. 4!!, desire Is universally expressed among lawyers - aid politicians that his su mmer in Mee maybe • statesman whose his torysives,the soundest gousntees of Anti- Slaveryientlient;and whoSe eminence u lawyer andt3esator has only bun surpassed by the epbrador with which ho has administered, theilnuces of the Uhlted fiestas during the 'great rebellion. - Woopwoto, Copper:howl andidato tot Goya:al b stayo that "Mosey is as incokulabk &Univ.", .7olat BrodhudiCopplaheid &mitoses for Ott/ Troosorir,ono In Urban to Jeff Dula, "/ as tired of &gaga Bkroo to am NorPs, aid loop for ohm, in the assay South." Roy, *damn dta limpid 'huge him gPegg Noo tat llntdo oopiethoodesal Yah—hol don,. mato dot - whits sieve change bin spoto, , tout do toginallare low rota !dm biok look nlus I bit .3012tuldtiol qal quoition, and Idasidor dear you to :alp IPilodCot , de .'--Pfni. {}en. . William Cullen Bryant on Erman. (ligation. Ate meeting In New Turk, last week, call ed In trompitment to the Missouri delegation, - Mr. Bryant concluded birripesoli ti follows: I have read a letter thbfwary day—o letter from *person whose name, it l were to men tion It, would carry authority, - assmanee, acquiescence, and to:aviation 'upon all that should read it—dn whleh he rays ail those Ilegroes Who were malehn, who were treated like freamen,paid wages , allowed to provide for their families—that they now work better, mare td the profit of 4hese from 'whom they I receive wages, and in• all respect" preserve a more torpedo/deportment than ever before. Ile goes on to lay that all planters say this, and that - UM:oga were worked right in Lou isiana, within a year that State would take her place among the free States of the 'Union, with the entire consent of all who inhabit ,within her Gains. ;Ho goes farther than this —be says that, over all the South, in every 'part of the stave,States, the change, the tranfiltion from absolute end universal slavery tonivernt and instantaneoue emanelption, might- fake nisei - with • even less of violence and soafuslon narrater law could be slang ad In a Northern State. [Applause ] Snob is his telthanT-1 Meet mumble tesumony. It seems to me to- eettlathe quimtion. Gradual emancipation. Havliwe act mitered mischief enough - from slavery ' without keeping it any longer ? Hsi notbloodenough benched? Are not the pools °Weed deepen:l;mb I My friends, If your child -iimeto hill in the fire would on pull him Ott gradually t [Laugh ter.l If he were tolake a dose of laudanum sufficient - to cause a epiredy death, and a atom-: sohpump were at lind, would pod draw the poison off by degrees? If your helm were on Are, 'would you put It out gradua ll y ? [Laughter.] And yet there are men who talk of gradual emancipation, by force of ancient habit, and there are men In the slave States who make of slavery a sort of Idol which they are unwilling to part with, which, If It must be moved, they would prefer to see it removed after a lapse of time and tender leave-takings. Slavery is a foul and monstrous idol, a Jug gernaut under which thousands of lives are crushed out; it is a Idsloch for whom the chil dren of the land past through Are. Must we consent that the loureber of the victims shall be gradually diminished? If there are a thonand victims this year, are you willing that nine hundred should be nerifieed next year, and eight hundred the next, and so on, until after the Inn of tenyea rn it shall cease? NO, my frninde, lotus hurl this grim Image from its pedestal. Down with it to the ground. Dash it lb fragments. [Cheers.] Dash It to frog:no:o4 trample it in the dust.. [Applame ] Grind it to powder, as the pro phatS of eta demanded that the graven images of the Hebrew Moist= shotild 'be ground, and In that statesman-a It to the four winds, -and throw It upon the waters, that no human hand - shall ever again gather op the accursed atoms, and mold It Into an Image to be wor 'shipped again with sacrifices of human lUD. Shored and prolongeflapplanse.] The Haig of America A atarreapoideni of the dasrisan PArroo. Ira orouftei &MIS "While you have spoken o the Itontuokiana,-T•unesseeans, West Vir ginians and Mar',binders, as being as large and finely developed, permit ma to is; that the tine Titans of America have escaped your notice—men among. whom, though nobody myself, I have walked, feeling myself among gods--phyeically speaking, of cotuse—men beside whom the EleaLanders are in apes sure pigmies—men among whom six feet three inches, and a chest et forty-five, Carty sight and even fifty lathes are not anemia msn—l mean the baekwoodsmon ,pf Maine, to whom three generations, spent for the moat part In the open air, battling with the piney numarehe that girt thp;Ombagog, the Moose head and other takes aild stream of that wild, bracing Northern climate, have given the. most glgentio development of physical power which I ever saw or had any authentic account of." Aa eleetro-magnetio phonosoope, for writ ing music as played, lute been invented in Eng land, and is than described. The machine is email, and its motisee power iseleotro-magnet to, produced by a coital: battery, and working in a manner ana'ogons to thelprinting tele graph.Tht marline having been placed ea rapport With the instrument to be played up on, say piano forte, harmonium, or organ, the playermanipulatea the keys In the usual manner, and the machine prints his perform. once as he goes along, at a "peed proportion ate to his pluyinr, the usual rate being fifteen inches of paper par sainnte. The printed nota tion L identical with that already in are, the the difference being that the heads of the notes are square Elated of round. It must be valuable for composers. A GOOD 'burr ov " Tun Turns."—Mr. J. Moore, a praetioal printer in London, lately stated In a teetare on the Maori of the Art of Printing : " The proprietors of the Tunes bees done much to improve the condition of thecompositors employed in their establish ment. For many years a savings beak has b:en established, to which every eta:politer is expected to snbsmibe weekly. A cuisine has been fitted up, whore viands, wholesome and suitable, are prepared at a small toll to the customers. There La also a bath to re fresh the body after the tatigmesof the night. And,.better still, dwelling-houses. have beet erected on Mr. Walter's estate, it Berkshire, whoralhe compositors may :Wm, in their old age, upon a pension." Ta bland of Monb Chrtato, which owes Its oelsbrity to Alexandra Dumas' popular novel, has jut been chosen by tho itatlan GovernMent as a penal settlement. Titl Berlin Benny of Medicine ha oott\• damned Beverlas (Ism) beer as the ranee of hinnotorable crates of apoplexy. A LLIGHENY 0013 N EY, as. 13The*Oonscornwealth of Pennsylvania WJamos A. XI cantatas. soccntor; Era Ellen et: - lionoridow; James A. Hutchison, Moo 11aa ey 0. lintothon lola an hoots D. Mathison; 800. Edwin Id:Stanton and =so Huta Etonian, ht. trite; Denial Woryold, Jr. and Vary A. Wo.tivid. els *ye, and Omen Ed ward Mathison, eosin's taloa. i last win and iostasneot of Lout, Mathi son, datum d, r.etlni t - WDsaua, In UM Orphans' Oonet of sold,rounty, an the nib day of 44114 , m1:ter, 180, the pelf tea of Brunetti Pommy, inalscee of Inward J. Make. deceased, Nay predated, preying fa 'pacific permitting" of contract with Louis Eint:hison, de. cnotid, In regard to I outran lot-cd ground *unto on %Lunt and Cluny strata, to the city of Pine. burgh; now,therotore, we command you. and each of yoo.that Yon Wend Mawr hatoreettrOvehans , °ours Pittsburgh. on SATURDAY, the alit day oft/o w:of. A.D., ISM at 10 o'clock teen sad than show moms, If any you ham, Why the prayer of patitlon gamed not banianted. Ihnof fail not. Whom, the Boa. James P. Sterrett., President A:idol:4mm said Cant, at Plttobtagb, the 6th day ottetober, LB.. 80. WM. A. 8111111101, Mak; Igneuts. a Panama. Attorneys', ALLEGEIIIN k COUNT Y, se, In the Dirtrict Heart, No. 039, Jep Term. Übe. In the matter of the account of to. Ir e a Vartlestoe, ltegentrator of the Itsoptbass M tad r. now, Petal! Id, 1961, the fourth account and award of Wm. RI. Darlington, dequeetrator, an. humid to open Wort and ordered to be 6.ed t and It slather ordered that the trOtholletgry pco POW* by wobllatka to the Plttaburgh Doug ammo and to the Digralek, by we Insertion each with for three wake. GUM) exhibition and Aline of told account and award. and that the Ramo will be allowed on She Nib d ay d i October. IBA enlist cause be shown to the coning. Fa Calsce. SEMI THE RECORD. BRUT EOM eratbeaotaay. ocibtawd3w .OTIaO.—ANDREI W i KLOALIN, of vitub l ugh, NUM FILIPPA, Jr and TAO& $. nIIMIA, of Alkithiny any., herrithte dry en. teed low • United pertoefildp for the treasanfing of Rollin Kill btounets, ander , the dm name of 111.011.11 h A PHIPPS, Andrew glom= and Henry i n g ,,, A a k ., a l Ornortl end Thomas N. Miler es Ebed ,,3 p i ma, the partatrthlo to mains WA the lit of Jannsuy, 1870. ANDRAW /MAXIM., THAMM PRIPM THOMAS N. N MIGL7 - sellklinew ADMINIBTBATORIN NOTIOBrai too of Lanfolstrittan eajlts MASON 111 mown, late et the Ninth Ward, City et m a , a a rga.jeeeased.bellit boon piloted to the =dm -g pa d, penman indebted to !mkt estate ere is• mated to stake immediate paßand tbon fi. da m s wheat aide, u to will mom them, kstiltel al!thettleitt4 !Or sottlearokto J. H. 111881Lvy. alcirsm stadavilew ITALIAN MAOCIABOM ind,YEAn JL oiniAtint tienuimb Si4Atlkina n saa amt. . •am - *int litheng op! awl wow ,„,, PROPOSALS. pROPOSALS FOR Pit UJAS Cum Qourrariurrizeit Orrzca, RITZ? or Wasansoroo, Workington, D. 0., Oct. 7th, 1863. ISEILED PEOPOBLIA will be reorivad at this oCkce until 7DB3DAY, October 40th. at 12 o'clock In fornkhLog the Government (21000) two thou. nand mules to ccmform to the folhwteg . . . . EIPILOISIOnTIONS ; ATI to be (It) fourteen heeds and orrrr In hr ithL An to be In gaol dreh, sound, rervtcutble, and suitable !order:tett purposes. All to bo over (3) three and nn les (9)121120 tear, of age. _ . PDOPOSA.IS . . Propomts to be far (SC O) dve handed and npwords. The fon tame sad porooftics addroo of the bidder moat ippoar to the promewL If a bid Is made In the moo of 11 ftrin the naipes .of all thapartlas moat appear or tho bid .hl be can sldorol to the tralvldaal proposal of tho pwtmr *lgen op tt. P r oposals from dielorelpartho Teal ace be coorkfered e and an oath of allegiance cs rut accompany mob prop • coition. Proponals molt tie &dammed to prigofthr Qgaeral D. ll,Backar, Qurtermistar 11. B. army, Web. Mateo, D. 0., and *boatd marto 1 P.o pnl for Motes" The ability of the kidder to SD theocrat/Aarhus:ad it be awarded to him, must be guaranteel b¢ two responsible persons, whose signatures must be sp. banded to the guarantee. The rawneibfllty of the rano tors most be abeam by tywopcinl certilicate of the Clerk of the nearsot Diatriot Coati cr of the United Stares Mulct At torney. Blades must to present In person when the WA are opened, or their proposals wfli not be cot:Adored. Bondi In the sum of rk),(00 dined by tho cont forr. and both of his guarantors; w i ll be' inquired otitis ancethafni bidder open shining the contract. As. the bond snot accompany the contract; tt will bo nem. miry for the bidders to hers thtfr bondsmen with them, or to hare bend. signed In anticipation, and ready to be ;roamed salsa the bointenct is signed. Blanks for bouds an be procured 'open application belog made at this cabs, tither personally, by it. ter, or by telegraph. Pores of Guarantee. We,—of the comity of and State of and —of the minty of and State of —, do hereby guarantee that Is able to fulfill a con tract accordance with tho terms of his proposition, and that, stumid his proposition be accepted, be at once enter Into • contract In accordance there- with. Should th• contract be awarded him we are prepared to become his securities, and should ho fall to sign a cot:arid In accortence with the terms of hh, kid, we ourselves will beton° the contracting parties in his stead. To this guatiotee most bo emended the official autilicate abeve mentioned. 1 / 2 oPTAIOI2. DE/AV - ELT, Qc. All mules coot:oath Lr utdor thLs ads erthernent will be 'object to inthectlon, and tooth not ecotorm. log to toe spaalthations will be releut.d.. The melee mast bo delivered to this cry within (25) twenty an dais from the dote of s'gLiug the ceetreet. Payment to be made op m the comptelor of the contract, or KO loon tters•itt r a. the {. Mel Quarter. mazer et this depot stall he in Made. She male. mill be avrerdai la lots of (400)11;o bun. dred each, nail. the Chief Qom tsrmee!er may deem It for the ,nterest of the °reran:tent Cs vary the camber. Th s °Mot Quartermaster rt11,1',•11 to himself the tight t: select any or all bltle that he mar eons too blab. , D. U. IIUCHEII , Brig. Gen. anal Chief Quartermasler, • Depot of Waelaniton. ORDNA NUE OFFICE, vv Whit DITAIITICIST, Octobor 2, 183 BE LED PIIOPUBALi trill be ruceiref at tab aim until the 30th day t f Obtoberblext, for BAND ING.* the 4?-poordlr Gobet, at the Pule and imenale of the Ganef State., In the at lauft:o Matte, mounting to number to tcra, corn or t 0... The gum will be flatiron .1 a'. an I remoetd 6•cm, the ratablithment where the at re ts to be &matt Oman: of tne United Permeate for %Matron the Pacific emet—atont 60 la number—will b. ~sired until the 10th of Darin. tear Istxt; and In tho ram of thew, the guns wilt be Vistaed at Pall/ranchem or Its rte Int ty. The guns aro t) be trotted down to a truo cylieder for the length of peen tyneven Itches from sear of the bare ring, prepared to take • band cf the lest wrought Iron. the Inttri,r diameter of - Whit* Wilk be twenty Inches, end It. thiolmeas tho4lkettelk.e. The sent le to be Mailed allh a izeirlkiatkiptilitt Ingot coypu ono inch In aunt ter and atiMlt• WWI and a belt Dicka long, and grad with a coat q .. tro tenths of as Inch. Drawing* of the gnu In it, Ertel:et farm alid.With' the road pot on coo W. are. at thi orate, at the Watertown Arsenal, Wan.; at the Wattnilet /m -oral, and at the Bow Tat Agency, No, 45 Werth street, city of New Yolk; at the a mania at Bridia• burg, Pe; and at Alloateny Inseal, Pittemukt, at the E.rt Idocroe Ara ail, Va ; St. Lone Ar. mai, bloc acd Penio*Arseoal, U.J. The work le to be dme to the entire mtleMetloncl the odic., whe • tsl be app 3. nerd to mmuintend It; and payment will be paid In full for each Luz upon his werit‘hutta et leltmotian and receipt- Propcmde will mats the prim pietism for the shale operation; dreclibe In detail the ma'am, in weigh It I. pr polled to put 0,1 the band; the number they will bend per month; end the time which will be to to co the wrote work. The m.tbod and the time required - for doing the W.k.116 wall es the prim, old he Important e'omente in mnd.lering the bids and awe-ding In. contrast. No bids 1411 be oen.lderei from one puttee but mesh as an actually evoked In Um ms [athletes., of Dun end heavy machinery, and •ha amps the opin ion of this Department, fully prepared to ezieuto t be wort. In the caw, of pull. one Crown to this Ila penmen; evidence to the tors/dui; Moot must tonpany the propoial. Bond, witheatiesetory an - ediea, to the arimunt of fifty pet cant. of In. MI, will be remirrd for the MI. fillutant of the 001111 1 / 7 % and lb. Gmerament re. sweet the tight to reject any or all 111., If dreamt amanita:tory. Prop Rata iv II ba cal.enttd “Pr)porals for Banding 42 •P 3 Rnderr," ard trlll be rddrers: d to Brtradior o .m/P 3 D./111...y, Chief of Ordeal; e 3, Wel h. trottoz Chr. axo. D HAtIPAI, octrolitt Deg. Con., Chief of Os &Atm). PROPOS4I.B FOR HORSES. CAPAItia 1111111CAU, Crisco or, lan (Mum Qol.Blilltaarii, Weithlonten, C. C., Log. 16,1693. of:2=is Ire solicited and rill bo received et this h° furnishing of CAVALRY 11010E5, to be delivered It Plitsbargh, Pa., Philadelphia, Wash legion My, aymeasse. N. Y., or Indianapolis, Ind. rroposais will be cuculdered for the famishing of bailee In lots of not Mu than Mrenty.five (25). The harem to bo from fifteen (le) to maxima (16) hands high. timm Live (6) to nine (9) years chi, welt brogan to Ma saddle, compactly.bulit, gent flesh, and Imo from ail defects. Ihe ability of the bidder to foldll hit agree-maul must be guaranteed by neennesuilla persona, atone signatung sent be appareled to the guarantee. She reepansibilltyof the guarantors most henna by the official ontillcate of .the Oink of the unreel Linnet Goon, or the United fitatee Dletrfot &S -toney. Prwouls roust h. eddreseed t tient. Col. C. O. BAWTSSI,LIr, Md.( Q. , terrossrsr, Cavalry Doman, and to endorsed on the envelepo, Propeeals for Horses." C.Q. rAINTILLZI. - Mut. (JoL and at. Q. M. Cavalry Boma. anNart BOOTS .I.7rD SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES Perms wintlng anything in oor liar of boaloass, will and that they an 'aro Money by parchariag their BOOTS MID BUM M1!!!M WELL SELECTED STOCK, Comprising evorpthlng In the shspo of SE OEB, Mt* V. Iwo acalng at very low pow. Onantry merchants will awl It to that!' advantage to give cs a ohn. JO9. H. BOSLIND, odlo No. 99 hforkst 29 door from IStla .t. .BOCYII3 AND SHORS. GREAT HZDUOTIOti Lidice' Dn. Latt'g Oong. Colton $1 75 watt $1 50 es to .1 .1 150 41' 8 00 I. I. 111 II 111 1 25 to 115 All older goods telling vary low 7&98e R088.R9 Merkel stmt. NEW 0001)8.—Having just kotanied from the Vast, we bats now to store en ezten• elm enactment of mune and desirable BOOMS AND IiLIMO33A3 Adnte4 to tlwasatoo. andoanL D a Ebe I gup ß p O li OTS v ,iGALlTDltr3e a nd ragesMOM), M • slight advance II): amity at OW. ALBBXE, 808 A 00.14 bid 80. It. oat It Woad and lionrth do. G W. DABli i PilEzatual Maas, • at BILITHZLILD BTUS% Wilt sell cheat for cash 6:4 UNION 61:11T ifOlt oassumiL ALL %MD, 824 /UAL E %Awn sort. sr. inn of cloth slado In firths Mos; at . G. W. DASIro. Watt Poitthileid sans!.., WO. i WiIiTIMLAIWO.Uv—SbbIa A.ll to infra Sy Lip: Toe gas ' "SULU Nowtisop VOLUME LXXVI-NO, 283 OILS, ite. ►BADS a BRO., spa. Etude & Replied Petroleum, Benzin, co., WALNUT BT., runauncrutt. Bambara matrailtml to oaf are will met.. cv pmaptserional ottootion. Behr to Val= likhartion, Ilarlay i r• , Blake i Oa., and McClelland 4 Davie, fltaetwel ; Thai. Bmßh,Baa., Pmed. Bank 11. 164 B. L. ONOLor 400. Pk dela6o. eel 1) L. MILLER, Jx., .§.OEX2, %ZS IiPALRO2' 87., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE it 11,1011YPETROLEIIM on Comedadon ezdadvaly. AR charges ci mod featootblit rdat ' 8201311011 108 BRITITED In cool celltzt Pm 01.1JDI undaz good sheds. Mir Piorticolor odentloriptld to OIL P - OR PORT. Poo ea.—oevarro BODA;' BODA RR% t. ankly. CABOT PISMBERTON, 6EN11134i: BIEBOH 4111318B4BOATELS, 185 Barra Floar 6rmas, P.I3:M , tDULPLUA: Crude, wadi% elined Petyolesint, carom SODA, SODA 'ASS, Bunisron, DRAMA, OILS, Sc., itorerdors to boy or roll rrusaptly otteadod to. nal:1 ."" ALLEN a NEEDLES, PHILADEL.FEL3, Commission Merchants Particular attention paid to oonditimiellts CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM Sir Liberal advaricea made. mad HENRY ROE, No. n 1/01372 BROST &TOILET PHILADELPHIA, RIMER AND 0021111119SIGS lISBORLAT sit Crude and Refined Paroleum, LUBRIOATING OIL AND BERZOLE, 6.nd &Wet In emit. and Ilaned PETROLEUM BARBELS. na3:l3r B REWER., BUIiKE CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents at the GLOBE, Pe°MO LSD LIBERTY 011, WORE& ia" Mani each advances mdc oa cenaeeinmenta Refined or Crecils Petroleum. Con. Degtrupsi Wit ,urt, Irvreacz STtsirr. Prrraßur4 l ll, ?A. RON CITY OIL WORL3. L IDA I i t WORPENNING. , ! -..Ztanatictarery and Bazars of CARBON - bib, BILiZLHE AHD LEMlltittaLHO azusdnion iv • „, rif P PETBOLIIU6I. 4.41f*,!3. Ea S 1 DtD =Far, PxTrallIIMH. PA. WALES, WEI'24.OBE & 00., 00.1XLMIE3F3 FON 1)3_78:11=te13.432dTa. SHIPPERS OF PETROLEREI, laa NAMES LINZ, KEW YORK. azr Amps. facilliki fca BTOILAAL AND @M. PING. at their Teed end whirl. It= Hoeg myti4tt I4N need not be embarrassed enferoemant of the Belk 0 when they can have their Oil barreled mad= trletont teething the City Wham., u cheep, mots prompt, .Ith lees riek, lees trouble and in better order, at rinrs OIL YARD, On the AlNihau, Vacs Halllama. above laanace• villa where Cal la staarsod tram the bonle direct to the care, saa k Uji r i to an d irant, Last or Wart, without ans ar rosS All anima promp attan to. @Oros at Lard. on Mauna Pactongcr H. 11. Post Oak* addreaa, HOE bO2 Pittsburgh ;or I can be .on da.117 as the 011 Dzaltange. apt 2 DAVID KIRK. RICHARDSON, HARIANY A CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, CRUDE 41, RRYINEI) PICTEOIABIR:1, 8e.19 MAIN 87BSZT, Prnairacia. La - Liberal cu ADTAWCII2I on ocgzigeozents tor Pittsburgh oz Lista= LSarba. . ftM!lil=l2ll Idegorra..l. B. Duman= & 0o.; 6PIIIIIIEII Ilanaatom, ma. Tho 1 mson 8i3.1, Lag.. rzlet Clmistarcial et. m. 1113: ROBERT ABLIWORTti, Ho. 1 BT. 0L,1113 MIXT, Forwarding & Commisidan Merchant ititD DRUM IN OIL& mar ILLDMIHATIAO , LUBHIOATINO, OftUDD PETROLICIIII OILS, in, coutazdly on land 'and tor Lb Ow lowest =Aft Woo& 06soinoccanl um monis soutortuo. seltenk WOODVILLE OIL ERFINERY, OSOBQB A. HOL4I3HIP & Co, NANI7M7IIIIIIBII , OP 8U8.211110 OIL eziommucerruci eanstanS4 on band tke very boat quality of BB OIL. dear end withoutolar, %bah • gunk LIIBI M OATOB. pnt MUT! 811142,01.10 and OAS BREA iltirkilordwe left at Ira. 65 Stem: Braine, Bank Bleek. aend Eoar, will be ptetnylly attended to. wapiti DIAMOND OIL WOMEN. H•raoa • BLEITA AliO-DILLI4II9 I 9 OALiBOII Unatepannil by iny In Ike one tel. OTOrlort 1111 at flit, oftea l No. 41 Mrs= BTRIX4 or at tiatr mat to Littmanltla prumptly attended to. B ffLO.S ON CRUDE OIL. LIIOENT QIL W 013.103. DOBA&I. a aa. Ilaarilutzrani Mtn Wain Bu/BED O=lOEl Qua. 034, 80.til,La4g4 strosis o:r3,liM. ado VITMESITBOR. R P. HILANDS, .00111038tOt MSBC A, 0817M11 - um= 01114 SLAT MUM LWIDUn, Breves , act., 111111•0111esin PYBUT IlLoCClE.fronthA Wbstf. Pittear.b. P.. - 411,1Y1N, Esardicivavr 0 • •orr.olfvara6l 4 ortembittia - John , &VW* 1115-11 , 1 : Eir,B!!•ildi4"-,_°174110 0LL14 , 4c. R pnnarcidat COMIIIOBIOII ESAMAR7I Ana Tutors In ra ?BOP eu.,3 rgiVJLALIi £N] piV - 440 Irma. 1b,44.743 f R ►CAh7 11:;71 - , - 17.-A K zzogrst OTh E ',raiz OMil'L iYaci`44,t,. __ AY. Aaszt, 0 .4 ga¢l rarest. i• 4 9, „ rr,•St CV.Trfaft - 1 ALita,Msk; 4. VULT OV.V.fiEfOri r=53211 CRUDBaBIiFIELED PETROLEUM, 1 :13PM1111 4 6 D LErIII,IICATI2iO 0:L13, • M. 131 SOUTH WHARVES, Car AzrplelsailLles fat rxtrace shlrphq Rti laq Bubayltall Elver. Welt Prilla2ciptir. .osity MOMMI.O/4 . & - aNDEIL, orL iwoirkEzts, 211 and 213 enntli :Water gt, sEireoxrdgamenta kelldtcd. . . Lroor O C 11131117.83110. /KZ My Oil Works. Jams Punks, J. Painter Sea Jso. B Orator..., Cps;; Chalfant d Co. httltd. - MOE lINIEL • • ILMI/211 COATS. pIiTHOLITE OIL WOIOIS, mores MOM WHIM CLIMES ozx, IWWWW.I A. 219 IWTZOLEVIE =mos= CM etrttlit7 two t2lolllita ttt sr t. RBEBB d QILAIP, Prop.. ietora. acr 052 P, kronarip bela ramie, Pittibmsh. za.116 Lira IIItaILXV2. , , yIiDEVINITY AGAINST LOSS y TlES—ruitraut slut muitAtiet 00:it • PINY 02 PIiILAIMLPIILI. ence, 1.55 olLei tit Cheaszni Wan, asar sfatemeat of doosta, January loh, oltsCol agreeably to no net of Maembty, toing— riot Etortgan-rn, sapty eacoro4L--.--51,,!,E6,US Best Mato, Weal rd. SOUSA.; i) cost 102,5.2, Temporary D,too JO (Wats, (resent Tatra seeocr u)=., PO.Tao CO /Notes =I Bills LEN 3) Club O1:512 CO V...EOS,Gn ta .INIr me clay profits trom . Ereratr:sa ‘ :41a Oomirsay can 41.1vido = ats risms wax! WITS bsea daterinkaa. - Itunaranoe credo on anti dastr:Dtion of procerty In torn "d cmar/r rats; imc as aro =elated with scantily. Since their incotparatkna. a rcricai of thirty year a they haw rahl 'team by tiro to td aracrent tacrandit g Your Ariallfig of Do s, thereby atlccifag asitia--ce of the adianort Inntnance, 0.-1 ' , rob thoir aill!. aad tion to =eel rltit an.,:asentaa liabilities. aito ket: Casing ths yxr,r,), Charlet. N. Dvi.v.koz, lottee 72-A )lord al D. Looris, Jacob Bz. Tobisa Wagn% fda,rd C. Dole, David B. Brush, Deo. W. Die,..nts. &smut] Ora t., Geor-g. e 081LD1.X.3 N. DAD CE Ds, Proillor. EDWARD U. DAL, l'rert[mr. We, A. Dram., accrete/Pr Dryag teos. J. OADDI ewe 00. N co ord:mass CO r.,Wood & rairß aft, lußhat. "4110.1 V I UN or PiTTSzww a.t . T Jr., Prerldiar. ' Cl• M. GOBDON, Sonata y. Orloe, Ao. tit Water intreet, Spans 00.1 W ore Wittup stairs, Mai:mu - db. Will Oman agarret all Made of 800 cod Maria Bantu. d Homo Inotitolios, main:vat tif Tdredurr trio are Gnat Inseam to the oatnnuardig, and mac are de-cr ests:Kt, tor prompeetee