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':'- . :i;' . ......iir' . ;':.'.: -. 4 .0 •:, . },... ;5... ... .r a „ ‘.: ;7-r- a -I.,s azt& i I. • 7 11 17 tra.PATX9RN . io,issa. '0127; , 14714.1.115. c" , on s uraz iirza OP roe on". • , • , , Coast riOullediutite Tidy titurasi the following Sims . MOM" glum= aranw c ifbiagno l i ; heeyhts • hardy • Cow..;vi;Xobii sunshangb, John Wel% - a:r. - AdallareEttitaroJohtt N•waryer eat Thum ,Wllllmas Itroderhaugh sad odium; asgebatest suA battier/. ..MOOO.:.VO.Colirsti..l9hatg essault and !Mt. ,Atry witlitatnt le UmWti Irmo: • .. , .s4 , oou'ise Entry and Emma Rashid ; as ,lcisitt Idesy.Aadmit i lls Ward; selling Aeon, at. - ' U , 240/22. , ft. Bazah MoLtushils, 6th Wstrd; • z lellhisliquars, att." • Hasta iOay HaElisus, , eat Waal lacing • • ..shms.vismarigarat Ratty, Wird; Tithwolls 4/ 1 * John wasp— ; tato:dons Montt Ind • lloat;Viiahlut,:leleErlda j lelortious sunlit C , 1 11:1:1 11 1Owisseassi 40 for asia ' ult and bit , • gym. KattO I Con. vs . Albert Whitehall. sad. Wm, Weltllild; Com. Si. lfinhasil nollarzrow Co= vs. luau Hu. tin's; Vasa. us. Jatua Kant; Cam. vs. Hurry r:tPlin; Cont ., no.'Mut, Atollointld; Own. is. • 4 '. 4 MainuU Inman • Cons.'ss: Healy T. Prim ; Je1at7.24851de...• The fsuowjna Mill wire Ignoied t;:m Our...r.,•adfsed: esdrier"mlealout assault L•keit battory,llem.vm St= Dannldsozip Hassey „Donaldson, Jao.-HoCuthy, Hash Darning; L'Aiiintia*spho:imiktot:o7. am: c Donaldson. Hussy Donald sow, Hush 'DirmituS; lareau,S. .s. - 001E-„es, .Witt: Batople, Chu. Taylors WM. nl ll l o l l 344l47u; ' Attiltolt3l,lkeuly., ltobta:Palicsr, Raba, W. Quay stedli gambling, At. n . 'NOV Chasi Etn, Mirth • Censer, likautal Carty; loony: Coto. vs',l:iste - WHay; lacosay. XS' thsocitOof ths-Cam. vs. Jas. Eallly and _lac. Rattly (two ante boys) - tor zasueloui aoLahtst is tarowbs dirt tom a inalghbat'a ,apriug, the jury, mitered • sardlot of not 0111:024 mkt Ponca= sod difaadant nob psi - halt Meioses. _ dense Weft COM. , Tai Mary !oa aatt l34 ill./totfir CI* 111 :8 woman) for. ` -- •tway ef4 isn't pis; undasselothu, ate, the deicadists lentarais dawn. Inthelaau of Ms Cool. vit. Haar: Trout sad- Ike Otat,no. Jahn Trout and Saari Trout foraggraretad Anstalt ud bottom the '-jetry nftntadaivardlat of not ditilty—tb• ,tendsati.sadproisoutor in Hob cub to.pay eas•hati the onto. . 2 the ease or the Com. vs. Yohn Moors for feint battary, . th. Jpry mined .6 ow. „dist ormotoility.. • . • Tin taro Wahl, ram. VI. Goo. W. Eichorn, ~for.asmalt and battery (throwtaisassiakstild ai Dr. , Vsau) was Jury. sat. Statop.,flophlar. .„ 41/poss the enemata ot these -hexing Altai litho dleonislat apolittoelitalucaola ,_Wastlevs, in thelz,'Aillylene espiets—em novella' ve ~ hlet , the ,imatten*ntsltleattase 'oru _ • thelobjtel s ightniih and Bute cent .bifoteOpetalltedi And - the „taloa phase et ' ' thiMitter new element in Walt litrodated by the very men slsoti. ,„ . . mkt senelline en the robjeto. ,ItesGoOtAent &Ora( bak b, il lsbepEop. AloiliLlitalekid, with , ids assent sad ap.' • 1neva1,,..4s s. tree. • We editors'as reqtared to pry* so the.reminders of their. r iiidere it tesiotten feels, then/ le oneelselt- AO% Onioinment et• Ina/op napkins each Are, ban DOLS.; The State of West= ltirenle le de facto withoit 0,8 (shop, thoiyh the DIA. .op - of-Vaititli, 'Di., Johns. Agate. jetialfr; Aro.. Amiga fit„the •Spleeepa. dap is the ,norpntikile atrespandente slut Dr. Johns, - desired Alm to deeldasts some poteral- The aced petform - the Epleoopil data to whisk Its Bishop et Ybitels einnot sow ,iettand. Draslate, onever,entolos them by all =sum. it.they all on any .nerthem prelate, be bUtba Illahey Hopkins ' And we dotat Dot, it env of the Iltigstiog Data chinas of Weelaiklrlegltde sera to mite togs& Dales,, tententleg vent Oleo. I. D. mould rs tat than- to the immortal 'aelteesinitittd committairholtemr etas& out'althoP Gino bloc. II they tesael $ Jed/mho/ImM kill! lo".litilte Invariant.' These deatlsmon would nindouter Isterand Gospel star the most ey- Eratelltithmend:pmeedents , end reedlads. Dot tastier ma be ,Remisylvsals dada nth Ineshaslaralldlon",and WIWI, crumb en lidhAnitgOfir, 'GE th..apipitlis toads= et la a vinties withal on T ards; asset meek will bi derided aslant- Lally in ths negathe. Important Dlsp eteb, • TolroPtileolairitai wen IOW! ea lest Sanitary Oonualttes • , -r• • • '-Loesselthe, Ook 9, 1893. r. , 2lx•maled - DirPartinsat bee obtateed Tall Dumber, et Assirgeerot - oteded for th e 'pre ode ; ~ • =Or or ear eirolsi t iti»d:aeli Pained, stalteil-et Zroslislo• est. Tb•Y Mn o thkrty..also wagon lea our atom. bathed by the rebels. • ; •-•" . . lkinrinicr;„ DeriererY'OlVielftl i t .thitillerySothesisthre TrOullt-0 1- PUtilant. , -‘ e : LI*6111, thee* dantatergi Sall; ' Airy Cpissoltteemontd erltlidrese the. au re• deaf" mid. tor sargeoss, aid Troulturgantly' wealth the :gexerosta ssillmor of thle city sustot. Welters Yeassylethle for doballosts ci hospital *MPS osit/ 9 9 4 .- • • =Brudotaxab - s,etyyllat tor. the - wands& tihbprompteeeitoyotntejlß ChlWaoose, where **groat/tit and *MAW the • Sinitic Cammlroton.otsoatoe.,laearrthe Eitel risk of lose by septet! the, the aonththasthildes, oer,power le alsoply.to. re: lEs l / 411 . 4 •0 10 1 190- 1: - Isy , lartheyeentrthistioas. Diablitbsiothenpuitiontaa an oxtails* `eesSeto ezpeete4 - ;-w,, sOreedy to .pniress • throesbantliatensey*oilffirll ma ems ilk& Ike rimletlsok:rspau directly_ to an, ;Worths*, vorielesi. DNA:ale to• senses Xerox sea meth ferithra bj We PO! ~T4r/CO3adtlo7,o2FWl4lo, net.to this. :sitenteorlyasat • Any 491stlebsbel ieweeses, li.A.No. SO:Roaltir attest.; viii biteellthOYOnirt/# • ' ELLD:II CP .&181.TDZ1T.--/h.4 Li tie • at; rsw Lout by him Haas, %load, which lasiast boom published by Nana. Po trim /Waters, cf Pldledolphle, from - thus s wiewoextpt wed edrasul psootalssols pus tatiApd. frowtho eutt.er, so that It -appears hate sdillt wools helots the eoesplatiou or WI r adigAtipslok Collsoru'e Now Monthly Zags.' Alll4 L 0100A-1141ml it Au - beim pitittaing for Newly We, railPsl t, and duziriall the alas 'stalling snoit Intones Latest. 18941Maers4ans ollu dupla. or shillelty; -worm narretiosand sfLodiely Ike khsd still es cfsiettow, Witte blzbly•wranght I:fd dams eektna tt granite, ea vs Ors let zeds, totis• Rainiest Iblidostbsott Ad . . souls amend the no hest of kles. • Wend's stow, tf, Indeed; pi was Trip glig, It CM ' tot ishael obsoluto pff-tbibmai• We wino{ doubt that within A fry days Ito .a 11111.01471) end Inoldeats vUr /VD become fosarllor kkall Grin naTsl•nead g Oiled ly sad tam d ;Mg et. wean, winter it be dhscustlud t eod IS thillosso Attain. a, pa apiti` sAsof to that..o,' . Eset bas.", .41"Abliway :Edified," In dos largo Tabus* 1:4 narsturna•iltlaa is 512th, end ' aa lallt o6 in two Tolman, anteabilibed. lor do b$ iltsatsaboy; a mos 819pctsn douuoter,:puillig a Vollaadly• kosiuuestfew Youoptoira. Ohio' a few stop odto, two 'btuthors theist'', Qatari &Z. 4 -p i rrialarpfliti, ;IA Csuisdst. wits 2, 9 nito bilks r imm guain, el* get. TW ugt gist one of the son to nttrily ticontect,wllll,:tti• heed of 'deaths: mu=Fwibd..2ll,,,arla of tko forma ' wr alfaked siboreikal alas may . 40 0 04 O r r' enlialtalbra c ft by the Tkia ainligikaar 0.44 bobs thus alp. -tistairit..rulobatimpOilblAtor 014 JialFilirCir 4. 1 dedr if• y lot, opMelpe la lama& SeWitehip, Lasalle: 'era I t ea as Ina et tfratepallild, ' lad Ass saltine Wm bawd fraa: Aka Inilailliblibbs dai d Mad % 2,77,e;T:f e 910 ••-•--azga . , - • - • ' ' ;=E=M==! _ UalaaHllObi at WlHrlaal Hall A large and enthuslulle maize get held at Watts' Hail Lat. night. Hca. Thomas M. Hews meta as - Padditat; J. H. Bann and Thelma Steel, u Wee Presidents. Rutlknot and tel speeches ware roads by Judge Sharyscd, of Tow; Gen. aim. Lane, of Series, and Su. Banda, of Whooasin. Jody M. W. Debbi, mourtly appointed to a Jadolfp fn Ratuu, wan Introdneed sad madeafawrsmarks. gestated that he had been. • Llfedoag tatlmato and unidennal blend of .Pnesldult Lincoln. Prom this on,. Ade:alai and Intimate acqualstanoCke wu settsked that no one wasnathadesd to speak foe Nr. Muth on any of the polltical luau of the day. Willett. Proaldint wu absorbed in the ixdocras doll*. of netosteg the coun try, It did arum to Judge D. iu an aot f fa- Amain for any one to attempt to • for Wm on the outside questions of the • . - No one knew Uttar how and when to apes than Re.Littooln, and when he had anythin tosay he:would speak for himself, and the • opts wonldoto doubt, sustain him. Gen. 81gel at Conon Hall: Canard Sall wu dual, monied Int even ing, by our thiamin aligns, who were an:- ions to see Maier Goneral 8101, and bus him Manus the questions of the day, In their own langage. The seats had been ismorod from the bell, and the dons were thrown open for. all who ohm to eater. Tim hell was soon KW up. Thus wen quite a number of is dies prone, for whom seats were fornlehed on the gallery. The meeting was orgailsed by the appointment of the following odious: Truidenb—llsB. .T. Enda. Via Pratt dents—OWN 80.% Tiler Boibreksr, J. Portia, J. G. Mohan. B. PI J. Gang,hob. Cum Gang, Haw Ansokats, Mohan Wightly, Jr. flametariaa—Adol phu asumait and Blermvad Loow.! General Ellgel was tiara introdnaid by the President. and wu tad with great =Ma slum. U. daßnrsd a vary langthy speak, width wag well mweirad by this &odium Tha Gaunt MD eh, olty last Idea, at zakbagh*lor . 11rla, wham ha will speak to *toadaJhswW whit Clivsland, and address the althea' ot, that place. areas= .Arrant Dating th• Oa head convention at Indiana, Pa., on Tags. day lest, a shoemaker named Mamas,. • violent Copperhead, annelid with a 1/nien men namad 'Stacks], and galled Mm • very hard name, whit:mon ha wasknookad down. Masan them draw a halls and dabbed 8 mobil In the abdoam, for which hol was as rested and lodged In TwaJoungrown Exonsaion.—The marlin torJelinstoson, to-day, bide fair to nail, In point of numbers, the Isis 'mid" Into West moreland aunty, The dolmas, will mast this mooning, at Wllkln's Ball, at half past smn o'clock', and marsh Ina body to the depot. The train w g leave the station at eight ceolook ipreelsely. Tickets eon h ob tained at he hall. Burns ro Gam. than.—The Mends of thin.lgel gars Mot a nr.mplhnentary supper' hot tight, at the Atheneum on Mug street. About a hundred parsons were present, and passed the time very pleasantly until neat one **ninth, shalt the email thlt,to tate the train _going West. The Gauesal pas to Olmland and Eris. Thu PICRIIIIALI.Nt. J. W. Pitted, Pitch strs4o4 opposite tba Post.esss, has riesited Fmk Zatil INCA, 1/la6arsd ,N.ies, ta rtars wick all the latint Massa papers sad parladhads. Indeed. -Plitosh isale "a to Sim," sad his aastaims can ohm fad She latest oh his stasis. • --, las Gaper was podaned U podOrtrle, at the theattedest evester—the are Wrier add- InElnaoh to the eifiottneuese of the Walla. There ern a tarp eadleaos pommy aid avvrry 'eve seemed vet pleased. .The pars viii be produced spin this sesaleg. Jon Burs, an aged et than of Idneasiare fell down on the steed, opposite Ida midst* on Thursday Lash In al4 a spop/Ixy. Se was alsty-Ive:ysars of op, ai d had First= only wajoyed pod-hasith., Boma PLluer of IMAM. also 81/1E Flags do t. Brgiscitrist PittGkg Pug An r' n tuto, opposite Paddies:, Pitmen= Auan,it ?Most's. opportte Potato. Poczif ItonmsiotPittoors, opposib Post eta. POCKS? lErrnis ix, Wauxra, at Pittoare appulta Postal:Loa SPISCIAL 'LOCAL NOTICAN Gum AID Ilaxia's thaxn Unarm% fca family and ciarafacitadag parpom, an pa Ent to ass. A. 7. Canon; Gomm Agemt. !re. /8. Fifth Anat. Tames PAIGIT, item am 011111111411:111 Mato Roder, ra3 dialer is Peaaalverle and Ver. met elate of the bat quilt/ at low rats& Mace It Alm sea the Water Weeks. Plttstrearlyre. &JAM Yves german sum she Zert,—The on dergpod wed mos respeettally cog gm at of that: hirods.aad she pabgela Goa. erg, to Utak NOMA Winter stook of Goods. They oongst of all gut ma Wed sqlse of . Cloths, Cathl2ol‘ll sad Veglese, Snags!. Es. Moto Bums, 'Woe Pilot Cloth d One. maw. Alm a Imp and spostmeat o s f a hank Chlitoblle Overeatlmpr of the yea Wet ag of width Is selected tram the latest ImportstforMiand trig be ends la the most futdotalde manna Mid et Mee bre:raw any otha umseduat tailoring establhhmtat :la the dip emus en early sell. - • j • BEIM Gnus & Co., Nettlast Talks, No, 64 Maskat st. ffestom. Gamut. : eae. XOCAXDMIL , Nos ALL awn Wtrrn Waai.— The sum. =sr ls part' sad by the niondny's frost, ors - login to apprehend, that fill and winter will be shortly epos as and we Anse provide o ar , selves with she material to imp so comforta ble. A aloe tudl or • good ondwoll loveroost are • the very. Wag, and vs do: not irnow . of any plan where oar zsaderi would salt timserm Warr ttaa at iissars. W. IL Neese A Co.'s olothlag estaidishinent, corner 'of P.dsral street and Diamond keen, Alle gheny. - They Imre also !waived a oomphde assartmant of groltlemwe's famishing goods. Ind a greet vir-V of new pitons for waist testing, - Pdasnernearnourromp4l4l.3aaariyi, Pastor '.llzot Prat/togas Morro, Oruro, N. .T.:litas t 0, 1 ban used Mu. 8. A. Al. lon'o triclinium= at ;World's Ear Dress ing withArorz grad bawds In sng fandly. daasudag andhaling propordummor ing_dandmg, and drug tba. tudr a natural and hidttr, toneand oattnaolidarpau thine it any nronaration known tome." Bold b./Drag:lM armwhare. Dapot,l93 Ciroonvioli Mari Now York. ads gamma AID Itsidr rod ELeas—Thu layassortaid of Ndl sad Mato Okada', Maly readrod by Nam. Jobs Weld A' Mordant Tailors No. 116 Wand stria: allogliany. . The ' stook of clothing atadds d the lass% varlsw of. pats' pantaloon', vati, add sad derents. Tbi Mho of pst. tans us tddtdd and &aid:able. W. would` UAW all 91 au Todd= to 8l» th• On* Tit lumen of wir 'east be fresUy Wilts lial-by-that sereetlgo remedy. liallowey's t:tletteent, lilt will we tteyweend, hammy tiak . desperate, Li it be wall 'rubbed monad t vouttiled petty sad they mil be *opt Ili • , rottgbly corked with it. A 'pot *rota t 411001 be in awry anies knspiteek, , OW Sheeny per pet , . "23r. WATCEIS, :avian; ika—J. M. liabaria, No. IT nth limit, Li no, opening Ina moot elate intik of *4 Bell mid Mira Wotan, /aviary, BUY vire and jraZiru Goads or laLipla lid In Mar city, mut Is thin at • be• OPME: 11 aid taniati eats will dikes is Ilia Omnilru c 2 s, , No. 416 Pain dal inCOL_ All mem lei at Ms above pm b• promptty Um dad I. All =IL man to paJA is &trams., • • lotrz votulos, foss Golian. 7=r dollAri4 2 l l dollar. Data Itititotit, Data lastlta L. Sal *if VoittLtim tea cally pro woblai Wk. no molt= woilik:r GoanirDiatiMS so mos nessfiefelsil 1 1111 1 11 , 1 .. 1,(Ill.N111.1146-;;:ii,ar.,., • Ri.l% oLsisa Judto LootieridillHie Wilt of Ha boas Comas. •-, neahrligisiOtTlidit!m*titti cue of tar, McLain, la Which be Claimed the right nadir a writ of 'Wear wpm, •to die charge a soldier and prisoner in custody of the United States, is so fall of mischief, and it written in suoit a spirit of .Jambinism, demegommirm, and partinninn, that I am as:giddied it has attracted so little attention. In this spirit he bas overruled the Strpmune Court of Idiehigan and overdone the authority of the Supreme Court of the United States In the case of Ableman va4llootb,2l. How. Rep.' 506. So math was to be cipectid from the mum and the circumstances. Raving desert lid the Whigs beoanse they bad no dice ad squats to his ambition, he is now In the midst at a revolution making a renewal of a Allan rears' lease of °floe, by pandering to a party, wrath requiru him to go to the verge of mini ma. Us who drove Judge Bleak from the Bench by his supacilkmenns and Eatable atm, and of whom that dietisqulshed Judge Imo said "he woad eacriflee the greatest s tate in the commonwealth on a trensoonden-- abstmetive—who, 'like a madman with gro brand In tend, fora some of years, has nut as much through the law, firing, opium ing, and confusing everything in his raid, I, the proper man for the times and the work. With the decision of Judge Lowrie, follow. ing the bloody anti-draft mobs of New lath, and a similar &akin by ajuddeial rumen dative cities keepers of seventy-gee thousand prostitutes and thirty-five thousand profes sional thieve_ j s made to a similar spirit in the eannicity. With Goy. 881111091" incitfag to Mallon; sada host of petty sate judges—one of whom, Judge Crow, of Fayette, now ander indictment In the Distdot Court of the United BMWs, for pernading soldiers to desert under a promise to din:Marge them under habeas corpse—aidieg Judge Lowrie In depleting the army. Tuft Prarilent hes been compelled to choose between suthending the writ of ha beas corpus, and sufficing them to disown be the army, disrupt the Union, and destroy the republic. Be has prevented them from achieving the renown it the incendiary of the Temple of Ephesus. In the ease of Able's= "IL Booth, Booth hadteen arrested for aiding In the ru one o a fugitive slave, from thicestody of a maraud a the liana State.. Be woo dig it/tannin under habeas corpus, by a Bute Judge of WlSecants. Be was afterwards billeted and convicted in the District Coat of Um Untied Stater, and was agaln &shard un der halms corpse by the State eonrts. Both cases 'were taken op to the amnia Court of the United Bonn, aid Its lineaments opinion was dithered by Jodie Taney, ramming the proessiings In both meas. In • case before Judge LoWrie, the U.S. Provo Marshal, in answer to the ham. car pet, returned that he held Maisie under the &intuit, of the baited Matas, be being • draftee soldier and deserter. -ledge Lowrie decided the return to be InsnEclent, and en tered a rule on the Marshal to show onus why an attachment should not Lea against him. Before the return day of the rais, the Peen dent had suspended the writ of Saes. ear. put, and Judie Lowrie, instead of dinharg ing the nth, continued the Cu. natll alter in. election. cone until time had *lapsed long enough to enable him to anertaln the resat. What he will do, depends upon the returns of that election. In swoommodating his Jadiciatidiest to the mime, of the times and his personal in terests, he has everratid4 decision of the So dom. Court of Michigan, in three short ten tenets, bat overborne the judgment of the Supreme Court of the United Stotts, with the Rotational eta buffalo bull breaking through a cobweb. That Jadgmat, he says, "decides only that a prisoner cannot Mt taken out of the faditial iftpargatat tithe federal Govan. men, by moans of a lame =rpm lined by a Mate own." and if the CAM! Justin meant to decide more, all bond is °biter ditto', and no authority to estrum the balfatenlan legal acquirements of his boner. The Beptetne Court placed its judgement on no sub aarrow grenna, The Constitsulth cf the United Seen etnapilled them to put Ron the ground that the Government of the Uni ted States woe a uparam, distinct sovemign jy, within the limit prescribed to it by the Coastitation. That within thole limits Jihad the right, through it, owl emu% to enforce that aothreiguty, sad no State. Jodge, or Coale, botra right to interfere. That though the State end General Governments covered the same territory, yet the State Governments had no more authority to enforce He process within the sovereignty of the United States, than one State had to send and enforce its proems within another independent State co unpying • distinct and separate territory. And la order to pronto. a *eaglet of jeriadie lion and oonsequat violence and bloodshed proving out el attempts of the Stateautheri ties to interfere, is Jails, - Lowrie his done, the framers of the Constitution f the United States conferred on the General Government, the right CO enforce its Owe Goths*, by its ram Jaya without Interference by the Sutter. In topporkof these petitions the following palmy* front .the opinion of Chief Justice Taney are cited: "It wee felt by the statesmen who framed the Canatitotion, that it was necessary that many of Medea' of sovereignty, whisk the States th an pour:sod, should - be ended to the Genthal Government, end that in the sphere of notion emigead to it, it should be norms and strong =Gogh to execute its own lave by ill ems Athena* without interruption from • State or Statisathoritta." Here ts no moth distinstionas Judy Lowrie has:Med out. It's the Cenral Goesrumant, not thejadirtel drFarmina, which b imprint& Its court are Its agents to safer, its laws • thout the aid or hostile interforesa of State Jadgu. And in giving It. ream' lot the otistrta of this supremacy of the General Goiertment, thus ilelatad by the Seats of Wlrtoasth„ the Samna Coon said nothing obiteretrese. It satiated ths rights of the Cenral Covinrant on the grounds upon which the Coostitotha compelled It to pot them. It split no heir in order to defeat the Claim of the State of Wiscionsiu. It ',poke not for the "Jadiolel department," but for the goarnmor.t of which tho 000 rt was the legal npreatintellese la this behalf drain, ay. the Court: "Ho Bate= authorise one of It Joao, or Courts to exeralsiijudiolal power. by hobos corpse, or otherwise, within the Jartsdiedon of another and lndepaident gortinimaak And although the State of Wistoodu is ter imlgu within Its territorial limits to a certain extant, yitt that a ortuillguty is limited and r•• striated by the Conatitatfon of the United Mates. Aid the powers of the Clitoral Oa. ernmint and of thefitate, ailbecgh bothigirt lad are umbel within the arts titillate' Malts, are jet separate and distinct saver. dip:ties, acting mantel/and Independently of each other within their nspactioe oplients And the sphere of stollen appreprifitod to the trolled Busse is as far her mod the leash If thajtalitiet proom Ward by a Statajudge or &hate Court, es if this fiat, eJ droisios was traced by /ad wake cod swaserses &shoe's.' flaying thus laid down the ginoral prinel• pies of the ate the Court proceeds to state the =ode of th.lr °wallah II nji t • sir* do not quition the authority of a Brats Quit, or Judge, who is authorised by the laws of the bate, to Isla the writ of ha kes corpus—to WWI It litany ass whore ths party 1, loptioned within Its territorial proildiad it does net appear when the op • Dilation is mode, that the portal imprisoned la la custody ear lie oriioriq claw Vatted delta. The Court, or Jude, nu a right to loutilso in this motto of prtxseding, far what awe, and by what authority the prisoner ft aoudad within the limits of the State sotto. Myst,. Ani It /I the ditty of the sarthel, ch other Parson, haring tho muted, of the cironer, to mkt, known to the Cou rt er adge, by a proper retort, the authority by widish he holds bin in custody. This right to inquire by proms of Latins corpse, and the daily of the QC. sr to toile Use rectum, grow necessully oat of the complex character of our Orternment, and the existence of two distinct aid 'operate theertlgntias within the same territorial spas, each of them rertstred Its powm and oa th within the sphere of salon oresoriiied by the Constitution of the United S tot% indapsuditat of the other. Hot after the return is made, and the State Court or Judge is Judicially apprised that the parry Is la custody wader do orkwity o/ oh. Maud &Iraq; thioy an proceed ao farther. They then know that the pr ioner is within the do. ndalon and larisdtation of mother Governs meat, and that nobler (ha writ of habeas roc. pop, nor ray other roma Lind otzda Math authority, mot pow over die /L. a/ ctitirtott bo. Iris as trOormvt'paiin. , Hs Is tlorm uithen thr dominion and ezalatirsjorlritoolon of the Bolted Btatti. If be Itu co modttad as amps roles t thair lair, Chair tribsnahr &ono ma pomith not. It ha Is wrongfully Imprlsoartl, thrti j atrial trikostrir ems name Whim! il• WI ham :Lbw. Aid Olthoush, Or OM ham add,_lt Is tits Ott, thtoßmrshal or attic pm. pa* Miltag am, to amtvixtrriFty a vow ri r2 VN II "IA ki 4:44 Marin le at the use One, blieratbely tiL ditty to obey the preens of Hi/ United Mau, to hold the prisoner to custody tinder it, end burns *bedtimes to the mandate or mean of any other government. Andeonsequently it Is his dab not to take the prisoner, nor. to under bid' to be taken before • State judge or curt, upon a banatempre bust under State authority. No Bute judge or code, after they are jedletally infellnett depar t, n impinged ender the oubcrity of be Uoi 1 dßlota, Wu any tigh t to Interfere with him, or require him to brought be. fore them. And if the authority of a State, In the form of jadictal process or ethylene daub attempt I. control the Marshal or odd. or outiorind gra of the trailed States, In any raped, in the custody of the prisoner, it would be his duty to resent it, and to call to his aid any fares that may be necessary to maintain the authority of law against illegal interference. life bdidal process, whatever form it may assarne,,ue bum up layiel on. amity Demi& of the nab of tiglariedictioe of tb. more or hap by gime is named, and say attempt to enforce It, beyond those bounda ries, Is trotting lees than lawlesiyielenee.." 'Restating the leading points ; bled by the Comyt—that the Mall government Le rub dependent sovereignly wields the Igoe pre. scribed to it—that it is within that spree as far beyond the nub of the Polhill precut' of • State, as U it were • separate distinct terri tory, over whore lines no State prams dare intrude—thatit should be strong enough ' to execute' ifs owe laws by its owe nibeatile,let miring ledge Lowrie'. principles and pree. ticce to the test of the prlnelpiu enutidated above. The defendant to the Abician and Huth ease wee in the euttody State.' Marshal. So was MaLslit. Booth was held ceder a warrant of • District Judge of the I Mated States. Dielmie was. in cutody of the marshal al • drafted Unit* states Nolan. aide 'deserter from the army of the Calted states. - The one in the Jeanie!, the other in the military Winch tithe Executive Depart mut. %he one au imprisontd by the ladle Yid and the other by the Rat Department. Judge Lowrie admits that the Ablemun ease decides theta prisoner mut be takes out of the Judialal Department of the /federal Gov unnuoit. How dun he under the principles above stated, to • prisoner out efits sun tire or war - department? He win biletaity Informed that flelitin was a soldier, drafted under a law of Congrut, and a dam n — Yearly and distinctly within the sovereignty of the United States. How dare he moss the lines or Its suicides territorial Limits, with 'his writ of Übea■ tempoo, and dreg the soldier oat of the army ? He hes one way only to ex plain.. He was rimming the Copperhead ma chine fat the bandit of his party, himself and the rebels. Probably no ton who intrarcuplad a ju dicial station ham penned ISOil ttltlitUflpl2o4 maul of eublimated, triziondintil, boom, mibeasible aonsenna, or beirmade mob than• doting, scenarios "tea strikes" b the body of the law. Charity might therefore Impute his vagaries to intellectual perversity, If It ware not for the earanarb of intentional wrong peering out through this opinion. In professleg to anelym_the Judgment of the Sopranos Court a Midigen.lte quotas that part la which the Jodie said, "Mae vu enough in the ease to 111011 that the mounts. abuzz ia good feed obi= to hold the pastor under Pad(rol rierharify—that the authority Is not a more retest, but that the commis. stoner aim the authorities seder whom be men, an basally eadeavaria! to carry Into 'at the mitts...mato of the act of Congress of lan, and of the Federal Executive, In a matter vital to the safety of the union." And hare is Judge Lowrie's answers "flee again, I must confess my Inability to lin guini bow...the cauetuslon follows from dm pmaihtsi. Tim aiocnicy of the acts of the 'ed ema alone dogs notweas to promo sle eras give jerisdietos of the Mend courts." Did oenung dsmagoguelim on the stamp, ever stoop so Jowl The &aim of exaltutre Judo- Mates by the rodent courts nets upon the party beteg bald weer Marl auslority. do said the Michigan Judge. But blouse he aided that the claim wee b good filth—the want of which is fetal to every plea---Jedge Lowrie cannot be that Om eirionity of Use of. Ilene give Um men esciasive. Jorisdhdbx. He hag shown that be, at but, Duct honest. This Is only a specimen of the wbolo opinion. The odor of the whine is upon it, from be- ginning toad. But why is Judge Invite so /41101111 to nu the Podend floverelgety, and obtrude Biota authority within its (unitary? Ito the tulluenee of the deb:taloa of Slate rights soon sannion, whisk has daluged the country in blood, and which after having rat Mexico bite fragments far twisty years. has tempted a foreign despot to cement a Union, by en Emperor sad a throne. And now tat as beer no more of Mr. Chief Julies Lortie's oast shoat undue mu platen of State courts--of the mutual trust between the State and Yederal Onernmeats, and Its moral Intionaces, in preventing amfflam be twin them—and weakening the mord bond so that man legal lore cannot hold the State together. The inmate olds goverment of the Milted Statu tntsted to no such agency, for puce. They dellnetwith 'impels:me eseetness, the boundaries between the sovereignties. .The suprenney thus conferred on Ude govern ment," nye oblef Justice Tansy "Gould not pasesfally be maintained, attest et was cloth ed with Jedicial porn equally paramount in authority to um it Into szentlon, tor Ulan to the coots of jostles of the Wind Suttee, ondlottog decisions would unavoidably take plan, and the local tribunals could hardly be expected to be always free from lead Inflenee. Lad the constitution end laws sad treaties of the United States, and Um powers granted to the Federal Cloverument, would receive dif ferent Interpretations in Marini states, end the Government of the United States would gravid become one thlog in one State, and another thing In soother." Rue again the States right secession delu sion of the rebel conspirators pratnadea The/Rahn en to be held together by moral 116181010 Carillon is unconstitutional, im poUtio, unwise. Ia the political depart/rant rebellion Is to be opposed by _panting to the Insurgents all they demand. Tbevicins pro. Signs and insOordittete are to be paid to, lay down their arms. The tam idea of their . politiesl law is a government in which the pesesful and orderly can have property, only by submission—ln short a government of ruMaim and out.throsta Lad this is the utast condition of things, under the opera tion °Undo Lawrle's praalples,at the South. But thanks to the superior latellignee of the Borth, neither Judge Lewries political nor jediciel principles, can densorelise the people or the jadialal department of the Governminn. Is spite of his Jaeoblaism the laws will be rigidly res enftretorcedzed—.the we a k protented--the lawless Judge Lowrie thinks, blame ho hea been sworn to support the flossiltusion of the Salted States, It tuteaseuelly Implies an obit. gallon to try his 4ndletal seamen open It Snows el country towns 000 lawyers are sworn lane manta. But dose it as thaw, too,to wrestle for ,iedice! authority over it, with the Save= Court •of the Uniutd States! The oath is administered to keep the taker in dos obedience and subordination. It sony be vary hind In the Judge to relieve the United Suttee' Judges of a part of theft harden, as Up wolf offered to assist the shepherd in guarding lie fold. Bata Is likely (bat, considering the antecedents of the pro posed herdsman, they would prefer to bear all the burden thentrelves. Nothing buts simply &dud &sof &vis ion bottmon the fiteto, Ana - Isdaval Govern meats, rigidly sad Mangy =toned by the supsrlor sountignoy, cum proms conniotiog dsoisions—hostels process necessarily ending in form/ bloodshed and revolution. It 10 ementialto the towed the mantry Shatz= of 7tuipLowzie'eurvitie pinion' and prin. olphs, should be chicon into the rag if nl Ills.' Re eon only bo trusted wham he has no pour to be mischievous. . Pao Pane. 2 W/ 1 4/411; DlAlligtrlg....LCOlS......t Wood Um, Allegbaog rag. Teetey, Oct. at ; by the am W. D. Row/ D; D.; Oa*. DL ID O. 11.411(01B, ottunatitr, lOU MU, to AMD/I 11..8111.18/IDr. daughter at /ohs T. Up/. 4To --et t o'clock Olt marolnr, IIGIIIOIB 1100 AD 101f10, to ltia 00th y.st of Ws ats. loaml to tali ylAcs 01111 &S MD/1T 1101151110, OaL 19th. it 10 o'clxk, ham ILY Ists mildsam, =mar abed. , LOST 011111PICIATI—Wherem the pulllista of as shale of stock of the SeMi of Pit bbarib. limber 654. trured bkrnreoleor Isse.t Xla. E. decoord e ha bora ortettid or lore, octko br . =l , V a r t 4tbree- balm tem sabl ow- Wb rr eb tits riedratJas of Loa Wit k fr:b thbl Eats. tnaloettot bid be zabbi to the Irma t 4 1.42, • boom ouvf.o. d tba dock. Al itttir+remi um DLit of /Loeb ZroT; bb bat ter IL . , wears _ _ 150th Litfsf toi RIO 11M1114704 1 . 1 lfaa hinsk— THE LATEST NEWS BY TELZOBAPB. OUR SPECIAL DIBPATCHES FROM WABHINCTON OptslM Dlcatch to the PlLtA■rgb amaitta. Waa3tsclow.:oo3. 9.1803. 01.011.111101 00130 GOIXO 11011 10 TOTS y.,1. I-a,' lEhemetary Chase is malting a hurried visit home to vote against Vallandlghant. Ile lame this erefbsg and will be In Cincinnati on Monday. 011. VA.DISTOITE GOING To lIIV OILIASS O.D. Wadsworth has started for Nati Orlam, via St. Lents, with two of hla three sons, already 1n tha war. H. takes the third and youngest, 16 years old with •112.1TA,Z. OP OWL AZD WOLZDID Ths rsport thin 13,000 'Maws priapism are ou flat! way 14m Richmond, am exchanged, It untrue. Alen hundred sick sad wounded have jut arrived from the army of thi Pato ma& COLONS!. IrTIDIIAIII Col. Percy Wyndham has asked for s Coast of lkolry, deo baths suddenly rellarad from daty. WET IDTTIOXIS £ll ZOT SOT IXIIIIEVOID The stoppage."( ezahasigee of sartgeons Is In oonsequsnoe of the rebel's retention of one named Dr. Robe; on the pretense that thori Inns carps against Us". Robot surgeons were of course retained as hostages for him, and the rebels retaliated. PUBLIC BITSISISS !SILL 0013 OS The gime of clerks who wish to rota la Ohio an d Peaaspiraaia bas tot alfarted pa ne badness, as the copperheads °harp, la the Habeas t. Their fellows from other Otates do double work. The following hit of national banks whioh had Tooeived atstideatea ap to October Itb, il ofdoial nambere: One Maine. capita/ $lOO,- 000; two Now Ihnipintro, $200,000; threw Massaohnictts, $200,000; throe Oonzosotiont, $600,000; [cartoon Now Tarn, $1,830,000; ono New /sassy, $125000; sista= Nang!. tan* 11,621,200; one Distrist of Colombia, $500,000; four Illinois, $200,000; siztesnln. Cans, $1,571,500; four lowa, $260,000; Om fdlohlawn, $222,003; thirty Onto, $4,158,5003 two Missouri, $200,000; throw Wboonsin, $375,000. Total—ono bonded and ekes banks; capital $1.2.625,500. w i ' UR 171711ri1l CLAM. auroraWs oommenced, but was not fin.. lobed, to-day. B Lawyer (Bradley) had a• me dine:By at the tart La proving the publica tion apon him. VOl7 ID eamosalta. Boma 1,20 we z lnded priseners have, within a few days, bee haltered by the ?libels at City Point. TVS PITILIDTION ITALY TO MI MITECTIT MID Ths Prit'isat has a:lAmd his reply to the Missouri end Kansas dahigationt, and it is now being copied and will probably be Om to Chain:mu Drake to-morrow. There is no hoowledins as to Its conclusions. Thoßassas clan bops that then pennon to be sat oil as II saparate Department will be granted. There, is ma. mean to *upset the mural of ClO. liishollsbi, but 14s opponents Pnsid►at win fine snob Imperil him and Gamble, as shall lead The President beg proteeted that election this (.0 alai be eaniad nun and freedom. MINIM asas HAUER'S 1 Three Le Aghtlng akin at an: per's Parry. this time on bnt a sz =1:13:3=! Imboden has a camp near Winebester. 50 men, from I/bleb he operator. I:=lM=El3 On Monday Mons was a skirmish between a muting party from Capi. Maan's company, Mrs Maryland Ifo'•• Guards, and a company of Icabodan's man malting in tka make of Uniforms?, wit • ono Mad, thrum wounded and C 11,9 Or twain. •tisonura. Oa Tnasdai tb within taro Mile/ rads picketed the road I Harper's Perry. Oa Wadanday,night the garthon of Mir. bath per's leery ,' alarmed tallied oat, and Capt. Sonter's oompany of elealn fell Into an antheseada. The Captain and tan men RIM Mod and an sleet nomter wounded, and the net captured. Dsfore the net of the snaky =ld *stab them, the rebels had all escaped. Gen. Mums' Divalament. Now Toan,o4l. 9.—A eorreepondenee of the Associated Press, dated New Means, Sept. nth, ley is the headquarter, of the 19th Army Corp., tinder Gen. Franklin, and • part of the 12th Army Gorr, ander Gen. CI- G. Waah barn. are et Camp .litsland, Ally miles from Brashear atty. They have mat no enemy as yet. P nsgtng psrtles have gathered apiary qtantlds/ .of males, boron and oattle, bat lee plantatlOna an generally deserted. The advanes of the army was delayed on amount of obstrintlona In Bayou Teem. These obit:notion are blown up, and the Bayou Is now open for stamen to Sew Iberia. On the 213, a raid vu aindit on the kilo. graph odes, situate opposite Donaldsonville, by • ben.' of guerrillas. Mouton =A of the law York 14th Cavalry, and the telegraph operator ' 1/Ir. Allan, of Meets, vote osp tared. In consequence of this raid 'au onpaditlon MU let in motion to dear the comity in that neighborhood. Yid" ex pedition loft Carrollton Cl the night of the Sethi, be steamboat. about 1,008 -men string, tinder Brig Gen. Borbridgo. Ilerseonnoltorsd the whole outplay to the arm of the Amite river without mooting the easmy.aad :Mama to Carrollton, on the 14 111wittiont casnalty. Lksit: But, of the 4th Wimple, la aim. Mood of a squid of 40 cavalry, ptudipt from Beton Iteugo en the 28 lb, u far as the Malta Elsa. Be captured 14 prisonm. Atom them are the notorious W. Rueter and Clank Party, guerrilla abide. It is 'mown that Go. Ligon (rebel) bon the east side of It. illesinelppi river, urea or eight miles below Marginate Betio, with 0,600 men and four places of artillay, and is supposed to be marching to Liberty, Kiss. where a rebel Laois concantratirtg. Successful Expedition. —From Chat• 111110 006 Wain:sansOet. 9.—Tha fallowing d6= 'Fatah has bean iralmd at lhadaquters trout sastreu Yonrwt yh Mt/.'Ont. il. W. Halted bane the honor to report That the expedition Hat oat on Sunday under an. Witter, to break op or captors the Gl:millet and baste crews or. gutted by the enemy In Mathews oennty - , has rammed, having to the main swoon,. pilthed Its olloot. Tour Vibe' Natal eihoers, 8i men and St herd of asttle belonging to the Cionftderatm, together with horsey main and arms. are therm% ' It is asoutibtal that nine of Gen. Rose max s' eery latest dispatottu which are to the Honing of the 7th, inet.doet not mention anything relatifs to the altnatlen In (b.t. teams. Alt of thentreferentingy to tar, details. The Ow dispatelet bowers?: rieently revived by the Gorernment, speakiag et menu Inn that quarter' arsitzem Generid Moist, „ -ABUT* at Post Royal.- Bay Tau, Oct. 9r_ Thetrasepart Carley, Brom Chulawn Bit ea the limbs el:the Oa. left Poi Bala es the Ch. The Patrol sad Paw& are at Port . &Maori It hard atom*, bati7iesar7 to elat: The Baltimore Asteriotali mettieliest u k Medremlos et OW states ciliaothaV- ol pesedomalMagArerethe Mel ferb. — tram* bissasesait. , !:, FR~Q~ - TE~iIiSSSSE, . eixed rtstoulA tbs iltiabliikeLtitto• eameagopea t Tpnr.;,l9:t. 8,1863 dll L gala. A faMthota pund to-day, bat so damage vat &am - Design ollhe Rebel aald la Rose ' Reer—Ges.Rooket's pod uen, &e., ' Now You, Oat. 9.—A Washington cam pendent of the Cbmsemiat, states that the remit rebel advance In itossarane rear proves tote an extensive resonnoisines to discov er what firms were moving to the support of oar army. It did not have In view, (at lout nob were the remits) any neon' Interruption of commttnication, which the rebels knew wield bring on an engagement that would end in salons defeat to them—a foot folly realised before their *bloat was accomplished. What ihu s topkitenoo was gained by the rebels, It is not proper to state here. By this time the Babel cavalry will be ; Wick eolith or the %manna rim avid from the preparittinis to; katp , opan aomnannici tion with Ohattanoega, it is not believed that they will ran the risk of penetrating so Otr within our Ikea Gem Hooker who,ls was publigid fali dayi ;Ince as bein s at Nashville, has left that plea, but net to t command of.Hatasidu! futeu;se lately Intimated. His pooltion to entirely separeasnd Independent OA the whole, the °Modal, here aeons to be well pleased with the satiation of Itotionhe tr ft; day Is now past toy the Rebel, to .aroten Oblotanutaga with what possibly might have bean a legitimate enooeu. But Tennessee is forever oars, The Yiye•Twenq Leah. PBll4DicrirlA, Oct. 9.--Jay Cooke, sub: snip:ion agent, reports the lain of $1,725,700 An-twenties on ifilday, and the saleefor the week will probably reach ten millions of dol lars. The large European orders which are daily arriving render it slam highest import- Wm to those who oontamplabs ming those bonds as an Investment, or as a buts for 'banking, that order" should be promptly for warded and filled. The Eastern tides and towns are enbscribLug largely In this view and for the purposes .abere stated, and it is hopid that the West win .also respond as generously at in the early part of ate year satire and etleetire agents are &bonito caucus the unreel Western States, td explain the organisation and working of tha,national banking asuoiations, may of which an in untemplation, and :only await the thorough understanding of Up -promo. Mr. Cooke. pamphiatdirests the system of every Liana ty, as all questions which might arise are plainly answeredand fall explanations given. The int edition ixalludy exhausted and the second is in pugs end wiu ha ready for distri brain in a few days. Oct. 0 —The 'Ascription mint reports the sale of $1,775,705 fivo:twu. ties today. Dalluries of bond" are made up to the fl:h hub The Indiscriminate Slaughter o Warsaw Citizens Contradicted.. Ilitirmiatt meth the Hebei,. Sr. /41711,00 t. O.—lnformation reatired to day contradicts the report of yastanlay.about the Indistrimlnate daughter of the citizens of Warsaw by the robes. Thonumber mardatui is sow said to be bat twelve, while many think ran this an exaggeration. It is ho. possible to get a tree eistamant either of this Jim lost or property destroyed. The town has always been strongly mask and tilt not prebsble that any great =mut of dim has bean dote. The latest Infcrutatlon places the tales about bistro miles from byname, cn tko Cola Camp road, where It is presumed they irtltnatop to-night. Tiudr astmtore is sad mated at IMO with two pima Of artlllaty. Major Foster had a skirmlehadth thelmar guard to-day, capturing three prisoners. The military authorities am ruing trrary means to protect the people. acambiat lay, from man two .r. Th• t. Altar tumid on remoned M three all for DXlet _ withdrawn by hla samedsonneh againatida wilL Wal ker was airlift', bilniL The getting wu &- dared toed by all pants*. Foreign Commercial. Nav You, Oot. 9.—The following com mercial news was omitted from the Oolam bl►4 nays hot night, In conseqcsnoe of tala graphicanurs, which have beta aorreoted to day, sad &real follows Loa., Sept. 2B.—Breada tyro dall and de- Oahe. Bazar qidat and staid,. Coffse arm. Tea qatst. Conn', 4:3%@933. Mob Central lo® U &mount. Ed. 11®75. Reggaes Executed. Como% Lr., Oct°lna 9.—Three of the necrosis crenernalin the murder of the Beck ham family, some time Rita, wore Muth Ws to-day. Detachments of the Sl:tenth Deo. tars, Fourteenth lowa, Beoond Tnnease• ner g and all the coined noels, Witnessed the eention. Three odium ladireedy noted with the murder. were 'eaten eed to In. prim:neat for dolt 7111171. tad one for one pa. Thor wars ant to Nashville nadir a guard to-day. ishelbnillo Plundered—Qv. Elmlth captuxed. Loonnrunz, Oat. 9.—Oar Nashville cones pendent gam trot two buildings wens bunted ►s the rebate at Shalbpills, the Omni House sod two others. The town was plundeitel throeghout, and same 1,600 ;diatom as re. posted captured, but It is doubtfuL Nips Luter,, Youth Confederate nevem captured Ospt iladtb, of ilhershlares Efasalssipplans Chumming for Peace. WA/21111011)/ OUT, dotobor 9 --General Shuman, commanding. the 15th Army corps, reports to headqaarters that many .ar the best inhabitants of hUselnippl are now clamoring for peace, en teams acceptable to all who do not aim at the deatnratlon of that part of Ow U. 8. They think olio that no hostile army would barognited to sl,li the Warta of that Stara. Pitisonen candied in RasliviSle. Oit. 9 —Thin us no phonon =Lied lon incept Dick IleOlaus and thirty et hlr sack . Alatket• by Ikelegrapk. 'New YOU, Oct. 11„..Coltolo gala sad Erma At at 80500 for littidllog rpnoods. Mar fdlOo bat. Ur. and rathaw mom abbe at 13,5A056,T0 for Extra Etats, $0,46060,40 for Extra It H. 0., and $8,4t3 to Trade Ilranta—the market chants dalta act .ear ally so arm. Wnlalt• &dhotis War is Memo cluing unadtbd. Whatnots amts. and 6®4tanta awing raiment:deg ant antra 1r wo . aim at $1,1601,13 Mr Old Galva, Whiz, tar Ent tonlcato Optics. $1,1101,:t for illiamixo Clab n 111,13661,36 for old Winter Bad %alum and Inferior Wto.a Bat 16 , Man, Eft Arm et 11,123 111.10. Bask', decldadly Mama, 6.10. Own Mill ham .tats atymead up cant. at $1611,0/ hr lth•p., ohm tilted" Waite* sash, $ 1 6151,03 tar Bblivlng Mind Rasta:tin state.• Oats 304* totter at 7.693 tot Wrinang latloding 6,000 Whigs Clouds dattntra ad In Nommtor reputed at Wm: Oahe doll gad nominal mahatma antrum at 11 31AUX.14r UrnacoThoo, anarralr% br Havana: - Elmsme and at clangad. Ptak Armco atilt an oaths de aim I at VETS for 0/4 ALM 6101446,221 for cam Zan incvs aims% ton can Prima, sod $13,15004 Woman Estate Ifeas;alatt 1000 bunts taw Map for Docataber .at 646,60. , Boat_itodst and tatobanmft, Boom able Min at tor Madam -13holt 'EMMA. and WI for lotaalam AW•t Ohm; Land n,. at no It%,.•to u too brads Na 1 to Detletalwm Oboist Stair at lOWA. -:- ., • . New York Block - and- Mimicry ilarkti sr.: Taxi, Oct 9. ..11foney assy 416167 per onot-• chill Mulatto al Um bulb. Slatting Sicking* Ann ar, and clots "st 161.0111.1 for drat alms, OEM mid lima. coning nt 40 .4. 0 7E 11 4 to ft3i , am; dodos Arm at 47. - • Ocvermairot !cal Sea WIT* sa teareelviolin4 /O —tiplted Watts IN 11131, Coupon, 106; 740 tb: [bola, W, - • Mod* Vialiii - ' ClauLboaland M..... 'm 1 t &--....... re% Pacillo ab11........—.3 32 Mots Oen 1y5fp..;,..327ty (I A 1'Mygi5............... 82% If a P tp.,-• ......l!, " 14 - , : 9.*" ii.7 -7— icerai:WOll.:= " • Lt. vart4 Olt 1tt5,711510) &5.,4 P Yt bt •44 -633 i IA • A. . rlcrearo, October 11 , —IbteTtady. seitl tar do-, maid preefios 'Vws.' sad-closed miry Or= but glee at 2edffi Mira/tic. 11t1:ehrelice Gob, gm . . 74 2 6. Za 1 .41 - 6n 4 lth 1 J 4* -g = v illoziti :awn.. :.;lites ec tzt quabli. i r beelesbirarn ; i / C°I4IO 4.gINN I II e9oftilAACO.4;o4, INN Om INK Sod Abottoed UM. le • irldint,Bl46ll2l4lllllo63fic. .. u z,,,,!..7, ,, . , %:..,:.; , 1±!. 41:'ar:,5:, * : Z!, - 72'. - 7P.il; , mil. 'n} 1 ',l'7-44C-41*.iila'1'. , '',- ''' , .'.*"i . ? . ..",:t,,,,,7,,-,,f1: mutttao. at vows: Owe itee•r• In d 2 + 3 ° 610Mwe as: 66056X0. Oats hosent, iv:6 sac., blwr m • 66 linsf ppr, - ;6600 - tsrre W 506 btlUambeetat Caiaesra.`. tomo barrels 11066:.11, 3 X0 burg' stmt. - tbts V*: 6 astir an 112 . 6414 etc itai et Wheat t61361We. RiainisAU.4et: D —PlflV Wait acting edeslo.ooo bobel. Nod at 61,4W61,C 6 , and Km ter.6llThlpatit,766VEkt Mir 390191a0 t WE HAVE 15OW OE,IgNED AN EX- limn nom in,- i!Teew co 4E Very rum sitidenn an =Wed o 'fietcttlas Fkingll/41wkilt! pafors,dor IFOLIS:GiCtODO =MO% liausagotbany ,600D02. OD Bostol-11=m4/083; 200 " " Foams boa & heal; th ;• bud la the souk of iiwum =IT JAOZZTS, the acput Ms indict' Knit Skirts and tlyiergintmpls. HOODS, of :Tarim kiAde , '; • Our Mak of ZIONEET RIZOIOISB, yam= aroma, 131111.113310& auras- AHD -511. Emu= 5 Tay atositre coipytto., Aim,* natititotmit • 500 Ileum= Erika. 1,000 kin. Fasenrortlic e 1,1 .-- traini=o4 v-V" ecs-o.:frue.sma vital to en is • W 1 ear wacaawait Eciais UP iviiiriT,= IMIACRUM & ,titirkrit 111. 78 BLUM BUM JOBBPH HORNER CO., - "t: TIIi AT1231103 07 BUYERS _ To THIMII UNBURPASPED STOCK os smizaoltol9 y s, • • MIBEICLEB,L,•. • aIoVIB - • , MILLINERY,. GOODS! 'annum; LINEN BANDRERCIIIIIES I WOISTS,D; PAT 157038, CONHP'D BIIAIDG• ''GGAOnaL=sts, DUCK GLOV3B, MOTIONII AND /AHOY GOODS; NVlLfalba oaks as Oa neat Bin IT AND Ti MALE* 'olklgf„ 1191rOrders ft • - Deb Wiener% . IMMO HEW BIL&WIAL DALItOILLL Ind In DP EXULTS. OrEBA rUNEELB, SIIISTMZuIIo. -mw‘msa ALnun T3TaLID E21)129. ea Imam, !mu, Garr, Piaxia.a owfirg' /*iv azira CLESTIMIEv ~i 01.62E4 WATES,PEOO7 CILOTIM, bad a roll ancrtaisat of Dnuar Clooii, , BIIELCEIFILD I E.:: Math Leta rm berth awl Market email: AILECIALO.4. Ws an now opatlng on et eta larval anortzenta FANCY DRESS GOODS, 'rgattas wlth !tray aleacsd dm* at SHAW L. S. WI 6.°M' tbal!ll4-• aCt:' Ws= ' • =al diatilg- LADIES% MOSES' AISD CLOAKS, .-. Oren 37 des and id rum viers-ti =Fat edam Slam to want el /Mat ailrliatidiomi" Occdi will do villtacall . ALEX. BATES'; , , f 1 11,111 ftbeedif ihrebsartsgatroiied. • Teett.- orKNI w. ea A 2 tr 31211.4eLVLIT.All31FLi i_r yti 59 litatket:Streeti'.-.JA Neviv CllcNstaatil NEW en A,w,i,st NEW toxiq stitaiL _ ' EATON, BIACRVIIi Nos IT AID LI TIM BT1111 4 t; • &Nandi tor .. Atkins*. Steel Conan and Iti ,p•;': , nalrinrimiti. imitas Q. siesisip. ezaim..,,_ at left of Limn. T o " oillitory loan aliT itstolioll ktol, 1 , ' mifivotioi•" .-''' 11174111 Mal Of SIM CUM (Fay Btondfog V0110n.......;....—. ..• ..... - ' to, . aft t •_:. ~ _,... 04 • p11t...;-..L;;;; -.."'.*""--., 1: .1: 10 01d w"- 4 - motor money tr 011.......... - - . 1 DOI wk. .7, 4:41 "..• Wk... ' - --- - ...; - 1 621:44. Elsa bTAIs. Ant fetteclit="- . - • _ .. . noetrown zoninfiloolllntbra nib: Of lffil , 1 oiollsopia lilt (431ZAZ Or at OTII, P:'• vildtosit b ISCi brZka bad. 11A• amok. ~ ~ . ~ ,t ...-; The ewe 'swim it. .. .. . saTamincnrcrii ii-4V- . :'.. , 4 0'c1,41 '. I.s : - , ; •, - lioe- , , 6_0(10 BaLattnial._ : ,. . tittf . _ ... :!§!. - .. ' 47 '' ' ' eiLi(~'. :•. ruktratutliDladartuttrze onoteq,: ttrA Sakti issiirriiikott:ailianianaisiorarcuda. ItgrUili•i22ttidti k* ,4l ,44o4llt4Ziatk. t-v6r3kr:-74F.!;- Laifilf"lflLkTAlMile:eityrt 1 f.41 ` 1 713 Nog. triad 19 liffth Bt•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers