.~''~?~ s'" ~',...tFX~~ie'' K '" 3 `r~, s ~-~v .'-- ~`t~ uv ' ~nq`~ - rY¢~ , AF~~.'*!",~'.~r~""''r-^R~;.~~3 H~~ 1;.rr~;: ~.Tw },m~'^~.~.-.,"r,~~, ~ ~^"~'~'_.:L~`„`u~-~»:^'..`~.~~ir;~~i • . • 1,,,,1. ~-......,,,,,,,,, , ,--- ----- —l ' .1' , .., ",. t :,. 1 .7-.T.1" , !!, t..1.T,.., n.-- , 5 ~ ;-. ,, t . f --'-'• • , , .. . .. . iV.K. , .. , 5 , '.-''''' '''''''''' ',- T .„:.. . . .. - .... ESTAWSHED , IN ;1786. -411Wf: . igWL.imgour o,au)s; DIV/gtiNWPIABO i • i''CADIII3 CRAWFORD, 114):11**Tekei rqsTatift. at tallthot voiratriteres ernsis alissirma i _slk_aenualb, Arm ; oomaz.. *BAO:turnsii to irtot. EntillZOom WOlti,,Ontom AHD ea& WWII% ototBSPAULIEJ) promptly,ottondat to Ihattcalit site:lkm sold lo Mans ItltYltilb• SW Ilan ASIDAABBOX MB. thiWatott District dries. la Qs do of 11&1111_ LAIISDIUktt .1516:714/111111? UNION YORP. - bott ,w tonstob. tialloo so o4foi,ft to not Labia to pt cat, of mist, sad Ca Wow isoss water th an inky oft aID.. O►Bl &ND WOOD CrIIAINS 11110LIMAJII OR 111114.11.. ' JAS. W. WOODWIILL, Wand 29 Third arid. Modal Aistsadion t o'o.+ sad M ltarth dreg. mIIIO D74L *ARPOI3RI A. L. MEDD & HBO., Ocaattithlt hod Oxman date% BIETIMOILIk GISTRAL 0011IEWERON MILSOBANTB, Ant .Wtd fdr tap oftfItraTiCRISPOIP Dri ' , MIIVEIIL Boothe oonagarmat al lands of Watent Prow dia. and mats odiaras thatch. • • 'IL B.—Balttadte[attn hoot of Wakunta.' azna Wan EL. Bala & 4k4.j =at ' • • Plttsanßh l omat&Canard, Shogant, ll liorohoato* Saak,Bantmoro At. Do Wad amos. ji t AD' ar Few Finis 1 GBILDIIIINII FANCY TOMB; aura nu bera,ooLr asso , a azqvA ILILTII A= OAP& Ifferrisztayatil rtylief the abayt Loop osi luati fintiegivat . ItdIORD 00.13, So. LVI WOOD OTTIZIre piTENTED.OUT. 8,1861. • ',.,"Vithridp'iirittint. oy0; - - - .LAmr. OtTASI • Mir Mufti= ti!tel:uld ibillausts, Wear ksitift• an : m. ate=ssl6,ll: i d .° 6l , r;9 11 ! D. DIVIIIIDGE;' •• • lost 11,49 E r#AbioNP W O -1,-i-PARK;43SOTIE4IC&CO4-1,, =ME WiTikfIOALITT SidllllllD atirr Zailicc64-ed am. • Warranted' .gad ::80,1141 .oC,LlClamfamand la tab . 9 =5 aa rum . • Jadisio IV NM= . alttatargb. . iroimaXuatackizeila! itheet; iron irorken, , purE • i a. go. 14 ii Hader seethed or , , • - gel theliealtirith teethllathmed • • iyars Are peepeni • ta,manufastaritheri •. • •.„ • , Actioxionw bait thather, sod • r.•:, • `-• anuthier 13,111140111211,111/1 NUL= Vzrzs, outtouva thtILL13400811111:031129, BALTAthISSITANSSiOIto MILLS, AGITATORS, MEPANF,',IIOI-140 , :2111D0324, UM_,eneioltthencifsetwert ed,EIABII• -Itheetethg does GROBORIV: PORCH tialmissloe Meichant, ninv maims% 147 ARO' Otretymonillogickeze.< " MaiiniolLlU:litekieo:Olitsbortghl • • r Knight:" C!..'spil ?; Yalitt 11 Brom:. AIkreoCOBIGOK# OC!:, 1414 qt mrsiumia_ _ . _ M u g Zbertistraii ._____ . ' l 2 -mead 000K,IPAELOIC £lllrlnuTii JIG BED -PABIARANDICITOZINGBATEI. ROLIAW W alai Iltsit HIO EWA* WWII • Glob& thikWadat az. Um limbs& DoiltperigiWyME lir -10gibig im p ty ClariTheelt, "ob agit43ua .T egp seder.-: Patimaihrtair EU.' irtell gem arnalli EMIG , . -= ' ,:' aptlamff - BIZEMMILAND Buts§ WORIEK VOIL'IgINEVIS ' ' Aettionioto: OtttoNtroita - - YEAII2I9 I KO6Ir.etIPII, 1J1D6704 and rest tattety , of Itartallaitt - LOOPY " - Aka: eaßeOrolli taltle-Hustias out • hitile , sit Mask ipmForyi - 20q.150 !tont ~WV6Tgati,Azutisir fromfune: ta Dim ibilata,Tarttcabr atteatlbs btu Mart* oat zstists44l4l:olt. • Bart: atßaalbaan lIION WOES an Wadi& Saila CMITUM, at-ta agbaklatabattbulcatittactia. • • odes litt at Nos. 11.1 t 31 WATS; =WM' axe Utiotiy. viltbope=ptliottecats to. AMU, Boob= at tab babe pniettati ibbaystimarytate..taantage /XI !bob bitdant : blatibm airtablatabioalasno nowt.. • !lion • Coinguloktero 4ll . Lig assist tnall kinds 9f ooralliT'zionuaz Ba.llD 61DY8217 sibtair - - - Prerturoar. Pa. sorooistessis ' *rasa& a Isla M I OOI4AIBTBIL & BABB, ,- ,--- iitsnii;cumo sad deslssiti sit Ilnds of s'oßsoao, enrierw esylus, is..m *Goa sitium rkruaina, Pi. MTMM=C!MI OM- liras .- Ulailite, -. BOUNTIFi L ': E 'AO& PAT, lair EMMA ii t owi ' Lpgiveloll. congas! bra a ledbir apOu i llataitil " WnVii ,r .; • - :: - AtitIVSIIT Si -4,..:.llL;lthatioiDkii alli4'ilhbraleill:t a....."-'.. .“.1 ,- -- bran =OO EN= craw , 'Mat spesol. -- i . .../.oi ll 444r•r*. - *iiorgto iismoliests& Ma • • - ..... ...... . . . • ' - RI) 2g.)RA girlie W rifik i nr*i 4' 4 l o /01 01= 1 V - ' 1 a 111 llb 11i1AlstXCwMI:.O WtIMsCI'MtobIoP,L. liwk.w a tioltisiskaiDtu 4 ,:0163161P1 'Any r aadtaL , i dgit D of l = 1 I / R IO W Z •4M I I N II Y "P"H4 G 1 adiihkUW ll , : ;' "- ;-::-q- ; ).' ' L''';'"- -- " ' 7 : — illripiliktula o •litslOilli.o*4 6l • , , . --, ' '-.,-' •=--,. . - : L ; 7 - 7 7 i fientlemeav-hrldsbinriloodi. ~:-., . .,,..„1,t, . 4. , .• , - -,--, !..- 4 -, 'VI - .• ~ -. . . 1 ' 1 ~ ,,. .r . , ; ;'.?., 3 1 . .er, ' r ; .75- . ... ~.,_..,,„..,,,,.. ..«.,-,..., :fir".., 4. ~...-.....---*. , ^.'. V"''' 7'' ' er. "7!' 3' :',. ' ' ''' . s -. t ' .. , . 7 . - 7 ' ;:% .:. ; . r . 4,?!."' - 4*?,(A'.5. 1 4;: ,, k;' , X13",f.: . ..AW*P41...,4..4, . . .* - ''' „' , , . - `Z.: -, :- . M.r. , ...V . :• .-, r ti , :.,.,.--.,. ,',.,'..,-..-.. ~ ,, ,''..:1,,- : - ~....,...' ....Vi '' i, ,, ,'...., - ; , ; 4.'..,t,'Zi.4ip... - ' 5, - FS::+4. - ... F;5 , 14.!;-.;,.21., , : 1rii.4 . , , ,, , ,, , A. , 0a,V,47, , ,a'5.4.16,,, 71. , . .• - . ,i,, t , . . .