, , .44 ' •41,:••*-%'.1: 1 15 -1 . 41 P"/"...1.1'1, ..•• ...I:j.•'''s".;l -14....Z.,4.1•11441!4.11 -,•.p. • .44 ',;lll''-`4l';•»•*%' • • - , gazeittr ito sitlanfo.ol.--ocr.p,p6&. x ~. sc..r' ti. '+a ~~ S~s T~, o L I . t . , ..": MEM :', .r , ',11.:f..:4.:4'i.•.*:.... , r , .: - .!:!::!:•:',!:'.::1.,11::'!, :k:::ii:: . :7 4 .,:- .. •:',,i".r-,: •;::---- .144fi6tik.lit 4 1:0;:i4;'._ .!;r..1:7...:::!:.'-''.;:f.'"..:•!-'..7-:::-.7.:.fr',1 ''.! 4 • **', ; •.'.,i;••••• • - • :. N . K• • •••• •' •- ..;• i t ; . 't' .*. '"---; ~,' , ' ';'' • , „' ~, , ei 1- •,, . ......:.• ,• -,: • , • , x •.•• f -1 . .. „ •.1 ••-:......-.: :. • _ ..,., .-:+,, .—, .., • ~, ~..: 1.• , --1,- - ....‘:. ". . ...-.; . ::„.,• . ~..,-,; ,-' .' -• • i , 7.. -; :::•, 4, , , ,: ~, ,i, „ '; - .1 .14 ;. 0 : , != 4 . ..,.. 0, ' •,' ' .-, .1„ , t.. , , ' ~, , • „ ;1 :* ' ' • ' '4. ~., 1 .4 0 4' . ,', fi •' ~ .1.•:::, - 1,.. t* tl. ” t .j. :'''.; 1"' •' * k '. i Z le ~,..` T'" 4 4 ;-.'. `. I. , . r. .. • 7.. : ''..':' ~ 7 . 1 ,4 ".•4 . * .. •:., t't . ' * 4 'o" -'-• . 1 li,. "! ift;'Ci? i A':i." 'l 4 }::`' , 1 ..,! ~.>, ' . e ul+t ‘ .•,,:-• :,,' ...i,i z• A` It,•••,t1: -4 .`It , , "rt! ':' -' f, e li'' ,l -14.‘ ' i: '11:1: : . i tl• .ti . t t ,, :-:•":1 1 0 . ;•,;.,.: .:,. 4 ; : r .r..rl , 4N,.-4.1; ,J...., ':•..; ~ :•,::-; ~ , 0-,. ._ :: , :•:::::0: 4 : 0 ; 1 :,. : ::: : :,.... : •: c . ti ,., .::.‘ i •,. . .t. ‘...4 ' " '0" i-* ';:,..'• a: 4 : a . ;•. 4 4 .. r: :".:"...P.V.4 1 , 4 t i..."::: . :‘,. , ,‘,. 4,'P.14, . : .::‘ ‘ ‘. a i:' ' '‘.!.. i.‘,..**i.St'll'':+4l, ' . 4- l i it' ,1 1 1 1 •Ne , 4',":! ,, A; :4'4, ':.. Il -k.:: ,:::•., 4'.:i . , ‘ .c,,, i . 4 ..X., .:::t iiiiAltd. iP - :! 1 ,V 4. i . :4;•..g. ) 1'4 , ;,- `l4-iii:gin ';::',!:,.;11:%7;4:k :;f4,-.l4iNil:er... C';.,:ige,.l;t:,;:i4t'r li'ilg' it l' fi rl. l' ,.. .''':.! '*'`. I.'4".',''': ,1 ~*I i... ~ ;:'"• • z , ,l' 's •,e :, s $ . ~,; i i4 1,, - J. iN'' 1 '"4 %' ' '' 1 ' l '3 - • -", - 1 ,'',. r : ! ,'‘ 4 : . ";; ' ''. ' . 1* ,•;; .4 ' 'VI - ' -:',-,,, i ' ~.+ .t -' .: ' .I.' 4 -1 . •7 ' ' a , .: ' '...' 4. ii' ' '' • ' '.. i. L' •I: ,li. S -- ..;':','`-i . ' ter:. ~• ~.' !;;I,';':,:;Z - ; . 4‘, !: - ;':1- . . ;i , ..:- . ..........„.,., +,'..', i'.:::'-.:,',...N.-:',',.'„,::::-.-7;::::',.:'1:'-'-'----.:.•:.- . IM=E EIVEREE =NZ I 4 ',. :~ ~ ~ ~ ~« ~.. -.~ ~ o. .0 r: i ~a~ •++ . . ZEE= --74-rlr ieirr-Y - 4 - IMO4/18. itmout trIP ?Ili 'dm.; arena linters - Magi -Conventlen cl. rea thlt • , pourimg of the reap!. Of wreigistaa•Genentl Bagel Athek_Dletlngtilehed_Porsolti Preetlatcl•ilituneltsw Esthatelasse.• 4 0 0 Alglyikr :molignit i' Salon Club sad slaw number of, &limas Who' litelidlidv Grain- - *#1461:". Grel • burg Kew Connalloni,hayingsagitobled lEfilkliftfor the de,ot of the Pima; IsynardinSittemiC'lllity Were acrompaand .hp s Ane hresejand. lo tibmat half platten Indy, the testa 1 1 410illoguexit'ihjele Gamed alga (who had Mind the„cily durlagtheafght) • rhitaiciffirdifihiiiiis Mikan& At sated .14. - 114.0 1 PIFA I S4X,CkititObt adz po under - brass ppm, with 11•44tmat of Ksap's - 1 -Mittairf 6fiarS2 -'4fitfi . t le, s salute of n 14014-MPP,Arla•berMkiy#l the city; As th‘iislll ilia flirt Ll,lts,lllabiteer dig gtmeAraffrile' kt4lfter o along -the - road ono mut welkin& st soh. The WO. Mreditibart it 1 - Volopk. Gen.l3l4e was taken ia t tLerrlep toe p.m. Inset peattlett so WS tip ft passed. end so that her:tight bean. Tbe, prooession coedited of about Oxidant hen., died people from Pittsburgh * , le/Oed with 00111311/64Mortgitrfthp. Ur° bets" One bear -. Al.' tilrOrli , "Albodlsorirtlowntr good fin cog ea theother ~ ,F lttsbargh Central Clitti;;'"lirleterl willichreitfteadorlar Then WS* la ci V.Of 0tp1147 iritovered •tlrallte latpmts *.dgg trees and en made - of wreathsomesposest principally of dahlias. Jltehyrsgoahedfotr, _ vladr.Ntr• hi* Metes, Which•irere-twired with kiroseas. Natty all the holm hs4 nun.. Shen cams s prooessloa pf shoat pas hued • Proasilen • • passed, Go. SW 'was detect: te:s--priesse realdence, sad dined. About hell past two , - #A9. l lkrlfaiiirptik ammonia -east az thstown.whers.itend bad been erected. Sam about $ o'clock, ,gin, wb4w - th , WOWS Us - - aunt to 'ader isd'oirifiand by thiaseetbm. of - the following °Sam I Presiehim —Manes COWAX.- • r.:-`;" • Yin firaitinallet.A. t ipiiiii4,l..ii. 4 3oott As#4l•,lll,l:4lport . **lntallkell-,• Mobertiffalins liorcaph; Ms . IL 'FL Dlek;Sewlekley; Clair; John- M. 1/Icko7r Madliatton 111 4114.415d1n,-Townimairirr Sokallsblis; yoa -FrAtAbtsm.Oreekett,l4., Mast gontingdoo, ••'• Carter Siliesiy; rara Mr. Itamaley, Praalatis Auld Selwasiiregleberrit Same LigliteaWlCeiblif Copt; John Oskar, Ls..- - Asebirf B. Boleti Voider r =-Auair 'Cock, ,Loyestanne rJelassSOly Indwiek; Drv.r. Olerkilift:Pieuant,,sesseAtwiter,flonth . .1(k• - "Miatertlf Pressli-lieng - Wm:AA Oept: Ain S. laiton,lfew Steaks; James ' Nellwals,hteitla:Eiretingdinp L . P. Pinsk , 494 110 0 1 04 - rvlbialal *Adam:abort ; ham Podaßaliloteta JAI/3am% Dirac, - - z Tierekliee..o%Tohn Y Imam, Salem X Beads ; A. AN luDfos, Bewlekly D.' Mtealeb, Mt— Pleammt ;13".. 8., McFarland, Allegheny ; ,11.1teflonnIalt' , Mirth Beat. The Preeldni,aftei relaraltlplsla thanks' - thweeisellsteat bestowed bim;' • 'Plead Amt.. ?runs; BliaL• Use6lB.l-spoke : 5 1orafamhotridarbittillehli was frignently applauded. She of room prereale the lasertion of the'spoida - 16" falls partial rot • wort would camp balarlabalf Mb "if Si tree • After the Gestilinlipitiscii, - • . Ihq ' of Wealth wasletrodeced, sad enter.l tainedtheanemblegebY Playing on cgs polMt macht The's the name F w d by,' Se thegratllleatlon of the Ale*,:aNeblej Totwisrly of Wisoonsin, bet novel Nalw,Forltylees then /streaked, sad. delltered an *roil - teat epoch: After thls, thn • atestfrendjownted.4 Theawr deft _Greensburg. to-retern a shost .4teltplietfieliadockßebrelesvbf,s its; lute was Mad. All along therestlherarres' -thalleellut4emensteatlenirAvthetrals approaching thocithaseflefialatiarsigrell.! 'Pb. eaneassba of the sir, produced' by one} of the gunktrhich wasfirearms shelauen. gar depetiwageo grease to bmt enamber; of paselof glue las houses Liberty street.: IttraerPli llErasekirt the dip Ith ' put men o clock in. the 'events& Ike,fciassa ot Bobhowl towiuktp - mot la thipilstalf 611 Us Bt6 fist.;-' *l:l3lr lag dim" Iran elated: -.1-ii,sikuigsAaria,. ions.- - - Tao itegicko•--a. F. Brook,'Eti., toku ArtalairOta.glabalhpv,,Alutaderilti irap; 11404 Va5.1i,00,7, Wm. eict i kitilo4ll,l4ifpriefatisi.lint., WM i'lliaittte 'Mow:" iff.;• Jolnt PILIIIIu apt Ihrtalblll.ll44lllA,ViliKAl,4o.:'",, .iikeit ' - andijgar":-Ilin 'mile; Ci.'llei. KW.. In air, laiti. q asuo; sii; - a':B . Lamm Salmi Mut and Joupti Duff. ---- ...AVAN__.l4"'AfiDli*lfitkilititril the Trerigaislfiamiiinir: aiiiiiria,li Bey; ~._DrAlgtviar. y t it: ;. lioralatd; or Pitts -3-- edUtoiitNliiiatie l / 2 4:4 - 14 - Wiiii - iis smaszeor Wpm/ r , i -- ' * • - uslissolliaberttU 414ThaniiiittieTaitellii IA-Alusaturucai Otividdli :66 tbilabril ad Aboct i viCtetut , tet to itstatad; ip_ tsteAlaadull tadtuL . , - b*-1141.11111 'Mud -Oa 'pony fa . .01:0, -AM fel , air . _ ,*( 1 eigin:it.llllll-411U1 , 100 s iphir * OISETr a rt;:., 4 1 0 1 0_ ~.-Irow AV "Varoutillid at' ualas Emma. , r -,. alsailuViltatiritialrfaluid oar jos*. , sal itausoetbar."antfirtitilittensbud - 1114.11070,3 tf.: /Az: c ~.,,,i. ~...- :• t .. , A 104104. AA MD faltatrAildiddattia 110041VIPYR001 1 1 1 0t VS acksiowl•dp u *Af r pitiftßAtel Wu, sad tit! 0 00, sapping.- - lki 11 . alikalhe attnelpla end ketitierM -slaM4- S4X(Ounta,flitlski. e i st i st . " la P I %Air Ault' 1 hi 5 w,,tr.e..4... e • , -•-• • - ~, ~- - , 41thi3diT1104Waai Ditiiii - iitielkiii.: atiputanittla of the war; than tjmpa-, Mot attitaassolndi fa tiairltaatrid_ OA& tatratialk- L brivirb sat .aapriatita um ast4 =tita.wa itUld•alllsoafpuftto 10tainomila taw laltvigns. omitiress uns fcadlOgukau: -: , ,,7, • =,2 1 11110_,11f ptlfildt• la' the taut. _pattep ttenittaltuAaux Aliklid tughttala, a itiaultijiutilaianse and data , =o,lPLOtilifflo litaithoh 4 /41 1 0** . tlartutitmgrat which to pro -401,491114, figY74l l Mble or Ini -1 , - ::k ; -.L...., , r ,•• ~. , - , ..i ,-, k iJ.:, ' el selaibiliTink . *I'M 117‘10 , 4 1 ingi tp.. , / . 0 1 0 111 / 1 4 112306W 0 1 t ‘ : . . ~.„. ...,_% ~;:.V':, - ;, C.•P 14 tULthirlioldle TllllO _ ' - `,.1, %Niigata tailiCtiOlviasi ttii asintl . - 44 1 . 0 a, Mal& 411 Liana law ot,' EL.lgtittsu), Xottar,ouptt , ate , ,1414tuatt litullibittr "M bi lA wl i s -) °, ; A -"i'lii 9 , , itimlitedrStadirsAllith*Vo4 l646 tall1111.14 1111111"h t 11 1 1 5= 1 4 =l3ll ° l l6l tr 411 *ld VattatfAblehlbattolittao thalmrilliatifits IMO sme4oanitarAllatla lii" II • ' "1100411. 4401 0 14 st a l: WelosoAtrird liffill tali " ,4 11 n7e i rtn kW Ulu, i lir tit• l ota k a• Oa 13 pia/ TO 4Dri4 Li ft"! . ANN - S, z 2 :TO t t -- 4 0 0 14 , —11*C.:41341.41114111011lingq x ..i.w. soveasimmi.oamotorgetar ifir ssmoimewmuido GO"' ea it PSC id $144 Va os e ix " 0045 Oulu, 011• _.... 41 ,.... Opplllo4lod SW State lin .1 = 6 7 10 , si , * ri le ater . y to the 1.11140142249 1; 11411 1111111 NW et WISOPti 4iirt= ii i 0 .. itsgotßA. -, - ~, ''... . ''''' 7... - • -.. ....;.....' ' ... _',... .:•-•`..•-': 4-;i '..:,41.i:;....!.;,,;7.1r41`1"r1)-(',....x..-",`,1:::;-',.4.1-k.:,,a , yt . a'. 1. .. „...,,..„ ~«.--r,..4,',k,tt'''"''P..",,1,;,Y:.:,4^,,,:L4'-IQ.,,,finkj,4t;l..'k,_r. '' ' • ' ''' ' •-• ' • • ,=' ..c. , .. ~.. ,--:•••',.,,,.:", vt,, ..•t-!--..:1-711-,...it.-..,'4...Fztt.4X.t51-..i.,:r.,0-2*-.-1,7-i,e.,4.t.,-*..t,..,40.,...4.1.',..,,,,-;,-;:p.,i;r:-.--. .1.,-,..-..., . • --.4,: ~....,;,,,,,,...--t , ~.,•.,.:.- .... ,..,. . 2,.,1-. vvzi .-. : . ...36 - 74 , 1-4-4 , :t.. , ..--$_... , - ik.w.g . , A ..,,,c.,.. J ,.„,,,,,,... a ,. , , . ... . ,;•.: - . -'lt';,--;-±',-;-:?;i'-.‘.'..T37;..,z4,..,4..,-,.:,!11.Z.---,'':-‘.4.:.,-4.-V, „ ~zi.'t-T---..-V-A41:,•44,...' LEroz . . o ll6 ' , ..'`'`7 - -: -: - , ‘ I .. . ' . .-- . "---.-'. ....,‘,... ,r, ' - ' ,.,,,-,,,. .. ,,, i , r -411 ''''' - ‘4%. - 0 , .. 4. ~cg,z^c.*....)...Tt-..4., • q ti g., . .... -'..-::•-•.,.'. - -- , 4 , 0* - - ..„ ~ .z. , „ , * - ' ' '... ,-'"," ~`,:'. ' ',;,"" ''; ' , ; 4 . 4.- 4; j E'- ' 74"9 Y ., ; lll‘. ;t j' l il :l l', l: : l ± ;,,a: ‘;: l - ,le . gl : ‹,I.SA4WYTiI'S'7.-;1::2-'4'16.4"'I*C:'4,.%.,VI''.('-4Z.'C' (.541 , 1' ''''''-' 4.. 4'.4 . . 4;4'-'l'T. 4,.,* . '6:''''-'4444.'n' f 4 7 ..,', ' . - . • '' , . , ' . _ ..- , ' , , ' , :- ~., ._. l7; _: . ~ , • . . :. ~ , , ••• • ~,.. ~.,Y.'f',V,74 :4.....%:',1''':',,,E',:',1;44'id' • ' I , I ' • . . ' ,''.' i . 1 : . ~. ~'''. . '''' ' , ,' . 1 . „ . ''' ' , ',. 1 •• ' *. ' ' ' RVgXi. '' . : . '' : *': ' .. 7. .' ' ' . ' '. ' ' ' '. '' • . .. ' . 'l.'''•l' .' , 7'4::%ib,- , -,..er-te , i' _ , 11.0esplos, JIB*. Gee. ligel—WS % l eech a1.,t 1 5 1 akisoligskeht /101,04,•• kali? Getinai Prins Sigel' mina: le this eng.ei.Thandity. wrathy, sheaf:Ulf: Plat ailla Oink, Oa UM Weld Iniak-the alloahlrflt Cones, 1,0 , 2 * -WO tie tub; entredi estialtease emu= of peophl 4 =1PP 1 . 3 84 lin OS4= 4 *love Liberty and Grant streets. 'There is. ear also a tenth, • light preessalcat, enaposnl of alumber of 'fin nuspardse, with theft iippirsits, slab hub TM. a metals display. The pUiesclon' was underbist direction *Or. 11. I,4rdttiars, si ohm assistedbYris enigma 41ds. - The angst of, the tabs wee manna by the Meg of, • strepounder bust amuck which had been tau 111 1 nal lha 121 4 to Griensbarg, by the Plttabarelt allegation. As the train came In sight, the wsikls rang with the Outs of kutt•Us and tlunsends of . p_ Motto and loyal eltlsau-ko large proporttoa of whom were eamputi fth&fathlttk , and auldeg, and instal sd stra ggling, usuelyu,befon The crowd enteestabsd In ons scud massamend the) train s = 1 woold Rol lie 'MUM with PO llasttlintketnalgtttitt the .vOlllll4 patt y oda Wawa. , 'Moor sum de/ayithe 'fleassal made Ms appanage et the top of NW of the con;luid ea bellowed end Mug, ud.waVed bls hand, the . human throng of playa pound forth oni inteutatt torrent dapple**, whitheontlansi until hetrUhdniri The,piesesslon- was then tonight; en o ii len the depot and Unsaid to'llor - halo Sense, Waking we yreabiget tilt . e: 'fore the rusk ioune. 'le ma s=se NO 4 110 ay we found at buninse ,bt &O at of the hatol-be fad - the.,.wltele Kure was Vied with+eo wa rtple, tha hotel doors could way be a with the greatest ty. We et wed ons way op to the banish and found that the had been Organ ised by the appointment of the hollowing linendo* st-How. A. W. LOtins. ' The Piesidosto-fts. Wm. Robinson ' Cot. Geo. Geret,lion. Ws. P. Johnston, Wm. Mlnannry, lion. Robt. NeHnlghEon. O. Glarus, 0. o.7ldlUps, Ron. A'. o. Alosint;. Landslips Bats, Robert Woods, Jiiv. Manua Swear, lamer, - Pitit; Jr..un. N. PeanOti, JOU: Monet, Janes Mohell, G. fithults; Osage' Weyman , Hi P. Iftellir, DI.. Quo. IlleCleot, Hon. , J. It. Mooch ad. Bme P.O. ltrObraitoksoalDgettie, J. 810notek; ilowerf, Bsghosse3 Low, Anthony MoTtglie,Nlohobu Thomas Gaels, Dr. B. crash.— Aniataiit; Ludwig XpA•i• Thai.z:lisautzm i ll.4. Joest:,,Toloph Dli mnl 9ea l. -Wm VgilkUligh AILaP" 13, %filet, D.. iauo2s,'. Edward ' Illoye,l Henderson : B-D an.; B.A. Careers. 114. estillto 4 Prank lb.Dj, I,l(.o7osopkAtisL ' Yr. Loolets then Uttrodiosd Jadgellherr wood, of Tule, who continued to spell IA la very Intuestinginwener, until interrupted by the antral - the 'fßoesules: The spas whlchfollonwl Joss erne of the most Inpriga, we"ever titattud:::" The anis 'spice he Wales end ,Ittrat SglthAeld,was d ine uke' maim at piste, lied and' 'bust nanterahht, bom the .tresexadfur Lpiesstrit whicaltas. brought to-buy et enter•ric.ef Ads armee.- The General 4,44 6 delayea• some tan taints. Ur getting from; carriage, ett dense was the strew& When he rushed -tie balcony be wan latudneed Pi idderi4 and wu greeted tdtlalond ant cottlillas 4 applies.inch! . imam arum won. • - _ My fdendi, I am sorry to say that my robe Is too weak, to ettabl6 me to spat to yon 11/L . ,(4.TelseT4ol do ser :wan:) I feel that'r vs unts - the sexy abaft 0616 out Natios..ip the tubbier , 10 4ftlfottli WTI& ' alltho - PoOP4ilortlerti Sing dort thls 111fola:'86oles posit - Mityouthre,tilll eartithiallthenV,(Apos.). Thetram my, biots.lissf be istde4t caw only mud "by stoat hearts sistotrorig Isniriand sot 'by Wang and weakness: , (dpgaute. ) .1,. wouitillka to hays bare tanight - tU 'moo wkt hold -the , forlwast tif. this NMIOILI * P dr' !wilds. '..1 Would NU to iii Alma hate before: potrithit 'they might bosoms /Maloof, /par 1 01=1 1 111. au I shish if. thly meld Mel*. Ism ,tbsizstoddialwitisk Mans* Olio, Joined wants . motor Worth lOpst.ftiral eattodupt4 (Ctiterg.) •_, -, `,. gas, **AM Wit theittraftlealoo* mum, of the ,Oortommentp_bstimpftiendsty , think Italia** t btu beet.tratimly too .Isulant.' (fi OH °Mutt sol!') 0 10 good - litootPitt, al the: benisithig of , the :Sar i , might' hesi arid )thoumnds of-fted. rappisas6)l: Om traitor; trlod'add - ; shot, ,might here sued JO mrthrMwrifistOf Nom. sands of soot soldiers: - (enth' applatse,) War is sots plaything" It mut-be newt. IMO and ilgoronsly prolledutodsitlt, 4 sa. P1et14 ,1 4 , odolot4 2 4 1 4. .-tO -thov-tomPleinti of tyranny whit& omospsopbstaki.thast_ oily Anoraks% if 4151trestd Virsiltsfisipport 4o lb aemmtmettricro l 4 * 4 ke , 50001 4 tOMscht" 46' Sarittictemmis. '-,' Po &roam cuio , ak 6 , 5* Oilman& - Bala thee - sot triton among you. It la the dell 44 Aeons= of the. thmernmestnotto bale: alsat lowards7traltors - WIC esmplrattuu. thluattidapplair_erlsir of fuvitio,for lota". - wthat!ii n etit) , . i , ~.. 7 f ' t My f inds blow'you are - propared . ,4 assist us in this greatittnadhu I know you are I prepared to make sudisse in debate Offdestr liberthm tknow yos me teady to state all the - samilites tukessuy in order to blob the var. lifts you upset to see 6 1 11 1 4 loon oPtok .oaldblted by the army. R AO ..., thpf setie rkoli t huystt s6bl md . :',Asy; ( Uhl applwatam ) - dome c is ny that th e war mats too mnob 1 < , Tbellevilliobt lam has more agstesbaths this _you- osa arty, on poor shotaldon; tiasakteg wadi ma Enrols) son amiatals the sar , Mot,italy for! nit of ‘tito yowls-but forioicimoloodeo it nerenami lappsam.4 ll They aisi:bilk abouttheopereity: V h 'of ma . I Sid now Wore mg A. 'aisu than I oanommil (Linghtts and obsars4 i Thiy tilt tab Ms army raft/ the en. Oar , ' ;sputer 1„ 4.1115 t it ...Ism ',sot best ',eked enostitt. (014110 They talk about V i ol Aloolo *US *WM4 bet Uncle dam 1 'trees onetsk to left 6 Woo around the iillobotlifrOwilialtkit!sild deem) '-.. } Ilbibere, say amass, that U she right thelltodls taken; aadsoa powersad -AMU Feast `wastedithOpeOpl6ofthelfOrtkmill pose down like as avilando aid but an end ;oats., tabalibm. i (4l_, Pt is N ) Too M ate no tOwirdis and if you ifth.toglo ilia= on ailtsi 'sub.*, saressur samilisse Id itoitsvilJour Ei rt il.:_Tolneresagaged , fa-o-steugglo;fox, —sot only for yognalretsad*Seryth. ty, but for the whole world. (Lout r), You haro the oympathies of the plik of Errope. Yes hat. ant the plops.- - of Of Wsp- aniXtopoors, - roma Ing 414 mistoco*l bat Via sestiasais of the Emu me with los in-this gyms "onto& YU eyes ef dui Natbasom_ spas you. The jimmn Repub li sh th e lasthope of the there I )* 4 6 9 l. 3ll a b z i i dwithr. of - lath it. (Ttenuldons mama) , ...t: Tho gosermulds of Barop6. - Iniffinds, do sot mufti Um essilmesto .of the -_people. If Louis Napoleon_plets splint Voir Ws thlt minim of irouit 16916.._ sympathise 4111t241a,!(00111 . **Mto.)- , -atad yes Dm, aft milt hue is l i ed yourselmwdruil tlittploWsgs of Na_pelleilit..Moolsi.jligit 4111.1M.01164 4 100 1 1tha woo alvi Tlifints ft yea. 2 (ftsittl sat - prefoligettime:., NWiskr.liWriXtiPPeoiPlisritleri t o ltroi - se,; er...the -pod** iddikTor,pgyanalt:4ll3/111'111plietiWtf itialitilsiitiM - 1116rokli , 4ladiigutidbrevris slow Ada** . Of gal as aldb/iN 7Ckson.) , Oft la'for thewrmankiteiraths . Wald. be. 11 4 ,40 NYC J-ga"alstltlalyetti ', , 1, ant is your Iftkil.tail Will Wm irlumiler t dPPlwoo.).."-:' 4 , 61111 * -11 5 1 1, M "101.40 ( vow *OW Ilkoliginag ilm ~itill_ 'data NA 4:Nsi /1 04 k. 4141-101114 10 , Z bit K islatllollllKtio . elli,".0 111 • - GE , IoW I 1,141 11 5 t, 11 kollOWAWs lft.iinilM , o l o/Mtllletids . tallde malkips4 ig if ir gym weses,sete IMMtlli n k u tte.C. atm- factorialsi_ ~,., _ c , _ 1 Zia Mae of rAIM _. .491 u b OrgeN 4 l lllo ` hi Aki2l4o l l l Mike awordib( giro it tile!: amp i lignitistikads . 4 0 0aing s eS e rlfOmr... 1 " 41( r J AL: bilk 1 .. —, ts.„ r 05..... 11* - 0 1 0 111 1M - ,E11 01 0,0 11 4dkolkil:g f Il ii irtil* := ll.l4.‘Uldi t t o: 4 RYA ~ , a, , ttlisiNW ...ma.z. ,3lV , l a% fluaff! , i till o t w orw ,i,iviit,Vdaill44 114 ot" it , willtatriallii - ftVit e i Wire Omar outall &HIV le kook troMpodinall .40, M.fir i i ir=vir t . l 7 l A ll Wirliirdx I Vim thir ' ' lit4gpastitsw ' osialiejosivok Thane ' sersdnalailiol• 4isw IR IMI;M=IIE llso bottom the lin& aid' ea_ 5 0 0 36 No sash Ike an'.aist, either'pollitoolildlea reptioni, as military sewn wsi can baba on /ratios aid on Itopublie in the usual BMW.' (kaftan) There Is sis room -tor , a .Boutliesa Itspubllo, bongo it would bits Ghia Benblle and a Black 800 (Chines.) Mellow wa wish= Mos the old -Bus of 17adi nous of Aka Gall t.f Mexico. an Op shores ef and the Pulls ocesin (Ap• mwei mow bast snip au to , proton VS against illlaak Bag* tad spina the intirfuein of Tinelow Powers. gland ep- Now thy Mends, I mut ask you the pint pationt "Who shalt take the pumunsat of-",thir Blatt into his lanais" (Incense olisink aid aim of *Martini" vlhartis If -yeauisest "sprit" the pato from the Uolon, unhiwitan you Upon the politico of tha elite-hum the plitlosof the antry. (A vieta;vlhat's Ifpuwin In this ems , testpt nut whrwithtliname iris and the ismeimmi who inctoirligliting your batiks la the- fold. , (Tsummotous'appththn) - TOW miasot tuk those meamlio au , eoestesilly passing thaolallon alint union Baths, .and who eta as •ther same ' nes espied is SOU "'splutthe Govesussat., Yom en, wit,thisttliseowhesay,that ought to be inthanistind at the same thus aria ilea not to fish Olds lbw la the Tese are not two *Oa itipmwkemiioss . 1 7 l iow, 'whin/4 lotin is I know, iou wtheimmaorillf. CaUnat has 'done all la his pour to smidaseZtothe wan , swal fifitt in images: et -thaumatry , (17preatins Ckuto•-and, skate of !* Barth l" dad eta) -II you . Wish' to - Mili war, h Uremia* that pa should snot tha propubstument—the rgaa whobolos You—and It!** that mauls Gov, arnor (Banned tippling.) `Bat, my tends, II U nuessary to save the etstrfot smother reason.l -By' so doing you an phi time to dotandnwhat emus. you will Taus .b the fauna. If you give the State fato the imidi of lour 11111131‘11, It 1411 thea :be 100.411±11 to leak to the tutus. You will Bud. yousalus ulooled..and usable to Oen for th o futon Yu , ba» to Spit, on no the oath*, themond booby ad r. (hums* applause.) . And hope you wla. : (Criniut: ens of "'Weil - ma 11.:11hoi that „ the the Amason ponth tot dutided,'..6lol that 'thy still Inuit tho'valtikant rAittiOtlith of Moines of 'TS— lad tlisillay'iWudi, if I ainkllie and Wo lof. Ina amen, to your o lskt kTon. ,4, (Obits lad when) -Genililsol then tamed &Wien and with draw form the balsoTh , lie wan followed_by Judge lthrivroodo of Tuu, and . Ex ! Govainor.Nohlo, of Whom. tlo,lbut we hue neither Use nor spans to gives snort of !holt addreissl. tins A Ilisidstosite - Coairp ant to a Pa. - - ttlotdolatly. • • Votes fliiiiinbj' ; intoilpis, heal inestinn . the./aseiltls IV *mild- Was Rao if , quarter a banner In the Yard la front of the raddetuse et Air. Adus Wsterat, 9* Ptaanfl vsnliseeitne, wltesi lds daughter .MluB.W. Meng; ordered ea remeWat et thaetaloa• tone sago. ikeetal Man hew, who witnessed the scams, detesalsed.tomeat Min Wearer' with 'roan ,nbstattlartokail blade andereement cl her conduit. "l'ben ham aoxadingly purchased fat Wavily km. Altaphotos - Isar album ;And- down stand, 1 1 114-111 11 be soseenteCte kat, la saddle Illaurs Ws main& la front of her Mbar'. 01111) BALLY AT lonnovx—ltao that Mb* Tally wm a hold at totiastown on estatitay.;-41 raid within will lOW tbli city at sight o'clock, on to tools of tints oar& Taro fox the fifty *tato.' Bei odouffisomankfor patembors. - • "TO Otiose will be b :epic et 4 'OW `cid in• TiLittri VIA Mali*. - Go Aid no , elifiiii# o 4zinisingi 41 libsiona.ttif P=ll7 d stsalifsatuin purposes, Sr. go tad la us.. • : Mons". , Outwit UM. ;. fifth stresi. Tpasuit Raartindandlkciumotal Slate Sof" awl &Or in Pomerania and Va. ,ftaavalate of the bat vskirty st Mew or *I Ails. imisilhlivrauir Cu Rites Worth " Was Jame Barnum Stott vu -Busr—ltA as .dirsigood moat* ISM nipsettally a 8 the tutla of thu rirlaada.eadtie pabllela Goa. ersl,, to task FauraniVidiastink of Goods. 111V aim ill ca; al Ike vary Mai Wu of olo' fladthatis sat lisstlap,llagllsk Hen " Trio sad Ont. ettatinal. AW,r.tarpastortmmtof husk Chlachlla OrarQos4bp of V* xvig Haut Olaf ableb to solectidfroza sap Wag importstleaspitad pill Tit la As *oat ausasnaill amp *ear tillotb* I. thaalty.i- Alln-112410111* • funrasAlakautfla:. ,-. 2 ltiordatialTallawns. la Masi et.- , 1,4451,LAA1416;r: e *0417 tkli *WIWI !Mk,. 4, Wit* 411Preblidiliat ha all Adat. fps slicatttapolfahasid tritaisktjavilde ohm whlislialastettilW MOW ixosfasta.;' hi.. it aldirdPaiaila orinicat kti Windy uftt mat'wads h i * #4. 11 7 0 1 0.1**- 4411: taltumwvaaboinif AltiaalYasseulff. 14.0 - 4 1 1/oei &Alas astaldlabasiatr ma; lot abut drat sat • Mood ftalo, /allt litio.VlC *ant kofult4ste j aerlatamat of .mtlalfWiliaralsklai good,, and • groat via.Watimiwpitteal for wan . 3•.4 • astorillnVPMsbltltliit' Catailo 10Y 2 'J.:Anita bsiVasid-Nrt; EWA; Al. Ilikittstobalsizatir or - WpthWilitt Dives= v.illi,'ytarzpsir It be sr dually: plipadr ,M lunlitig , 'ascot*, zuney..• • Pii - ,dousritvap Atlas rad lialtby Ens d ind Edson, safpaplitose r i g s o l at7g ;At= p•i; 1 9 I imaffllalistniVairtTak. iti s ta t idyiii4iiiiiiiiiii issi4l4 Ist 4.llAllai Mate, Craft& kr Sa*ifitifi:a t iaortlerA So., rfekitiV4l , , Vo: 1217allesal We* btaiy. ,7 l% .ittfolOralsgig :mg* ltib* lust :vadeilrldikaihe taatilhotti hod,. "oats sad visfieas., lb **Vim ism an &Magma taddenble: Wi maid zstaelinir• palm tit ft* tht shots Oil kenWs stirari. oat b. rukitioinw -:irs: Ahem wrOsslgii , frimPOi Bello*Wl' langlakittiOxiamwayiroudi hoverer • 4 4 9 11 7 1 1 1 4_ 4 AC: bar„tien4abbittarequill AM licilthkPAlWUtliky4 Eug. bi.lSet: 4 t 0 0. 1 .t. IrA W AlL;;:iiktaild -:P..ftgli 1140 14 1 , 4. 217,17 1 1f1P.11 ,, OW:. 2 r77.zni . ..57er 11 r :.,...'., ' -;•*,..-ri'i ;41i; s',I.V 2 STIP , :: , i Woosisii.hintaiVBo4. t . Xikiibiati, - ' Au 11 lin ataistibucl. Voadafeb4iiiiii etqloritook Of Itislifoltikatelpir Witekes; .Ikrentiptnir.ittelisiall'imetesidirtver. lona . .114.901___40701314k , WUD1 •liiii- AllillrPn.ll , :f.i , , , H. ,:r.i.:C . :.'ir• :: , :l . '. • ..,',• ~ . • • ' . ~,.: . t ~., lon Demi" four doligs.,„.- , .....„, ~ .. , i lefeitellitrotpluairlail. ';', ''' ', '... • •,tllstil.ltstlO"ThoWbiiiiiii* - •••- - -.' :: iikatieblip•DeligiMnbsif ea,ippelpiitir L.,.. ~.- : - . - -- ;.,,,1-„, ti ....ut,...,,,,...,,,i . ~941infor -.OW.' P(.+, ',4 l .l:llton_Atrosto I At , thetteZori;;liti.st.ths-akrev 1 I vissiditbit .attiadol.is,44l,l3l" 101141411 1 14 - - , • . •-''•,' i. , t ' il.:.; 4,.'114414144"J;1:,-,::.;-.1 L's*.igetitniiiinliittiligigti 601407.0•11•fri, ye • inidabg; liketztizzio , MIMI "LP APIS D...0/40egtot Ude 4 1 .I. out. . •:'• .' , .. f _ : ..:1. , 0. , q-..i1• - r - .. I. i.i vorai be*. isitai ' l . i ; '/..,•'-''' 4 . Um,' iir 1235 *t 66 ****14; -!1 .i. . ;,.r i,A411,01. , ,i,1.5,z t'; , :s rt.tt *-n• , iii i t=l 24 , u5‘4 ,... i -M1L1PE55AM.44114. 1 C4114141411140?17, = Tulle q 4ool . / . l: .tr,"l' L- ::- ''.::''':,•,...., SUM - ~INlfirelfo-110--. , - 14, 14 ." ifto6ooo4l~iNi . ll - 404 1 / 1 10.14 , 04 i ,„,;• ' .• ..; 4.. , riiis l l. l 6ob i' ' • ..- ": ' , .i, . ' . ... --,. ,". anutier" itur ton inussomaw *BMW VIM 11444 mg Intik The Tote for Geteraer 11 Oct . 1860. -.--- iiuitisi for Vail 041134 : 1 460114 1684 0 11 1 86 us. 23/18. posionst Calt.l2: ----- $1 is=.---................ 1186 8,413 . 2,481 4114' 0.1 A.: . 3,174 i, I‘o2o nare5r.............-- 8414 1074 410 towitscr.-.......... LW WO • 1618 8eani.............. . 1011 . .1.10 . 0.1 111811thate5.......:- :OW 4664 811 4111283,---- 15)179 11,100 41/ 0 Bator ...........i6. -ma • 1,641 178 Tani° ........--. 8 85. 5.131 41/ JU'letl;icag........ 1414 11,488 714 . Lsdbma —......-. PAM 1,880 1,91 , Jahn= .—...-: 0.135 3,490 193 T ls 3;,.'3131 Bn l, - 1$ ' Na YeKtas..-.....-- • 1.018 108 161 $km,5555,......, SOX IXI 1003 . Postir—...-... - XS t.....________ • 4 , 047 , , IXII kale , ifiait i os77 — __ 6,6! IM6 18x9 , e ugoo k i t ui 4,110 1.4111 1,669 , Wm 05...........- 0 10 IS/ 13 COLL= 1 .7 30 1 .7 0 1 47 Clait., r ::: Xlisi LEA:: HI Mar 3. 16 1 4. 1 73 0 1 8 g u tt igg ,......., %CO -6111 NO 1 / 2 482312........-... Oa 8168 04 I‘ Xla-..... 1.87rn 1.492 $l3 Joatiltl ................. Lgal ' l ow.a 219 rgrrl-..-*.. .MI 8 -3.19 .1118 m o d er .•• _ 1,704 1,1118 6111.. Bldg 16.......'.=_ . 1.110: . - WO: BO2 Dawn .4.„„....... 403 .• MO- usi • ' sits 1 05 1 1 . - at • 14166128 —.... 3 4 17 - - 1 4231 1,110 , tearsikx-....... TAX . ?MT 1 634, . Leat84184...... '13.012 1,118 ' 5.06 , 0b5it0r..........L.%" . TAO -. A 913 1,4 g, , Ddirm.--.- LDS .I33 ' - / 4MI 85428 • hitt • Sods -..,,... 8 _ . ' 3143111115$ 0:6131318eD5a., t , 1301158254 . ----,-... 1 1 0188332ti......1:-... 4,1521 - Lea Chwca........-- ..0.473 - .1114' - 1 110 rivets.- . * MSS . 4 3 18 176 'llBltmclrelsFe-- - kin 8,816 4sB Om - • • 1.X7 7,04 .06 , • MN ' 1141 VT 7 66 01.6888 , 14......-. . 1. 4 4 . 1,010 to 604 1 ' , 6111 : - Ili 17318b26684.......- 5 VIII . ,Ilik. • 1 Adama........4........1 Oa • - $241 ' ' ...la Terk....l:-.:...:-..• . - LIM 6653 ' '1.218 Mori lunualluld. 8461 -OS $BB Mk atatr.........1 1.93 ~ / 81 3 . 281 13812mb1a.......-- 7. 148 . - 8,310 'flll • slll2BB-.......- ' 101 os% ' ' .118 W.16111 , 86--:-..... 1.196 " VW ' 174 La5ert5............4, 8 14 - 4 91 9 ' - -r4 ra.--.--- ..La sc at - sw ammo - -.-.... fat 33 0 3 1,311 earboo..-- ..- via 1,270 208 NotibasiplaO --. 1 1 , 1 0 77 3.119 4 71 / 4 833 .1 1 1-............ 4.188 4,661 20.., 1krk5................ 6,535 10.3 1 1 11,416 ltoolmoul 1,812 TAM • U flitle - bi - 6= 40,133 0419 ,I 1, are -- 16 2317 18036432 SIM= Ctrmaqss 42 , Outts«.— fkamtlts tat room vat* at lb. Peapbi'm 16301 Desicratto tote . Mtn °alba =2l Shoplift lit tir-lespao, (Holm, hoists. Mali, SoltopUitit. Damoorstb—ltedtori, CastiOnad, 14514 V. 7. stir. auessabUsilefalda. Wry Clogrm.tlaisterea =Ur Ins: *amid, In 101, trim lacioso.Yollar. Ilk ind Othstazioo. POLITICAL XOT/CES. .11 - 11A13 , 3 htELSTING AT WILKINS wn7 am.-aar aanulav of 'bout& en al* sad anima mice and Ina NUM, Ida *a. 41.4stbe amen. c 9 WANOTREUGRAND EXCURSION UNION RALLY JOIE6STOWIII S , ,PEIIRIPA. • GIBLID UNIOII 00.11TATION will bde , . - , AT JOIOSTOWii; SATURDAY, °Mbar 100, 1863 'Th. Patial Poopto at ALLSOMMT 03112117 its eoedi ty tooltat to tat yousaat. A TRAIN OW TWENTY CABS WM WrathiDapotof Ow Namlmola 11olkoad Oompaq.OSILTODDAT YOUNG. at a o'clock prooloolyp atones: at all oirbofpal Malik halals"- pa= -rotundas llamas mooing, loarlog Akio. toms at 6 o'ohata TICKETS, EINICT CEtiTir /tar dee Zama !hip, is be bad at WOkbee .?H3 PittglltUtlONvM start tram WILICIIPS at TX, eslock—attb Kalb azd Wafts GOVERNOR RANDALL;: or W1.150010X. WWI. L. SHERWOOD, of Tem. L4CUTErIMICWLDis Asa alba disnosoldist‘aptakui ital Werra Ms Py ot tiro I=ifi CIOMMIL ! eon • raw. tor Gimp • YnarrrollE AT AVOTION.-00 =MOAT NORBIZO, October WA, at 10 'taxi', at Arad o lOU Allidoo Uturbollll Do mold oa so ettottloot • jemmy at (cod Tanaltunotttatetag TlLttetgloy Pin k Toy Oriental; Itoccres. Ifotort Mow, oar or est Mtkopow lob Bat Chaim cosset amid Walnut Bott Sod laddrt.Patt Sod M, sod Bock. ltactond Wash Mudd, Cul Toblah Stocittdo 1:Ittood Liam, two oa Paintbp. isig Bov Yo. Chloe. towbar via' mita Wm =tick. tot oilitt , It ' T.' A. ItULTAL iiD, Amer:; _ ILO WEED 11140111IIT/1 WANTED; 6: 47 so. es o wos*m steers amours U. e. 00L01131II 01%Ibbb b brib farbiaLst Owillrbibb , ebb; beer PlabidablLTb, MI Wefts Abbes Wass as tbs siddbo. - " 1 tnouputibles bib OR abbril nib oppbobbs ,tip sisabqpid,to Nub of sint Naar ab ! Obily, ODA laOl. H. aansQwas • 1 - SOL IMAM. likrlW B ISOLDATPUBLIO A IV TiOIoou.rraSt.UOPIIDANDItIMID IMITINICIDATINTUI.UIkaaa ns wf 00 5 41 414 Us. Oasig. Nur tullraatir OtiaMp a ra 4 boo sot ca scrim 'gm Llf, wash in ,W ic t k trit palerwnlUc - Askrto, ton se - u b annum! Ink. • • - , ons. osintireozi.A.i, A mur Maims Lamm,- !..- EPPI).64/112.taar IRON MT FOIIOB I 2. - zzetlf & exams_ .; • • sansWass. mrontes.: itte. Gimer•l Moe al Pm. los Mb 'l . lO, MI A TWOS LNsstcittrs !PltltbsililaMcM43lß w.peou, - liailtentrip min ;; • vitsiobiesak•' stuanwjerroo "l9,, t arr oa mews, gm.; 1 1 64 X Anhl.lrolY a 1 h 1 44010 amma. JniuiT latttla UDk til/111Ht, __IL Ikon IT no nore.-4. too , oozy Inns DeentaS nallofbr two Inas% assii 10, saw PIPILISW " 2111 . - " tv "" 11.0IITaniriglOn. 3gte l aow • • Tea r * • 01441111:116 A. sigashitti r zi u, Trrl : or f . , i , patemart to WORM Lilo wbolosis fa 4 salOa ••11 — - • 1/4:11 1 gal si iltcildr•thrk r _ . . _-.,.. .....--.-........- . .1 , 1. • . .1. • , zoLuserrriol—aibtalPhillioltiattsr Joidiasavid. li elor ph* Waite await 5t2.1., elitqz , 41PainTillt • • Tm w thal"3 =lllll= .'" as • ' Y • .7' THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH; OWL tirzuw. touraiss. PROM WASHINGTON. Audit Dioslet to ON glitAto WAAltra6rOru ON 0,1861. e~oeitare t$ 10.181111111 1 Dirmualt. Ilipootalisti sit talsililgsrl ittse thoS I Icy dm Noy btlig tttn of &lON optsatloss It Ilosoosass'iitporlsottl, OtallatespatOss Ind to th. bond dist Abut for ill pots well. alum zootn Vas rose Will with tale self•forgettelnetsi *gnarl to soduruks say work whaurra al whist the plustuat may was btu. 'Tut it the time whet be iglu, hi the'thug to re. Wu Ids due <credit for out•gogarellig Ifse to Peasejleunts. Bee's °Told mitt fs:on 'all Wadi 00444 aa et uly sstablishfas Kook. see obis to surly all the credit of @s s. bum el tally admitting laud ciouts the uplutabt iultuter Hookii died hi? ifitiOult Auks , : Lee et eiegypOlgt, nue srutikist usury reiOW rioiowsziar; The New York Herild'e statement to4ty .that • user proposition had beek hid basis the Calikst, is diary uttousost. Prea f , hint hu no hstitelloi de - stubs bet Rott ing of the scut has bum brought total kuutl edgo. 111 1391. Nojoi Gettiril NarUMT tile tOwni and is remind by the onthotities with the high eon., Illinragott ohm:Ain the' lateNist 71 1 1antilli0 bsa . tutNtied him. ask'. nos casnitan.' The teportiltai Cement Ifunklin had Win `Misted at Bruhn. City, or that may eipgs tient tad token plus, is not Pa roles here left Now Orleans after Franklhl 4l 4 puled through Itrishear City, sod therein& bun no resistance atall . ; 001111TU winsotrai Doimuirom. Cloanniman Rollins, of Mimed, tepte-; denting. the latenst. arriud here to-diy, to eowiterut, as is - supposed. the Missend radlosi delegation. saanuottita: so sai tarsals oomatastol. Bargoous ,and &Anna, Bargeoaa of the ,11•Ipltais at Gettysburg, hive forwarded W ilma:Ws to sassiest =dosed am by the fitaitasy COMIZatiOn dam tholattlii there. ' curies or HOSPITALS. A Manse of the hospitals here shows that out of's thousand slot and wounded Ohio soldlirs,in hospitals here, just Ave refuse to vote for though, and if these Ave osslP on Will vote for Valiandfaham. - That one him been in llta hospital hem for siu motithe. and 'made repeated efforts to, proems , • gisehargia The other tout refuse to rots for BOugh ca persitleigroisuds. 11107101 A PIIIIIITLYABIA. Prominent Deinnarate In the old strongholds in the nortb eastern pardon of Pennsylrenl4 admit that they will give smaller aqui* against Curtin this year than they di& When' he rasa candidata three years &spinal's* Malty admitting that Curtin trill be else* this year by a bigger sago:lly than beloreZ gevun'tl fa ait a. t A latter from an °Elm Of tint. staff, confirms the previous aelpantaottluttks4 'potion et the libel role lit'Arkansal...4k tap that tsbol deserters me coming nata; entistlns lama' :anti, and the gamine" teeming 'to Ist eltiMat bring le; °l i b pay/ moat to them of etipulateff cotton-4uralmi has entirely nem& taloa immix or num ow: la'addition to the muskets not in the hands of mu arnotei, the Government nett" has f 00;• COO stead to amens ,, of which 100,000 ere 'Motive weapons. . • Pia•9ev. Unruh of Mints ta, initu to the Comadmlorer of !dam Main ttuet hi hap met the Hedlste end Pembina blau,! at Red Lehi Elver missing. Re how tb be * abe to stratus • treaty with them, thoughlhdr OM demands wen nereseonabla. • coverroz or ricorir. Norton Edmonds, of Doootab, lamest/ of hlfloblgan,and brothel' to Commlistener Ed= tondo, bar been appointed Govornorpd that Tsnitory.' iIAIIMAIT . OO3IIIIIIIIIOIi Ths Solitary Oomethrten is *scolded with reports tadoy. They eiciir receipts wad pot. ohms of goods from Mani, 1861, Is Ostober let, 4868, onowitiog to 14000,000. 'Tls total expose of dlstribhtion hob 'hoestioca :per mkt. dash tscolpte 4857,71643, of wblcb $501,10190 Wen from Cs lCorata. , _Tref/suss Bache sad Espri t and Dr. Agnew kir* ism oppilatod i'ootouttesion to lareetiviti roid *AO. tba ineisselokoletters fa 9illmotr'a "Dr. Nubia, lios bred ,Woollreted ii Ehner4 . Titirty.sight dollar - Worth ofinpplios bon' iota to abepot &nth:. At - comrottire wart , sir:dated to arts Om Warder of . the troops et Neriak and vlOllll4 to moil liratthy !volution of gimasetta`sports Camp T'S. lois, to keep the-oses -there from idlinur;lo roo:mmeaddil.': The pithiliati arils& Si coo lants Co the doonser of the Occomiretoo. inassurs raiamsst Ski io i'llaPreeldentlted , a we tong heaviest irlth the Sanitary of Wes et:then Wes rte• *Went yesterday and The -Zia. ensigns understood.their Ogre to tare been the enlbot of dimwit& -lia Drake, OWN etas of the delegation, means to remain Imre, ilia, esatVentillthisPresldeatia mune* tb 01,If Address itscalved. , . 1411) AIMS /11,11,01104:. • man Thi Wad Its'PAlauslalaion - are SOU 131.41alispasliad near haisibi , ill:sporting of that whit% was Illasit? pa. *Ammons To neon To au. ania. eastAiradatotilt to aidatod , to *tint to ti. ,l3sokif fp duty terth•Dsliartml,B of Ws 2 ~TALIM AZPOISs_ _ . iTk•itaits of Go.' Riditzelswea nimotal Pori poslikm nedved bat;sto sawn* _ - .. . io . a4a o '..Cig ~ 'at tiattatio4ll ...14bej! .-7 It gjori - itictiOtt'Dead. '- ---=--- , -“, - toiiiiss-Itotraos:ohu 5..-nisiciiiiteo. • Th-,,,o : o;••dayeantilas tha foltowbgt_ - ,110140, I:tt4i. Ile-Ira .optookott WHatuatga at two oPokwat-it.- w., from Pia, cnit - Umtata sad points Ong oar 1111: Vat deli oploaal in taossamitoampasultlia We. , titt. • Istdsll - .4 1 to on *WNW i Tho am* - polloa Ainamq Ilita : ltoototta POllO arise monomer Lotitini4' ad Wip from itartal.a n & o big iallt solemn; -; - -: i wim ‘ Jigisei-!04 ,,, 6-7thallialuow siii:ii‘Wwit =ON. h r , It bui rittlitaltiM Ala loan' pOstoo#, - tti titft3Wi ;row,. 64, "abalone& Ow trosou , lailsw ,, ' - . - 1 .- ._ - Wet Mahal, Old gasstwitttit * : if liowattao *Oh dialled allaliL .:. .--: '1 .:1' gwtsisg.M l . 4 4 6 140.-7 1 - 1 6. . 41 ° 0 4 - -tV Ii .to Yermast 16 ; . 14;f ,-- Ti i 1.. .._••••••!......1 1 , -,, - ;, - . : 1 'l` NM'S" - 00. 1 ItTerali:VM 10 0 LOT, tlkiliV,l:l l lOtrowiCiato... op! 1 'l=4:risloSMOß___,l!,tf-!*.liatsi .of toaMliww4 , was , ZaW. Ot of , RANI sib ratit_kr l4 -44 18 turog o il a T 0t0ng,..,-. 411, -M s - --,, ,: ~t INIllf#10!1.%—:, ':7'.'...' : r. .i. - 14- ar.l,:lelftettiiiniNr;T-:.r ''''-•,.F -" l itiniefi,i;dir. : 4. - Itiitiiiiiiiiiiliii 1 = 1 ;411 418 - -itialailiot , - li iii‘ r t 4 mg ), .'" 44r*If , a. t i Ll e llottallgilliNfiW J6asV7,' I' • s lgaiioeit. 10;41a deal to ilia fiStlPlOlMlNlSlDlastioniktros;: -. .. .. . .. .ww,xiel.Faes~.x+a^eß...'~..A!'...~ ~4b:-e:4r~uu..r~.%i~r.. liio*lturope—Anuldotthe eatable!' Columbia.;:, 3oua, Sr. 1?:' Ott: B.—Te 8 aimsap Catantbisarom Llierpoel Seth. Tlaaloey arrive malmad a-ronta to Sew Toth, at that aitioa last e. On Wednesday, Eul basun bid mule ma Important @web om Amadeu adze which was on the 'holm eenallietory mad- aisediy to the Meth. , , auunwria--LteWpoet, 29.—Oottoa Ann and unchanged. Biradsmds, quiet and steady, so sri_piar, market slate the Purls tails& Provisft muket steady. Lard firmer. . low steady. , Sugar steady. Cara small Product oast. Petroleum quiet at S shillings 6,102 s di, lisined. 'Brie shares nops, „cosmos mossy 9.134093.11 , Latest via Glugow and Galway. reports cotton visa aidunatari= Other =WO net do ubled.- WAG money 92%%19113d. Br* shun 71@71. the:Stsio's - says. that Bul Emelt in lift peed rebid» to Vie Conadszate vessels in the Muky,* Interpreted act meaning that the vetteleldll be detained. eves If the it istinglaw Is in that tavOr, so that Perlia-. melt tile nay be tailed upon Sri_ press sumo Tb. for =0 of the -Gast Bute* have issued a; mud, showing. that maris , aapltal asoltitbiTnadad, or the company will be dis ved. , . - • . suropsan Pala* are ultimo:blot. The latest reports show that Earl Russell made a speech at Gond, In lisolland. Be referred at ousidarablelength to **Amnia= question, A 0 Jutillod Busload In recognising the Corr &derides ea belligerents, and" nswerod sots ' of the Imputations brought by tine poopla of the North, particularly the speech of Senator Sumner. Be also ; replied -,to the Loomplaint of the South In regard the recrinition of the idedb , diff - ,lint asserted that self- Llama denended.that Scglatritshinitblasik she plain the course hi knot Ultimata havribtarrintamous to. Omsk it. Me showed that the Government lad not salo m at esi-, dance against the Alabama to.dittfulter. snails: She sailed, sad osplainertie difiloo t - 1. 7 'LIU lathe way of interference with such oases: Hsi drew a 'line between ordinary vessels, equipped for war purposes, sad steam sums. If bkoh are In them taus brat* for ante of 'offousejarid Might biesedriltlioat aver total ing Contidenito eltrais. ,, 'The Governmentwas toffy to do einejthing the dales of neu trality rtqatodi-everythlog that is lust to a itiiittly nation, - end •racket they would wish done to thamseins, but' Would not - yield one • jot to the thanes of imago powers. He oemplisatol- the laden' Govarbutent end Mr. Seward upon thotarneu with which they have discussed tho matters of difference, but said there ems others; including Senator Somnar, who had sated differently . Be de- Lounged the efforts of those who sought to cre ate trouble between Americo and Europe, and with espresso= of friendship towardeAmer for, assertetthat' ail his effort, would be to maintain peace. Speaking of Poland,he de fended England's. positiort spinet that of -Bussia.but did think Barred should go to viz the subject: As regards Mfairo,' he Months that if the Maxima, approved of • whatwu being done for thorn they should be allowed to do so. The London_ fiats, ,retering to tbe with, antral of Mr. Mason Youtflogiandieuggeat .the grounds mar* have probably prompted the ',government it Itichrlood , to addddrruua themselves at lilt wholly and sztilusivelito Tram. The Inference is that tho withdrawal of Mr. Mason , is preliminary to .some action on the part ot Trance. The oresesce'd Mr. Mann in London; making an aunoesstfal appeal tr an Anglo-Promo , alllatiog let no doubt teen oonsidorsd by the Coastisratu as wassontaki to the %loath. It appeared so to two powers and it would not be a matte of auptio th at one of-t hem should hesitate to diddle %obit: goons 'to pursue without the ithesi--,-Ziow things have changed. One- of these pours-ha taken a position - on Arced= Continent ithibit actually 'alibis& this poor,:hansued. ***thud "Gmladeraey • to ;safer &favor:: The flontb, a rieweash-. bor to the distant neutral Slats to which ail dal, omeant **rapi s t* now government' ;. antral ally with a e:mmon antagonism power.:. Can . it be a wonder,. AlfiC Confederate Polltiolano duire , -a'Weri from any Auk* • . acaira? Tim appal* . . *AO Tranritelso as PM - ' monarchy, and a bad • • 11 :0 rattail*, on the Autorisori - Unittre. • The Paris ifignei a memorial diplomalquq. writing en the Polish 'question, dationnoes strongly Uri emu of Enema sad Austria, .and speaks In keiritt,of strengeboidlity. The Anima &LW - Mitts also points to Ike pot* bill* Of P rance hang left to eat* the quas i** alone by the arwordi midpoints eat that Bashi* and • Acerb would - lan to piety theniadves to friendly neutrality. Guerrilla Depridat[oar la the South, • Latininian, Cot. 110.0 as hat dna penfl. Ise, ander Dept. athbardson, at 3 °Wick Da eftetloon, pylani ebstntattene on the Leann Bondi Unified. Ittieltope, twenty milts trim tkelanetlon, • Weir the Aran • at and and Into it, bat doing no damage to the pas. masts. Thep. captured , she cab, : boned two Itintm3t 2 UMW' and *awn este. dagood the lationottle% robbed the persaspn el money and clothing, aid eir "mall els Female pals Slap sox anklranen oonthui, vadat- Antes. The; butnei the depot et Aunts, on the ' • Therein pest exeltentene Well the earn. Das between Illtimfardseilla end the Team ritlet are blasted by ditnnall• Warta; of the nd zeglaumt muted lelantzp. panned, the &NU Testerday from Dlaegoc, enit recopuoletespthict they bad taken, at that pLee. ,• - 'nett tint thers Wlerobbed lb. bank k ieleegoith untrue. illevtag of iratikpipb umremencau JUnloptatto*:- . Nsr Staid' Armless 'upas' - Atiodatkal i is I; session. 0 the rift" tha - AmOcaa TelaPiPhesshPsehts ,11 1 1 k1 4111 1;11O4ii i ,eu4aise iustaistrei are represented The Madam WesSemillalon Nesriyark, 'Albany and BeTao, - Atisatis ud Ohio, /lll sole end litidtdpg a likmik-Wistern end the Ildeetord. " ' ____ . A the steetlag yestatilantssolatkas • Wes litilly eempllmeatasy 'to Arms: W. Iffeld, Bev, tit his "fatisfettptle. Welk_ Isi soeseellom stiles MIAMI. Cobb* Company, - twitstbseblettemlar, Bsibl for Vs pot= ' attest ondeseeralrbsa be wised , the Inset F lo w n& V ll:l4l ,r b li 1111 Y 111 0 ito 1 41adal Bethel' these poet projects ass sow SW be. ishlt- Mods ss the aisobteed coital tied. SALM; ~ of., this pawed* sissattetlP, will te - it the sertes'ef these magedllosr the~twonr►"Deiesataoa +: ; Via b4ojl6l.olo—Aietti..nottalL .1. ' Nor out Oat timid t, Neap" .49:41:41'10111941:1111024 diter Chi lib ftit4, W it t Kt.Jimp.B.Boillit;..N. 4. from MWOBZI, it 'tion - worlibis gad{ lb. Nalsgatios Item that Mg% in die Boltailad nottai...:Ptittlitssit:pitiola bait letudied ax OftAAA , 14.1064 stadia West unto ,Chs. Nitiittigh NO! vint ' sdalt:/tititt voilig stioist. , AU - Init' iclitils' dti itsj winds istor, titomdiMis d whisk tad ma et Nissakitite 'loiplaboid I to-flesh Akerat,jh Witte% can liwitir pinata* to titot, who dada &talks Niyeta mod wegabitbol l ool2iiiitoupas ,4 oo 11""141454g7111904 Ara ,41P.,0 11 0 sdatiptia Lftethst it It 40, ]tr. Chan leer*ltrjakitlif it Sititstig,littifitts'Pat 21asai* thquuuso;Ofit.L.4A 'pedal froskis:Thi; I-t ummy amplikal laugagiutilibm luarbmiCa reibilet_tbst overbid boa ispedltlan awman 'pm., 111614170651eitroL3Sailiudeffalfstievas los 3ktititismisheanr. ,, Ziorkspirra at It slit alias Bad at.tleAltioltrif. ellop 13143a4dIelsy r satroWu filler-OkasittfluMoi -art tot pumas eousibolvlikthappe le6 4t•. frkslspoditilark gin* --'11•14 - ammo _ kouthinn tintrxeturiCto:-&-:Au ilifsetiiisea• by as toaday Cu the frtgate,ltotrdfete stilulithitiatiiimadilanahag theficat: Teo_ e elassasa, holadtait, Lieut.-. Giusti', al the gaahoat Clackaakaresaleatoi. • Thas•latttategrfant Acalarthesehse beta • brit IldheCrlng. • " - The ettaliri . Monis , Lilead;P:4B 11 : 21 awattieczaptsteet robildh Oct. 6.•:-Tba etalatri moo strew . 4 attacted - ,CA Riclatdeoc,_ ant New , yestaaday, with artillery, Scascallaah, ista., Oct. 7.—The leiciton tans Amax ear. Brown to be larger ahead. CkadataQ e i Va. Oct. —.bre* Saattith ram captured at Cedar It= to-day, :stub to • ba atelumpd. , Goa. Desniest'aiAid, Col."Delsni, who was esptazial at ii'alrfax Mini Moe, arrived thii Warsaw, Mo., Captutcd•••ltirecarc• enese•blangletez at the C,ittacae: _ , . _ . , . Bahama, Mo, Chit. B.hdelms say that Corey and. Shelby, with a tome estimated it two thoutud, tutored Vise", taw at' Mx o'elook this mensiose,.atd cam. :woad Si thdisethignato 'laughter .0 the eittnr.s. Later secants roptetent ttom as mooing eastwatd; ea the road kw:lint:OA:. fawn 0117.., lamas* ezoitsmeot Panto thil what oammualty. ' Tho city is hi:laze:cat adiead the pm& is proulso'• for sea d 3" foam . _ . - • rirosir - Sot 'Within° ' Vat; 1".-444kir treid.ana forloizond atoroandite totcgos,aolyjepaa, nonsitsUy Largo (hi, ns#4l4, " prinedOoluttilos ,o4Oztod, ai. bnal obditilabooooditqs' booooj,luk - ntii oLs'oso. 24nontidour thotiosni,d':dollsout srot " ... 6"itiV; - conttritlthn dazing r. =al Stitt; "On. 'gosh lin' paling 'Vela' OttiotiOn :to s tliaao robing and factual:dal trAtte”... : 3 -Ttni Califorolik ' woarded,ltiailtry high pramtnias, to . dozneit , irmatiticiolito of goodi, piloting papa, "Z.:S., , Markets by setegraph.., as' Teta; Oet:ll—Cottm Ito iv:124 , 14r and 'n god epacalattnkdanand at 80,3913 tor iliddliag7Cro• nmda., 'ltnattalarty. and 60 :00 taste; I% t 0,604-6,r5 for KIM* Vista s4,lo.oja,nd fat common - is go d aldp9tag haunts Pitts 11, .11,q,Aid .46,4ratfu for Stale Drantatki sidtit cicadnidlll, let Ern-Voy. at latonbldo qtritationt. 7 .3904t1ti ' 4 tided! Mtn= at l!c9(41111:6 - Watat ktalyi•ald Jr Iowa:11,n arro ar DM Calms° fartert, 111,20931.27 I n , tits. unkalialEtni: 8 1 .1 9 (114. 1 l fat Hit. auk , a t I tak l .i 6 sit 1M tar, wintsa• Dad annum,. and -SLIT r r -c; en. tam in'xid Wotan. Oden aivanerd 142 e, ar lib. good demand--chiefly= ataculattre; 97 5 . Odot..e !A 1100 g. 98,4 Llt Mixed Vitatetnalktat, 994 , 9111 In 'Vora ;1.- clued In asks ate 96,003 tat macs turtiovenD a- ta• Lyra. at it. Oata mans . stay*. and jute tau t. at 71,07 act for MUM, Bata? Arta at I INII4g; • NI. /tiOXIV424, . Posk firmtr with an atits ado 'ea = at ro,orrtion foetal Iltr, 511,913-pais far lea tie a 810,1101t.tni for Pram. and din-Walt ad f‘r urn Weans Plia. Neu, to oft-mm-1$ toti Dad d* IL Vat Mutt gnat lad Ann at tellfgn fur Et on Lie, 4 94 gy,a tat llama. llacon Sides wait, tales at tli z lor Wotan Ckuntialland Cut; , 63jo fie 't , Wein enact Slabs& and do donor; Cleat. Lard ate .dy at 11. , 11%-the Paw= extrema peke at th.. elm. Butz. r 'at 194523 fat Okla. Cause Mitt St 10G111%..: ;.• New. York Stook and- !Mosel liarkit. ."21,nr Yean.Ont.d.-Allonty at Cat pa. en C . tte..... Deg radians* daft At& loser actunsl6l foi ni_t clats.l4lla. lialdanoori ensuing at 4931, aelintog to dt.)fo and &skit attadt at. 494.4,4574 7 , enevatiustaot &oda Ittna..-L. cE14441 Vit,-X4l. Gamma; 10934 T-391 1003010 i%, - • _ Brock tst.at attrontas I "No tra................. GS - It 11..........«.......;4.1,5ti Pactila 1dafL.t.........k II 11.8...........4......:.;a:i7!A ga1e1ia1aret.......... IPU IWzol, Cm dattn4.:3Us4; -k - ttat u ......109./ Male a P11ti..4. ....IVO% it% Prid....;........L....10i* 0 a Vt. —,.:003 11ati0..............134% it .1 I. - D 0.... - -. .....; . - 104 flalks l6 9' ft W a 11:.......-- 8 , 3 i Shading 9 ' Yi a a T k 1........-- IS ttlanstrina October 11,-Flacr lett& at :SR% attire aad *dewed; naaltad at 91,15 .e.t IDJ.D, and Watts at1it.7181.73, Vona boatels at- it xxiYet km tad Ban for mind Weste.r.. Pct.'. ea et eo. Cleland lowns; Crude; 83; Itttned, In .6,0 d. map, Warta:a:spa. Whall Mutant t3ICe.7 Rai 0:t.e.•4101:Ir t r 'l.7Cl 4 3k i.r..lltt.grod &mud; cLdraitinsal 1111.70. • What ao.lve avi Onn,dsill; Wbileerkkonitca. 11h.1.7 Lim sad trtmaah,,Otao as ale. Cmcaise, October —4lour d 1. 11 but active sad 1.20 Meier. al $405X01,47. SPECI4I. X4IPTACI&A.. grillf/LOILi OIL IFORSJI Long,"4llitterls si ehelabilig pagan, Aneghs¢7--Veli9 Balboa. Olio and Wueltuxoss, Ito. 93 . 44#7: mum', ripatmeti. Aunutann of lIZMODIATING siilLos .CA 803 OMB sold BPSZOLE. • Air No.l zimpm au% warrsated can 7:-. lialmainCrsagibasaL • . • - • oeltl.id) airlle Conflation' and Eiperience or LI IllTALLltitinialthed to the boteat cod se s rizatog "WAIN= TO TOOTO MILT art" rallanitat" Norms Debility, Pternaturs recat C t giaakoodota.. 'applying, at the tanatp , itnae, TOT MUM OP aro Mt & Blots vita tut anted himself sitar balm pat . to greet aroma sod kid , ' thentighinedltaYlatialagiatut 'many. , itaclealsit p ;""0"14 'addscetad envelop", sla, copi,!:tg bijildot the stator, NAPNANAL KEYPAD:6 lb+. , ilkoleord.Abgi =ay, N. Y. NNW . BOAT STORE. alaux.....z. is. VA •.. . HEMS; DATIMON & CO., „ SHIP OHA.NDIJERS. dad deslas ts - • QI Way ' deeptioa. Ha a MB= =WOG, 0010IIMASZ. 0. VI Ad • uIJD /lOW.Lunt` I titiVV LU. SaTtlitllDl—Just Folatiluti. hi Pike CO. ♦abpa'Pttet6lzOsn4. Lectonca thtt 1443t0, Thita.ata¢t Radkar Cue of Epthostoohoit, or, Ittabol irothosoto -Lnotuttaty cml Coot Ors nil: DobßityrOPl Impottiottes damp, cattle re Nemanist*Cotanaptlrsarapratd hitt km." PI add Pinball Thotoseltr; hloo Stooi rev. l *tuft 111,1 w sm. J.Cevriavra, D• aMor etas Groot Boh r Se. NA Soon to atovrot r,f elittolnirolat attire Pe r th Vali eta elaNcia_ antt 1140.111. wit4lld, roams of ants or tiro:, imam br. vOl 3.. J. O. I r " ff sig =l enr.ltorejfi" Pot Mao IWr. rwaists. Haas . It to blqge tuck try pwi; ;.; Lit !rerMIT tai#L. i:le 4..nauoiscrino tot ot dust: , alma Um sod wow , !‘;' , ll permis ems nkst. asui.zicosagnested tad ? : least taiotana tls lobes ~; Tor sab Laos Iscisserca ' rtkiadrititMli 4 ID - W. iiisasCULTAI A OUIONip llrM= at,tiiQt.so4s 11-- null4 f.tlroM rszetl Or -- oldie a :burn 4 U 3 T F I TAL s OM iul " bids ill wumeay.wirir4fslmi=llllllD'i.l emiuuNa.smiat abases *44 • #.!d: ladhwtoDuabrar___- •• . ; • ftik. IP Atiaitel 111=121 , 114 a aramajaa =dim • tig• arm a ru15 41 = 1 :!*, ,41444,- : * ~9.;g4 1, 003 0, 1ns Suiwi 7l. • • wIIIILDIACIS sad PAM C3UTITIII3- az& to Al*, aid soeibulthr ea hsod. KIM - 541 01 .4kaYtt lko :A. , • iniorphyfithontlinallinilkomk 6 wow Z. .. armilragußagullgituA;, 4 , - 17;43_ 13:=31
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers