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VIOL B lwin JOIN N. slaw/L E uz Ark gtoork., - - WN. lA. wawa. Jbr owe* Tramre. DAVID LIMIN. as. .. Mar latiwion AZDIEre XIOLUIL Oar 'IL J. 1130RABDSOIL. la? One* Ornmasibicer. OZOBOI 11A11=01. _ Dintsai of Om /OEN Y. DBATO. Let Ws *ark fora TelititObJ °THY. Of the , election of Corr= Ind Ammer is hardly the shadow _of a doubt; iliti , nornatry. demands at our hands 2 , llltOti thana bare election. Let the major- Hy t belo crirarwitablaill& that a Capper • • kind never be heard of spin, except in the sad memery of the past. Let it be such as to turn the rebels of Richmond pals with terror, and extinguish forever their lest glimmering hope. They await with more anxiety the result of Tuesday's sleotitm in Pmunylvanis and Ohio then we do ourselves. They have still some hope of the emnaturs of their Democratic • Mends, and they have openly expressed that bob: Lit us disappoint them. The Riotunond JA:gaircr urged Gen. Due, • Abate time ago,' if possible, to mike another raid, talc Pennsylvania, gaming him that if be _did eo, it 'would render the triumph of the *Dentoraey" certain. Can there be anitititiriger proof that Eiseman W. Woon wthn It'the standard.bearer of a party led by. traitors, than is found in the start .ll.llg . Ind , that the organ of Jur. DAVIS ter -..ges the leading General of the Rebellion to go in with his army to aid it in adios- Intl vie* over the Mende of the Union. • Hers are its own words : iucoeu of the Democratic party would be no longer doubtful, should Gen. Lee once more advance on Mamie. • • • Let him drive Meade into Waebbagton. and I he Till again raise the spirits of the Dem ocrtir, smarm their timid, and give confi. demi to their wavering. He will embolden their peace party should he again cross die Potomac." • Now if any man wishes to fix upon him ! self the indellible• infamy of treason to . his country—if he desires the success of this most damnable rebellion—if he wish 'Les to see the Union tors to fragments—if It is his object to give joy to the rebels and frith vigor to their armies, and to cause grief, slaine and,discouragesnomt to the sol diers of the Union—it hewanta to protract the war, and cause the death of thousands more of our sons and brothers—if he loves , his party more than he loves his country, its enemies more than its Mends, slavery more than liberty, and if he is ambitions thet his ohildred:shall anise him even after he has sunk to a dishonored grave, let him vote with what the Riehroond Repairer calla the- "demoorstic party." Tethers some deluded man. who shall do so may imagine that as B' sifjpgis, for Woodarard-raly voting the demo- Matte ticket, se he always did. But let him be:mowed that his vote has afar deep. er significance. What ere Cessna and Woonwasn, se men, to the rebels of the lioneh or to their aristocratic and imperial sympathisers in Europe? Or what are they to the suffering friends of the Union In the South, or to the noble men of other States who are battling for the Union in the-army and out at it? Nothing, absolute ly nothing, but the representatives of two great, outage:dello principles, Union and fiseeimion, Patriotism and Treason. That alone II the inn* joined in this mighty contest—a contest ea fraught with momen tous consequences, that the anxious eyes of the whole civilised world are turned upon the voters of this State; far upon, what they do next Tuesday hang; perchance, tho life or death of the nation. Voters of Pennsylvania, let your work on Tuesday be such as will call forth shouts of gladness from the Mends of the Union and of Lib erty in America, from the Atlantic to the Paoli(); and which shall be echoed back from the longing, waiting, hoping strug gling patriots of the old world ; for this is slidr battle as much as it iT yours. Wnienti on the Election. This old and skim practice seems to lune nearly died poi, either under the op. stsitice of our laws, estrum animptored condition of She moral -sentiment of our sortiounities. We hoes beater °melon 4117.fsont- escdted politichuuk who 'seem still to think that a doubtful mune is help• ed by a wager. We don't know, however, that there would be any objection to an ;a nima of s gleen result. Incorporated oompluklap tahe risks on houses, and ships, and merobendise, lend few, and it has ap peared lo us, that tome of the Tory fund. dales might Wharf, indemnify them selm against impending casualitite, by suiltinglninsnoe sipon their own Ohallee, bf mom" Or diecomanne. We are Wien Ouiprisid that 'Weaves]; and Low= "hula riot hit thaight of this. ' We have seen than sisonsirely placarded them . Itsl*Ws:sdesniurars kineeflot. tor!. When'the Bond column pestling her., Sid one of thus wadribilokr softer; - *ld mu the ii•esillest, and the other as Direct of a calmly In Philadelpldi, for taking insurance an moil= ideenturcs, iced tiverothlch couotedlll6ol2l,li its assets •!Otis tunbunt of,, Bonds; WC Este it maTiliitsd that they are dealing in thssauti troy still ! not thCrefois in ters Unit choicest- The company could Mud to pi 7 well for 'their election, and ceeptitt j no. doubt take L i cosoluiblo risk spa their pollticaiforisi ' May we not be ollorred to midis). far than Tun nanny ;from Kansas and Western Mood la exciting spin. The liorder fa up /a ism to pmira tar: a finaltiaensett et the rebels, and Idirtnadokfa ratans , ate sigs4k, on - the rampage is ,411sseuri, inum been to teach the purblind `fanation earilthalde,tbatthire may be attar all In Mulmica`nronia num than the data and misarsOlthi " :F• • i T;:ct: l l` t 1 - • . • • ". r~,, --~* . _ Address, of the Onion State Ceatral Committee. • - I To sea . *.orez Mx or Pietterivaitte. 1-- The great political canna, Which for the past six treks hiw.been agitating our en tire, communikr, is rapidly driving to a dose. It differs from alt which hare pro• ceded it' in the fact thet the people have folly appro.-fated their own interests in it, and, rising in the transcendent importance of its ,issues, hare labored with unexam pled seal and !scam to secure a verdict which shall attest; in emphatic tones,the loyalty of our native Uinta to the Union of. our fathers. • - - This Committee hen not beeLidle, but its labors would hsfe been ineffectual if it had not received the generous confident° and assistance tie Vons4utly ancorded to it. The results" of our combined efforts have seared comparatively thorough county Ind 1011112 010:11111.1fiall• ' full and fair lila tinction of the issues by able speakers In almost every school distriot in the Stets ; the distribution of documents in 2 English and German suidoient in number to reach nearly all the voteritof the. Commonwealth, exhibiting most clearly the sophisms and subterfuges of the men who endeavor to aid the rebellion, by distracting and-avid ing numero u s numes mats 4:mentions of the people, who bare listened with equal ben. efit an ddelight to distinguished onion, statesmen,. and soldiers from our sister States and our own; and crowning all, the people coming forward in their might to do honor to a tried public earned, have made Governor Cartha's own canvass one grand, t triumphal progress and ovation from Erie to the Delaware. • Theis* efforts cannot have been in nln, and it would be idle to deny that the signs are all propitious. Bat it would be a high crime against God and humanity for any loyal man, because of these eigns, to relax a single honest effort, or fall to nee a sin gle honest agency, to make the victory sure and conclusive. In the beginning of the contest,_ the ene mies of the government in this Blue dls dually announced ,their principles and their policy. They republished the address of Judge Woodward, avowing tho right of secession. Thor republished the pamphlet of Bishop Hopkins, avowing.the divinity of slavery. Upon these two principles they have conducted their canvass. Their can didate for governor has been charged with announcing the corollaries of these princi. piles many times and to different persons. Merchants of high Blanding, eminent mem bers of his own profession, representatives in Congress, and even the reverend clergy, have attested over their own signatures in the public prints the utterance by Judge Woodward of doctrines fatal alike to the honor of American freemen and to the in tegrity of the Auierlcan Union. To these accusations, involving his opin ions upon questiono affecting the livea, the liberties, and the property of every citizen of Pennsylvania, be replies to a high spir ited people that be will announce his views upon these subjects after the elec tion. Judge Woodward has misread our political history if he Imagines that he can thus trifle with a free constituency who are anti :led to know the opinions of all aim who desire office before, and not after, voters are asked to elevate them to high places of power and responsibility: Fortunately, however, the proof I. con clusive, is well in regard to his own Bengt. menus as to the sentiments of the party he represents. The question is distinctly presented to every voter—whether he is for the Union or against It. If theism:le is Intelligently comprehended, the answer cannot be doubtful. Thp Federal arch now spans the continent, resting on Maine and California, and its Keystone will .prive t Dallas amuul and as firm as its astern, and its western corner. j In these losing_ of. the ,eangatign, 13177 good ' ner of ing energy,'eparing o ,effoiie to bring ai loyal voters to the lolls, our continued de votion to the cause, resisting all attempts to thwart a fair expression of the popular will, and our prayer& to /leaven. Thus strengthened, we move forward to the remaining days of the conflict; and while our heroic soldien in the field are striving to end the rebellion in arms at the South, let us strive to end the rebellion in sympathy at the North, and thus, by our united labors, noun a lasting triumph to the Game of the Union and of republican liberty. If we are actuated by th's spirit we can notfall, for with us are the hopes of human progress, the strength of truth &adjuncts. the resistless impulsesof civilization, the unconquerable impulses of freedom, and, if we are worthy, the: . blessing, of Almighty God. : In behalf of the Union State Centre Committee. WAIN E MaVsmon, Chairman. PAiladelphia, 044,8,1863. Judge Ago ew. The Supreme Conti of Pennsylvania is a tribunal of so much importance, that ever since it wee made subject to popular eleo- Mon by a change in the State Constitution, it has received the constant, watchful care end attention of the Democratic, politicians. Pretty much the same vigilant supervision has kept the national Supreme Court per petually under. the domination of pro-els. very politicians, and affected its decisions on all matters pertaining to the territorial domain or the subject of slavery. limit ing from the former, we have the Curious fact that, although Pennsylvania has gen stilly been opposed to the Damooratio par-, ty since the-principle of an'eleetive Judi dory was introduced, this. Court continues to be composed of -four Democrats and one Republican. • This Jelin& eare of the pioalavery"pol !Wane for this Court renders it peculiarly imprtant that the Union men should be wide awake to the ef electing Governor Curtin and judge Agnew st the present time. If Woodward- should be elected Governs; he resigns his judgeship, and lie the vacancy by on appointment of ids own _stripe. -If he eltouU 'not be elected Governor, he does not re sign his judgeship. If • Judge ,Agnew. should be elected to the Supreme bench,' vs aluillthen have in that Court two Itepublthans out.of the five'Judith, and Otkint, 'mi. neatly right minded man, who will end/ Lute a Weaned power to prevent ultra decisions. By this arrangement the Court . ' will be so constituted aa to prevent any chance of harness in the consideration of questions tending on the domain, of politics. :There will be on the bench two'Repnblicans, two Democrats and an independent`War Demo crat; - thoroughly stational in his views. Impartial decisions would then , be petty sure to emanate front such a " tribunak and the people of the Conunottwealth would en tertain a respect for it which under (mkt ing olconmstances seems almostinipossible. We, therefore., earnestly urge upon citizens, witbout l distinctkin of party, to vote for the Union candidata for Judge, Timid Ag new, Mid Siva him • hearty s upport. Phst. frorth Comatzo io Szto Rant Cams:—The Rochester Democrat spitsot . thr *noir Tharin-I-Tanoey's old 10srpartner- T is an Alabaudii Manisa alto dame North and was converted to thaarobelcattle by the leaders of t3i7mour Demscraorballs, Iforlt." - .IL MILD Worotritsantolt.; . -44 "to ' - head nerspoper 'glorifies tho unainostal, Walsh fruitlees,it lasopitign , lll-Grai, nio• 1 iViellnin, This is a little (thitagb notation) intors,"complimentso thin to iall alai 1 1 , 7414141111314 WlPP4ltsblei ',,.:,' 1 7 -, , - ' , .:,,-.- ~ ,.. , ;--..,':' f . - ,..—E , 4>ii. -- 4.1 - 4,.: 1,-%.4.r.v... -- 1':-.:":'.. - .... Judge Woodward and the Soldiers. Judge Woodward twice decided agaihst tha constitutional right of the @oldie? voting. Eine.monthe before the decision of - the-Philadelphht ease, he gave his deci. don in favor of his.pereonal end political friend E. B. Chin as Prosecuting nay of Luzern° county. During the war Of-1812 against Great Britain, our Legis lature passed the Brat not allowing soldiers to vote when in. actual service.', The re vised Election Act of Jane, 1889, merely copied the old sot on this subject. The Pennsylvarda troops in Mexico, in 1847, voted for Governor, and Perhaps localtick ate. These votes were not received in time to be officially counted, except In the elec tion of Governor. , In 14391 the Army of the Potomac voted, and the acceptance or rejection of their votes led to contests in the Legislature for seats from the counties of - Adam; Laverne and Philadelphia.. Six seats in tee Rouse of Representatives depended upon this question. In all these oases the decision of the House was in favor of the constitu tionality of the army vote. The act of 1889 leaves the whole responsibility of de ciding contested seats upon the' committee chosen by lot. Not less than ten , of the leading lawyers of Pennsyliania argued these cases before the committees. These six committees Wanda most of the law yers in the House, and the reports of the whatnot them sere in favor of the condi tutionality of the act, allowing soldiers to vote. In Luzern° county, Chase, the defeated Democratio candidate, and his suoceseful competitor, made a stated case, waiving everything else to test the constitutionality of the soldier's vole. The President Judge of that District, J. N. Conyingham, bb old and able lawyer, and a Democrat, too, gave an exceedingly elaborate opinion, sustain ing the constitutionality of the act of 1889. Lawyeho have loolred into this goes lion f , know that it one of those nicely balanced questions which occasion ally arise where the underlying sentiments of the Judge carries off his judgment. We have no doubt snob was the case with Messrs. Lowrie and Woodward in this de cision. George W. Woodward delivered the opinion on the 224 of May, 1882, which may be found in sth Wright, page 402, The ease of Thompson vs. Ewing, from Philadelphia, was held over so as to give the Democratic, Sheriff of Philadelphia the proceeds of that office for more than a year. The Pittsburgh Commercial wishes to know from Messrs. Woodward and Lowrie why, having the Republican Prosecuting Attor ney of Lucerne county, they permitted Ewing, the Democratic Sheriff of Philadel phia to hold on for nearly another year. It directly charges that this constitutional question is so equally balanced that nothing but the hostility of the Judges to the sol diers could ever have induced them to de cide It as they did. Messrs. Lowrie and W ood ward's wishes and not their judgments dictated the exclusion of the seater , ' vote. Criticisms of the English Press on the President's Letter to the Sprang. • field Convention. The London papers are discussing the political and literary merits of the Preal dent's letter to the Springfield Convention. The Anua affects to find it grossly ince*. Blatant in Its views with those expressed in his former letters and messages, and says he never had a policy unless it be that which he described in the wisest of all his homely sayings as a resolution to "keep pegging away." it then quotes his para graph about "Uncle Sam's web feet," and says: ' , low any man is his sober senses could have sat dOern to compose such • rhapsody ao this, or, having composed it, could have read it over with gravity, and ordered-it to be printed, passes our compre hension: , 'lt is sometbing between • proph id:in'orabubti response, with a dash 'tee slang and terms of expression reminds us alternistely of Galan, of leoliereiti utterances of the Maori and of schoolboy translations of choruses in Greek tragedians." wily News, on the other hand, soya t letter confirm its faith in ' , the colas the conduct of the war, and idication of the Washington Cabi , a master-Tim of cogent argument. tppeal to the spirit of the nation ' it tree in the dignified simplicity of its moe. No nobler State paper was ever penned. it lathe manifesto of a truly great man in an exigency of almost une qualed moment. It is worthy of a Crom well or • Washington. It breathes the calm heroism of a true patriot—trusting in the blessings of God upon dauntless ex ertions in a just cause. It is the utterance of a statesman who has nothing to conceal —of &rule:guiltless of eppreselon—of the r genius that consists in tr sparent honesty and utillinching resoluti n. Addressed to Mesas and neighbors, supporters and opponents, it is open to blithe world totted. It really challenges the judgment of cotem pantry civilization, though it contains scarce a hint of any country but the Uni ted States." The Atlantic Telegraph. The shareholders of the Atlantis, Tele graph Company mat at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, Mr. Peter Cooper presiding, and .1. A. Stevens acting aa secretary, and many New York prominent merchants being present. Mr. Cooper, in taking the chair, stated the object of the meeting, which was to 'enable Mr. Cyns W. Field to make &state resat relative to the present prospects of the company. Mr. Field then teak the floor, and after s tew introductory, remarks, entered. upon his subject by torturing the efforts of the committee, who-during five years had left no experiment untried to test the cable, and submittedletters as to the pestiticabUlty of submerging s cable across the Atlantic ocean, and as to its permanence when laid. Mr. Field exhibited a specimen of the cable which the company propose to lay. It wee about one inch 'thickness,, and win nude by . Glass, Elliot & Co., of Lou. don. This firm, has successfully menu featured and laid submarine cable'. The longest is that which runs from Melia to Alexsadils,. a distance of I,63s'mlies and a depth of 420 fathoms. The table proposed to be laidWiU sustain eleven miles of its own Weight in water, and has been subjected to the severest Wet so far as ite sustaining power is concerned. another Witness against ultimate ham.•Espilolt Testimony as So his Treason. Burgeon J. B. Weld, of the army, has written a lettar to the Cincinnati Comma , ciat, detailing a eenrereation respecting Vallandlgham ,between hseLt and the rebel'Col. Webb, of the filet Alabama see. lent, on the occselon of the capture of the latter after he Lid been mortally.wounded -Col. Webb having received Vallandigham on the threshold Of. Dixie whin he was ez iled;-. Among other assertions-which the rebel officer ret s as having been made by the eopparhe c andidate for inborn.- halal honors is : That the South did notpurette the right policy; that baked of , allowing the North_ Ao invade Kentucky and Tennessee, and;Making the battlefield. in said States, they should transfer the bat tletields to Ohio and *llan., and that if they did so, a. etrong party would declare *Aber favor and the. Administration compelled to recognhe the Inds. pendence of the South. . AT $ recent 0 01 Tention had in Outiege, Ohio, one of the banners carried in the procession, proclaimed - e.• unsnarl) Itrousain 311AJOipxx, for ~.T.ohn Brough. Another banner bow 'the f 011017128 _ noseravixu.. Th.,* old ' 1 413i -tee State will paver forsake "broirl•brbe eproiebtion the Star. 0 1 413 11 1 e4 Bolter., . EDLTO.fts LLSPATOH."TiIe u 2 * ilsvined boles boo plimpa Irish bib g .001 . 0raladr Lairbberiba pablla to portobtind Lb at kbasilaie t•lltagst ikat pa% 114430 Th r, ' pots to, • Balm probably Pop coanaldar w " itb o_ll,lllloMl t 911 Nbstais nuns. who ropatotral winikspe.ll,6l* . Hpsety. s ga s . a ,„," ifitl 'Ol Cr' - f;V; n • RELEGIOVS arOzrogli. )n - tTEEE FIRST CONGREC &VON: ."air == oT trISCIPLIM. Pittsterrab. nest steO' WT. lethe riorr et. COLLLOI =LEW corner , of elies'exte et. ear streets. yreeeddree LOILDS - DAT—lffanoteg antlieonitg— we lamed Loan etnotry Waal et 934 o'clock p.Prayer Meeting orrery WIDISESDAY TEE The path.: ere rerpmeltally tuvitid E . "I:LDEII T. C. MoKSEVI r, pleas. ''''.. r 4la EBB Beefi irld meth , C Os cots; BreptlonetDl4l.• ttestturto LIST COB BALL Atlas 6. le. and Tp. Bt. Ntadectferserstblz, rots rpm hol , CritY; to rossW (Lcrd'e te,) at IIN agar the Bckof Lt te," Tar ma,. ~ L e Ire to . Mae." . The BOLD are terdiel y Melte, ealo POLITICAL AVM DE. IL - THE BLUR WARD VIGILANCIO 001par1'Im vat mat TEI9 aaI:WAY 10th bst.) =CHUM IA the School Racat at 734 o'etek. celo ObA, UNION MEETING TO•NIOHT WILYINB HELL.—Protzszar JOISUB CO - EMS. of Its Ilsbtew Sebool, of this citJ, d l of. dna the mastics. oalo O°A UNION METING will be bold at NoIIIMPORT. ea AMWAY AVM lllO.Oatibee3oth. „AdArsous mill ba del med ET Eon. I. Z. nooanzin, and X A. WOOD WAVD. colt r*.A UNION WHITING will be held --"'" *lll4 toil's °till. DUREN, Dolarto Ip.. on SATURDAY. Oct. 1004 at T o'clock p. m. At. doom ittU tic dolbraro4 by IL O. If ADKAILL. Itsq . Dr. Oleo. MANION. D. A. 0/111180D. Dot. 10 1 ./1 UNION MEETING mill take plant at LIBRARY, Encodes tp., en. MOB. DAY INARDIG, at 7 ceolcat. Addraturvill be delimit Dp OoL .310. R. OLLIIR. R. O. CHILDS and A. At. BROWN. tee IC - A UNION DEBATING will take -"" plan at TaXIIIVIIIII, on 1103Dklt SVEN. LNG. at 7 o'clock. &Wean min to Maimed by VlOll4B X. wausoaid, mt. o. NOBS LAND, a. O. 1401111/1.1,, In., and J.LUDWIO lIJOITFRN, Ta g ea/ IWA UNION hISETING ',Mho held It ItIIOIICLLII SILL. CarWel fp.. on 8/LTI7BDAY, Oot. 10th, al 1 o'clock p. a. The fcl. Infos speakers will he prto:nt I Col. TEIO9, 113. DINE, T.J. BICH US, Pao, and L. P. STOMP, 007 10•41 UMON MEETING will be had at PAUORTT'S LUMBER YARD, MD ti.; on SATURDAY II 41011160, at 7 o'clock. A Bran EWA arlll be la attendance. [karma! wM be (la thered be. Hen .I. E. 1100DRIAD, Dr. GORB6III .1170000 R. and WW n WORMbAND. i.. era IWA UNION AIEBTII , IG will be held at Ma 801100 L BODE, lionozgatala Bar anti, on El tillttD&Y, Co:10tb, at ? o'clock D. va. Addrialin trill be datharai by Boa. J. K. KOOS. HELD, J. m. stinuaTatos, Esq., and Bon. J. GUIFI net 1A UNION BALLY AT EVEIt• 0881521.—Ttu re win be a Grand Bally at Tratra man at the 11011 COL Et 0171911, at Stergstea tilth'et. Bra tawnsh!P,attakTOlLD&T "VIM ISO, Gather tOth, at ?Wank. Addreres by 808 altT WOODS, Lg., T.lll. BOWS, and OVA. BB I. ' • 171;?Ii LI UTI ON TIOZETti—The UNION COMM ara now Ludy for dis t/Matta, altt aao ba. bzet 17 callus as Kr. T. & Dian% at Co MOB CLUB BOONS, WlLklaa tun. lova strait. our Ur Igartar's Otßra. Uy arlt. tlta ZIECOTITS COB BITTBM. °arra .EttlilUN COMMITTEE ON MEET -- • MID Sint/SLIM nom a. Worm IT.O triciszte, dram t Blowy, J. G. Barcurs, P. fountes. Jr. See Ocumdt. err parte IVEBY DLL et $ Oda& p. ts. to WlLLtlie BALLorbere err mamma WO be made far carettop end speakers. Portal for ewe Iso Pa Po procured at Om ball. an O.OIIAND Torch-Light Procession. ALLEGHENY MOH MEN WIDE AWAKE TO THE RESDUB. Ito VIGILANOI Of/UNITS= of Alleittiny Otty have areal to tom • GRAND TORCH-LIGHT PROCESSION Monday Evening, Oct. 121 h. AU Unlea mui ars ontUaU7 lovikd to tura oil oilman% The folloartog effort ban ban arpolutEd Camp Ifsiani&—BELLt B. BEU3OT. dUrnarra-1010 Ware, 0. 0. Pauwj; eecond Warr, &an: Lea; Third Warr, Mt Predict, U Werdadi tdrd Ward. &toad Freda* (I. 0 Prank "anti Wart tint Prod:lat. Jowl KT' . aasi Wand Word. &mad RUM lam. nA1711:1L Was 4 Veletalicnt will seed their cwn itanhatti cni o•mntrate as Ibltowimaringprees:lfas ISM 0NA03k..11: the Pint Ward Delegation irM meat at !bifida:el Mean; and taunt op to Lead& to Mad, whale they will no Mad by the Fourth Wall Dellawdon. /Gantt Ward Dalwindene will meet it MO @pectin pole, and march down 1.460Xit to Federal: shwa thaw will pin itiartert Ward Debittlen and town% up 7edsral to day - and ale Fitt to Oblo• The remind and Third will meet at !Lair nwPootlin polio, sod starch to the owner of Federal and Forth Clennoond thanes down tidied street ti Strawberry • red; dm ne Fan to Pitt attest, and down to Oh% where ilia wends PrCCONami, lho direction of the Chief Marshal. rill/ proceed to the corner of lido strut and Kist Common,. Ward Ms. 1 potions willst th. lr omit Matabab, and more at Welcak Fluy to thn panted taatentritlin. DOUR OP PIWOISSION Up Obto to Mama, &mu tlitonut to Zan; em Male to Itaioock: down Ltiaock to Gary; Ootry to Muixpt Atootut tbarop to Baton op Homer to nowt dd. of the Emit Oatotooos,an4 Stmt. out to rut Contototo, and tooth to tblo gnat: , • Othrt Dtletatlati will Do asslgned &mut , / lb* Mild Umbel oelnd (O.ANOTHER OBLNDEXCUR9ION UNION RALLY JOHNSTOWN, PENN,A. A QBAND MU3 UNION CONIMTIONIrIII be hold AT JOHNSTOWN, PA., SATURDAY. October lOtts• /863. The - Loyal Venda a ALLIGHLFT .0017; 12 1r as cordially inrltol to Ni rasa. A TRAIN OF,TWENTI CAIIIB win lautthe Depot ot tha Ponesiltanin &Waal Companh on SATUBDAT nouns% an $ lenbxk mons*, stopp.ns at all prtncapal stathro, isrDelt. gat!oss—enuunteg the laninionsaing, Isinhe Intim TICICE - Tie - 161:64 CENT! Tip tls Soand.RNp, to bit bad at WElta's . TDB PUOMBION vrM stall ft OE4 at TM cAbck—vithXciliand tows. CiDVNANCIR _RANDALL, ..;e: 2 , or !monism golf. 88SBWOOA, of T,e!gni. LIEUTENANT, ettiLos. Ltd other4lstltyintsbad W rsia Wt . Oannr l ol4. - ; :soriiii• or aiimitmis °omit:rim. •• .9*,4 - • ••• • - ' •••••• 1 givilooilittrkA AD MI neetiretang tat e',..MI4IWW/6 31111W011111. ," ~= PoirrzcAL ANY ITICT:OKY.I A. MEETING vial leis plies Mb evening al WILKIHS HALL, AT 7 O'CLOCK. PROF. JOSIAH COHEN of the Hite ev Echos!, who so tby niltesed the people et Wilkins Hall hal Taiszby mobs, will spat an thie °mien. A DBAeS B SAID wlp be to etbsessne oaf VIGILANCE 44 PIT? 'IODINE! 001. D. B Mortis, Iwo Jona, (La,J Mak. O Untlanan. lam Mac?, Nobt Pecurtz, Tim D Young, W 0 Lail-, Lortarton Jr 8 Bremer, Tbco Joo s Illneller; Jaw (laming, Joel Brave - Cho Etratlon, 11 W Jan Bravo, W Horny, W B Baran, Isar Nock, N P Soaps, Jana bon, COMMITTIM OF Joe Honer, Co! John Loin. W 11 Brown, II P Edo, Thai ldollonage,y, Mow° Poet.,, Wm Britian, 0 Botta, 0 Joon'. • J Doyle, Thor Stomas, II Jones, Jost Wood. Bella 0.119 th, . W B Erman W J Jon..,•Jaitta 0 ray, J•ht Gra, Henry Jo hn,, Thom Elbow. Jot'Orserfo-d, ir Li Baton. tfatbew Andenor, W I Gardner, I.losiorgbrey. Jobs Helen), John P Barton, Bobs lade,, BO Herron, Dartd 1 opten, id A Heron. t-at the poll, on TIES b, et oth o'clock. Pent •Iloa loon. 11 0 notron, Jr, /no Potty, W. 13. D:tftf, Geo twat, Wm Wm:idiom, Wm II aortaly. J A I,l4llormgo, The Committee wl 1 ma DAT Mt RAMS% the 13 Mud Mindanao to man 04011SSTOVirN CONVENTION,- The otelmitinett hftvlor beau 1PP1. 4 MET HADAR of the ALLEGHENY 0.70 N Y DELEGATION, to the lIIVION CONVEATION TO HE HELD AT JOHNSTOWN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10iii, 1868, hu designated the Moving gindlamest al AILS: N. b 1100EHII&D, JOHN LOYD, (Pin* Cronl4) nIOHAnD Pn.taT, OBEST COLYILL2, UMW 11108, BZNJ/111121 W. NOBGAV, JAIIIIS lrocOMß9, (ftti Ward.) JJON JHS, OHN N H. oD O OI N ALD, (Allegheny,) osBPtl2 GANG, The abort rutin:nen, and an pains denittng to stoomploy the Delegation; will mat at WILMS HALL, At 7 1-2 o'oknk tills morning. TRAINS .111 dart Loa the DUO I' at II o'clock A. IL, precisely. JOHN P. GLASS, OW Math at. riterrommusdnrs. A PPLES.-25 barrels for sale by AII4 . GOO Him Iry &I 4101.4kgra. POT OLAY.-50 barrels Et Lotus oar. Brantlt O. COLLINS. CtRUDE OIL.-125 barrels to mita la sad kw sate by 0310 ORME BUTTER in tubs just re+ tolved. WIBB 6 WILHIIitLiS. cola 1117 Libarty NO. 1 WINTER LARD OIL.-8 bbls to arrive bs BOLL Nal see oeS ILASIAII !! DIMS at M. TALLOW . OII..-12 bblo to strive by, For sals et' • 18 tall DUMMY b 0 ITALIAN ?JACO/1110Ni and VERMI MILLI. dreamt 'topmastlos, Jot real. Would e r r rats try sold terser A. EXIMIAIY; terser Liberty sod HAW streets WAN —ALLIGH BB Y OWN Y //Yr mit our. oomencness sONDB. r-I WI. B. WILLIAMS i 09. nbu 43118E5111.-75 boxes small "Eng• Ileb ] .toten," Wigton Beano and uommon, Wr sib tb obis COZLOVIDItiII. WllllB • WILKINSON, 0610 SIT Moms et. 013.111188.-200 boxes Prime W. E. to .Lsrp Ltantrark W.B. In stem and for ale by IMO is WILEINEIO: oclo ET Liberty JEfitlfir SWEET POTATOEE-40 barrels fades Aunt Potatoes Jest netted hem t littedejptle, and lat 7 the tenet at st ntaii at the nails Chewy 131:re et . . . . JOHN A. lIHNEHAW. corner Liberty end Head isresta. DRAM JAVA ODEPHES.-15 beg, Old JI. lharvioant Java Mho Jut recafiraO. Also, vim ell Ma, Lama and Mocha WM, for oaloky JOHN A. wow Llb.rty sod Hold strasia. (10:111BN ORKESSI.—Aohoice let just realiTid. ald WWI= Sagltab Ohms. Piss Asp* ud asp ago, for sib at the Nanny Grocery Sian of JOHN A. BXISIMAi a r. pane Liberty and Rand strta eiHMV PRNBSYLVANLe4 AV& NUB PROPLUSI SOS 4LLLEL—A so RIZ= 4.lrolllng Holm of Will, bar rooms, Laudon u 4 cola. Lot YO toot frost by 100 deo. apply to 0. (10TH.DIVII a 1506 e. (010 61 Mown et. Nu 60 BAST C1N24610/d 808 —lO Int mat by 110 dory tom' allry. • con. badge two-Mary trams IwouHag Boum of La, pasta, dbang rem. 11:1101013m *attar, bur c loo, e o n, 8. I.lolllBiilit i /.088, 51 Nubs it. D EIIIOVAL,—We have thia day taken JLIU peso melon or the Mace lately oesupled Weer a uume, HaliD ataillt, al which place en vlll M iterl to fee car him% ',TVA / • OHORPIIW IRG. duller 15t.13‘3. maw I.Ih2ILTON UN FR4OTEIRIOI , .. ;ANEW DLIVWN -,Sraionom.T.ANAtlai On ifttsoTOßlS ADD DiLlL.Uth&TlOsse. Di !rink Hantogi Hamilton, A. il., M. D. derma& salmon. narked an* maptotet.lastratott with tm bandted and atatit! Imo sod cam. Oita vol ume aro. Ka MOO. oaaas Waal and. TTOBSB, BUGSTABD FARNESS.* JJL 114TOBDal IivISILOO, Oat lOa st 10 u ut.ok u lOU be sold al en 00301.11011 IWO SW:qui, 01 /Max strot, au Baird Stun, • tetra 014. plum NW, ger" lad • good 01/214 how. Alio, wt 'liaising/law and ktursaul. .0) D/11101 MAXIMMEIII. Amin% O L TIMAIGLI—Brom iho . ieaidaaoene . of the suticrtber. war ILiaghlin'a Fan sace;a sells, vluta Ooot, about Mr heats oht ally meta owtnaolhaarbababoits irill ha Mara*, rebatdat by having vadat Ull hottaga mostaz a tat Labithhali Minbea PUB : BAIA: • Iwo 11001041 15(D Wain & • oas is tactquana r a am era, on. in* roar to, Ot an and very sted. Chao tor cub. IL C. tat" mar lb& %ANL 46 ne4u „ MOTEINIi t PVE" OtIMP a.. BO= TO DLL^ unitinire TAJZITINO at. lid: moos.. Tv* bimetal 'mud buddy' Whits: itithbthy that dap sheath hoe thins. Mt. Id oats ono. ititho sub& est OH AA O. EILLOT. St Whoa is. 1 7 0 SALT AI —Abotti cco potiava in , Tyra =TAG . nz.inUateacco s of vanD3llll ruizsD a commie. ceirms.: Nog. aati T 4 111f111 street. 'SCHAUB WDONALEr aisa AAD boOa IfibrOlit a uszassozi Bum* ow g.%; Eanklql#42lrick•• - -Amax= tufa. Doom maim. XbilLnlelol tad•UNIIL illtUrrig4 br Maw abet tonstastls ea band. .'isakitser; ORIiVED THIS ilAY, —_.. '.. -.: • ' 1 OR lod ' w t Nediackeiert IN Una, onkel: - . -, • - . IF bordolhnos Fositour 1 , 5 - , . • 10 -; - • Limas. .dio, - - Auk , i' . " : - . , a bubth bansiVests "balm. 141 s4= k4 sitib -', Inolloodulo For .;i0 -- , . .... ... - •:, sat wvagra% ,a , _ .. p, 11:1W 11114 ri I Ai/ J if V- 0 El DNANTE' OFFICE, WAillimirnan • fIEAIND PHOPOSATitt will be reotired st this ally, net& p m e ta the 23th of thee:meat month of 4 etoler. P:e. ICO.OOO sets of toftn'ty west tte. meet.. calibre 1 61. to be Mitered In Ike foliating on.o•lthe, at tee andernamed arsenals, vial 70,C03 sus st thl N T. drowns% Govoreent Island r0.(00 " Frankfort Arreesißridesbarg Pa. tattke. Allegheny ATUZIe, P14 4 0/11 . 34NP , . te1.00 3 it. Irrzty drifted. Et Lout& Ifo. 10.10) " rf & Armor,. Sprit:Add& Mem three a=ntratitmt not axe to . be ne a e In atrial con formic, With the mutation Patterns. which t in b. weft at et her of the short named anew& sod lb.; aye to be InhJect to !tepee Iwo s the Withal whore dolly:rod. before befog recalredfor the Goy. ernatett; tot. tab. sanded or pill for lot 'nth s• toe enrol" ti oo iftspection. The belts to Deaf rained bp, sod aft the stoot to be the bet oak tanned. The stoat:lr tilt will be forieded in the eft. Dellecies rand It made td lota of not irzi than 1 .f.00 bets tat west for adoent ruts Of 10.000 beta or under: and tot left than 2.000 sail Per week on all cosmos for over 10 tte) eels. the drat delivery to b. wade within Arisen days eels; dale of content ream todallverst a tperltsci time will enbitot tae tor to a forfelthis of the amount to be dells. ened at Meat time. The a contra:mats toast be b:z tri In the met manner; the bower to be charged at ow. to be deterailse/ by the tafrotor. I.l..Vers will stets explidtly the erring orinerud, wkly. thew propow. to doLver. and the dumber ert eat en s thee room to deliver at es .b place , if for mote th cm. Ho bide 14 I be cooeldered from pamice attar than regular mane eouiren of the article. and snot, as see' Moira to Um Department to be folly competent to recent% in tteir own stops, lb* work p-opried for Zech party obtaining • contract oil be required to later into bonds, with sypierel sureties, for no faithful mlflimant. Tio Department reserves to Dealt the right to re Jett any or all bide, Dolt doomed gatilfactory. Propouili will be addreeesd to ' , Brigadier Gemara George D. Dames', Chief of Ordnance. WashiseLai and will be tradoxied ••Propwali for inforial7lltrott• tremont9." D. BAlitil&. oclo cLood Brig Goo.. of anigaggs. SECOND }UN D PIANUB. A 6 Oct. Boom° 4 CM", Rom& 00r... -- ma, Iron harm A vary good! twirl:lst& aeronaut; made by Obickartng & 6 at. Mahogany Ca" riZtE4..COilia4; EMU my Chlektring. A gwd Plano that will wear . 140.00 A 0 . O ct. Matiegany Oam, Plower Corners; med. by 61.1bart....—.... .-. L:0.00 A 0 Oct Mahogany Ono, tquara ele — ncerr; - laid, by 1414 A ern. 60.00 A 0 Oct.. DI stymy Ow ,*tguara Ilo — rnatt; mute by Alclortng 70.00 A 6 lect. Ifa!nnt• Cu., Bound &rum; Oar: man mods 60.00, & 6 bct. Walnut O ars; Germ= .---.. 40 00 For sale by 0 LEAP. 0. ME LLOV, 81 Wood at New Mom from 8/15 fa POO. BOOTS AND SHOES, ?moue inuthig anything Lu our liar ot bastion, will And that thq uut lap taoney by p.c.b.s.his their BOOTS AND 3110E9 MMIN WELL SELECTED STOOK, Oam➢rking eversildni In the Aare of Wig* re Ere roll'ug at Tim low prle.-11. 0111117 Mar chats trill find It loa Moir 'dining to giro • a oc3o •1, d S. BOBLESD, N0..93 litaskst et ,24 dear from 6t h it pular'. • ors PUOTOGRAPIi UOOlllB, COMM rum AHD !LAMM MEM, Cid and &I !dodo. au Ettildaddoa's hrtistri State, PEOTOREL&PBB, at atm tin aad sty% igr.yi ea:cred, from the popular Carte tls IrtilVa to Came 3330121E0 and Lit. G 1... FO3NIAS9II ve.:l4 tha button of th. mom LIM 1211111.111 to the eeq omits! tdltty of Ws WWl' tuna% balm roomsbod bysittk.' air Pixel ■ODnaty and unebottoa -, airftlfusrueTte ' ViirPtiterfi Bain? 'Eli E. firer ex hem between Wm utie.regind;tutder Its able and &rim of HILL. MAIM= Ck/,llsa,.thli die: hem sontultreiliabrea. - .T808.M144 led AMOS LIM/ Ird birlins.porclused the Intern?. a BOWEN NJ:OGEE& the Meatus et the Welt= WU be HI. 144 oP by =kW; LEW/8: t WENNaILtIEB, - LEWIS, Pittsburgh, re.. Ttb, 111'2.AMOS HILL 1G LEWIS, "occasion to HILL, loOLIJU11•00., or:atoms to manufacture at tnalr md stood, corset of grant and normal eta. crated Egad ate, tattle tett mama, all and. doe of psalm', Watt for dabbing ba dr ndb. each at dash T i ams, Shatters. laradbit, Beare, dm Builders and scow contamphltha bad. log. are Invited to 411 autruonfna cur lurk. alldhrd RILL lEdisrld. pHOTOGRAFR ALBUMS! MI idyls', pricrs, titer nil ointla. The Cheapest and Best in the City, EC IT T ' fa; MASONIC HALL, FIFTH ST. UUD ,• hu ' I liu W. BZSTOB DI JmppnbUihed, seilWaw rags. Prism, Elz Oafs. A Lorton on the Eaton Teutons' sad Radial Cup or Epormoton beta. or 13doloid. Wotkatas, larolnohty motottans, mania Daddy. sod, bopottattato to atstrlattl gatetall; Norintonwp. Cotton:lm= 11 41. 4 biro. tat sod ,Ptigtosl lutgrodtr. from lilt.. Adam do.. by Baer . .. COZTERVZSZ , prlbor of the Rasa Boob. as.. "A ikon b tkaisuuls Cl Marino; nor otter stalli In . . plea earolopo, to any *WON ptut•plid, on rocolpt of costa or two stomps, by Dd. CC. J. Q. COWL !Bowery. Now lord, Pelt Odlco Bra ego.. • . 'initezaitsmrs:u 11 HAL ESTATE FOR' HALE.—The ./LTY underdipsed.otters for isle. a imp delta!, ; pleas of land, containhut 183 eons, nearly, &total okilaktoln township. It taunts on; the tninenfuti. rod an sae Oda' and one Me oaths Vanbethtown road. It fa put of the Whit* Hall Vona. Shia let has a haw erected on it, and an 'crate of apple and amp trees. Wising fault. _Uhl lot will bs .oht en seconnunaring tarots. If not oalittelhre Wean of January. It will to for rant. Tor (unbar patio:Won looks at WHIM ELM. or the soto:riter, In Bowdon toamhfpp., satioWdoinot' I:4WD RICOS. AM E L. Y.NUIitiEEM—ROSEB WADI AND OItNAITEIMAL 21113% luttild. VIBES 11113 d Eviinciazzaa; W IL LO W; (taker ard the oraameatal cw-Jrnorr TIM and littbadent ti , Atr, ail tit . quality and ut:. Hoy. BoUaHOM. coma, sad Rom rni ROOM at taibit• ptiorof VS bradral. at. Pend bet» pentad thav, sad all other Nam* old* bat and at retlamat. Wes, la order !to alai* oat dentog thapotsmtroll rod mit Open. ;nabs .. 0 &AMY: DiAsatted al. or, T. A. imams, girstureawr tn tM oriour. NO/14Er—;Whareas letters of stain. to trillion to tbb orate of artaelptatitoos. er•i, itacastaa, tats at Eaardon tp ,Taro - ban granted to tko tabactiboro, all omen toatetoe to said *tats aro totratated to male imandlatopilmentwond iMs Wang Valour agatait the ' will protant tam pats aotesouottoo to re:i - yr. Dketi) tem:sort. •-• . vowel. eats totataahlr, • • smart: DOSSIDSOrk • oat 0.61, . . - Itamtdos tawashlr. 'FRB PARTNRESIIIP. heretofore 'oz. Who iniatethe nage ityle JOBR.I3IIa. 71111 a Cu .is thts dey Waived by mils& of Me ihe hie fins viil Wwtthtb t. sq. H. JOhlr. Mete clad! lizatoiho4:oll s l 4llog. tied aid reanazetbh fey ' - - Litgrieda -7 - • O. t4111*±111; ' J. w.aormatly W. B. JO IZO. _ Pilihnekh. Oct. lith • - - • A LLEGHENIr AVARIIIt- . .411,:per. ze. was hiteniudimi ears* iwan.suist no cm! datstsatd, viswits spixdstol to taw and sans too Otatatts sad tatidtssolsioshoat the pmasett opta. Ing . of At'sgbooy Attnati - trota te, Utah flu at IMP "not to -Wood igoo. VW mint ca Naito. of sold tlissoopisasot,thstr jappototailati,14 °Woes PAIL. JAN= No&ULAI. JOHN oollOw : — .JANllSLatusurr. - • - - nu. LtobritirtitiAlUti, Zatupitl • - DBOPBtor 11111111148;-_._ • _ HAM! matmoLnkautost - • LaLtuaIIMGOIC OTTOOTH ltliq AL LXII'S Rata IMITOII2B azgl , girLOBALUX9I:4 •`• • Ala Milli ir by pontrea at _ _ Cottral Drain" .I.s4tiatrt Room Al tit.- EOO luxes tr. 8..... I,CO bats Hastbanet 414 Wu* Kaglbakaaritr, .1 - • tabards Nall . I 00 Inny's II 11ek12 . 4,11114. sein ao 6 bloo _ anstsid, 2FQ • a /iX m t g. ; - - so i la sit 10/111..; ki din inahriiir "7, 41- kWellakeiLl ' - 'lAA=Fara, October 7.1561. oar a dailizloa. to OLTIT'3. L...agred was, ss awls ates. CbtbirYn, irkozipallol by yam% SO rewired rata, 15 obis. - The largest, meat etmli late sad only althea*, Mt. toy ot the Geret BetleMtm essi deireteit on as roman • perfect taktactipt of ow/ Snag d igorr• twos Dom Tin IIR T DIMID Sine /I AT au xPTxa DOWN TO UN OAP/D3Z9117/4p13. _ - DOM • BKOZB, This it the anue COLOSSAL PICTURE Olt MIN WAS that ins finnan In nutmegs in Janos Wi, and gane nee nainesst sailefection to aowdad And deltgbted aatlincat tor throe cancan web; and the use Anon rhtch tratod in natal m this city greeted fa **mance la Olereland,Ainda nett, laulnita, Lou., Chicago, Dallnews. Weablegta ana Peiledelphla, the mat • otgatioaa belt ,Ife thole .cbise belts loselltatant to accoman deft tee ininsose Warp who docked to itilhasla, Darin the months ot July end Ansa. tide Pio._ tare was paced le the beads of the teemed Artiof wider whose napless it was originabrpeeduadAnd is Mee weeks tale suited enemies Ina be to launching the piston ant =stela' now scene of abeam% extents, Soh same hit be n enti= rflalsmed;nd stand' for , h aL Ingham Maria its matinobeta 7. .The_ immeas asses and tuapaidielnsegotailan emend by _thlitliaele. roe pentiog, bought into she Add a helactliflosce able nitatans, which base salmis satsuma to nava fop the made boor. Tatiana bentinand utterly Mikan the pans Sod ppoasits, with one to. rood. Oat pentatmeed GOODWIN A Ow d POLY°. BATA -WASUNAITALLaD , 1111111:1N. A P.PllttatillaßLlV,The exhibition la now near the ezetnave dinctket and coastal of /gr. HUMS OCILLABIi a who will galling no at t soh inhibition and' 'deliver an. NLABONATZ Ltd. • 211 1 / 1 0AD LitOlVita, the rendition ,o 1 in the gendpel Mules of the -United flatioe, hes exterod the ungoliged epprotatin of theta. Grip nubile,: elr. Os. D. - Prentles, el the Lentseille 1010941. LW commenting nos this Loam swerdstl togs. &mans 00 proud utie (dna NOIR NLOGI 7 / 1 012L9T Or Tint.DAY. rut father to Juan • Me .attres.arrase ot this Mogan Ind 1W lined Antotainment. - Nrs. BEMIS littsUlßß; the eminent Contralto Vocalist, will boiodizalatarit salaam a meaty of mutant! snapriste anga - balledalto ,many of them want= snowy to tats Gamine dee plyszcitlegannese 2'oe elan= cl mainly are Utia lends! to no plates's amend the lanes of A1t1151713 IISOILL LL illolo OILSTOItY, AND ILEVINED NMI% will= seated with an entestainmat a* dd stands edly W1122017T A DIV aL - 111 ILL WuBLD. • TL IMS 2$ cents: Children undo mat. Doan spot at 7—commence at 73isetlociu GILUID MAMA= WEDS2oDAY AND DITUNDAT A ITEEMCONS, at $ o'clock, when &Wm *Mb& admitiA4 tor 10 ants each. Rums amour; nunger;-: O. AMORY DIMON, Agent • otifait Prrissasaa, PL OATALOODE SALE OF OftOIOS BOOKS —an aLTIMIDAY ZULUS% Oslo. ter lon, eir3i Wendt, vet te sold for analsilsata the seared Sloss of tb Canner:Ll Bales licents, fd HUM strut, a. Mew . 14 42011211. itteallassoas Hooks,c en an trecing the stain fold of Jrnallia sad amest Wessman, allot the bestaitiloaso aline excellent ocndstlan...fte WIWI= Is testa =dn. Wass as atiglnal Abbotrord alltba el 20 Ws noselr, asud Butes worn, vela; lanstiMa Mean a d On :Sulu, ro'24 Xederna s Pretest: NM a Was lintefgee's maks, Inith's Wealfrof Nations. Weennirs Ifeaeln, 2 eclat - Steacat Malted States, 2 eels.. wino; Ckddtallifsmarkisil. vols.;='s Innellsny, 4 :Med dicrpelOes• srosta 4 vols.; anellara wake. edited r ' lise !telly; Taattents lirildepri B isisd - - Lange, Taao, Jenne' Henn onalltarrrdat Hasa , ler and Wets' Petalcatkas, Inaitclors Ihnsfly:22^. weer, Onfasselonat Webs and tinfenan.4 Wale Ita's Clabis6-11•0114 Posiel'a Vtltanal tamt edit Hydsopstlde rem* Hartletss, Lab Onquat m Aillifida. 2 TAIL. 112 2 1221 c00mmY -- far trieg i ong, face nucleated .Wsak7c uti -1010 t - ' Ostelogate ars new Seedy, end Slur War an ton esammaddtatsg the wane day clads. wr::: • g p. sat , . • ISEANOB:8 HOTEL AT ;A1)0T/ON. —On TUESDAY ILVINHIG. O. id TX o'clock ba kobt at the Commeatat Baas • .IMwri.. l • OS Ilfth street ,Tka pasta known as sktianitea Bottl e ' , attnatee on Saab ono% between Para lad -Eattataandiw 77tie ka Wien, gm fronton Youth dad bide. Arafat derp: - lbw Motet ritbrenatta Urfa; • Stoat of atrasairen bit by empty. Wt nap. Barororm, Elittniproinni Dube roan" and attaches as tha dratiloor. Tbs. Pagan, *aalKao Mat. and tam , / lhoftsAtootas on Stu texcir thlid Morn Oahe =dor the entire Mac , helm aria htdy bakt, and h now dada wirtallosr . Yana or Basw—doiabalt mkt elit; 6 l Eais6 s Ore. two and Ono law. vita Intend, -lamed-by:. bond and tocalada.• ter partied= antra ot H. dill, no. a 111111 i dna, or et J. tko onintina. ot9 DlVlBaliaThWAllMAtet'is. ROCBRIES AND BIINDIUN AIATORDAY zoinuare, October - 30th: 4 .1,* o Usk will b• ton sit thkOcamartial IN4s, Wm* 10 barrel' Iffarlng: 6 lisp•l4l TI•14 " " GM& libtros; 11 Pr.pirect Austad; 1 k Nasamat II abiptasy - m /lag 191.0a06 Pepper; • ' 6 boal Cod• tlalinstur. , 10 bcsza l'o3ot /kip: . 10 bowl %Aka Born ' 10 dam Con era:ma - Dion steu.verenti I FINIPEOVED - PROYEEITY IN . ' LLIF , W--f .1. saisornam—ca daTIOIDAT-''ditithii.:m IMOst. Out. Mk s% 11 etekdroiltibs Old 01111.?.. priming. et the germ cd Bellmtelas Om gad dth - ." edlegbasy Toby Miliread. to th e Boma elLein," ,. ' '.,, neneritho dud galubb bt treattor than osia. 4 .:. bonito end. u 113argleg hack the NM Mani: in n emend • doable the Moth With 800% ithie Path Balking& eall thindlor as is Mho twill : The Bellmse ire Mr ad fell fidgadithirthirli.. ironed halftime/7 batroTrai ' ......_.....___- ......... ' t o t . I el gili—on•teud min on eeei —' ash id* Wroth gamed by bad sad _ . DAVIS di NaLWAXIIII.Asens • DOWN and .51A.VOINEfft dT Tium—v a suseDis iiminWom Isll4 - - 14136 o'clock. itlns sod •s Ike Counsablat .axiss.binslessrß sb. tros Imola Doom* Baroagh,umutby ElSsurs , 5 - peal* Oaks oil pond &We bstruss ate rat,*,..‘ , sigma Owl siM Balhe 19im Maws teteaLat. Sa Sas, ismotied.WOrsktalatiosindeltirorms....t_ abandagrawaung Islam lingtawthmeitkPffe___7l,,!,' Gag sewn Issasec VU t oslsseisachaum AIM", soljohda SCWO. as 'MA Is I naiad icltr , : rim Sams combitsgagLlszrOatis--;-....m . Tult f7 l . 3l .P•a r nuffil ' ' oar - Visa SAlLVinniAsiir",W CO7.BTABLIII3 AIWA OF GOOD 1 / 4 1INTLRBS ATitrarlle=o. Ttrumer sou anw, °maw Mon 10 *Wok.* / 11 . 2 1/a4. - :7 lia'Austka assn. t• NMI Olt as samm•i• : ect4 Ta.mito•,•ftlasstoit =ado :pp _Drifting_ t.ftan• Bum, Woks* 41.0,m4 , aid .1146 - ..... u• MOWS ..4•••1•40111101k.7...41 WalnatiefillniOalottail a• 011 ad 2 " 1 7 e Ach snotaiid.Walr atieft.ora - .03,010 Wupgritro.o h Alittltibillir t =l.ll~Alria .siswakier au"! . . • Up.!ITTEGUEIGH IMAM L"'"unitatuar -"` atemaios. 41.1. TIIIIDAT SIGN? BILL THE. G HOBT •IN TWO DRAMAS. THBOHOSTI THE GHOST! Est) TI MM or pains a altsairepacras. rats lIITENHO wID InPreonned. RAO PICKER OT THEM . gong Inv saketn. tong Bon. T. =ads& intb (torths L. suit y• pular) inns doh a plit sad anima: l 4nd Poe- er and ninadorftal Wenn. wrtnni nrent. fer nes lanai:mean Otto Pbantan 'ginned. TUE DitEMI.SPEOTItE. 10mItilitiONLO HALL Performance Every jfirenoen & Kerning. SECOND WISE 01 • Prof, ANDERSON! Tint iseit rt the g;raad gleam Cplea' Madan et , . THE SPECTRAL GHOST! . As introduced he Prot. TSPPSIL 7. IS as• Wired for sixteen consemalse mouthy, at they** tat:halo Institute, London. The whole of the &mantra war t brought mai/ Pr 4. AHDHSSOZI, last May, fa the Steamship HI. berets. eardsmerton arab this. Prot. AIDRB3OII en Due ertha Deckliaal PecgeslDr• .TWO HoVIP IB WOBDEEI WOBLu. 1154aaro AI& D EDSON will appear at eads rePftrantailas Y Ule !MPH, UP DELHI L To* testa ot Ito bsll will to boutUfoily ITIh tad nistiti by lbo 111LZOISO ObLOlOll LUSH!. D t Sp xoto op= at atul 7p to. to mum= 7)1( an m. - - !teats may be neared tuba duo day., • . OW T. BLlifiuW3, Ldnais amel. O , TRE ORIGINAL PICTURE, TSOII NIBLO'.7 SALOON, NSW TWIN, AT MIA.StiNIC HALLL, FOR A SHORT SEASON, COMMENCING WEDIESDAY, OCTOBER 141 h, GOODBIN & CO,A GIGAR44C POLYOBLEIA OF - THE „Wily lICTIOJr 14L.L11. • •l -
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