‘. , ..... .. : ... ~. . . . : ,...,-L ' , 'f' . : : *;„ ; -'1 4 : : V , , f?..Z; ..., :! : •74,:'''':.'-3-'-...i..4,5Vi1 1 ...f' 'C'' ,V't s ' V :'"C ' ''''' : -- - ''. - '' ' ' ' - : . : F •': i.. ... . ..- . ;' . ' • '-'...,... ''''' .. .-,:+ 6. V-s`t; .-3 4 :- . 15, i . : 1- ' . '4' - ' ,1 ' , ` ,. .-..'*" . ;*q.N1: . •:1.. 4. Zt.?:: 4, ; 1- .. ,- ;.' ,,- e-- ,-,, -',"'' • -- , - 1' - - ',''. • : . - . ' '- : •'. -. ... - - ..: .. , • 7. • . ',:,.:',..::, ' - '^'; , ',t'..-':;.az4-r. ,, ,-'4.•.,-;;.:...-;.:-g.-,,,:.rc::-f= , f:.1-.- ,- . - . . .... . , dfIRCELLAJI7ZOII& HOUR FAIR COLLINO, PARK, LOLLING_ PARK AtiOCIATION wok.* ..I/. stack;_....— r. iltylanid Linn, by bual, 6 6D. Amouovuzzra To sl,O O O. I month... EL _ _ wca gin MI kkliOwtag Mord Prind=s amino? OF TIE BIND BERES TUE -FAIR WILL COMMENCE ItEDUCTIED WEDNESDAY, Odeber 1414 AND CONTINUA THDEN DAYS Nollsm 10.3115 but 1)5555121 5i5M100.......- $lO Irataziak far LIR Dna 515litcm 60 all wpm- 15 lbr to 16,056505ki1b0bal Tira lreag. Olstt Yua d Mls** n , 6 .Proudnize Pre550:50 Ibr Wilco raiags Bow. Nue cr ' ?.0 - The OM rtiodam trill batntded co Thunday, Odaka.l6lloB6l, at 10 a. It i tl r B PaYa 1,1 1 1 .. m m lint halm tliO • for ?tau Torte,lFlre tears. 010, owned 111 &NOB County. To TOW To boxed - - 1/0 Bona la .. b it to Bow* to Baia Pint Bay,•Seeand Premium, $lOO. net Bari Doable Ties, ST6 Second Day, 1 lim ar Pre t niltun of $l5O Pint Best Pactng U. t maid Hon Pant* Hons..*- 11111 s eats. S in% talisman. to Bola. , second Day, Second Pnmlum, Bird -Bed ?man loccritl Bat Stotatut 1111* SEW, 3 la I, to Hatiso, to,ade. Tait! Day; 1 1-1 p. Grand Tretting - p Premium; 800. TintSWEEPSTAKES MOB ALL. p est Hon etcona Ho Bob-t Bott 31n6, to Hama, to Bath Three or mar antra% and oat hai dban Mica a start.' /name. 10 pet amt. IPritatries to be mete to the Triestra cG the graturi. et 6 p. m. th.dy redone to the raw. A. II PATTIVION, Tres*, JOHN WATSON, Seely. IMPOR:TANT 's mate, Kaatowirestau. -hon ratted anti bra to °oration. soor di/. an =G ra ys fgaratcao to tno Essoractato Lubricating : and Paint Oil, :aka aim Gra biotin= otratilkilikraio. and now; ora and oacrani to sobiblocrattral "potrateltei tbzoo grab°, ftraliff rapectiody, of 14.14 'rand Otago Luigttaarzila on. inflow Owe lolwlesion boo been Woe, fl ay! banwboon prononseen may sapnianto ant of Ow! Forustleznatioli *Owl to Ow mast. - - . • no m , a," at tad quality. M dertaaal to.tab the liNe• at Ula bat Soma OA lad Ilan imam nettah Inning or otbeijnaatitniry. T+ A. SI ty. ton. minim siAottuwiJko ilabbayi ad the "UM ggilirhibt Wm/ And come vwdeg" IrAWV"...kicke,c4. twat fir imam Pan:grits itnt i el% WWI - waned to bib owidmi itaatalar boitid Mama -011. /wind tetaDy Akta!ara limit a nwidalretorwins. Van 011iato now atlaashaty msoallsolural I$ our urfaim Lubrio Oil Works. ' as the proem la sdentlflo adoattotaars an alr cgthe aatfOtotootelf9ot of Was cooocodo atatashataif AVIA itatt toothavtatt. Tor tale at No. tO !LABE= MUST, corm of fawn& 7,P37/008. BAIL CO. Bpsyjzip ENTERED PTO & 00- _ PA5721111,51111. MOO BUM Of Boys' Toteth's de Childrem's Clothing; . 1'4 ; 110;1' rriplesa to_ grer; l4' the Priten C.. Of JIM; bl#3ltaind t mtaaared 00 0 164 ast'our ° F 6u !k 11 " de 4%. 07 Mat% farialta ,r ll3a 4 And /OW. frau ‘to• lap ara. -141*oir jurpos6 aririp to kap "act baud *lap sad neled mattouct aisiesetalsol by 1 thgtlortma 84- tAx tar4 119 an ocidlikatthatore =Mr latdameab ' A'quat to Ono Xastern Arouses, aigatioupuissamonataih GRAY & LOtinfir, Yrn asp:mutt ocespyinipist of etas Na 19 FMUSIERICIF6, 4/11. O. J. LOOM 131.111711 b &Maw pErtieibitul r ma), smmt,throiogiboo awninprosig, Mtnlsdrel alai= iltnetafil UAW Wootina • I,as awe= at am an t s tab ansi .• r o s hi+ isualiquetsir • .. o EnaglV _ usa6444l , iiiiimoppi, Caro minim 4.11205 a :Thlrbdar 1110 / 800 . 1 0 =sow airon. taftbs" aUlliAtiot *cub. Mgt Mei 'rood al pertpVirgob now scelfia. Lop rolootion. prices oflrlarodit %intim sod lorolourg Totorook ihkit FiAb l .Puol af aga g*" 1 " 141 " : ' •f __._._ . .italtZl4o* litaaCk.4liii. atilt% .oO4gir ;no. or Ihrooki Arai Bololii *moo) . 101 l ; sixwato—iil Oraloror. Muth& WWW alp*. Fill to osss cokigh FALL' et WI TER; STOOK, Aiatt kits itib , t , rhlsitiand the pep° fo :ts 040 date *Mill tL - 111111*1110$ C 0,604. inabrotsbt to EN!! 010:a, ;DUO TIM Oa $ T .04111 ' -;" AtiViNDOW 1100_1444,401,01414 'lll/._, AIM 111M5,41111110111146.11,11114 MR. Wit1411841=1°1110!..-116.11.81 ,2!-,IIM • ^. 1,-jazigguaile, PiTTOBITBGIi, PA. /011 TIM weliMmhts*Shlk -.1- - r1=1,.4 - ••:. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY , *OWING. OCTOBER 10. -1863 piltßburgit Saztt4 S. RIDDLE & ClOaa I II:011'0U AND PgOPBIII7OB4. Pub Haitian Office No. 84 Fifth Strict: BlORlMUlAnplivaanarewornoas,DA*Ti °Wyman Tax IJITST wows. nT To rlll sous Or ToottomoiT. ' NEW TENINS OF THE GiILEE'E E Bbtitirri IDErzps, by mail, per yemr—.o u single •-• Walita Itaretoa t ihw)s roPlert per Par. u dubs of 6to 10, 1 • 6 doled 10 or otros 114. —and ors can to the party waft Ofala . I#' a' dab of eits lel, vow rind the syloo3ll/ Gram daffy: Ter • cloh of tirsaty, noir Mozartaa Quern daily. Sloes colds, 6 tea wren solaerflapats *kap fa *dam* =a pagers firma stopped whoa the tam marts. - t 7 SATURDAY MOSMQ:=OCT. 10,1888.. Tha sitanuon in Tennessee. At length the position of Burn aldds b clearly defined by a Emu;lie talegriun to 'the Louisville Ararat His Wes extend from a point on the Waters and At lantleJailread, --twinty-sve , relleaL north 'of Dalton, Ga., the bunion of the Boma coat— which would be in the vicinity of Oblekautan . ten ranee ba th Ohatlaneour-, eastward to Greenville, enenty-four miles from Knoxville, an the But Tennessee and Virginia read. Ilia right the fame a Jun tien with Gen: •Rowscrithei Mid his front Ii advauced to -the gape in SU Greet Smoky illeentaine;wbiek form the boundary betwee n Tennessee and North Carolina. A dispa dated the bth, lays that Cot. Carter is ad vanced beyond Greenvilikfrom Which it would appear that General Butane Is stretchhsg his Ines farther to the outward. Brom oth er souse; we bun that Gen. Burnside's ad vance entered Carter's station, thirty mild east of Granville, on the 231 ult., and held it until the 26th, when the place was era:m ated, the 'depot and an extensive bridge tint being burned: On the 27th, the rebels ad raised and took prolessien of Author° whledsla !Minty-font Mlles out Of Granvill4 . AKnoxville letter, of the Pa, gives the par , mutate of the,.Aghtßinatrifle, in which Gut. 13haohlefold ihnoiered that ..the. rebel force coniUW GLOM :thousand man ands command of RenerslSam. Jonas. This letter partially-confirms ttortebsgramle. the Loeb+ Journal with rapid to the pillion of Gen. Burnside's right. Gen...l3nreelde is pperattog-In airiendiylo. reality. has not only been assisted by the ernpUldu of the inhabitants, but he. has bean materigly - 11114foral by Oran.. A fitter dated the 57th nit,-says that "odder the “,operations of lasers! order No. 15. the en - "tire loyal population is being made an sax. crillary of the most powerful kind. The "number - of men armed and reedy for the ehervies is tell'Aftesa thousand. Not only. " ere. the ullstmints numerous for home duty, butvolunteericg - forthe army Ii yogi These aro the rioh r fruitsbf the oe-, matt= of.Sair Trunnase, and short thati itioset.t.taitermlew egntwilling G something vrortethast talk for their tenntry. In this view of the Wind= the prospect cheering. General Bruseide holds the gams . in the Smoke, mountains with a force sun dually Wong to pumßt rebel forays upon , his nue, and to dlithirer any attempt of the; rebels to tun his owe crodtion or that of Gen ere Boeserabi. - This latter le strongly , posted at Chattanooga, as We have abundant et- Menne. Ms ithes extended from that point Westward to Stevenson and perhaps beyond while his rear appears tole amply pritteeted agithit the locursions of guerrilla beads. General Bruning d oes not need this protege lion, for he has the loyal population-at his back with arms ready to defend their homes and with Totte ready to give friendly warning. General .Roseasas ,haseloatitito peen heaTil -1 reinforce:Ankles to anal:olam to resume the offensive immediately.: This. remnant of his army has been reorganised and to nor. , theiminds of two_ of the most brilliant raps esommenders in the country..—Thomes and Wronger— Gnu. Booker, then whom nobettlis corps; commander exists, has charge of the reinforcements. With Wash men abiders; guided by the indomitthle. Boseerans, victory intrat_pbcoh:upoit'enr "area. The day-for oath= is not far distant t. Boseurrens cannot afford to wait. The enemy mast net be per ratted to remaintea long for _the purpose of toorgaisathrs and riceperaUen. Thu roillti ilitedy ruched, demonstrate the wisdom; of the goirarnreentlirrainforehrg GebOol Itisserus :from other scum than Bud at General Burnside, -.By-baring the rural to complete his conquest of But Tenntion and close the avenue whereby hie positbirioeild be - eidenterid, they have en abled him to seure tb the loyal people of that section purples of went freedom front moleatatilloopn by Jha 4 rebels: this lulu anal there suffulniloveti of the Man have gathersd.tiiemselves alder the banner of Bee dem. and are at curl of ktaterial adviintaga to Genera , Burnside. The adienbe of Gum* )14SICInnil will lOW he leaked for with au* . !kV alit Ira pottathuktuiPe brilliant sao- Denonal and ~ ‘ Went Pilo.", occurs In Hon. Doi is) 8. Xdoldason'a tinter to .(11.5'tTplOn moodag :hold at Cloopor Indituto, Now You, on the '3odt nit: • .Tut'• llnton'arpnlwtion, oomPond of the loyal droll parties--of those who - appal, thri gorerionent In stigmas; proseautlos .of the war sots POO, In. In conadnatios of th ose ;01 . 1onser _diverse ersods,..und-• ohm -all &sew his , L entagonlet, vbiah would not he known - ittlels_it_rras - Copperhud, , doing •Onsinere cinder D eb. nom of Domoaz' [two I s. '6,160 2 snoo A d An. .anew. MO,-• Cl/aiming to , br -purely outdate:sir Draneratiq It • his placed: Upon it. tidbit two miry rispeotablC gentle., otos. mho moot and airier wore known , as pmearets, but - who honed - from - the Whig pad Hnow•Notbiootaaki., Tide Is dothtlees forth , panne of withdrawing that oleos at +totem from the „support 'of the Unloa ticket to this. And, bulbs, while expressing en rut ompterthis abhorrence of mil Abolitionists— charging them with being the solo_ (SUM aides Wer—li ein lei ft* no other poem than to, gain the Abolition tote, that thin ken placed non their ticket one of tho 'most comia none, eminent and ,, able members. of the pollen Convention of 1848, whorilin grid oriel Douglou, and otter Milne:UM arm tarsi eampotoil tor Dishonors.- And yet they toil no it Is Ake Dementia tiskev enc. um Demomadety I Perhaps It hi , Mal vie, said Wag, junior, , 11 way good; ii jon knotratte women is Mid* it, and Is stun 'it ain't kittens.' • Demooney, too, lea most en. ; Cogent southaltit, and enough = s take lime 'froths; 'but it is well to take heed at whose hands Yen man. It, Am& realonably,tertgalhat thereon no dais be smith Its tempting - earning of Pastry. The shifts and devices of -our <oppaente will all prore unarallint•licirovarrizMnimals effort thetlntoutielottmustoesermdbythi Majority, notwithstendingtho shook the Ile mind enstaltud In the withdrawal o fthe gpossDlutionth. UMW,: senrlldetes—twn in number, - 1112d - thu - seoffilait of iii rousse of that party, to a greater number VIII; to "the Clopperhomi caua..muth De Meted, i‘siman If the election Is held; for, should In andanohe um down from Ohio and2thinhmulai-I not without fears that cur worthy Gumbos and his Mends may insist itpottposing the docent la this Slate, until the. eonetthntionk authositheg 11;511 betestnt ill* cootie • • Paso tat Rashid a - ztstsap, frail Wu Raz% tie atiabtatai ;luaus ' s* the itroot that mob distazNim tie Asa' atiataFta the Spit Woad, by Muoa,lol4.tailista bL oleo 'al 1107111111 .1114P111 tact a F Init =eat to , . t,,ay Adttopbaitatostlua. _ siittaavaltatte allutuit ` I OW* 10041111•8414" ~ .. . ....- I . OI PIA, _ _,.. ...,....,..__,.."...„..„,,-„,„,„ 7 „-,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 , ...,,,,, , ,,,,,,,.,,,,,i,,, • ...,..• ...., , ~,t„...• .......-Vt„ . . - . 1-...... Irr - —-- ~,, ..•t,., r • - ..,,,): !..' r'• -C 1 ? ' l''' 4 '.. - ' IA :.,", i. Itii 64 1 ...",:triC ,T. l'-' - ' , • , -----. - .:-,: r :;,:.- -:-. : - "i:' •': ' . .T' A - ~ ......_ . ----- -, . : nr• • , . ~. ' . . •-•— U . ' . . • ' . r Sanliken 7 , olds. mt. .._............iii„ ..liali identified for omit you With. ridireads, bet is at proms Unite:ll tendent - of railroads ramainginto , gives some important informattost !VW condition Of. the rebel li nos °foto x.) Warly all ,of them. he flys, are b beci tig tcoming worth, Lou.- Ihw athirst*. kiroad.bed and rolling stoolthas ed to tile utmost, aid theirfiellitids for ari so limited Simi theroads out b. Waimea? ger. YIN to the Qonfed h sop. poilit-thatltilinaßonlViise 'of the same gauge, but 'Oleic i ti "tilitalci. ' 'The rads running froat'Xifid-tothailliston by way of:Weldon,Antitaillasolista, are leer Inches narreissr tlisktlialtoads rauningfrom Richmond to the Bout% h, whY of iltellimit and Knoxville:: ititliat , _ now becomes int- Aperient; Oar•seleararat•thir Knoxville road has dimialshad by °Won their facilities of communication bitsfextßialunond. and the South. Their Palstalcriivi Inuety .lll the rolling stook of the placTentutusgao V'llt• glide-and -E ut - Teimeste and - Georgia roads will db them war dittlitOod, as none of It will At the roads South front Itlohmondby Way of Weldon. Mr. Raids], of • the opiniontlat there is not a =fail:link is the South that I can maintain itself.for six ninths longer, !ingest they get isisWis4 !unwiring outside of the ~ (beams*" t: • . . The Wutleetti the Realtors. A eonespondetit teholhia reeetitl,t; the monitors underYepairatBtatioallteek, B. C., says: We first went on board'the monitor Patap leo. Her turret is Wanted aillowed by the 3 1 heavy prekatilaarebel forts; tint not a single shot nitrated wren • single Mate of which Janet. consists. The emokestiale,boweeei ra ioomeletely shattered. Balls that. passed - . gli Ism oomplstef ourledup the 'Toole Ins the smokestack. Prom the Patipsentwa - went ea board the Weehawken, whleitfrestel was being Improved by the addition atihkbottom of the turret ot an iron rim, five Indies yd thick:um and shoat fif teen inches dealt- laktflaPluTiluellf liboilit inside In onsuisqueadli if apiece of shell having hienissnmet tetanal the bottom of the lar iat and the deck, priesating the latter from reiolving„ when thi-Weeltairkin was aground at the ume of this bombardment of Port Meaurisi. All the Other meek of the same elm are to be reinitiated with a similar rim. These rims wen brought in mistime by the Union. The Weebierken wu lomat somaty times as the POOR,. bat we we shown a wound on the . sterboard cide,caused by • tri O p shot from Mont through whits/the water Is still slowly trio lag, rendering • freqeent menus to there :rneereary. Tao titanium, pats do aot present a very sheering view of the condition of affairs id the rebel capitol. ;The Sentinel dominoes the "mashers," and Op that they are beginnlag to do great harsetln Ala army, and if not stopped will ruin the Confederacy by thalr complaints apinorProvident" Davis. The mu paper soya the distress am ng all clangs from the high prima is vary greet, and null several instances of individual hardship. With beef at $1 $5 per proud, and all other article's of consumption at corresPond l l l B it Is not &tramp that market tun should en deavor to accommodate the loan parses of their customers by ray objeetionable mesas. The riposte of this Mayor's ,Gourt at Bich mond contain an aiecount of the examination of one Louis get*, who wee smelted for sell-. big latusmes mai of dog mut. A. number of poppies' ciales war aotaally 'fond In proton of thewaftuollutz.pirts &about, eaten. 741a1t failietrtelinstent — Tiltr-Its-t aniscr,, la disgusted with Cie vay Militia .8111 now before the Vitgiala:,l.4gistatare, which conscripts able bodied males from six teen to etzty-flu years of ago. it says the limits are pushed too tar both ways, and thinks that many of the persons exempted by the Confederate' consatiption eel would mike better soldier than children and Sub!e old men. Pennsylvania Itegisnents at Cnicka• ntaugn. A letter from Colonel Sambright, of the 79th • Penns, tranbt, to his wife, dated 24 h ult., says: "Colonel Miles Is missing. The last I saw of him wasson Beturdey night, but the dark ness prevented u frcm knowing Ms fate. My opinion is that hats wounded end a prisoner. • '-•• • ' • The 79th has lost about 140 ofloers end men, And it ls a Wrath that any of us are thing after being exposed to mite writ/tease.• • • I have now slaty 160 men 61 for duty." Lieut. James D. Hans, of Company K, 77th Pennsylvania, has written bona to his pa nuts, and says that theregimentangsred very much in the meat battles, and that nearly all the ol fla in lore taken. prisoners. Among them the mentlineelts following: Col. Ron, Lhmt. Col. Pifer, Major Philllpt,' Captains Mused, McDowell and Majo r and Liente: Cothran, Carbon and Kropp, The regiment lost 14 In killed, wooded, and missing, Col Rose, conuisnalng the regiment, Is from Pitadongb, an&Major Phillip/ram Baranton. The regiment wainriginelly dormed of tom : panics frontliantaster, Les use, Franklin and Allegheny. Why the Potomac Army Didn't Novo. All eye! atilt dun to Roseman'. antral Zee his oikeiallyzeportful to the rebel pref. idfmt that Getaral , Neade has sent two cups west tolfisselleir ind there can thereon be mo Informatitm to the enemy in the enplane. tios(whisit thus cleats up to the mystified , North the stagnation here,) that the Army of the Potomac. does'nt mon on Lee'r weakened 41rui, simply luau* it has been weakened as much se he 81111 the Army of the Po tato* is far tram Del plus, The deaf led men, ,the troop, relieved from watobing brand° !Wood and the other rebel ales in New York, and the garrison' relieved by the Invalid Corps, combine to bringthe army up to a aim km still probably somewhat greater than Loa can count. One Ups, therefor*, to to the eonvinoing reason why we Amid not move ; but still we look for no aserement, unless the rebels give the initiate. The , old imitation, thativeiaineetlattyeinui has delayed us; is its potent inever.— Washington Car. CU: Gas. Taa Wan= EITSIFItAII.—Tie seamity of liquor of all Muds in this State his started up vet • taco of Molt frierbraithaG doctor whisky: 'They make whisky at +dapple brandy, and /hen* brandy out Of whisky, and all sorts of brandies and winos outofiapnlons =motions of all thre now erbisky—thatis to say, ths meat of it— l s now composed of about thirty per ant. of genuine sloohol b ald'the rest Is male up with water, vitriol and of adoring matter. An old and mellow taste Is secured by adding the raw flash of wild game, or young veal or lamb, irbidi, after soaking for throe or four woes', imparts loth" 41:Lei's rid', soft taste. The other liquors ars dens up in a similar way. Ths stuff, if drank to erase, brings on orp.lr pelt and other Oasis of the skin and desk, and mlUnsultin death; There is' compare. ifTet/ little good liquor In town.—Rieissumd E*Pitr•- AN apionitarts4 in the Daohy Is _of Hol stein stated to have dlsoolrued • mods for .tir potato bliOt. Bohm planting the In berohv h• within h in chlorine water,. and ,then 'malt doh the mu Ho hu,tt is said, tiled this; method for do years, and always obtained sound pointou. tisnaw...-Thr follOwiss sots; taken spin o flab, os the Clossland and Shore Bali• n om en maw lasi,showe how the tratelbas yllo will sou I Gass ,INflit—Deousb# 40 TSUI; 29 la4lea. liallandlibass, 12 votes; 2 min ; anisn'llakO4inisit, ST Totes; Val 41121itham, 12 votes. • I Droatis - welter la 'the mewls kio sk., fa al asttoleaa the imaisaa war, males thr following short work of the whole hut. A nation woutouteled with peeepw tatailoatia with admin, dimorabW wealth, kae leataell hot to Ma as wells. how to tin, and that' Isom Is tartly with' the 11.larsh the bet Ilaglith : the the tie moths of foitl-lralesi manky. of "whlote otoffed opottlose at the beitbudng of elk aaahwelillitteoeritatsda:withitt fiewcroblithiliank,"o:lWithe ailllge • Masao Wins.—An Azad= harbroult tan to addend In Italy for inersollorur as to /making wine, rocelieed the fOiIOWI24 broken r O l ll 7-: ee Theway to make wine with grapes 18 to stomp wall them ins tab lithe hot end sploket On bonnet, and put that Jam In a bard SAM as ben ulna or whitey or liguorsof some kind Othaivarre the ulna will stink food. , of moo 141t - thom boll for forty days meonwkile male define' full nary day for In the bolting diniltdalti Shot up ltallathe forty WS, mid longer-yowled Mtn MO older tt 00 4 1 tie end hatter WWII Thesrord re boil". moans, live!' mu, Nap. want;!! The rest is Intelligible, and thottanrie tallow, the rixdpe faithfully will find Its rood one. lucandlatisia at M. Louis. ' TheMietonrt Democrat of the btu hut an imate? theligning of three more stamen at the wthitvelln St. Louth It dolor/semi this Is dearly 'Wei work, acoompllshed by the deputed feloni of .isfferatur Devls—useat to St. Louth, caught, bonded, ist ,go,ealled Wends' by Gan. Blair, arreedlifYlat la eon.' by-by Col. htose, and arpeoted to vote-nut month for tho perpetuity of .the Gamble Con urvative pone, in tit.. Lou!.!" Thegiari tarot like :not omireretison toward Itthell shoat Iplayest out ? .a' We elsotild think It was. The plaj stems to be deepen ing to titesonrl Into something ilk. a Aug.; •ajw , ,Evenilloneervativemen, as they are absurdly iniengh• in that state will And thatadtthipti to face both way., audio favor at theism time a legitimate Govern ment and a'ampatlon,..hath a decidedly de strnothe tangling Wigs ViIGUILI. BUTZ Sus..-The great Seal of the new commonwealth of West 'M edia represents • pioneer standing on ono side of &rook, aze in hand, a stalk of Indian eorn vowing a little to his right, whihris shed of wheat lies et hit feet. On the other side of • reek is a Write. With his Plei on, his ehoulder, nitwit Ind hammer to his letl with his right arm leaning upon the rook be; tween him and the pioneer and on the fees Pf the seek arc the words "Jim 20.tb, 1863," the day on which West Virgingis became a Beate In the tioloz. Around the upper inside of the perimeter of the seed are the words "State of West Virginia," Wild around the Wide the word. "Mosconi sewer ani," signifying that mountaineers are always freemen. A Babel Outrage In Kentucky A most, firedbh outrage was committed by a gang Of rebel guerrillas, numbering forty men, under the command of the nosozious Jim Keller, In Pendleton county, Kentucky, thirty-nine miles. from Cincinnati. On Mon. day night Major Wittman, of the 18th Ken tucky regiment, who was wounded in the bat tle of Ohiokamauga, and bad Purt resehird home, was taken from his house by , those out• hors, stripped of all his clothing, tied to * tree 'and shot. intense excitement prevail' throughout Central Kentucky, on account of this terrible affair. The of Seller's era. throats ware caught and brought to' Cinder nett on Wednesday in Irons. - NATURALIZED Omzua—The following is .believed to be • oorroot estimate of the num• ter of nsteusllzed citizen, residing * the relied States; with the eceiedziet whiles they hen cotigbated ; • • I Ireland ..—....—.1,61.1,000 Danmark .......... 10,000, Ckyrtnan States _ 1,108,000 8e1atuna............ 0,(03; &azimut.— • 430.000 P0iand.............. 7,000. British Ansarlca. 0.50,000 11ax1c0............... 7. 0 r. 'France.-- 100,000 Tbo Antilles ...... 7,000 f 5c0t1and.......... 105,000 0bini...........—....... 4031 Saltauload....... 63,00) / r01inp1.;,....., 4, 03 0: Wa1e5....'............' .400X1 Satolll. ~........, SAO. . •• : eai =MEZI Tarkey......— Italy /Op): PR0P0841.13. PROPOSAI.B FOE hiI3LEB, ____. Chou Qoarriniumzel gum, limo? or Ressionnor, Washington, w i ll Om. Tth. _ ED SLID PItOPOSAbobe rewired at alle cam until 1 TIE OAT, October 20th, at IS o'clock j et, for fornisidog the Gorsrateent (1.0 8) two thou sand moles to conform to the followtog 8P101.71011210218 : All to be 00 fourteen binds end over In height. All to be In gra ash, stank ternmehle, and seltable tor daught purpose,. AU to be oar (5) three and tinder (9) able yeah of eye. PhOPOSILLB. PropoWs to be for (MO) ate hundird and upward a. The foil name awl porodire Wren of the bidder must appear to the proporaL If • bid u toads la the naree of • 11112 the names ataU the parties must anger or the bid wid to con. edema the tritteldu4 proposal of the partner doing IL Topple from ditlepp J pertiadll cotta erarldered, , end so oath of allegteres most. examipanyuch prop. . °Noe. Propagate must to addreosed to Bdiadier Omura D. B. alto)or, Oatirtertentsr V. a. army, Wan. Wigton, D. 0.. set nhoala be plainly Mika *To o . male tor Rain." Gsgrantra The ability of ohs bidder to ail the =tree ' to awarded to him. mart to gueranteed= forelands peatons, whose elgastores suet be spa pended to the Otranto'. The respoadidlity Or the donator" aunt be 'bon by the ands' certlllosta of the Merkur the seer's& ' Distriet Wirt or of the United Btaies District AA , tormy. • Hidden matt be want, to porton when the bids' fare opened, or their proponahl elUmt be conaidered. Bolide in the mm of s2o,oooelmord by the oordino• itor sod both OW guarantors, will be zogaind tithe cutcoisfel bidder upon Oman the natant. delta. • bond mast soanansar the natant, it will boon. my tor the tdddus to hare that bondsman :loath ithem, art* hare bends signed In entltipallon, and near to be tarodund Inn the cantnin to sigoad. :Blanks for bonds me be protaned opos application. being made at this ace, either personally, by tai -1 ter, or by tehrgranh. /arm of &weds& Ws, of the minty of—and Stand— ' and ot the Comity of and Biala of do hereby guarantee that -- I. abbe to thlall a on._ trace in samcdstum with the terms cahh a iiscitlcin, and that, should his propoltacm be be et at ono outer 10(0 0011C114 In OD than. *Rh. Should the =treat be awarded btu en cr=d tobsamas hie secarlttes, end should be tall a connect In accordance With the. terms of hit bid, we *Undue win become the contracting gsetln fields nd.. To Ude gonna man be &waded the tilde* =Damn 'bars madanad. • •• DELI TUT, to. All males connoted for under this adrerthetoenk _ bs subject tothspeculoa. end Own not oonftma. log to Ds epacdflattion 'DI be vandal. . at' sinks Wit be &limed In this city within. (16) She denten the date al sildmisithe . i _Pageant to be soda iota the camplellerrog the eciatreirt, or io somtheretta as the idiltd tarter. wan Hthle dent Shahan lauds: The mules 'Mb* blinded la knot 000) ate hem. and nth. mks tbs Olddianesternassar meg dam It 114.1110 Int 9 rell of the hOTOIPLinent to vary the amber. . . Ths Met Qamisrmastar Metres to timbals the tight to Meld any or e/1 tddi that heresy deem too high. D. IL 813 OBER, Brig. Cien. and Chid Quartering kr. • °clad Depot of Washington. pROPOSALEI .FOIMOBSEB. MAIMS BMA% On= or um Clam (toattlmuttalluel Wolattolttotle 9 , ..04,1410& lb. 3663. Poyeta's ate eelleited and win to readied et thto dmee tor the tertitibtng of CILVALUT HOUK% to be dettreme e 0 Rlttebitrab. Philadelpbbe - Weidt.' yi„ 11( Indletutpolbe I f l arpcVeZ=Aleied the tolitlebler h ol Wren b lett of bother therterenty•ffro ( borne to be tram Woo (It) to Viten(lo9ttnds tilitb, from fin (6) to deo 04 yam old, ken' to Weida* CO P9d AGMs swifts llama datega • - !Ito ability et itut , blidee (WM bit soyeemeet mast be gestantesd by ow impossible pones. itwee "amimut be wooded - to the geareetee. g • -.igetiettbe gamut= math, dem Who 'DLtslnt mettle:as et Ow ONUS the flattest Count or the Med titatee -District Al. _rotioteiotet•beadittieteCta Mat ' . C . Elterlablill, Mid qwataaawder, T salqqf ear surto''. olso#Ma ytt tae 1,„6:001, sad OA 4. 111.-Orralri Wl= 0 misatess, wan trl i Bub ts& Wall coot. 31. T. WE KEW BOW 11011PARBD atm Rpm wPlcatleh 540 .13014/5; 43121911 00n AM* ibr the tk.O. Lam f W. MIMI C Masomurt Tawas • ENCriurnia Mu - . 7 - • Mnimitt "i!r0, 0 4, .1253 =ma late No. had soriale ley HURT 11. MUM VOLUME IMEVI-L=NO poi a BRO., Woken ta Crudok Ileftne4 Petroleum, Sorbs, Ph, PHEUDTLISL!4 astrOard Co oar cars TUC =the. oar illacangalnastioa. Saw to mom Eiobscioas, it'd., , Waver. /kaki slut Ildliallsad Dub. Ettatrugh I tai. =Wrest", 7i!aik N. a 11.4 EL L. Tatter O• . anSavd D AGRT, WALNOT 0.4 igili!JA REff* CIRVDE &REHM) PETiOLIIIpE oiclusOnkr, castrcia-40 0 moms immiviinat Lo Ott ae"Mgc=wa eo OIL j 08• Icer2W-CatrECIO SOU, SODA ABB. at‘, , . O Ul4° P !G P 1 2; 01111113111, KLUICKARDMI,BROKKES, 135 Sarni ratacr /11:114101LPIAL Crude andftetinedPetroleuni, OLUBTIO SODA, SODA. A$L nrinerolui, DRUM one. ac. 1111rOatra to hi, to ten prixopny sttoodo4 to. ALLEN ib NEEDLES, nrimoitisma. Ooicnission. Merchants. Pertlslam attention pala to cone trace CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEDR. MP Idbotal Wm= maw. aim? HENRY Ron, No 13 Norm Muff Brun PHLEADELPZILI, DDOSBE AND pnattemoN kutttawarr Cruide and Rained Para/cum, EIIIMIOATIZIQ OIL AND nwszoi.x. And desk? La CtrudA and Woad PDTHO'LrUIt &WM& ruddy B lip ma, BUNKS & 00., CONELISSION /1311,CHANTES, Agents dela GLOBE, MUM AND MEM' OIL WORM I/Jr Mira orb advances rib cut axaggazonta of Rotated or Crude Petroleum. ONI. MMUS Wn UD Mama SW" • PITTIFIEGUI, Ps. pox (Ivry OIL WORK'S. , Z7.1).17 - t CZIORP&NNING, zwintiotain in Worn of ' Oll /BIP OIL. =MHZ 0114 AND LDDIDDATEDD, girsozstra. mtklAt.'l"ar,l*- • -‘fkii W,4aA'lne&o o r 4 t -'130 .$ ; C7O3WIMM:4'4 ' QN =E=mmiLN,sa, sairrang OP rigwitolarana, lU MAIDiaLARII. SSW 10BL, NM° Lezida ftenttlea .for exonaal 014 D P. PrtiG; eitketr - yarl sad idgarf, Baz no:a. isLyiieer MO - need not be exidu eattommoteat the Balk when they cur bays Ile& 011 boreekd eat minima toochtlig lb. Orty Wltareni ehero, =On prompt, lour pm Mt, Ism Mato ea In be order, at crass OIL l',lllo, On the Allegheny Vallayllieroad. Wee Larinizme 'Me sham OW i Pia ages gba hosts direct to the ause asM . point, or ITat, althea soy dB men 1111rOlDoe id Itaggie as Mitch Pular R. il• Post Ofthio •sddstagi BOX geg, 'Pita argh ; a I am be gaga daily at the 011 I, Ilichu CTlD 41101.111 RIOILUIDSON, 1411LEY it CO., I Comminion and Forwarding lieraiants OMB BRFINKD. PETEOLPM, 9..19 War =MT. rcessauxas. • sarldbora aux ammo co omodgoraer tot Mahwah or Borrorsiforkola n=RWII ==llXl=4 gaga j. S. Davos= .11. l Briuxcom EA/1141M11.111q. allllh6 Twangs Ruh Diu nen' CoastereJal Rut. ROBERT ASIIWOUTB.,. . . so. 1. e 2. cams ma" mein% ' rerWarding •11; Counission ffienthant t • An ziapts ilipts.. .‘ .', LXear miulituens ajannuakmosmarcani r401.1111X 0 1 / 4 ,lan, baud sad labia Os tinnotwitalptcrk Alaimallizral sihrciiate,. WOODVILLII OIL REFINIiI iTi HOLDFOUP t Ca. moransnucu 07 ' . BUltrad 0118,131rL13111110AIINCI Bllll3ffiOlAZiorand =O l 21EN spa LIEBB pars 19=11 ~JtlordanlMatSas3,lirs:Br Sleek 10Xati gleGei ilinPbramsZWIAWG B V9 , e ,47z,/,‘ extrztic AND SolcaLF/p xi! cuitiksozg. ' , Insupasal by say in Uut luntst. • ' mirorasit 'kg ai th4t: taw, ho. mow, oral tlidr liarSue,wul!rn ,Vnis or mitimi Lucauqvuoyoams. - t • aliMaals VIUIMP i oo i ' liundsetiteigt P1P11911313.11372iND CAE= ULM, It -Ps RILANEfa • 1 CIPIIIFPF.. WA% 1)9 o 01161111111.. - ' 001 -1I9011:191V. "414,4 git t T ZI L ; IMBIE!) MT" ; r t. 17 4 Ilirafik‘hilintrealialKtia t i4 ; i4 Whirr. ?mar! isls , ‘ !". .111 Atinagtuntrl;; - `z paitirribttAXllDlVe• .03..r!4" a cb.____llogl isast4otia cierMan inid &Ws. RWMMM Rima t aputax,, vointwornifloakarrs, Alain= t 11 1. 47:.: rznirogix AND:: as; nOss. ortai aaaniat,t, at =Loan EnraLCP —.Nor TO L . 98 WATER *IN TWAT, STO....arszczan. ers•A tor thz 2037243 D ELDON= OIL WOH%9, 14317 YOB 43*,rais /1 , x OANDL COWL= ea. --- - • - ILL - Aunrasha.esisit, leauut strsei roan t 11 calms. WALLACE lb-CURT/With COMZ(Figaint 21/71C.114NT8• And dealers WI _ . ORVITA BEFMKO PETROLEUM, Bungs pp vannonnio 134 SOUVI Primunsitiviti. Amiga &delft , * for atinsts lad 44241 Ca attUdaph*. P25:17 . . • t , 1 1 /0 4 ;301051,Cif-at CALLENDER,7„s , 01Ia 13R0111614i 211 2;3 Bout,h,Water aura*. • • • pixie:di 0:8410.: &VIM 20:4. LIZAT a 0801111111111% U 171.1141 , 94 wag(' pairm, ribitar Cb• Sao Quisaini Bring, Chalfant .1 , 0):1*. - ..d ',Saba . . prrEoLITB • waxonurvort "alas 'run* , =tow tint .41 11 1au ausszaartaiwn, Qtazdtt two tbsturad REESE itxr 0111wIdgesitgalt, urifk. riYib:' IXBUJUldrOigt. - pagrattim rAGIUNST,;-1,01510143Y ruitr. osultrarat I:XLM• PASX - .OP4PUTLADELPULt. 01000 l 436 null= Mali "! ittb * P s a . PO' 4 , . ablitzusat of .fitattt, JOsialu7,3stillUXV.pablialm/ satte4l7 to an act orlizzambl4betto _ ; rsot.:aseupty sst ec Beal L B , 't val..11a08,014.01) cog, >AWN 00 Tern Loans, on staple Cagan' Bacorfee • -1 130,115 00 Stock', (proseta ulna ltoo,6o7 Amy 00 Notes sad Dal CO . „ . omly volts firom ire:alms which bbis Oamplay ••cm &lido-by LW art V= 11421102; bamboos itatanabott. - ; - Luiaraata =la on aYary ikazdytioa of= fa town - aad comitry;at taloa as loves in with Blao) Clots toemoratiqu, a plead of Ilattflaer te, lbcy has pall kens by bra to an amount ong icr. ica; roar X: I .Dcacastbrek , east of the adtaaam- rot Insorsach ea welly tb* dab , dlapoidtion to •toola , *VA promtratrit I itysoapabi datinlytha yaw 1i58,..........1132A1P413 Drum= ra: I .4 ....: CheiltiN. Haman Ingo tea - , . Horde:mill). Lawp. _ - Jacob ,11. ittaltb,.. .-, 'dint Wegner; - =mid 0. Dalr., Dula B. Brawa.- . -., Gai. W..llllthisdii• ; 5 Eanattel larea o George .-11ADMESS.art014: IED/.WL1111.0 y D 4 .14; Vas Prasiatsdo WM. "26 27 AZ I Z I )NTNdir arta Mee No rt heast oor. Wood A ibtt 5114. vg , E.staßai rrlstatiNgrk .cpggite .;11.2m4aar.; Jr. ; iiks*.it G' El. GORDON' Easiton. Othe, No. , D2'Nister , streei, 9pang k onri Wm timeda9:4 Pit isbarglw • i •••,• wal tic.* N e.a 'kraal - et /Tit aid WAR. iHariehasaaagai , bilionio an earl known in tag Gonm and w d ilo,ara.,dipm. rained, ti_proospiansi end Lainvdier, -to giakai`egra a am cur - Oka dap haaat aniwia, as ie . inalrgibegt prot r allai 4o awe lan.*** sa ismnd. • • _ AMITS, OCWOBSII Stank • 1,4000 90 L Office Wet 9 Open TAO 9 GO Onb • • - Plead= Non. Ap6.24 Notes and - Bins Dbeorntkr 14 ' ' rrixs " L Milos, Jr" im Nataf tfateai Mck;ame!, Aliz TV.= a. enai, a. w. smutted. INSURANCE. tqamaial at V o l,o.o4tit ni A gpirglcw 2. 'lnsurance 114) of tike State orreifeli: rsir~epp., I Htutford Fire Ingurvace Cotaptint derNieseliece ttir eberre old AO rellatielgarerl poler:ran ire obteistad ImirpOredien tei" W. P4075t9 diter4r rhe Ifteldberce. ST Water:beet. %I 1 'i to27:ar OITIZRNSENSUR&NOBCOMPAN I , ,_ o r prmaraion.:-Ostah=lloo4ll lad Wider strap', nand floor, • - ~- 5 , ,!.,7 • - -- ___.-,--% •'• , '••&;;BILAIECILLIT, "MINIM • i •BAXIM BIN acroicirl4AL id- , - - -;•_:- . .,:rzt , • bans' to Iltelmbarts sa ' •-•• , - 1„ tleii Boa s = iti a W= 16 4/11,„ a:road tb•saitildosktebilesx-: • "* - I !! it.111",414,114 "nap bYPot._ ;,:.-:,-;:'..',). 1 ri02vff,..7..-...: . 1,Vk41 . 1313 . i • ...,... -t , t1 , , ,k,t• 1 w °6 472 mi tli ::::.:•. . Am-IL ... N , t.... • , • ,1 4 -Um, ; 1 4 •• - .... 7. - - 4 1,,. 4 . i Dale 011 .' • s :4; . • r•• ' , T - 71.4m.-2. lf-;110114.**. •4 1 413 B: , , l' ' ' 4° 1 Barclay Prettia. - ..Cti,g.ll-fortg, , - , i., eccays sintibillh .' ' . ' ' - 4.31%1.48 " gaZOPIES INSURANCE COMPANe - -•-.:1-...: .Lf•'corn ~ t _...' . 5 0 1. 24 Ar lvoagid , rokao. inallAND mismaiscr . IWtnit waranativ 5... , ~ unitoxireisist+Litra-1 1 tentawear4::: .--,. - 4 .1Uti 140 94.‘ „, 1 I J e c t aIL I LLM T. cz.:l2 itMt a ttl-117 , 3 1 Wo ,, N ufkrzir,7. Ix, "1-.A^ltaizis.l6l4 1 , / ir- - la .• • " i - ,• • JOHAN/TT 7 0 ..Ppiigst- f.s: lf- - illL'it. tuutaisze. - ._ midi-: ..,::::- A- - LIMIII4I.rf "INSURANOR AXlbri4 za.nirroivmmanxim:•fottiyartgariar - : ipnet. Sok 044 , ..., N ..-,:.,,,, lit a nar , o z .': Icransappue all Idas at itmas la, • . -,_. 4 ..,.r. r . NA .1932Saretamit,,a -0.415. - s,gi: V.lLMOOtt , Benifirsipc 1-,P.!,,11114t4914-.4 ... ____ . .... _ ,,E5n10. .: 0 : = : , 7 1 77 411101 ' , " 4" ;/1“ 8 .1Meb:l I , ~.:.: 301111 , • -,...-E2 4 . 0 t 4 • • • 04444161.111=9} 0 ./4 TZ .I ' - ` ; 4.43 eteledgi'' ' 4 ' . ' lig<Lars ) , •ilmiAVelasub , ---v , r. Ind:4_ i ir, •V: % 11.rardatev. - ''''' ..." Ali supo 1,, . satAtaisnatz:i .47,:1i , 4404414; : • lakill3ll4N - TllOlO zw—i-noriatitsmat tiii'dtionk Isecoa" • Zi ag er i m e ". "iltiffil . P).4• 9l ;cift - v 2.1 .;} itlE(J:it ÜBIIIAN-PSSTiL Antaz. , ;t bructo I= 11383Wri-1 q'r i t in 74 tl.; opticiiil *l4 nr Ir" r,i 'e r tPl. i .FFl4 ,ll Pl 4 . 7 i oo,C P llllate—r iatth tatifteselmicl L i.iri of - 111110:MINUtiobleszistsbec Tukbarialicantisamr,watmezzoosts to Assasimstesal•b• - ' • -PSl' :i • ... ' CO Andrew Ackley, Alexandez Speer, • - ThivldlL boniu Eno .1. Thames, _ ~ • .114APP.11eNnteu Juba . • - . _ BL GORDON. bearefirw: EZ=E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers